

of Council and Committee Proceedings for the period

28 November 2000 - 16 January 2001


This volume contains the minutes of the following Committees and Sub-Committees:-

Page Nos.

Crime and Disorder Steering Group ...... 2 November 2000 ...... 331 - 334 Teachers Consultative Committee...... 8 November 2000 ...... 335 - 339 *Cabinet ...... 14 November 2000 ...... 340 - 347 Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee ...... 14 November 2000 ...... 348 - 351 Environment Scrutiny Committee...... 15 November 2000 ...... 352 - 355 Personal Services Scrutiny Committee ...... 15 November 2000 ...... 356 - 358 Best Value Scrutiny Committee ...... 21 November 2000 ...... 359 - 361 Resources Scrutiny Committee ...... 21 November 2000 ...... 362 - 364 Cabinet ...... 23 November 2000 ...... 365 - 371 Council ...... 28 November 2000 ...... 372 - 381 Planning Committee ...... 29 November 2000 ...... 382 - 386 Licensing Panel ...... 30 November 2000 ...... 387 - 393 Cabinet ...... 5 December 2000 ...... 394 - 401 Cefndy Enterprises Advisory Panel ...... 6 December 2000 ...... 402 - 403 Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel ...... 7 December 2000 ...... 404 - 407 Environment Scrutiny Committee ...... 13 December 2000 ...... 408 - 412 Personal Services Scrutiny Committee ...... 13 December 2000 ...... 413 - 415 Resources Scrutiny Committee ...... 19 December 2000 ...... 416 - 418 Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee ...... 19 December 2000 ...... 419 - 421 Planning Committee ...... 20 December 2000 ...... 422 - 428 Special Personal Services Scrutiny Committee ...... 20 December 2000 ...... 429 - 431 Best Value Scrutiny Committee ...... 20 December 2000 ...... 432 - 434 Cabinet ...... 21 December 2000 ...... 435 - 442

* Minutes of Cabinet meeting held on 14th November, 2000 were approved by Council meeting held on 28th November, 2000. CRIME AND DISORDER STEERING GROUP

Minutes of a meeting of the Denbighshire Crime and Disorder Steering Group held at the Council Offices, Russell House, , on Thursday 2nd November 2000 at 2.00 p.m.


Chief Supt. P.C. Joy, North Police (Chair), H.V. Thomas, Denbighshire County Council, Inspector M. Casey, North Wales Police, S.Ray and Mrs. G. Barton, Probation Service, P. Clark, Health Authority, M. Denman, Denbighshire Community Safety Officer, Mr. D. Chamberlayne, Ms. J. Kett, Youth Offending Team Manager and Mrs. J.V. Pring, Administrative Officer.


Mr. I. Thomas, Magistrates Courts.


The minutes of the meeting of the Steering Group held on 20th July 2000 were received and approved as a correct record.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Steering Group held on the 20th July 2000 be approved.

Matters arising :-

Minute No. 1 (ii) Crime & Disorder Action Plan - Mr. Denman circulated details of a draft newsheet, prepared by Denbighshire’s Public Relations Unit which, subject to the Group’s approval, would be published in local newspapers at the end of November. Members indicated their agreement of the text and Miss Kett and Supt. Joy agreed to provide suitable photographs to incorporate in the newsheet.

Minute No. 3 Recorded Crime Statistics - Mr. Denman reported that he had written to the Home Office regarding the way in which the crime statistics had been presented during the period April 1999 - March 2000. Copies of his letter had been sent to local Members of Parliament, Welsh Assembly Members and District Audit and, to date, he had received one response, from , M.P.

Minute No. 4 Inter-Agency Protocol dealing with sex offenders - Mr. Denman reported that the Protocol had been approved by Denbighshire’s Cabinet at it’s meeting on 23rd October 2000. Mr. Steve Ray advised the Group that, although the document had been endorsed by the North Wales Chief Officers’ Group, it was recognised that organisations needed something to work to in the interim. Consequently, the setting up of Public Protection Groups was being considered to establish a basis for the future.

Minute No. 6 - Partnership Audit - Mr. Denman anticipated that questionnaires would be distributed by District Audit to all members of the Steering Group shortly.

Minute No. 8 - North Wales Co-ordinator - Mr. Denman informed the Group that Mr. Phil Hare had resigned from his new position of North Wales Co-ordinator and that Mr. Simon Shaw was occupying the post temporarily. When a permanent appointment had been made an invitation would be extended to attend a future meeting of the Steering Group.


(a) Recorded Crime in Denbighshire

In apprising members of the crime statistics for the period April - September 2000, Inspector Casey reported that there had been increases in all types of crime compared to the same period last year.

In response to a question from Mr. Ray on the reporting of Domestic Violence, Supt. Joy explained that although figures were recorded within the category of violent crime they were

331 often later reclassified as assaults. He also referred to problems with the recording of some of the figures but anticipated that the situation would be resolved by the end of March 2001.

Inspector Casey informed the Group that an offender profile had shown that most of the assault offences in Rhyl had been caused by local people. In response to a question from Miss Kett he explained that youth crime statistics could be accessed and extracted from the computerised data.

Supt. Joy commented that the 10% rise in crime this year could, in part, be attributed to the time spent by police on two murder investigations. There had also been a significant rise in fraud and deception offences.

Mr. Huw Thomas commented that it would be helpful if the crime statistics could be presented in written format, rather than verbally, even if this meant that the information would be less up to date. Inspector Casey agreed to arrange this for the next meeting.

The Group also discussed the low number of curfews imposed by Magistrates Courts and agreed to raise the issue at a meeting of the Town Centre Working Group. Mr. Ray indicated his willingness to attend such a meeting, if required.

(b)&(c) British Crime Survey 2000 and Denbighshire County Council Public Opinion Survey

Mr. Denman presented a report, previously circulated, to draw members’ attention to the crime trends and recent public opinion surveys in Denbighshire. The report also included findings of the recently published British Crime Survey.

The County Council undertook a postal survey in September to obtain opinions with regard to its operations and five questions on specific community safety issues were included. The perceptions that crime had increased were reflected nationally in the results of the British Crime Survey. Members of the Group agreed that it was important to convey the message that work was being done to tackle crime and disorder within the County. Mr. Thomas suggested that regular newspaper features on the initiatives undertaken by the working groups might help to increase the public’s confidence. With this in mind he proposed that the County and Police Press and Public Relations Units could be commissioned to prepare a report for the next meeting on a possible press campaign.

RESOLVED that the reports be received.


w Town Centre Working Group

Inspector Casey reported that:-

- work relating to the introduction of Alcohol Bye Laws in Rhyl was being pursued with the Council’s Legal department;

- a meeting was planned next week to discuss leasing arrangements of various parts of the and other proposals aimed at reducing disorder in the area;

- the Group now had a permanent Chair - the County’s recently appointed Head of Public Protection;

- consideration was being given to introducing a scheme to link up clubs by way of an I.T. database, with the aim of barring trouble makers from visiting neighbouring clubs, and

- although targets were in place to reduce town centre crime by 5% there was a need to set separate targets for specific initiatives.

332 w Neighbourhood Crime Working Group

Inspector Casey reported that the Group had focused on Burglaries in Rhyl and Vehicle Crime in Denbigh. STARS had funded the provision of leaflets to promote vehicle security and these had been distributed at public events in and around Denbigh, and a security survey of the Denbigh multi-storey car park had also been undertaken.

The Group had agreed to put in a bid for CCTV in a number of the rural towns in Denbighshire, but the Home Office recently announced that all bids need to be submitted by 22 December and it was doubtful that this could be achieved.

w Domestic Violence

Mr. Denman reported that the Theatre Forum work had now been in progress for almost six months and that a Domestic Violence presentation would be made to Council on 28th November 2000.

Work was also taking place within schools and other organisations, in particular with Womens Aid. The North Wales Chief Officers’ Group had agreed to allow a representative from the North Wales Domestic Violence Forum to sit on the group.

w Drug and Alcohol Forum

Mr. Denman reported that a number of targets had been set by the North Wales DAAF and that these were to be augmented by locally determined priorities. Although the North Wales DAAF had chosen not to prioritise alcohol related violence, this would be progressed locally. A meeting of the Denbighshire Forum was due to be held to discuss how targets could be put in place, and a complete list of both the North Wales and local targets would be presented to the Steering Group at its next meeting.

w Youth Offending Team

Miss Kett informed the Group that the team was now fully staffed and work on establishing a database was progressing, although this was proving slow and difficult.

Training with Magistrates on the new Orders had commenced but it was also hoped to look at other ways of influencing Magistrates.

Work was being undertaken on a reparation project, using a link with STARS. It was hoped to develop protocols with Social Services, Education and the Courts. Work was also being progressed on a nuisance project with the aim of developing a preventative strategy.

Ms. Kett also provided figures relating to Denbighshire’s Statutory Court Orders and indicated that these were reflected nationally.

RESOLVED that the reports of the Working Groups be received.


Mr. Thomas reported that, at a meeting of the Co-ordinating Group on 31st October, Chief Officers had been advised that a document would be published setting out overall priorities and a clear structure for tackling issues within North Wales.

Also discussed at the meeting was the role of the National Assembly in relation to the Crime and Disorder Act. It was felt that a lot of work was needed to communicate what Partnerships expected of the Assembly in respect of complying with the Act.

The Deputy Chief Constable had indicated that the North Wales Extranet system should hopefully be available by April 2001. However, Mr Thomas felt that, because of the likely criticism from District Audit, there was an urgent need to find a local solution. At the meeting of the Partnership on 20th July, it had been agreed that, if necessary, computer software should be purchased and the expenditure divided

333 between the four main partner agencies. He therefore proposed that this should now be the preferred course of action.

RESOLVED that the Partnership proceeds with the purchasing of the necessary computer software and that the Secretariat investigates the sharing of the system with Council.


Mr. Denman submitted a report, previously circulated, to advise members of the present situation relating to Anti Social Behaviour Orders and to present the Home Office Guidance for adoption, also previously circulated.

The report stated that one ASBO had been made in North Wales, and that this had been used as a pilot to develop good practice when applying for such orders. Seminars were being held to feed back the lessons from the ASBO to partnerships across North Wales.

The Home Office Guidance provided practical assistance with applying for the Orders and covered other important aspects such as Human Rights Legislation. It also recommended that Crime & Disorder Partnerships should nominate a designated person in each local authority area to co-ordinate action on anti social behaviour. Mr. Denman had been nominated for this role and it was anticipated that Inspector Casey would fulfil a similar role on behalf of the Police. Their role would be to address the practicalities and consult with other agencies as required.

The Group agreed there was a need to be aware that appeal costs could be significant although members felt that this should not deter progress.

It was also agreed that the signing of the protocol should be on a North Wales basis rather than by individual partnerships.


(a) the Home Office Guidance relating to Anti Social Behaviour be adopted, and

(b) that Mike Denman be confirmed as the ASBO co-ordinator for Denbighshire.


M,r Peter Clark submitted a document, produced as a Welsh Office Circular, on ‘Tackling Violence towards G.P.s’ which provided practical advice on the routes open to G.P.s and their staff to use the Criminal Justice System. It also presented a model Local Development Scheme to provide General Medical Services to violent patients who had been subject to removal from G.P.s patient lists.

Members of the Group discussed some of the implications of the guidance in particular the confidentiality aspects and the possible impact on the Action Plan.

Supt. Joy indicated that there could be resource implications for the Police Service but he would consult with the Deputy Chief Constable regarding a corporate North Wales approach in respect of the sharing of information between agencies.

Mr. Denman reported that the Denbighshire Drug and Alcohol Forum had been concerned that many potentially disadvantaged people, such as those who used the Rhyl Night Shelter were having difficulty obtaining medical treatment and suggested that a Local Development Scheme might help to encourage G.P.s to provide treatment for persons such as this.

In response to Mr. Clark’s request for contact points, Inspector Casey agreed to provide details following the meeting.

RESOLVED that the information contained in the document be noted.

The meeting ended at 4.35 p.m. *****************


Minutes of the meeting of the Denbighshire County Council and Teachers’ Consultative Committee held in Room A, ICT Centre, Middle Lane, Denbigh on Wednesday, 8th November, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.



Councillors S. Drew, N. Hugh Jones, M.M. Jones (substitute for G. Kensler), R.E. Jones, T.M. Parry, F. Shaw K.P. Stevens and K.E. Wells (Lead Cabinet Member for Education),


T.W. Gillespie, K.T. Johansson, T. Jones, S. Nantcurvis, N. Thirsk, A. West


Head of Resource and Management Services, Head of Curricular Services, Personnel Development Manager for Education, Group Manager Property and Administration Officers (W.J. Harness and K.E. Jones)


Councillor G. Kensler and Teacher Representative Mr. M. Finch.


RESOLVED that Councillor F. Shaw and Teacher Representative Adrian West be appointed as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively for the ensuing year.

The Chair informed the Committee that Mr. Martin Finch, Deputy Headteacher, had replaced Mr. R. Brocklehurst as the representative of the Secondary Headteachers Association (SHA) and Mrs. Suzanne Nantcurvis from Ysgol Dinas Bran, Llangollen had replaced Mr. D. Sherrington as the representative of the National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers (NAS/UWT).


(This item was brought forward on the Agenda with the consent of the Chairman).

The Head of Resource and Management Services submitted a report (previously circulated) informing members of a review undertaken in respect of the Special Education Needs Service and referred to the budget pressures facing Special Education Needs (SEN) and the way forward for 2000/2001 (attached to the report).

The Head of Curricular Services addressed the Committee and referred to the background papers (attached to the report). He explained that the background paper regarding the SEN Budget Pressures was initially produced last year for the Council’s Education Scrutiny Panel and the second background paper regarding SEN Management Framework 2000/2001 was for members information and would form part of the recovery plan. He informed Members that although the projected overspends for the year were between £700,000 and £800,000 Councillor E.A. Owens (Cabinet Lead Member for Finance) would report to the next meeting of the Cabinet a revised projected overspend of £500,000. Further reference was made to the measures in place to manage the SEN budget and the reorganisation and restructuring of the SEN Service in terms of its personnel, responsibilities and accountability into a series of teams with team leaders meeting on a monthly basis to monitor progress.

335 During the ensuing debate members particularly referred to the sale of Ysgol Tir Morfa and appointment of estate agents; best value; overspends of the SEN budget; the deterioration of school buildings; the maintenance and management of Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn; and took the opportunity to put questions to the Head of Curricular Services regarding these specific issues.

In response to members concerns and questions regarding the sale of the Ysgol Tir Morfa site, Rhuddlan, the Head of Curricular Services confirmed that the capital receipts from the sale would be spent on the reconstruction of additional facilities at Ysgol Tir Morfa, Rhyl. He also referred to the future development of the school to become a Centre of Excellence and the consultation process regarding the Unitary Development Plan.

A teacher representative referred to the need for the teaching staff to be made aware of the current position and issues concerned with the plans for Ysgol Tir Morfa.

In response to members questions regarding Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn the Head of Curricular Services indicated that:-

(i) the new Minister for Education had recently visited the school and had met with Cabinet Members and Officers of the Council;

(ii) over two thirds of children attending the school came from outside the Denbighshire County Council area;

(iii) the school fees charged were governed by national regulations;

(iv) there was a transitional population problem, and

(vi) referred to the current position regarding the maintenance and management of the school and the requirement for further investment.

A teacher representative referred to the need to consider the effect on classroom teachers when children with special education needs were integrated into the school.

An LEA representative thanked the Head of Curricular Services for his address and expressed the appreciation of the Committee for the work he and his staff had undertaken in the preparation of the reports submitted.

The Chair thanked the Head of Curricular Services for his attendance at the meeting and his informative presentation.

RESOLVED that the report by the Head of Resource and Management Services be accepted.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 21st June, 2000 (previously circulated), as received by the County Council on 19th September, 2000, were submitted.

Matters Arising:-

Page 62 - Item No. 132 - General Update on the Budget - A teacher representative confirmed that the Teachers side had written to the Welsh Assembly regarding funding to cover health and safety training and enquired as to whether the LEA representatives had also corresponded with the Welsh Assembly regarding this issue. An LEA representative confirmed he had approached the Assembly Members but had received little response. Members agreed that if Assembly Members were not forthcoming with a response a meeting should be sought with those Assembly Members to discuss the issue.

336 Lifelong Learning Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee - An LEA representative referred to the need for members of the Committee to be kept informed of relevant issues considered by the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 21st June, 2000 be received and approved as a correct record.


(This item was brought forward on the Agenda with the consent of the Chairman).

The Chair referred to a paper (circulated at the meeting) submitted by a teacher representative who had requested that the contents of the paper be discussed with this agenda item. The Chair expressed concern that members had not been given the opportunity to view the paper prior to the meeting and therefore decided that the paper would not be considered at the meeting.

The Group Manager Property submitted the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services’s report (previously circulated) updating members on the progress with the Council’s interest in PFI and referred to the Ruthin Offices Scheme and the Potential Schools Projects. Members were informed of the ongoing negotiations with the Ruthin Offices Scheme; the decanting of Education staff from Mold into the County; the current difficulties in maintaining and updating school premises and the possibility of harnessing PFI as a potential funding solution.

The Group Manager Property addressed the Committee and in particular referred to the origins of the Offices’ scheme; PFI principles and the current progress and proposals of the scheme.

During the ensuing discussion members expressed various concerns regarding the accommodation of Education staff; the poor condition of schools in Ruthin; terms and conditions of service for teachers; the unavailability of new PFI credits; the review of Asset Management Plans for schools and the level of consultation between Members, Officers, Headteachers, Governing Bodies and Unions.

A teacher representative referred to the need to discuss the paper submitted by the DTJNC for consultation and it was agreed that a further meeting be arranged specifically to discuss this issue.


(a) the report by the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services be received, and

(b) a further meeting of the DCC & TCC be convened for Tuesday, 12th December, 2000 to discuss the consultation paper submitted by the DTJNC regarding PFI within Ruthin.


The Head of Resource and Management Services submitted a report (previously circulated) informing Members of the effect of demography and incremental drift on school budgets since the inception of Denbighshire County Council in 1996. She confirmed that demographic changes had not been recognised as part of the budget settlement which had resulted in an overall loss to schools delegated budgets; similarly no allowance had been approved as part of the budget settlement for the cost of incremental drift.

A teacher representative expressed concern that since 1996 schools within Denbighshire collectively had lost £1.8m and felt this loss should be put back into the base budget and taken into account when considering Standard Spending Assessments (SSAs). Teacher representatives felt that the cost of incremental drift should be included with the budget and figures should be obtained for the actual cost of teachers salaries rather than the average salary.

The Head of Resource and Management Services referred to the complex formula used for the calculation of the average teacher salary and the effect of the nine point pay scale on the cost of 337 incremental drift. It was agreed that a further in-depth report be prepared to explain the complex use of the formula for the next meeting of the Committee.


(a) the report be received and noted, and

(b) the Head of Resource and Management Services prepare a further in-depth report regarding incremental drift and the use of the formula for the calculation of teacher salaries to be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.


The Head of Resource and Management Services submitted a report (previously circulated) informing members of the existing formula used to fund Headteacher Relief in schools within the primary sector and the possible review of the formula in the light of changes to the role of Headteachers since the introduction of the formula in 1988. She confirmed that if it was considered appropriate, a review of the funding for Headteacher Relief for 2001/2002 would be undertaken by the appropriate Formula Funding Group.

A teacher representative referred to the need to review the formula and requested that representatives from DTJNC be part of the Formula Funding Group. He also expressed concern that funding was not available for Headteacher relief in smaller schools.

An LEA representative referred to the relevance of providing details of the pupil to teacher ratio within schools to the Formula Funding Group for consideration.

The Head of Resource and Management Services confirmed that Union Representatives would be included within the Formula Funding Group.

RESOLVED that the report by the Head of Resource and Management Services be accepted.


The Head of Resource and Management Services submitted a report (previously circulated) highlighting the effect of central education services cuts on school budgets. Members were provided with an analysis of the level of cuts of the previous years budgets which had resulted in an indirect cut on school services such as Special Education Needs; School and College transport; the Advisory Service and Curricular Support Service.

Members expressed concern over the effects of the central services cuts on the provision of education in schools. Particular reference was made to the results of those cuts at classroom level which were not detailed within the report including fewer staff working additional hours.

In response to a Members question the Head of Resource and Management Services confirmed that due to the restructuring of the Directorates there would be other areas such as Countryside Services and Culture and Leisure competing for funding within the Lifelong Learning Directorate.

RESOLVED that the report by the Head of Resources and Management Services be received and noted.


The Personnel Development Manager presented a verbal report updating members on the restructuring of teachers pay which had taken place in September, 2000 following on from changes to the Headteachers pay restructure in 1999. Members were informed that Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers had a single column pay spine to replace the former separate columns and a new classification of post existed for Assistant Headteachers. Teachers had the basic nine point pay spine 338 together with allowances and the move of approximately 900 teachers to the new pay spine had been recently undertaken with no loss in salaries. Reference was made to the roles and responsibilities of governing bodies in respect of Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers pay and the need for appropriate individual ranges which needed to be established as soon as possible.

In response to an LEA representative’s question the Personnel Manager explained the provision of the threshold award and the subsequent effect on the Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers pay within schools.

RESOLVED that the verbal report by the Personnel Development Manager be accepted.

A teacher representative referred to the imminent departure of Wendy Harness as Clerk to the Committee and members complimented and thanked Wendy for the work she had undertaken on behalf of the Committee and wished her all the best for the future.

The meeting concluded at 12.25 p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held in the Town Hall, Ruthin on Tuesday, 14th November, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors E.C. Edwards (Leader), I.M. German, D.M. Holder, R.W. Hughes, G.M. Kensler, D.M. Morris, E.A. Owens, A.E. Roberts, W.R. Webb, K.E. Wells and E.W. Williams.

Observers - Councillors P. Douglas, S. Drew, K.N. Hawkins, M.M. Jones, W.G. Thomas and C.H. Williams.


Chief Executive, Financial Controller, Legal Services Manager and Administration Services Manager.


The Leader gave notice of the following items which in his opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972:-

(i) Flood Incidents in Denbighshire;

(ii) Appointment of County Safety Adviser;

(iii) Appointment of Occupational Health Assistant;

(iv) W.L.G.A. Annual Council, and

(v) Meetings with the National Assembly.


The Minutes of the Cabinet held on 23rd October, 2000 (previously circulated) were submitted.

Matters arising:-

(i) item 4(i) (Protocol for Cabinet Members) - the Leader reported that the Protocol document was currently being developed and would be available for Members in the near future;

(ii) item 4(iii) (West Rhyl Renewal Area - Housing Regeneration Grant Funding) - Councillor D.M. Morris reported that the inaugural meeting of the Members/Officers Working Group had taken place on 10th November, 2000 and a commitment had been given that the Authority would establish a conservation approach towards repairing and adapting buildings in the Town Heritage Initiative area and to proceed with the Heritage Lottery application for funding works within that Area, and

(iii) item 6 (Housing Benefits Recovery Plan) - Councillor E.A. Owens reported that the reduced opening hours of the Revenues Office had been in operation for two weeks and the staff had reduced 25% of the backlog. Councillor Owens paid tribute to the co-operation of staff in the Libraries and Cash Offices during the shutdown and in particular to members of the public who had acknowledged the initiatives put in place to clear the backlog. The first liaison meeting with the user groups had now taken place and great use was now being made of the e-mail system via Reception areas, Libraries, etc. to log enquiries during the shutdown period.

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 14th November, 2000 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.

340 716. BUDGET 2001/2002

Councillor E.A. Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance, submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Cabinet approval for the next step in the budget setting process for 2001/2002 in the light of the progress to date.

The Financial Controller outlined to Members the budget process for 2001/2002 and referred to the Appendix attached to the report which analysed the pressures and cuts within individual Directorates. He emphasised that further work needed to be undertaken to fully identify and review both pressures and cuts within Directorates and referred to the additional pressures identified within the Planning; Chief Executive and Corporate budgets.

The Financial Controller referred to the projected R.S.G. settlement to be announced in December and the view of the W.L.G.A. that it would be increased by 6%. Taking into account that Denbighshire had exceeded this year's Assembly guideline by 1% the projected increase, in real terms, would be 5% for this Authority. The W.L.G.A. had also indicated that part of the projected 5% increase could be ring fenced for certain Services. The Financial Controller also felt that it would still be prudent to continue seeking 3% reduction in Directorates budgets for 2001/2002 and await the final R.S.G. settlement.

Councillor E.A. Owens emphasised the need to examine the projected growths/pressures within budgets with some vigour and for Directorates to prioritise those areas when the R.S.G. settlement had been announced. She indicated that the draft budget would be presented to Council on 16th January 20001 and Lead Members would play an important role in determining the priority lists. The Scrutiny Committees would also play an important role in the budget process and Councillor Owens looked forward to receiving their views on the budget papers.

Councillor E.W. Williams congratulated Councillor E.A. Owens on the excellent work undertaken by herself and the Financial Controller during the budget process. He emphasised the need for Best Value to play a part in that process and for Lead Members, not Directors, to prioritise the budget pressures/cuts within Directorates.

The Leader thanked Councillor Owens and the Financial Controller for the comprehensive budget report.


(a) a decision on the level of additional funding for pressures and growth be recommended to Council following consideration by the relevant Scrutiny Committees and in the light of the provisional R.S.G. settlement in early December;

(b) after considering the latest forecasts of the R.S.G. settlement, 4.5% reductions be no longer sought, and

(c) further consideration be given, including reference to Scrutiny Committees, of the proposed 3% reductions.


(This item was considered as a matter of urgency, notice having been given by the Leader).

The Chief Executive referred to the recent flooding incidents in Denbighshire and indicated that the National Assembly would be introducing the Bellwin Formula which provides assistance to local authorities for immediate works in connection with flooding incidents at the rate of 100% for eligible costs above a threshold of 209k. The Assembly required estimates of costs to be submitted by the end of November and Officers were currently engaged on that exercise.

The Chief Executive warned Members that there would probably be a demand on the Capital budget and other budgets over and above the initial £209K costs. He raised concerns over the budget priorities within the Assembly, with the ring fencing of monies to Education and Social Services and felt that the 341 Assembly should revisit its budget and take into account the needs of local authorities following the flooding crisis.

The Chief Executive finally paid tribute to the staff who had responded to the flood incidents and indicated that the Social Services Department was still canvassing residents to identify their needs.

The Emergency Planning Co-ordinator, by reference to a written report (circulated at the meeting) gave a detailed account of the flooding incidents within the County between 30th October and 9th November, 2000 and the action taken by the Authority in response to those incidents. He indicated that a debrief chaired by the Corporate Director, Environment would be held on 15th November to look a all aspects of those incidents.

All Members paid tribute to the efforts of staff in responding to the flooding incidents and also raised the following issues:-

Ÿ concerns over the ongoing instances of flooding in Corwen and queried whether it was the Council or the Environment Agency responsible to remedy matters;

Ÿ that the Assembly should now be making monies available for all Agencies to look at the infrastructures in place to avoid future flooding;

Ÿ that the W.L.G.A. should be pressurising the Assembly to make funds available for flood defence works, and

Ÿ that immediate action should be taken to divert water from the Mwrog Street culvert.

The Chief Executive indicated that Officers would be in a position to make an announcement on the closure of the Horseshoe Pass by the end of the week and there would also be a similarly timed response to the Mwrog Street situation.

The Chief Executive referred to the delegated powers conferred on him to act in emergencies. He felt that where it was necessary to consult Members reference should now be to consultation with the Leader or any appropriate Cabinet Lead Member .

The Leader thanked the Chief Executive, Emergency Planning Co-ordinator, Social Services staff, DSO staff and all other staff and Agencies who had worked closely together in responding to the flooding incidents. He also thanked the local media for their sympathetic coverage of the flooding incidents. The Leader indicated that Cabinet Members would be informed of the outcome of the debriefing to be held on 15th November 2000.


(a) the report be received and noted, and

(b) the County Council be recommended to authorise the Chief Executive when exercising his delegated powers to act in emergencies to consult where appropriate with the Leader of the Council or any appropriate Cabinet Lead Member.


(i) Denbighshire (North) Citizens Advice Bureau Management Committee

RESOLVED that the recommendation from the Personal Services Scrutiny Committee of the 18 October 2000 that Councillors P.M. Jones and J.A. Smith be nominated as this Council's representatives to serve on the Denbighshire (North) Citizens Advice Bureau Management Committee for the year 2000/2001 be approved.

342 (ii) Area Environment Group Appointment

RESOLVED that the recommendation from the Environment Scrutiny Committee of the 18 September 2000 that Councillor P. Douglas be nominated as this Council's representative to serve on the Area Environment Group of the Environment Agency Wales be approved.

(iii) Denbighshire Local Health Alliance

RESOLVED that Councillor A.E. Roberts be nominated as a substitute representative to serve on the Denbighshire Local Health Alliance


The Leader submitted the following applications for approval:

(i) External advertisement for a Senior Environmental Health Officer (Food Safety) in the Environment Directorate;

(ii) External advertisement for the post of County Health and Safety Adviser in the Chief Executive's Directorate.

(This item was considered as a matter of urgency, the Leader having given notice at the commencement of the meeting), and

(iii) External advertisement for Occupational Health and Safety Clerical Assistant in the Chief Executive's Directorate.

(This item was considered as a matter of urgency, the Leader having given notice at the commencement of the meeting).

RESOLVED that the external advertisement of the above mentioned posts be approved.


The Leader submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking an agreement to nominate four members to visit Brussels on the 30th November and 1st December 2000, and four members to visit Vasternorrland on the 8th -11th March 2001 following the successful outcome of a visit to Clare County Council by a delegation from Denbighshire County Council.

The Head of Economic Regeneration reported that arrangements had been made by the Wales European Centre for a delegation from Denbighshire to visit Brussels on the 30th November and the 1st December. He also reported that following a previous report agreed by the County Council, the County Council of Vasternorrland in Sweden had now invited a delegation from Denbighshire to visit Vasternorrland on the 8th -11th March, 2001 and it was proposed that the delegation would comprise four Councillors and two Officers,.

With respect to the delegation to Brussels the Head of Economic Development suggested that the Officer delegation should comprise the Corporate Director of the Environment and himself.

Councillor D.M. Morris proposed seconded by Councillor R.W. Hughes that the Member delegation to Brussels be comprised of the Objective One Executive Group i.e. the Leader, the Deputy Leader, Councillors K.E. Wells and P. Douglas. Councillor E.W. Williams suggested that Councillor K.E. Wells was not now a member of the Executive Group and proposed an amendment seconded by Councillor G.M. Kensler that the delegation should be politically balanced i.e. two Independent, one Labour and one Plaid Cymru. Upon being put to the vote the amendment was LOST. With respect to the delegation to Vasternorrland the Head of Economic Regeneration indicated that there was some urgency in nominating the delegation so as to enable Vasternorrland to make preparations. It was agreed that the Chief Executive and the Head of Economic Regeneration should form the Officer part of 343 the delegation and Councillor W.R. Webb proposed seconded by Councillor R.W. Hughes that the Chairman of the County Council and the Leader of the County Council be nominated as two members of the delegation and that the Cabinet give further consideration to the remaining two representatives.

The Head of Economic Regeneration referred to the visit to County Clare and indicated that a presentation thereon would be provided to the Modernising Panel at the end of November.


(a) the Leader, Deputy Leader, Councillors K.E. Wells and P. Douglas (members of the Objective One Executive Group) together with the Corporate Director for Environment and the Head of Economic Regeneration be nominated as this Authority's representatives to visit Brussels on the 30th November and 1st December 2000, and

(b) the Chair of the County Council and the Leader of the Council be nominated to form part of the delegation to visit Vasternorrland on the 8th - 11th March, 2001. The remaining part of the delegation be appointed at a later date and the delegation to be accompanied by the Chief Executive and Head of Economic Regeneration.


The Leader submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking approval in relation to the future provision of enterprise agency services in Conwy and Denbighshire; the disaggregation of assets of the existing agencies and the nomination of Directors to the board of the successor agency.

The Head of Economic Regeneration reported that since local government reorganisation two local enterprise agencies had served the unitary authority areas of Conwy and Denbighshire, namely Coastal Enterprise Ltd and Clwydfro Cyfyngedig and this Council was constitutionally involved with both agencies as it nominated directors to serve on the boards of both companies. Consultants had been jointly appointed by the two councils and Celtec in 1999 to review the service and had concluded that it would be preferable for the two agencies to each serve just one unitary authority area.

Directors of the two agencies had expressed their support for a proposal whereby Clwydfro Cyfyngedig became the agency serving Denbighshire and Coastal Enterprise Ltd. served Conwy and the current assets of each company transferred with it to its new area of operation. Directors also supported a proposal whereby fixed assets became the property of the agency which would in future serve the unitary authority area in which they were located.

The Head of Economic Regeneration further reported that the functions of Clwydfro Cyfyngedig would also be the subject of further discussions with Denbighshire following a review to be undertaken by the Assembly of business support.

In response to Members' concerns regarding the number of directors to be appointed to Clwydfro Cyfyngedig the Chief Executive suggested that the officers should reflect further on the matter in order to obtain a proper balance between local authority directors and private sector directors. Councillor E.W. Williams referred to the present County Council membership on Clwydfro and suggested that the new local authority directors should represent all areas throughout the Authority. The Head of Economic Regeneration reported that his officers, in conjunction with the Legal Department would need to look at the constitution of Clwydfro and report back further. Councillor D.M. Morris also felt that the legal position regarding the County Council members currently appointed to Coastal Enterprise Ltd. should be clarified.


(a) the arrangements whereby with effect from 1st April, 2001 Clwydfro Cyfyngedig becoming the local enterprise agency serving Denbighshire and Coastal Enterprise Ltd. becoming the local enterprise agency serving Conwy by approved in principle;

344 (b) the arrangements for the disaggregation of the assets of the two companies whereby the current assets of each company transferred with it to its new area of operation and the fixed assets of each company becoming the property of the company which would serve the unitary authority in which they were located be approved;

(c) the number of directors to represent the Council on the Board of Clwydfro Cyfyngedig from the 1st April, 2001 be deferred pending discussions with the Head of Economic Regeneration and the Officers from the Legal Department and those Officers be also requested to clarify the legal position of the existing County Council Directors on Coastal Enterprise Ltd., and

(ch) that the responsibilities of the new Enterprise Agencies be clarified following the outcome of the National Assembly’s reviews of business support in Wales.


Councillor R.W. Hughes, Lead Cabinet Member for Public Relations submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking approval of a new Communications Strategy which was aimed at elected members and all employees and which would contribute to the image and public perception of the Authority. The Public Relations Team would work in partnership with the Cabinet, the Council Officers and staff to deliver an integrated and proactive two phased Communications Strategy. In taking Members through the Communications Strategy Councillor Hughes referred to the excellent profiles undertaken by the Vale Advertiser on Cabinet Members and congratulated the reporter Mr. David Jones on those profiles.


(a) the Communications Strategy as outlined to Members be approved, and

(b) a letter of thanks be forwarded to Mr. David Jones of the Vale Advertiser congratulating him on the profiles undertaken on the Denbighshire Cabinet Members.


(The Director of Personal Services declared an interest in the following item and left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon.)

Councillor R.W. Hughes, Lead Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking an endorsement on the submission of bids for funding Leisure Service health initiatives from the Denbighshire Local Health Group Primary Care Development Fund. Physical activity, regular exercise and fitness were all components of a healthy lifestyle in which Leisure Services played an important part. The Service wished to develop and extend its work in that area and had submitted two schemes to the Denbighshire Local Health Group for funding via their 2000/2001 Primary Care Development Fund. The two projects were a pilot GP Exercise Referral Scheme and the development of a "Girlzone Project".

RESOLVED that the submission of Leisure Service bids for funding for a pilot GP Exercise Referral Scheme and the "Girlzone" Project from the Primary Care Development Fund be approved.


Councillor R.W. Hughes Lead Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking agreement to submit a bid for funding the "Jetsetter" Project as part of the Bruton Park Healthy Living Centre Initiative. Councillor Hughes explained that the project was part of the larger Bruton Park Healthy Living Centre Initiative which was seeking to address health inequalities in the Rhyl area. The "Jetsetter" Project was aimed at children in the Rhyl area with unhealthy lifestyles and was designed to encourage them to become involved in practical, outdoor conservation work and associated physical activity. Delivery of the project would be via a new Countryside Educational Warden post to be based at the Countryside Services Office at Brickfields Pond in Rhyl and the estimated cost of the "Jetsetter" Project over its five year life would be approximately £176,000. 345 RESOLVED that the Officers be authorised to submit a bid for funding for the Countryside "Jetsetter" Project as part of the Bruton Park Healthy Living Centre Initiative.


Councillor D.M. Morris, Lead Member for the Environment submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting authority to seek tenders for the employment of qualified Food Safety Consultants to carry out full programmed inspections of up to two hundred category B and C Denbighshire food premises. Denbighshire's Public Protection Department had a statutory duty to enforce and execute the provisions of the Food Safety Act of 1990 and during the first six months of this year the Council's Food Safety Section had been seriously disrupted for the reasons outlined in the report. As a consequence the number of programmed inspections carried out was well below the Council target and an acceptable percentage of the full year target would not be achieved. The employment of consultants to carry out the proposed inspections would be funded by utilising the budget under spend in salaries resulting from the periods of when the Environmental Health Officers (Food Safety) were not in post.

RESOLVED that the Head of Public Protection be authorised to seek tenders from qualified Food Safety Consultants to carry out a full programme of Inspections of up to 200 Category B & C Denbighshire Food Premises and to accept in conjunction with the Lead Member for the Environment the most suitable tender received.


Councillor D.M. Holder Lead Cabinet Member for Training and Development submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking approval for two half day media skills workshops for Cabinet Members to be arranged at a cost of £2,100 + V.A.T. + travel + expenses. Councillor Holder suggested that the funding of the workshops could be met from next year's budget as this year's funding within the Groups' budgets was now very limited.

The Lead Cabinet Member for Finance indicated that a bid against next year's budget would have to be made to fund the two workshops.

The Leader suggested that the matter be deferred for further discussion with the appropriate Lead Members and it was

RESOLVED accordingly.


(This item was considered as a matter of urgency notice having been given by the Leader).

The Chief Executive reported that a letter had been received from the W.L.G.A. requesting how this Authority's representatives would vote and exercise its voting allocation at the W.L.G.A. Council on 24th November, 2000 i.e. "en bloc" or one vote per representative.

RESOLVED that the Authority's voting allocation at the W.L.G.A. Council be used as one vote per delegate.


(This item was considered as a matter of urgency notice having been given by the Leader).

The Chief Executive referred to the numerous requests received from the National Assembly for meetings to take place with Cabinet Lead Members and felt that procedures should be put in place for the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader to authorise Cabinet Lead Members to attend such meetings and report back to the Cabinet thereon.

346 RESOLVED that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader be given delegated powers to authorise Cabinet Lead Members in consultation with the Leader to attend meetings of the National Assembly and other such organisations and to report back to Cabinet thereon.


RESOLVED under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 7, 9 and 10 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Leader indicated that this item had been withdrawn .


Councillor W.R. Webb the Lead Cabinet Member for the Corporate Property Portfolio submitted a confidential report (previously circulated) advising members of a request received from the Denbighshire Early Years Forum to pay rent in relation to a new lease of the above property for less than best consideration. The Forum was seeking to take a lease with Denbighshire County Council for part of 19 Bedford Street, Rhyl and had requested a nominal rent due to their charitable status. Councillor W.R. Webb proposed seconded by Councillor E.A. Owens that a near 100% discount be applied with a net rental of £1 a year to be paid and upon being put to the vote it was


(a) a near 100% discount be applied in accordance with the benchmarks as set out in the Council's Policy on "Leasing/Renting Council Property to Non-Commercial Organisations" and a rental of £1 a year be levied, and

(b) on other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Corporate Director of Environment in consultation with the County Clerk.


Councillor W.R. Webb Lead Cabinet Member for the Corporate Property Portfolio submitted a confidential report (previously circulated) updating members on the progress made on the disposal of land and property as instructed by Cabinet. The report identified the property/land holdings of the County Council which were currently with the Council's appointed estate agents which were in the process of being marketed.

Councillor Webb reported that the Fforddlas Depot, Rhyl had been withdrawn from the list of properties for sale and that part of the land holdings at Maes Derwen, St. Asaph had also been withdrawn.

Councillor Webb congratulated the Officers on the work undertaken with regard to the properties/land disposals.

The meeting concluded at 11.40 a.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Lifelong Learning Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Ruthin on Tuesday, 14th November, 2000 at 2.00 p.m.


Councillors T.M. Parry (Chair) P.A. Dobb, R.W. Hughes (Lead Cabinet Member for Tourism, Leisure and Culture), N. Hugh-Jones, M.M. Jones, J.S. Kerfoot-Davies and F. Shaw together with Co-opted Members C.M. Ashton, G.E. Roberts, N.C. Roberts, V. Welch and P.R. Williams


Acting Head of Leisure and Countryside Services, Financial Controller, Administration Services Manager and Administration Officer (K.E. Jones).


Councillor K.P. Stevens and Co-opted Member T. Gillespie.


The Administration Services Manager informed the Committee that Mr. G.E. Roberts, Headteacher, Ysgol Cae’r Drewyn, Clawdd Poncen, Corwen had replaced Mr. A. Keep as the Co-opted member representing the Denbighshire Federation of Headteachers.


The Chair welcomed both Councillors and Co-opted members to the Committee together with Councillor R.W. Hughes who had been invited to attend the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee to address Members. At the invitation of the Chair individual members and officers introduced themselves to the Committee.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 10th October, 2000 (previously circulated) were submitted.

Matters Arising:-

Page 1 - Item No. 3 - Co-options

(i) The Church in Wales representative welcomed the decision by Members to co-opt representatives onto the Committee but expressed concern that the co-optees had been identified as having to sign a declaration of secrecy in respect of Part II items. A Member explained the reasoning as to why this had been considered necessary and confirmed that Councillors were required to sign a declaration to abide by the National Code of Local Government Conduct in the performance of their duties. In response the Church in Wales representative confirmed that he would have no objection to signing a declaration of secrecy if deemed necessary and it was agreed that the Officers would seek advice from the County Clerk regarding this issue.

(ii) In response to a Member’s question the Administration Services Manager confirmed that the minimum requirement of parent governor representatives a Council could appoint to the Committee was two and the maximum number which could be appointed was five. Members were informed that the election of parent governors would take place within the next three months.

348 (iii) Councillor P.A. Dobb wished it to be recorded that she had raised concerns regarding the large number of representatives being co-opted onto the Committee and felt it would be difficult for Members to perform and attain Best Value on certain issues. She also felt that Members might feel restricted when raising and discussing certain issues in the presence of co-opted members.

(iv) Councillor N. Hugh Jones appreciated that the representatives of the Church in Wales and the Roman Catholic Church had statutory voting rights but wished it noted that those two votes had much more significance when comparing the size of the previous Education Committee (28 Members) and this Committee (7 Members).

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th October, 2000 be received and approved as a correct record.


Councillor R.W. Hughes, Lead Cabinet Member for Tourism, Leisure and Culture addressed the Committee and presented a verbal report outlining her areas of responsibility as Lead Member; the work she had undertaken since her appointment as Cabinet Member and her proposals for future action.

In particular Councillor Hughes referred to the Cabinet Action Plan which highlighted the need to devise a strategy for leisure/culture/sports provision for the County and informed members of the progress to date. She emphasised the importance of ensuring that the County facilities were made available to as many people as possible. She also referred to the budget allocation; the new connect programme; Countryside Services being dependent on grants and the need to enhance the education role within that service area; Leisure Services and the number of facilities requiring maintenance and upgrading; Leisure Trusts; the ‘Passport to Leisure’ scheme; Libraries and future development; Youth Services; Sports Development; Arts and Culture and the reorganisation of Bodelwyddan Castle and ECTARC in Llangollen.

Councillor Hughes suggested that Members may wish to consider convening a future meeting of the Scrutiny Committee at both Bodelwyddan Castle and ECTARC and to arrange for the Director of each venue to give a short presentation to Members and a tour of the premises. She also suggested Members may wish to consider undertaking a number of other fact finding visits.

The Acting Head of Leisure and Countryside Services addressed the Committee at the invitation of the Chair and referred to a recent report put before Cabinet regarding the Countryside ‘Jetsetter’ Project which would seek to address health inequalities in the Rhyl area. He confirmed that an application for funding would be submitted to the New Opportunities Lottery Fund and was he was hopeful that the bid would be successful.

Members took the opportunity to put questions to Councillor Hughes regarding her role as Lead Cabinet Member for Tourism, Leisure and Culture and specifically referred to the following issues: funding for the upgrading of libraries and the Best Value review; maximising the use of the Pavilion Theatre, Rhyl; Sports Development Teams and soccer coaching; the National cycle route; Youth Clubs; and fact finding visits.

The Chair thanked Councillor R.W. Hughes for her attendance at the meeting and for her interesting and informative presentation which he believed covered a number of challenging issues. He felt it was a particularly good idea for Members to convene meetings at both Bodelwyddan Castle and ECTARC in the future. He complimented Councillor Hughes on the work she had undertaken and conveyed the Committees’ best wishes for the future undertaking of her role.

RESOLVED that Councillor R.W. Hughes’ verbal report be received and noted.


(This item was brought forward on the Agenda with the consent of the Chair).

349 The Administration Services Manager submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members comments on a report submitted to Cabinet by the Cabinet Lead Member for Finance which sought Cabinet agreement to the next step in the budget setting process for 2001/2002 in the light of progress made to date. The report recommended that a decision on the level of additional funding for pressures and growth be recommended to Council following consideration of the same by the Scrutiny Committees and in the light of the provisional RSG settlement in early December.

The Financial Controller provided members with a background history to the budget situation and updated members on the current financial position. He explained that following consideration of the latest forecasts of the RSG settlement 4.5% reductions would no longer be sought and that consideration would need to be given to proposed target reductions of 3%. He also referred to the possible hypothication of the Education budget which would result in Education being allocated a higher budget and subsequently less monies would be available for other services. Reference was made to the ringfencing of money for specific areas in education and social services.

The Financial Controller took Members through the report and highlighted the summary of progress regarding budget pressures and cuts and identified a number of new pressures which had not as yet been reviewed, including the impact of demography.

A Co-opted member expressed concern regarding the £1m overspend on Special Needs and felt it was an area which was substantially underfunded. He also enquired as to the provision of £500k which had been identified as a priority bid for new funding.

In response the Financial Controller confirmed that the budget pressure for SEN had been constant and referred to measures being undertaken to increase the budget in line with the level of spend and the possibility of a contingency fund being set up for schools to manage their own SEN budget.

Members took the opportunity to put questions to the Financial Controller regarding specific aspects of the budget settlement including future spends and projections.

The Chair expressed the appreciation and thanks of the Committee for the work undertaken by the Lead Cabinet Member for Finance and Officers of the Council regarding the budget position and setting and the clear explanation given by the Financial Controller regarding these issues.


(a) the Budget Position 2000/2001 and Budget Setting 2001/2002 be noted, and

(b) the work undertaken by the Lead Cabinet Member for Finance and Officers of the Council as referred to above be endorsed.


(This item was brought forward on the Agenda with the consent of the Chair).

The Administration Services Manager submitted a report (previously circulated) together with an addendum (circulated at the meeting) requesting that Members scrutinise the outcome of the relevant parts of the Education and Culture and Planning and Economic Development Directorates’ Performance Reviews and referred to the main issues arising therefrom (attached to the report). He highlighted the general themes which had emerged from the reviews and particularly referred to: Modernising; Financial Solvency; Best Value; Restructuring and the impact of the new Directorates and Communication.

The Administration Services Manager took Members through the report and highlighted those areas falling within the jurisdiction of the Committee. He confirmed that future performance reviews would entail a team of officers assessing particular services and presenting reports to Cabinet. The Performance Reviews would also be scrutinised by individual Scrutiny Committees.

350 At the invitation of the Chair the Acting Head of Leisure and Countryside Services updated Members on the projected overspends covering the areas of Countryside Services; Leisure Services and the Pavilion Theatre and Members took the opportunity to put questions to him regarding those issues.


(a) the outcome of the Directorates’ Performance Reviews be received and noted,

(b) the Acting Director of Education Culture and Information be invited to the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 19th December, 2000 to address Members and respond to any questions on the results of the Performance Review undertaken within the Education and Culture Directorate, and

(c) when considering future Performance Reviews the relevant Heads of Service be invited to attend at the Committee to enable them to respond to any questions on the results directly to Members.


The Administration Services Manager referred to a paper (circulated at the meeting) which had been prepared by the former Director of Education and submitted to the previous Monitoring and Scrutiny Panel for Education on 22nd May, 2000. The paper contained a suggested model for future meetings of the Panel and detailed a number of items which would require discussion and decision. He indicated that the model could be helpful when determining the future programme of work of the Committee but reminded members that the model only included education matters and consideration would need to be given to the other areas covered by the Lifelong Learning Directorate.

During the ensuing debate Members discussed the modernisation and decision making processes; different policy areas to be considered; the responsibilities of the Committee; and the input of other consultation groups such as the Teachers’ Consultative Committee. A Member expressed concerns regarding the possibility of having to discuss and resolve personnel and financial issues in the presence of so many co-optees.

When discussing the future work programme Members agreed to scrutinise the School Transport Policy at the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee to be held on 23rd January, 2001.

RESOLVED that the relevant officers be invited to attend the Scrutiny Committee to be held on 23rd January, 2001 to assist Members in receiving and scrutinising the County’s School Transport Policy.

The meeting concluded at 4.10 p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee held in the Labour Group Room, Russell House, Rhyl on Wednesday 15th November, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors D.A. Thomas (Chair), M.Ll. Davies, P. Douglas, S. Drew (Substitute for M.A. German), A.E. Fletcher-Williams (Substitute for E.R. Jones) and S. Thomas.


The County Clerk, Head of Highways and Transportation including Support Services, Head of Planning Services, Head of Regeneration Services, Trading Standards Manager, Section Manager Community Services and other officers including Administrative Assistant (C.I. Williams).


Councillor M.A. German, E.R. Jones and P.J. Williams.


In accordance with the requirements of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the Chairman declared that he intended to include for discussion, the following matters requiring urgent attention:-



(i) The Minutes of the meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee held on Wednesday, 11th October, 2000 were submitted.

Matters arising:-

8. Specific Scrutiny Topics - In reply to a question from a Member, the officers agreed to carry out investigations to ascertain whether or not the report on the Lon Cycle Path, following the Public Consultation, could be made available for public examination, possibly in libraries and other public buildings.

RESOLVED that the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record.

(ii) The Minutes of the meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee held on Wednesday, 1st November, 2000 were submitted.

RESOLVED that the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record.

741. BUDGET 2000/01

Reports by the Lead Member for Finance and County Clerk had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.

Members were informed that they were being requested to consider a report by the Lead Member for Finance and to formulate recommendations which would be submitted to Cabinet and Council.

Members discussed the proposed New Pressures and Cuts within the Environment Services Directorate and following a full a detailed discussion, it was agreed that the following amendments be made to the proposals for Environment Services contained within the report:-


PLANNING Inclusion of Unitary Development Plan - Priority 1 - £44,000. COMMUNITY SERVICES Grounds Maintenance - examine for possible further reduction. Play Area Repairs - future item for consideration by this Committee. HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION Concessionary fares - not Environment pressures, money from National Assembly not identified. Road casualty reduction schemes - increase to Priority 1 from Priority 3. Road & footway maintenance - increase to Priority 1 from Priority 4. Increase winter Maintenance - Members preference was to delete this so that the cost falls on a central reserve. If this was not possible then increase to Priority 1 from Priority 5 and Cabinet be requested to make representations for additional funding to the National Assembly. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Objective 1 staffing - Priority 2 £55,000. PUBLIC PROTECTION Additional staffing etc -£110,000 with drawn 12th October, 2000.


The proposals as outlined in the report be accepted.

RESOLVED that the recommendations outlined above be submitted to Cabinet and Council for consideration.


The Head of Highways and Transportation including Support Services provided Members with an update on the recent major flooding within the County. He referred to the excessive levels of rainfall recently experienced and the resulting damage caused to roads, bridge structures, culverts and to County Council and privately owned properties.

In reply to questions from Members regarding the cost of the damage caused, it was explained that this information would not be available until the full extent of the damage had been ascertained. However, the cost of the emergency works would need to be available within the next two or three weeks.

A number of Members expressed concern regarding the need for the National Assembly to provide additional financial assistance to meet the costs of damage caused by the flooding, The importance of introducing contingency plans to deal with emergencies such as flooding was highlighted by the officers, who also stressed the need to examine issues relating to drainage matters and possibly future planning issues.

Members referred to a number of areas where excessive damage had been caused and particular reference was made to the Horse Shoe Pass and Mwrog Street, Ruthin. The officers explained that the flooding in Mwrog Street had resulted following damage caused to the culvert as a result of the sudden rise in the level of the River Clwyd.

During the ensuing discussion, it was stressed that it would be important for all the respective agencies to work together to introduce an integrated plan to deal with such emergency situations.

The Chair and Members thanked the Head of Head of Highways and Transportation including Support Services for his report and expressed their appreciation for all the effort and hard work undertaken by the County Council staff during the flooding.

RESOLVED that the report be received and the position noted.


The Chair referred to the Specific Scrutiny Topics outlined in the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 11th October, 2000.

He explained that issues relating to the Lon Clwyd Cycle Path had been dealt with under the item relating to the minutes of the meeting of the 11th October, 2000. It was felt that matters relating to Recycling and the Waste Disposal Policy could be considered jointly and that the Chair and respective officers liaise and prepare a preliminary report for consideration by the Committee at a future meeting.

With regards to Emergency Contingencies, Members agreed that the Emergency Planning Officer be invited to address a future meeting of the Committee. Other areas of work for future consideration by the Committee, which included Public Toilets, Customer Charter and the Business Plan and Performance Review, were outlined by Members and following a brief discussion, it was:-


(a) the Chair and respective officers liaise and prepare a preliminary report on Recycling and the Waste Disposal Policy;

(b) the Emergency Planning Officer be invited to address a future meeting of the Committee;

(c) the Head of Regeneration Services submit a report on Public Toilets to a future meeting of the Committee;

(ch) a report on the Planning Services `Customer Charter' be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee, and

(d) the Committee consider the Performance Review and Business Plan at a future date.


In response to a proposal by the Chair, Members agreed that it would be advantageous for Members of the Environment Scrutiny Committee to visit premises and meet staff within the Directorate. The officers agreed that arrangements could be made for the visits to coincide with future meetings of the Committee.

RESOLVED that visits by Members of the Environment Scrutiny Committee to premises and to meet staff within the Directorate be arranged to coincide with future meetings of the Committee.


A report referring to the outcome of the Planning and Economic Development and Technical Services Directorates' Performance Reviews undertaken by the Chief Executive and relevant Cabinet Member or Members had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.

The County Clerk provided Members with a summary of the report and following a brief discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED that the report be received and the position noted.



A report by the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services was circulated at the meeting.

354 The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services informed Members that the Council's Housing Strategy had been set out in an Annual statement known as the Housing Strategy and Operational Plan, the National Assembly for Wales having this year requested the submission of the document by the 31st July, 2000. The guidance document having sought a revised strategy statement for this financial year and the next two together with an operational plan for the current year and a broad outline foe next year.

He explained that agreement was now being sought for the nomination of 2 Members of the Environment Scrutiny Committee to join 2 Members of the Personal Services Scrutiny Committee to work on the preparation of the Council's Housing Strategy, which covers both private and public sector housing, for presentation to the respective Committee's.

Following a brief discussion, it was:-


(a) Councillor D.A. Thomas and Councillor P. Douglas be nominated to represent the Environment Scrutiny Committee on the Panel;

(b) in the event of Councillor P. Douglas being unable to attend Councillor M.Ll. Davies be requested to substitute, and

(c) the Panel report back to the Committee as the work progresses with the review of the County's Housing Strategy and Operational Plan.

Meeting ended 12.50 p.m.



Minutes of a meeting of the Personal Services Scrutiny Committee held in the Conference Room, Ty Nant, Prestatyn, on Wednesday 15th November 2000 at 2.00 p.m.


Councillors J. Butterfield (Chair), J. R. Hughes, P.M. Jones, R.J.R. Jones and A.J. Tobin.


County Clerk, Financial Controller and Administrative Officer (Mrs. J.V. Pring). Mr. M. Roberts, Client Officer, Social Services attended for part of the meeting.


Councillor J.A. Smith, N.J. Hughes


The Chair referred to the recent flooding situation in the County and praised the efforts of Denbighshire employees in assisting those affected. An Emergency Rest Centre had been set up at the Awelon Day Centre in Ruthin and Social Services staff had provided essential welfare and catering services to residents and had continued to monitor and support those most vulnerable. Members agreed that a letter expressing the thanks and appreciation of the Committee should be sent to the Director and his staff. It was subsequently:-


A Member expressed concern regarding the absence of senior Social Services officers at the meeting. He felt that the scrutiny process would be impeded if Members did not have the facility to question officers about decisions taken at Cabinet and also take back any concerns they may have regarding those decisions.

The County Clerk acknowledged the Member’s concerns but explained that part of the Committee’s scrutinising function was to request the attendance of officers to report on specific areas which it wished to examine in detail. However he agreed to submit the issue raised by the Member to a meeting of the Modernising Panel.

The Chair referred to a WLGA Briefing paper which contained several issues which she felt the Committee needed responses on and which, she felt, needed to be discussed prior to Cabinet decisions being taken.


(a) the observations and concerns expressed by Members be noted and that they be conveyed to a future meeting of the Modernising Panel, and

(b) the WLGA issues be considered at a future meeting of the Committee.


The minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2000 were submitted for consideration.

Matters arising :-

Minute No 3 - The Chair referred to her enquiry regarding an update on the current situation on Llys Marchan, Ruthin. She felt the response given was unsatisfactory and that a more specific explanation 356 was needed. The Financial Controller indicated that an agreement was imminent and all that was awaited now was confirmation of funding for capital works.

Minute No. 7 - The Chair referred to a meeting she had attended in Cardiff regarding Asylum Seekers. The advice to Local Authorities had been to cease planning meetings for the time being, pending further advice from the Home Office.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2000 be received and approved as a correct record.


The County Clerk submitted a report, previously circulated, informing Members of the outcome of the Social Services Directorate’s Performance Review undertaken by the Chief Executive and relevant Cabinet Members.

The report had been approved by Cabinet on 12th September 2000 and an appendix summarised the Review and the main issues arising from it.

The Chief Executive had referred to the impact of Best Value and indicated that the Authority was awaiting the District Auditor’s approval of the Council’s Best Value Plan, which would, in turn, also be examined by the Best Value Inspectorate. Denbighshire residents would be consulted to ascertain whether the plans were actually delivering improved service provision. The Chief Executive had also referred to the new system of Performance Reviews which would entail a team of officers assessing particular services and presenting reports to Cabinet. Future Reviews would reflect the changes emanating from the recent re-structuring of Directorates.

In response to a question from the Chair regarding the progress on communications, the Financial Controller reported that a new computerised Client System had been purchased for Social Services and that an I.T. consultant had been engaged to develop the software. The Finance department would also have a staffing input in relation to the calculation of projected spend on care packages.

Members discussed the elements of the services provided and the measures required to achieve the necessary budget reductions.

A Member expressed particular concern regarding the charging policy for DLAs and suggested that the Head of Strategic Planning & Support Services be requested to address a future meeting of the Committee.


(a) the contents of the report be noted, and

(b) the Head of Strategic Planning & Support Services be invited to advise Members on DLA policy at a future meeting of the Committee.


The County Clerk submitted a paper seeking the Committee’s comments on a report which had been submitted to Cabinet the previous day regarding the next step in the budget setting process for 2001/2002 in the light of progress to date. The report recommended that a decision on the level of additional funding for pressures and growth to be recommended to Council should follow consideration of the same by Scrutiny Committees and in the light of the provisional RSG settlement in early December.

The Financial Controller updated Members on the current position, referring to the possible hypothecation of the Education budget and the likelihood that a substantial element of the settlement would be ringfenced for specific areas. He also explained that, following consideration of the latest forecasts of the RSG settlement, 4.5% reductions would no longer be sought and that consideration would now need to be given to proposed target reductions of 3%.

357 A Member commented on the potential difficulties in justifying a council tax increase to the public, particularly in the light of the recent increase in Members allowances and expenses.

In response to a Member’s question regarding the funding of highway repairs following the damage caused by recent flooding, the Financial Controller advised that the Assembly had agreed to meet the costs of immediate emergency work, only.

RESOLVED that the Budget Position 2000/2001 and Budget Setting 2001/2002 be noted.


The Head of Client Services provided Members with information on current ‘Out of County’ placements, in respect of placement details, future plans and financial impacts. In response to Members’ questions he advised that it was the intention to embark on training for specialist foster parents within Denbighshire and that no child was placed out of county unless it was considered absolutely essential. He also confirmed that the department actively facilitated the visiting rights of parents.

Members also discussed the difficulties experienced in having to deal with an increasing number of children with challenging behaviour and the need to continue canvassing other agencies on the issue of Joint Funding.

The Chair suggested that a representative of the National Childrens Homes be invited to address the Committee on the problems of dealing with families of children with dysfunctional behaviour.


(a) the Head of Client Services be thanked for the information provided, and

(b) an invitation be extended to the National Childrens Home charity to address a future meeting of the Committee.


The Chair welcomed Mr Steve Jones and Mr Neil Moffatt of Clwyd Alyn Housing Association who were attending at the Committee’s request to undertake a presentation on the work of the Association.

Members were provided with information packs which contained literature on the history and corporate objectives of the Association together with an area profile for Denbighshire and details of allocations within the County. Mr Jones spoke of the good relationship Clwyd Alyn had with Housing Officers in Denbighshire and other local Housing organisations and provided Members with an overview of the operational and financial elements of the Association.

Members took the opportunity to discuss Housing related issues and, in response to specific requests, Mr Jones agreed to supply information relating to the Sundowners scheme and a geographical breakdown of supported housing.

At the end of the discussion, the Chair thanked Mr Jones and Mr Moffatt for their interesting presentation and Members added their appreciation for the information provided.

RESOLVED that the representatives of Clwyd Alyn be thanked for addressing the Committee on the work of the Association.

The meeting ended at 4.45 p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Best Value Scrutiny Committee held in the Labour Group Room, Russell House, Rhyl on Tuesday, 21st November,2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors A.E. Fletcher-Williams, (Chair), D. Jones, F.D. Jones, G. Jones and C.H. Williams.


County Clerk, Administration Services Manager and Business Support Manager.


Councillors G. A. Clague and P.J. Williams.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Miss Catherine Jones, a Work Placement from Brynhyfryd High School, Ruthin.


In accordance with the requirements of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chair declared that she intended to include for discussion the following matter requiring urgent attention:-

Library and Information Services Best Value Plan.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 18th October, 2000 be approved as a correct record.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Mrs. Llinos Jehu, Business Support Manager who had been invited to attend the meeting to give a presentation on the Challenge Mechanisms operating within Best Value.

At the outset the Business Support Manager emphasised the important role to be played by Members of the Best Value Scrutiny Committee particularly with regard to their involvement with the Service Review Project Teams. She felt that the Challenge Mechanism was one of the most difficult processes within Best Value and referred to the Self Assessment Checklist (circulated at the meeting) which would raise important questions regarding the "challenge" element of any Service Review. The Challenge Mechanism would question:-

Ÿ why were we providing the Service Ÿ why did we provide it in that way, and Ÿ have we got the right policies?

The Business Support Manager indicated that the Scrutiny Committee could request further work to be carried out during the Service Review before the Project Team could proceed with the Review.

Councillor D. Jones stressed the importance of involving all levels of staff during the Service Review process and to seek their views on improvements to service delivery which could be fed back up to the Project Team.

359 Councillor C. H. Williams felt that the presentation of the Best Value process to staff was very important and to reassure them that it was not a job-threatening exercise.

The Business Support Manager indicated that the Project Teams would include front-line staff, not just Managers and re-emphasised the "challenge" mechanism available to the Scrutiny Members.

In response to a question from Councillor D. Jones, the County Clerk indicated that the Scrutiny Committee would be able to invite staff representatives to attend meetings and that Service Reviews would include staff at all levels who would consider Best Value, I.I.P. and Performance Review which were all linked to the same review process.

The County Clerk referred to the four services which had completed their Best Value Plans and to the recent inspection undertaken by the Audit Commission on the Library and Information Services' Best Value Performance Plan. He felt that it would be opportune to invite officers from that service to share their experiences with the Scrutiny Committee.

Members took the opportunity to raise further questions with the Business Support Manager particularly with regard to their role in the Challenge Mechanism process.

The Chair thanked the Business Support Manager for the very informative presentation.

RESOLVED that officers from the Library and Information Service be invited to attend the next meeting of the Scrutiny Committee to give a presentation on their Best Value Performance Plan.


(This item was considered as a matter of urgency, the Chair having given notice at the commencement of the meeting).

The Chair briefly referred to the review undertaken by the Audit Commission's Best Value Inspection Team of the Library and Information Service's Best Value Performance Plan. Officers from the Commission had presented their report to the Lead Cabinet Member for Best Value, the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee and other Members/Officers at a recent meeting held in Corwen. The report contained a number of recommendations for implementation which would now be considered by Cabinet. Notwithstanding the contents of the report the Audit Commission did complement the staff on the standard of service given to members of the public.

The Business Support Manager referred to the random testing of staff undertaken by the Audit Commission and to the positive results arising therefrom. She felt that inadequate funding of the Service had resulted in the qualified report given by the Audit Commission.

Councillor D. Jones re-emphasised the need for all staff to be involved in the Best Value process in order to improve services to members of the public.

RESOLVED that the position be noted.


The County Clerk submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members' views on a report submitted to Cabinet which had sought agreement to the next step to be taken in the budget setting process for 2001/2002 in the light of progress made to date. He indicated that the budget report had been circulated to all Scrutiny Committees for consideration and that the projected R.S.G. settlement would be announced in December.

The W.L.G.A. suggested that the settlement would be increased by 6% but taking into account that Denbighshire had exceeded this year's Assembly guideline by 1%, the projected increase, in real terms, would be 5% for this Authority. The W.L.G.A. had also indicated that part of the projected 5% increase

360 could be ring fenced for certain services. The County Clerk also referred to the new bids for additional funding which included additional support for the Best Value Team.

RESOLVED that the recommendations contained in the Financial Controller's report to Cabinet of 14th November, 2000 be endorsed by the Best Value Scrutiny Committee.


None submitted.


In the absence of the Lead Cabinet Member for Best Value this item was deferred to the next meeting of the Committee.


20th December, 2000 at 10 a.m. in the Labour Group Room, Russell House, Rhyl.

The meeting concluded at 11.00 a.m.



Minutes of the Resources Policy Review and Srutiny Committee held in the Labour Group Room, Russell House, Rhyl on Tuesday, 21st November, 2000 at 2.00p.m.


Councillors W.G. Thomas (Chairman), S. Drew, K.N. Hawkins, R.E. Jones, E.A. Owens (Observer) and P.O. Williams.


County Clerk, Head of Revenue Services, Senior Management Accountant (C.Taylor) and Administration Officer (W.J. Harness)


Councillor R.Ll. Williams.


The Minutes of the Resources Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee held on 25th October 2000 were submitted.

Matters Arising:-

Item No. 3 - Capital Receipts - Councillor S. Drew said that she wished it to be recorded that she had referred, at the meeting, to the fact that the property, Fronfraith, Boughton Avenue, Rhyl was, in fact, a house full of valuable assets in terms of fireplaces and other fixtures and fittings and that if the property was sold off without the removal and sale of such assets beforehand, the County stood to lose a great deal of money. In response to Councillor Drew, the County Clerk reminded her of the Authority’s statutory obligation to achieve best value and of the cost that the County could incur if they applied certain conditions to the sale.

RESOLVED that, subject to the above, the Minutes of the Resources Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee held on 25th October 2000 be received and approved as a correct record.

763. CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2000/2001

The Senior Management Accountant submitted the Financial Controller’s report (previously circulated) which provided a detailed analysis of capital spending in 2000/01. This report had been prepared in response to a request made by Members at their last meeting for further details of the schemes included within the Capital Programme.

During consideration of the report the Senior Management Accountant responded to Members’ questions concerning, in particular, an indication of what the capital programme was likely to be next year, location of funding for the Cynnal Schemes support, Council house debt and the need for a contingency fund to be established to meet the cost of events such as the recent flooding in the County.

The Chairman subsequently thanked Mr. Taylor for his very informative report adding that an update at the end of the first quarter of the next financial year would probably be requested by the Committee.

RESOLVED that the report by the Financial Controller be accepted and the current position in relation to the Capital Programme 2000/2001 be noted.


RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


(This item was brought forward on the agenda with the consent of the Chairman).

The Head of Revenues submitted the previously circulated confidential joint report by the Financial Controller and himself which advised Members of the latest position regarding the work of the Revenues Division including sums due to the Council and recovery actions being taken together with those debts recommended for write off.

During consideration of the report the Head of Revenues responded to Members’ various questions and also updated them on the current position regarding benefits indicating that since the operation of a three day a week closure of the Benefits Office to the public, progress on the outstanding work had been very positive and it was very much hoped that work in the Revenues Division would be up to date by the end of December, 2000.

The Committee subsequently considered appendices 2 to 7 of the joint report which sought Members’ recommendation to Council to write off debts.


(a) the report be accepted and the contents thereof noted;

(b) in view of the fact that there was no prospect of recovery, it be recommended to Council that the following debts, as detailed in appendices 2 to 7 attached to the Financial Controller/Head of Revenues joint confidential report, be written off, viz.,

Former Tenant Rent Arrears in respect of council owned property £29,038.96 Sundry debtors £58,056.81 National Non Domestic Rates £41,540.64 National Non Domestic Rates £120,427.93 Council Tax £2,252.77 Housing Benefit Overpayments £43,599.34

(c) the Head of Revenues be requested to provide an update report for Members early in the New Year.


Following consideration of the above agenda item, the Committee continued in open session.

767. SPECIFIC MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION FROM CABINET/COUNCIL Budget Position 2000/2001 and Budget Setting 2001/2002

The County Clerk submitted a report (previously circulated) which enclosed a report by the Lead Member for Finance prepared for submission toCabinet seeking their agreement to the next step in the budget setting process for 2001/2002 in the light of progress made to date.

Councillor A. Owens subsequently highlighted the main points in her report, sought the Committee’s approval to progress to date and responded to Members’ questions thereon. She informed Members that a further round of meetings with Directors had been scheduled in order to re-consider those new 363 pressures and cuts in budget not fully identified and reviewed following which a further report would be prepared for Members’ consideration at their next meeting on 19th December. Councillor Owens reminded Members that Cabinet’s final recommendation with regard to the Authority’s budget for 2001/2002 would be made to Council on 16th January, 2001.


(a) the report be accepted, and

(b) Cabinet be advised that the Resources Scrutiny Committee had no objection to the progress made to date by the Lead Member for Finance in the budget setting process for 2001/2002.

The meeting closed at 4.45p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held in the Town Hall, Ruthin on Thursday 23rd November 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors E.C. Edwards (Leader), I.M. German, D.M. Holder, R.W. Hughes, G.M. Kensler, D.M. Morris, E.A. Owens, A.E. Roberts, W.R. Webb, K.E. Wells and E.W. Williams.

Observers - Councillors P. Douglas, M.A. German, F.D. Jones, K.N. Hawkins, D.A. Thomas, W.G. Thomas, A.E. Fletcher-Williams and C.H. Williams.


Chief Executive, County Clerk, Financial Controller, Assistant Chief Executive [Strategy]. Also present was Miss Cathy Jones, a pupil at Brynhyfryd School on work experience in the County Council Public Relations Department.


1 The Leader referred to the death of Gethin Cunnah, a member of the Revenue Services Department, tragically killed in a car accident at Gronant and asked Members to stand in tribute.

2 Councillor I.M. German referred to the death of Rosemary Walker, a former member of the Social Services Department. The Leader asked Members to stand in tribute.

3 Councillor K.E. Wells, Lead Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning / ICT reported the National Assembly for Wales had that morning agreed to the allocation of £2m to Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, Denbigh to enable the school to become a Centre of Excellence. The partnership between the Headteacher, staff, governors and parents had been very successful.

The Leader thanked Councillor Wells for the information and thanked Members and officers who have been working alongside Jane Davidson Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning and the partnership.


The Leader gave notice of the following items which in his opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972:-

(i) Item deferred from the last meeting - Llys Marchan;

(ii) Appointment of 2 Revenue Officer posts, and

(iii) Addendum to Best Value reports.


The Minutes of the Cabinet held on 14 November 2000 (previously circulated) were submitted. The Leader apologised for the lateness of the Cabinet minutes which was due to the flood situation.

Matters Arising:-

(i) Item 4 [Flooding Incidents in Denbighshire] - the Corporate Director for the Environment to report;

(ii) Item 3 [Budget] Councillor G M Kensler, Lead Cabinet Member for the Eisteddfod/Welsh Language referred to recent press reports on pensions and what effect this would have on budgets. Cllr E A Owens offered to discuss this with Councillor G M Kensler, and

365 (iii) Councillor E W Williams, Lead Cabinet Member for Best Value / Performance queried the nomination positions as recorded in Item 7 ‘Outcome of the County Clare Visit’. In reply it was stated that the County Clare delegation should comprise 2 Labour Members and 2 Independent Members and therefore the minute was accurate as written.

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 14 November 2000 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.

770. REVENUE BUDGET 2000-2001

Councillor E.A. Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance, submitted a report [previously circulated] seeking Cabinet approval for further action to keep the County Council recovery plan on target. Councillor E A Owens referred to the report’s Appendix produced in a different format on this occasion with 3 new lists itemised. Councillor E.A. Owens referred to the 4 column format and in particular to the third column [items showing a penalty] where the cost would form a first charge on Directorate budgets in the new financial year. The fourth column shows the current state of savings achieved.

Councillor E.A. Owens requested Members to take particular notice of the footnote to the Appendix with regard to the recent flooding incidents. It is hoped that most of the costs in excess of the Bellwin threshold of £209k may be recovered from the National Assembly.

Councillor E.W. Williams commented that all Cabinet Members should have seen the synopsis sent to the Scrutiny Committees and would wish to see a concise account of the guidance given by Scrutiny Committees. Councillor E.A. Owens said that she and the Financial Controller have been working closely with the Scrutiny Chairs. The County Clerk reported that they will meet with Scrutiny Chairs next week and any recommendations made will be reported to the next Cabinet meeting.

RESOLVED that Lead Cabinet Members for Education, Leisure, Environment and Personal Services continue to consider as a matter of urgency the budget reductions to be identified and report findings to the Cabinet on a regular basis.


Councillor R.W. Hughes, the Lead Cabinet Member for Culture, Tourism and Leisure presented a report on a National Youth Service Conference organised by the Wales Youth Agency. The Conference dealt with the re-emerging youth service and the National Assembly’s new youth policy initiative. Councillor R.W. Hughes emphasised her concern at the budget position in Denbighshire for Youth Services.

Councillor G.M. Kensler thanked Councillor R.W. Hughes for the report and said that a recent Newsnight programme had emphasised that teachers and youth workers should be available to listen to young people.


The Leader submitted the following applications for approval:-

(i) External advertisement for a Scale 1 / 2 Clerk/Typist in the County Clerk’s Department

(ii) External advertisement for 2 Scale 6 Revenues Officer posts in the Revenues Section [this item was considered as a matter of urgency, the Leader having given notice at the commencement of the meeting]

RESOLVED that the external advertisement of the above mentioned posts be approved.


The Leader presented the report [previously circulated] for LEA Governor vacancies from the Local Member(s) for the area in which the school(s) are located.

366 Councillor E.W. Williams queried the Prestatyn Ysgol Bodnant Infants CP school vacancies as the number of LEA Governors was set at 3 but there were no vacancies. The County Clerk said that these ‘vacancies’ had been included at this time as the new term of office commences in January 2001.

Councillor E.W. Williams nominated Mr. Dewi Jones, Ty’n Llanfair, Pentrecelyn as the second nominee for Ruthin Ysgol Brynhyfryd. The County Clerk said if nominations are not received for all vacancies the County Council through the Cabinet as the appointing body can fill such vacancies. It was agreed that Cabinet take the nomination.

RESOLVED that the LEA Governor appointment(s) be approved as listed, with the addition of Mr Dewi Jones, Ty’n Llanfair, Pentrecelyn as a nominee for Ruthin Ysgol Brynhyfryd.


Councillor R.W. Hughes, Lead Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism presented a report [previously circulated] on the Denbighshire Landscape Strategy as a draft for further consultation early next year over a 6 week period. The document forms part of the Council’s current Statement of Priorities and is also a Countryside Services Strategy. A public open meeting will be held during the consultation period to promote awareness of the draft Strategy.

Councillor D.M. Morris congratulated the Countryside Services Department on the production of the document.

Councillor G.M. Kensler enquired about the location of the proposed public open meeting. The Head of Countryside Services reported that the meeting will be held on 24 January 2001 at Loggerheads Park at 7.00 p.m., the meeting to cover the whole of Denbighshire.

RESOLVED to approve the Draft Denbighshire Landscape Strategy for further consultations.


Councillor I.M. German, Lead Cabinet Member for Human Resources presented the report [previously circulated] seeking Cabinet approval for support for a further year to the Children’s Promise Charity Appeal. Contributions from employees and Members are made via the payroll deduction service at a cost to the Authority of £100, raising a total of £5895 last year.

The Chief Executive informed Members that a number of applications for donations to worthy causes are received during the year.

RESOLVED to continue support for the Children’s Promise Charity Appeal for a further year.


Councillor D.M. Morris, Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment presented both reports [previously circulated] seeking Cabinet approval for the setting up of steering groups but noting that the policy will be formulated in due course. Councillor D.M. Morris said the reports would be sent to the Scrutiny Committee for consideration.

The reports of the transportation studies for Denbigh and Rhyl have been circulated to Cabinet Members.

Councillor E.A. Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance emphasised the absence of funding to meet the cost implications for both reports.

After discussion, the Leader said no further steering groups would be formed until the Scrutiny Committee had considered the reports and that such groups would need to reflect the Area Partnerships the Council was intending to create.

RESOLVED that Members approve the Preferred Strategy outlined in the Transportation Studies for Denbigh and Rhyl and refer both reports to the Environment Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor A.E. Roberts, Lead Cabinet Member for Personal Services submitted the report and Appendix [previously circulated] seeking Cabinet approval for the Guidance on Eligibility for Rehabilitation Programmes for People who Misuse Drugs and / or Alcohol. Guidance on eligibility and priority for services is required as the Social Services Department provides services for people who misuse drugs and / or alcohol under the NHS Act 1977 and are also required under the Community Care legislation to ensure fair access to services and that services are targeted effectively.

Consultation has been carried out with Social Services staff, the Denbighshire Drug and Alcohol Local Action Team, CAIS, the Young Person’s Substance Misuse Service and the Consultant Psychiatrist.

The report will be presented to full Council.

RESOLVED that Cabinet approve the Guidance on Eligibility for Rehabilitation Programmes for People who Misuse Drugs and / or Alcohol.


Councillor A.E. Roberts, Lead Cabinet Member for Personal Services presented a report [previously circulated] on Housing Options based on the recommendations of the Housing Options Working Party, with the report on the Agenda of Council on 28.11.2000.

Members had attended a Seminar in September 2000 which discussed the options for the future of Housing Stock.

The Lead Consultants’ Options Appraisal report [previously circulated] and advice from other Consultants had agreed four amended Recommendations.

Councillor E.A. Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance requested that reports be prepared at 2 monthly intervals for discussion at Cabinet showing the progress made on Housing Options.


(a) Members accept the recommendations of the Housing Options Working Party, and

(b) a 2 monthly progress report on Housing Options be produced for Cabinet.


Councillor A.E. Roberts, Lead Cabinet Member for Personal Services submitted a report [previously circulated] seeking Cabinet approval for a series of recommendations as outlined in the report.

RESOLVED that Members approve the recommendations as outlined in the report.


The Corporate Director for the Environment gave an update on the recent floods experienced within the County.

Horseshoe Pass Landslip:-

Pentredwr road was being cleared that day. A Geotechnical consultant has been appointed and a contractor has carried out emergency works to make the slip safe. Specialist contractors drilling boreholes - will be on site for 2-3 weeks. Hope to have a temporary bridge by Christmas, but a permanent solution was likely to take 6 months before completion.

368 Ruthin Floods/Mwrog Street:-

Consultants were appointed the day after the first flood (30/11/00) to design and supervise repair of the breach in the culvert. Design to be pre-cast concrete box units to allow quicker installation and installation in flowing water (within limits). DCC monitoring culvert. The Environment Agency looking at ways to improve prediction of water levels. Now looking for meeting with the EA and NAfW to discuss a long term solution.

Councillor E.A. Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance requested that preventative action be taken to stop people using the old road to Pentredwr village.

The Leader reported that the Environmental Agency are holding a meeting on 27.11.2000 in Ruthin and officers from the Authority will be in attendance. The meeting is for all Denbighshire residents.


RESOLVED under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded form the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Leader submitted a report on the Purchasing Organisation seeking Cabinet’s approval to withdraw the Council’s notice to quit from the Wirral and North Wales Purchasing Consortium with effect from 31 March 2001 and to give notice to quit as from 31 March 2002 in order to protect the Council’s position.

The Financial Controller detailed the current improved position and explained the costs involved in being part of the organisation. He explained that if a significant number of partners i.e. 2 or more or Wirral Purchasing pull out of the organisation at this stage, the organisation would collapse.

Councillor W.R. Webb, the County Council’s Board Member on the Organisation said the way the organisation was run was unacceptable. Each Authority has one member with Wirral Purchasing having 4 members on the Board. Councillor Webb expressed his concerns that 2 Authorities may pull out of the organisation.

The Financial Controller said if any of the Authorities pull out of the organisation the rescue plan for the organisation would need to be revised.

Councillor W.R. Webb said the next meeting of the organisation will be held on 4 December 2000 and asked the Financial Controller to attend the board meetings.

The Financial Controller said he attends Board meetings and is represented by a colleague at the lead officer group meetings.

RESOLVED that Members, having considered the progress report, withdraw the notice to quit the consortium as of 31 March 2001 and recommend to Council to give notice to quit as from 31 March 2002.


Councillor W.R. Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted the report [previously circulated] updating Members on the progress made on capital receipts gained arising from the sale or potential sale of Council owned property and land as listed in the report.

RESOLVED that Members note the information contained in the report.


Councillor D.M. Morris, Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment submitted the report [previously circulated] seeking Members’ approval to undertake urgent works to the Pavilion Theatre / Sun Centre Pumping Station. ` Councillor D.M. Morris also reported that the swimming pool at Corwen closed earlier this week and required remedial works to be put in hand or the swimming pool would remain closed.

Councillor E.A. Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance said these are both non statutory items and the decision should be deferred until the complete picture is available. Approving this expenditure will endanger the Council’s recovery plan and the Council is able to fund relief work rather than fund the complete remedial works.

Councillor E.W. Williams, Lead Cabinet Member for Best Value stated that Corwen swimming pool is a statutory provision for children in rural areas to learn to swim. Corwen Leisure Centre has shown a profit and the closure of the facility will increase pressures on the Leisure Services budget.

The Chief Executive stated that the leisure facilities are discretionary. The full review of the capital budget for the next financial year has not yet been completed. Any requests for funding of this nature need to be balanced against the capital programme.

RESOLVED to defer a decision at this stage as Members agreed that both items needed to be included in the capital programme discussion.

At this juncture (11.30 a.m) the meeting adjourned for 15 minutes to allow Members to participate in refreshments.


The District Auditor submitted his report [circulated at the meeting] to Members on the Council’s BVPP and was followed Nigel Griffiths of District Audit presenting the main points of the BVPP detailing the strengths and the areas for improvement.

Nigel Griffiths detailed the Performance Management findings and outlined recommendations to implement a corporate performance management system to establish clear corporate objectives, standards and priorities, setting service level targets compatible with budgets and supportive of corporate objectives, incorporating clear monitoring and reporting procedures, all with the involvement of Members. He went on to detail the Challenge, Compare, Consult and Compete findings and recommendations followed by the Development and Management of the Review Programme and then the Internal and External Challenge.

The District Auditor has requested comments on the report by 12.12.2000. He stressed that Best Value is a continuous process and that their recommendations should enable the Council to move forward as good progress has been achieved in a short space of time.

In response the Chief Executive welcomed the District Auditor’s presentation and stressed that Best Value in Denbighshire has to be governed as a priority by the Council’s recovery plan. The WLGA had expressed concerns about the volume of work generated by Best Value and the First Minister had that week announced his intention to streamline the process, but Best Value was a valuable tool and one which needed to be taken seriously, albeit that Denbighshire had not so far devoted as much resource to the initiatives as compared with other Authorities in Wales.

Councillor G.M. Kensler asked how many different figures are produced by the Authority for various organisations. The Financial Controller explained that moves are in hand to standardise information to enable it to be produced once only.

The Leader thanked the District Audit team for their report and presentation.


Councillor A.E. Roberts, Lead Cabinet Member for Personal Services submitted a report on Llys Marchan seeking Members’ approval to consult with the community in Ruthin, residents and staff on securing the future of Llys Marchan and also to enter into a new partnership agreement [subject to financial conditions being met], with the North Wales Health Authority, the Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust and Clwyd Alyn Housing Association.

RESOLVED that Members accept the recommendations to:-

(a) consult with the local community in Ruthin, residents and staff on securing the future of Llys Marchan, and

(b) enter into a new partnership agreement subject to financial conditions being met, with the North Wales Health Authority, the Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust and Clwyd Alyn Housing Association.



Councillor E.W. Williams presented a report [previously circulated] seeking Members approval of the proposed Action Plan to address the recommendations made in the Statutory Report of the District Audit on the Council’s BVPP 2000-2001.

The District Auditor has given an opinion on 4 areas of the BVPP 2000-2001 and 48 recommendations for improvement and the Council’s Action Plan seeks to address the improvements recommended by the District Auditor.

The Leader thanked Councillor E.W. Williams and Mrs. Ll. Jehu, Best Value Officer for their work on Best Value.


(a) Members approve the proposed Action Plan, and

(b) when presenting the Action Plan to District Audit further attention is drawn to the fact that much of the action had already been agreed as part of the Recovery Plan and that District Audit were aware of this.


Councillor E.W. Williams presented the report [previously circulated] together with an Addendum circulated at the meeting as notified by the Leader, seeking Members approval for the programme of Year 1 Service Reviews for publication in the 2001-2002 Performance Plan.

The Chief Executive commented on the services to be reviewed and stressed the need for the choice of service reviews to be guided both by the Mission Statement adopted by the Council and the Recovery Plan. He suggested that the list put forward should be regarded as a provisional one, with a further report prepared for the next Cabinet to take on board as well as the issues arising from the District Auditor’s presentation.

RESOLVED that with the addition of “Fast-track” reviews for Special education Needs and Elderly Persons homes Members approve the programme provisionally for the publication of Year 1 Best Value Service Reviews, but that a subsequent report to the Cabinet be submitted reflecting discussions with Management Team and providing further details on costs and resources of delivering the programme.

The meeting concluded at 1.05 p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the County Council held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Ruthin on Tuesday, 28th November, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors R. Ll. Williams (Chairman), J. Butterfield, G.A. Clague, D.W. Davies, M. Ll. Davies, P.A. Dobb, P. Douglas, S. Drew, E.C. Edwards, A.E. Fletcher-Williams, I.M. German, M.A. German, K.N. Hawkins, D.M. Holder, J.R. Hughes, N.J. Hughes, R.W. Hughes, D. Jones, E.R. Jones, F.D. Jones, G. Jones, M.M. Jones, N.H. Jones, P.M. Jones, R.E. Jones, R.J.R. Jones, G.M. Kensler, D.M. Morris, E.A. Owens, T.M. Parry, A.E. Roberts, F. Shaw, J.A. Smith, D.A. Thomas, S. Thomas, W.G. Thomas, A.J. Tobin, W.R. Webb, K.E. Wells, C.H. Williams, P.J. Williams and P.O. Williams.


Chief Executive, Director of Social Services, County Clerk, Financial Controller and Administration Services Manager.


Councillor D. Jones offered prayers at the commencement of the meeting.


Councillors A.E.W. Jones, J.S. Kerfoot-Davies, K.P. Stevens, E.W. Williams and G. Williams; Mrs. C. Welch and Mrs. C. Ashton (Co-opted members).


The Chairman referred to:-

(i) the recent tragic death of Mr. Gethin Cunnah, an employee in the Finance Directorate;

(ii) the death of Mrs. Gill Burke, Cook in Charge at Ysgol Bryn Collen, Llangollen, and

(iii) the death of Mrs. Rosemary Walker, a former Manager in the Social Services Directorate.

The Chairman expressed his deepest sympathies to all their families and Members, Officers and members of the public stood in silence as a mark of respect.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Iwan Prys Jones, the newly appointed Corporate Director of Environment.


The Chairman reported that:-

(i) item 6 on the Agenda (Notice of Motion) had been withdrawn, and

(ii) an invitation had been extended to Members to attend a presentation by various agencies on "Domestic Violence" following Council in the Assembly Rooms.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Hywel Edwards, North Wales Organiser of the National Eisteddfod of Wales.

372 Councillor G.M. Kensler, Lead Cabinet Member for the Eisteddfod also extended a warm welcome to Mr. Edwards and expressed her pleasure in having the opportunity for Members to receive a presentation on the National Eisteddfod.

Mr. Edwards thanked the Council for the invitation and indicated that arrangements were now well in hand for the Eisteddfod to be held in Denbigh in 2001. He particularly paid tribute to the former Glyndwr Members and Denbigh Town Council in pursuing and persuading the Eisteddfod Committee to bring the Eisteddfod back to Denbigh.

Mr. Edwards felt that the Eisteddfod would be a wonderful opportunity for the County to welcome and accommodate the large number of visitors expected to attend the Eisteddfod and he highlighted the cultural and economic benefits that the festival would bring to the region. He particularly referred to the media coverage that would be given to the Eisteddfod involving television, radio and Internet access. Following a brief overview of the activities that would be taking place during the 8 days of the Festival Members received a video presentation on the main themes of the Eisteddfod.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Edwards for the presentation and referred to the excellent work already done in preparing for the Eisteddfod by the various communities in Denbighshire.


The Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the County Council held on 19th September 2000 and the special meetings of the County Council held on 20th September and 4th October, 2000 (previously circulated) were submitted.

Matters Arising:-

19th September, 2000

(i) Minute no. 467 (ix) (Cabinet - 6th July) - in response to a question from Councillor R.E. Jones the County Clerk reported that summaries of Conferences and Seminars attended by Members were now being submitted to the appropriate Committees;

(ii) Minute no. 474 (Modernisation) - in response to a question from Councillor P.O. Williams the County Clerk reported that an advertisement had been placed in the local press inviting applications from independent members to serve on the Standards Committee. It was anticipated that the membership of the Committee would be established by Christmas;

(iii) Minute no. 476 (Training for Competency in Occupational Safety) - in response to a question from Councillor M.M. Jones the Administration Services Manager reported that he was still awaiting a response from the National Assembly;

(iv) Minute no. 477 (Inspection of Adult Mental Illness Services in Denbighshire) - in response to a question from Councillor J.R. Hughes the Director of Social Services reported that the Scrutiny Committee had only considered the draft report and Members would receive a copy of the final report when published, and

(v) Minute no. 483 (Grounds Maintenance - North) - in response to a question from Councillor N.H. Jones the County Clerk reported that a numerical record of voting was only undertaken when a recorded vote took place.

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the County Council meeting held on 19th September 2000 and the Minutes of the Special County Council meetings held on 20th September and 4th October, 2000 be approved as correct records and signed by the Chairman.


RESOLVED that subject to the under mentioned the Minutes of the following Committees and Panels be received viz:-

(i) Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire - 10th July, 2000;

(ii) Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire - 17th July, 2000;

(iii) Joint Agricultural Board of Denbighshire and Flintshire - 31st July, 2000;

(iv) Cabinet - 31st August, 2000

(v) Planning Committee - 6th September, 2000

Minute No. 422 (Proposed Foodstore, High Street, Prestatyn) - in response to a request for an update on progress the County Clerk and Head of Planning Services reported that Tesco were now happy with the Section 106 Agreement and the Officers were now waiting for British Railways Property Board to sign their part of the Agreement;

(vi) Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel - 7th September, 2000

Minute No. 434(ii) - amend surname of Glyn Morris Jones to Roberts;

(vii) Cabinet - 12th September, 2000

Minute No. 438(vi) (Management Arrangements for Local Authority Residential Homes) - in response to a question from Councillor N.H. Jones the Director of Social Services reported that the Joint Planning and Commissioning Group had met and a report would be submitted to Cabinet;

(viii) Environment Scrutiny Committee - 18th September, 2000;

(ix) Cabinet - 19th September, 2000;

(x) Cefndy Enterprises Advisory Panel - 20th September, 2000;

(xi) Denbighshire Joint Consultative Committee - 21st September, 2000;

(xii) Personal Services Scrutiny Committee - 21st September, 2000;

(xiii) Best Value Scrutiny Committee - 26th September, 2000;

(xiv) Resources Scrutiny Committee - 27th September, 2000;

(xv) Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee - 27th September, 2000;

(xvi) Cabinet - 28th September, 2000;

(xvii) Special Cabinet - 28th September, 2000

Minute No. 561 - the Chief Executive reported that the newly appointed Assistant Director, Culture and Leisure, Mrs. A. Gosse (neé Moss) would be commencing duties on 2nd January, 2001;

(xviii) Licensing Panel - 3rd October, 2000

In response to a question from Councillor P.O. Williams the County Clerk gave an assurance that a legal officer would be attending future meetings of the Panel;

374 (xix) Planning Committee - 4th October, 2000;

(xx) Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel - 5th October, 2000;

(xxi) Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education - 10th October, 2000;

(xxii) Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee - 10th October, 2000

The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee reported that the Co-opted Members had now been appointed to the Committee and that Cabinet Members Councillors R.W. Hughes and K.E. Wells had both addressed the Committee.

Minute No. 602(a) - add words "(non voting)" after Denbighshire Federation of Headteachers;

(xxiii) Resources Scrutiny Committee - 11th October, 2000;

(xxiv) Environment Scrutiny Committee - 11th October, 2000;

(xxv) Corporate Health, Safety and Welfare Panel - 17th October, 2000;

(xxvi) Local Joint Consultative Committee - 17th October, 2000;

(xxvii) Personal Services Scrutiny Committee - 18th October, 2000;

(xxviii) Audit Panel - 18th October, 2000;

(xxix) Best Value Scrutiny Committee - 18th October, 2000;

(xxx) Cabinet - 23rd October, 2000;

(xxxi) Resources Scrutiny Committee - 25th October, 2000;

(xxxii) Planning Committee - 1st November, 2000

Minute No. 686 (Application no. 45/2000/0691/PE) - Councillor E.A. Owens wished it to be recorded that the information given by Officers that the Bel Market Site had been sold was incorrect.

Minute No. 687 (Application no. 25/710/99/PF) - Councillor R.E. Jones expressed his concerns regarding the timing of the decision taken by the Assembly Minister for the Environment to "call in" the application only 4 hours after the Committee had determined the application. He felt that the Assembly had had ample time to call in the application prior to its determination by the Committee. The Chief Executive reported that he had spoken with Officers from the Assembly following the "call in" who had acknowledged that the timing of the decision could have been better. Councillor R.E. Jones proposed, seconded by Councillor N.H. Jones that appropriate representations be made to the Assembly regarding the timing of the decision. Upon being put to the vote it was:-

RESOLVED accordingly.

(xxxiii) Environment Scrutiny Committee - 1st November, 2000;

(xxxiv) Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel - 2nd November, 2000, and

(xxxv) Cabinet - 14th November, 2000

Item 4(b) (Flooding Incidents in Denbighshire) - in response to a question from Councillor M. Ll. Davies regarding consultation with local Members the Chief Executive referred to the advice

375 given on consultation within the Council’s Emergency Plans. The previous delegation of powers was to Chairs of Committees which was not now relevant. The Chief Executive agreed to forward a copy of the relevant documentation to Councillor Davies. The Cabinet had recommended that the County Council should authorise the Chief Executive when exercising his delegated powers to act in emergencies to consult where appropriate Cabinet Lead Members.

RESOLVED accordingly.

The Chair expressed his appreciation to all staff who had responded to the flooding incidents. Councillor R.E. Jones also congratulated the Officers on their responses to the very rigorous cross-examination at the public meeting held on 27th November, 2000.

Item 7 (Outcome of County Clare Visit) - in response to Members' concerns regarding the lack of information on such visits Councillor W.R. Webb indicated that a report on the visit would be submitted to the Modernising Panel on 29th November, 2000. The County Clerk agreed to circulate a copy of that report to all Members.

Item 9 (Communications Strategy) - Councillor R.E. Jones indicated that the Cabinet profiles had been jointly undertaken by David Jones and Gareth Ap Thomas on behalf of the sister papers the Vale Advertiser and the Rhyl and Prestatyn Visitor. It was agreed that the letter of thanks be forwarded to both journalists.


The Chairman reported upon the following:-

(i) Millennium Dome - The Chairman reported that he had attended the performance of Denbighshire's "Our Town Story" at the Millennium Dome involving 70 children from various Schools within the County. MacDonalds had hosted the event and the Chairman referred to a trophy displayed at the meeting which had been presented to him on behalf of those taking part;

(ii) Manchester Marathon - The Chairman reported that Jenny Martin, an employee in the Finance Directorate, had recently ran in the Manchester Marathon and had raised nearly £600 for the St. Kentigern Hospice.

(iii) Great Wall of China - The Chairman reported that Ken Pimlett, an employee in the Social Services Directorate intended to walk The Great Wall of China and he along with other volunteers hoped to raise £400.000 for the Cancer Research Campaign;

(iv) School Cook of the Year - The Chairman reported that Wendy Price had recently taken part in the All Wales Final of the School Cook of the Year and gained Second Place, and

(v) Paralympic Games - The Chairman reported that Miss Nicola Tustain of Bryneglwys gained 2 Gold Medals and 1 Bronze Medal in Equestrian Events at the recent Paralympic Games held in Sydney. Nicola had also been awarded the overall Sporty Personality of the Year at the recent Denbighshire Sports Council Awards Ceremony. The Chairman congratulated all the award winners and indicated that he would be hosting a Civic Reception for Nicola shortly.


The Chairman reported that this item had been withdrawn. Councillor D. A. Thomas indicated that the Cabinet had decided that part of the land holdings at Maes Derwen, St. Asaph would be withdrawn from the list of properties/land for sale. On behalf of Councillor J.A. Smith and himself, he thanked his fellow Members and the residents of St. Asaph for their support and to the Leader and Cabinet for considering their representations.


The Leader of the Council submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking approval of the Directorates' Performances Reviews undertaken by the Chief Executive and relevant Cabinet Member or Members (when available). The Cabinet had considered the Performance Reviews on the 12th September 2000 and agreed that the reports should be forwarded to Council and Scrutiny Committees for further consideration.

The Leader referred to the new system of Performance Reviews to be undertaken which would entail a team of officers including Internal Audit, assessing particular services and presenting reports to the Chief Executive and relevant Cabinet Members. The Scrutiny Committees would also be involved in the reviews of end of year performance of individual services. The Leader also reported that a protocol was being developed for Scrutiny Committees to "call in" individual Cabinet Members.

Councillor M.L.I. Davies referred to the "fourth option" on the adoption of a modernised committee structure put forward by the Partnership Agreement and queried whether the Council would be considering that option. The Chief Executive reported that the Council had only just received the draft from the Assembly and indicated that the Modernising Panel would need to consider the option which would then be the subject of a report to Cabinet and Council.

RESOLVED that the Directorates' Performance Reviews be approved .


The Lead Cabinet Member for Personal Services submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking confirmation of a Cabinet recommendation of 23rd October 2000 that the County Council approves the Social Services Business Plan/Social Care Plan 2000 - 2003.

RESOLVED accordingly.


The Lead Cabinet Members with responsibility for Training and Development submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking the County Council's agreement to participate in The Wales Charter for Councillors and for the Chairman and Leader of the Council to sign the formal agreement. The Cabinet on 28th September 2000 had agreed to commit to and support the Charter subject to the County Council signing up thereto.

RESOLVED that the County Council's participation in The Wales Charter for Councillors be approved (The Chairman duly signed The Charter).


The Lead Cabinet Member with responsibility for Training and Development submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking approval of a proposed policy strategy for Councillor Learning and Development. Councillor Holder briefly outlined to Members the strategy and indicated that training events would be held to maximise the availability of Members involving day/evening sessions.

Whilst welcoming the report, Councillor J.A. Smith proposed, seconded by Councillor S. Thomas that the Monitoring and Evaluation section of the strategy document be deleted.

Councillor P Douglas proposed an amendment, seconded by Councillor I.M. German that the strategy document be approved. Following a brief discussion on whether Members needed to be monitored and evaluated, the Chief Executive suggested that the second sentence of the Monitoring and Evaluation section of the document be deleted which might satisfy all Members' concerns. The Leader proposed that course of action which was seconded by Councillor F.D. Jones. Upon being put to the vote it was:-.

377 RESOLVED that the Councillor Learning and Development Strategy be approved subject to the deletion of the second sentence in the Monitoring and Evaluation section of the document.

At this juncture 11.40am the meeting adjourned for 15 minutes to allow Members to participate in refreshments.


Prior to the consideration of this item, the Monitoring Officer reminded Members of the need to consider whether they had any pecuniary/non-pecuniary interests regarding the application under the National Code of Local Government Conduct.

The Head of Planning Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to seek the resolution of Council on a planning application considered by the Planning Committee on 1st November 2000. The application was considered to fall into a category requiring formal determination by the Council being a significant departure from the relevant adopted development plan.

The Head of Planning Services recommended that the application be granted in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Committee subject to the planning obligation and conditions as set out in the accompanying report. He indicated that the application had been referred to the Welsh Assembly as a significant departure.

Councillor J.R. Hughes proposed, seconded by Councillor S. Thomas that the application be granted in accordance with the resolution of the Planning Committee. Councillor N.H. Jones proposed an amendment, seconded by Councillor G.A.Clague that the application be deferred pending the receipt of a response from the National Assembly. The Head of Planning Services indicated that the Assembly were not a consultee. The National Assembly had been notified and provided with a copy of the application, plans, etc. The notification procedure exists to enable the Assembly to decide whether to call it in or not. Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was LOST.

Councillor N.H. Jones raised objections to the application on the grounds that Local Authorities were now being requested to consider very carefully development on flood plains or near sea defences. He indicated that the Government would be seeking to amend the Technical Advisory Notes so that environmental issues would need to be addressed in future when considering such applications.

Councillor G.A. Clague declared a personal interest in the application which was not clear and substantial. Councillor Clague referred to a letter received from the Environment Agency regarding the application which had raised issues regarding flood defences, evacuation plan for residents and a 50 year design life.

Councillor J.R. Hughes declared a personal interest in the application as a local resident and felt that this was not clear and substantive and the application was no different to any other developments taking place in the Ffrith Beach area. Councillor M.A. German echoed those comments and suggested that the developers had produced an adequate plan to protect the sea defences.

There followed a full and detailed debate on the merits of the application following which the Head of Planning Services responded to Members' questions. He felt that the representations from the Environment Agency would be adequately covered by planning conditions.

Councillor N. H. Jones proposed, seconded by Councillor G.A. Clague that the application be refused.

With the requisite numbers of Members having indicated in accordance with Standing Order 13 that they wished for a recorded vote to be taken on the proposition the voting was recorded as follows:-

For the proposition (to refuse the application) (7)

Councillors G.A. Clague, R.W. Hughes, N.H. Hugh-Jones, D.M. Morris, T.M. Parry, A.J. Tobin and P.O. Williams.

378 Against the proposition ( to grant the application) (27)

Councillors J. Butterfield, M.LI. Davies, P. Douglas, S. Drew, E.C. Edwards, A.E. Fletcher-Williams, I.M. German, M.A. German, K.N. Hawkins, D.M. Holder, J.R. Hughes, N.J. Hughes, D. Jones, E.R. Jones, F.D. Jones, G. Jones, M.M. Jones, P.M. Jones, R.J.R. Jones, E.A. Owens, A.E. Roberts, F. Shaw, J.A. Smith, D.A. Thomas, S. Thomas, W.G. Thomas and K.E. Wells.

Abstentions (5)

Councillors P.A. Dobb, R.E. Jones, G.M. Kensler, C.H. Williams and R.Ll. Williams.

The proposition was therefore declared LOST and it was:-

RESOLVED that application No. 43/2000/250/PO be granted in accordance with the resolution of the Planning Committee, subject to the applicants first entering into an obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and to the conditions set out in the report.


(Councillors P. Douglas and P.M. Jones declared an interest in the following item and left the Chamber during discussion and voting thereon).

The Director of Social Services submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking approval of the Minimum Standards for Day Nurseries and for Full Day Care for Children in Full Time Education. A review of the standards had been undertaken to take account of the growth in care for school-age children, to provide a bilingual document and to ensure that the standards were clear.

The Director referred to the one open access facility in Denbighshire, namely the Rhyl Adventure Playground, Rhydwen Close, Rhyl and the need to draw up a letter of understanding with the Management Committee regarding the implementation of the standards applicable to that site.

Councillor E.A Owens welcomed the new standards and suggested that if any other open access facility should commence operating the same approach be applied as that taken with R.A.P.A.

Councillor J. Butterfield indicated that the standards had been discussed at the Children's and Residential Care Homes Panel and the Scrutiny Committee and emphasised the need to have a letter of understanding in place with R.A.P.A.

Councillor A.E. Fletcher-Williams thanked the Officers for the production of such a comprehensive set of standards.


(a) the Minimum Standards for Day Nurseries and for Full Day Care for Children in Full Time Education be approved and

(b) The Director of Social Services in consultation with the County Clerk be requested to issue a letter of understanding to the Management Committee of the Rhyl Adventure Playground Association advising them of the adoption of the Minimum Standards and setting out the qualifications to be applied in the case of Open Access Groups.


The Lead Cabinet Member for Personal Services submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking an endorsement of the recommendations of the Housing Options Working Party and to seek progress on a preferred option as soon as possible.

379 The County Clerk reported that the Cabinet had considered the report and had recommended that a Tenant Representative on the Working Party be invited to speak to the proposals at the Council Meeting. Members agreed to that course of action.

The Cabinet Lead Member took Members through the report and assured the Tenant Representatives that they would be consulted at every stage of the procedures. He indicated that Cabinet had discussed the options in detail and had endorsed the recommendations of the the Working Party. Councillor A.E. Roberts formally proposed, seconded by Councillor S. Thomas, that the recommendations of the Housing Options Working Party be approved.

Mr. John Patterson, a Tenant Representative on the Working Party, addressed the meeting and expressed concerns over the timetable of events. He indicated that Denbighshire was the first Local Authority in Wales to consider Stock Transfer and felt that it was essential to have full consultation and agreement at every stage of the process. Mr Patterson thanked the Lead Member and the Head of Housing for their support and advice and he endorsed the recommendations of the Working Party.

Councillor P. Douglas thanked Mr Patterson for his contribution to the debate which he felt reflected the modernisation process.

Following a brief debate, a vote was taken on the proposition and it was:-

RESOLVED that the following recommendation of the Housing Options Working Party be approved:-

(a) Stock Transfer be adopted as the preferred option and the Working Party be requested to continue to review other options for securing the investment needed within the housing stock including Objective One Funding;

(b) consultation be commenced with all tenants so that tenants might form an informed opinion regarding transfer and the Council might assess the views, concerns and aspirations of tenants in that respect. The Working Party be authorised to continue to review the timetable; and that

(c) a decision whether or not to proceed to formal consultation, and thereafter ballot, be made by the Working Party in light of the feedback from tenants, following initial informal consultation.


The County Clerk submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking approval for an extension of the interim political balance arrangements agreed at Council on 19th September 2000. He indicated that it would be necessary to carry out a full review of political balance once the position of the three Members de-registered from the Labour Group had been determined.

The County Clerk also read out a Notice of Motion received from the Plaid Cymru Group which should have been placed on the Agenda for Council. However, he felt that the Council could consider the Notice of Motion in conjunction with his report.

The Leader of Council proposed, seconded by Councillor F.D. Jones that the County Clerk's recommendation be accepted. Upon being put to the vote it was:-

RESOLVED that the interim political balance arrangements presently being operated be continued and the situation be considered further at the next full Council Meeting.


The County Clerk submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking authority to delegate to the Modernising Panel the preparation of the Council's response to the National Assembly's Consultation Paper on the General Principals of Conduct (copy attached to the report). RESOLVED accordingly


RESOLVED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Submitted the Minutes of the Denbighshire Adoption and Fostering Panel held on 11th September, 2nd and 9th October 2000 (previously circulated).

Councillor R.W. Hughes queried the status of the Minutes and to the delegated powers of the Panel. The Director of Social Services reported that the Panel made recommendations to him for approval and therefore he had the ultimate responsibility for any decision taken. Any challenge on those decisions would be directed through him in his professional capacity and not via the Panel.

In response to a question from Councillor D. Jones, the Director indicated that he was satisfied with the time limit set for an extension of an existing exemption to the usual fostering limit.

RESOLVED that the confidential Minutes of the meetings of the Adoption and Fostering Panel held on 11th September , 2nd and 9th October 2000 be received and noted.


The Financial Controller submitted a confidential report (previously circulated) requesting authority to write off irrecoverable debts as detailed in Appendices 1-6 of the report. The Resources Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee on 21st November 2000 had considered the report and recommended to Council that the debts be written off.

The Head of Revenues took Members through the report and responded to questions thereon.

The Leader of the Council proposed, seconded by Councillor F.D. Jones that the recommendation be accepted upon being put to the vote its was:-

RESOLVED that the irrecoverable debts as detailed in Appendices 1-6 of the report be written off.

The meeting concluded at 1.25 p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Ruthin on Wednesday, 29th November, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors F.D. Jones (Chair), J. Butterfield, M. Ll. Davies, P. Douglas, A.E. Fletcher-Williams, I.M. German, M.A. German, K.N. Hawkins, J.R. Hughes, N.J. Hughes, N.H. Jones, D. Jones (substitute for D.W. Davies), G. Jones, M.M. Jones (substitute for P.O. Williams), P.M. Jones, R.E. Jones, R.J.R. Jones, D.M. Morris (substitute for S. Thomas), E.A. Owens, F. Shaw, J.A. Smith, W.G. Thomas, A.J. Tobin, K.E. Wells, C.H. Williams and R. Ll. Williams.


County Clerk, Head of Planning Services, Principal Planning Officer (South), Principal Planning Officer (North) and Administrative Officer (G. Butler).


Councillors D.W. Davies, D.M. Holder, R.W. Hughes, K.P. Stevens, S. Thomas and P.O. Williams.


The report by the Head of Planning Services (previously circulated) was submitted enumerating plans submitted and requiring determination by the Committee.


(a) the recommendations of the Officers, as contained within the report now submitted, be confirmed and planning consents or refusals as the case may be, be issued as appropriate under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, Planning and Compensation Act, 1991, Town and Country Planning Advert Regulations, 1994 and/or Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act, 1990 to the development proposed by the following plans subject to the conditions enumerated in the schedule now submitted:-

(i) Consents

Application No. Description and Situation

02/2000/0946/PF (Following consideration of a correction to the officer’s report (Block E is involved not Block F as stated) together with an additional letter of representation from the Head of Highways). Construction of a glazed link building between two existing buildings at Yr Hen Garchar (Council Offices), 46 Clwyd Street, Ruthin, Denbighshire.

05/2000/1015/PO (Subject to the receipt of no further representations raising planning matters not already covered in the report by 6th December, 2000). (Following consideration of four additional letters of representation from the National Assembly (Transport Directorate); the Head of Highways; D.E. Jones, Bradford House, Corwen and Mr. Cowan, Corwen Chamber of Commerce). Demolition of former library and youth centre buildings and erection of 3 business units (Use Class B1) (outline application) at former Library/Youth Club, Off London Road, Corwen.

382 06/2000/0862/PF Surfacing works, including decking area and associated works to external area and car park (partly retrospective) at Rose & Crown, Gwyddelwern, Corwen. SUBJECT to the following amended conditions nos. 1 and 3 and New Condition no. 5:- 1. No further development shall be permitted to continue until the written approval of the Local Planning Authority has been obtained to the stone and copings to be used on the walls, the finish of the oak posts, stone piers and natural stone setts, and the development shall only proceed in accordance with the approved details. 3. All parking areas shown on the plans shall be laid out, surfaced and maintained as parking areas at all times. The existing stone wall adjoining the parking area shown on the approved plan shall be maintained at the existing height at all times. 5. All excavation works within a distance of 5 metres from the trunk of trees within or adjacent to the application site shall be carried out by hand, and in the event that main tree roots are exposed, none shall be severed and measures shall be taken to safeguard the roots in conjunction with the construction of the parking area.

08/2000/0035/PS (Councillor N.J. Hughes declared an interest in the following application and left the Chamber during consideration thereof). (Following consideration of a correction to table 1 (“0600 on Saturday”) and two additional letters of representation from R. Roberts (Noswyl, Cynwyd - 2nd letter) and Mrs. C.W. Upton, Nantyr, Cynwyd (2nd letter)). Operation of galvanising plant between 0600 hours to 2200 hours Mondays-Fridays, and 0600 hours - 1200 hours on Saturdays (current hours of operation 0700 hours - 1800 hours Mondays - Fridays, 0700 hours to 1200 hours on Saturdays and no working on Sundays, Bank Holidays or other National Holidays) together with changes to associated vehicular site movements and alterations in working practice to provide noise control measures at The Smithy, Ifor Williams Trailers Ltd., Cynwyd, Corwen. SUBJECT to the following amended condition number 3:- 3. The increased hours of operation of the galvanising plant shall not be undertaken until the measures approved in accordance with Condition 2 of this permission have been implemented to the written satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

41/2000/0912/PF (Subject to the receipt of no further representations raising planning matters not already covered in the report by 11th December, 2000). (Following consideration of an amendment to report Paragraph 2 - "24 no. spaces now being provided including 2 for disabled"). Change of use of land from agricultural to form car park for church and alteration of existing vehicular access at The Glebe, Part OS Field No. 2320, Bodfari, Denbigh. SUBJECT to the following amended conditions nod. 2, 5 and 7 and new conditions nod. 9, 10, 11 and 12:- 2. Substitute "walls" for "buildings". 5. (c) "proposed materials to be used for the kerbs to the car park". 7. "1m in height". 9. Development shall not commence until details of the proposed levels of the entrance and car park have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved levels. 383 REASON - in the interests of visual and residential amenity. 10. The use of the car park hereby permitted shall not commence until the parking and spaces shown on the approved plan have been surfaced and marked out. REASON - in the interests of visual and residential amenity. 11. Details of any gates or barriers to be provided to the entrance of the car park shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to their erection. REASON - in the interests of visual amenity and highway safety. 12. The car park shall be available for public use at all times. REASON - to give effect to part of the justification for the proposal.

43/2000/0894/PF Change of use of shop to offices, construction of new vehicular access and erection of stone wall and railings to frontage at Tan-Y-Don Caravan Park, 263, 269 and 279 Victoria Road, Prestatyn. SUBJECT to the following amended condition no. 4, new condition no. 7 and new note to applicant:- 4. Last sentence to read "These areas shall be laid and marked out prior to the commencement of the new access and caravan display area". 7. The area for the display of 2 no. static caravans to the east of the new access shall not be used until the frontage stone wall and railings and new access have been completed. REASON - in the interests of visual amenity and highway safety. Note to applicant - The Highway Authority advises that there will be a need for consent under Section 184 of the Highways Act for the new access. The Denbighshire Access Group have advised that the entrances to the office should be level, with doors a minimum of 850mm wide with ramped access. Dropped kerbs should be flush with the roads and be conveniently placed. Provision should be made for disabled parking spaces which should be 3.6m wide.

43/2000/0928/PC Retention of porch and conservatory at rear of dwellinghouse (retrospective application) at 15 Sea Road, Prestatyn, Denbighshire. SUBJECT to the following new condition no. 1:- 1. A 2m high screen fence shall be erected on the site boundary of the property with 13 Sea Road, as indicated on the attached plan within 2 months of the date of this permission. REASON - in the interests of the privacy of the adjacent occupiers.

43/2000/0925/PF (Following consideration of an additional letter of representation from Dr. K.M. Jones, 5 Calthorpe Drive, Prestatyn). Erection of extension at rear and alterations to roof including provision of dormer windows to front and sides of dwellinghouse at 3 Calthorpe Drive, Prestatyn, Denbighshire. SUBJECT to the following new condition no. 3:- 3. The first floor windows to the side elevations of the development hereby permitted shall be glazed with obscure glass prior to the occupation of the extension and therefore retained as such. REASON - in the interests of the privacy of adjoining occupiers.

43/2000/1002/PF (Following consideration of three additional letters of representation from Prestatyn Town Council; British Gas and New Development Consultants). Erection of 2 no. 270 sq. m industrial units (Class B1 or Class B2), access road and parking at Part of Old Gasworks Site, Ffordd Pendyffryn, Prestatyn, Denbighshire. 384 (ii) Refusals

Application No. Description

05/2000/0889/PO (Following consideration of an additional letter of representation from the applicants agent (Jones Peckover)). Development of 0.21 ha of land for residential purposes, construction of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses (outline application) on Land Adjoining Llwyn Onn, Glyndyfrdwy, Corwen. For the following amended reason no. 1:- 1. The site is located outside the development boundary for Glyndyfrdwy in the emerging Denbighshire Unitary Development Plan, and in the absence of any formal objections to the land allocation in the Plan for the village, the Local Planning Authority consider significant weight should be attached to it in the determination of the application, in particular as the proposal is in conflict with Policies GEN 1 and GEN 4 of the Unitary Development Plan. It is the view of the Local Planning Authority that there is adequate, feasible and suitable land available elsewhere in the village for the limited housing market in the locality, and that the development would be difficult to assimilate into the landscape on a sloping and conspicuous site within a Special Landscape Area, and a proposed Area of Outstanding Beauty.

05/2000/0891/PO (Following consideration of an additional letter of representation from the applicants agent (Jones Peckover)). Development of 0.07 ha of land for residential purposes, construction of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses (outline application) at Land Adjoining Llwyn Onn, Glyndyfrdwy, Corwen. For the following amended reason no. 1:- 1. The site is located outside the development boundary for Glyndyfrdwy in the emerging Denbighshire Unitary Development Plan, and in the absence of any formal objections to the land allocation in the Plan for the village, the Local Planning Authority consider significant weight should be attached to it in the determination of the application, in particular as the proposal is in conflict with Policies GEN 1 and GEN 4 of the Unitary Development Plan. It is the view of the Local Planning Authority that there is adequate, feasible and suitable land available elsewhere in the village for the limited housing market in the locality, and that the development would be difficult to assimilate into the landscape on a sloping and conspicuous site within a Special Landscape Area, and a proposed Area of Outstanding Beauty.

(b) The following applications be deferred to enable site visits to be undertaken:-

Application No. Description and Situation

43/2000/0900/PO (Following consideration of an alteration to paragraph 7 and two additional letters of representation from the Forestry Officer and Mr. R. Marten, 7 Aspen Grove, ). Development of 0.19 hectares of land by erection of 2 no. dwellings and construction of new vehicular access (outline application) at Rear of 76/78, Land at 74 Gronant Road, Prestatyn, Denbighshire. REASON - to assess the impact of development on trees on site and the neighbouring dwellings.

385 (c) The following application be deferred:-

Application No. Description and Situation

43/2000/0967/PF (Following consideration of an amendment to paragraph 2 and an additional letter of representation from Prestatyn Town Council). Installation of 4 no. 600 mm microwave dishes and 6 no. antennae and ancillary equipment at Scala Cinema & Tourist Information Office, 47 High Street, Prestatyn, Denbighshire. DEFER - to consult Public Protection on Health and Safety issues.


The Head of Planning Services' written report (previously circulated) was submitted seeking approval for site visits arising from Agenda Item No. 2 to be held on Friday, 1st December, 2000 and advising of the current membership of the Site Visit Panel.

RESOLVED that the approved site visit be held on Friday, 1st December, 2000.


The Head of Planning Services submitted his amended written report (circulated at the meeting) of applications for Planning permission determined by him under delegated authority between 14th October 2000 and 10th November, 2000.

RESOLVED that the report be received.

The meeting closed at 11.10 a.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Panel held in the Council Chamber, Russell House, Churton Road, Rhyl, on Thursday, 30th November, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors P.J. Williams (Chair), M.Ll. Davies, P.A. Dobb, S. Drew (substitute for I.M. German), A.E. Fletcher-Williams, N. Hugh-Jones (substitute for A.J. Tobin), T.M. Parry, J.A. Smith, W.G. Thomas (substitute for J. Butterfield) and P.O. Williams


County Clerk, Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services, Trading Standards Manager, Special Environmental Health Officer, Licensing Officer and Administration Officer (K.E. Jones)


Councillors J. Butterfield, I.M. German, D. Jones and A.J. Tobin

At this juncture the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services informed Members that measures were being undertaken to adopt byelaws prohibiting the consumption of intoxicating liquor in designated places within Rhyl. He explained that it was necessary to canvas individual shops within the area to secure agreement to include the entrance to those premises within the designated areas. He indicated that he would continue to update Members on the progress of the adoption of the byelaws at future Panel meetings.


The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services submitted a report (previously circulated) upon an application received for a public entertainment licence in respect of the above-named premises requesting permitted hours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7.00 p.m. - 1.00 a.m.

The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services informed Members that the applicant had been unable to attend at the meeting and had subsequently requested that the application be deferred.

RESOLVED that in the absence of the applicant the application be deferred to the next meeting of the Panel.


The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services submitted a report (previously circulated) upon:-

(i) the Licensing Panel held on 3rd October, 2000 having resolved to defer an application for a variation of the public entertainment licence held in respect of the above named premises in view of the absence of the applicant and the concerns expressed by the North Wales Police;

(ii) the existing public entertainment licence permitting music and dancing to 1.00 a.m. Monday to Saturday and an application for a variation of the licence requesting permitted hours to 2.00 a.m. Monday - Saturday;

(iii) the North Wales Police having raised objections to the grant of a variation of the licence to 2.00 a.m. (copy confidential letter attached under Part II items);

(iv) the Pollution Control Section having serious reservations given the close proximity of residential properties and a late night take away, and

(v) his recommendation.

387 Mr. Taylor, licensee of Caskeys addressed the Panel in support of his application and informed Members that on Friday and Saturday evenings younger customers would leave his premises between 9.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. and proceed to those pubs and clubs within Rhyl town centre. He indicated that it was usually after 10.00 p.m. that patrons over the age of thirty would frequent his premises and indicated that he wished to apply for a licence until 2.00 a.m. to cater for those older patrons.

In response to Members questions regarding the application Mr. Taylor indicated that:-

- the type of music provided at the premises later in the evening was tailored to suit those customers over the age of thirty;

- he was in possession of a full Justices Licence but rarely sold alcohol to be consumed away from the premises;

- registered door staff were employed at the premises to ensure unsuitable persons would not gain entry, and

- a CCTV camera was located near the front door of the premises with a monitor positioned behind the bar and upstairs.

Chief Inspector D. Evans and Inspector S. Jones of North Wales Police addressed the Panel and referred to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act which aimed to reduce crime and disorder within the community. Inspector Jones made reference to the written representations submitted to the Council by the North Wales Police which detailed the serious public disorder which occurred within Rhyl Town Centre around 2.00 a.m. when patrons were leaving various licensed premises within the town. He referred to an audit of violent crime within Rhyl Town Centre for the period 1st September, 1999 to 31st August, 2000 and provided a number of statistics detailing the types of offences and the time the offences had occurred. Members were informed that granting the application would attract more people to the area and extend the potential periods of public disorder.

Members took the opportunity to question Chief Inspector D. Evans and Inspector S. Jones regarding the police views and particularly referred to the statistics provided by the North Wales Police concerning violent crime and the potential increase in public disorder problems within the vicinity.


RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the confidential objections of the North Wales Police on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

At this juncture the press and public were excluded from the meeting and Chief Inspector D. Evans referred to the confidential written representations (previously circulated) highlighting the concerns of the North Wales Police regarding the management of the premises and responded to Members’ questions regarding the police views. Mr. Taylor responded to the concerns of the North Wales Police and Members took the opportunity to put further questions to Mr. Taylor regarding the issues raised.


Upon completion of the foregoing the meeting resumed in open session.

The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services informed Members of the possible increase in noise pollution should the application be granted and the subsequent effect on residential properties within the vicinity and referred to the Council’s Public Entertainment Licence Regulations which detailed stringent controls regarding noise pollution.

Mr. G. Aveyard, the Council’s Specialist Environmental Health Officer informed Members that he was not aware of any specific complaints regarding noise emanating from the premises but had a number of concerns regarding the close proximity of residential properties to the premises and indicated that:-

388 - the Council had no control over the noise caused by people entering and leaving the premises or by people wandering the streets at closing time, and

- there were a number of hot food take away outlets in the vicinity and experience had shown that such outlets attracted a congregation of people and rowdy behaviour close to these premises could also cause problems.

Members expressed concern regarding the potential disturbance and noise to local residents and took the opportunity to question Mr. Aveyard regarding the potential noise nuisance and the proximity of residential dwellings and other businesses to the premises.

Chief Inspector D. Evans summarised the Police objections to the application and reiterated his concerns regarding the management of the premises including CCTV issues; security and control of numbers within the premises.

Mr. Taylor summed up his application and indicated that over the last four years he had only contacted the Police on two occasions regarding incidents at his premises and did not consider his premises to have any management problems. He assured Members that his establishment was well run and indicated that there was little trouble at his premises.

At this juncture Members retired to consider the application.

The County Clerk gave a legal viewpoint on the situation regarding the evidence that had been presented and reminded Members they should have clear reasons if they were minded to refuse the application.

Members expressed concern regarding the report from Public Protection on the subject of noise control and the likely impact on residents; and the problems highlighted by the North Wales Police particularly the inadequacy of the CCTV within the premises and the control of patrons between the ground floor and the function room upstairs.

Members requested that future applications for consideration regarding public entertainment licences be accompanied by a location plan for ease of reference.

After taking into account the evidence presented the Panel concluded that an extension of the licence to 2.00 a.m would likely attract more people to the area increasing the level of noise and disturbance which would have an adverse effect on the residential properties in the locality within the early hours of the morning. For those reasons it was:-

RESOLVED that the application for a variation of the licence be refused.

The Chair then conveyed the decision of the Panel to the applicant.

At this juncture (11.35 a.m.) the meeting was adjourned for ten minutes to allow Members to participate in refreshments.

At this point in the proceedings the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services informed Members that he was in the process of arranging a seminar detailing the duties and responsibilities of the Panel and an invitation to the seminar would be extended to Members’ substitutes. During the ensuing discussion it was proposed and seconded that meetings of the Licensing Panel be increased to six a year and the next cycle of meetings be prepared to reflect the increase. It was subsequently:-



(Councillor P.A. Dobb declared an interest in the application from the Denbigh Conservative Club and took no part during the discussion and voting thereon).

The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services submitted a report (previously circulated) upon:-

(i) the Licensing Panel held on 3rd October, 2000 having granted applications for variation to existing public entertainment licences to permit music and dancing to be extended beyond normal licensing hours over the Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve period subject to any change in the government legislation regarding Christmas and New Year Licensing Arrangements;

(i) a schedule of applications received (late applications circulated at the meeting) for the variation of public entertainment licences in respect of Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve detailing the proposed variation; confirmation of publication of the public notice of the applications; and representations received;

(iii) referred to the Council’s policy in respect of public entertainment licensing limiting the closing hour of such licences to 11.00 p.m. on Sundays with both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve falling on a Sunday this year, and

(iv) there having been no response from the Pollution Control Section regarding the applications, and

(v) his recommendation.

The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services referred to an addendum (circulated at the meeting) detailing a number of late applications received together with (the reproduction of) a letter of objection received in response to the public notice in respect of the Cross Foxes, Meliden Road, Prestatyn on the grounds that the noise emanating from the premises was causing a nuisance to local residents. He confirmed that the existing public entertainment licence issued in respect of the Cross Foxes had been granted for a trial period of six months on 5th July, 2000 and officers were in the process of monitoring the noise levels emanating from the premises and would report back to the Panel in February, 2001.

During the ensuing discussion a Member referred to a number of verbal complaints he had received from local residents concerning excessive noise levels and behavioural problems associated with the Cross Foxes. In view of these complaints he felt that it would not be appropriate to issue a licence later than 11.30 p.m. over the Christmas and New Year period.

At the invitation of the Chair, Mr. Peter Williams of Gamlins, Solicitors, addressed the Panel and informed Members that he had recently made an application to the Magistrates Court on behalf of the LVA who had been granted an extension to serve liquor on licensed premises until 11.30 p.m. on Christmas Eve and 12.30 a.m. on New Years Eve.

In accordance with the extension to liquor licensing hours as granted to the LVA Members agreed that a variation to the exisiting public entertainment licence in respect of the Cross Foxes be approved until 11.30 p.m. on Christmas Eve and 12.30 a.m. on New Years Eve.

Mr. P. Williams of Gamlins, Solicitors addressed the Panel in support of the applications concerning Ellis, Flanagans, Garfields, George Hotel, Odies, Rosy O’Gradys and Samuel Henrys. He confirmed that with the exception of Samuel Henrys who had applied for a closing hour of 12 midnight, the Licensing Justices had granted a Special Order of Exemption in respect of those premises to allow the serving of alcohol on the premises until 2.00 a.m. over the Christmas period.

Chief Inspector D. Evans confirmed that the North Wales Police had no objections to the applications in view of Christmas Eve and New Years Eve being special occasions.

390 Members considered the merits of each application and felt that where a Special Order of Exemption had previously been granted to premises allowing the serving of alcohol until 2.00 a.m. the public entertainment licence should also expire at 2.00 a.m.


(a) the application in respect of the Cross Foxes, Meliden Road, Prestatyn be granted with the imposition of a closing hour of 11.30 p.m. on Christmas Eve and 12.30 a.m. on New Years Eve;

(b) the applications received in respect of the following premises be granted subject to the publication of the requisite public notice and the receipt of no adverse representations:-

Premises Variation

Bensons Hotel, Llangollen 24/12 & 31/12 - 12.30 a.m.

Brookhouse Mill, Denbigh 24/12 - 11.30p.m. & 31/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Denbigh Conservative Club 31/12 - 12.30 a.m.

Ellis’, Water Street, Rhyl 24/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Flanaghans, Market Street, Rhyl 24/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Garfields, West Parade, Rhyl 24/12 - 2.00 a.m.

George Hotel, Queen Street, Rhyl 24/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Jenny Jones, Llangollen 24/12 & 31/12 - 12.30 a.m.

Nova, Prestatyn 24/12 & 31/12 - 1.00 a.m.

Odies, Water Street, Rhyl 24/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Oriel House Hotel, St. Asaph 31/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Plas Pigot Country Club, Denbigh 24/12 & 31/12 - 12.30 a.m.

Prestatyn Constitutional Club, Prestatyn 31/12 - 1.00 a.m.

Prestatyn Golf Club, Prestatyn 24/12 & 31/12 - 1.00 a.m.

Rhuddlan Golf Club, Rhuddlan 31/12 - 1.00 a.m.

Rhyl Conservative Club, Kinmel Street, Rhyl 24/12 - 12 midnight 31/12 - 1.00 a.m.

Rosy O’Gradys, West Parade, Rhyl 24/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Samuel Henrys, West Parade, Rhyl 24/12 - 12 midnight

Scruples and Club Zinc, West Parade, Rhyl 24/12 & 31/12 - 12.30 a.m.

Talardy Park Hotel, St. Asaph 31/12 - 12.30 a.m.

Ty Caradoc Community Centre, Prestatyn 31/12 - 12 midnight

Y2K Club, Water Street, Rhyl 24/12 & 31/12 - 12 midnight

391 (c) where a Special Order of Exemption has previously been given to premises allowing the serving of alcohol until 2.00 a.m. the applications received in respect of the following premises be granted subject to the publication of the requisite public notice and the receipt of no adverse representations:-:

Premises Variation

Chain Bridge Hotel, Berwyn 24/12 & 31/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Caskeys, Vale Road, Rhyl 24/12 & 31/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Faenol Fawr Hotel, Bodelwyddan 31/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Haven Hotel, West Parade, Rhyl 24/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Hand Hotel, Llangollen 24/12 & 31/12 - 2.00 a.m.

Wild Pheasant Hotel, Llangollen 24/12 & 31/12 - 2.00 a.m.

(ch) the application in respect of Rhyl Sports and Social Club, Wellington Road, Rhyl for a variation to the closing hour of 12 midnight on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve be approved subject to the satisfactory inspection of necessary works.


The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services submitted a report (previously circulated) upon:-

(i) approval being sought for the siting of a new hackney carriage stand (taxi rank) on Bodfor Street, Rhyl;

(ii) the Licensing Panel held on 6th October, 1999 having approved the recommendation of the deletion of the two taxi ranks positioned on West Parade, Rhyl to accommodate the National cycle route which resulted in the loss of four vehicle spaces;

(iii) consultation between the Licensing Section, Highways Department and the Taxi Trade with a view to re-site the four vehicle spaces on Bodfor Street and referred to a plan (attached to the report) indicating the proposed position of the taxi rank;

(iv) the Council’s requirement to give notice to the Chief Officer of Police for the area in which the rank was situated and public notice in a newspaper circulating in the area, to provide the public with 28 days in which to submit objections;

(v) the consent of the Highway Authority being required in order to site stands on the highway and carry out any necessary works;

(vi) the relocation of the stand would be financed by the Millennium Commission Grant for National Cycle Network funds, and

(vii) his recommendation.

The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services informed Members that KNW International Marketing had been engaged to undertake a survey to assess any unmet demand for taxi services in Rhyl and Prestatyn and the results would be reported to the next meeting of the Panel. He referred to the recent appointment of the Licensing Enforcement Officer and indicated that an ongoing programme of work was being implemented to assess the condition of hackney carriage and private hire vehicles licensed by the Authority and the recent reports regarding taxis pirating was being investigated.

392 RESOLVED that:-

(a) the siting of a new hackney carriage stand on Bodfor Street, Rhyl be approved, and

(b) the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services be requested to publish the requisite notice of the appointment of the hackney carriage stand and refer any objections to the public notice to the Licensing Panel for consideration.


The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services submitted a report (previously circulated) upon:-

(i) approval being sought for the review of the Council’s licensing conditions attached to the grant/renewal of licences for hackney carriages, private hire vehicle operators, private hire vehicles and drivers (Appendix 1 attached to the report);

(ii) the Licensing Panel held on 5th July, 2000 having resolved to defer the approval of the review of conditions pending a full consultation exercise in respect of the proposed conditions with any comments and observations regarding the conditions being reported back to the Panel for consideration;

(iii) consultation between Officers of the Council, Group Leaders, Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Trades having resulted in a number of points for discussion including adapted/imported vehicles; booster cushion/seat for children; compliance testing of vehicles; assistance dogs; driver training and public liability insurance;

(iv) referred to the need to continually review and monitor the conditions imposed on licences issued by the Licensing Authority, and

(v) his recommendation.

Members took the opportunity to put questions to the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services regarding the review of conditions and particularly referred to the administering of first aid; driver training; taxi pirating and advertisements displayed in relation to taxi services.

RESOLVED that the review of the Council’s Licensing Conditions as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report be approved as the Council’s Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Licensing Conditions.

The meeting concluded at 12.35 p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held in the Monsanto Suite, Royal International Pavilion, Llangollen on Tuesday 5 December 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors E.C. Edwards (Leader), D.M. Holder, R.W. Hughes, G.M. Kensler, D.M. Morris, A.E. Roberts, W.R. Webb and K.E. Wells.

Observers - Councillors F.D. Jones, A.J. Tobin and A.E. Fletcher-Williams.


Chief Executive, County Clerk, Financial Controller, Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy).


Councillors I.M. German, E.A. Owens and E.W. Williams.


1 The Leader referred to the death of Martin Williams, brother of Karen Ferguson, Chief Executive’s Department and to the death of Linda Mallilieu, wife of Derek Mallilieu of the Bowls Centre at Rhyl and asked Members to stand in tribute.

2 The Leader welcomed Alan Evans, Director of Resources to his first Cabinet meeting.


The Leader gave notice of the following items which in his opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972:-

(i) Part II Update on Llangollen (ii) Part II Update on Flooding Incidents in Denbighshire (iii) Part II Update on Wirral Partnership


The Minutes of the Cabinet held on 23 November 2000 (previously circulated) were submitted.

Matters Arising:-

(i) Item 4 (National Youth Service Conference) - Councillor G M Kensler asked that for clarification purposes, after ‘Newsnight programme' in the second paragraph, second line, add ‘on child abuse’.

(ii) Item 9 (Transportation Study for Denbigh and Transportation Study for Rhyl) - Councillor R W Hughes asked that Councillor A E Owens reference to the absence of funding be included in the Resolution, to read: Members acknowledged the absence of capital funding arising out of the recommendations for these studies.

(iii) Item 15 (Purchasing Organisation) - The County Clerk asked that ‘Purchasing’ be deleted in the second paragraph, second word and third paragraph, last word. Both the references are to Wirral as a Local Authority and not Wirral Purchasing.

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 23 November 2000 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.


The County Clerk submitted his report (circulated at the meeting) on the feedback on the budget process from the Environment Scrutiny Committee. The Environment Scrutiny Committee Members had discussed the proposed new pressures and cuts and had agreed to adjust some of the new pressures. All observations made would be forwarded to the Cabinet Lead Member for Finance and included in the budget preparation discussions.

RESOLVED that Members accept the report.


The Financial Controller submitted the Cabinet Lead Member for Finance’s report on the Council Tax Base for the financial year 2001-2002.


(a) Members approve the calculation of the Council’s tax base for the year 2001-2002, and

(b) pursuant to Councillor Owen’s report and in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992:-

S.I. 1992/612, S.I. 1992/1742 and S.I. 1992/2943, the amount calculated by the Council Council as the tax base for each community area for the year 2001/2002 shall be :- Community Area Tax Base 2001/2002 Aberwheeler 133 Betws G G 121 Bodelwyddan 669 Bodfari 134 Bryneglwys 133 Cefn Meiriadog 170 Clocaenog 86 Corwen 795 Cyffylliog 173 Cynwyd 200 Denbigh 2891 Derwen 190 Dyserth 930 Efenechtyd 246 Gwyddelwern 185 Henllan 291 Llanarmon yn Ial 463 Llanbedr D C 404 Llandelga 231 Llandrillo 225 Llandyrnog 362 Llanelidan 128 395 Llanfair D C 448 Llanferres 323 Llangollen 1301 Llangynhafal 269 Llanrhaeadr Y C 425 Llantysilio 192 Llanynys 280 Nantglyn 121 Prestatyn 6553 Rhuddlan 1552 Rhyl 8071 Ruthin 1941 St. Asaph 1203 Trefnant 560 Tremeirchion 476


The Leader submitted a report on the Llysfasi Governing Body (previously circulated) seeking a decision from Members on the appointment of a replacement County Council representative to fill a vacancy on the Llysfasi College Governing Body following the resignation of Councillor E C Edwards and depending on that decision, whom to appoint.

The Leader stated his resignation was two-fold, firstly owing to personal reasons and secondly that the role of the representative on the Llysfasi Governing Body would be more appropriate for the Lead Member for Education given the creation of Community Consortia for Education and Training.


(a) Members approve a replacement County Council representative to serve on the Llysfasi Board of Governors, and

(b) Councillor K E Wells, Lead Cabinet Member for Education and ICT be appointed as the County Council’s representative on the Llysfasi Board of Governors.


The Leader submitted the following applications for approval:-

(i) External advertisement for a Scale 1 / 2 Clerk/Typist in the County Clerk’s Department, and

(ii) External advertisement for a Scale 6 Part Time Disability Sport Cymru Officer in the Countryside and Leisure Department. This post to be shared with Conwy County Borough Council and is 100% grant funded.

With regard to the County Clerk’s request, Councillor W R Webb asked if the possibility of internal appointments had been fully explored. The County Clerk informed Members that Personnel have no suitable staff on the redeployment list at this time. The Chief Executive added that with the recent staff moves in the Technical Services and Planning Departments this list may have been exhausted.

396 RESOLVED that the external advertisement of the above mentioned posts be approved.


The Chief Executive submitted a report on the Best Value: Programme and Resource Implications (previously circulated) and a Summary of Best Value Survey Report for Denbighshire County Council (circulated at the meeting).

Members were asked to approve the first two years of the 5 year programme for Best Value Service Reviews and to approve the recharge of resource allocations for the achievement of the proposed programme.

The Chief Executive drew Members’ attention to the results of the recent questionnaire sent to 44,000 residents of which 4,312 residents had responded. The survey indicated levels of satisfaction with Council services in Denbighshire. Information on the results will be given back to the public in the form of a press release. A Citizen’s Panel of 500 Denbighshire residents had been formed.

The Chief Executive drew Members’ attention to proposed response to bring the organisation of Best Value review programme more in line with the requirements of the Recovery Plan and to strengthen central resources for the administration of Best Value within the Chief Executive’s Department in order to improve overall Authority’s performance in the delivery of Best Value.

With regard to the recovery plan, linkages between expenditure and the need to secure savings was identified as one of the main organisational principles of the 5 year Review Programme. Highlighted also was the need to review information/reception/service points together so as to provide a more uniform and coherent service provision.

Councillors R W Hughes and G M Kensler both identified the need to ensure that the public understand the terms used in any surveys.

Councillor A E Roberts noted that 35% of the residents who completed the questionnaire had asked to join the Citizen’s Panel. The Chief Executive said that more than 500 residents had indicated their wish to join the Panel but numbers would be limited by the need to form a representative Panel. The Best Value Officer said that consideration of gender, age and location had to be taken into account to ensure all sections of the population were properly represented.

The Leader thanked the Best Value team for their work on the report and summary of the survey.


(a) Members approve the proposed first 2 years of the 5 Year Programme, and

(b) Members approve the proposed strategy for improving co-ordination of Best Value Reviews and making better use of resources already available through the strengthening of the Corporate Performance Management and Best Value Unit.


Councillor R W Hughes, Lead Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval to the development of the Maes Gwilym area in east Rhyl as a new open space for local people and wildlife.

The Maes Gwilym area is part of an on-going project, the land having been given on a Deed of Dedication to the Council in the 1990s with a cash sum paid to the Council to carry out works to develop the site as an open space. The Capital Programme for the current year contains provision for £16k of costs in connection with the scheme, with the proposed play area financed by a developer contribution.

RESOLVED that Members agree the proposals to develop a wildlife area as part of a new open space at Maes Gwilym, Rhyl.


RESOLVED under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded form the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Councillor A E Roberts, Lead Cabinet Member for Personal Services submitted the report on the Management Arrangements for Local Authority Residential Homes (previously circulated) seeking Members’ endorsement for the terms of reference for the options appraisal in respect of the future management arrangements for the Council’s residential homes for older people and for its recommendation to be forwarded to Council for its consideration for approval.

Leonie Cowen and Associates of London had presented an analysis of issues which impact on the Council’s ability to deliver in-house residential services for older people and the options open to the Council. Despite earlier reservations, Councillor W R Webb appreciated the need for a review.

RESOLVED that Members, having regard to securing the homes’ future viability as a source of good quality, local residential care, and that all other options were explored and appraised and brought back to the Council for consideration, agreed the Terms of Reference to be adopted on the progression of the preparatory work on options appraisal for recommendation to Council.


Councillor W R Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted a report on land at Ty’n Llidiart Industrial Estate, Corwen (circulated previously) seeking Members’ agreement to defer consideration of a request from Corwen Forestry to purchase the small vacant site which adjoins their premises at Ty’n Llidiart.

Councillor W R Webb said Corwen Forestry have made a request to purchase a small vacant site adjoining their premises. However, owing to Unitary Development Plan considerations, further land for industrial use on the other side of the former railway line may be included, therefore access to the site will be required, hence the deferment of consideration of the sale of the land.

RESOLVED that Members defer the sale of the said piece of land at Ty’n Llidiart Industrial Estate until it is known if the land is required for an access to further industrial land.

826. FLAT NOS 1, 3, 5, 7 AND 9 WEST STREET, RHYL

Councillor W R Webb, the Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval to dispose of five County Council owned flats at West Street, Rhyl to Clwyd Alyn Housing Association who have funding to demolish and redevelop the site and adjoining land to provide social housing for families.

Councillor G M Kensler noted that Councillor Joan Butterfield had expressed the need for more open space in this part of Rhyl if demolition of the flats took place. The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services assured Councillor Kensler that the views of local Members had been taken into account.

RESOLVED that Members agree the sale of flat numbers 1, 3, 4, 7 and 9 West Street, Rhyl to Clwyd Alyn Housing Association for demolition and redevelopment to provide social family housing on terms to be agreed with the Acting Director of Technical Services in consultation with the County Clerk.


Councillor W R Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted a report seeking Members’ approval to lease approximately 0.01 ha (0.02 acre) of land to Vodafone for the purpose of erecting a mast at Mountfields, Denbigh.

398 Councillor Webb said the site would be leased for a period of up to 20 years, with all costs paid for by Vodafone.

Councillor G M Kensler referred to the adverse health implications concerning mobile phone transmitters and exposure to electromagnetic fields. Members agreed that given the lack of current evidence, it would be prudent to include conditions within the lease which would cover Members’ concerns should such risks be proven to exist.

RESOLVED that Members agreed to lease to Vodafone the Mountfields site, Denbigh for a period of up to 20 years on terms and conditions (including a condition regarding health risks) to be agreed with the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services in consultation with the County Clerk.


Councillor W R Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted a report seeking Members’ approval to the disposal of land adjacent to No 6 Banastre Avenue, Prestatyn (previously circulated.

The owners of No 6 Banastre Avenue have made a request to purchase a strip of land adjacent to their property for use as a driveway and garden. The land has boundaries with both No 6 and No 4 Banastre Avenue and in 1996 both properties were given the opportunity to purchase the land. It was considered appropriate to offer the land to both properties once again.

RESOLVED that Members agreed to dispose of the land adjacent to No 6 Banastre Avenue, Prestatyn with the land to be revalued and offered for sale to both No 4 and No 6 Banastre Avenue on terms to be agreed with the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services in consultation with the County Clerk.


Councillor W R Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval to dispose of a plot of land at Artillery Row, Bodelwyddan to Clwyd Alyn Housing Association. Clwyd Alyn Housing Association proposed to build a special needs wheelchair bungalow for existing local County Council tenants on the land as part of the Denbighshire Housing Grant Programme for 2000-2001.

Councillor R W Hughes suggested to Members that the costs of diverting the sewer which crosses the site should be borne by Clwyd Alyn Housing Association.

RESOLVED that Members approve the sale of 558m2 of land at Artillery Row, Bodelwyddan to Clwyd Alyn Housing Association with the costs of diverting the sewer being borne by Clwyd Alyn Housing Association.


Councillor W R Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted the report (previously circulated) updating Members on the progress made on capital receipts gained arising from the sale or potential sale of Council owned property and land as listed in the report.

The Leader thanked the Property Services team for their work on property / land disposals.

RESOLVED that Members note the information contained in the report.


The Financial Controller gave a verbal update following the meeting of the Organisation on 4 December 2000. He stated that he had pointed out Denbighshire’s concerns over the trading position and the need to turn the situation round. Denbighshire’s decision to withdraw its notice to quit the consortium with effect from 31 March 2001 was made known to the meeting, as was the decision to give further notice to quit from 31 March 2002 to protect the Council’s position.

399 Conwy CBC and Wirral BC gave notice of a similar decision whilst Wrexham stated that they had not revisited their earlier notice to quit and would therefore be leaving the consortium at the end of the financial hear, however they would like to continue to trade in the short term. Flintshire had not given notice previously.

The County Secretary of Flintshire promised a report to the next meeting to detail the impact on the organisation’s recovery plan and the recommended terms for Wrexham to continue trading next financial year.

Councillor W R Webb asked what amount Wrexham County Borough Council would pay to quit the consortium at this time. The Financial Controller said that Wrexham County Borough Council would pay a one fifth share of the financial loss and a one fifth share of any downsizing costs.

Councillor D M Holder asked whether Wirral and North Wales Purchasing Consortium was a limited company. The Financial Controller explained that Wirral Purchasing was not a limited company but a Local Authority joint organisation.

The Financial Controller reminded Members that 31 March 2001 was the last date for giving notice to quit from the Consortium.

RESOLVED that Members note the report.


The Chief Executive gave a verbal update on the flooding incidents in Denbighshire. A response was required on both the Horseshoe Pass and the Mwrog Street culvert, Ruthin and on the Bellwin formula. There were also costs of repair at Loggerheads, to the Council’s housing stock and work required at Corwen.

The Financial Controller said a meeting would be held with Wrexham and Flintshire and the National Assembly regarding capital costs, land drainage costs and future flood prevention costs.

The Head of Highways reported that work had commenced on Mwrog Street and design works on the culvert were now complete with a further section of the culvert to be replaced. Orders for work to start had been placed with the contractors. Work had also commenced on a flooding contingency plan for the County and the National Assembly for Wales would be asked for support.

In response to a question, the Chief Executive said that the meeting with the Environment Agency at Ruthin had been useful. However the media have given much coverage to the Mwrog Street culvert at Ruthin to the exclusion of other areas. It was reported that Sue Essex AM is charged with looking at a wider picture of the flooding within Wales.

RESOLVED that Members note the report.


The County Clerk gave a verbal update on the Llangollen Boundary Review. Application for leave for Judicial Review had been rejected.

The County Clerk said the case would be put forward to the Boundary Commission for Wales who had not before tackled anything of this complexity and had therefore engaged consultants to assist.

The Chief Executive responded to detailed questions and outlined the Council’s strategy. In line with previous policy, should the initial response from the Boundary Commission for Wales be unfavourable, the National Assembly for Wales would be requested to undertake a wider boundary review to take account of adjustment of boundaries elsewhere.

400 The County Clerk said the Boundary Commission report would be produced by October 2001 and the National Assembly view was unlikely to be available until October 2002. Following further detailed discussion, it was:-

RESOLVED that Members note the report.

The meeting concluded at 11.50 a.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Cefndy Enterprises Advisory Panel held at Cefndy Enterprises, Cefndy Road, Rhyl on Wednesday 6th December, 2000 at 7.00 p.m.


Councillors A. E. Fletcher-Williams, N. Hugh-Jones, F.D. Jones and G. Jones together with, Mr A.V. Dalzell (Staff Representative).


Mr M. Hughes (Director of Personal Services), Mr. W. H. Whittaker (General Manager) and other officers including Administrative Assistant (C.I. Williams).


Councillors D.W. Davies (Chair), E.A. Owens, J.R. Hughes and Mr A. Rees (SEPACS).

In the absence of the Chair, Councillor D.W. Davies, the Vice Chair, Councillor A.E. Fletcher-Williams, took the Chair for the meeting.


The Minutes of the meeting of the Cefndy Enterprises Advisory Panel held on Wednesday 20th September, 2000 were submitted for information (copy enclosed).

RESOLVED that the Minutes be received.


The Director of Social Services submitted a summary of accounts (previously circulated) from the 1st April, 2000 to the 31st August, 2000, together with, a report detailing `Actual' spend per quarter.

Mr. Whittaker provided Members of the Panel with a summary of the report and explained that he was pleased with the current position. He confirmed that there had been an excess expenditure on materials and an increase in the employment budget. However, this had been matched by the current sales figures and increase in output.

In reply to suggestions made by the Director of Personal Services regarding a possible adjustment in the budget for Cefndy, which had been set prior to re-organisation, it was confirmed that the matter was currently being examined by the officers within the Finance Department.

RESOLVED that the reports be received and approved.


RESOLVED that the next meeting of the Cefndy Enterprises Advisory Panel be held at Cefndy Enterprises, Cefndy Road, Rhyl on Wednesday 7th March, 2001 at 7.00 p.m.


RESOLVED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 7 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.


The Director of Social Services submitted a report (previously circulated) upon:-

(i) the developments which had taken place at the Workshop since the previous meeting of the Cefndy Enterprises Advisory Panel, and

(ii) a detailed account of activities at Cefndy covering Current Work, Staffing, Sickness, Sales and Marketing, Field Work, New Products, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Exhibitions, Visitors to Cefndy, Tenders and Contracts, Other Miscellaneous Administrative Sales Tasks, Modernising Supported Employment, Objective One Funding and General Matters.

The General Manager briefly outlined to Members the salient points within the report particularly referring to:-

- Members of the Panel were informed that letters had been sent to Sue Smith, Norman Hobbs and Martin Flynn wishing them a speedy return to health following their recent illness;

- Mr. Whittaker informed Members that work undertaken by the recently appointed Sales Executive Mr Keith Shorrocks had to date been very successful;

- Members were informed that a positive response had been received to the letters sent by the Director of Personal Services to the National Assembly Members and WLGA, regarding the subject of Modernising Supported Employment. It was explained that the impact of the proposals, together with the resulting problems, had now been acknowledged and the matter was now being reconsidered;

- Mr. Whittaker referred to the need for additional space for administrative, manufacturing and storage functions within Cefndy. He explained that an extension to the factory was critical to the future of Cefndy and sought Members support for funding for future development;

- Members were informed that the re-roofing programme for the Cefndy site was scheduled to commence in mid January, 2001, and

- reference was made to the installation of two major pieces of equipment namely a Robot Welder and a Pre-treatment Finishing Plant. Mr Whittaker highlighted the significance of the investment and invited Members of the Panel to visit Cefndy to view equipment in operation, by arrangement.

RESOLVED that the report be received and approved.

Meeting ended 7.40 p.m.



Minutes of a meeting of the Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel held in the Council Chamber, Russell House, Rhyl on Thursday 7th December, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors A.E. Fletcher-Williams (Chair), P. Dobb, K.N. Hawkins, M.M. Jones, P.M. Jones, S. Kerfoot-Davies and A.J. Tobin.


Head of the Registration and Inspection Unit and other officers including Administrative Officer (C.I. Williams).


Councillors J. Butterfield, J.R. Hughes, N.J. Hughes, K.P. Stevens and W.G. Thomas and the Education and Social Services Solicitor.


A copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Childrens and Residential Care Homes Panel held on Thursday 2nd November, 2000 had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.

Matters arising:-

6. (i) Plas Melyd, 16 Ffordd Tanrhallt, Meliden, Prestatyn

The Head of the Registration and Inspection Unit informed Members that the final inspection had not yet been carried out at this Home.


In accordance with the requirements of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the Chairman declared that he intended to include for discussion, the following matters requiring urgent attention:-

(i) Highbury Care Service, 3 Highbury Avenue, Prestatyn;

(ii) The Old Manor, Waterfall Road, Dyserth, and

(iii) Childminder, 6 Conwy Grove, Prestatyn.


RESOLVED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 7 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act.


The Director of Social Services submitted reports (previously circulated) upon:-

(i) St Claires, 17 Sandringham Avenue, Rhyl - Application for approval for registration for a maximum of 3 elderly person with Mrs Eileen Atkinson as Person in Control and Manager.

RESOLVED that the application be approved and a Certificate of Registration be issued.


The Director of Social Services submitted reports (previously circulated) upon:-

(i) Trosnant, Park Road, Ruthin - Application for approval to register new premises of Trosnant as a residential home for 9 older persons with Mrs Anna Jones as Person in Control and Manager, and to cease registration of the home currently known as Trosnant.

The Head of the Registration and Inspection Unit explained that the registration for the new home would commence on the 18th December, 2000 and the registration of the old home would be ceased as from the 18th December, 2000.


(a) the application to register the new premises under the name of Trosnant be approved;

(b) Mrs. Anna Jones be approved as Person in Control and Manager;

(c) the maximum number be for nine elderly persons;

(ch) a new Certificate of Registration be issued, and

(d) to cease the registration of the premises currently known as Trosnant as a residential home.

(ii) Park Lodge, Llanerch Park, Trefnant - Application for approval of Mrs Jennifer Linda Allen and Mr Michael Martin Costello as Person in Control and Mrs Jennifer Allen as Manager.


(a) Mrs. Jennifer Linda Allen and Mr Michael Martin Costello be approved as Person in Control;

(b) Mrs. Jennifer Linda Allen be approved as Manager;

(c) the maximum capacity be for seventeen Older Persons, and

(ch) a revised Certificate of Registration be issued.


The Director of Social Services submitted reports (previously circulated) upon:-

(i) Ms Barbara Clegg, 67 Trellewelyn Road, Rhyl - Application for approval of Registration for a maximum of 6 children under the age of 8 years of which, no more than 3 should be under the age of 5 years (numbers to include own children and grandchildren under the age of eight years).

In reply to a request from the officers, Members agreed that the application be amended to include registration for 6 children under the age of 8 years of which no more than 6 should be under the age of 5 years (numbers to include own children and grandchildren under the age of eight years), when two people are present.

RESOLVED that the application, together with the amendment, be approved and a Certificate of Registration issued with the following additional requirements:-

(a) that the registered person complies with the Denbighshire Minimum Standards for Childminding, as presented within the most recent `Childminding' booklet, and

405 (b) that there should be a separate and fully enclosed space for dogs in the garden, where a dog/s is/are kept by the owner.

(ii) Mrs. Linda Weir de Vere, 11 Caradoc Road, Prestatyn - Application for approval of Registration for a maximum of 6 children under the age of 8 years of which, no more than 3 should be under the age of 5 years (numbers to include own children and grandchildren under the age of eight years).

RESOLVED that the application be approved and a Certificate of Registration issued with the following additional requirements:-

(a) that the registered person complies with the Denbighshire Minimum Standards for Childminding, as presented within the most recent `Childminding' booklet, and

(b) that there should be a separate and fully enclosed space for dogs in the garden, where a dog/s is/are kept by the owner.

(iii) Mrs. Karen Jones and Mrs Lyn Potter, 66 Cwm Road, Dyserth - Application for approval for joint Registration for a maximum of 6 children under the age of 8 years who are in full time education (numbers to include own children and grandchildren under the age of eight years).

RESOLVED that the application be approved and a Certificate of Registration issued with the following additional requirements:-

(a) that the registered person complies with the Denbighshire Minimum Standards for Childminding, as presented within the most recent `Childminding' booklet, and

(b) that there should be a separate and fully enclosed space for dogs in the garden, where a dog/s is/are kept by the owner.

(iv) The Club Committee, St Asaph VP School, Upper Denbigh Road, St Asaph - Application for approval for registration of an after school club and breakfast club for 26 children.

RESOLVED that the application be approved and a Certificate of Registration issued with the following additional requirements:-

(a) the registered person(s) comply with the Denbighshire Minimum Standards for sessional day care, as presented within the most recent `Sessional Day Care' booklet, and

(b) the children attending are in full time education.


RESOLVED that approval be granted for the voluntary removal of the following Playgroups, Nurseries and Childminders from the Registered list:-

(a) Mrs. Truelove, Clwydfryn, Gellifor, Ruthin;

(b) Mrs. Joanne Parry & Mrs Louise Yates, 40 Ffordd Celyn, Denbigh;

(c) Mrs. Shirley Evans, Bryn Rhug, Nant Clwyd, Ruthin;

(ch) Ms. Melanie Grief, 6 Tan y Scubor, Denbigh, and

(d) Mrs. J. Rogers, Flat B, 50 Church Street, Llangollen.


(i) The Old Manor, Waterfall Road, Dyserth - Application to vary the conditions of registration to include an additional adult with a disability who is under the age of 65 years.

RESOLVED that the application be approved and a revised Certificate of Registration be issued.

(ii) Highbury Care Service, 3 Highbury Avenue, Prestatyn (Domicilary Care Provider) - Application to include young adults from the age of 16 years into the existing client group of Highbury Care Services.

RESOLVED that the application be approved and a revised Certificate of Registration be issued.

(iii) Mrs. Tracy Pamela Sheard, Ms Sara Louse Wardell and Ms Nicola Ann Wardell, 6 Conwy Grove, Prestatyn - Application for joint Registration for 6 children under the age of 8 years of which no more than 6 should be under the age of 5 years (numbers to include own children and grandchildren under the age of eight years), when two people are present. When one person is present there should be a maximum of 6 children under the age of 8 years, and no more than 3 under 5 years (numbers to include own children and grandchildren under the age of eight years).

RESOLVED that the application be approved and a Certificate of Registration issued.

Meeting ended at 10.35 a.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee held in the Labour Group Room, Russell House, Rhyl on Wednesday 13th December, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors D.A. Thomas (Chair), M.Ll. Davies, P. Douglas, M.A. German, E.R. Jones, F.D. Jones (Observer), R.J.R. Jones (Observer), D.M. Morris (Cabinet Member) and S. Thomas.


The County Clerk, Corporate Director Environment, Head of Planning Services, Head of Regulatory and Community Services, Head of Design Services, Financial Controller, Section Manager Community Services and other officers including Administrative Assistant (C.I. Williams).


Councillor P.J. Williams.


(i) The Minutes of the meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee held on Wednesday, 15th November, 2000 were submitted.

Matters arising:-

2. 8. Specific Scrutiny Topics - Members were informed that report on the Lon Clwyd Cycle Path, following the Public Consultation, was now available for public examination at Libraries within Denbighshire. In response to questions from Members it was agreed that the officers ensure that members of the public were informed that this information was available.

4. Flooding - In response to Members concerns regarding flooding incidents in the smaller villages within the County, it was explained that the media had concentrated their attentions on the larger towns when reporting on this matter. The Director explained that Denbighshire had set up a detailed data base and were working closely with the Environment Agency and National Assembly with a view to elevating the problems.

During the ensuing discussion it was agreed that the Environment Scrutiny Committee, together with members of the public, be informed of any future developments relating to this matter.

6. Visits to Staff and Premises - Members were informed that arrangements had been made by the Head of Regeneration Services for Members to visit the offices within Russell House following todays meeting. During the ensuing discussion reference was made to damage caused to the County road network and it was agreed that the Head of Highways and Transportation including Support Services arrange for Members of the Committee to visit a number of the damaged sections of road within the County.

8. (a) Housing Strategy - The Head of Regeneration Services informed Members that names of the Members nominated to represent the Environment Scrutiny Committee on the Panel had now been submitted to the Personal Services Scrutiny Committee.

RESOLVED that the Minutes be received and approved as a correct record.


The Chair and Members of the Committee welcomed the Corporate Director Environment to the meeting following his recent appointment. The Director thanked Members for their invitation and informed them that he was currently based at Trem Clwyd in Ruthin should they require any assistance.


A report by the Corporate Director Environment containing information regarding the services provided under the management of the new Environment Directorate had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.

Reference was made to the meeting of the Committee held on the 11th October, 2000, when it had been resolved that a report be submitted to a future meeting outlining the duties and functions of the respective sections within the Department.

Members were informed that the list of services provided within the report were subject to further review. It was explained that the list gave a broad indication of the main functions within the Environment Directorate and once the Directorate Support Services had been formed a more comprehensive guide of the functions and how the functions could be accessed would be prepared for the Scrutiny Committee.

The report outlined the functions of Economic Development, Planning Services, Support Services, together with, Professional Services (post January, 2001) (Design and Construction Services), Public Protection and Regulatory Services and Highways and Transportation. The officers provided an outline of each of the functions highlighted within the report and responded to questions from Members of the Committee.

During the ensuing discussion, the officers responded to questions from Members regarding the examination of the preparation of a report on the new power of promotion of economic, social and environmental well-being, the format of the report with regards to the listing of statutory and none statutory functions, Housing Regulations, the provision of services in respect of defective drains and illegal car parking within the County.

The Head of Head of Regeneration Services referred to the importance of ensuring that the level of charging for the provision of services within Public Protection and Regulatory Services be kept under review, and informed Members that a report on this issue would be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting for consideration.

The Chair and Members of the Committee thanked the officers for the work undertaken in preparing the report.

RESOLVED that the report be received.


A report by the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services on the present position regarding the recycling of waste within Denbighshire had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.

A schedule detailing recycling Centres situated around the County was circulated at the meeting.

Denbighshire's legal requirements to look at reducing the amount of waste being sent to landfill sites was outlined by the officers, and reference was also made to the continuing increase in landfill tax which had placed further burdens on the waste contracts currently held in respect of disposal of domestic waste.

The post of County Recycling Officer was currently vacant as a result of financial constraints and the only work being undertaken at present was reactive rather than planned proactive work.

409 It was explained that the Government had made 20% of the landfill tax credits collected from the landfill sites available to enrolled bodies to be used for a list of approved purposes under stringent controls.

The officers confirmed that they had discussed various ways of looking further at recycling with ENTRUST, the environmental body responsible for ensuring the correct use of the funds available through this avenue.

Members referred to need to examine initiatives adopted in other areas, such as, the Furniture Resources Centre in Liverpool and the recycling plant in Bangor, and agreed that Councillor P. Douglas and Councillor M.Ll. Davies be appointed to liaise with the officers with regards to forming a strategy for the future of Waste Management within Denbighshire.

The Head of Regeneration Services informed Members that a draft report on Waste Management was currently being prepared and, if finalised, could be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.


(a) the report be received;

(b) Councillor P. Douglas and Councillor M.Ll. Davies be appointed to liaise with the officers with regards to the future of Waste Management within Denbighshire, and

(c) a draft report on Waste Management be submitted, if finalised, to the next meeting of the Committee.


A report by the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services regarding the current position concerning the provision of public conveniencies within the County had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.

A report on Public Conveniences and Location of Staff, together with, a graph of Budgets for 1996 - 2001 was circulated at the meeting.

The officers outlined the gradual reduction in the provision of public conveniencies within the County as a result of a reduction in the budget available for this service, the main problems, such as NNDR rates, water rates, vandalism and general running costs were highlighted by the officers.

Details of the programme of coin locking had been outlined in the report for Members, together with, a summary of the respective problems which related mainly to expense involved in purchasing the locks.

The question of the possible transfer of some public conveniences to the Tourism Trust, or suggested partnerships with Town Councils had also been included in the report.

Following a full and detailed discussion, Members agreed that it would be beneficial if two Members of the Committee, Councillor D.A. Thomas and Councillor S. Thomas, be appointed to liaise with the officers with a view to forming a strategy for the future provision of Public Conveniences in Denbighshire.


(a) the report be received, and

(b) Councillor D.A. Thomas and Councillor S. Thomas be appointed to liaise with the officers with a view to forming a strategy for the future provision of Public Conveniences in Denbighshire.


A report by the Head of Planning Services had been circulated with the papers for the meeting.

The Head of Planning Services introduced the report and explained that observations were being sought from Members of the Environment Scrutiny Committee prior to its submission to Cabinet for approval.

He confirmed that the Charter was consistent with Corporate Policy and Business Objectives aimed at improving the quality of service to the public. It was also consistent with the principles of Best Value and formed part of the Planning Service strategy to seek continuous improvements in performance.

Members were informed that the Charter would be viewed as one of several initiatives including ISO9002 and Investors in People with the final objective being to achieve the Government's Charter Mark award for excellence in customer service.

The Chair expressed the view that the Charter could possibly be condensed, other Members felt that it provided detailed information which could be required by members of the public.

Following consideration of the Charter by Members, The Head of Planning Services agreed that the views and comments of Members be included in the draft copy prior to its submission to Cabinet and Council for consideration.

RESOLVED that subject to the views and comments of Members be included in the draft copy of the Charter prior to its submission to Cabinet for consideration, the report be received and approved.

853. BUDGET 2000/01

A report by the Financial Controller, which provided a summary of progress up to the 27th October, 2000, was circulated to Members at the meeting.

The Financial Controller explained that the latest figures, which would be submitted to Cabinet and County Council for consideration, had been formulated following meetings with the Lead Cabinet Members and Heads of Service. He provided Members with an up date of the current position and highlighted that failure to minimise the level of negative balances at the year end would reduce the resources available for services during the next financial year and endanger the Recovery Plan, it was explained that details of the RSG Settlement had now been received and that there would be no ring fenced areas.

Reference was made to the total figure for identified and reviewed pressures. It was confirmed that it would be necessary to identify reductions to compensate for current year overspends that would recur in the next financial year, some had already been identified but work would need to continue.

The officers explained that there would be still be a recommendation to look to a 3% cut line and reference was made to the impact of the flood damage on the budget figures.

The Financial Controller referred to the recommendations made at the previous meeting of the Committee, with regards to the amendments to the proposed New Pressures and Cuts within the Directorate, and confirmed that £110,000 additional staffing for Public Protection would now be removed. He referred to the proposed preference to delete the increase Winter Maintenance so that the cost would fall on a central reserve and explained that this would not be possible until a sufficient balance had been accumulated.

RESOLVED that the report be received and approved.


Members identified the following topics for consideration by the committee:-

- Regular Budget updates. - Playgrounds. - Rhyl and Denbigh Transport Studies. - Air Quality Review - Stage I. - Recycling update. - Sea Defences (following request by Cllr S. Drew). - Presentation on Emergency Planning.

Meeting ended 12.30 p.m.



Minutes of a meeting of the Personal Services Scrutiny Committee held in the Conference Room, Ty Nant, Prestatyn, on Wednesday 13th December 2000 at 2.00 p.m.


Councillors J. Butterfield (Chair), J. R. Hughes, P.M. Jones, R.J.R. Jones and J.A. Smith.


County Clerk, Financial Controller, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance, Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services and Administrative Officer (Mrs. J.V. Pring). The Personnel Manager, Strategic Planning & Support Services attended for part of the meeting.


Councillors N.J. Hughes and A.J. Tobin.


The minutes of the meeting held on 15th November 2000 were submitted for consideration.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th November be received and approved as a correct record.

Matters arising :-

Minute No. 2 - Role of Scrutiny In response to points raised by the Chair, the County Clerk informed Members that he was currently in discussion with the Chairman of the Council regarding the protocol for the submission of reports from Scrutiny Committees to Council. He further advised that reports from Scrutiny to the Cabinet should be submitted in the name of the Chair.

Minute No. 4 - Performance Review The Head of Strategic Planning & Support Services referred to the minute regarding DLA policy, and asked Members to specify the area of concern. Members suggested that a fair formula was needed in relation to the DLA charging policy as it was felt that the present system was inconsistent. The Head of Strategic Planning & Support Services advised Members that the Service Manager, Adult Services, had been working on a policy document which was currently out to consultation. Following discussion it was:-

RESOLVED that the Service Manager, Adult Services be invited to address Members on the DLA consultative document at the January meeting of the Committee.


Pursuant to minute no. 4 of the meeting of the Committee held on 18th October 2000, nominations were invited for two representatives to serve on a Joint Working Party, alongside two representatives from the Environment Scrutiny Committee, to review the policy on Social Housing in Denbighshire.

RESOLVED that Councillors P.M. Jones and J.A. Smith be appointed to serve on the Joint Working Party.

857. BUDGET 2001/2002

The Financial Controller and the Lead Member for Finance updated Members on the latest budget position following receipt of the Revenue Settlement Grant earlier in the week. Although it had not yet been possible to study the settlement in depth, it was clear that there would be no passporting of funds

413 or ringfencing of specific services. The Authority would now have total discretion on the whole of its budget and directorates would need to compete with each other for funds.

The Lead Cabinet Member for Finance advised that Cabinet would be submitting proposals to Council on the 16th January 2001 in respect of the distribution of monies to directorates, although there would be a certain degree of flexibility during February and March for adjustments to be made.

The Head of Strategic Planning agreed that the non passporting of funds would allow for more discretion but he referred to specific issues within Childrens Services and queried how the required expenditure would be made available. The Financial Controller explained that further figures would follow in respect of specific grants for achieving targets such as those mentioned by the officer.

Members discussed the need to examine in detail the proposed cuts within the Social Services department and expressed particular concern about Out of County placements. The Lead Cabinet Member acknowledged that, as many services were demand-led, overspends would be allowable provided they could be justified.

Details were also provided in respect of bids for the Rhyl Community Agency and non HRA Housing. The Chair asked that details of other miscellaneous bids should be made available for Members’ information.

RESOLVED that a special meeting of the Scrutiny Committee be convened on 20th December 2000 to examine the measures required to deliver the reductions in the 2001/2002 budget and that the Personal Services Director and the Head of Strategic Planning be invited to attend.


The Chair welcomed Mr. Bob Cooper, the Project Co-ordinator of the Denbighshire Foyer who had been invited to address the Committee on the work of the Foyer.

Mr. Cooper circulated information packs to Members and took them through the history and development of the scheme since 1992. He explained the difficulties encountered particularly in respect of the acquisition of the site and the Assembly’s failure to approve the original proposal. The Foyer Board was currently looking to develop a new dispersed model, favoured by the Assembly, and this would subsequently be presented to the Council. Confirmation had been received from the National Lottery Charities Board that the expiry date for the funding of the learning unit was 22 April 2001.

Planning permission for the unit had been submitted and, if successful, it was anticipated that demolition work would commence on the Marsh Road site in the Spring and the new build would start in September 2001.

Mr. Cooper spoke of the lessons that had been learnt from the experiences of earlier Foyer schemes and explained that careful marketing was required to attract only those young people who were keen to gain maximum benefit from the initiative. A Personal Development Plan would be drawn up for each person to ensure that the correct training was provided.

Members took the opportunity to question Mr Cooper on a range of issues associated with the project and commended him on the achievements to date.

It was agreed that once the new model had been developed it should be possible to progress the scheme fairly quickly.

RESOLVED that Mr. Cooper be thanked for his interesting and informative presentation and that he be requested to submit details of the new dispersed Foyer model when its development was complete.


RESOLVED that under section 100a(4) of the local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely

414 disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Personal Manager, Social Services, attended to advise the Committee on the department’s procedures on the recruitment of casual/relief staff. She explained that police checks were required on all employees who had substantial unsupervised access to children. New employees would not be allowed to work without supervision until the results of these checks were received, despite there sometimes being a delay of between 8 - 10 weeks.

The Personnel Manager further advised Members that, as from the summer of next year, the establishment of a Criminal Records Bureau, employing approximately 1,000 workers, would broaden the scope to include categories for which it had previously not been possible to make checks, such as people working with vulnerable adults. The Bureau had recently put out a consultation document requesting feedback from Local Authorities and other agencies who may have a need to use the service.

Although Members were aware that the Authority included a disclaimer on job application forms, they did not consider this to be adequate. They felt that a corporate policy was needed to ensure that all those whose work within the Authority brought them into contact with children should be subject to police checks. It was agreed that the position needed to be strengthened to adopt a more robust approach.

The County Clerk confirmed that the Management Team had authorised a review of the recruitment procedures for casual staff and also referred to meetings the Director, Personal Services, was due to attend to discuss the issues involved.

The Personnel Manager agreed to raise the concerns of the Members with the Director and to incorporate their comments within the feedback to the CRB.

RESOLVED that the Personnel Manager be thanked for the information provided and that the appropriate action be taken in relation to the points raised.

The meeting ended at 4.40 p.m.



Minutes of the Resources Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee held in the Independent Group Room, Ruthin on Tuesday, 19th December 2000 at 9.30 a.m.


Councillors W.G. Thomas (Chairman), K.N. Hawkins, R.E. Jones, R.J.R. Jones (Observer), E.A. Owens (as Lead Cabinet Member for Finance) and P.O. Williams.


Financial Controller, Head of Curricular Services, Education Professional Support Officer (S. Jones), Administration Services Manager and Administration Officer (W.J. Harness).


Councillors S. Drew and R.Ll. Williams and County Clerk.

Prior to commencement of business, the Administration Services Manager introduced Beverley Frowen, an officer from the District Auditor’s office in Cardiff, who explained that she was leading on the Modernising Agenda in Wales and was currently undertaking a watching brief with all Councils in Wales, observing their scrutiny roles. She went on to say that she would be visiting Welsh authorities again in April 2001 in order to provide a feed back on her observations and to discuss further with Members the role of Scrutiny Committees.

Simultaneous translation - In response to a Member’s concern at the absence of simultaneous translation facilities, the Administration Services Manager said that whilst the translator had been made aware of the date and been sent a copy of the agenda for the meeting, he was unaware of the reason for his absence. He agreed to take the matter up with the Authority’s in-house Translator.


The Minutes of the Resources Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee held on 21st November 2000 were submitted.

Matters Arising:-

Agenda Item No. 2 - Capital Programme 2000/2001 - A Member referred to the vagueness of a decision recorded in the minutes that the Committee would probably request a Capital Programme update report at the end of the first quarter in 2001. He felt that this request should be made firmer with a report being sought for submission to the Resources Scrutiny Committee at their meeting in July 2001. Members agreed to that course of action.

RESOLVED that, subject to the above, the minutes of the Resources Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee be received and approved as a correct record.


The Financial Controller submitted a report (previously circulated) which advised Members of the latest position regarding the budget performance for the current year together with progress on the budget setting process for the next financial year.

The Cabinet Lead Member for Finance subsequently reminded the Committee that the Authority’s Recovery Action Plan set a maximum overspend for the current year at £2m with a break-even situation targeted for the end of the next financial year. Councillor Owens continued by informing Members that latest projections of costs suggest an overspend of £2.057m and that work was continuing to bring the figures into line with the Action Plan.

416 Councillor Owens informed Members that it was proposed to submit a Part II budget report to Cabinet on the 9th January prior to budget consideration by Council on the 16th January. In response to her suggestion, Members agreed that a special meeting of the Resources Scrutiny Committee be held on 12th January to consider the report submitted to Cabinet on the 9th January.

The Financial Controller referred to the recent flooding within the County and the additional costs associated therewith. He indicated that the Welsh Assembly had been made aware that Denbighshire had approximately £9m worth of capital works - £3.5m highway reinstatement work and approximately £5.5m for flood prevention measures in addition to the £1.2m of immediate costs for the clean up etc. Under the Bellwin scheme the Authority would have to fund the first £209k of the £1.2m of costs and special funding would be sought for the reinstatement and flood defence works.

Mr. Parry informed Members that in relation to the Bellwin funding, because of the very wet condition of the ground, the timetable for spend for certain highway repair works had been extended to March 2001.

As to the last three months of the financial year Mr. Parry indicated that this would not be an easy period, particularly if more flooding occurred. He also informed the Committee that financial pressures also existed in relation to housing benefit delays.

Mr. Parry informed Members that the Welsh Assembly RSG settlement for 2001 had assumed a spending increase of 5.7% for Welsh Councils adding that whilst the method of calculating the Rate Support Grant had changed, this had had a neutral effect on Denbighshire.

Members subsequently discussed both the general budget position and more specifically, the new pressures and proposed cuts within the Resources budget referring, inter alia, to the following matters:-

(i) the need to establish a contingency fund as part of the budget setting process in order to meet the cost of emergencies arising in the County, e.g. the recent flooding incidents;

(ii) the Authority’s current commitments to a capital budget;

(iii) possible Objective 1 funding and the percentage of match funding required in relation to schemes for highway reinstatement and flood defences;

(iv) the type of schemes that would qualify for Bellwin funding;

(v) various methods to reduce costs in terms of printing of Committee papers and postage to Members thereof;

(vi) details regarding the Cabinet support posts, Area partnership post and Youth Offending Team posts, and

(vii) further information regarding ICT - Learning Stream.

In conclusion, a Member thanked and congratulated both the Financial Controller and Lead Member for Finance for the work they had undertaken in connection with the budget preparation exercise.

RESOLVED that Cabinet be advised that, in relation to the Budget 2001/02, the Resources Scrutiny Committee accept the details of the bids for additional funding and proposed budget reductions as contained in the Financial Controller’s report.


At the Committee’s invitation, the Head of Curricular Services addressed Members on the Special Education Needs service and budget indicating that following an extensive exercise, SEN information was now held on a database and all costs could be identified. Measures had been put in place to control the SEN budget but like all other local authorities there was a projected overspend for the year - in Denbighshire this was £500,000. Mr. Roberts referred to the pressures on that budget particularly

417 when families moved into the County with statemented children requiring special educational needs. However, he now felt confident that the budget was being managed and monitored effectively.

Following the presentation, the Head of Curricular Services responded to Members’ various questions concerning, inter alia, the capacity of the Rhuallt Pupil Referral Unit and the numbers accommodated from each school, pupil capitation allowances, social exclusion, behavioural support service and funding thereof.

The Head of Curricular Services concluded by saying that he had been given two years within which to identify the real cost of SEN following which it would be a matter for Members to decide how they wished to deal with the SEN budget. In this connection, he was currently working on an Action Plan which, when completed, would be submitted to the Resources Scrutiny Committee for their consideration.

The Professional Support Officer and Lead Officer for Grants for Education Support and Training (GEST) (Sylvia Jones) subsequently addressed Members on GEST explaining the overall aim of the activities, identified the GEST categories, informed Members of the funding arrangements and the delegation of funding to schools, identified when the Grant was paid and highlighted the application and grant approval arrangements together with performance monitoring and valuation. It was reported that 50% of the GEST funding would be directly managed by schools from April 2001.

Members took the opportunity to raise questions/comments on the activities within the GEST funding.

RESOLVED that the presentations on SEN and GEST funding be accepted and the Committee’s thanks extended to both officers involved.

The meeting closed at 12.15 p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Lifelong Learning Policy Review and Scrutiny Committee held in the Assembly Rooms, Town Hall, Ruthin on Tuesday, 19th December, 2000 at 2.00 p.m.


Councillors T.M. Parry (Chair), P.A. Dobb, N. Hugh-Jones, M.M. Jones, J.S. Kerfoot-Davies F. Shaw and K.P. Stevens together with Co-opted Member A. West


Financial Controller, Acting Director of Education, Culture and Information, Head of Curricular Development, Head of Resources and Management, Secondary Education Officer, Administration Services Manager and Administration Officer (K.E. Jones)


Co-opted Members C.M. Ashton, D. Catell, G.E. Roberts and N.C. Roberts


The Administration Services Manager introduced and welcomed to the meeting Beverley Frowen from the District Audit, Cardiff, who was in attendance as an observer.


The Administration Services Manager informed the Committee that Mr. Adrian West of Prestatyn High School had replaced Mr. T. Gillespie as the Co-opted member representing the Denbighshire Teachers’ Joint Negotiating Committee.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 14th November, 2000 (previously circulated) were submitted.

The Administration Services Manager informed Members that as a result of a printing error the Welsh translation of the minutes for the Environment Scrutiny Committee had been reproduced and attached with the agenda instead of the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee and apologised for the oversight.

The Chair referred to the existing vacancy of a Co-opted Member to represent the Commercial Industrialist/Business Sector and suggested that Members may wish to put forward nominations for consideration by the Committee. The Administration Services Manager confirmed that an invitation for a nomination had been extended to the Confederation of British Industry but to date a response had not been received. It was agreed that the matter be reviewed at the next meeting of the Committee.

Matters Arising:-

Page 4 - Item No. 4 - Duties of Members and Co-options - In response to a Member’s question the Acting Director of Education, Culture and Information confirmed that it was the responsibility of the School Governors to administer disciplinary action involving teaching and non-teaching members of staff within schools.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th November, 2000 be received and approved as a correct record.

419 865. BUDGET 2001/2002

The Financial Controller submitted a report (previously circulated) advising Members of the latest position regarding the budget setting process for the next financial year together with detailed figures for bids for additional funding and details of target reductions of 3% (attached to the report).

He verbally updated Members on the current financial position and indicated that the suggested budget reductions were not yet considered robust enough to recommend to Cabinet and Council as deliverable and further consideration would be necessary. The budget settlement from the National Assembly had signified the end of passporting and ring fencing of new funds for specific services whilst assuming a total increase in spending of 5.7% over the current year. 1% of that 5.7% would need to be set aside for specific items such as teachers pay restructuring; GIEST funding and infant class sizes.

The Financial Controller took Members through the report and highlighted the summary of progress regarding budget pressures and cuts and identified a number of cuts which were unlikely to be delivered. With reference to the pressures he referred to the possibility of renting mobile classrooms to replace the existing mobiles on an interim basis, pending the provision of permanent accommodation.

He also explained that as a result of the recent flooding the Council had a considerable level of spending commitments involving capital reinstatement works to highways, bridges and culverts and he subsequently provided Members with details of the possible impact of those additional commitments upon the Council’s resources. He referred to the Bellwin Scheme and outlined a number of possible options to supplement capital resources in the event of inadequate funding being made available including the possible increase in Council Tax and the utilisation of Objective One funding.

During the following debate Members expressed concern regarding the possible increase in the level of Council Tax as an option to supplement capital resources. A Member felt that it was unjust to increase the level of Council Tax when the services provided to residents were continually being cut and further concern was expressed regarding the potentially negative public opinion to the increase. Whilst acknowledging the additional cost of flood related repair work Members were disappointed that the level of funding for educational issues would be subsequently affected as a result.

Members took the opportunity to put questions to the Financial Controller and in particular referred to the following issues: funding of capital reinstatement works and assessment of the damage caused by the flooding; further identification of financial cuts; infant class size reduction grants; raising public awareness of financial and educational issues and the lack of increase in the education base budget.

The Chair thanked the Financial Controller for his attendance at the meeting and his address to Members.

RESOLVED that the latest position regarding the budget setting process for 2001/2002 be received and noted.


The Administration Services Manager submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that Members scrutinise the outcome of the relevant parts of the Education and Culture Directorate’s Performance Reviews and the main issues arising therefrom (attached to the report). He welcomed the Acting Director of Education, Culture and Information to the meeting and confirmed that the Acting Director was in attendance at the request of Members to advise on the contents of the Performance Review and respond to any questions regarding the outcome.

The Acting Director of Education, Culture and Information addressed the Committee and introduced the Head of Curricular Services; the Head of Resources and Management and the Secondary Education Officer who were also in attendance. He indicated that a further Performance Review had been carried out since last July and updated Members on those changes affected by the latest Performance Review. He proceeded to advise Members on the contents of the report and particularly referred to those significant changes affecting finance, performance and policy/service issues within the Directorate.

420 The Head of Curricular Services and the Secondary Education Officer verbally reported the updated position regarding the performance of schools within Denbighshire and provided statistical information with comparisons against the national targets set by the Government including core subject indicators and GCSE/A Level results. Reference was made to the improvement of current standards with the emphasis on individual child assessments to monitor progress.

Members took the opportunity to put questions to the Officers regarding the statistics provided; targets achieved; demographic trends; inspections of schools; school catchment areas and Special Education Needs.

The Head of Curricular Services informed Members that it may be beneficial for a presentation to be arranged regarding the area of Special Education Needs to raise awareness regarding this issue and the impact of this area on the Education budget.

The Head of Resources and Management addressed the Committee and updated Members regarding a number of policy/service issues as detailed within the report and responded to questions concerning schools maintenance, mobile classrooms and fair funding.

During the ensuing discussion the Chair referred to the design of school buildings and classrooms and the monies spent on the development of those assets. Members agreed that a presentation be given to the next meeting of the Committee by the Design Services Section regarding the policy of designing such buildings and that Councillor K.E. Wells also be invited to the next meeting in his capacity as Lead Cabinet Member for Education.

A Member also requested that he wished for a presentation to be given to the Committee on Best Value as he had a number of questions regarding the Scrutiny Committee in that area.


(a) the outcome of the Education and Culture Directorates’ Performance Reviews be received and noted;

(b) the Head of Curricular Services be invited to attend at a future meeting of the Committee to give a presentation on Special Education Needs;

(c) the Head of Design and Construction be invited to attend the Scrutiny Committee to be held on 23rd January, 2001 to give a presentation to Members to explain the Council’s policy regarding the design of school buildings and those other buildings which fall under the jurisdiction of the Committee including leisure centres;

(ch) an invitation be extended to Councillor K.E. Wells, Lead Cabinet Member for Education to attend at the next meeting of the Committee to hear the presentation referred to above, and

(d) the relevant officers from the Best Value team be invited to attend at a future meeting of the Scrutiny Committee to give a presentation to Members on the principles of Best Value.


The Chair referred to the impending departure of the Acting Director of Education, Culture and Information and paid tribute to his excellent service with the former Clwyd County Council and this Authority, particularly in relation to the development of the library and culture services and wished him well for the future.

The meeting concluded at 4.00 p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Russell House, Rhyl on Wednesday, 20th December, 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors F.D. Jones (Chair), J. Butterfield, M. Ll. Davies, P. Douglas, S. Drew (substitute for J.R. Hughes), A.E. Fletcher-Williams, I.M. German, M.A. German, K.N. Hawkins, J.R. Hughes (observer), N.J. Hughes, A.E.W. Jones (substitute for D.W. Davies), N.H. Jones, P.M. Jones, R.E. Jones, R.J.R. Jones, E.A. Owens, F. Shaw, J.A. Smith, W.G. Thomas, A.J. Tobin, W.R. Webb (substitute for S. Thomas), K.E. Wells, C.H. Williams, E.W. Williams, P.O. Williams and R. Ll. Williams.


Head of Planning Services, Legal Services Manager, Principal Planning Officer (South), Principal Planning Officer (North) and Administrative Officer (G. Butler).


Councillors D.W. Davies, D.M. Holder, R.W. Hughes, G. Jones, K.P. Stevens and S. Thomas.


The report by the Head of Planning Services (previously circulated) was submitted enumerating plans submitted and requiring determination by the Committee.


(a) the recommendations of the Officers, as contained within the report now submitted be confirmed and planning consents or refusals as the case may be, be issued as appropriate under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, Planning and Compensation Act 1991, Town and Country Planning advert Regulations 1994 and/or Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to the development proposed by the following plans subject to the conditions enumerated in the schedule now submitted:-

(i) Consents

Application No. Description and Situation

01/2000/0750/PF Erection of police station with associated parking and alterations to existing vehicular access at Land off Graig Road, Denbigh, Denbighshire. SUBJECT to the following amended conditions nos. 2 and 3 , deletion of 7 and 8 and new conditions nos. 4, 8, 9 and 12: including renumbering of conditions where necessary 2. The material to be used on the roof of the buildings shall be the thin profiled Redland Cambrian ties, or natural mineral slate. 3. No work shall be commenced on the construction of the face of any walls of the main building or the garage until the written approval of the Local Planning Authority has been obtained to the type of stone and mortar jointing, and render/dash it is proposed to use, in connection with which sample panels shall be erected on site for inspection. 4. The approved stonework and mortar jointing shall be used on the north west, south west and south east facing elevations of the main building. REASON - for the avoidance of doubt in the interests of visual amenity.

422 (renumber following conditions) 8. With the exception of the hedgerow planting along the west, north and east boundaries of the site which shall be increased to a minimum width of between 3 - 4 metres, the landscaping/planting shall be carried out in accordance with the landscaping scheme revision A received by the Local Planning Authority on 11 December 2000 and the general specification for landscaping received by the Local Planning Authority on the 18 December 2000. 9. All planting, seeding, turfing, fencing, walling or other treatment comprised in the approved details of the landscaping including the laying out of the open space shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the completion of the development and any trees or plants which, within a period of five years of planting die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species. REASON - to ensure that there is adequate maintenance of the landscaping/planting in the interests of visual amenity. 12. No security lighting or floodlighting shall be installed within the site without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority to the detailing, including type of columns, lighting system and intensity of light. REASON - in the interests of visual amenity. 13. The position of the 2.4m high security fencing shall not be as shown on the landscaping plan ref: 1:200 11.12.00 A, received by the Local Planning Authority on the 11 December 2000, but shall be in accordance with such amended detailing as may be submitted to and as is approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the erection of the fencing. REASON - in the interests of visual amenity.

05/2000/1015/PO (Following consideration of three additional letters of representation from New Development Consultants; D.E. Jones, Bradford House, Corwen and E. Griffiths, Secretary, Corwen Pavilion Fund). Demolition of former library and youth centre buildings and erection of 3 business units (Use Class B1) (outline application) at former Library/Youth Club, Off London Road, Corwen, Denbighshire. Councillor W.R. Webb wished it to be noted that the Corwen Chamber of Commerce were in favour of this proposal.

08/2000/0844/PF Conversion of outbuilding to form one dwelling and installation of a septic tank at Outbuilding at Colomendy, Cynwyd, Corwen, Denbighshire. SUBJECT to the following amended condition number 3:- 3. Any existing wall opening(s) to be blocked up and/or existing walls/stonework to be restored in accordance with the approved plans shall be carried out with materials which match those used on the existing walls of which they form part, in texture, type, colour, mortar and pointing, and the existence of the old openings shall be retained by recessing the face of the external skin of new sections of stone by a minimum of 50mm from the existing line of the external walls.

12/2000/0486/PF (Councillor E.W. Williams declared an interest in the following application and left the Chamber during consideration thereof). Change of use of business unit and store to shop and store at Canolfan Cae Cymro, Clawddnewydd, Ruthin, Denbighshire.

423 23/2000/1009/PF Proposed change of use to former pheasant rearing shed to furniture storage building (non-retail use and no external storage) at Llanrhaeadr Hall, Llanrhaeadr, Denbigh, Denbighshire. SUBJECT to the following amended condition number 2:- 2. No materials, products, furniture or parts of furniture shall be stacked or stored on the site except within the building forming the subject of the application.

24/2000/1007/PO (Following consideration of three additional letters of representation from T. Hughes, Moelfa, Rhewl (2nd letter); S. Peasley, Hafod, Rhewl (2nd letter), and M.K. Jones and A. Howatson-Jones, 19 Cilgwyn, Rhewl). Development of 0.1ha of land by the erection of one two storey dwelling and construction of a new vehicular access (outline application) on Land Adjacent to Drovers Arms, Rhewl, Ruthin, Denbighshire. SUBJECT to the following new note to applicant:- 1. You are advised that the Local Planning Authority’s attention has been drawn to the existence of private legal easements which may limit the right of connection to the drainage system. You should be aware that the grant of planning permission does not override any private legal restrictions which may exist on the implementation of a permission.

43/2000/0949/PF Installation of 1 no. Antenna on existing mast and associated equipment at NTL Transmitter Station, Gwaenysgor, Rhyl, Denbighshire.

43/2000/1004/PF Erection of pitched roof in lieu of flat roof over shop premises at 4 Station Road, Prestatyn, Denbighshire.

44/2000/1052/PF (Following consideration of an additional letter of representation from Rhuddlan Town Council). Alterations to existing vehicular access at Bryngwyn Farm, St. Asaph Road, Rhuddlan, Rhyl, Denbighshire.

46/2000/0803/PF (Following consideration of five additional letters of representation from St. Asaph Town Council; Conservation Architect; Head of Highways; Welsh Assembly Highways and Forestry Officer). Following a proposal and following the requisite number of Members requesting a recorded vote, the Chairman invited Members to vote for or against the granting of planning permission for the erection of 8 no. detached houses and alterations to existing vehicular/pedestrian access on land at Talardy Park Hotel, The Roe, St. Asaph, Denbighshire. For the Proposal (16) Councillors J. Butterfield, M. Ll. Davies, P. Douglas, K.N. Hawkins, N.J. Hughes, N.H. Jones, F.D. Jones, P.M. Jones, R.E. Jones, R.J.R. Jones, F. Shaw, J.A. Smith, W.G. Thomas, A.J. Tobin, C.H. Williams and E.W. Williams. Against the Proposal (5) Councillors A.E. Fletcher-Williams, I.M. German, M.A. German, P.O. Williams and R. Ll. Williams. Abstained (1) Councillor A.E.W. Jones. Accordingly Members RESOLVED to GRANT planning permission SUBJECT to the following amended and additional conditions nos. 6, 9, 12 and 13, and additional notes to applicant nos. 1, 2 and 3:- 6. The highway improvements to the A525 and site entrance including the formation of a deceleration lane; the provision of the

424 access road to serve the development (to minimum base coat level); and the closing off of the existing access as indicated on drawings nos. 2422/100/RevA and 2422/SK06/RevA shall be completed and available for use prior to the commencement of the erection of any dwellings hereby permitted. The improvements shall include for continued access to the Talardy Park Hotel and Tudor Lodge. The final dwelling of the development shall not be occupied until the aforementioned highway improvements and access road has been completed to adoption standards. 9. All excavation carried out within the crown spread of the trees to be retained as part of the development, including the 2 no. lime trees adjacent to the eastern garden wall shall be carried out by hand and no roots in excess of 50mm circumference shall be severed. 12. The new wall between the Orangery and the access road as shown on drawing no. 2422/SK06/A1 shall be erected prior to the occupation of any of the dwellings hereby permitted in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development. REASON - in the interests if the setting of the adjacent listed building, the Orangery. 13. No dwelling shall be occupied until the parking space(s)/garage and access thereto have been laid out/constructed in accordance with the approved plans. Additional notes to applicant:- 1. Your attention is drawn to the attached Highway Supplementary Notes Nos 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 2. Your attention is drawn to the attached Part N form (New Road and Street Works Act 1991) 3. Your attention is drawn to the following attached documents - Specification for Road Construction, General Notes for Highway Lighting Installations, and General Requirements for Traffic Signs and Road Markings.

46/2000/1021/PF Erection of conservatory at rear of dwellinghouse (partly in retrospect) at Queensland House, The Roe, St. Asaph, Denbighshire.

(ii) Listed Building Consent (subject to the consent of the National Assembly of Wales)

Application No. Description

46/2000/0808/LB Part demolition and alteration of existing garden wall at Land at Talardy Park Hotel, The Roe, St. Asaph, Denbighshire.

46/2000/1069/LB (Subject to the receipt of no further representations raising planning matters not already covered in the report by 29th December, 2000). (Following consideration of four additional letters of representation from St. Asaph Town Council; Ancient Monuments Society; Solicitors acting for owner and Councillor Andrew Thomas). Demolition of existing building at Elwy Bank, High Street, St. Asaph, Denbighshire.

(iii) Refusals

Application No. Description

43/2000/0900/PO (Councillor A.E.W. Jones declared an interest in the following application and left the Chamber during consideration thereof).

425 (Following consideration of amended location plan circulated and three additional letters of representation from the Applicant; Prestatyn Town Council and Forestry Officer). Development of 0.25 hectares of land by the erection of 2 no. dwellings and construction of new vehicular access (outline application) on land at 74, rear of 76/78 Gronant Road, Prestatyn, Denbighshire. For the following amended reasons nos. 1 and 2:- 1. The proposed residential development of this rear garden area combined with the creation of an additional access point in the frontage would represent an unacceptable form of development detrimental to the character and appearance of the site, street scene and surroundings and the residential amenity of occupiers of neighbouring properties to the north and west and would set an unwanted precedent for similar forms of development in conflict with Policy R2 of the Rhuddlan Borough Local Plan, B5 of the Structure Plan and GEN7 of the Denbighshire Unitary Development Plan. 2. The proposal would adversely impact on the existing preserved ash tree on the site frontage by reason of the proximity of the access to the tree and its crown spread causing detriment to the health of the tree and affecting its contribution to the visual amenities of the street scene. In addition it is considered that there would be likely to be an impact upon the long term health, growth and amenity provided by the trees on the remainder of the site in view of the proximity of the dwellings to these trees. Thus the proposal would be in conflict with Policy L7 of the Rhuddlan Borough Local Plan and Policy ENV7 of the Denbighshire Unitary Development Plan. Councillor N.H. Jones wished it to be noted that he disagreed with the number voting to refuse permission but acknowledged that it was carried by a majority. Councillor P.O. Williams Abstained from voting.

(b) notwithstanding the recommendation of the Officers the following application be REFUSED for the reasons indicated:-

Application No. Description

45/2000/1082/PF (Subject to the receipt of no further representations raising planning matters not already covered in the report by 28th December, 2000). (Following consideration of ten additional letters of representation from Rhyl Town Council; New Development Consultants; Head of Highways; Clwyd Alyn Housing Association; Community Strategy Partnership, Station House, Bodfari Street, Rhyl; Rhyl Environment Association; B.J. Lloyd, 18 Sussex Street Rhyl; P. Mandler, 19 West Kinmel Street, Rhyl; Peter Jarvis, 39 West Kinmel Street, Rhyl and Central Residents Association, 17A Abbey Street, Rhyl). Following a proposal to refuse planning permission and following the requisite number of Members requesting a recorded vote, the Chairman invited Members to vote for or against the officers’ recommendation to grant planning permission for the erection of 16 no. dwellings, construction of new vehicular access and alteration to existing car park layout at Bel Market Site, West Kinmel Street, Rhyl, Denbighshire. FOR (to grant) (9) Councillors M. Ll. Davies, K.N. Hawkins, N.H. Jones, F.D. Jones, R.E. Jones, J.A. Smith, E.W. Williams, P.O. Williams and R.Ll. Williams. AGAINST (to refuse) (13) Councillors J. Butterfield, P. Douglas, A.E. Fletcher-Williams, I.M. German, M.A. German, N.J. Hughes, A.E.W. Jones, P.M. Jones, R.J.R. Jones, F. Shaw, W.G. Thomas, A.J. Tobin and C.H. Williams.

426 Accordingly Members RESOLVED to REFUSE planning permission. This decision being CONTRARY to the recommendation of the Head of Planning Services was taken for the following reasons:- 1. The proposal would lead to the loss of established off street parking provision in conflict with Policy T5 of the Rhuddlan Borough Local Plan and Policy TRA9 of the Denbighshire Unitary Development Plan. 2. The proposal would be lacking in sufficient open space taking into account the nature of the area and lead to additional high density family housing in a deprived area which is already overdeveloped and deficient in open spaces and visual relief thus the proposal would lead to a poor living environment for future occupiers and constrain future attempts to provide an improved living environment. (The Committee further recommended that the Appropriate Lead Member investigates the use and allocation of this land and report to the Cabinet on the need for a structured approach for disposal and use of land in this area)

(c) the following applications be deferred for the reasons given:-

Application No. Description

43/2000/1037/PO (Following consideration of seven additional letters of representation from Prestatyn Town Council; New Development Consultants; Welsh Water; Samuel Leese, 56 Marine Drive East; Mr. And Mrs. E. Davies, 52 Marine Drive East; C.L. Franklin, 27 Warren Drive, Prestatyn; and M. Arnold, 42 Marine Drive East). Development of 2 ha of land for residential (1.4ha) and hotel with leisure club (0.6ha) (outline application) at former Kwik Save Group Plc., Warren Drive, Prestatyn, Denbighshire. REASON - defer to await receipt of further information on flooding, traffic impact and drainage issues.

45/2000/1019/PF (Following consideration of an additional letter of representation from Rhyl Business Forum). Change of use from vacant retail to vintage working amusement museum at Unit F, Childrens Village, West Parade, Rhyl, Denbighshire. REASON - defer to allow clarification of the way the proposed use will operate in terms of the type of prizes to be won; use of tokens and the need for a Gaming Licence.

(ch) the following application be deferred to enable a site visit to be undertaken for the reasons indicated:-

Application No. Description

45/2000/0916/PO Development of 0.09 hectares of land by erection of 1 no. bungalow (outline application) on land at rear of 70 Dyserth Road, Rhyl, Denbighshire. REASON - site visit to assess highway access.


The Head of Planning Services submitted his report (previously circulated).

RESOLVED that the report be received.


The Head of Planning Services’ written report (previously circulated) was submitted seeking approval for site visits arising from Agenda Item No. 2 to be held on Friday, 5th January, 2001 and advising of the current membership of the Site Visit Panel.


The Head of Planning Services submitted his written report of applications for planning permission determined by him under delegated authority between 11th November, 2000 and 1st December, 2000.

RESOLVED that the report be received.


(I) Investors in People

The Head of Planning Services announced that Planning Services had been successful in attaining the “Investors in People” Award.

The Chair of the Council, Councillor R. Ll. Williams offered his and the Council’s congratulations to all the staff of Planning Services.

(ii) Burley Hill Quarry, Maeshafn

The Head of Planning Services gave an update on current developments and offered Members the opportunity of visiting the site on 15th January, 2001.

RESOLVED that a site visit to Burley Hill Quarry be arranged for the morning of 15th January, 2001.

The meeting closed at 12.15 p.m.



Minutes of a meeting of the Personal Services Scrutiny Committee held in the Stewart Jones Conference Room, Council Offices, Prestatyn, on Wednesday 20th December 2000 at 1.00 p.m.


Councillors J. Butterfield (Chair), P.M. Jones, R.J.R. Jones, J.A. Smith and A.J. Tobin.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services, Service Manager (Adult Services, Assessment & Care Management, North), Finance Support Officer (Strategic Planning & Support), Executive Assistant, Social Services and Administrative Officer (Mrs. J.V. Pring).


Councillors J.R. Hughes and N.J. Hughes.


RESOLVED that under section 100A(4) of the local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972.

874. BUDGET 2001/2002

(i) Community Agency

The Finance Support Officer presented a report advising Members of the budgetary position following the Transfer of the Community Agency from Planning and Economic Development to Social Services in September 2000.

The report indicated the background and objectives of the development of the Agency together with details of the Community Strategy which was set up to follow the same remit as the Agency but to specifically provide support for Rhyl West and Rhyl South West Area.

The Finance Support Officer took Members through the report detailing:-

w The breakdown of transferred budgets

The total Community Agency Budget of £202,510 was made up of the Community Agency budget, the West Rhyl Community Strategy budget and three specific projects.

Officers confirmed that the West Rhyl Community Strategy budget was managed by the Community Agency but, although the Community Strategy had its own Management Committee, the Community Agency did not. In view of concerns expressed by Members, officers agreed to consider a further disentanglement so that the two budgets could be treated separately .

The Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services also advised that the Chief Executive had suggested that the Community Strategy should be extended county-wide using the skills and experience gained by the West Rhyl area.

w Build-up of Budget

The Total Revenue budget of £111,164 comprised elements such as Employee costs, Maintenance, Transport and Supply costs.

429 The Chair asked whether the maintenance costs included rental fees and the Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services said he would need to pursue this aspect with the Financial Controller as the budget for rent should have been transferred from Planning and Economic Development. Otherwise there would be a significant drain on resources.

w Expenditure and Income

The listing of expenditure/income detailed the highest groups. The payment of Grants was to be designated at a Strategy Group meeting on 17th January and Councillor P.M. Jones confirmed that she would be attending that meeting.

Office income included income received for the use of office equipment and the Chair asked whether was a blanket charge for photocopying. The Finance Support Officer thought that there was and agreed to make enquiries.

w The budget and expenditure of other projects

A budget of £91,346 had also been transferred to Social Services, based on agreed Grant Contributions to schemes detailed in Table 1 of the report. All employee costs were paid via the Council’s Payroll System with other payments made via the Creditor Payments System. At year end any remaining Grant Contribution was paid to the agreed budget figure to create a nil effect overall.

The Chair asked whether there was scope for expansion of the schemes , in particular the Adventure Playground, by increasing the hours and facilities provided. The Finance Support Officer suggested that as the employee costs were offset against the grant, he could identify these costs for the year and establish what amount remained.

w The recommendations

It was recommended that the programme of work should ensure that the Community Agency/Community Strategy were able to work within their budget parameters without compromise to themselves and Social Services and ways of improving the service within that framework be constantly sought.

RESOLVED that the Finance Support Officer be thanked for his report and that the recommendations contained therein be approved.

(ii) The Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services referred to the requirement to address the measures to deliver the 3% target reductions for 2001/2002 in order that when they were submitted to full Council on 16th January 2001 Members of the Committee would be satisfied that they would be both reasonable and achievable.

« Childrens Services

The Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services reported that the overspending on Childrens Services had escalated to an unacceptable amount due to pressures on secure accommodation costs and out of County Placements. He informed Members that attempts had been made to identify cuts against out of county placements, explaining that costs could be cut by £70,000 if the number of placements could be reduced by just one

Officers reported that, in respect of out of county placements, attempts were being made to establish a North Wales approach and to develop long term strategies. The Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services also informed Members that, through the 'Children First' initiative, there were plans to appoint an NVQ Assessor to work with specialised Foster Parents.

Other cuts within the service were spread across a wide range and involved relatively small amounts.

430 « Adult Services

(a) Home Care - The Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services informed Members that a report was due to be submitted to Cabinet in respect of planned early retirement and voluntary redundancy. The work currently performed in-house could be transferred to the independent sector. Although there were a lot of major issues involved, the scheme was thought to be deliverable and would have no significant impact in terms of the quality of service provided. Under Best Value the existing position was not sustainable. Meetings had taken place with staff and a preferred solution was currently being mapped out. Further discussions would be held with staff once the interest had been established and the costs identified.

(b) Llys Marchan - The Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services reported on the up to date position in respect of the proposals for Llys Marchan. The new Partnerships with the Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust and the North Wales Health Authority would result in a reduction of the financial burden on Local Authorities. Public meetings were due to be held in Ruthin and Denbigh and it was anticipated that the proposals would receive a positive response and considerable support.

The Chair queried the amount of savings to be made and the Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services agreed to check the actual amount involved.

(c) Learning Disabilities - Officers reported that a change of policy was expected in respect of the numbers to be supported under the Community Living Scheme. Meetings were scheduled in mid January following which a report would be submitted to full Council.

« Strategic Planning

The Head of Strategic Planning and Support Services reported that, owing to the small numbers of personnel involved there would not be any staffing cuts. The identified savings would be achieved in several minor areas.

« Assessment and Care Management (North & South)

Officers reported that savings would be made by the replacement of the Eligibility Criteria with the Transitional Housing Benefit, the details of which were explained by the Service Manager, Adult Services. The scheme would see a saving of £70,000 in the current financial year and was expected to rise to £200,000 in 2001/2002.

Of the two Housing Associations which supplied the properties for the Community Living projects, one had enthusiastically embraced the new THB whereas negotiations were still on-going with the other.

However the new scheme was seen as a positive way forward and the anticipated savings were regarded as achievable.

In response to concerns raised by Councillor P.M. Jones about placements in residential care homes, the Service Manager, Adult Services confirmed that the policy was to reduce Nursing Home placements. This had, in part, been due to the development of excellent links with Community Nurses via General Practitioners.

Councillor R.J.R. Jones referred to specific elements indicated under Table 1 of the report. The Head of Strategic Planning and Support confirmed that the Asylum Seekers and Youth Offending Team pressures had been identified as corporate responsibilities.

RESOLVED that officers be thanked for the budgetary information provided and the proposals as set out in the report be approved.

The meeting ended at 2.40 p.m. **************** 431 BEST VALUE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE

Minutes of the meeting of the Best Value Scrutiny Committee held in the Labour Group Room, Russell House, Rhyl on Wednesday 20 December, 2000 at 2.00 p.m.


Councillors A.E. Fletcher-Williams (Chair), W.G. Thomas (substitute for D. Jones), F.D. Jones, C.H. Williams and P.J. Williams.


Administration Services Manager, Business Support Manager, Audit Manager, Best Value Officer and Principal Librarian.


Councillors G.A. Clague, D. Jones and G. Jones.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2000 (previously circulated) were submitted for consideration.

Matters Arising

Page 3 item 7 (Best Value Conference) - the Administration Services Manager reported that the Lead Cabinet Member for Best Value was not in a position to report on the outcome of the Conference to this meeting but he hoped to present a verbal report to the next meeting of the Committee.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2000 be approved as a correct record.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Mrs Llinos Jehu, Business Support Manager, Mr Martin Roberts, Audit Manager and Mrs Emma Parry, newly appointed Best Value Officer. Mrs Jehu briefly referred to the roles played by each officer as Members of the Best Value Team. The Team had been invited to the meeting to give a presentation on the use of Performance Indicators/Benchmarking operating within Best Value.

The Best Value Officer with reference to a paper circulated at the meeting, outlined to Members the reasons for measuring performance as part of the Best Value process. She emphasised the need to measure results in order to identify success from failure and then to rectify the latter where necessary. The publication of performance indicators could also win public support for the services provided by the Council.

The Audit Manager referred to the need to set performance targets for services provided by the Council and to measure the performance by the use of performance indicators. There were three types of indicators set by the Audit Commission, the National Assembly and Local Authorities themselves and the production of these indicators could make it possible to have meaningful comparisons with other Local Authorities. Many Local Authorities had established benchmarking groups where local indicators were set to provide comparisons.

432 The Audit Manager further reported that all the information collected would be placed on a computerised Data Base and in conjunction with the District Audit the Internal Audit Team would provide assurances that the systems in place to produce the data were accurate. He referred to the programme of work to be undertaken by the Internal Audit Team with regard to the performance indicators which would hopefully satisfy the District Audit and the Council's Management Team of the authenticity of the indicators.

In summing up the Business Support Manager indicated that the National Assembly was looking to decrease the number of performance indicators that they set and hoped Local Authorities would develop their own indicators for local comparisons.

Following a brief question/answer session, the Chair thanked the Best Value Team for their presentation.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Mr Arwyn Jones, Principal Librarian who had been invited to attend the meeting to give a presentation on the outcome of the Best Value Review undertaken on the Library and Information Service.

The Principal Librarian, with reference to a report circulated at the meeting, outlined to Members the background to the Best Value Review and the production of a Performance Plan which outlined the actions and targets for continuos improvement. The Audit Commission had been given the task of inspecting the service to provide an independent review of its quality and to judge whether it would improve as a result of the Review. Reference was made to the inspection undertaken by two Inspectors between 16th - 19th October who had undertaken a series of interviews, meetings and visits to libraries to see what was really happening in the library service (reality check).

The Principal Librarian referred to the preliminary report of the Inspectors' findings and the subsequent interim challenge in November 2000 which had given the officers an opportunity to comment on their findings. Arising from the initial findings, the Inspectors had recommended that there was an urgent need for a fundamental review of how the service was provided. Members took the opportunity to consider the Council's response to the findings (copy circulated at the meeting) and noted the work to be undertaken to revisit those areas highlighted in the Inspectors' report.

In conclusion, the Principal Librarian felt that the Library and Information Service had been misrepresented in certain areas in particular in comparisons with the proposed DCMS standards.

Members raised a number of questions relating to the service particularly referring to the use of mobile libraries; the need to have compatible I.C.T. equipment for One Stop shops; staffing costs; inadequate book fund; the need to restructure the service; flexibility of opening hours at libraries and the use of Customer Surveys at libraries.

The Chair thanked the Principal Librarian for such a comprehensive presentation and paid tribute to the excellent staff resource within the Library and Information Service.

878. BUDGET POSITION 2000/01 AND 2001/02

The Administration Service Manager submitted the Financial Controller's report (previously circulated) advising Members of the latest budget position regarding the budget performance for the current year together with progress on the budget-setting process for the next financial year. He verbally updated Members on the current financial position indicating that the projected £2.057 million overspend was on target for the Recovery Plan and the District Auditor had been happy with the progress to date. The budget settlement from the National Assembly had signified the ending of passporting and ring-fencing of new funds for specific services whilst assuming a total increase in spending of 5.7% over the current year. However, 1% of that 5.7% would need to be set aside for specific items such as teachers' pay; restructuring ; GEST funding; infant class sizes etc.

433 The Administration Services Manager referred to the impact of the recent flooding in the County and the need to fund the first £219k before the Bellwin Scheme operated. However that scheme would only cover temporary reinstatement works and would not cover capital costs for flood defences/ highway improvements. The Assembly had been informed that the capital works could cost up to £9 million and advice on the funding of those works was still awaited from the Assembly.

The Chair of the Resources Scrutiny Committee also updated Members on the current financial position and congratulated the Cabinet Lead Member for Finance and the Financial Controller for the work that they had undertaken in connection with the budget preparation exercise.

RESOLVED that the latest position regarding the budget-setting process for 2001/2002 be received and noted.


The Administration Services Manager sought nominations from Members to serve on two Best Value Project Teams.

RESOLVED that the following Members be nominated to serve on the Best Value Project Team for Individual Service Reviews:-

Special Education Needs - Councillor F.D. Jones.

Elderly Persons Homes - Councillor A.E. Fletcher-Williams.


RESOLVED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 7 and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Administration Services Manager submitted correspondence received by the Chair of the Committee (previously circulated) from a local firm of Land and Estate Agents expressing concerns that the County Council had appointed a non-County firm of Agents to act on behalf of the Council in the sale of land/property previously approved by Cabinet for disposal.

The Administration Services Manager referred to a response received from the Acting Head of Property (circulated at the meeting) regarding the appointment of the Agents which emphasised that the appointment had been made under pressurised circumstances and that a formal bidding procedure would be undertaken in future. Notwithstanding that fact, the Acting Head of Property indicated that the appointment of the non-County Agents had been made in accordance with the principles of best value.

RESOLVED that the correspondence be received and noted.

The meeting concluded at 3.45p.m.



Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held in the Assembly Rooms, Town Hall, Ruthin on Thursday 21 December 2000 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillors E.C. Edwards (Leader), I.M. German, D.M. Holder, R.W. Hughes, G.M. Kensler, D.M. Morris, E.A. Owens, A.E. Roberts, W.R. Webb, K.E. Wells and E.W. Williams.

Observers - Councillors M.Ll. Davies, R.J.R. Jones, M.M. Jones, K.N. Hawkins, G. Thomas.


Chief Executive, County Clerk, Financial Controller.


The Leader gave notice of the following items which in his opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972:-

(i) Diary - Special Cabinet meeting to be held on Tuesday 9 January 2001 at 10.00 a.m. at the Assembly Rooms, Ruthin.

(ii) Scala Cinema Closure Report.

(iii) Housing Benefits Progress Report - the report is both Part I and Part II.

(iv) Appointment of County Safety Officer.

(v) LEA Governor Vacancies - Llantysilio School to be added to the list.

(vi) Confidential paper from ECTARC for information.

(vii) Council Depot at Kinmel Park, Bodelwyddan Report.


The Minutes of the Cabinet held on 5 December 2000 (previously circulated) were submitted.

Matters Arising:-

(i) Item 7 (Best Value) - Councillor E W Williams expressed his concern about reports being tabled without prior approval by the relevant Cabinet Member. He suggested a convention whereby in the absence of the Lead Cabinet Member papers for Cabinet would be approved by the Leader and submitted in the Leader’s name.

(ii) Item 13 (Mountfields, Denbigh) - Omission of Councillor G M Kensler’s vote against the proposal noted.

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 5 December 2000 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.


Councillor R W Hughes, Lead Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism tabled the report informing Cabinet Members of the closure of the Scala Cinema and Arts Centre in Prestatyn and seeking approval to reallocate funds to commission a feasibility study to start the process of redevelopment and renovation of the facility.

435 Councillor R W Hughes explained that in view of the problems encountered there was a need for approval for virement of £10k for interim structural measures to fund the feasibility study.

RESOLVED that Members approve the reallocation of £10,000 capital funds to carry out a feasibility study to examine options for improvement and development of the Scala as a local arts facility.

885. REVENUE BUDGET 2000-2001

Councillor E A Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance, submitted a report (previously circulated) informing Cabinet of the current budget position, namely an overspend of £2.057m against a maximum of £2m allowed for within the Recovery Plan.

Councillor E W Williams asked whether the cost of restructuring the senior management team was available. Councillor E A Owens said figures would be provided when the restructuring process has been completed.

Councillor G M Kensler drew attention on the need of Council to be vigilant as a result of the cutbacks, particularly with regard to coastal protection and highway maintenance.

Councillor E A Owens informed Members of the provisional settlement for 2001-2002 of a 5.7% increase from the Assembly to give a budget of nearly £110m, on which the first call will be the £2m overspend. Some commitment on the expenditure on floods over and above the Bellwin figures will be made.

The Chief Executive said the WLGA and National Assembly for Wales have agreed a settlement for Wales as a whole of 5.7% and 1% of that is for the increase in responsibilities to Local Authorities. No part of the settlement has been earmarked for any particular activity.

Councillor W R Webb reminded Members that strong representations are required on flooding matters.

RESOLVED that Members approve the report.


Councillor E A Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance submitted a report and appendix (previously circulated) seeking Members’ support of the draft WLGA response to the National Assembly for Wales Cabinet Consultation Paper - Simplifying the System: Local Government Finance in Wales. The deadline for responses to the paper was 31 December 2000. Councillor Owens explained the Assembly Cabinet proposals covered Revenues, Capital Finance and Taxes, fees and charges.

RESOLVED that Members support the draft WLGA response particularly with regard to the following:-

(a) the new system of capital controls should be as simple as possible;

(b) there is no case for legislative control over capital receipts within the HRA;

(c) the Assembly should hold a revaluation for council tax using its existing powers;

(ch) the Association welcomes the proposal to reduce the bills of small businesses, and

(d) Local Government should have greater ability to raise resources locally.


Councillor E A Owens, Lead Cabinet Member for Finance submitted a report (previously circulated) on the Housing Benefits Progress and Action, seeking Members’ approval for additional monies (details provided by the Director of Resources following exclusion of press and public) and a continuation of the current arrangement whereby Russell House (Revenues Office) is closed for a period of 3 days a week

436 until the outstanding workload is completed, projected as being the 31 March 2001. Councillor Owens paid tribute to the Revenues staff who have made substantial inroads into the benefit arrears.

Councillor G M Kensler asked about the frequency of Revenues Liaison Forum meetings. The Head of Revenues said the Forum meet as necessary, usually every 4-6 weeks.


(a) the additional expenditure as outlined at the Cabinet meeting be approved for the procurement of additional consultancy days from Academy to remedy and clarify issues regarding the system and to retain four temporary staff for a period of 3 months ending March 2001;

(b) that the existing closure arrangements of the Revenues Office at Russell House on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday be continued until the end of March 2001;

(c) the securing of additional processing capacity by appointing an agency to deal with approximately 3000 claims/documents be approved, and

(ch) the cost of decommissioning the old computer Bull DPS 7 by engaging Bull Information Systems Ltd. be approved.


The Leader submitted the following applications for approval:-

(i) external advertisement for a Manual 3 Events Assistant Post at the Royal International Pavilion for the Countryside and Leisure Department;

(ii) external advertisement for PO1 Environmental Health Officer (Health and Safety) post in the Environmental Health Health and Safety Enforcement Department, and

(iii) PO1 County Safety Officer post in the Personnel Department (this item was considered as a matter of urgency, the Leader having given notice at the commencement of the meeting). The CEO asked for Members’ approval for this recruitment plus a Safety Officer post for this Department, as there had been a last minute resignation resulting in two out of the three posts in the Unit becoming vacant.

RESOLVED that the external advertisement of the Manual 3 Events Assistant and PO1 Enviromental Health Officer (Health and Safety), County Safety Officer and Safety Officer posts be approved.


The Leader presented the report (previously circulated) for LEA Governor vacancies from the Local Member(s) for the area in which the school(s) are located.

The County Clerk said Councillor A J Tobin was the nomination of Bryn Collen CP School, Llangollen and not Councillor R J R Jones.

The County Clerk asked Members to consider the addition of Councillor R J R Jones as the nomination for Llantysilio School, Llangollen.

Councillor E W Williams drew Members' attention to a vacancy at Llanfair D C School and asked that a retrawl for nominations be carried out.

RESOLVED that the LEA Governor appointment(s) be approved as listed subject to the amendment and addition reported by the County Clerk and a retrawl be carried out for Llanfair D C School.


Councillor R W Hughes, Lead Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism submitted a report (previously circulated) regarding the Leisure Trust Feasibility Study which had been discussed at Scrutiny Committee. Councillor Hughes asked that Members consider deferring the report seeking the commissioning of a feasibility study to look at a further phase of externalisation via a Trust/Non-Profit Distributing Organisation as further details are required before the consultants commence work.

RESOLVED that Members defer the report.


Councillor R W Hughes, Lead Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval to the endorsement of the recommendation of the Officer Working Group to the establishment of a Llangollen Strategy Group. The Officer Working Group had been established to consider the feasibility study which investigated the possible future development of the site to incorporate the requirements of Denbighshire County Council and the Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod.

Councillor W R Webb suggested the Royal International Pavilion should be considered as a separate issue and a further report should be submitted to Cabinet as soon as possible.

RESOLVED that Members approve the establishment of a Corporate ‘Llangollen Strategy Group’ consisting of appropriate Members and Officers to be led by one (or more) members of the Corporate Directors.


Councillor R W Hughes, Lead Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism submitted the report and Appendix (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval in principle to support the initiative and to approve proposals to take the project forward.

RESOLVED that Members approve in principle support to the Rhyl Sport and Education Partnership project and, subject to funding, agree to undertake further work to examine the feasibility of the project.


Councillor K E Wells, Lead Cabinet Member for Education submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members’ agreement to the establishment of a Member/Officer Task and Finish Group to agree and to establish criteria to be applied in consideration of matters relating to rationalisation of school places and capital expenditure on school buildings.

Councillor Wells explained the need to look at the future of education and the maintenance of school buildings in Denbighshire. The School Organisation Plan and the Draft Asset Management Plan for Schools documents would form part of the criteria to be adopted for future consideration.

RESOLVED that Members approve the establishment of a Member/Officer Task and Finish Group comprising the Chair of Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee, 1 Member of each political group, the Lead Member for Education and the Director of Lifelong Learning, to draw up criteria for determining the rationalisation of school places, and the allocation of capital expenditure on school buildings.


Councillor D M Morris, Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment presented a report (previously circulated) on the Ruthin Park Road development seeking Members’ approval to determine a strategy for developing land adjacent to Park Road, Ruthin. Councillor Morris explained the need for outline planing consent for the development of the Park Road depot site.

438 The Chief Executive suggested three parts to the Park Road development, namely the depot to be demolished, agreement in principle to bring forward outline planning, and for Cabinet to approve the planning application before it is submitted.

RESOLVED that Members:-

(a) agree to the Ruthin Park Road depot being demolished;

(b) agree in principle to bring forward an outline planning application, and

(c) receive a further report to Cabinet prior to approval of submission of a planning application and authorisation for officers to submit any supporting applications


Councillor D M Morris, Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Cabinet approval to revoke a Closing Order on the above property. The old village school, later used as a dwelling house had been declared unfit and unsuitable for habitation but had since been renovated and since inspection had been found to be fit for human habitation.

RESOLVED that Members approve the closing order in respect of Yr Hen Ysgol, Henllan be revoked.


Councillor D M Holder, Lead Cabinet Member for Training gave a verbal report on the North Wales Gliding Club Public Enquiry held over two days this week at Llangollen. Councillor Holder wished to pay tribute to the staff of the County Clerks and Planning Departments for all their work.

At this juncture (11.10 a.m) the meeting adjourned for 15 minutes to allow Members to participate in refreshments.


RESOLVED under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Leader submitted a report and Appendices (previously circulated) on the latest position regarding the Council’s amended notice to quit the Wirral and North Wales Purchasing Consortium with effect from 31 March 2002 and to consider the information contained in the appendices regarding the organisation’s activities.

RESOLVED that Members:-

(a) note the consultant’s progress report and note the figures included in the general manager’s report, and

(b) receive from the Financial Controller a further report to Cabinet of the Consortium’s actual performance.


Councillor A E Roberts, Cabinet Lead Member for Personal Services submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members’ agreement to a limited reduction in the level of in-house provision with a corresponding increase in external provision, to be achieved through early retirement / voluntary redundancy.

439 Councillor Roberts said that consultations had been carried out with staff and the Trade Unions and that limited externalisation is the only viable way forward.

RESOLVED that Members:-

(a) agree a programme of limited externalisation to be achieved through voluntary redundancy, and

(b) consider further capitalising the costs of the programme


The Leader presented a report and Appendix (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval for consideration of a Business Development Grant application as detailed within the Appendix. The Leader also requested Members to approve the power of delegation to the County Economic Development Officer for the award of business development grants up to £5k in consultation with the Leader.

The Leader explained that delegated approval exists for other grants offered by the County Council but no such scheme has been approved for the Business Development Grant.

RESOLVED that Members:-

(a) approved the Business Development Grant as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, and

(b) approved the request for delegated authority to the County’s Economic Development Officer for the award of business development grant up to £5k in consultation with the Leader.


The Leader submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval to a refusal to dispose of the land adjoining Newcroft Joinery, Corwen.

The land is located within the development boundary and could affect the Council land located adjacent to the site. Consultations had been carried out and the Local Member had made an objection owing to the close proximity of the County Council’s car park.

RESOLVED that Members reject the sale of the land.


Councillor D M Morris, Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment, submitted a report and plan (previously circulated) seeking Members’ consideration of a request to waive the Council's right to reclaim the grant aid paid to the previous owner in respect of works carried out at 31 Water Street, Denbigh.

The previous owner of the property had been given a grant in 1997 and had signed a legally binding certificate that in the event of the property being sold within 5 years of the date of the grant, the grant would be repayable either in whole or part. The conditions attached to grant aid approvals are registered as a land charge against the property for the life of the condition and on receipt of an official search the condition is disclosed to prospective purchases by the Council. The new owners were made aware of the condition. The grant aid is repayable and the condition was transferred to the new owner.

RESOLVED that Members agreed to refuse to waive the Council’s right to reclaim the grant aid paid.

(Councillor G M Kensler requested that her abstention be recorded).


Councillor D M Morris, Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment presented the report and plan (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval for a grant for the improvement and conversion of the property formerly known as the Plas Tirion Hotel, 45-48 East Parade, Rhyl into 22 self contained flats. Agreement has been given in principle by the WDA to grant aid the cost of the external works. The renovation grant sought equates to approximately 30% of the total cost of the project.

RESOLVED that Members agreed that the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services be given the authority to approve a grant of 30% of the eligible cost up to the maximum detailed in the report subject to the application being validated and all conditions being met.


Councillor R W Hughes, Lead Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism submitted a report and appendices (previously circulated) and an ECTARC document for information at the meeting. Councillor Hughes asked for Members’ approval to authorise officers to negotiate new leasing agreements with ECTARC and to agree a reduced level of County Council annual grant to ECTARC on the basis of the letter from the Director of ECTARC attached as Appendix 1 to the report.

RESOLVED that Members agreed to authorise officers to renegotiate the County Council agreement and leases with ECTARC in accordance with the provisional agreement as noted in the letter from the Director of ECTARC attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


Councillor W R Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted the report (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval to the principles of Flintshire County Council being served notice that Denbighshire County Council Education staff no longer require offices at County Hall, Mold as from 31 March 2001. Councillor Webb requested Members’ approval to use the proceeds from the sale of land adjacent to Fron Fraith for residential development to finance the relocation of staff from Morfa Hall to Russell House.

The Chief Executive said any surplus monies from the sale of the Fron Fraith land would be used to house the extra staff at Russell House and form a better registry as the project was integrally linked and any surplus would be passed to central funds.

RESOLVED that Members:-

(a) approved the termination of the office lease at County Hall, and

(b) approved the proceeds from the Fron Fraith residential development be used to finance the proposed move from Morfa Hall to Russell House.


(Councillor R W Hughes declared an interest and left the Chamber during consideration of the item).

Councillor W R Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted a report and plan (previously circulated) seeking Members’ approval to grant a lease of land for the erection of a new lifeboat station.

The RNIB requested the 50 year lease of land adjoining the existing lifeboat station, to construct a new lifeboat station with access ramp and slipway and would incorporate a souvenir shop for fundraising purposes.

RESOLVED that Members approved the granting of a 50 year lease to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and granted a 100% discount of the market rent, which would apply to subsequent rent

441 reviews and otherwise on terms to be agreed by the Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services in consultation with the County Clerk.


Councillor W R Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted the report and plan (previously circulated) seeking Members’ agreement to refuse to grant a right of way across Mill Street Car Park, Llangollen. The owners of Dee Villa have requested a vehicular and pedestrian right of way across the Council car park on Mill Street which would result in the loss of car parking spaces.

RESOLVED that Members refuse the request to grant a right of way across Mill Street Car Park in favour of the owners of Dee Villa.


Councillor W.R. Webb, Lead Cabinet Member for Property submitted the report (previously circulated) updating Members on the progress made on capital receipts gained arising from the sale or potential sale of Council owned property and land as listed in the report.

RESOLVED that Members note the information contained in the report.


(The Chief Executive declared a private/personal interest in the following item which was not clear and substantial).

Councillor K E Wells, Lead Cabinet Member for Education gave a verbal report on Post 16 Education. Councillor Wells drew Members’ attention to fundamental changes in Post 16 Education from 1 April 2001, the changes made are to the 1996 Education Act. Important implications are that all Post 16 Education will in future be funded by the CETW and administered by the local CCETs. Councillor Wells indicated his profound disquiet that a matter of such momentous importance had not been reported to Members previously.

Councillor Wells outlined the options available - the Council could go with a changed CCET or could create a Denbighshire CCET with partners of a mixture of both. The options would be put forward to Council with the Lead Member for Education preparing a paper on the options for Members’ urgent consideration.

Members were concerned that issues raised by the Lead Member were of profound significance and had received publicity in other fora and agreed therefore the need for an options paper at the earliest possible moment.

RESOLVED that Members note the report.


The Head of Public Protection and Regulatory Services reported verbally to Members that the WDA had offered for sale the freehold reversionary interest of sites leased at Kinmel Park and it could be to the Council’s advantage to purchase and accordingly delegated power was sought by the officers.

RESOLVED that Members approve the purchase of the freehold reversionary interest of sites leased at Kinmel Park and authorised delegated powers to the officers.


The Director of Resources provided details of the additional expenditure required.

The meeting concluded at 12.20 p.m. **************