THE BYRON SHIRE Byron Bay International Film Volume 27 #36 Festival Program Tuesday, February 19, 2013 inserted in this week’s Echo! Phone 02 6684 1777 Fax 02 6684 1719
[email protected] [email protected] CAB 23,200 copies every week AUDIT MAYBE YOU’VE BEEN BRAINWASHED TOO? Inside Helena Norberg- OMG The Libs Ten things you The best cinema Byron Shire this Hodge on have a policy should know reviews the world Council Notices week globalisation – p9 paper! – p10 about CSG – p14 has ever seen – p25 Pages 40 CSG-free feds Flashing it for V-day Nats candidate joins MP Elliot in opposing north coast CSG Hans Lovejoy Additionally, a position on CSG by a Tony Abbott-led federal government, Both federal candidates for the up- aligned with the Nationals, remains coming September election have now unclear. Little exists of CSG policy on gone renegade against their own par- the Liberals’ website. One press release, ties over coal-seam gas (CSG). dated April 4, 2012, blasted a Greens National’s hopeful for the seat of inquiry into coal-seam gas as ‘politi- Richmond and Hungry Jack’s opera- cally motivated and counterproduc- tor Matthew Fraser told The Echo he tive.’ And an address to the West Aus- agrees with sitting Labor MP Justine tralian Leadership Matters breakfast in Elliot that CSG should not be mined late 2012, Mr Abbott was critical of the in the northern rivers region. red tape holding up a CSG project in Meanwhile, Ms Elliot and fellow central QLD.