State Shortfall May Endanger Town Projects

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State Shortfall May Endanger Town Projects *•'*. “ -rtT^f." f..';-,r*.';'.r:'’.' ' ^■’ l« - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 17.1987 MANCHESTER SPORTS RECREATNNIAL IMMCEUANEOUS FOCUS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE NBPWMTED RMSALE 8th’8 chief wanto Whalera on top Child's skis - boots, size 13 Noel cooka big Manchester-Starting at with skis and poles, $35., $179,900. Enloy easy living 649-3869 after 3 pm.a ENDROLL8 new radio aetup of diviaion again with tiny kitchen In one of these beautiful 87«wMHffM TvUphon* Optrator- new homes to be built In Bicycle - boys, 26 Inch, 5 . p a g e 3 . p a g e 9 Sorhinktv ond Sundov, desired neighborhood. All apatti, completely recon­ IfKwMMi'SforM# ... page 14 t a n until 4pm. Apply homes Include 3 bed­ ditioned with $n. worth of MUST be pleked up el the Mtodowt Monor. 333 Bid- rooms, 216 baths, 2 firepla­ new ports. Excellent con­ HersM Otilo* Mondey thru w tll St. M ondwitar. ces, 2 cor garage, full dition, $35.00. Cal 6431794. Thursday betors It am.only. basement B much much Port tlmp-Dtntol onlit- more. Choose from: Cope ont ond sccrotorlol dutin Cod Colonlol...18S0 so. wontod In Vernon office. ft...Salt Box Colonl- Pleoiont working condi­ al...1865sa. ft....Dutch Co- gSISiigr^ Automottvo tions. Coll 871-0337. lonlol...1920 so. ft....Garri­ son Colonlol...2000 so. ft. 16 foot Mod River canoe, Word Processor- Coll us today for appoint­ paddles Included. Used CARS compony will train some­ ment to plan your new four times. Excellent con­ FOR SALE one with 1-2 yeors general hontel Sentry Real Est­ dition. $800. Please call word processing expe­ ate. 6436601.□ Hrralh 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- rience. Plush protesslonol 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for Dodge Coronet - 1975. 8 mxdmtn) Manchester — A City ol Village Charm office. Excellent poy/ be- Manchester - $152,500 - Bob._________________ cylinder, 4 door, good neftls pockope. Compony Relox or golf at this condition. $1000. Coll John poys fee. Coll or send luxurious 3 bedroom con­ Two large boat anchors days, 6432711 or 647-8808 resume to;Ann Thercera, dominium bordering the for 32 foot boot. $90.00 nights. Hortford Protesslonol golf course. All large each. Call 6437534.0 Wedneaday, Feb. 18,1987 30 Cents Ploeement Group, 100 rooms Including shee- Chevrolet - 1971, 4 door, Constitution Plozo. Hort- trocked bosement for fu­ 307 engine, automatic fOrd, Ct. 08103. 724-5643. ture family room, flre- MUSICAL transmission, all new plore, central air, large brakes. Running condi­ F BUWIIE88 deck, 2 1/2 baths. Unit ITEMS tion. $99.00. Coll 6435033.0 bocks up to woods. Com­ 'Baby M’ spurs interest in surrogate births OPPORTUNITIES plex also offers tennis and 1906 Ovotlon-12 strings, 1981 Honda Prelude, olr a swimming pool. O.W. case, and accessories In­ conditioned, automatic, Fish Realty, 6431591 or i l t a l sun roof, am/fm stereo, Wonted - working wDO. cluded. $700. (tall 6434233. By William Gillen the Baby M trial began last month "W e are concerned that people formed the group in September in agreement and recommends that portner; eouol shores, es­ 871-1400. luggage rack. $3500/best offer. Call 6464)271 after The A$$oclated Press in Hackensack, N.J. are getting a lopsided view of response to news stories about the the surrogate mother not be al­ tablished young construc­ Surrogate mother Mary Beth lowed to change her mind about tion corporation specializ­ South Windsor - $299,900 - ICAMERAS/PHOTO 6pm .□ surrogate parenthood as a result of trial, said Hanafin, staff psycholo­ ing In excavation work, Absolutely gorgeous 5 . The nation’s first trial to deter­ Whitehead agreed to be arUfically the trial,” said Beth Bacon, direc­ gist for the Center for Surrogate custody once she has reached EQUIPMENT agreement with a couple. potential real estate deve- bedroom contemporary mine the custody of a child born to a inseminated with William Stern’s tor of the Hagar Institute of Topeka, Parenting in Beverly Hills. E lopement. Engineering Cope located In a great III9 ITRUCKS/VANS surrogate mother has heightened sperm, then turn over the child to Kan. The group advocates the right of There have been about SOO background a plus I Pro­ neighborhood. Home In­ S is' Minolta XG-1 -$50.00. Like IBZI f o r s ALE interest In such births, but agencies Stern and his wife, Elizabeth, for However, Bacon said, "the chan­ women to be surrogate mothers and surrogate births during the past 10 fessional attitude Impor­ cludes large living room, new with cose. Firm . Call that arrange surrogate matches $10,000. But after the baby was born ces of a surrogate mother changing years, according to Lou Golden, a formal dining room, and seeks legal guidelines for the tant! Alan 646-2614, Bol­ 643-4295 after 5 pm. 1974 Chevrolet step-in say they haven’t made significant in March, Mrs. Whitehead refused her mind are about one in IIKI." orncess she said. spokesman for the Infertility Cen­ ton, C T 12 X 20 first floor family ter of New York, which arranged room. Stone floor to cell­ van. 40JX)0 miles on a procedural changes. to relinquish the child, and rejected One of the long-term benefits of Noel P. Keane, a Dearborn, rebuilt engine. Aluminum Mich., lawyer who has been called a the Whitehead-Stern contract. Soot sweeper-August ing fireploce, screened MISCELLANEOUS ' "V ery frankly, we have not the fee. the trial, she said, would be porch, 18 X 36 Inground body. Asking $2900. Can be changed any steps in our process,” The judge in the case will decide pressure on state legislatures to pioneer in arranging surrogate The cost to a couple of a surrogate West model, 2 horse FOR SALE seen at MarlnelM's Gar­ power. Cleans up to TOO pool, 3 full baths and two said Harriet Biankfeld, director of the custody of the baby known in adopt guidelines so other surrogate births, said public opinion had child is about $30,000, several of car garage. Much more. age on Hartford Road, court papers as Baby M, and the changed dramatically in favor of those interviewed said. The surro­ cubic feet of olr every Manchester or call 646- Infertility Associates International parenthood cases don’t have to go to minute. Like new. Bought O.W . Fish Realty, 6431591 1981 Fleer baseball cards - the practice of infertile couples gate mother normally receives 0795. ih Chevy (taase, Md. "W e started legality of the contract. court. In 1985. Paid $1000, first or 871-1400. 36 pock, wax box. $30. Coll with a strong foundation and we’ve None of the agency officials A direct result of the case was the hiring women to bear children. about $10,000. $300 takes It. Coll 875-6476. 742-6016.O interviewed Tuesday said they had Keane, who says he has arranged The majority of those inter­ ExtrallExtrall - Over­ 1971 Dodge </i ton van-318, had no need to make any changes.” formation of the National Associa­ •>, f . ' A I more than ISO surrogate births in viewed said their agencies adver­ sized Raised Ranch - 75 LP Records - oil for $10. 3 speed, ladder racks, first Directors of surrogate agencies made significant changes in proce­ tion of Surrogate Mothers in Los $159,900 - Well maintained Coll 6433581.0 $675 takes It. Coll 875-6476. ground the country reported a dures as a result of the trial. Angeles, said Hilary Hanafin, a the last 12 years, said a bill tised for surrogate mothers, usu­ Real Estate home on nearly 1 acre lot. sharp increase in telephone inquir­ However, several said they had member of the association’s board. introduced in New York this year ally through newspaper classifieds, Fam ily room Includes m * . -‘.K.- Child's table and chair set. ies about their programs, from reviewed, but not changed, the More than 40 surrogate mothers, could be a model for other states. but that infertile couples were fireplace and built In 40 Inch octagon with 2 infertile couples and women want­ wording of the contracts between about 30 of whom have borne The bill, he said, recognizes recommended by fertility clinics, MARY BETH WHITEHEAD HOMES bookshelves. Sliding folding chairs. Very good TAKE A LOOK ing to be surrogate mothers, since couples and surrogate mothers. children for infertile couples, surrogate parenthood as a legal lawyers and doctors. .. one in 100? doors open to I6x 16deck. condition. $17.00. 649- IHMSALE Great place for gardeners 1847.0 SPECIAL PURCHASE and children In this large FroBi Dellar RgRt-a^ar All real estate advertised bock yard. Move-In condi­ APARTMENTS iwiAPARTMENTS Merchandise Hundreds of glass Insula­ In the AAonchester Herald tion!! Don't let this one FOR RENT ^ I f o r r e n t FURNITURE tors. Great flea market District, town Is sublect to the Fair slip through your fln- Item. $90 or best offer. 1985 MerciJiy Lynx 4 Df». Auto, P^AIr. ' Housing Act of 1968, which gersl I Coll us for a show- 6494)477. Evenings.o 8 to ohooM from State shortfall mokes It Illegal to adver­ Ing! Realty World, Maple rocking chair - Manchester - Maple Wood Three bedroom apart­ 171 ^HOLIDAY/ good condition. $45.00. tise any preference, lim­ Frechette Associates, 646- ment, $550 monthly, secur- American peoples encyc­ apartments. New luxury, I ' > ISEASONAL Coll 6432248. $3995 itation or discrimination 7709. two bedroom townhouses. Ity deposit reaulred, lopedia (20 books) and ready to put based on race, ralor, reli­ year books 1967-85 plus 5 279 Bldwell Street. 649- appliances and heat not Medicine cabinets - dou­ 1985 Merc Marquis gion, sex orXnotlonol Lebonon-Cedar sided 5249.
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