Planning, Design & Access Statement

Darnley Cottage, Henley Street, Luddesdown, , DA13 0XE

September 2017

On behalf of

Mr. and Mrs. Newnes Borough Council



1. Introduction 3

2. Application site and surroundings 3

3. Relevant Planning History 4

4. Development Proposal 4

5. Planning Policy 5

6. Planning Considerations 7

7. Conclusion 10

Gravesham Borough Council


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

1.0 Introduction 1.1 This planning statement has been written on behalf of Mr and Mrs Newnes in support of an application seeking planning permission for the erection of a single storey rear and side extension to the existing double garage to accommodate an additional double garage and garden store room at Darnley Cottage, Henley Street, Luddesdown DA13 0XE.

1.2 In addition to the application form, the following documents are submitted:

▪ Planning, Design and Access Statement

Application plans:

▪ Drawing No. DCG-17-00013-P01 (Site Location and Layout) ▪ Drawing No. DCG-17-00013-P02 (Site Dimensions & Comparison Block Plans) ▪ Drawing No. DCG-17-00013-P03 (Existing & Proposed Plans and Elevations)

1.3 This planning statement is to be read in conjunction with the submitted plans mentioned above.

2.0 Application site and surroundings 2.1 The application site is a triangular corner property situated to the east of the Henley Street and Luddesdown Road junction in Luddesdown, Gravesend and accommodates a 2-storey detached dwelling with a detached double garage, additional forecourt parking space and a large residential garden. The site is bounded by established tall trees and hedging to the south, south-east and to the north and relatively less thicker hedging along the western boundary.

2.2 Both the dwellinghouse and the garage building are not listed, nor does the site lie within a Conservation Area. However, it lies within the Green Belt and Area of OutstandingGravesham Natural Beauty and as such,Borough policies for both Council these designations apply. There are no residential properties immediately neighbouring the application site, however, Brookers Farm which is a Grade II listed building is situated to the south-


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

east of the site on the southern side of Luddesdown Road. The Golden Lion PH is adjacent to Brookers Farm and is situated to the south-west of the application site.

3.0 Relevant Planning History 3.1 The only relevant planning history for the site with regards to the current application is an application permitted in April 1983 for the “Erection of a detached garage.”

4.0 Development Proposal 4.1 The proposal subject of this application seeks to construct a rear and side extension to accommodate an additional double garage and garden store room attached to the existing double garage on site. This L-shaped extension will have a pitched roof and will be constructed of brick to match the existing. A ramp and steps are being proposed to the north-east of the building in order to access the proposed garden store room. No windows are proposed on the south-western elevations.

Gravesham Borough Council

Fig.1 – Proposed Floor Plan


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

Fig.2 – Proposed Elevations

5.0 Planning Policy 5.1 Section 70 of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act and Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, requires that, when making a determination under the Planning Acts, the determination shall be made in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Article 35 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) () Order 2015, requires that, when issuing a decision, councils must also include a statement explaining, whether, and if so how, in dealing with the application, the local planning authority have worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner based on seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to dealing with a planning application. Gravesham Borough Council 5.2 This section sets out the relevant policies of the statutory development plan and refers to any other material considerations that should be taken into account in determining this application. Policies of the adopted Gravesham Local Plan Core Strategy (2014) and saved policies of the Gravesham Local Plan First Review (1994)


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

were taken into consideration in the preparation of this application together with policies of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG).

5.3 National planning policy is enshrined within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) adopted in March 2012 and the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) published in March 2014. The NPPG was published to set out how to implement the strategic vision contained within the NPPF.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (March 2012) 5.4 Issued on 27 March 2012, the overarching principle is contained within Paragraph 14 which states that there is a ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’. The NPPF emphasises that planning applications that accord with the policies in the Council’s Local Plan will be approved without delay, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

5.5 Paragraph 15 goes on that policies in Local Plans should follow this approach so that sustainable development can be approved without delay. Paragraph 17 bullet points 2 and 4 emphasise the need to find ways to enhance and improve places where people live and that this is secured by high quality design and good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings.

5.6 Paragraph 56 says that the Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people. Paragraph 61 states that securing inclusive designs goes beyond aesthetic considerations and that decisions should address the connections between people and places and the integration of new development into the built environment.

5.7 ParagraphGravesham 65 clearly states that LPA’s Borough should not refuse proposals Council that are sustainable even if they are incompatible with the existing townscape. We are satisfied that the proposal meets all these criteria – it is well designed and relates to the plot and its topography.


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

5.8 Paragraph 79 attaches great importance to Green Belts and states that the fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence. Paragraph 87 notes that inappropriate development should not be approved in the Green Belt except in very special circumstances and Paragraph 88 further states that when considering any planning application, local planning authorities should ensure that substantial weight is given to any harm to the Green Belt. ‘Very special circumstances’ will not exist unless the potential harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by other considerations. Although Paragraph 89 states that construction of new buildings should be considered as inappropriate, it also lists exceptions to the same. Bullet point 3 lists “the extension or alteration of a building provided that it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building” as an exception.

Gravesham Local Plan Core Strategy (adopted 2014) 5.9 The following policies have been taken into consideration in the formulation of this application: - Policy CS01: Sustainable Development - Policy CS02: Scale and Distribution of Development - Policy CS12: Green Infrastructure - Policy CS19: Development and Design Principles

Gravesham Local Plan First Review Saved Policies - Policy C13: Extensions to Dwellings in the Countryside

6.0 Planning Considerations 6.1 It is our opinion that the issues in the consideration of this application are character and appearance of the proposal, impact on the Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; impact on the amenity of current occupiers and neighbours; and, impact onGravesham car parking provision. Borough Council


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

Character and Appearance of the Proposal 6.2 The design should be in keeping with the existing building and any development on the site should be designed to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of it. The outbuilding would normally be permitted development but planning permission is only required because it fronts a highway and is in front of the main dwelling. It has been designed to appear as part of the original garage. The materials to be used for the proposals match the existing thereby creating a visual cohesion with the host property and as such will not have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the building. The roof structure follows the pitched roof structure for the existing garage. The materials to be used for the proposal are rural in character and match the existing garage and dwellinghouse thereby creating a visual cohesion with the host property. As such, it will enable easy integration of the proposal with the existing built development. This is in accordance with Paragraph 61 which states that new development should integrate with the existing built development. As such, the proposal is in accordance with Paragraphs 56 and 65 of the NPPF and Policy CS19 of the Gravesham Local Plan Core Strategy.

Impact on the Green Belt and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 6.3 Given that Darnley Cottage lies within the greenbelt, the principle policy considerations are Paragraph 89 of the NPPF and Policy C13 of the Gravesham Local Plan First Review. Policy C13 states that proposals for domestic garages will be considered on their individual merits but will be required to be well designed, discreetly sited and subservient to the scale of the main dwelling on the plot.

6.4 The current proposal has been designed to appear as part of the existing garage. It is in keeping with the existing garage on site in terms of height and proportions. As seen from figures below, the north-western elevation of the existing garage is not overly visible from Henley Street or Luddesdown Road due to the presence of established hedging along its boundaries and which will continue to remain even with the addition of the proposed extension to it. It will not have any significant effect on the character and appearanceGravesham of the host dwelling oBoroughr on the openness ofCouncil the Green Belt and AONB. Therefore, the proposal is not considered to harm the Green Belt setting and is in accordance with national and local policy.


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

Fig.3 – Street view of Henley Street and application site going south

Fig.4 – Street view of Henley Street and application site going north Gravesham Borough Council


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

Fig.5 – Views of application site going west on Luddesdown Road

Impact on the Amenity of Current Occupiers, Neighbours and Car Parking Provision 6.5 The applicants own four cars, two of which are high-end cars which they collect as a hobby and at present they use their forecourt as additional parking space due to lack of space in the garage. The proposed double garage will enable the applicants to securely park 2 additional cars whilst using the forecourt parking for everyday use and thus not cause a detriment to highway safety. As such, the space where the garage is proposed has been lying unused since the time the existing garage was built. The proposal will make adequate use of this neglected space which cannot be used for any other purposes.

6.6 Henley Court and Brookers Farm are the nearest residential properties. There is an approximate distance of 40m between Darnley Cottage’s southern elevation and Brookers Farm which is situated on the southern side of Luddesdown Road. To the north, Henley Croft is situated approximately 90m from Darnley Cottage. As such, amenity of these properties will not be affected and is not a material consideration in this application. Gravesham Borough Council 7.0 Conclusions 7.1 The prospective layout and design is in keeping with the good design principles outlined in the NPPF and would be in keeping with the character of the area and be


Darnley Cottage, Luddesdown DA13 0XE Planning, Design & Access Statement

an enhancement to it. It is a site that fulfils the requirements of the NPPF in supporting a presumption in favour. The proposal would make a positive contribution to the enhancement of the existing built development, living standards of the occupiers and would not be out of character or at odds with the area.

7.2 There would be no adverse impact on the amenities of any nearby residents nor would it have any significant impact on the viability of the rest of the surrounding area. It is our view that the application should be supported and permission for the proposed development be granted.

Written by – Sania Jadhav BSc (Hons) MSc TP Licentiate MRTPI Checked by – James Barron BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI

Gravesham Borough Council