
iit'. ‘ 5 , ) S 4 l o m t IIBI ........................... .v-..- j W l M W l i ' M ANCHESTER w- A CITY OF VILLAGE<PARM a5« tDL.LYi.,M <L 8i an r a g e M > MANCSBSTBR, CONN., WBONpSDAY. JANUARY t, iW (SIXTEEN PAGES) PBlCBTBBHft-* A s 76th Congress Opened P PRESIDENT CALLS ON GENERAL ASSEMBLY Combined With Oar White Sale ^ START WEDNESDAY JANUARY 6 COURTS TO GIVE AID CONVENES; GREEN STAMPS GIVEN W ITH CASH S A L^ 1500 Tnrde Beg. 2Sc FVmt Color D R E ^ S AIX DAY W ^N ^A Y , NEW SPRING 1 O ^ FOR GOOD OF NATION FEATURES SESSI i that thcM d r w eM art all brand I ___ ; iriakaa them espedally desir> SNOW SUITS H ale's Finespun Sheets PERCALE PRINTS A il Need b He 1 Ouf* Sue Ugisiatef : thla January sale pnee. Made to This is your opportunity to make a real buy in one of *. *!!?$^* thaaa Jnat bafbee the prtM rise in cotton fabrics and r $7.9fi. Sian 14 to 22V&. Colon 4 year g n a m t e ^ ceUophaiia wrapped, pre-lauqdered. we 7are paining on tly earing. A beautiful range of pdtems and eel- President*s Message winter’s most popular items—a snow siiit lliey’va sold 2Vb" bm on both aids -^ 6 ^ ” *^ctra leng^ otlngs In |4i new Spring dealgna. f m FodUNBlll Uw BR Here Are Highlights I green, black, raapberry, ruat, and like hot cakes. Get one of these now. k ^ 5 ' 9 • . - 8W04H-. NOW IM N.W >H.S;4.4-Tud bIfIdeMd View w a To the New Congress p K i i m ^ $ 6.98 s n d $ 7.98 SuitS) Ofi BepuMment prim 9L49. Q f Govemor*s Message N o w ....... ..............\.... $ 1 . 2 S ief«KM€ ta It, Be Stjs. p h e r e S v n i ^ 72x104%'*., NOW SILK and ACETATE Washington, Jaa. <AF>—1 hea(needB of tha uadwpcMlaged had Hartford. Jaa. S.—(AP)—Bara^ "You win aei\.s ^ t hthat i Connecticut $ a n d $ S u i t s , q A Replacement price 91.89. text of Prialdi bfuught too away of our peopla to ara aonw hlghtlghu la the Inaugural a X X la faced•d'wUh 8.98 9.98 $ l ; i 5 nual message to Oongraaa tollowa:' Famiiigtan, Jen. S.—(A P )-- tha verto of doubt aa to the suo- ddraaa of Oovonor Croaa: problam x x whan t inform those of ^ iO B 7 w e S r ^ ^ «8*104%". NOW DRESS LENGTHS Length ' TO the Otaagreai of the Uhlted ceaafol adaptatlan of omr historic "May partlaanahip ba fliven a ab- you who do not know that Uw rao- Hartford, Ja ORT COATS Bt flooeavelt summoned the States: tradtUons to Uw romplxx modera Oeneral AbsomMy , Replacement price 91.29. Bumtlw holiday at least." ords of ieSb dlackwad X X . 483 had $ 1 . 0 5 .Theoe fatelm bought from.the full pteoe eell for at least We ynid today to do thair part "In For the flrat tfan# la our natinaal worid. In that, lay a chaltenga to ^ 0.98 a n d $ 12.98 S u i t s , boM klUed and aaarly 14,000 malm- with many ] •B^won^w w^^w I . ’ ef atyle in theae eoata I S d d W a T f f i ^ e t e . mxWlala In plain crepea, norelty wearaa, ’ democracy succeaafur* wlth- history a Prasldant deitvaca hto an­ our Daiaocmtie form ef gerrarament "Tha d x yeara during which I ad or oUwrwiaa l a ju ^ from motor nual maaaage to a now Ormgraaa Itotif. o f the H ALE^ FINESPUN PILLOW CASES tho fWuaework of the Oonatltu- bavs bald Uw offiob of governor aoddenb within our bordara." aad aped through Its aO late modda. SdUng smaa T to 30i within a fortnight of the jxpiiatlan Ours ww tha task to prove that nearly corraapond with a period o f I at a time when "mlUtarlsm has a t hla term of office. While there la pcellmlnariea palar to i ' at |lC.7Bw they're a real UkSd". NOW N o w O < Reg. 89c 39” Pre-Shrmik, 70x80” Part Wo«d : forward" abroad. dSBweracy could bo awde to fuae- industrial, aad agricultural depreo- !*nw Uaw has eoaw la my opto- ^^aplaeamwt pilea' ^ J J C ^^Raplaeamantprice J F ist Color no change In the presidenry this Uon fat the world of today as affae- alon unpraoedentad in tba hlatoiy of ton for aa adjuatmeat of Uw nta* Uoa of Oov. W n u r T .: Addreaeing a Joint aeaakm of year, change wlU occur In future ttveb aa la Uw Uagilar world of a la Uw foes St ^ $ S K I P A N TS now $ Double Blankets Uw Republic." Uona batwaaa Uw stats aad tha 2 .9 8 2 . 4 9 I from the Speaker'a dlaa In years. hunmrad years aga Ours was Uw oouatba so that vra awy now taka m o f ths n2 PRINTED CREPES Houm clHmber, the President u ths doff Zt la my baUaf that nador this toak to do mote thaa to argu# a "For m on Uiaa a year Uw de- Uw flrat atop towards a stato JaU The f bmeaa Iduly PeppereB Conatltutlonal praottoe, tha Preai­ thsory. nwad for aklllad labor la our iadus- form X X x" laiaal $ 2 . 6 9 "The vital need Is not alteration dant should In evary fourth year, in- Tha Uaws rsqulred Uw oonfldant triaa has for outatripped Uw sup­ Ths only'' $ 1 .9 8 Children’s Sw eaten 70 5 7 c our fundamental law, but an ia- aofar aa seems raaaonable, review SMwsr o4 tck thoM start of Uw bghtotlvs 1 m a a o T to li. Jltaaa blnnkate are worth 3M 3 ply.'’ *Tha aaoat oomprahenalva oom- Sheets and^ PUlow Cases today. Block plaids la roaa, gram, enllghteneo view with the relating state of our national whoba laaUneUve faith la humaalty pototmaat of comaff" wm not puU at aeama. A good tolt • • • aolaaloa aathoriaad'hy Uw tost Oea- gatad tsavorailty to' Oandphaaa wrapped, pra-laundirod. Soft Uxtnra that WUI gira sataetlao of patterns In the smaU blue, and g o ld .. aSatra and outline broad future awde them want to beUeva that la ''*Iha piBcaBWBto la private am- aral Aasembly to ona on a oomplato yaata of waar. r "Wa do not aak the courts to call (round to avoid aagr : COATS problema, leaving apaeifle raoom- Uw iaag run damooricy would prove bow neat dasigiis on nary, red, aad nt powers Into belag, but pbyawnt an runaiag mors norgaalsatloB of Uw stato govan- nguraUcai a t r * m $ 1 .9 8 W^omen’s Blouses a q brown grounds. W wide. mandatlnna fOr future laglalstlon to superior to mete axtranw fo tiu of thaa flfty par eaat over two yaan Bwnt." . 1 7 h b ft 7 Only! 70x80” AD Wool i have a right to expect that Con­ be made by the Prealdtot about to govemmeat aa a proeeai of gatUag eoata trimmed with B\am 84 to 40. Brown, Hunter Green nad some W J . • f 9 81X99” - 72x108” . or tbom legitimate^ Opening n awawatous aaarion o f Congreee, Rev. Jaawa ir«nlg miwrr , •ffo." f.<masra a f both 1 High Bluulet. * be inaugurated. action whan acUon was wledom. "The dUaeaa af this atata, Ura- WoO made and warmly Replacemeiit pr|pe 11.89. $ 1 . 3 9 BLANKETS be made effective In- A t this time hoxraver clrcum- chaplain (at roatrnm), prays before the atandlng House o f Reprvsea- ths sppntotawat Reg. 98.98 88x195” nt for the common good. w ithout Um spiritual aacrlfloea taUvea. A few minutee later the House began Its deUberaUana. "The aim of Uw UBempfoymaat specUva of poUUcal talUto ara la tssofSotweB Monamfnt MUb Pre-Shmiik staaoes of the momant oompal me which thoxa other forina of govarn- OompeasaUan Act x x to to asstot my opialon atrongly to flavor'sf a. oommlttoa probism _ I at 125.00 and 129.76, 88x99” . "The prooem of our democracy to ask your immadiate oonaidara- a Replacement price 91.49. tusC not be imperiled by the denial workera to Uda over abort setbaeka Dtotriot Court ayatom otgaalasd on aaxt Tosodap, ' Odepadee *••••••••••••• $2.98 Women’s Skirts a O {\ $ 1 . 1 9 $ 5 . 9 8 tloa o f: Flrat, moaauraa extending to bustawas." a aiaqib aad aaaOy workabb da* dHT. 3S to 83. Nary. Black. Groan, aad BEDSPREADS sUal ITS of nae gover the Ufe of certain authorlaatione 72x99". Just a fMp left o f thaae all wool cL- That obaUanga ara met. To meat blankets In blus, green. roeeL aad NRA Was « and powers which, undar praaaat It required uapieeedentod aeUviUas *T X X X suggaat that you author- Replacement price 91.59. orchid. 8 sUtutea, explra wlUiln a fow weeks; undar Federal laaderablp—to aad FRENCH TROOPS M O R E O F G E C ’S $ 1 . 2 9 Before the heavUy' Democratic taa the goveraor to ereato a oom- T b s two laadlag poStlcal partba , ___ 91.M Beg. 92.95 S-Piece $ 3 . 6 9 ascond, aa addition to tba existing abuses to leatore a U tgo awBaure mlaaloB to atudy furtlwr Uw qnaa- hava alao spokaa out elaarfy for Uw 81x108” . the cauef Executive aa- NeutraUty Act to covar apoclflc of Bwnrlal proqwrlty—to gtva aSw i e ^ F i U i r i c 1 Group Cotton Dresses 701 CO Two smart pattama, saren eol- that "the broad objeetivea' Uon o f uaamploynwat compoaaaUoo anactnwnt of a eIvU sarvioo law Replacement price 91.79.
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