MEMORANDUM May 30, 2008 TO: School Board
MEMORANDUM May 30, 2008 TO: School Board Members FROM: Abelardo Saavedra Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: TITLE I, PART A PARENT INVOLVEMENT REPORT 2006–2007 CONTACT: Carla Stevens, 713-556-6700 Background The Title I, Part A Parent Involvement Program is designed to provide opportunities, training, and information for parents that will help them assume a more meaningful role in improving student achievement, and to increase their effectiveness when participating in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of the Title I, Part A programs. The Houston Independent School District (HISD) Title I, Part A parental involvement participation data were limited to parental involvement participation in the following areas: parent/teacher conferences, parent education, family literacy, parent literacy, parent planning, and parent volunteering. Parents who attended parent/teacher conferences were identified. Parent education participation identified parents who have received services such as GED or ESL instruction. Family literacy participation identified other family members who attended activities that promoted student achievement. Parent literacy participation identified parents who attended activities that promoted student achievement. These activities included: family math, reading, science nights, and parenting-skills workshops. Parent planning identified the participation of parents in the campus planning process. Parent volunteering identified parents who participated in organized parental support in a variety of capacities. For the 2006–2007 school year, parents of 70,167 students participated in the Title I, Parent Involvement program which represented 37.3 percent of all Title I, Part A students enrolled. HISD served a total of 275 Title I, Part A schools during the 2006–2007 school year. Of the schools served, there were eight early childhood centers, 181 elementary, 49 middle, one combined, and 36 high schools.
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