U.? Which I a Camercfai #Em Am. W &Pth Or 36 Feet Had Bean Reached

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U.? Which I a Camercfai #Em Am. W &Pth Or 36 Feet Had Bean Reached wime on a 2fsm~1~veb. ?he veb M s width of 39 behe%, 10 ianbs u.? which ia camercfai #em am. W &pth or 36 feet had bean reached fee%, ms~el fo &em to explore %[email protected] ~~~ s swfws shordiag of hss.sy ~t%is 'lo ID ,' 1 ,e ,\ 0#? n dm%- tkic mmer in stripping s. sho&- of oro contsini2y a& Bna ,;) P- ,A \\ L' e ?ID showf 18 LS& SOU feet above 5% Wbb 1- -Cant;aa pending ale to lioa ~age~esap~tal morod. ,]B A$ wa3. be &ant 500 fee%long an8 ell 8arable dM working af tW prop* far Boqpr pz&oclsof ths pr* h dlship& ef ose ptsrs from 453~58 p-operf;y i~~outzly,%be em Whg p&sd hrws from tb -r etse rPssk of the Connora BhU+ mecm?qp- 1L~16*3' Qsmers of the IGmo graq &vx&med f;hC laxrm~l.satat 40 feet the glztcier+ This region bts In r aedhmkwqy formtion, gamlb canttsGt crO81pi~tba CMcbBunin Rimr shl% dU8 MLUw fcs* ~JT sf grtrb >*,. >*,. %%e Weingress to %Is&btri& is wag Wer, Texxur Creek Reid kiw lemlfa & tlTu!mg pss% a% this -me Abut 4 miles west of the Texas Creek brim, dfreatly on the Texas Creek trail, is locate& a prospec%MXoni3ing to Wth, Fergusen and Rosensteh. B comforkable Xctg cabin hast been hilt a she* distance bepnd %he &awing, on a wooded- paint. '%be prospect eonsLsts of a @s vein aoapying a shear fa gnmobForite, A tamel 20 fee* 3.- has heen driven on the vein, In the breast; of %he -1, the ~einIs 2 inches wide a& %be top and 6 fnohes wide at tba fleer. Bn andesi%icdike is appearing; in the fmof the -1 near %hehasrging -11 and elase Do %hefloor. The ve3n is beeomiog so-r a3Ld 1s heeru.l.u rn%neraU~ieddth galena. Hfgh assays fn gold are reported to mebeen obtsiwb from the vein, et;h the vaIues irrcreaslng as the &5ft advmwd, A few katndred pm@s of pioked are is stacked near the mm'h of the tannel, It is the inten$ion of €he owners -t;o advance the drift 25 feet to determhe the effeoti on the vein of the presence of' the dike. lcxmnhed bg J. 6. shepard, U. S. 6. S., October, 1926, A grotlp of cLsfars knonn as tb0 a~wbas been located bg FranPE Blashsr aad Hecrry Emmuel an the southwest sfde of Banded ?&mmWn. The claims are readhed by traversing ths Chicksmin CWier from the end of the %xas Creek trrril to Banded Mw.Thence follwing the asaemtaln on the sauth side on the iae to a place abut& 3 miles front the eastern poist of the morart;aln. At this point a trail aigsags up the hill side to the claims. The shoriags consist ef a series of bold mimmiliaed quarks veins front 1 to 5 feet ride, in a zone about 200 feet In width. The eounkry rock rhich is Q- of -ke, argillit8 and Wfis also ndnersliaed, Some calcite is present. The predominant lnineral is Write, with a adwrdhate disseminatim of galena and splotches of chalcopyrite, The outcrops crrn be traced for a considersble distance. Other veins of the same chamuter, than the ones sampled, rere seem. wins on €he Dsrls groanb, an adjo- group of claims, sre reported to have re- high assay ral118s in gold. Thsse veins were not sea. Sharfag Chichdn Glacier, Banded 5Tou.n- and locatian of 3tmibo anb Dari~~hiats. - . tr- 3~ bold per ton 1 Triz Sunset Slam. nrexas Cresk-3yder 3reclr.c t. Zxamlned by J. G. Shepard. 5ct. is26 .0. CJ.b.E. /2 A chi3 horn as the " S~inset" ha^ been loc- ated by Fred- Slasher ab .ut I mile south of the Chickmin ice ar,d a few hundred , ar?~east of the Texas Creek trail. Several o;en c~tshave been aade on *-he veln over e distsnce of 300 feet. The veln varles fr~3 to 5 feet In wldtF1 and is a ~ineralizedquartz fissure In grean- stone tuff. Very llttle alnerellzatioc 1s apparent on the surf~ce,v:hlch 1s nl~choxidized. In one cut at a depth of n E feet be lo^ trie sxrface, e wldth of 9 feet df ~ierzllzed v;ln is exposed. Tke pricisal *Inera1 is pyrite, ~-thsub- ordinst? es,unte of g~ler~,s~halerite end cha:c,?yr,te. The strike of the vein is N. 350 3. zsg. ~itha dip of 45~ eest. development. Pyrite is the predominant mineral with considerable tetrahedrite also present. Remarkably high values in silver have been obtained from this vein. A 40 foot crosscut uas driwn which inter- sected the vein 20 feet below the surface. FifQ feet of drift was driven alodg the vein to determine the strike, (Up and contimrity of ore. A short distance to the northwest of the bumel, a rinse was sunk for 35 feet for exploratory purposes. Throughout the erposures, the vein varies from 2 to 6 feet in width and shows sufficient ore of a gmde to justify extensive developnt. No work is being done an the Fish Creek reins at present. - This delrelopaant will be accomplished by pushing foravd the main adlt lxme1 a distance of 1,000 feet which rill intersect the north rein at a depth 900 feet belov the surface. This work will be done during the minter of 1926. SuppIies have already been stored at the camp. Pinances to carry on developnent work are advanced by the owners as ft becones necessary, no stock being offered for sale. The propew is being me11 handled and no mill will be built until sufficient tonnage is developed to -ti* the expenditure. The Syder Lez3 uinee Lo. Texas Creek- ?yder Creclnct. -xa3;ined by J. b. "hepard. Oct. 1526. U.S.s.3. ;he 2yder lead -ines Go. now control the property theat was forxerly held by the Texes Crzek Co~stockGO. B coaplete descri2tion of the property is given by h. S. buddington in U. S. Geological Survey oulletln 773. During 1426 the progerty was In charge of R. C. ~ellen.n tunnel 35 feet long was drlven In an ettexpt to undercut a teo foot mineralized veln, et a depth of akout ~event~fivefeet below the surface. Xo cre was encounterzd. The veln shows a si~rfzceex?osure of' twc feet sf hesvy ain- erelizatian. >aleria and pi r lte being t!-ie ~redocimntain- er-1s. k e~ple~crasa the s~~rfaceexTos,Jre of this veln is 2nd -cated on the accoqang Lng sketch. T:?e Jae-Joe vein xas traced by stri??lng for sev- eral hundred ?set in z ~orthi~esterlydirection -re; the or- lglna: discovery. Galera-%rite ore is =xaose? by so-e of the cuts althozgh the ziajor prti-n of the vein is E LESS- lve w+.ite q.artz. :he orig-nsi Zoe-Joe eh3~ing,nhlchhas a ehepe rese~kl-xga cme?s hlap, wes blssted across, hbdut ore h-~ndredtons of ore xze scattered over the h,llsi+e. T!-e cut ex?o~ed five feet of s~l?Sldeore, a saxcle 3f x'clc~1s ~r.dic~te",~:".? cccoz;ar.:, 1r.g s::e:ch. There ie 2robsb::r cne thc2~andt,n z? ore of the grade l?cllast-c! yet rena~~i?~In tk? k ~13c2::rc;. mmMOUS PROSPECTS, TEXAS CREEK, HYlXR PRECaCT. A rnrnzber of prospects of promise hare been located during the past year, and previoas to 1926, rhich mere not visited on account of weather conditions and inability to find the showings. The Homestake group, the propem of Carlson and Eewitt, is located on a tributary of the west fork of Texas Creek, flowing from the east, &bout 8 miles north of the Sslmon River bridge at Nine ale. A description of this propew is given by 8. S. Buddington in U. S. Geological Snrvey Bulletin 775. The vein, which is a quartz fissure carrying galena and sphalerite, was cut by a tunnel 35 feet below the surface. During 1926 a small shipmen% of hand sorted ore cas shipped to the smelter. This ore .ars of $100 per ton due. It is reported that double the amount of ore shipped, of a $50 per ton value -8 discarded as king of too lm grade to ship under present transportation costs. Carlson and Hewitt are now driring a cross cut tunnel to cut the rein at a depth of 100 feet belm the surface. The Ibex group bas remained idle, except for the assessment work, since the Dw Brothers suspended operations. A new prospect has been discovered by Joe Connor about 2 miles north of the Ibex grmp and at about the same elevation. This prospect is said to show 30 inches of solid galena for a distance of 100 feet. There was no one at the property at the time of the writer's visit and the exact location of the exposure uas not Pound. The double Anchor group is sftuated on the hillside east of the Tenu Creek trail, a mile smth of the Chiclrnmin ice. The pros- pect is described as a vide mineralized zone carrying low values in gold, silver, and copper. The Wietta group is owned by Thornton & &emom and is located on the east side of the north fork of the Chic- Glacier abutat 2& miles Prom the B&arietta cabin at the end of the Texas Creek trail. A xumb8r of large showings are said to exist on the property, one of which is a vein 30 inches ride of solid lead-tinc ore achbas been traced for 150 feet.
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