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BEST DOLLAR W EEKLY IN NORTH-WESTERN OHIO. V O L . 11 DELTA, OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1895. NO. 19 PERSONAI. PARAGHtPHH. SHALL CUBA BE FRRKT SOUK «V(H3BSTIOKS ABOIT i n m .TONcoi'NTV coru r o f Local News, Town and County. TH E COl’MTV 1-AIM . c o m m o n r i .E A S . Fresh From the Court House. No international question has arisen SARGENT BROS. Whosoever will may come to the Miss Flo Bourquln Is visiting friends Now that the county fair is a tiling Realty Transfers. Adanlulstra In Fayette this week. since the days France attempted to cam p lire Tuesday evening. of the past as far as 1W(5 is concerned tors' Affairs, Marriage Licen set up u crowned head In M exico lias SPECIAL REPORT TO T11E ATLAS. & we may properly make some sugges s e s , E t c . SAXTON. Camp lire at W olcott’s next Tuesday A tty . E verett is in Wauseon ti)I• arisen in which Americans naturally evening, everybody is invited. week attending court. tions. It is a fact, so we are inform Common Pleas Court convened last take so much Interest. The Cubans ed by some of the directors, that two Monday with the Hon. John M. Sheets Probate Court. Three short shrill whistles Tuesday Mrs. Dr. Bishop Is visiting friends understand Dlls condition and natur thousand more tickets were sold at as presiding judge. The docket Is an W. E. Fowle^ugd V. V. Cutting ally look this way for sympathy, and Now is t ie time afternoon at 3 o'clock called for a cold at Zanesville this week. the last fair than at any former fair unusually long one for tills county. ham. executors of Chas. Cullen estate we believe that it will not be long aud wave. Jas. Schlappi was over at Blisslleld, ill the county. T his speaks well for After tbe empaunelling and charging 1st partial account conllrmed. ought not to be long until the United | to,come in and set-l Neat, tasty printed matter indicates the m anagem ent and is a proof th at of the grand jury the following civil Joseph P. Flory appointed adminis Mich., on business Tuesday. States government recognizes the a neat, tasty business. We print and the people appreciate the effort the cases were disposed o f: trator of estate of Joseph Abele. Dr. O. L. Norris o f Deshler, rail Cubans as beiigerents. tie your book ac-1 do it neat. management Is making. The first on the docket were the L. S. it M. S. R. R vs. Commission over Wednesday, to see his people. The only fault we liave heard was three V. B. cases, J no. W. McQuillin ers of Fulton Co. appeal in York ditch Any tody wanting to purchase a Karmcm Read Thin. count and pay| W. T. Saxton and W. C. Martin on account of the lack of water. The et al, trustee, vs David Zimmerman: case 47S4. Proceedings found regular. good horse should call at this office for This is the fall season of the year were In T oledo Tuesday on business. big day, Thursday, was a scorcher and K. W. W hitaker ef, al, trustee, vs Jno. By agreement of both parties case con ! your note. Do not f Information. and tlie holidays are approaching. many almost suffered for water to Leltner and .1. S. Sims et al, trustees, tinued to Dec. 30th, 181)5, for further Miss Ada Trowbridge entertained Farmers should get over tlie Idea of Next Sunday morning the Quarterly quench their thirst. But we believe vs Henry Andrews e t air In the. first orders. Mr. Downing of Toledo last Sunday. holding their poultry right down to wait for us to ask | Communion service will take place at we are safe in saying that the same two decrees were rendered as prayed Thomas Barnes, deceased, letters of the middle of the last week and then the Presbyterian church. condition will not occur again. If for, and the third will uo doubt fol administrator with will annexed Mrs. F. W. Fashbaugh is entertain all rush them In and glut the market you personally but | ing her sister from Toledo tills week water cannot be found on the ground low. This gives the victory to the granted to Asa Burton. Look for invitations to a blrth-day You can sell better now, any day, and a well must lie secured as near as pos Lihefais. lion). Rupp, guardian of Thomas come now. party at the Church of Christ to be Mrs. Catharine Bourquin of Arcli- there Is no visible prospect of prices sible and the water piped to the Geo. German vs tbe L. S, & M. S. Gerig. Ilnal account conllrmed. given some time next week. hold Is visiting her son, P. J. Bour being any better. Sell them now, grounds. Railway Co. Passed for settlement. A. L. Ford, guardian of Rolph Crane quin. alive and save your feed. They must be set 1 Advertised Letters: Mr. Loti Har Now for a suggestion. Would Itnot A. Deck vs Frederick Bowers. Dis linal account conllrmed. ris, Mr. L. Fashbaugh, Mrs. Chambers Miss Belle Lingle of Owosso, Mich., Another. Change. be a good idea to put up a building di missed without prejudice at costs of Mary E. Snow, guardian of Alta A. i tied. Carrie A. Campbell, J. D. Snyder, is the guest o f her cousin, Miss Ida vided into twelve compartments and plaintiff. and Battle L. Snow. 2nd. partial ac Stahl & Son. Grandy. Dr. John A. Wilkins has exchanged assign a compartment to each town Mary E. Sims, admx. vs G eorge W. count conllrmed. SARGENT BROS. & I his interest In the "Ohio Rupture ship and let each township strive to Stokes et, al. Decree In favor o f plain Henry Geer, administrator of David T h e A t l a s Is Indebted to Mr. Geo. A l Cann who has spent (.lie summer Cure," for Lucas, Wood Putnam, Har S A X T O N . I make a liner display than any of lie tiff, $1,(100.20. Sale ordered. Geer, files Inventory. A . Everett, one of Fulton county’s at Marion, has returned home for a din. Union, Franklin and Licking township y T his .suggestion may lie a. Hannah Holbeu vs Richard Kinney. Chas. G reenough appointed guardian hustling young attorneys for the ex few weeks. counties, and Intends to give the rup little premature, but it is an idea that Settled and costs paid. of Georgie E. Searing. cellent court report this week. ture business his personal attention will be adopted before any great num D. S. Morgan & Co. vs Frank Briggs Rev. Landis came home yesterday in that section of the country. With The annual meeting of the W. 0. T. from a week's visit with relatives in ber of years and Fulton county might et al. Continued on motion and show Marrtaice Licences. the Doctor's intimate acquaintance U. will be held Friday p. m., Oct. 18, central Indiana. as well take the lead as to follow in ing of plaintiff. Sherman Edge and Edith M. John Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder through that part of the state, and at the home of Mrs. Dr. Bishop. Let the wake of some other county. It James McOrillis vs James M. Sut son. World’s Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Miss Grayce Blaine of Toledo, was his well knowu ability as a physician every member be present. S e c . would create a gieat Interest through ton. Continued. Charles C. Mann and Mary A. the guest of friends at the Cottage and surgeon, he will make tne cure a out the entire county and be the Sylvia L. Sanderson vs Swanton Savage. ** Gapes & Jackets now3:ou Well, the trade is coming in to Del Hotel over Sunday. success. cause of many more attending the best Creamery Co. Sale confirm ed. Geo. W. Curtis and Anna Belle irai Saagent Brot. & Saxton. ta from miles around, Judicious adver county fair in Ohio. Spencer & Steumpel vs I’ hilbena Lamb. tising, large stocks of good honest M r. and Mrs. E. C. Crosby wore the Ot.U I'OI.KS' DAV. welcome guests of’Mrs. O. V. Crosby Dickinson. Passed for settlement. lllram C. Ilarmon and Klttie ltam- goods and some very low prices Is w hat Next Sunday morning will be “Old the first or the week. ■' W in. E. Ramsey vs D avid Schaeeh- seyer. tells. Folks’ ’ day at the Presbyterian Sun terle et al. Sale confirmed. Jonas Snyder and Mary Rashly. For Sulky Orieman Bros. Frank Slielt of near Neapolis was In day school. The children will please If the boy or young man who lost a Believing that the systematic ar Jennie M. Rorick vs Chas. E. Nut t, Ira Bullard and Mrs. Fanny A. Mor town Wednesday doing his fall pur bring their paronts with them. The coat two or three weeks ago south of rangement of reports of work done In etal. Sale conllrmed. ris. NO LADY Oil GENTLEMAN chasing at our stores. the Bradley school house, wants It he school will be conducted as in the long connection with our schools, placed Matt ie W. Grofft vs Edward S. Da- M. C. Roth aud Cora M. Augustine. ago. E verybody is invited. in the world suffering from Catarrh cun have it by coming after It and de Mrs. Jas. Bruce returned Wednes befroe the patrons, through the news voll as Ex., etc.