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Annual Report on Research Activities to Research Grants Council Office of Research Support


Annual report on research activities 2002-2003

Lingnan University (, China)

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Recommended Citation Lingnan University (2003). Annual report on research activities 2002-2003. Hong Kong: Lingnan University. Retrieved from

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Report 1: Overview undergraduate and postgraduate education. The University’s research activities permeate its With a mission to become an internationally- teaching programmes, and enrich the learning recognized liberal arts university with Hong experiences for undergraduate as well as Kong characteristics, Lingnan has charted a postgraduate students. We encourage course of developments, improvements and academic colleagues to engage in collaborative changes in many areas to achieve its goals. research projects under the aegis of our Against a background of funding cuts and research centres and institutes, and to develop reductions in student numbers, we have research clusters. We hope we may thus managed to develop and improve in many improve collegiality and respond to the scholarly aspects in the past few years. The results of aspirations of our staff members. the Research Assessment Exercises (RAEs), which are conducted periodically by the The University’s research policy is designed to Research Grants Council, illustrate the optimize the use of research funds through remarkable journey that the University has quality enhancement, focused development and made in this area of its work. The collaborative endeavour. Quality enhancement institution-wide research performance index is achieved through faculty appointment and rose significantly from 12.32% in 1994 to continuing improvement of its existing staff 22.80% in 1996 and 38.85 % in 1999, even profile. Focused development is achieved as though the UGC had adopted a higher threshold a result of identification of areas of excellence standard in the 1999 RAE than those for 1994 and the recruitment of faculty to build up and 1996. According to a recent Internal RAE strengths in these areas. Collaborative conducted by the University using the same or endeavour is fostered by establishing research similar threshold standards of UGC 1999 RAE, centres that provide both research support and the Research Index as a whole was 67.90%, coordination. which had already surpassed the target rate of 60% as set out in the University’s Strategic Plan To ensure that faculty members will be given for 2003-2010. Of our staff, 42.86% had an adequate opportunities to engage in research overall score of “1” (meaning fully “research and development activities as well as a active”) as compared to only 25.64% in the concentrated period for writing, the University 1999 UGC RAE. has expanded the current study leave scheme by awarding a maximum time-off period from Institutional Policy on Research 6-month (on full pay) to 12 months (staff to We are committed to excellence in teaching and receive 9/12 of his/her normal salary) since the believe that quality research is as important as, academic year 2001-2002. This will allow if not more so than, teaching, at a liberal arts academic staff, through re-arrangements of university. The need to find an appropriate teaching schedule and utilization of summer balance between research and teaching was vacation, to be released from teaching and also emphasized by the last TLQPR Panel. administrative duties to concentrate on Research activities at Lingnan to a large extent research/study/writing full time. Altogether, ten support and enrich teaching. The synergy academic members from six departments, each between teaching and research helps to link for six months, were released in 2002-2003. research strengths to excellence in



Annual Report on Research Activities 2002-2003 Report 1 – Overview ______

Organization of Research Funding and During the year under review, the financial Usage of Direct Allocation Grants resources which the University has been able to commit to staff development was HK$1.17 The Research and Postgraduate Studies million. For members of the academic staff, Committee (RPSC) is charged with the these grants were primarily for attending formulation of policies for the promotion, overseas conferences. A total of 92 academic conduct, supervision and funding of research in papers were presented, through which staff the University. It decides on all internal have been, and will continue to be able to, funding allocations and monitors progress of share the results of their research with local or research projects on various grants. overseas specialists, and to receive the Research Panels at the Programme level feedback they require before making the undertake initial assessment of applications for research more generally available in a research grants and make funding published form. recommendations to the RPSC. The Office of Research and Staff Development (ORSD) Inter-Institutional Collaboration provides administrative assistance to the Committee in the management of allocated While at present inter-institutional collaboration grants to ensure that all funding and budgetary exists mainly at the individual level, a system procedures are properly followed. has been set up by Programme-based Research Institutes/Centres to channel The University aims to support as many resources into special areas of research and to worthwhile research projects as possible where develop important links with local, regional and reasonable research thresholds are attained. overseas institutions for academic exchanges, Internal research grants are allocated on the conference and other collaborative activities. basis of competitive bids. Each application is Research clusters have been set up under each evaluated on the basis of its academic merit, Institute/Centre to encourage participation by as feasibility within the indicated time frame, many faculty members as possible. The budgetary appropriateness, and the track record International Joint-Research Programme has of the investigator(s). been running successfully, through which distinguished scholars from outside Hong Kong In 2002-2003, a sum of HK$2.5 million was are invited to team up with research fellows at available for allocation by the RPSC. The various centres/institutes to work on topics of Committee was able to support 49 research mutual interest. Subsistence allowances are projects involving about 30% of the academic provided for these partners to make a short trip staff. As in the past, the RPSC allocated 35% to Hong Kong to enhance collaboration. of its research budget directly to Academic Scholars currently engaged in the joint Programmes as a start-up grant to support programme include Professor Oded Stark from projects costing up to HK$30,000 each without the University of Oslo, Professor David Round referral to the Committee for approval. The from the University of South Australia and Dr titles and grants for those projects funded from John Barkdull from Texas Tech University. the University’s Block Grant and the RGC’s Direct Allocation Grant are set out in Reports 2A Each year the University sets aside a sum of and 2B respectively. Projects supported from about HK$180,000 to finance two-way private sources are listed in Report 2C. academic-exchange activities between



Annual Report on Research Activities 2002-2003 Report 1 – Overview ______institutions of higher learning on the Chinese students (admitted in 1995 to 1997) were mainland and Lingnan. In 2002-2003, a total respectively 75%, 66.7% and 87.5%. The of fifteen incoming and one outgoing visits were completion rate for the 1998 cohort was 100%. supported by this Academic Exchanges with Over the seven years since 1995, only seven China Scheme. Visiting institutions include full-time students have withdrawn from their Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan studies. The attrition rates of our part-time University, Capital Normal University, students, however, remain relatively high. Northeastern University, Chinese Academy of Experience at other institutions also indicates a Social Sciences, among others. lower completion rate for part-time students, which may be due to their full-time job and other Postgraduate Research Work commitments.

In the area of postgraduate research work, Our students’ thesis are generally of very high Lingnan is able to develop a good pool of quality and have received very favourable research students who have contributed comments from both internal and external significantly to the research culture of the examiners. The high completion rates and University through their own research activities, high quality of the theses are obviously the participation in departmental interdisciplinary result of our emphasis on close staff-student seminars and teaching in our undergraduate relationships. Apart from completing their programmes. Since the University began theses, our students have been active in their admitting research postgraduate students in research areas by attending relevant seminars 1995, the demand for places has continued to and conferences. Some of them have presented outstrip places available. The number of papers at international conferences, a list of applications for admission in 2002-2003 which can be found in Report 3. It can be reached a record high of 123, which almost seen that many of our students’ theses and doubled the figure of 63 in the previous year. research take a broadly-based, multidisciplinary The take-up rate of more than 80% in all years or cross-cultural approach, which is in line with and over 95% in the last two years is very our distinctive liberal arts education philosophy. encouraging. To a large extent, this is due to students’ desire to study with scholars who are To enrich the University's academic recognized experts in their fields. Moreover, programmes at the postgraduate level, two greater effort has been devoted to building up self-financed taught programmes have been the image of the University and more publicity offered since 2001: Executive Master of channels have been explored to promote our Business Administration and Master of Arts in research postgraduate programmes in recent English Studies. In addition, two other years. However, Lingnan can only admit a programmes, Master of Cultural Studies and small batch of highly qualified applicants to its Master of Science in International Banking and MPhil/PhD programmes each year, and many Finance, were validated during the year under qualified candidates have to be turned away review for launching in 2003-2004. owing to the small quota allocated by the UGC.

Our full-time MPhil/PhD students achieve a fairly high completion rate. The completion rates for the first three cohorts of full-time



Annual Report on Research Activities 2002-2003 Report 1 – Overview ______

Challenges Ahead

Our mission is to be the best provider of undergraduate education and an internationally- recognized liberal arts university with Hong Kong characteristics, distinguished by outstanding teaching, guiding students to the frontiers of knowledge and the highest standards of scholarship. In a context of unprecedented competitiveness, uncertainty and change, Lingnan seeks to identify and develop new and appropriate strategic priorities in teaching and research, in the development, management and diversification of our resource base and in the use of new technologies to provide world-class infrastructure for our teaching, research, management and support services.

We believe that an adequately funded research base is essential to our institutional balance and well-being, and is supportive of our teaching endeavours and liberal arts curriculum. As external funding for the kind of non-laboratory based research in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Business, in which we are active, are extremely limited in terms of number and total funds available, we need the UGC/RGC to increase research support in these areas to enable us to build up our research infrastructure. Some overseas funding bodies, including those in England and Australia, are reviewing their research funding and support to the Arts and Humanities. We therefore hope the UGC/RGC would also give favourable consideration to moving in this direction.



Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 35 Department of Accounting and Finance

1 Customer Satisfaction and Firm Financial CHEN Shimin 29,950 Performance: An Empirical Examination

2 Impact of Strategic Fit, System Support, and CHEN Shimin 30,000 Implementation Mechanisms on Success of Balanced Performance Measures: A Contingency Theory Perspective

3 * An Empirical Study of Tax-motivated LUO Kim-wan Rebecca 29,600 Earnings Management by Foreign Investment Enterprises in China

4 * Accounting and Finance in Asia POON Pui-han Winnie 10,000

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 5 Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 37 Department of Information Systems Department of Management Department of Marketing & International Business

1 * Chinese Management in Asia CHAN Tsang-sing 10,000

2 * Business Environment Analysis CHOW Kong-wing 10,000 Clement

3 Gender Differences and Voluntariness in CHUNG Chi-wai 26,000 Internet Adoption: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

4 * Liquidity, Corporate Property Insurance, and HAU Tak-ming Arthur 25,500 Output Contract

5 * Developing a Framework of Benchmark for KWAN LAU Siu-yung 24,840 E-Business Performance Model from Irene Business View

6 Business Ethics and Business Gift-giving in LAU Kwok-fai 5,800 Chinese Societies - An Exploratory Study

7 * Planning of Industrial Trade Shows: An LI Ling-yee Esther 29,900 Exploratory Study of Selection Criteria, Objectives, and Pre-Show Promotional Activities

8 Recent Development in E-Commerce in the LU Ming-te 30,000 PRC

9 * Information Technology & System Studies LU Ming-te 10,000

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 6 Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

10 The Effects of Information Technology on LUI Hon-kwong 20,200 LMX and Trust between Superiors and Subordinates in the Chinese Mainland

11 * China Business Studies NYAW Mee-kau 10,000

12 * Organisation Studies SNELL Robin S 10,000

13 The Use of Backpropagation Neural WONG Bo-kai Frank 29,200 Network in University Fund Raising

14 Participative Management, Workplace WU Wei-ping 30,000 Industrial Relations Climate, and Leader Member Exchange in Chinese Mainland

15 Venture Capital Development Strategy for YU Zi-you 29,120 Hong Kong

16 * An Extension of the Framework of Market ZHOU Lianxi 30,000 Orientation in Mainland China

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 7 Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 40 Department of Economics

1 * Trade and Wage Inequality: A Direct Test of CHEUNG Kui-yin 20,000 the Stopler-Samuelson Theorem

2 The Subsistence Constraint and the FAN Chengze Simon 46,500 Changing Patterns of Consumption of Agricultural Goods: Theory and Evidence from Taiwan

3 Extramarital Affairs and Divorce in Hong FAN Chengze Simon 4,400 Kong

4 * The Population Problem FAN Chengze Simon 12,000

5 * Has the Economic Reform Led to Price FAN Chengze Simon 24,000 Convergence and Market Integration in China

6 * Consumer Protection in Hong Kong, LIN Ping 12,000 Mainland China, and Australia

7 * Competition Laws in China: Efficiency or LIN Ping 18,500 Fairness Based?

8 The Exchange Rate Regime and Stock Price RAN Qiming Jimmy 18,000 Sensitivity

9 Economics of Language WEI Xiangdong 33,120

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 8 Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 43 Department of Politics and Sociology

1 Western Europe and North Korea BRIDGES Brian 8,500

2 * Service Learning Through Working with CHAN Cheung-ming 25,000 South Asian Children in Hong Kong Alfred

3 Degree of Success: The Occupational CHAN Hau-nung Annie 18,000 Success of Highly Qualified Women - a Hong Kong and British Comparison

4 An Acquired Syndrome of Global Injustice: HARRIS Paul G 18,000 International Distributive Justice and the Consequences of HIV/AIDS in the Developing World

5 Agenda 21 and Economic Development in HARRIS Paul G 18,000 China

6 * The New Defence Paradigm: Infectious HARRIS Paul G 12,000 Disease and International Security

7 Policy Cycle in the Era of Deng Xiaoping WONG Yiu-chung 30,000

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 9 Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 44 Department of Chinese

1 千禧年香港文學期刊散文 CHAN Tak-kam 10,000

2 * Chinese Translation of Tao Qian and the KWONG Yim-tze 30,000 Chinese Poetic Tradition Charles

3 香港文學的電視改編 LEUNG Ping-kwan 30,000

4 * Hong Kong Literature Review Database LEUNG Ping-kwan 5,000

5 * Hong Kong Literature Project of LEUNG Ping-kwan 6,000 Contemporary Chinese Authors

6 * Hong Kong Cinema & Popular Culture in LEUNG Ping-kwan 8,000 50’s & 60’s

7 * Images of the Women of Virtue in Ming SI TOU Sau-ieng 22,300 Chuanqi Drama

8 * A Study of Ming Drama During the SI TOU Sau-ieng 15,714 Formative Period of Kunju Theater

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 10 Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 45 Department of English

1 Two-way Mirrors: Cross-Cultural EOYANG Chen Eugene 27,000 Perspectives on Chinese-Western Comparative Literature

2 Borrowed Plumage : Critical and Theoretical EOYANG Chen Eugene 27,000 Essays on Translation

3 Empirical English EOYANG Chen Eugene 30,000

4 Enhancing Feedback Support for the Chinese YEUNG Ngor-to Lorrita 30,000 English Learner in the Essay Editing Process

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 11 Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 48 Department of Translation

1 * Bilingual Magazines and Their Impact on CHAN Tak-hung Leo 23,000 Language Learning and Translation in Chinese-speaking Communities

2 * Criticisms on Traditional Translation Studies CHANG Nam-fung 29,997

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 12 Report 2(A) – List of Projects funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre: 51 Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy (and History Programme) Language Institute

1 南下北上:中國作家在四五十年代香港的 CHAN Shun-hing 30,000 文化活動與後續

2 * Local Governance in Kerala in the Eyes of LAU Kin-chi 30,000 the Activists

3 * Dialogue with Gayatri Spivak LAU Kin-chi 27,500

4 Factors Affecting Incidental English ROSKAMS Timothy J 29,878 Vocabulary Acquisition by Hong Kong Students – An Online Data Collection Platform

5 * Heritability: Methodological Analysis of A SESARDIC Neven 30,000 Scientific Concept

6 香港社區詞研究 TIN Siu-lam 30,000

7 《實用中文》課程試題研究──第一階段: WU Wai-yiu 6,900 建立題庫

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 13 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 35 Department of Accounting and Finance

1 On the Impact of Public Policies on Tax CHAN Koon-hung 87,241 Noncompliance: An Empirical Analysis

2 Financial vs Non-Financial Information in CHEN Shimin 88,600 Capital Budgeting: A Contingency Theory Perspective

3 Rights Offers Vs Public Offers: Study of LAI Wan-lung Kent 15,000 Alternative Flotation Methods in Hong Kong

4 A Study of Cultural Influences on Auditor LIN Zhen-pin Kenny 76,600 Judgment in an International Setting

5 Are Unsolicited Credit Ratings Still Biased POON Pui-han Winnie 128,955 Downward after Controlling for Business and Financial Risks?

6 * An Empirical Test for Bias in Unsolicited POON Pui-han Winnie 118,448 Credit Ratings of Financial Institutions

7 Legal Issues Relating to Foreign Enterprises SHUM Chun-yau 14,900 Clement

8 * The Effect of Audit Firm Mergers on WONG Wai-yee Pauline 25,900 Auditor Concentration and Independence

9 Accounting Controls and Conventional YAM Sau-kuen Jocelyn 19,500 Wisdom in Chinese Society

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 14 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 37 Department of Information Systems Department of Management Department of Marketing & International Business

1 Images of Countries and Their Products CHAN Tsang-sing 19,300

2 Strategic Choice of International Marketing CHAN Tsang-sing 95,490 Channel Options Among Manufacturing Firms in Hong Kong

3 Agents of Change : The Impact of Hong CHAN Tsang-sing 39,830 Kong Investment on the Competitive Capabilities of Chinese Firms

4 Market Orientation of Chinese Firms CHAN Tsang-sing 15,000

5 Growth of High Technology Ventures in CHAN Tsang-sing 99,600 China: The Role of Business, Technology, and Financial Strategies

6 The Flow-reflexivity Dialectic in Consumer CHAN Tsang-sing 30,000 Experiences on the Internet: A Study of Familiar and Unfamiliar Websites

7 Tobin’s Q, Net Interest Margins, and CHOW Kong-wing 94,000 Systematic Risk of Commercial Banks Clement Facing Capital Regulation

8 Performance of Foreign Invested Enterprises CUI Geng 19,800 in China: Testing the Multivariate Effects

9 The “Common Market” of Greater China: CUI Geng 106,400 Consumer Similarities and Implications for Standardized Marketing Strategies

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 15 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

10 The Role of Culture in Information CUI Geng 122,560 Processing: The Effectiveness of Symbolic Versus Informational Strategies of Advertising to Chinese Consumers

11 The Effect of Culturally Inconsistent CUI Geng 30,000 Messages on Consumer Attitudes and Information Processing: Implications for International Advertising

12 * Consumer Attitudes toward Marketing: A CUI Geng 30,000 Cross-cultural Comparison between China and Canada

13 Comparative Statics of Changes in Risk- HAU Tak-ming Arthur 23,600 reduction Technologies

14 * Knowledge Discovery from Web’s Traffic KWAN LAU Siu-yung 70,524 Data to Support Informed Decisions for E- Irene Customer Relationship Management – A Web Mining Approach

15 A Study Investigating Factors Affecting LEUNG Cheong-kei 10,050 Trainee’s Motivation, IT Acceptance, and Albert Training Transfer to the Job

16 * Industrial Trade Shows: Its Performance LI Ling-yee Esther 128,080 Measurements and Success Determinants

17 Customer Satisfaction Index for the Hong LIU Chun-kit 29,446 Kong Hotel Industry: A Feasibility Study

18 Efficient Database Operation on the LOO Wai-sing Alfred 29,800 Internet/Intranet

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 16 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

19 Increasing Computer Power with Internet LOO Wai-sing Alfred 30,000 Technologies

20 * Infrastructure for Wireless Internet LOO Wai-sing Alfred 30,000

21 An Experiment on Decision Effectiveness LU Ming-te 15,000 Using Electronic Spreadsheet

22 Outsourcing for Web Application LU Ming-te 30,000 Development Operation

23 Strategic Responses by Banks in Hong Kong LU Ming-te 88,200 and Shanghai to the Impact of Internet and WTO Entrance

24 The Effect of Motives for Entry on LUI Hon-kwong 78,700 Strategies and Performance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Projects: A Study of Foreign Invested Enterprises in China

25 The Contingency and Dynamic Perspectives NYAW Mee-kau 123,660 of Guanxi in Chinese Firms

26 Developments and Prospects of Economic A team of 12 researchers 32,851 Development in the Pearl River Delta and its led by NYAW Mee-kau ‘Economic Integration’ with Hong Kong and Macau (with Zhongshan University)

27 A Study on the Business Enviroment and NYAW Mee-kau 30,000 Strategy of Foreign-Invested Enterprises in the Pearl River Delta

28 Trust and Direct Selling Relationships POON Shing-chung 24,500 Patrick

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 17 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

29 * Consumer Trust in Salespersons: The Role POON Shing-chung 30,000 of Institutional Determinants Patrick

30 Authentic versus Conterfeit Organization SNELL Robin S 30,000 Citizenship Behavior

31 * Optimal Inventory Policies SUN Daning 94,000

32 * A Survey of Work Related Issues WAN Man-kei Paulina 19,810

33 The Capabilities of Chinese Firms: WHITLA Paul A 25,500 Organizational Learning from Overseas Interactions

34 * Variable Selection for Bayesian Network WONG Man-leung 139,400 Learning: Modeling Consumer Response to Direct Marketing

35 A Model of Work Related and Non-work WONG Mei-ling May 108,000 Related Leader-member Exchange (LMX) and Work Outcomes: A Comparative Study of the Mainland China, Japan and the US

36 The Relationship of Trust, Justice and WONG Yui-tim Edward 103,760 Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Chinese Workers

37 Guanxi, Leader-member Exchange and WU Wei-ping 30,000 Work Outcome

38 * Formalisation of UML State Diagrams in YEUNG Wing-lok 100,500 Communicating Sequential Processes – A Feasibility Study

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 18 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

39 Insurance and Economic Development: YU Zi-you 22,377 Application of Grey Model Approaches

40 * Understanding Global versus Local ZHOU Lianxi 122,300 Consumption Tendencies in Transitional Markets: An Empirical Investigation in Mainland China

41 * Examining Customer Relationship Variables ZHOU Lianxi 29,270 in a Retail Chain Context

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 19 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 40 Department of Economics

1 Discrimination and the Accumulation of FAN Chengze Simon 88,000 Cognitive vs. Non-cognitive Skills

2 * TV Programmes and Videos in Hong Kong HO Lok-sang 14,000 on Youths

3 The Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct LIN Ping 18,600 Investment on Innovation Activity in China

4 Innovation Activity in China and the LIN Ping 43,420 Implications for Further Restructuring the Chinese Enterprises

5 Competition Laws and Policy in East Asia: LIN Ping 15,000 Towards the Rules for Regional and Global

6 * A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of MA Yue 63,100 Chinese Monetary Policy During the Periods of Inflation and Deflation

7 What Happened to the Oil Price- RAN Qiming Jimmy 39,000 macroeconomy Relationship in Hong Kong?

8 * Pricing Strategies of Chinese Exporters and RAN Qiming Jimmy 144,880 the Implications for the Exchange Rate Policy and Trade Relations

9 China’s Export Performance: A Cross- VOON Jan-piaw Thomas 19,900 country and Cross-community Analysis

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 20 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) Of Grant

Cost Centre : 43 Department of Politics & Sociology

1 A Pilot Study of the US Congressional BAEHR Peter W 48,720 Executive Commission on the PRC

2 * Nationalism of Contemporary Chinese CHAN Che-po 22,000 Youths

3 Multi-media Teaching Packages on Ageing CHAN Cheung-ming 20,815 Issues in China Alfred

4 Clinical Validation of the SHORT-CARE CHAN Cheung-ming 101,800 (Chinese Version): An Instrument for the Alfred Assessment of Psychological Symptoms, Dementia and Disability in Chinese Population

5 An Exploratory Study on Older Persons’ CHAN Cheung-ming 96,362 Computer and Internet Usage in Hong Kong Alfred

6 An Exploration Study on the Meaning of CHAN Cheung-ming 29,900 “Quality of Life” among Older Persons in Alfred Hong Kong

7 Bridging the Generation Gap: Understanding CHAN Cheung-ming 30,000 the Views of the Our Elderly Through Alfred 1960’s Film Reviews for Sexual and Marital Manifestations, Parental Authority and Neighbourhood Relations

8 * An Exploratory Study on the Significance of CHAN Cheung-ming 148,240 Outbound Travelling for the Older Persons in Alfred Hong Kong

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 21 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) Of Grant

9 Degree of Success: The Occupational CHAN Hau-nung Annie 20,000 Success of Highly Qualified Women - a Hong Kong and British Comparison

10 The Supply, Demand and Consequences of CHAN Hau-nung Annie 81,000 Part-time Employment in Hong Kong’s Service Sector

11 Environmental Policy and Politics in East HARRIS Paul G 76,500 Asia: National and International Dimensions

12 * Multi-Regional Cross-National Comparative HARRIS Paul G 149,896 Analysis of Environmental Foreign Policy

13 An Analysis of the Caregiving Role of the KWOK Hong-kin 75,000 Sandwich Generation in Coping with their Elderly Parents in Hong Kong

14 A Study of the Elderly’s Needs and How KWOK Hong-kin 90,000 They Perceive the Caregiving Responsibility and Burden of the Sandwich Generation in Elderly Care – The Case of Hong Kong

15 An Exploratory Study of the Caring for the KWOK Hong-kin 30,000 Elderly: the Experience of Guangzhou

16 * Coping with Stress in Hong Kong Families: KWOK Hong-kin 100,000 An Analysis of Strategies and Constraints

17 Perceptions of Old Age among Primary and LAW Wing-kin Kenneth 49,800 Secondary Students: Guangzhou, Taipei and Hong Kong

18 * Gender Roles Stereotyping in Primary LAW Wing-kin Kenneth 89,915 School Curriculum: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and China

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 22 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) Of Grant

19 * A Study on the Social and Demographic LAW Wing-kin Kenneth 21,800 Implications of the Chinese Migrants from Mainland China in Hong Kong, 1949-2002

20 Work and Industry in Hong Kong Society LEE Keng-mun William 26,500

21 The Sex Trade in Hong Kong: An LEE Keng-mun William 15,000 Explorative Study in Prostitution

22 An Exploratory Study on the Inter- LEE Keng-mun William 25,000 generation Interaction Pattern

23 Religious Activities in China under the LEUNG Kit-fun Beatrice 88,920 Changing Political Context

24 Study of Religious Laws and Regulations in LEUNG Kit-fun Beatrice 55,900 PRC

25 The Church-State Relations in the HKSAR: LEUNG Kit-fun Beatrice 7,000 A Catholic Case

26 Research Project on the Outcome Measures PHILLIPS David R 135,000 of the Enhanced Home and Community Care Services

27 Work Stress and Well-being in Hong Kong, SIU Oi-ling 135,000 Israel, and the US: The Role of Coping Strategies, Self-efficacy, and Achievement Motivation

28 * Two Book Projects: 1) Hong Kong SAR and WONG Yiu-chung 10,000 2) From Deng Xiaoping to Jiang Zemin

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 23 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 44 Department of Chinese

1 * A Study on the Text and Discourse of CHAN Wai-ying 18,545 Advertising: Examples from MTR and "Free Magazine"

2 《水雲詩草》二集 KWONG Yim-tze 10,000 Charles

3 Autumn Moon Poems KWONG Yim-tze 10,000 Charles

4 Character Transformation in the Evolution of KWONG Yim-tze 30,000 the Sanguozhi yanyi Charles

5 * Collected Poems from the Silent Chord KWONG Yim-tze 10,000 Charles

6 A Lexical Study on the Hong Kong Cinema LEE Hung-kai 25,000

7 Urban Culture and Hong Kong Cinema LEUNG Ping-kwan 135,000 (1950s to 1960s)

8 Lingnan Journal and Sinological Researches MA Yau-woon 25,000 at Lingnan University

9 The Role of the Navy in China’s War against MA Yau-woon 86,915 Japanese Invasion, 1931 – 1945

10 Collecting Xu Yu’s Works WONG Pok 28,300

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 24 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

11 * The Theme of Growth in Hong Kong Fiction WONG Shuk-han Mary 23,000 from the 1940s to 1970s and its Relevance to the 21st Century

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 25 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant

Cost Centre : 45 Department of English

1 Pedagogic Grammar Corpus BERRY Roger S 30,000

2 Metaphorical Patterns in the Chinese DING Ersu 68,000 Lexicon

3 Construction of Self in Teachers’ Narratives HO Woon-yee Judy 20,600

4 Rhetorical and Personality Preferences in SHARP Alastair I 94,668 Psycholinguistic Contexts

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 26 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) Of Grant

Cost Centre : 48 Department of Translation

1 Translation Theory in China: Debates and CHAN Tak-hung Leo 80,760 Terminology

2 The Theory and Practice of Polysystem CHANG Nam-fung 130,000 Studies

3 The Notion of Fidelity Revisited: A Study of CHONG Yau-yuk 28,300 Translation in Hong Kong Popular Culture

4 Translation Textual Analysis: A Linguistic LI Donghui 30,000 Approach

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 27 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) Of Grant

Cost Centre : 51 Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy (and History Programme) Language Institute

1 The Ambivalence of Power: A Preliminary CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 29,780 Study of the Representation of Hong Kong’s Return to China in the Dominant Mainland Media

2 Visuality, Public Spectacles and the Urban CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 24,000 Environment: A Case Study of Hong Kong Fireworks

3 An Exploratory Study on the Representation CHAN Shun-hing 92,460 and Reception of the Images of Older Women in the Mass Media in Hong Kong

4 * The Discourse on Women's Everyday Life in CHAN Shun-hing 30,000 Hong Kong in the Feminist Journal Nuliu

5 * Can "Asia" be Useful? LAU Kin-chi 27,500

6 * The Circulation of Korean Media and LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 49,589 Cultural Products Across Asia: Case Studies in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China

7 * The Inception of the Hong Kong Arts LI Siu-leung 29,400 Festival and the Making of High Culture in Colonial Hong Kong

8 A Critical Biography of Ernestine Hill MORRIS Meaghan E 135,000 (1899-1972): Outstanding Archival, Family History and Documentary Research

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 28 Report 2(B) – List of Projects funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Amount No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) Of Grant

9 Research Protocol for an Integrated English ROSKAMS Timothy J 29,250 Skills – Thinking Skills Course

10 Research between the Standard Modern TIN Siu-lam 30,000 Chinese and Hong Kong Society

11 * Hong Kong Community Words Dictionary TIN Siu-lam 80,000

12 Death Education in Hong Kong WONG Wai-ying 30,000

13 * Collecting Data on Director King Hu WU Wai-yiu 30,000

14 Davidsonian Approach to Normativity ZHENG Yujian 23,400

* New projects funded in 2002-2003 29 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 35 Department of Accounting and Finance

1 * An Empirical Study on Auditor Switching CHAN Koon-hung NIL NIL and Audit Opinions in a Transitional Economy

2 Relationship Between the Hang Seng Index LAI Wan-lung Kent NIL NIL Futures and Its Leading Constituent Stocks: Evidence from Transaction Data Around Settlement Days

3 Equity Issuance Methods and Direct Costs: LAI Wan-lung Kent NIL NIL Evidence from Seasoned Equity Issuance in the U.K.

4 Rights Offers vs Public Offers: Study of LAI Wan-lung Kent NIL NIL Alternative Flotation Methods in Hong Kong

5 * Cultural Influence on Corporate Social LEE Meina Grace NIL NIL Reporting

6 * Factors Influencing Chinese Managers’ LEE Meina Grace NIL NIL Attitudes towards Corporate Social Reporting Practice

7 * The Divergent Market Reactions for Merger LI Kam-tong Daniel NIL NIL and Acquisition Announcements in Hong Kong: A Study of the Pertinent Factors and a Comparison of the Experiences between the Asian and Hong Kong

8 * Vital Factors and Effective Evaluation LI Kam-tong Daniel NIL NIL Criteria for Successful Venture: A Study of Venture Capital in Hong Kong

* New projects in 2002-2003 30 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

9 * A Political-economic Analysis of Auditor LIN Zhen-pin Kenny NIL NIL Reporting and Auditor Switches

10 Independent Investment Analysis: ROHRBACH Kermit J NIL NIL Anomalies in Net Present Valuation

11 * Audit Sampling Design, Probability ROHRBACH Kermit J NIL NIL Proportional to Square Root, Pseudo-values to Augment Variance, Robust Estimation

12 * The Existence of Corporate Tax SIMMONS Richard S NIL NIL Competition: Some Recent Empirical Evidence

13 The Relationship of Corporate Governance TAM Wing-hung NIL NIL and Investors’ Returns Among Hong Kong Listed Companies

14 * An Empirical Study on the Locality of WONG Yeuk-ha Brossa NIL NIL Profits in Hong Kong Taxation

15 * Review of Recent Board of Review WONG Yeuk-ha Brossa NIL NIL Decisions

16 * Cultural Study of International Taxation WONG Yeuk-ha Brossa NIL NIL Systems

* New projects in 2002-2003 31 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 37 Department of Information Studies Department of Management Department of Marketing & International Business

1 “Breaking Through, Involvement with the CHAN Tsang-sing 400,000 HKSAR Community” Training Scheme Gov’t

2 Preparation and Promotion of Life-long NYAW Mee-kau 1,633,800 HKSAR Learning among Secondary School Teachers Gov’t and Students in the Northwest New Territories

3 Finance Risk Management YU Zi-you 63,000 Non-HK

4 Non-Life Insurance Solvency Rate Analysis YU Zi-you 37,760 Non-HK

5 * Outward and Inward Internationalization ZHOU Lianxi 28,710 Non-HK and Performance of Township and Village Enterprises in China: The Mediating Role of Guanxi

6 * Consumer Impulse Buying and In-Store ZHOU Lianxi 11,480 Non-HK Stimuli in Chinese Supermarkets

7 * An Empirical Analysis of Performance-only ZHOU Lianxi 11,480 Non-HK Measurement of Service Quality and Satisfaction in China’s Retail Banking

8 * Consumer Confusion of Brand Local and ZHOU Lianxi 17,230 Non-HK Nonlocal Origin in the Global World: The Role of Confidence in Determining Brand Value

* New projects in 2002-2003 32 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

9 A Contingency Approach to Understanding CHUNG Chi-wai NIL NIL the Contributing Characteristics of Effective End-User Computing Training

10 * Order of Entry and Performance of CUI Geng NIL NIL Multinationals in a Transitional Economy: Are Early Entries Always Better?

11 Measuring of Customer Value - An LAU Kwok-fai NIL NIL Exploratory Study

12 Improving Innovation Competence in POON Shing-chung NIL NIL Organisations through the Harnessing and Patrick Diffusion of Tacit Knowledge

13 * Commercialization of Biotechnology in POON Shing-chung NIL NIL Newly Industralised Economies Patrick

14 Differences in Managerial Values: A Study POUNDER James S NIL NIL of US, Hong Kong and PRC Managers Revisited

15 The Classroom Leadership Styles of Hong POUNDER James S NIL NIL Kong University Teachers: A Case Study of Teachers in a Business School

16 Career Development in Hong Kong Tertiary TANG Mo-lin Moureen NIL NIL Institutions

17 The Changing Role of Human Resources WAN Man-kei Paulina NIL NIL Professionals

18 Globalisation in Service Industries WHITLA Paul A NIL NIL

* New projects in 2002-2003 33 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

19 * Global Strategy of International Advertising WHITLA Paul A NIL NIL Agencies

20 Organisational Learning and Knowledge WONG Mei-ling May NIL NIL Management in Japanese Companies

21 Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of WU Wei-ping NIL NIL Synergy Creation in Chinese Business Networks

* New projects in 2002-2003 34 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 40 Department of Economics

1 Institutional Readjustments in the Chinese MA Yue 480,000 Gov’t Economy: Implications for Economic Related Stability in Hong Kong Organizations

2 The Search for Family-friendly Jobs WEI Xiangdong 34,500 Non-HK (with John Heywood & Stan Siebert) (Co-investigator)

3 Energy Demand in China: A Cointegration CHEUNG Kui-yin NIL NIL Analysis

4 Economic Integration, Transaction Cost and CHEUNG Kui-yin NIL NIL Currency Substitution: The Case of Hong FAN Chengze Simon Kong and Mainland China

5 Why Are Some Minority Groups FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL “Successful”, But Some Others Aren’t?

6 A Model of Religious Participation FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL

7 Corruption and Anti-corruption in China FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL

8 * Quality, Trade, and Growth FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL

9 * Sticky Wage, Efficiency Wage, and FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL Keynesian Unemployment

10 * Religious Participation and Children’s FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL Education: A Social Capital Approach

11 An Optimal Regulatory Framework for the HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Taxicab Industry

* New projects in 2002-2003 35 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

12 Congestion Pricing and the Value of Time HO Lok-sang NIL NIL

13 Ex Ante Welfare Maximisation and Road HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Pricing

14 Study on Bond Yields HO Lok-sang NIL NIL

15 A New Monetary Regime HO Lok-sang NIL NIL

16 Sustainable Exchange Rate Regimes and HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Regional Stability

17 * A Framework on Fiscal and Monetary HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Policy Coordination Using a New Fiscal Conditions and a Monetary Conditions Index

18 A Measurement of Household Cost of LEI Kai-cheong NIL NIL Living: Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Taiwan

19 Taiwan’s Economy in the Recent Decade: LEI Kai-cheong NIL NIL Structural Change and Sectoral Imbalance

20 Bubble Economy in Hong Kong and in LEI Kai-cheong NIL NIL Taiwan: A Comparison

21 Asset Prices and Public Finance in Hong LEI Kai-cheong NIL NIL Kong

22 R&D Incentives for Multi-Product LIN Ping NIL NIL Oligopolies

* New projects in 2002-2003 36 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

23 * Vertical Technology Transfer, Backward LIN Ping NIL NIL Linkages and Exclusive Dealing

24 * Patent Pooling among Multi-product LIN Ping NIL NIL Oligopolists

25 * An Evaluation of China’s Science and LIN Ping NIL NIL Technology Policy

26 * Does the Exchange Rate Regime Matter to RAN Qiming Jimmy NIL NIL the Volatility of the Stock Price Index? A Case of Hong Kong

27 * Pass-through and Cross Pass-through under RAN Qiming Jimmy NIL NIL the Different Exchange Rate Systems

28 * Internal and External Fiscal Effects on RAN Qiming Jimmy NIL NIL China’s Economic Growth

29 * Decomposition Analysis of the Government RAN Qiming Jimmy NIL NIL Deficit --- A Tale of Two Cities: Hong Kong and Singapore

30 Performance-related Pay in the Higher WEI Xiangdong NIL NIL Education Sector of China

31 * Teamwork and Absenteeism WEI Xiangdong NIL NIL

* New projects in 2002-2003 37 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 43 Department of Politics & Sociology

1 Community Partnership: Health Promotion CHAN Cheung-ming 97,880 Gov’t Through Volunteerism Alfred Related Organizations

2 Quality of Life in Older Age WHOQOL- CHAN Cheung-ming 45,000 Non-HK OLD Study Alfred (with Leung K.F. (P.I.), David R Phillips, et (Co-investigator) al, the HK team for the WHO QOL-OLD research project)

3 The Need Survey of the Elderly in Eastern CHAN Cheung-ming 25,000 Gov’t District Alfred Related Organizations

4 The Need Survey of the Elderly in Kai Tin CHAN Cheung-ming 25,000 Gov’t District Alfred Related Organizations

5 Research Project on the Outcome Measures CHAN Cheung-ming 40,000 HK of the SPARE – Youth Smoking Programme Alfred Charities/ Foundations

6 * Evaluation of the Basic Research Training CHAN Cheung-ming 126,400 HK Workshop for Community Studies for the Alfred Charities/ Elderly Foundations

7 * Programme Audit for Elderly Centres CHAN Cheung-ming 39,000 Gov’t Services Alfred Related Organizations

8 * The Effectiveness and Outcomes of the CHAN Cheung-ming 450,000 HK Youth Smoking Prevention Programmes Alfred Charities/ Foundations

* New projects in 2002-2003 38 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

9 * Evaluation of CitiSuccess Fund: Mini-grants CHAN Cheung-ming 50,000 HK to Support Innovative Programs for Alfred Charities/ Secondary School Students Project Foundations

10 * Report on the “Evaluation of the Hope CHAN Cheung-ming 23,000 HK World Wide Seniors Day 2003” Alfred Charities/ Foundations

11 * Creating a Smokeless Environment – Young CHAN Cheung-ming 50,000 HK Old Partnership Alfred Charities/ Foundations

12 Gender Socialization in Hong Kong’s CHAN Hau-nung Annie 542,000 HKSAR Primary Sector Education LAW Wing-kin Gov’t Kenneth

13 Environmental Values in a Globalizing HARRIS Paul G 8,000 Non-HK World: Thought and Action in Contemporary China

14 * Environmental Attitudes in China and HARRIS Paul G 177,612 Non-HK Future Climate Change: Re-Shaping Destructive Attitudes for Worldwide Benefits

15 The Caregiving Role of the Sandwich KWOK Hong-kin 156,000 Non-HK Generation in Coping with Their Elderly Parents in Hong Kong: the Trends and Their Policy Implications

16 Young-Old Partnership Internet Project KWOK Hong-kin 200,000 HK Charities/ Foundations

* New projects in 2002-2003 39 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

17 To Enhance Secondary School Students’ SIU Oi-ling 466,400 HKSAR Social Competency, Self-Esteem and Gov’t Psychological Well-being through Doing Services for Elderly People

18 A Sociological Study of the Executive BAEHR Peter W NIL NIL Commission on Human Rights, Established by the US Congress, on the Occasion of China’s being granted PNTR Status

19 Hannah Arendt and the Human Condition BAEHR Peter W NIL NIL

20 US-Asia Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

21 Sino-Japanese Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

22 Japan-Hong Kong Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

23 Europe-Hong Kong Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

24 The Recent Local Administrative Reform in CHAN Che-po NIL NIL China: the Case of Shanghai

25 A Comparison of Bureaucratic Reform CHAN Che-po NIL NIL Between China and the

26 Patriotism and Nationalism among CHAN Che-po NIL NIL Contemporary Chinese Youths

27 Political Implications of a Shift to the CHAN Che-po NIL NIL Cooperative Stock-holding System in Chinese State-owned Enterprises

* New projects in 2002-2003 40 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

28 * The Political Orientation of the People’s CHAN Che-po NIL NIL Liberation Army Soldiers

29 Oral History of Hong Kong’s Young CHAN Hau-nung Annie NIL NIL Women

30 Project on Environmental Change and HARRIS Paul G NIL NIL Foreign Policy

31 Social Welfare Policy in East Asia: A LEE Keng-mun NIL NIL Comparative Study of Singapore and Hong William Kong

32 * Economic Marginality: An Analysis of LEE Keng-mun NIL NIL Ethnic Income Inequality in Singapore William

33 The Implementation of Religious Policy of LEUNG Kit-fun NIL NIL China: The Implementation of Document 19 Beatrice

34 The Church-State Relations in China LEUNG Kit-fun NIL NIL Beatrice

35 The Comparison of Church-state Relations LEUNG Kit-fun NIL NIL in Hong Kong and Macau in their Beatrice Transitional Periods

36 * The Implementation of Religious Policy of LEUNG Kit-fun NIL NIL China Beatrice

37 Voting in the Hong Kong Legislative LI Pang-kwong NIL# NIL# Council

# No specific fund is set aside for the project. However, research assistance is provided by the Public Governance Programme

* New projects in 2002-2003 41 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

38 Filial Piety, Youth and Elderly in Hong PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL Kong

39 Epidemiological Transition and PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL Demographic Ageing in Asia-Pacific

40 Private Residential Accommodation for PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL Elderly People

41 Ageing and Elderly Care in China PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL

42 China’s Relations with Neighbouring REN Yue NIL NIL Countries

43 Chinese Foreign Policy Towards REN Yue NIL NIL Neighbouring Countries

44 The Collaborative International Study of SIU Oi-ling NIL NIL Managerial Stress (CISMS)

45 “One Country, Two Systems” in Crisis: WONG Yiu-chung NIL NIL Hong Kong’s Social and Political Transformation since the Handover

46 The Politics of Legislating Article 23 of the WONG Yiu-chung NIL NIL Basic Law in the Post-handover Hong Kong

47 * The Politics of Legislating the Basic Law WONG Yiu-chung NIL NIL Article 23

* New projects in 2002-2003 42 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 44 Department of Chinese

1 * 默絃詩草 KWONG Yim-tze 19,030 HK Charles Charities/ Foundations

2 * 龔自珍散文的諷刺藝術 CHAN Tak-kam NIL NIL

3 * 陶淵明詩歌的現世主義原型 CHAN Tak-kam NIL NIL

4 Zhuge Liang as Tragic Culture Hero in the KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Sanguozhi Yanyi Charles

5 The Artistic Significance of Poetry in the KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Sanguozhi yanyi Charles

6 * 水雲詩草五集 KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Charles

7 * 水雲詩草六集 KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Charles

8 * 《三國演義》中詩詞的藝術意義 KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Charles

9 * Music in Classical Chinese Poetry: KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Problems of Rendition and Transmission Charles

10 Classical Chinese Literature: An Anthology LAU Shiu-ming Joseph NIL NIL of Translation, Vol. II, From the Tang to the Qing Dynasty

11 〈談“文字學”普及化----兼評幾部有關 LEE Hung-kai NIL NIL 《說文解字》的著作〉

* New projects in 2002-2003 43 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

12 Features of the Characters in the Novel MA Yau-woon NIL NIL Water Margin

* New projects in 2002-2003 44 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 45 Department of English

1 Educational Software to Improve the YEUNG Ngor-to 1,037,600 HKSAR Writing Proficiency of English Learners in Lorrita Gov’t Hong Kong

2 England Dreaming of Herself: Lesser ASKER Barry D NIL NIL British Fiction Between the Wars

3 J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace: Humanistic ASKER Barry D NIL NIL Bestialization

4 Memory, History, Intellect: Contemporary ASKER Barry D NIL NIL [non-native] Fiction in English

5 Theatre of Storytelling: Novel Adaptations INGHAM Michael A NIL NIL for the Stage

6 English Language Theatre in Hong Kong INGHAM Michael A NIL NIL

7 ELT in Overseas Aid Programmes: SHARP Alastair I NIL NIL Guidelines for Management and Sustainability

8 ELT Management Projects in Aid SHARP Alastair I NIL NIL Programmes in Developing Countries

* New projects in 2002-2003 45 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 48 Department of Translation

1 One into Many: Translation and the CHAN Tak-hung Leo 26,000 HK Dissemination of Classical Chinese Charities/ Literature Foundations

2 * Literary Transformation in the Postmodern MAO Sihui 14,150 Non-HK Cultural Contexts

3 * Representations of Chineseness in MAO Sihui 11,790 Non-HK Hollywood

4 * Tense in Fictional Narratives and Its Use in CHIU Chu-lee Julie NIL NIL Translation

5 * A Hundred Names of Love: From the Arab CHIU Chu-lee Julie NIL NIL Lover to the French Troubadour

6 * Wutong: Paulownia, Plane or Parasol CHIU Chu-lee Julie NIL NIL Tree? – Metamorphoses of Man-Tree Relation in an Urban Setting

7 The Translation of Dante’s Divina WONG Kwok-pun NIL NIL Commedia into Chinese Verse Laurence

8 Translation of Modernist Fiction in Literary YAU Wai-ping NIL NIL Current Monthly Magazine

* New projects in 2002-2003 46 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 51 Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy (and History Programme) Language Institute

1 Tuen Mun Heritage LAU Chi-pang 150,000 HKSAR Gov’t

2 * A Study of the TWGHs’ Coffin Home LAU Chi-pang 50,000 HK Charities/ Foundations

3 Local Governance and Education in Kerala, LAU Kin-chi 43,680 Non-HK India

4 The Concept of Literature and of a Literary OLSEN Stein H 111,800 Non-HK Work

5 * Globalizations: A Challenge for Asian REISENLEITNER 78,000 Non-HK Cultural Studies Markus

6 South-North Mobility and Cultural CHAN Shun-hing NIL NIL Transformation: A Study of Chinese Mainland Writers and Artists in Hong Kong during the Post-War Period

7 * The Reinterpretation of Confucian Classics LAU Chi-pang NIL NIL in the Late Ming and Early Qing Period

8 * The Revival of the Examination System in LAU Chi-pang NIL NIL the Yüan Period

9 * A History of Cultural Criticisms in Hong LAW Wing-sang NIL NIL Kong

* New projects in 2002-2003 47 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

10 The Science and Fiction of Sci-fi LI Siu-leung NIL NIL

11 On Mou Tsung-san’s View of Noumena and LO Kit-hung NIL NIL Intellectual Intuition

12 * A Hegelian Reconstruction of Confucian LO Kit-hung NIL NIL Conception of Social Union

13 Identity Anecdotes: Translation and Media MORRIS Meaghan E NIL NIL Culture

14 White Panic: History in Action Cinema MORRIS Meaghan E NIL NIL

15 New Keywords – an updated, international MORRIS Meaghan E NIL NIL and multi-authored sequel to Raymond Williams’ pioneering historical study of usage

16 Themed Environments and their Interaction REISENLEITNER NIL NIL with Urban Spaces Markus

17 Elements of Civil Society RICE James A NIL NIL

18 Dialogues on Public Life RICE James A NIL NIL

19 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition from ROSKAMS Timothy J NIL NIL Reading in an L2

20 Does Science Undermine Faith? SESARDIC Neven NIL NIL

21 The Papers of Robert Morrison STARR J Barton NIL NIL

* New projects in 2002-2003 48 Report 2(C) – List of Projects funded by non-UGC/RGC sources

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

22 Biography of Robert Morrison STARR J Barton NIL NIL

23 The Problem of Mimesis in Bresson’s TAM Ka-hung Thomas NIL NIL Cinematography

24 The Death of Art: Bataille, Malraux, Hegel TAM Ka-hung Thomas NIL NIL

25 Teaching Intercultural Communicative YIN Marshall Warren NIL NIL Competence

* New projects in 2002-2003 49 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 35 Department of Accounting and Finance

1 Hansen - Jagannathan Bound Based Tests on CHEUNG Wai-kong NIL NIL an Intermporal Asset Pricing Models in Adrian Hong Kong

2 Why Book-to-Market Ratio Explains Stock CHEUNG Wai-kong NIL NIL Returns Adrian

3 On Forecasting Covariance CHEUNG Wai-kong NIL NIL Adrian

4 Minority Shareholder Expropriation – An CHEUNG Wai-kong NIL NIL Investment Perspective Adrian

5 Relationship Between the Hang Seng Index LAI Wan-lung Kent NIL NIL Futures and Its Leading Constituent Stocks: Evidence from Transaction Data Around Settlement Days

6 Equity Issuance Methods and Direct Costs: LAI Wan-lung Kent NIL NIL Evidence from Seasoned Equity Issuance in the U.K.

7 Rights Offers vs Public Offers: Study of LAI Wan-lung Kent NIL NIL Alternative Flotation Methods in Hong Kong

8 The Applicability of Foreign Direct LI Kam-tong Daniel NIL NIL Investment Theories and the Performance of Foreign Multinationals Operating in the PRC

* New projects in 2001-2002 39 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

9 * A Comparative Financial Analysis of the LI Kam-tong Daniel NIL NIL Performance and Competitive Advantage of State Owned Enterprises and Foreign Multinationals Operating in the PRC

10 * An Empirical Study on the Impact of LIN Zhen-pin Kenny NIL NIL Culture on Audit-detected Accounting Errors

11 * Work on a Modified Internal Rate of Return ROHRBACH Kermit J NIL NIL

12 Paper on Sampling of Accounts Payable ROHRBACH Kermit J NIL NIL (Creditors)

13 * Malice in Fair Comment SHUM Chun-yau NIL NIL Clement

14 * Protection of Investors under the Securities SHUM Chun-yau NIL NIL and Futures Ordinance Clement

15 Removing Tax-Induced Distortions to the SIMMONS Richard S NIL NIL Optimum Global Allocation of Foreign Direct Investment: International Tax Competition and Co-ordination in Corporate Taxation

16 * The Relationship of Corporate Governance TAM Wing-hung NIL NIL and Investors’ Returns Among Hong Kong Listed Companies

* New projects in 2001-2002 40 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 37 Department of Information Studies Department of Management Department of Marketing & International Business

1 A Contingency Approach to Understanding CHUNG Chi-wai NIL NIL the Contributing Characteristics of Effective End-User Computing Training

2 Measuring of Customer Value - An LAU Kwok-fai NIL NIL Exploratory Study

3 Improving Innovation Competence in POON Shing-chung NIL NIL Organisations through the Harnessing and Patrick Diffusion of Tacit Knowledge

4 * Perceived Control and Attributions: A POON Shing-chung NIL NIL Comparative Study of Canadian and PRC Patrick Consumers

5 Differences in Managerial Values: A Study POUNDER James S NIL NIL of US, Hong Kong and PRC Managers Revisited

6 * Perceptions of Leadership Style and POUNDER James S NIL NIL Outcomes in the Instructional Environment of a Hong Kong University: A Study Employing the Transformational and Transactional Leadership Constructs

7 * Career Development in Hong Kong Tertiary TANG Mo-lin Moureen NIL NIL Institutions

8 The Changing Role of Human Resources WAN Man-kei Paulina NIL NIL Professionals

* New projects in 2001-2002 41 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

9 An Examination of the Determinants of WHITLA Paul A NIL NIL Superior Performance in Service Industries

10 Globalisation in Service Industries WHITLA Paul A NIL NIL

11 Genetic Algorithm Applications in Business: WONG Bo-kai Frank NIL NIL A Review and Analysis of the Literature

12 * Organisational Learning and Knowledge WONG Mei-ling May NIL NIL Management in Japanese Companies

13 * Antecedents and Consequences of WONG Yui-tim NIL NIL Employees’ Affective Commitment and Edward Loyalty to Supervisor: The Chinese Case of Joint Ventures

* New projects in 2001-2002 42 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 40 Department of Economics

1 * Energy Demand in China: A Cointegration CHEUNG Kui-yin NIL NIL Analysis

2 * Economic Integration, Transaction Cost and CHEUNG Kui-yin NIL NIL Currency Substitution: The Case of Hong FAN Chengze Simon Kong and Mainland China

3 Why Are Some Minority Groups FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL “Successful”, But Some Others Aren’t?

4 How does the Change of Marriage Quality FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL Affect Divorce Decisions? LUI Hon-kwong

5 A Model of Religious Participation FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL

6 Corruption and Anti-corruption in China FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL

7 * Addition through Depletion: The Brain FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL Drain as a Catalyst of Human Capital Formation and Economic Betterment

8 * Paternalistic Altruism, Life-Cycle FAN Chengze Simon NIL NIL Hypothesis, and the Ricardian Equivalence

9 An Optimal Regulatory Framework for the HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Taxicab Industry

10 Congestion Pricing and the Value of Time HO Lok-sang NIL NIL

11 Ex Ante Welfare Maximisation and Road HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Pricing

* New projects in 2001-2002 43 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

12 Study on Bond Yields HO Lok-sang NIL NIL

13 Education Reform: an Economic Perspective HO Lok-sang NIL NIL

14 Economics of Chinese Medicine HO Lok-sang NIL NIL

15 Volatility of Macro Fundamental Variables HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes – RAN Qiming Jimmy A New Test

16 * A New Monetary Regime HO Lok-sang NIL NIL

17 * Sustainable Exchange Rate Regimes and HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Regional Stability

18 * Competitiveness of China under the De HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Facto Link of the RMB to the US Dollar

19 * Exchange Rate Regimes and HO Lok-sang NIL NIL Macroeconomic Stability

20 A Measurement of Household Cost of LEI Kai-cheong NIL NIL Living: Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Taiwan

21 Taiwan’s Economy in the Recent Decade: LEI Kai-cheong NIL NIL Structural Change and Sectoral Imbalance

22 Bubble Economy in Hong Kong and in LEI Kai-cheong NIL NIL Taiwan: A Comparison

23 * Asset Prices and Public Finance in Hong LEI Kai-cheong NIL NIL Kong

* New projects in 2001-2002 44 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

24 Implementing Efficient Allocations in LIN Ping NIL NIL Model of Financial Intermediaries

25 R&D Incentives for Multi-Product LIN Ping NIL NIL Oligopolies

26 Optimal Shares and Technological LIN Ping NIL NIL Upgrading in Joint Ventures

27 Incentive to Innovate in Vertically Related LIN Ping NIL NIL Industries

28 * Performance-related Pay in the Higher WEI Xiangdong NIL NIL Education Sector of China

* New projects in 2001-2002 45 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 43 Department of Politics & Sociology

1 A Sociological Study of the Executive BAEHR Peter W NIL NIL Commission on Human Rights, Established by the US Congress, on the Occasion of China’s being granted PNTR Status

2 Genocide: Law, History, Polemic BAEHR Peter W NIL NIL

3 Hannah Arendt and the Human Condition BAEHR Peter W NIL NIL

4 Euro-Asian Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

5 US-Asia Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

6 * Sino-Japanese Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

7 * Japan-Hong Kong Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

8 * Europe-Hong Kong Relations BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL

9 * Hong Kong’s Role in Sino-Japanese BRIDGES Brian NIL NIL Relations

10 The Recent Local Administrative Reform in CHAN Che-po NIL NIL China: the Case of Shanghai

11 A Comparison of Bureaucratic Reform CHAN Che-po NIL NIL Between China and the United Kingdom

* New projects in 2001-2002 46 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

12 Patriotism and Nationalism among CHAN Che-po NIL NIL Contemporary Chinese Youths

13 * The Political Orientation of the People’s CHAN Che-po NIL NIL Liberation Army Young Officers

14 Political Implications of a Shift to the CHAN Che-po NIL NIL Cooperative Stock-holding System in Chinese State-owned Enterprises

15 Oral History of Hong Kong’s Young CHAN Hau-nung Annie NIL NIL Women

16 Project on Environmental Change and HARRIS Paul G NIL NIL Foreign Policy

17 Retirement Funding and Comparative LEE Keng-mun NIL NIL Schemes in HK and Singapore William

18 Social Welfare Policy in East Asia: A LEE Keng-mun NIL NIL Comparative Study of Singapore and Hong William Kong

19 * Ethnic Inequality in Southeast Asia LEE Keng-mun NIL NIL William

20 The Implementation of Religious Policy of LEUNG Kit-fun NIL NIL China: The Implementation of Document 19 Beatrice

21 The Church-State Relations in China LEUNG Kit-fun NIL NIL Beatrice

* New projects in 2001-2002 47 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

22 The Comparison of Church-state Relations LEUNG Kit-fun NIL NIL in Hong Kong and Macau in their Beatrice Transitional Periods

23 Comparative Study of Electoral System LI Pang-kwong NIL# NIL# (2000)

# No specific fund is set aside for the project. However, research assistance is provided by the Research and Survey Programme

24 * Voting in the Hong Kong Legislative LI Pang-kwong NIL# NIL# Council

# No specific fund is set aside for the project. However, research assistance is provided by the Research and Survey Programme

25 Filial Piety, Youth and Elderly in Hong PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL Kong

26 Epidemiological Transition and PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL Demographic Ageing in Asia-Pacific

27 Private Residential Accommodation for PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL Elderly People

28 Environment and Planning for Elderly PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL People in HK

29 Ageing and Elderly Care in China PHILLIPS David R NIL NIL

30 China’s Relations with Neighbouring REN Yue NIL NIL Countries

* New projects in 2001-2002 48 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

31 * Chinese Foreign Policy Towards REN Yue NIL NIL Neighbouring Countries

32 The Collaborative International Study of SIU Oi-ling NIL NIL Managerial Stress (CISMS)

33 Two Decades of Political Reform in the WONG Yiu-chung NIL NIL People’s Republic of China

34 One Country, Two Systems’: Four Years WONG Yiu-chung NIL NIL after Handover

35 * The 14th and 15th CCP Congress: WONG Yiu-chung NIL NIL Implications for the Political Reform in the 1990s

36 * The Politics of Legislating Article 23 of the WONG Yiu-chung NIL NIL Basic Law in the Post-handover Hong Kong

* New projects in 2001-2002 49 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 44 Department of Chinese

1 中國現代鄉土散文研究 CHAN Tak-kam NIL NIL

2 Zhuge Liang as Tragic Hero in Sanguozhi KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Yanyi Charles

3 The Borders of Illumination: Nature in the KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Landscape Poetry of Xie Lingyun Charles

4 * The Artistic Significance of Poetry in the KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Sanguozhi yanyi Charles

5 * Prosody in Classical Chinese Poetry: KWONG Yim-tze NIL NIL Problems in Culture and Cross-Culture Charles Reception

6 Classical Chinese Literature: An Anthology LAU Shiu-ming Joseph NIL NIL of Translation, Vol. II, From the Tang to the Qing Dynasty

7 Classical Fiction of the Tang, Ming and LAU Yin-ping Grace NIL NIL Qing Dynasties

8 * 〈談“文字學”普及化----兼評幾部有關 LEE Hung-kai NIL NIL 《說文解字》的著作〉

9 Studies on the Modern Chinese Navy MA Yau-woon NIL NIL

10 Features of the Characters in the Novel MA Yau-woon NIL NIL Water Margin

* New projects in 2001-2002 50 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 45 Department of English

1 England Dreaming of Herself: Lesser Fiction ASKER Barry D NIL NIL Between the Wars

2 Kazuo Ishiguro’s Fiction: Concepts of the ASKER Barry D NIL NIL Asian ‘Other’

3 J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace: Humanistic ASKER Barry D NIL NIL Bestialization

4 * Memory, History, Intellect: Contemporary ASKER Barry D NIL NIL Non-native Fiction in English

5 Theatre of Storytelling: Novel Adaptations INGHAM Michael A NIL NIL for the Stage

6 English Language Theatre in Hong Kong INGHAM Michael A NIL NIL

7 ELT in Overseas Aid Programmes: SHARP Alastair I NIL NIL Guidelines for Management and Sustainability

8 ELT Management in Aid Programmes in SHARP Alastair I NIL NIL Developing Countries

* New projects in 2001-2002 51 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 48 Department of Translation

1 Translation as Criticism: Phanopoeia and CHIU Chu-lee Julie NIL NIL Melopoeia in Zheng Chouyu’s Early Poetry

2 Translation Potterism into Chinese: Sound, CHIU Chu-lee Julie NIL NIL Sense and Culture of Nomenclature in the Harry Potter Stories

3 * The Translation of Names in Fantasy Novels CHIU Chu-lee Julie NIL NIL

4 * The Dance of Death CHIU Chu-lee Julie NIL NIL

5 Bible Translation: Norms and CHONG Yau-yuk NIL NIL Presuppositions

6 The Translation of Dante’s Divina WONG Kwok-pun NIL NIL Commedia into Chinese Verse Laurence

7 Translation of Modernist Fiction in ‘Literary YAU Wai-ping NIL NIL Current Monthly Magazine’ (1956-1959)

8 Modernisation and Xiqu (traditional Chinese YEUNG Wai-yee NIL NIL Theatre) Jessica

* New projects in 2001-2002 52 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

Cost Centre : 51 Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy Language Institute

1 * South-North Mobility and Cultural CHAN Shun-hing NIL NIL Transformation: A Study of Chinese Mainland Writers and Artists in Hong Kong during the Post-War Period

2 Needs Assessment for English Language LAI Sui-yee Rachel NIL NIL Courses

3 Collaborative Colonialism: A Genealogy of LAW Wing-sang NIL NIL Competing Chineseness in Hong Kong

4 * Human Rights Sensitivity among Hong LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa NIL NIL Kong Journalists

5 The Science and Fiction of Sci-fi LI Siu-leung NIL NIL

6 * The Concept of Subjectivity in Hegel’s LIN Hin-cheung NIL NIL Philosophy

7 On Mou Tsung-san’s View of Noumena and LO Kit-hung NIL NIL Intellectual Intuition

8 Identity Anecdotes: Translation and Media MORRIS Meaghan E NIL NIL Culture

9 White Panic: History in Action Cinema MORRIS Meaghan E NIL NIL

* New projects in 2001-2002 53 Report 2(D) – Other Ongoing Research Projects

Serial Amount Funding No. Project Title Principal Investigator(s) of Grant Source

10 New Keywords – an updated, international MORRIS Meaghan E NIL NIL and multi-authored sequel to Raymond Williams’ pioneering historical study of usage

11 * Themed Environments and their Interaction REISENLEITNER NIL NIL with Urban Spaces Markus

12 Elements of Civil Society RICE James A NIL NIL

13 * Dialogues on Public Life RICE James A NIL NIL

14 Incidental L2 Vocabulary Acquisition from ROSKAMS Timothy J NIL NIL Reading Thematic Texts

15 An Evolutionary Theory of Human Jealousy SESARDIC Neven NIL NIL

16 Does Science Undermine Faith? SESARDIC Neven NIL NIL

17 How Not to Criticize Nationalism SESARDIC Neven NIL NIL

18 The Problem of Mimesis in Bresson’s TAM Ka-hung Thomas NIL NIL Cinematography

19 * The Death of Art: Bataille, Malraux, Hegel TAM Ka-hung Thomas NIL NIL

20 * Teaching Intercultural Competence in ESL YIN Marshall Warren NIL NIL Teaching1

* New projects in 2001-2002 54 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 35: Department of Accounting and Finance

1 “The Impact of Firm Characteristics on Book-Tax CHAN Koon-hung and MO 21 A 0.5 Conforming and Book-Tax Difference Audit Lai-lan Phyllis Adjustments”, Journal of the American Taxation Association (JATA), Dec 2002, pp 18-34

2 “Tax Dispute Resolution Methods in China”, The Hong CHAN Koon-hung and 22 D 0.5 Kong Accountants, The Journal of The Hong Kong JIANG Zhaodong Society of Accountants, Vol 13, No 12, Dec 2002, pp 62-5

50 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

3 “An Empirical Study of Audit Opinions and Auditor CHAN Koon-hung, LIN 32 A 0.67 Switching in a Transitional Economy”, presented at Zhen-pin Kenny and MO 2002 Academy of International Business (AIB) Lai-lan Phyllis Southeast Asia and Australia Regional Conference on “WTO and Global Competition: A New Era for International Business”, organized by HKIBS of Lingnan University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Shanghai, China, 18 – 20 Jul 2002 and also presented at the 14th Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, organized by The California State University, Tresmo and Los Angeles, USA, 23 – 26 Nov 2002 [Vernon Zimmerman (University of Illinois) Best Paper Award]

4 “Evidence from China on Whether Harmonized CHEN Shimin, SUN Zheng 21 A 0.34 Accounting Standards Harmonize Accounting and WANG Yuetang Practices”, Accounting Horizons, Vol 16, No 3, Sep 2002, pp 183-98

5 “Market Efficiency, CAPM, and Value-relevance of CHEN Shimin and DODD 21 A 0.5 Earnings and EVA: A Reply to the Comment by James L Professor Paulo”, Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol 14, No 4, Winter 2002, pp 507-12

51 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

6 “Financial and Nonfinancial Measures in Capital CHEN Shimin 32 A Budgeting: Three Approaches to Contingency Fit”, presented at 2002 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting on “Reinvigorating Accounting Scholarship”, organized by American Accounting Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 14 – 17 Aug 2002

7 “The Effect of Cash Flow Statement Format on Lending KWOK Yee-ling Helen 21 A Decisions”, The International Journal of Accounting, Vol 37, No 3, 2002, pp 347-62

8 “IT File (III), Episode 3: Skills in Finance”, The Road LAI Wan-lung Kent 43 D to Success: The Stories of SME, Start-ups, Radio Television Hong Kong, Hong Kong Computer Society, Ming Pao and Hi-tech Weekly, 2003

9 “IT File (III), Episode 4: Smart Money”, The Road to LAI Wan-lung Kent 43 D Success: The Stories of SME, Start-ups, Radio Television Hong Kong, Hong Kong Computer Society, Ming Pao and Hi-tech Weekly, 2003

52 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

10 The Road to Success: The Stories of SME, Start-ups, LAI Wan-lung Kent, RTHK, 49 D 0.2 Radio Television Hong Kong, Hong Kong Computer Hong Kong Computer Society, Ming Pao and Hi-tech Weekly, 2003 Society, Ming Pao and Hi-tech Weekly

11 “A Comparative Financial Analysis of the Performance LI Kam-tong Daniel, 33 A 0.34 and Competitive Advantage of State Owned Enterprises GOLDSTEIN Mike and and Foreign Multinationals Operating in the PRC”, LEE Shui-kam presented at the 9th IAAER World Congress of Accounting Educators, organized by the Hong Kong Academic Accounting Association and the International Association for Accounting Education and Research, Hong Kong, 14 – 16 Nov 2002

12 “Auditor Analytical Review Judgment: A Performance LIN Zhen-pin Kenny, 21 A 0.34 Evaluation”, The British Accounting Review, Vol 35, FRASER Ian A M and No 1, Mar 2003, pp 19-34 HATHERLY David J

13 “Are Unsolicited Credit Ratings Biased Downward?”, POON Pui-han Winnie 21 A Journal of Banking and Finance, North-Holland: Elsevier Science Publisher, Vol 27, No 4, Apr 2003, pp 593-614

53 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

14 “Tax Havens Under Attack: Some Recent SIMMONS Richard S 22 A Developments”, ACCA News Update for Hong Kong Students, Feb 2003, pp 2-4

15 “The Existence of International Corporate Tax SIMMONS Richard S 32 A Competition: Some Recent Empirical Evidence”, presented at The 2003 European Applied Business Research (ABR) Conference, organized by European Applied Business Research, Venice, Italy, 9 – 13 Jun 2003

16 “Recent Board of Review Decisions: Review & HO Daniel and WONG 22 A 0.5 Analysis”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Taxation, Vol 6, No Yeuk-ha Brossa 4, Winter 2002, pp 7-21

16 Sub-total

54 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 37: Department of Information Systems Department of Management Department of Marketing & IB

1 “Growing Consumerism and Strategies for the China CHAN Tsang-sing and WU 12 A Market”, Doing Business with China, 4th Edition, Wei-ping Jonathan Reuvid and Li Yong (eds), London: Kogan, 2003, pp 229-33

2 “Is Guanxi a Bridge for Knowledge Transfer among CHAN Tsang-sing and 32 A 0.5 Firms in the PRC?”, Proceedings of 11th World YEUNG Matthew Business Congress, organized by International Management Development Association, Antalya, Turkey, 11 – 14 Jul 2002, pp 261-9

3 “Management Localization and FDI Performance: An CHAN Tsang-sing and CUI 32 A Exploratory Study”, Proceedings of 2002 Academy of Geng International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Shanghai, China, 18 – 20 Jul 2002 (electronic version)

55 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

4 “Growing Consumerism, Regional Differences and CHAN Tsang-sing and WU 32 A Marketing Strategies for the China Market”, Wei-ping Proceedings of 2002 Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Shanghai, China, 18 – 20 Jul 2002 (Electronic version)

5 Associate Editor, Journal of Transnational Management CHAN Tsang-sing 61 D Development

6 Member, Editorial Board, Asia Pacific Journal of CHAN Tsang-sing 61 D Marketing and Logistics

7 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Asia Pacific CHAN Tsang-sing 61 D Business

8 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of International CHAN Tsang-sing 61 D Business and Technology

9 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Teaching in CHAN Tsang-sing 61 D International Business

56 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

10 “Working with Foreign Managers: Conflict CHEN Yifeng# 33 B Management for Effective Leader Relationships in China”, presented at the 5th Australia Industrial & Organisational Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26 – 29 Jun 2003

11 “Business Risk, Political Affiliation and Future CHOW Kong-wing 21 A 0.34 Development Choices of Small Business Owners in the Clement, FUNG Ka-yiu People’s Republic of China”, Journal of Enterprising Michael and NGO Culture, Vol 10, No 1, 2002, pp 1-22 Hang-yue

12 “Product Durability and Managerial Compensation”, CHOW Kong-wing 33 A 0.5 presented at 2002 ACME International Conference on Clement and WONG Pacific Rim Management, organized by Association for Kit-pong Chinese Management Educators (ACME), Los Angeles, USA, 1 – 3 Aug 2002

57 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

13 “Order of Entry and Performance of Foreign Direct CUI Geng and LUI 32 A Investment: Is Early Entry Always Better?”, Hon-kwong Proceedings of 2002 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia and Australia Regional Conference on “WTO and Global Competition: A New Era for International Business”, organized by HKIBS of Lingnan University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Shanghai, China, 18 – 20 Jul 2002

14 “Modeling Consumer Response to Direct Marketing: A CUI Geng, WONG 32 A 0.67 Bayesian Networks Approach”, presented at INFORMS Man-leung and RONG 25th Marketing Science Conference 2003, organized by Zhijiang Institute for Operational Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and University of Maryland, Maryland, USA, 12 – 15 Jun 2003

15 “Prudence, Intertemporal Substitution, and Savings HAU Tak-ming Arthur 22 B under Uncertainty”, Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie), Vol 77, No 1, Oct 2002, pp 35-52

58 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

16 “Characterizing Improvements in Self-Protection HAU Tak-ming Arthur 33 B Technologies”, presented at 2002 American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) Annual Meeting, organized by ARIA, Montreal, Canada, 11 – 14 Aug 2002

17 “The Comparative Statics of Changes in HAU Tak-ming Arthur 33 B Risk-Reduction Technologies”, presented at 2002 American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) Annual Meeting, organized by ARIA, Montreal, Canada, 11 – 14 Aug 2002

18 “Testing the Cross-Cultural Applicability of Technology HUANG Linjun#, LU 32 A Acceptance Model: Evidence from the PRC”, Ming-te and WONG Bo-kai Proceedings of the 14th Information Resources Frank Management Association (IRMA) International Conference, organized by IRMA, Philadelphia, USA, 18 – 21 May 2003, pp 383-6

59 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

19 “Developing An Effective Mobile Rescue Support HUANG Shi-ming, KWAN 21 A 0.2 System”, Journal of Internet Commerce, NY: Internet LAU Siu-yung Irene, KU C Practice Press (IPP) & Best Business Book (BBB), Vol Y, HUNG S Y and WANG J 1, No 3, 2002, pp 129-46 C

20 “A Study on the Management of Semantic Transaction HUANG Shi-ming, KWAN 21 A 0.34 for Efficient Data Retrieval”, ACM SIGMOD Record LAU Siu-yung Irene, LI (Management of Data), Association for Computing Chih-he Machinery (ACM) Press, Vol 31, No 3, Sep 2002

21 “Fifth Normal Form Made Easy with Novel Web-based FONG Joseph, KWAN 32 A 0.25 CAI HCI”, Proceedings of the International Conference LAU Siu-yung Irene, NG on Web-based Learning, Springer Verlag LNCS Margaret and LAU K L (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 17 – 19 Aug 2002, pp 398-410

60 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

22 “A Mental Cognitive Model of Web Semantic for KWAN LAU Siu-yung 32 A e-Customer Profile”, Proceedings of 13th International Irene Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2002), Web Semantics, IEEE Computer Society Press, organized by DEXA 2002, Aix-en-Provence, , 2 – 6 Sep 2002, pp 116-20

23 “eBPS: A Strategic Framework for Successful Blueprint KWAN LAU Siu-yung 32 A of e-Business Development”, Proceedings of The 2nd Irene International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2002), organized by Institute of Information Management and National Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, 10 – 13 Dec 2002, pp 225-7

24 “Providing Navigation Aids and Online Learning Help LEUNG Cheong-kei Albert 21 A to Support User Control: A Conceptual Model on Computer-Based Learning”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol XXXXIII (3), 2003, pp 10-17

61 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

25 “Design Factors of Knowledge Management Systems LEUNG Cheong-kei Albert 32 A for Effective Learning and Training”, Proceedings of the 14th Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) International Conference, organized by IRMA, Philadelphia, USA, 18 – 21 May 2003, pp 366-8

26 “Effect of Partner Relationship on International Joint LI Ling-yee Esther and LI C 21 A 0.5 Venture Performance: The Moderating Role of Strategic M Stephen Motives on Venture Formation”, Journal of International Marketing and Exporting, 2002, pp 3-23

27 “The Content of Internet Advertisements and Its Impact LI Ling-yee Esther, LUK T 21 A 0.34 on Awareness and Selling Performance”, Journal of K Sherriff and CHAN Marketing Management, Vol 18, 2002, pp 1-28 Wesley

28 “Characteristics of Chinese Wholesalers’ Marketing LI Ling-yee Esther, LUK T 21 A 0.25 Behavior: A Functional Approach”, Journal of Global K Sherriff, YE Wanchun Marketing, Vol 16, No 1 and 2, 2002, pp 71-95 and XU Yinzhau

62 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

29 “An Exploratory Study of the Moderating Influence of LI Ling-yee Esther and 32 A 0.5 Export Venture Characteristics on the Resources-Based OGUNMOKUN Gabriel O View of Export Competitive Advantages”, Proceedings of 2003 World Marketing Congress “Marketing across Borders and Boundaries: Understanding Cross-Functional and Inter-Disciplinary Interfaces within an Increasingly Global Environment”, Vol XI, organized by Academy of Marketing Science and the School of Marketing, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 11 – 14 Jun 2003 (electronic disc format)

30 “A Comparative Study of Successful Versus OGUNMOKUN Gabriel O 32 A 0.5 Unsuccessful Export Ventures and Their Strategic and LI Ling-yee Esther Marketing Planning Formulation and Implementation Process: A Case of Exporting Firms in China”, Proceedings of 2003 World Marketing Congress “Marketing across Borders and Boundaries: Understanding Cross-Functional and Inter-Disciplinary Interfaces within an Increasingly Global Environment”, Vol XI, organized by Academy of Marketing Science and the School of Marketing, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 11 – 14 Jun 2003 (electronic disc format)

63 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

31 “Building Supercomputer with Peer-to-peer LOO Wai-sing Alfred 32 A Technologies”, Proceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, Dec 2002, pp 122-5

32 “Infrastructure for Games on Wireless Internet”, LOO Wai-sing Alfred 32 A Proceedings of Second International Conference on Application and Development of Computer Game, Hong Kong, 6 – 7 Jan 2003, pp 37-41

33 “Implementing an Integrated Administrative System at LU Ming-te 32 A Lingnan University”, Proceedings of the 8th Cross Strait Conference on Information System Development Strategy, organized by the Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, 9 – 10 Nov 2002, pp 362-8

64 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

34 “Understanding Internet Banking Adoption and CHAN Siu-cheung and LU 32 A 0.5 Continue-Use Behavior: A Hong Kong Perspective”, Ming-te Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2002) – “Global E-Business in Knowledge-Based Economy: Management, Practice, and Opportunities”, organized by National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, National University of Singapore (Singapore) and Tsinghua University (China), Taipei, Taiwan, 10 – 13 Dec 2002, pp 560-2

35 Invisible Market Forces vs Visible Government LUI Hon-kwong 11 B Interventions (《市場無形 特區有形》), Hong Kong: Next Publications Ltd, May 2003, 196 pages

36 〈合編〉,《東盟, 日本與中國人地區經貿合作》, 新 NYAW Mee-kau and 林華 14 B 0.5 加坡世界科技出版公司, 2003 年 生

37 “Chinese Managerial Activities: Culture versus Local NYAW Mee-kau, LAU 21 A 0.34 Isomorphism”, Asia Pacific Business Review, UK, Vol Chung-Ming and NG 8, No 3, Spring 2002, pp 1–15 Ignace

65 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

38 “Mitigating Liabilities of Foreignness: Defensive versus LUO Yadong, SHENKAR 21 A 0.34 Offensive Approaches”, Journal of International Oded and NYAW Mee-kau Management, Vol 8, No 3, Fall 2002, pp 283-300

39 「香港回歸五年來的經濟情勢評析」, 載於《香港移 NYAW Mee-kau 31 B 交五周年情勢與兩岸三地關係研討會資料編》, 台灣 中華港澳之友協會, 2002 年 9 月, 共 8 頁

40 “A Comparative Analysis of Management Styles in POON Shing-chung Patrick, 32 A 0.34 Australia and PRC”, Proceeding of the Academy of EVANGELISTA Felicitas International Business Southeast Asian and Australia and ALBAUM Gerald Regional Conference, Shanghai, China, 18 – 20 Jul 2002

41 “Consumer Attributions and Postpurchase Behavioral POON Shing-chung Patrick 32 A 0.5 Intentions in Canada and PRC”, presented at 2003 and HUI Michael World Marketing Congress “Marketing across Borders and Boundaries: Understanding Cross-Functional and Inter-Disciplinary Interfaces within an Increasingly Global Environment”, organized by Academy of Marketing Science and the School of Marketing, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 11 – 14 Jun 2003

66 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

42 “Organizational Effectiveness in Hong Kong Higher POUNDER James S 21 A Education: Implications for Human Resource Management and Development”, International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management, Vol 2, No 3/4, 2002, pp 264-82

43 “Public Accountability in Hong Kong Higher POUNDER James S 21 A Education: Human Resource Management Implications of Assessing Organizational Effectiveness”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol 15, No 6, 2002, pp 458-74

44 “Women – Better Leaders than Men? In General and COLEMAN M and 21 A 0.5 Educational Management It Still ‘All Depends’ ”, The POUNDER James S Leadership and Organisational Development Journal, Vol 23, No 3, 2002, pp 122-33

45 “Teamwork and Controversy in Undergraduate POUNDER James S, 21 A 0.75 Management Courses in Hong Kong – Can the Method TJOSVOLD Dean W, Reinforce the Message?”, Swiss Journal of Psychology, WONG Shiu-ho Alfred and Vol 61, No 3, 2002, pp 131-8 NIBLER Roger

67 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

46 “Employing Transformational Leadership to Enhance POUNDER James S 21 A the Quality of Management Development Instruction”, The Journal of Management Development, Vol 22, No 1, 2003, pp 6-13

47 “Developing Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales for POUNDER James S 33 A Assessing Organizational Effectiveness: Using the Competing Values Framework in a Higher Educational Context”, presented at The Third International Conference on Theory and Practice in Performance Measurement and Management, organized by Cranfield School of Management and Harvard Business School, Boston, USA, 17 – 19 Jul 2002

48 “Black Holes or Grey Areas? Dilemmas of Obligation SNELL Robin S and 12 B 0.5 in Doing Business in China”, Business Ethics in China: TSENG C S Recent Developments and New Perspectives, Ip King-tak (ed), Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2003

49 “The Third Eye: Exploring Guanxi and Relational TAN D and SNELL Robin 21 A 0.5 Morality in the Workplace”, Journal of Business Ethics, S Vol 41, No 4, 2002, pp 361-84

68 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

50 “Turnaround, Corruption and Mediocrity: Leadership HUANG Linfen J and 21 A 0.5 and Governance in Three State Owned Enterprises in SNELL Robin S Mainland China”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 43, No 1-2, 2003, pp 111-24

51 “Power Inequality in Cross Cultural Learning”, HONG Fok-loi Jacky and 33 B 0.5 presented at the Third International Connecting SNELL Robin S Learning and Critique Conference, organized by Cambridge University and Lancaster University, Cambridge, UK, 17 – 19 Jul 2002

52 Member, Editorial Board, Management Learning SNELL Robin S 61 D

53 Member, Editorial Board, Teaching and Learning SNELL Robin S 61 D Section of the Organizational Management Journal

54 “Design and Management of the Ecological Supply CHEN Ji, TU Mei-zeng and 21 A 0.34 Chain”, Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol 7, SUN Daning No 3, 2002, pp 10-12

69 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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55 “Are Work Stress Relationships Universal? A PERREWE P L , 21 A 0.17 Nine-region Examination of Role Stressors, General HOCHWARTER W A, Self-efficacy, and Burnout”, Journal of International ROSSI A M, WALLACE A, Management, Vol 8, No 2, Summer 2002, pp 163-87 MAIGNAN I, CASTRO S L, RALSTON D A, WESTMAN M, VOLLMER G, TANG Mo-lin Moureen, WAN Man-kei Paulina and DEUSEN C A Van

56 “Goal Interdependence and Reflexivity for Team TANG Mo-lin Moureen, 32 A 0.67 Innovation in China”, presented at the 2002 Academy of TJOSVOLD Dean W and Management Meeting session titled “Relationships and WEST Michael A Trust in Ethnic Chinese Communities”, Denver, USA, 13 Aug 2002

57 《構建中國企業高效團隊》(Team Organization in TJOSVOLD Dean W, 11 B 0.34 China: How to Work Together to Get Things Done), 上 CHEN Guoquan and LIU H 海: 上海遠東出版社, 2003 年, 240 頁

70 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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58 International Handbook of Organizational Teamwork WEST Michael A, 11 B 0.34 and Cooperative Working, Chichester, UK: John Wiley TJOSVOLD Dean W and & Sons, Apr 2003, 656 pages SMITH Ken G

59 “Teamwork and Cooperation: Fundamentals of TJOSVOLD Dean W, 12 A 0.34 Organizational Effectiveness”, International Handbook WEST Michael A and of Organizational Teamwork and Cooperative Working, SMITH Ken G Michael A West, Dean W Tjosvold and Ken G Smith (eds), Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, May 2003, pp 3-8

60 “Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on WEST Michael A, SMITH 12 A 0.34 Organizational Cooperation”, International Handbook Ken G and TJOSVOLD of Organizational Teamwork and Cooperative Working, Dean W Michael A West, Dean W Tjosvold and Ken G Smith (eds), Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, May 2003, pp 575-97

61 “Conflict Management and Team Effectiveness in CHEN Guoquan and 21 A 0.5 China: The Mediating Role of Justice”, Asia Pacific TJOSVOLD Dean W Journal of Management, Vol 19, No 4, Dec 2002, pp 557-72

71 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

62 “Cooperative Goals and Constructive Controversy for CHEN Guoquan and 21 A 0.5 Promoting Innovation in Student Groups in China”, The TJOSVOLD Dean W Journal of Education for Business, Vol 78, No 1, 2002, pp 46-50

63 “Understanding Conflict Avoidance: Relationship, TJOSVOLD Dean W and 21 A 0.5 Motivations, Actions, and Consequences”, International SUN Haifa Journal of Conflict Management, Vol 13, No 2, 2002, pp 142-64

64 “Can Interpersonal Competition be Constructive within TJOSVOLD Dean W, 21 A 0.25 Organizations”, Journal of Psychology, Vol 137, No 1, JOHNSON David W, Jan 2003, pp 63-84 ROGER T and SUN Haifa

65 “Conflict Values and Team Relationships: Conflict’s TJOSVOLD Dean W, HUI 21 A 0.25 Contribution to Team Effectiveness and Citizenship in Chun, DING Z Daniel and China”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol 24, No HU Junchen 1, Feb 2003, pp 69-88

72 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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66 “Effects of Organisational Values on Leader’s Use of TJOSVOLD Dean W, 21 A 0.34 Information Power to Affect Performance in China”, COLEMAN P T and SUN Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, Vol Haifa 7, No 2, 2003, pp 152-67

67 「合作與競爭理論的實證研究」(“Cooperation and TJOSVOLD Dean W, SU 22 A 0.34 Competition Research”), 《管理世界》月刊 Fang and 萬潔平 (Management World), 北京, 2002 年第七期, 頁 126-33

68 “Constructive Controversy for Risk-Taking and Team TJOSVOLD Dean W and 32 A Innovation in China”, presented at the 62nd Annual YU Zi-you Meeting of the Academy of Management, organized by Academy of Management, Denver, USA, 9 – 14 Aug 2002

69 “Top Management Teams for Innovation in China: CHEN Guoquan, WANG Z 32 A 0.25 Contribution of Conflict Management”, presented at the M, LIU Chun-hong and 62nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, TJOSVOLD Dean W organized by Academy of Management, Denver, USA, 9 – 14 Aug 2002

73 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

70 “Leadership Research in Asia: Developing TJOSVOLD Dean W, 32 A 0.67 Relationships”, presented at The Third Asian Academy WONG Shiu-ho Alfred and of Management, organized by Asian Academy of HUI Chun Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 12 – 14 Dec 2002

71 “Leader Effectiveness in China: The Contribution of LIU Chun-hong, 32 A 0.67 Traditional Values and Applying Abilities”, presented at TJOSVOLD Dean W and The Third Asian Academy of Management, organized YU Zi-you by Asian Academy of Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 12 – 14 Dec 2002

72 “Top Management Team and Strategic Advantage in CHEN Guoquan, LIU 32 A 0.34 China: The Role of Interdependence”, presented at The Chun-hong and Third Asian Academy of Management, organized by TJOSVOLD Dean W Asian Academy of Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 12 – 14 Dec 2002

73 “Conflict Management for Individual Problem Solving TJOSVOLD Dean W, 32 A and Team Innovation in China”, presented at the 16th CHEN Yifeng# and YU Annual Conference, organized by the International Zi-you Association for Conflict Management, Melbourne, Australia, 15 – 18 Jun 2003 [Outstanding Paper Award]

74 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

74 “Effects of Employee Achievement and Social Context TJOSVOLD Dean W, SUN 33 A 0.67 on the Use of Power to Affect Performance in China”, Haifa and CHEN Yifeng# presented at the 16th Annual Conference, organized by the International Association for Conflict Management, Melbourne, Australia, 15 – 18 Jun 2003

75 Member, Editorial Board, Asia Pacific Journal of TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D Management

76 Member, Editorial Board, Culture, Conflict, and TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D Negotiation Journal

77 Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D Management

78 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Management TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D

79 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Management TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D Inquiry

75 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

80 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Organizational TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D Behavior

81 Member, Editorial Board, Leadership & Organization TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D Development Journal

82 Member, Editorial Board, Small Group Research TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D

83 Review of Organization and Management in the TJOSVOLD Dean W 62 B Embrace of Government (by Jone L Pearce, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, May 2001), in Administrative Science Quarterly, 47, 2002, pp 741-3

84 MPhil Thesis: 「宗法宗族思想觀念與中國私營企業 WANG Ping# 63 A 管理」, Sep 2002

85 “Learning Nonlinear Integral Networks Based on LEUNG Kwong-sak, 21 A 0.2 Evolutionary Computation”, IEEE Transactions on WONG Man-leung, LAM Systems, Man, and Cybernetic, Vol 32, No 5, Oct 2002, W, WANG Z Y and XU K B pp 630-44

76 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

86 “An Expectation-Maximization Algorithm Working on JIN Hui-dong, LEUNG 32 A 0.34 Data Summary”, Proceedings of the Second Kwong-sak and WONG International Workshop on Intelligent Systems Design Man-leung and Applications (ISDA 2002), Atlanta, USA, 7 – 8 Aug 2002

87 “Scaling-up Model-based Clustering Algorithm by JIN Hui-dong, LEUNG 32 A 0.34 Working on Clustering Features”, Proceedings of the Kwong-sak and WONG Third International Conference on Intelligent Data Man-leung Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL’02), Hujun Yin, Nigel Allinson, Richard Freeman, John Keane, Simon Hubbard (eds), Manchester, UK, 12 – 14 Aug 2002, pp 569-75

88 “A Self-Organizing Map with Expanding Force for Data SHUM Wing-ho, JIN 32 A 0.25 Clustering and Visualization”, Proceedings of 2002 Hui-dong, LEUNG IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Kwong-sak and WONG Maebashi, Japan, 9 – 12 Dec 2002, pp 434-41 Man-leung

77 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

89 “A Hybrid Data Mining Approach to Discover Bayesian WONG Man-leung, LEE 32 A 0.34 Networks Using Evolutionary Programming”, Shing-yan and LEUNG Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Kwong-sak Data Mining, Maebashi, Japan, 9 – 12 Dec 2002, pp 498-505

90 “Customers’ Perspectives on Service Quality and WONG Ooi-mei Amy and 22 B 0.5 Relationship Quality in Retail Encounters”, Managing SOHAL A Service Quality, Vol 12, No 6, 2002, pp 424-33

91 “Affective Organizational Commitment of Workers in WONG Yui-tim Edward, 21 A 0.34 Chinese Joint Ventures”, Journal of Management NGO Hang-yue and WONG Psychology, Vol 17, No 7, 2002, pp 580-98 Chi-sum

92 “The Loyalty to Supervisor and Trust in Supervisor of WONG Yui-tim Edward, 21 A 0.34 Workers in Chinese Joint Ventures – A Test of Two WONG Chi-sum and NGO Competing Models”, International Journal of Human Hang-yue Resource Management, London: Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, Vol 13, No 6, Sep 2002, pp 883-900 and also was selected as one of the best 50 management articles by Emerald Management Reviews

78 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

93 “The Chinese at Work: Collectivism and WONG Yui-tim Edward 22 B Individualism?”, Asian Profile, Vol 30, No 4, Aug 2002, pp 279-87

94 Business Excellence and Banking, Leeds, England: GOPAL K Kanji and 11 A 0.5 Wisdom House Pub Ltd, 2003, 227 pages WONG Yuk-lan Winnie

95 “Design and Verification of Distributed Recovery YEUNG Wing-lok and 21 A 0.5 Blocks with CSP”, Formal Methods in System Design: SCHNEIDER Steve An International Journal, Vol 22, No 3, 2003, pp 225-48

96 “What Is the Mechanism of and What Can Be Learnt SHI F and YU Zi-you 21 A 0.5 from the Double Insurance of Mortgage Securization in the USA”, Economist, No 161, Jul 2002, pp 21-3

97 “The Initiate, Operate, and Promotion of the Private WAN J P and YU Zi-you 21 A 0.5 Fund in China”, Commercial Research, Serial No 249, No 7, Jul 2002, pp 96-8

79 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

98 “The Risk on Security Return and Capital Stricture WAN J P and YU Zi-you 21 A 0.5 Management”, Commercial Research, Serial No 251, No 8, Aug 2002, pp 124-6

99 “On the Impact of Commercial Bank’s Dependence on YU Zi-you and LI W L 21 A 0.5 Rediscount”, Journal of Shan Xi Finance and Economics University, Vol 24, No 5, Oct 2002, pp 72-5

100 “Analysis on the Current Situation and Development QIN Z Q and YU Zi-you 21 A 0.5 Trend of Insurance Market Structure in China”, The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics, Vol 23, No 6/120, Nov 2002, pp 36-9

101 “Production and People Values: Their Impact on LIU Chun-hong, YU Zi-you 21 A 0.67 Relationships and Leader Effectiveness in China”, The and TJOSVOLD Dean W Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol 23, No 3, 2002, pp 134-44

102 “The Development of Life Insurance Products and QIN Z Q, YU Zi-you and 21 A 0.34 Capital Investment in the Aspect of Liability Analyses ZHOU C in China”, Shanghai Insurance, No 12, 2002, pp 26-8

80 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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103 “The Development of Solvency Regulation of Insurance QIN Z Q and YU Zi-you 32 A 0.5 Companies in China”, presented at the 6th Asia Pacific Risk & Insurance Association 2002 Annual Conference, Shanghai, China, 22 – 24 Jul 2002

104 “Linking Product Evaluations and Purchase Intention ZHOU Lianxi and HUI 21 A 0.5 for Country-of-Origin Effects”, Journal of Global Michael Marketing, Vol 15, No 3/4, 2002, pp 95-116

105 “Country-of-Manufacture Effects for Known Brands”, ZHOU Lianxi and HUI 21 A 0.5 European Journal of Marketing, Vol 37, No 1, 2003 pp Michael 133-53

106 “Symbolic Value of Foreign Products in Transitional ZHOU Lianxi and HUI 21 A 0.5 Economies: The Case of the People’s Republic of Michael China”, Journal of International Marketing, Vol 11, No 2, Jun 2003, pp 36-58

81 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

107 “Informative and Experiential Aspects of In-store POP ZHOU Lianxi and WONG 32 A Posters and Impulse Buying Behavior: An Empirical Ooi-mei Amy Examination in Chinese Supermarkets”, Proceedings of the 2003 World Marketing Congress “Marketing across Borders and Boundaries: Understanding Cross-Functional and Inter-Disciplinary Interfaces within an Increasingly Global Environment”, organized by Academy of Marketing Science and the School of Marketing, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 11 – 14 Jun 2003

107 Sub-total

82 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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Cost Centre 40: Department of Economics

1 “Logistics Services as an Engine of Growth: The Case of CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 31 B Hong Kong”, presented at the AT10 Research Conference, organized by Tokyo Club Foundation for Global Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 20 – 21 Feb 2003

2 Member, Board of Editors, Competition and Change, A CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 61 D Journal of Global Political Economy

3 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, The China Analyst CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 61 D (Canada)

4 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, The Hong Kong CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 61 D Bank of Canada Papers on Asia

5 Member, Editorial Advisory Council, Pacific Economic CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 61 D Review

83 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

6 Member, International Advisory Board, Asian-Pacific CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 61 D Economic Literature

7 Member, International Advisory Board, The Developing CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 61 D Economics

8 Member, International Editorial Advisory Board, The CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 61 D Pacific Review

9 “Transaction Cost, Currency Substitution, and the CHEUNG Kui-yin and FAN 12 B Economic Integration between Hong Kong and Chengze Simon Southern China”, East Asian Business Systems in Evolutionary Perspective: Entrepreneurship and Coordination, Tony F L Yu (ed), New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc, May 2003, pp 131-44

10 “Does Trade Lead to Wage Inequality? A CHEUNG Kui-yin and FAN 21 A Cross-Industry Analysis”, Journal of Asia Pacific Chengze Simon Economy, Vol 7, No 2, Jul 2002, pp 147-59

84 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

11 “Currency Substitution: The Use of Hong Kong Dollars CHEUNG Kui-yin and FAN 21 A in Southern China”, Journal of Economic Integration, Chengze Simon Vol 17, No 3, Sep 2002, pp 596-607

12 “Spillover Effects of Inward FDI on Innovation in CHEUNG Kui-yin and LIN 33 B China: An Analysis of Provincial Data”, presented at Ping 2002 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia and Australia Regional Conference on “WTO and Global Competition: A New Era for International Business”, organized by HKIBS of Lingnan University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China, 18 – 20 Jul 2002

13 “Human Capital, Study Effort, and Persistent Income FAN Chengze Simon 21 A Inequality”, Review of Development Economics, Vol 7, No 2, 2003, pp 311-26

85 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

14 “Addition through Depletion: The Brain Drain as a FAN Chengze Simon and 33 B 0.5 Catalyst of Human Capital Formation and Economic STARK Oded Betterment”, presented at the Second Biennial Conference of the Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 16 – 17 Dec 2002

15 “Introduction”, Exchange Rate Regimes and HO Lok-sang and YUEN 12 A 0.5 Macroeconomics Stability, Ho Lok-sang and Yuen Chi-wa Chi-wa (eds), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pp 1-5

16 “Bringing about Realistic Exchange Rates: A HO Lok-sang and YUEN 12 A 0.5 Post-Asian Financial Crisis Perspective”, Exchange Chi-wa Rate Regimes and Macroeconomics Stability, Ho Lok-sang and Yuen Chi-wa (eds), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pp 133-44

17 Editor, Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomics HO Lok-sang and YUEN 14 A 0.5 Stability, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, Chi-wa 253 pages

86 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

18 “The Battle of Economic Ideas and Macroeconomic HO Lok-sang 31 B Policy Coordination”, presented at the Second Biennial Conference of the Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 16 – 17 Dec 2002

19 “Education Reform in Hong Kong: Review and HO Lok-sang 31 B Outlook”, presented at the Hong Kong Education Research Association Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 21 – 22 Dec 2002

20 “Reforming World Money with A World Currency HO Lok-sang 32 A Unit”, presented at the Pacific Rim Conference of the Western Economic Association, Taiwan, 9 – 12 Jan 2003

21 “The Hong Kong Fiscal System as a Model of the HO Lok-sang 32 A Henry George Single Tax”, presented at the Pacific Rim Conference of the Western Economic Association, Taiwan, 9 – 12 Jan 2003

87 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

22 “Sustainable Exchange Rate Regime and Regional HO Lok-sang 33 B Stability”, presented at the International Symposium on “Asian Economic Dynamism in the Age of Globalization”, organized by Lingnan University and University Paris X, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 29 – 30 Oct 2002

23 “The Myth of Hong Kong’s Economic Decline: Theory HO Lok-sang 33 B and Evidence”, presented at a seminar, organized by HK Institute for Monetary Research, 9 Apr 2003

24 “Adaptive Real Monetary Unit Standard as a HO Lok-sang 33 B Sustainable Exchange Rate Regime”, presented at 2003 Spring Meetings, organized by World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, USA, 24 Apr 2003

25 Managing Editor, Pacific Economic Review HO Lok-sang 61 D

88 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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26 Book Review of The Asian Financial Crisis and the HO Lok-sang 62 D Ordeal of Hong Kong (by Y C Jao, Westport: Quorum Books, Jun 2001), in China Quarterly, Vol 171, Sep 2002, pp 741-79

27 Editor, China’s Economic Reform: A Study with ASH Robert, HOWE 14 A 0.34 Documents, London and New York: Routhledge Curzon Christopher and KUEH Press, Nov 2002, i-xii and 404 pages Yak-yeow

28 “China in the WTO and the Prospects for Regional KUEH Yak-yeow 31 B Economic Integrations – with Speical Reference to the Proposed ASEAN 10+1 FTA”, presented at the 5th Asian Development Research (ADRF) Conference, invited by the International Development Research Centre (Canada) and the Thailand Research Fund, organized by ADRF, Bangkok, Thailand, 1 – 3 Dec 2002

89 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

29 “Can the Chinese Banking Industry Cope with the WTO KUEH Yak-yeow 33 B Challenge?”, presented at the 54th International Atlantic Economic Conference, organized by International Atlantic Economic Society, Washington, USA, 10 – 13 Oct 2002

30 「加入世貿組織後『大中華經濟圈』對日本的經貿關 KUEH Yak-yeow 33 B 係」, 宣讀於由中國社會科學院亞洲太平洋研究所主 辦之「加入世界貿易組織與地區經濟關係學術研討 會」, 中國北京, 2002 年 10 月 26 日

31 “The Impact of External Balance on Money Supply and KUEH Yak-yeow, MA Yue 33 B 0.67 Inflation in China”, presented at the “Financial Crises, and TSANG Shu-ki Policy Responses and Reforms” session of the Second Biennial Conference of the Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 16 – 17 Dec 2002

32 Member, Editorial Board, China Review, The Chinese KUEH Yak-yeow 61 D University Press

90 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

33 Member, Editorial Board, China-An International KUEH Yak-yeow 61 D Journal (Singapore)

34 Member, Editorial Board, The China Quarterly KUEH Yak-yeow 61 D (London)

35 “Market Power and Competition Policy in Hong Kong”, LIN Ping and CHEN 12 A Measuring Market Power, D Slottje (ed), Amsterdam: Kwan-yiu Edward North-Holland, 2002, pp 135-52

36 “Competition Policy under Laissez-faireism: Market LIN Ping and CHEN 21 A Power and Its Treatment in Hong Kong”, Review of Kwan-yiu Edward Industrial Organization, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol 21, 2002, pp 145-66

37 “Downstream R&D, Raising Rivals’ Costs, and Input LIN Ping and BANERJEE 21 A 0.5 Price Contracts”, International Journal of Industrial Samiran Organization, Vol 21, No 1, Jan 2003, pp 79-96

91 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

38 “Implementing Efficient Allocations in a Model of LIN Ping and GREEN 21 A 0.5 Financial Intermediations”, Journal of Economic Edward J Theory, Vol 109, No 1, Mar 2003, pp 1 – 23

39 “Equivalence between the Diamond-Dybvig Banking LIN Ping 21 A Model and the Optimal Income Taxation Model”, Economics Letters, Vol 79, No 2, May 2003, pp 193-8

40 “Competition Policy in East Asia: The Case of Japan, LIN Ping 31 B PRC and Hong Kong”, presented at the 28th PAFTAD Conference on “Competition Policy in the New Millennium”, Manila, Philippines, 16 – 17 Sep 2002

41 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, 3rd MA Yue, McGILVRAY 13 A 0.34 Edition, London: Longman, Apr 2003, 728 pages Perman J and COMMON M

42 “Estimating Firm Behavior under Rationing: A Panel MA Yue, LEE S K and 21 A 0.34 Data Study of the Chinese Manufacturing Industry”, CHAN H L Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Vol 1, No 2, May 2003, pp 221–44

92 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

43 “Money and Price Relationship in China”, presented at SUN Hua-yu and MA Yue 33 A 0.5 The 14th Chinese Economic Association (UK) Annual Conference, organized by CEA (UK), London, UK, 14 – 15 Apr 2003

44 “Exchange Rate Regimes and Macro-instabilities in the MA Yue, KUEH Yak-yeow 33 B 0.67 Twin Economies of Hong Kong and Singapore”, and NG Raymond presented at Twin Economies of Hong Kong and Singapore, Macau University, Macau, 13 Dec 2002

45 “How a Currency Board Fixes the Exchange Rate in a MA Yue and TSANG 33 B 0.5 Crisis”, presented at the “Financial Crises, Policy Shu-ki Responses and Reforms” session of the Second Biennial Conference of the Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 16 – 17 Dec 2002

46 Member, Editorial Board, Scottish Journal of Political MA Yue 61 D Economy, UK [the official journal of the Scottish Economic Society (SES), UK], (1999 - present)

93 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

47 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Chinese Economic MA Yue 61 D and Business Studies, UK

48 Book Review of Foreign Direct Investment in China MA Yue 62 D (by Wei Yingqi and Liu Xiaming, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Sep 2001), in The China Journal, No 48, Jul 2002, pp 229-30

49 “China-ASEAN Export Rivalry: The Role of Hong REN Yue and VOON 21 A 0.5 Kong-China Synergy and the Asian Financial Crisis”, Jan-piaw Thomas The Journal of Asia Pacific Economy, Vol 8, No 2, 2003, pp 157-79

50 “Regional Integration in China: A Statistical Model”, VOON Jan-piaw Thomas 21 A 0.5 Economics Letters, Vol 79, 2003, pp 35-42 and XU Xinpeng

51 “Price vs Quantity Control: A Dynamic Analysis of VOON Jan-piaw Thomas 33 B Fishery Regulation”, presented at IIFET 2002: Fisheries in the Global Economy, organized by Bruce Shallard and Associates, Wellington, New Zealand, 19 – 22 Aug 2002

94 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

52 “Macroeconomic Determinants of Cross-Provincial VOON Jan-piaw Thomas 33 B Investments in China”, presented at Academy of and RAN Qiming Jimmy Business and Administrative Sciences (ABAS): 2003 International Conferences, organized by ABAS, Vancouver, Canada, 24 – 26 Jun 2003

53 “Worker Sorting and Job Satisfaction: The Case of WEI Xiangdong, 21 A 0.34 Union and Government Jobs”, Industrial and Labour HEYWOOD John S and Relations Review, Vol 55, No 4, Jul 2002, pp 595-609 SIEBERT W Stan

54 “Unions and Plant Closings: Britain in the 1990s”, WEI Xiangdong, 21 A 0.34 Southern Economic Journal, Apr 2003, pp 822-41 ADDISON J T and HEYWOOD J S

55 “The Implicit Market for Family Friendly Work WEI Xiangdong, 33 B 0.34 Practices”, presented at the Second Biennial Conference HEYWOOD John S and of the Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong SIEBERT W Stan Baptist University, Hong Kong, 16 – 17 Dec 2002

95 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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56 MPhil Thesis: 「金融中介和經濟發展: 以中國大陸為 ZHANG Zuxiang# 63 A 例」(“Financial Intermediation and Economic Development: Mainland China as a Case Study”), Oct 2002

56 Sub-total

96 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 43: Department of Politics & Sociology

1 “Identifying the Unprecedented: Hannah Arendt, BAEHR Peter W 21 A Totalitarianism and the Critique of Sociology”, American Sociological Review, Vol 67, No 6, 2002, pp 804-931

2 “City of Masks”, Canadian Journal of Sociology BAEHR Peter W 21 A Online, Mar – Apr 2003

3 “Heart, Character and a Science of Man”, Political BAEHR Peter W 21 A Theory, Vol 31, No 1, 2003, pp 117-25

4 “Totalitarianism in the Dialogue of Hannah Arendt and BAEHR Peter W 33 B David Reiesman”, Hannah Arendt Memorial Lecture, Bremen University, , 23 May 2003

97 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

5 “Of Politics and Social Science: ‘Totalitarianism’ in the BAEHR Peter W 33 B Dialogue of David Riesman and Hannah Arendt”, presented at The Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, organized by Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, 12 – 15 Jun 2003

6 Member, Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of BAEHR Peter W 61 D Sociology

7 Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of BAEHR Peter W 61 D Politics, Culture and Society

8 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Classical BAEHR Peter W 61 D Sociology

9 Member, Editorial Board, Max Weber Studies BAEHR Peter W 61 D

10 Member, Editorial Board, Sociological Research Online BAEHR Peter W 61 D

98 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

11 Review of In the Grip of Freedom: Law and Modernity BAEHR Peter W 62 D in Max Weber (by Cary Boucock, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000), in Canadian Journal of Sociology, Vol 27, No 4, Fall 2002, pp 587-90

12 Entries on “Asian Values”, “Bonapartism”, BAEHR Peter W 64 D “Caesarism”, Classics “Charisma”, “Dictatorship”, The Blackwell Dictionary of Modern Social Thought, William Outhwaite (ed), Oxford: Basil Blackwell, Jan 2003, 912 pages

13 “Sino-Japanese Relations: Looking Back and Looking BRIDGES Brian 12 B Forward”, Japan Universities Alumni Society of Hong Kong Annals, Vol 27, 2002, pp 22-8

14 “Japanese Politics: Watching and Waiting”, The Japan BRIDGES Brian 12 B Society of Hong Kong 40th Anniversary Commemorative Volume, Nov 2002, pp 77-9

99 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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15 “Britain and Iraq”, presented at Hong Kong and Macau BRIDGES Brian 33 B Association for European Studies Annual General Meeting on “Clash between Civilisations, the United States, Europe and the Iraq Crisis”, organized by HK & Macau Association for European Studies, Hong Kong, 27 Nov 2002

16 “North Korea and Nuclear Non-proliferation”, BRIDGES Brian 33 B presented at the Fourth Shibusawa Seminar, organized by University of Missouri–St Louis, Missouri, USA, 12 – 17 Jun 2003

17 “Corporatism, Civil Society and Democratisation in the CHAN Che-po and WONG 21 A People’s Republic of China”, China Report, Vol II, No Yiu-chung 38, Nov 2002, pp 233-57

100 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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18 “National Policies on Ageing and Long-term Care in the CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 12 B Asia-Pacific: Issues and Challenges”, Ageing and and PHILLIPS David R Long-term Care: National Policies in the Asia-Pacific, David R Phillips and Alfred C M Chan (eds), Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Ottawa: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2002, pp 1-22

19 “Policies on Ageing and Long-term Care in Hong CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 12 B Kong”, Ageing and Long-term Care: National Policies and PHILLIPS David R in the Asia-Pacific, David R Phillips and Alfred C M Chan (eds), Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Ottawa: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2002, pp 23-67

20 Editor, Ageing and Long-term Care: National Policies CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 14 B in the Asia-Pacific, Singapore: Institute of Southeast and PHILLIPS David R Asian Studies and Ottawa: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2002, xviii + 242 pages

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21 “Exploring Situation-sensitive and Stable Attributes of CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 21 A Quality of Life for the Elderly People in Hong Kong”, and PHILLIPS David R Journal of the Ageing Family System, Vol 1, Winter 2002, pp 62-71

22 Access to Social Services by the Poor and CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 22 A Disadvantaged in Asia and the Pacific: Major Trends and PHILLIPS David R and Issues, Social Policy Paper No 11, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Jan 2003, pp 1-58 (Special Issue)

23 “Ageing in Asia and the Pacific: Critical Issues in CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 22 A National Policies and Programmes”, National Policies and PHILLIPS David R and Programmes of Ageing in Asia and the Pacific: An Overview and Lessons Learned, Social Policy Paper No 9, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, May 2003, pp 3-42

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24 “Social Services for Older Persons in Asia and the CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 22 A Pacific: Trends and Issues”, National Policies and and PHILLIPS David R Programmes of Ageing in Asia and the Pacific: An Overview and Lessons Learned, Social Policy Paper No 9, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, May 2003, pp 87-110

25 “The Shanghai Implementation Strategy on Ageing for CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 31 B Asia and the Pacific” presented at the Anugraha-IFA International Conference on “Madrid Declaration on Ageing – Emerging Trends and Strategies in India and South Asia”, New Dehli, India, 28 – 30 Nov 2002

26 “Policy Impacts of the Long-term Care Practices in the CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 31 B Asia Pacific Region”, presented at the 5th Asian and PHILLIPS David R Development Research Forum General Meeting, organized by the Thailand Research Fund (TRF), Bangkok, Thailand, 2 – 3 Dec 2002

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27 “Shanghai Implementation Strategy: Regional CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 32 A Implementation Strategy for the Madrid International and PHILLIPS David R Plan of Action on Ageing 2002 and the Macao Plan of Action on Ageing for Asia and the Pacific 1999”, published and distributed by UN ESCAP and was adopted by the Asia-Pacific Seminar on Regional Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing Shanghai, China, 23 – 26 Sep 2002

28 “Costing Home Care in Hong Kong: A Hypothetical CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 32 A Model Based on Total Costs Input”, presented at the and TSO Ho-yee Vienne# 10th Annual Congress of Gerontology, organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong, 30 Nov 2002

29 Member, Editorial Board, Hong Kong Journal of CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 61 D Gerontology

30 “Bonnie: I Am on the Margin”, 《16+──少女口述歷 CHAN Hau-nung Annie 12 B 史》, 作者: 新婦女協進會, 香港: 進一步出版社, 2002 年, 頁 294-311

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31 “Who Benefits from the Expansion of Higher CHAN Hau-nung Annie 33 B 0.5 Education? A Comparative Study of Educational and and CHEUNG Sin-yi Occupational Attainment in Hong Kong and Britain”, presented at XV World Congress of Sociology on “The Social World in the Twenty First Century: Ambivalent Legacies and Rising Challenges”, organized by International Sociological Association (ISA), Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13 Jul 2002

32 MPhil Thesis: 「中國務實外交戰略的目的和效果」 CHAN Pak-wai# 63 A (“China’s Pragmatic Diplomacy: Strategy and Effects”), Oct 2002

33 MPhil Thesis: “The Concept of Healthy Ageing in CHIU Mei-lan Mandy# 63 A Hong Kong”, Oct 2002

34 “What are the Impacts of Computer Usages Towards FONG Meng-soi Florence 32 A Older Adults in Hong Kong”, presented at the 10th and CHAN Cheung-ming Annual Congress of Gerontology, organized by Hong Alfred Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong, 30 Nov 2002

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35 “International Justice and Environmental Change” HARRIS Paul G 12 A (translated into Chinese), International and Comparative Environmental Law Review, Wang Xi (ed), Beijing: Law Press, 2002, pp 30-54

36 “International Environmental Cooperation in Pacific HARRIS Paul G 12 A Asia”, International Environmental Cooperation: Politics and Diplomacy in Pacific Asia, Paul G Harris (ed), Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2002, pp 1-27

37 “Environmental Security, International Cooperation, HARRIS Paul G 12 A and American Foreign Policy toward Northeast Asia”, International Environmental Cooperation: Politics and Diplomacy in Pacific Asia, Paul G Harris (ed), Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 2002, pp 53-81

38 “Environmental Change and Foreign Policy: A HARRIS Paul G 12 B Synthesis of Research and Teaching”, The Liberal Arts: Lingnan University and the World, Eugene C Eoyang (ed), Hong Kong: Lingnan University, 2002, pp 37-44

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39 Editor and contributor, International Environmental HARRIS Paul G 14 A Cooperation: Politics and Diplomacy in Pacific Asia, Boulder: University Press of Colorado, Jan 2003, 320 pages

40 “Global Warming in Asia-Pacific: Environmental HARRIS Paul G 21 A Change vs International Justice”, Asia-Pacific Review, Vol 9, No 2, Nov 2002, pp 130-49

41 “Sharing the Burdens of Environmental Change: HARRIS Paul G 21 A Comparing EU and US Policies”, Journal of Environment and Development, Vol 11, No 4, Dec 2002, pp 380-401

42 “Fairness, Responsibility, and Climate Change” HARRIS Paul G 21 A (commissioned article), Ethics and International Affairs, Vol 17, No 1, 2003, pp 149-56

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43 “Global Governance and Environmental Ethics”, HARRIS Paul G 31 A presented at the Faculty Development Workshop on “Ethics, Science and Policy of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs”, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, 18 – 21 May 2003

44 “Environmental Values in a Globalizing World: The HARRIS Paul G 31 B Case of China”, presented at the Workshop on “Reconceiving Environmental Values in a Globalizing World”, Oxford Centre for the Environment, Ethics and Society, Oxford, UK, 11 – 12 Jul 2002

45 “Climate Change and the International Politics of HARRIS Paul G 33 B Irresponsibility and Injustice: Lost Opportunities for the ‘Great’ Powers”, presented at Grassroots Climate Education Project Workshop, organized by Green House Network, Clean Air-Cool Planet and the Massachusetts Climate Action Network, Boston, USA, 19 – 21 Jul 2002

108 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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46 “The Challenge to Environmental Governance in China: HARRIS Paul G 33 B Ecological Values”, presented at the International Conference on Governance in Asia, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 5 – 7 Dec 2002

47 “Globalization and Environmental Values in China”, HARRIS Paul G 33 B presented at Faculty Development Workshop: “Ethics, Science, and Policy – Environmental Education for a Transnational World”, organized by Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, 18 – 21 May 2003

48 “Preliminary Findings on Meaning of Quality Care HUNG Sing-nam# and 32 A from a Cases Study of Day Care for the Elderly”, CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred presented at the 10th Annual Congress of Gerontology, organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong, 30 Nov 2002

109 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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49 “The Caregiving Role of the Male Sandwich Generation KWOK Hong-kin 32 A towards Their Elderly Parents in Hong Kong: Intergenerational Relations in Families and Their Policy Implications”, Proceedings of The International Conference on “Intergenerational Relations In Families’ Life Course”, organized by Institute of Sociology, Academic Sinica, Taiwan and Committee on Family Research, International Sociological Association, Taipei, Taiwan, 12 – 14 Mar 2003, pp 441-68

50 “The Relationships between Perceived Responsibility, KWOK Hong-kin and LAM 33 A 0.5 Living Arrangement and Caregiving Role Playing by Cheung Richard the Sandwich Generation for the Elderly Generation – A Case in Hong Kong”, presented at XV World Congress of Sociology on “The Social World in the Twenty First Century: Ambivalent Legacies and Rising Challenges”, organized by International Sociological Association (ISA), Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13 Jul 2002

110 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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51 “Contradictions between Traditional Chinese Value and KWOK Hong-kin and LAM 33 A 0.5 its Actual Performance: A Study of the Caregiving Role Cheung Richard of the Modern Sandwich Generation in Hong Kong”, presented at XV World Congress of Sociology on “The Social World in the Twenty First Century: Ambivalent Legacies and Rising Challenges”, organized by International Sociological Association (ISA), Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13 Jul 2002

52 “Education in the 21 Century: Its Needs and KWOK Hong-kin 33 B Difficulties”, Proceedings of the 8th Educational Conference of Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, organized by Organizing Committee of the Educational Conference of Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, 2002, pp 119-24

53 “Explaining Volunteering in Old Age: A Social LAU Tsz-wai Ceci# and 32 A Reinforcement Perspective”, presented at the 10th CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred Annual Congress of Gerontology, organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong, 30 Nov 2002

111 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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54 “The Development of Sociological Study on Aging in LAW Wing-kin Kenneth 21 A Western Societies”, Shanghai Science On Aging, Vol 24, No 1, 2002, pp 42-57

55 “Social Reactions to Chinese Migrants from Mainland LAW Wing-kin Kenneth 33 B China to Hong Kong: History and Prospects”, presented at CSAA 2003 Annual Meeting, organized by The Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA) and Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID), Halifax, Canada, 1 – 4 Jun 2003

56 “The Experiences of Recent Mainland Chinese LEE Keng-mun William 21 A Immigrant Women in Hong Kong: An Examination of Paid and Unpaid Work”, The Asian Journal of Women Studies, Vol 8, No 4, 2002, pp 27-57

57 “Gender Ideology and Domestic Division of Labour in LEE Keng-mun William 21 A Middle-Class Chinese Families in Hong Kong”, Gender, Place and Culture, Taylor & Francis Group, Vol 9, No 3, 2002, pp 245-60

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58 “Income Growth and Inequality in Singapore”, Social LEE Keng-mun William 21 A Development Issue, Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development, Vol 25, No 5, 2003, pp 77-85

59 “Women and Retirement: Towards the Feminization of LEE Keng-mun William 21 A Poverty in Aging Hong Kong”, Journal of Women and Aging, Vol 15, No 1, 2003, pp 31-54

60 “The Social Experience of New Women Migrant from LEE Keng-mun William 33 B the People’s Republic of China in Hong Kong”, and TSOI San-kiu Sunday# presented at the XV ISA World Congress of Sociology, organized by University of Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13 Jul 2002

61 “Perceptions of Discrimination and Social Adjustment LEE Keng-mun William 33 B of New Arrival Women from Mainland China in Hong and TSOI San-kiu Sunday# Kong”, presented at 2003 Canadian Sociology & Anthropology Association (CSAA) Annual Meeting, organized by CSAA, Halifax, Canada, 2 – 5 Jun 2003

113 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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62 PhD Thesis: “Ascertaining Patient Condition: A LEE Kok-long Joseph# 63 A Grounded Theory Study of Diagnostic Practice in Nursing”, Oct 2002

63 “China and Falun Gong: Party and Society Relations in LEUNG Kit-fun Beatrice 21 A Modern Era”, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol 11, No 33, Dec 2002, pp 761-84

64 “Chinese Religious Women in Globalization Era: Their LEUNG Kit-fun Beatrice 33 A Problems and Contributions”, presented at an International Symposium on “Religion and Culture: Past Approaches, Present Globalization, Future Challenges”, Macau Ricci Institute, Macau, 29 – 30 Nov 2002

65 “The Sino-Vatican Relations in the Twenty-first LEUNG Kit-fun Beatrice 33 B Century”, presented at Academic Conference on History on Sino-Vatican Relations by Department of History, organized by Fu Jen University and sponsored by the Foreign Service Department of Taiwan Government, Taipei, Taiwan, 6 – 7 Dec 2002

114 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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66 “Chinese Religious Women in the Modernization Era: LEUNG Kit-fun Beatrice 33 B Problems and Contribution”, presented at The Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, organized by Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, 12 – 15 Jun 2003

67 Book Review of Christianity in Rural China: Conflict LEUNG Kit-fun Beatrice 62 D and Accommodation in Jiangxi Province 1860-2000 (by Allen Richard Sweeten, Ann Arbor: Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 2001), in China Quarterly, Vol 171, Sep 2002, pp 771-3

68 “Executive and Legislature: Institutional Design, LI Pang-kwong 12 A Electoral Dynamics and the Management of Conflicts in the Hong Kong Transition”, Hong Kong Government and Politics, Sing Ming (ed), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp 605-31 Reprint (Original in Political Order and Power Transition in Hong Kong, Li Pang-kwong (ed), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1997, pp 53-78)

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69 “China’s Special Economic Areas: Provincial LI Pang-kwong 21 A Competition and Institutional Change”, China Report, Vol 38, No 2, 2002, pp 215-31

70 Book Review of Crisis and Transformation in China’s LI Pang-kwong 62 D Hong Kong, (Edited by Ming K Chan and Alvin Y So, ME Sharpe Inc, Aug 2002), in China Review, Vol 3, No 1, 2003, pp 151-5

71 “A Critical Review of the Representations of Older LUK Kit-ling 33 B Persons in Ageing Policy in Hong Kong”, presented at the Cultural Research: “What is it and Who Needs it?”, Sydney, Australia, 22 Jul 2002

72 《呈現與回應: 年長婦女與廣告之間的互動關系研 CHAN Shun-hing, LEUNG 64 B 0.33 究報告》, 由嶺南大學文化研究系、香港城市大學應 Lai-ching and LUK Kit-ling 用社會科學系、嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心出版, 2003 年 2 月, 97 頁

116 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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73 “Power Relationships between Older Persons with MA Hok-ka Carol#, CHAN 33 B Chronic Illnesses and Doctors: An Interactive Cheung-ming Alfred and Perspective”, presented at the 10th Annual Congress of PHILLIPS David R Gerontology, organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong, 30 Nov 2002

74 “A Study of Family Support, Friendship, and PHILLIPS David R and SIU 21 A Psychological Well-being among Older Women in Hong Oi-ling Kong”, International Journal of Aging and Human Development, Baywood Publishing Co Inc, Vol 55, No 4, 2002, pp 299-319

75 “Macau and Its Economy”, Geography Review, Vol 16, PHILLIPS David R and 22 B 0.5 No 5, May 2003, pp 10-1 ROYLE S

76 “Draft Regional Implementation Strategy”, paper for PHILLIPS David R and 31 A the United Nations Economic and Social Commission CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Regional Follow up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing, Shanghai, China, Sep 2002

117 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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77 “Report on the Regional Survey on Ageing, June 2002”, PHILLIPS David R and 31 A paper for the United Nations Economic and Social CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Regional Follow up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing, Shanghai, China, Sep 2002

78 “Ageing and Long-term Care Practices in the PHILLIPS David R 31 B Asia-Pacific Region”, Introductory presented at the 5th Asian Development Research Forum General Meeting, organized by the Thailand Research Fund (TRF), Bangkok, Thailand, 2 – 3 Dec 2002

79 “Policy Recommendations: Ageing Asian Populations”, PHILLIPS David R 31 B presented at the 5th Asian Development Research Forum General Meeting, organized by the Thailand Research Fund (TRF), Bangkok, Thailand, 2 – 3 Dec 2002

80 “China-ASEAN Export Rivalry: The Role of Hong REN Yue and VOON 21 A 0.5 Kong-China Synergy and the Asian Financial Crisis”, Jan-piaw Thomas The Journal of Asia Pacific Economy, Vol 8, No 2, 2003, pp 157-79

118 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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81 “Occupational Stressors and Well-being among Chinese SIU Oi-ling 21 A Employees: The Role of Organizational Commitment”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Blackwell Publishers, Vol 51, No 4, 2002, pp 527-44

82 “Managerial Stress in Greater China: The Direct and SIU Oi-ling, SPECTOR 21 A 0.2 Moderator Effects of Coping Strategies and Work Locus Paul E, COOPER Cary L, of Control”, Applied Psychology: An International LU Luo and YU Shanfa Review, Blackwell Publishers, Vol 51, No 4, 2002, pp 608-32

83 “Predictors of Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism in Two SIU Oi-ling 21 A Samples of Hong Kong Nurses”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Blackwell Publishers, Vol 40, No 2, 2002, pp 1-13

84 “A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Job SIU Oi-ling, CASS M, 21 A 0.25 Satisfaction and Employee Health in Hong Kong”, FARAGHER B and Stress and Health, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Vol 19, COOPER Cary L 2003, pp 79-95

119 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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85 “Job Stress and Work Well-Being in Hong Kong and SIU Oi-ling, LU Chang-Qin 21 A 0.67 Beijing: The Direct and Moderating Effects of and CHENG Hing-cheung Organizational Commitment and Chinese Work Kevin Values”, Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Vol 4, No1, 2003, pp 1-18

86 “Age Differences in Safety Attitudes and Safety SIU Oi-ling, PHILLIPS 21 A 0.67 Performance in Hong Kong Construction Workers”, David R and LEUNG Journal of Safety Research, United States: National Tat-wing Safety Council and Elsevier Science Ltd, Vol 34, Issue 2, Apr 2003, pp 199-205

87 “Age Differences in Safety Attitudes and Safety SIU Oi-ling, PHILLIPS 32 A 0.67 Performance in Two Samples of Chinese Workers”, David R and LEUNG Proceedings of the Regional Conference on “Into the Tat-wing Millennium of the Older Adults: Releasing Potentials and Erasing Prejudices”, organized by The Gerontological Society of Singapore, Singapore, 2002, pp 132-6

120 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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88 “Job Stress and Job Performance among Employees in SIU Oi-ling 33 B Hong Kong Before and After the US 911 Event: Role of Chinese Work Values and Organizational Commitment”, Proceedings of the 2002 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia and Australia Regional Conference on “WTO and Global Competition: A New Era for International Business” (in form of CD), organized by HKIBS of Lingnan University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Shanghai, China, 18 – 20 Jul 2002

89 “Organizational Climate and Safety Performance SIU Oi-ling and PHILLIPS 33 B Among Construction Workers in Hong Kong: The David R Direct and Indirect Effect of Safety Climate and Psychological Distress”, presented at the 12th International Conference on Safe Communities, organized by the Occupational Safety & Health Council, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, 19 Mar 2003

121 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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90 Booklet: To Enhance Secondary School Students’ Social SIU Oi-ling, KWOK 64 D Competency, Self-esteem, and Psychological Well-being Hong-kin and PHILLIPS Through Doing Social Services for Elderly People, David R Quality Education Fund and Lingnan University, 2002, 65 pages

91 “Marx’s ‘Dual Freedom’ Thesis and Globalization: A SOLOMON Michael S 33 B Dialectical Approach to Ideologies of Solidarity and Competitiveness”, presented at the Workshop on The Politics of Protest in the Age of Globalization, organized by British International Studies Association (BISA), University of Sussex, Brighton, England, 26 – 27 Sep 2002

92 “Social Experience of New Immigrant Women from TSOI San-kiu Sunday# 33 B PRC in Hong Kong”, presented at XV World Congress of Sociology on “The Social World in the Twenty First Century: Ambivalent Legacies and Rising Challenges”, organized by International Sociological Association (ISA), Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13 Jul 2002

122 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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93 MPhil Thesis: “Discrimination and Social Adjustment TSOI San-kiu Sunday# 63 A of ‘New Arrival Women’ from Mainland China”, Jul 2002

94 MPhil Thesis: “Sino-American Strategic Relations: A WONG Hon-yui Eric# 63 A Perceptual-Psychological Approach”, Sep 2002

95 “Images of Older Persons in Hong Kong’s Movies”, WONG Nga-man Brenda# 33 B presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association (CSAA), Dalhousie University, Halifax-Nova Scotia, Canada, 1 – 4 Jun 2003

96 “One Country, Two Systems in Practice: An Analysis of WONG Yiu-chung 33 B Six Cases”, presented at the Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia in the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 5 – 8 Jul 2002

96 Sub-total

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Cost Centre 44: Department of Chinese

1 MPhil Thesis: 「舒巷城的小說研究」 (“A Study on CHAN Hay-ching# 63 A Shu Xiangcheng’s Fiction”), Oct 2002

2 《文學面面觀》, 香港: 獲益文叢, 2003 年 1 月, 100 CHAN Tak-kam 11 B 頁

3 「鄉土散文的心理分析」, 載於《海南師範學院學報》, CHAN Tak-kam 21 A 第 15 卷, 第 5 期, 2002 年 9 月, 頁 59-63

4 「李廣田對散文特質的看法」, 載於《香江文壇》, 第 CHAN Tak-kam 22 B 11 期, 2002 年 11 月, 頁 46-7

5 「民族衰落和青春消逝的一闋輓歌 ── 何其芳『古 CHAN Tak-kam 22 B 城』的寓意」, 載於《詩網絡》, 第 7 期, 2003 年 2 月, 頁 49-55

124 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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6 「千禧年香港期刊散文綜論」, 載於《香港文學》, 第 CHAN Tak-kam 22 B 219 期, 2003 年 3 月, 頁 66-76

7 Academic Supervisor and Editor, 《當代文學》 CHAN Tak-kam 61 D

8 書評:《散文研究》, 載於 Sino-Humanitas, 第 9 期, CHAN Tak-kam 62 A 2002 年 12 月, 頁 345-9

9 「抒情傳統與現代社會」, 載於《上海師範大學學報》, CHAN Wai-ying 21 A 第 31 卷, 第 4 期, 2002 年 7 月, 頁 61-9

10 「中國現代詩的『景』與『情』 ── 林亨泰的『風 CHAN Wai-ying 21 A 景詩』」 , 載於《台灣文學與文化研究學刊》, 第一期, 2002 年 8 月, 頁 191-242

11 「現代詩『景』的符號 ── 經驗、記憶、時間、空 CHAN Wai-ying 21 A 間」, 載於《台灣師範大學學報: 人文與社會類》, 第 47 卷, 第 2 期, 2002 年, 頁 105-20

125 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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12 「從『景、風、心、色』論『境界』與現代詩境」, presented CHAN Wai-ying 31 B at an international conference on “Chinese Culture in the 21st Century”, jointly organized by the Association for Yan Huang Culture of China, Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong, 17 – 20 Dec 2002

13 「夏色浮動」, 載於《香港文學》, 第 211 期, 2002 CHAN Wai-ying 41 D 年 7 月, 頁 41

14 「術語系統的觀照」, 載於《香港文學》, 第 215 期, CHAN Wai-ying 41 D 2002 年 11 月, 頁 83

15 「物玩」, 載於《詩潮》, 第 11 期, 2002 年 12 月, 頁 CHAN Wai-ying 41 D 20

16 「讀詩 ── 阿藍的《蒲台島二首》」 , 載於《文學 CHAN Wai-ying 41 D 世紀》, 第 3 卷第 3 期, 2003 年 3 月, 頁 54-6

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17 「杜甫《『進鵰賦』表》『沈鬱』解」, 載於《文學論 HSU Tzu-pin 21 A 衡》, 第 2 期, 2002 年 12 月, 頁 12-21

18 「現行兩種郭店楚簡文字編的一些問題」, 載於《新 HSU Tzu-pin 33 A 疆大學語言文化國際學術研討會論文集》, 烏魯木齊: 新疆大學, 2002 年 8 月, 頁 23-30

19 Editor, Journal of Chinese Literary Studies HSU Tzu-pin 61 D

20 「《浮生六記》中陳芸的情深之累」, 載於《明清文 KWONG Yim-tze Charles 12 A 學與女性論文集》, 南京: 江蘇古籍出版社, 2002 年 9 月, 頁 859-79

21 “A Confucian Note on Modern Liberal Education”, The KWONG Yim-tze Charles 12 B Liberal Arts: Lingnan University and the World, Eugene C Eoyang (ed), Hong Kong: Lingnan University, 2002, pp 103-22 (modified reprint of article originally published in ACUCA Exchange in 1998)

127 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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22 “Nature and Religion in Ancient Chinese Poetry”, KWONG Yim-tze Charles 21 A Journal of Asian History, Vol 37, No 1, Jun 2003, pp 33-69

23 “Problems of Rendering Prosody in Classical Chinese KWONG Yim-tze Charles 33 A Poetry”, presented at an international conference on “Beginning of the New Century: Comparative Literature in a Cross Cultural Context”, organized by Chinese Comparative Literature Association, Nanjing, China, 14 – 18 Aug 2002

24 “Music and Rhythm in Li Bai’s Poetry”, presented at KWONG Yim-tze Charles 33 B American Oriental Society Western Branch Annual Meeting, organized by American Oriental Society Western Branch, Tucson, USA, 11 – 13 Oct 2002

25 《春花集》 (collection of 81 classical Chinese shi and KWONG Yim-tze Charles 41 D ci poems), 香港: 天地圖書有限公司, 2002 年 9 月, 133 頁

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26 《秋月集》 (collection of 88 classical Chinese shi and KWONG Yim-tze Charles 41 D ci poems), 香港: 天地圖書有限公司, 2002 年 9 月, 132 頁

27 《默絃詩草》 (collection of 81 classical Chinese shi KWONG Yim-tze Charles 41 D and ci poems), 香港: 天地圖書有限公司, 2003 年 2 月, 131 頁

28 MPhil Thesis: 「香港小說中的情欲與政治: 從施叔 LAM Ho-chiu# 63 A 青、李碧華到黃碧雲」 (“Passion and Politics in Hong Kong Fiction: A Study of Shi Shuching, Li Bihua and Huang Biyun”), Oct 2002

29 “Mixed Doubles: Flirting with Chinese Couplets and LAU Shiu-ming Joseph 12 A Riddles in English Translation”, A Birthday Book for Brother Stone, Rachel May and John Minford (eds), Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2003, pp 175-84

30 《煙雨平生》, 香港: 天地圖書, 2003 年 LAU Shiu-ming Joseph 41 D

129 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

31 「怪誕的旅行 ──《鏡花緣》的域外諸國」, 載於 LAU Yin-ping Grace 22 B 《文化研究月報》, 第 28 期, 2003 年 6 月, 共 10 頁

32 “Popularisation of Etymology and Comments on LEE Hung-kai 32 A Several Related Works” (「談文字學普及化 ── 兼 評幾部有關的著作」), presented at an international conference on “Chinese Culture in the 21st Century”, organized by the Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture, Society for Yanhuang Culture and 8 Tertiary Institutions in Hong Kong, 18 – 20 Dec 2002

33 “Study on the Interpretations of Qiaoxiaozhicuo by the LEE Hung-kai 33 A Qing Scholars” (「《衛風 • 竹竿》『巧笑之瑳』清人諸 訓評議」), presented at an international conference on “Intellectual History of the Ming-Qing Period”, organized by the Department of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 21 – 23 Dec 2002

130 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

34 「慣用語分析與香港的應用文教學」, 宣讀於由中國 LEE Hung-kai and HSU 33 A 寫作學會及寧波高等專科學校主辦之「第六屆現代應 Tzu-pin 用文國際研討會」, 中國寧波, 2002 年 12 月 23 – 25 日

35 「《小雅 • 巧言》 『遇犬獲之』解」, 載於《新疆大 LEE Hung-kai 33 B 學語言文化國際學術研討會論文集》, 張新武、高利 琴〈主編〉, 烏魯木齊: 新彊大學出版社, 2002 年 8 月, 頁 38-40

36 「應用文教學一議」, 載於《新世紀應用文論文集》, LEE Hung-kai 33 B 陳志誠〈主編〉, 香港: 香港城市大學語文學部, 2002 年 12 月, 頁 87-92

37 “Writing between Chinese and English”, Hong Kong LEUNG Ping-kwan 12 B English: Autonomy and Creativity, Kingsley Bolton (ed), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2002, pp 199-206

131 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

38 「慕尼黑的愛詩人」(“Poets from Munich: Joachim LEUNG Ping-kwan 22 B Sartorious & Hans Magnus Enzensberger”), Literary Century, Vol 4, 2002, pp 4-6

39 「從林以亮、馬朗兩位詩人的文學歷程看一九五 O LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B 年代香港新詩的承傳與變化」, 宣讀於由中國世界華 文文學學會, 復旦大學及暨南大學主辦之「第十二屆 世界華文文學國際學術研討會」, 中國上海, 2002 年 10 月 27 – 29 日

40 “Gustav Mahler and Tang Poetry” (「馬勒與唐詩」), LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B presented at the Seminar on “Das Lied von der Erde”, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 7 – 8 Nov 2002

41 “The Heritage of King Hu”, presented at a conference LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B on “Hong Kong Connections: Transnational Imagination in Action Cinema”, organized by Department of Cultural Studies and Hong Kong Cultural Research and Development Programme of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 6 – 9 Jan 2003

132 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

42 《在柏林走路》, 香港: 牛津大學出版社, 2002 年, LEUNG Ping-kwan 41 D 197 頁

43 《剪紙》, 香港: 牛津大學出版社, 2003 年 2 月, 144 LEUNG Ping-kwan 41 D 頁

44 「嘉靖殘本《水滸傳》非郭武定刻本辨」, 載於《明 MA Yau-woon 12 A 代小說面面觀》, 辜美高、黃霖〈主編〉, 上海: 學 林出版社, 2002 年 9 月, 頁 183-214

45 「編著金庸辭典芻議」, 載於《 2000 北京金庸小說國 MA Yau-woon 12 A 際研討會論文集》, 吳曉東、計璧瑞〈主編〉, 北京: 北京大學出版社, 2002 年 11 月, 頁 648-58

133 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

46 “The Didactiv Tradition in the Classical Chinese SI TOU Sau-ieng 32 A Drama” (「中國戲曲的教化傳統」), presented at an international conference on “Chinese Culture in the 21st Century”, organized by the Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture, Society for Yanhuang Culture and Eight Tertiary Institutions in Hong Kong, 18 – 20 Dec 2002

47 MPhil Thesis: 「一九五零至一九七零年代香港都市 WONG Ching# 63 A 小說研究」(“A Study on Hong Kong Fiction and the City, from 1950s to 1970s”), Oct 2002

48 《散文十二講》(教學筆記), 香港: 三聯書店, 2003 年 WONG Pok 13 A 6 月, 頁 195

49 〈編〉,《紀實與報告》(嶺南大學生傳媒習作選), 香 WONG Pok 14 B 港: 博學堂網上書店, 2002 年 7 月

50 「講故事的人 ── 編年史、史詩和小說」, 載於《文 WONG Pok 21 A 藝理論研究》, 2003 年第 3 期, 頁 7

134 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

51 「一個孤獨的講故事人 —— 徐訏香港時期小說初 WONG Pok 33 A 探」, 宣讀於由復旦大學與香港作家聯會主辦之「第 十二屆世界華文文學國際學術研討會」, 中國上海, 2002 年 10 月 27 – 29 日

52 《香港女人》(散文集), 上海: 東方出版中心, 2003 年 WONG Pok 41 D 1 月, 201 頁

53 「巴金的革命情懷」, 載於《解讀巴金》, 陳思和、 XU Zi-dong 12 B 周立民〈選編〉, 瀋陽: 春風文藝出版社, 2002 年, 頁 207-13

54 「『此地是他鄉』的故事」, 載於《讀書》, 第 12 期, XU Zi-dong 22 A 2002 年, 頁 51-8

54 Sub-total

135 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 45: Department of English

1 “The Next Time I Looked, Japan was Gone: Home is ASKER Barry D 12 A Where the Fiction is – Kazuo Ishiguro and the Sense of Dis-place”, Anglophone Cultures, Klaus Stierstorfer and David Parker (eds), Heidelberg: Universitaets Verlag, Spring 2003

2 “Liberal Arts: The Education of Choice for Hong ASKER Barry D 12 B Kong?”, The Liberal Arts: Lingnan University and the World, Eugene C Eoyang (ed), Hong Kong: Lingnan University, 2002

3 Practical Skills for Work and Study, Hong Kong: ASKER Barry D 13 A Witman [new edition], 2002

4 “Applying Metalanguage to Language Awareness” (or BERRY Roger S 32 A “Making the Most of Metalanguage”), presented at the Sixth International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness: ALA 2002, organized by ALA, Umeå, Sweden, 1 – 3 Jul 2002

136 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

5 “The Pedagogic Grammarian’s Dilemma”, presented at BERRY Roger S 33 A the 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2002), organized by Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée, Singapore, 16 – 21 Dec 2002

6 Light Verse, “Word Inflation”, Insomnia, Department BERRY Roger S 41 D of English, Lingnan University, May 2003

7 “Investigating Metalanguage in Pedagogic BERRY Roger S 64 B Grammars”, School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, Nov 2002

8 “Narrating the Pre-modern Across Borders”, Other DING Ersu 12 A Modernisms in an Age of Globalization, Djelal Kadier and Dorothea Löbbermann (eds), Universitatsverlag C Winter, Heidelberg, Jul 2002, pp 169-81

137 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

9 “A Cross-cultural Perspective on the Modern and the EOYANG Chen Eugene 12 A Postmodern”, Other Modernisms in an Age of Globalization, Djelal Kadier and Dorothea Löbbermann (eds), Universitatsverlag C Winter, Heidelberg, Jul 2002, pp 119-32

10 “Bada Shanren: Traditional Iconoclast and Riddler of EOYANG Chen Eugene 12 A the Past”, Recent Perspectives on European Romanticism (Mellen Studies in Literature/Romantic Reassessment), Lewiston: The Edward Mellen Press, Vol 158, 2002, pp 169-91

11 “Western Agon / Eastern Ritual: Confrontations and EOYANG Chen Eugene 12 A Co-optations in World Views”, Thresholds of Western Culture: Identity, Postcoloniality, Transnationalism, John Burt Foster Jr and Wayne J Froman (eds), New York: Continuum Books, 2002, pp 206-19

12 “Teaching English as Culture: Paradigm Shifts in EOYANG Chen Eugene 21 A Postcolonial Discourse”, Diogenes 198, Vol 50, No 2, 2003, pp 3-16

138 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

13 “ ‘When I Find Myself, What Will I Find, and Who EOYANG Chen Eugene 31 A Did the Looking?’: Intercultural Perspectives on the Self”, The ‘I’ of the Beholder: A Prolegomena to the Intercultural Study of the Self, Brigham Young University Press, 2002, pp 55-73

14 “English as a Presumption: Hegemonic and EOYANG Chen Eugene 31 A Antihegemonic Perspectives”, plenary presentation at the VI Biennial Conference of the Comparative Literature Association on “Linguistic Hegemony and Identity: English and Other Languages”, Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore, India, 7 Jan 2003

15 “The Uses of the Useless: Comparative Literature and EOYANG Chen Eugene 33 B the Multinational Corporation”, keynote address at the 7th Triennial Conference of the Chinese Comparative Literature Association on "Beginning of the New Century: Comparative Literature in a Cross-Cultural Context", Nanjing, China, 15 Aug 2002

139 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

16 “Tongue-tied and Close-mouthed: ‘Language’ and EOYANG Chen Eugene 33 B ‘Literature’ in the 21st Century”, presented at the XXII International Congress of FILLM (“Fédération International des langues et litératures modernes”) on “Re-Imagining Language and Literature for the 21st Century”, Assumption University, Bang Na Campus, Bangkok, Thailand, 19 Aug 2002

17 “The ‘Stealth’ Foreigner: Canadians from a US EOYANG Chen Eugene 33 B Perspective”, plenary presentation at the III Asia-Pacific and XIX Indian Association for Canadian Studies Conference on “Globlization and Consumer Culture: Canada and India”, University of Mysore, Mysore, India, 12 Jan 2003

18 Book Review of Tokens of Exchange: The Problem of EOYANG Chen Eugene 62 D Translation in Global Circulations (edited by Lydia H Liu, Duke University Press, Jan 2000), in New Comparison: A Journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies, Vol 31, 2002, pp 181-93

140 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

19 Book Review “Performance Crossing Boundaries” of EOYANG Chen Eugene 62 D East of West: Cross-Cultural Performance and the Staging of Difference (by Claire Sonsler and Xiaomei Chen, New York: Palgrave, 2000, x+230pages), in Comparative Literature Studies, Vol 40, No 1, 2003, pp 81-8

20 Book Review of Particular and Universal: Studies in EOYANG Chen Eugene 62 D Asian, European and American Literature (by Madison Morrison, Taipei: The Crane Publishing House, 1999), in Comparative Literature Studies, Vol 40, No 3, 2003, pp 344-9

21 「繁體字與香港的文字教育」(“Traditional and FU Baoning 12 A Simplified Chinese Characters: On Hong Kong’s Literacy Education”), 載於《語文教育的反思》, 何 國祥、何文勝和傅健雄〈合編〉, 香港: 香港教育學 院語文教育中心出版, 頁 13-24

141 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

22 “Vowel Digraphs and Vowel Sequences”, presented at FU Baoning 33 B the 7th English in South East Asia Conference on “Changing Responses to Challenging Times”, Hong Kong, 6 – 8 Dec 2002

23 “Conflicting Metaphors in the Hong Kong SAR GOATLY Andrew P 21 A Educational Reform Proposals”, Metaphor and Symbol, Vol 17, No 4, 2002, pp 263-94

24 “Corpus Linguistics, Systemic Functional Grammar GOATLY Andrew P 33 B (SFG) and Literary Meaning: A Critical Analysis of Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone”, presented at the 29th International Systemic Functional Congress, organized by University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 15 – 19 Jul 2002

142 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

25 “Systemic Functional Lexicogrammatical Analysis as GOATLY Andrew P 33 B a Teaching Tool for Ecolinguistics”, presented at the 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2002) “Applied Linguistics in the 21st Century: Opportunities for Innvoation and Creativity”, organized by Association Internationale de Linguiistique Appliquee, Singapore, 16 – 21 Dec 2002

26 Narrative Writing in Australian and Chinese Schools: HO Woon-yee Judy 11 B A Study of Text in Context, Bern: Peter Lang, 2002, 426 pages

27 “Curriculum Documents as Representation of HO Woon-yee Judy 21 A Institutional Ideology – A Comparative Study”, Language and Education, Vol 16, No 4, 2002, pp 284-302

28 “Primary Students’ Written Narratives in Cultural HO Woon-yee Judy 21 A Context” 「從文化看小學生的記敘文」( ), Educational Research Journal, Vol 17, No 2, Winter 2002, pp 273-88

143 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

29 Editor, City Voices: Hong Kong Writing in English INGHAM Michael A and 14 B 0.5 1945 to the Present, Hong Kong University Press, Mar XI Xu 2003, 420 pages

30 “David Mamet’s Drama of Modern Times”, ARTISM, INGHAM Michael A 22 B Apr 2003, pp 21-2

31 “Hong Kong Theatre”, World of Theatre, Ian Herbert INGHAM Michael A 22 B and Nicole Leclercq (eds), London: Routledge, 2003

32 “Gestalt, Hegemonic Power, and The Crying Game”, LIE Jianxi# 12 B Decoding Contemporary Britain: Essays in Literary and Cultural Studies, Mao Sihui (ed), Peking University Press, 2003, pp 363-80

33 “The Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant Debate: Social PANG Tim-tim Terence 11 A Drama and Hegemonic Struggle”, refereed research monograph, published by the Asian Business History Centre, University of Queensland, Jul 2002

144 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

34 “Hong Kong English: A Stillborn Variety”, English PANG Tim-tim Terence 22 B Today, Vol 19, No 2, 2003, pp 12-8

35 “Orientalism and English as a Social Capital: Early PANG Tim-tim Terence 22 B Education Policies in Hong Kong”, Australian Language Matters, Vol 11, No 1, 2003

36 “Kong Xiangxi, Chauncey”, Political Leaders of PANG Tim-tim Terence 64 D Modern China, 1840-1999: A Biographical Dictionary, Leung Pak-wah Edwin (ed), Westport: Greenwood, Oct 2002, pp 75-8

37 “Song Meiling”, Political Leaders of Modern China: A PANG Tim-tim Terence 64 D Biographical Dictionary, Leung Pak-wah Edwin (ed), Westport: Greenwood Press, Oct 2002, pp 140-3

38 “Song Qingling, Rosamond”, Political Leaders of PANG Tim-tim Terence 64 D Modern China: A Biographical Dictionary, Leung Pak-wah Edwin (ed), Westport: Greenwood Press, Oct 2002, pp 143-6

145 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

39 “Song Ziwen, Paul”, Political Leaders of Modern PANG Tim-tim Terence 64 D China: A Biographical Dictionary, Leung Pak-wah Edwin (ed), Westport: Greenwood Press, Oct 2002, pp 146-9

40 Reading Comprehension and Text Organization, SHARP Alastair I 11 A Lewiston/New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, No 73, 2003, 336 pages

41 “Organizational Patterns of Text: An Experimental SHARP Alastair I 12 A Study of Hong Kong School Children”, Reflecting on Language in Education, Davison Crew, Chris Davison and Barley Mak (eds), Hong Kong: Centre for Language in Education, 2002, pp 89-107

42 “Chinese L1 Schoolchildren Reading in English: The SHARP Alastair I 21 A Effects of Rhetorical Patterns”, Reading in a Foreign Language, Vol 14, No 2, Oct 2002, pp 111-35

43 “Reading Comprehension Problems: Evidence from SHARP Alastair I 32 A Foreign Language Contexts”, Proceedings of CILT, Manchester, England, 2002 (Web publication)

146 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

44 “Continuing the Discussion with John J Gumperz”, PREVIGNANO Carlo L 12 B 0.5 Discussing Conversation Analysis: The Work of and THIBAULT Paul J Emanuel A Schegloff, Carlo L Prevignano, and Paul J Thibault (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003, pp 149-61

45 “Continuing the Interview with Emanuel A Schegloff”, PREVIGNANO Carlo L 12 B 0.5 Discussing Conversation Analysis: The Work of and THIBAULT Paul J Emanuel A Schegloff, Carlo L Prevignano, and Paul J Thibault (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003, pp 165-71

46 “Contextualization and Social Meaning-making THIBAULT Paul J 12 B Practices”, Language and Interaction: Discussions with John J Gumperz, Susan L Eerdmans, Carlo L Prevignano and Paul J Thibault (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003, pp 41-61

147 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

47 “Body Dynamics, Social Meaning-making, and Scale THIBAULT Paul J 12 B Heterogeneity: Re-considering Contextualization Cues and Language as Mixed-mode Semiosis”, Language and Interaction: Discussions with John J Gumperz, Susan L Eerdmans, Carlo L Prevignano and Paul J Thibault (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003, pp 127-47

48 Editor, Language and Interaction: Discussions with EERDMANS Susan L, 14 B 0.34 John J Gumperz, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John PREVIGNANO Carlo L Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003, xii, 171 pages and THIBAULT Paul J

49 Editor, Discussing Conversation Analysis: The Work of PREVIGNANO Carlo L 14 B 0.5 Emanuel A Schegloff, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John and THIBAULT Paul J Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003, xiv, 192 pages

148 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

50 “Bid for Power: Subordinates’ Participation in YEUNG Ngor-to Lorrita 33 A Decision-making”, accepted by The 5th ABC European Convention on “Communicating in Business: Meeting the Challenges of a Changing World”, organized by The Association for Business Communication (ABC), Lugano, Switzerland, 29 – 31 May 2003

50 Sub-total

149 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 48: Department of Translation

1 One into Many: Translation and the Dissemination of CHAN Tak-hung Leo 11 A Classical Chinese Literature, Amsterdam/New York: Editions Rodopi, 2003, 370 pages

2 “Bilingual Magazines in Three Chinese-Speaking CHAN Tak-hung Leo 31 B Communities and Their Uses for Foreign Language and Translation Teaching: A Preliminary Report”, Selected Papers from the Eleventh International Symposium on English Teaching/Fourth Pan Asian Conference, Johanna Katchen (ed), Taipei, Crane Publishing, 2002, pp 43 –53

3 “Translation and Simulation: First Attempts at CHAN Tak-hung Leo 33 B Imitating James Joyce’s Ulysses in Hong Kong, 1960-1963”, presented at International Symposium on Contrastive and Translation Studies Between Chinese and English, organized by East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 7 – 11 Aug 2002

150 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

4 “The Poetics of Recontextualization: Intertextuality in CHAN Tak-hung Leo 33 B a Chinese Adaptive Translation of The Picture of Dorian Gray”, presented at International Translation Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Relationships in Translation Studies, organized by Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 23 – 25 Oct 2002

5 「Delabastita 的雙關語翻譯理論在英漢翻譯中的應 CHANG Nam-fung 21 A 用」, 載於《中國翻譯》, 2003 年第 1 期, 頁 30-5

6 “Translating Harry Potter as A Cult of Meanings”, CHIU Chu-lee Julie 21 A Translation Quarterly, No 25, 2002, pp 1-45 (Special Issue III; published 20 May 2003)

7 “From Equivalence to Difference: Deconstructing the CHONG Yau-yuk 21 A Boundaries of Poetry Translation” 「從對等到差異( ─ ─ 解構詩歌翻譯的界限」), Chung Wai Literary Monthly, Vol 31, No 11, Apr 2003, pp 215-39

151 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

8 《安息日誌 ─ 秋之旅》(Chinese translation of CHONG Yau-yuk 45 D Sabbatical Journey: The Diary of His Final Year Part I by Henri J M Nouwen), Hong Kong: Logos Publishers Ltd, Jul 2002, 152 pages

9 《荒漠的智慧 ── 沙漠教父語錄觀照》(Chinese CHONG Yau-yuk 45 D translation of Desert Wisdom: Sayings from the Desert Fathers, selections and art by Yushi Nomura; introduction by Henry J M Nouwen), Hong Kong: Logos Publishers Ltd, Jan 2003, 160 pages

10 「香港嶺南大學中文離校試筆試設計研究等級標準 LI Donghui, TIN Siu-lam, 12 A 0.2 與題型研究」, 載於《清風明月八十秋: 慶賀王均先 劉照雄, 仲哲明 and 劉玉 生八十誕辰語言學論文集》, 吉林: 吉林出版社, 萍 2002 年, 頁 190-8

11 「中國的翻譯教學: 問題與前景」, 載於《中國翻譯》, LUO Xuanmin# 21 A 第 23 卷第 4 期, , 2002 年 7 月, 頁 56-8

152 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

12 「新世紀翻譯觀念的嬗變及理論研究 ── 『清華 LUO Xuanmin# and 張健 21 A 0.5 翻譯高級論壇』述評」, 載於《中國翻譯》, 第 24 卷第 2 期, 2003 年 3 月, 頁 45-7

13 “A Textual-cognitive Model and the Text Construction LUO Xuanmin# 22 A in Translation”, Perspectives, Studies in Translatology, No 1, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2003

14 “Foreignization or Alienation: Translation Strategies in LUO Xuanmin# 31 B China and the West”, invited speaker for the Workshop: Translations and Translation Theory: East and West, SOAS & UCL, UK, 18 – 20 Jun 2003

15 「評介《英漢翻譯例句譯典》」 , 載於《外語教學與 LUO Xuanmin# 62 D 研究》, 北京, 2003 年第 2 期

16 “Framing the Asian Male Body in British Cinema”, MAO Sihui 12 B Decoding Contemporary Britain: Essays in Literary and Cultural Studies, Peking University Press, 2003, pp 285-309

153 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

17 Editor, Decoding Contemporary Britain: Essays in MAO Sihui 14 B Literary and Cultural Studies, Peking University Press, 2003, 403 pages

18 「英式管家: 從英倫傳統和貴族文化中走來」, 載於 MAO Sihui 22 B 《華聲視點》, 第 3 期, 北京, 2003 年, 頁 76-7

19 “A Postcolonial Look at Power and Narration in MAO Sihui 33 B Translation Studies”, presented at 2002 Symposium on Modern Translation Studies, organized by Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China, 22 – 23 Nov 2002

20 Member, Editorial Board, Teaching English in China, MAO Sihui 61 D The British Council and Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

21 “Michael Powell’s Myth Making Films and MU Fengliang# 12 B Evaluation”, Decoding Contemporary Britain: Essays in Literary and Cultural Studies, Mao Sihui (ed), Peking University Press, 2003, pp 310-20

154 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

22 《研究生英語實用翻譯教程》, 許建平〈主編〉, 北 MU Fengliang# 13 B 京: 中國人民大學出版社, 2003 年

23 《英語應試教程模擬試題》, 何富勝〈主編〉, 北京: MU Fengliang# 13 B 清華大學出版社, 2003 年

24 MPhil Thesis: 「基督教中文聖經內包語言研究」 (“A SO Sin-nga# 63 A Critical Study of Inclusive Language in Protestant Chinese Bibles”), Oct 2002

25 “Theory, Experience and Practice: Reassessing the SUN Yifeng 21 A Significance of Translation Theory” (「理論、經驗、 實踐 ── 再論翻譯理論研究」), presented at 2002 Symposium on Modern Translation Studies, organized by Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China, 22 – 23 Nov 2002 and also Chinese Translator Journal, No 6, 2002, pp 4-10

155 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

26 “Cultural Translation: Globalization & Localization”, SUN Yifeng 21 A Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum (John Benjamins BV, Amsterdam), No 1, 2003, pp 139-55

27 “Norms Governing Translation and Subjectivity” (《翻 SUN Yifeng 21 A 譯規範與主體意識》), Chinese Translators’ Journal, No 3, 2003, pp 3-9

28 “Translating Studies and Cultural Translation” (「翻譯 SUN Yifeng 21 A 學與文化翻譯」), Thoughts and Notes, No 8, 2003, pp 285-310

29 “Confronting and Translating Cultural Differences”, SUN Yifeng 22 A Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters Ltd, Vol 11, 2003, pp 25-36

30 “Learn Idiomatic English” (「學習掌握真正的英語」), SUN Yifeng 22 B The World of English, Vol 21, Aug 2002, pp 34-6

156 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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31 “ ‘The Short Cut’ to Learning English” (「學習英語的 SUN Yifeng 22 B 『捷徑』」 ), College English, No 3, 2003, pp 2-4

32 “Literal Translation and Mistranslation” and others SUN Yifeng 45 D (English translation), Selections of Classics, Qingdao: Qingdao Press, 2003, pp 148-66

33 Member, Editorial Board, Abstracts of Translation SUN Yifeng 61 D Studies in China

34 Member, Editorial Board, Chinese Translators Journal SUN Yifeng 61 D

35 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Sichuan SUN Yifeng 61 D International Studies University

36 Member, Editorial Board, Researches in Foreign SUN Yifeng 61 D Languages and Literatures

37 Member, Editorial Board, Translation Quarterly SUN Yifeng 61 D

157 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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38 “ ‘Its Blooming Waves Wash Away All Heroes’: TAI Pui-shan# 33 B Revisiting Some Problems in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry”, presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Western Branch, Tucson, USA, 12 Oct 2002

39 “Stylistics and Literary Translation Criticism: A Case WANG Xiaoyuan# 12 B Study of Emma in Chinese”, Translation Studies: In Honour of Professor LIU Zhongde, Changsha: Hunan Normal University Press, 2003

40 “Gender, Feminism and Literary Translation”, WANG Xiaoyuan# 22 B English-Chinese Comparative Study and Translation, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, No 4, Aug 2002, pp 618-30

41 “Cultural Studies and Translation Studies”, presented at WANG Xiaoyuan# 33 B the International Conference on Chinese-English Comparative Study and Translation Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 7-12 Aug 2002

158 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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42 “Literary Translation and Cultural Context”, presented WANG Xiaoyuan# 33 B at the 4th National Conference on Translating Poetry, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China, 21-23 Dec 2002

43 “Voices across Languages: The Translation of Idiolects WONG Kwok-pun 12 A in the Hong lou meng” (reprint), One into Many: Laurence Translation and the Dissemination of Classical Literature, Chan Tak-hung Leo (ed), Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi, 2003, pp 97-114

44 “Translating Register: With Reference to English, WONG Kwok-pun 21 A French, German, and Italian Versions of the Hong lou Laurence meng”, Babel, Vol 48, No 3, 2002, pp 247-66

45 “Syntax and Translatability”, presented at the XVI WONG Kwok-pun 32 A World Congress of the International Federation of Laurence Translators on “Translation: New Ideas for a New Century”, organized by International Federation of Translators, Vancouver, Canada, 7 – 10 Aug 2002

159 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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46 “Musciality and Intrafamily Translation: With WONG Kwok-pun 33 A Reference to European Languages and Chinese”, Laurence presented at The Fourth Latin American Conference on Translation and Interpretation, organized by Colegio de Traductores Publicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1 – 4 May 2003

47 “Translating Garcilaso de la Vega into Chinese: With WONG Kwok-pun 33 B Reference to His Égloga Primera”, presented at the Laurence International Federation of Translators (FIT) Third Asian Translators’ Forum, organized by FIT and Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 8 Dec 2002

48 “I Fear I May Grow Old Before Frost Fall” (author and WONG Kwok-pun 45 A translator), City Voices: Hong Kong Writing in English Laurence 1945 to the Present, Xu Xi and Mike Ingham (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003, pp 315

160 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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49 “The Great Bell of Yongle” (author and translator), WONG Kwok-pun 45 A City Voices: Hong Kong Writing in English 1945 to the Laurence Present, Xu Xi and Mike Ingham (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003, pp 316

50 “Rhapsody on a Rainy Night” (author and translator), WONG Kwok-pun 45 A City Voices: Hong Kong Writing in English 1945 to the Laurence Present, Xu Xi and Mike Ingham (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003, pp 316

51 “Dawn in the Mid-Levels” (author and translator), City WONG Kwok-pun 45 A Voices: Hong Kong Writing in English 1945 to the Laurence Present, Xu Xi and Mike Ingham (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003, pp 320

52 Member, Editorial Committee, Sino-Humanitas WONG Kwok-pun 61 D Laurence

53 Member, Editorial Committee, Translation Quarterly WONG Kwok-pun 61 D Laurence

161 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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54 Member, Editorial Committee, Renditions WONG Kwok-pun 61 D Laurence

55 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Modern WONG Kwok-pun 61 D Literature in Chinese Laurence

56 「論譯者主體性 ── 從譯者文化地位的邊緣談 ZHA Mingjian# and TIAN Yu 21 A 0.5 起」, 載於《中國翻譯》, 2003 年第 1 期, 頁 19-24

57 「多元系統理論的整合與運用 —— 兼談多元系統 ZHA Mingjian# 33 B 理論對 20 世紀中國翻譯文學史研究的拓展意義」, presented at the International Symposium on Contrastive and Translation Studies Between Chinese and English, Shanghai, China, 10 Jul 2002

58 「操縱與互文:20 世紀中國翻譯文學 “經典” 的形 ZHA Mingjian# 33 B 成及其意識形態和詩學功能」, presented at the 7th Triennial Congress of Chinese Comparative Literature Association and the International Conference, Nanjing, China, 15 Aug 2002

162 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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59 “Ideological Manipulations and the Canon Formation ZHA Mingjian# 33 B of Translated Literature: A Target -oriented Approach towards the Literary Translation in China from the 1950s to 1960s”, presented at the 12th Annual Graduate Student Conference on East Asia, Columbia University, USA, 8 Feb 2003

59 Sub-total

163 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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Cost Centre 51: Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy (and History Programme) Language Institute

1 「從文學到文化研究: 香港的視角」, 載於《方法: 文 CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 12 A 學的路》, 張漢良〈編〉, 臺北市: 臺灣大學出版中 心, 2002 年, 頁 283-315

2 “Building Cultural Studies for Postcolonial Hong Kong: CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 12 A Aspects of the Postmodern Ruins in between Disciplines”, Chapter Four in Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinarity and Translation, (Series on “Critical Studies”, Gen Ed Miriam Diaz-Diocaretz), Stefan Herbrechter (ed), Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, Vol 20, 2002, pp 217-37

3 《在廢墟中築造文化研究: 並論當代大學教育的頹 CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 22 B 敗形式與意義》, Special issue on “The University”, E+E, Zuni, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Vol 6, 2003, pp 10-22

164 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

4 “Learning to Experience Culture: An Exercise in CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 31 B Research”, Reflections (Proceedings of the Lingnan University /University of Western Sydney 2002 Workshop), Center for Cultural Research (ed), University of Western Sydney, Jul 2002, pp16-25 (also at

5 “Criticism, Research & Development: Hong Kong CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 31 B Experience and the Prospect of Contemporary Cultural Education” (「批判、研究與發展: 從香港經驗看當代 文化教育的前景」), presented at International Forum on Higher Education 2002, organized by Higher Education Association (HEA) of China in conjunction with the Provincial Government of Shanxi and Department of Education in Shanxi, Yanling, Shanxi, China, 13 – 17 Oct 2002

6 “Cultural Research and Education in Urban Asia: A CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 31 B Hong Kong Report”, presented at an international symposium on “Globalisation and Cultural Changes in East Asia: Urban Cultures and Texts”, organized by Meisei University, Tokyo, Japan, 15 – 21 Nov 2002

165 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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7 “Fighting Condition in Hong Kong Cinema: Local CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 31 B Icons and Cultural Antidotes for the Global Popular”, presented at an international conference on “Hong Kong Connections: Transnational Action Cinema”, organized by Cultural Research and Development Programme, and Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, 6 – 9 Jan 2003

8 “Burst into Actions: The Changing Spectacle of CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 32 A Glamour Heroines in Contemporary Hong Kong Cinema”, presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies 2003, organized by The Society for Cinema Studies, Minneapolis, USA, 6 – 9 Mar 2003

9 “Aspects of Cultural Methodologies”, presented at the CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 33 B Workshop on “Problematics in Contemporary Cultural Research in Asia and Australia”, organized by the Institute of Cultural Research at the University of Western Sydney and the Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University, Sydney, Australia, 22 – 26 Jul 2002

166 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

10 “Rethinking Visuality: Social Representations and CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 33 B Visual Discourses”, presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong Sociological Association on “Reflecting Social Life: Conflicts and Identities”, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 9 Nov 2002

11 “Cultural Studies: Theories, Practice and Pedagogy”, CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 33 B presented at a series of seminars given at the East China Normal University in Shanghai, jointly sponsored by the Faculty of Arts of the East China Normal University and the Center for Contemporary Chinese Culture Studies of Shanghai University, China, 3 – 24 Apr 2003

12 Consulting Editor, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 61 D Movements

13 Member, Editorial Advisory Board on the Cultural CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 61 D Studies List, Hong Kong University Press

14 Member, International Editorial Board, Cultural CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 61 D Studies, Hybridity: Journal of Cultures, Texts and Identities, Envisage: A Journal of Media Studies

167 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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15 “Interfacing Feminism and Cultural Studies in Hong CHAN Shun-hing 21 A Kong – A Case of Everyday Life Politics”, Cultural Studies, Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, Vol 16, No 5, Sep 2002, pp 704-34

16 Member, Editorial Board, Cultural and Social Studies CHAN Shun-hing 61 D (English-Chinese Translation Series)

17 《呈現與回應: 年長婦女與廣告之間的互動關系研 CHAN Shun-hing, LEUNG 64 B 0.34 究報告》, 由嶺南大學文化研究系、香港城市大學應 Lai-ching and LUK Kit-ling 用社會科學系、嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心出版, 2003 年 2 月, 97 頁

18 “Historical Capitalism, East and West”, The Resurgence HUI Po-keung, ARRIGHI 12 A 0.25 of East Asia – 500, 150, 50 year Perspectives, Giovanni Giovanni, HUNG Ho-fung Arrighi, Takeshi Hamashita and Mark Selden (eds), NY and SELDEN Mark and London: Routledge Curzon, 2003, pp 259-333

168 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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19 「作為文化計劃的另類發展 ── 社群貨幣的基進 HUI Po-keung 21 A 潛能」 (“Alternative Development as a Cultural Project – The Radical Potential of Community Currencies”), 載於《香港社會學學報》(Hong Kong Journal of Sociology), 第 4 期, 2002 年, 頁 147-80

20 “Resistance amidst Globalization – Alternative HUI Po-keung 33 B Economic Project and New Communal Subject”, presented at the “Citizenship and Community in Hong Kong Workshop”, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 26 Oct 2002

21 “Performative Visuality in the Fields of Economics and HUI Po-keung 33 B Business”, presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 9 Nov 2002

22 Tuen Mun Heritage (in Chinese), Hong Kong: Tuen LAU Chi-pang 11 B Mun District Board, May 2003, 192 pages

169 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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23 “Coastal Evacuation (1662-1669) and the Development LAU Chi-pang 33 B of Tuen Mun Area”(in Chinese), presented at the International Conference on Intellectual History of the Ming-Qing Period, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 21 – 23 Dec 2002

24 Book Review of The Philosophy of Wu Ch’eng: A LAU Chi-pang 62 D Neo-Confucian of the Yûan Dynasty (by David Gadelecia , Bloomington: Indiana University Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, 1999), in Journal of Asia Studies, Vol 62, No 2, May 2003, pp 587-8

25 “Un modelo de trabajo en el lugar: Movilizacion LAU Kin-chi 21 A economica de mujeres en las China rural (in Spanish)” (“Pedagogical working on place: women’s economic activism in rural China”), Desarrollo, Sage, 2002, pp 96-100

26 “The Politics of Translation and Accountability: A LAU Kin-chi, HUI 21 A Hong Kong Story”, Traces 1: Specters of the West and Po-keung and CHAN Politics of Translation, Nanjing: Jiangsu Education Shun-hing Press, 2002, pp 247-74

170 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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27 “Internationalism and Traces: Zakandai in Beijing”, LAU Kin-chi, WANG Hui, 21 A 0.25 Traces 1: Specters of the West and Politics of OSBORNE Peter and Translation, Nanjing: Jiangsu Education Press, 2002, pp SAKAI Naoki 339-66

28 “Writings on the Kerala Experience”, Reader on Rural LAU Kin-chi 22 B Reconstruction, Beijing: CSD and China Reform, 2003, pp 100-36

29 “Exploring Alternative Possibilities for Rural LAU Kin-chi and HUI S L 22 B 0.5 Reconstruction in China”, Reader on Rural Reconstruction, Beijing: CSD and China Reform, 2003, pp 172-4

30 “Alternative Approaches to Contemporary Rural Issues in LAU Kin-chi 22 B China”, Reader on Rural Reconstruction, Beijing: CSD and China Reform, 2003, pp 175-210

31 “From the Editors”, China Reflected, Asian Exchange, LAU Kin-chi and HUANG 22 B 0.5 Vol 18, No 2 and Vol 19, No 1, 2003, pp v-vi Ping

171 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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32 “Developmentalist Discourse and Representation of LAU Kin-chi 22 B Rural China”, China Reflected, Asian Exchange, Vol 18, No 2 and Vol 19, No 1, 2003, pp 1-11

33 “Rural Development and Local Governance in China”, LAU Kin-chi, BAI 22 B 0.25 China Reflected, Asian Exchange, Vol 18, No 2 and Vol Namsheng, CHEN Xin and 19, No 1, 2003, pp 43-57 HUANG Ping

34 “Global Capitalism, Socialism and China: Interview with LAU Kin-chi 22 B Lau Kin Chi by Muto Ichiyo” (in Japanese), People’s Plan Forum, No 21, 2003, pp 75-82

35 “Village Libraries in India: Opening up Public Spaces”, LAU Kin-chi 22 B China Reform, Vol 11, No 205, Nov 2002, pp 55-7

36 “The People’s Science Movement in India: Nurturing the LAU Kin-chi 22 B Person for the Community” China Reform, Vol 3, No 212, Mar 2003, pp 58-9

37 “Literacy Campaigns in India”, China Reform, Vol 4, No LAU Kin-chi 22 B 215, Apr 2003, pp 33-4

172 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

38 “Reply to Ma Changhua: On Rural Reconstruction”, LAU Kin-chi 22 B China Reform, Vol 5, No 217, May 2003, pp 58

39 “Resource Mapping of the People’s Science Movement: LAU Kin-chi 22 B Committing Body and Soul”, China Reform, Vol 6, No 219, Jun 2003, pp 44-5

40 “International Cooperation for Local Governance”, LAU Kin-chi 31 B presented at the World Civil Society Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, 20 Jul 2002

41 “The Art of Networking and Movement Building in LAU Kin-chi 31 B Asia”, presented at National Coordinators Training, organized by Ecumenical Asia and Pacific Students and Youth Network, Bangkok, Thailand, 26 Jul 2002

42 “Comparing Rural Community Development Efforts in LAU Kin-chi 31 B China and Kerala”, presented at the Workshop on Local Governance and People’s Science Movement in Kerala, organized by KSSP and ARENA, Trichur, India, 6 Oct 2002

173 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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43 “The Relevance of the Kerala Experience in Local LAU Kin-chi 31 B Governance to China”, presented at School on Sustainability, co-organized by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Reform, CSD and ARENA, Beijing, China, 3 Jan 2003

44 “Creating Cracks in the Hegemonic Power: Opening LAU Kin-chi 31 B Address to the Congress”, presented at ARENA Congress on Resistances and Alternatives to Hegemonies, Penang, Malaysia, 27 Mar 2003

45 “Gender and Development”, presented at the 23rd LAU Kin-chi 33 B International Congress of Society for International Development, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 6 Jul 2002

46 “Alternatives in Community Building in India and LAU Kin-chi 33 B Brazil”, presented at the Workshop on Alternative Approaches to Rural Issues in China Today, co-organized by China Reform and CSD, Beijing, China, 10 Aug 2002

174 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

47 “A Feminist Critique of Governance and LAU Kin-chi 33 B Development”, presented at a workshop on “Culture and Sustainable Development: Rethinking in the New Millenium”, organized by El Colegio de Tlaxcala, AC, Tlaxcala, Mexico, 1 – 9 Nov 2002

48 “Implications of the Reform in China”, presented at a LAU Kin-chi 33 B seminar at Instituto Politechnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico, 15 Nov 2002

49 “Alternative Rural Practices in China”, presented at the LAU Kin-chi 33 B Conference on Mesoamerica and Mesoeconomies, organized by PDP, Mexico City, Mexico, 25 Nov 2002

50 “A Subaltern Perspective on the Reform in China”, LAU Kin-chi 33 B presented at the International Forum of Social and Solidarity Economy, organized by FONAES, Mexico City, Mexico, 29 Nov 2002

175 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

51 “Indigenous Community Development in Mexico”, LAU Kin-chi 33 B presented at School on Sustainability, co-organized by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Reform, CSD and ARENA, Beijing, China, 4 Jan 2003

52 “Localization Versus Globalization: Learning from LAU Kin-chi 33 B Kerala’s Experience”, presented at Training School for University Students on Rural Development in China, organized by China Reform, Beijing, China, 25 Jan 2003

53 “Small is Beautiful: Intermediate Technology and Local LAU Kin-chi 33 B Governance as Alternatives for China’s Rural Development”, presented at the Workshop on Alternative Rural Development, co-organized by China Reform and CSD, Beijing, China, 15 Mar 2003

54 “Fostering Asia-Europe Endeavours in the Search for LAU Kin-chi 33 B Alternatives”, presented at a workshop on “Enhancing Asia-Europe Exchange Programme”, organized by ARENA, Bangkok, Thailand, 26 May 2003

176 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

55 Translation of Dai Jinhua’s “Rethinking the Cultural LAU Kin-chi 45 B History of Chinese Film: An Interview”, Cinema and Desire: Feminist Marxism and Cultural Politics in the Work of Dai Jinhua London: Verso, Sep 2002, pp 235-63

56 Translation of Dai Jinhua’s “The Imagination of LAU Kin-chi, HUI 45 D Intellectuals and the Role of the Mass Media”, China Po-keung and CHAN Reflected, Asian Exchange, Vol 18, No 2 and Vol 19, No Shun-hing 1, 2003, pp 152-61

57 Member, Editorial Board, Asian Exchange, Hong Kong: LAU Kin-chi 61 D ARENA

58 Member, Editorial Board, Cultural and Social Studies LAU Kin-chi 61 D (Translation Series), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press; Beijing: Central Translation Bureau

59 Member, Editorial Board, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies LAU Kin-chi 61 D Journal, London: Routledge

177 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

60 Editor, China Reflected, Asian Exchange, Vol 18, No 2 LAU Kin-chi and HUANG 61 D 0.5 and Vol 19, No 1, 2003 Ping

61 Member, Editorial Board, Cultural and Social Studies LAW Wing-sang 61 D Series (Translation)

62 Member, Editorial Collective, Traces LAW Wing-sang 61 D

63 Member, Editorial Committee, Alternative Discourses LAW Wing-sang 61 D

64 Member, Editorial Committee, Hong Kong Cultural LAW Wing-sang 61 D Studies Bulletin

65 「在小報的字裡行間背後 ── 政治權力、市場與當 LEI Qili# 22 B 代中國的消費意識形態」(“Behind of the Tabloid: Political Power, Market and the Construction of the Consumption Ideology”, 載於由中國上海出版社出版 之《上海文學》, 第 1 期, 2003 年 1 月, 頁 53-60

178 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

66 “Love Generation, Sleeping Forest and Urban ‘Dream’: LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 21 A Rural Myth in Japanese Dramas”, The Journal of Narrative Theory, James Knapp and Ian Wojcik-Andrews (eds), US: Eastern Michigan University Press, Jan 2003, pp 81-98

67 “Truth-seeking and Privacy: The Case of the Nude LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 22 B Photo”, (「『求真』與私隱侵犯/ 新聞傳媒與暴戾文化: 『裸照』風波的反思」), Media Digest, RTHK, Nov 2002, pp 2-4

68 “The Aspects of Asian Popular Culture” (「普及文化現 LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 22 B 象: 『韓流』在香港的解述」), Reflection, Vol 83, Hong Kong Christian Institute, Dec 2002, pp 15-8

69 “The Circulation of Asian Popular Culture: The Case of LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 22 B ‘Han-liu’ ” 「從韓流看亞洲流行文化的流轉」( ), Media Digest, RTHK, Mar 2003, pp 8-10

179 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

70 “Research and Traveling: Reflections from the UWS LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 33 B Workshops”, presented at a workshop on “Problematics in Contemporary Cultural Research in Asia and Australia”, organized by the Institute of Cultural Research at the University of Western Sydney and the Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University, Sydney, Australia, 22 – 26 Jul 2002

71 Cross-dressing in Chinese Opera, Hong Kong: Hong LI Siu-leung 11 A Kong University Press, 2003, 316 pages, 5 illustrations

72 “Gender Politics in the Figuration of Woman Warriors LI Siu-leung 21 A in Chinese Opera: Mulan and Bright Pearl”, Dong Hwa Journal of Chinese Studies, No 1, 2003, pp 125-73

73 “Constructing ‘China’ for the International Film LI Siu-leung 32 A Market: Historical Films of the Shaw Brothers Studio in the 1950s and 60s”, presented by Yung Sai-shing at the XIVth European Association of Chinese Studies Conference, Moscow, Russia, 26 – 28 Aug 2002

180 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

74 “Desiring Internationality: Post-colonial Hong Kong LI Siu-leung 32 A Action Cinema”, presented at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies 2003 Conference, Minneapolis, USA, 6 – 9 Mar 2003

75 “The Myth Continues: Cinematic Kung Fu after LI Siu-leung 33 B Nationalism”, presented at the Hong Kong Connections: Translation Imagination in Action Cinema, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 6 – 9 Jan 2003

76 “The Sci-Fi Imagination of Reality and Time: A LI Siu-leung 33 B Reading Interfacing Science and Culture”, presented at the Hong Kong 2003 Conference: Technoscience, Material Culture and Everyday Life, Co-organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of California, Riverside, USA, 26 – 29 Mar 2003

77 《思考攻略》(Thinking Strategy), 香港: 突破出版社, LO Kit-hung, LUI Tsz-tak, 13 B 0.2 2003 年 2 月, 140 頁 CHIU Tze-ming, CHEUNG Ming-ho and LEE King-hang

181 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

78 “On Kant’s Conception of Morality” (in Chinese), LO Kit-hung 21 A Journal of Foreign Philosophy, Beijing: Commercial Press, No 15, Oct 2002, pp 72-89

79 “ ‘Decolonialising’ Cultural Studies: An Introduction to MORRIS Meaghan E 21 A Fred Chiu”, Cultural Studies Review, Vol 8, No 2, 2002, pp 27-32

80 “From ‘Criticism’ to ‘Research’: The Textual in the MORRIS Meaghan E 31 B Academy”, Opening address in the Joint UWS-Lingnan Workshop on “Problematics in Contemporary Cultural Research in Asia and Australia”, organized by Institute for Cultural Research, University of West Sydney (UWS), Sydney, Australia, 22 – 26 Jul 2002 (also in

81 “Implementing ‘Globalisation’: Translation, Cultural MORRIS Meaghan E 31 B Studies and Educational Reform”, Closing Plenary, Cultural Returns: Assessing the Place of Culture in Social Thought, Pavis Centre for Social and Cultural Thought at the Open University, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, 18 – 20 Sep 2002

182 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

82 “History in Action Cinema: The Man from Hong MORRIS Meaghan E 31 B Kong”, presented at Imagining Australia: Literature and Culture in the New New World, Harvard University Committee on Australian Studies, Harvard, Cambridge MA, 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2002

83 “Implementing ‘Globalisation’ ”, Keynote Address to MORRIS Meaghan E 31 B Cultural Studies Association of Australia conference on “Ute Culture: The Uses of Culture and the Utility of Cultural Studies”, University of Melbourne, Australia, 5 – 7 Dec 2002

84 “Hong Kong Connections: Transnational Imagination in MORRIS Meaghan E 32 A Action Cinema”, presented at Annual Meeting and opening paper “ Transnational Imagination in Action Cinema: The Prequel”, organized by Society for Cinema and Media Studies (USA), Minneapolis, USA, 6 – 9 Mar 2003

183 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

85 “Varieties of Globalization”, Introductory paper to the MORRIS Meaghan E 33 B Hong Kong Institute for Cultural Criticism Spring Postgraduate Seminar series on “Globalization: A Challenge for Asian Cultural Studies?”, organized by HKU Journalism and Media Studies Center, Shui On Center, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, 8 Feb 2003

86 Advisory, Metro: Film/Television/Radio/Multimedia MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D [Australia] 2002-

87 Advisory, Traffic [Australia] 2002- MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D

88 Editorial Adviser, Cultural and Social Studies MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D Translation Series (Lingnan University with the Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences), Oxford UP Hong Kong

89 Editorial Adviser, Transnational Cultural Studies, MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D University of Illinois Press, 1998-, Series Editors Ien Ang and Jon Stratton

184 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

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90 Member, International Advisory Board, Journal of MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D Australian Studies, 1997-

91 Member, Editorial Board, Camera Obscura, 1995 - MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D

92 Member, Editorial Board, Communal/Plural, 1997- MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D

93 Member, Editorial Board, Communication and MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D Critical/Cultural Studies [USA] 2003-

94 Member, Editorial Board, Continuum, 1996 - MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D

95 Member, Editorial Board, Cultural Studies Review MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D [Australia] 2002-

96 Member, Editorial Board, Cultural Studies, 1991 - MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D

97 Member, Editorial Board, Environment and Planning D: MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D Society and Space, 1993-

185 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

98 Member, Editorial Board, Gender, Place and Culture: A MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D Journal of Feminist Geography, 1992-

99 Member, Editorial Board, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D [UK-Taiwan-Singapore] 1998-

100 Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D Cultural Studies, 1997-

101 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Visual Culture MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D [UK] 2000-

102 Member, Editorial Board, Postcolonial Studies, 1997- MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D

103 Member, Editorial Board, Public Culture, 1994- MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D

104 Member, Editorial Board, Qualitative Inquiry, 1994- MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D

186 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

105 Member, Editorial Board, Social Policy Studies [Hong MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D Kong] 2002-

106 Member, Editorial Board, Traces MORRIS Meaghan E 61 D [US-Japan-PRC-Korea]1998-

107 “Culture, Convention, and Creativity”, The Creation of OLSEN Stein H 12 A Art – New Essays in Philosophical Aesthetics, Berys Gaut and Paisley Livingston (eds), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp 192-207

108 “Criticism of Art and Criticism of Culture”, presented at OLSEN Stein H 33 A the Conference “The Borderlines of Aesthetics”, organized by Aarhus University, Denmark, 22 – 25 May 2003

109 “Central European Culture in Search of a Theory, Or: REISENLEITNER Markus 21 A The Lure of ‘Post/Colonial Studies’ ”, Spacesofidentity, Vol 2, No 2, Net 6, Aug 2002 (web-journal)

187 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

110 “Introducing History (in)to Cultural Studies: Some REISENLEITNER Markus 21 A 0.5 Remarks on the German-Speaking Context”, Cultural and LUTTER Christina Studies, Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, Vol 16, No 5, Sep 2002, pp 611-30

111 “Institutionalizing Cultural Studies in Austria: A View REISENLEITNER Markus 21 A from Afar”, Cultural Studies, Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, Vol 16, No 6, Nov 2002, pp 896-907

112 “Themes and the City: Themed Environments and the REISENLEITNER Markus 31 A Construction of Urban Imaginaries”, presented at the 4th International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, organized by Association for Cultural Studies, Tampere, Finland, Jul 2002

188 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

113 “The American Traveling Detective and the Exotic REISENLEITNER Markus 33 A City: Macao, Algiers and the Third Man”, presented at an International Workshop: Central European and North American Culture(s) in Motion, organized by Department for Analysis, Theory and History of Music, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria, 3 – 8 Oct 2002

114 “Among the Throng but not of the Throng – Male REISENLEITNER Markus 33 A Subjectivity and Visions of the City”, presented at The 4th Annual Meeting of the Hong Kong Sociological Association on “Representing Social Life: Conflicts and Identites”, organized by Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, 9 Nov 2002

115 “Asian Villains and the Modern Western Metropolis: REISENLEITNER Markus 33 A The Containment of Colonial Space in Sax Rohmer’s Novels”, presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12 – 15 Feb 2003

189 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

116 Member, Editorial, Cultural Studies (Vienna: Löcker) REISENLEITNER Markus 61 D

117 Member, Editorial, Frühneuzeit-Studien (Vienna: REISENLEITNER Markus 61 D Böhlau)

118 Member, Editorial, Frühneuzeit-info (Vienna/Trebic: REISENLEITNER Markus 61 D Karmasin)

119 Member, Editorial, (web-journal) REISENLEITNER Markus 61 D

120 Ain’t No Coming Back: An Introduction to Western RICE James A 11 B Thought & Culture, ARENA Press, Hong Kong, Sep 2002, 350 pages

121 “Reinterpreting the Rule of Law in Hong Kong”, Asia RICE James A 21 A Pacific Journal of Human Rights and the Law, Klewer Publications, Oct 2002, 28 pages

122 “The End of Human Rights?”, International Journal of RICE James A 22 B Applied Philosophy, Vol 17:1, 2003, pp 119-35

190 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

123 “Language Education Challenge and Change”, ROSKAMS Timothy J 33 B presented at XXII International Congress of Modern Languages and Literatures (FILLM), organized by Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand, 19 – 23 Aug 2002

124 “Challenges in Language Education: Multi-Skill ROSKAMS Timothy J 33 B Tertiary Language Courses in Hong Kong”, presented at The Fourth Pan-Asian Conference and Eleventh International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, organized by English Teachers Association of the PRC, Thai TESOL, Korea TESOL and Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), Taipei, Taiwan, 8 – 11 Nov 2002

125 “Liberalism and Its Troubles with Nationalism”, Social SESARDIC Neven 12 B Sciences and Political Change, R Cassling & G Fragnière (eds), Brussels: Peter Lang, 2003, pp 53-63

191 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

126 “Heritability and Indirect Causation”, presented at SESARDIC Neven 32 A Philosophy of Science Association’s 2002 Biennial Meeting, organized by Philosophy of Science Association, Wisconsin, USA, 7 – 10 Nov 2002

127 “The Genotype-Environment Correlation”, presented at SESARDIC Neven 33 B Annual Conference of the British Society for Philosophy of Science, organized by BSPS, Glasgow, UK, 4 – 5 Jul 2002

128 Book Review of Modeling Rationality, Morality and SESARDIC Neven 62 B Evolution (by Peter A Danielson, Oxford University Press on Demand, Sep 1998), in Ethics, Vol 113, No 2, Jan 2003, pp 402-5

129 Book Review of Philosophy of Science and Race (by SESARDIC Neven 62 B Naomi Zack, Routledge, Sep 2002), in Philosophy of Science, Vol 70, No 2, Apr 2003, pp 447-8

192 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

130 “ ‘Aunty Nance’ and Others”, Comparative Cultural SIT Tsui# 22 B Research: Hong Kong / Western Sydney Exchanges, Sydney: Centre for Cultural Research of University of Western Sydney, pp 66-9 (Electronic publication)

131 “Robert Morrison”, Religion in “Geschichte und STARR J Barton 12 D Gegenwart”, 4th Edition, Tubingen: J C B Mohr, [Paul Siebeck], 2002, pp 1511-2

132 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of the STARR J Barton 61 D History of Christianity in Modern China, 1999-

133 Member, Editorial Board, Quest: An Interdisciplinary STARR J Barton 61 D Journal for Asian Christian Scholars, 2002-

134 “On Wonder, Appreciation, and the Tremendous in TAM Ka-hung Thomas 21 A Wittgenstein’s Aesthetics”, British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol 42, No 3, Jul 2002, pp 310-22

193 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

135 「香港嶺南大學中文離校試筆試等級標準與題型研 LI Donghua, TIN Siu-lam, 12 A 0.2 究」, 載於由吉林人民出版社出版之《清風明月八十 劉照雄, 仲哲明 and 劉玉 秋 ── 慶賀王均先生八十誕辰語言學論文集》, 曹 萍 澄方、蘇培成等〈主編〉, 2002 年 8 月, 頁 190-8

136 「王力先生和教學語法」, 載於《紀念王力先生百年 TIN Siu-lam 12 A 誕辰學術論文集》, 商務印書館(北京), 2002 年 8 月

137 「語音面貌 ── 粵方言區普通話水平測試之核 TIN Siu-lam 31 A 心」, 宣讀於澳門理工學院主辦之「漢語 (普通話) 教 學與測試國際研討會」, 澳門, 2003 年 3 月 28-29 日; 並載於香港《小學中文教師》, 第 14 期, 2003 年 6 月, 頁 16-21

138 「香港社區詞研究」, 宣讀於由國家教育部對外漢語 TIN Siu-lam 33 A 辦公室與世界漢語教學學會主辦之「第七屆國際漢語 教學討論會」, 中國上海, 2002 年 7 月 31 – 8 月 6 日

194 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

139 「香港普通話水平測試面面觀」, 宣讀於由國家語言 TIN Siu-lam 33 A 文字工作委員會主辦之「首屆全國普通話水平測試學 術研討會」, 中國揚州, 2002 年 5 月 24 – 28 日; 並載 於《首屆全國普通話水平測試學術研討會論文集》, 由語文出版社出版, 2003 年, 頁 284-92; 及載於由澳 門語言學會出版之《澳門語言學刊》, 2002 年 10 月, 頁 16-23

140 「論香港普通話科教師語文能力評核的準則」, 載於 TIN Siu-lam 33 A 《語文教育的反思》, 何國祥〈編〉, 2002 年 12 月, 頁 399-411; 並載於《集思廣益》第三輯 ── 普通話學 與教的實踐與探討, 香港教育統籌局課程發展處中 國語文教育組, 2003 年, 頁 181-92

141 「『漢語拼音方案』與普通話教學」, 載於論文集《語 TIN Siu-lam 33 A 文課程革新與教學實踐》, 由香港中文教育學會、文 思出版社出版, 2003 年 6 月, 頁 544-50

142 《咬文嚼字》雜誌(月刊) 特約編輯委員(連任) TIN Siu-lam 61 D

195 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

143 《北京觀察》雜誌(月刊) 編輯委員(連任) TIN Siu-lam 61 D

144 書評: 《一本適應新世紀的好教材 ── 邵敬敏主編 TIN Siu-lam 62 D 〈現代漢語通論〉評介》, 載於《語文研究》雜誌(中 國國家級語言學核心期刊), 山西省社會科學院主辦, 2003 年 1 月, 頁 33-4

145 “Philosophy and Cultural Transformation” (in Chinese), WONG Wai-ying 12 A The Thought of Mr Lao Sze-kwang, K Y Lau and C F Cheung (eds), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2003, pp 99-117

146 “The Concept of Morality in Confucian Ethics”, WONG Wai-ying 12 A Chinese Philosophy and the Trends of 21st Century Civilization, K L Fang (ed), Beijing: Commercial Press, 2003, pp 168-90

147 “The ‘Confucian Heritage Culture’ Learner’s WONG Wai-ying and 21 A 0.5 Phenomenon”, Asian Psychologist, Hong Kong: WONG Ngai-ying Department of Curriculum Studies, University of Hong Kong, Vol 3, No 1, 2002, pp 78-82

196 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

148 “Moral Rationality and the Care of Humanity: Mou WONG Wai-ying 21 A Chung-san on Humanism” (in Chinese), Legein Biannual Journal, 30, Jun 2003, pp 67-97

149 「死亡與生命的意義」(“The Meaning of Life and WONG Wai-ying 22 B Death”), 載於《思》雙月刊, 香港: 香港基督徒學會, 2003 年 6 月, 頁 5-8

150 “The Moral Virtues and Non-Moral Virtues in WONG Wai-ying 32 A Confucian Ethics”, presented at The Australasian Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (ASACP) 2002 Conference, organized by Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia, 3 – 6 Jul 2002

151 “Virtues in Aristotelian and Confucian Ethics”, WONG Wai-ying 32 A presented at The Sixth Symposium on Field-Being and the Non-Substantialistic Turn, organized by Fairfield University and Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China, 10 – 16 Aug 2002

197 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

152 「人在歷史中的作用: 勞思光先生關於歷史的哲學 WONG Wai-ying 32 A 省思」, 載於由中華民國行政院建設委員會主辦, 華 梵大學哲學系協辦之《「勞思光思想與中國哲學世界 化」學術研討會論文集》, 台北, 2002 年 11 月 23-24 日, 頁 157-67

153 “The Role of Human Beings in History: Mr Lao WONG Wai-ying 32 A Sze-kwong’s Philosophical Reflection on History” (in Chinese), Proceedings of the Conference on the Thought of Lao Sze-kwong and the Universalization of Chinese Philosophy, Taipei: Council for Cultural Affairs, 2002, pp 157-67

154 《初中中國語文試題庫》(合著), 朗文出版社, 2002 WU Wai-yiu, WANG Qian 13 B 0.67 年 (中一、中二、中三各一張 CD) and 陳倩

155 Interactive Putonghua (Chinese-English), Book and CD YIN Marshall Warren 13 B Rom, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Books Co

198 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

156 “World English and Education in Mainland China”, YIN Marshall Warren 33 B presented at a research seminar, organized by University of Durham (UK), Hong Kong, 10 Dec 2002

157 “A Non-substantialist Approach to Practical Reason”, ZHENG Yujian 21 A International Journal for Field Being, Vol 2, No 3, Dec 2002, Article 6

158 “A Tacit Form of Comparative Philosophy: Reflection ZHENG Yujian 21 A on a Case Study in Analytical Philosophy”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Vol II, No 2, Jun 2003, pp 291-310

159 “Contextuality and Non-Substantialist Stance in ZHENG Yujian 32 A Dynamic Choice: Reflection on a Case Study in Analytical Philosophy”, Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Field-Being and the Non-Substantialistic Turn, organized by Fairfield University and Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China, 10 – 16 Aug 2002

199 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

160 “The Space of Causes vs the Space of Reasons: Some ZHENG Yujian 33 B Observation on a Unique Approach in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy”, presented at a seminar for the Fifth Anniversary of the Institute of Thought (by invitation), East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 23 Oct 2002

160 Sub-total

598 Total

200 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 37: Department of Management

1 《現代企業管理》(Modern Business Management) WONG Yui-tim Edward 13 D (Sixth Edition), 香港: 商務印書館(香港)有限公司, 2002 年 4 月, 570+ VI 頁

1 Sub-total

201 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 40: Department of Economics

1 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 31 B Revolution and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Development”, presented at the Symposium on New Role Government in SME (Small & Medium Enterprise) Development: Keys for Success, organized by Asian Productivity Organization, Taipei, Taiwan, 30 Apr – 1 May 2002

2 “Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth in CHEUNG Kui-yin and 21 A 0.5 China: A Cointegration Analysis”, Pacific and Asian THOMSON E Journal of Energy, Vol 11, No 2, Dec 2001, pp 99-108

3 Book Chapter, “Financial Markets and Foreign Direct MA Yue 12 B Investment: a Tobin’s q Approach”, Progress in International Economics Research, Albert Tavidze (ed), NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc, Dec 2001, pp 93-106

202 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

4 “Convergence to the Law of One Price in China”, WEI Xiangdong and FAN 33 B presented at a one-day workshop on Deflation in Hong Chengze Simon Kong and Asia, organized by the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, Hong Kong, 5 Jun 2002

5 “The Effect of Trade on Wage Inequality: The Hong WEI Xiangdong, HO 33 B Kong Case”, presented at the International Conference Lok-sang and WONG in Honor of Gregory Chow: China and the World Wai-chung Gary Economy, organized by the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 14 – 16 Jun 2002

5 Sub-total

203 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 43: Department of Politics & Sociology

1 “Thinking in Triangles: France, Germany and Hong BRIDGES Brian and TING 22 B 0.5 Kong”, East-West Dialogue, Vol VI, No 2, Jun 2002, pp Wai 320-40

2 “The Role of Research and Academia in Influencing the PHILLIPS David R and 33 B Public Policy Agenda: Policy Development and Change CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred on Ageing Issues”, presented at HelpAge International Regional Policy Workshop on “Madrid and Beyond”, organized by HelpAge International (HAI), United Nations, 2nd World Assembly, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 16 – 20 Jun 2002

2 Sub-total

204 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 44: Department of Chinese

1 「也談『差強人意』」 , 《中國語文通訊》, 第 62 期, HSU Tzu-pin 21 A 2002 年 6 月

2 「鍾馗神話的由來及其形象」, 《宗教學研究》, 全 LAU Yin-ping Grace 21 A 國人文社會科學核心期刊, 四川大學主編, 2001 年, 第 2 期, 共 6 頁

3 「從國族到私情: 文藝片初探」, presented at a LEUNG Ping-kwan 32 A conference on “The Shaw Brothers on the International Movie Stage”, organized by Department of Cinema & Television, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 30 May – Jun 2002

3 Sub-total

205 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 45: Department of English

1 “Technological Paradigms for Literature: An ‘Erotics’ EOYANG Chen Eugene 31 A of Theory”, presented at the State of the Art Conference on “Literature in an Age of Theory and Technology”, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 7 Jun 2002

2 Book Review of Mighty Opposites: From Dichotomies EOYANG Chen Eugene 62 D to Differences in the Comparative Study of China (by Zhang Longxi, Stanford: Stanford University Press, Jan 1999), in Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature Vol 49, 2001, pp 193-7

2 Sub-total

206 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 48: Department of Translation

1 “What’s ‘Modern’ in Chinese Translation Theory? Lu CHAN Tak-hung Leo 21 A Xun and the Debates on Literalism and Foreignization in the May Fourth Period”, TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction, Vol 14, No 2, 2001, pp 195-223

2 “The Migration of a Literary Genre: CHAN Tak-hung Leo 33 B Stream-of-Consciousness Fiction in China, 1980-1996”, presented at the Conference on Translation and (Im)migration of the Canadian Translators’ Association, Toronto, May 2002

3 “Stream of Consciousness Fiction in China, Translated CHAN Tak-hung Leo 33 B and Imitated”, presented at the First Tsinghua-Lingnan Symposium on Translation Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 14 – 16 Jun 2002

207 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

4 “Strive to Learn Genuine English” (「學習掌握真正的 SUN Yifeng 22 B 英語」), The World of English, Vol 171, No 21, May 2002, pp 34-6

4 Sub-total

208 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

Cost Centre 51: Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy (and History Programme)

1 “PP21: A Rethinking towards the Future”, Alliance of LAU Kin-chi 22 B Hope, No 8, Jun 2002, pp 2-9

2 “Where To From Here? - Review of PP21 and LAU Kin-chi 31 B Prospects for Alliance Building”, presented at the PP21 General Assembly, Bangkok, Thailand, 22 Jun 2002

3 “Discussion on Gayatri Spivak’s Lecture on Gender”, LAU Kin-chi 33 B presented at Summer Institute of Public Criticism and Visual Culture, organized by HKICC and CSGC, Hong Kong, 5 Jun 2002

4 “Literary Studies and Global Social Movements: LAU Kin-chi 33 B Dialogue with Gayatri Spivak”, presented at Summer Institute of Public Criticism and Visual Culture, organized by HKICC and CSGC, Hong Kong, 12 Jun 2002

209 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category

5 “Mengzi’s Ethical Thought and Perfectionism” (in LO Kit-hung 21 A Chinese), Beida Journal of Philosophy, Beijing, No 5, Feb 2002, pp 89-108

6 “Beach-Haus vs Traum(a) Factory: The L A Experience REISENLEITNER Markus, 12 A 0.34 through Central European Eyes”, Reverberations: INGRAM Susan and Representations of Modernity, Tradition and Cultural SZABO-KNOTIK Cornelia Value in-between Central Europe and North America, Frankfurt/M: Lang, Jan 2002, pp 241-58

7 Editor, Reverberations: Representations of Modernity, INGRAM Susan, 14 A 0.34 Tradition and Cultural Value in-between Central REISENLEITNER Markus, Europe and North America, Frankfurt/M: Lang, Jan SZABO-KNOTIK Cornelia 2002, 293 pages

7 Sub-total

24 Total

210 Number / Letter Codes Used in Report 3

Classification of Research Output Categories

1 Scholarly books, monographs and chapters 11 Research book or monograph (author) − Authored work generally arising from academic research project(s) although contract research can produce such results if findings are in the public domain 12 Chapter in an edited book (author) − A paper, essay, or other material authored specifically for inclusion in an edited book; does not include an opening or summary chapter prepared by an editor for inclusion in a work counted in (12) 13 Textbook (author) − A full-length authored work used for instructional purposes; include revisions if they involve "substantial" (say 20%) new material 14 Edited book (editor) − an edited book of essays, research papers or the equivalent

2 Journal publications 21 Publication in refereed journal − A paper in a refereed journal devoted to reporting the results of basic or applied research 22 Publication in policy or professional journal − A paper in a refereed or unrefereed journal publishing policy or educational material for a professional audience

3 Conference papers 31 Invited conference paper − A paper invited for presentation at an academic or professional meeting and published in conference proceedings 32 Refereed conference paper − A paper accepted for presentation at an academic or professional meeting on the basis of a formal peer review process external to the institution and published in conference proceedings 33 Other conference paper − Any other paper presented at an academic or professional conference

4 Creative and literary works, consulting reports and case studies 41 Authored play, poem, novel, story − Fictional or similar works, published in a form appropriate to the type of work 42 Painting, sculpture, drawing, photograph − Creation of artefacts capable of being reviewed for merit, generally but not exclusively of an artistic nature [exclude those covered in (44) below] 43 Film, video − Creation of films, videos, multimedia, and similar productions for research, educational, cultural or entertainment purposes [exclude those covered in (44) below] 44 Performance and participation in exhibits − Drama, musical and similar performances; participation as an exhibitor of paintings, sculptures or other artefacts: the exhibit may be sponsored by the institution or externally; it should attract significant public or professional attention 45 Translation of other's work − Translation of an item of type (11) through (22) and (41) above, written by others: translation of one's own work is considered part of the authoring process and should not be included 46 Engineering, architectural, graphic designs − An engineering, architectural, graphic, landscape, or interior design (or the equivalent), whether prepared for a client or in the public domain 47 Computer software or system − Development of a shareable computer software program, computer language, expert system, computer-aided instruction package or the equivalent 48 Consulting or contract research report − Report on work performed under an institutional consulting or research contract: reports counted here generally will be prepared for the client, and they may be proprietary if institutional rules permit 49 Written teaching case study or extensive note − Material prepared for teaching purposes with applicability beyond one's own course needs; short notes and descriptions prepared for immediate class use should not be included 5 Patents, agreements, assignments and companies 51 Patents issued – patents on work done at the reporting institution issued within the specified reporting period; not patents filed, not patents held in previous years, and not patents obtained/held on work done elsewhere 52 Licensing agreements – the licensing of technology/invention from the reporting institution within the specified reporting period 53 Assignments of intellectual property rights – the assignment based on technology/invention from the reporting institution within the specified reporting period 54 Companies – registered companies in which the institution holds an equity by virtue of technology transfer, where the acquisition of such equity (including any increase in equity) by technology transfer occurred during the specified reporting period

6 All other outputs 61 Journal editor − Editor, associate editor, or the equivalent of a journal or similar on-going publication venture 62 Review of books or of software − Published or widely-disseminated reviews of books, other publications, software or similar items: dissemination must extend beyond the institution and its research sponsors [reviews for institutional clients should be counted under (49)] 63 Postgraduate research theses – MPhil or PhD theses of research students who defended successfully within the specified reporting period 64 Other outputs − Any substantive output of original research not listed above

Types of Research Output

A Academic research: refereed B Academic research: not refereed C Contract research D Other outputs

Notes 1. Publications are listed by cost centres. For each publication, the name(s) of the author(s) belonging to the corresponding cost centre (during the reporting period) is/are underlined. In the case of students, a "#" is placed against their names.

2. The fraction appearing in the "Weighting" column of those co-authored items denotes the weighting of the authors concerned, calculated on a pro-rata basis. For example, a paper with four authors will count as 0.25 for each author, and if three of the four authors are staff members in the same cost centre, the paper will count as 3x0.25=0.75 in the cost-centre total.