Wednesday 19th February 2014 11:00 am

Silverbirch Hotel, Gortin Road, Omagh


Present Winston Patterson (Chairman) Alan McCulla (Vice Chair) Phil Mahon Theresa McLaverty Seamus Rodgers Donal Tipping Laurence Arbuckle Mick Murphy Michael McCormick Joe Miller Jim Wilson

In Attendance - Loughs Agency John Pollock – Acting Chief Executive Officer John McCartney – Director of Conservation and Protection Barry Fox – Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries Kevin Wilson – Director of Development Siobhan Wilson (Minutes)

Apologies Andrew Duncan

1. Welcome and Apologies

Winston Patterson welcomed everyone to the meeting and accepted apologies from Andrew Duncan.

2. Conflict of Interest

There were no conflicts of interest with any agenda items.


3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

There was one error noted in the previous minutes which were pointed out to Siobhan Wilson to make amendment. The remaining minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.

Proposed Seamus Rodgers Seconded Phil Mahon

The Board were provided with an amended version of the 83rd Minutes and all agreed they were content with the amendments made.

4. Reserved Minutes

There were no reserved minutes to note from the previous minutes.

5. Matters Arising

Winston Patterson advised the Board on the update in relation to the current vacant position of CEO. He confirmed that he was a member of the interview panel and the first round of interviews took place on 14th February 2014 in Dublin. Winston added that the second round of interviews would take place in Belfast on 27th February 2014 and that he was unaware at this stage of how many would be invited back for a second interview and further added that the information would hopefully been known after the NSMC Meeting on Friday 21st February 2014. Winston advised the Board members that their input would be required after the selection panel make their recommendation and then this information would be passed to the NSMC for their final approval. He concluded by saying that he would be in touch with the Board members with the next step in the process.

6. CEO Report

John Pollock, Acting CEO provided the Board with the following report:

John referred to the letter addressed to the Board from the three Local Trade Union representatives within the Agency in relation to DFPs instruction to increase the staff pension contributions with effect from 1st April 2014. John provided the Board with an explanation of the pensions issue and explained that the consultation process had not commenced yet as all information has not been received from DFP. He agreed to


keep the Board informed on progress. The Board asked that the letter be acknowledged.

John Pollock advised the Board in the matter of the transfer of former public service years a scheme rule change will be brought forward to the next NSMC Sectoral meeting and this will allow for transfers in and out of the Foyle Fisheries Pension Scheme.

John drew attention to the additional paper Financial Commentary provided at the meeting and advised that this will be brought to the Board at every Board Meeting going forward. Board members are asked to advise him if they require any further text or explanations of the tables.

Winston Patterson thanked John for his report and added that the Audit Sub Committee should continue with their work in ensuring that all areas of audit are brought to the full Board’s attention and they should raise any issues on behalf of the Board at the quarterly meetings.

7. Directors Reports

Winston Patterson advised the Board that they have been supplied with the Directors Reports and asked they have any questions or issues they wished to raise with the directors.

Corporate Services

John Pollock, Acting CEO provided the Board with the following report:

Internal and External Audit Work on the recent Internal Audit commenced in December 2013 both the Board and the Audit Sub Committee will be advised on their recommendations when they are forwarded to the Agency.

NIAO audit on the draft 2012 Financial Statements is nearing completion and has been forwarded to the C&AG in Dublin for final review. Their management points when available will be brought forward to a future Audit Sub Committee / Board Meeting.

North South Ministerial Council The next North South Ministerial Council Sectoral meeting is planned for 21st February 2014 in Armagh.


2013 Annual Report Work has commenced on the drafting of the 2013 Annual Report and the final draft will be brought to the Board later in the year.

Staffing There is currently only 1 vacancy – CEO Post

Advisory Forum The next plenary Forum meeting is scheduled for 8th April 2014 and focus group meetings will continue to meet and report back to the full Forum. The Chair Peter Archdale will be invited to meet the Board again at the next available meeting following the Forum meeting.

Corporate Plan 2014-16 and Business Plan 2014 The draft business plan is included in the papers for the Board to review and takes into account the 4% efficiency reductions imposed by the Finance Departments. The draft Business plan is currently with the Sponsor Departments for their review and comment.

Review of Financial Memorandum No further progress to report on this issue. The review of the Financial Memorandum was initiated in 2010. The Agency still awaits formal notification from the Departments of Finance. Sponsor Departments have agreed an interim amendment to the tendering thresholds to mirror those of the Departments and Central Procurement Directorate pending word from the Finance Departments. This issue is regularly raised by Internal and External Audits and is beyond the control of the Agency.

Amendment to the Foyle Fisheries Pension Scheme The Agency has drafted an amendment to the current pension scheme to allow the scheme to recognise incoming service from other public sector pension schemes. The Departments of Finance have now approved the proposed amendment and it is planned to seek final NSMC approval by Ministers at the Sectoral meeting in February 2014.

North South Pension Update No further update to report. The Economic Appraisal on the Agency joining the N/S Pension Scheme has been cleared by both Sponsor Departments and is still being considered by both Finance Departments. The Agency has been in correspondence with its Sponsor Departments and are advised that the Finance Departments have been in discussion on the implications surrounding staff salaries and grading. The Agency


has again been advised of the road map for the necessary approvals and is working on these with a view to finalising this issue in early 2014.

Premises The Board are advised that there was a small fire in the Omagh office. The fabric of the building was undamaged however there was extensive internal smoke damage. The clean-up, repairs and replacement of equipment etc is currently in the hands of our insurers. The Agency is currently operating in the Omagh area from temporary rented office space at the local business park.

Board Training Essential Skills training is being arranged for newly appointed Board members or members that missed the previous training. Also if any members feel they require training in any area please advise Siobhan Wilson and she will make the booking.

There were no questions for John in relation to his report.

Aquaculture and Shellfisheries

Barry Fox, Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries provided the Board with the following report:

SMILE Carrying Capacity Model

“The concept of carrying capacity of an ecosystem for natural populations is defined as the maximum standing stock that can be supported by a given ecosystem for a given time.”

Water and shellfish sampling has continued in Lough Foyle to help inform this model and assess the drivers of shellfish growth in the Lough. This involves a considerable amount of work to help determine background levels of parameters such as chlorophyll-a, dissolved organic material and nutrient levels. These sampling programmes have commened in October 2013 and will run until October 2015 using concurrent growth monitoring in native oysters, mussels and Pacific oysters to help future predictions of change in the ecosystem based on increased aquaculture production of these species. The model will also allow us to balance the needs of wild species within the Lough with that


of farmed species of shellfish and help mitigate against over-stocking any particular area of the lough with any species. Any negative interactions between the shellfish farms and wild species such as native oyster beds will be addressed and recommendations for buffer zones and sustainable licensing of shellfish farms in the future will be made at the end of the project.

The Agency are currently collating a substantial amount of background information in GIS format on the fisheries and aquaculture in Lough Foyle and will be making this available to the modelling team from AFBI/Longline Environemtnal ltd. This information will go towards understanding the ecosystem changes that have taken place in Lough Foyle over the past 10 years and will help with predictions of future ecosystem changes based on current and predicted aqauculture production levels. Some of this work will involve new up to date surveys to be carried out on the Lough on aquaculture operations, wild mussel populations and surveys of other wild filter feeding shellfish such as clams and cockles.

Side Scan Trials

The Agency have just taken delivery of a side scan survey unit and will be trialling this with BIM in Lough Foyle in the coming weeks. The system will allow detailed mapping of seabed features especially shellfish beds and shell cultch areas. This unit will be used to assess presence or absence of seed mussels within the Loughs and also help to refine boundaries of shellfish beds such as native oyster beds and mussel aquaculture sites.


Bonamia ostreae in Foyle Native oysters Latest sample results from the Marine Institute indicate high levels of Bonamia ostreae in the stock of oysters on the Southside Bed. With a view to reducing the pressure on the stock and consequently reducing any fishing related stress the Agency moved to close the Southside bed to fishing in January 2014. Further testing is currently taking place to monitor changes in the infection rates on this bed and other commercially important beds and a follow up field survey of the mortality rates on the beds will take place in March 2014.

Status Reports Status Reports for Foyle and Carlingford for 2012 have been completed and are available online. These documents present and annual review of the environmental and fisheries work the Agency conduct with summaries of the findings of the shellfish stock assessments and shellfish hygiene sampling.

Data collection is continuing for the 2013 Status Reports and this will be complete in the coming months. These reports will be available before July 2014.

Proposed Schedule of shellfish stocks assessments 2014 The Agency has scheduled seed mussel stock assessments for Carlingford and Foyle for April; and August 2014 and will also be running native oyster stock assessments in spring and autumn 2014. Preparations are underway for these surveys and the addition of the side scan sonar will further enhance to outputs of these surveys.

Preparations are underway for extended work programmes to assess spatfall in the native oyster fishery in summer 2014 with plans to monitor more sites within the fishery than previously and with better accuracy. It is hoped spat collectors with various cultch materials can be deployed on the beds in an aid to identify if cultch addition will be beneficial to the productivity of the fishery.


IBIS Native Oyster Enhancement Work Monitoring has taken place in January 2014 at the experimental sites for oyster regeneration in Lough Foyle. Biodiversity values of the sites is being investigated as is the contribution of the adult oysters deployed on the sites in cages to local conditions. No spatfall was observed at these sites in 2013. It is hoped that shell cultch harrowing will take place again in 2014 to determine how successful this method is at rejuvenating shellfish habitat. With the gradual reduction in field work being conducted by the IBIS researchers as they progress towards the end of the project the Agency is hoping to bring some of this work in house to continue the time series of this data.

Assistant Scientific Officer Post A competition for a temporary Assistant Scientific Officer was run in January 2013 to help resource the increased workload resulting from the development of the carrying capacity model in Lough Foyle. It is hoped that the successful candidate will start in mid February 2014 and will run for 12 months with a possible extension.

Shellfish Hygiene End of year report (summary) The end of year report summarising all aspects of the shellfish hygiene programme in 2013, has been written and issued to all staff involved in the programme. In summary, In the NI waters of Foyle and Carlingford in 2013; there were no biotoxin closures, there were no classification breaches in Foyle during the microbiological sampling and there were 2 class C results in the microbiological survey in Carlingford. In the ROI waters of Foyle and Carlingford in 2013; there were 5 “closed pending” statuses issued on Foyle in terms of Biotoxin (all of these were as a result of breaches in sampling frequency as opposed to threshold levels of biotoxin), there was one Biotoxin closure in Carlingford [It is widely accepted that this was either a freak incident or an anomalous result. However, as this is a food hygiene concern and as such had to be treated as worst-case-scenario. All of the Loughs Agency’s in-house control and mitigation plans worked well and staff were praised for their rapid response to the situation], there were no microbiological


classification breaches in Foyle and there were 2 microbiological classification breaches in Carlingford. MOU Meeting.

As the first full year of sampling under the FSAI Loughs Agency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has now completed, a review meeting is scheduled for 25th February 2014 in Dublin.

Native Oyster Fishery Southside Bed Declaration The native oyster bed known as the “Southside bed” was closed by Loughs Agency under Section 9 of Foyle Area (Control of Oyster Fishing) Regulations 2008. Suspension of fishing 9.—(1) If the Commission is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient for the conservation and protection of oysters it may declare fishing for oysters in any part of the Foyle Area suspended for such period as may be specified in the declaration. (2) A declaration made under paragraph (1) shall be made by certificate under the hand of the Chief Executive or such other officer of the Commission authorised by the Chief Executive for that purpose and shall be published in one or more newspapers circulating in the Foyle Area. (3) A declaration made under paragraph (1) shall give the reasons for the declaration. (4) Any period of suspension declared under paragraph (1) shall not take effect until 48 hours after the publication of the declaration.

The declaration of closure came into effect as of 6th January 2014 06:00 hrs and will remain in effect until 31st March 2014 24:00 hrs. The reason for the closure as stated in the declaration was as follows; Fishing is suspended on the areas specified due to increased levels of infection with the oyster blood parasite Bonamia ostreae and the likelihood of fishing activity causing unnecessary stress to the oysters on the bed, thus having the potential to lead to mortality within the stock.


Proposed Closure of the Lough Foyle native oyster fishery The Agency was approached by a number of fishermen to ask if we would consider closing the fishery early as they believed that the return from the fishery had significantly reduced and that the additional break that the fishery would get could only be good for the fishery. The also indicated that fishermen would be in favour of the proposal. The Agency agreed to write out to all licensed fishermen to ask their opinion on a voluntary closure. The agency supplied a questionnaire and a prepaid envelope for the return of the questionnaire.

Management Agreement The Agency is awaiting details of a meeting with the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine and its Agencies relating to the development of the Management Agreement. The Agency has nothing further to report at this time.

Barry Fox advised the Board that everything was in place for the Carrying Capacity for the next 18 months. He added that this was a strong model with a 2016 delivery date. He said that he would provide quarterly updates to the Board in relation to this.

A brief discussion ensued in relation to Phil Mahon’s question about the IBIS research being currently conducted by Cass Bromley and can this research be carried out within the Agency’s staff. Barry Fox replied by saying that he intends to apply for funding in order to continue with this research.


Kevin Wilson, Director of Development provided the Board with the following report:

Since the last Board meeting, the Development Directorate has been continuing with the delivery of our programme of work. This has entailed working on the closure of 2013 activities and putting plans into action for 2014.

The requests for potential slippage projects received in late 2013 have not materialised and some of the initiatives suggested have been incorporated into our planned actions for the new Corporate Planning


period 2014-2016. Further update will be provided as information becomes available.

Instrumental to the Corporate and Business Planning for the coming period are the Status Reports for Marine Tourism, Angling Development and Riverwatch/Outreach. Drafts of these reports are in the process of consultation internally, with a view to further discussion at the Advisory Forum meeting and themed subgroups. These Status Reports and the expected results from their implementation, will form a very strong basis for engagement with our stakeholders and the development of the Foyle and Carlingford catchment areas. This will be used as the basis upon which the Loughs Agency seeks funding invention for accelerating our development plans.

The Development team have been engaging with stakeholders and partners on the potential development of new relevant initiatives, which will benefit the Agency and the work that we do. One such discussion has developed into a pilot youth leadership project for ten young people in ~Londonderry. The aim is to use the River Foyle as a focus to bring together young people from the City in a personal development and citizenship programme, themed on the recreational and educational activities provided along and on the river.

The project will be delivered in partnership with Co-operation , St. Columbs Park House and the Loughs Agency. The young people will be recruited through existing cross community youth projects in the City.

The project will run from February to April 2014 and provide opportunities for young people to take part in angling, fishery management, sailing, aquaculture and much more. The young people will also take part in leadership training so that at the end of the programme they will graduate as Foyle River Ambassadors and peer mentors to a new group of young people.

The results of the project will be discussed at future Board meetings.

The Loughs Agency has completed the delivery of the Sustainable Development Fund pilot scheme in 2013. This initiative was brought forward to stimulate the development of the Marine Tourism and Angling Sectors within the Foyle and Carlingford catchment areas, by providing small capital and revenue grants to clubs, associations and small businesses. The three year pilot programme was very popular and


helped to accelerate the enlargement of the marine tourism and angling sectors by providing financial assistance towards events, small capital items and training.

At present, a formal evaluation of the programme is underway and the final results are expected by the end of February 2014. This evaluation will focus on the results and benefits of the initiative and make recommendations, based on the experience of the venture, for future interventions. The scheme has proven a vehicle for growing the marine tourism and angling sectors and is helping to reposition the Foyle and Carlingford areas as compelling places to holiday and excellent angling destinations.

A celebration event for the fund is planned at the beginning of March 2014 to publicise the successes achieved by the initiative, with particular emphasis on the benefits realised for those living and working in the Foyle and Carlingford catchment areas. Angling Development

2.1 2014 Angling Season

For Information

Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The 2014 Game Angling is getting underway with the focus to date on the still water fisheries (Put & Takes), aided by mild unseasonal weather conditions. So far this season has been positive in comparison to previous springs with severe frost and ice closing many fisheries. Enquires on the main Game angling season (Salmon Rivers, Public Trout lakes) starting 1st March have increased from previous years brought about in part with the change in DCAL Angling regulations and concerns about Loughs Agency’s proposed changes.

Sea Angling will begin in earnest later in spring and is likely with Loughs Agency support sea angling will continue grow in the positive front as with last season. This is likely to be achieved in a number of ways but mainly from supporting events/competitions and promotional activities.

Charter boat angling again remains an important with of Tope fishing in Carlingford and occasional Tuna Fishing catches under scrutiny for further


development during 2014

Coarse Angling so far this season has been positive with large Pike reported on several fisheries. Other species of coarse remains slow as expected during the winter months and is expected to build as the season progresses.

A. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Start the development a multi discipline facility at Longfield Bank on the former MOD target training facility.

Identify a similar location within the Carlingford catchment and start the development process.

Continue to support the angling community with sponsorship, advice, and support with the angling status report and work plan as a strategic guide, road map.

It is intended to discuss the feedback received from stakeholders with Conservation and Protection interests within the Agency. Some questions that have arisen include extended catch and release periods, angling legislation and interactions with clubs.

B. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Over the year, we have produced a number of media, newspaper and Facebook promotional pieces. This has been highlighted on occasions through the media clipping service and is present on angling Facebook pages. These pieces have received positive feedback and generated much interest with over 550 likes on Loughs Agency Angling Facebook.

2.2 Competitions

For Information

A number of competitions have been planned for the upcoming sea angling season seeking Loughs Agency support, include:

White Wave Open Shore, Longfield, lug only! 18th May 2014 Open Boat 19th& 20th Jul 2014


White Wave Longfield Open Shore 1st leg Inter Club 3rd Aug 2014 Longfield Lough Foyle Longfield Open Shore 31st Aug 2014 Culdaff Open Shore 16th Nov 2014

Other Game and Coarse competitions and events are planned within Foyle and Carlingford, Loughs Agency will consider supporting these and support were deemed appropriate.

A. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Meet with angling representatives and discuss planned or possible competitions and events during 2014. It is anticipated these meetings will discuss the format for the events and Loughs Agency support.

B. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Facebook and local publications with short 3 minutes footage of events proving a big success.

Strabane DC are planning a major angling event in our catchment, Loughs Agency plan to support this first time local council; angling event hosted in our catchment and would encourage similar ventures by our stakeholders.

2.3 Sustainable Development Fund (SDF)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The access project on the River Derg has been the project that has been reported most positively. Resident and visiting anglers now reporting the Derg Angling Community waters as the best access they have ever experienced. This has been made possible through the Loughs Agency’s SDF Programme.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area


The Angling Manager will also continue to discuss possible new projects for the coming year, 2014, with particular emphasis on the targets within the Angling Status Reports.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

There will official openings of some of the projects in the coming months. It is also intended to have a celebratory event for the overall programme, highlighting successes and demonstrating the benefit of angling development projects and their contribution towards sustainable development.

2.4 Marketing and Promotion

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

On the 17thth, 18th & 19th January Loughs Agency attended a joint promotional show in France with IFI & DCAL

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

New angling guide booklets will be published in French & German April 2014.

Continue working with DCAL, IFI & our angling related providers on a plan for joined marketing and promotion, enabling us to explore the benefits of jointly attending angling promotional shows in 2014.

Further developments on dedicated angling website based on the very successful IFI angling web site.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Promotion of our attendance at the upcoming British Fly fair (BFFI), German Esperance World Fishing (EWF) on Facebook has proven a fast and effective way of marketing our catchment and will soon be supported by a dedicated Loughs Agency angling web site.


Fly Fishing & Fly Tying magazine have published a feature on a first time visiting angler to our region and appeared within the 2014 February addition. We welcome the positives this will bring to our catchments and the wider regions. The feature was based on a promotional activity delivered by Loughs Agency attending angling promotional shows.

We will also have a feature in one of the German magazines on first time visitors and this is almost ready for print and again will be a great promotion for our catchments. We plan to repeat this successful promotional activity during 2014 in partnership with some of our SDF recipients and with other stakeholders and publications.

2.5 Angling Status Report

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The Carlingford catchment status report is near completion, with all of the catchment having been surveyed. It is planned to complete this over the coming weeks.

Within Foyle, a number of catchments have been completed and several recurring trends have begun to emerge, specifically, lack of access, parking and signage.

Other points have been highlighted as part of this survey from a tourist point of view include, particularly the lack of proper information and booking systems on some of the Tourist Board and related web sites. Some of which often give out inaccurate and misleading information.

Movement of Irish anglers across Ireland during periods of regulation change

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Carry on with the survey and build a status report for all additional catchments

Present the status report to SMT and stakeholders, link the agency’s business plan and encourage other relevant stakeholders to adopt same.


C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

It is intended that these status reports will be consulted upon with our stakeholders and partners in the coming months, and formal meetings and host a seminar for stakeholders using this as a platform to launch the findings and recommendations.


3.1 RYA Sail Training Centre – marine tourism skills development

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report The sail training centre has proven a fantastic vehicle for up-skilling and building the capacity of the Foyle area for marine tourism. Table MT1 below summarises achievement in this regard.

Type of course Qualification Number qualified Skills course Dinghy level 1 8 Dinghy level 2 24 Instructor Assistant instructor 11 course dinghy Instructor dinghy 7 Assistant instructor keel 12 boat Instructor keel boat 6 Table MT1: accredited qualifications awarded through Loughs Agency sail training centre

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The sail training centre will facilitate Loughs Agency contribution to the maritime festival planned for the visit of the Clipper fleet to the Foyle - taster sessions and other sailing activity.


C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

An awards night is proposed, where RYA certificates will be presented and publicity generated.

3.2 Sustainable Development Fund - SDF

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

In 2013, the Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) proved, as in previous years, to be a welcome facilitator of growth in the angling and marine tourism sectors.

SDF commitments were made in 2013 of almost £140,000 (22% / 78% resource / capital).

SDF spend for 2013 will be almost £136,000 (25% / 75% resource / capital).

An internal evaluation report has been passed to a consultant to inform an independent evaluation of SDF.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The evaluation report will be completed and passed to sponsor departments. It is hoped that SDF will be delivered in 2014. However, efficient delivery will necessitate early approval by sponsor departments and others.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Celebration events are planned to highlight the contribution of SDF.

3.4 Marine Tourism Marketing

For Information


A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The Loughs Agency partnered with Derry City Council and Foyle Port to staff a stand at the London Boat Show.

The ‘big selling point’ for Foyle at the show seems to be value for money mooring compared with rather expensive GB marinas - that plus proximity to Scottish cruising waters as well as our own scenic coastline.

Cruise North West (CNW) continues to promote the Foyle as a destination. Loughs Agency will facilitate a familiarisation visit by Cruise North West to a ‘stately home and gardens’ visitor attraction within the Foyle area. The Agency has also put CNW in touch with natural history tour leaders. Such niche opportunities are of particular interest to some specialist cruise companies.

The table below details cruise visits 2013.

Date of visit (2013) Name of Vessel 21/04 Hebridean Princess 18/05 Quest for Adventure 13/06 M/Y Big Eagle 22/06 MS Astor 06/07 The World 09/09 Seabourn Pride

The above ship visits brought 2,682 passengers into the Foyle area, netting almost £200,000 to the local economy in 2013.

For Information

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The Agency will maintain active membership of Cruise North West.

Planned Calls for 2014:

28/04/14 Fram 418 passengers / crew


17/06/14 Adonia 1,083 passengers /crew 26/08/14 Crystal Symphony 1,467 passengers / crew 28/09/14 Delphin 704 passengers / crew 02/09/14 Seabourne Legend 372 passengers / crew

Total 4,044 passengers / crew

Estimated economic benefit to local economy £209,438

For Information

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

The Agency staffed a stand at the London Boat Show.

3.5 Marine Ecotourism - Basking Shark Study

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The Basking Shark Study Group has completed its work for 2013.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

It is proposed to renew IBSSG membership, this fitting with the Agency’s aims (approx £1,500 per annum).

For Information

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A presentation was given at the MAMBO conference on shark movement. A poster presented at the Marine Science Education Conference. RTE “Mooney goes Wild” radio show. Newstalk Moncrieff talk show covered the project. A two page colour spread in the Irish Wildlife Magazine. Regional and local media: , Democrat, BBC Radio Foyle, and .


Such coverage promoted Inishowen as a study area for high value marine research and a prime location for marine tourism.

A report has been produced on the shark study. This has wide circulation amongst naturalists, scientists and media. The movements of the Foyle shark attracted good national media attention.

3.6 Portable Marine Event Platform

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A portable event platform is under manufacture. This suite of pontoons will be managed by Warrenpoint Harbour Authority. The pontoons will be 2.5m wide and total 70m length. The deck will be glass reinforced concrete and wooden fenders will be fitted around the edges.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

This marine tourism infrastructure will be delivered to Warrenpoint.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A press launch will be held to highlight the availability of this system and to promote marine tourism in the Carlingford area.

3.7 Omeath to Carlingford Greenway

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The Loughs Agency partnership with Louth County Council has enabled development of a Greenway along the Carlingford shore in north Louth.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

An official opening will be held. Discussions will continue, aiming to link the Greenway with the Newry Canal trail.


C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Press publicity has been generated and Loughs Agency role in the project has been highlighted in this.

3.8 Beach Access

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The all-terrain wheelchairs have been handed over to local authorities with the intention of being made available at Benone, Shroove and Culdaff beaches.

The Loughs Agency inspired boardwalk scheme at Culdaff Beach has been universally welcomed by local people and tourists.

The Agency proposed and funded passing places on an access road leading to Kinnegoe Beach has been welcomed by the local community. This scheme will ease tourist traffic flow and enable passage of tour buses.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

A group will convene to explore other measures to better manage the dune and beach system at Culdaff.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A press launch is planned in association with the Irish Wheelchair Association.

3.9 Coastal Motorcycling Trails

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report


Loughs Agency has promoted several coastal biking routes on websites used by biker tourists in planning their trips. Routes include – , Greenore/Carlingford and Magilligan.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Additional images will be uploaded and publicity generated.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Publicity will be generated in the motorcycling press.

3.10 Canoe Bothy

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency has developed a canoe bothy at . This facility will promote overnight stays to those kayaking the East Inishowen Sea Kayak Trail and paddling the Foyle Canoe Trail.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The bothy will be promoted completed by the private sector activity tourism operator who is a partner in this project.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Publicity will be generated. CANI and ICU, the stakeholder bodies in the canoe sector, have agreed to promote.

3.11 Clipper 2014

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The Foyle’s Clipper boat is performing well, holding down a respectable 3rd position (at 24 January). Loughs Agency is a member of the steering


group for Clipper 2014. This Round the World yacht race sails into the Foyle in June 2014 and a maritime festival will animate the river and lough.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

An event plan will evolve, a funding package will be assembled and marketing will commence.

Loughs Agency will develop marine tourism focussed sub-projects in order to animate the river and highlight marine tourism potential of the Foyle, requiring an appropriate budget.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Derry City Council has already generated publicity which included Loughs Agency being interviewed on BBC radio. The Agency uses social media to update on progress of the ‘local’ Derry~Londonderry~Doire boat.

3.12 Marine Ecotourism

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency erected bird nest boxes at Magilligan ferry, Greencastle and Moville. They are designed to attract Black Guillemots, a bird that is relatively fearless and an interesting bird to watch.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Some boxes were destroyed in the storms of December 2013. These will be replaced.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Publicity will be generated.


3.13 Interreg IVA Marine Tourism and Angling Development

3.13.1 (mooring buoy, advisory signage)

For Information

Time restrictions (in terms of programme delivery by June 2015) precluded the Agency from implementing the programme steering committee (PSC) request for a formal review of the SEUPB decision not to fund this project.

3.13.2 Malin Head (passing places for vehicles, footpath, viewing platform)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The capital works for the passing places has been completed. The contractor is on site and the paths are 80% complete. Work will commence on the viewing platform when paths have completed.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The project should complete in early spring. An official opening is planned in order to maximise benefit in terms of tourist response.

Current underspend is being considered by Donegal County Council and they will provide recommendations as to how best to reallocate these funds.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

The launch of the project secured significant exposure for the area – as well as the project, the Agency and the funder. The programme steering committee (PSC) met at Malin Head recently and visited the site. The Facebook page Following the Foyle has carried information and images showing the progress made on the paths. Loughs agency website updated.


3.13.3 Benone (a beach activity centre)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

PQQ assessment (or shortlisting) has been completed for a design team with 4 firms proceeding to the ‘pricing’ stage. Screening reports have been completed in-house for this project – part of the site being within a Special Area of Conservation (SAC).

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

A design team will be appointed. Pre-application discussion with planners and statutory stakeholders. Planning permission will be sought. Capital works procured.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A project launch was held and publicity generated. The Facebook page Following the Foyle has been updated with information and images showing the area. Loughs agency website updated.

3.13.4 Foyle Marina (event platform - pontoon and quay)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Both the quay and the pontoon remain key elements of the Foyle’s marine tourism infrastructure. The proximity of the Foyle Marina to the cruising grounds on the west coast of Scotland is an attractor for GB sailors, as demonstrated by comments at the recent London Boat Show (see elsewhere in this report). A power boat course was recently run from the pontoon. Loughs agency has engaged with a SEUPB consultant to develop a value for money appraisal for small scale berthing capacity at Greencastle, . This will complement the Foyle Marina.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area


Clipper will be returning to the City in June 2014 and the event platform will once again prove it is a vital link in the necklace of infrastructure that is driving the development of the Foyle areas marine tourism sector.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Loughs Agency promoted the Foyle Marina at the London Boat Show. TV news reports occasionally use the marina as a backdrop to local reportage.

3.13.5 Gribben Quay (access to the River Foyle)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A design team has been appointed.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

An on-site inception meeting will be held with the design team. Pre- application discussion with planners and statutory stakeholders. Professional design will be produced, planning permission sought and capital works procured.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

The site has been used by local heritage groups for events that seek to educate local people and visitors on the heritage of the Foyle.

3.13.6 Backwater (access to the River Foyle)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A design team has been appointed.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area


Design inception meeting. Pre-application discussion with planners and statutory stakeholders. Design of revetment based on typical detail provided by Loughs Agency, planning permission sought, capital works procured.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A SDF funded river clean-up was an opportunity to promote this project.

3.13.7 Lough Derg (a management plan)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Regrettably, a value for money assessment (VFM) remains at appraisal stage.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Secure approval for VFM. Tender the management plan if VFM is positive.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

None as yet.

3.13.8 Mellon Beat (angling and habitat enhancement River Strule)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Visibility splays completed to meet a planning condition. Firms shortlisted at PQQ have been invited to submit tenders.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Capital works will be delivered in stages to accommodate the landowners’ farming practices.


C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

An official project launch is planned for April 2014.

3.13.9 E-Licensing (angling licence)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The project steering committee agreed the terms of reference for the scoping exercise. Tender documents derived from the terms of reference have been posted on national procurement portals. This will be an open procurement – there will not be a separate shortlisting component.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Consultancy firm will be appointed and a scoping exercise report published.


3.13.10 Summary Position

A table summarising progress with the INTERREG funded programme follows:


Position at 24 January 2013

stage Project of



Preliminary Preliminary Consultation Appraisal Internal Consultation Planning Permis Procurement capital Procurement design Build Progress Inishtrahull Not supported by funders despite significant local support. Malin Head * 80% A PD

Benone PA 0% A # D Foyle Marina Green G’c Development castle tbc 95% tbc Gribben 0% A

Backwater 0% A ~

Lough Derg 0% C D

Mellon 10% **

E-Licensing – 0% n/a ## scoping ex A Approved C Continuing D Drafted N/A Not Applicable PD Permitted Development PA Pre Planning Application D Discussion R Responses Exchanged S Submitted T Tendered TBC To Be Confirmed * Construction for the trail 80% complete; passing places 100% complete; viewing platform final phase


**Invitation To Tender closing date 20/02/2014 # Invitation To Tender closing date 14/02/2014 ## Invitation To Tender closing date 21/02/2014 ~ Certificate Lawful Use and Development applied for re fencing


4.1 Outreach programmes - For Information a. Update a. Newry High School participated in a pilot programme ‘Canoeing in Carlingford’ in Carlingford Lough on 27th November 2013. The trip was a great success with positive feedback from the Vice Principal appearing in The Examiner. b. Something Fishy Winners visited Riverwatch and participated on an angling experience as part of their prize. c. St Peter’s Primary School participated in 2 introduction to angling sessions at Bessbrook Pond before Christmas. d. Moville Community College and NWRC participating in 2 river safari’s during December. e. Foyle College had a careers event in January in which Loughs Agency gave several presentations

b. Predictions/Plans to the end of the year in this area a. In the next 2 months we have 12 groups booked in to visit Riverwatch and a week-long science event at St Cecilia’s College. We will also being working with schools on the Trout in the Classroom project. b. See 4.2 for longer term plans

c. Publicity a. The Examiner NI, Tuesday 3 December 2013.

4.2 2014-2016 Status Report

a. Update


A status report and 3 year action plan has been developed for Riverwatch. Within the 3 year period of the strategy the objective for Riverwatch will be:  To develop and deliver formal learning programmes which complement the curriculum for education and to support and promote conservation of local species and habitats.

 To develop and deliver informal learning programmes which engage wider participation and involvement in learning and which focus on the local environment and promotes the conservation of local species and habitats.

 To provide an exciting, engaging and informative visitor attraction and arrange/attend events that showcase Riverwatch and the local environment. b. Predictions/plan to the end of the year in this area

 An action plan details the direction of travel for Riverwatch. Within the period of the 3 year plan we will work towards the achievement of quality awards and also raising the standard of formal and informal programmes.

 We will recruit an external Riverwatch Educational Advisory Group to guide and inform our programmes. c. Publicity

A marketing communication plan for Riverwatch has been developed. The marketing objectives of Riverwatch are:

 Improve brand awareness of Riverwatch.  Attract and engage with at least 18,500 individuals through Riverwatch Aquarium and Visitor Centre, outreach and at events.  Develop working relationships and joint marketing initiatives with other government bodies, tourism, trade, conservational and recreational organisations and users.

4.2 Marketing Communications Strategy


a. Update

A status report and action plan has been developed for Marketing Communications for the Loughs Agency. Within the 3 year period of the strategy the objectives are:

 Improving brand awareness of the Loughs Agency and Riverwatch.  Creating awareness of the resources of Foyle and Carlingford including the commercial potential of the catchments.  Increasing sustainable use of Foyle and Carlingford through promoting and developing the range of uses.  Developing working relationships with other government bodies, tourism, trade, conservational and recreational organisations and users.  Improving internal communication b. Predictions/plan to the end of the year in this area

 An action plan for 2014 details the specific marketing communications activities both internally and externally. Within the period of the strategy we will work towards improving brand awareness, increased communication and enhanced promotional activities to raise awareness and increase engagement with stakeholders.

 Within the next 2 months we will recruit an internal team to inform and advise on marketing communication activities. c. Publicity

 N/A

4.3 Riverwatch Aquarium Systems

a. Update

Two leaks have become an issue for operations over the Christmas period as significant water loss was experienced from both the freshwater and saltwater systems. Two leaks have been identified and repaired with another leak still to be found in the


saltwater system. Investigations are ongoing. The centre has been closed since 20th January but we continue to deliver outreach programmes to schools.

b. Predictions/plan to the end of the year in this area

The aquarium requires investment to repair and upgrade the systems. A report has been submitted to the senior management team with the following priority recommendations:

 Identification and repair of saltwater leak. Estimated cost £1,500  Replacement of obsolete UV fittings and bulbs. Estimated cost £7-£8k  Replacement/upgrade of SCADA system. Estimated cost £15k  Installation of chiller system in quarantine. Estimated cost £8k  Order stock of consumables and replacement pumps. Estimated cost £4.5k  Michael and Gillian (and perhaps Lyndsay if willing and after training) to be returned to the on-call rota for emergency call outs. Estimated cost £3.5k annually

c. Publicity


Kevin Wilson Director of Development

The following discussions developed after Kevin’s report.

Kevin advised the Board in relation to the two SDF Events which are planned for 4th & 13th March in the Foyle and Carlingford Areas to highlight the funding applications and success stories.

Don Tipping thanked all staff involved with the SDF process in achieving the successful allocation of £136,000 out of £140,000 fund within the time frame and spread well within the Foyle and


Carlingford areas. He added that the events will highlight the success of the fund. Kevin added that a proposal for the budgets for SDF for the coming year have been sent to the sponsor departments and he awaits confirmation from the departments. It is recognised by the Board that there is a lot of activity within the directorate and they are happy with this.

Kevin advised that the Angling Review that was underway was received yesterday, the study included a comprehensive consultation with clubs and governing bodies.

Kevin further advised that the Riverwatch Aquarium has been closed to the public since Christmas due to a leak within the underground plumbing system to the tanks in the centre. He is hopeful this will be fixed soon and for normal opening hours to be up and running as soon as possible.

Jim Wilson added that he is looking forward to the Angling Review and asks if the All Ireland Licence issue has progressed on any further. Kevin confirmed that it is in the tendering process with DCAL, IFI and Loughs Agency and that the partnership agreement has now happened and more stakeholders are also involved. He added that this is a scoping exercise and is a major piece of work which everyone is hoping will work well.

Conservation and Protection

John McCartney, Director of Conservation and Protection provided the Board with the following report:

Update for Loughs Agency Board Conservation and Protection This report focuses mainly on a summary of 2013 activities for the year, it is pleasing to see that we have reached a level of cooperation with the majority of the Oyster fishermen, and that salmon numbers in the main rivers are either meeting their Conservation limits or steadily improving. Hopefully these trends will continue for the long term.


So far 2014 has been the quietest in recent record, however there are strong indications that it is going to be a troublesome season ahead.


The 2013 Angling Consolidation Regulation is being evaluated by Departmental Solicitors.

The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Licensing of Fishing Engines) Regulations 2014 has reached the end of its public consultation phase and the responses are as per attached summary.

Agency staff have drafted the proposed Foyle Area and Carlingford Area Complimentary Permit Regulations 2013 for submission to Departmental Solicitors.

Health and Safety

There have been 3 minor reported accidents to staff since the last Board meeting. Board papers contain a summary of Loughs Agency accidents in 2013 and a copy of the current Health and Safety Strategy.

Comparative Summary Fish counts 2013

River Faughan

River Roe


River Finn

River Mourne


Clanrye River

Enforcement Actions Total Seizures for 2013

Total Fish Seized Seizure 2013 2013 Boat 3 Salmon 172

Car 1 Pike 3

Fish 205 Sea Trout 11

Net 131 Brown Trout 4

Rod 47 Rainbow Trout 5

Oyster 35 (Bags) Roach 7 Other 20 Dogfish 1

Total 442 Other 2

Total 205

Compared to previous years

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Rods 76 84 44 76 47 Boats and Vehicles 7 11 14 18 4 Nets 127 138 161 136 131

Water pollution statistics


Confirmed 2013 Pollution Incidents by Category

2013 Pollution Incidents by Severity

2013 Pollution Incidents by Catchment


Waste disposal at the Mobuoy site River Faughan Catchment

For Board members attention included in this report is a copy of the independent review into the dumping at Mobouy Co. Londonderry where an estimated total of 516,000 tonnes of macerated waste has been discovered by Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) officers in an area adjacent to the River Faughan in the of Mobuoy near Derry.

This illegal waste was deposited in an area stretching to almost 1.4km in and around a licensed Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) owned and run by City & Industrial Waste Ltd, with the majority of the waste being buried in sand and gravel pits which were originally excavated by Campsie Sand & Gravel Ltd.

It is not known who deposited this waste; however, this was a sophisticated operation which had been carried out over a number of years. A criminal investigation (Operation Sycamore) is ongoing and two people have been arrested and questioned.


The MRF site is regulated by the NIEA and has a history of repeated non compliances. The site regulation was weak given that the operator repeatedly broke its waste licence conditions in relation to quantity and type of waste.

There were a number of complaints about the running of the site and possible illegalities, not all of which were investigated fully at the time. It is possible that at least one of these complaints could have led to the discovery of the illegal dumping as early as 2008.

Many external factors are facilitating criminals entering the waste industry and using it to carry out illegal activities such as the dumping of waste at Mobuoy.

A5 Road scheme A5 consultant advice to be reviewed

The regional development minister has ordered an independent review of the advice his department received from a consultant on the A5 road project. The dualling scheme - which could cost up to £500m - was to be part of a route linking Dublin and the North West. It stalled in 2013 when the High Court ruled the department should have carried out a full assessment of the scheme under the EU Habitats Directive. The minister, Mr Kennedy, said a "screening exercise" was carried out by Mouchel.

The infrastructure firm that is the main consultant on the project. He said he had asked for "an independent review of the project consultant's work in respect of the completion of the appropriate assessment process".

Mr Kennedy added that this would look at the "adequacy" of the screening work carried out by Mouchel. The project has already cost almost £60m, although it is now not clear when construction work will start.

An assessment is being carried out under the Habitats Directive and will be put out to consultation later this year.

SM Pigs Pollution Incident River Mourne


On the 25th day of February 2013 at the River Mourne in the Townland of Ballyfatten, Co. Tyrone, Loughs Agency staff investigated a serious discharge of Pig slurry into the River Mourne.

The case was heard at Strabane Magistrates Court on 14th November 2013 when the Defendant entered a plea of guilty to the second charge on the Summons of causing the pollution incident. The Agency agreed to withdraw the knowingly permitting at charge 1.

In mitigation, the Defendant’s company’s Barrister outlined that the company had purchased this farm from the Trustee in Bankruptcy a few months before this incident. He advised that the building in question had been built in 2007. Due Diligence Enquiries had been made at the time of the purchase and there was no disclosure that

Any previous pollution incidents had taken place. It was submitted to the Court that the Defendant’s company there was no reason to suspect that there was a difficulty with the building in question. It was also submitted that the incident was reported by the company to the PSNI to investigate potential vandalism of the building. No suspects were identified by the Police. The Defendant’s company’s Counsel also went on to say that they had spent £650,000 upgrading the premises since they had taken it over. They also indicated that they had installed CCTV and have a live in security guard to protect against any future incidents of vandalism.

District Judge Broderick indicated that he felt this was an unusual case in that there was some suspicion of vandalism. He noted however that the Police investigation didn’t identify any suspects. He also noted that the Defendant had invested money in the premises. He noted that they had a clear record. He noted that there was no fish-kill in this case. In these particulars circumstances he stated that he would impose a conditional discharge for a period of 12 months taking into account that this may have been as a result of vandalism and the Defendant had taken steps in relation to this. The Judge indicated that should the Defendant Company come back before the Court for a similar incident within that period the Court would not be so accommodating.

The Judge made an Order for the prosecution costs as follows:- 1. Professional costs £250 plus £50 VAT;


2. Summons costs £31.00; 3. Analysis costs £159.28.

Aurivo Co-operative Society Ltd Incident

One of Ireland’s largest dairy co-operatives pleaded guilty at District Court to leaking waste liquid into the River Finn after a phone alarm system failed to operate due to an unpaid phone bill.

Aurivo Co-operative Society Ltd, with an address at Ballina Road, Tubbercurry, Sligo had four charges brought by the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission relating to a spillage of a mix of sludge and water from their Killygordon plant into a tributary of the River Finn, known as the “Creamery Burn” in October 9.

The court heard from Fisheries Officers that they attended the area to inspect reports a substance had entered the water course, which is a nursery stream for salmon and trout, and discoloured the water.

The substance was later identified as a milk solids and waste water treated at the plant. There was no fish killed as a result of the leak. Alberry Key, manager of the site, outlined that once the problem was observed a worker at the plant notified the authorities immediately. He said the leaked waste came from the last stage of a four stage treatment facility and a problem arose that the rate of input of material to the tank did not allow the correct rate of sedimentation occur, with the result a mix of “sludge and clean water” was poured into the river. They are licenced to release a certain amount of clean water into the stream.

He said they monitor the system seven days per week, even though they only produce milk over six days. They use remote sensors linked via a SIM card to notify two mobile phones in the event of a problem. He said when the firm charged hands between Donegal Creameries and Connacht Gold, who are now Aurivo, the bills had not been paid in the “confused period” of the hand over. Barrister Charlotte Simpson said her client takes such matter very seriously. Judge Alan Mitchell said it was a case of it being “the little things that trip you up” given it was a multi-million take over yet “something as small as a telephone bill” had not been paid. He ordered the firm to pay €2,000 to the prosecutor towards


habitat management in the stream affected and ordered costs of €1,500.

Lamprey Baseline Surveys

Included in the Board papers are juvenile lamprey population assessments. Baseline surveys were conducted to record the abundance and distribution of juvenile lamprey within during the summer and autumn of 2013.

The surveys utilised a methodology followed by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) and outlined in the Conserving Natura 2000 Rivers Monitoring Series No. 5.(Monitoring

The River, Brook and Sea lamprey). Training was provided by IFI prior to the commencement of the baseline catchment wide surveys in 2010. Three lamprey species occur in the Foyle area, Sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus (L.), River lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (L.), and Brook lamprey, Lampetra planeri (Bloch). Unidentified juvenile lampreys have been recorded in the Carlingford area. Monitoring and reporting of lamprey conservation status in the context of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) is discussed and future survey proposals outlined for both Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and non SAC catchments within the Foyle and Carlingford areas. The reports highlight the importance of monitoring, conserving and protecting lamprey populations in the context of wider biodiversity conservation and education to ensure sustainable management of these unique parts of Ireland’s native fishery biodiversity.

John McCartney Director of Conservation and Protection

The following discussions developed after John’s report.

John advised the Board that if any of them had any questions regarding the consultation process he would be happy to answer them, there were no questions.

John advised the Board that the document “Staff Accident Summary Report 2013” required to be passed by the Board and he requested this report be proposed and seconded. The report was


proposed by:- Michael McCormick and Seconded by:- Don Tipping.

John advised that the fish counts on the Rivers Roe and Faughan are very good and steady improvement on the River Finn since the takeover by Fishery Inspector Seamus Cullinan and the River Mourne is good also.

John advised the Board that he attended a leaflet launch this week with the Cross Border Enforcement Group as the Loughs Agency is now in partnership with DCAL and PSNI. An information leaflet was launched in conjunction with the above agencies paid for by PSNI.

John added that the enforcement section within his report is the same and he adds that there are three civil cases currently ongoing and it is hoped that habitat improvements can be made if funds are awarded.

8. MMV Ostrea Update

Barry Fox provided the report to the Board:-

The MMV Ostrea has undertaken 15 days at sea since the last Board Meeting. This work was mainly Food Hygiene sampling and IBIS survey work.

Ostrea work plan

The first draft of the work plan for MMV Ostrea has been completed and circulated. The work plan contains all planned work from the Marine Scientist and the IBIS students as well as routine Shellfish Hygiene Sampling. The plan lists the scheduled work on a week by week basis rather than a day by day basis in order to limit the number of edits which may be required. If edits are required they will be completed on a weekly basis and all changes will be tracked and recorded along with a rational for the change. A copy of the work plan was distributed to all board members.

Barry Fox added that the Ostrea Sub Committee Group meet in early February 2014 and he advised that the minutes will be circulated to the Board as soon as these are approved. A


discussion developed in relation to the recent sub group meeting in relation to the requirements needed for the boat. The Board are in agreement that the work needs done on the vessel and Winston Patterson advised that the Sub Group continue to work hard on the project and keep the Board updated with all aspects.

9. Risk Management Update

John Pollock advised there is no update at this time and confirmed the next meeting will take place in mid-March 2014 with an update at the next Board Meeting in April.

10. Audit Sub Committee Update

Phil Mahon provides a verbal report to the Board to support the Audit Committee Annual Report 2013. Phil highlighted one minor fraud in 2012. Phil added that the Board will have to complete Self-Assessment Training but the JP O’Doherty was nearing completion of his course and he would be able to help the Board with this process. Phil further added that the Audit Sub Committee meetings are working well and their group will continue to work hard. Winston Patterson praised the work of the group and thanked them for their diligent work to date.

11. Outturns Against Targets

The Board were provided with a copy of the latest Outturn Against Targets. Members were asked to consider and note outturn against the Agency’s Business Targets for each of the four Directorates up to and including 31st December 2013.

12. Oyster Bed Closure

Barry Fox advised the Board on the recent media interest arising from the letters issued to all Oyster Fishing Licence holders in relation to the request he had from a number of fishermen to close the fishing season early. Barry advised that this was really a storm in a teacup as each fisherman was provided with a voting form to return to the headquarters with a simple Yes or NO vote to close the season early. A discussion developed in relation to this request and the benefits of closing the season early and the general attitude of the fishermen towards Loughs Agency staff and


the regulations with the fishery. It was suggested by Michael McCormick that the season was too long and Barry Fox agreed that it was two months too long as fishermen could have a potential to have a better catch and of higher value from mid- October to December rather than mid-September to March.

Alan McCulla asked could all fishermen be invited to attend a meeting whereby all could get together and have all stakeholders provide an input to the situation on the Lough. Whilst all agreed this would be a good idea it may not be possible due to the very aggressive approach the fishermen have to any meetings arranged by the Agency and generally nothing is resolved or constructively discussed at any meetings held previously. They have an Oyster Sub Group Committee fronted by people who do not fish in the fishery and these people have major influence on the fishermen and have contacted the Minister in the North in relation to the proposal of early closure.

Winston Patterson asked if the Board could help in any way and both Alan McCulla and Michael McCormick said that they would help in any way they could.

13. City Industrial Waste and River Faughan

John McCartney gave the Board a brief account of the issue with City Industrial Waste and the BBC Spotlight programme which was aired on BBC 1 on Tuesday 18th February 2014. Winston Patterson expressed the Boards concern in this matter that it was unacceptable for another agency to claim they had not received correspondence from the Loughs Agency highlighting our concerns back in 2008 in relation to the waste problem in Mobouy. Jim Wilson added that the Loughs Agency came across very well in the problem and the programme highlighted this fact. John McCartney added that the Loughs Agency is not carrying out any monitoring of the area but it is encouraging other agencies to be aware of the problems and that the Loughs Agency are here to support as and when required.

14. Departmental Accountability Meetings

John Pollock advised the Board that following a recent audit one of the recommendations is that DARD Sponsor Branch hold


scheduled quarterly accountability meetings. First scheduled meeting took place on 23rd January 2014.

15. DARD Sponsor Branch Attendance at Board Meeting, as required

John Pollock added that the Sponsor Department have expressed an interest in attending at least one Board Meeting per year but that he will keep the Board advised about any dates.

16. Hydroelectric Schemes

John McCartney gave the Board a brief history of the issue the Salmon, Inland Fisheries and Environmental Focus Group have with Hydroelectric Schemes and a response letter was submitted for approval by the Board relating to the motion brought to the Board in the October meeting by Peter Archdale. The letter was approved and will be sent to Jim Haughey Chairman of the focus group.

17. IBIS Project Update

The Board were provided with a paper written by Paddy Boylan giving them a detailed update on the IBIS Projects and the work currently being undertaken by the students.

18. AOB

Winston Patterson advised the Board that Laura McCready was returning from maternity leave and that this Board Meeting would be the last attended by Siobhan Wilson. Winston thanked Siobhan for her support and assistance in Laura’s absence and wished her well for the future.

19. Date and Venue of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the FCILC Board will take place on 16th April 2014 in the Ballymascanlon House Hotel, Carlingford Road, Dundalk.