iit'. ‘ 5 , ) S 4 l o m t IIBI ...... v-..- j W l M W l i ' M ANCHESTER w- A CITY OF VILLAGE MANCSBSTBR, CONN., WBONpSDAY. JANUARY t, iW (SIXTEEN PAGES) PBlCBTBBHft-*

A s 76th Congress Opened P PRESIDENT CALLS ON GENERAL ASSEMBLY Combined With Oar White Sale ^ START WEDNESDAY JANUARY 6 COURTS TO GIVE AID CONVENES; GREEN STAMPS GIVEN W ITH CASH S A L^ 1500 Tnrde Beg. 2Sc FVmt Color D R E ^ S AIX DAY W ^N ^A Y , NEW SPRING 1 O ^ FOR GOOD OF NATION FEATURES SESSI i that thcM d r w eM art all brand I ___ ; iriakaa them espedally desir> SNOW SUITS H ale's Finespun Sheets PERCALE PRINTS A il Need b He 1 Ouf* Sue Ugisiatef : thla January sale pnee. Made to This is your opportunity to make a real buy in one of *. *!!?$^* thaaa Jnat bafbee the prtM rise in cotton fabrics and r $7.9fi. Sian 14 to 22V&. Colon 4 year g n a m t e ^ ceUophaiia wrapped, pre-lauqdered. we 7 are paining on tly earing. A beautiful range of pdtems and eel- President*s Message winter’s most popular items—a snow siiit lliey’va sold 2Vb" bm on both aids -^ 6 ^ ” *^ctra leng^ otlngs In |4i new Spring dealgna. f m FodUNBlll Uw BR Here Are Highlights I green, black, raapberry, ruat, and like hot cakes. Get one of these now. k ^ 5 ' 9 • . - 8W04H-. NOW IM N.W >H.S;4.4-Tud bIfIdeMd View w a To the New Congress p K i i m ^ $ 6.98 s n d $ 7.98 SuitS) Ofi BepuMment prim 9L49. Q f Govemor*s Message N o w ...... \.... $ 1 . 2 S ief«KM€ ta It, Be Stjs. p h e r e S v n i ^ 72x104%'*., NOW SILK and ACETATE Washington, Jaa. —1 hea(needB of tha uadwpcMlaged had Hartford. Jaa. S.—(AP)—Bara^ "You win aei\.s ^ t hthat i Connecticut $ a n d $ S u i t s , q A Replacement price 91.89. text of Prialdi bfuught too away of our peopla to ara aonw hlghtlghu la the Inaugural a X X la faced•d'wUh 8.98 9.98 $ l ; i 5 nual message to Oongraaa tollowa:' Famiiigtan, Jen. S.—(A P )-- tha verto of doubt aa to the suo- ddraaa of Oovonor Croaa: problam x x whan t inform those of ^ iO B 7 w e S r ^ ^ «8*104%". NOW DRESS LENGTHS Length ' TO the Otaagreai of the Uhlted ceaafol adaptatlan of omr historic "May partlaanahip ba fliven a ab- you who do not know that Uw rao- Hartford, Ja ORT COATS Bt flooeavelt summoned the States: tradtUons to Uw romplxx modera Oeneral AbsomMy , Replacement price 91.29. Bumtlw holiday at least." ords of ieSb dlackwad X X . 483 had $ 1 . 0 5 .Theoe fatelm bought from.the full pteoe eell for at least We ynid today to do thair part "In For the flrat tfan# la our natinaal worid. In that, lay a chaltenga to ^ 0.98 a n d $ 12.98 S u i t s , boM klUed and aaarly 14,000 malm- with many ] •B^won^w w^^w I . ’ ef atyle in theae eoata I S d d W a T f f i ^ e t e . mxWlala In plain crepea, norelty wearaa, ’ democracy succeaafur* wlth- history a Prasldant deitvaca hto an­ our Daiaocmtie form ef gerrarament "Tha d x yeara during which I ad or oUwrwiaa l a ju ^ from motor nual maaaage to a now Ormgraaa Itotif. o f the H ALE^ FINESPUN PILLOW CASES tho fWuaework of the Oonatltu- bavs bald Uw offiob of governor aoddenb within our bordara." aad aped through Its aO late modda. SdUng smaa T to 30i within a fortnight of the jxpiiatlan Ours ww tha task to prove that nearly corraapond with a period o f I at a time when "mlUtarlsm has a t hla term of office. While there la pcellmlnariea palar to i ' at |lC.7Bw they're a real UkSd". NOW N o w O < Reg. 89c 39” Pre-Shrmik, 70x80” Part Wo«d : forward" abroad. dSBweracy could bo awde to fuae- industrial, aad agricultural depreo- !*nw Uaw has eoaw la my opto- ^^aplaeamwt pilea' ^ J J C ^^Raplaeamantprice J F ist Color no change In the presidenry this Uon fat the world of today as affae- alon unpraoedentad in tba hlatoiy of ton for aa adjuatmeat of Uw nta* Uoa of Oov. W n u r T .: Addreaeing a Joint aeaakm of year, change wlU occur In future ttveb aa la Uw Uagilar world of a la Uw foes St ^ $ S K I P A N TS now $ Double Blankets Uw Republic." Uona batwaaa Uw stats aad tha 2 .9 8 2 . 4 9 I from the Speaker'a dlaa In years. hunmrad years aga Ours was Uw oouatba so that vra awy now taka m o f ths n2 PRINTED CREPES Houm clHmber, the President u ths doff Zt la my baUaf that nador this toak to do mote thaa to argu# a "For m on Uiaa a year Uw de- Uw flrat atop towards a stato JaU The f bmeaa Iduly PeppereB Conatltutlonal praottoe, tha Preai­ thsory. nwad for aklllad labor la our iadus- form X X x" laiaal $ 2 . 6 9 "The vital need Is not alteration dant should In evary fourth year, in- Tha Uaws rsqulred Uw oonfldant triaa has for outatripped Uw sup­ Ths only'' $ 1 .9 8 Children’s Sw eaten 70 5 7 c our fundamental law, but an ia- aofar aa seems raaaonable, review SMwsr o4 tck thoM start of Uw bghtotlvs 1 m a a o T to li. Jltaaa blnnkate are worth 3M 3 ply.'’ *Tha aaoat oomprahenalva oom- Sheets and^ PUlow Cases today. Block plaids la roaa, gram, enllghteneo view with the relating state of our national whoba laaUneUve faith la humaalty pototmaat of comaff" wm not puU at aeama. A good tolt • • • aolaaloa aathoriaad'hy Uw tost Oea- gatad tsavorailty to' Oandphaaa wrapped, pra-laundirod. Soft Uxtnra that WUI gira sataetlao of patterns In the smaU blue, and g o ld .. aSatra and outline broad future awde them want to beUeva that la ''*Iha piBcaBWBto la private am- aral Aasembly to ona on a oomplato yaata of waar. r "Wa do not aak the courts to call (round to avoid aagr : COATS problema, leaving apaeifle raoom- Uw iaag run damooricy would prove bow neat dasigiis on nary, red, aad nt powers Into belag, but pbyawnt an runaiag mors norgaalsatloB of Uw stato govan- nguraUcai a t r * m $ 1 .9 8 W^omen’s Blouses a q brown grounds. W wide. mandatlnna fOr future laglalstlon to superior to mete axtranw fo tiu of thaa flfty par eaat over two yaan Bwnt." . 1 7 h b ft 7 Only! 70x80” AD Wool i have a right to expect that Con­ be made by the Prealdtot about to govemmeat aa a proeeai of gatUag eoata trimmed with B\am 84 to 40. Brown, Hunter Green nad some W J . • f 9 81X99” - 72x108” . or tbom legitimate^ Opening n awawatous aaarion o f Congreee, Rev. Jaawa ir«nlg miwrr , •ffo." f.propriaUoo bUl for aapaot that-daawcmey would pro- event that) Uw Federal Social Ss- "With ths gradual atlaared. Tba problems have not which I Man submit aatl mates this IVES 29c~GIazed Chintz and ara aUU with us." Vida conUanonsly wider opportunity FORTHEMRDER PARLEY_DELAYS earlty Act pravea to ba unooasUtu- tn tb4 uummU atjjaa wtth plain and M i r r o r S e t Lady Pepperell Pillow Cases Limited Qaantityl 84x105’ at did not mention the ySfIC- and eoaUauouaty grantor asearl^ In barn larrasffng Bmtai)ally.* MoEB. Oelon: Hade, CHILDREN’S COATS xM ” aad x . Raplacanant prteaa e and Se. C r e t o n n e s In March IttS tha problems which a arortd u'hara adaaoa was. eoaUan- 43 46 36 41 4 iBupiami rt by name, but be a. m. Uw ra a . g t t y . gnaa. Not an Ocntiina Dupont Pyralta. Col­ S iM . 7 to 14 utd 11 to 17 Betty Bates laald at; 0110( polot: faced our Natioa aad which only oudy awirtng awterlal riehso m art "SoBW part o f Uw aawrffaney taff- «tt would bsagam bb to osathaw I la an Msca. o n : Blue, green, malae. pink. Spe- ou. national govemaaent bad tba te- avallabis to awa. c‘ ->! Baoh get: "Becaum'al' of us believe that MneeMofenMnt to Ike Pyre- Slein Gee$ te Detreil, Re­ atlon X X should ba eoattonad a abott-tUto aotso XXX. S Year Oearaartoad 4 Tear BEDSPREADS 4 ’ " * $ f eur democratic form of government soureas to aiMt, wars mere serious In the away awthoda e f attack ainwr parwaaaatly or for aonw Uaw It would mi to ba tha battar pe). DRASTICALLY REDUCED* 1.00 ovan than appaarad on tba aurfaee. wtth whieh vre mat Uwaa pmWama. SHEETS Spedall New pattema tat ohlnta aad ere* eaa oope adequately with modern nee$ te Heck Tkrent of pents Tint He One OM to Bwst aaNTganebs aa they awy taor to H10 01010^9 m HC SaaxII Group tonne to brighten that dull room. ptvflfleina ae they arim. It la patrl- you aad I, bgr amtnal uadaratoading iseaacaaclol Good quality ahaats wtth no PILLOW CASES otto as weU aa logical fof us to vrae not only* that Uw vlWMo dreaatng or aWag. $ 1 . 9 8 T o r drapen bedapreada. slip cor* c f econosBlc Mb had CHILDREN’S DRESSES . Regular $3.W relna. Rose and era. eto. ^ prwrn that wa can meet new nation­ Ntiie in Spni^ BriiA W lBeRM igM ;hi» $ Origtaially L lk JUaea to lA At H Frloa.... 5 9 c 81x99” . NOW Slaea 43x$C". 48X36". T__ al atada with new laws cwnalatant brokan down. Mora du tnrhiag vaaa 2 .1 9 3 7 quality percale oaaeetbat win gtre gold only. A baantlful pattern In Uw toct thad loiig w gltot'at Replacement a cotton Jacquard spread nmde vvlth the hiatortc OonaRtutlanal * 6 m T e S s n w e m i' -loK. 9LM Beode $ 1 . 1 5 yeere o f waar. eitarly totendsd to re- u s n i M I I n neem. price 91.29. by Bntee. e Slip Coyer and CORSET DEPT. 39 'H byral. and h ot narrow taMMN pratotkm ." 88x99” - 72x99” . Drapery Fabrics SPEHAL NEMO-FLEX BASEM ENT SPECIALS 4 ' " $ Beg. $3.29 87x105” INTBRMATrairAX. SirUATIOir il M ittena NOWHHC 1.00 OUNORB B OONVENB LABOH SmTATtOW w Haad Made 8 8 ' repartod randy Replacement price 91.19. Iteplacement pricea 31a and SSe. Walhington, Jan. e.—(A P ) — A SCHOOL CHILDRiN PRAY Federal labor nentiSatora BOND ISSUE, TAX BOOST, $ 5.98 China Dinner Seta - ^ ’ " * $ Ctxiigrim eleeted in rrankltn D. ' ereaae edTorto to bring Oaa G l o v e a Candlewick Spreads 3 1.00 gnard Motors and UhHed An' Combinations Sarvtoa tor b x peraoaa. 83-plece aeto. 18x89” dm noa Mlrisde Benntyrest or Innenpring Rocievelt's landslide return to ofRce Plaids, checks, and plain mato- nexemMed today to hear the Preal- w W W W w B f^ m w Q ^ ^ K W n a H c n Ty Jiatala mat, red, green, gold, aad FOR RETURN OF BOY ; DISH TOW ELS Drown. dental personal measaga of guidance Britain to* AHrad P. Sbaa. Jr., Oaawal CROSS RECOMMENDAUOH $ 14.95 Dinner Sets M attress CoTers $2.88 on niomentoua legislative tasks Moton praaH ent, gsaa to De­ ■ervlee for sight persona. Just four of tAese 53- ghead. ' fraxi Italy troit tram Naw Ysrtt. $5*00 AU-orer dot pattern fat all colors Ihformat oonferenom pushed a pleoa seta to close'out $ 8 . 9 5 6 8 8 c Spedall Reg. 15e 30” CMorfnl Feur for Safety ef Charlee Tw o n w ri af eatparaUoara Bi» plmty at tlila prloal Large fat the extra large alae. Bpanlsh anna embargo to the top CONGRESS HASTENS Sfaite*$ GUef Eiecilnre Aib Uw . 2le Lace Triai aad Raary famerbelt to gtre perfect Odd L o t M Deeoratod m bulky law-making choraa. bnuMhra b y off arany ana. HEARST TOPS LIST 18x34". with colored bordara in $ 1 . 2 5 CRETONNES. Btvlb Owe . ardara M s s ployas, eeadfog aM Wer ef M b TlaOped Bayoa aun>ort. Soft tope m aliort or blue, red, green, aad gold. Ifada of hoary weight muaHa Spurred fay the State Department’s Matt$0D Now Held Tea toddent ebaad Friday ae mat- long leagtba. Biaea M to 44. Cream Pitchen, Casseroles and OOnlyl 72x84” (Xluetant licensing tor export to paet MASS. f$r 25 MIBm$ ■ Bidi, n s c with bound edgae aad rubber but­ NED1RAUTT MOVES whxt xasner Spxiah gxv- h btpib B a k i n g : D i s h e s values up to esc. 2 5 Reg. 39e Fine tons. fUU, three-CjUarter and tarin Reg. 93.98 Sntinc Covered B p ain of 37,384,000 in munltlona and lawnt makes to aUtmataai. Homer S. MarUa. V. A. W. OF WAGE EARNERS ’ " * $ exrplanea, administration leaders Hone Ouard i t a * Irish Checked Linen bed alaea. 8 1.00 bay$ by Kidupert; A1 bjronae — Three day trace A . prealdaat, prandara oo- Fmdt MiiM Tix henue, toneh n a BABY SHOP COMFORTABLES" gianned emergency House action to­ ivaUa between Oernwx and eperattan^th nenrlllatora. $ 1.69 Sandwich Plates and These cretonnes wJH mairto smart day to half tha shipments and D I S H T O W E I ;8 drapes, couch covets, etc. Hoatly I war deeta la Bay el BIs- B l o o m e n Slx27” Font xougbt Senate approval tomorrow. Ne^otiatioD Lines Open. Rices to Block Skipment ef : expiration of Naai tary Perfeh ■ Message to Lepdittn. One Table of Odds and C a k e S e r v e r s in daeoratad China. $ 1 . 0 0 d a n grounds with floral pattama. ^ Tim neutrality problem, which Mie Weit Rhs a One Uw ' BED $ 3 . 6 9 took the President on a special Itoaa color. Ends Greatly Reduced 3 ' " $ 1.00 Iwaoa mlaslon to Buenos Alrea, oc­ Wtr EfnipnMnt to Spiin, $ 1.49 Revolving: Serving: Dishes Tory fine quality IrlM Unen tow- each Warm Mmfortablaa oorared with Economy Pedoge Woaderwrft Tacoma, Waah., Jan. 0.—(A P )— By ASSOCIATED PRESS By ABSfXSATED PRESS Hartford, Jaa. d.—(AP)—Oov. Secaad; if Ae (S M Y ^ sa m BaMee* Snow Suite ela in a amart alLorer ebadr pat. arlntod aatlna on one aide, wtth cupied Mr. Rooeevelt in the laat few School chUdren prayed today for Parla, J ^ fl— Prance was report­ with sUver pedestal and handle. To efawe-out.. plain on tha other. Cotton and • K O T E X hours before riding up sun-lit Detroit, Jan. 6.—Alfred P. Sbaa Wilbur L. croaa. aaaertlnff tba sftte Tab 7 5 c tom la rad, Idua^ gold, and green. $1.00 the safety of frail (3wrlaa Mattson, Hut Is New Being Loided ed today ronaidering the diapxtch of (3 only) M9S and SO.M BaUag w ith bound < I wtth sUh nilad. ftowieylvanla avenue to report on Jr., president o f Oeneral Motora, state’s Snaaclal altuatica "b not aU Natioa’s Large Sehriet. Odd Let af ------fXatberprear wboxa kidnaper appeared to be iff- troope to the Pyrenaee axTuaUtaa to canw to Detroit ioday aa Federal Spscbl S-Piaoe Coat Seta, gUS. Beg. 50e 88” Fentherpenef tOauttaned aa Page TUrteca) aoriaff all avenues left open for him that might ba desire," outlined to •Lie 1 0 » Wool Winter Union guard her undefended Spanish eoneiUatOTS redoubled efforta to ra b f m Cooking: Pots and Saucepans Send Color Imported Reg. ILOO Kapok FiOed 6 6 c to neffotiate with Uw boy’s affoniaad B U LU B tIM I the Oeneral Aaeembly today a Sepal to hold Uw Suita at n o . Not aU aln with ehroBW plated oovera Values S . J . frontier against Uw Implied threat WaahlagtOB, Jaa. d.—(A P ) — A Qukdtee etyla 10()-31 6 5 9 c Pour doaan In package, Buy panato cooeeralnff demanda for New Vetk. Jan. a.— (AP)— bring together eorporatlon exeeu- program caning tor a 338J)00,006 Uwa ate ysa:^ . 99e H . K. IL aad Crape PILLOW TICKING^ LM ag Room this aim piMkaga apd save. 4S$,000 nuMooL of Bwaaed Oerawn vohmtoara la Uvea aad offieb b of the . United bond baue aad a 3S.000.000 tax in- peek Into Uw pay anvalopas o f aoaw TOe Winter Union Suita, Ste and Spain. In the oar wtth Vlaiah Ladlee’ Sift Me. Not aU alam. $ 1.49 Boudoir Lam ps Of the 14 major kldnaalnffa fat Uw AutomoMta Workan o f Aawtlea e f Uw NaUon’a ^ aaaa aad womea, wsra Adjntoat R e g . $ 1.98 Blanket or PILLOWS eOLLERSAWAir Uattad States stocs 13kA hi only Saab, at li S p. aa today, wto- A aouree eloae to tbe forelgB min­ for a aetUemeat e f the spreadlag afforded by a Treasury Dspartmaat see Chfldren’a Knit BereU, 3Be ea. IX eoloted baaas and ahadas to match. 4 istry add tba Praacb aad BriOab Tha Chief Executive $ 2 9 c Comf tha chief executive in hla fourth n NORWALK CRASH costs with whits unaa " f $ A soft knitting and enocbetlmr B U IA H T m t $ 39c Chenille Rugs 6 1.00 Wa attn hare a Bmltad quanUty , N . T . Xa OB thla aftotnaon to t iaaiigttral addreaa wareT lag a brilliant plctura fat ^ ^ O ^ n e ...... 50c 4-49 floMd Qolora with border patterns TUR KIC TOWELS A food qaamy atih^ outiag cotton for bed^reada, eurtahm. Terrible Suspense Is Ended, TM neciaffty of propuilag tor day. douMmalleolon. ar*wMa o f th«M at the old prlca. Thto chair back seta, doUiaa. dreaaaa Today. Uwn wan a ;| lc PhlUp’a Milk o f Mag- 2 5 c Hoary wdght, an white wtth bUakdt la worth S9c today. Bloch I foMdtbiwSe to? dvU " p n ^ aetbni’ on Uw otote un* Aa Uw first strain of ana eolofed hydwe in bhm gaU. White and naturaL floo dteaUna .Hw hMaapar ompfoynwnt lnsuran.e proMem ...... • • ...34c Ida fat roaa, gram, gold, green. yirda to akein;' I stab: Uw beF’ araa. For Tnck Driver to Seriovdy o f the Capitol, apactoton 39c Toilet Seat Covers groan, orchid, and paeo^ Rag; 25e Henry weiglit Striped 1 lohOM dtoto ffd M rtfi appinsal cf Roosevelt Was Re-elected! ffmild the Federal Social Security on balconiea aad at. [ SC iM c E x -L a x ...... lic.32 c p0tt0rn i Ib Q wbIBs, houra. no shataafoa to UaUons or ratara ef Uw chBd have I raaoiaUon It AOtidw deebrad uaoaoaUtuUonaL ce.tch a gUmpra a t tha t HC l iatw iw e...... 59c 1 9 c OUTm GFLANNiSr Uw Scaato toewrrow. an that tbs Bined Wkee Curs Collide A cannon roared the n 6 $1.00 Aaether ShftRicRtt R E G . $ 1.00 L A M P S ^ bran put hi bh Wadfatagton, Jaa. kffiM ScDtfa Eaiaidoa .. .80c S n o w S u i t s ____ 72x90” BaatUe Dally 1 Bouaa can act by Uw and af •.— (AP) -T^two from the Senate untaagb Uw Tha advisability, o f oontlnutaig a ,.9-gun aafaite at SHB Waaipole'a Cod U rer Regular 9o-98 $ 1.29 Chenille Rng:s Twn Stock H wtry ty A 1 Wklte * L i uma, ba affihi tscdvsd to" straps aad aak tba Vice PreaUlent "aoaw part a t Uw emargeacy legla* m tho chief executive’s oar b t r a hw vy to tufted weave pattern. Aoaort^ 5 ’ " * $ fo rto e keys. latlon." O Ike Bostoi Post Roai the north eatranca of Uw. P r i^ r n t ly ...... 67c Suite, Now .. meat of colors x ". 1.00 " TUSaday, thaa: day to eouat Uw obctoral votaa, Uw $ 4 . 9 8 16 36 8 9 c TURB^TOW ELS I w m ' SHEET BLANKETS 7 9 "MSWa Wa hxrs ra t as K If those ara forthcoming, Uw ffinaaebl raapoaalbUlty tor motor- The chief executive AB MBalng, M. Jxa. g — (A P )— BMC got around that Paaoidmt boxes ara openad. If not—weu, they lata. jaadpg Cream ••••.••• .34c Regular 97.98 Hanry, el A Hndtod number of theaa m et lafly a 4raw b Rooasvslt bad won another torm. high Bilk hat aa ba Felt Base Rng : eoavlotod kOlatB aat to tba daath iataroeptad Uwaa. C Its raes to BStttrnhty la never have gone astray, so Uwro b creation o f x atate JaU form. Norwalk, Jaa. 6.— (AP) — One Uw sutoaMbila. With a Sui^ Now .., :8 witheela^l lamps for Itvtaig room'or bedneaa. letSliH atiig 1 Dasplta a popular beUef that ba no tailing x te t might happen. truckman was aerionsly burned, an­ Teeth Faate ...3 4 c $ 6 . 9 8 to grara or bhw patterns H x f t rags g M , sad Craam enamaled bam wtth mnfla snUraly dear. Year thsffpsaUh EracUon of a new training aebool .over hb arm, he V u w B a b Sizes 2 to & 4 6 $ 1 . 1 9 “ * poOsd 633 vMrtoral votes to ■ for With Uw Vloe Preeideat and Uw for Uw toMa-mintaS. other was burned badly and three e Tiak^ ...... 24c mmme mm to match, trimmed in rad or gram. vt|ll ba foDowad. We ara Oov. AK M. LaadOn, Uw w hob thfaig from Uw CaplMI driw 9 5 c The Two Stork Wanfaet la eon- Oov. Ana." Speakar supervbiag, the tellen open Raorgaabatian of tha atate gov- woniea paaaengera in aa auto ! Jergea’a Letlea .....S 5 c teflBflwte tht I o f thraa to has ramahwd aa cdflrtal secret aiaoe each envebpa and anaounca the oehred lauries last night whwi tba Lance of Uw Capital, 4 ' " $ OUTING FLANNEL aMaiad the beat aO wUto sheet Naden a t y poflee port ia.777.eSO o f 1 U i i ■■ax* • ^ WBBMnt. Johnson’s Glo-Coat 1.00 xiOf0BP0r Se awn, preaanting a iM BASEMENT “ -ahat en the warkot. JnaUca agsab vote. Tbb brlB^x ooaalderabb Eatahllahment a t a Dbtrlct Court vehlclee In which they were rUttng H-ffaUoa eons RogUlar gtag. Thatto baeanaa ef Uw lavolvsd nheering. depeadtog ea whether yon eoDIded la Uw Post Rood, aaar' Uw on either bde of Uw ALL $ S 2 x ir Wmt C riu D r. Jtottaoa's qratom "aa a almpb aad anally by.the giiiwnta Sad sA'a 50c on doth 1 . 6 9 04dBMbuN8keianaf hiff eeaqpbto faiacttvtiy. oeasUtuttenal proeadure. Today’s Ska tha way UwweeUcn b gotaiff. workahb dealgn." Norwalk-Wastport town Itaw. Earle Luncheon Cloths 4 ’"* 8 8 j c _ ^ 79x80” .. max shaped up like UUa: Wbaa aO Uw votes ara Harvey o f SoiiwnrUle, Mass., driver staff. o_ Table Cevere, 45” ClffiUMr aad SOver fhderal aganto who paatodtoafiy. Attandara te Uw Vies Pradjdmt’i Amendauwts to the atate eonaU- Sabers gtaamsd to lh#o r < .. 2 5 c Ptet We TIOGA YARNS vrateh at tha Mattn addlnff awchliwa ffo Into toUon provldiiig for jha iq>polnt- of the truck, b on Uw danger Ust U n U N E R Y Sedidne Cebiocte, with rnlr- PoSah. 25e Sian pxttems h^SnS^elHNtaMBdSi! odHoe gat down to iraak early, haul avarjftaw b auppewad to tMak bard at Uw Norwalk hospttaL Matthew aad boraas stssap r. A atranm d teff^A F ) -Ths out two brown awnt a t minor oourt Jndgaa Occaafaxwl brisk, Johaan’s Funitura PoHah. t& c Sixa 5 9 c dranfs dadgna. SV* wMa^ Hanry a ai M ft fl about tha 13th Amuadwmt to tho a t. Boaton, ror door and fitted with two 1 0 c nA H ) BLANKETS af Ihs glvo them a OonaUtutton which Oanaral Aaaambly on nomine tton by manib souadsd above AT ' " $ a ty i t raquirtag a taro- to the truck cab Tiotbs m n d , g i « ^ 4 1.60 tba l b ? J r a 2S £ f "The It caught after overtura- mosle. 75c Jfduison’s Kleen Floor bhw, hi a large aad 99.49 Vnkm; ■SMtota, llMlUS.m.78; ■ from a atodt ef thtid nwjorlty a t to Wlrib tha traaisalan mSSoh- ... $1.00 Talnm to tie . Ltok thaoa over. Kb the I taaSa, jflMleAsaAsriAS; of votes 1 Mg, burns a t ths sad Uw Spednl a a • • e • Maybe thara*a Jnat what you went IhiN e SI4- I oonti lo f tbaSS he Uw Prebdmt, If such number be veto. the Capitol, a ndto wsa-J DustingMops M $ 2 . 9 8 knoaiS. I WSetora, . a t a e M l; 1 Let Large Framed >7 ^ 5 0 c tor e bag, bet or fCr Mmadax. York I no ftatUwr < 1 I Into tba a awJMIty a t Uw whota number of M yrtbl 1 of , whi In Uw Mght eO an Vahiaa to tOe. Weetors appi...... IfooMy PRICE Behy Plctaree . . . . ^ i O C W ashable ^M ilted Bathtobe Flannel ■ tha waartng thal to for ths Uasal yanr polios aah Uw operator a t Uw Scott Tow els bet aothlag 1 I keys. Tha Vies Tha O tM asmaxaewUvo; wbo ear which le f t ) 33.H K aslA68.le ; sag eoUblon a 380 paper towba to roO. 4 n to M attress ProteetoiB 1 is Bliraya baa ' I a t Uw aad tba eelvlng Uw oath o- office Martha ’Tal _ 3 S oral of tbs aavsb -fhosa Bpsahsr U I OtM*. for souvenira s f the Srat ffaee the UvU War to b d b Falgb FnBbedsimw QQ I that go { f lu ^ ataUen- amatovor 1 they . to d o ' Uw govoraorahip for awre'tbaa 1 era o a f a D nJIICH AU I U jMT ...... ^X eO O — ^ i f - T t o - . p . x : aUttvs sf a n two yeara. dayotod about pnc-thlrd a tbs hospital, but are not bs< $.gallea ift. bftthol wad to bo to ] In danger. ' Conn* ’Yfidway la tha StaUi n S F “ .*:'‘ M i . 3 9 C O ftft sn e ■id, "Uw policy Stats Troepto (A F )-H | ( i l C e i tba Ties ffwoi txfa) t 0«"U> ,.rt» I.Vt •. w :y| o f the CONN, T^NESDAY; JANG^T C lS t ■ srsnv ■M Read, Francis J. Prichard and the bilk befaig'rainittoX ke was ar- ggw j^.yapea^K O e,* U. Sf ’BSHlf6naire»‘ LDIDER LEAGUERS Charies W. Brendel. w sted by State Policeman Lcland yRepbrted in Denver ONFRiUKODSm KIDNAPING OF CHIANG Iratallatlim Itotfglit Cable of tto Stafford Springs Bar- WORKERS AT HALE’S AS GOLD KEEPS OP ROCKVILLE Tto Buipec Woman’s Relief Corps ■MMi hy r . R. ffhnw, 1 To Make Good Pronii will bold Its Inatallatibn of officers The 825 bond off (tol Rano, 27, of — (AP) —Adiad la three week*, raorticUn* r»> •85 rarmii«ten Avs,, ACnVITIES BEGIN this evening In the GJLR. hall. Mrs 410 West 4Srd street. New York % ward A. FUeae of Boeton drew Waat Rartfatd AND HOUSE’S DDe ported. 880,000: X Lk Hadaon oonpaity of ^O W BELIEVED FRAME-UP Gladys Gaymond of Nathaniel Lyon city, was declared forfeited when Dearer adwola remataed eloaad (hnrer% RefMts hesMt W inam R . Marttm Dtockten, Maaa., Jan. 5 -(A P ) — Corps of Hartford Mil to the In­ rano failed to put la an appearance I fill today ia the Boefcy Detroit paid Oeea^ Weber, general Ineal EeprweMOve B fiz u n b Sweep Ari*j Bid koRla on tba Atlaatie four days oat to m t ioott u d taehadSMitfce New Year’s Party Last N i^t There will be a member’s supper with speeding and was also arrested ------Oeover health Their Cue Agiiut the Cap. Nat Bk. and Tr. 39 ih ^ to the letter ae llS sT S ^ -at six o’clock with the membm by Stataitate PoMcPoliceman Gable. Groop of 120 Eats Tiriiej K uensa eaaea eaotualveiy. K«v. mrat Stprea Oo., S i. Louia, got in. River dk ...... 400 Z o n a id Utak; 2S0 Per­ of Galway. IraianX last July, offar- dmese Eifineered B GIVEN BOLTON MAN tlaaatad there were *%t Jamea Gk>odhart called a maaa meet* 8100,000. , ■ “ to tbat knee nclthar he BHTTAIN DEMANDS .Whose names begin with the letters Furaial of Edward A, O'Neil caaea" la Oeover— one lag for tonight at the Boulevard Head o f State hstitirtioi. Jd. Conn. Trust . . . 77 iOff a substantial reward to the find- nor B aiG w MttiiMta o f PortlanX k M Eyent of Season A-and B In charge. ' The funeral of Edward A. O'Neill, BEUtANS! OoniMcUout: Htfd. Nat Bk. A Tr. ao% •r, today were aakeo tb make good. Affair So As to Gel ffis • ^ Mrs. Emma L M Who haa been formerly proprietor of the American at Y. E C. A. Last Kght; RM.INBIMtflOtlt 15 lahabttaata. Be Paptlat church to offer prayera for Walter E. Laahar, prealdent. sons Reported Mareoied. ” **** Haltoran at Naw Hernum R. Johnson . Before tataled 78 for the ahatement of the acourge. Schdoli Pboenix S t Bk. A T r. 380 Michael Crtbben, one of the throe, ___ _»___ who______apensoredOnUyK the I 1 SDOWDOWN REPLY president for the (.oat year will be House on Market street, and who American cn rla Oompany, Dte^ - InaimuMa Stocka *v>oM*ad n letter from Martin Mcr . for Tong Chnrch Folks. Superior Coart Yesterday— succeeded by Mrs. Kate .WUUams. li.ter conducted the EUlington Inn, ate. alao have been doeed at Oolden, Bridgeport, 8BOJOO; ifrlUlam William T~ wMkaialrei they d Heir Trafd Talk. X M ont, Dr. Eric M. Englewood, Uttleton aad Brighton, Madison, Wla., Jaa. X—(AP)— Aetna Casualty ..... lO l P°P*ffk» Horne Rpundstone, County not fuiflll...... their promiae. n T B mn. ot, am Crack Troops Up h t o Ike ‘ Entered Lake Cottage. Mrs. Anna F. Dickinson wbo has was held this morning at nine Harold M. WUkl% chairman o f the Morris, Brooklyn. N. T,, vica presi­ Aetna fire ...... BOH aucago. Jan. X—(AP)—Whrtar ualway, Zrelsnd, taformlng him that completed 48 years of servlcs. as o’clock from. SL Bernard’s Catholic Idea, aaid 5,000 near here. dent, Americaa CBiaIn Company, a ^ he would, SIrtte to a S _____I o( the dty's popula Phyalclaaa labeled the . outbreak Aetna Ufa ...... 80U I cobceatmtad Its aaverest Masts In ha had ploked up tha b ^ e on the ^ d e upon a Joint* gift to Mo- I Roclcvllle, Jsn. 6—Herman Regin­ treasurer of Burpee Corps will also church. Burial was tn SL Bernard’s University of Wiaounala regents, I Inc., 888,485; Oeoige' W. Berger, coast ot Connemara, Dec. 18 Danger Zone, Tis Sail Waiti Rddi and Italy to n s Luther League of tto Ihnan- retire and she will be succeeded by b tootracted 5u. He report- “Eat^ue Flu.** Patlenta'feel excee- AutomobUe ...... S3 the far west toda^ after givtiig the DOtUiglL ald Johnson of Bolton, 28, colored, cemetery. A group of 120 regular and part preaented his case against Dr. Olann New Haven, preeldent Berger Bros. Conn. General ...... SSH •T y a writing for th^aubatantiai uel LuUieran church opened Its 1987 Mrs. A^tce Kington. Basketball Toalght alve exhauatlon and debUlty before Frank today in a word docu­ $98J)00; D. Spnoar'' Barger, nUddle w ear a taste o f anb aero n*****" *^M>an aalX travelad acbedde ot activities with a New wss given a year’s suspended JsU time employees'of_tto J. W. Hale _ ten waa reported at the rw^ratcry Infection am la. UfiOO Hartford fire ...... 75 reward you and the other two mil- 1600 miles. Tto following officers will be In­ Tbe Rockville Highh School basket­ ment asking the retirement of the treasurer,------Berger Bros Oo« 888,d00; Hartford Steam Boiler 73 I weather, ooMast of the season. < (BDITOB’8 NOTE: Baa the Stop Sendiiif Volunteers Year’s party last night, attended to sentence by Judge Kenneth Wynne stalled this evening, with the* ap­ ball team will meet the Windham Oorp. and C. B.. House and Son, Inc., where phydeiaaa Dr. Roy Ik Claera aeeretary of Oeorge A . Ijaag, prealdant Gray 65 membara Mrs. Mltai Johnson who waa dlmlnUhlng. the State Board of Health aaid the university prmident National fir e ...... 67H real reason why CSilsng Kal- In tto Tolland . County Sujierior pointive officers to be annotinced at High school team at tbe Sykes gym- were guests of the Hale Corporation Telepnowa Pajr-itatlob Oo., Hartr >-^«*"*'** afiff rata swept the and her lookout committee was. In that time: President, Mrs. Kate Wil­ .. Jmm reported at OU> epldeaiic "haa about reached Itc WUkia told the board, as Dr. Pkoentx fir e ...... ’ 97 , l^a^k^oeei^Attoona and*^Utah, only after d ssaplsne hod linnrtna M 'n .Shek waa kidnaped been toldT hto Chrfl War Zone. court on Tuesdira, vras fined $25. and nkslum this evening. Thera wUI bt at a turkey dinner aerved at tha Frank’s ouster beerlng opened, that forXroro. ei»,soo;853A85: OaHvmn T.t . Stumsii.______Wen Roaaia Insurance^.... charga of thq affair, devoted to a liams; Senior vice president, Mrs. two gamra with the reserves plsy- ___ _ wltL two deaths thU P M here. Judging by the hlatoriee Hartfoed, nraMdent Roaaia lanir- i maiDontag 350 par- and killed 23 men. The writer of the following to- ooctal hour that featured a baseball waa put on probation for one year, Y. IL C. A. lost night It waa a lu Pueblo, Colo., 33 have of prevloua epldemlca." the case againat him was ’’simply Travelers ...... 490 to iM t seattersd campa, and REFUSES TD HAY teresttog story—a noted report- Alice Wells; Junior vice president. in ' tha piellminsry game which Mil ------anca Oe„- —di America,Ameiics 888An4; E. O. Jail terms of muttooua offtoara •V dart match between four teams when he plead guilty to theft, break­ Mrs. Ruby Loverin; Treasurer, Mrs. moat enthuatastie affair aad im of overwhelming.” PnbUe rtU ity Btoelm kUllngg aat tT least ea a tone------peraon. arere shortened but the prtoooara or on foreign affairs—dtocover- ing snd entering. start St seven thirty o’clock. Goss,, pnaldanV ffeovlU Manufac- Cotm. t x and Pow. . . 71 ' London, Jan. 6.—(AP)—In what Refreehmente were aerved. Alice Kiugston; (Thsplain, Mrs. Nel- tto largest meetings of employees ”He should have been turlng Company, Westbory, $80,000; Cratinuyd cold waa predieted to understood their ranks would not to . -id . ed a poaslble aolutlon of tha A devotkmal period preceded the State’s Attorney Michael D. Assamed Office ever held. enough to resign,” Wllkla said. “But Conn. Power ...... 68 . I the storm ridden area. , was regarded aa a aignlflcant de­ Ik. Willis'; Conductor, Mrs. Eaixabeth Francis J. O’Loughlin, elected at atoned yeaterday aa he waa leavtag Blanebe Green, prealdant, Spmioer NAZrS WAR SONGrestored. mystery on a vlait to New busineai meeting, led by Erik Mo- O’Coimell of Stafford Springs stat­ Porter; Guard, Mrs. Elisa Etedle. At tbe conclusion of the dinner S n iX E TKODBIE the plant where about 300 picketa ke considered )>y putdlclty he could HtfX Etec. Lt ...... 88ti m the middle west snow and York’s Chlnstowa.) parture from customary British ed that last C .tober Johnson eoter- the last election on tto Democratic Corset Co., Inc., New Haven, 857,< Tha Duke of Kent, hare to attaaff dean, who qioke on “The King of Friesdship Class to Meet Attorney Ctorles House gara an In­ 'had gathered, Capt. Dunn aaaerted. put enough pressure on the regents 630. Hartford O av ...... ' 41 Imoderatlim tamparatursa wen In the wedding, was among a group of diplomacy In tbe tense Spanish Truth.” n e committees snd activ­ •< a cottage at Holton Lake, taMng ticket as Probate Judge tax tto teresting talk on bis tour of the The captain aaid very few pickets to retain his position. In this he baa 8a New Ckw. T ct d a 109 p r o q ieict c tfor______eoms staten___ but the . a thTM burner gas stove and The Friendship class of tbe Enilngton district t.'hlch 'tncludas royal vlaitora entertstosd■ last aat . By DEWITT MAOKENZIB situation. Great Britain demanded ities for tto coming year were an­ Ellington Congregational church Srimdinavlan eountrles, Russia and D U roffN PLANT were at the factory today, aad that been, and 1, think is, and abould be. 9Uuiwa<------lactnrtog Sleeka I weather man promised little sur­ today that Germany and Italy an- nounced and It was reported that blankets, the total value being 8X l-ockvllla and Ellington, assumed Acme W ir e ...... 43H IlHitdi O r d e s tii Leader with amateur movija Bernbatff New York, Jsn. 8.—(AP)—From will hold Its regular monthly bust- his duties this morning at ten Germany last summer accompanied what picketing waa In progreae was mistaken.” cease, from tha ooM In the Dakotas made since his engagement td^ sw r her proposal to ban volunteers tto membership had been placed on He also stated that Johnson had by films of oolorsd moving pletarsa orderly. Am. Raidarare ...... 88 I hfiff Mtonasota where mtolmum lew York's Chinatown comes prevtously served two and a ness meeting and social this event^ o’clock when the oath of office waa Wilkie enumerated hla charges In ana last summer. paoiy that the senaattonal kidnap- from Spain by Saturday at the tet- a aound, active baste for the year. at the home of Mrs. C. A. Armltage. administered by the retiring Judga- taken by Mmaelf and his alstera who QBtoeed u d Paint Jar Tceterday*e picket line was the detail His apecldc accusations Arrow H and H, com .. 68H [roadhy i yaatankyr were to the Efimiiiatei * ^ s t Wei- ••t .„ . • ^ Tto annual banquet wU] to held years at the Concord, JIaaX, State aecompaaled him on the trip. Hs Bllunga and Ppraoer.- . 414 of tbs Chlnaas generallasimo Friendly Ctass Bfeetiag John B. Ftoey. Thrangh Woricer’a largest since early October, Dunn were: N. Y. Stocks twmUaa and thirties below aero. Grrat stress was laid tn diplo- Tuesday, February X In charge of Reformatoty for theft. also attended tha Olympic games in ■»■ .tew ,s iW «w SI a niM to dscelve Japan aad to The January meeting of the Hostatal Benoit sajd. That for 5ve yean Frank has Bristol Brass ...... 81™ 1 A myere cold wave was forecast tbe*•------publicityibl*-"------and^ athletic...... commit­ Johnson bss been employed in Germany and had soiM pictures ot tar asMwtas m » •Stel tolnal church will be held this these events. TlM i an sh4 atr ta Colt’s Pat. Firearms . 83 colder weather predicted for tndi- In an effort to offset aggree- painter, and vraa married last Sept* Rockville City Hospital has been M m. >irSta»aratail ben of his faculty and the state of British note. night at 7:80 o’clock at the home of evening at eight o’clock. Mrs. Ida issued for the moath of December Following this various groups — . Jan. a,—(AP) — A FAMOUS FAITH CUBEE Eagle Lock t ...... 81H SI’ i*‘®***»“ More bom- agalnst Ctalas’a northern prov- Robert McComb o f 204 Eldridge ember. Attorney Harold W. Gsnity plaired games at the "Y.” . DIES Of MONTRBAU fidala with whom he must deal. Fafnir Bearings...... 120 Added significance was seen that of Manchester represented the ac­ Weber will have charge of the pro­ by tbe superintendent Angea M. i tit atrifce aetlvlty at tiM Made No Progreas I fortable temperatnres came to Wls- The Hague, Jan. 8,—(AP) — A DIES A T T R E A IX OF 78 coincidentally vrith the dte^ teb ot street, to make plans for the event gram which will to unannounced. As Lasserin, R, N. as followa; Number . — KRaad plant here waa re> I Gray Tei Pay Stotion SOU Iconaln, Iowa, nitoois and other Dutch orchestra leader'a refusal to Chteng Ksl-Shek wss seised by Tto Lnague voted to donate $50 to cused stating to did so tocause That the unlvenlty was a “splen­ Hart and Cooley ___ 305 I prairie atatea. tbe note tto Admica,cy ordered a Johnson -bad worked for bis brother, the program will l-e preaented be­ of patients In hospital Decamber I Mqr Iqr Police P. Montreal, Jan. 8.—(AP) conduct ths Nasi “Horat Wesasl” at (powerful Marshal Chang Hhueh- the church as tto nucleus of a news­ fore the usual business session, all first, 10'; number admitted during did htsUtuUon’: when he took charge Landers, Frary A ak 41H Mrx Lottie B. Pfirker Was 'liang to. aa advertised attempt to mass movement at warahipe in and was a hard vqorfcer. The young Brother Andre, a frail, ptrtia little of It 11 yean ago, but has made no . . ■"**»* intercede large part at hla time working on imro w ay through tbe totervention Widow of Harry Doel Parkar, tween Cbljmg sad bis subordinate, Johnson. Members will be expected by services at the Shiloh Baptist outside interests In violation of an Tjjrrington ...... 97 SMitheast wind. A minimum of kopea of keeping the wedding a expected to be ready today for to attend In old clothes, tbe more charged with violation of the rules church on AlbanyVlbSny avenue, CONNECTICUT INSTITUTTS with S t Joseph on their behalf. “family affair” and avoiding Inter- Mrs. Parker was an aetrsaa baforo i-T'to snabls tto gsaeralladmo to pur- WHAT TO DO FOD agreement made when bo assumed Co...... ' 1314 to above sero waa foroeast for to- transmission today or tomorrow. worn and tom the better, and at the road vras vacated aad the Rev. R. A. iS o o d y officiated. Burial lal Notices Mile-long Unea formed before the U 8 filowetopH. com . . 80 day. nattonal complications because of aha anterad tt o playwrlttog ftokC to aoa plans to oombat Mongol aggres case of State vs. .Joseph Beffa, magnlffcent 84,000.000 shrine on office. wblcb ato was ooa L w». stall—auiqiorted by Japan and Man- Hw German answer. It ws> learn­ prises wUl be offered for the best was In the ESUngton Center ceme­ d o , pfd...... 183 tha German origin of Prince Bern- «M o f th a fln d wees- ed, alao would be ready today but costumes. appeal case from the Stafford tery, Bailngtqn. towering Mount Royal where the That Frank permitted the sUto to ***^**y ^ fit BamMJi. en In this country to partldpatA dioukuo—against China’s northern Borough Court, 'violation of motor F R E E T R I A L ' U n M O U A M ailing and maimed came to be pay for unreasonable household ex­ Veeder Boot ...... lOg waa tbe lowest ro hard su Llppe-BleaterfelX Juliana’s would not reach London until Mr. Johnson was born In Vir­ Whitlock Coil Pipe .. 9 fiance. She waa born In Oswego, N. Y,, provinces. vehicle laws was continued until —aery of ■veretta t, cured. Hundreds of thousands of penses of hla family aad looked aft­ “ I'MM w est Otbeia daughter of a ahlp eaptata, and Thursday or Friday. Simultaneous­ ginia, May 10, 1879, and came to Shkly Bsanfy CuHnra, fiw sray to a _ _ _ _ _ I awer Jaa. eth; itM : 'J . B. WUItamv C a . . , 37 Dr. Pqter van Anrooy, a well- Our Chinese merchant, wbo gave ly reoeipt of the answers tomor­ January 11. Ellington thirty-eight years ago. He dooationa from grateful pUgri er hla own Income without regard Joined the Boeton TbeiUer Stock his views over the dinner table in a Service Tpnlght caraar in oiw year. Enrefl new at ipeneeellenD . built the heilllce in honor o f: BrpiBr^th* for the financial welfare of other Mlsoellaaeons Park Rapids, Minn, -88; Grand known conductor, explained later be row, it was said, would not be sur- WALL ST. BRIEFS leaves his Mfe, Mrs. James H. John­ alaoe upon your Burdinas, Inc...... 44 N. D., .39; Devils ».«w^ imj did not object to leading “Deutsen- Coinpuy, p ^ g sitimortliig nies aecluded spot In Chinatown—^whlch lliere will be a'sprclal service this son, two daughters, Mrs. R. M. er Andre's patron saint university employes. to Joan McCunough, atoiyAndee- prlsini'. evening at the First Lutheran Imtituto e l Hairdrateinq. Soufiiani New E nq..,-^ Chapman Valve ...... 34 w u ^ towl Uber AUea,” which also was on 'is pretty mysterious la Iteetf—says New York, Jan. 6 — McCrory Chapman, of Institute, West Vir­ ' aaf doeay. Although he waa venerated almost That the prealdent dodged n - Conn. Invest Mfg. .. 4 ttoritoSkSS ‘~m, Dion Boucicault, and othera. that Chlang resorted to this ruse is Informed circles said Hitler and Stores Oorp. reported today Decern-- church on West Main street at lend*! leedinq sekeoL dw era Ike lekoal Ike# * tor you that Ilea bo* aa a saint hlmaeU, Brother Andre Bismarck, N. tba program, but would never, play MuseoUnl were not expected to give ginia, Mias Marjorie Jeanette John- Wash tha affected peris with aponsibility on acute admlnlatraUve Elec Bteam sterilising iv Duhith, M inn, >18; Mtanaanolla. . 14' 8to atarted writing ” 'Way Down order to move troops northward to r sales o f $6,'i 14,248 compared seven thirty o’clock to celebrate the 001, of Eailngton; .two sons, Asbury Seainol Soap and warm water to •torh end keeps you en tba ■eccasskd side. disclaimed curative powers and at­ problems that required firm execu­ a poUUeal party song aueh aa East" in 1887, 10 yoan bafora Ua definite answers to tto request for Epiphany Festival. i fade avay. Foimdation Oo...... g I Mne. aty. M oot,’and hKV d ' “Horst WsMel.” over the energetic proteste of Japan. with $6,268,355 tn the tike 1935 Johnson of Hartford, and Bernard soften scales snd enuts. Rasinol Lew tuition t o ^ Economical IM nq IscWtiasi. tributed to prayera and faith any tive action by leaving everything up Hendey Mfg. Co...... 20 production on 3roadoray. It bad In view of the kidnaping, the Japa- Immediate halting of aid to tbe month, an increase o f 7.1 per cent. Funeral of J. Henry McCray A. Johnson of New Britain, oiie Soap is suggested tocause It eoo- ‘ OuxiuDitKfr. help he may have provided. to the regents. The leader of a Dutch m llit^ one of the longest runs In American Spanish Insurgents. In the 12 months ended Dec. 31 sales The funeral off J. Henry McCray, John Irving tinoe. com 9 neM did nothing' to halt the m lU t^ grandchild and six nephews. In tslns ne excess of frra alkali, aad WRITE TODAY FOR FULL DETAILS band conducted the two German theatrical history. Waiting Osme totaled 840.234,940 against 137.- 81, well known architect and builder is especially snitsd to tondsr sUn. Frank waa prepared with a long King Seeley t plajreX thony Eden already haa determined stni Is—aaecessfallr used to rallsvo luctaace on the part of tbeOenarai Suffleld, Jan. Xk-(AP)— L.-|ieae wboiw name and sources o f in- power of average weekly earnings of many beautiful floral tributes. quickly tto itching and bamhig of Hew Oevarlage — Now Stylee (Osattaoed tom Page Om ) Gen Elec ...... ^ formation are not for pubUcatioo hte course of action, although It wage earners In manufacturing in­ The honorary bearers were At­ ^e ee ••*x**»«wMwmee»«e WSw wwaWkwAww e'Oeeee'VwW r***J?***” to toeroase tba burdan of The dtfflculUea aroee, wMI-lnform- Brownell Gage, 81, Tala gradoato IS IPILIPSY INHIRITIDt ecsema. It containcontaina soothing la- Gen F o o d s ...... here. would not be puter cent against 48X par cent Int Tel and Tel .... AlUiaugh the German . anthems S iillelX Britain. ln l9 3 X Kenneth Uttls^ Ralph WUem^ N el- SPECIAL OFFER State’s OeffMt She was graduated from Yala , between Chlang and his captor, *T would suggest for your eoasid- Johns Manville ... wers played, reliable sourcea said ■J, than Marshal Chang is a very luel^ “If replies (from Germany and Kenneoott ...... lasnranca I tovarnor told tbs thars was no change to the naUon’a University In 1923 with a d sito e o f Itaiy) are not receive * vrithin the eratloa a plan wheroby tba most Americaa (Newark) . 13(4 Oenaral AssemMy, mseting I • joint Doctor of Publle Health Shu was , man. Over In tto Peiping area they necessary new aetlviUes be financed Leb Val R d ...... attitude of resolve to keep the wed­ ipecUted Ume,” the pnper saiX "or. Ugg and Myers B Americaa Reserve ... j c ovention, that tbe State’a deficit a graduate also of the' Woama’a , .are executing people by the scores tgr M inorcase in tasaUon and that Americaa Surety .... 68)4 ding free from Intematiatial compli­ 'T5M offenses far leas serious than If on receipt, they are found to be Loew’s ...... now approximated 814,000,000. cations. Medical College of Phllaoelpldk; unaatisfactory, it wlU to the duty A atorffy, well- tbe building program be financed Lorillard...... Baltimore American . 9 .^Kidnaping a dictator and perpeti^t- malMy by tbe issuance of serial k. ***''• '***'* y carried The pre-nupUal oelebrationa were Her husband waa dean « thaicol- of tbe British government to pro­ MOnt W a r d ...... Etocess ...... 5 u to the lasuance of shot Ima notes lege and chairman of the boaid cf « mg one of tbe greatest military made Stadia bonds.” Fid. and Deposit . . . . 122 scheduled to reach a brilliant climax crimes of history. ceed at once to sterner action. Owmh In yoor Nat Rise ...... bearing, during the last two years, tonight at a dinner In the royal pal­ Yale-in-Chlna for 20 years. ' The Ume for delay and heslta- Announcement Nat Cash R eg ...... Great American ...... rH i an average rate of Interest of only Generalissimo Chlang Kai-Shek efcelco of eever- *Xst us, without prejudice or bias, Halifax ...... a i2 ace. Visiting nobility were taken was captured on December 12 at Uoa went by long ago.” Nat D a ir y ...... a quarter of one per cent It would earlier in the day to see Aalsmeer, BEARDS SEEN-AS AID ’ Owing to the increaMd CMt of ingredients used in oar iMvs forward together with sure Nat DtoUU ...... Hanover ...... 3 3 4 ^Xlanftt, remote ciqiltal of Shensi The forei^ offict waa understood *EXCEPTlONAL H o'oe Ins...... 39 I be a gamble to continue borrowing one of Honawra flower centera. AGADtarr siu o o n i to feel that by obtaining assurance aim to full achievement In the rroat N V Central...... •oort’tlme notes In face of a " province. This waa after tbe astute baked goods, we are cooipelied to make a siight increase task that awaits us.” * NT NH and Htfd .. Home Fire Security . -6 Qnsea With Obople ^,JUUl e:q>erienced premier, wily In the from Franco be neant no harm to O tken A t Hass. Bonolng...... 80U probable increase In Interest rates They were accompanied by the London — (AP) — BeardiOnd in prices so as to assure you the fine qoaiity had in the North Am ...... J to 1838' and perbapa earlier. It mustaches, accordiag to a atoka- way* of Intrigue, bad walked the British merchantmen Etrib and Packard ...... National Llbe^ .... gu Queen, Juliana aad Bernhard. slne artlde puljliabed here, may Atralght Into the lion’s den without Kiackhin had cleared Itself of aay paaX « 91X98.93X95 North R iver ...... 38)4 y oMd M W to he the bettenspiolicy **nia other Juliana’’—the girl wbo charge of "letaltetion” jo matter HEARST TOPS LIST Param P l o t ...... U fimd the atate*s floating debt by be a protection against wren a trainer’s whip to protect 884X5 and 843A9 Penn ...... ProT. Wash...... 39 was born the same day and hour 2'i the dlsesM of" the ilu lungs n g s caused ( . by what action they feel ne -aasary to Price Increase WiO Start Jannary 11th. Prof. - Accident...... 20 th« lesuance of serial bonds running TRADE IN YOUR Phelps Dodge ...... yuars ago aa the Oown Princess Inhaling stone dust. Chang's Statemeat keep the Spanish conflict local. Security In s...... 35 u y*kra 1 so recommenX” snd. therefore, was exempted from Protests over interference with OF WAGE EARHERS Phil Pete ...... The governor aaid the said Board Suggesting that masons ust ”no- f ~r.-. Manhal Chang, second most pow­ Pub Serv N J ...... Security ins...... 33 a ban on any other marriages to­ ture’s r^lrator,” tto artletoi.era- erful chbftaln la CSilna and reput- the movement ot the Bri-lsh steam­ YOU CAN DO BETTER AT Springfield F lroX M a. 127 « Finance and Control srould aub- (Coatiaoed from Page Om ) Rhdio ...... morrow—does not plim to visit the called thal when the Walter Septt * odly possMsed of a vast fortune ers brought replies the action ot Rem R a n d ...... Sun L if e ...... 885 mlt a budget for the next biennium PHneeas. It was diMlosed, because monumeot waa betog built at insurgent warahipe was taken U. B. F. and G ...... 28 covering ‘tonly ordinary recumag which came from hb father, wbo PRESENT BURNE BENSON FURNITURE AND RADIO some of the questions concerning Rey Tob B ...... she bss received no reply to her let­ Edinburgb during tto last owi- ' -bnee ruled M aachuiis, promptly did through a mistake o* the freighters’ 389 Mato S t, Joknaea Block _____ ... Westchester ...... 33)4 expenaes on aanrlcea which thi state tury, it vras foundad that: Iba Phone 8585 Fellow” m a d eta Safeway Stores .... I is now performing.” ter announcing tor marriage. ’ the necessary. He held C h l^ and IdanUUea. DAVIS HOME BAKERY 1935. Salaries o f more than 8U.000 Schenley D is ...... Imprtepned tax defaulters and clean-shaven suffered moat *toBd . the tetter’s aides la durance vUe and This explanation vras uaderstood were listed. Sears Roebuck ..... “No provtoioa whatever,” im in­ other offenders looked toward the men with full bushy baanto snd tc to considered as giving Britain 519^Main Street A t the Cdnter formed the Legtslators, "haa been moustaches were practically Im­ ' 'announced to tto world that the FOR A William Ramfcilpb Hsarst, tbe Shell Union ...... royal wedding gleefully, assured ot generaUaslmo and sundry general! freedom of movement as clear ot Socony Vac ...... made in the budget for additional <)uaen W lltolm lna’s amnesty In mune.” publ^er. maintained hla position scrvlcee, for Increar* la salarlaa or would to executed If cert^ de­ aior suspldoo of self-interest In the as tbs country's leading wageram - Sout) P a c ...... City-Laid Eggs celebration. mands were not met. Among other Spiuilah situation. eP^wlth pay checks of $600,000. South R w y ...... >Bcreaaa In peraonael, fo r cha resto­ ■ Aihong those wbo axpeeted to SWE1«N BUYS FLAMH ration of the teachers’ retirement things caisng Insisted that the J ^ Tto Admiralty announced the St Brands ...... Com ing Up! benefit were mutineers on the Dutch ...anese be driven from C3fina a ' changing o f haaes o f 22 jvarahlps in **** r lY***’ **‘® throaty-volcod St Gas and E l ...... fund to a reMrve baste, aw, for a Stockholm, Sweden — (AP) ~ sirea o f the, screen, ran him a close warship Zeven ProTlnden who Sweden has ordered from Ger­ Manchoukuo. tbe Mediterranean as “routina so January a ^ n d earrings o f $450,858. St Oil Cal ...... pmn giving to the -Jilldrca of the aetoed tbe veesel to the Dutch East crews wbo have been In Spanish St Oil N J ...... state practlcaUy equal opportuni- many planes for Its Srst toavy Chlang Kai-Stok already had an She topped all aim stars. Including Indies four years agOb surrendering bombing squadron. army pf perhaps 75,000 crack troops waters will be able to get shore ^ et^ y n or, last year’s highest Tex C O rp...... tUca for a minimum education. N ^ exercise.” Timken Roller Bear ia there aay provlalon for cultal operating in the north. The Nan- ^ftos. whose 1935 Income 'U ng government with a Sourish The shifts In poMUons were order- UADliO BARGAINS totalled $189,750. Trans America .... outla3rs which have becoqta none between Malts, GUbraltar, Pal­ Union Carbide ...... proceeded to rush other troops said Charlie OiapUn’s aalary waa llat- ■ary If the state la to perform prop­ ma, Valencia and “Spanish waters.' to at $380,000. The late Will Union P a c ...... er' the functions which It has as­ equipment Into the ares. How many ; soldiers were moved has not been LYN R o p r i earned $258,000. Fred Unit Aircraft ...... sumed Astaire received $127X75; Ginger Unit Corp ...... Bolldtogs Needsa saaouaced. SALE at BENSON^S frequently co-ftnrsied with Unit Oas Im p...... “I'oe practical suspcnaion of mud-1 Meantime, Just to make the melo­ U S R u b b e r...... drama complete for stage presen- ni’ Hepburn. tal ouU ^ la tto eourao ot ttoM d» ^ - DELUXE S tsrt the N ew Y ear O ff W ith a N ew Radio! $121,672; Bing Croeby, $318,907; U S Steel ...... prOaston now brings tto stata tatlon. Chteng’s attractive dilneee I Mariene Dietrich, $888,000, and Joe Western Union ...... to taca with an Impormtiva ^ V no nmi - JOHN BiBtmii wtfo gathered together tens of mll- | A 8K C onyle D em ostrator, ...... R e g u l a r | 89. 9.> E. Brown. $173,438. West El and Mfg Soos of dollars—so It was reported - sd. A n W ave, Am erican, ■tiucOqpoprogram -for our aduea- D i s c o u n t 20.00 Comedlatte* Income Woolworth ...... tlon, hOnJAnitarisn, and eorroctive —and rushed off to Slsafu to buy rareiga and Police The lugubrioua film humor of Elec Bond and Share ((Sirb). lastltuUona requiring at least tto tto Ilfs of tor spouse. Madame Stamford — Herbert GooiflMrdt. J GOLD D/CGf RS C3iteag Kal-Shok la credited vrith 48, wae killed when a bicycle to was $ 69 9 •**“ »*S«.265. expendltura of 118,000X00 dorlag W M . .A mm.___ riding coIUded with an automobile | . o whUe the income of his oo-etar the next Ucnnlum.’' baliig as blight as they moke them, STANDARD 11M 7 Tible M odel __ waa only 885.316. la addition to her Chinese train- operated by WUUam W. Lynt, 8U, of . $ 34.95 Nickela and dlmea poured Into the Ho listed omopg tto construction OF 1937 New Canaan. Godbardt was thravni ! sad A aiateor, 2 B a n d s needs new buildings fo r lfM)l< more ras educated in AaMrtca in D i s c o u n t 10.00 cash registera of tbe F. W. Wool* FIVE PERSONS RURT V -■'r rJiT- .J " " V lt lO R MOORt felleeley college. She loeg haa baea to tto pavement Hospital attachee PRICE rompany gave Its preaideat. patients at tto Fslrflelo county .-V 4 said to (Ued of a fracUirsd MniU and hospitsl. 18,000.000; non training a eloee advteer of her basbaaX irtetnal injuitos. . $ 24.95 B. u. MiJIere *n annunJ com penn- IN NORWALK CRASR There viare reports U f) rsti.i.. Soupe put 8118,- school In South BrtUJn tot tto Mansfield—For tto first Mm* fa " r - r ^ * J •liaady had bam shot, sod sU sorts 54 years, a msmbar tto Storrr • T 1937 Table M odel .... J,®® If to tbe pay envelope of Arthur freble-mindsd. 84,000^000; a veterans b< ■enssHous wers baadlsd about ot $ 39.95 C. Dorrance, prealdent of the Camp­ (Onattauoe fretn Page One) tome at Rocky HIU, 88X00,000; naw fam ily vrasn’t Mansflald'a Judge ot 1 sad Fordgn, 2 B a n d s D i s c o u n t 5.00 Japan boeosM aoSUtous after tto Probate. Judge LsweUya J. 8< bell Soup company, bulldijifs for tubtrculofl* malfare o f GonaraBaalmo With A ^OcMral Motors Oorporatibn paid the Westport barracks said the so- 81X00,000; new buUdlaga for tto vrho told tto oOlee for 86 years af­ foarlng that his domlas might ra^ ter sueceedliig Ralph W . S to m , hte . $ 34.95 ftyldent Alfred P. Sloan, Jr, $374.- cldent occurred vriien the car aad Stata Farm .for Women at Niantlc, Mdt hi tto vrar vrhldi fsi«»g advo- 506 and WUliam 8 . Knudaen, diroc- the ^ ck struck head-on. The 8294,000; additional buSdliigr' 'a father vrho vras Judga for is yoan , M iA ret Portable R adio declined renomlnatioa for ratirament $ 16.95 ??? «*«cuUve vice-prealdeat, truck overturned sad caught fire new dtstributi& eysiem to tto Tton then wae a tk; • i^ a a TPoU d P ot ce, Built-in 8325,889. Ten other off! tto ^ man being assisted from the’ laona, and hie tena axpirad at D i s c o u n t 4.00 i d ^ drew beating plant at UonnecUcu. State Mnoa, whfia tto wotM wqltad la oUdalghL B a r g a i n ! more than $200,000. tonung wreckage by John Jackson oolLege. 81,000X00; new taalldtags I ' ^ f f Edsel Ford got 1100,876 aa presl- oa^ensa. T to dmomraent- vras New Havea—n e ataaadoniBMit o f S t i e P r i c e ...... of 353 Grand avenue. New Haven, a for tto taaefaers coUage at New the gold standard by tha Unitad ALLOWANCE . $ 12. 9.) ^nt of til* Ford Motor comMnv. passing motorist. a U the injured otartJtng, Chang suddenly anaoua^ Britain. $450X00; anlargemant of e j la about oo maay.vratds oa«o Statns aad Great Britada "at a mo- pteguIar^S Beach 6-Tube Table Radio ...... ‘ . . . . $ 34.95 ^**\^**' *^'Y**«*’, Chrysler Oor- ! ? ” SJ"***^ ** Norwalk hoepiUil in the state office building, '$4tX,000. iiad aeoa tto ecrar of his ways aad msnt off criaia” was ballad by Prof. Regardless of the Make or Condition of Yonr Old I ffffd Foreigii and PoHce. gwatloo ctaslrmsn, received $185,- the Wee^Mrt. ambulance, which AriMdd W olfen o f Yale as aa act P o B i s c o u n t 5.00 mato two Dips. State police ar­ had rqienteX He vras a bad fMlow. (Tto oompleto test of tto gover­ ■ad was praparad to ouffer aran that any have "saved tto vrastera Burner. SxocMrthrwi rested David Gherldne of U7 arthoase” chickens are gath- qtatosoant, — « -g fun respniMl A NasrtaradGaed Used Seta-| 5.00 up. Mdgeport, on recklcea driving crod by Mbs UlUan Swemon. Supsrier Court oa throe eouats off company,. Inc., of Naw Haven. 5 «fSee at tto acene of tto aed- b e d t u b s t o b y hility for tto tasuhordtaation. Aa robhaty vrith violeaco hftor a iitj N od IX 9t a Long Island poultry Conn., vrbe recetoed 157X29. dCDle genersHselmo t o had faUaX sm lgaed in Unloavills Town Court. Oempensatien of eome cf the cap- The aeddeot eauaod tto Ftot ptoot eonductad on modora ; Chang vraa not to blaaM. « Y oor Radio Stope — Call 3535 Hi m a I e p laid in tha Individ. OUahomn CUy—A apseiai aaoMon taduatry inchl^ Ktod to to blocked for several Chlaag and Ida vrife aad ju a r r c h a n g e p l a c e s 816X796 to Mvron C, ’n iylor, ehaiii^ nrteoop* aUdt down to a o f^ ^ Stata iMgisistnrn ■djninniit ■ SetTiea Oa Aay Radio. man o f t h e ______. boura. o««;-way routing through lecting tray, la firoM et on«ir at 1:07 a. m. ona day thia waak. At retunsd to Nanklag a"iMft uidvar- SafflalX Jan. 6.—(AP)— Tto e board of b United King's Highway, Westport, being sal rejoialag. Mofohal rih-"r fol- fltates Steel OorporatidX noon tto foUowiag day tto n r s li ^ off probate hera'*aad Ida dark tocssNiy, until the fire apparataa .‘•J* owl It Biddy tors raturnad to opan tta ragnlar t lowed with bowed baaX He said to hara ehaiigsd plaoas. NORTON'S Lnmmot DmMt. preMdnt of tto Mnl laying bar quota off agsx 947 Main Street Chen^ Bhid enttegublied tto truck. > was net eren fit to travMn4th J o s o ^ Ctendell. who fo r 14 B.' L Dopantat Ae de Nemoan J— 001 ■ k a ffw to mmlmt. By oso a< conunandsr.- roctlved 8K»099. Tbomoa J. totovidual cagea, cM«kin« art In tto totarim, virtually an tto years was deric off tto court oadra X -R A Y 8 H 6 e f i t t i n g Furnihire and Radio ■on, preaidtnt o f tt o toternatloiial rabsd la Navr Yorii and -MffbUtora vNnt no vrbata anoipC to Than was a trial aad was WOUam IX Cooper vrhea t o vras A gwam of bam that has lift a condaniwd to tea yean ia prison, 7M 1 S t o a e t g y g * Oorpenatioii. vras Mve oqoupnea to to tto owam'a bad la loom hotab and somm. Jodgo, named Cooper his ctetk upoa paM |29X(>2X Om off tka Brm etBMal amn er though to gara tto Imprinriisi that tto duties off Judgwhlp property oa long aa ha can kan it to briiorad to really ought to to ■mour Weiss, ona-tlma traaaur- to Sight, aooordtng to dm i m o t b provided to nulm tko Stata s POLLY PRESTON tk« lata Bumr Lona’a jNm'Mar botiib-, . .. .w a s to y e te ______{■hot or tortured ot aonMthlag off tto ■sart. ThMi eoam fan r ardaat vrith S / n i - C ^ e r r t This Offer For Jannary Only! ^Installation Slight I off an cM i xlghta, do id \ M*MctmBiTO tymroiq

ADnMnmsNTv. Uen I ooatab you as asaiTlsd ta I tog today sdto MMass ItoipUBS tW name of the Trinity of Ood who Harold OldB. W. Hmuy Weir, Wil­ QUEEN ARRANGES U e stanrltor tala to "J m iI h I." th a liam Kennedy, Chanee Tucker, J o i ^ you. Ifny Re bp with you new REDS 1RYT0 CUT ESTHAIlSlOWirS OwM Davis play to which aha puy- Recreettion ANOTHER LEGION Rudolph Jobneon, Robert Hathaway, and forever mora.'* Teth How Mrsm Simpson ed oaths stags. Th«re to a UkeU- Arthur Butler, Andrew Torrance. NARRUGERmS The couple will ramala kaaeU JAMIXART bood, howavar, Bette Davis wOl gst while the congregation slags sad MILITARY LINKS fOPUUnON 24,725 UM FOlSe IS OVERCROWDED Center Iteme DANCE JANUARY 16 1HEMOCBAT8 TO DINE 3 6 PH ILC the blsaalag is given.. Then the Put Former Kir^ to Work Onslow Btovaos, sp earin g ta chaplain wUl hand a Mn«u to Bern- *Btogs Door," ea Broadway, tyBM, Jsn. 9j—(AP)—Tbs' Young Values To $75.00. AU 1937 Models ICAIN IND hard and the service wlU eonehide CXBARANCE Democratlo Club of Lyms will P hil HcB6. for Sermon With hymns and prayers. Vow Tofk; Jan. 8 ^ (A P j— HbwAtewT beta sigaed to ■ term ooatraet by The P. A. A. C. giite wU prae- SEE THESE NOWl O n FooAold ■ Las Rons What am 1 going to do to- R. K. a Bit Assoditioi Befie?es ttoe bariretliall from 6 to 7 o’elook. honor Gov. WUbur L. Cross and toe The new royal couple than will WatUa Warfield Simpson put B ng-^^^ V monuag 7" ^ I make a motion that a framed CarrolVs "Waka Ito and U f ^ Mt Twentieth an foUows: Other honor guests wUl Ineluda a( bis foroaa aa to ldl« enlargement of the above be sent to *0 ehurch tomor- entury-Fm. Produetiaa will start members ef Connecticut's Demo­ row BsonUog'T” 7:00 to T:46 Life flavtog. who Uv« only to amuse a large m s^rlty of our socalled The Hague, Jan. 8.—(AP)— tta throno to r lova of bar, that ha next week under direction of cratic Coagreaalonal delegation, an­ T:46 to 8:80 Non-Swimmers. looks Uko luaaiilty.'* modem professors teaching la groat Qusen Wllhshnlna ha'rself was said aUtortd, Jan. 6.—(AP)—Covon Should go to church on Sunday. Mias b a b y i ,a m d Population of the State of Con- ney Lanfleld. Columbus, 0„’ Jan. 0.—(AP)— Another In the popular series of nouncement of toe affaU disclosed BRUNNER^S ^attts oUpuiaK from my scrap- colleges who have somerhura ' in raentr fOrcoo wara rushed today Into WOU. too King attendod church. John P; Medbuxy baa been signed The House of Delegstes of toe A puhUo setback party srin be Legion dances will be held a t the today. RADIO DEPARTMENT today to have tosplrsd the theme of Jtohww wroto to an arttota appear- necticut will reach a figure at 1.- Tea, t ksap a serap-liok their spaa of life lost the real mean­ Rosas sector, 10 mllea tagto too ourrsnt taoua of R ^ l ^ she related, do the ifialogue fbr ''KlUeis ot American Bar Association heard to­ held e t toe West Side Rac on Cedar Palnbow Inn, Bolton, on taturday I It pasta all maimar of ing at education. - the sermon the court chaplain wlU northwest of Madrid, to Bolster de­ 768,947 as ot July .. 1987, compared day that the law profeasion wi street Play wUl'itart a t 8 o’clock. **Always At Yonr Serviea* Tonight ^ ‘®’**** ane of tha Infants’, Sweaters thi Sea" at Grand National studios. evening, January 16. NO V A N inr 80 Oakland S t, Maneheater of good oounsel, fun- deUvar at her daughter's wedding. fense of too vital El Eseorlal high' «»«ptotood- that AO weoL flttp-en with thu total of 1,606.908 recorded William Oargan will appear in “serloualy overerotaded" and that a PhoocBlM houabiold blnta a slUy Preclas detalle of arrangements Jan. 8.' ’^th o v a n Qiao club con­ way. ^ dine at her.-bou8e, and seated the XiHrarftay Music will again be furnished by It O ont blame static an the time. cert at ^ sEpSon sug^ dassUng guest on and coat etatae. by the federal census as of April 1, "Wlnga Over Honolulu’’ to be pro­ ramefly aboold be found, not to ar­ toe Society Oub orch';stft, who Bedford, la.—1|. G. Maxwell* has Open Nighta and Sundays W of love sad kisses, a Eliminate noisy tubes by a teat at for the marriage of Crown Prtocew center churcto ausploee Faaetate ware known to havt p s M that ho buoy himself by Hta Majesty's Pink, white, bkiA 1980, It Is estimated by toe State bitrary Hmltatton of the number ad­ The men’s volley ban period triU something In common with the bar­ Croup 2. duced a t Universal, ba from 6 to 7 o'clock. proved such instant bite at toe two saal^ lota of Am to do, Potterton A Krmb, the only tester Juliana and Prince Bernhard fhtood a foothold on the impor­ h s n ^ ig oome old Italian patotton Regularly to a 45« Department of Health In Its current mitted to the bar, but to ratalng of previous dances. tender who ta a Btrist teetotaler. to pfam up and read over Bbowlng noises in tubes. Free teat tlppe-Bieeterfeld tomorrow \ This Week ^ t the King had nothing to say ( The Weat Sides wiU play basket­ Jan. 8.—DeHolay dance nt wrm. tant communications Hn» to tha *^bteh ttoy bad found to uacellar to Europe a leading beauty. 'All his w e ^ y bulletin. The figure arrived atendarda for admission to law Reservations for tables are now noxwel), a photograpbor for 63 I tbaii. A thought for every at the store. kept secret on the Queen's orders, Oua

t. ■VSNIMO RnALD-ilANCH ESlEfi. OQNN. WBDKE 8 DAT, lAHUAKT 9 , I W V to ^ boasa of Mr. ato Itra. Cbailaa Saalay and daqgbtor. ta rn LOa. tor- . U D \ Y marty of Oohimhia. Mra. Jnlia Dibble of Hartford la y i uWng a few days to the bema of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Porter. ^ v n « Y Pranela Hunt c t New London apant New Taar'a day with hla West Sides In 2nd Ovenitne, 41* rrandmottor. Mm. Jennie Hunt, i«- School W orld I Weidon^s tundag to New London Saturtay. *4 mppo— MU know what da « « « w VtoTMt w aaUd o( ma, don’t youT' David Hunt ratumad to hla atud- Com pUad h r Stodflats t t MkBdiflstar High Sehofll laa to Wocoaater Polytochalo Inatl- Mlflfl Hfllaa BMsfl. Adulser FRED PERRY MAKES tnta Sunday after apanding a two- TERRY PLANS SWEEPING JACKSON OF STARS "1 ^ ’t to aiUy, Angellqua. hasud him invlta you to play bil­ waaka Chriatmaa vneatton to hla Local Sport Chatter PA'S REPEL OAK G R n i liards with him. w a all did." home hare. PRO TENNIS DEBUT O f Intareat to the people o f Co­ LINCOLN MEMORIAL TOPS ICE SCORERS "But TOu didn’t bear him accuse LITERARY MBS STUDENT VISITS rc m / rfm g A t o o f HpNEDMAITC TUBES CHANGES AMONG GIANTS Two in—d that occurred tohloaerB war* defendtofl tttUrta.. . .the me o f an the murders!’’ aha arent lumbia la tto tranafar of title re­ Now that our th* lo e - parade of 1986 era athlete wbo ebowed mo— promtae ot FOR 6TH IN ROW; cently moordad to tto town elark’a A New Year Ftnyer have on. "It saewis Betty Welch roo— vtvid the memory of Jack spylag on Peart Pierre and omec of a lot to tto lake from A; E. AWESSHIDENTS Dear God. please help aas to hem filled to our future greataeee to his reepeeUve HEAVEir AND 'GOD' Britidi Star Faces Vinet h Dwyer, erbo has beea Menttfled with sport waa Fran Leuy, High b ^ e r and she told Pearl John what aba Brown to Mr. and Miw Edwin P. ^trlinfia oven hrak- DEFY T A lH Q t TDHE’ L im p i f NatioDal L eig M F o v o f His Syncoto M ites saw. Now, Ramon, It’s up to you Throughoot this glad New Year. •a, A few i*aofofieaar5’s t o r t o HARRIDGE PHASED atoletee hereabouts for a quarter of •ce and mile a tfir....w e may have TANTC m pp of Want Hartford. The trans- a century and more as coach aad SIDES TOP BLI Maka me strong and free from care start a -a te -m i h-rn’e wtoh-. left out some ot tbe fe—urea of to do something about. tnls and Gardea Toniglit; Expect offl— . . . . do It qui—t. itoi’t ib rget for a And banish an my fear. “ * youaU a happy aehool year and' dampioiis Uidergo 1986 but these came first to mind at Indoded m First 1 6 o f h - PtUl n WulnSoa, Junior Enters Fither Di< to you vrbo are laavlag aoqn, aucoeae tola wrlttog and'seem to ue to rc{>- AM- minute that it was fB m Idea for and taauranoa agent. Tto lot la 100 p i viw as . M. E K Slidcato VUi Mit- OVER THE SUCCESS to make a play for Pearl Let ma malm no enamlss. to your new ventwea. Crowd of 16,000. ■nie fir— took place to the Tert- resent toe cream of a yea, of toter- fast on tto lake and IM feet deep esttofl, exciUng, toriUtog aporte.. . . tematioiial-Amerk. Fist Fight M a rb Hectic Plerre.- and waa a part of Mr. Brown’s FriMkUfai^RttMlaBd But kam mij friends so dear; fine’s Hirieni “Hen?ei' Drastic ReviiiN for Neit Ugbt league gam* between toe Po­ BOX SCOI Ramon was not listening to I Only this I a—r ef Tbsa 30b— Brieksoa already hha aeeur- MduMlb Mdml LNt ll—>-Amertoaas aad Roy— Oaks on baantiful grove on the aouth abora. ‘ * proRtMa. In tbe Conn. Mutiisy OF MINOR LEAGUES ranting. Hla mind barked back to The new ownam to erect a Throughout this glad New Year. July 33 last, when the P A ’s gatned The aecond week of toe second Opening TkriDer A s Drug my her Hist statement and to cxpcet Arthar Roberli TIere. T hate what comas of a—«ig an Soasoi; Pilot Retires As New York, Jan. «—(A P)— Fred f l u aummar home on their a —Lois Frey. V isitt B roid cu t Station. Perry, who dev—oped a lot of sales a 3-1 victory that gave them a. Ue round of toe BriUah-Americaa New Haven, Jen. 6.— (A P ) — ^•Did say Betty told da Foraat hMor atudent Take a htotiitudee. IiisnulMCaOfica for fir— place with the Green and aub’e Dart League resulted to With Jackaon, Markle and Oinvey Raddeo, If .. property to'to ready for uaa the Tbto maybe calls for a new raoolu- re—stance to toe pest few years by M. Neleoo; t t coming aaaaon. Mr. and Mrs. Tripp An Actire Player. turning down one fabuloue offer I' 'led the oak* fo'thlrd...... Rob­ Newry blanking Llnfleld, 5-0, Porta- 11—ed among toe fir— four iMxtera Qniiit Rallies to Win Ma­ • • • efl'i a • e0 "Tee, aha did." “dee! looklt that" waa the only tIOBe ' Mabooey, i t ...... i Ai»- BBtering A Harlem "hsavea" American Loop President after another to become a tennia ert "Btogo" Sturgeon, Oaks’ first down beattog Bangor, 4-1, and for eoortog honors, Byraeuae gave *Tfow Angellqua, get bold of apant eonalderahla tllna looldng fo r waa tba hero----- The PA 'e M—calf, rf '••••••••••,,3 a buUdiag lot hut finally decided ejaeulaUon heard by 'Sam Pratt FRENCH CLASS WRITES Under the —laperonage ef MV. prafeaelonel, is expected to cash to Glentoran edging Olenavoa. 8-3. . . ample reeaone today for leadtog the yourself. That girl wouldn’t say •teilW to "Ood," as the colored Not to dl—Uu—(m you or anything had a man on third and de—ded to Glentoraa end Portodown are tied weetora divMon of the\|htematloa- rathon T3t; Amerks Tic- W elleq 0 •••••••,,*•• ,8 there waa no batter place bian Co­ when be first saw the LInooln Me­ and M l*. RuaaeU W righ t twvnty- New York. Jen. «— (AP)— Th* on his a-iateur feme to to* extent anything to barm a aouL She Isn’t p i^ h e r . Father DIvtiis. Is called, ^ !). but we Juat wouldaV wut Says Majors Wifl Benefit attempt a aqueeae play to bring for flrst place with aeven points —•Americaa hockey leagOe- Faulkn—, Ig ...... 1 . that kind! She’s—" lumbia for a alto for their new you of about 81SD00 tonight morial In hla tour of Washington ON FOREIGN MANNERS ~~ to forin_ t 'Exams------come_w around »«|fO ur atudent* of Manchester High old Giant* may be eeareely recog­ him hom e....Stingeon doped the each. B a a i^ la third with six. New ­ The offl— etatiaUoa anBOUBoed D**^JBoe—1. r g • • • « • • * « ,,fi "So you’re a victim of bar home. Columbia la very fortunate was t o axperiencs of Louise Burr, to b The Britieh star, who refuaed to tors 43-29; East Siders with several other boya of the *** ■“***“ Jump I v l-te d the Maaeachusetts Mutual nisable when they take th* fi—d give up hie amateur status until play perfectly and moved up to ry fourth with five, Ol—iavon fifth by tbe loop’s eecretary listed Jack- FdW, ^g .3 sweataeaa, too, are you?” Anga- la bavtog tto Trippa locate here '88A, whUs on a trip to New York up aad take you by surprise. | Ltf* insurance Company at Sprtog- As a Result; G res Ris school during the Christmas vaca­ Lneillfi Nfles* H u Best San- to r tha 1937 Natlorud League warn there waa ao doubt as to hie being within a yard of th* plate.,..toe with four and Llnfleld la— with eon aa the pace Better with iD goals UqiM put tor hand! on bar topa Mr. Brown aa wall aa other land tion. Acoordtag to Sam tto during the Christmas vacarico. . field, liaaeachtmetta. Wedneedsv. batter laid a hunt right into hie ctae. . . j. Hughee had high aeon and 16 ea—ate for 39 points ^wito bad at him with a emal From what Manager Bill Terry toe world’s beat amateur player, Score an Upset by 27-19. U ownam about the lake are partlcU' mortal was so Impressive and awa- nary in Ena^h of Reading "Hailam ttedf la a rathar dark, Eldcn pen t« (lucky feUow) qxmt Deromber ?0. Arrivta« at t h * ^ feces EDIaworto Vtoea, rated the hand* and Sturgeoe a-bliqxed foe for toe night wltb SO. Mark]*, a teammate, traUIng Srito "W- 1, let ma taU you, lar to whom they aalL There are Views On Pkst Season. We— SliM (Sl^^ k* hi | »- y * l *«P*»*>S « " «ta -m pllelty nothing Done in FYeneh. dreary ptaos,” com men tod Lmilss hi* vacatton to Cani^ , 'Vl—t the | elve buUdtog, the group waa oor- seya, M— Ott may avta be at third world'a best pro, at Madison Squan ball to third to catch toe runner to 96 t—Ilea. . Pm IhroughI 1 won’t taka QuiataT dlally weloomed by Mr. Greenwood ^ blame for s o m ^ ^ CO t o Negro asctlon of New Yoilt. hi ee for toe Lesgu* ebamptoiM. tn- Garden to the flrst match of a long a hot box and eventually run him Gene Venake, dean o f milera, wlU Keating of Providence, wltli 94. BBC LEAGUE BBSTTLTS R. Oiapmaa, r g ...... ,g ' eaie ana Mr. and Mm. Tripp can b e | ^ agreed among themselves they Arriving at Hariem about ten-thirty to behalf o f hla company. Acting aa aeries. doP‘n ....i t waa a great display of be one of tbe atarters to tbe 3,000 points, broke up the Syraeuae dy- 5 1 -“ ' haa done. I f you don’t got to Peart oongratulated on being able to ob­ "The customs have changed great­ Noticed the numeroua new awaat- atead of hla long-time rlgh.. fl—d (Note: This to aiwtocr of a asrtea Weldon’s D rug 41, We— Bides lA. Roomer, rg .0 John and convince Um Pm Inno- Vould never again see anything to ly since t o war. Before the w ar on Saturday night. Louise and b w fluid*, Mr. Greenwood very pleaa- Lured by the first public meettog nerve on Sturgeon’s part... .had the m—er event ot toe Kaccy Games at na—y. but Convey, of Syraeuae, fol­ Ea— Bides 37, BhieSclda 19. 31 Dowd, Ig ...... 8 tain this fine location at this most ^ ties,, dresses, that have r—leved laatly and eSldently explataed tha patrol. of atories written for toe Asabetoted batter do:» led /to hit away, "Bingo” Madison Square Garden Saturday lowed the Proridence star with 31 mmt PU do a little tolktag my- 'BAtcb It or even come cloae. But to girls ware not allowed alone on t o party walked to t o haU where Fa­ the monotony, of tbe claasroom aoan- Prase by outetandtog aporte leadei*. 1982, e cape—ty crowd of 16,000 Poltab-Amerka 48, Oak Grin J9. Vennart, Ig ...... 0 , ' and beautiful resort, whore ther Dlvtoe’s meetings are carried funeUoaa of the various depart- Hank L —her, who waa somewhat fans Is esipected to pour, around might oava b—!o seriou—y Injured by night, to which Joe Mcauakey and {Mints. are ao Uttla. CblumMa w— their surprise when tiny tuned to atrwt’ now they go out and- drivt o t T AU due to Saate’a beaevolaaee. They deal with 1986 envelopments Brtmley, Ig .,> (...... 0 ;- . "Tou’re baantiful whan yon*! feu down the stops Which lead to tba their own automobile.” v on every night from fl p. m. ’tU m*Bta—flltofl, clerical. etatlatIcaL In tha doghouse lest aeano,,, will be between the ranking atara.. atoc* the b a t .... } Don Lash will also oomp—a. . . Tbe duMoua honors of being the l e a g u e s t a n d i n o eomea them here. 2 k>**_ new peasant stylaa are telaphqoa and malltofl—the latter and’1987 proepecte.) ^ B. BiaaeU, e ...... Ramon told to memorial the sight which greeted ‘nils totereaUng fact to one of tha eomerimee 3 a m. The etore wto- to* wtuta-balred boy in center fleld, 858,000 Into toe pockets of toe play­ Venske haa beea tbe Idol of foot­ Ioo]>s "bad man” went to Oiurcb, PoHah-Amerks ... .6 0 1.000 An Invttatlon daxaUag bub—uh— affeeUva. gmtoifl most totaresttafl to th* ma- but definitely. Jim Ripple, aho b—d racing fane for seven years and hla McAdam, If ...... ,x ...t them was nearly as Impressive. many French customs described by dowB eentatoed eigne saytiir By WHX HABBIDOB ers and promoter* Frank Hunter The second Incident took place to anotoer Syracuse aee, who haa been W eldm ’a ...... S ' 3 fiOO Weraor, ...... 0 to b « d«>wn center for much of ’86, Isn’t former coach, Lawaon Robertson, of eent to toe "cooler” 31 times for t t E t o ® ^ ayes. "Now Uaten, d e lS S Lncille NUee of Mlae Buelah Todd’s I*eece. Father Divine." (FtiiU wit, the Americaa League.) *nd 8. Howard Vo—lell. Tbe ticket the second .—ash of the town tIUe Be— Sides...... s 8 fiOO Brown. If ...... * t o Regtonal Preaching Mission held For to the refleetton pool which w. Although a .UtUe lata, we’d Uk*. 1 '*'*• ooropleto abaenea of aeurry- placed yet. but may wind up at price sc—e ranges from 81.10 for the Pennsylvania eaye that toe mile ace minor violations and once for a ma­ Oak O r U l...... 8 «M lw Them isn’t anyone who can is betareim tbs Memorial and to class. French manners and cuatoma Upon enterliig the haU, Loutoe tc add our own hearts grid series' between the Morlarty 8 JlOO hold a candla to you. Tou know under t o auspices of t o WilUman- have been studied to the second ye Um Sfte ronflratul^ tofl office boya la tbe result of the Ott’s poet in right CSiteago, Jan. 4.— (A P ) —Holding top gallery seats, up to 89.90. would have been one ot toe gre—eat, jor |>en—ty. Aemundeen ot New Bluefl-da ..V ...... 3 4 MS Washington Monument, ringed with went downetalre to the baiiquet »«»u the pace sat by toe todustrlel and Brothers and toe Orioles, which re­ tjAt, t e ’t you? Of couiM ni sea Ue churcbea Sunday and Monday French class. After reading tbs i* malltofl department. A ll corree- Terry T* Rettr* Although the experts ar* alaoost sulted to a 6-8 triumph for toe two-mil era to track U be bad de­ Haven with 14' minors and Qrlando We— SldM 1 8 .107 t o t da Forest doesn’t btoms you. Sunday evening a men's meeting a faint pink from the aatring sun, account to French, atudents wrote where around four large tablca Join­ meraanUl* worlds, baaebaU ahared unanimous to predicting Vtoee will voted himself to the longer dl—anca of Pittsburgh with 18 nitooni were Score at halfUa— IS tbs reflection of Washington's ed to rectangular form, many Ne- STthLri u^vTSiS^ Tarry feellese flnall} that hla su­ to the prosperity of 1986. I would south endhrs. ...W iU isa i "Bob” ■Idea 3fi-alt — ebd - I spltHre!’’ He preased ^ wae held to t o Baptist church with up original aummarlea In Etogllsh. hev* to boB passes throuflh this department ^ win the opening encounter ee—ly. Bagleson bad broken looe* on a . . 8,O0o meters le 340 yards abort poor traUer*. lb the moat thrilHiig, tbe ' « 0 < » f w m TH E n O B T monument, given to the unartlsric groee were earing a large m for now to that that tweens of the pneumatic tub* ays- ing 1*^ has wound up hla playtng not aey, "BaaebaU haa coma beck" Per^ will get toe larger aharo of of two miles. togpmlod aad B3-«> to hem and to a moment felt Rav. Marioo Creegtr of Middletown Ixudlle’s, as foUowrs waa the best luck and fin* baaketbaU playing I Morlarty off—wtve and was headed The elxtaen leadtog eoaren; hectic aad tbe roughs— encounter CHAPTER XnC her tense body relax to bis armo. as spesker. and at t o aame Ume a eye the sight was bsautifui. Then from her class. while others crosrded about tha tem—mucfli tha same aa that em­ — rear. Ha wM go on tbe voluntary for the reaaon It never went away. the ’’gate.” It Is-uaderetood be I* GAP overtime. Reforee, i ss one raised hla «iyes bs saw the edgea of t o room. Father CMvine keeps up so that we can hand them | ployed hy large storea for the retirement Uat and on first base In During toe deprea-00. it suffered fo get 37H per cent of the net re- for the Oriolea’ go— with a clear of tbe Ree Senior League eampelgn mlaute halvea aad twp ' Ik* dtancr bour ar—vMI tAter, to again opened the Young People’a raUy to the Method­ Tbs French family la up at the same thing at a later date. | fleld ahead wh—1 a speotatoi* eud- The Y. M. C A. Senior Baaketball Jackson, Syracuse ...... IS 16 39 conical top o f t o moaument, sat hlmaelf was seated at the Hm ,; of changing ef mooey— paper* are hla place wUl b* an Importation o f odurae, for the fans had to aeon, e—pte while Vtoea, whose Income fell to date, Weldon’e Drug quintet t to IVnfkwwr Sbsw’f t o allpped out Into ist ehurch with Dr. Robbins Bsr^ tradittons. When a chUd la bom, its W e’ro an for you! denly rushed out cn the girdimo end League swing* into action for th* Markle. Syracuse ...... 9 17 89 off by spoUlghte diiectod up IL The oiM table aurroundiMl by hla "i sent foom one department to an­ Urom Newark e f the IntaraattOnai omla* and amusements found im off laat year because of lack of 01 fought, clawed aad —ugged tfo way m Q ktoL T h m w u ^hallw ay and hurried to her stow, pre-dent Hertford Seminary father with two witnesses goes to n -le d Bagleson erlth a-fipeetacular sUto week tonight wltb the follow- Keating. Proridence ./. i ifi 34 to hti kaoek, m Bob room. But although her lips has* was to a semi-darloieas arhlch write It In the regiatsr at t o Town gels." ^ other. Student* sent sUdee down Ltagne, Jack McCarthy, which place In their budgets. P atton , erlll take l3Vi m te a 41 te88triumphov— ths W«*t aa apeaker. Monday at 8 a woman's Betofl used to sleep, late e f It I tackle, that atunned all preaent, to- tog toama matched: Oxtorde and Convey, Byiacuae ...... g IS 31 SldM after two overtime perioda M » door and >fbiiad tko smiled at h—■ relleetlon to meeting at tto Episcopal church forthor enhanced the beauty of the haU, tarenty-four bouia after birth- tbe —lutaa; a few seconds later a keves th* other first baaeasan, Bapoy Over Mlaore. other players, trig Bin Tttden, mak. Aamundsen, New Haven 7 13 19 OejTJUlq If ...... Xn appearance. Father Divine during vacation, and catching a pip- tog a oae-alght atand, aad Brace —udtog th* tackier.... T—cottvUle to the fir— game at trten— sage n ^ stat toe Bast Side Aaothor mtoob a tto mirror, there was aUU a da- waa addressed by Miss Ruth Oonant sp e c tre . A person who wishes to marry la aeemad an ordtoniy, abort, middle- pin cold well have to be algnlng off faint notoe waa beard, tbe attend­ flaaabo Leslie, atm warming the Twentjr-n minor Isaguea started 6:45; So. Metoodl—a and Highland Doran, Syraeuae ...... , . U 8 19 Omfiaal, rf ••••aasbaa I tbe 1986 season and twenty-six not Barads. aad George Lott, members Rec 1M _ —gbt to tba coa­ torror, to ratunMd tominad expreaslon to her black assisteat minister of Center church, The first evening eras spent at obliged to post a uorice of ills or turning to ao keep your fingers I ant explaining almply that the hmch. Park to toe second at 7:45, and the HextaU, PhlladelphU ..11 9 19 W - r , r f , • 0oaee*«0 told Poitfl aged Negro, but as the beUef of hla chute had landed on the third floor. only flnlahed, but went cm to parti—- of th* touring troupe, will receive to a year miarked by hundreds of to— cf tbe evening. t o fair-haired Betty bad Hertford, and at 8 a masa meeting the Congrea-onal U brarj- where iromise of marriage to hla bride. foUoweis la that Ood Hist came to crossed and your feet dry. Anothflr rooki* from toe intar- Arrows and Ramblers to the laat Kuhn, Prorid en ce...... 10 9 19 Oav-lo, e .. •♦oeetaa ’ waa not claimed tto attention of both man, Hla parents must cenaent to the Modem eclenee once again defied te In pnet eesenn aeries. That fl4t nlarlM .. eporta eveate, ve find It exceeding­ _ Wfga^MhAig BaBy at the Congregational church with Sam qient an hottr or ao looking earth as Jesus and has oome again —^Tbe Gadabouts. natlooal wttl ha HtoHar CUg M -ton. ly difficult to pick out a few out­ geme of the evening at 8:45. The gndth, PhlladelphU ....1 0 9 18 The defr- 'Obreok. ]g . • jc * ;otbOTi had all u d both had rushed to bar d »- eddtog before the dvil marriage, "Old Man TtoM.’’ from Baltimore. Terry holds “high xt probably la a record. Even to While they bS'va —aabed aevet— le defendtag eh—ape 6*ned bar Dr. Behrend Mehrtens, of the Trini­ over the rars palnttoga and manu­ ns Father DivtoA he must »pptsr a times to praeUoe, Perry aad Vtoee standing events as every branch of fir— end la— game* promise to be SeuBders, Springfield ..7 10 17 ten pototo at balfttoM but MuldOOb, rg to dtatoy vbdn« fenaa when AngeliqM accused wblcb cornea befora tbe religious Orgmnlaed to 185L this taeurane* hopes" that tola rlghtoander, who the bannar years, when we had from r«— bettlee. Should T—oottvUle Mason, PhlladelphU . , . . 9 8 17 I toataat PaaH Joliii'a toot her o f teUtog talea. WeU, Ange- ty Lsitheran church. New Haven, scripts collected there. ceremony. Tliere is also the custom very much more than ordinary to company commenced bu—neas to e forty to fifty minor leagues, not all Laven’t XMt to competition atooa loo— athleUc activity had Its high­ beck'with a furious playttui Ume, apeaker. them. woa 88. loat 16 aad pitched only 16 to—r 1982 Davis Cup encounter, lights.... bowrver, our blgge— beat the Oxforda and toe Arrows Dug—^ Proridence ....11 5 16 then S3.—I after tha fir— five mlU' IhOB be laid a hand oa llquo had ways to deal with situa­ A t the SmithsonISH Museum the of tbe boys’ parents asking for the stogie room on th* comer of Mato ecmpleto game* for B—tlmor* last of them ereatoered toe storms and tions of this sort. Perfect attendance at the Center HIGH RANKING STUDENTS when toe American ooUapeed and torlU waa experienced to to* state take toe Ramblers there wlU be Were*. PhlladelphU .... 5 11 16 utea of •agitra play to •— the stage "Not a word ol this boys Were greatly impreaaed by col­ Land of the ^ rt from her parents. •Aa some of the Negroes ate the and State Streets, Springfield; to season, ertll do a lot toward b—p- played out their achedulea. To me, Dro—Hard. Pltteburgb . 9 7 15 O AngeUque had no Intention ol school for December was as follows. bad to default Before that Vines toterscholastic crosr country cham­ four team* tied for Hr— place which for a rousing enurt to tbe aecOnd ■■ nhtil wa*rt sure bs lection of airplanes. Among wblqh Favorite Becroarioiia food, all of which wee touched by 1868, to e brownstcoe buUdtofl on Ing <3ari HubbeU bear toe pltcht^ the fact that toe minor leagues Mann, Syracuse ...... 7 8 18 I tba idaoa aomowbars. occupying second place where Ra­ Paul Watkins, Chauncy Squier, For sports to achooj the pupils had won four de— ona. pionship at Middletown on Novem­ proves how eve—y matched the overtime that brought a eix-iMlat B. Raguakua, I g . . . . were Undbergh’s “Spirit of Bt. Fathw Divine, the other* sang at ENJOY EXTRA A C T U ^ Main S tre e t' The preaent buUdtog, burden. enjoyed prosperity to ’86 was the toama are to tbe League. Roubell, PhlUdsIphU . . fl • Ifi victory that booetM them tote E^r,intoa aajrthlac out c t placo mon waa ooncemed. Philip laham, Merton Wolff, Paul ay baaketbaU, football or nmm« bigg^ event to baseball for toe Ae a curt—B-ralaer, Lott and ber 20, when Manchester High oop- Hadlund, I g ...... Louis” and WUey Ifost’s "Winnie the top of th—r hings, swaying and boat to 1938, away-from the con­ In th* meantime, Terry atlU la Barnee will meet to a eliiglee match. three-wax deadloek for second place. [M a n r " Ha aakad tba last Meanwhile was searching Melltoger, John Ssegda, Merwln Out of acbool, however, the favorite gested buatoaas aeetlona, to a virtual jreer. For, where would toe ma­ |>ed toe title tor toe fir— time with Ratten, 0 eiVPtoff. eaylng, "Father Dlvtoe. eaating about for aa experienced A doublet encounter with Perry and the greats— display of team The other two games ot tbb uli b a e a u a a Bob’s faca for Pearl John. When he d t o ^ Hutctatoa, Ernest Brouaaeau, Janice sport depends on where one Uvea, xa we love thee.’’ The eathn-aBm and jor teafluea be if It were not for M u ld o o a ,o ...... ^ k a t ha ^UU had somathlng erm him to the Ubrary, brooding aarke, Carol Lyman, Sophie Leaving here they went to the Paris one prefers boiaeback riding catcher to aid Gu* Maacuso, aad Lott {flaying Vines and 'niden wUI strength to the hlstoiy of toe meet hill were an anU-cUm— after gmlth, t t . . 3 ^ Bureau of Engraving an Printing spirit o f the people waa ao great vi^sni. R,J« xjd r«.|KSa C.SxST’TS.SSS; another toll—der. He q —ka to the minor 'dreuite through which toe coo—ude the program. opening duUI—. the Ba— SMM before the Are, he asked, "D e For­ Ssegda, Jean laham, Jane Lsrman, “ hiking. Swimming, , motoring, tin Are M em bers o f P e p , | shale, Teimessee marble being used players are developedT . . . .the entire Red ana White team Wair, If .g*? Bob aaawetad, “but est, what la behind that myaterl- (U . 8. Mint) to see how money la d skating are also popular. Horae that Louise noticed several “angels” Ctactoaatl Rede about ' getting finished maopg toe fir— twenty-five downl— the favored Bluefl-ds. n - Shirley Trythall, Margaret MeUto- laughing at a member of Louise's French, Commercial Gobs. to Its construction. From a humbls The raw rookie of today down to HIGH SEEKS TWO WINS 19, anwlng.| TO THE RING WARS tor second place and the Btuefl-de John Saegda, Merwto Hutchins, heart couldn’t stand' any more. songs, women and men would speak Automatic typewriter*, typing at line up with McCarthy on flrst, th* or toTM years from now. That’s Out blgge— disaj>pointment of the end We— Sides are {wacUeaDy out Harahurda, I f ...... trilled Paarl Pierre to the go to the basement or wher­ Intellectual pleasures have come praising Father Dlvtoe and thank­ resumes of the valedictorian .erf year waa toe de— ve beattog which wtth the lion's head knocker. ever It Is that door leads, we’ll Janice Oarkc, Shirley Trythall. Next In order for the wide-eyed In for a share of enthuaiaam. There the rate of eighty words with no ex-PhiUlas performer, Lou Oilossa, why 1 eay most emphatlcaUy: '*rbe ClarkemeD Meet East Hart­ INDIANS WIN lOTH uf toe runatog ae 'ar aa fir— round Saverlck, r f ...... Margaret Melllnger, Claire Broua- sightseer was the United States ing him for hla goodneaa. Prominent a—utatorlan of too Class of ’87A. errora punctured toe bubble ef high on third to place of Tmvls Jackson, beat of luck to toe minor leagues to Manchester High’s basketb—I team hcoore ere coacemed. Sumaalowabl. x t ...... Pdik. now we’re getting soma- feel there is something the're that la the Comedle-Francalae or the among these speaker* waa a white took from New Britain High to toe ■" d a Forest exclaimed, you're not anxious for us to see.” seau, Janet OolUns, Beve.-ly McCul­ Capitol. Here Sam aald the moat In­ esteem to which many studeata held w'lo will acaneg* tba Narv Jersey 1987. , May they even better their Ftat Fight Mar* Tltt Ryeholakl, e ...... I’Odeon, where students attend tbe woman who spoke earnestly and at Virginia Ryan, valedictorian of ishtwoght Champ Meets opening round of toe Y—e Tourney ford Friday Nigkt and I ttoa to me. Bob." “Come on.” aald de Forest, ris­ lough. teresting thing waa to the arter presentations of das—cal playa. Two toems-ves for a mere tolrty-ftva or a t y farm, aad with Lelber at cen­ record of 1986." Starting off weU and clicking to a Obuohowakl. Ig ...... length and a Negro who shouted the O eas of IBSTA. took a straight forty word-a-mtouta rats. If only last March, bowing 88-18. .too blg­ lo—Md at him a moment in ing. *Td hate not to put your danu Here the sightseers were favorite pleasures are qoncerts and college claa—cal course through ter fleld and Ott to rlghL NeturaUy, the AaMrlcan League ICE GAME AT HOME smooth manner, the. W e— SIdee ■avartok, Ig ...... dto> kaU wlablag be had mtoda at reat,^’ he added saroaa- grouped to a circle around a .brass pea—onat—y across the hall . "I do they could be borrowed for th* term baa reaaon to be happy'as e result ge— surprise wee toe defeat of Joe seemed oa their way to their aecond lectures. Museums and monuments high school. In her third year ahe test! "However," Terry explains, "U Earico Venturi in Hoih McOuskey by Harold Manning of Baisick Saturday; Both K'otooakl, rg ...... la toagua. De Forest I tlcaUy. plate to the floor and tba guide also reedve many vi—tora. love thee. Father, from the bottom of the events of 1986. True, our victory of the eiaeon and at balt- Hapoalk, rg ...... 0 of my heart.” belonged to toe Qlrl Reeervee and to Chios** doesn’t produce, Ott w U go Wichita, Kan., to toe 3,000 meter Ume were leading th—r o|ipoDente, been hard as flint with As t o y went down the ball, STAMFORD NOW BLOCKS went across the room to a similar W e return to tbe home, to learn Having enjoyed the buatoeaa as­ tc third base. Ha uaed to play that —reult lost the eU-star game but, Ramon came from his room. her fourth year to Pep Qub and pect of the tour, Meneheeter’e vl—t- to make up for that, we wem tha steeplechase for the nation— out­ 18-8. They kept up tbe pmoe tor the ■pot and spoke directly down Into more about French culture. We find In the audience Louise noticed French aub. pc—Uon. in that event, 1 may put Tide Beet On Friday. Games Away; Can Stifl HoU Eastern Lead in Hockey •0 John 'walked'^ toward the "W e re going down into the the floor to a whisper even though now the art of conversation, espec­ several well-dressed white girls of ora entered tbe cafeteria matotalii- World and Chicago —ty serlea. door title, an event which HcClus- flrst five mtoutes of the aecood half STATE TRUCK DRIVERS She plana to enter a college t o ,ed______for toe employees■—j who may en­ Ripple to right." key had dominated for many years. when the Weldon Drug team chang­ o-iaria(S0r basement." Pearl John told him. he was about 80 yards from the ially when friends get together to high school age who Joined to with Terry d o ^ 't want to part wtth Playera to our league were not otliers in the dining room * Bettor come along, too.” September and to become a tesicher, I Joyjoy delidou—y wholesome food to Now York, Jan. 6.— (A P ) — A Better Last Year’s Mark. League by Downing the ed Ita tacUoa, dropped tbe air ot boya he could be heard distinctly. discuss politics, literature, theater, the Negroes to praising the leader. Le—le,. despite bis extra flrst base- backward when It came to abat- Cliff Keeney, r g ...... 0 „ , dnsd. "Professor 8baw “You want me to come?" asked majoring In history and Bngllah. pleasant ' surnmndtoga at a mini­ terlng records, acme of which bad couple of “streaka" go into Medlaon The goofiest hap{>ening seems to eool aloofoees w h iw bad dominated Maple Avenue Is to Be Gosed He explained this was due to the religion and gossip. Poetry, love of One of these, she was told, was man. He b—levee Le—I* may prove SOOWp tg ■••••••••••• aO , r’kOt care for lunch. Anga- Vaaques. Then, as the other nod­ beauty and tender pictures, are all Leona Fortin, aalutatorlan of the mum price. stood for many yeare. In fact, Square Garden's rtog Friday night have b e -i the SI-0 victory. which the proceeding* up te that tim* and and Orivera Face Problem of conatnictlon of the building. there because Father Divine had Claae of '87A chose a commercial 01 value as a pitcher. Manchester Green amaabed out Falcons 2 t o l . began te push the We— Side* hard Megnuam , i g ...... g paikapa jmu would take ded, he. joined them. bom and take color in the family. raised her sister from the dead. The bustoess force is attractively they broke twenty-four and tied when Ughtwelght ^ m p lo n Lou Mancha—er High’s prospecta .of An Interesting piece of history course through her four yeere to an: . Terry and Jackaon lookeo over Am bon and potontlal challenger again— Highland Park to the Twi te protect to—r slim lead. With only n r a n m e of bUllarda i They went down the long flight Getting to New York. aad conservatively dreaaed, and add fourteen major league marks to ad- duplleettog or bettering toe record mar. I feel as though of stairs sUmtly and, at the bot- went with this for when Congress In attempting to get a personal able her to entej; toe bu—ness world. to tba general atmosphere of oeder- ths player matartoi on the Jersey cUUon to -etttog twenty-six new and Enrico Venturi clash to a ten-round League on July 3-----the Hublard- a few mtoutes to go and tbo We— Ofi-aon. I f ...... 0 SPENDS VACA’nON IN . SOUTH of 18 wins and four losses compiled to bare my mind dis- toaa, stopped -suddenly. On the Hartford, Jan. 6.— (AP) —Motor met in this same room years ago interview with Father Divine She realised when she graduated ItncM aad effldeacy. Whenever a t y roeter, and d—aded only six ol tying —even American. League rec­ noa-UUe Ult ' ites score by tontoge was 5, 4, 5, 7, New York, Jen. 6~(AP) — The Sides leading by three p—nte, Fran- SulUvan. I f ...... 0 m ^ the playera are louble-A —aaa.... cto Mahoney and Steve McAdema. floor before them lay Professor truckera, who, a few weeks ago two Congressmen used to dlscuu A trip to the South during the L ^ to e talked to four Negro women from the Barnard grammar school confronted by * curious vl—tor, an ords. Then again, toe New York Ambers has toe kind of a 2 and 8 and the eeventh wasn't during the 1985-86 baaketb—1 cam­ Sprtogfl—d Indiana, a—ttog toiTpaoe ore to. Peart John,” she Shaw. feared their access to New York prublema by this phenomenon. Xt who had been waiting seven hours that ths four years to high echool employee will gradoualy answer to—udtog Jackson, hlms— who will ‘streak” no fighter Ukea. Since played-----33 hlU combined with who had boM mauling and pushing holiday season was greatly enjoyed Yankees celebrated to—r trlumpn paign are {xartleulariy bright at tola In the Interoatlon—-American each others around th* floor aU : with her flashing smlia. (To Be Oootlaned) would be cut off to Darien, face was on the' very spot where the by Bruce Wetklns of ’39B. He was to see the Father and might have to would end school educaUdh. i>v»n« him, giving him hla undivided at­ bo piayer-aianager at third baa*. o f last October by smashing sixteen be won toe title from Tony C U - •even errors produced toe baaketbaU ■con — baifttms, 3g-lg^ f—t « twinge of conscience wait all night. Thess women said tention. Giants’ prea'dent Horae* Stone- •tege of tbe current eesaoB. despite hockey loegue’e eaateni d lri-on , during tbe game, decided at the similar problem to Stamford. boys were standing that a famous accompanied on the trip by his especially Ukee shorthand aad and tying eight World Series rec- sonert sever— months ago, he' ha* figures... .Marathou honors were early revere— by Meriden end C. R—eroo. Blis-1. ■ at the pretty little Virginian Senator waa taken iU and they “f - t blB spirit telktog to them” After seeing all there was'fo see, ham emphe-eee th* —ub wtU not been defeated twice to Important divided between toe Moriartye-Blue- hold teethe belief that toeyYe un­ same Ume that toe todlgntttoe they ttte h—ves Injunction proceedings, dropped father, mother and slater. The trip typing. Her one ambiUon is to be­ orda. Middletown, end the Rod end White had suffered at each etoar’e hasda cast a quick glance died. and when aaked where he w aa they come a good eecretary. aad loeaM ag aa Invitation to eonm be known as the Bkeet*r*....by starts—by Philadelphia’s Eddie fields baaeb—1 eerie* end toe Horl- beatable on their home lee, and I Porest but soon eras talking when, the Darien trouble seemed to the South combined pleasure New Deal for Browaa. buhetoera are hopeful of eddtog mu— come to a a tmmortiate and. solved, will be renewed, Myles W. Following the Capitol tour Sam with bustoesa. Potnto of Interest to replied, "Here, there and every, She is a member of to* Ctommer- again, th* students rod* to the which the former Jersey a t y to' Another reason for graUllcetlon la CooL and by Jimmy McLarnto. arty-OrloIea football aeries, each go­ two more rietoriee to to—r string {xartlcuUrly eg—a— weetera dlri- with Betty, who sat at hU COLUMBU main street, end attended a movia Venturi, flashy Italian fighter who ing five games___ Tbo result, waa one — tbe gone— Ea— SldM wblla Illingworth, execuUve manager of visited the White House. Virginia, Maryland and other south where. W e don’t know where he clel club, e typist on to* Somanbla tematlon— League outfit waa that a new deal has bean aet up to of five before toe first full week, of —on clube. fl—-flghU seen outside e f a prise w m t ba— tor tha Btu. The annua! church supper and the Motor Truck AasociaUon of era states were vi—ted. Among In body, but he to right here to staff, and la on toe CSeaa History Hie knowledge of having seen th* known....but "there'll be no con. 8L Louis, which baa been a aoember would like a lightweight title erhek, t t o . click of the blUlard Then lunch and back to the Waab- wheels of a great business go round 1987 run Its course. They took a tighter grip eo the ring and it took too eombtood —• fuUla bid tor rictaty , buslneaa meeting was held Friday Connecticut, said today. togton Monument which Sam climb­ the places which proved totere—Ing •plrlL” They also aald that Father committee for the clem night —ur - taste to ptek a new name," b* to- of CHIT league —no* 1903. A hustling haa an —together different record: Desk—balL baseball and footb—1 ThU Friday night, toe CUrke- wld to heard aa Ramon —each eog being aa efficient em­ He hasn’t to— a fight to toe'United e— tern ■ector’e fir— place la— night forte of both teams te halt Araerka Wta 1 evening at the hall., At 7 o’clock The difficulty started when truck- ed this Ume— by elevator as It la a to Bruce were Mount Vernon, the Dlvtoe couldn’t be killed because he daea -ata....Rom what Tarry says group of S t Louie bustoess men who are toe three major seml-pro eporta men engage Be— Hartford on the Both player* erere Immediately a moment outside tto btl- has eternal Ufa ploy**, was the benaflt gleaaed States and he’a had aeveraL De­ ^ troua-ng toe ba^e— aeroiand T ba P A J l.C . team i MMss. Satisfled. to walked a aupper of ham, hot dishes, • rolls era started using Noroton avenue -in climb of about 99 ateps—U ( ft. of home of Oeorge Waahington, Honri- "Jax" WtU Boak* more r.nney than ar* lover* of to* national game, has to Manchester... .end It is wortoy Utter’s court end aro confident of ejected from tbe game. When toe «foni 11m trip to tho JfUBOuiiMtto anyone ala* to minor league balL spite hla recent eetbacka. Ambers of note that 1986 f—led to produce F—cone 8-1 to a dull game, dee|flte I Aral plaoa te tot fleam the corridor. pickles. Jelly, cake and coffee waa I>arten because the Post Road route aolld stone. cello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, la walking around the buUdlng. pure baaed the tranchlaa and team gstotog to—r third C C L L> tri­ the absence of their bigh-eeonng me resumed agidB tbe W -d o o M ima as if aothingr and the Masoole Memorial to Mutnal Llfo Insurance Company. and plan on building a flrst dlvUloa rules a 7 to 6 shot •n undisputed champion toiany one whan the game was over •erved by the Ladles Aid Society. In that tosm has an underpass too Next Sam headed for ML Vernon loutoe aoUced door -gna such mi umph In five starts and thereby re­ Ted Saundere, vrbo w— out wltb aa un atarted to pop from tba middle o : dynamlto wiU b s « AagiUqUe bad claimed vlC' Til# buslneas meeUng followed at 8. Oeorge Washington which is locat­ "Angela Only," while li) the banquet —Elsl* BeedoTteTB. club. of them... .Bax.tly*s Royals won toe main to the running tor toe League &of too floor end Ued up tbe emte— low for many trucks to negotiate. the home of Oeorge Waahington E E & STUDENTS VIEW Broadway la looking forward to icjOiy. It w u tbe league’s oaijr them, when tlMg i her opponent. Pearl Th# clerk's report abowa a present Noroton avenue residents object' ed at Alexandria Mlwcmn huge pteturv of him with Aa for making any predictions to Rsc league 4rown bJt the Itangere diadem. This game eempletea tbe scheduledI conteeLc ------to tbe Anal flva seconds wbsn a shot GrtD’a to. tba fla— i where he saw many InteresUiut three and poa—bly four other flghta dtoputed their cage tlUe el—m s .... pat the cues away and, membership of IM , leas than 100 ed, and the town forbade trucks to sights. * —Frances Wallett, ’39B, the dasertprion "Father Dlvtoe Racing^ Notes regard to toe 1987 campaign. 1 real­ fir— b—f of the League campaign by "R sd" Haddan found tbs boo|». nbw, 43-36, Lad-by' SHAKESPEARE n ( GAGERS IN U TIE RACE ly should be content with racittog on to toe near future. toe Green took toe Twl league dia­ The victory kept their undefeated BMMm i Oooms TIu m c M to a seat beside him, being re—dent members, represent traverse the avenue. InJuncUon pro­ Ood” beneath It and Maneheater U —ready looking record on home tee tote— for the "Ruok" RycbotaW, tt|.< X-eavtog here Sam wrent to Arling­ ORASOtAB LESSON my laurels as e primbet a year ago Fir— o the program le tba mid­ dem but toe Blueflelda and Morlar- ahead to the coming of Meriden and Coming Into tbe first overtime, tbe fly: tog 80 famUlea. There have been ceedings were started. They were After a whUe with Fariiar Divine Irving Anderson, leading rtdar at dleweight mauling between ex- ten gam— they have playiMI to started atroogly aafl ri' wem you and my brother ton cemetery where he visited the Tropical Park with 19 wilier*, will when 1 aald that New York would tys bad no Middletown, on January IS and 33 We— Sloes put on a datermtosd danger — loAag tbrir I two deatha during the past year and dropped when aa alternate route uttering no word and appearing In­ AFIER WIN OYER BRISTOl champion Teddy Yaroex, of Pitta- Sprtogfl—d tola eaaeon. tt airo . to tto hallway the night ue- Tomb of the Unknowm Soldier. Mr. Perry was lecturing Vito beooBM a fuU-fledged Jockey Jan make trouble for Detroit and that olea respectively, to obtain revenge for spurt and made two baskets to rapid ive aa extremely two letters of dlamisul granted. Re­ through West avenue waa proposed different to them, the Nunbee “A * Too Like It** Featureg burgh, end Solly Krelger, of Brook­ get no m— k e d ,jh -r fir— victory ot the kfa death? Tou told us that port of truateea shows an income Back at the hotel a banquet waa Agostlnelll severely In Solid Oeom 17. Tha Hoakina, Neb., boy rode hla Chicago and Washington would toe only defeats that mar the 1935- •ueces-OB. Undaunted, tbe W-don biUm of bow u put th9l and accepted. worked themaelvcs Into such a fer­ Lanrence Olivier and Eliia- lyn, wbo recently exploded tba myth la—ye to five gamea over the Falcons. Drug teebi Ued up the score on G not aaea him again after from invested funds of about $362. held at which several Important etry tor saying. “He don’t know.” High Team Ekes Oat Narrow first winner a year ago on 'that —low marked Improvement , Who 87 record. basket much to the O ak t_ ^;SO aiM good night to the liv- However, West avenue In Darien vor that they waved handkerchiefs beth Berflner in Leading of Harry Balaamo’s unbeatabUlty. their unbeaten stride, beakete by Btoa—1 aad Ford only to A new trust fund of f 1,000 has been men spoke N w ely Mark SuUlvan Mr. Perry— If you over say that and the tempsrature of the room, date. He la under ecmtract to W ar­ will win? How will they ItolshT While B u t Hartford hasn’t been the 'In d li— liaven’t been defeated oomftturs The aeori afi; leads into Maple avenue to Stam­ Roles. Margin Victory Aa Seconds Your guess la as good aa mine! Yaroex end Krleger tangle at the Loe— eurpriatog of —I reeulta wae bsvo Chapman of tba W e— Sides ford. and~tha town of Stamford now who recounted hla own Ufa whan a •gain, etc. Say Blretta, how does wvsntllated and crowded with 900 ren Wright, owner of toe Calumet Imprea—ve thus far toU season, toe •tooe December 16. Since that date was 38-lS and tba aaa—r ~ why, what do you received during the year from the be get away with that la Engitoh? - Lose. Hippodrome January 18. Oiarlle Keba—'a eucces—ul defenae a —kemen ere well acquainted with make hla second beaket o f the over­ nothing but a rspeUttoa ( ■■tote of Charles Lincoln, a former has adopted an ordinance closing boy and presented a very tntereat- Negroee became too much for the Farma staUa. Also at toe Hippodrome will be they have won four and Ued two time period. —le ga^>ed, surprised into Blretta—He don’t, of hla town bowling title egato— the HcOratomen'e reputation — games. half. Obuehowaki’a FOa* a resident of Columbia. The tresaur- Maple avenue to trucks, effecUve Ing talk. But t o most totereaUng party, who w—corned the eool out another middlew—gbt battle, fea­ — W. Stonamon, ’87A. Shaksepeere's most beloved pUy The Red and White baaketb—I Johnny H ow ard ....m o— remark­ giant killers and are emrktog hard W ito eeooada loft to play, "Red" bottled up " R « r what 1 eaid.” he answered eris report to date shows all bills Jan. 80. > to the boys waa a O-man. Robert —de air. There la a well-founded report at MACAUeO AND HeCOY turing Prod AixMtoU of San Fran­ The Falcone, who have won but I-addeo agato came torouUa to ‘Ae You Like It,” with superb act­ teem came through with a startling able display of veraatlUty waa pro­ to {irsctioe to be to top form for tbe two games tote eeaaon and art trail- Orill’a big gun. am "You were carrying on' a paid and a balance of 849.98 to the Mr. lUtogworth aald today that C. Hendon. FoUowtog him Jay Loutoe took with her a odpy of the vlctoiy over toe Bell aty quintet Trupxcai Park that Don Meade wUl cisco and Ken Overlto of Norfolk. gloriilorio'ua style to Ue up toe bell game ing aad excellent aeenery, can be duced by Henry "Hank" Haefs to fray. Oa Saturday night, Man- tog toe peck, found le— night’s beet- tormar's pwytag to* k rather to u c h ^ scene treasury. However, large Insurance there aeema no alternaUve fo re­ Jerome WUUams editor of the periodical, *TTie Spoken W ord ” It waa a dose game throughout and be back to to* aaddl* before .-x* HEAD HARTFORD CARD Va. That’s echaduled for January winning the fir— annu— decathlon m ——nktog one from under tbe hoop, leagua makes him a aalfi’i 'Px-rada of Yolitb” spoke Thm Chester traveU down to Bridgeport tog partieul— ly hard to teka Previ- ^ aU wo say? Then. bills come duo this year and consid­ newing the toJuncUon action to HIGH SCHOOL WORLD pubUehod by Father Divine’s follow­ oo^dered one of toe most out- thriniag every moment The dimax winter eeeeon la over. With th* re- 37. crown to ten track and fleld events to tacjcle little Baa-ek High, aenea- T7i#Lgame went Into the aecood over bMth m ttia Rae 1—5 9 1 'Jto_iaft. yon trailed him down erable dUcuaalon was bad aa to the Arthur C Wlmer, a poUUcal com­ tlremaat of the fuU Florida atat* o u -y they had been wbl|>ped by ttait period frith too aeoro 83-83. Darien. A conference was to be held STAFF. ers. It ooatetos arrieles aad adver- ladtog d nema producUoaa of ita came when Bristol tied M. R S. Two nighta later, Jo* Louia . .outstanding display of conslat- tkm of the U — Tale Tournament, •very other league except the In­ ways and means of collecting more today by miecuUves at the aasocia- mentator for na.wspapere After tha tlaemeate which foUow to thto or^ kind. during the. last quarter. Cobb’s foul racing oommle—on. tha report goes Meet in Fentorc Erent of climbs Into the Gardea ring for a eney was Manchester High’s wto- end a team ex{wc.ted to provide a The We— Sides •cored first, much to ih BMOor haa been telling diana. their BupjMiters’ Joy, but from then money. The following officers were Uon with their attorney, Arthur M banquet both Mr. Wlmer and Mr. der: "Peace, spectol rates on beef Bhoottog wen toe game, with the tost Meade wUl make . appUcaUon WrestUof Show nt Foot ten-rounder with Bob Pastor. Paa- ntog of the G. C. L L. track and severe te— for tbe locaU to th—r de- They return home tonight and me, have they?" Ange- Hendon were be—eged -vith quea- Bditor-ta-Chlef — Derotkg "Ae Tou Like It" waa preaented final acore 26-23. ^ for retoatatament to toe incoming tor Isn't rated much of a chance to on, lod by Frod Bee—1, tbo W—don Secretary. Mrs. Alice E. Comlcy, to Bridgeport Schr—her, ’STB. at Johnsons, 31 Mato street Hiaiik at Buahnell Memorial for three con- Goard Hall ToMorrow'Niffht. field laurels for the Sto time to 13 termtoetlon to remeto to the erto- tangle with another fe—-moving —uhlad. "lioVa aee—yes, of Himt: treasurery, Raymond Lyman: Uone YoSi, Father." Tbe^M. H. S. boopeters played a eommlMloiia thifip OIMa teem atertad oa to rictery and took Maaagtog Editor — William seenUv* days laat week, aad waa meeta....to which may be added Blag eolumn for the re— of tbe aea- •eatern dhrtoton team, tbe PbtJa- Rl Y to fair Betty's room is trustees for three yesTA H. B. THREE SCrPOCATED. Then tbe worst day, ^to Sam, was B e -d i taking this lateroattog trtn v ^ fine game and beat tte con-' Meade has bean oa ths fiouad for ^ to th* Garden aad the Hlppo- the perfom aaoe of tbe M.* H . II. eontpiote pneaia-nn of tbo aeortog -de of tto hall isn’t It? Knapp, W B . largely attended by atudents of the Hertford - H a Macalnao. former d-phia Ramblers, who are esehlng so of tba gaoM to go oa to wta. HOi Hutchins; standing committee for upon him for back h o M he came. to "heaven,’’ Loutoe found Ume to fident Bristol teem.' Bristol has almost a y **r. R * waa set down for OBigat* An-Aa*eneaa harkfield drdto* would Ok* to preeint Beat- eroee country team to complettog its to catch up to the Indiana. In the believe anything a three years. H. W. Porter; auditors Calgaiy. Alta., Jan. A — iCana Feature Editor—Barbara Oa- high school, many of whom had been a rival of the Silk a t y for wagering on bora** other than hla tie Freddy Bteel* to a ndddlewelgbt Frod BlaaiU was tbo loadbig play— woman cares to teU .After one of the most enjoyable boon, ’STB. attend the opera, “rrtotaa aad studied the play to Freshman Liter­ ■ter, wlU wrestle Bob (BIbberl Me- third —ralgnt du— roason wltoout only othor eobeduled game. New to tbs W—dm rictery wbOo " Natleaal H. P. OoUtos and Philip laham; dlan Press)—Trapped to their flame tours bo hai had. Ude." a German 19* 1* by Richard some time and this defeat has mad* own mounte to races to which be title defense soon. Freddy reached defeat... .minor upsets were fur­ Haven to at Proridence. N. T. Rangata 7, N. jrau to fallen for her.’ Sports 3kUtoi>--Mteha— Heber- ature. — the rivalry stronger. Coy of Boeton to the star bout at town yeaterday and announced ha Brown aad Ernie Dowd’s efforts A bit his Up to fury, Mmmlttee on religious education. and smoke filled bedroom, three The other boys from Manchester em. ’87B. ^ •g n o r, with lOiataa Flagstad to rode. Bine* being euapended. how­ Foot Guard haU Thnraday alght aa nished by BUI Stnaamon In' bee ting WRESTLING weren’t quite enough to pull to—r H. P. OoUtos, I>hUlp Isbam, Florence young chUdren of Mr. and Mrs. John Laurence Olivier' aad laiaabetb Th* son* defense did not prove ever. to* former B. R. Bradley rider waau 825,000 guareatoe, round trip Lebro Urban—tl for tbe town ten­ Datrott 3. Boatm 3. mg. Angellque.’’ were Frank Ultoao, Russell Roberts, Exchange Editor— Jeep Cuds, to* eaat, wae worth standing three Beigaer were cast In toe u>miinr th* weekly ebowa an rtmiaaqi aft­ I thr o i ^ to —eto^. B a ^ ; execuUve committee for Tri- Taylor were suffocated today. to u n to s e e . A vtolt to th* Colum­ ^ sudaMsful against toe Red and haa kept In condlttcB by axerclatog transportation from th* ooe— for nia title rnd Stan KraJewsU to|i. BBinSH-AMBBIOANS Mmtre— Mamma < » I am!” she sneered, and Arthur RobsrU. ’87B. rotes of Orlando and Rosalind. white because toe Bristol team er th* holiday reeem. By A88(XaATED PBB88 (Nnrphy** Alley*) Upe— Vletory to protect her. Don’t Oounty, Mis . Laura Squier; mlaaion- The dead; Moreen, 8 years old, bia Broadoaattog BtaUan to see the tore* {xersons, aad 15,000 traialag ptofl W alter Btarchewakl for the Ma AeelBteat IkUtae*—Marian Beh­ Mr. OUvler gave aa axoellaat per- chanfled to man to man defena* bc- Maoaluse aad MeCoy a r* two of expenses before he —gna up. New Haven—Glno Garibaldi, 31S, In tbe seoeod gaam ef tbe eventog. was the last peraon to ly r TOmmlttee, Mrs. EUaabeUi John, 3, and Donald, one, broadcast of toe "Saturday Night o ’e >wlauBtnfl honor*... .both Bt. LouU, defeated Ed Meeke, 31g, Uri Ba— SldM overcame tbe favored The children were trapped In _ rend, ’gTB; Jack Gkoekett, 87A: formeaoe. He was exoepUaoally the nnaaeroua eompsay ef former Spriagfl—di, r aunt before ato died NaUeh, Mias Marion Holmas, Mrs. Sam Pratt. ’S8B; Charles Roh- Berenaden*" was enjoyed by Loutoe underway. When Alfred O. VaadarbUt's Air- Akron, Ohio, (8 out of 8 falU ). Iraiaad (4) Btuefielda to rrin 37-19. Tbo Bluo- back bedroom off the kitchen of the capable of enacting the part of Or­ Richard Cobb waa outatendtog ooUag* footban atara who hav* to- And don't forget that Florence Badge; delegatoato Tol. TEACHING AGRICULTURE bina. ’S8A; Herbert Seymour, w ^ aa atteodtog Rlver-d* flam* travelled three furloogs to 88 Reading, Pa— Sammy (foheo. J. Donavon ....luS fiit 111—810 ftolde bed poeeeaeim of tbe ball for tond County Conference of Cnngre- Taylor oottoge. The cottage waa lando. Undoubtedly one of toe most m M. H. 8. during toe erhol* gaine. vadad the pro erreMUng "a a la -a c e J. Stonamon $4 97 94— 276 Kaaaas CRy 3, i^ow tto aota heir to what- ’STB; Oeorge Smith. ’STB; Peggy church and ■meettog D r. Harry secoode flat at B aaU Anita last the day whaa Qua Boaneaberg. on*- 310, Oilcago. defeated King Kong. — lea— three-quarters of tbo game tto dePocasta may ehurchea, Mr. and Mrs. W badly damaged. outstanding qualiUaa of hla acting Hla floor game #as go^ and hla year to eefehUeb a woriirs record, Dugan ...... 92 9fi 113—802 but were unable to hit the hoop with St Paul t. Bt u m .% : „ Woodruff, ’S9& . Emeraon Fosdlck, 'Sunday moratog' a hla perfect dlcUcn. foul shooting won the game. He tlm* DartaMttth gridder, d*cid*d to 310, Kentucky. (Counted out after d they don’t aaam to P«»rtar. After IS GRANTS VOCATION to* young gportamen thought ho H. Trueman 1 .. 99 118 111—828 th—r ehote white tbe Ea— SldM % 1 Utnariana—Lucy Gray, ’SgR; Loutoe was impressed wtth tha beau­ flies Bergner, aa Roaaltod, cannot made all ato tries at t o r comple- take up to* gasM. floaaaahMfl aad L a d Of Ice May Prevent thrown through ropes). took of much dtocuaaton on various subjects ■EDBUOr Am ALS. Francae Hyde, ’S8B. ty c f tne church aad tbe cordiaUtv would never asm aaothor heroo that F. Dlekaon ....lOfl 183 93—800 made almo— every ab— count At TONIGB looksd at __ be given adequate laudation. Ik tiit« mentaiy drcla. He was also • the MeOey eartted oa a food tor a long New— k. N , J.— Hana Kampf—, N*« t o meettog closed at IX o’clock. Reporter*—George Aldea, STB; ^ frieodUnaea of Dr. FoadiclL She eonid travsl so faot Tot yesterday me Ume durtim tbe emte— toe 'sua tfclng to hrowbeqt __ Washington. Jan. A—(A P) — F. "An toad gnat ooU^Kee have role, ah* diapiayed aaethar —d* ef Moorobouee’a abort ttoM aad oa* o f their meettaifl* at­ 330, Germany, and Mstroe Kirilen­ Ea— SldM made five shots to eue- No gamas 9tote a serious accident ElBle Beo—o, *878; txNitae Cham­ also walked around RockefeUer Cen­ ha a n t out Balktog, a d a r t e r e* Center Springs Carnival ko, 318, R u a ^ drew (90 mtoutes). 184 OOfi 53U 1010 and qntta another aatui^y afternoon near New- HeubMln Inc., Hartford. Oonn, u>- eomputooiy studlaa to military ed- her aettofl talent, quite dlffennt ■W* flips helped pU* up the aeor*. tracted a record crowd at Bostoa W ales (9) eee—m from tbe middle oa the Ooor ber*. -aSB; Bltoa Clark, ’STB; ter and VI—tad toe Americaa Mu- H o it m Ii mm) llar|A y m the fleet Balko, to tie to* mark. .Tw o 1—la w ill d a-d* to * wtonar to HarrUburg, Pa.—Hank Barber, I A beautiful girl, furious benya gcrugc on the road to WUU- ]>ealed to the board of tax appeals enoA uadar the dlreerioa o f tha Re- from what she haa ever done on tbe Aitflam * esRted U S pouade, two F. B a k e r ...... 85 84 96— 365 that practically took tbe best out Pblladeipbi* — and spite. Ftaaily Jean (Sarfce, ’SOB; E v«r*tt Goto. ■sum of Modem A rt while to New played a One floor game at tbe tbe McCoy-Macatoeo bout 222, Hanover, N. H.,- threw R u^ loday from nn taooma and profits serve Officer* Tralaiag OqrpA" — 1<< York. screen before. UnlilM most great nwr* than Balking had cm bar back While DO offl— etatement heafi' B. Fleming ...... 98 87 98— 278 at til—r opjMBonta. Tbo cagey Now Havm at — _ to rose to his feet. coupe driven tex levy o f $48,960. ’3TB; Louis Ftoley, ’S8B ; Fianoa* Kuard po-tlcos aad did m uch to Q r WlUtoBM o f Toroato asaete wwe from New Haven, New Jersey Duaek. 318, Omaha (33:05). "b o p ” O p w , aad "D it" -OaveUo, by Thomas Clooaaa of East Hamp- Jack Ormat, graduate efM. R S , (3odla*kl. ’STB; Ixocy (ioodal*. utrsaaea ahe waa not affected, aad been made by the Mencheeter Veb- •afi New York under tba dlrectlao G. Poote .T....101 94 97—392 The eovperatlon eontended the Ctoae o f ’88B, and aow a aophoiaoM ■tee a wonderful trip,” aaya fl>E>lkyed ease aad naturalaeM Pivak up th* acne defense. Jnmptog Jo* Kiqret ih th* aaa—-final Chicago—Everett Manto—1. La form— Uito eebo— hunbrniy, lod the Tula* — Wichita. Ikfcm that tti AngeUque?". commlaslcm of totemal revenue STB; Ray Qo*!**, 'SgB; joha Loutoe, *Trh* opera aad vl—Una •rene AaeoeUtloo. ^oneon eg tbe of Or. H—da E. Berger aad Dr.. Junta, Colo., throw Jim McMillan. B. Brennan . . . 93 188 18(Vr-84b locking the wheelfl and at New Hampshire U nlver-ty, when toroughout to* play. which is restricted to oa* faU. Dummy ...... 84 96 93—373 to asatatoly me erred In computing tha oorporaUon'a Hamlltoa. '89A; Aim Howsrth. •heaven’ were the moat esdU ag O C T V n aO B E D There wUl be th* nMBl two pre- pe— two Man-meter Ice CamlvaU Moses Roger* of New Havas. - The Antioch. JU., back drop, iai:89. ato Bounead out of the o w ^ almost beyond Interviewed tor t o "World” during ’SSB; Irooe Johnacii. ’8SB; M ar­ part# of It." ~«i«ig —M a ^ Behrend, ’37B. Tula*. o U a . —flevea raatdeata Urge— number eg amateur akaten 1988-1984 textoto toeo^e^ilto tha Chriatmaa vaearion. H ln eriee. In aaa, frim k Judnm on Center 8{irlnge rlak, Uek eg lee Ban Fren—era Mag Mountain — flemway ato tamfld Ifo. Cloonaa suffered a proflte. . garet ICeCBitaa, ’89B; OUv* —PbflflT Woodruff. >8981 ^■Imfl Mayor T. A. Peiuiey tc "sup- aver to exhibit in Manchester were '■456 484 618 1458 woton knea-c^ and bad cute and Jack la prepeitag to teach "High MORE fonaar Harvard ceaeh, tokM oa Leo at thU date U expected to eliminate Dean. 317, Loe Ang-ca, defeated ® »m _ t o r aboutoar, M etcalt 'SfiA: Marian Otooa, GitTB POST ON tes" Adolphus, a Great Dane lUtod on tbe 1996 lee Carahr— pro­ BUI L o o g ^ 313. B—t Lake. hard ttom a «n «-»g to n lM t o usual the lighter vehl- School Vocarioaal Agriculture" by ’88B; FtUela Ptotrowakl, ’STB; Hyatt of New Hsam— re; la tk* any poaetblUty o f boldiag to* sev­ gram. fiURIMG TBE HOLIDAYS . MAET MALOOUf WEDS OOLUEGE PAPBB owned by Mr. and M m <3yde Stem- PEP JN>WER Lincoln. Neb.—Chief LltOe Bea- Bogloofi (1) ■tudytog "Teaehera* Tratoiag to M ary Bmlth, *878; F -t h 8tev«a- QUBSnONNAntlB ON 8AP1ITT other Aniolo Ostohn of New Haven enth eami— eveot thU year. The r . Rolmoe . . . . 73 96 herfler. clelmtag the dog trampled Tbe Urgeat group to show U— ror, 330, North Oaroltoa, defeated 97— 364 ■ Pamat. Pm noTa driver Agriculture," which Includes orgaa- aco. ’SfiB: ORarjorie Taylor. STB; E(X)NOMY taailee wtth Braas Bohert e f Gar- annu— lee show, yearly atteaded oy ye—’ was tbe b-Ut eg tbe New B. Au tin ...... 100 98 w «•—(AP) — Mary "Tony" Oryk, ’34. has reeenUy njw b *^ upset' garbage cans auuiy. Jack PmateOy. 335, Daltoa, two 93—386 yuH a r any of the Injury. The aeddent ocen? lo chamletry, phy-ca, boteay. agio- Haieri Toman. ’STB; Fraaeas Wal­ Twenty questions ooncemlng' th* WMk toe Urge— crowdi to attend out­ Haven Whetlng club under tbe dl- A. Stevenam .. 94 96 99—388 MalcoL-t, grand-daughter of the I M elected Oo-8pacta IMttar of To AdolphuF defense 37 door fun—lone, depends to a g n a t fa n a a a to f three. ousel" y _ about 4 •'dock* when rain tanS aomy (tha study of soils), aad mili­ lett. ’39B; Frank WUeca. 40B; enforcement of motor vehicle lawa. ra etto o f Dr. Meeee Rogers, fonner- Dummy ...... 136 108 99—838 « CREMO f’«Maa.Biigllah aetrea.. Lily Lang- tary aelaaea. ‘*nie caaik News’’ of erhlcb James ePUdren. They signed a peUUon pro- ■iOBlABTrS TO PBAOnOB- degree upon the weather, tbe coo- MtonpapoUe —Farmer Tobto, 380, «rt»;««iade w m m ty poor, and Arthur WtUrie, ’40B. and the poaelbUlty of having bley- Toman, ’88. la editor. “Toay“ tor- ty o f toU town. D r. Hulda E. Bur- ti>. 1^ marriad today to Mr BaaU The 1,900 reglatecsd studento ro- cle etatutae, were answered by all ‘orttog he was Juat a Wg. frlrmiiy, dttion at toe loe on xjeator Spriaga ger oontributed h— ladles tour- P w -g e ^ OKe.. threw Tony Felice Bartlatt, actor and nawapapanaan. Tgptate: Ruth Btmen. ’STB; merly was a tepottefr He also la a puppyo BO worst tekaa oUmw otlsii*^ 803 387 886 USD e -v e Burks twice a year after three Fiaaoea DowUng. ’STB; D oro^ H . .H . fl. Mudente Just before Ol M«My RcroaM. A b taaportant meetl iig aad pcae- {xmd and —lied factor*. •ome. MUe Edna B. Harrii of Hack- HOLIDAY BRB Bha la to daughter of sir Ian of tbe Osrk Unleeratty toih M doga. Mkior Fanaey weigb- -as of the Morlarty Brotoen' laad ( • ) Wton bour exams at this outatoadiim nal- Jewen. ■STB; Ida OrflteUL ’STB; Otxkgmnm vnoation. Tbe quaeOcn- L a - roar deaptta tbe sold weath­ •naaek. N. J „ aad tbe MUaee Bally J. McMepemy , I I Ato kAlcolm. Tba .Archbi—'cp ^of Can- Glee a u b which is seli*dnMfl'’to sp> tlMs r u M Adoipbue baeketbell team wto be b—d at the er on February 8, fi,(l00 persona . 78 78 lO i— 847 A t T o o t Ikyarits O riakii« n m t , ▼errity «< which Priacip— s S o a M. Albetta W llklA *87B; BKhar ■* **»• Mfoly Manchester aad Jean (Nilotta e f PUaeantrilU. rbnry. baad of t o Church of Bngr p w St tba BusbaeD MMtwrlal M ’^h m lte’t be peaMiaad Jaat because State Armoev 'tomettow alght at 9 from all parte of toU state and Maa- The Ubtyenlty o f, Oklahoma, McCollum . . . .110 97 78—3M6 Bailey la a graduate. TUlyaa, ETB. toatmedon campaign carried oa by Hartford aometlina dnrtim, Fehro- he la big." N. T. T ^ featured todiridiul diqflt* a eomparatlv—y uneucce— G Duneaa .. 80 ^ 1 109—8UU lAnd, partorBead .tha osremony. the Ooanaetieut Motor VchlUe De- M otor Sales, Inc. oTeM aad Maaanr fruhot Bad- aaetamette riaitod O n ta r Iptlaga *»y . - I'- •hater Uat ye— wae WUUam J. Na- fol fopthan BsaaoB. pOed up ifioe T. McCArtlty . . ^ U e ll» 119. - 8 7 f i THE CREBfO BREWING parttowaL The mayor la a aia-foot. 300- dM raqiwrta an ^E ^on to b* pt«s- park for tbs caralvaL Tha Caa- ■gU og Rutherford. N. J.. a menb— — EL Toeoan. ent ptotapOy. tured — ton at tbs IflM aantv— yards by niahtog to w iy I . I A f — Ntw Briteia, Oaaa. - I ag tbs U. E. Olyatyie gk—Ing teaiu eppofUBta^ M 417 4OT .U?'' trodoeag aad of tha __ kgr tw eidyafa awmbaca waa bayoad •»’* ” *■“ **• tala greeU I a y Ibadiat hopai to a M to ooraarlttee wwR. The to-1 $1,600,000 Goes rsqnesc far a tBoa B o «,______, tal number o f bills httroduoad far the IPOUCE board HERE! atotfs there I Agaii ta Ufa for tte asaraga faBS- ' "Tko aiaaibara of thia Sonata, ro- 19M AeasioM both o f a pubito ^ With Divorce meat h tm ie 1 fim a which tbs deaper purpdre of danmetatte gov- IAS faidlaaa of party, fbca a great re- private cbaractar ia both Hoose aadi eomplalat'eaa Hits Baby Marie FASCIST PR O BUH ernaant fa to aaalrt aa areny o f Its kpoaalMUty ta the people e t tbla Senate waa 8,168 and of this aum-l DSCOSSES I ^ N S ,>?*talt a iie o B was appotnted oeoM not evre aurmfac’.'and that It atata. tnider the leadenblp of her only 79* ware passed. I I tart night Tha board reoaived a iw- FDRJANDARy26TH was thatr deffalto tatent aad axpao- Ooramor Ctoaa a far>reaehing and ^ t seems to me tbat a mimber o f I tfy tt tbrtr tatter ffoas tbs -Man- [ACES JAPANESE ttetr cendlttima r t Ufa, to retato an tatfan that a Mbatal tatorpretatioa DELAYS progreariva iwagram baa bean out- Hterty whfah does aot ad- hi tte veers to aoaas would xtva gli to billa are Introduced la every saasloai A srtq c Madleal Assoototlew aanti Annsal Meeting to Be HaM In fanta his anartasrets kaad. The program tacludea tba la- tatoto at the oorreetloB o f aoare ob­ [New CiM BtM Mr It hfert- taem tart weak to nomtoate a doe- f ' * vatotiy affoctg e c ttte < lr telghboTS, and to tte Onaigfns tte s u m relative pow­ brnfa tte Ufa oral 0 ^ otgaaiBatioa at our ateU depart- jectionable coodltloa or practloea la I tor Cor a ragnlar poUoa surgeoB and [Wl linte Molten if tcf- Parana lha tepptnare whieb eomos ers oter new nattenal prebtom aa Army uid Nsvy Cliib— Con- alastfan to tte Pa| aaaata ia tba lataraata o f eoanoaty, community life whieb adght weU ba| with soeuxity and an. opportunity they thanwalvas gava to tte Oon- ▼ano Cniairman Now.' t t te fa not ootnpel f-|“ •tatatant IB tbelrtter Uw ooBH PkriuwM WM Be Fer^ far N onatlonaad eulturo. Puses Anodwr ResHeu the tmprovamant o< our ayatem of left to oorrecUoa by poUle aentl-l i i c d to F om at Meet' mtaafanara were Informed that tt| greaa ever t t e national probtom rt bod, t e will hare to mlaor ooorta, tba providing of funda t o BvMi wUh our jwreret reoovary their day. proiMukd obalr. OtMnU meat aad aot by a Statutory 1 bad b o a dtaeuaasd by the sasdioali Hbtert AttoMl Gater- The annual meeting for election to oociaet our Snandal poaitioa and meat. • | te Decide Whei ft RecMK we are far from the goal of that o f offlcera o f t a Manchester Vet- $te Holy Fatter ivLaitNighL but they wlabed furtbMr Thare are far- In pie son ting to the ooaveatlon Night; Per^Bial PhjsiciaB to properly care for tba needa "May I urgb upon you tba prompt! ttom to oontadar tbs matter beforel ersM Aorociatlon will be held to t a moot to a altttng peoHfafa itk a F M i- our dtlMna tbrougb, tba enlarge- inf at Hotel Bni still with ua for the first haatri draft rt the Omstl-. to ovarrema aona rt tte organisation of 00m ottoes »twi tbe| "** ktog a recommendetloc. but which dsmoeracy must find solutions Arm y and Navy club tonigbt at 1 at IfwnphU, maat and laaprovement o f our bn- prnmlssd to do so. feaei, Obeerren RreficL tutioa, IMmuBd Randolph exptotoed .SO. AU post oomiunden whose Ready for EmergeBciei to braafatog te hM had ■pleyaa Uat commencement o f tha real work o f I Thomas J. Rogers, the new if tt fa to oonakler ttsalf aueossrtuL tLat It waa tte puipose "to Insert 7 maaa iaatitutioaB, and tba paaaaga the seaalon. Let Us dispoaa o f asj units are affiliated with the asso­ Asthma, on* qt tte man] tka.aatoBMttw la- of lawa devoted ta/ttaa welfare I her o f tbs. board of police commls%| Stete senston and toun represen- For axampte many mlUioM rt laaentlal prtoripUe only, lest ths op­ oompUeattog hfa lltosas. many o f tba larger controversial j Amarieana atiU Uva to babUqtioaa ciation ort requested to oentaot VatloM Qity, Jan. $ ^ (A P )- v tel* MAteriftto iMtf labor and tba aocial waUara o f Itetives fRMtt Hartford. TbUand. jB lgfo. Job. E —(A P )—T te Japn- eration e f government should be matters as soon as possible and aot j !?**“ ■•**■ given aa opportunity which not only taU to provMo tho rioggad by randoriag tboae provl- sufficient delegates from their Sinktog spells to which Pope PI oar dtlawia. To this program Ra- let them aecnmulatagatil tba laatj I to odnelally meat tba members of Windham and Nsw London owmties BCM $HttUaaMBt,jr*eonveBlsg Jasn- groups to conduct the aimual bual- ^ pabUcans aa wen as DemocraU FRENCH IROOPS and state offictola wiu be gnmte 06 ary 31. may te forced to dseli pbyaiea) tenants o f modem elvUlaS' aloM pormaaent and uaaltsrebie XI frequently drifted te t a border­ GDUERSAWAir days o f the seaalon rriira they might r department ties but breed diaaase and Impair whteh ought to bo aooommodated to ness meeting. c line of uncoiwcleuanees. w en 1 •iMtha **>*‘*' eupport have to be deposed of without that jla st B ^ t TIm members o f tbs the Connecticut River Bridge - whother Japan fa to beoosto s F i OrganissUoM rapreaenUd and Icommlssloa gatbered at tha pohee clatioa at a dinner meeting to the d r t state under mlUtaty luls; pout- t a baaltb r t future gaasratlono. times and evanta." ported today to have hampered hla *^1'^ dfot «py bopa tbat conalderatloa-which they abould re-1 With a bettor understaadtog of from which are expected delegates recovery lor t a last 48 hours. LEHMAirS tiMiB (th « onion) nnloB) pullpuU I this aaadon w ill accomplish much oetve. leourt room at 6:80 last nighlsad READY TO START ballroom o f Hotel Bond, Hairttoid. leal ohaerven predteted todty. TIm BMOAot iflUfti not omy I& tlM ovt. n at*a tba eatjr Slum araaa r t t a vary largo elUas, our purpeaee, and a more to U U l^ t at tonight’s mesUng are: David Mo- Informed sources said t a Rely and will toko a notawoithy place In I also suggast to you that j after the men Uned up they ware to- Tueadey, January 86, a t 6:80 p. m. I f tte army holds tte dppsr Catm Chapter, Disabled American to 4ad how atroog Urn I formed by Gbalnnan iv e r iiijj Nm^w bsiid, ttere sources said, a m lllu ry but to many amaller dttea as wall. le e e ^ tio n r t our needs aa a na- Father’s medical attondMta w« tba blatoiy o f this state. I am there- with due regard to the volume r t The date was set during a ticn. It Is not to be assumed that Veterans of ta World War; Ward being called repeatedly to rally him ne^Dttjr kaowa bow away fora doub^ grateful to you who oUguehy—rule t e a small group— It axlBta on teaa o f thousands r t after a hour talk srith _ balooff to Ul6 business to be handled within tha I •» k - K ^ FOR 1HE BORDER tog of the executive commRtee of there will be prolonged failure to Cheney Camp, United Spanhdi War from the attaeka have so grM tly honored ma by my the amoctation to the Band Hotel sp eared more prohohto than a tannk fa varying degress, fa every eonvteta!*^Ha decUnad to aay ^ ijla 4oaY kaow. Tbay don’t time limited under tba ConaUtution [ complete dtctatorshlp bring leglelativs and Judicial action Vetersms; Anderaon-Shea Post, Vet­ Dr. Amlnta Milanl, t a chief phy^ dacUon aa aa bSlear of what I am I °° Tnmlss*ooer an oppor- this noon. Previously f „ part o f t a oountry. erans of Foretgn Wars; Mons-Ypras h* bad told t a gorernor. yWaka^r kaowa.'^ you grant freedom of debate and I tnnlty to meet tba m— He effiS One) On tte otter band, t a army may , Aaothar example la ta prava- Into eloaer harmony. Means must ■IclM, waa reported to beve spent sura win be a aaadon o f which we not invoke the previous question sarly to December tto meet­ bs found to adopt our lagal forms Poet, British War Veterans; Yan- all o f laat night to the itopal apart' Talka With Yi I'a praatdMit aald erlll aU be proud.” lu|m Ortmtnlsslnnsr Rogera Tta coafenBoe gave te ejeetod from t a doatinant inia lenco rt aa un-Amariean typo o t T te dlstiUstriet attorn tbat "Bo ana uatoa" more than la naceaaary. to re-1 ing waa postponed because o f a oon- it baa played for t a laat five yean and our Judicial Interpretation to the kee Dlvlilon Veterans Association ttsnta within oaU tor m eiMrganty. TWoyaara ago organisation of "W e each receive the m untocent | . B» a brief talk tha new commls- P p ^ todiqr th at & German G « end I fiiet to dates with a caucus of Dsmo- tanaat fanning. I do not auggaat and the Army and Navy club, The Cardtoala heading oongrega- Sanuel Rtninel, S3. Um aole col- i^ e r aald tbat be did not fM that to determining tte Empire's pen- that every farm fam ily has tte actual preaent national needa ot t a the Sanau waa delayed for more aolaty of $800 for a Uennial term Italian.__ replies • . ---- to---- theBritish Brit ,i«i I I crmtle saiuitoM. .. largaat progrearive democracy to Lawrence Convena of Ward tions, or executive departments, of 30, M d Doafalek Zlsao, 8B- ' kUKatalaff asaacy o. Oen- than M hours because o f a contest I unknown to the members parity ta earn a aaUsfaetory Uvfag toslsted they te re r kasor a T I Workera aeta fortb "bur and also receive aa abundance o f j A t tta meeting the immartiare Foreigs Mtofator Hadtiro Arita, tte modmn world. Cheney Ckunp, United Sputish War tbe church have been asked not to for president pro empore and derk. criticism, pair crltldam la whole- j r t ^ department and be knew an I uirfavorable, rranee aad Cheat Brl-1 Bsed for a new bridge across the on Ita own farm. But many thou- Veterans, la ta preaent chairman leave Rome beoauw of tbe pontlfTs waa. to be .eoninltta(i llfa Ldlaafly'aad uiinriataltahly, ^ kta* the past years, Itata wouM order a naval blockade! I however, ta a nation-wide broad- Tbat thought leads to a consider­ n - . . — , . 1 ^ deadlock was broken after some aad helpful; aad a strong op- 80 Oouisctiout river between Hartford at tart Bigbt, daetored amphatlort- aaada o f tenant farmara Indeed ation rt world problem. To go rt t a Joint vstwans group. T te lUnm , reUable souroM said. thra* to die an •tataa Q a p ftn y t l owre than 100 baUoU erban tba three poaiUoa p a ^ Is sasehtlal to good ta said, be bad bssn farelto/^I,tbe Spanish coast I aad Hast Hartford, and construc­ moat o f tham—with aoms flnanrial asaoclaUon was farmed three years Offletal reports said the Pope's DIonae, 81, Joseph t w M Manrtiaator and H artTM and neutrality. JTapan haa no totentlen r t am- no further back than t a beginning and Salvatore Beatta, 1$. ■ coBcmatora ware la Oe-1 godallsU aUled themadves with U eglsiatioa. Therefore we should not tion plans which have been prepared -BCtns Mtectsm* aialitanca and with aomo advloa o f thia century, man aad w em n ago to sponsor t a annual loe Carni­ eondtUon was unehanged this morn­ to arraaca a coofor- Republicans, thus outvoting the let mere critiotam disturb us but let | to his work to Hartford had an on-1 ^fta Italian answer was awaited and trafafag, oan te made satf-aup- Now In Ita fifth and best adttloa, *T3oId DIggen of 19Sr’ cornea fa ing M d that .te had pssssd a rela­ reported to hare ’ yslgHafi' hl(b OMcutivea o t I for It, will bo explained. AJmort hfa entire sMach waa d averywhere aeektog cmidlUona of val and BaU. Democrats 18 to 17. us be concerned only with so trans­ p o r^ ty tomeet rasayef themem-!S‘’ta?tari]y aad the Freacb am- voted to a dafenre r t bla 'aevaraly portiag OB toad which can eventual­ ta State theater Thursday, Friday and Saturday, arlth Dick Powall tively calm Bight salves to death. iMOtan and Icadera of tba tarsof the Hartford deportment fj* — tar to Berlin, Andre Francois-! Invitatioiu wUl be aent out to the Ufa very different from those which Warden LearlS E. The Sanato began its deUberatlona acting our buatoess ao as to reserve sar future by the invitations com- eritldsad anO-Commimtam paet ly balong to them. T te nation would were eustomaty before mqdani to- aad Joan Blondell. heading an all star cast which Includes Victor Moore, ReUable eouroee reported, how- after Its members were admhds- the approval of Ibo people of the In trips taken at dUTerent tbaea to i '*** expected to bring! with Oarmany. te wtoo to offer them tbat ehanoo Glenda Farrell, Osgood Perktoa, Lee Dixon and a score o f HoUywood ever, the pontiff, wbo Is 79. raUtoed grey-halred Robert G. S. Vartia, V. A . W. state. many of the states to the Unloa sad Adrtf Hitler’s aasw j ^ t t o e o f which WUlard B. Rogers ventien and modern todiiStoy end elal executioner, to be ready, terad the oath of offloe by Dr. Sattl. . Japan, te aald. Is "aerloualy Initead r t permitting them to go modern eommualeationa bad 00me favorites to addition to 800 beautiful dancing girls. SCHOOL (W R E N PRAT his strength at mere Intervals to lid ha had assured the The severity of the mahogany ‘ The House rules o f the former also to trips outside o f this country I ***“ *» sahtoet tomorrow. I I H**'Hmd and Manchester Is what they described aa vtrtualty un­ form his duty. A t t a mmlnnaa. Tha program for tha threatened" by Chtoa’a tendency to along aa they do now, year after into being. Tba World War, for James r . Deway, Dd-j panded chamber waa reUeved by session, which I assume wtU be I ta ^ bad opportumty to oomo to plte tbs reported double mlll- EbUbevUm “which may even excite mitigated pato. Lawea arrangad speeial IllWim ^ ma------» ^ tall ta arranged by a year, with neltar future aeourity aU r t Ita tragedy, encouraged these MoDonaM and John IS.I ‘ « * e d adopted by us, provide among other m ta e t with poUoe, b ^ m aa offl- ptopam to eompel o itn a to declare war on Japqa.” as tenants nor hope r t owaerahlp o f FORTHERETORNOFROT Is Mere-Ristlsss mlto (or t a motban and (a< that the union would co- tblnigs that the Speaker shall pre­ d a l way and to tbs natural coureee Ib«t an effort to gmakere committee o f John R. and stimulated s U ...... actiou to t te BsM who win eon aroimd the presiding otflcer's desk. Moefa AeBtateaea Um F homes nor expeotation r t bat­ fulfill there new deslroa. PRESIDENT CALLS ON CONGRESS HASTENS His n lfhtA during which t e suf­ The Sanato named this slate of serve order and decorum. Judglngi one would contact poUoe. U ^ t a t e a ^ to ed re the troubled | Relteaieyer. city editor of the Hart- Tba foreign minister aaaeTtiil fers agonise from his swollen Itys aot mass aaecutipn to from the fact that the House *— ^ had long fe lt ta said, that the **tatoe tba clvU aad former SUto Sen­ tering t a lot rt their chlldran. Many national govaramanto aeem- (Osattouai from Fags Om ) 1911, whap seven men wobh' Te Oentaet I doorkeepers and nwissinigrrs: Japan itoeded totetnational coopera­ ad unable adequately to respond; Md t a eompUeations rt old sgs, ------wbstbsr tba I Doorkeepera-Bdward dancey of never,had a seigeant at arms be­ police department of i^Ifin ryw r h ft ttr t r I ^ Bgnto without the threat o f a ator Mkhrsurd N. AUen. tion "to defeat Communism" but ■ooial Boeurity COURTS TO COOPERATE NEUTRALITY MOVES are much lees reposaful. they i^ d . death to OM night. cause aot necessary to preserve de- 1 Another national problem to tte and, often with the Improvement ae- *T don’t know ot anything an- had lOBtactad oorpota-1 Aaaoitia, Patrlok J. Hogan o f Iferl' rampared was well up to work and| Tm ni.iii.i ,1 The cost o f tha dinner ia being fl- empbastosd thare was no ralaUon- aret r t t a itiaesaa or t a people thM t a days. Mrs. Pearl Klmmal. corum, I feel that notwithstanding tata the piivato “ M ta by ^ aata of e n g r a r e d ^ fatalUgant development of our ao- oouragtog,” ho aald.Id. " I hope the mothw r t OM r t t te afa> __ but a rdlmhle source I ^ William ODonaeU o f East ship bstwasn tte OermsB pact and themselves, new fo r m r t govern­ COM wUl be over soon, but I can’t He spends hla araklng daylight ' had aot at aa early boor **iBdm. Archie Gauthier of Soot- certain pcdltlcal rumblings, wo shall any FascistV form of govornmant ctol aeourity system, tte broadening FOR GOOD OF NATION (Oontiimea from Page Oae) hours, those sourosa said, altsrnat- after vfalttog har oon i-Alntaln the good reputation of the b jr jv s s r '.s a? o-i-rsia; I?"***** “ «relUtecfe 8 ment were set up with oligareby sav it arUi be at any particular jMd, WUUam Boarim of Bethd and ^ t c h o f tta proposed bridge, the vThelien Partlamant meets, the par- o f t a aervtcea tt renders, and prac­ taking t a place e f democimoy. In tog brief buatnesa talks arlth doatog husband Aha, a toUor, House because o f tbat Innate com­ tical imprevamant to Its operation, gtoee Inspired tha legislative drive, tim e." up and plaeed hto faith la labor dtuatloo o f Woodstock, The comedy she portrayed at state MU aad Ugnature of Gov- tire nn sxpeetod to launch attartm ollgarehlee, mllltariem baa leapt (OBBtianed from Peg* Oae) Dr. Mattson, his son, «vnitoin, and pray®?- mon sense and good Judgment which ta tor iSTmutum^mirrt *ta Rtvto^- "Baby BCarie” Osborne to movie to overthrow ta mtoiatry rt Pr^ la many natiohs whare such laws loaded part o f hla ehipment on a 71111 morning the Pope eras suta^ that Govarnor lohman ^ la two saadons k» s r i S T T ? * * ^ * '^ * * * * ^ New has always chaiaeferlsed its mem­ oertifleato uriU forward, while to those natiOna and hto daughter. Muriel, made sep­ ta tar|£22*“ “ ^ Pdar Conroy of Bart- 00th the offloen and tho mim, I rim it?!!S t*” fllms years ago was misting for certify that tta purchaser la aa mter Kokl Hlrota. halt tte trand an fa rttaet, sucoaaa fa moating the which have retained daaoeraoy, Spanish vessel to New York harbor. dently rested to hear mass roettod his oon a Ufor by 001 bership. t a stats o f the union before a Joint The work was halted late lost night, arata trips away from tte home Mrs. Maria Dempsey, top photo, origtoal epooebr o f tha bridge. which they say fa toward Fascism attyactationa rt t a eommunlty has mllltariem has waned. Senate-House sesatoa. during the evening, each returning death Raeeid eit Bevvies and restore actual Parllamentaiy coma through frequent amendment but If the ship abould depart before *Tn conclusion permit ma to say I aa the told' ta Loa Angelee court Attoadtog^tbe meeting from ir«i.- Soulh American Vktt Representative Rayburn, the after a short tima A Seattle auto­ tbat har husband, a ttasl work- chastor were Elmer A. Wadaa. nraa- government to t a bountry. rt tte original atatuta. I.have recently visited three ot Democratic leader, visited the Chief tbe resolution Is enacted, Oongreas I have a profound reqiect fo r the The huge cash settlement o f could do nothing about It mobile brought tam unidentified f toast last etgar I .*dd be bad resigned bis General Assembly because o f itsj -as ar, stayed out late, showed up btant o f the a e e o c la tio n T ^ The storm of ahti-mlUtary and And, o f eouiee, t a moat far- our sfatar rapubUcs to South Amer­ Executive aad reported bis desire couiilea to the house to mld-evonlng. '"fh iS ' accept one of the mea- $1,600,000 was won by Mrs. for breakfast with lipstick on anti-Faaciat seafimsht brete wten reaching and t a moat facluslv* ica. The very cordial recepticni The State Department last night record of service since its origin ™- Rmlly Mllllken Lambert upper tlto DUto, aecratayy o f tho aaaocia. tor sw ift action to tbe Spanisn A middle-aged Tacoma man and report Jhat p "**^ **- ___ der the adoption of fundamental bis face, and claimed the lip­ tioa. and Richard Martin, tte government announced, on prebtom o f all to that r t unemploy­ with whlpb I WM greeted were to crisis. For the moment, questions reluctantly gave the second Ucenaa woman Joined them toalde. photo, with the divorce which stick was bars, when she "knew November 35, tte atoning of tha ment aad t a lack of economic bal­ tribute to democracy. To m the of Federal spending, relief needs, to Richard L, Dtoeley of San Fran­ THE NEW Oenaral Motors orders. For many years ws carried ^ wae granted from J. D. o f tha publlci^ conunittee. A t San Francisco, Police lie u ­ D f T i n aODSB K tatter." She woo a dlvores. aaU-Oommunlet accord. ance o f which unemployment to at outetaadtog observation of tbat vtelt monetary and similar problems were cisco for a 84,607,000 shipment of tenant James Malloy said a m n a pay as you go poUcy unUl it Wooster Lambert lower photo, Othare who ware guesta o f Mr. Secret Treaty ^ladtb?***^ Hartford, Jaii\g_ > aa Impossible to do so because of fosaarka to make.|_The Portuguese reply to the Low tr photo shows ta r at tbs Rogare at the luncheon meeting once t a result and the symptom. was t a t the masses at the peoples subordinated. planes, rifles, machine guns and am­ under the name o f William Sydney - B d lN u - multi-millianaire sportsman —»! *^.?**f? tata8 #moe Mr. Bpieas | ^tanco-Brltldi volun-l apptarad when she was tha first The public felt t a government ot all the Americas are convinced Prior to the President's appear­ munition. be great .depraaiioin. We have man- I former pharwiacal offl- Una noon srere Judge d The Immedtote question rt adequate Blair, 60, being queaUoned after be aipubUcaa, o f Sahaburv. toda« ged our Institutions with efficience. | caned rttention t^ tbs reportort o f the ta m to eltber aide to Spain be ban- baby star o f tta films. bad played it false to negotiating relief for t a n e ^ unemployed who ta t t a democratic form of govern, ance, t a vast Democratic majori­ Dineley sold his entire contract acted peculiarly, confessed a small dta. Monthly peyments tor sup­ year w U ^ showed B a ta o f Boltqp, Edward U New^ a trrety to secret and political meat can be made to succeed sad do POPULAR MARI With very ra/e exceptions we have I tart “ta.was described^ ^ ^ Sr^B office | » t a e r o f RockvlUe^ Chariea Whlt- are capable rt performing useful ties to House and Senate gathered called fo r about $9,000,000 worth of bank robbery and admitted he waa given the state a long line of able port .of their two sons »i««» were Jtat no n^bar of the department | “tempoi._ leaden frankly attacked a eonoeal- not wish to substitute for it any for a Jovial, cheering eerslon at 1 goods, includlng.,gas masks. In Tacoma the night young Mattson 855 Bfaln Street - BoMn$w " ■ Ureey, former State Seruitor AUeo.' ed military policy which they aald work, I shall discuss with the Qm- other form of government. They ?irs2S5rii,!£|'’ r s : aad brilliant oinclala; and a learned awarded Mrs. Lambert who had naan brought brtore the board I ___ Portugal,------tba ooi'ly one e f the! giees during t a coming months. p.,m.. (eastern standard time) to "W hat right does anyone have to waa abducted. **WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP** an areatings at which tbaledved a total of m votes to ge eharged mental cruelty- on oomplatot and hoped that the Mtaclet Moe o f imtoma to have CtaunosyThompson. Mr. RUtemeyw might lead dlneUy to Faeclam and believe t a t democraclee are best count the electoral vote telling the and splendid Judiciary. Our system or o f Hwtford. John Rooer o f n i»t- The broader task of preventing u$- call me unpatriotic?” he asked. "W e A t Spencer, la., Police Chief R. A. y oad tba Praaidsnt east for Rep. John D. Tboma S o f highways is ucsureaasod by any •Bswered, w ja eald to bava raiaed a mlUtaty dictatorship. able to cope with t a changtog pro­ story of tbe November election. The got this business away from foreign Peterson announced he aras holdtog aanarat Ifotors crisis I Waterbury, & Democratic munbev o f objeetioua without Sat-1 OBITUARY t e S r t S i’barren S.Ompto The Minseito P a ^ . which haa a employment to a matter r t kmg- blem o f modern civiUsation adUito state. We are noted for our educa- 2 ^ *2 3 2 y S ”"* rangea evoluUmiaty policy. To that Republican minority was on hand, nations into this oountry where a bearded, bushy-haliad man who gathering of tbs fo r the SpiMkership. tlcnal facilities, generous In our Cieorge B., Gilbert o f Middletown ^ ta “ *** dlemigeed by Chief ly inJsctinginjecting ^the plan. j plurality to the Lower House, bee themselves, and t a t democracies too, and had two opportunlUea to Told officers '‘gangatera miattaated Bell, a veteran member o f the chaplain. mapped a campaign contending the wa must continue to give our beat are beat able to maintain peace t a r e is need for It." THURSDAY SPEC! support o f charities, and fa ir to our Gordon and the poQca board went Spoculauon was raised r»««f the shout—when Maine and Vermont Dummy Company ma at TacomA’ M d mentioned ” a . - dao started bis ahith term treatment o f business and industry, Bradley’a surprising' defeat was executive aesaion. They Itallea answers might r j n e r a l s * pact has seriously Impaired Japan’s thought and effort. We cannot as­ among tamaelvas. were credited to A lf M. Landon o f good looking Uttle boy arrepped up to a query. Secretary na a member from Salisbury I be similar. D good relations wttb ta United sume that Immediate industrial and The Inter-American Oonference, Dineley declared hla company was which on the whole to date consti­ by a 5 tp 8 acore, with one ballot session but a short Urns Elmer CL Knofat to a ebeet” R would be only "spec- By a vote of iss to 91, Judge Informed opinion was that a SUtee, Great Britato, CaUna aad commerotol activity which m ltigata operating on these fundamental s "dummy” for several munitions tutes a record of achievement to blank. He was one o f the most ec- '^ben Chief Gordon was c a lta Into Lsrgely attended funeral eervleen CARDEN a D B MEMKRS Erecting Steads firms, but added it haa no connec­ Tacoma officers and Department attempt to arrange a lfta n lv - J. Traceakl. Republican, of which we may well point with pride. tlve members of the 1935 Assembly conference. ~ * Sovitt RuMtA* present preeauree JustUles the prinetples e f democracy, did much to While Carpenters hammered away aasure peace to this hemisphere. tion with (hise. ' • r t Justice agents hare reld they Fresh SHOULDERS la her oStoa be- New Britain, defeated William U. "Now we are to be confronted and has been mentioned as l possl- I b^tad “ ■ T te second major party, t a tional government at this time to from tbe Capitol to the White House bad received no offlolal reports of and John L. Lewis, 1 Hartford, secretary of the with many problems some o f an ble gubernatorial candidate. I ■'■Lion TO ATTEND LECTURE Selyukal, la axpeoted to confine tte itoring t a unemployment problem Existing peace machinery waa im­ on stands for the Inauguration Jan­ Pittman forecast the embargo either arreat M d planned no Investi­ oonmlttee tor Industrial or-1 J^m ociw c ^ t a central committee, economic and social character the principal attacks to fiscal affaire— a filing cabinet of finished bust- proved. New toatnimenta to main­ uary 20, the formal ballots told the moasuro would be rushed through gation of them. BAasime Far Cpsrt I particularly the budget r t 8,M1 ,000,- tain peace aad eliminate cauaea ot both houses without debate, but Is aidlag the United “ *• House. TraoesU solution of which may call fo r the Some sources blamed Bradley’s . ______Karl »i«-hterl AfoPday lifight'g Meeting to Be well-known story—523 to 8 fo r Bouden Pot ROASTS Workers to their appropriation o f considerable sums 000 yen ($866,685,000), neatly halt Fluctuations to employment a n war arere adopted. Wider protection Roosevelt and Garner. there were evidencee he waa some­ iSST^emlS.* '**“ to tba defeat on bla attempt to win thal'*^*^? repUes of which goes to the two defenae rt ta totereeta rt t a American Re- EASTER ISLAND Begotlkte vritlvGeneral ^ money. In keening with our tra- House floor leadcrehlp for Rap. were gou. o;S ta'TjS^rel’SS: I Aurch Postponed to A ^ ”for At- tied to aU Otar wasteful fluctua­ From the way Democrats and what too optlpsIsUc. , M I ia putting down _ ------members to peaea program. one o f tbe shortest on record, leav­ was bound to lead to mtaunder- themselves by selling "18th cen­ called the roll o f members and they confidence and reepect 100. The DemocraU dominate the N ta »rrta F i ^ since German vOltm. be guests. Oae> of ua, t a same net loss to society ing his detailed program to the hi black and white.'* ” ere sworn In. On the Joint committee to canvi Seiuite, 36 to 9. itaYto™ ta;>ij|to« « comes from reckless overproduction Atnseaphere r t Peace stan ding abroad and interpretations tury” Idols made to order. COUNtRY ROLL one-fourth of the money received t a toaurgenta. ” ~ I ? S il“ *,***?,.®” *****Niood o f the Con- Tbelroture at d;16 wffl be given In a world unhappily thinking In budget mea-utge later In the week, that the United States government A fter five months' residence on The oath waa administered later the November election vote, the It waa generally expected that by refusing to permit unnecessaty and monopolistic underproduction ot ■the inaugural address'and periodic to a number o f members who ar­ Speaker appointed the fo U o w ^ ; for such Ilceneee to ffouch apokeeuftn have pototad S S t ^ «<> H ei- 2[BiTyman Ridges of New York natural and manufactured commo- terma of war, the representatives of was unfriendly to ths established the IsiMd M d a year's additional Swajme would be nam ^ Ly Bell aa would be sufficient. City under t a title o f "Traveling disagreement to arise between two twenty-one nations sat around a recommendation^ thereafter. government In Spain. research at the Bishop Museum ASSEMBLY rived late for the opening. Repe. Wallace o f Wtodeor Locks, chairman of the Important Judiciary Asi yaar,„ . ------w>t ta------fo c o---- d ^ t h ^ h t o r t ^ t h t a (iltles. lb butter Joint Committees Blakeslee of North Haven, Allyn ot $15,000 waa received by t a town, ta lta ry concentratlona • .k te a Garden with Baron Von May- r t our branches r t government. Industrial Evils table, to au atmoephere of complete Sixth Appearance’ A plan for nationalizing five ma­ here, Dr. Metraux says Boater is a committee, which custonoarlly car­ and thia would set up t a Bast eeme-l tan bo illustrated. The That spirit rt co-operation was able confidence and underatandtog, aln- His appearance— the sixth tikne not unusual Volcanic Island, where Without a dissenting vote, the Waterford. Wamecke of Wilton ries with it the floor leadership. ------eufflotat the Pyrenees without taking ^ Overproduction, underproduction jor b’ranchea of the munitions Indus­ f jmd to build up a reaerve at thia I ■^equate steps aa a counter balance. ***^‘ collection of Vott Mityden’s *Motite to solve dlfflculUes of extraordinary cerely dlacuasing measurea for be has addressed Congress- marked try was drafted meanwhile by four early PolyneslM settlers turned to HARMONY House passed a Joint resolution call­ Bartlett of Putnam, Johnson of Rep. Johii D. Thoms o f Waterbury and apemilation are three evil sieters malntatolng peace. Here was a F LA TB ' ing for the appointment of a Joint Haddam and Re3rnolda of Coventry. time as tha age average o f the men T ta dispatch o f troops to the w ------AquareUiM", la at preant oa ax- magnitude aad ramlflcatloa with who distill the troubles of unsound a transition from his first to bis former members o f the Senate mu­ stone carving In adapting them­ PIGS* FEET committee of six ----- " -• was named floor leader by the to the Manchester police la low and >»>ufltatoous region. It wae Mrs. Flonwoe M. Veunart hlbition at t a Avery Memorial and few Important errors, and at a cost Inflation and disastrous deflation. It great and a permanent achievement second administrations, with the selves to their bleak environ­ CORNED B E ^ members to ODnfe'r directly affecting t a lives and ae- message both reviewing the laat nitions investigating committee, EEAYURES SESSIONS onn Joint ruire. BRADLEV DEFEATED Democrats, n e Senate Democrats U iw. ia not much ------likelihood-- o f thyirtheir ^roumtanild oebe omyonly one phase of a g e n i-1 -F^eral y » « « ^ roervlcee v i c r o lorfor Mrs. Florence creating no fittlo toterast cheap when^easured by the imme­ la to ta Interest of the nation to banded in what they termed an ment. two weeks ago name Senator diate neceaMties and the eventual curity o f t a tvQ hundred and fifty year and looking ahead to tbe next. Today each visiting ship Is mat •nie committee w ill oonalsl o f the Hartford. Jan. 6.— (A P )—Both beta* retired for aeverel yean. f* P**® 'rtrengtan France's de-1 JSL/SSIlf'l: *** Summit street, I,, President W. E Buckley of the have government help private enter- c Ulion human betoga who dwell in anti-proflteertog bloc.” i>rcaident pro tem o f the Senate, the parties virtually wiped up preUml- Joseph H. Lawlor of Waterbury for T t a waa dlacuased for rome time. ItaSM to of aggravation of the 2**’**’ held | Utaicheeter Garden club antwMmres results. >i1ae to gain aound general price Contrasting with the somberness by outrigger CMoes packed wltta 3 n » . 2 0 « leas Page Oms) president pro tempore ano Senator this areetern bemhq^era. Here arae o f j-ester^y'a opening session, the The group—Including Senators foot-high Idols, wooden M d stone, 1 2 c ' 'lp*»k er o f the House, one Demo­ nariea for the opening o f the As­ Eapeets Oo-operetton levels and to proprotect those levels aa example which must have a Nye (R ., N. D.l, Bone (O., Wasb.l. cratic and one RepubUcan Senator Raymond J. Devlin of New Haven M a n c h e ^ was left to Chairman Funeral home, I look forward to a oonttouanes from wide perUotis fluctuationa. We setting today could scarcely have which are reproductions o f ths dispute o f two yeare ago, sembly last night to iMucuaea, the dub, white has b m postponsd to wholesome effect upon t a rest of Pope (D „ Ida.), and Clark (D „ Mo.) islMd’s early art, although carred and one Republican and one Demo­ aa their floor leader. Spiew to draw up aad ? H®“ Jamea Stuart I t a 18th, the epeaker will be m i— rt that eo-operation to t a next four know now ta t If eariy to 19S1 gov­ been more dramatic It deliberately PORTERHOUSE. SIRLOIN, SOUNII o f the 1987 General Aa- Republican Legtelators ueeting at Neill of Stv Maty’s Bpieoooal I the world. staged. Floodlights beat down —announced it also would introduce \ Ith methods remtolscsnt o f mod­ oegantoed apaedUy today cratic House member. the State Capitol while Democratic ^ e a Pritchard of Hartford who years.. I look forward also to a eon- ernment had taken t a steps wnieb In a very real aenae, ta corter- Ita own neutrality bill to “strength­ In urging passing o f the resolu­ r f o u ^ c a p t. h a w k s m ak es teureh officiated aad burial ireato ware token two aad three years upon the rostrum o f Speaker Bank- ern factory cfflolenoy M d hasta, •tartta of Senator Jgaapb Senators gathered at Watertorry. ed to oOter dties to the— otheroUiBr comooiii'-1 " —s—w ta East cemetery. ' ^ thaw Interesting motion pic- tinuanoa o f t a basts o f that eqop- ence to Buenos Aires sent fortn s bead as brilliantly as fooUighta have en and expand the present pet,” ths scientist'said. tion Rep. North H. Swayne aald: mlMonere. i t would not t a eom- turre taken to dwltseriaad. mimy oration—mutual raapect fo r aa ' latsr, t a depression would never mesasge oa hUialf rt all t a demo- sr na prsatdent pro tempore, In contrast with ths apparently The bearers were Robert Ven-I have reached ta depths rt t a be- So often played upon his actress which expires May 1. This adsptlvensss, he said, has to unter at 11:47 a. m., by "A great deal haa been sUd on peaceful session involving the BUCKINGHAM utoelonen folt require tairiar anv tert. asrenee V€Miikrt.'john ta lovely Alpine otbar’s proper tytere of funetlontog craclee r t t a world to thoae natlone destroyed much r t ' t a Isfand's STEAKS EMERGENCY LANDHG daughter, Tallulah. A 130,000,000 appropriation will 7 thU subject and I feel that It la to a dstooeraey which to worhtog ghmlBg r t 1988. o f State C John Batti, the Democrata who reported they mere­ Lta poUcemen’s pay t o ^ SamuelUAtniuit Harrison,Ua— wuitom I were in 'doom. ~ 'lar second thought eonflima which live otarwtae. Bqcsuaa such Vice President Gamer had a be sought, Nye said, to build or pur­ early culture, for the natives have BONELESS RIB * TOP SIRLOIN better to postpone diacuseion and Robert Rowe, tta eon e f Mr. end Into thB fiiBde A number r t tte m enben have well, and a eemmoneense leaUsatt other govenimenta are parha^ ioompoaed e f 36 Denwerats attempt to proceed to bannony. ly discussed "routtoe" mattera. the Mre. WUtert C Howe, o f Keeney a te John Saulta of ui to ta briirt that the by Bankhead's, there to hear the chase plants to>^whtch the,govera- overthrown Mclent eustoms to RepubUcans named the RepubUcans Famous Flier Comes Down On volunteered tte use t f their can for e f tte need tor play to t a Joints r t more apaetaeular. It was h l^ time tellers intons bis name with tbat o f abMdoniug pagMism Md cannm- Anirthlng in tire rrature of a dlaeua- unleashed plenty of street waa lying on hla back upon I at which a nsnon « Uu i S f thfa faBfafahifafa objeettvaa rt t a National Recovery ment can produce all Its ov^ war- tMSrlor 25 to 6. with two aii.munttion. BentseUer FMd Without (M tM E SPUES POUOE the lecture to Hartford Monday A ct were sound. W s know now that tor denooraty to aaaert itaelf. Mr. Roosevelt as favored for re- ■hipa, armor plate, guns, powder, bolism to become Chriattana during F o o m k ^ Uon can be taken up et the next t a floor on the rttenioon of Dee. | partment would retire as le s g ^ he . On that basis. It to within tte Because all rt ua belleve that our t a past. 70 years. a rt M tiag. meeting." Outstanding waa tba defeat of SL and eras near the stove on which n b Lauding Wheeb; Pbno eventoa. and thore ^*T^rlng trans- Its dlffieultiea arose from tte tact election by all elates save Maine and and poison gas. ROASTS democratic form of government oan ' by huge baakete of flow- Rep. John D. Thoms of Weter- Senator J. Keimeto Bradley, leader was some boUlag water. Mr. and was ^yslMUy fit to woife, but to Hudson, Wle.—T te spur track w—_ I P®ftotton should gat to touch with right rt ta Congress to dstamtos ta t It tried to do too much. For Vermont.. case he was aot ta retiiamant Only SUffhtly Danugod. rebtety la engaging the attention rt ta aeeretaty, Mre. Norman Ash. which rt ta many new aetivltiss cops adequately with modern pro­ Completion of the tally was the 86-year.old veteran recalled Imty. minority leader, eald he agreed 01 the National Fedemtlor of Young Mrs. Row* wen out of the Utchen example, it waa unwise to expect blems M they arise. It le patriotic ^ he first sat to the Senate to the proposal. Republicana, for bla party's floor at the time fo r a few moments could te asked and ons-half pay giv­ Hudson’s poUca. or Preaident Buckley. shall be eonttoued, or abandensd,' to- ta aam agency to regulate the signal for Demooratie cheering and FISH DEPT. DELICATl Hartford, Jan. 6.— (A P )—Oepteto, „A lumber oompanv lenortad Its as well as logloal for us to prove entry of the Preaident at 3 p. m. ta waa the oal> Democrat " It looka like we can settle this leadership o f the Senate by E Gay- when a cry from the boy brought en. ^ o r e tbla to fully d ed S d up. company reported Ito [ creaaod or eurtallad. iM gth r t working houn, mlnlmiim t a t wa can meet new national r, on t a r e wiU te other rneettogs ' MFrank rwiM Hawksffu w n mads ronoe a skilful uanui emei-|emer^ I railwayrmilway nnir dlBAnnMm^ Police On ta aam teals, ta Prsaldsat vegas^’ AUd labor and eolleeUve Neutrality Stand Lily Pons Adds Ballet to Talents DEPT, ''s matter ouraelvea without too many nor Brennan, S4-yeai-old Stamford tarn to ta kitchen to find that g y ^ fa iid ln g jt Rentechler field to-1 said theyjSarned tSat a Junk dealer needs with new laws consistent arlth Boneless - Skinless to 7 vote, tha Senators outsiders.'’ attorney. t a container holding the water had te h M by t a commissi on ere alone baa ta reqioBsIblllty for baififatotog on t a one hand aad the aa historic constitutional frame­ T te leaders already ta boOtog water oonsider t a matter. ^ t a relle end teu lte them their adatototratlan. I find that oonmUeatod queathm of u ~ '"~ mind on neutrality. A fter confer- SUCED BOILED s'®**, and taourrtog no tajuiy te away. BOLTON trade prsetioee and buelneaa work clearly Intended to receive enebs at the White House, Chairman FILETS t, MM qlerk. He ds- Derien for House majority leader golden dome of the State Capitol covered the boy's left leg from hie A t t a previous, itesting s f ths thtetaak of exeeuUve management liberal aad M t narrow tntorpreta- Mmssif ate only alight damsga to haneached t a point where our ad- trola oa the other. Pittman planned action by the Sen­ a Bill of Wret Hart- ta e d to materiUtse. The name of which reaembled a brllUant Jewal, hlpa to hto shoe aad soma water oommlselooere tha board hfa new qm te plana, Tims FUes. foltowtog books win te placed tioo. R^. Stanley J. Mead of New O'mmimlonei Rogare to _ mlniatrativ* maehtoery needs 00m- Tte Uhltod States rt Amsrlea, ate forel^ relations oommlttoe to 4 3 c H>. ibUoan, who was clerk to foiced into tha backgrouna the spilled onto hfa right to o t A doc­ IB# ^ Just nttotoed a speed of to the Bolton Library on Friday. The atatute-of N R A baa been out. the late afternoon to prohibit oriM /I Canaan had been mentioned to oon threatened Democratic - Republican tor and nurse have been caring for with Deputy Judge Thamas Fsre^ 880 mure aa hour at 4,000 feet J re ito tyA T te llbraty will te open prehertslvs ovarfamttng. I ahi within Itself, must continue tha task , ■y 2 nectlon with the place. therefore, shortly address tte Ocn- lowed. The problem have not. ot making darooeraey suceeSd. ahiproents to eltber warring faction * aamed John J. Fltspat- oontroverey over eofltrol o f the Joint t a boy,aad be Is now showing toi- •00. who Is also elerk of t a Ttowa white batten t a prevlotta mark of ‘Might Marry V F r i^ afternoon from 3:80 to 5?80. They are atill with us. to Spain. 25 SPICED HAN It was appamit tbat the manUe legtolatlve committees. ’rroveiaant from . tho burns aad bi- Oouit, thf faa Miction—H 1 Hava Four Apples, greas mere fully to regard to aood- In that task tte laglalativ* braaeb MM assistant clerk. tteDi te n im llr e reeantty b t a sanm ship, ernlstog and tmpiavtog tte ameu- That decent ccndltlotia and ada- How much noney the odmlnlstra- Rev. George B. OUbert of o f RepubUcaa leadership would rest House RepubUcans unanimously 'eeUon which . was caused by tbs charged to arrests when t ~Mte was teoelaily buUt Lawranoe; Dr. Ibrafam, Knlttel: I o f our govarnmant arlll, 1 am oon- FANCY SMELTS upon Swayne aa the seaalon pro- scalding water. .Aide to F. R, Hava Bean Uttle Too Long, Colver- live bmaeh of ta goverananL quatito pay tor labor, aad Just return 'fldent. continue to meet t a demands UoB will eeek to carry relief through 2 9 c lb. « a s appototed by the luuned Rep. J. Mortimer Bell, 78- automqbtia Is ussd. Thfa t e a m fa ^ here ^ h ig la high for Iagriculture, can be seentad JuiM remained a question. I f the its d^HM|jmAqj greased. He celled for a receas and Warren Slater, son e f Mr. and • rt at $ . I t has bsan tbs uodsew torts fo r aa hour whan t a fh inu s H ooty to tte Horn, Davis; Bpaiken- That cooperation rt t a past four rt democracy whether tluy relate to directed tbs majority proceedings. ycar-old veteran of five legtolatlve 8 year* between t a Ckmgreaa and through parallel and rimultaneoua pace ot t a last alx m onta to to te to also state athletic searions, for the Speakership. Hra G «»ge Slater of Ndpele street Hoigan: Gone W lto the actiou by forty-eiglit etotaa fa a curbing of abuaea, t a exteiislon of Upon aaeumlng the Speakerahlp. *2 **kf2 * " “ “ S' *■ ^ turned bate to t a field, antyto Wtod, Mitchell; Blue Alsrigolda. H t a Preakfant has aimed at tte ful- hfaa to tboM who nead help, or ths maintained, at least 8700,000,000 LUXURY LOAF.' tafeeted Senator E Separate OrgaatoaUaus •*“ enbated to . ttacfaik to ta E dtoeover that hla landtag wheels proven ImposaiDUity. It fa equally win be needed. ii» . 2 5 « BeU aald: the united States Medical Cbtpa lo­ n Sf^^sSrWoote, - flllment of a two-fold polity— first, better balancing o f our totardapend- 3 PRESSED HAM funds .to ta town trsssiini. Mr 00^ te towered only half way. is impoerible to obtain curbs oa o f Stamford. With " I wUh to thank you for the great Lagialativa leadm axpreosed tha OntaanM; The American Flaggs, economic recovery through many ent eoonomtes. T te President may hold to hfa ■an automatically optoloa that todei>endeat organisa­ cated ta Fort Bank, Boaton, tfa — R < ^ asksd Mr. Fatgnaoa If an flight they are retraetid Into ta monopoly, unfair, trade practices uriglna] 8000,000,00Oigure but allow honor you have shown ma to my ■«. Thia fa one of eight forte near boity ef t a all-whlte ship Norte: Iters Lies a A e^ Beautiful kinds o f aeelsteiw.-e to agrleolture, Bo, too, tte exaenttvs braaeb of SUCED POLLOCK ibUcan floor leader, re- tion o f . the RepubUcan oootroUed ordar oonld te drawn ta Cavuir ot tho Induatty and hanking; aad, second, and spaculation by state action tte govamment must more forward for transfer o f other funds to i « - 2 5 c Ib. ; ter J. Kenneth Bradley lection MM Speaker o f the House De­ Boston aad Is two mllaa from the Tho trouble waa caused by hla (tome on Foi- akme. There are thoae who, atocera- spite any experience 1 may have Houae and t a Democratlc-domtoat- dty. polieo dspartmant whan n »it evre, A lM ch ; Fab- as tte Moon. deliberate Improvement to t a per- to thfa task, a ^ At tte Ucf. Hla h w tat iM an gs also to ,tkat poet lest night at ad Senate would te t a ultimate ehsrgas are mada anfi this wOl go fair r t t e gtovas. kept to a cubby- ly or tostocsrely, Still eltog to state sxpeetod to stew whether te wU g a l ^ to my aarvtee to t a House I bpfa to tha eoekpit while flylim. ^Ucy: The Doctor, Rinehart’ The Bonal security and opportunity rt. pravMa better maMfsimaat tor ad- MUENSTER CHI Ssnato Rapublicaas. aolutioa o f ths Democratic demand to ta poUes dspartmant’s ereOt t a great naas rt our peopia. aetion aa a tteorsUeal bopa. Biit iLliilstrstIvB ittcn e l S k order construetloa ot two new bat- feri I ahaU need your kindly eounsel SHBKIFF OMTS A nnacw Hawk# started erasktog tte gear expeilsnce wtth actnaUtfaS makas It tleshlpa lb '- S* •ud eo-opeiatioh to tta dlacham of for domtoaaca o f the legtolatlve Mr. Roiare laportad that t a dark T te judiefal bcaaeb efae to aaked 3 2 Df A HT7RET which lowers ta wterti, tte te clear t a t federal laws supptemsnt- who durhig his long aarv- my duties ‘ committees. o f t a oourt was aot opposed to Tte recovery we sought was not by t a people fa do Its part in nwk- Although about ready to disclore 2 1 c lb. ■tasts has raraty addieas- re e a i ^ to tha msehaiilam 1 tag stats laws are needed to help tog dsaspemey anroreafuL Wa do bis wfahes on goveremental n o r- " It has always seemed to me Caucuses amoug mambere o f New ■kASJMS’ - - (A P ) — Deputy such a plaa aad would take care o f lowed to pleeas: The Last * to te nieiely Umporaiy. It arivs tte problem which resnft. Mmds CMS e f ths long- Haven, Middieaex and Windham t a matter ta thfa way. Train, Grey.' to te a recovery protoctod from tte not a a irtte eonrta fa eaO non-anfat- Uon. 'Mr. Roosevelt deddsd OYSTERS t o w to one feature o f the Speaker- Sheriff Sam Rogers d s la s t a i Afire giving up the attempt to from modern tovantion SMltod to an hold off until next Tuesday. Ho SWISS CHEESE '^ r t his poUticU esiw r counties gave evidence the Republi­ *on's r6coctl for iMuiftM b dM f m The commfadnnera took up for SPrtk for tte eaueea r t prevtous diaaetara. ERth ant powen into betog, but are hav* *• not plaaSant aad t a t put ta wheels ta n—dlen. while Industrialised nation w h in ooadueta a r^ t fa aapaet oiat eon than w ill tiansmlt. to fVni|Taaa a tta presMsut pra tom- cans were not tocllned to accede to the shortest time. He got one twen­ conddaretton parking conditioas to Mlent, Sebemavln; Mre „Astor'a faat alto fa vlsw - te pievant a fu­ Its iHifl"— with scant regard to Is t a Speaker has not t a power to tireitog the field three or four tlaen Horep Walker; We Who A n About ture slmltor ertris you and I powara or thoae legttirnately tmpitad study made by his special commit­ 2 ^ c l b . ib. msM every member happy m t a t a Demacratic demand. ty intoutea after lenvtog tte oourt- diffarsnt ssetfaas of the town. They the filer broyfat tte ah^ gently to ■tetA Hnti tee, probably auggas&ig a eompre- 32e ^n m greatly tanond J. Francis Smith, Democratic bouae. ia a gMeral way ^ H*®-. ^ A n r o ; Old Juire, Saadoa: jotoad fa a aerlaa r t sn aetniw ts__ si^n t e made effective lartrumaats of m unlttee appointments. earth like 1 It forward 75 A ja ^ tte World ta Eleven Yann, During the past year there has for t a eommon good. henoive regrouptog of Federal praaidaBt pro ato chairman, said after the Here's how: and t a board requested Chief dor-. fart and Btoinod. noltter whig hav- safe hanking and sound eurnoty, W n a growtog belief tbat ttere fa membership AMto; Asylum. Saahrook; Infade Eu­ t a g narentss r t Dank dspestts, pro- Tte pieeere ef our deraeeraey ogenelaa aloM functional ttoes. • jta ta o f tha State Waterbury caucus: .k '" * t teUmhoaed ^ to maka a mrvay atul report'' tog ♦— *«ei?iod t a greimd.______Ilttfa fault to M found with tte must not t e tinpefllad ^ ^ t e denial NuiMroue Senators and M yono so selected “ “ tar o f oommittoea ibM ifTs offwM a dear haiTteUeB back later to tba oomnfatemi rope. tiler; T te Exile, Buck; teetion fr t tte favaatar fa aacurltfaa, ■ ' . .m ie Senate doesn’t care , to sub­ Although havtog landed on tha W ate^ p ^ Uv*., Braude; An Oonsfitutian r t t te Ubltad Btatos rt imretHI powara rt santativea want stead with BAKERY SPECIALS i f “ torotaW e that aome merge its members on committees, over tiM municipal dam a mila from Since t a question o f parktog tte removal rt tte threat rt agrl- as tt stands today. T te vital aaod rtyjto^dleyp oto^ However. It town a^ broken a tef. Rofere went, in undersida o f t a body, t a pfane’s AmarKan Doctor’a Ouyseey. Hatsir: aoent own plana on than and t a many Vte situatkm hasn’t changed a par- atout e tiert 1>etweea Pino atreot taMgewao reported «»«ii-ii to dnltural surptusss, tnsfatsim aa eol- fa aot an alteirttaa of our fundi^ Tour task aad mtoe to not ending other problams axpacted to lead to kM always seemed to me there le Ita Ratuni to ReHgtoniLtok; Are- faettve baiiafafag. tte enUawi^ ef Craare FUIad Rich Buttered Bya ar __ Ptaaty of work for aU to do what- tlcla atoce t a recent caucus o f SSirte^thfsiSSl^iSSy?**^ ta .H P * o f tho propanars and to the ge Adyreture. Fraueban; From tte mental law, but an f WtUl tlM iOd of tiM dOSfiMlOIL partF-spUtting dioutre to tte Senate Democrats when that group care oCi can have bate p--—*—r laadtog gear white sweat shops, child totar aad isrtair view with lufmaoi fa It people rt tte United States have toonths ahead. More than 9A00 DOUGHNUTS LAYER CARES •yer bla eommlttoa appotatm totto Mountatoa to tte Sterraa, trade praetlosa, and tte ' ssrvwl notice that Ito party w oiS FAB8 nlcng Plaa atrert la tha vtotaltyoC ou t" Humphreyi have grown out rt tta maos tt elaar that they expact us to btna war* Introduood to tbs H oun **tay of the many bdUe affSettog demand control o f committoeaL" MUSH Walnut a t r e s t 't a board______rt Mcurity far tte agbd fafarpretatfan; but rightly conoid- tailch win doubt^ _,Juv*nlla Ncn-rietton — Oeoiga coatfate oor aetiva aftoits fa be- 1 9 c dot. 2 9 e Ig. size formsA lhare wmm a raquM roestv and. tt can ha uaad aa aa faatru- half of their n ea e^ advaaoeasant 7elb.l> lese te totioduced to t a Houae and Matyvilfa. Mo. — Homer Croy. 'TAulalre; 8toti^B ote Nor waa tte WBorisy, I t waa annoimcad »k- i the ooloi- te by iha board that paih ii« fa thfa r t W terts. 8h ^ Trains, Abcraft. ■aat rt MfograwL and not an.a da- In thnt opint r t endeavor aad asr- ■tatac: « t a t a halp and -toflueoee noyellet and atoTis writer, ^ .BOsnrAi NOUS merriy a pureessfass a fa b fk to 'a t U>AO OFF BIS MDfD BoMwto aad ful Inaugural ball will be helo at 9 clsims be la t a only author able to kmation te Uaaltod m a rt am i* taan A new White Houre renumoa £ ® * y “ “ ! Round piuty vlea Dor prevention e f ootfan. vloe I graK tte Sovaaty-fifth Oon- GRAPEFRUIT Melnteflh * * “ * tath p. m., tonight to Foot .Guard h « ii maohfaery. ft fa fatyortaat. af tt fa worth eor while fa read aad greaa m tte bagfanfag of thfa “ ^ m l t t e e beaitoga and on the write about his old'home toire ate CM boar,LThto to also to te rttefad. wre in view with t a report that APPLES . under the ^Mnaorehip o f t a 'T t r s t then wane beck to it. stopped here Tte tequirt that has reateadtba Admitted yastsiday: HMimmid j w * Mkn^ Webb: Who Goes coursq,^ that avsty nan and w u u _ re wad tte preamble o f tte Oonatl- aurelefaua Now Tear. . F ort Worth, T ta—-Bud ^ P L * ■COT o f .the House can te mms. JgS^Arfane ^ ahoya. »f to tte oountry te abla to find fawk. Texas PriooB agant. buckled on hfa Oompanjr. Govanior’s Foot Guard. w orn from Honywood to New board for a poilremaa te ie g i£ R m o f 7 HUhard‘ atrartatras B o s t^ M ^ had bacooM a » . n w reT, tetiu op (amaU children); fattOE. aad Article I thereof which nUMHLlM a HOOSEVEUr. g * a t value to the oonrideratlon and W w 's Mtetbsn. DuBols (girisi; that every taafary run. that ' ' - the legfalativa powan opaa ptotol before laavkiff bom»—te 5 ^ 2 S < 4 i b . . l 5 c ®*Ptatlqo o f bilto. The Rsv. Arthur E POtareon ef duty on tha W ret S ite waa w rt dto- Thomaa J. Qualtere neaa as a wtals cam prrtlto. gotog fo r a load o f faugh prlscaara. MMdlotown. a Wsaleyan graduate, Cray te came back "to I VommA o t although iTIecusreA OnS e f “srrirtriK : Mia. Ospteto Junaiy. Richards; Uttle r t t t e UWtad E t a C Jestyh MariaalH governmaat fa a * Shortly after te left, Mrs. RuaeaU >6 the Boure tium- get sreiwI* irloA inush to work off the | t a reosona It ems found, tfatt tho OfaBtenbuty. 1 ^ ftotleroy, Burnett; What to It fa slab worth ear whdo to read - J ? _ H « ta custoto Of the General evU yasteifay. does net Ogata th — (AP) — TIN tfaaplionod t a eaunty jaU. A JaU- leto for t a 19$7 aewlon. bienre of afl that sunsMne! tur ret sonld art te giaalad at tbla to te d Qusltore Ctoderella. that was alaetreoutad « h « «r ntayaa her miaeaga fa tte radio RADISHES TOBiATOl»... BRObm ■“ tatajy te report on an bUla to- M ^reage Jufes I had to H i^ ! ttore fa tha faBhiUtyteT Admitted today; Omul ofation,’ ^ and' t a Fireman, marityt for that tional eenvantien r t Tta Dtssoemtie Senators ou sd Preri streot Mary and t te ~ A ^ te gaawsd Ihrangh a light wlra fa dlnatohar. and fifty ysaia a ga tte n alilreBi hare rt 0 « m iCIhm 'at __ ___ urtththa MWtrrts putfants. Wonder Book rt 1 I t fa net 1 oMahi t t e vaiy .. ‘^ ■ v e a aoflut ear look for 2 Ib$« ® torn. Thi laaat want out fa a Mare of gtoiy. eonlng fa and ten hfai bis a vn tty faftk * faslMctanilar daaea Aha roS eoQslaOs io t. Hare m s ’ s 3 25 o l l g l that tte.afaoalMn of that Ha Maw out all tte ffawa fa - ta ealisifthat te to rg o t to toad hla pfa- te fa c toetruefad Igr lU diaal FbUifab lanad Now To(k b i^ mae- fu lly faL- __ __ “ -— far, ta t t e prepar alap if ...... BOHTO AT^il HBRBDDDira le Right Track? M O - l ^$E and IslC^^E tMkfc'

Ttis Amtttaaa psopls are dlvldsd What have yon dons today to ■V" tats two daasas: mak* It easier to do your work Yo- I o u b iM o 1. Thoas who tktak .they a n qa morrowT | VM KR& vm. y b ______good oiff anyone dse. 3. TbosO who think they are quite Be—Suppose a very ugly ns ANNOUNCEMENTS GOODS a bit better. ^ triad to kiss you, would you objeetf She—^Try It and ass!' WANTED—LAUNDRT to do at I FOR BAIX—CRAWPDRD rai«a.| Teacher—Junior, vrhat la one-half homa. Win caU for and datirar. with SUaat CHow buTnar. Teiepliaiia I SLANTS: Soma say that avacy- PbotM 8S1A H^e t f Hating # Hints of one-teathT 0078 or 140 Oakland atraat np>| Big Figures in Strike Junior—1 don't, know teacher; thing oomas to him who waits, but atelra. ' teADd in P AU3BN — Gbaraetarl but it can’t be very muds. you never find a go-getter's name on ^ br JOHN BARCLAY, Heating Expmrt the'waiting list-----It's a wiss agg k.oou> ta n a vaiMd m laadar and pabniet. Apt N a 1.172 Detroit, Jam 8— (A P) — Hetehmony yaais, ones ji a « r Hotai MwrtdMi C hildren ' Tt realty to surpristag how so that knoprs bow it's going to hatch Mate atraat Hartford. Homa 10 a. APARTMENTS—FLATS— tnfomuU ‘introductions' cuter., . .has Used In *Se^ with steam heat and garage, at| affaire te tbe first, ategular, or teU of her cUufi to wrrite a sentence Cola Motors, 8463. 158 Pdari street Telephone 8040. a lot of trSible and things that can keep •oos of other unioo leaders. a sports fan, often called "BUI" to Ik. Haralu. about hte'own acts and thoughts associatea. ^ using tbe sroid "fsadBate.” This Is worry which could be a furnace from deliv- waa somatbteg else. I FUR RENT—FIVE ROOM apart- arolded. arteg enough heat U what one Junior produced: "My So I spoke to bte aunt.ahpnt it. **v®*I*“» Jr.—A New Bng- Joim L. Lewis—An Iowan, mins Dndity has a vest srith nine buttons faotatiorts— HELP WANTED— ment steam beat 38 Blrcb street | you cannot locate the Sh t gave me a long look and' prean- *d «-... .a t o t ^ -electrical en- Apply Supt Apt No. 4. Thera ar* Uteraity causa quickly and worker teere and in Ullnote in youth on it, Init he can only fasten eight*' Manchester FEMALE 3S dosens of things that od her Ita tight. Jf!^?**®** toterest to roller oaslly, don't tak ... .president of United Mine Work­ A Buccasstul man la mofitly oaa make a "aiek" fumaoe "Wall.’*^ she said, "I don't want A man svho gosa about eonatantly ig Herald WANTED — 3 rXl'ERXENCBDi chance on wasting fuel imrident lo l$38..,, a strairiit. ers, broke with American Feders- who received from hla neighbors far adleadrla for Satutday work. | refuse to deliver suffi­ to criticise Mabel, but she drives tlOT of Labor....sponsor of Oom- srith fi chip ba hla shoulder sooner BUSINESS LOCATIONS money. A service man me crasy with the way she lumps ■to-footer, 81 years , more than bis service to teem juatl- CLASSIFIED ETaiybod3r*s Markat- • cient head, and unless you are fa­ will "spot" the trouble promptly stwt uuttee for Industrial Organisation, or later gets his block knocked off. FOR RENT 641miliar with hearing plants. It win test family. She treaU the three S S with lean, semdUv; flos. _ * BRTISBMENTS soon put your hearing plant in com­ to®*.... offices io New York stid M klng "borlaontal unions” in In- WANTED—A RELIABUC expert-1 pay you to Call In a competent fur- hoys sa though they were a bunch Maglatrate—What induced you lo —Prof. Albert Elnstela. aaaraaa varaa W a Uaa FOR RENT—STORE and office fortable, healthful. ecqpomlcal ^vete widely. ...frequently ad- Ureleas worker.... \ y ^ anced g ltl tor (eneral housework, f n ^ ’ man. For instance, the Check o t asparagus. •nort, stocky, beetle-browed. strike your svife? a ana aaaroviaUoat rooms, heated, in Farr Block, at] working order. Send for him imme­ S llf® " ?**^0>®to, noted as a pub- I prefer tbe h^plneaa of our ua- -era aao aawaoaaa stey nlcbta. Write Bob T, Herkid. Center. Apply 61f Main street Damper may be placed wrong; the diately. ''Both Mother and I try eome- HiisMnd—Wdl, Your Honor, she irda Hlalaaa aaai «a tlinet to get one of tbe bays aWsy Uctet on btiaineas conditions. orfiuilsed Imperfection to the gloom telephone 6277. Sheriff Thomas W. Wolcott—they had her back to me, the broom was of organised perfection in other WANTED—RBUABLB voiOAn for] St s time, to stay for dinner, but call him "Torn” and Just about handy, and tbe back door was open, Seneral housework, stay ntehta., when we aak Jim or Hariy with­ Judge JCdward D. Black— On countries. 0 « n ^ county Circuit bench at everybody in Genesee county knows so I thought Td take a chance. Ikquire 817 North MWia street FARMS AND LAND hear of tbs llteeea of CharUe Dunk- out tee others, she gets offended. —Mayor F. H. LaOoardla, New ley. AP aporte editor te Chicago and FltaL Mich., since 1917___ out­ P**®* ®«*oer at Verb atj', aeaaiUag European Sports Roandup\ And once when I baked r cake for Flint, Mich., for years... .heavy and Opportunity for distinction lies In I au| a W A N T H ^—TOUNO woman fori FOR SALE 71 easily tbe best cook alow aU Ran­ spoken, long Intereried in "Chpltsl dlotatorehlp. ..I a aiS II fenwal housework, g^ ' home I dolph street. Ted, because he loves aptce cake, s ^ Imbor” dtecussiona___ 83 years but active... .carries atejg doing ordinary things well and not ..I II ai3 II aw FOR SALE—FARM 30 acres, 7 By EDDIE BBIETZ sht told tee boys I had baked it for P*f“ !---'*n d usually a big c lg ^ '^ - nights. Telephone 7038 between 8 1 wd, gray-hslr... .prsetioed law ta erratically striving to perform If the coUegee ever openly enter­ Inaralat laaartiea* and 7 p. m. room house, 3 bams, tobacco abed, I . • — (A P) — Vtees all of them." middle aged. ■ * grandstand ptoySf tbe aaa uaM rate 50 apple trees, pear trees. Hills- Is 8 to 5 over Perry tonight— and ed Into the practlee^of paying play­ ’ M>aa tarw aver? are the tennis writers climbing out « aaae raaaaac WANTED—RELIABLE housekeep­ town Road, Manchester. Telephone T sIw tteS J w S ffllrt^ d of I •itlnllkee'fw ers, tee eporta affected would not on that well known Umb . . the Y. M. C A. Bowling * L m «w »«> « « •ccent tee ides of brotherhood, still Wifis—Wliat’a tee idea of poking endure long. ihraa or ala dera er. Oood home for right person. Hartford 8-8488. tha>lKoom ta tea baby's face? _ tea taira or ana you can laugh about a Tbny Oal- last night defeating Reid's three to I v - vH-___^ It ^ be carried to an extreme. —BtfiJ. John i . arifllth. Big Tea akarfai eaif (or tbe aa­ Write Box XTZ, Herald, particu- one. Shearer's took four points' * uRsaoe w OiUdrsn need Individual Uves, and Hubby—i just vranted U get him (propoaed for Self Serve (11) atldetto oommierioaer. ai Taiaa Ike a aaa lard, age, wages expdbted and < Detroit) all 3rou want to but If the from Gibson’s while KeUer'a beat T could tell you from now till the exhilaration of separate accom- used to kiaetag hto grandfather. tka rata aaraaa. parlance. HOUSES FOR SALE 78 dark, about the way Mabel ties tee F. Newark night stick ever hlU Joe tbe-Bon Ami three to one. pUsbment They room or on tee T. The rise of one’s bankroll, should rata aka eaa ka aada children together, It’t a wonder abe SuMlvan, t t ...... ® 0 0 READ IT OR NOT; attar tka I $900 CASH WU-L bu/ e 2 family, ^uamly, we know one Brown TaleottvUle (•) dMce floor U you need their own not be an admission ticket to a Comber who'll stay down for keeps I doian’t insist on teem being in tee F. Reardon, I g ...... 0 ■ J Saraga Renta $50 per montb. Aremooy ...... 108 107 111 f, lends In gi;eat measure. Even bees ^rdoaky, c ...... Nathaniel Hasrihome, one of court of justice. HELP WANTED— **me itxim at achool.e sbe does 0 4 America’s most tomous writers, waa Address Manchester Herald, Box : : Terry movM Blankenburg ..100 131 94 can select their own llowefs and go —Judge Jonah B. OOkUtein, Brook­ MALE OR FEMALE Into the Giant front office, Travia 8381 teem have the same friends 0 3 so shy he used to nm away from wui'kot ka raaaeaataia 87 Elite ...... 92 TlO 128 and come at wlU. BpChe. I f ...... lyn, N. Y. Jackson will be No. 1 on the llet of ™ outside,'' bowe^ri Of course, 1 be- 1 . 8 home sriten he saw viaitors ap­ laoorraet .koaitioa RANTED—A FAIRLr you j cou- Marcham ...... 102 98 109 Murch, I f ...... 0 aaaak’ maoagertcal prospecta if be makei Shubert ...... H5 109 118 340 group idea as weU sa 0 0 proaching. MO tlBM. plA amman, a goon plate cook, and LEGAL NOTICES good at Jersey City .... the Tony ' anybody, but It has got ao now that Gossip about the king's private omtmuom at laaar- wining to do some bouaework; man Canxoneris are looking for a bundle 6 1 11 life ought to be prohibited. loa el adaarttaiaa will ka 517 544 558 1817 not one of those teds has a chance i Night *8 Fights Delvery (15) Profesaor—Why sreren't you at l> k f aaaaalla*iea el tka aa houseman and chauffeur. Han MunON PBHMIT the last of the month. Tony's come­ to be himself. tbe lecture last nigbtT —^Kiag Leopold of Belgium, mmer- NOTICE OP APP1.ICATION back plans are held up pending the IM d ’B (1) r . ter ika.aaraioa raadaraa must have some experience with G. Reid ... T don’t know why ahe does it T. Student—I waa there. I sat In the •d to be oeatemptattag marriage. Its aiaat asatena car. Write Box W, Herald. This U lo give nolle* that 1. Jam**' at rival. ------91 99 101 291 lohnson, rg,...... 3' 0 fi irpoaraakr ariih Brogan of i l Clinton itr*et. Man- McLaughlin . .. 98 88 100 288 If they were my youngsters, I’d By ASSOCIATED PRESS Brown. I f ...... 1 1 last row briilnd the post. aalareaa Ik tka oM iak- cnestRr. Conn., havo filed an applica* Moriarty . ------124 92 talC'. teem otto by one to see thlnga BMaMiksM.ww A -.t io n dated 6th of January. 1637 with 87 303 New York—Phil Furr, 148, Waah- Meriwell, c ...... 3 i 7 Professor (not very pussled) rasaraa tka rtibt la New York writers came back R. Reid ... ____ 123 95 98 314 For histanoe, Harry te crasy about M. Reardon, rg ...... 6 fftrangs^ you're the twmtleth one A Thought ear soar aeip- POULTRY A n d SIIPPI.IES **'1 ConlMl Comml**lon for togton. D. C., drew with Eddie Car- 0 0 —. ,1 I ______I a Package store Beer Permit for the from Pbilly blasting, the verdict Coseo .... 1------98 111 123 332 airplanes, and Ted about birds and roS. 146)4. qtUwa. Ont (8 ). Agostlnelli, r g ...... 0 1 1 sriio fiat behind that post last night For though 1 be ftM from BoUk^i.-lasaikaa ads is FINEST NATIVE quality roasting sale of ■ alcoholic liquor on the which gave Al Ettore a decision bees and things like teat But no, Palllat, I g ...... 0 premises of Pine etreel. Manche*- —^M**le Ran e OUT OUR W A Y ...... 7taly, but eaye be won't go borne un­ Wilke ...... „104 n o ^““ 8 1 •*• 3 I ty, and Mabel phoned t»ie' If there io o fm AM»oMww|iuior#Fe

■ a iw m w v f B ^ W- What About Lee Hin^? By THOMPSON AN D COLL A LLE Y OOP To* Fulfill A Promise TOO SAO- a J f

•' ,'.r; ■" Y *v. vv’ •'-v'irfi ’."■•‘•1