Wednesday 4th December 2013 10:45 am

Redcastle Hotel, Peninsula, , Co


Present Winston Patterson (Chairman) Donal Tipping Phil Mahon Michael McCormick Seamus Rodgers Joe Miller Andrew Duncan Jim Wilson Mick Murphy

In Attendance - Loughs Agency John Pollock – Acting Chief Executive Officer John McCartney – Director of Conservation and Protection Barry Fox – Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries Kevin Wilson – Director of Development Siobhan Wilson (Minutes)

Winston Patterson welcomed Colette Kane from the Northern Audit Office. Colette gave a presentation to the Board on Good Practice in Risk Management.

1. Welcome and Apologies

Winston accepted apologies from:- Alan McCulla (Vice Chair) Laurence Arbuckle Theresa McLaverty

Winston Patterson welcomed everyone to the meeting. Winston extended his and the Board’s sympathies to Jim Wilson on the death of his mother. Jim Wilson thanked everyone who made telephone calls, sent messages and cards and who attended at the funeral.

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2. Conflict of Interest

There were no conflicts of interest with any agenda items.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.

Proposed Seamus Rodgers Seconded Michael McCormick

4. Reserved Minutes

The reserved minutes were noted and agreed.

Proposed Phil Mahon Seconded Seamus Rodgers

5. Matters Arising

Winston Patterson advised the Board on the update in relation to the current vacant position of CEO. He confirmed that the Public Appointments Office in Dublin would be looking after the recruitment competition. He added that the advertisement would be in the press and online by the end of week commencing 9th December 2013. He further added that the interviews would be held in the New Year by a panel consisting of representatives from DARD, DCENR and himself.

6. CEO Report

John Pollock, Acting CEO provided the Board with the following report:

John advised that Kevin and himself attended the Turner Prize Award Ceremony and he was pleased to report that there were a lot of enquires from attendees in relation to the Oysters which would reflect the effort that the Agency had put into promoting and marketing of the oysters, further efforts would be made to build on this positive publicity.

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John informed the meeting that the next NSMC Sectoral Meeting is planned for February 2014, date and venue to be confirmed.

John added that the both finance departments had now agreed the scheme rule change to the Foyle Fisheries Pension Scheme to make provision for Public Sector transfer. This amendment will be brought to the next NSMC Sectoral Meeting in February 2014.

Phil Mahon noted the late production of papers for the meeting due to reports not being received on time from Directors. She requested that all future papers are provided for the Board Members at least one week prior to the meeting. Joe Miller agreed with Phil and they both advised that they felt unprepared for the meeting.

7. Directors Reports

Corporate Services

John Pollock, Acting CEO provided the Board with the following report:

Internal and External Audit Work on the recent Internal Audit recommendations is now complete and a satisfactory rating has now been issued on outstanding recommendation is the review of the Financial Memorandum which is out of the control of the Agency and currently with both Finance Departments since 2010.

External Audit commenced their audit on the draft 2012 Financial Statements in March and is nearing completion. Their management points when available will be brought forward to a future Audit Sub Committee / Board Meeting. The C&Ags office in the South have to review the financial statements before final sign off it is anticipated all will be finalised by the end of December 2013.

North South Ministerial Council The next North South Ministerial Council Sectoral meeting is planned for February 2014.

2012 Annual Report The draft report has been cleared by both Sponsor Departments and was noted by Ministers at the recent NSMC meeting on 23rd

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October 2013 this will now go forward for translation and final print together with the 2102 financial statements when they are signed off.

Staffing There is currently only 1 vacancy – CEO Post

Advisory Forum The next plenary Forum meeting is scheduled for March/April 2014 and focus group meetings will continue to meet over the next few months.

Corporate Plan 2014-16 and Business Plan 2014 The guidance was received on 11th September from the Departments of Finance on format and budget availability. Further efficiency cuts have been imposed of 4% per annum cumulating in 12% in 2016. The Agency has initiated the drafting of the plans and will bring forward drafts to the Board when available.

Review of Financial Memorandum No further progress to report on this issue. The review of the Financial Memorandum was initiated in 2010. The Agency still awaits formal notification from the Departments of Finance. Sponsor Departments have agreed an interim amendment to the tendering thresholds to mirror those of the Departments and Central Procurement Directorate pending word from the Finance Departments. This issue is regularly raised by Internal and External Audits and is beyond the control of the Agency.

Amendment to the Foyle Fisheries Pension Scheme The Agency has drafted an amendment to the current pension scheme to allow the scheme to recognise incoming service from other public sector pension schemes. The Departments of Finance have set out a road map of the sequence of the necessary approvals and it is hoped that this amendment will receive final NSMC Ministers approval by December 2013

North South Pension Update The Economic Appraisal on the Agency joining the N/S Pension Scheme has been cleared by both Sponsor Departments and is currently been considered by both Finance Departments. The Agency has been in correspondence with its sponsor departments and are advised that the Finance Departments have been in discussion on the implications surrounding staff salaries and

Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 4 grading. The Agency has again been advised of the road map for the necessary approvals and is working on these with a view to finalising this issue in early 2014.

Aquaculture and Shellfisheries

Barry Fox, Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries provided the Board with the following report:

Shellfish Hygiene Policy and Procedure As a result of multiple changes to protocol dictated by the sampling authorities and additional sampling sites there have been a number of incidents in the past few months where sampling protocol has not been adequately followed. In response Sarah McLean created an in-house Policy and Procedure for Shellfish Hygiene sampling. The document outlines all standard operating procedures with regards to shellfish hygiene sampling. Both the Carlingford and Foyle crews were shown the document and given additional training on shellfish hygiene sampling. The Carlingford crew were briefed on the policy on 24.10.13 and the Foyle crew were briefed on 6.11.13. All staff members were given the opportunity to comment on the policy and make comments. The final document was issued to all staff on 19.11.13. It is hoped that this document and the additional training will help to alleviate any confusion surrounding the work and reduce the number of mistakes made in the future.

Carlingford Biotoxin Incident Samples collected for Biotoxin sampling on the ROI shore of Carlingford Lough tested positive for AZP (Azaspiracid) contamination on 6.11.13. This resulted in the production area (entire of the “ROI” waters in Carlingford) being closed for mussel production on 13.11.13. It also meant that any mussels landed between 6.11.3 and 13.11.13 were recalled from the market. Two clear samples were required for the production area to be opened again. Sarah McLean worked alongside the producers, SFPA, MI, FSAI and FSA NI to get the production area opened in the shortest possible time frame. Additional samples of Pacific Oysters were also collected for quality assurance. All additional samples came back negative for any traces of any form of Biotoxin contamination. AZP is relatively rare and has never been seen in Carlingford before now. It is widely accepted that this was either a freak

Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 5 incident or an anomalous result. However, as this is a food hygiene concern and as such had to be treated as worst-case-scenario. The Lough is now open as of 18.11.13. All of the Loughs Agency’s in-house control and mitigation plans worked well and staff were praised for their rapid response to the situation.

Tralee and Clarinbridge Trip Ciaran McGonigle, Sarah McLean and Cass Bromley visited the Tralee and Clarinbridge oyster fisheries between 28th and 31st October 2013. The trip was designed as a fact finding mission. The team visited the Tralee Oyster Fishery Co-operative landing centre and a hatchery set up at Castlegregory. The Tralee fishery produces similar quantities of native oysters as Lough Foyle however the fishery is run by a local fishery cooperative set up in 1982. The fishery is run using a TAC and quota system and there is a cap on the number of vessels with transfer of licenses to a relative possible.

The cooperative had used mussel shell successfully to increase spatfall success in the fishery in the past and would recommend this type of habitat creation/improvement works to other fisheries. Availability of suitable shell cultch was a limiting factor involved with continuing these development works.

The team also visited Clarinbridge Co-operative and learned about the move from native oysters to bottom grown Pacific oysters. Sarah McLean is in the process of writing a full report on the team’s findings.

Waterbird Surveys The waterbird surveys continue to work well. In addition to the required baseline data on bird assemblages on Carlingford Lough and Lough Foyle in relation to aquaculture sites; Aiobheann Cavanagh is working in Carlingford Lough on shore quality analysis, E. coli contamination in seabirds and losses to aquaculture as a result of seabird predation on shellfish in trestles. Luke Murphy is studying the interaction between cormorant and salmon smolt on Lough Foyle and hopes to differentiate to PhD in 2014.

Carrying Capacity Model for Lough Foyle The Agency has initiated the contract with the Agri-food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) to deliver a carrying capacity model for Lough Foyle. This project will run for approximately two years, The

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Agency’s scientist will present an overview of what the model will be used for and the work associated with its development at the first Board meeting in 2014.

Surveys Oyster stock assessment complete and initial findings show a reduction in the number of juvenile oysters owing to 2 successive poor spatfall years in 2012 and 2013. Biomass estimates and a full report will be available before Christmas.

The first round of marine chemistry samples for carrying capacity modelling has been conducted and first set of growth monitoring sampling is underway. Work is continuing to provide all data needed by the modellers to assess the ecological carrying capacity of Lough Foyle for shellfish culture.

Poor weather conditions have hampered efforts to conduct further seed mussel surveys at Greencastle however this will be attempted during the next weather window with suitable tides.

Work is continuing at the experimental sites for oyster regeneration in Lough Foyle with undersized oysters being re-laid in an attempt to monitor if these contribute to increased spawning and settlement in this area. Spat collectors have been removed however initial findings suggest no spat fall in the area, which is as expected given the low levels of settlement in the populations this summer.

The Agency is continuing to progress ideas for inclusion in the next round of EFF funding call on native oyster habitat improvement works and stock enhancement.

Samples of oysters have been submitted to Marine Institute for Bonamia Ostrea testing. Some unusual mortality has been observed on one bed within the fishery and this will be monitored in the coming months.

Barry Fox Director of Aquaculture & Shellfisheries

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Kevin Wilson, Director of Development provided the Board with the following report:


Since the last Board meeting, the Development Directorate has been continuing with the delivery of our programme of work. This has been a very busy period and is culminating in the end of year project delivery and finalisation of spend.

In addition to this, we have been making plans for the coming 3 year Corporate Planning Period, through the development of the Status Reports in Angling Development, Marine Tourism and Riverwatch Education.

We have also been liaising with our Sponsor Departments with regard to possible additional funding becoming available in the coming months. We have been making preparations for this and developing appropriate action plans.


2.1 Summary of 2013 Angling Season

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The 2013 Game Angling season ended on a very positive note with many good catches from both Foyle and Carlingford Catchments.

The White Water River in Carlingford and Owenkillew and Derg rivers in Foyle produced good catches up to their closing. The river Dennet in Co Tyrone one of if not the main Sea Trout rivers in Foyle produced fresh run fish up to the end of season.

It was positive again to have a number of private fisheries and clubs reduce the season for killing and taking salmon and this

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should be applauded and encouraged and repeated by ourselves were possible.

By way of illustration, we have received feedback from one of our visiting angers, detailing that he has caught, landed and released (all but two) 76 salmon in 29 days. He went on to say, “Great fishing again and a fantastic end to the season especially the last four days. It was a little difficult in the middle period but considering I had very unseasonal blazing sunshine and no water it shows that conditions are still far from hopeless if you know where to head for on the Foyle system. There's always somewhere that will give you a chance of a fish in the most challenging of conditions. Roll on next season!!!!”

This is a reassurance for many and an annoyance for other less successful anglers, when you include the fact that these Salmon were all caught on Fly its really highlights our numbers of Salmon within our Foyle catchment.

Sea Angling This season has been very positive in a number of ways but the World Police And Fire Games shore fishing competition seemed to set a trend and proceeding Club and National shore fishing competitions developed a very positive atmosphere and positively with competitor numbers up from previous and sea fishing conversations took on a very positive note within our catchments.

Charter boat angling again remained positive with good reports of Tope fishing and occasional conversations about reported Tuna Fishing catches. Tuna fishing remains a very specialist market and involves many hours of boat travel and we will as previous keep a close eye on the Tuna fishing in the future as run and trends might alter positivity.

Coarse Angling So far this season remains fairly positive with fish numbers growing in some parts and others struggling and this in part is down to the change and lack of change in legalisation. The ban on taking of Coarse fish and enforcement has been very positive and Pike at present are excluded from this regulation and within fisheries that don’t impose a total catch and release for Pike this is often reflected and we look forward to greater protection for Pike and the benefits that it will bring. This season we have noted an

Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 9 increase in competitions and as these events are well managed with fish welfare high on the list of priority’s it is a welcome addition.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Much of the angling season has now closed and it is intended to reflect on the positives and negatives of the year. The opportunities and actions arising out of evaluation conducted internally, at first, and then with the angling interests and stakeholders, will provide key information for the coming year.

It is intended to discuss the feedback received from stakeholders with Conservation and Protection interests within the Agency. Some questions that have arisen include extended catch and release periods, angling legislation and interactions with clubs.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Over the year, we have produced a number of media, newspaper and Facebook promotional pieces. This has been highlighted through the media clipping service and is present on out angling Facebook pages. These pieces have received positive feedback and generated much interest.

2.2 Competitions

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A number of competitions have been supported since the last meeting, including:

 Benone Open Shore Sea fishing Competition. 13th Oct  Loughmacrory Open Trout Competition 20th Oct  Dromoer AC Pike Competition Final 16th Nov  open Shore sea fishing competition 17th Nov

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

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Meet with angling representatives and discuss planned or possible competitions and events during 2014. It is anticipated these meetings will discuss the format for the events and Loughs Agency support.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Facebook and local publications with short 2-3 minutes footage of events proving a big success.

2.3 SDF

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A number of angling related themes have again been supported this year by SDF. These include training Angling coaches, drying rooms, angling workshops and access to rivers and lakes.

The access project on the River Derg has been the project that has been reported most positively. Resident and visiting anglers now reporting the Derg Angling Community waters as the best access they have ever experienced. This has been made possible through the Loughs Agency’s SDF Programme.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Angling based projects will continue to deliver on their letters of offer.

The Angling Manager will also continue to discuss possible new projects for the coming year, 2014, with particular emphasis on the targets within the Angling Status Reports.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

There will official openings of some of the projects in the coming months. It is also intended to have a celebratory event for the overall programme, highlighting successes and demonstrating the

Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 11 benefit of angling development projects and their contribution towards sustainable development.

2.4 Marketing and Promotion

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

On the 26th & 27th October Loughs Agency attended an angling promotional show in Hasalt Belgium and we were delighted with the high level of interest from the visitors at the show on fishing within or catchments, in particular game fishing and we look forward to welcoming some of these visitors for the first time to our catchment next year.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

New angling guide booklets will be published in December 2013.

Working with DCAL & IFI on a plan for joined marketing and promotion, enabling us to explore the benefits of jointly attending angling promotional shows in 2014.

Further developments on dedicated angling website based on the very successful IFI angling web site.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Promotion of our attendance at the Belgium Fly fair has mainly and positively been on Facebook. Facebook remains a fast and effective way of marketing our catchment and will soon be supported by a dedicated Loughs Agency angling web site.

Fly Fishing & Fly Tying magazine have accepted and agreed to publish a feature on a first time visiting angler to our region and will appear within the 2014 February addition. We welcome the positives this will bring to our catchments and the wider regions. The feature will be based on a promotional activity delivered by Loughs Agency attending angling promotional shows.

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We will also have a feature in one of the German magazines on first time visitors and this is almost ready for print and again will be a great promotion for our catchments. We plan to repeat this successful promotional activity during 2014 in partnership with some of our SDF recipients and with other stakeholders and publications.

2.5 Angling Status Report

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The Carlingford catchment status report is underway, with more than half of the catchment having been surveyed. It is planned to complete this over the coming weeks.

Within Foyle, a number of catchments have been completed and several recurring trends have begun to emerge, specifically, lack of access, parking and signage.

Other points have been highlighted as part of this survey from a tourist point of view include, particularly the lack of proper information and booking systems on some of the Tourist Board and related web sites. Some of which often give out inaccurate and misleading information.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Carry on with the survey and build a status report for all additional catchments

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

It is intended that these status reports will be consulted upon with our stakeholders and partners in the coming months.


3.1 RYA Sail Training Centre – marine tourism skills development

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For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

This project continues to run in partnership with OYTI, filling an erstwhile void where formal and accredited sail training was not available in the Foyle area. All six candidates passed the RYA keel boat instructor course in October, a 5 day course that concludes with a very stringent examination by an external assessor.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Power boat training and a nautical first aid course will be provided in December. An awards night is proposed, where RYA certificates will be presented and publicity generated.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Sails carried lettering that branded the sailing as a Loughs agency activity. The Ocean Youth Trust has highlighted their work on the Foyle in their newsletters.

3.2 Sustainable Development Fund - SDF

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

SDF 2013 opened in February with 67 applications received by June and 30 letters of offer issued. Claims have been processed to a value of over £33,000.

Extensions (approved by board subgroup) have been granted by addenda where appropriate to facilitate completion.

Letters of Offer have been issued to reserve projects – Villages Together and Finn Valley Cottages, bringing the total number of LoO to thirty-two. A further letter of offer will issue shortly to Lough Foyle Yacht Club.

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Twelve project promoters have completed projects and claims have been paid. A further seven have completed and claims are being processed.

Disappointingly, five promoters have signalled an unwillingness to proceed with projects.

An evaluation report has been drafted to assist with review of the SDF initiative.

The Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) has proven a vehicle for growing the marine tourism and angling sectors across the Foyle and Carlingford areas. SDF is helping to reposition the Foyle and Carlingford areas as compelling places to holiday and excellent angling destinations.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Project guidance will be dispensed, claims will be processed, project evaluation completed and projects closed.

The evaluation report will be submitted for sub-group approval and finalised. The report will be distributed, as appropriate, to sponsor departments and other relevant stakeholders.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A celebration event is planned to highlight the contribution of SDF. It is envisaged this will happen at the beginning of 2014.

3.4 Cruise North West

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Cruise North West continues to promote the Foyle as a cruise ship destination.

The table below details visits.

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Date of visit (2013) Name of Vessel 21/04 Hebridean Princess 18/05 Quest for Adventure 13/06 M/Y Big Eagle 22/06 MS Astor 06/07 The World 09/09 Seabourn Pride

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

It is proposed to renew Cruise North West membership, this fitting with the Agency’s aims and being an efficient investment (approx £6,000 per annum).

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

As indicated in the previous report, the sight of cruise ships serves to highlight the tourism potential of the Foyle, stimulating stakeholders to consider the marine tourism potential of the region.

3.5 Marine Ecotourism - Basking Shark Study

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The Inishowen Basking Shark Study Group continues its work with the support of Loughs Agency and others. A shark tagged in July off has been tracked south of Spain!

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

It is proposed to renew IBSSG membership, this fitting with the Agency’s aims (approx £1,500 per annum).

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

An article on this project was carried by the Irish Branch of the Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM) in their current periodical. IFM also referred to this in their journal. There has been publicity in local and national newspapers. National Geographic have expressed interest in the project.

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3.6 Portable Marine Event Platform

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Warrenpoint Harbour Authority has procured a portable event platform – a suite of pontoons that can be temporarily placed in position at suitable locations on Carlingford Lough to facilitate maritime events.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

This piece of marine tourism infrastructure will be constructed and delivered to Warrenpoint. The pontoons will be 2.5m wide and total 70m length. The deck will be glass reinforced concrete and wooden fenders will be fitted around the edges.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A press launch will be held, this to highlight the availability of this system and to promote marine tourism in the Carlingford area.

3.7 Omeath to Carlingford Greenway

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

In partnership with Louth County Council, Loughs Agency has part funded a Greenway project along the Carlingford shore in north Louth. This cycling and walking trail will open up marine tourism opportunities between Omeath and Carlingford village.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

An official opening will be arranged in due course. Discussions will continue with the long term aim of linking the Greenway with the Newry Canal trail.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

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Press publicity has been generated and Loughs Agency role in the project has been highlighted in this.

3.8 Beach Access

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency has two all terrain wheelchairs that (through partnership with local authorities) will be made available at Benone and at Shroove and Culdaff beaches in east Inishowen.

Loughs Agency has instigated a boardwalk scheme at Culdaff Beach aiming to permit sustainable visitor access to the beach via sensitive duneland. Donegal County Council were partners in this project and have been spurred to consider further sustainable management practices on their beach at Culdaff.

The agency has partnered with Donegal County Council to develop passing places on a narrow access road leading to Kinnegoe Beach. This will ease tourist traffic flow and enable passage of tour buses.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

A draft memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be agreed and signed with Donegal and Limavady local authorities. These organisations station lifeguards on their beaches and these staff will manage the issue and use of the wheelchairs.

A MOU will be put in place with Donegal County Council to effect implementation of the board walk project.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A press launch is planned in association with the Irish Wheelchair Association.

3.9 Coastal Motorcycling Trails

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For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency has placed a number of coastal biking routes on a website that is used by biker tourists in planning their trips. Routes include – Malin Head, Greenore/Carlingford and Magilligan.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Additional images will be uploaded and publicity generated.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Publicity will be generated in the motorcycling press.

3.10 Canoe Bothy

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency is currently constructing a canoe bothy at Moville. This will facilitate overnight stays by sea kayakers on the East Inishowen Sea Kayak Trail and those paddling the Foyle Canoe Trail.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The bothy will be completed and managed by a private sector activity tourism operator.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Publicity will be generated. CANI and ICU, the stakeholder bodies in the canoe sector, have agreed to promote.

3.11 Clipper 2014

For Information

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A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency is a member of the steering group for Clipper 2014. This round the world yacht race sails into the Foyle in June 2014.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

An event plan will evolve, a funding package will be assembled and marketing will commence.

Loughs Agency will develop marine tourism focussed sub-projects in order to animate the river and highlight marine tourism potential of the Foyle, requiring an appropriate budget.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Derry City Council has already generated publicity which included Loughs Agency being interviewed on BBC radio.

3.12 Marine Ecotourism

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Loughs Agency is currently erecting bird nest boxes at Greencastle and Moville.

These are designed to attract Black Guillemots, a member of the auk family. . These birds are relatively fearless in the presence of humans and are interesting birds for seaside visitors to watch.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The possibility of erecting boxes at Magilligan ferry quay is being explored.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Publicity will be generated.

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3.13 Interreg IVA Marine Tourism and Angling Development

3.13.1 (mooring buoy, advisory signage)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Time restrictions (in terms of programme delivery by June 2015) precluded the Agency from implementing the programme steering committee (PSC) request for a formal review of the SEUPB decision not to fund this project.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

SEUPB has been asked to further detail how they made their decision, in spite of a favourable value for money assessment.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

Not relevant.

3.13.2 Malin Head (passing places for vehicles, footpath, viewing platform)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

The contract for the paths and viewing platform has been awarded and works commenced in November.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The project will complete in December. An official opening is planned just ahead of the Saint Patricks Day bank holiday in order to maximise benefit in terms of tourist response.

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Current under spend will be considered and recommendations made as to how best to reallocate these funds.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

The launch of the project secured significant exposure for the area – as well as the project, the Agency and the funder. The programme steering committee (PSC) met at Malin Head recently and visited the site. There has been directly voiced praise for the passing places element, with a local canoe tour operator saying how it has helped him negotiate these narrow roads with a trailer and a local bus operator pointing out that tour buses are coming again to Malin, now that they are confident they will not be stuck!

3.13.3 Benone (a beach activity centre)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A project launch has been held to generate awareness of what is planned and to highlight the role of the funder and the programme generally. Short listing documents have been drafted for a design team.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Design works will get underway and a planning application will be completed.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A project launch was held and publicity generated.

3.13.4 Foyle Marina (event platform - pontoon and quay)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

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Both the quay and the pontoon continue to be well used, key elements of the marine tourism infrastructure on the Foyle. A sailing course was run from the pontoon.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

A value for money assessment has been submitted to SEUPB in order to further develop the project with additional low scale berthing capacity proposed.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

UTV Lesser Spotted Culture programme often feature the pontoon and quay in their episodes. TV news reports occasionally use the marina as a backdrop to local reportage.

3.13.5 Gribben Quay (access to the River Foyle)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A design team is being procured with shortlisting completed.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Design work will commence and a planning application will be prepared.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

None as yet.

3.13.6 Backwater (access to the River Foyle)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A design team is being procured with shortlisting completed.

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B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Design work will commence and a planning application will be prepared.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

None as yet.

3.13.7 Lough Derg (a management plan)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A value for money assessment (VFM) has been completed and is with the funder.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

Secure approval for VFM. Tender the management plan.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

None as yet.

3.13.8 Mellon Beat (angling and habitat enhancement River Strule)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

Visibility splays completed to meet a planning condition. Tendering of capital works has commenced.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

One element of the project will be completed in December – the works to the area upstream of the bridge.

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C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

A project launch is planned.

3.13.9 E-Licensing (angling licence)

For Information

A. Achievements outlined since the last Board report

A project steering committee that encompasses the tourism and angling sectors has had its first meeting. A terms of reference has been agreed and finalised.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

The scoping exercise will be put out to tender.

C. What publicity has been generated from this work, include examples

None as yet.

3.13.10 Summary Position

A table summarising progress with the INTERREG funded programme follows:


Note: Table as provided in the Development Report.


4.1 Clean up Activities - For Information

A. Update: Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 25

Riverwatch supported the Surfer’s Against Sewage Clean Up held on Sunday 6th October. The Agency provided gloves, high-visibility best, litter picks and rubbish bags to the 40+ participants that volunteered on the day. Riverwatch also brought along the marine discovery tank to show participants and visitors to the beach that day some of the fish and shellfish that live around our coasts.

Another clean up had been scheduled for Inistrahull Island as a geocaching event, but due to poor weather conditions this has been postponed until 2014

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

No further clean ups are scheduled for 2014 although site visits have taken place in Carlingford village with potential for community and school participation in a clean-up in 2014

C. Publicity

Gillian Simpson spoke live to Mark Patterson on BBC Radio Foyle on Fri 4th Oct promoting the clean up and the Agency’s role in supporting the event.

‘Following the Foyle’ Facebook page had 7 photos from the event which was seen by approximately 81 people.

4.2 Dissection Workshops – For Information

A. Update:

Michael Cosgrove visited St Columb’s College for 3 days on the 8th, 9th and 10th October to deliver dissection workshops with the whole of Year 9. As well as dissection workshops Michael also gave a presentation on the work of the Loughs Agency.

Foyle College came to Riverwatch on 6th November for a hands on fish dissection workshop followed by a question and answer session with our Freshwater Biologist, Art Niven. 14 Year 8 pupils also went on a tour of the building to learn more about the work of the Agency.

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Michael Cosgrove visited St Mary’s Primary School on 8th November in Altinure for their Science week. P6 and 7 were given a fish dissection demonstration in the classroom.

Michael Cosgrove visited Holycross College in Strabane to deliver fish dissection workshop and a presentation on the Loughs Agency.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

No further dissection workshops are scheduled for 2013.

C. Publicity

Coverage in both the Journal and Londonderry Sentinel newspapers.

4.3 Outreach programmes – For Information A. Update River Study with St Columb’s College in partnership with Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership to the Faughan River on 23rd October. Outreach visit to St Mary’s National School in Stranolar on 13th November as part of their science week. Michael delivered workshops on an invertebrate sample obtained from the river that runs beside the school. Pupil’s worked in groups to identify the invertebrates and Michael informed them of how important they are in the ecosystem and food chain. St Mary’s Primary School (Altinure) also held a science week. As well as dissection workshops with P6’s & 7’s, Michael also provided the Marine Touch tank for P1 -3’s and invertebrate identification for P4 and 5’s. Pupils from Bun Scoil An Iuir in Newry tried their luck with angling on Newry Canal on 20th November. 22 pupils from rang 6 and 7 were instructed by professional coaches on the art of coarse fishing. They were shown how to use the equipment and cast the line out with plenty of tips and hints from the experts. 3 pupils were lucky enough to catch Roach on the day. B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

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No further outreach trips are scheduled between now and the end of the year

C. Publicity

Video on You Tube as previously noted in the Board Report.

4.4 River Safari’s – For Information

A. Update

St Joseph’s High School, St Columb’s College and St John’s College all participated in a canoe trip from Prehen to Culmore Point. During the 3hr trip, pupils were guided down the river and given information on history and geography pertinent to their location.

B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

There are 3 or 4 more school bookings to be arranged before the end of the year in the Foyle area and a pilot trip is scheduled with Rathfriland High School on Wed 27th November.

C. Publicity

Internal within the school and also posts on our Facebook page which were seen by nearly 200 people.

4.5 School Visits to Riverwatch – For Information

A. Update

School visits to Riverwatch were received from Steelstown Primary School (x2), Thornhill College (Applied Science Pupils), Sacred Heart Primary School (Trench Road) (x2), Dunseverick Primary School and St Peter’s and St Pauls (P1-3)

We also welcome Eglinton Scouts Group on an evening visit to Riverwatch.

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B. Predictions / Plans to the end of the year in this area

School bookings to the centre are minimal during December as this is usually a busy time of year in the school.

C. Publicity


4.6 Seagate Real World Science Conference – For Information

A. Update

The Seagate Real World Science Conference took place on Fri 25th Oct. The event is aimed at engaging pupils in interactive workshops, promoting career opportunities in STEM subjects. Several local post primary schools participated in the event with approximately 50 having a Riverwatch experience.

B. Predictions/Plan to the end of the year

This is an annual event that Riverwatch has participated in for several years. We intend to be involved in the 2014 event.

C. Publicity


4.7 Halloween Event – For Information

A. Update

This year, Halloween fell on a Thursday so we decided to maximise the opportunity to welcome visitors and run an event programme from Monday to Friday (5 days). We also invited the W5, RSPB, Talnotry Avian Care Trust, World of Owls and Belfast Zoo to come along on different days to enhance our visitor’s experience.

W5 came on Monday with their ‘Science Magic Show’ and ran 4 shows which were all fully booked. World of Owls came on Tuesday with several birds and a few other animals and gave 4 workshop sessions which again were fully booked. TACT came on

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Halloween eve and brought their unusual selection of rescued wildlife, including an Eagle Owl, fox and hedgehog. Their workshops were hugely popular and attracted large crowds throughout the day. RSPB came on Halloween day to host mostly arts and crafts activities and also workshops on making bird feeders where each participant left with their own feeder. On Friday 1st of November Belfast Zoo hosted 3 workshops based around a selection of reptiles and insects that were brought up from Belfast. These workshops were also very popular and well attended by members of the public that had booked places in the previous weeks.

For our own contribution to the Halloween event we had our pirate treasure hunt and Halloween activity pack to enhance the visitor experience and provide visiting children with challenges based around our tanks and the decorations within the visitor centre. We extended this to the woodland area and riverside walk were families could explore and undertake self guided activities that were suggested in the pack. We also had several public feeding sessions throughout the week.

Total visitor count was 2,710 (last year we had 2,000 visitors). Visitors came from far and wide: Derry, Donegal, Antrim, Down, Fermanagh, Armagh, Louth, Cork, Tipperary and Dublin. This year we also had a few visitors from England, France and Scotland who had been directed to us by the tourism information centre and from marketing materials produced by Derry City Council.

We purchased some additional stock this year to add to the visitor centre and also to decorate some parts of the woodland walk. We also had two additional partners (W5 and World of Owls) who charged for their visits (an additional £1000 cost). Total spend £2664.00

Partnership: This year we were delighted to deliver this event in conjunction with Derry City Council, RSPB, TACT, W5, World of Owls and Belfast Zoo.

B. Predictions/Plan to the end of the year

This is an annual event and we intend to run the event again in 2014 event.

C. Publicity

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We featured on Derry City Council’s Facebook page and on their website with details of activities we were running and we were also included in the Council’s Halloween publication also. We had a live interview on with Mark Patterson on BBC Radio Foyle during the week and the Radio’s local news team also visited. We had editorial content in Primary Times. We had content on our own Facebook page and website.

4.8 Turner Prize – For Information

A. Update

Loughs Agency sponsored the opening ceremony of the Turner Prize exhibition at Ebrington Square on 22nd Oct. The event welcomed around 1500 invited guests into ‘The Venue’ were Loughs Agency had an Oyster Bar, showcasing the Lough Foyle Flat Irish Oyster. As well as the bar, 2 HD televisions showed a short 4min video about the oysters on a loop and there were information booklets with recipes for guests to take away. The bar, serving staff, napkins and information points were all branded with Loughs Agency and feedback was that the Oyster Bar was the highlight of the evening (aside from the artwork!)

B. Plans/Predictions

It is hoped that NITB/Tourism Ireland will feature the video on their social media pages. We are currently liaising with NITB to arrange this.

C. Publicity

The ‘Artful Oyster’ received good on-line coverage including: LoveBelfast Blog, Bloom Magazine and Dub Bel In

Our logo was included on the Turner Prize banner which went up on the Ebrington Clock Tower

Some follow up off-line publicity for the oysters was also printed when Minister O’Dowd visited the Agency the following day.

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4.9 Training/Meetings – For Information

A. Update

Michael and Gillian attended the Marine Biological Association ‘Shore Thing’ training session on 15th November. The training covered how to run the Shore Thing marine education programme.

Gillian participated on a 3 day training course through the Freshwater Biological Association on Freshwater Invertebrates. Michael has already completed this training.

Gillian attended the Freshwater Pearl Mussel Working Group meeting in Cavan to learn more about the education programme.

B. Plans/Predictions

A Shore Thing education kit has now been purchased view a view to implementing this programme in 2014

A business case is currently being drafted for the purchase of good quality microscopes to enhance our freshwater ‘bug’ workshops for use in the classroom.

A library of ‘Maggie’ books on Freshwater Pearl Mussels has been received along with activity packs. We intend to include this topic in our education programme in 2014.

C. Publicity

We will be publicising the delivery of the programmes in 2014

Kevin Wilson Director of Development

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Conservation and Protection

John McCartney, Director of Conservation and Protection provided the Board with the following report:


Enforcement staff have been monitoring the Oyster fishery closely and have found continued cooperation and limited number of infringements.

Salmon netting has declined but staff are investigating reported incidents of salmon lamping in the Roe, Derg and upper Strule areas. Agency staff are involved in the conference organised by IBIS and the Atlantic salmon trust called Boosting salmon numbers: is stocking the answer or the problem? The event was designed to examine in depth the potential role of stocking in restoring, sustaining and enhancing salmon populations and fisheries, by bringing together experts on salmon science and management - including those with direct experience of stocking - to join with anglers and fishery managers in exploring the potential for salmon stocking, including its effectiveness and risks

Consultations The 2013 Angling Consolidation Regulation is being evaluated by the Agency after extensive comment from Departmental Solicitors. The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Licensing of Fishing Engines) Regulations 2014 has reached the end of its public consultation phase and the responses are being evaluated by the Agency.

Agency staff are drafting the proposed Foyle Area and Carlingford Area Complimentary Permit Regulations 2013 for submission to Departmental Solicitors.

Health and Safety There have been no significant recorded accidents to staff since the last Board meeting.

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Comparative Fish Counts

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 October October October October October October October October

Faughan 3338 1025 553 803 1558 935 1526 1714 Finn 5703 3256 2046 2126 1219 1788 2144 2686 Sion Mills 9330 3513 3307 7666 2276 1197 2785 3230 Roe 1213 4868 4257 2084 3316 2538 3117 4070 Corrick Not available 173 170 1423 21 45 45 465 Newry Not Not available available 226 183 508 144 688 350 Omagh Not Not available available 136 242 55 158 409 283

Enforcement Actions In 2013 so far, Agency staff have seized 128 illegal nets, 44 rods, 3 boats, 219 fish, 20 bags of oysters and 1 car. Staff have dealt with 83 water pollution notifications including one wild fish kill, and taken 6 sets of statutory samples.

Narrow Water Bridge European funding for a proposed cross-border bridge that would link counties Down and Louth has been withdrawn. The Special European Union Programmes Body (SEUPB) had pledged £14.5m (€17.4m) towards the Narrow Water project. But it has withdrawn its offer because additional funding had not been found.

A SEUPB statement said: "Following comprehensive discussions on the financial viability of the Narrow Water Bridge with the project's lead partner (East Ltd and Louth County Council), the SEUPB has decided to withdraw the letter of offer. The additional funding required to deliver the project has not been secured."

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The cable-stayed bridge, 195m (640ft) long, had been in the planning for at least five years and would have connected Cornamucklagh near Omeath, County Louth with Narrow Water near Warrenpoint, County Down, at an historic crossing point.

The entire build would have been 620m (2,040ft) long and it had been hoped it could be open by 2015.

Catchment Status Reports This year marks the eighth successive year in which the Loughs Agency has published catchment status reports. Fourteen individual reports document the conservation, protection, monitoring and improvement works conducted within the river catchments of the Foyle and Carlingford areas.

The purpose of the status reports is to contribute towards a dialogue between fishery managers and stakeholders and to provide a platform from which to direct discussions with potential partners interested in conserving, protecting, improving and developing the fishery resources of the Foyle and Carlingford areas.

The growing importance of stakeholder engagement and active participation in the development and implementation of sustainable strategies for aquatic resource conservation and protection is acknowledged and highlighted throughout each individual status report. This demonstrates the Loughs Agency commitment to work with both statutory and non statutory partners towards developing and delivering sustainable development within the Loughs Agency areas of responsibility.

The European Union Water Framework Directive continues to be the main driver in the field of aquatic conservation and management. The Water Framework Directive works on a six year rolling programme of monitoring and implementation of a programme of measures. The first WFD cycle began in 2009 and will end in 2015. The target is to reach good ecological status in all water bodies. Provision has been provided within the Directive for two further cycles from 2015 to 2021 and from 2021 to 2027.

The Programmes of Measures (POM’s) form the practical basis from which change/improvements will be instigated. POM’s have been developed in collaboration with both statutory and non statutory stakeholders. With varying degrees of success to date it

Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 35 is strongly anticipated that continued and future POM’s will contribute significantly to effecting positive change within the field of aquatic resource conservation.

The Loughs Agency is contributing towards the direct implementation of WFD POM’s in many ways including ongoing conservation and protection collaborative projects with stakeholders, conducting freshwater fisheries surveillance monitoring within the Foyle and Carlingford areas, ongoing protection of fishery resources, development and implementation of habitat improvement projects and by delivering a range of educational programmes targeted at both primary and secondary school age children.

In 2012 annual programmes of in-channel and riparian habitat improvements were conducted and significant efforts were made to conserve and protect the fishery resources through appropriate enforcement and monitoring programmes of work.

The Loughs Agency continues to strive towards developing and implementing best practice in the fields of aquatic resource and fisheries management ensuring the continued sustainable development of the aquatic resources of the Foyle and Carlingford areas.

The status reports are as follows;  Burndennet, Glenmornan River and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  Camowen River and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  Carlingford Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  Culdaff River, Inishowen and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  Drumragh River, Owenreagh South and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  Fairywater River and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  Glenelly River and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  Owenkillew River and Owenreagh East Catchment Status Report 2012  River Deele and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  River Derg and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012

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 River Faughan and Foyle South Catchment Status Report 2012  River Finn and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  River Roe and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012  River Strule, River Mourne and Tributaries Catchment Status Report 2012

In addition to the status reports Board members have also been given copies of the following Agency publications;

 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2012  Chemical and Biological Survey Of The Small Streams Report 2012  Chemical Monitoring of the Urban Waterways Report 2012

These important scientific documents are part of the long term management and monitoring programmes of the Conservation and Protection Directorate.

The Celtic Seas Partnership Loughs Agency was represented at the recent Celtic Seas forum in Liverpool. The Celtic Seas Partnership is a pioneering project that will bring together sea users, industry, governments and the scientific community across the Celtic Seas to find ways of working together that will help achieve healthy and sustainable seas.

The project will build on the success of a previous WWF-led project, PISCES. PISCES empowered stakeholders in the Celtic Sea to develop a set of guidelines for delivering the ecosystem approach.

The Celtic Seas Partnership aims to feed lessons learnt and best practice directly into marine management at a national and European level, offering marine stakeholders the opportunity to help shape and influence how their seas will be managed in the years to come.

The focus of the project will be key European legislation that aims to conserve and protect Europe's seas while allowing sustainable use of our natural marine resources.

John McCartney Director of Conservation and Protection

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After the directors provided the Board with their reports there was a discussion in relation to the disappointing withdrawal of the Narrow Water Bridge Project. Both Kevin and John echoed their disappointment at this withdrawal and explained that the Agency recently met with Louth County Council and the contractor who confirmed that there was a shortfall of £6 million pounds and this was the reason for the withdrawal of the project.

Kevin added that whilst the Narrow Water Project was disappointing this now meant that SEUPB have a considerable amount of money available for funding of projects which the Agency have pushed several ideas forward for some of this funding money which will have to be processed and used before Christmas 2013. Kevin further added that this was a short period of time but that he has sent through approximately 20 proposals and if the Agency is successful in obtaining some of the funding money then staff would have to be moved from work on other resources to ensure that the money could be spent.

Several members of the Board welcomed this news and wished the Agency staff well in their endeavours and asked if an update could be provided to the Board by email.

8. MMV Ostrea Update

The MMV Ostrea has completed 65 days at sea this year to date. There have been no issues with the vessel at the time of writing this update. As a consequence of the Carrying Capacity Model development it is anticipated that the days at sea will increase in 2014 due to the requirement for the vessel to assist in the field work element of the project.

Barry Fox advised the Board that Ken Walsh had been in touch with him and provided him with dates of availability for a meeting with the Ostrea Sub Committee. Barry agreed to email all committee members of the suggested dates and Siobhan Wilson to arrange a venue for the meeting.

9. Risk Management Update

John Pollock reiterated the importance of the message from Colette Kane in her presentation and added that the booklet provided by Colette could be tailored for the needs and requirements of the Agency and provided for all staff to ensure

Prepared by S Wilson Nov ’13 Page 38 they are aware of the principals of risk. John added that two areas remain in the red these being Management Agreement and the Financial Memorandum but that these are beyond the Agency’s control.

10. Internal Audit Recommendations Update

Jim Wilson welcomed the paper on the Internal Audit update and commended the Audit Sub Committee on the satisfactory status gained. John Pollock advised that the auditors would be commencing another audit beginning on 9th December 2013. Winston expressed his thanks to the members of the Audit Sub Committee for their continued hard work in this role.

11. Outturns Against Targets

The Board were provided with a copy of the latest Outturn Against Targets. Members were asked to consider and note outturn against the Agency’s Business Targets for each of the four Directorates.

12. Welcome to new Board Member

Winston Patterson welcomed and introduced Mick Murphy to the Board.

13. Audit Sub Committee Update

Phil Mahon provided an update to the Board. Phil advised that the Agency had gained a satisfactory opinion and she congratulated the directors and their staff for their tremendous efforts to gain this opinion again in a short period of time.

Phil added that the Audit Sub Committee and the Agency have accepted the risk with the record checks at sea and landing points. Phil further added that the Audit Sub Committee have agreed that the tendering process for 3 years for boat maintenance is no longer required.

14. IBIS Project Update

The Board were provided with a paper written by Paddy Boylan giving them a detailed update on the IBIS Projects and the work currently being undertaken by the students.

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Jim Wilson noted the comprehensive report from Paddy Boylan and added that it was very well presented and understood.

15. Hydroelectric Power

John McCartney provided the Board with papers from Salmon & Trout Association and the Angling Federation relating to Hydroelectric Power. John gave an update on Hydroelectric Scheme and discussed the pitfalls and the economic spend on the development of HES.

John advised that he would welcome the Board’s review and he would be happy to process the Board’s views and opinions as a response to the document from the Ulster Angling Federation. John added that he can prepare a report on the Board’s opposes HES in a salmonid river.

16. AOB

There was no further business discussed.

17. Date and Venue of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the FCILC Board will take place on 19th February 2014. The venue is to be confirmed by Siobhan Wilson.

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