We Support The Best You Could Have The Best

LEUCHARS GLAZING s JP ~ s IR_ § IE-:JII[JP> TayportF .C. is indebted lo the advertisersin this programme and OVDSCOTTISH at the Canniepoirt. Theclub is also indebted lo its main sponsors. ~ =1J=Scott & Fyfe Limited JUNIORCUP TAYPORTIUl!!..HIBI SCOTSCRAIG WORKS, IH6/S>7 TAYPORT. LEUCHARS GLAZING TODAY'STEAMS ~ ~I Can niepa irt, Shanwe ll Road, Indu strial Textile Manufacturer s Tayp o rt . Tel. 553670 GLASS MERCHANTS AND TAYPORT LinlithgowRose ~ GLAZIERS Red Shirt s, Wh ite Sh o rts. 79 Main Street , .E.!nmll.!!.di SHIRT Leuchar s, Club ~ 1947 (as Am ateurs), Fraser MANN Ronald Mc PHERSON 1990 (as Juni ors). Fife KY16 OHF _,. , SPONSORS Telephone 01334 838815 Pa ul REILLY Kevin GIBSON O.V .D. Scott ish Junior Cup Runners-up 1992/93 , Gran t MILLER Stephen KEARNEY Winners 1995/96 . 1994-98 MATCH Tay • ide League Divi s ion 1 Gr an t PATERSON Steven CAIRNS Champions 1991/92 , 1992/93, PROGRAMMES 1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96 . Grant BUIS T Pe ter GODFREY Centenary Cup 1994/95 Cream of the Barley Trophy 1994195 Sean WIL KI E Paul TAYLOR Tayside League Divi sion 2 Champions 1990/91 . TAYBRIDGE Ke it h NI COLSON DUNLEVIE Zamoyski Cup Winnen 1991/92 . Whyte & Mackey {Currie) Cup Findhorn ark SPALDING Winner11 1990/91 , 1991/92 , BAR 1992/93, 1993194 . llan RAMSAY Perth shire Advert iser Cup Winne rs 129 PERTH ROAD, 1990/91. 1995/98 . DUNDEE. Supplies Steve n STEWART FOWLER lntenport Shield Winnen 1990/91 , 1993/94 . Bi ll y COVENTRY BOYAK Craig Stephen Trophy Winn ers 1990/91 , 1991/92, 1993/94, 1995/96. TOUCHLINE St ep he n ROSS McCONVILLE Albert Henachell Trophy Winnen TRACKSUITS 1990/91, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94 , ATTIRE Da ve REILLY ark WHYTE 1994195 , 1995/96 . Dav id Scott Cup 1995/96 . Barrie GRAY Tames ide AHociat ion for th e Blind International Challenge Ga ry MAHER Cup Winners 1998 . ~ E. Stewart , la n KENNEDY 3 Graenside Place, Tayport . C Vic....Ch t ian t n · A. D. O• wald , Geo rg e MALONE McKEEMAN 16 Loch•lde Gardens, Tayport . cc ~ A. J. Oaw al d, 17 Reform Street, Tayport. CENTRE CAR COMPANY Referee Derek Lowe Kennaway Iuu.u.mr.. R. Macmillan , SOUTH WARD ROAD, J.ROSS Methil 12 Banknowe Dr ive , Tayport . DUNDEE . DDl lTR Referee Assitants Mi tch Sac rata rv· D. Ayre, TEL (01382) 200520 A.HUNTER Glenrothes 46 Tay Street, Tayport FJIX (01382) 200188 l.ommiUu; J. Anderson , L. Beveridge, R. Irvine, A. McDade, Saturclav. 7th December A , Spence , R. Waddell . WARM-UP Commercial Manaur ,; BOOTS 0. JI:D. SCOTTISHJUNIOR CUP Round 3. Kenny Smith , Tai: 689019 . SUITS M.anuu,;.D . Baikia TAYPORT v LinlithgowRose i:..w,u: G. Malone, G. Re illy , R. Nicol KickOff------1. 45pm .e:tJ.ui2; Andy Bell . And to those firms and individuals who sponsor matches and match balls Groundataff • D. Hugh• •· throughout the season . 'PORTPROG'Vol. 7 No 7 1996\97 Proau mme,· A. J . O.wald, 17 Reform Street . Tayport . TodaysMatch Sponsors:- Telephone : 01382 552644 . INTERESTEDJNSPONSORSHIP?PLEASECONTACT KENNY SMITH,COMMERCIAL MANAGER OR MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE. UNITEDDISTILLERS LIMITED

Port Prog voted top non-league programme in Scotland . In Coniunction.. Witll ClubMembersh ip/SeasonTickets : TayportF .C. ClubMembersh ip, whichincl ~desa seasonticket to theCan niepairt forall league ga mes, is availableat £15for adultsand £1 o fo r childrenan d senior THE TAYBRIDGE BAR . citizens. Half timematchday refreshments are ava ilableexclus ivelyto clubmember s/seasonticket holdersin theupstairs lounge in the club pavilion . Applicationsto club secretary. COVER PHOTOGRAPH SupportersClub : TayportF .C. Supporters'Club runs buses to mostaway fixtures . A v iew of Tay p ort fro m t he Rjv e r Ta y Detailsfrom Mary Walker. Telephone (01382 ) 553647. by lain Cougan TODAY'S GAME

Described by The Sun as the 'Tie of the round' when the draw was made, this afternoon's meeting of two of the biggest names in Junior Football seems sure to attract a big attendance with between 200 and 300 Rose fans expected to make the trip up to Tayside.

It ' s been a good season so far for both clubs and al though, Rose coach Colin Sinclair has been quoted as saying that the East League title is his goal, there's no doubt that the Linlithgow faithful would give everything to sample some of the emotions experienced by their Tayport counterparts back in May. A couple of odd goal defeats are BUILDER JOINER the only real blemishes on Linlithgow's record this season to date & and there's little doubt that they'll be up for the c up.

Rose are likely to be on the usual lines although there is bound to be a doubt over 36 years old skipper Peter Godfrey who limped out of the action last week. Goals haven't been a problem . Only once have they CARNOUSTIE failed to find their opponents' net this season. In the Rose keeper Ronnie McPherson has yet to lose a goal. Tayport should have a full pool from which to select. Keith Nicolson has shown no reaction from his return to action last week and will be available for sel~ction today. 01241 859838 This afternoon's tie has been kindly sponsored by UNITED DISTILLERS in conjunction with THE TAYBRIDGE BAR. DUNDEE. 7 SHOTTS SAGA OVER AT LAST r I I Dr.Mahammed Muquit was the centre of the General Medical Council's NATIONAL attention this week after the Scottish Junior Football Association I I had reported him to that body following the Shotts Bon Accord v Thorniewood MBM Cup-tie which was postponed just under two years I I ago. I HOUSE I The GMC heard that.two years ago come Hogmanay, Shotts B.A. had handed in eight sick 1 ines in respect of their players to the Central I I League and the tie v Thorniewood was subsequently postponed. An enquiry,by the Central League revealed that these lines were bogus I I and the subsequent involvement of the SFA saw Shotts thrown out of I BUILDERS I the SJFA at a very substantial cost to the Central League and the SJFA. I I The committee of Shotts was blackballed and only when a new committee I I was formed was the club allowed back into the Association after being APPROVED banned for a season. L ...J However, the question of Doc.Mohammed rumbled on until this week. At the hearing in London Doc.Mohammed admitted signing the certificates although he had not examined the players to which the certificates HOME IMPROVEMENTS • ATTIC CONVERSIONS referred. The enquiry heard that Dr. Mohammed had been approached by an official of Shotts Bon Accord and had signed the sick notes without any knowledge that there might be a "staging" of a 'flu bug. In his defence it was heard that there had been a 'flu epidemic in the area at the time and some of the players involved were admitted liars who 'FORGET THE REST - had said they had 'flu when this was untrue. Dr. M was cleared of serio us professional misconduct after members of the General Medical Council heard that he was not a football fan. And so ends the saga that started with Shotts trying to pull a fast one to avoid playing a GET THE BEST' Mickey Mouse cup-tie. It was a stunt which cost their club its reputation and credibility and cost the Central League a large amount of dash and the SJcA, I'm sure, a lot of heartache. The moral? Honesty is the best policy. • ·• ~~JiW#~~,.:,.~ PYRAMID NEWS s'~~r•l;Ji!lf6fj:)J•l:k ~))) BON ACCORD GLASS OOEC Inter-region CUp - rd 2 - SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISING RESULTS - Nov :io- PREMIER W D L FA PI euner v Cruden Bay Sunnybank 5 1 1 18- 5 16 Premier-Turrif!U2-2 Longside Formartine v 8->neywood Stonaywood 4 3 1 15- 7 15 Bon Accord 2-0 Banchory RAF Klnloss v Fochabers RACE NIGHTS THEME NIGHTS TurriffUnited 4 3 1 17-1214 East End 1-2 ~ Park Vale v Bon Accord Cutter 4 2 2 13-11 14 Sloneywood 0-0 SUnnybank Tuniff United V East Ero from from Bon Accord 4 1 2 14- 9 13 Hal Russell 3-2 8arl\s O'Dee lnverurie Locos v Burghead Th rwerurielW 3 3 1 13-7 12 Loco Works 6-0 Slonehaven Deveronside v Sunnybank longaid" 3 3 1 10- 7 12 Oiv 1 - Dyce 1-4 Hermes Hal Russell u V Buchanhaven £65 + Hall RU88ell Un 3 2 3 14-14 11 Buchanhaven 6-2 Frasertx.gi vat £35 + vat Stonehaven 2 2 6 10-25 8 lnverur!e Jnr 0-16 Formartlne GNT REGK)NAL CU' - rd 2 - Banchry St.Tern 2 1 4 7-15 7 Lads Club ~ 1 Parkvale L.ongside v Hermes Banlml Crudoo Bay 2 2 2 11- 6 8 Fr as..,burgh Un 2 1 4 14-20 7 Beneficial Arts. FREEPOST Dcpt TAY Tel 018 1 9696588 lnveruri" Junio,s 2 0 6 11-50 6 U-23 Table WDLFAP ff}', NCR TAYSIDE LEAGUE J I Elbt onc Road . London WIO 5BR Fax O 18 1 969 4384 Dyce 1 1 6 5-16 4 Tayside U-23 1 0 0 2- 1 3 ,•,1.l Elion United 1 2 6 B-20 4 Central U-23 0000-0 o !DIVISION 1 W D L F A l'-J North U-23 o o 1 1- 2 o SI.Joseph's 11 1 0 35- 1 34 (//1 SCOTSCOUP ,_,_.., 1 Tayport 10 1 0 26- 1 31 ·' ' ' W D L FA Pt ' North End (+3) 9 1 5 36-21 31 lslavale 10 0 1 44-10 30 RESULTS- NOV 23- A Complete Design & Printing Service Buck.I& Rovers 9 2 1 36-16 29 Dlv 1 · Camouslie 8 3 2 38-20 27 Nairn St.Ninian 8 1 3 36-23 25 Tayport 4-0 Bank.foot Ath [)o11,11field 5 6 1 27-17 21 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Burgh ead This 7 1 5 28-25 22 Carnousve 0-3 St.Josep h'• Arnroath SC 6 2 4 25-11 20 TAYPORT Deveronside 6 2 3 21-15 20 Downfield (p) East Craigie Kinnoull(-3) 6 1 6 18-18 16 • DESIGN New Elgin 5 3 0 12- 7 18 For1ar Albion (p) Scone Th East Craigie 4 2 7 21-28 14 ___ ea~ Bishopmill Un 4 5 3 23-19 17 Arbroath SC 1-1 LocheeUn Lochee Uni1ed 3 4 7 17-27 13 Strathspey Th. 4 3 4 22-19 15 North End 4-1 J eanfield DundeeVIOiet 4 1 8 19--34 13 111 ARTWORK RAF Kinloss 4 2 7 28-27 14 Violet (p) Klnnoull SCone Thistle 4 1 6 12-28 13 Div 2 - loeeiemouth U. 4 2 S Hl-20 14 Jeanfleld f:HI 3 2 7 11-33 11 Forres Thistie Arbroath V 0-4 Broughty 4 1 8 15-22 13 Forfar Albion 2 0 11 12-32 6 • TYPESETTING Pongordon Un 2 1 11 15-41 7 Blairgowrie (p) Lochee Harp Bankfoot Alh 0 310 12-38 3 RAF Loeeim'th , 3 8 18-40 Ii Coupar Angua (p) Brechin Vies • DESKTOP PUBLISHING Fochabe!S 1 2 10 13-36 5 Elm wood (p) Kirrie Th PRINTERS Roselea 2-5 For1ar WE (oo@j-=OccNc..;2=--__,W,.,._~D~ L- Fc--:A----c-:P:-'11 -NEWSANNUALS Broughty Alh 6 3 1 18- 8 18 Flxturee at Bankfoot and lochee F-orfarW .End 5 2 1 18- 9 17 • COLOUR PRINTING Tayport Printers Ltd. packed with information about every United rev..-sed bQcause of Ellll'MlOd 5 1 2 24-18 16 Unit \ level of Scottish Foottlall and abroad . unplayable grounds . Tayport <..,h,1nwclllour1 lr1du...rn.1Ir..,1,111•. HTERNA TIONAL - £ 2 .00 Kirrie Thistle 4 2 1 25-11 14 ■ ALL FORMS OF STATIONERY beat Bankfoot quite comfortably \h,1mv1'II R.o.1cl full FIFA , UEFA, International, under­ lochee Harp 3 2 2 1~12 11 as they prepare for the visit of L1vpor1.I tfC' DI )fi foathSC v Neoourgh ,_,-_,,- W O L F A P w~TrfRUN3P.M. IRVINE Dov,nfleld V Ki'kcaldyYM KeltyHearla 10 O O 46- 7 20 CAMELON Dundonald V St.Joseph's Hill O'Be.ath Haw 9 0 2 29· 8 18 I jt1RE NEWSAGENT V FortarAlb V JhomtmHi b DundonaldB I 7 1 2 30-12 15 NEWTONGRANGE ST AR W.End lochgelly Glenrothes 6 1 1 17· g 13 2 MILL LANE, TAYPORT at Li nlithgow Fortar v ~ HUO'Bealtl v El~ Oakley United 6 O 3 16-20 12 Sat 21st December . Thornton Hlbs 5 O 3 21-15 10 JeanfieldSw v O ossgates • MORNING ROLLS St.AndrewsUn 3 2 4 16-15 8 FIFE & LOTHIANS CLP- rd 2 . Kelly Hearts V L.ochee lJn Croaagates Pr. 4 O 6 12-19 8 • CONFECTIONS etc. Sauchie V Camelon lLllcarty V Glenro 1hes Newburgh 2 2 3 14-12 6 Rosy1h Ree v Faudhouse North End v Oakley Un Lochgelly Albert 2 2 4 10-16 , 6 Durt>erUn v Glenrothes Aosylh Ree v Kinnoull Tulliallan Thistie 2 2 3 7-13 6 OFFICIAL Amisbn R V Sleelend Vic St.Andrews v VIOiet Kirkcaldy YM 2 1 6 12-36 5 Slooeybl.rn V Dmdonak1 Scone Thistle V Lochore Welt StNlend Vies 2 O 9 15-26 4 STOCl{ISTS OF Nev.bugi v Bo'nessU Sleelend Vies v Carnoustie Rosyth Ree. 1 1 5 7-13 3 Crossgates v Ormiston Tayport 3-1 Lochee Harp Lochora Wllifa,.. 1 O g 1~37 2 TAYPORT F.C. Tranent v lochore Wei Tulialan Th v Bankloot A1h John Fyfe Cup- rd 1 . Harthill v Hill O'Bea1h A memorab le Weddi ng starts with the REPLICAS, Dundonald 0-1 Nev.Alu-gi Kelly Hearts V Bomybridge RESULTS - NOV 30 - arr ival in the individual style of our HII O'Beath V Rosylh Ree St.Anaews v Hao::llngtonA Nev.t>u'gh (p) Glenrothes classic Rolls Royce. SCARVES & HATS Thornton V Musselbrgi A Thornton 1-4 KeltyHearts Glenrothes 6-0 Qal\ley Un SI.Araews 6-1 Tulliallan Th Uvr,gston u V Pta'llpherston . Crossga1es 0-3 Rosyth Ree VINTAGECAR HIRE FOR Unli1hgow v Bathgate Th HillO'Beath 5-0 KlrkcaldyYM lochgely Alb 2-6 Kelty Hearts TEL: 552518 Nev.tongrange V Dalkeilh Th · St.Anaews Kirkcaldy YM 2-0 Sleelend VIC WEDDINGSANO 1-3 Dmdonak1 YOUR LOCAL PREMIER BroxbumAth v W.Calder Un Lochgely 2-0 Sleelend Thornton H 5-3 Crossgates SPECIALOCCASIONS ~------' =------·--·------·--'.::-====---.::-..:-. ------.-.-. -_-____J__ .. TELEPHONE: 01382 552139 POOLS AGENT t~ L~ rn3~ITYAJ D. M. BLACK ~ BEARING & CHEMIST ~~ A, Ninick & Son TRANSMISSION PRESCRIPTIONS DISPENSED 18 Castle Street, Tayport CO . COSMETICS, TOILETRIES Tel552501 r f;tJplr{'/',)"tf~t!I Uhmi,1r; (Ill{/ 'UIMtte 2«4~ ad ?~ DEVELOPING & PRl~TING S e,wice,C(J#t,e/ur4t _, /3///J('/' , 77°((//.)'/lll ;l',)'/(J// New for this Seaso n: <','r;111/111/( '//( {//l(/.1 ·1tjJJ01•(0• -1· ,o/. BABY CARE A full range of Bread, ,7r,r1/'Jol'f, T (/ Morning Rolls , Pastr ies ere 32 CASTLE STREET Still hot from our own in-shop 42 Baird Avenue, bakery. DryburghIndustrial Estate TAYPORT DD6 9AF Now OPEN SUN DAYS 8AM -2 .30P M DUNDEE DD2 3TN 7aaetk~ TEL(01382)814447 TEL: 01382 552247

Under New Ownership Mr & Mrs D. Baikie ~~a,,u'.,11,'4- Tooling for Industry CountySports Tayport Arms CluOsp~r~ ------(Fre e H ouse) ---~ (Perth)Ltd. Live Entertain m en t at Weekends ♦ BRILLIANT, PERSONALSERV ICE Sports & LeisureSpecialists Ba r Luncht •s Dai ly E.P. ♦ SCOTLAND'S CRICKET & HOCKEY SPECIALIS Monday-Saturday 12.00 -2. 00 p.m . 8-14 St. John Street Sunday 12.30 -3.00 p. m. ♦ MAJORFOOTBALL CLU B KITSU PPLIER Perth PH1 5SP Hig h T eas (Boo kin g AJv isa b l,·) ♦ GARMENTIMPRINTING Tel: 626331 Sun d a y 4 .00 -:,,;\() p .m. EngineeringCo. ♦ EMBROIDERY& CLUBID ENTITY Fmu-tion Suitf' Availahlf' Suppliers to TayportF.C. (Dundee)Ltd. ♦ EXTENSIVESOU RCINGE XPERTISE 1111'-J I" '·" of f'un,·ti,ms Cfllf.•rt•tl for and many other clubs on ll ·t>,/,/in;.ts. f '111wrals. llirtlulttJ '·"'· ,,,r . ♦ THE CLUBSPE CIALIST U,,,itf, ,,,, [J;_,.,,_ll11J], ,1 .ll,•1111s011 u,,,,,,,,,, RETAIL & Tayside. o,,,...;,t, , F1111-t·tio11s( ~ntPrt •tl for MAIL ORDER Generousdiscoun ts PRECISION ENGINEERS TEL/FAX 5 Nelson Stree t Uni ts 14-15, Peddie Street, (01382) 201780 - IV/SAi available - Taypor t , DD6 9DN Dundee . Tel (01382) 643174-5 UNIT14 , DOUGLASCOURT, BLACKNESS TRADING PRE CINCT, ask for Ian Duff Td eµho,w (0 I 3ll2) 5532 02 Fax(01382)641965 WESTHENDERSON '$ WYND, DUNDEE001 5 8A THE The high spot in Linlithgow Rose's 107 years' history was in fro n t o f 35, 000 a t in 1965 when they won the Sco tt is h Juni o r Cup, be ating Baillieston 4-1 . Ros e returned to AULD HOOSE, Ha mpden in 19 74 but we nt down 1-3 to Cambuslang Range rs. TAYPORT I n th e 19 90' s Ar thurlie has been Rose's downfall, el i minating ~ o t he m from th e c ompetiti on on four occasions in six years. Here we c h a r t Ros e' s Cup trail since 1990. Jim and Liz extend a warm OnYour wa~." SUPPOrtiM Nieht & Oa~i The 'Port 1990/91 Rl Kir k c a ldy YM 0 Lin li t hg ow 8 1994 / 95 Rl By e I 11\~ R2 welcome 7 days a week Pa rk vale 0 Li n lit hgow 4 R2 Linli t hg ow 9 E. Kil br i d e 0 R3 Lin l it h gow 1 Ar th u rlie 1 R3 Linl it hgow Bo' ness 1 r Art h url ie 2 Linlit hgow 0 r Bo 'n ess Li nlithg ow 2 Fridays & Saturdays: 1991 / 92 Rt F'ochabers 0 Li nl it h go w 4 (Rose won o n pe n a lt ies ) OPERATED BY ALASTAIR LAW R2 Linlithgow 4 Crossgates 2 R4 Li nl it h gow 2 Wh i t bu r n 2 KARAOKE R3 Li n lithgow 2 Rob Ro y 0 r Whit bu r n I Li n li thg ow 0 R4 Li n lithgow I Art hur lie 2 199 5/ 96 Rl Be ll s h i 11 Li n lit hg ow 1 1992 / 93 Rl Bye 1~ os89 1137841 r Li n lit h gow Be ll s h i ll 0 R2 Ed'b u rg h lltd 2 Linl i t hgow 0 R2 Art hur .lie 2 L inli t hgow 0 1 WHITENHILL, 1993 / 9 4 Rt Bye 1996 / 97 Rl Linl it h gow 4 Wis haw 0 R2 LOCAL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Li n Ii t hg ow 5 Luga r 0 R2 Li nli t hgow I Bat hgate 0 TAYPORT R) Linlit h gow 0 I r v i n e M. 0 FOR ALL YOUR CAR HIRE NEEDS r I rvine M. 0 Li nli t hgow 1 R4 Lin l it h gow 6 K i r r ie Th is. O RS Linl it hgow 2 Pert h s hi re I Tel: (01382) 552359 QF l..inl it hgow I Ar t hu r lie 2


SCOTTISH NATIONAL PARTY CHRISTMAS _ PRESENTS? LOOK NO FURTHER ~~◄ BEST FOR SCOTLAND No furth er t han PM Irv ine, Newsagent , Mill Lane, that is . Just arr ive d in stoc k is a ~ selec tion of limit ed edition , 'Sc otti sh Cup Winners' lambswool sw eat ers and polo shirt s in ~ an assortm ent of co lour s and sizes. Don 't be disappointed . Get in no w an d get th e pick FOR INFORMATION PHONE of th e st all . Ar ri vi ng soo n ar e replica strips •with the 'Scottish Cup Wi nn ers' badg e and ~ TAYPORT SNP:- 552832 lim ite d editio n New Bala nce dr ill tops w ith club embroidery . Al so on th e w ay are a Best for Scotland number of limi ted edit ion ties . Plus regular sto c k of scarv es, hats etc .. TODAY '_S __VISITORS LINLITHGOW ROSE

We welcome to the Canniepairt this afternoon one of the most respected names in Junior football . A club with a string of honours to its name . The most recent of those honou rs was last season's East of Scotla nd Cup, beating Camelon 3-0 in the final. Rose also retained t he Pendrich Steeplejac k Cup and finished third in the league. The previous season they lifted the Skol (League) Cup for a seco nd successive season. Their pedigree. then, is there for all to see .

•coaches Colin Sinc lair and Eric Sinclair (no relation) run t he Leuchars• by 6l. Andrews • fife KY16 ODU show and hav e put their extensive kn owledge of Senior football to good use in building up this Rose team. Colin, like Dave Baikie. a publican in his team's tow n, saw service with Raith Rovers, Tel: (01334)839220 • ~'ax (01334) 838299 Darlington and Hereford and signed on at Prestonfield four yea r s Proprietors: Crahame0 Brenda McKinney ago. Eric wa s best known in the Senior game with Dundee FC. In goal will be RONALD McPHERSON. probably the longest commuter of any player in the Junior game. 22 years old Ronnie commut es from Fort William for every game . There's another reason of course - his girlfriend is at Edinburgh University.

MEALSSERVED ALL DAY Team captain and key defender is ex-St Mirren player PETER GODFREY who was fixed up from Sten hou semuir last year. PAUL 12 - 9.30 TAYLOR who normally wea r s the No.5 jersey came from Ea st Fife. Pau l had a bad leg Last orders 9 .15 injury whilst at Bayview and was sent to Barcelona by Fifers ' boss Steve Archibald for successful treatment of TRADITIONAL SUNDAY LUNCH the injury. 12 -3 Key midfielder is ex-Rangers and Aberdeen player DOUGIE BELL who is in his seco nd season at Pre s tonfield.

HIGH TEAS SUNDAY ONLY Up front Linlithgow have looked to MARK WHYTE, 3-7 GRAHAM LITTLE and GEORGE ALLISON for their goals with the long servi ng DEREK HALCROW ready to step in when ca lled. ALWAYSADVISABLE TO TO BOOK Little is top sc orer with eleven s trik es thi s season. John Mcco nvill e tl.1nl 1thg ow Ro se ) Linlithgow are sponsored by Manager Colin Sinclair' s West Port HIGH TEAS AVAILABLETO COACH Hotel. Their Prestonfield ground is one of the best appointed of Scottish Junior grounds with lights and an excellent playing PARTIESWITH PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS surface and is often used for representative matche s . SNIFFING A!3_0UT WITH _[f!E .$NQUT ~) PORT PROG PREDICT_IONS GRAEME Nicol. so n of Tayport coach Ronnie Nicol, mad e hi s first team debut for East Fife at Falkirk last Saturday. Graeme.who celebrated Port Prag did fairly well with its predictions in the la st round, hi s 18th birthday last week , has blossomed under the coaching regime so her e goes with the predicted outcome of today' s ties. of new manager Jimmy Bone.

, Annbank United V Crossgates - D. \(Arthur lie V Banks O'Dee H ****** * ASHTON United.one of the teams we played on our pre -seaso n to ur do wn -,:Auchinlec k V Forfar WE - H on Accord V Lugar H * sout h , are still going strong in the F.A. Umbra, Trop hy, the maJor non ­ ;' cam bus 1 ang V Kinnoull - H * r Cum I rnauld V Larg s Th. D league Englis h competition. In last Saturday s 3rd qualifying ro und ,3Fauldhouse V Lesmahagow , - D * v'Glenrothes V Port G'gow - H tie. Ashton,who play in the Unibond League, kno c ked out Burton from ,/Hart hi 11 V Johnstone - H v Hermes V Nairn St.N. D * t he Dr . Martens League. Burton incidentally, are several places _ in ,/ Hi 11 O'Beath V Montrose - H elty Hts. V Lanark Utd. H * the table above Sudbury Town who eliminated Brighton & Hove Albion p Kirrie This. V Maybole - D * '1/r 'uri e L.W.v Turriff Utd.- A j/Lewis Utd . V Neilston ,}( - A * Loch. Harp V Kilbirnie V - A from the FA Cup the previous week. ' N 'grange Star V Renf .rew - H * ONorth End V Blantyre V.1/ - D 1/ Petershi 11 V Carnoustie - H Pumph'ton V Beith - A ****** * THOSE Dundee FC supporters who followed the c_lub in the halcyon days ~ Pollok V Shotts B . A.- H * Rosyth Rec.v Arniston v' - A Royal Albert v ·Cumnock - D * if Stoneyburn v Scone Th. H of the Fifties and Sixties could never have imagined the crowds the team is now attracting. Last Saturday's gate away to Clydebank was Sto neywood V Troon - D J;Sunnybank V Maryhill A * 470 and at East Fife in midweek it was 367. Little wonder,then, th~t Thorni e wood V Ormiston v- - H ranent V St Joseph s A * there is frequent speculation that Peter Marr is set to launch a bid 1.,Val e of Leven V Muss'burgh - H * V Whitburn V Jeanfi el d - H lshet tleston V Yaker - H fo r the Dark Blues. An interesting series of ties today with a number of closely ****** co ntested games. Indeed very few ties look absolutely clean c ut . MOST recent new resident in Tayport is goalkeeper Fraser Mann. Reebok leaders Maryhill play Sunnybank in Aberdeen and will have Fraser and Annette have sold up in the city and move into their new their cup_aspirations severely tested. Another team with genuine home in Tayport s hortly . hopes of lifting the trophy, Kelty Hearts, Fife's team of the mome nt, will have it tough against a vastly improved Lan ark United. ****** Fauldhouse have been carrying all before them this season but will THE rece n t Racenight organised by the Tayport Community and Sp orts find Lesmahagow stuff y opponents . At Larkhall, Cumnock will not fi nd Action Gro up h el d i n The Taypo rt Arms and supported by Tayport FC things as easy against Royal Albert as they might have a couple of proved to be a big s uc cess and raised in the _regio n of £750 _for the seaso ns ago . Shotts Bon Accord will draw a good crowd to fund which has been set up with a v iew to gett -ing a sports faci lity 1n Newla ndsfield, bu t despite their strenuous efforts to get back up the town. with the big boy s, they are likely to find a large c hequ e their only co nsolation. ****** What about the Tayside prospects? Well, bleak for Forfar WE at A storm two weeks ago at Whi tburn when joint managers Brian Auchinleck, despite the fact that Talbot are not the power they once McNaughton and Keith Burgess resigned , accusing the club committee were, Montrose at Hill O'Beath, and Jeanfield at Whitburn of 'lack of ambition'. The East champions ' committee came _in for where,despite the managerial upheavals, the locals s hould win flak 'Their chests have been puffed out at winning the championship c omfortably . last ·season and they were happy to rest on their laurels ...... but ,we Carnoustie have failed to produce the goods twice alr ea dy this did need new players and the committee wouldn't let us have them - seas on when the chips have been dowm - can they find t he bottl e to sai d Burgess who had eight years at Linlithgow Rose . The Committee upset Petershill? h i t back stating ' The blunt fact is that there 's n? money to buy St Josephs go to Tranent where the local s have been revived under Mike pl a y e rs and the new team boss will be told the same Galloway but, with this being the last opportunity of Joeys fulfilling their sta ted intention of winning the Scottish Cup within ****** five years, the substantial carrot will no doubt carry them through. DAVE Baikie put the record straight during the week regarding the North End w_ill treat Blantyre with respect despite their 6-0 stuffing speculatio n surrounding the Arbroath manager's job when he was a t Arthurlie last week . Harp's traditional cup spirit should stand quoted in the P'l.eM e Jou/1.na,/, as co nfirming that there had b_een no them in good stead at Beechwood against Ayrshire League leaders contact b e t wee n hims e lf and Arbroath and that he had _not a pplied for Kibirnie but Ayr s hire c lubs aren ' t the force they once were. It's a t h e post. Th e sa me article quoted the Arbroath c hairman as saying si milar si tuation at Kirrie where vi s itors Maybole could find things that he h a d formally approached Forfar Athletic o n Saturday e vening tric ky. for permission to s p ea k with Tommy Campb e ll . Kinnoull can return from mid table division one Reebok League Camb uslang with a d raw if they can find the form of whi c h they are capable. A DAY OFF? NOT ON YOUR NELLY! Tayport Arms TAYBRIDGE BAR

Last Saturday's tie may have been postponed but it's busin ess as 5 Nelson Street , 129 PERTH day.usual at The Canniepairt. Here's an account of a committee member's Tayport ROAD, DUNDEE. Down at the Canniepairt at 8.30am i n readiness for Referee Mi k e Tel: (01382) 553202 McGregor's pitch inspection at 9am. Looks very dodgy. Gro und i s TEL: 01382 643973 brick hard and wet on top. Aft er going all hi s length t h e ref 's s~~ decision is eas y - match of f. A day off, th e n? Not on you r n el ly . A s~~ score of phone calls to be made. The pubs , the paper s, the bakers STEPHEN DAVE etc .. Then it's a case of sitting at the phone for three h o ur s doing nothing but answering literally hundreds of calls. Kenny Gorham pops ROSS BAIKIE in to get the lie of the land and is immediately given a shift on the phone. Dave Baikie pops in a couple of times in between phoning unsuccessfully to get a playable pitch and a friendly. Then the players start rolling up . "Oh, dear", says Baiker, " forgot to phone SCOTT DEMPSTER them. Ach , they should have known to phone me!" Anyway it cost him TAYBRIDGE BAR half a dozen bar lunches at the Ponderosa by way of c ompensation. BUILDER Match gear , laid out on the Friday , is replaced with the training 129 PERTH gear ready for a 1pm start . Players roll up, see a perfect looking ROAD, 20 NAUGHTON park, and immediately query why the game's off. A step on to the grass so on gives the answer. DUNDEE. ROAD, WORMIT . TEL : 01382 643973 TEL: 01382 541374 A quick visit to the. Bell rock Tavern to hand in a message and in walks Adam Williamson . resplendent in his matchday supporters -garb and set s~~ s~~ to lubricate his tonsils - must be the only man in Tayport who doesn't know the game's off. GEORGE KEITH Back to the Canniepairt and the squad are preparing to go for a run MALONE NICOLSON under the watchful eyes of George Malone and Ged Reilly while Baiker, Ron Nicol and some of the committee lay out a seven a side grid on the Canniepairt. Still the phone calls continue. No.95 bus arrives from Dundee and off tumble half a dozen of the Port Support only to CENTRE CAR discover the 'Match Off ' notice. C cc COMPANY Whilst the players play sevens the committee do a necessary bit of tidying up in between watching the gee-gees on the TV. Then down with SOUTH WARD 77ROSEBANK the goals and a c lear up of the training gear as the players head for ROAD , DUNDEE. the pub or home . STREET, DUNDEE TEL: 01382 200520 "Mmm, wonder how the Joeys are getting on", muses one of the TEL: 229974 c ommittee . "It s hould just be about time up", say s another. "Quic k ! phone the Tranent Social Club", sa ys another . s~~ s~~ What? They're losing to a penalty with a couple of minutes to go? MARK PAUL "Surely the Joeys will get a late goal , a replay a nd th e n st uff them i n Dundee. Tranent are bottom of the league after all". A return SPALDING REILLY cal l confirms the bad news . Joeys are out . Up to the Tayport Arms . A bit earlier than usual so there's a chance to watch the scores coming in on Sky. The players drift off and the decision has to be made - Another couple of beers in the Auld Hoose, WEST PORT BUSINESSCENTRE Cobbies and the Bell Rock or home for tea at the uearthly time of half 16a WEST PORT ,DUNDEE DOI SEP HEATHERLINGHIRE past five? Decide to take the latter course of action. Neighbours Tel: (01382) 223341 are on the phone and calling round . Is there something wrong ? Is he ,-----::--::--- 7 Suppliers of t he f~llowin~ : not we ll? The cheek of it! Fax .;1nd Photocopying Serv!ce , VINTAGECAR HIRE Printing . Letterheads , ln _vo1Ces Half past six and it's time for a Sporting Post. Bet it was a disputed Business C.trds , W eddrng FORWEDDINGS AND Stc1tionery , Gr ee ting C.trds ~ D e sk penalty that put the Joeys out . The report confirms just that and, Top Publishing , Office Sta!1on ery SPECIALOCCASIONS according to the match report, it was awarded in Tranent's only & Equipm e nt , Fax Machines , Diaries and Calendars . TELEPHONE: atta ck of the game. How unlucky can you be. Bring alo ng a Tayport Programme and get E f 0 off a Samsung FaJ1: 01382 552139 Machine and/or l 0 % off all other prices. s~~ s~~ GRANT BUIST GRANT MILLER ------·


Linlithgow Ro se are our 3rd round Scottish Cup opponents today a nd T ' d like to welcome th ei r player s and officials to Tayport ~~\> -~ a nd a good afternoon to th e Port Support. Nin e goals h as bee n o n e of the positive aspects to come from our la st th ree outings es p eciall y when y o u consider th e four games DALGLEISHSTREET, prior pr od u ce d on ly four goals. Although we only lost one goal ,n those four qames it be com e s too c lose for com f ort at times.

TAYPORT Ano th er plu s for t h e c lub h as been th e return of Keith Nicolson af ter a l e ngthy la yo ff a nd a scori ng debut for o u r re ce nt addition Telephone : 01382 552388 Al Ian Ke nn e dy. Bot h, l 'm s ur e, will play a n impor tant role i n the c onti nu ed s u ccess of this c lub. They both played their part in la st wee k 's le ag u e vi c tory over Bankfoot . BARLUNCHES SERVED EVERY DAY We 've been fortunate, to say the least, having been able to compete la s t wee k e nd and the previous Saturday , achieving a 3-1 win over Lochee Harp on a day when only a handful of games went ahead in SELECTIONOF REALALES ALWAYS ON TAP Scotland. Apart from the location of our ground I mus t praise the work of our committee for the work they put in to allow the game to go a h ea d. 'DOWN BY THEHARBOUR' There's no substitute for match fitness, so let's hope these two games ca n provide us with that vital edge this afternoon .

Our play ers know that we have another big challenge this afternoon a nd this is one of the reasons they signed for this club, to s ucceed a nd com p ete in games like today' s. They also know that if their attitude i s co rrect a nd their minds are totally foc u sse d on t he job at Bakery h and we can achieve o ur goals. Support The Port, Dave Ba,iki,e. Nico HOME BAKERY and SNACK BAR 58 -64 BYRON STREET, DUNDEE Tel: 826124 Suppliers of pies to Tayport F. c. Gra n t Pater so n re ce ive s the 'Man of the Match' award from mat ch spo n sor Roh Robertso n of BRE after the 2nd round t ie v Larkh al l ----~---·- ··-· Jla!c/JSlat s ...... Jla!c/J Stc7!s .. .Jla!c/JS!d!s ... ..TAYPORT JUN I ORS .flatc/J S'!ats .;//a!c/J. S!als .;//alc/JS ta/s· .. D.AI.E .' 1. ]_ ll 1.2._ JJi. 1 [ ___l

f "-14.c=S,oeDc,ll,cem=be"'r--f"St"'.J"'ose=•ooelh,,s:.._-" {Le.,.l_+ _ _,D=-=.D-0-"- - +---' M-"A'-'N'-'N"- -l-.!. P-".R_,,E:,l"LL,,_Y:.._4-.cP-"A"-T"'ER,.,_SO=N"-+- -"S'-PA= LDe,lc,N,:G-1 __ _.,B:,,Ue,IS,._,T___ ---- ~ 1,!2E_ _ MILLER __ STEWART . __fiQ_ ~ ---+-- D=-~R,.,,E~IL~L~Y- +-- __,G~R-"A~Y'---+--' R~A~M~S~A~Y (?L __ HENRY..[9\ COVENTRY ___ 432 __~ 21 Seotember Kirrie /To\ W 7-1 MANN MILLER PATERSON HENRY 2 BUIST __ WILKIE~-+-~ R_A-'M-'S~A-'Y--'1-+_ C~ O-'V=E-'N-'TR-' Y_,_..., R_O~S~S~ 3--+-= D-'.R~E=IL=L=Y--'1_,.. __ G~R-'A-'Y_ __,_ P~-~R=E=IL=L-'Y~!=2,l+...,S~P~A=LD=l-'N=G~("IB_l..,.__ ST~ EW_ A_R_T__ +-_ 1__09 .~

28 September Carnoustie (U W 4-0 MANN P.REILL Y PATERSON MILLAR BUIST WILKII\ _ __,R~A~M=S '-'A"-Y-t-- =S-'-TEW="-A~R'-'T-l_~ R-=o-=s,.,,s'-=2-+- ...,D=·c.,R.=E,.,IL.=L.cY_t-- =G'-'R'-'A'-'Y- ~2-+ -=C-=O...,V-=E~NccTc.,R"-Y·'-=:2"+-l -"S'-'PAc,L=D~l'-'NG=-+---'-' N"'IC-=O-=L-=SO= N .. t-· 309 ..... , ARBROATH SC {Ll ~- 05 October W 1-0 MANN MILLER PATERSON P.REILLY BUIST WILKIE RAMSAY.__ '-"ST= EW= A~R~T'-t---' R~O~S~S~-+~ D~R.,,E=IL=L~Y~ 1-+- _-' G=!R-"A~Y'---+--' H-"E=N-"R~Y'--+- C=O= V=E~NT~R.cYc...,t---=S=P0A~LD=l~N~G~ ~ .• .?Z.Q., ... 12 October FORFAR ALB (S1l W ~ MANN P.REILLY PATERSON MILLAR BUIST WILK'E RAMSAY HENRY STEWART 2 D.REILLY GRAY 1 ROSS12l 2 COVENTRY{?.-4-l ~ C=A~M=E=R=O=N__,-= 27=6 _0 I 190ctobe r SCONE THISTLE Ill W 1-0 MANN MILLER PATERSON HENRY BUIST WILK\e:) RAMSAY COVENTRY ROSS D.REILLY GRAY 1 P.REILLY MAHER {8)__ SPALDING 1~.11 ., i 26 October Fortar West End IN2l W 2-0 MANN MILLER 1 PATERSON SPALDING BUIST W ILKll'i, RAMSAY HENRY ROSS 1 D.REILLY GRAY MAHER (8) KENNEDY (10) P REILLY 182

J 02 November East Craioie /Ll W1-0 MANN P.REILLY PATERSON SPALDING BUIST WILKt RAMSAY MILLER ROSS D.REILLY MAHER GRAY/811 KENNEDY 111\ HENRY 222 1 j 09 November LARKHALL (521 D 0-0 MANN P.REILLY PATERSON SPALDING BUIST WILKIE RAMSAY STEWART ROSS D.REILLY GRAY- MILLER 11.1.L HENRY MAHER 441 ~_16November Larkhall {S2RL W 2·1 MANN MILLER PATERSON SPALDING BUIST WILKIE RAMSAY STEWART ROSS 2 D.REILLY MAHER P.REILLY HENRY GRAY I -~ - __, I 23 November LOCHEE HARP IT1l -t- - W- 3--1--+--' M=A~N-'N--+-~ M=IL=L=E=R--t-= PA=T=E=R=S=O~N'-+~ S=P'-'AL=D=IN=G--+-- B=U=IS=T--+-~ W=l=LK~IE~-+- C-'O~V~E=N=T=R-Y-+~ S~T=EW= A=R~T-+-= R=O=S=S~-+ --'D=.R=E=IL=L=Y=2-+- G~ R=A=Y= 1- +--P=.R=E=IL=L=Y= {-:2-+l -K-EN=N=E'-'D'-'Y=-,4-+l -- RA=M= S-' A~Y-- r!I- 176

_ 30 November BANKFOOT {Ll W4-0 MANN BUIST PATERSON STEWART NICOLSON WILKIE RAMSAY COVENTRY KENNEDY 1 D.REILLY3 GRAY MAHER l~J___ f'>_B§~l,Y.. @, -t--~ R-=0-=SS~ -+- 1"!_2 __ _ 07 December LINLITHOOW (S3) -+------+-----+------+------+-----+------+------+------1- 14 December ' 21 December 1 -~ ===+------t---- - +- ---- + ---- -t-- ---+------··-- ~ TAYS I DE SHAR PSHOOTERS - + -----+----- +- ----+-----+-----·-I--- ··-- -t 1 28 December I Bri an C raik Ca rn oustie ...... 27 · -r- ·- 04 Januarv ··· _J-- Tayport ...... 15 :_ __11 Janua~rv+------1 - - ---+------+------1-----+---- -+ 1 Dave RP.i 11 y 1 18 Januarv ! Step hen Ross Ta yp o r t ...... 13 r--· ---+---+---t-----+------·f ---- ,__ . +·- t 25 Januarv l Mike Mclllvennie St Josephs ...... 11 01 Februarv I I ---- t------+------t---- - f------+------+--·--_- -- ~- --- 08 Februarv 1 Mark Smit h Arbroa th sc ...... 10 1 --1-----+------+------+------+------1>------+--·-•----< Steve Stewart Tayport. 9 ' ,.. 15 _ F~bruarv 1 ----<-----+------+------+-----+------+------~-- Kenny Cameron I St Josephs ...... 9 ! i 22 Februarv I Ross . Grah am St Josephs ...... 9 I ---· -, 1 Bar ri e Cray Tayp o rt.. .. . 9 , i 01 March : I r~ re~ M~a=rc=h-+------+ - ----+------+-----t-----+- ---- ~- ' --t----- f------+------+------1·--·----+------+-1--•--·-', 1 Alan Keddie f K i nnou l l • I -~ ==--+------+ -----+------+------+----- +------+- Rab McLaren Oownfield.::::::: :~I I 15 March Danny Powe 1 I Car noustie ...... 8 1 1 ------+-----+--- Bobby Do uglas North End ...... 8 ! ---+------r··· ------• 2-=2-"M"'a~rc~h-+------t---- - +- ---- + -----1-----+---··-·· __ 1----•------·------t------;-----+------+------__l_ -- ! Kev in Syme Kinn o ull ...... 7 + 29 March Scott Kopel St Jose ph s ...... 7 1 - ···+------+------f------+------!-···--·--+-·- ----~ 05 Aoril Mar k Kel ly No r th End ...... 7 ___,.. _____ -·-·----+-----t------lr------·---· ---- ·- --- -t 12Aoril I I ! ~! -~ 19=A~,o~,r~il- -+------+ --- - - +------+------+---- - +------+------+-----+-·------+------+------+-----+------+------+-----+------. ··-- f" Home Matches in CAPITALS. Numbers after players names indicates goalscorers . Numbers in brackets indicates player substituted *W/ *L- Won/ Lbst on Penalty kicks. Lette r in brackets after opposition indica t es competition as follows . L- N.C.R.League Div . l S- O.V.D. Scottish Cup H-Herschel l Tr ophy

T-Taycar Trophy D- D. J .Laing P-Perthshire Advertiser Cup W-Whyte & Mackay Cup N-North End Cent .Cup FROM THE ARCHIVES SEASON 1981-82

The return of Linl i thgow Ro s e coa ch Eric Sinclair, to the Canniepai rt allows the mind to drift ba c k 15 years to the season when Tayport FC, then only an amateur club, lifted its one and only Midlands Le ague Championship . Post Second World War, league titles were a scarcity at Tayport so it was to become something of a milestone in the hi s tory of the club. It was the season that Eric Sinclair, then a popular stri k er at Den s Park, was coaching the team . Eric had made his d e but at De n s in 1975 when the t eam finished fifth top of then last pre-Premier Scottish -Firs t Division ( c hanged days!) and had made hi s home a l ong t he road in Wormit. Weather wis e for Ta yport it had been a fairly grim season with the first team managing only o ne game between 2 1st November and 23rd January . As the season progressed it be cam e apparent that Tayport were g en uin e title c hall e nger s. But , after being bridesmaids so often, would they have th e bottl e to stay the course? On 28th April the team suffered its first leag u e defeat of the season, 0-2 at Ha rris FP. Eig ht games remained a nd these were crammed into 24 days. The team was on a roll. When n earest rivals SMT and Peter Marr ' s Timex were both stuffed 5-1 by Tayport in the same week, the title dream was be coming a distinc t Q) possibi 1 ~~~~ g With one game eac h left to pl a y , SMT were a point b e hind Tayport . N C Saturday wa s Scottish Cup Final day and, although SMT played that day CX) -0~ with an early kick-off , Tayport waited until the Monday evening for I - (/) their game at home to YMCA. SMT dropped a surprise point, being held CX) z - N ~ N M ·; 2-2 by St James, leaving Tayport as champions - unless they were to o--0 - , (/) 'O

(/) tl\ Team that Monday evening was Gus Charity; Phil Smith, Graeme C McPherson, Bobby Wilson, Ronnie Stewart; Gus Malone,Jim Downie, Ian u Howe; Kenny Smith, Allan Harte, Kevin Murphy; Subs were Co lin Gray "' and Jimmy Bissett. 0. Where are they now? All still live in this area. Still playing are Smith (Forfar Albion), Wilson (Elmwood) , Malone (St Josephs) Gray "'C ( Newport Arns) and Bissett is coach at Carnoustie Pa runure . Mur phy , no w a bus d ri v er i n Dundee, plays Sund a y football a nd Downie, Howe and Har te pl a y fi v e-a-si d es a nd occas ionally e l even a side s for the (l) (/) c lub's Ve terans Xl. Kenny Smith is o ur present Commer c ial 0'"' E- )( .,...; r. f-- 0. (l) '"' Manager. >, L E i.. ru . .,...; ru f-

A bad day for Tay s ide with St Josephs and Montrose never looking like making round 3. 1 ,5 00 fans saw Pollok take · another ste p towards recapturing some of the glory that has escaped them since the 1980' s A. STEWART with a win over Shotts Bon Accord. Similarly,local rivals Arthurlie Manuf r1<·lu rers of top quctlil y slwcls. COBBIES INN remained on course and justifie ·tl the bookies faith in them by winning surnrn er hU Pwg was penalised last season and informed lhal matter s dis cussed al Tayside meetings arc not for public consu mpt ion . we arc unable lo do so . We can on ly quote what appeared in Wednesday 's Evening Telegraph v11. - ..l\t last 111ght·., 1st TIME SCHOOL WESTERN AUSTRALIA Association general commiuec mecling, each cluh was gi ven i1 presentatwn hy Paddy Wrnton TAYPORTSUPPORTERS CLUB or Jcanficld .C.)wift.,;, on !he way forwarJ for Juniors The prcsc:ntatwn was hascd on J/1(' OF MOTORING findings of a forum set up last year and cluhs were asked 10 consider the dclarls and rcpon DUNDEE hack with their views in the New Year" TEL: (0U82) 456272 s~°' There were , no doubt, pieces in other newspaper s loo , as well as a specula tive piece in last week's Scottis h Pyramid News which had lhe bizarre idea of Tayside linking up with the Mobile:0585 629042 ALLAN North Reg ion . You may , by this time, hav e read detai ls of Tuesday's mee tin g in a KENNEDY newspaper somewhere, bul, for fear of boosting lhe Association fund s again , yo u won't read St--°' il her e' How eve r . for details of what went on at lhe Tayside meetin g, you' ll have lo BILLY have a cha I with our chairman or match secretary, both of whom were in auendancc COVENTRY Round the Regions II The quarter finals produced some good ties with incidents on and off the park. Particularly Camelon who put four past Whitburn who had till now S..J..F.A.EAS T REGION SKOL LEAGUE CUP only conceded four goal in their section matches . The 'East' Regions 'SKOL ' League Cup is played in sections at the start of The _Bo'Ness ver~us Fauldhouse produced a protest against Bo'Ness for each seaso n . The sect ions are arranged geographi cally with the teams playing fielding an unregistered player .In the other two ties Newtongrange and each other twice . The winners of each section go into the draw for the Musselburgh progressed t? the 5,emisboth winning by the same margin 2-1 . quarter finals and the competition then follows a knock out format .Th e QUARTERElm results of the sections are as follows . BO'NESS 1 0 FAULDHOUSE MUSSELBURGH 2 1 DUNBAR CAMELON 4 1 WHITBURN LIVINGSTON 1 2 NEWTONGRANGE

The semi final draw paired Camelon at home to Musselburgh and Newtongrange at home to Fauldhouse who _had their protest upheld . Camelon managed to secure a victory and the first place in the final. ~ e~ongrange had to wait on the result of the protest to eventually play their tie ~1th Fauldhouse some two months after the original date allocated for the sen11finals . The wait w~s wort~ it as they beat Fauldhouse with a single goal from John Brock after eighty minutes to secure a place in the final against Camelon .

lcAMELON I 2 I/ IMussE.LBURGH ··1 . .,.~Bt1ili,6 l INEWTONGRANGEj 1 I O IFAULDHOUSE I 1 10 7 ! 7 3 I ~ INGSTON~_ 4 i 2 I 5 : 7 2 ·\ BLACKBURN 4 2 1 1 7 -· -----4 -· -· -·----~-· 8 -5 I !BROXBURN 4 , 1 I o 3 3 I l 3 I I

1 The Final is due to be played on Saturday 21 st December at .~AU ~D~OU~ _E__ J_j ~-?_~_ 1 ~-Q \ 9 : 5 \ 1~ ~-'! 1 Linlithgow . AR~~ D.A-~E l j ___1 ~ 2 __.j 1_ J _ 7 1 5 -t·_9 HARTl-ilLL ; 4 0 , 1 I 3 6 : 10 1 -4

' 4 4 0 1 0 124 I 2 ' 12 : 22 CAMELON --+- 1-- ,_-- a ' ' 3 -7 BNAL 1BONNYBRIDGE 4 0 13 7 14 I , -18 ICAMELON INEWTONGRANGE SA UCHIE 4 0 \ 3 4 22 3 ;

'BONESS 6 3 ' 3 0 . 18 ' 8 12 10 I :·LINLITl-iGOW 6 3 . 2 _ ! 1 j_}5 ~ 6_ '.] 1 J 9 1 I BATl-iGAlE . 6-- 3 1 2 ' 12 . 17 10 -5 PI )MPHFR STON f, 0 () F, 7 21 0 - 14 TWENTY QUESTIONS T T & FINDHORN SUPPLIES TWENTY ANSWERS FROM BARRIE GRAY SUPPLIERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF INDUSTRIAL One of the best talents ever seen in a Tayport jersey, Barrie WORKWEAR AND LEISUREWEAR Gray also has t he ability to eq u al ly thr ill, frustrate and annoy the Tayport fans and his teammates a l ike. Port Prog asked Barrie a few less than searching questio n s. 106 FIND HORN STREET, DUNDEE DD4 9PN

Age etc. - 23, 5 ' 11" a n d 12 stones and stay in Stobswell.Dundee. TELEPHONE / FAX/ ANSAPHONE : (01382) 509381 MOBILE: (0589) 511537 Educatio n - Clepingto n PS, Morga n Aca d e my, a n d Du ndee College.

Employme n t - Projects Assistant with DJS Creative Marketing.

Football History - Dundee United SC un d er lO ' s - under 16's. Then Arbroath, Forfar Athletic, Brech1n City & St Josephs A Local Company Supplying a Complete

Football Honours - Scottish Cup winner etc. with Tayport and PA Cup with St Josephs. Range of Head to Toe Protection, Most Satisf y i ng Moment In Footbal l - Scottish Cup win. Biggest Disappointment - Being on t h e benc h in the Cup Fi nal. including Boilersuits, Rigger Jacket s, What Pe~suaded You To Join Tayport - Opportunity to be s uccess ful - quic k ly! Best and Worst Things About Playing For Tayport - Always seeing plenty of the ball and the worst is t he competition for places. Thermal Jackets , Indu strial Boot s.

Last Holiday - Benidorm Girlfrie n d - someti mes ! Contact Findhorn to meet your needs. Favourite Pub and Nig htclub - Taybridge Bar a nd the Mardi Gras.

Favourite Food & Drin k - Stea k & Ch ips an d Miller. Idea Of A Goo d Nig ht Ou t - Smo ker a fter a Scottish Cup victory. Quality Poly/Cotton Football Trainin g Current Music Tastes - M People, Oasis. Newspapers - The Sun and News Of t he World. Tops at Competitive prices are also being

Best & Worst Grounds Played At - Hampd e n and Central Park,C'Beath

Being a fair l y suitable ca ndidate yo u rse l f, wh ic h of yo u r_ manufactured. teammates would you consider b est s u ite d for a slot on Bwul. Date - eas y.Sean Wilkie. Why? He's a cha ncer with a good line in patter.

Who ' d be best s uit e d to a~ appearance ? - Keith Nicolson. If I won the Lottery ? - I'd give half to the club and blow the Sizes: Small to Extra Large. rest. What really gets your goat - being drop ped. For details of the tops or other products You're bou n d to get pelters from the crowd at times - any comments t h at you remember - I had j u st signed from Brechin City on a free transfer when one wag shouted 'What a waste o f money'' phone Findhorn. SCOTTISHJUNIOR F.A. TAYSIDEREGION CASTLE STORES (Proprietors: Stan & Ella) PHILLIPS 55 Castle Street, Tayport DECORATORS RBROATH SC 3-1 HIGH CLASS BANKFOOT 0-4 1-4 CARNOUSTIE 1-1 3-2 1-0 2-1 0-4 LICENSEDGROCERS • PAINTING& DOWNFIELD 2-0 1-1 3-1 0-0 4-3 DECORATING EAST CRAIGIE 1-4 3-2 0-1 PURVEYORSOFWALLACE'S . i \ .. ,~ •ij "• FORFAR ALB 1-5 3-1 0-1 ANDFISHER & DONALDSON'S • SIGNWRITING JEAN FIELD 1-1 0-5 FAMOUSBAKERY PRODUCTS KINNOULL 0-2 4-2 ·CARPET LOCHEE UTD 2-1 1-1 0-4 0-1 FRESHLYMADE CLEANING -L;-~NORTH END 3-1 5-1 HOT& COLDROLLS DOMESTIC SCONE 1-1 0-8 0-1 3-2 COMMERCIAL ,~ ,-I-.. \I ST.JOSEPHS 3-0 8-0 SANDWICHES ITAYPORT 1-0 4-0 4-0 ~/ J:;'.,' ti VIOLET 2-2 3-1 2-0 0-1 ORDERSDELIVERED TEL (01382) 543062 ** = Game.awarde..d to NORIH END q/t.e.r..p.rote.s.l' TEL: 552091 3 WELLGATEST, NEWPORT-ON-TAY, FIFE

RAMSAY'S FORGE I SCOTTISH JUNIOR F.A, TAYSIDE REGION I MINI-SKIPS FABRICATIONS ls.t DIVISIQN GUIDE T.QFQRM 07109 14109 21109 28/09 05110 12110 19110 26/10 02111 09/11 16/11 23/11 30/11 CALL RAMSAY'S DIRECT ON , !ARBROATH SC w w w L L w D L L L w Idle D VODAFONE (0831) 263781 BANKFOOT L L L L L w L L L L Idle Idle L (Premium Rate Cha rges Apply) CARNOUSTIE L w w L w w D w w w D Idle L DOWNFIELD w w D w D D L w w D L Idle Idle EAST CRAIGIE L L L L w L w w L w L Idle Idle

1 1 FORFAR ALB L L w w L L Idle L L L L Idle Idle ' JEANFIELD L w w L L D w L L w w Idle L KINNOULL D L L L Idle Idle ■ ROLLER SHUTTERS ■ w w w w w w w LOCHEE UTD w L w w L L L w w L D Idle D DAILY, WEEKLY OR GATES ■ GENERAL CONTRACT HIRE NORTH END w L w w w D w L L w w Idle w FABRICATIONS ■ SCONE L L L L D Idle Idle "The Biggest Mini Skip on Tayside" w w w w w w Also Mini Coach Hire TEL: 24 hrs (01382) 814030 ST.JOSEPHS w D w w w w w w w D D Idle w TAYPORT w D w w w w w w w D w w w 30 Kirk Street, Mike McKenzie VIOLET L L w L D L w w w L D Idle Idle Lochee,Dundee Unit 16 Alexander Street, Dundee (01382) 610352 Castle Street lett ~ r t:_~ 1ch_~ _e(!itor Fife·~ Scottish ~ E: ltt ·il•J#i=ilit·@ilOt@:IS'l•WI !Ill King Street Home Bakery Newport on Tay Your Driving Force In Fife Sir, 20 CASTLE STREET, • BUS AND COACH HIRE FACILITIES • FREEDOM OF FIFE ROVER TICKETS Messrs . Burns & Smit h h a v e rece n tly mooted 1st Division teams being used as 'Nurseries'. . TAYPORT • MUL TIRIDE TRAVEL CARDS I hadn't appreciated t hat this idea ha d percolated to the Junior • PARCEL DELIVERY SERVICE ranks! , Having been told by a Tayport s upporte r a t last weeks game • COMPREHENSIVE NETWORK a gainst Bankfoot to 's h ut up , t hat's _twice you ' ve wakened the High Cl ass Bak ers wea n'. r suggest the following admo n itio n be placed in future • FREQUENT LOCAL & EXPRESS pro gramme s - "Supporters are requested to be quiet , but &' Conf ec tion ers SERVICES c onfident, in their support to avoid wa k ing u p our growing • EXCURSIONS AND TOURS juvenile s upport i n buggies" • LONG DISTANCE COACH BOOKINGS Yours viciferously , GeNl-y Hi,/,1.e,y. . T 'm Suppli ers of morning fWtth some of the boring tacti cs e mpl oye d by o ur opp o nents t hi s seaso n. The Best All-Round Service In The Kingdom not s urpri sed th e bair n fall s aslee p . Could have been worse tho ug h , th e buggy rolls and cak es to co uld have been next to Adam! - F.d . 1 ~ Fr in!orma110nona. nourserv1cescomac1 Tayport Football Club Fite Scottish Omnibuses L!d Enquiry Olt1ce City Road ST ANOREWS Tel: 0 1382 553 7 33 KY16 9HW I IA YfORI JUNIORS SHARPSHOOIERS I • Tel (01334 ) 474238 /!.LAY.ER Totalwgue. LocalCuus !SECCuu I aycars ScottishCup D,REILLY 15 8 2 2 3 S.ROSS 13 3 2 1 3 4 I_____~ l S.STEWART 9 3 .. 3 1 2 B,GRAY 9 6 1 1 1 E.CAMERON 4 4 HUNGRYHORSE SNACK BAK A.RAMSAY 2 1 1 ST. ANDREWS ROAD , GUARDBRIDG E J.HENRY 2 2 Telephone: LEUCHARS 8396 16 :e.RE(LLY I 1 Pop in fo r some of o ur de li cious G.MILLER I 1 A.KENNEDY I 1 Hom e Made Soup , Fill e.:J Rolls an d Baked Potatoes /Yew Proprietors Jim & Rose Tak e away som e of our Exce ll ent Ho meba king. TODAY'S M ATC H SPON SOR ED B~~ All Day Full Breakfast UN ITED DI ST ILLE RS •----# OP E N 7 DAYS from 9 .00 a.m. & TAYB RIDCE BA R, D UND EE ~~t:1 WE NOW HAVE SHRUBS AND BEDDING PLAN TS FOR SA LE ! Tayside's leading ~,) ~,) REEBOK RESULTS - NOV 30- FIXTURES - DEC 7 shopping centre Premier- WELLGATE WELLGATE 1-'lll:Mll:H W IJ L 1-A 1-'t Scottish Cup • seep . 6 Maryhill 6 1 1 2 1- 8 19 Arthurlie 6-0 Blantyre V Premier 1.45pm Petershill 4 3 2 19- 9 15 B ailli eston 2-2 Kilsyth Ran The perfect shopping experience, Shettieeton Kilsyth V Larkhall 5 0 2 17-11 15 Benburb 1-6 Petershill POLLOK 3 5 0 17-12 14 Benburb V Baillieston all under one roof. Arthur lie SheUleston 3-2 Larkhall Th 4 1 3 16- 8 13 Div 1 1-45pm Baillieeton 3 4 2 10-11 13 Pollok 2..j) Rob Roy PARKING FOR OVER COFFEE SHOPS AND B. Kilbirde V Glencaim Kirk . Rob Roy 3· 5 9-1 3 10 V.of Leven 1-3 Maryhill 600 CARS RESTAURANTS Vale of Lav"'1 3 4 12- 16 10 Dunipace V Greenock Blantyre Vies Div 1 - 2 3 3 7- 14 9 Ashfield V Forth Wnds Benburb Ashfi eld 3-0 B.Kilbride 2 2 7 16-29 8 Div2 1-45pm OVER 50 OF YOUR Kllayth Rangrs 1 4 4 11-15 7 Cambu slang 2-2 Greenod : Larkhall Thistie Bells hill V Coltness Un FAVOURITE STORES 2 1 5 12-20 7 Dunipa ce (p) Forth Wand Carluke V SlRo ch's RE£: BOCK-1 W D L FA Pt Lanark Un 1-1 Leemabagw STEPS THEATRE AND REGULAR LIVE SlAnthony V Perthshire Vale of Clyde 6 2 2 16-12 20 Neilston 3-0 Yoker Ath CENTRAL LIBRARY ENTERTAINMENT Renfr ew Wishaw V StonehoU8c 6 1 4 21-17 19 Glencaim 0- 1 Renfrew Ash field 5 3 17-1 4 18 friendly• 3 V.ofC1yde 3-2 Cumbmauld Leemahagow 5 1 o 19- 3 16 Rob Roy V V. of Clyde THE WELLGATE - STREETS AHEAD Nei lston 4 3 3 19-15 15 Div2- IN CITY CENTRE SHOPP ING Rth rgln Glncaim 4 3 2 16- 13 15 Coltness Un 1-4 St.Roch 's Rlll'lfrew moved 2nd in Div 1 with a Lanark United 4 2 o 14- 6 14 Johnstone 2-1 Carluke Rov win et Glancairn , a welcome boost Cambe lang Rgr 2 5 2 20-21 11 P. 1-6 Bellshill Ath 88 they prepare to travel over to THE WELLGATE CENTRE, DUNDEE, DOI 2OB Tel (01382) 225454 Cumbrnauld U 3 1 6 18-30 10 Newtongrange in the Scottish Cup. Yoker Athletic 2 3 3 15-13 9 Royal Albrt 4-3 Wishaw The East side nudged into a m uch E. Kilbride This 2 3 5 12-16 9 Shotts BA (p) Thomi ew 'd delayed SKOL Cup final against Greenock 1 3 4 10-17 6 Stonehouse 0-0 G.Perthshire Camelon , with their defeat of Forth Wandrs 1 1 4 6- 9 4 Fauldhouee. LNmahagow visit the Dunipace o 1 7 8-25 1 latterwith high hopes. But Lanark It ie only when tha top five clubs of have a tough call at KeltyHear1a , - Ri'l-t1•11 REE0OCl( -2 W D L r A Pt recent timee ttlldd"'11y appear at one of the early favour/tee. ShottB Bon Ace 6 3 0 29- 4 21 the top of the Reebok prem ie< that St. Roch 's 5 2 4 19-16 17 Greyhound you rl!alle<1the leagul! race Is ON. Dlvlelonal partlclpa1)on In the OVD ~ St . Anthony's 4 3 2 16-16 15 All fiv<1top clube won on Saturday is fair1y even at 7 - 7 - 5. Term Bus Passes Bellshi/1 Athl e!ic 4 2 2 20- 12 14 and all break off on Scottish Cup * .9,lsg ow P&rthsre 4 2 1 12- 7 14 butinees this week . Arthur1ie, In Div 2, INdw 's Shotts mak11th e Johna ton<1Burgh 4 1 3 16-13 13 * Child Bus Passes Pollok and Sh<1ttloeton also still same trip to Newland9fi@ld to face Carluk<1Ro vers 4 1 5 12-14 13 poised for the Weet Cup , wh ich Pollok in the Scott ish as they did Ston ehouse Vio 3 4 4 14-20 13 * Adult Bus Passes may give the two 'hills a s ligh t earlier in the season. I don 't think Royal Albert 3 3 3 23-20 12 advantagl! in the league . they will loe<14-1 this tim<1. Thd i8COunt, with a moimum of £1 .00 postage on on A.NY other RAMID NEWS 95 COMMERCIAL STREET publications - send SAE for llet. 183 STRATHMARTINEROAD , 5 AdamsAvenue, Saltcoats ; KA21 SAW"\ DUNDEE STEWART DAVIDSON Tel : 01294 - 603668 Editor· Pete Smyth PHONE 84 Gallowh ill Road , (01382)202655/201121 Tel: 01382 828398 PAISLEY PA3 4TJ . 0141 -562-5721 ~======!...l.======- d ~t~s~•~•::.- PYRAMID NEWS _,, ◄ ;m;11;J•m~1c,1;J.-t I I •\ 1'1 Times Cup-q/f -1--45pm Scottisb Cup - see p. 6 SUPPORTERS' CLUB MOTORING KilbirnieL'side 5 0 2 17-10 15 Auchinleck. 5-0 May bole Times Cup 1.45pm Auchin!eck Ta! 4 1 0 10- 3 13 Cumnock. 3--0 Largs Tb Melldow X 1 v Kilwinning MONIFIETH CUMNOCK 3 1 1 J(). 6 10 Muirkirk (p) Beith TEL: (01382) 53223] Kilwinning Ran 3 0 0 11- 3 9 S~tJ/ Div 1- Irvine Meadow 2 3 2 11-11 9 S~ tJ/ Glenafton Ath 2 2 1 9- 6 8 Div l -2pm Glew,fton v Dalry Th SEAN Maybole 1 3 2 11-11 6 Dairy Th (p) Mettdow WILKIE GRANT wgsThistle 2 0 4 9-11 6 Glenafton A 2-0 Lugar BT Div2 - PATERSON Beith l 1 0 5- 2 4 Kilwinning 3-0 Kilbimie lrvine Vies v Ardeer Th Dalry Thistle 4 1 1 S-11 4 Div2- Kello Rov v Crn.igm1trk u.igar BT 0 0 8 7-33 0 Ardeer Th 1-1 Troon Saltcoats V v Muirkirk. JIM CHERRY WFSTl · R \ ' \\" ll I I· ,\ 1'1 Winton Rov 0-3 Annbank U Winton Rov v Hurlford Un LGS CATERING Troon 8 1 1 Z7- 8 25 Hurlford Un 1-2 Irvine Vies Wh.ittlets V v DMVel Vies Tayport Caravan Park Kello Rovers 7 0 3 20-14 18 Saltcoats V 1-3 Kello Rov Dun sina ne Ave nu e Irvine Victoria 4 3 2 17-12 15 Darvel 0-2 (higmark CUMNOCK Muirldrk 4 2 1 17-11. 14 DUNDEE AnnbankUn 4 1 4 16-12 13 S~tJ/ Tel: 0 1382 50 I I 2 I Ardccr Thistle 4 1 3 19-20 13 BARRIE Winton Rovers 2 3 3 16-13 9 Scottish ~ S~tJ/ Saltcoatir Viar 3 0 4 11-12 9 GRAY Craigmark Bmt 2 2 2 S-10 8 GED Whitlctt.,Vics 2 2 4 17-23 8 RAMID NEWS REILLY J:>arvel 1 I 6 11-17 4 5 Adams Avenue, Saltcoats, KA21 6AW Hurlford United 0 ~ 0 7 3-31 0 Tel: 01294 - 603668 Editor· Pete Smyth Wl'.STOI · SCOII t\Nl>C-1 11' round 2- GRAMPIAN HOTEL Cumnock 2-0 Neilston COBBIES INN Cambuslang 1-1,3-2 Greenock ON THE WAY DOWN? IRVINE TIMES {Cl strict) CU" 295 PERT H ROAD . Hurlford 1-12 GlenaftonAth It is something to concern 32 TAY STREET, Yok

"In the only match to survive the weather throughout Tayside and Fife, Tayport moved into the second round of the Taycars Trophy with a comfortable victory at the Canniepairt last Saturday . In the end they may feel disappointed that the margin of victory was not more MURRAY& emphatic but there was a bonus as Dave Reilly notched a couple of goal s after a barren spell stretching back several weeks ," - Fif,e, He/UlAa ( 26 / 11 /96) Tayport 3 Lochee Harp 1. DONALD ****** Solicitors & " Scottish Cup holders Tayport were due to visit Bankfoot but with the ground unplayable, l l Estate Agents 11 hc:s been sw itched to Canniepairt. Keith Nicolson is fit following surgery on his knee and he co ul d take part at some stage but he is unlikely to be tuned up in time for Port's Sco tti sh Cup tie with Linlithgow" - 14 Col.lll<'..elt(30 / 11/96) previewing Tayport v Banktoot. ******

"Tayport kept up their challenge at the top of the NCR League with a 4-0 victory over Bankfoot. Dave Reilly opened the scoring and the woodwork came to Bankfoot's rescue on several occasions before Reilly added a second. Recent signing Kennedy scored his first for the club, then Reilly notched a hat-trick, firing high into the net with three minutes remaining . - TM Sunday Poot (1 / 12 /96) ******

"Linl ithgow Rose were rocked when they were held to a 1-1 league result at home to Harthill. The Royals were a goal down through Whyte and by half - time had Ellis and Van Nuill sent off but Watson equalised ." - TM Sunday Mai,/, (1 / 12/96) ******

"It was positive stuff from the champs ar:_d just the kind of display manager Dave Baikie wanted" - TM CouMRA (2 / 12/96) reporting Tayport 4 Bankfoot 0 .

****** • Full range of legal and estate agency services; "Tayport Juniors boss Oave Baikie last night emerged as one of the front runners for the • Domestic and commercial conveyancing; newly vacated Arbroath job . Baikie who, back in May, masterminded Tayport to Tayside , • Court and tribunal representation; Reg ion's first Scottish Junior .Cup win in 67 years looks ideal for the post. . • Wills , Trusts and Executries; - T4 Col.lll<'..elt( 2 / 12/96) trying its best to get Dave Baikie to move to Gayfield . ****** • Mortgages and life assurance arranged; Independent Financial Advisers; • Agricultural law, taxation, tax planning; "Bankfoot away to Tayport were were never given much chance against the current league • Advice on matrimonial problems; champion s and Scottish Cup holders and that's how it turned out as Bankies were trounced 4- 0 at the Canniepairt ground by a vastly superior home side" • Estate agency network; Computerised mailing list service; - P~ Advelt«l.>M (3/12/96) • Legal Aid; ****** • Branches throughout North East Fife. "The holders got out of jail a bit with a solid win in their replay at Larkhall .. Rose are again in the race tor everything and will be formidable opponents ... Kinhurn Castle, 15 Bell Street, 8 Main Street - Scott¼h Py'ullTWi New(> ( 30 / 11/96) previewing Tayport v Linlithgow today . St. Andrews, Fife St. Andrews, Fife Leuchars , Fife ****** KYlb

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Cover printed by Tayport Printers Ltd., Unit3, ShanwellCourt IndustrialEstate, Shanwell Road, Tayport, Fife.