THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority


State Housing Land Set Apart for the Purposes of the Ii ousing Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Act 1935 General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 29th day ,of November 1966. BERNARO FERGUSSON, Governor-General [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of. W~rks. A PROCLAMATION Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! PURSUAN'.1' to section 2 of the Maori Housing Amendment Act (P.W. 51/2827; D.O. 9/751) 1938, I, Brigadier· Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare. that the State housing land, within the meaning Land Taken for Road in Blocks XV and XVI. Maungarnangero, <;>f the Housing Act 1955, described in the Schedule hereto, Survey District, and Block III, Awakino East Survey District~ is hereby set apart for the purposes of the Maori Housing W aitomo County Act 1935. BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General SCHEDULE A PROCLAMATION NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DIS1RICT PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier•· Sit A. R. P. ' Being Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described 0 0 31 · 5 All that piece of land situated in the Borough of in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road; and I also Mount Wellington,· being Lot 165, D.P. 38232, declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after and beiJ1.g part of Allotment_ . 40, District of the 19th day ,of December 1966~ Tamaki; which said piece of land is part of the land comprised and described in certificate SCHEDULE of title, Volume 1621, folio 10 (North Auck­ land Registry), subject to a . building-line SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT restriction contained in K,. 39026, and to ALL those pieces of land described as-follo~s: K. 67208, certifying the existing line of pipes for storm water. A. R. P. Being . Given under. the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ 0 0 2 · 6) Parts B 2B 7c 2A 2 Karu-o-te-Whenua · Block, Generai, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 0 2 32 · 41 situated in Blocks XV and XVI, Maungamangern 0 1 1 · 6 Survey District; coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 6th day of December 1966. 0 3 7 20280 (S.O. 42877). [L.s.] J. R. HANAN, Minister of Maori Affairs. 0 o 4 .7 JParts B 2B lB 2A 2 Karu-o-te-'Whenua Block, Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! 0 1 24 situated in Blocks XV and XVI, Maungamangero o o . l Survey District; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W.· (M.A. 30/14/2) 4 1 20280 (S.O. 42877). - 0 0 9·7 Part B 2B lB 2A 1 Karu-o-te-Whenua Block; coloured yellow on plan M.O.W. 20280 (S.O. 42877). . Lan<~ Taken for Street -in the Borough of Pahiatua 2 2 27 · 5 Part Karu-o-te-Whenua B 2B 6c Block; cofoured blue ori plan M.O.W. 20281 (S.O. 42878). 0 1 30·6 Part Karu-o-te-Whenua B 28 6B Block (roadway); -BERNARD IFBRGUSSON, Governor-General coloured blue on ,plan M;O,W. 20281 (S,,O. A PROCLAMATION 42878) . · · ' · " . PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir As the same are more particularly delineated on the plans Bernard Edward Fefgusson, the Governor-General of New marked and coloured as above mentioned and deposited in the Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described office of the Minister of Works at Wellington. ~ ·· - ·· · · in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for street and shall Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the Borough General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this of •Pahiatua as from the date· hereinafter mentioned; and I 16th day of September ,1966. · also declare that this Proclamation shall fake effect on and [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Worts. aJ£ter the 19th day of December 1966. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! (P.W. 72/3/2B/0; D.O. 72/3/2B/011) SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT All those pfoces of land situate in Block VIII, Mangahao Land and Leasehold Estate in Land, Taken /or the Survey District, Borough of Pahiatua, described as follows: Development of Water Power, in Blocks IV, VIII, XI, XII, A, R. P, Being Teviot Survey District, and Block Ill, Cairnhill · Survey 0 0 24· 1 Part Lot 1, D.P. 307, being part Section 16; District .· · . · coloured blue on plan .. 0 0 24 · 1 Part Section 16; coloured ·orange on plan. BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General -As the same· are more particularly delineated on the plan A PROCLAMATION marked M.0.iW; 20807 (S.0. 26520) deposited in the office PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir ~f C the .. Mip.iste~ -September 1965, and published m the Gazette, 30 · Septem­ . . coloured sepia on plan. . ber 1%5, No. 56, p. 1649, proclaiming land as road in Blocks 0 2 0 · Parts Run 2620; .Block XII, Te.viot Survey District; VIII and XII, Waitoa Survey District, by deleting the area of coloured sepia on plan. land lastly described in the Schedule th~reto .and su'?stituting 3· · 0.. 0 Parts Run 2620, · Block XII, Teviot Survey District; in lieu thereof the area of land descnbed m the Schedule. coloured sepia on plan. hereto.

TIDRD SCHEDULE SCHEDULE . 0TAGO LAND DIS'IRICT · Soum AucKLAND •LAND Dism1cT ALL those pieces of land situated in.Otago R.D., described as ALSO all that piece o!f land containing 2 mods 23 perches follows: · s:iJtuated in Block XII, Waitoa Survey District, 'being part Lot A, R. P. Being 4, D.P.' 12069; coloured yellow on plan .. 0 0 32 Part Run 500, Block VIII, Teviot Survey District; Given under ·1!he hand of His Excellency the Govem,or­ coloured sepia on plan. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand this 8 . 0 0 , Part Run 500, Block VIII, Teviot · Survey . District; 29th day of November 1966. coloured sepia on plan. [L.s.] PERCY 'B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. 6 0 0 Part Run· 500, Block VIII, Teviot Survey District; Goo SAVE nm QUEEN! coloured sepia on plan. (P,W. "34/4558; D.O. 21/0/71) As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan . marked M.O.W. 20034 (S.O. 13458) deposited fu the office of t_he. Miriister of. Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Revoking Proclamations Defining the Middle Line of Portions ·Given under the hand· of His Excellency the Governor­ of the fueroa-Pokeno Railway ·· ·· ·· · --

. · · General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, ..._i_. . t.Qis 2~th day of August 1'966. . · · BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General· [t.s.] . PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. A PROCLAMATION Goo SAVE TI:IE QUEEN ! ··(P.W~ 92/12/47 /6; D.O. 92/12/47 /6) PURSUANT to ,the 1Prub1ic Works Act il928, I, Brigadier Sir Bernard Edward Fergusson,. the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby revoke the ·Proclamations defining the middle line of poT1tions of ithe 1Paeroa-Pokeno Railway, particulars of whioh !Proclamations are given in the Schedule hereto. -----f---1 SCHBDUIJE Le~ehold Estate in Land Taken for the Development of Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Jfa:f~r P,o~er, in Block V, .Teviot Survey District, Tuapeka County 1. Proclamation darted the 22nd day orf December 1937, published in Gazette, l3 January ,1938, Volume I, page 2, and registered as No. 9544, South Auckland Land Registry. . BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General 2. Proclamation dated the 8th day orf April 19 138, published A PROCLAMATION in Gazette, il3 April 11938, Volume l, page 929, and registered PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir as No. 9614, South Auckland Land Registry,' as ainend~d by, Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Proclamation dated the 2nd day ·of November 1951, published Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare the leasehold estate in in Gazette, 8 November 1951, Volume III, page 1670, and·. the land described· in the Schedule hereto, held from Her registered as No. S. 2563'3, South Auckland Land Registry. Majesty the Queen by John Allan McPherson under and by 3. Proclamation dated ,the 15th day of April 1939, pubHshed -yirtue of. pastoral lea~es No. P 138 -and No. P 139, recorded in Gazette, 20 Apni.1193'9, Volume I, page H45, and registered m Volume 163, foho 167, and Violume 163, folio 113 as No. 9923, South Auckland Land Registry, in so far as· it Otago Land Registry~ is hereby taken for the development of affects land in. the South :Auckland Land District _ water powe~ (Roxburgh Power Schenie); and I also declare t~t this Proclamation shall take effect on. and after the 4. Proclamation dated the 26th day .of June 1939, published l?th day of December 1966. · · in Gazette; 29 Jliile 11939, Volume l'I, page 1890, :lind ..regis•tet.ed as No. 9979, South Auckland Land Registry. :15 DECEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'ITE 2077

. 5. Proclamation dated the 15th day of August 1939, published production of the last-mentioned. boundary to the south­ in Gazette, 17 August 1939, Volume l'I, page 2156, and western boundary of Lot 94, Deeds Plan 233; thence north­ registered as !No. 10000, South Auckland Land Registry. westerly along that boundary and north-easterly along the .6. Proclamation dated the 20th day of October 1944, pub­ north-western boundary of Lot 94 aforesaid to the westernmost lished in Gazette, 26 October 1944, Volume III, page 1276, corner of Lot 1, D.P. 9406, being the point of commencement. and register~d as No. 11535, South Auckland Land Registry. Given under the hand of His '.Excellency the Governor­ SECOND SCHEDULE General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this ALL that area in the Otago Land District, Taieri County~ 15th day of November 1966. North Taieri Riding, containing 52 acres, more or less, [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. bounded by a line commencing at a point on the south­ western boundary of Lot 94, Deeds Plan 233 in line with the -Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! production of the north-western ·boundary of Lot 18, Deeds (P.W. 19/71/3; D.O. 46/2/0) Plan 308 and proceeding generally north-easterly to and along that boundary and the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, and 9, Deeds Plan 308 and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to a Revoking Part of a Proclamation Defining the Middle Line point in line with the middle of Centre Street; thence south­ of a Fur.ther Portion of the Wellington-Napier Railway easterly to and along the middle of that street and its (Lower Hutt Valley Duplication) in the City of Lower Hutt production to the south-eastern side of Factory Road; thence north-·easterly along the south-eastern side of Factory Road to the northernmost corner of Lot 8, D.:P. 2330; thence BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor-General south-easterly along the north-eastern boundary ·of that Lot to the northernmost corner of Lot 9, D;P. 2330; thence south­ · A PROCLAMATION westerly along the north-western boundaries of Lots 9 and PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir 5, D.P. 2330 to the north-western comer of the last-mentionecl Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New Lot; thence south-easterly and south-westerly along the north­ Zealand, hereby revoke the Proclamation dated the 11th day eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 4, D.P. 2330, of August 1925, and published in Ga.zette, 13 August 1925, to ·the southernmost corner of that Lot; thence north­ Volume II, at page 2409, and registered as No. 1544, Welling­ westerly along the south-western boundary of Lot 4, D.P. .ton Land Registry, defining the middle line of a further 2330, the south-western boundary of Lot 2, D.P. 8598; and portion of the Wellington-Napier railway {Lower Hutt Valley its production, the south-western side ·of Rentons Road and duplication) in so far as it affects the land described in the its production and the south-western boundary of Lot 94 Schedule hereto. aforeSaid to the point of commencement.

SCHEDULE THIRD SCHEDU~E WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT ALL that area in the Otago Land District, Taieri County, ALL those pieces of land situated in Block X, Belmont Survey North Taieri Riding, containing 85 acres 3 roods . 30.3 District, City of Lower Hutt, Wellington R.D., and described perches, more ur less, bounded by a line commencing at as follows: the northernmost corner of Lot 9, D.P. 2330 situated in A. R, P. Being Block 11, East Taieri Survey District, and proceeding south­ easterly along the north~eastem boundary of that Lot to 0 0 9·9 Part Lot 9, D.P. 15301, being part Sections 59 its easternmost corner; thence south-westerly along the south­ and 61, Hutt District. eastern boundaries of Lots 9 and 5, D.P. 23:30 to the southern­ 0 0 23 ·2 Part Lot 9, D.P. 15301, being part Section 59, most corner of the said Lot 5; thence north-westerly along Hutt District. the south-western boundary of Lot 5 aforesaid to its western­ As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan most corner; thence north-easterly generally along the north­ marked M.O.W. 20717 (S.O. 26199) deposited in the office western, south-western, and again the north-western boundaries of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured of the said Lot 5 and the north-western boundary of blue. Lot 9 aforesaid, to the northernmost corner of that Lot, being the point of commencement. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 5th day of . FOURTH SCHEDill.JE [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. ALL ·that area in the Otago Land District, Taieri County, Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! North Taieri Riding, containing 102 acres, more or less, bounded by a line 1commencing · at the southernmost corner (P.W. 19/530/2; D.O. 32/0/8/1 and 12/1/0) of Section 5, Block 2, East Ta-ieri Survey District and pro­ ceeding north-westerly along the south-western boundary at that section and north-easterly along the north-western boundaries oif Sections 5 and 4, Block 2 aforesaid, to the northernmost comer of the said Section 4; thence south­ Boundaries of County of Taieri and Borough of Mosgiel easterly along the north-eastern boundary of Section_ 4 Altered aforesaid to the easternmost corner of the said Section 4; thence south-westerly along the south-eastern boundaries of BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General Sections 4 and 5 aforesaid, to the point of commencement. ORDER IN COUNCIL At ,the Government House at Wellington this· 14th day of FIFTH SCHEDULE December 1966 ALL that area in the Otago Land District, Taieri County, Present: East Taieri Riding, ,containing 2 acres 2 roods, more or less, bounded by a line commencing at the southernmost corner HIS EXCELLENCY TI:IE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL of Section 10, Block VII, East Taieri Survey District; and PURSUANT .to the Local Government Commission' Act 1%1, pmceeding north-westerly along the south-western boundary His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with o:f that section, to the middle of Silver Stream; thence generally the advice and consent of 1!he Executive Council, hereby easterly up the middle of that stream to the south'-eastern makes the following order; . boundary of Section 10 aforesaid; thence south-westerly along the south-eastern boundary of that section to the point of ORDER commencement. 1. This order shall come into 1force on 1 . T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. 2. The five areas described ~n the Schedules hereto are (1I.A. 103/5/250) · hereby excluded fmm ·the County of Taieri and ,included in the Borough of Mosgiel. 3. The said alterations shall 'be deemed to have been effected under the Municipal Corporat_i~ns · A~_ 1954. Counties of Malvern and. Tawera United Under Name of F]iRST SCHEDULE Malvern Coun,ty. ALL that area in the Otago Land District, Taieri County, North Taieri Riding, containing 55 acres 1 rood 2 perches, BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General :more or less, bounded by a line commencing at the western­ most corner of Lot 1, DJP. 9406, situated in Block VI, East ORDER iN COUNCIL Taieri Survey District and proceeding south-easterly along the At the Government House at Wellington this 14th day of south~western boundary of that Lot to the north-western 'December 1966 side 'O'f Severn Street; thence south-westerly along that side Present: of Severn Street to a point on the production of the middle line of Centre Street; thence north-westerly along that produc:.. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CoUNCIL tion to a point in line with the north-western ,boundary of PURSUANT to the Local Government Commission Act 196f, Lot 9, Deeds Plan 308; thence south-westerly. to and along His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with that boundary and the north-western ·boundaries of Lots 10, the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby ma.kes ll, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Deeds Plan 308 and the the following order. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

ORDER over by the Council of the ·Said county' under, ari:d subject to, the provisions of the Local Authorities (Employment 1. This Ord~r shall take effect on the 1st day ,of April 1967. Protection) Act 1963. This provision shall be in ,extension of, 2.11he County of Malvern and the County of Tawera are and subject to, the provisions of that Act. hereby united and the councils of the said counties are 15. The first County Clerk ·of the said county shalLbe Brian herehy dissolved. William ,Perrin, 01f Datfield. . · . . . . 3. The united county shall be called the County ()If Malvern 16. All bylaws in force in the forme,r County of Malvern (hereinafter ·called the "said county") . shall become bylaws of the said county, and all bylaws in 4. Until the 3'lst day of the said county shall force in the former County of Tawera shall be deemed to be be divided into three divisions as follows: revoked. · (i) The Malvern Division, comprising the Courtenay, 17. Except as otherwise pr9vided herein, the pmvisions of . Homebush, and Sheffield Ridings, as hereinalfter section 10 of the Counties Act 1956 shall apply to the union defined. of counties hereby effected as if . the former 9oup.ties of (ii) The Selwyn Division, comprising the Selwyn Riding Malvern and Tawera had been united. under that Act. as hereina.fter defined. T. J. SHERRrA:RID, Clerk of the Executive Council. (iii) The Tawera Division, comprising the Tawera Riding as 'hereinafter defined. (I.A. 197 /728) 5. Separate accounts shall be kept for each of the said divisions. 6. The provisions of the Counties Act 1956 as to the making River District oif Karikoura ·,Abolishe,{i: and levying of a general rate separately in each riding of a county, as far as they are applicable and with the necessary modifications, shall apply as if each of the said divisions were BERNARD FERGU~SON, Governor-General a . riding of the said county. ORDER IN COUNCIL 7. For representation purposes the said county shall be At the Government House. at -Wellington. this . 14th day. of ;divided into five ridings as follows; December 1966 {i) The. Courtenay Riding, comprising the Courtenay P·resent: ·Riding of the former County orf Malvern. (ii) The Homebush Riding, ,comprising the Homebush HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN :.Cc>UNCIL 1Riding of the former County olf Malvern. PURSUANT to the Local Government Commission A-ct 1961, (iii) The Sheffield Riding, comprising the Sheffield Riding His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the of the former County of Malvern. .advice and consent ()If the Executive Council, ·hereby make.s (iv) The Selwyn Riding, comprising. the Selwyn Riding the following order. · of the former County of Malvern. (v) The Tawera Riding, comprising the district of the ORDER ,former County of Tawera. 1. This order shall come into force on the 1st day of April 8. Until the date prescribed by law for the first triennial 1967. . .·· . . . . , . . . ·. ,', _ ·,, · general elections of members of county councils to be held 2. T'he Kaikoura River District is hereby abolished and the after the 1st day of , the Council of the said ·Kaikoura River 1Board is hereby dissolved. ' · · , . · county shall consist of 13 members a:s follows: 3. Upon the dissolution of the Kaikoura River: Board · the For the Courtenay Riding 5 members real and personal property, contracts, rights ·of action, and For the Homebush Riding 1 member other rights,. obligations, and -liabilities of the Kaikoura River ·For the Sheffield Riding 2 members Board shall become the property, oontracts, rights, oMigations, For the Selwyn Riding 3 members ~nd liabilities of the Marlborough Catchment Board, ·without For the Tawera Riding 2 members any instrument of transfer, assignment, or other assurance. 9. The first election o!f the members of the Council of the 4. Where any Teal or .personal property or right becoines said county shaU be held on the date prescribed by law for vested in the Marlborough Catchment Board py virtue oif this the first triennial general elections of members of county · Scheme and the title of the Kaikoura River Board is or should councils to be held aJf.ter the 1st day of April 1967. ·have been entered in any register required by law to be kept. 10. Until the members of the Council of the said county the Registrar or other person whose duty it is to keep the elected at the said first election shall come into office, the register shall, on the request in, writing of the Marlborough said Council shall consist of : Catchment 1Board, and on ·being satisfied by statutory declara­ tion or otherwise of the title of the Kaikom;a River Board, (1) The eleven members of the former Malvern County without payment olf any rfoe, enter. in .the register the nam~ Council to represent the Malvern and Selwyn of the Marlborough 'Catchment Board as the owner of the :Divisions, and property or right instead of the Kaikoura River Board. (2) Two -Olf the members of the former Tawera County 5. All works, matters,, and proceedings ,commencecf'. ,J,y the Council, to be ·Chosen by that Council from among Kaikoura River Board, and pending or in progress on · the its members to represent the Tawera Division; and, dissolution of that :Board, may be continued and completed for the purpose of makipg that choice; but for no by the Marlborough Catchment >Board. · ... , -- -· other purpose, the members of the former Tawera County Council shall, if necessary, ·continue in office T. J. SHER~D., ~lerk of the Executive Council. after the 31st day !Of Malich 1967.. {I.A. 176/116) . . . ' . 11. The following items in the accounts of the former Counties of Malvern and Tawera shall be credited and debited respectively. to the ,general .and separate .accounts and funds Declaring a Service Lane to be Vested in theCorporation of of the said county: the City oif Lower Hutt, and to be Under the Control and (1) All credit balances other than ,those hereinafter specifi­ Mana[Jement of the LowerHutt City Council,_ .. cally mentioned. {2) Plant renewal funds. BERNARD FBRGµssON, Governor-General ('3) AH assets other than those hereinafter .specifically mentioned. ORDER IN COUNCIL (4) Interest, sinking funds, and ,capital repayments in At the Government House at Wellington th'is 5th day :of respect of all loans .of each of the former counties October 1966 respectively except as hereinafter mentioned. (5) Maintenance and construction ,costs of all bridges Present: exceeding 20 ft in length. His ExcELLENCY THE GoyEI_tNdR-GENERAL IN CouNCIL (6) Costs of hea.lth inspection, noxious weeds control, PURSUANT to section 11 of the Housing Act 1955, His hydatids control, and housing. Excellency the 9overnor-General, acting by and with ,the 12. The following items. in the Malvern -District and Selwyn advice and. consent of the . Executive Council, hereby orders Riding accounts of the former Malvern County and in the and declares that the service lane described in' the Schedule accounts of the former County of Tawera shall be credited hereto shall, on and after the date of 'this Order in Council, and debited respectively to the Divisional Accounts of the vest in t~e Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Malvern, S·elwyn,~ and Tawera · Divisions respectively: ·Lower Hutt, ~nd be un~er the -control and Illanagement of the (1) General •cash balances . Lower Hutt City Council. · . (,2) .Separa:te·account 1cash balances. (3), Stocks on 'hand.i · · SCHEDULE ( 4) Sundry debtors. .. _ . WELLINGTON'. LAND. DISTRICT (5) Land su]Jdivision. reserve fuuds in hand. (6) Public debt and contingent liabilities. ALL those. pieces of land situated in Block X, Belmont S:urvey (7} ,Maintenance and 1oonstmction costs of bridges not District, City of Lower Hutt, Wellington RO.. , a.nd. described . exceeding 20 ft in length situated in each Division as follows: respectively. A. R. P. Being 13. Interest, sinking funds, and ,capital repayments in respect 0 0 9•9 Part Lot 9, D.P. 15301, being part Sections 59 of all loans secured over special areas in the former counties and 61, Hutt District; coloured blue on plan. shall remain as a charge on the same special areas in the 0 0 23·2 Part Lot 9, D.P. 15301, being part Section 59, said county. · Hutt District; coloured blue on plan; · 14. With the exception ·of the County Clerk o!f the former 0 0 10 Part Lots 24, 25, 26, and · 27, D.P. · 15301,. being 'fawera County, all existing staff of the Councils of · each of part Section 59, Hutt District;· coloured orange the 1f:ormer Counties of Malvern and Tawera shall be taken on plan. · ' · · :15 .DSCEMBER :2079

As. the satne are more particularly delineated on the ·pl;m . OR.DER marked M.O.W. 20711 (S.O. 26199) deposited in the Qffice 1. (1) This order may be cit~d as the Hawke's Bay Rabbit of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured District Order 1966.. . · · as above mentioned. (2) This order shall come into force on the day after the T. J. SHERRA:RID, Clerk of the Executive Council. date of its i1otification in the Gazette. . (P.W. 19/5,30/2; D.O. 32/0/8/:l) 2. The boundaries of the Hawke's B~y Rabbit District, w,hlch was .constituted by Order in Council on the 5th ·day , of January· 1887*, are hereby· altered and redefined; and as from the commencement of this order, the boundaries of 'the Revoking the Vesting of Land in the Alexandra Borough said district· shall be those specified in the Schedule· hereto. Council for Tree-planting _Purposes SCHEDULE BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor-General BoUNDARIE~ OF THE HAWKE'S. BAY RABBIT DISTRICT ORDER IN COUNCIL ALL that area .in the ,South Auckland, Wellington, and At the Government House at Wellington this 6th day of Hawke's Bay Land Districts, .. being parts of .the Comities of 'December 1966 Taupo, Rangi'tikei; and Hawke's Bay, part . orf the City of Hastings-, and part 1of the Borough of Havelock North, con­ Present: taining 654,000 acres approximately, bounded by a line com­ HIS EXCEI.LENCY TI:IE GOVERNOR-GENERAL . IN COUNCIL mencing at. the source of· the Rangitikei River, nea·r Trig. WHEREAS by an. Order in Council dated the 14th day of Station C (Ngapuketurua}, in Bloc'.k VII, .Waiotaka Survey .January 1932 and· published in Gazette, 21 January 1932, District; . Wellington Land District, and ,proceeding in an Vol. I, page 114, an area of Crown land was vested, subject easterly direction along a right line to Trig. Station 41 to the conditions set forth in the said Order in Council, in (Maungarangi), in ,Block VII, Ahipaepae Survey District, the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the Borough of ·south Auckland . Land District; thence south-easterly along Alexandra for tree-planting purposes, pursuant to section 20 a right line to the middle of the Mohaka River at its con­ of the Land Laws Amendment Act 1926. fluence. with. th~ :M,:angatanguru (Kowhai) Stream, in. Block VII, Kaweka . Survey. District, Hawke's Bay Land District; And whereas . it is expedient that the . afor.esaid Order .in thence down . the middle of that river to its intersection . by Council should be revoked in so far as it relates to th,e land the production of a right line through Trig. Station 68A, i.ti described in the Schedule hereto : Block XIII, .Kaweka Survey District, and Trig. Station 65A; in And whereas the said Alexandra Borough Council has duly Block XXI, Kaweka Survey District; thence south~westerly consented to such revocation: .along. that line. tq the said Trig. Station 65A; thence south­ Now, ,therefore, pursuant to subsection 2 of section 20 of easterly along a right line in the directi.on oif Trig. Station the · Land Laws Amendment Act 1926, and of every other H, Don Juan, in Block V, Patoka , Survey District, to the · power and ' authority· enabling him in this · behalf, His middle of the Donald River; thence down the middle of that Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the river to, · and down the middle of, the Tutaekuri River to advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby revokes the sea coast; thence southerly along the sea coast· to, and the aforesaid Order in Council dated the 14th day of January up, the middle of the Tukituki River to a point in · line with 1932, in so far as it relates to the ·land described in the the middle of, River Road, in Block I, Kidnapper, Survey Schedule hereto. District; thence westerly to, and along, the . middle of that road. to, and along, the middle of the Hastings-Waimamma Road, through the Borough of Havelock North, .~nd north­ SCHEDULE westerly to the middle of Heretaunga Street, in the City of Hastings, and along the middle. of that ·street to, and along, 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT the middle of Omahu · Road, ·· ~nd along the middle of·. the SECTION 9, Block XXXV, Town of Alexandra: Area, 7 acres Hastirigs-Fernhill Road to, and northerly generally afong, 2 roods 38 perches, more or less. the middle orf No. 50 State Highway to the middle of the T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. Ngaruroro River; thence up the middle olf that river and the Taruarau River to a .point in line with the north-eastern (L. and S. H.0; 22/3655; D.O. 3/336/1) boundary of Block 78, Maraekakaho Crown Grant·. District in Block II, Ngaruroro Survey District; thence south-easterly to, and along, that boundary to the south-eastern· boundary of the said Block 78; thence south-westerly along that Revoking Licences Authorising William Grant Jamieson, of boundary to the eastern side. of a public. road, along a right Lake Brunner, Hotelkeeper, to Use Water for the Purpose line to, and again along, that south-eastern boundary. o.f the of Generating Electricity and to Erect and Use Certain said Block 78 to the south-western boundary of that block; Electric Lines thence ~orth-westerly along that south-western boundary to the south-.eastern side of a public road, along a right ·line iBERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General. to, and again along, that south-western boundary to a point ORDER IN COUNCIL in line with the southern boundary of Lot l, D.P. 4425; the.nee south-westerly generally to, and along,· that .boundary At the Government HbUse .at Wellington this 6th day. of and· the south-eastern boundaries of the said Lot 1, Te Koau December 1966 A Block, and part Awarua le Block, to the boundary between Present: the Well:i.ngton and Hawke's Bay Land Districts; .thence II1s EXCELLENCY THE GoVERNOR-'GENERAL IN COUNCIL generally southerly along ·that boundary to Trig Section. R (Te Atua Mahura), being the southernmost oome:r. ,of part PURSUANT. to the· ,Public Works Act 1928, His Excellency the Awarua loa; thence generally northerly along· the southern Governor-General, acting by and ,with. the advice and consent and south-western botmdaries ,of that block and the pro­ -of the Executive Council, and with the ,consent ·olf the licensee, duction of the. last boundary to the middle of the Rangi­ hereby revokes the Order in Council, dated the 23rd day of tikei River; thence up the middle· of that river to its source, June 1953, and published in the Gazette on the 2nd day of being the point ,of commencement. . . July 1953, at page 1003, authorising William Grant Jamieson, Olf Lake Brunner~ to use water for the purpose of generating T.. J.' SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Counc~l. electriioity, and further, 1hereby revokes the Order in Council, *Gazette, 1887, Vol. I, p. 3 dated the 3rd day of November 1954 and published. in the Gazette on the .4th .. day of .the same month, at page 1726. as amended by the Order in Council, dated the 2nd day o!f June 1959 and published in the Gazette on the 11th day of the same month, at page 758 authorising the said William Grant Appointments, Promotions, and Terminations in the Ro,ytil Jamieson to erect and use certain electric lines. New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve '-1; T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. (N.Z.E.D. 11/20/89) PURSUANT ,to the Navy Aot 1954, His E~cellency the Odv-ernbr­ General has approved the I.following appointments, prom6~ tions, and terminations of appointments in the Royal· New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve: · · Alteration and Extension of Boundaries of 'the Hawke's Bay Commander (S) J. M. Fielder, o.B.E., v:R.D.*, A;R.A.l'LZi, Rabbit District (Notice No. Ag.· JOON) commission terminated and · placed on the Retired List-. of Officers RNZNVR, to_ date 2 . BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor:-General Commander J. F. Y. Schischka, M.B.E., V.R.D., B.cbM:, ORDER IN COUNCIL F.R.A.N.z., F.e:1.;s., engagement extended fo 1 · to complete. three years in command. At the Government House at Wellington this 16th day of November 1966 Surgeon Commander E. G. McQueen, v.R.D., PH.D., M.B;, iDf~ M.R.C.P., F .R.A;C.P ., com.mission terminated and · placed on .the Present: Retired List of Officers RNZNVR, to date 26 (at HIS EXCELLENCY TIIE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL own request) .. · PURSUANT to the Rabbits Act 1955, His Excellency the Surgeon Commander D. R. Tipping, V.R,D.,. M.B,j CH.B., Governor-General, acting by and with the advic~ and consent engagement .extended for a further period 0£ 18 ,months, with of the Executive Oouncil, hereby makes the following order: effect from 8 . .2080 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETI'E No.:78

Aoting Commander N. G. Howard, M.A., appointed Com­ Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) G. J. Leary, transferred to manding Officer, HMNZS Toroa, to date 28 March 1966 (1:o T.S. Taupo Sea Cadet Corps and appointed 1st Lieutenant 8 continue aicting rank w.h.t.a.). foly 1966. Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander (ID) P. S. Powell, B.D.s., Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) R. K Hope~ •commission commission terminated and placed on the Retired List of terminated on ceasing duty with Sea Cadet Corps 17 · February Officers RNZNVIR, to date 26 July 1966 (at own request). 1966. Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander G. M. Morice, M.B .. CH.B., Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) M. J. Lepper, promoted to commission terminated and pla·ced on the Retired List of the ·rank of Temporary Lieutenant (Sp) RNZNVR with Officers RNZNVR, to date 20 October 1966. seniority 19 July 1966. Lieutenant R. N. Crouch, promoted to the rank of Lance Graham Mathers, ehtered ·in the rank ·of Temporary Lieutenant-Commander with seniority 19 July 1966. Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) RNZNVR with seniority 15 February Lieutenant G. A. Wright, promoted to the rank of 1966 and appointed for duty with Tamaki College Sea Cadet Lieutenant-Commander with seniority 19 July 1966. Corps, to date 3 March 1966. Lieutenant N. W. Hutcherson, promoted to the rank of John Branford Beavon, entered in the rank of Temporary Lieutenant-Commander with seniority 21 July 1966. Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) RNZNVR with seniority 21 and appointed for duty T.S. Tutira Sea Cadet Corps, to Surgeon Lieutenant B. J. Muir, commission terminated and date 11 . placed on the Retired List ,of Officers RNZNVR, to date .30 . Clyde Austin Mason, entered the RNZNR as Probationary Sub-Lieutenant with senior:1ty 10 May 1966. T. L. Hookham, B.D.S. (N.Z.)' F.D.S.R.C.S. (ENG.)' H.D.D.R.C.P.S. (GLAS.), (RNZN Retd.), entered in the rank ,of Surgeon bated at Wellington this 2nd day. of. December 1966. Lieutenant (D) with seniority 28 August 1958 and appointed DEAN J. EYiRE, .Minister of Defence. for duty HMNZS Pegasus 23 February 1966. · , Probationary Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant A. B. McCallum, M.B., CH.B., confirmed in the rnnk of Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant with original seniority 26 . Probationary Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant A. F. H. Sutherland, Appointments, Promotions, Extensions of Commissions, and M.B., CH.B., confirmed -in the rank of Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant Date of Re~irement, Transfers, Cancellation of Commission, with seniority 26 November 1966. and Retirement of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Probationary Acting Lieutenant D. Goodwin, confirmed in Force · the rank of Acting Lieutenant with seniority 1 . Acting Sub-Lieutenant 'W. Galer, promoted to the rank of ·PURSUANT to section 15 of.the Royal New Zealand Air Force Acting Lieutenant with seniority 30 June 1966. Act 1950, His Excellency the Governor-General has been Peter Emyard O'Boyle, NZV 104313 Junior Seaman, pro­ pleased to approve the following appointments, promotions, moted to the rank of Midshipman RNZNVR with seniority extensions olf commissions, and date of retirement, transfers, 1 February 1966 and appointed for duty HMNZS Pegasus cancella:tion of · commission, and retirement Olf offi.cers oif the 21 February 1966 .. Royal New Zealand Air Force. Raymond Francis De Bueger, .NZV 83-8674 Ordinary Sea~ REGULAR AIR FORCE man, promoted to the rank. of Acting Sub-Ueutenant (E) with seniority 30 June 1966 and appointed for duty HMNZS GENERAL Durrns BRANCH Pegasus 30 June 1966. Appointments Lawrence Brian Powell, NZV 842838 Ordinary . Seaman, Wing Commander Malcolm Stuart Gunton, A.F.c., p.s.c. promoted to the rank of Acting Sub-Lieutenant (S) with (70150) to be acting Group Captain, with effect ffom 3 seniority 30 June 1966 and appointed for duty HMNZS December 1966. · · · · ' Pegasus 30 June 1966. Squadron Leader 1Bernard Joseph O'Connor (814234) to be temporary Wing Commander, with· effect from ,10 December Terence James Hibbit NZV 100428 Ordinary Seaman, pro:­ 1966...... moted to the rank of Acting Sub-Lieutenant with seniority Flight Lieutenant Donald Gray McAllister (925602) is 30 June 1966 and appointed .for duty HMNZS Ngapona 30 granted a permanent commission in the General Duties June 1966. Branoh, Regular Air ·Force, with effect from 6 July 1966. Neil Graham Ritchie NnV 330877 Chie!f Petty Officer Medical Assistant, promoted· to the rank of Acting Surgeon Promoti'ons . Lieutenant . (Special) with seniority 1 July 1966 and Wing Commander Cyril Laurence Siegert, M.v.o., D.F.c., appointed for duty HMNZS N gapona 12 . A.F.C., p.s.c., a.w.s. (70105) to be Gmup· Captafa, with effect Gerald Stephen Irwin NZV 347785 Petty Officer Medical from 1 December 1966. · Assistant, promoted to the rank of Acting Surgeon Lieutenant The under-mentioned Flying · Officers to be Flight Lieu- with seniority 23 and appointed for duty tenants, with effect from the date shown: HMNZS T oroa 29 August 1966. Raymond Francis Parker (78879), 23 November 1966. Temporary Lieutenant-Commander (Sp) A. T. Anderson, David Anthony Soper (342688), 23 November 1966. commission terminated on ceasing duty with the Sea Cadet Brian Kenneth Bassett (80414), 24 November 1966. Corps 11 March 1966. Appointment and Promotion Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Sp) M. W. Flight Lieutenant Stuart William Quayle (784155) to be Murnane, confirmed in the rank of Temporary Lieutenant.;. acting Squadron Leader, with effect from 23 N oveinber 1%6, Commander (Sp) RNZNViR with seniority 13 September 1966. and Squadron Leader, with effect from 1 December 1966. Temporary Lieutenant (Sp) R. J. Parsonson, promoted to Cancellation of Commission. the rank of Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander (Sp) RNZNVR, to date 2 February 1966. The commission of Acting Pilot Officer Neil William Rennie (80645) is cancelled, with effect from 3 November 1966. Temporary Lieutenant (Sp) W. M. Wheeler, promoted to the rank of Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Sp) ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPLY iBRANCH RNZNVR 1 March 1966. Appointment Temporary Lieutenant (Sp) W. Strong, promoted to the Secretarial Division rank oif Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Sp) Squadron Leader Hugo Roy Francis Smiith, p.s.c. (70153) RNZNVR 5 July ,1966. to be temporary Wing Commander, with effect born 1 Dec­ Temporary Acting Lieutenant (Sp) J. A Temm, commission ember 1966 .. terminated on· ceasing duty· with the Sea Cadet Corps 12 Amendment March 1966., The notice published in Gaz.ette, 16 June 1966, No. 35, page Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) R. A. Kitt, promoted tu 954, relating ·to the appointment to a commission of Robert the rank of Temporary Lieutenant (Sp) RNZNVR with Douglas· Campbell (77.109) is hereby amended to read "for a seniority 31 July 1966. period ending 7 " instead olf "for a per:iod ending Temporary Sub-Ueutenant (Sp) R. W. Rivers, promoted to 25 April 19171". the rank of Temporary · Lieutenant (Sp) RNZNVR with Promotion seniority 3 March 1966. Equipment Division . Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) R. A. Taylor, promoted to Flying Officer Terrence Evan Harris, A.N.Z.I.. M. (971613) to the rank of Temporary Lieutenant (Sp) RNZNVR, with be Hight Lieutenant, with effect from 2 December 1966. seniority 30 May 1966. Extension of Date of Retirement Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) C. J. Brennan, promoted The age for retirement ,of Squadron Leader (temp.) Edward to the rank of Temporary Lieutenant (Sp) RNZNVR with Charles Rumble (70411) is extended until 31 '. seniority 20 May 1966. Transfers and Promotions Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) P. J. Stewart, promoted to Acting Pilot Officer Dennis Tindill (80571) is transferred the rank . of Temporary Lieutenant (Sp) RNZNVR with from the General Duties Branch to the .Administrative and seniority 19 June 1966. Supply . Branch (Equipment Division) for· a period ending Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Sp) P. A. Scott, commission 4 October 1978 to be followed by four years in the Reserve terminated on ceasing duty with the Sea Cadet Corps 8 July of Air Force Officers. He is promoted ,to :Pilot- Officer, with 1966. seniority and· with effect from 5 October- 1966.-·. ' 15 DECEMBER THE ·NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 2081

Special: Duties Division WOMEN'S ROYAL NEW ZEALAND AIR FORCE Flight Lieutenant (temp.) Frederick Stewart Stevenson REGULAR SECTION ( 130665) ~s transferred from the General Duties Branch, .Extension of Commission Reserve of Air Force Officers, to the Administrative and Supply Branch (Special Duties Division), Regular Air Force, Flight Officer Beverley Ethne Bowler (78152) is granted an for a ,period ending 11 ,to be followed by four extension of her commission until 26 January 1972. years in the Reserve of Air Force Officers. He is promoted to Flight Lieutenant .with seniority from 14 November 1964, TERRITORIAL AIR FORCE with effoct from 14 November 1966. MEDICAL BRANCH Amendment MEDICAL BRANCH The notice published in Gazette, 3 November 1966, No. 67, Appointment p. 1726, relating to Wing Commander Frederick Charles Platts, Wing Commander John William Gordon McDougall, M.B., M.B., CH.B., is hereby amended to read "Territorial Air Force" B.S., D.P.H., (U.DURH.); D.T.M .. AND H.; D.I.H., (R.C.P. LOND. and instead of "Royal New Zealand Air Force". R.c.s. ENG.) (1'33670) to be acting Group Captain, with effect fr:om 27 'November 1966. AIR TRAINING CORPS Appointments AIR TRAINING CORPS Raymond Andrew Reekie is granted a commission in the Appointment Air Training Corps in the rank o!f Pilot Officer for a period Murray J o·hn Mitchell is granted a ·commission in the Air ending 27 , with seniority and effect from Training Oorps in the rank of Pilot Officer for a period 28 November 1966. ending 25 , with seniority and effect from 26 Campbell Stanley Butcher is granted a commission in the October 1%6.. Air Training Corps in the rank .of Acting Pilot Officer for a period ending 27 , with seniority and effect RESERVE OF MR FORCE OFFICERS from 19 October 1966. Promotions Resignation The under-mentioned Flight Lieutenants (temp.) to be Pilot Officer Peter John Broadhead resigns his commission, Flight Lieutenants, with effect 'from the dates shown: with effect from 2 December 1966. Noel Alfred Horance Atkins, D.F.c. (133791), 1 November 1966. RESERVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS Heywood Allen Foster (134078), 1 November 1966. Promotions Corselleus Hiram Hulls (133009), 8 %6. The under-mentioned Flight Lieutenants (temp.) to be Extensions of Commissions Flight Lieutenants, with effect from the date shown: The under-mentioned officers are granted extensions of their Cyril Whitaker (75132), 8 October 1966. commissions until :the date shown : Rowan Alexander Blair (B3983), 15 November 1966. Sqtiadmn Leader (temp.) Frederick Lancelot Pearson, M.B.E. Extensions of Commissions (130684), 11 February 1973. Flight Lieutenant fohn Mitchell Foster (75230), 1 August The under-mentioned Flight Lieutenants are granted 1970. extensions of their commissions until the date shown: · Pilot Officer John Harvey Marshall (714405), 17 April 1992. William Nelthorpe Moffatt (75612), 17 June 1986. Retirement Ian George Gordon Gillies (78246), 6 September 1992. Squadron Leader Maui Jo'hn Hanslip Bruorton, M.B.E., Transfer A.P.A.N.z., A.I.A.N.z. (131919) is retired, with effect from 28 Flight Lieutenant Graeme Hartley Downes (134298) is November 1966. transferred from the Administrative and Supply Branch Dated at WeUington this 6th day of December 1966, (Special Duties Division), Territorial Air Force, to the Reserve of Air Force Officers for a period ending 16 , DBAN. J. EYRE, Minister of Defence. with effect from 17 December 1966. (Air 12/11/9) Retirement Pilot Officer Charles Gordon Jackson (133732) is retired, with effect from 27 November 1966. Dated at Wellington this 12th day of December 1966. DEAN J. EYRE, Minister of Defence. (Air 12/11/9) Appointments, Promotions, Adjustment of Rank and Seniority, Extensions of Commissions, Transfer, Resignation, and Retirement of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Extension of Appointment of an Officer of the Royal New PuRSUANT to section 15 of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Zealand Air Force Act 1950, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to approve the following appointments, promotions, adjustment of rank and seniority, extensions of commissions, PURSUANT to s·ection 17 (2) (c) of the Defence Act 1964, transfer, resignation, and retirement of officers of the Royal His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to New Zealand Air Force. approve the following extension of appointment of an officer of the Royal New Zealand Air Force. REGULAR AIR FORCE GENERAL DuTIES 'BRANCH REGULAR AIR ·FORCE Appoz"ntment GENERAL Durrns BRANCH Flight Lieutenant Michael Ernest Alwyn Dillon (596502) to· be temporary Squadron Leader, with effect from 17 Decem­ Extension of Appointment ber 1966. Air Commodore Arthur Percy Gainsford, D.s.o., o.B.E., D.F.c., Promotions A.F.c., is granted an extension of his appointment as Air Member for Personnel and Member of the Air Hoard for the The under-mentioned Flight Lieutenants to be Squadron period 1 to 28 . Leaders, with effect· from the date shown: Albert Edward Thomson (75004), 10 December 1966. Dated at Wellington this 12th day of November 1966. Peter Raymond Adamson (77780), 11 December 1966. DEAN J. EYRE, Minister of Defence. Richard Francis Lawry (774793), 12 December 1966. (Air 12/11/9) Adjustment of Rank and Seniority The notice published in Gazette, 31 , Vol. I, p. 99, relating to Master Navigator Hamilton Rex Hunt is hereby amended to read "He is appointed in the rank of Flight Lieutenant, with seniority and effect from 8 October Chairman o1 State Services Commission Appointed 1962" instead of "He is appointed in the rank of Flying Officer, with seniority from 8 October 1959, wi·th effect from PURSUANT to section 3 of the State Services Act 1962, His 8 ". The notice published in Gazette, 12 Decem­ Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint, ber 1963, Vol. HI, p. 1981, relating to this officer is hereby for a term of four years, commencing on .the 1st day of cancelled .. January 1967, MEDICAL BRANCH Adrian George Rodda, Esquire, of Wellington Promotion to be a member and the Chairman of the State Services Acting Group Captain John William Gordon McDougall, Commission. M.B., .B,S., D.P.H. (u. DURH.), o.T.M. AND H., D.LH. (R.C,P. LOND. AND R.C.S. ENG.) .(13'367.0t to be Group Captain, .with effect Dated at Wellington this 14th day of December 1966. from 21 December 1966. , Prime Minister. 2.082 , -,_:No.: 18.

· otf the P(face Appointed Revocation of Appointment of Officers Authorised to' Take a.nd ~eceive Statµ,rtory Declarations

PURSUANT to the Justices oif the Peace Act 1957, _His Excel­ His Excellency the Govei:rior-Gen~ral ha~ revoked the appoin.t­ lency. the Governor-General has been. pleased to· appoint the ments of the holders for

Board Appointed to Have Control of the Springston Domain · Appointment of Honorary Launch Warden --/-- PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister PURSUANT to sections 7 and 265A of the Harbours Act 1950, of Lands hereby appoints the Secretary for Marine hereby appoints Colin Athol Bailey, Ernest Moreland Groube Kenneth William Blackmore, to he honorary launch warden for the purposes of the Frederick Ernest Hoskin, Harbours Act 1950. George Harold Hoskin, George Stewart Meyer, Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 1966. Thomas Henry Newall, G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary for Marine. Keith Winter ·Percival Thomas, Errol Hood Tweedy, and (M. 3/13/508) Allen John Watkins, to be the Springston Domain Board, to have control of the reserve described in the Schedule hereto, subject to the provi­ sions of the said Act, as a public domain. Revocation of Appointment of an Honorary Launch Warden

SCHEDULE PURSUANT to the Harbours Act 1950, wiith the authority of the Minister olf Marine, the Secretary for Marine hereby CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT-iSPRINGSTON DOMAIN revokes the appointment* of RESERVE 2362, situated in Block VIII, Leeston Survey District: William Y.oung Area, 10 acres 3 roods 29 perches, more or less (S.O . .Plan as honorary faun ch warden· for the purposes of the Harbours 3066L)i Act 1950. . Dated at Wellington this 8ith day ,of December 1966. Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 1966. JOHN McALPINE, for the Minister ·of Lands. G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary rfor Marine. (L. and S. H.O. 1/65; D.O. 8/3/59) *Gazette, 2 , page 1079 (M. 3/8/67) Member of the Dairy Board Managers' Registration Board Reappointed (Notice No. Ag. 10012) Member of Assessment Court for Farm Land List for Eltham PURSUANT to section 3 :2 of the Dairy Factory Manager's Resigned Regulations 1941, the Minister of Agriculture hereby reappoints --I- David Andrew Fi,tzgerald HIS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to (on the recommendation of the New Zealand Dairy Factories accept the resignation of and Related Trades Employees Industrial Union of Workers) to be a member of the Dairy Factory Managers' Registration Percy Stainton, of New Plymouth Board for a two-year term commencing on the 26th day of as a member of the Assessment Court for the Borough of November 1966. Eltham constituted under the Urban Farm Land Rating Act Dated at Wellington this 8th day of December 1966. 1932. B. E. TAIJBOYS, Minister of Agriculture. Dated at Wellington this 12th day of December 1966. (Ag. 50194) DAVID C. SEATH, Minister of Internal Affairs. (I.A. 103/2/68) Members of Rabbit Board Appointed (Notice No. 10008)

PURSUANT to sieotion 18 (3) otf the Rabbits Act 1955, His Officiating Ministers for 1966-Notice No. 47 Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint Robert Wi!Liam Bell, PURSUANT to the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of David McLeod, officiating ministers within the meaning of the said Act are Richard Barton Johnson, published for general information. Roger Frederick James, Kenneth Charles Kitching ,Grant, and The Church of the Province of New Zealand, commonly called Sydney George Buxton The Church of England to be members of the Tawera Rabbit Board. The Reverend Michael Desmond Coleman, B.A., L.IB. Dated at Wellington this 15th day of November 1966. The Reverend [Francis Arthur Cotterell B. E. TALBOYS, Minister -of Agriculture. The Reverend Heotor Percival Harold Davis (Ag. 20891A) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Elder Turfa Fau Member of the New Zealand Wool Testing Authority Elder Reweti Whaanga Winiata Kewene Reappointed (Notice No. Ag. 10010) Elder Alan Francis Thomson The Ratana Established Church of ~w Zealand PURSUANT to section 3 of the 1Wool Testing Authority Act Apostle Wati Matiu. 1964, His Excellency the Governor-General ihas been pleased to reappoint Dated a;t Wellington this 12th day of December 1966. Thomas Joseph Bourke J. G. A'COURT, Registrar-General. (on ,the nomination of the New Zealand Wool Board) to be a member of the New Z·ea'land Wool Testing Authority :for a term of three years ·commencing on the 1st day of January 1967. Officers Authorised to Take and Receive Statutory Declarations Dated at Wellington this 28th day of November 1966. B. E. TALBOYS, Minister 'Of Agriculture. PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act (Ag. 3477) 1957, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to authorise the holders for the time being of the offices in the service of the local authorities specified in the Schedule Member of Assessment Court for Farm Land List for the below to take and receive statutory declarations under the Borough of Eltham Appointed said Aict ..

PURSUANT to section 10 orf the Urban Farm Land Rating SCHBDULE Act 1932, His Excellency the Governor-General has been County Clerk, iDannevirke County Council. pleased to appoint County Clerk and Chief Executive Officer, Maniototo County Council., Leonard Charles Harrison, farmer, of Stratford County Clerk, Rangiora County Council. to be a member of the Assessment Court for the Borough County Clerk, Waipukurau County Council. of Eltham on the recommendation of the Eltham Borough County Clerk, Woodville County Council. Council. County Engineer, Woodville County Council.. Dated at Wellington this 12th day of December 1966. Dated at Wellington this 30th day 01f November 1966. ;DAVID C. rSEATH, Minister ·of Internal Affairs. J. R. HANAN, Minister of Justiefl. (I.A. 103/2/68) (J. 10/7 /98) B 2084 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 78

Officer Authorised to Take and Receive Statutory Declarations 3. The road sped.fled in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby declared to be a limited speed zone for the purposes of .uhe Traffic Regulations 1956*. PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths. and Declarations Act 1957, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to authorise the officer in the service of the Crown being the FIRST SCHEDULE holder for the time being of the office of Secretary, -Braemer SITUATED within Horowlrenua County at Shannon­ Hospital and Training School, Department of Health, Nelson, to take and receive statutory declarations under the said Act. Ballance Street .. Bovis Street. Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 1966. Bryce Street (from Nathan Terrace to Thompson Street). J. R. HANAN, Minister ·of Justice. Churchill Street. (J. 10/7 /30) Claipham Street (from Ba1lance Street to East Road). East Road (!from Grey Street ,to a point 2 chains measured westerly generally along the· said East ~oad from Shannon Officers Authorised to Take and Receive Statutory Declarations East Road). · Elizabeth Street. Engles Street (!from Clapham Street to a point 8 chains PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act measured south-easterly generally along the said Engles Street 1957, His Excellency the Governor-General· has been pleased from Clapham Strnet). to . authorise the holders If.or the time being ,of the offices in Graham Street (from Margaret Street to Nathan Terrace). the service of the Crown specified in the Schedule below to Grand Street. take and receive statutory declarations under the said Act. Grey Street. Julyan Street. Margaret Street (from Ballance Street to Vance Street). SCHEDULE Minnie Street (from Elizabeth Street to a point 4 chains POST OFFICE measured south-westerly generally along the said Minnie Postmaster, Orewa Street from Eliza,beth Street). Postmaster, Invercargill North Nathan Terrace (from Levin Street to Sheehan Stre-et). Postmaster, Courtenay Place Plimmer Terrace (from Graham Street to a point 2 chains Postmaster, Symonds Street measured north-easterly generally along the said Plimmer Terrace from Stratford Street). Dated at Wellington this 5th day of December 1966. Roach Avenue. J. R. HANAN, Minister of Justice. Sheehan Street (!from Nathan Terrace to Thompson Street). (J. 10/7 /10) Stafford Street. Stansell Street (rf rom Elizabeth Street to a point 6 chains measured south-westerly generally along the said Stansell Street from Elizabeth Street). Officers Authorised to Take and Receive Statutory Declarations Stout Street. Vance Street (from PHmmer Terrace to Margaret Strnet). Venn Street. PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act Vogel Street. . 1957, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased Whitaker Street (from Ballance Street to Grey Street) . to authorise the holders for the time being of the offices in the service of the Crown specified in the schedule below to take and receive statutory declarations under the said Act. SECOND SCHEDULE State Highway No. 57 (Levin - ·Palmerston North via SCHEDULE Shannon) (from a point 3 chains measured south-westerly generally along 1the said highway from Vance Street to a INLAND REVENUE DEPAR11MENT point· 16 chains measured south-westerly generally along the Assessor, Te Aroha said State highway from Graham Street). Assessor, Greymouth Dated at Wellington this 5th day orf December 1966. Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 1966. JOHN Mc.AiLPINE, Minister ·of Transport. J. R. HANAN, Minister of Justice. (J. 10/7 /21) *S.R. 1956/217 (Reprinted with Amendments Nos. 1 to 8: S.R. 1963/157) Amendment No.. 9: S.R. 1963/224 Revocation or Appointments or Approvals to Issue Warrants Amendment No. 10: S.R. 1964/85 oif Fitness Amendment No. 11: S.R. ,1964/119 Amendment No. 12: S.R. 1964/208 Amendment No. l3: S.R. 1965 /21 PURSUANT ,to regulation 52 of the Traffic Regulations 1956*, Amendment No. 14: S.R. 1966/126 the Minister o\f Transport hereby revokes, as from 30 tGazette, No. 30, dated 21 , Vol. II, p. 843 January 1967, all appointments or approvals for the issue of warrants of fitness for motor vehicles (other than appoint­ (TT. 9/1/79) ments or approvals issued to officers of the Crown) heretofore made or given, as the case may be, in terms of the said regulations for any person or firm Whose place of examination for the purpose of issue of warrants of fitness is situated within the area described iin the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE Exclusion ifrom Speed Limitation Revoked and Limited Speed THE whole ,of the area situated wHhin a 6-mile radius of the Zone Revoked Te Kuiti Post Office. -Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 1966. PURSUANT to the Transport Act 1962, the Minister of Trans­ JOHN McALPINE, Minister of Transport. port he'feby gives notice as follows: *S.R. 1956/217 (Reprinted with amendments Nos. 1 to 8: 1. The Warrant under section 52 of the Transport Act .1962 S.R. 1963 / 157) and regulation 27 of the Traffic Regulations 1956*, dated the Amendment No. 9: S.R. 1963/224 12th day of September 1963t, which relates to Ngaruawahia Amendment No. 10: S.R. 1964/85 Borough is hereby revoked. . Amendment No. 11 : S.R. 1964 / 119 2. The roads specified in t!he First Schedule hereto are Amendment No. 12: S.R. 1964/208 hereby excluded :from the limitation as to speed imposed by Amendment No. 13: S.R. 1965/21 section 52 olf the Transport Act 1962. Amendment No. 114: S.R. 1966/126 3. The road specified in the Second Schedule hereto is (TI. 14/2) hereby declared to be a limited speed zone for the purposes of the Traffic Regulations 1956*.

Closely Populated Local'ity and Limited Speed Zone Declared ·FIRST SCHEDULE SITUATED within Ngaruawahia Borough: PURSUANT to the Transport Act 1962, the Minister of Transport No. 1 State Highway (Awanui-Bluff) (from Belt Street to hereby gives notice as 1foUows : the S'outh-eastem boundary of Ngaruawahia Borough). 1.The Warrant under section 52 of the Transport Act 1962 Huntly West Road (from the north-western boundary of and regulation 27 of the Traffic Regulations 1956*, dated the Ngaruawahia Borough to a point 16 chains measured south­ 13th day of May 1964t, which relates to the former Shannon easterly and southerly generally along the said road from Borough is hereby revoked . the said boundary); . . 2. The roads specified in the First Schedule hereto · are ·Old Taupiri Road (rfrom the northern boundary of Ngarua­ hereby declared to be a closely · populated locality for the wahia Borough to a point 12 chains measured southerly purposes ·orf section 52 olf the Transport Act 1962. generally along the said road from the said boundary) . · 1 $ J}ErEMBER THE @W __ ZEALANJ? GAZEITE 2085

SECOND SCHEDULE Crown Land· Set Apart for a Public School in Block, IV, SITUATED within Ngaruawahia Borough: Serpentine Survey District, Maniototo County No. 1 State Highway (Awanui-Bluff) (from Belt Street to the south-eastern boundary of Ngaruawahia Borough). PURSUANT to section 25 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Dated at Wellington this 5th day orf December 1966. Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be set apart for a public school from and JOHN McALPINE, Minister of Transport. after the 19th day of December 1966. *S.R. 1956/217 (Reprinted with Amendments Nos. 1 to 8: S.R. 1963 / 157) SCHEDULE Amendment No. 9: S.R. 1963/224 Amendment No. 10: S.R. 1964/85 0TAGO LAND 'DISTRICT Amendment No. 11: S.R. 1964/119 ALL that piece of land containing 2 roods 4 perches situatecl Amendment No. 12: S.R. 1964/208 in Block IV, Serpentine Survey District, being Section 6. Amendment No. 13: S.R. 1965/21 Da:ted at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. Amendment No. 14: S.R. 1966/126 PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. tGazette, No. 56, dated 19 , Vol. III, p. 1457 (P.W. 31/2831; D.O. 16/218/0) (TT. 9/1/152)

Portion of a Public Reserve Set Apart for a Public School in Roads Excluded from Speed Limitation the Borough of Pukekohe

PURSUANT to the Transport Act 1962, the Minister of .Tran&­ Pt~R~UANT to seotion 25 of the Public Works Act 1928, the port hereby gives notice as follows : M1mster of Works hereby declares the land described in the The roads specified in the Schedule hereto are hereby Schedule hereto to be set apart for a public school from and excluded from the 11mitation as to speed imposed by section after the 19th day of December 1966. · · 52 of the Transport Act 1962. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE NORTH AUCKLAND LAND 'DISTRICT SITUATED within Havelock North Borough: ~LL -that piece of land containing 2 roods 15 · 9 perches situated Millar Road. m Block XV, Drury Survey District, Borough of Pukelmhe, Tauroa Road (tfrom Tainui Drive to the southern boundary Nor~h 'Auckla~d R.D., and being part Allotment 71, Suburban oif Havelock Bornugh) . Section 1, Par,1sh of Pukekohe; as the same is more particularly delinef,1,:1:ed on -the plan marked M.0.W. 20641 (S.O. 45196) Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of December 1966. deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, JOHN McALPINE, Minister of Transport. and -thereon coloured yellow. (TT. 9/ 1 / 68) Dated at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 31/2725; D.O. 23/399/0) . Dedication of Road Reserve as a Road

PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister Land Proclaimed as Road in Blocks IV and VIII, Alexandra of Lands hereby dedicates the road reserve described in the Survey District, Waipa County Schedule hereto as a road. PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act SCHEDULE 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as road the land NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT-WAITEMATA COUNTY described in the Schedule hereto. LOT 77, D.P. 45530, being part Allotment 6, Waipareira Parish, situated in Block XIV, Waitemata Survey District: Area, 33.4 SCHEDULE perches, more or less. Part certificate of title, Volume 103, folio ,269., Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Dated at Wellingiton this 8th day of December 1966. ALL those pieces of land descrubed as follows : JOHN McALPINE, for ,the Minister of Lands. A. R. P. Being (L. and S. H.O. 16/449; D.O. 8/45530) 0 0 25.2 Part Lot 1, D.P. 3769, situated in Block IV and VIII, Alexandra Survey District; coloured yellow on plan. 0 0 3.2 Part Lot 1, D.P. 3769, situated in Block IV Alexandra Survey District; coloured yellow on. Social Security Act 1964-Maternity Notice plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan PµRSUANT to section 112 ( 4) of the Social Security Act 1964, marked M.O.W. 20851 (S.O. 43259) deposited in the office the Minister of Health hereby gives notice that, pursuant to of the Minister of Works at WelJJington, and thereon coloured section 112 of that Act, John Andrew Kirby Cuningham, as above mentioned. M.B., CH.B (N.z.), of Wardell's Chambers, 164 Cashel Street, Dated at Well'ington this 29th day of November 1966. Christchurch, has withdrawn his notice that he is . unwilling to afford medical services in relation to maternity benefits on PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. the terms provided in section 112 of that Act. (P.W. 34/1014; D.O. 20/7 /48) The maternity notice relating to the said medical practitioner, dated 18 February 1960, is hereby consequentially revoked. Dated at Wellington this 8th day of December 1966. D. N. McKAY, Minister of Health. Land Proclaimed as Road in Block XVI, Maketu Survey District and Block IV, Rotoiti Survey District, T auranga County

PuRSUANT to section· 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act Establishment of Family Home 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as road the land described in the Schedule hereto. PURSUANT to section 7 of ;the Child Welfare Act 1925, the Minister orf Education hereby notifies that the premises situated SCHEDULE as listed in the Schedule below are established as an institution within the meaning of the said Act and shall be known by SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT the name shown on the Schedule. ALL that piece of land containing 20 acres and 12 perches being part Section 1, Block XVI, Maketu Survey District and part Section l, Block IV, Rotoiti Survey District; as the same SCHEDULE is more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. Address Name 20776 (S.O. 42845) deposited in the office of the Minister 122-124 College Road, North- Takapuna (College Road), of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. cote, Auckland Family Home. Dated at Wellington this 25th day of October 1966. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 1966. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. D. N. McKAY, for the Minister of Education. (P.W. 35/779; D.0. 24/0/4) 2086 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 78

Land Proclaimed as Road in Block VII, Takahue Survey proclaims that the road described in the said Fifth Schedule District, Mangonui County hereto and the land described in the said Third Schedule hereto shall vest in Henry Frank Keleher Vaughan, of Wood­ end, farmer, and that the road described in the said Fourth PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act Schedule hereto and the land described in the said Second 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as road the Schedule hereto · shall vest in Albert William Johnson, of land described in the Schedule hereto. Woodend, farmer, and Ivy Johnson, his wife, subject to memo­ randum of mortgage No. 663912, Canterbury Land Registry. SCHEDULE ~ NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT FIRST SCHEDULE ALL those pieces of land situated in Block VII, Takahue CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT Survey District, North Auckland R.D., described as follows: 'Land Proclai'rned Road A. R. p. Being ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XII, Rangiora Survey ,Distdot, Canterbury R.D., described as follows: 2 lParts Lot l, D.P. 35669. g g f A. R. P. rBeing As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan 0 2 4.7 Part Rural Section 1310; coloured blue on plan. marked M.O.W. 20821 (S.O. 451106) deposited in the office 0 1 15.4 1Part Rural Section 1491; coloured orange on plan. of the Minister rof Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow .. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. SECOND SCHEDULE PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT (P.W. 33/2128; D.O. 50/15/10/0) Land Taken ALL that piece of land containing 16.7 perches situated in Block XII, Rangiora Survey District, Canterbury R.D., and Land Proclaimed as Road in Block VII, Whangaroa Survey being part Rural Section 1491; coloured ·orange, edged orange, District, Whangaroa County on plan. -/-- IBIRD SCHEDULE PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as road the CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT land described in the Schedule hereto. Land Taken ALL that piece of land containing 37.4 perches situated in SCHEDULE Block XII, Rangiora Survey District, Canterbury R.,D,, and being part Rural Section 131 O; coloured blue, edged blue, on NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT plan. ALL those pieces of land situated in Block VII, Whangaroa Survey District, North Auckland R.D., and described as FOURTH SCHEDULE follows: CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT A. R. - P, Being Road Closed and Vested 0 Z 23.2 Part Ohauhau ,Block; coloured sepia on plan. 0 ,3 7 .7 1Part bed Whangaroa Harbour; coloured yellow on ~L that piece of road containing 2 roods 7.9 perches situated . plan. m . ~l9ck XII, ~angiora Survey District, Canterbury R.D., adJmmng or passmg through Rural Sections 1282, 1310, and :As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan '1491; coloured green on plan. marked M.p.W. 20847 (S.O. 43837 deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. FIFrH SOHEDULE Dated at WeUington this 29th day of November 1966. CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. :Road Closed and Vested (P.W. 33/2093; D.O. 50/15/14/0) ~L that piece of road conitaining 3 roods 3.6 perches situated m . ~l9ck XII, ,~angiora Survey District, Canterbury R..D., adJmnmg or passmg through Rural Sections 1310, 1491, and 37283; coloured green on plan. Declaring Land Taken for Maori Housing Purposes in the City of Napier As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 19717 (S.0. 10307) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured PURSUANT ito section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the and edged as above mentioned. Minister iof Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 1966. t!o that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is . hereby itaken !for Maori housing pur­ PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. poses from and after the 19th ·day of December 1966. (P.W. 45/823; D.O. 35/33)

~ SCHEDULE HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT Road Closed and Added to Land Held for a Public School in ALL those pieces o!f land situated in the C:i!ty rof Napier, Blocks X and XII, Town of Molyneux Hawke's Bay R.'D., described as foUows: A. R._ P. Being PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 0 0 25 · 3 Lot 355, D.P. 11329, part Ahuriri Lagoon. Sub­ 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as closed the ject to an easement in ,g!ioss in respect df sewer­ road described in the First Schedule hereto and also hereby age rights in transfer No. 205519, and fencing proclaims that the said road when closed shall be added to covenant in translfer No. 205520, Hawke's Bay the land held for a public school described in the Second Land Registry. Schedule hereto. 0 0 29 Lot '112, ID.'P. 11103, parit A!huriri LagoiOn. Sub- ject to an easement in gross in respect 10f FIRST SCHEDULE sewerage rights in transfer No. 196227, and !fencing covenant in 1transfer No. , 196228, 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT Hawke's Bay Land Registry. ALL that piece of road containing 2 roods 18 · 3 perches situated Dated at Wellington this 25th day of October 1966. in the Town of Molyneux, adjoining or passing through Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block XII, and Sections 19 and 20, PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. Block X; as the same are more particularly delineated on the (P.W. 24/2646/10; D.O. 32/64/4) plan marked M.O.W. 20795 (S.O. 13862) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured green. Land Proclaimed as Road, Land Taken, Road Closed and Vested, and Land Vested in Block XII, Rangiora Survey SECOND SCHEDULE · District, Rangiora County 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 3 roods 2 perches situated PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act in Block X, Town of Molyneux, being Sections 18, 19, and 1948, the Minister of Works hereby prodaims as road the 20. All certificate of title, Volume 204, folio 183, Otago Land land described in the First Schedule hereto; and also hereby Registry. takes the land described in the Second and Third Schedules Dated at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. hereto for the purposes of subsection (6) of the said section 29; and also hereby proclaims, as dosed the road described PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. in the Fourth and Fifth Schedules hereto; and also hereby (P.W. 31/2834; D.O. 16/220/0) 15 DECEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2087

Declaring Land Taken Subject to a Mining Easement for State Declaring Land Taken for a Secondary School in the City of Housing Purposes in the Borough of Huntly Manukau

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a suffioient agreement Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agree­ to that effect having been entered into, the land described ment to that effect having been entered into, the land in the Sohedule hereto is hereby taken, subject to the mining described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a easement created by transfer 13477, South Auckland Land secondary school from and after the 19th day of December Registry, for State housing purposes, from and after the 19th 1966. day of 'December 1966. SCHEDULE SOHEDULE NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 29 acres 1 rood 21 perches ALL those pieces of land containing together 1 rood 12 situated in Block XIV, Otahuhu Survey District, City of perches situated in the Borough of Huntly, being Lots 12 Manukau, North Auckland R.D., and being part Lot 1, D.P. and 13, D.P. S. 8878, and being part Allotment 40, Pepepe 13421; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan Parish, excepting all mines, veins, seams, and beds of coal and marked M.0.W. 20786 (S.O. 44947) deposited in the office other mines and minerals whatsoever within and under the of the Minister of Works at ·wellington and thereon coloured said land as excepted by transfer 13477. Part certificate .of title yellow. Volume 1234, folio 67, South Auckland Land Registry. ' Dated at Wellington this 25th day O!f October 1966. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 31/2694; D.O. 23/387 /0) (H.C. 4/175/16; D.O. 54/6/5)

Declaring Land Taken for the Purposes of a Secondary School Declaring Land Taken for Maori Housing Purposes in the (Caretaker's Residence) in the Borough of Inglewood Borough of W airoa PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in to that effect having been entered into, the land described the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of a in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for Maori housing secondary school ( caretaker's residence) from and after the purposes from and after the 19th day of December 1966. 19th day -of December 1966.

~ SCHEDULE SCHEDULE HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT TARANAKI LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 1 rood situated in the ALL that piece of land containing 3 roods 17 · 27 perches situa­ Borough of Wairoa, Hawke's Bay R.D., and being Lot 18, ted in the Borough of Inglewood, Taranaki R.D., and being D.P. 3609, part Orang1itirohia No. 2 Block. All certificate of Lot 3, D.P. 8387, being part Section 104, Moa District. All title, H.B. Volume 30, folio 110, Hawke's Bay Land Registry. certificate of .title, Volume 235, folio 80, Taranaki Land Oated a,t Wellington this 25th day of October 1966. Registry. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. (P.W. 24/2646/6/3; D.O. 32/165/3) PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 31/1383; D.O. 46/37 /0/2)

Declaring Land Taken, Subject to a Fencing Covenant, for Maori Housing Purposes in the Borough of Hawera Declaring Land Taken For a Public School in Block XVI, Rolleston Survey District, and Block XIII, Christchurch Survey District, Paparua County PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken, subject to the fencing Minister of Works hereby declares that, sufficient agreements covenant contained in transfer 140834, Taranak.i Land Registry, to that effect having been entered into, the land described in for Maori housing purposes from and after the 19th day of the First and Second Schedules hereto is hereby taken for a December 1966. public school from and after the 19th day of December 1966.

SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE TARANAKI LAND DISTRICT CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 36 perches situated in the Borough of Hawera, Taranaki R.D., and being Lot 8, D.P. ALL that piece of land containing 3 acres 1 rood 17.2 perches 9125, being part Section 216, Patea District. All certificate of situated in Block XVI, Rolleston Survey District, and Block title, No. A2/1045, Taranaki Land Registry. XIII, Christchurch Survey District, Canterbury R.D., being part Rural Section 3124. All certificate of title, Volume 394, Dated at Welling,ton this 29:th day of September 1966. folio 235, Canterbury Land Registry (limited as to parcels). PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 24/2646/8/5; D.O. 5/65/0/6/15) SECOND SCHEDULE CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT Declaring Land Taken for Maori Housing Purposes in the ALL that piece of land containing 1 acre 1 rood 2.6 perches situated in Block XIII, Christchurch Survey District, Canter­ City of Christchurch, Subject to Certain Restrictions bury R.D., being part Lot 1, D.P. 7455, being part Rural Section 3124; as the same is more particularly delineated on PuRSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the the plan marked M.O.W. 20861 (S.O. 10727) deposited in the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agree­ office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon ment to that effect having been entered into, the land des­ coloured orange. cribed in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for Maori Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 1966. housing purposes from and after the 19th day of December 1966, subject to fencing provisions contained in memorandum PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. of transfer No. 674634, and subject to a condition as to (P.W. 31/2609; D.O. 40/8/69) building line contained in notice No. 685723, Canterbury Land Registry. Declaring a Water Supply Easement Over Land Held for a SCHEDULE Public School in Block XX, Town of Allanton CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 24 · 3 perches situated in the PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the City of Christchurch, Canterbury R.D., being Lot 2, D.P. Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement 24727, and being part Rural Section 42. All certificate of to that effect having been entered into, a water supply ease­ title, Register 6B, folio 1199, Canterbury Land Registry. ment over the land described in the First Schedule hereto is Da:ted at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. hereby taken for a public school, vesting in Her Majesty the Queen the full and free right, liberty, licence, and authority PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. in perpetuity to enter upon the said land by her agents, (P.W. 24/2646/15/5; D.O. 40/6/108) workmen, and servants, with or without any necessary 2088 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 78 vehicles, implements, and appliances, and take water from SCHEDULE the pumphouse situated thereon and shown on the plan herein­ NOR1H AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT after mentioned and convey same by a line of pipes to the dominant tenement hereinaifter mentioned and for that purpose ALL that piece of land containing 1 acre and 14· 3 perches to lay, place, construct, reconstruct, inspect, cleanse, repair, situated in Block XI, Waitemata Survey District, Borough of renew, and maintain a line of pipes on, along, under, over, Birkenhead, North Auckland RD., and being Lots 5, 6, and 7, and across the said land and to use the said line of pipes for Deeds Plan 849. All certificate of title, Volume 774, folio 80 the conveyance olf water, such easement to be held appurtenant (limited as to parcels), North Auckland Land Registry. to the land described in the Second Schedule hereto from Dated at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. and after the 19th day oif December 1966. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 20/1226/1; JD.O. 18/290/0) FrRST SCHEDULE 0TAGO LAND UISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 1 acre 1 rood 28 · 9 perches, more or less, being part Block XX, Town of Allanton; edged pink on plan. Declaring Land Taken for a Police Station in Block XI, Houhora East Survey District, Mangonui County SBOOND SCHEDULE 0TAGO LAND 'DISTRICT PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the ALL that piece of land situated in the Town of Allanton. Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement A. R. p. Being to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken .for a police station 1 2 24·2 Part Block XX; edged pink on plan. from and after :the 19th day of December 1966. 1 0 05 · 3 'Part Block XX. '------+- As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 19872 (S.O. 13741) deposited in the office of SCHEDULE the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT as above mentioned. ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XI, Houhora East Dated a,t Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. Survey District, North Auckland R.

SCHEDULE Declaring Land Taken for Police Purposes (Residence) in the Borough of Cambridge CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 36 · 5 perches situated in the City of Christchurch, Canterbury R.D., being part Lot 9, PI:R~mANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the D.P. 11375, and being part Rural Section 323. As the same Mm1ster of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement is more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. to that effect having been entered into, the land described in 20797 (S.O. 10725) deposited in the office of the Minister of the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for police purposes Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured orange. (residence) from and after the 19th day of December 1966. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. SCHEDULE (P.W. 31/2571; D.0. 40/8/67) SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 1 rood 9· 3 perches situated in. the Borough of Cambridge, being Lot 1, D.P. S. 2567, bem_g part of Allotment 166, Town of Cambridge East. All Declaring Land Ta ken for Buildings of the General Govern­ certificate of title, Vo}ume 1099, folio 252 South Auckland ment in the City oif Wellington Land Registry., ' Dated a,t Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement (P.W. 25/627; D.O. 34/8/1/0) to thait effect having been entered into, the land described in 1:he Schedule hereto is hereby taken for buildings of the General Government from and after the 19th day oif December 1966.

SCHEDULE Declaring Land Taken for Road in Block X, Town of WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Allanton, Taieri County ALL that piece of land containing 12 · 69 perches situated in the City of Wellington and being part Section 525, Town of PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928 the Wellington, and being also all land in 'D.P. 112302. All cer·tifi­ Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agree~ent cate of title, Volume 489', folio 98, Wellington Land Registry; to that effect having been entered into, the land described together with the right to overhang eaves and spouting over in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road from and part Lot 2, 'D.P. 12137 (C.T. 486 /'172) (lim~ted as to duration) after the 19th day of December 1966. as granted by

Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work and Not Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work and Not Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land in Otamatea Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land County PURSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, the PURSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land, for the purposes of the Schedule hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act Land Act 1948, as from the 19th day of December 1966. 1948 as from the 19th day o.f December 1966.

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of land containing 4 acres and 8.1 perches situated in Block V, Otamatea Survey District, North Auckland ALL that piece of land containing 1 acre and 26 perches R.D., and being that part .of Lot 1, D.P. 34898, compI'ised in situated in Block XI, Te Kawau Survey District, Wellington Proclamation No. 12713 (North Auckland Land Reg,istry). R.D., being part Lot 1, D.P. 1035, being part Section 384, Town of Carnarvon; as the same is more particularly Dated at Wellington this 30th day of September 1966. delineated on the plan marked M.0.W. 20788 (S.0. 26597) PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, (P.W. 31/1152; D.0. 50/23/16/0) and thereon coloured orange. Dated at Wellington this 25th day of October 1966. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work and Not (P.W. 20/111; D.O. 39/91/0) Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land PURSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Notice of Intention to Take Land in Blocks Ill, IV, and Schedule hereto to be Crown land subiect to the Land Act VIII, Pihanga Survey District, Taupo County, for Road 1948 as from the 19th day 0£ December.1966. (Poutu Stream Bridge Approaches, Approximately 3! Miles South of the Junctton of State Highways 1 and 46, Near SCHEDULE Turangi) 0ISBORNE LAND DISTRICT NOTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provi­ ALL those pieces of land situated in the City of Gisborne, sions of the Public Works Act 1928, to execute a certain Gisborne R.D., described as follows: public work, namely, the construction of a road, and for the A. R, P. Being purposes of that public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken: and notice is hereby 0 1 10·63 Lots 17 and 18, D.P. 4923, being part Kaiti 257 further given that the plan of the land so required to be taken Block. is deposited in the Post Office at Turangi, and is there open 2 35 Lots 206, 207, 210 to 217 (both inclusive), D.P. for inspection; that all persons affected by the execution of 5214, being part Kaiti 265 Block. the said public work, or by the taking of the said land, 0 1 13·6 Lots 208 and 209, D.P. 5214, being part Kaiti should, if they have any objections to the execution of the 265 Block. said public work or to the taking of the said land, not being Dated at Wellington this 14th day of November 1966. objections to the amount or payment of compensation, set PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. forth the same, in writing, and send the written objection, within 40 days of the first publication of this notice, to the (P.W. H.C. X/62; D.0. 32/62/0) Minister of Works at Wellington; and that, if any objection is made in accordanc~ with this notice, a public hearing of the objection will be held, unless the objector otherwise Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Wark and Not requires, and each objector will be advised of the time and Required for that Purpose to be Crown Land place of the hearing. PURSUANT to section 35 ,olf the Public Works Act 1928, the SCHEDULE Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Schedule hereto to be Crown land, subject to the Land Act 1948, as from the 2nd day of September 1966. ALL those pieces of land situated in the Pihanga Survey Dist­ rict, Wellington R.D., described as follows: SCHEDULE A. R. P. Being WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT 5 2 9 Part Ohuanga 2o 2B, Blocks III and IV; coloured ALL those pieces of land situated iin the City of Palmerston sepia on plan. North, Wellington R.D., described as follows: 1 30 Part Ohuanga 2D 1A 1, Block VIII; coloured orange on plan. A. R. P. Being As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan 0 0 26.6 Lot 4, D.P. 27729, being part Lot 16 of Seclion marked M.O.W. 20915 deposited in the office o,f the Minister 350, Town of Palmerston North. Part certificate of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above of title, No. E 4/975, Wellington Land Registry. mentioned. 0 3 4.5 Lots 5 to 9 (inclusive), D.P. 26578, being part Lot Dated at Well'ington this 29th day of November 1966. 16 of Section 350, Town of Palmerston North. Pa11t c.ertificate of title, No. D. 3/659, Wellingt,on PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. Land Registry. (P.W. 72/1/6/0; D.O. 6/1/6/0) 1 0 13.4 Lots 10 to 16 (inclusive), D.P. 26578, being part Lot 16 of Section 350, Town of Palmerston North. Part certificate of ititle, No. D. 3 / 660, Wellington L9.nd Registry. The Motor Launch (Lake Karapiro) Notice 1966-Matamata Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 1966. County Council PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. PURSUANT to the Motor Launch Regulations 1962*, the (H.C. X/l/5/37A; D.0. 52/0/1/4) Minister of Marine hereby gives the following notice :

Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work and Not NOTICE Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land 1. (1) This notice may be cited as the Motor Launch (Lake Karapiro) Notice 1966. PURSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, the (2) This notice shall come into force on the date of its Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the publication in the Gazette, and shall expire at the end of two Schedule hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act years after that date. 1948 as from the 19th day of December 1966. 2. Regulations 11 and 12 of the Motor Launch Regulations 1962* shall not apply with respect to powered vessels and SCHEDULE water skiers operating in the area of water described in the WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT First Schedule hereto, subject to compliance with the condi­ tions specified in the Second Schedule hereto, and so long as ALL that piece of land containing O• 3 of a perch situated in the notices specified in clauses 2 and 3 of that Schedule are the Borough of Levin, Wellington R.D., being part Lot 10, erected in accordance with those clauses. D.P. 15485, being part Section 46, Levin Suburban; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.0.W. 20779 (S.0. 26512) deposited in the office of the FIRST SCHEDULE Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured sepia. ALL the waters of Lake Karapiro contained between a line Dated a,t Wellington this 25th day of October 1966. drawn a_long the w~stern side of the Maungatautari Bridge and a hne drawn m an 045 degree true direction from a PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. point on the western bank of Lake Karapiro 60 chains (H.C. 6/27; D.O. 52/15) upstream of the point where the northern boundary line of 2090 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 78 the ,Brooklyn· Water Ski Club's grounds meets the lake, except­ The Standards Act 1965-Amendment of Standard Recom­ ing the waters o'f the Wairakau, Whangaipetiki, and Manga­ mendation henene Streams each contained separately within lines drawn between the points where the banks of the said streams meet the shore of the lake at normal lake level. PURSUANT to the provisions of the Standards Act 1965, the Standards Council, on 7 December 1966, amended the under­ mentioned standard recommendation by the incorporation SECOND SCHEDULE of the Amendment shown hereunder: 1. No person shall propel or navigate a powered vessel at a Number and Title of Standard Recommendation Amendment proper speed greater than 5 miles per hour when- NZSR 6: 1964 The care, use, and maintenance Olf ( a) Within 100 ft of any other vessel; or timber ladders No. 1 (b) Within 100 ft of any pefS'on in the water or bathing Application for 1copi·es of the standard recommendation or fishing .. so amended should be made to the Standards Association of 2. The area of water described in the First Schedule hereto New Zealand, ,Private Bag, Wellington C. 1. shall be shown crosshatched on a plan of the lake on a scale Copies of the amendment will be .supplied, free of charge, not less than 5 chains to 1 inch, which shall be displayed on upon request. the lower portion of a notice board measuring not less than 21ft 6 in. by 2 ft, painted bright orange with black lettering, Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. which notice board shall be erected at each place where boats G. H. EDWARDS, Director, are normally launched. Standards 1Association of New Zealand. 3. The upper and middle portion of the aforesaid notice (S.A. 114/,2/4: 10), board shall contain the :following notice- "NOTICE Motor Launch Regulations 1962 There is no speed restriction for motor launches The Standards Act 1965-Standard Specification Revoked and water skiers using the area shown crosshatched on the plan below subject to the following conditions: No person shall propel or navigate a powered PURSUANT to the provisions of the Standards Act 1965, the vessel at a proper speed greater than 5 miles per Standards Council, on 7 December 1966, revoked the under­ hour when'-- mentioned standard specification: (a) Within 100 ft of any other vessel; or Number and Title of Standard Specification (b) Within 100 'ft of any person in the water or NZSS 102: 1957 Leclanche-type primary cells and batteries; bathing or fishing." being BS 397: 1946 amended to meet Niew Zealand requfre­ Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 1966. ments. (Superseded by NZSS 2085: 1966). W. J. SCOTT, Minister of Marine. Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. *Motor Launch Regulations (1960/180) G. H. EDWARDS, Director, Standards Association of New Zealand. (M. 3/13/508/1) (S.A. 114/2/7: 10)

The Motor Launch (Manawatu River) Matice 1966 Manawatu County Council The Standards Act 1965---New Zealand Standard Recom­ mendation Adopted PURSUANT to the Motor Launch Regulations 1962*, the Minister of Marine hereby gives the following notice: PURSUANT to the Standards Act 1965, the Standards Council, on 7 December 1966, approved the issue o!f the under­ NOTICE mentioned standard recommendation: 1. (1) This notice may be cited as the Motor Launch Price of (Manawatu River) Notice 1966. Copy (2) This notice shall come into force ·on the date of its Number and Title of Standard Recommendation (Post Free) publication in the Gazette, and shall expire at the end of s. d. five years aifter that date. NZSR 13: 1966 General aspects of radio and ,tele- 2. Regulations 11 and 12 of the Motor Launch Regulations vision interference suppression 8 0 1962* shall not apply with respect to powered vessels and Application tfor copies should be made to the Standards water skiers operating in the area of water described ,in the Association of New z,ealand, Private Bag, ·Wellington C. 1. First Schedule hereto, subject to compliance with the condi­ Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. tions specified in the Second Schedule and so long as the notices are erected in accordance with that Schedule: G. H. EDWARDS, Director, Standards Association orf New Zealand. (S.A. 114/2/4:9) SCHEDULES FIRST SCHEDULE ALL that area orf water in the Manawatu River extending downstream :for not more than 1 mile from the downstream The Standards Act 1965-Specification Declared to be a side of the Whirokino trestle bridge, the downstream limit of Standard Specification the area being marked with notice boards erected in accordance with the Second Schedule. PURSUANT to the provisions of the Standards Act 1965, the SECOND SCHEDULE Standards Council, on 7 December 1966, declared the under­ mentioned specification to be a standard specification: 1. On both banks of the river at the Whirokino bridge, there shall be placed notice boards. The notice boards shall Price of measure not less than 2 ft 6 in. by 2 ft and shall be painted Copy bright orange with black lettering, and shall contain the Number and Title of Specification (Post Free) following notice: s. d. "NOTICE NZSS 904: 1966 Ethyl acetate; being BS 553: 1965. (Revision of NZSS 904: 1957 being BS 553: 1956 MOTOR LAUNCH REGULATIONS 1962 amended to meet Nlew Zealand requirements) 4 0 Motor launches and water skiers may travel at speeds Application for copies should be made to the Standards greater than 5 m.p:h. from this bridge downstream to Association of New Zealand, Private 1Bag, Wellington C.1. the notice boards erected on both banks not more than 1 mile distant." Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. 2. On both banks of the river at a distance of not more G. H. EDWARDS, 1Director, than 1 mile measured downstream :from the Whirokino Bridge Standards Association orf New Zealand. there shall be placed notice boards. The notice boards shall (S.A. 114/2/2: 123) measure not less than 2 ft 6 in. by 2 ft and shall be painted bright orange with black lettering and shall contain the following notice : "NOTICE Conscience Money Received MOTOR LAUNCH REGULATIONS 1962 From this point upstream to Whirokino Bridge motor launches and water skiers may travel at speeds £3 to the Health Department. greater than 5 m.p.h." £1,705; £4; £4; £15; £8 to the Inland Revenue Department. 10s. to the Ministry of Defence. Dated at Wellington this 1st day of December 1966. £10 to the New Zealand Electricity Department. W. G. SCOTT, Minister of Marine. £2 ls. to the Treasury. *Motor Launch Regulations 1962 (1962/180) Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. (M. 3/13/508/19) N. R. DAVIS, Secretary to the Treasury. 15 DECEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 2091

Bay of Islands Development Scheme Amending Notice 1966, NOTICE No. l!l 1. This notice may ,be dted as the Ngataki Development Scheme Amending Notice 1966, No. 2. WHEREAS, by virtue of the notice described in the First 2. The notices referred to 'in the First Schedule hereto are Schedule hereto, ,the land described in the Second Schedule hereby amended by omitting all reference to the land des­ hereto is now subject to Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act cribed in the Second Schedule hereto. 1953 and it is desired to vary the same: 3. The land described in the Second Schedule is hereby released from Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953. Now, therefore, pursuant to section 332 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby gives notice as follows, FIRST SCHEDULE Date of Registration NOTICE Notice Reference No. 1. This notice may be cited as the Bay of Islands Develop­ 29 November 1941 N.Z. Gazette, No. 97, of 4 K. 27527 ment Scheme Amending Notice 1966, No. 11. December 1941, page 3840. 2. The notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto is 24 March 1950 N.Z. Gazette, No. 18, oif 30 K. 35365 hereby amended by omitting all reference to the land described March 1950, page 329. in the Second Schedule hereto. 3. The land described in the Second Schedule hereto is SECOND SCHEDULE hereby released from Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL those pieces of land described and situated as follows: FIRST SCHEDULE A. R. P. Being Date of 2 0 0 Part of Section 2, 1B1ock V, Houhora East Survey Notice Reference District; coloured red on a plan deposited in the N.Z. Gazette, No. 73, 7 November 1963, office of the Department of Ma-ori Affairs at pages 1820-1821. Whangarei. 32 0 0 Part of Section 49, mock V, Houhora East Survey ,District; coloured black on a plan deposited in the SECOND SCHEDULE office o!f the Department of Maori Affairs at NORTH AUCKLAND LAND !DISTRICT Whangarei. 8 0 0 Part of Section 50, Block V, Houhora East Survey ALL that land situated and described as follows : District; coloured blue on a plan deposited in the A, R. P. Being office of the Department of Maori Affairs at 89 1 36 Motatau 2, !Section 21 B 12A, Block XVI, Kawakawa Whangarei. Survey iDistrict. Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. Dated at Wellington this 12th day of December 1966. For and on behalf of the 1Board of Maori Affairs: For and on behalf of the 1Board of Maori Affairs: B. E. SOUTER, Deputy Secretary for Maori Affairs. B. E. SOUTER, Deputy Secretary for Maori Affairs. (M.A. 61 /26; D.O. 21 / 13) (M.A. 61/7, 61/7A, 61/7B, 15/1/928; D.O. 18/AC/19; 1K 7760) Classificatvon of Roads in W anganui County Whakatohea Development Scheme Amending Notice 1966, No. 5 PuRSUANT to regulation 3 of the Heavy Motor Vehicle R:egulations 1955*, the Commissioner of Transport hereby revokes so much of the Warrant, dated the 26th day of WHEREAS by virtue ·of the notice described in the First June 1950t, as relates ito the classification of roads in Schedule hereto, the land described in the Second Schedule Wanganui County described in the Schedule hereto and hereto is now subject to Part XXIV ,of the Maori Affairs hereby approves the Wanganui County Council's proposed Act 1953 and it is desired to vary the same: classification oif the said roads as set out in the said Schedule. Now, therefore, pursuant to section 332 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby gives SCHEDULE notice as follows: WANGANUI COUNTY NOTICE Roads Classified in Class Two: 1. This notice may be 'Cited as the Whakatohea Develop­ Field's Track. ment Scheme Amending :Notice 1966, No. 5. Upper Whangaehu Valley Road. 2. The notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto is Dated at Wellington this 2nd day orf December 1966. hereby amended by omitting all reference to the land described in the Second Schedule hereto. A. J. EDWARDS, 3. The land described in the Second Schedule hereto is Deputy to ·the Commissioner of Transport. hereby released from Part XXIV olf the Maori Affairs Act *S.R. 1955/59 (Reprinted with Amendments Nos. 1 to 4: 1953. S.R. 1961 / 159) Amendment iNo. 5: S.R. 1963/70 FIRST SCHEDULE Amendment No. 6: S.R. 1963/199 Date oif Registration Amendment No. 7: S.R. 1965/142 N otrce Reference No. Amendment No. 8 : S.R. 1965 / 198 18 .December 1930 N.Z. Gazette, No. 90, 23 w. 1697 tGazette, No. 42, dated 29 June 1950, Vol. II, p. 839 December 1930, page (TT. 8/8/'282) 3908.

SECOND SCHEDULE GISBORNE LAND DISTRICT Public Trust Office-Roxburgh Agency ALL that piece of land described and situated as follows: A. R. P. Being IT is notified for public information that Mr John Duncan 67 2 12 ,Part Opape lB, Block VI, Waiaua Survey District. Brown has relinquished his appointment as agent of the Public Trust Office at Roxburgh and that the agency will Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. be dosed as from 31 December 1966. Business in Roxburgh For and ,on behalf o'f the Board of Maori Affairs: will thereafter be conducted from the Alexandra branch of R E. SOUTER, Deputy Secretary for Maori Affairs. the Public Trust Office. (M.A. 63/41, 63/41A, 15/3/363; D.0. 6252) Dated at Wellington this 8th day of December 1966. B. A. FORD, Public Trustee.

N gataki Development Scheme Amending Notice 1966, No. 2 Cancellation of Registration as a Teacher WHEREAS by virtue of the notices described in the First Schedule hereto, the land described in ,the Second Schedule hereto is now subject to Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act PURSUANT to section 135 (1) of the Education Act 1964, the 1953 and it is desired to vary the same: registration of Terrence Eldon Cresswell is cancelled. Now therefore pursuant to section 332 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby gives notice as Dated at Wellington this 8th day of December 1966. follows. J. L. HUNTER, Acting Director-General of Education. C 2092 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETI'E No. 78

Plant Declared a Noxious Weed in the County of Rodney SCHEDULE (Notice No. Ag. 10009) LIST OF BRITISH STANDARDS New Issues PURSUANT to section 3 of the Noxious Weeds Aot 1950, and B.S. Title to a delegation born ,the :Minister of Agriculture under 3727 :- Methods for the analysis of nickel for use in elec­ section 9 of the Department of Agriculture Aot 1953, for tronic tubes and valves- ,the purpose of the said section, the following special order 3727 : Part 22 : 1966 Determination of zinc made by the Rodney County Council on the 20th day of (atomic absorption method). October 1966, is hereby published. 3933 : 1966 Layout of remote control panels for 35 mm cinema­ tograph projection. 3939 :- Graphical symbols for electrical power, telecom­ SPEC,IAL ORDER munications, and electronics diagrams­ THAT, pursuant to section 3 (1) of the No}Qious Weeds Act Section 5 : 1966 Capacitors. 1950, the following plant be declared a noxious weed in the Section 6 : 1966 Inductors, transformers, and County of Rodney: transductors. Nassella Tussock (Nassella trichotama) 4036 : 1966 Asbestos-cement fully compressed flat sheets. 4044 : 1966 Method for the determination of fibre length by Dated at Wellington this 5th day of December 1966. comb sorter diagram. G. J. ANDERSON, 4053 :- Retainers for electronic tubes and valves- Assistant Director-General (Administration) 4053 : Part 1 : 1966 General requirements and (Ag. 20649) methods of test. 4055 : 1966 Hose clips (channelled ring type) for use below 20 lbf/in 2 pressure. 4056 : 1966 Method of test for ignition temperature of gases and vapours. 4057 : 1966 Spring cylinders for yarn dyeing. Members o'f Bobby Calf Pool Committees Elected 4058 :- Data processing problem definition and analysis- 4058 : Part 1 : 1966 Flow chart symbols. Revisions PURSUANT to the Bobby Calf Marketing Regulations 1955, B.S. Title notice has been received by the New Zealand Dairy Board that the persons whose names are set out under the name 419 : 1966 Varnished fabrics and tapes for electrical purposes. of each Bobby Calf Pool Committee in the Schedule hereto 1121 :- Methods for the analysis of iron and steel- have been duly elected as members of that committee. 1121 : Part 1 : 1966 Sulphur in iron and steel : Gravimetric. Dated this 13th day of December 1966. 1314 : 1966 Phenolic resin bonded paper round tubes for elec­ A. J. L. WELLS, Assistant Secretary. trical purposes at power frequencies. ----+---4 1804 :- Steel dowel pins and parallel pins- 1804 : Part 1 : 1966 Inch series. SCHEDULE 2992 : 1966 Painters' and decorators' brushes for local authori­ Eketahuna Bobby Calf Pool Committee ties and public institutions (excluding quality of Harold William Andrews, fillings). Cornelius Petrus Oomen, 3396 :- Woven glass fibre fabrics for plastics reinforcement- Peter Salvatore Cimino, 3396 : Part 1 : 1966 Loom-state fabrics. Clifford fames Death, 3456 :- Testing and approval of domestic electrical appli­ Russell Alvin Bird, ances- Bernard Augustus Dougherty, Section A 1 : 1966 Heating and cooking appli­ Harold Maxwell Cooper, ances. General requirements. Gordon Frederick Wilsher, Section B 1 : 1966 Motor-operated appliances. Murray Stewart Hansen, and General requirements. Charles Joseph Walker Bowyer. Amendments No.Ref. Paraparaumu-Waikanae Bobby Calf Pool Committee B.S. Title PD Robert Lionel Boyd, t75 : 1951 B.A. screws, bolts and nuts. Amendment No. 2 5901 Clarence M·orton Free, t84 : 1956 Parallel screw threads of Whitworth form. Gilbert Courdray Maclean, Amendment No. 1 ...... 5902 William Langley Potts, t93 : 1951 British Association (B.A. screw threads with Stanley John Sweetman, and tolerances for sizes O B.A. to 16 B.A. Kenneth Francis Whiteman. Amendment No. 3 ...... 5903 t325 : 1947 Black cup and countersunk bolts and nuts. Sheffield Bobby Oalf Pool Committee Amendment No. 3 ...... 5904 Louis Donald King, t450 : 1958 Machine screws and machine screw nuts Alistair Leslie Adams, (B.S.W. and B.S.F. threads). Amendment Arthur Roy Beckwith, No. 2 ...... 5905 Bernard Robert Hosking, 791 : 1959 Bomb calorimeter thermometers. Amend- Leslie .Payne Hawke, and ment No. 1 ...... 5894 Ian George Saunders. 819 : 1938 Horizontal retorts and intermittent vertical chambers. Amendment No. 3 . . . . 5897 Whangaroa Bobby Calf Pool Committee t916 : 1953 Black bolts, screws and nuts. Amendment No. 4 ...... 5906 Henry Luke ,Driver, 1010 : 1959 Draw-off taps and stopvalves for water fan Douglas Lane, services (screwdown pattern). . . . . 5888 Claude Kendon Bramley, 1016 : -- Methods for the analysis and testing of coal Winston Oswald Dangen, and coke- Daniel J erebine, Part 2 : 1957 Total moisture of coke. Edwin William Sherman, and Amendment No. 1 ...... 5883 Charles Edward Insley. t1083 : 1965 Precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts. Amendment No. 1 ...... 5907 1340 : 1960 Prepared and natural tracing paper. Amend- ment No. 2 ...... 5889 1342 : 1962 Detail drawing paper. Amendment No. 1 . . 5890 The Standards Act 1965-British Standards, Revisions 1343 : 1962 Cartridge drawing paper. Amendment No. 1 5891 and Amendments Available for Comment ' *1723 : 1963 Brazing. Amendment No. 2 . . . . 5853 1782 : 1951 Hose couplings (It in to 8 in nominal sizes) other than fire hose couplings. Amend- PURSUANT to subsection (3) of section 23 of the Standards Act 1965 ment No. 5 . • . . • . . • 5878 notice is hereby given that the British standards revisions and 2495 : 1960 Protective helmets and peaks ·for racing car amendments listed in the Schedule hereto are b~ing considered drivers. Amendment No. 4 . . . . 5896 for adoption as New Zealand standard specifications. All persons 2831 : 1957 Methods of test for air filters used in air­ who may be affected by them and who desire to comment thereon conditioning and general ventilation may, on application, obtain copies on loan from the Standards Amendment No. 2 ...... 5887 Association of New Zealand, Hooson's Building 53-55 Courtenay 2972 : 1961 Methods of test for thermal insulating Place, or Private Bag, Wellington C. 1. ' materials. Amendment No. 3 . . . . 5892 Requests should specify that copies are required for comment 3056 : 1959 Preferred sizes of fireclay refractories. Amend- purposes. ment No. 2 . . . . 5899 3499 : -- School music equipment- The closing date for the receipt of comment is 20 January 1967. Part 4A : 1964 Pianofortes. Amendment Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. No. 1 ...... 5884 Part 7A : 1963 Music stands. Amend- G. H. EDWARDS, Director, ment No. 1. . . . 5885 Standards Association of New Zealand. 3775 : 1964 Counting trays (planchets) for radioacti~~ (S.A. 114/2/1) assay. Amendment No. 1 5881 15 DECEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 2093

Ref. TAIRAWHITI MAORI LAND COURT DISTRICT (GISBORNE) Amendments No. B.S. Title PD Court Date of Sitting Panui Closes *3847 : 1965 General requirements for mash seam welding Gisborne Mon, 3 Apr 1967 24 Feb 1967 in mild steel. Amendment No. 1 5882 Ruatoria Tue, 2 23 Mar 1967 3936 : -- Nursery stock- Wairoa Tue, 23 May 1967 14 Apr 1967 Part 2 : 1966 Roses. Amendment No. 1 5886 TeAraroa Tue, 27 Jun 1967 19 May 1967 3968 : 1966 7 track magnetic tape for data interchange Gisborne Mon, 17 Jul 1967 9 Jun 1967 recorded at 200 r.p.i. Amendment No. 1 . . 5893 Ruatoria Tue, 15 Aug 1967 7 Jul 1967 Wairoa Tue, 12 Sep 1967 4 Aug 1967 *These amendments are of an editorial nature, consequent on the Gisborne Mon, 2 Oct 1967 25 Aug 1967 publication of the revised edition of B.S. 499 'Welding terms and Ruatoria Tue, 31 Oct 1967 22 Sep 1967 Symbols'. Wairoa Tue, 14 Nov 1967 6 Oct 1967 tThese amendments which make the standard obsolescent are Gisborne Mon, 22 Jan 1968 8 Dec 1967 issued as a result of a conference in November, 1965, at which it TeAraroa Tue, 20 Feb 1968 12 Jan 1968 was decided that British industry should be strongly recommended Ruatoria Tue, 12 Mar 1968 2 Feb 1968 to adopt the internationally agreed ISO metric threads where possible. AOTEA MAORI LAND COURT DISTRICT (WANGANUI) Court Date of Sitting Panui Closes New Plymouth Mon, 17 Apr 1967 10 Mar 1967 Maori Land Court Sittings Wanganui :tvlon, 1 May 1967 23 Mar 1967 Hawera Mon, 29 May 1967 21 Apr 1967 *Taumarunui Mon, 12 Jun 1967 5 May 1967 NOTICE is hereby given that sittings of the Maori Land Court will New Plymouth Mon, 3 Jul 1967 26 May 1967 be held during the year, from 1 April 1967 to 31 , at the Wanganui l\tion, 17 Jul 1967 9 Jun 1967 places and commencing on the dates mentioned in the Schedule Hawera . . Mon, 21 Aug 1967 14 Jul 1967 hereto. All sittings commence at 10 a.m. unless otherwise stated. *Taumarunui . . Mon, 4 Sep 1967 28 Jul 1967 Chief Judge's Office, Maori Land Court, New Plymouth Mon, 2 Oct 1967 25 Aug 1967 Wellington, 7 December 1966. Wanganui Mon, 16 Oct 1967 8 Sep 1967 G. J. JEUNE, Chief Judge. Hawera . . Mon, 13 Nov 1967 6 Oct 1967 *Taumarunui . . Mon, 27 Nov 1967 20 Oct 1967 New Plymouth Mon, 22 Jan 1968 8 Dec 1967 SCHEDULE Wanganui Mon, 5 Feb 1968 15 Dec 1967 Hawera Mon, 4 Mar 1968 26 Jan 1968 TOKERAU MAORI LAND COURT DISTRICT (WHANGAREI) *Taumarunui Mon, 18 Mar 1968 9 Feb 1968 Court Date of Sitting Panui Closes All sittings commence at 2 p.m. Rawene Tue, 18 Apr 1967 24 Mar 1967 Kaikohe Tue, 23 May 1967 28 Apr 1967 *Court will adjourn to Tokaanu for second week of sitting. tWhangarei Wed, 7 Jun 1967 12 May 1967 *Kaitaia Tue, 4 Jul 1967 9 Jun 1967 IKAROA MAORI LAND COURT DISTRICT (PALMERSTON NORTH) Kawakawa Tue, 25 Jul 1967 30 Jun 1967 tWhangarei Tue, 29 Aug 1967 4 Aug 1967 Court Date of Sitting Panui Closes Kaikohe Tue, 19 Sep 1967 25 Aug 1967 *Levin Mon, 17 Apr 1967 16 Mar 1967 *Kaitaia Tue, 10 Oct 1967 15 Sep 1967 Masterton Mon, 8 May 1967 6 Apr, 1967 Rawene Tue, 14 Nov 1967 20 Oct 1967 Hastings Tue, 6 Jun 1967 4 May 1967 tWhangarei Tue, 28 Nov 1967 3 Nov 1967 Wellington Tue, 4 Jul 1967 1 Jun 1967 Kaikohe Tue, 23 Jan 1968 5 Jan 1968 *Levin Mon, 17 Jul 1967 15 Jun 1967 Kawakawa Tue, 20 Feb 1968 26 Jan 1968 Hastings Tue, 5 Sep 1967 3 Aug 1967 *Kaitaia Tue, 5 Mar 1968 9 Feb 1968 Masterton Mon, 16 Oct 1967 14 Sep 1967 tWhangarei Tue, 19 Mar 1968 23 Feb 1968 *Levin Mon, 6 Nov 1967 5 Oct 1967 *Court may adjourn to Kaeo at date to be notified. Hastings Tue, 28 Nov 1967 26 Oct 1967 Wellington Tue, 6 Feb 1968 4 Jan 1968 tCourt may adjourn to Dargaville at date to be notified. Hastings Tue, 12 Mar 1968 8 Feb 1968

AUCK.LAND MAORI LAND COURT DISTRICT (AUCK.LAND) *Court will adjourn to Palmerston North for the second week of each Levin sitting. Court Date of Sitting Panui Closes Auckland Tue, 2 May 1967 7 Apr 1967 SOUTH ISLAND MAORI LAND COURT DISTRICT (CHRISTCHURCH) Auckland Tue, 15 Aug 1967 21 Jul 1967 Auckland Tue, 3 Oct 1967 8 Sep 1967 Court Date of Sitting Panui Closes Auckland Tue, 13 Feb 1968 19 Jan 1968 Picton Tue, 4 Apr 1967 6 Mar 1967 Christchurch Tue, 23 May 1967 24 Apr 1967 W AIKATO-MANIAPOTO MAORI LAND COURT DJ.STRICT Dunedin Mon, 7 Aug 1967} 11 Jul 1967 (HAMILTON) *Invercargill Wed, 9 Aug 1967 Court Date of Sitting Panui Closes Picton Tue, 29 Aug 1967 31 Jul 1967 Thames Mon, 3 Apr 1967 10 Mar 1967 Christchurch Tue, 3 Oct 1967 4 Sep 1967 Te Kuiti Tue, 18 Apr 1967 23 Mar 1967 Christchurch Tue, 23 Jan 1968 22 Dec 1967 Tauranga Tue, 9 May 1967 21 Apr 1967 Dunedin Mon, 19 Feb 1968} 19 Jan 1968 Hamilton Tue, 6 Jun 1967 19 May 1967 1'Invercargill Wed, 21 Feb 1968 Te Kuiti Tue, 4 Jul 1967 16 Jun 1967 *Sitting commences 2 p.m. Tauranga Tue, 25 Jul 1967 30 Jun 1967 Thames Mon, 21 Aug 1967 28 Jul 1967 Hamilton Mon, 4 Sep 1967 11 Aug 1967 Te Kuiti Tue, 3 Oct 1967 8 Sep 1967 Tauranga Tue, 24 Oct 1967 22 Sep 1967 Hamilton Mon, 13 Nov 1967 20 Oct 1967 Thames Mon, 11 Dec 1967 17 Nov 1967 Te Kuiti Tue, 23 Jan 1968 15 Dec 1967 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Tauranga Tue, 13 Feb 1968 19 Jan 1968 Hamilton Mon, 11 Mar 1968 16 Feb 1968 PURSUANT to section 33 of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Dates of commencement of Tauranga, Te Kuiti, and Thames Act 1964, the Reserve Bank, acting with the approval of sittings may be varied if above dates clash with Magistrate's Court the Minister of Finance, hereby gives notice that as at the sittings; on each of such occasions, the time of commencement close of business ,on Friday, 9 December 1966, and until will be stated in each panui when issued. further notice, balances to be maintained in the Reserve Bank by each trading bank shall be equal to an amount W AIARIKI MAORI LAND COURT DISTRICT (ROTORUA) which, when added to that bank's holdings of Reserve Bank Court Date of Sitting Panui Closes notes as disclosed in that bank's latest available weekly return of Banking Statistics under the Statistics Act 1955, will be Whakatane Tue, 4 Apr 1967 3 Mar 1967 not less than the aggregate of: 17 percent of that bank's Taupo Wed, 26 Apr 1967 24 Mar 1967 demand deposits in New Zealand plus 3 percent of that Rotorua Tue, 16 May 1967 14 Apr 1967 bank's time deposits in New Zealand (excluding wool reten­ Opotiki Tue, 20 Jun 1967 19 May 1967 tion deposits) as shown in the last preceding monthly return Whakatane Tue, 11 Jul 1967 9 Jun 1967 furnished by that bank in accordance with section 31 of the Rotorua Tue, 15 Aug 1967 14 Jul 1967 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1964. Taupo Tue, 5 Sep 1967 4 Aug 1967 Opotiki Tue, 3 Oct 1967 1 Sep 1967 The balances to be maintained as aforesaid shall be exclu­ Whakatane Tue, 31 Oct 1967 29 Sep 1967 sive of any balance held by a trading bank in its woo] R.otorua Tue, 21 Nov 1967 20 Oct 1967 retention or special fund account at the Reserve Bank. Taupo Wed, 31 Jan 1968 15 Dec 1967 Opotiki Tue, 13 Feb 1968 12 Jan 1968 A. R. LOW, Deputy Governor. Rotorua Tue, 27 Feb 1968 26 Jari 1968 Wellington, 7 December 1966. 2094 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 7


STATEMENT OF AssETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE REsERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE CLosE OF BUSINESS ON WEDNESDAY, 7 DECEMBER, 1966 Liabilities Assets £ £ Notes in circulation 88,922,564 Gold 85,338 Demand deposits­ Overseas assets- (a) State 14,807,454 (a) Current accounts and short-term £ (b) Banks .• 32,942,379 bills 29,140,053 (c) Marketing accounts 1,752,869 (b) Investments .. 23,191,099 (d) Other .. 28,423,159 52,331,152 Time deposits .. New Zealand coin 68,625 Liabilities in currencies other than New Zealand Discounts currency- £ Advances- (a) Demand 33,559 (a) To the State (including Treasury (b) Time 12,024,048 bills) .. 62,257,203 12,057,607 (b) To marketing accounts 44,535,125 Other liabilities 2,181,924 (c) Other 3,130,562 Capital accounts- £ ---- 109,922,890 (a) General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 Investments in New Zealand­ (b) Other reserves 6,915,275 (a) N.Z. Government securities 24,195,420 8,415,275 (b) Other 73,500 24,268,920 Other assets 2,826,306 £189,503,231 £189,503,231 M. R. HUTTON, Chief Accountant.


Decisions of the Minister of Customs Under the Customs Tariff (Subject to Amendment or Cancellation by Notification in the Gazette) APPROVALS

Rates of Duty Effective Tariff Part List Item No. Goods II No. B.P. Aul. Can. MFN. Gen. Ref. From To• I I I I I 541.700.9 Hypnorm vials ...... Free . . .. 20% 25% 23.3 233 1/12/66 31/12/ 541. 700.9 Permapen Isoject ...... Free . . I .. 20% 25% 23.1 233 1/12/66 31/12/ 541. 700.9 Pimafucin suspension ...... Free .. .. 20% 25% 23.1 233 1/12/66 31/12/ 541. 700.9 Trevintix tablets ...... Free . . .. 20% 25% 23.4 233 1/12/66 31/12/ 541. 700.9 Sultrin cream ...... Free . . .. 20% 25% 23.4 233 1/12/66 31/12/ 541. 700.9 Zawb-0-Lyte in 30gm packets .. .. Free .. .. 20% 25% 10.2 233 1/11/66 31/12/ Group 581 Sheets, strips or rolls, self-adhesive, of a width Free ...... Free .. 233 15/12/66 31/12/1 exceeding 15 cm and of a thickness not ex- ceeding O. 5 mm, excluding non-plasticised and non-reinforced polyethylene or P.V.C. not exceeding O. 254 mm in thickness 641.958.1 Drawing cartridge board, linen backed .. Free ...... Free .. 233 1/9/66 30/6/1 641.958.1 Printers' board, cloth lined .. .. Free ...... Free . . 233 1/9/66 30/6/1 642.999.9 Egg fillers, papier mache .. .. Free . . .. 20% 25% 10.2 233 1/7/63 31/12/1 682.212.1 U section, extruded, hard drawn, 3 in. x 1i\ in. Free ...... 10% 10.8 233 1/10/66 30/9/1 X 0.165 in. 723.210.0 Insulators- ...... Free .. . . 15% 25% 10.1 Pin type, with clamp top, having a dry flash- 233 1/12/66 31/12/1 over voltage not less than 75,000 7 32.891.9 Destination sign fittings ...... Free .. .. I . . 15% 10.8 233 1/6/64 30/6/ *Approvals lapse on the dates indicated, the goods thereafter being dutiable according to their substantive Tariff classification. If continuati< cf an approval is desired for a further period, formal application should be made to the Collector at least one month prior to the date of expi1

MISCELLANEOUS Decisions cancelled: Group 5811 Strips or rolls, ... 0.254mm in thickness . . 213 642. 999. 9 Egg fillers, papier mache ...... I 230 I

I Dated at Wellington this 15th day of December 1966. J. F. CUMMINGS, Comptroller of Custom 15 DECEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2095

New Zealand Electricity Department-Schedule of Building Contracts for £10,000 or More in Value

Amount of Name of Work Successful Tenderer Tender Accepted £ s. d. Construction of buildings at Featherston Transmission Line Camp . . Beverley Homes Ltd ... 12,290 10 10 E. B. MACKENZIE, General Manager.

Notice Under the Regulations Act 1936

Ptm.suANT to the Regulations Act 1936, notice is hereby given of the making of regulations as under: Date Price Authority for Enactment Short Title or Subject-matter Serial of (Postage Number Enactment Free) National Library Act 1965 . . Alexander Turnbull Library Regulations 1966 1966/206 14/12/66 6d. (5c) Section 4 of the Boilers, Lifts, and Cranes Cranes Exemption Order 1966 1966/207 14/12/66 6d. (5c) Act 1950 Fisheries Act 1908 Freshwater Fisheries Regulations 1951, Amendment 1966/208 14/12/66 6d. (5c) No.10 . Section 17 of the Scientific and Industrial Wheat Research Regulations 1966, Amendment No. 1 1966/209 14/12/66 6d. (5c) Research Act 1952 Copies can be purchased from the Government Publications Bookshops-corner of Rutland and Lorne Streets (P.O. Box 5344), Auckland; Investment House, Alma Street (P.O. Box 857), Hamilton; Mulgrave Street (Private Bag), Wellington; 130 Oxford Terrace (P.O. Box 1721), Christchurch; corner of Water and Bond Streets (P.O. Box 1104), Dunedin. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. R. E. OWEN, Government Printer.


In Bankruptcy In Bankruptcy

NOTICE is hereby given that dividends as under are now pay­ NOTICE is hereby given that dividends are now payable at able at my office on all accepted proved claims : my office on all proved claims in the under-mentioned estates Bragg, William Barrett, of Baker Street, Russell, fisherman. as at 9 December 1966, Second dividend ·Of 1 ls. fd. in the pound. Atkinson, R. B., of 26 Seymour Road, Herne Bay, agent. MacDonald, David !Raeside, of Whakapirai, Maungaturoto, Second and final dividend of 1td. in the pound. sharemilker. First dividend of 2s. 6}d .. in the pound. August, Thomas (Snr.), 9 Houpara Street, Onehunga, ·McIntosh, Kenneth Andrew, of Kowhai Street, Kaikohe, labourer. First and final dividend of 5s. lld. in the pound. freezing worker. First and final dividend of 20s. in the Clayton, R. K., 14 Lyons Avenue, Murrays Bay, salesman. pound plus interest. Second and final dividend of Std. in the pound. Russell, George William, of Wellsford, farm hand. First Cook, R. P., 28 Masterton Road, Herne Bay, grocer's assist­ dividend of ls. 7d. in the pound. ant. First and final dividend of 20s. in the pound as at L. J. · McCoid and R. M. McCoid, in partnership as Snack 30 November 1966. Bar, of Broadway, Kaikohe, fish-shop proprietors. First Hemi, L. E., ·of 48 Pinches Street, Mount Roskill, licenced dividend of 3s. Std. in the pound. second-hand car dealer. First and final dividend ,of 3fd. D. R. BROWN, Official Assignee. in the pound. Whangarei. Lane, D. A., of 73 Parnell Road, Parnell, motor vehicle dealer and hairdresser. Supplementary dividend of 8td. in the pound. Leeder, A. W., of 207 Riverside Avenue, Panmure, motor mechanic. First and final dividend of 6s. 11 }d. in the In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court pound., McCrae, B. R., of 63 Norfolk Street, Ponsonby, radio sales­ LESLIE WILLIAM MACCLURE, care of Mount Eden ,Prison, man. Supplementary dividend of 2s. Std. in the pound. Auckland, formerly ·of 14 Alison Avenue, Devonport, work­ Nathan, P., of 11 Richards Road, Mangere, driver. First and man, was adjudged bankrupt on 7 December 1966. Creditors' final dividend orf ls. 9td. in the pound. meeting will be held at my office on Tuesday, 20 December Trubuhovich, I., of 1981 Great North Road, Avondale, dry 1966, at 10.30 a.m. cleaner. First and final dividend of 20s. in the pound. E. C. CAR:PENTER, Official Assignee. Van Der Hulst, A. M. G., of 17 Corbett Scott Avenue, Epsom, driver. Second and final dividend of 2s. 6td. in Fourth Floor, Dilworth Building, Customs Street East, the pound. Auckland C. 1. E. C. CARPENTER, Official Assignee. Fourth Floor, Dilworth Building, Customs Street East, Auckland C. 1. In. Bankruptcy-Supreme Court In Bankruptcy---Supreme Court NEVILLE NEWTON LOWE, of 12 Malone Road, Mount Welling­ ---I ton, motor trimmer, was adjudged bankrupt on 7 December PATRICK STANLEY O'CONNOR, orf Tauranga Road, Waihi, 1966. Creditors' meeting will be held at my office on Monday, factory worker, was adjudged bankrupt on 8 December 1966. 19 December 1966, at 2.15 p.m. Creditors' meeting will be held at the Courthouse, Waihi, on E. C. CARPENTER, Official Assignee. Friday, 16 December 1966, at 10.30 a.m. Fourth Floor, Dilworth ,Building, Customs Street East, E. C. CARPENTER, Official Assignee. Auckland C. 1., Fourth Floor, Dilworth Buildings, Customs Street East, Auckland C. 1.

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court

ARTHUR HENRY BACKHOUSE..:SMITH, of H O'Brien Road, LESLIE WILLIAM SUTHERLAND, formerly of Glen Massey, wool HenderS'on, Auckland, contractor, was adjudged bankrupt on broker, but now of Seafield View Road, Auckland, was 7 December 1966. Creditors' meeting will be held at my office adjudged bankrupt on 9 December 1966. Creditors' meeting on Monday, 19 December 1966, at 10.30 a.m. will be held at the Courthouse, Hamilton, on Thursday, 22 E. C. CARPENTER, Official Assignee. December 1966, at 11 am. Fourth Floor, Dilworth 1Building, Customs Street East, H. G. WHYTE, Official Assignee. Auckland C. 1. Hamilton. 2096 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 78

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES WAH WONG, of 55 Princes Street, Putaruru, shop mana·ger, formerly of Te Aroha, electrical contractor, wets adjudged bankrupt on 9 December 1966. Creditors' meeting will be EVIDENCE of the loss of cer:tificate ,of title, Volume 954, held at :the Courthouse, Hamilton, on Wednesday, 21 folio 231 (North .Auckland Registry), containing 32 perches, more or less, being Lot 11, Deposited Plan 35138, Town of December 1966, at 11 a.m. Taurikura Extension No. U, and being part of Allotment 15, H. G. WHY1E, Official Assignee. Parish 0£ Manaia, in the name 0£ Edward James Ramsey, of Hamilton. Whangarei, carpenter, having been lodged with me, together with an application (A. 190585) for the issue of a new cer:tificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate of title on the expiration orf 14 days from the date of the Niew Zealand Supreme Court-Bankruptcy Gazette containing this notice. -'~ Dated ait the Land Registry Office at .Auckland this 9th day NOTICE is hereby given that a second and final dividend of of December 1966. 19s. 9td. in the pound, plus interest, is now payable in my office on all accepted claims in the estate of Thomas Gillan L. H. McCLELLAND, District Land Registrar. Merrie, of Wanganui, cabinet-maker. E. D. CHURCHER, Official Assignee. Wanganui. EVIDENCE df the loss ,of certificate of title, Volume 7D, folio 235 (North Auckland Registry), containing 1 acre 3 roods 27 perches, more or less, being parts Allotments 63 and 64, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Pukekohe, parts being described as Lot 4 and part Lots 2, 3, 5, and 6, Deposited Plan 10022, part Lots 4 and 5, Deposited Plan 21375, and In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court Lot 1, Deposited Plan 55155, in the name of the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the Borough ,of Pukekohe, having IMRIE SIGAR, of 5 Elliott Street, Palmerston North, city council been lodged with me, together with an application (A. 189625) employee, was adjudged bankrupt on 6 December 1966. for the issue of a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice, Creditors' meeting will be held at the Courthouse, Palmerston is hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate North, on Tuesday, 20 December 1966, at 10.30 a.m. of title on the expiration of 14 days from the date of the O. T. GRATIAN, Official Assignee. New Zealand Gazette containing this notice. Palmerston North. Dated at the Land Registry Office at Auckland this 7th day of December 1966. L. H. McCLELLAND, District Land Registrar.

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court L...+---, EVIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Volume le, folio SYDNEY GFORGE HALL, care of Department of Industries and 1,149 (Nor:th Auckland Registry), containing 1 rood, more or Commerce, Wellington, clerk (previously a buyer), was less, being Lot 2, Deposited Plan 46018, and being part adjudged bankrupt on 7 December 1966. Creditors' meeting Allotment 69, Parish of Pakuranga, in the name of John will be held at 57 Ballance Street, Wellington, on Tuesday, Stuart Cameron, of Auckland, fitter welder, and Isabel 20 December 1966, at 11 a.m. Camero!l, his wiife, having been lodged with me, together with an application (A. 190156) for the issue ·of a new E. A. GOULD, Official Assignee. certificate ·of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of Wellington, 8 December 1966. my intention to issue such new certificate of title on the expiration of 14 days from the date of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice. · · Dated at the Land Registry Office at Auckland this 9th day of December 1966. In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court L. H. McCLELLAND, District Land Registrar. JoHN RICHARD SHELDON, of 60 Eureka Street, Christchurch, rubber worker, was adjudged bankrupt on 6 December 1966. Creditors' meeting will be held at my office, Provincial NOTICE is hereby given that an application for the issue of Council Chambers, Armagh Street, Christchurch, on Friday, J 6 certificate of title pursuant to section 3 of the Land Transfor December 1966, at 2.15 p.m. Amendment Act 1963 having been made, for the parcel of T. A. R WITHERS, Official Assignee. land described hereunder, such certificate of title will issue Chdstchurch. unless caveat is lodged forbidding the same on or before the expiration .of six months f11om the date of the Gazette containing this notice. · Application 36727 by Cecil Horace Poulgrain, solicitor and Amy Dorothy Johnstone, widow, both of Thames, as In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court tenants in common in the shares of two thirds and one third respectively for that parcel of land containing 3 acres ARTHUR CHARLES NEVILLE, of 12 McLean Street, Ashburton, 1 rood 21.8 perches more or less, being part Whakau Number labourer, was adjudged bankrupt on 9 December 1966. 1693 Block, and being more particularly shown as Lot 1 on Credi,tors' meeting will be held at the Courthouse, Ashburton, Plan S. 10888, lodged for deposit in the South Auckland on Tuesday, 20 December 1966, at 10.30 a.m. Registry and being part of the land in . certificate of title, Volume 17, folio 55, South .Auckland Registry. T. A. F. WITHERS, Official Assignee. Christchurch. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Hamilton, this 6th day of December 1966. W. B. GREIG, District Land Registrar.

In Bcuikruptcy-Supreme Court EVIDENCE having been furnished to me of the loss 01f out­ standing duplicate of mortgage 499763 from E. G. A. Rippin RAYMOND CHRISTIE EARL COSTER, of 63 Eureka Stre~t, and K. M. Rippin to John Cyril R1oy Spelman, of Taita, Wainoni, Christchurch, labourer, was adjudged bankrupt on hotelkeeper, affecting 12.10 perches being part of Lot 18 on 12 December 1966. Creditors' meeting will be held at my Deposited Plan 150 and part Sections 164 and 166, City of office, Provincial Council Chambern, Armagh Street, Christ­ Wellington, and being all ithe }and comprised in certificate church, on Monday, 19 December 1966, at 11 a.m. otf title Volume 93, foli'O 80 ('Wellington Registry), and application 691693 having been made to me to issue a T. A. F. 1WITHERS, Official Assignee. Christchurch. duplicate mortgage in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such duplicate mortgage ion the expiration of 14 days tfrom the date of the Gazette containing this notice. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Wellington, this 6th day of December 1966. R. F. HANNAN, District Land Registrar. In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court ERROL LAWRENCE DOUGLAS HOUGHTON, of 157 Dundas Street, Dunedin, bus driver, was adjudged bankrupt on 5 December EVIDENCE having been furnished to me of the loss otf out­ 1966. Creditors' meeting will be held at the Courthouse, standing duplicate orf lease 24787 from W. 0. · Young to John Stuart Street, Dunedin, on Monday, 19 December 1966, at Oarville Y'Oung, of Palmerston North, seed mercharnt and 11 a.m. Emma Harriet Young, his wife, affecting 1 rood 39.82 perches W. R. RIGG, Official Assignee. and being Lots 9 and 10 on Deposited Plan No. 10561 in the Dunedin. 'fown of Palmerston North and being all the land comprised 15 DECEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 2097

in certificates of title, Volume 437, folios 165 and 166 ADVERTISEMENTS (Wellington Registry), and applicafon 690710 having been made to me to issue a duplicate lease in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such duplicate lease on the expiration ioif '14 days from the date of the Gazette containing THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (3) this notice. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Wellington this 6th day NOTICE is hereby given that, at the expiration of three months of December 1966. from this date, the names of the under-mentioned companies R. F. HANNAN, District Land Registrar. will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies be dissolved: L. J. Smith and Co. Ltd. A. 1935/185. Hillcrest Convalescent Homes Ltd. A. 1949/107. Kelston Properties Ltd. A. 1955/62. EVIDENCE having been furnished to me of the loss of out­ Ces Bone Ltd. A. 1955/511. standing duplicarte 0£ certificate of title, Volume El, folio 1166 T. Board Ltd. A. 1956/511. (Wellington Registry), in the name of Master Builders (Levin) Fresh Fruits Ltd. A. 1956/1404. Ltd., for 2 roods 6.5 perches, being part Sections 40 and 41, Pointavona Products Ltd. A. 1958/1228. Levin Suburban, being also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on E. Raphael Ltd. A. 1960/549. Deposited Plan 27228, in the Borough Oi£ Levin, and applica­ Harts Foodmarket Ltd. A. 1961 /747. tion 689843 having been made to me to issue a provisional Frederick Craig and Co. Ltd. A. 1960/76. certificate of tirtle in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of Kaikohe Restaurant Ltd. A. 1962/411. my intention to issue such provisional certificate of title on Burretts Milk Bars Ltd. A. 1962/1002. the expiration of 14 days from the date of the Gazette Kings Dairy Ltd. A. 1964/368. containing this notice. John Daley Television Sales Ltd. A. 1964/641. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Wellington, this 9th Sunrise Lunch Bar Ltd. A. 1964/1211. day of December 1966. Hargreaves Agencies Ltd. A. 1964/1242. R. F. HANNAN, District Land Registrar. Given under my hand at Auckland this 1st day of December 1966. F. P. EVANS, Assis,tant Registrar of Companies.

EVIDENCE having been furnished to me of the loss of out­ standing duplicates of certificates of title, Volume 157, folio THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (3) 29, and Volume 157, folio 30 (Wellington Registry), in the name 0£ James George Poynter, of Devonport, retired post­ NOTICE is hereby given that, at the expiration of three months master, but now deceased, for 2 roods, being sections 5 and 6, from this date, the names of the under-mentioned companies Block III oif the Town of Waiouru, and application 689496 will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the having been made to me to issue a new certificate of title Register and the companies be dissolved: in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice 10:f my intention to issue such new certificate o:f title on the expiration of 14 days from Sheffield Silversmiths Ltd. A. 19,35 / 32. the date of the Gazette ,containing this notice. D. 'Benjamin Ltd. A. 1943/89. Elite Furs Ltd. A. 1947 /16. Dated art the Land Registry Office, Wellington, this 9th The Thrift Store Ltd. A. 1947 /67. day ,of December 1966. North Shore Group 1Builders Ltd. A. 1957 /1205. R. F. HANNAN, District Land Registrar. Brandon Industries Ltd. A. 1959 / 1025. Sheffield's Corner Ltd. A. 1960/174. Pukekohe Mart Ltd. A. 1960/331. Moderncraft Manufacturing Ltd. A. 1960/521. Estate Consultants Ltd. A. 1964/166. EVIDENCE having been furnished to me of the loss of out­ Towne Houses Ltd. A. 1964/823. standing duplicate o£ certificate of title, Volume 257, folio Worldwide Markets Ltd. A. 1963/1144. 158 (Wellington Registry), in the name Oif Gertrude Isabel C. and A. Harris Ltd. A. 1964/1317. Phillips, of Palmerston North, married woman (now widow), Angus Trading Co. Ltd. A. 1965/378. for 26.34 _perches, being part Section 293, Town of Palmerston Albany 'Developments Ltd. A. 1965/663. North, and being also Lot 28 on Deposited Plan 2626, and Hunwick Industries Ltd. A. 1964/794. application 688886 having been made to me to issue a new New Zealand Combing Development Ltd. A. 1966/817. certificate of title in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of Eggmaster Packaging (New Zealand) Ltd. A. 1966/1342. my intention to issue such new certificate of title on the Reliable Joinery Ltd. A. 1960/602. expiration of 14 days from the date 0£ the Gazette containing Given under my hand this 8th day of December 1966. this notice. F. P. EVANS, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Wellington, this 9th day of December 1966. R. F. HANNAN, District Land Registrar. THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (6)

NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-mentioned EVIDENCE having been furnished to me of the loss of out­ companies have been struck .off the Register and the companies standing duplicate of certificate of title, Volume C 2, folio dissolved: 265 {1Wellington Registry), in the name of the Royal New Homestead Bakeries Ltd. A. 1935/247. Zealand Society for the Health of Women and Children North Shore Finance Co. Ltd. A. 1952/17. (Taihape Branch) Incorporated, for 36.73 perches, being Beetle-Elliott (New Zealand) Ltd. A. 1952/656. part Section 127 of Block XIV, Ohinewairua Survey District, Keynote College of Music Ltd. A. 1954/586. and being also Lot 1 on Deposited Plan No. 25243, and Northland Holdings Ltd. A. 1955/774. application 692856 having been made to me to issue a Dresswell (Whangarei) Ltd. A. 1.957 /1339. provisional certificate of title in lieu thereof, I hereby give H. B. and L. J. Matthews Ltd. A. 1961/148. notice of my intention to issue such provisional certificate of Bellbird Dairies Ltd. A. 1961 /680. title on the expiration of 14 days from the date of the Gazette John Summerville Ltd. A. 1962/779. containing this notice. Beach Dairy Ltd. A. 1962/853. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Wellington, this 9th Radd-Mayfair Ltd. A. 1962/1571. day of December 1966. Confidential Detectives Ltd. A. 1963/818. R. F. HANNAN, District Land Registrar. Given under my hand at Auckland this 1st day of December 1966. F. P. BVANS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

EVIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of the outstanding duplicate of certificate of title, Volume 394, folio 178 (Otago THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (6) Registry), in the name of Jim Learn Yee, for 18 perches, more or less, being Lot 1, Deposited Plan 8849, and being part Sections 49 and 50, Block XI, Town of Dunedin, and NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-mentioned application 308561 having been made to me to issue a new companies have been struck off the Register and the companies certificate of title in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice ·of dissolved: my intention ,to issue such new certificate 0£ title on the William Rodwell Ltd. A. 1961 / 1164. expiry of 14 days rfrom the date of the Gazette containing Graham and Frances Simpson Ltd. A. 1963 /95. this notice. L. C. and S. V. Shore Ltd. A. 1963/1345. Dated this 8th day of December 1966 at the Land Registry Given under my hand at Auckland this 8th day of December Office,


NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration ,otf three months NOTICE is hereby given that "R. F. Bellerby Limited" has from this date the names ,of the under-ment1oned companies changed its name to "Rambler Motels Limited", and that the will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be sitruck off the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies Register and the companies will be dissolved: in place of the former name. , Elizabeth Horne (Napier) Ltd. H.R 1933/34. Dated at Hamilton this 15th day of August 1966. Collins and McMillan Ltd. H.B. 1958/5. J. M. GLAMUZINA, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Sunningdale (H.B.) Ltd. H.B. '1958/121. 2715 Given under my hand at Napier this 7th day of December 1966. M. A. SWRM, District Registrar of Companies. CHANGE OF NAME OF OOMPANY

NOTICE is hereby given that "Roberts Concrete (Ranghikei) Limited" has changed its name to "Roberts Concrete (Roto­ THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (3) rua) Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. Nonci; is hereby given that, at the expiration of three months Dated at Hamilton this 2nd day of December 1966. from this date, the name of the under-mentioned company J.M. GLAMUZINA, Assistant Registrar of Companies. will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the 2716 Register and the company will be dissolved: Stewart Farms Ltd. H.B. 1959 / 124. Given under my hand at Napier this 8th day of December CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY 1966. M. A. STURM, District Registrar of Companies. NOTICE is hereby given that "G. T. A. McClelland Optician Limited" has changed its name to "McClelland (Opticians) Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register otf Companies in place of the former name. CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY Dated at Hamilton this 6th day of December 1966. J.M. GLAMUZINA, Assistant Registrar of Companies. NOTICE is hereby given that "Action Advertising Agency 2717 Limited" has changed its name to "Action Agency Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register otf Oompanies in place of the former name. CHANGE OF NkME OF OOMPANY Dated at Auckland this 30th day of November 1966. D. L. BALL, Assistant Registrar 1of Companies. NOTICE is hereby given that "Friar Holdings Limited" (P.B. 2726 1961 /25) has changed its name to "Walton Stores (1966) Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register in place otf the former name. Dated at Gisborne this 28th day Oi.f November 1966. CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY 1B. C. McLAY, District Registrar .otf Companies. 2693 NOTICE is hereby given that "James Magnesite Flooring Co. Limited" has changed its name to "Alphenite Flooring CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Oompanies in place of the former name. Dated at Auckland this 1st day of December 1966. NOTICE is hereby given that "Stokes Valley Fish Supply (1966) Limited" has changed its name to "Avalon Fish Supply n. L. BALL, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Limited" and that the new name was this day entered on 2727 my Register of Companies in place of the former name. No. W.1966/855 .. Dated at Wellington this 1st day of December 1966. I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies. CHANGE OF NAME OF OOMPANY 2718 ------+;- NOTICE is hereby given .fhat "Auckland Water Transport (1964) Company Limited" has changed its name to CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY "Dillingham Transportation (N.Z.) Limited", and that the new name was this day entered ,on my Register of Oompanies NOTICE is hereby given that "Warburton-Golder Limited" has in place of the former name. changed its name to "Warburton-Holdings Limited", and that Dated at Auckland this ht day of December 1966. the new name was this day entered on my Register of D. L. BALL, Assistant Registmr of Companies. Companies in place of ,the former name. No. W. 1961/705. 2728 Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 1966. I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies. 2720


NOTICE is hereby given that "Devonport Cartage and Supply NOTICE is hereby given that "Powells' Refrigeration & Appli­ Company Limited" has changed its name 1to "North City ance Services Limited" has changed its name to "The Home Motors Limited", and that the new name was this day entered Appliance & Refrigeration Company (Wellington) Limited", on my Register of Companies in p1ace of the former name. and that the new name was this day entered on my Register Dated at Auckland this 2nd day of December 1966. of Companies in place of the former name. No. W. 1961 /235. D. L. BALL, Assistant Regisitrar olf Oompanies. Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 1966. 2729 I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar orf Companies. 2721

CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY '--,---+ NOTICE is hereby given that "Gamlen (N.Z.) Limited" has NOTICE is hereby given that "Ardmore Farming Company changed its name to "Gamlen Chemical Company (N.Z.) Limited" has changed its name to "Hillpark Stationery Limited", and that ,the new name was this day entered on my Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. No. Register of Companies in place of rthe former name. w. 1958/492. Dated at Auckland this 2nd day of December 1966. Dated at Wellington this 5th day of December 1966. D. L. BALL, Assistant Registrar iolf Companies. I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar Olf Companies. 2730 2722 15 DECEMBER Tiffi .NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 2099


NOTICE is hereby given that "Rust Craft (N.Z.) Limited" has IN LIQUIDATION changed its name to "Warburton-Golder (1966) Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. No. W. 1955/322. Notice of Voluntary Winding-up Resolution Dated at Wellington t'his 6th day of December 1966. PURSUANT to section 269 of the Oompanies Act 1955, notice I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies. is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of 2723 · the coffitI)any duly convened and held on the 25th day of November 1966, the following special res'Olution was duly passed: CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY "That the company go into voluntary liquidation." Dated 7 December 1966. P. D. CORSBIE, Liquidator. NOTICE is hereby given that "E. A. Barry Limited" has 2696 changed its name to Jensen & Hawkins Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place .of the former name. No.. W. 1954/342. Dated at Wellington this 5th day of December 1966. KERIKBRI DEVELOPMENTS LTD. I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies. 2724 IN LIQUIDATION

CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and 1orf Kerikeri NOTICE is hereby given that "South Wellington Pictures and Developments Ltd. (in liquidation) , the liquidator oif Kerikeri Investment Company Limited" has changed its name to Developments Ltd. which is being wound up voluntarily doth "Heretaunga Properties Limited", and that the new name hereby fix the 20th day df December 1966, as the day on or was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place before which the creditors of the company are to prove their of the former name. No. W. 1916/14. debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority under section 308 of the Act or to ·be excluded from Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 1966. the benefit 'Of any distribution made before such debts are I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies. proved or as the case may be, objecting ito such 2725 distribution. P. n. CORSBIB, Liquidator. Hargrave, Corsbie, and Colson, ,Public Accountants, CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY 5 Rathbone Street, Whangarei (Box 153). 2697 NOTICE is hereby given that "John Stone Limited" has changed its name to "Dick Kellett Karsales IJimited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. No. W. 1962/208. SEABREEZE (MOUNT MAUNGANUI) LTD. · Dated at Wellington this 7th day of December 1966. , I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies. IN LIQUIDATION 2742 Notice of Final Meeting of Creditors IN the matter orf the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter NOUVELLE KNITWEA:R LTD. of Seabreeze (Mount Maunganui) Ltd. (in Hquidation), notice is hereby given, pursuant .to section 290 (1) of the Companies Act 1955, that the final meeting ·of creditors of Seabreeze IN LIQUIDATION (Mount Maunganui) Ltd. (in liquidation) will be held at the office of the liquidator, Hickey and Simpson, Public Account­ Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims ants, Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui, on Monday, 19 IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter December 1966, at 2.30 p.m., for the purpose of laying before orf NouveUe Knitwear Ltd. (in liquidation), notice is hereby the meeting an account of the conducting of the liquidation. given that t'he undersigned, the liquidator of Nouvelle Knit­ C. L. HICKEY, Liquidator. wear Ltd., which is being wound up voluntarily, does hereby P.O. ,Box 39, Mount Maunganui, 8 December 1966. fix 31 January 1967 as the day on or before which the 2705 creditors orf the company are to p11ove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority under section 308 of the Companies Act 1955 or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made ·before the debts are PORTSIDE GARAGE LTD. proved or, as the case may be, !from objecting to the distribu­ Hon., Dated this 6th day of December 1966. IN LIQUIDATION J. P. BISSETT, Liquidator. Address of Liquidator: Rexall Hous·e, corner Albert Street Notice of Final Meeting of Creditors and Customs Street W., Auckland C. 1. IN the matter olf the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter 2686 of Portside Garage Ltd. (in liquidation), notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 290 (1) of the Companies Act 1955, that the final meeting of creditors of Portside Garage Ltd. (in liquidation) will be held at the office of the liquidator, MI,LLKNIT nIS11RIBUTORS LTD. Hickey and Simpson, Public Accountants, Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui, on Monday, 19 'December 1966, at 4 p.m., for the purpose of laying before the meeting an account of IN LIQUIDATION the conducting of the liquidation. C. L. HICKEY, Liquidartor. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims P.O. ,Box 39, Mount Maunganui, 8 'December 1966. IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter 2706 ·of Millknit Distributors Ltd., (in liquidation), notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the liquidator of Millknit Distributors Ltd., whfch is being wound up voluntarily, does hereby fix 31 January 1967 as the day on or before which the MT. EDEN PAINTS AND WALLPAPERS LTD. creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may •have •to priority under section 308 od' the Companies •Act 1955 or to be excluded IN LIQUIDATION If rom the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are p110ved or, as the ·case .may be, from objecting to the distribution. Notice of Meeting Dated this 6th day of December 1966. NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 290 od' the Companies Act 1955, that a meeting of the creditors and J. P. BISSETT, Liquidator. members of Mt. Eden Paints and Wallpapers Ltd. (in liquida­ Address of Liquidator: Rexall House, •corner Albert Street tion) will be held in Room 314, Third Floor, T. and G. and Customs Street W., Auckland C. 1. Building, Wellesley Street West, Auckland C. 1., on Monday, 2687 19 December 1966, at 3.30 p.m. D 2100 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 78

Business: offices of Messrs Brayburn Ross and Partners, Public Presentation of liquidator's receipts and payments account Accountants, Bridge Street, Tokoroa, on Friday the 16th and report. day of December 1966, at 2 p.m. General., Business: Dated this 9th day of December 1966. Consideration orf a statement of the position of the K. S. ORAWSHA W, Liquidator. company's affairs and list of creditors, etc. Nomination of liquidator. Appointment of committee of inspection if thought fit. 2695 WESTMORELAND BOX CO. LTD.


Notice orf Meeting IN LIQUIDATION NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section 290 of the Companies Act 1955, that a meeting of the creditors and Notice oif Me,eting of Creditors members of Westmoreland Box Co. Ltd. (in liquidation) will be held in Room 314, Third Floor, T. and G. Building, IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter Wellesley Street West, Auckland C. 1., on Tuesday, 20 of Independent Distributors Ltd., notice is hereby given that December 1966, at 2.15 p.m. by an entry in its minute book, signed in accordance with section 362 (1) of the Companies Act 1955, the above-named Business: company on the 5th day of December 1966, passed a resolution Presentation of liquidator's receipts and payments account for voluntary winding up, and that a meeting of the creditors and report., of the above-named company will be accordingly held in the General. Board Room (3rd Floor), Allan McLean Building, 208 Dated this 9th day of December 1966. OJQford Terrace, Christchurch, on Thursday, 15 December 1966, at 2.15 p.m., K. S. CRAWSHAW, Liquidator. 2734 Business: 1. Consideration orf a statement ,of the position of the company's affairs and list orf creditors. 2. Nomination of liquidator. VERNOR CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. 3. Appointment of committee of inspection if thought fit. ·G. 'F. EMMS, Director. IN LIQUIDATION 2691

Notice orf Meeting NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of :section 290 of the ATHOL N. ROSE cm. Companies Act 1955, that a meeting of the creditors and members Olf Vernor Construction Co. Ltd. (in liquidation) IN LIQUIDATION will be held in Room 314, Third Floor, T. and G. Building, Wellesley Street West, Auckland C. 1., on Tuesday, 20 December 1966, at 3 p.m. Notice of Final Winding-up Meeting Business: NOTICE is hereby given that the final winding-up meeting of Presentation of liquidator's receipts and payments account Athol N. \RJose Ltd. (in liquidation) for the purpose o;f and report. receiving the liquidator's statement o:f accounts will be held General. on Friday the 23rd day df December 11966, at 9.30 a.m. at the Dated this 9th day of December 1966. office orf Clark and Murdoch, Public Accountants, 267 Great SoUJth ,R,oa;d, Otahuhu. K. S. CRAWSHAW, Liquidator. 2735 Dated at Otahuhu, this 2nd day of December 1966. F. R. CLARK, Liquidator. 2690 YORK BEAUTY SALON LTD. BEACH ROAD PRINTERS LID. IN LIQUIDATION

IN LIQUIDATION Notice of Mee1ting of Cred.z'tors IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter Name of Company: Beach Road Printers Ltd. (in liquidation). o:f York Beauty Salon Ltd.. (in liquidation), notice is hereby Registered Office: 58 Mount Roskill Road, Mount R:oskill, given that by an entry in its minute book, signed in accordance Auckland.. with section 362 (1) olf the Companies Act 1955, the above­ named ,company ion the 30th day of November 1966 passed a First Dividend: 10s. in rthe £1. resolution for voluntary winding up and that a meeting of Payable: 9 December 1966. the creditors of the above-named company will accordingly ALEX. B. 'DIXON, Liquidator. be held in Room 10, Chamber of Commerce, 2 Courthouse 2704 Lane, Auckland, on Friday, 9 December 1966, at 2 p.m. Business: Consideration of a statement orf the position of the com- G. E. KiEYS AND SONS LTD. pany's affairs and list of creditors, etc. Nomination of liquidator. IN LIQUIDATION Appointment orf ,committee ·of inspection if thought fit. Uated this 30th day of November 1966. Notice or Meeting of Creditors and Contributories By order orf the directors : J. H. W. DAVIS, Director. A meeting of creditors and contributories of G. E. Keys and 2688 Sons Ltd. (in liquidation), will be held at the offices ,off Payne and Stubbs, on 22 December 1966, at 1.30 p.m. J. G. 0. STUBBS, Liquidafor. 2692 MARSHALLS BUTCHERY LTD.


Notice of Meeting of Cr.editors IN LIQUIDATION IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter of Marshalls Butchery Ltd., notice is hereby given that by Notice of Release of Liquidator an entry in its minute book, signed in accordance with section 362 (1) of the Companies Act 1955, the above-named company Name or Company: Kawhia Stores (1961) Ltd. (in liquida-.. on the 6th day oif December 1966, passed a resolution for tion). voluntary winding up and that a meeting of the creditors Address of Registered Office: Office of Official Assignee, of the above-named company will accordingly be held at the Supreme Court, Hamilton. 15 DECEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2101

Registry o1 Supreme Court: Hamilton. WES11LAND CONSTRUCTION 00. LTD. Number of Matter: GR. 4423. Liquidator's Name: H. G. Whyte. IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Liquidator's Address: Courthouse, Hamilton. Date of Release: 25 November 1966. Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders 2741 IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the maHer of Westland Construction Co. Ltd. (in voluntary liquidation), notice is hereby given that a general meeting of shareholders SACK AND CASE 00-0P. (NEW ZEALAND) LTD. in the above-named company will be held in ,the office of the liquidator, 29 •Albert Street, Greymouth, at 10 a.m. on Thurs­ day, 29 December 1966, for the purpose of receiving an IN LIQUIDATION account of the winding up. Dated this 6th day of December 1966. Notice to Cr-editors to Prove Debts or Claims LYALL R. H. BUNT, Liquidator. 2694 IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter of Sack and Case Co-op. (New Zealand) Ltd. (in liquidation), notice is hereby given that the under signed, the liquidator of Sack and Case Co-op. (New Zealand) Ltd., which is being wound up voluntarily, does hereby fix the 16th day of January 1967 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims, and to G. WHITAKER AND CO. (NEW ZEALAND) LTD. establish any title they may have to priority under section 308 ,of the Companies Act 1955, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. Dated this 6th day of December 1966. Notice of Resolution for Voluntary Winding Up A. G. HALL, Liquidator. IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter Address of Liquidator: Care of Martin, Jarvie, Underwood, of G. Whitaker and Co. (New Zealand) Ltd. notice is hereby and Hall, Public Accountants, P.O. Box 1208, Wellington. given that, at an extraordinary general meeting of the above­ 2707 named company, held on the 12th day of December 1966, the following special resolution was passed by the company, namely: APEX ·BUILDERS LTD. That the company, having ceased business, be wound up voluntarily; and that Graham William Valentine, public accountant, Wellington, be appointed liquidator. IN LIQUIDATION Dated this 12th day of December 1966. G. W. VALENTINE, Liquidator. Notic.e of Meeting of Creditors 2743 IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter of Apex Builders Ltd. (in liquidation), notice is hereby given that, by an entry in its minute book, signed in accordance with section 362 (1) of the Companies Act 1955, the above­ named company, on the 13th day of December 1966, passed a resolution for voluntary winding up; and that a meeting of the creditors of the above-named company will accordingly RELIANCE BUILDERS LTD. be held at Room 314, Third Floor, T. and G. Building, Wellesley Street West, Auckland C. 1., on Thursday, the 22nd day of December 1966, at 11 a.m. IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Business: 1. Consideration of a statement of the position of the Notice of Meeting of Creditors in a Creditors' Voluntary company's affairs and list of creditors, etc.; Winding Up 2. Appointment oif liquidator; and IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955 and in the matter of Reliance Builders Ltd., notice is hereby given that, by 3. Appointment of committee of inspection, if thought fit. an entry in its minute book, signed in accordance with section Dated this 14th day of December 1966. 362 (1) of the Companies Act 1955, the above-named com­ I. E. LONERGAN, Secretary. pany, on the 12th day of December 1966, passed a resolution 2747 for voluntary winding up; and that a meeting of the creditors of the above-named company will accordingly be held at the office of .the New Zealand National Creditmen's Association Auckland Ltd., Third Floor, T. and G. Building, Wellesley THE NEW ZEALAND AGRICULTURAL COMPANY Street, Auckland C. 1., on Tuesday, the 20th day of December LTD. 1966, at 11 a.m. Business: IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Consideration of a statement o'f the position of the com- pany's affairs and list of creditors, etc. Nomination of liquidator. Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders Appointment of committee Olf inspection, if thought fit. NOTICE is hereby given that, in accordance with secti'On 281 of the Companies Act 1955, a general meeting of shareholders Dated this 12th day of December 1966. of ithis oompany is called, to be held at the offices ,of Lock, By order of the Directors : M,oore, Spooner, and Co., Public Accountants, 13 Commerce N. W. GASH, Secretary. Stre~t, Auckland, on Monday, 16 January 1967, at 11 a.m., 2744 to receive the accounts iorf the liquidator and a report on the liquidation, and to dissolve the company. R. W. LOCK, Liquidator. 2731



Notice of General A1 eeting of Shareholders NOTICE is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on NOTICE is hereby given that, in accordance with section 281 in New Zealand by Nielson and Maxwell Ltd., a company of the Companies Act 1955, a general meeting of shareholders incorporated in Scotland, is now being carried on by William of this company is called, to be held at the offices of Lock, P. Walker and Son Ltd., Wellington, and Nielson and Maxwell Moore, Spooner, and Oo., Public Accountants, 13 Commerce Ltd. will cease to have a place of business in New Zealand Street, Auckliand, on Monday, 16 January 1967, at 10.45 a.m., upon the expiration of three months from 8 December 1966, tio receive the accounts of the liquidator and a report on the being the da'te of the first publication oE this notice. liquidation, and to disS'olve the company. For and on behalf of Nielson and Maxwell Ltd. R. W. LOCK, Liquidator. WILLIAM P. WALKER AND SON LTD. 2732 2644 2102 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE No. 78

IN THE SUPREME CoURT OF NEW ZEALAND executed is the installation of water-pumping, purification, WESTLAND JUDICIAL DISTRICT and treatment plant, and a plan oif the lands required to be GREYMOUTH REGISTRY taken therefor lies for inspection at ,the Municipal Offices, IN THE iMATTER oif the Companies Act 1955 AND IN THE MATTER Worley Street, Hamilton, where it may be inspected, without of BULLER-WESTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED charge, at any time when such offices are open for the trans­ action ·Of public business. NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up Every person affected who wishes to object to the taking of the above-named Company by the Supreme Court was, on of such lands or the execution of such work ( such objection the 8th day of December 1966 presented to the said Court not being one as to the amount or payment of compensation) by Oswald Henry Jackson, Keith Edward Kibblewhite and shall set forth his objection, in writing, and send the same Jim Parker Kennedy all of Greymouth, Company Directors. to the Town Clerk, Municipal Offices, Worley Street, And that the said Petition is directed to be heard before the Hamilton, within 40 days of the date of first publication Court s1itting at Christchurch ·On the 1st day of February of this notice. 1%7 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon; and any creditor or If any such ·objection is made as aforesaid, a public hearing contributory of the said Company desirous to suppo1it or of the objection will be held, unless the obj,ector otherwise oppose the making of an order on the said Petition may requires, and each objector will be advised of the time appear at the time of hearing in person or by his counsel and place of such :hearing. for that purpose; and a copy of the Petition will be furnished by the undersigned to any creditor or contributory of the SCHEDULE said Company requiring a copy on payment of the regulated LANDS TO BE TAKEN FOR 'WATERWORKS charge for the same. 1. All that piece of land situated in the County of Waipa J. CADENHEAD, Solicitor for the Petitioners. CO!)-taining 14 acres 2 roods 22.6 perches ( more or less) , This Petition is filed by John Cadenhead oif Greymouth, bemg part Allotments 56 and 75, Te Rapa Parish. Solicitor for the Petitioners. The Petitioners' address for 2. All that piece of land situated in the City of Hamilton service is at the offices of Messrs. Joyce, Taylor & Cadenhead, containing 1 acre 2 roods 7.4 perches (more or less), being Solicitors, Guinness Street, Greymouth. part of Allotment 75 of the Parish of Te Rapa. ·Both the said pieces of land are situated in Block II, NoTE~Any person who intends to appear on the hearing Hamilton Survey District, and are parts of the land in of the said Petition either to oppose or support must send certificate of title, Volume 774, folio 5, South Auckland Notice of his intention to the Petitioners or their Solicitors at Registry (limited as to parcels); and both are shown on the above-named address. The Notice must state the name, Survey Office Plan No. 43783, and thereon coloured yellow. address, and description of the person, or, if a firm or company, the name, address, and description of the firm or Dated the 9th day of ,December 1966. Company, and an address for service within three miles of H. T. C. GILLIES, Town Clerk. the office of the Supreme Court at Greymouth and must be This notice was first published on Saturday, the 10th day signed by the person, firm or Company or his or their of December 1966 .. Solicitor (if any), and must be served, or, if posted, must be sent by post in sufficient time to reach the above-named 2709 Petitioners' address for service not later than four o'clock in the afternoon of the 31st day oif January 1967. 2736 WANGANUI COUNTY COUNCIL

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND ELLESMERE COUNTY COUNCIL No:r1cE is hereby give-!!. that the Wanganui County Council, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND acting under the prov1s10ns of the Public Works Act 1928, proposes to execute a certain public work, namely, to take land for a road; and for the purpose ·of such work the land NOTICE is hereby given that the Ellesmere County Council described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken. proposes, under the provisions of the ;public Works Act 1928, Notice is hereby further given that a plan of the land so to execute a ce1tain public work, namely, to erect a fire required for such .public work is deposited in the offices of stati,on, and for the purposes of such public work the land Messrs Armstrong, Ba1iton, Latham, and Hankins, Solicitors, described in the Sdhedule hereto is required to be taken for a i6 Wicksteed Place, Wanganui, and is open for inspection by fire station. all persons during office hours. And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the land All persons affected by the execution oif such public work, so required to be taken is deposited in the public office of the who have any ,objection they may wish to make thereto, County Clerk to the said Council, situated in Leeston, and is must state their objection, in writing, and deliver it to the open for inspection, without foe, by all pers·ons, during Clerk, at the Wanganui County Council, at Wanganui, within ordinary office hours. 40 days fI:om the first publication of this notice. All pefS'ons affected by the execution of the said public SCHEDULE work or by the taking of such land should, ii£ they have any AREA, 1 acre O roods 4.7 perches, be the same a little more object:uon to the execution of the said public work or to the or less, being part Section 72, Left Bank Wanganui River, taking ,of the said land, not being ,objections to the amount or situated in Block II, Ikitara Survey District, and being the payment of compensation, set forth the same, in writing, and balance of the land in deeds index, Volume 5, folio 721 send the written objection, within 40 days of the first publi­ (!Wellington Registry), the said land being more particularly cation oif !this notice, to the County Clerk, at 'his office shown coloured blue on S.O. Plan 26717. aforesaid; and, if any objection is made in accordance with Dated this 9th day of September 1966. this notice, a public hearing ()If the objection will be held, S. L. ORR, County Clerk. unless tihe objector otherwise requires, and each 'Objector will 2740 be advised of the time and place of the hearing. - SCHEDULE ALL that piece oif land ,containing 1 rood situated at Chaucer ROTORUA COUNTY OOUNCIL Street, Rolleston, in the District of Lincoln, being Lot 14, Block I, ion a plan d~posited in the Land Registry Office at Christchur,ch under No. 307, part of 'Rural Section 4603, and NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LANDS FOR THE PURPOSES OF AN 'being all the land comprised and described in certificate of AERODROME title, V!olume 74, folio 97, in the Canterbury District Land Registry. This land is in the name of Lewis Henry Nelson, of Christchurch, Accountant. IN the matter of the Counties Act 1956 and the Public Works W. S. K. DREW, County Clerk. Act 1928, notice is hereby given that the Rotorua County 2739 Council proposes under the provisions of the above-named Acts to ·execute a certain public work, namely, the provision of an aerodrome in the County of Rotorua and for the purposes

SCHEDULE Given under the common seal of the Mayor, Councillors, LANDS to be taken for aerodrome being parts of Whaka­ and Citizens of the Borough of Mount Albert, this 9th day of poungakau Blocks, Block XIV, Rotoiti Survey District, South December 1966. Auckland Land District, Rotorua County: [L.S.] F. G. TURNER, Mayor. Area M. C. ENSOR, Town Clerk. A, R. P. Description of Lands 2719 9 3 7.2 Whakapoungakau 9B 10B 2, shown on ,plan No. M.L. 18556. 1 24.4 Whakapoungakau 9B 2, shown on plan No. M.L. 15222. 6 0 0 Part Whakapoungakau lOB (known as No. 1), POVERTY BAY CATCHMENT BOARD part of lOB, shown on record plan of Block XIV, Rotoiti S.D., lodged in Chief Surveyors office at Hamilton. RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE 2 0 21 Part Whakapoungakau l0B (known as No. 3A), part of 10B, shown on record plan .of Block XIV, Plant Loan 1966, £5,700 Rotoiti S.D., lodged in Chief Surveyors office at Hamilton. PURSUANT to the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, the 3 0 0 .Part Whakapoungakau l0B (known as No. 3B), Poverty Bay Caitchment Board hereby resolves as folLows: part of l0B, shown on record plan of Block XIV, "That, for the purpose of providing the annual charges on Rotoiti S.D., lodged in Chief Surveyors .office at a loan of £5,700, authorised to be raised by the Pove·rty Bay Hamilton. Catchment Boavd under the above-mentioned Act for the 2 3 19 Part Whakapoungakau 10B (known as No. 3c), purpose of purchase o:f motor vehicles, the said Poverty Bay part of 1OB, shown on record plan .of Block XIV, Catchment Board hereby makes a special rate of 0.0045d. Rotoiti S.D., lodged in Chief Surveyors office at (decimal nought nought four five pence) in the pound (£1) Hamilton. upon the rateable capital value of all rateable property within 0 3 24 Part Whakapoungakau l0B (known as No. 4A), the Poverty Bay catchment district; and that the special rate part of 10B, shown on record plan of Block XIV, shall be an annual-recurring rate during the currency of the Rotoiti S.D., lodged in Chief Surveyors office at loan, and be payable yearly, on the 1st day ,of September in Hamilton. each and every year during the currency of the loan, being a 7 0 16 Part Whakapoungakau 10B (known as No. 4B), part of l0B, shown on record plan of Block XIV, period of six years, or until the loan is d'ully paid off." Rotoiti S.D., lodged in Chief Surveyors office at The foregoing re.solution was duly passed ait a meeting of Hamilton. the Poverty Bay Catchment Board, held on 8 December 1966. 0 0 Whakapoungakau 9B 11 shown, on plan No. M.L. T. M. TAfLBOT, Secretary. 15222. 2737 0 0 19.8 Whakapoungakau 9B 12, shown on plan No. M.L. 15222. Dated this 7th day of December 1966. N. W. McCORMICK, County Clerk. 2698 PATEA COUNTY COUNCIL


RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE PURSUANT to the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, the Patea County Council hereby resolves as follows: "That, for the purpose of providing the annual charges on a PURSUANT to the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, the loan of £10,000 authorised to be raised by the Patea County Whangarei City Council, at a meeting held on 7 December Council under the above-mentioned Act for the purpose of 1966, passed the following resolution : advances under the Rural Housing Act 1939, the said Patea "That, for the purpose of providing the annual charges on County Council hereby makes a special rate of 0.025 pence in the loan of £23,900, authorised to be raised by the Whangarei the pound upon the rateable value of all rateable property City Council for the purpose of repaying on maturity those within the said county; and that the special rate shall be an portions of the Sewage Treatment and Sewerage Reticulation annual-recurring rate during the currency .of ,the loan, and Loan 1961, £630,000, and the Kamo Town Council's Sewerage be payable halif-yearly in each and every year during the Loan 1961-£39,000, which matured on 1 December 1966, currency of the loan, being a period of 20 years, or until the the Whangarei City Council doth hereby make a special rate loan is fully paid off." of 0.0315d. in tthe pound upon the rateable value of all J. D. H. WALKER, County Clerk. ratea·ble property in the City 10£ Whangarei; and hereby 2689 resolves .that the special rate shall be an annual-recurring ra:te during the currency of the said loan, being for a period of 20 yeaTs, or until rt:he loan is paid off; and the said Council doth hereby appropriate and pledge the said rate as security for the said loan." Dated at Whangarei this 8th day o:f September 1966. WANGANUI CITY COUNCIL R. C. MAJOR, Town Clerk. 2738! RESOLUTION MAKING AND LEVYING SPECIAL RATE

Cemeteries Loan 1966, of £10,000 MOUNT ALBERT BOROUGH COUNCIL IN pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that behalf by the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956 and the RESOLUTION 'MAKING SPECIAL RATE amendments thereof, the Wanganui City Council hereby resolves as follows: That, for the purpose of providing the interest and CERTIFIED copy of resolution making special rate as security principal repayments on a special loan, to be known as the for the Mount Albert 1966 Roading Redemption Loan of Cemeteries Loan 1966, of £10,000, authorised to be raised £10,900, passed by the Mount Albert Borough Council at a by the Wanganui City Council under the above-mentioned special meeting held on 6 December 1966: Act and its amendments for the purpose of developing new "That, in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in areas to meet the City's future requirements at the cemetery, it in that behalf by the Municipal Corporations Act 1954, the installing a new cremator, staff amenities, cemetery office, Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, and of every other power and public conveniences, the said Wanganui City Council in that behalf enabling it, the Mount Albert Borough Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of 0.023 of a penny hereby resolves as follows: in the pound upon the rateable value ( on the basis of the "That, for the purpose of providing the principal, interest, unimproved value) of all rateable property in the City of and other charges on a loan of £10.900, known as the Roading Wanganui, comprising the whole of the City of Wanganui, Redemption Loan 1966, of £10,900, foT the purpose of the boundaries whereof are defined in the New Zealand repaying on maturity that portion of the Roading Loan 1960, Gazette of the 3rd day of February 1966, No. 5, at page 125; of £100,000, which matured on 27 November 1966, the and that such special rate shall be an annual-recurring rate Mount Albert Borough Council hereby makes and levies a during the currency of such loan, and be payable yearly on the special rate of decimal nought nought nine eight of a penny 1st day ·Of April in each and every year during the currency of (.0098d.) in the pound upon the rateable value, on the the said loan, being a period of 30 years from the date of the basis of capital value, of all ra,teable property in the Borough raising of the said loan, or until such loan is fully paid off, of Mount Albert; and that such special rate shall be an I hereby certify that the above resolution was passed at an annually recurring rate during the currency of such loan, ordinary meeting of the Wanganui City Council held on 12 and shall be payable yearly, on the 31st day in March in December 1966. each and every year during the currency of such loan, being D. F. GLENNY, Town Clerk. a period of 15 years, or until the loan is fully paid off." 2745 2104 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE No. 78



Administratiive Building Extension Loan No.. 2, 1966-----£25,000 PURSUANT to the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, the Lee ($50,000) Rabbit Board hereby resolves as follows: THAT, in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in "That, for the purpose of pr,oviding the annual charges on a that behalf by the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, the loan o'f £3,500, authorised to be raised by the Lee Rabbit Lower Hutt City Council hereby resolves as follows: Board under the above-mentioned Act for Housing Loan 1966, "That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other the said Lee Rabbit Board hereby makes a special rate of charges on a loan of twenty-five thousand pounds (£25,000) 0.517d. per aore on all the ratea:ble area olf the iLee Rabbit ($50,000), authorised to be raised by the Lower Hutt City District; and that the special rate shall be an annual-recurring Oouncil under the above-named Act for the purpose of rate during rthe cunency 1oif the loan, being a period of 20 meeting the additional costs of completing the extension of years, or until the loan is fully paid off." the administrative building in Laings Road, the said Lower Hutt City Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of one 6 December 1966. hundred and twenty-two thousandths of a penny in the pound 2708 ( £) on the rateable value ( on the basis of the annual value) on all the rateable property in the City of Lower Hutt; and that such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and be incorporated in, and added to, the consolidated special rate made pursuant to the provisions of section 108A of the Municipal Corporations Act 1954, and be payable yearly, on or about the 1st day of HELENSVILLE BOROUGH COUNCIL August, in each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of 25 years, or until such time as the loan is paid off." TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1953 I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly passed a:t the meeting of the Lower Hutt City Council held on Public Notification of Helensville Borough District Scheme~ 28 November 1966. Schedule No. 4, Relating to Code Amendment E. C. PERRY, Town Clerk. PUBLIC notice is hereby given that, pursuant to a resolution 28 November 1966. of the Helensville Borough Council made on the 17th day 2746 of October 1966, a change of the district scheme has been recommended !for approval under the Town and Oountry Planning Act 1953. The change relates to subdivisional stand­ ards and building sites. The plan of the change has been deposited in the offices of the Council, Commercial Road, Helensville, in the Helensville Public Library, Commercial Road, Helensville, and in the .office of the Auckland Regional PARNASSUS RABBIT 1BOARD Planning Authority, Textile House, Wyndham Street, Auck­ land C. 1., in accordance with section 22 (1) of that Act, and RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE is there open for inspection, without fee, to all persons inter­ ested therein at any time when the above places are open to the public. PURSUANT to the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, the Objections to the change of the scheme, ,or to any part Parnassus Rabbit Board hereby resolves as follows: thereof, shall be in writing in form E, prescribed in the That, for the purpose of providing the annual charges on First Schedule to the Town and Country Planning Regula­ a loan of two thousand five hundred and fifty pounds (£2,550), tions 1960, and shall be lodged at the office of the Council, authorised to be raised by the Parnassus Rabbit Board under at any time not later than 4 p.m .. on Wednesday, 31 January the above-mentioned Act for the Employees Housing Loan 1967. At a later date every objection will be open for public 1966, the said Parnassus Rabbit Board hereby makes a inspection, and any person who wishes to support or oppose special rate of 0.56528 pence per acre upon the rateable any objection will be entitled to be heard at the hearing of value of all rateable property of ,the Parnassus Rabbit Board objections if he notifies the Town Clerk in writing within the rating area, comprising "All that area in the Counties of period of which public notice will be given. Amuri and Cheviot of the Canterbury Land District, con­ Dated at Helensville this 5th day of December 1966. taining 103,700 acres, more or less, bounded by a line For the Helensville Borough Council: commencing at a point in the centre of the main stream of the Conway River, opposite the Gelt River, in Block 1 E. S. GRAHAM, Town Clerk. of the Hawkswood Survey District; thence proceeding in 2749' a south-westerly direction to, and along, the right bank of the Gelt River aforesaid to the easternmost corner of Lot 3 on Deposited Plan 2884; thence south-westerly generally along the south-east boundary of the said Lot 3 on Deposited Plan 2884,

NEW ZEALAND FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT 1909 Postage: All publications are post or freight free by seoond· class surface mail or surrace freight. Postage or freight is extra when publications are forwarded ADVERTISEMENT OF CANCELLING by first-class surface mail, by air mail, or by air freight. Call, write, or phone your nearest Government Bookshop NOTICE is hereby given that the Deputy Registrar of Friendly for your requirements. Societies has, pursuant to section 70 of the Friendly Societies Act 1909, by writing under his hand dated this 8th day of THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE December 1966, cancelled the registry of Loyal Rangitikei Lodge, No. 7363, of the Wanganui District of the Manchester Subscriptions-The subscription is at the rate of £7 per Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows (New Zealand) calendar year, including postage, payable in advance. Friendly Society (Register No. 312 (10) 5), held at Manga­ Single copies available as issued. weka, on the ground that the said branch has ceased to exist. The price of each Gazette varies and is printed thereon. H. W. FRY, Deputy Registrar. The New Zealand Gazette is published on Thursday 2713 evening of each week, and notices for insertion must be received by the Government Printer b~fore 12 o'clock of the day preceding publication. Advertisements are charged at the rate of ls. per line. NEW ZEALAND FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT 1909 The number of insertions required must be written across the face of the advertisement. ADVERTISEMENT OF CANCELLING All advertisements should be written on one side of the paper, and signatures, etc., should be written in a legible hand. NOTICE is hereby given that the Deputy Registrar of Friendly STATUTORY REGULATIONS Societies has, pursuant to section 70 of foe Friendly Societies Under the Regulations Act 1936, statutory regulations of Act 1909, by writing under his hand dated this 8th day of general legislative force are no longer published in ithe New December 1966, cancelled the registry of Court Queen of Zealand Gazette, but are supplied under any one or more of the Isles, No. 2703, and Court Pride of Rangiora, No. 7759, the following arrangements: of The Canterbury United District of the New Zealand Ancient Order of Foresters' Friendly Society (Register Nos. (1) All regulations serially as issued (punched for filing) 28/18 and 28/16), held at Lyttelton and Rangiora respectively, subscription £3 per calendar year in advance. on the ground that the said branches have ceased to exist. (2) Annual volume (including index) bound in buckram, 50s. per volume. (Volumes for years 1936-37 and H. W. FRY, Deputy Registrar. 1939-42 are out of print.) 2714 (3) Separate regulations as issued. The price of each regulation is printed thereon. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS THE GUARDIAN TRUST AND EXECUTORS CO. OF NEW ZEALAND LTD. INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION IN (Empowered by Special Act of Parliament 1883) NEW ZEALAND By N. S. Wooos Royal 8vo, cloth bound, blocked on spine in gold, coloured DECLARATION jacket, 208 pages, 13 pages of illustrations. Price 21s., pos't free. IN conformity with the above Act, I, Ralph Cato, General Manager Olf The Guardian Trust and Executors Co. of New CARPENTRY IN NEW ZEALAND Zealand Ltd., do solemnly and sincerely declare: A new easy-to-follow book written with the guidance of 1. Tha:t the liability of the members is limited. The capital the New Zealand building industry by men well versed in the of the company is £100,000 fully paid, divided into 20,000 building practice of this country. It contains sections on shares of £5 each. tools, plans, timber construction, concreting, etc. The assets of the company, in its corporate capacity on the An excellent gift for the do-it-yourself handyman. 30th day of June last were £240,400. The liabilities of the company in its corporate capacity on 242 pages, 406 illustrations, strongly bound. Price 35s. that day were nil. The first annual licence was issued on the 10th day of JOINERY IN NEW ZEALAND March 1911. PART I, DOORS 2. That, in the capacity of Trustees and Executors, the 70 pages, illustrated. amount of moneys received on account of estates up to the Price 6s. 6d. 30th day of June last was £143,053,057. PARM ENGINEERING The amount o'f moneys paid on account of estates up to that day was £142,619,278. By A. W. RIDDOLLS The amount of balances held in trust accounts at various A most informative book dealing with levelling drainage, banks on account of estates under administration on that irrigation, water supply, ithe building of woolsheds, loading day was £433,779 .. ramps, haybarns, cowsheds, silos, fences, gates, and other 3. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously farm structures. believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled 422 pages, 235 illustrations. Price 42s. the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957. MECHANICS 'OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE R. CATO. Declared at Auckland this 9th day of December 1966, before (THEORY AND PRACTICE) me, A. J. MARTIN, a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New This copiously illustrated 364-page authoritative hook is Zealand., strongly recommended by the N.Z. Motor Trade Certification fo accordance with the provisions of the Guardian Trust Board. and Executors Co. 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