County Planning Committee Date Tuesday 17 June 2014 Time 2.00
County Planning Committee Date Tuesday 17 June 2014 Time 2.00 pm Venue Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham Business Part A 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Substitute Members 3. Declarations of Interest 4. Minutes of the meeting held on 1 April 2014 (Pages 1 - 16) 5. Applications to be determined a) CMA/4/107 - Land at Field House Farm to the south of Robin Lane, to the south east of West Rainton, north of Low Pittington and west of High Moorsley (Pages 17 - 112) Field House surface mine scheme involving surface mining operations for the winning and working of 514,000 tonnes of coal and up to 83,000 tonnes of fireclay, ancillary site operations with progressive restoration and aftercare to agriculture, broadleaved woodland, hedgerows, water bodies, wetland and low nutrient grassland over a 3 year period. b) CMA/4/112 - Land south west of Station Road, West Rainton (Pages 113 - 158) Residential development of up to 150 dwellings, small scale community hub comprising use classes A1 and/or A2, A3, A4 and A5 of up to 950sq.m. and use class D1 of up to 950 sq.m. with open space, hard and soft landscaping, associated infrastructure and off site highway improvements (outline, all matters reserved except access). c) DM/14/00920/FPA - Wolsingham School and Community College, Leazes Lane, Wolsingham, Durham, DL13 3DN (Pages 159 - 182) Proposed extension to the Wolsingham lower school building, part demolition of existing classroom block to the rear, and associated landscaping. d) DM/14/00761/FPA - The Meadows School, Whitworth Road, Spennymoor (Pages 183 - 200) Erection of school extension, associated external works, and demolition of demountable classrooms.
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