Calling-The-Shots-Index 2.Pdf (Pdf, 205.17
INDEX Note: page references in bold type are to images or captions; those in italics are to note pages. Abdula, Auntie Alice, 177, 194, 196 Briggs, Maxine, 105 Conwillan (Kandwillan), Samuel, Abdula, Bill, 177 Bringing them home report, 26 161, 162, 163 Abdula, Ian, 198 Broughton, Frank, 83 Copia, Jacques Louis Aboriginal and Torres Strait Brown, Daisy, 190 Homme du Cap de Diemen; Islander Commission, 226 Brown, Ellen Edith (née Sumner), Enfant du Cap de Diemen Aird, Michael, 7, 9, 10, 11, 133 183–4, 187 (engraving), 31 Aiston, George, 17 Brown, Patrick Joseph Robinson, Cotton, John, 103–4, 105 Allen, James, 37, 50 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, Cotton, William, 105, 107 Allen, Maria, 37, 50 202, 203 Cowan, Alice, 63 Andrew, Brook, 12 Brown, William Charles, 183, 185, descendants of, 63, 64 Archer family, 144, 145 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 202, Cowan, Elizabeth, 63 Aritcheuka, Dolly, 248, 249 203 Cowan, Herbert, 61, 63 Australian Institute of Aboriginal Browne, Thomas, 36, 48 Cowan, John Thomas and Torres Strait Islander Walter George Arthur, Maryann descendants of, 63 Studies, 7 and David Bruny (daguerr.; Cowan, Jonathon, 63 attr.), 23, 25, 26, 27, 28–9, 31, Cowan, Mary Ann (Williams) Baily, Henry, 36 32; coloured version, 29, 32 (‘Mary Ann of Ulmarra’), 60, 61, Bamblett, Lawrence, 10 Bunce, Daniel, 110 62, 63, 74 Batman, John, 103 Burnell, George, 169 Croft, Brenda L, 6, 237 Baymarrwangga, Laurie, 16, 232, Aboriginal canoe building, 169 Crossland, John, 162 254, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268–9 Stereoscopic views of the River Portrait of Samuel
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