
Real-time synthesis and composition techniques

MUSIC 109/209LC, MAT 276LC

Monday 2-4, Room 2215 Instructor: Professor Curtis Roads Media Arts and Technology & Department of Music, University of California, Santa Barbara 2203 Elings Hall, telephone 893-2932, [email protected] Teaching Assistant: Mr. Chris Jette


Spring quarter 2008 Transformation of sound ______31 March, lecture 1 Lecture: Overview of audio signal processing Micromontage and granulation of sound files Handout: Micromontage and granulation Listening: Micromontage in the music of Horacio Vaggione: Nodal (1997) and Paul Lansky: Table's Clear (1992) • Assignments 1. Read handout and review chapter 5 of The Tutorial (TCMT). Prepare for quiz next week. 2. Realize a two-minute etude that employs granulation of sound files. Use granulation programs and assemble the files in Pro Tools. Due in three weeks.

______7 April, lecture 2 Quiz 1 on micromontage and granulation Lecture: Signal processing I: Dynamic range processing, from Chapter 10 of TCMT Demonstration of dynamic range processing in Waves Lecture: Signal processing II: Digital filters, from Chapter 10 of TCMT Demonstration of filters in Waves Listening: Granulation in the music of Kenneth Fields and Natasha Barrett • Assignments 1. Review pages 184-197, basic concepts of filters (introduced in the Fall quarter) 2. Read pages 387-419, dynamic range and filtering, Ch. 10 of The Computer Music Tutorial. Prepare for quiz next week. 3. Realize a two-minute study using filtering, delays, convolution. Document the types of signal processing that you use. Due in four weeks. 4. Read pages 5-25 of Waves Manual: C1 Parameteric Compressor (in the classroom) ______14 April, lecture 3 Quiz 2 on filters and dynamic range processing Lecture Signal processing III: Musical applications of convolution Demonstration of convolution in SoundHack Listening: Jean-Jacques Perrey Ondioline (1950s and 1960s), Stockhausen (1960), Paul Lansky Six Fantasies •Assignments 1. Read pages 419-432, focus on convolution, Ch.10 of The Computer Music Tutorial. Prepare for quiz next week. ______21 April, lecture 4 Presentation of student studies 1, granular. Quiz 3 on convolution Lecture Signal processing IV: Delay effects • Assignments: 1. Read pages 440-448, pitch-time changing, Chapter 10 of The Computer Music Tutorial 2. FINAL EXAMINATION PROJECT: Realize a 4-5-minute piece that employs the signal processing techniques presented this quarter. Document the techniques that you used, and be prepared to explain them when you present your work to the class. This project will be judged according to aesthetic sophistication and technical quality. Due final class. ______

Special Event: 8 PM, 24 April 2007: CREATE Concert, L. Lehmann Concert Hall UCSB

______28 April, lecture 5 Lecture Signal processing V: Pitch-time changing Demonstration of granular pitch-time changing. Listening examples ______5 May, lecture 6 Lectures: Presentation of student studies 2, filtering, delays, convolution. Transformation by modulation: tremolo, vibrato, ring modulation Introduction to sound transformation via spectrum analysis and resynthesis I. Demonstration of the phase vocoder • Assignment: Read pages 536-577, "Spectrum analysis," chapter 13 of The Computer Music Tutorial. Prepare for quiz on in two weeks. Listening: Forbidden Planet by Louis and Bebe Barron. Mantra by Stockhausen ______12 May, lecture 6 Lecture: Introduction to sound transformation via spectrum analysis and resynthesis II Listening: Phase vocoder in the music of JoAnn Kuchera-Morin

______19 May lecture 8 Quiz 4 on spectrum analysis. Lecture: Recent music of Curtis Roads • Assignment Prepare the final project for 11 June.

______26 May Monday – Memorial Day Holiday, class postponed to 27 May Tuesday – 5 PM Lecture on Clang-tint (1994) by Curtis Roads Distribution of teaching evaluation forms. Early presentation of FINAL EXAMINATION PROJECTS ______2-6 June, Dead Week ______9 June, Monday, final class Presentation of FINAL EXAMINATION PROJECTS ______