USED CARS Lfflanrbp0tpr Iwralb
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CHEVROLBT-BUiaC, INC. R O U T E 83r V E R N O N S4 Century LTD 44r. *6995 U S E D C A R S M Century iTO44r. *M M an Marliur Saaqxa *19,495 8SCavallarCS4«r *5995 .- a«g ■ «« SSCalaMtyanr. tW95 » « « « • ®- .SSMoniaCarlo *8995 87Mare.Topai SSChavyC-lOF/u *8995 S7 Marc. Cousar * 1 L W SSOMaOataa*, *99W 8 7 FordTampo *09w SB Cavallar 4 dr. *^9S S7 Lincoln T.C. *16,295 SSNevaCL *5TO ay Marc. O. MarquN *11,395 S7 ^la l. 4 dr. 87 Llnccln MK7 *21,996 ssiiK s... iiisi 87Cavallaff4r. *7995 W Marc. Cougar *11,0M 87 Pont Grand Am *9996 87Ma«laRX-7 * 1 M « S7Pom.8unMtdaaa *79«5 88 Toyota Camry 87 Monta Carlo *10,995 t6MozdteseTurt>o *989^ lfflanrbp tpr Iw ra lb T A G Sole. Miscellaneous ond household Items. 0 7 4 O i l B 88 More. Lynx *3995 0 286 Copper Hill Street, CARS O / X * J r I I I 88 Dodge Lanoor *79^ Monchester. June 11 FOR SALE ................. ^ Marquia *5995 ond 12.9om-3pm. ■ ■■wM ia wa JJLm~ teMarc. Marquia *6995 Centarvotlva way b T A G Sale. Clothes, gloss, DODGE VarTl9M. Many L I P M A N f f l MM,..!,,. jam ROOltlfeOO Bfid * MfVkM Install or repair yeuf reef , T br SiR SerBMBi U bm household Items. June new parts. Front-end Friday, June 10, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents aaalltMa. OM aob Panand, Jr. and Soval O ed direct with Any amount daMvered. Alao, mi, 11,8am-3pm. 570 Wood- damaged. Please tele- J SOUTH BOLTON reofar. Wood and cedar g t i^ . alona and bark, mulch. brldae Street, phone 649-9874._______ VOLKSWAGEN S r S I gg^zuklSamuriConv. gs Lincoln T.C. *12,995 GLEMIIII6 SERVICE BM.647-IB09 shake spaclallatl Seal BobooL baekhoe 8 leader rental. Monchester. CHEVY Nova 1973. Some 8w.648-aB49 downs. 27 years body damage. Runs axparlance. DAVIS CONSTRUCTION LA R G E 6 family tag sale. 87 ' ugo 2 dr.. 18K ..........*2895 86 FOrd LTD Homas and ConckM June 10, 11, 12, 8:30- great. Asking $450. 742- ae VW Qoll DIsael............. <6286 *8 Ol** Wagon Wright Call lUarMB BaMlag A 645-8830 872-1400/^9-9555 4pm. Rain or shine. 8884. 86 VW Sdrocco. AT. AC, 86 Chav. Spactrum *4295 Clothing, household DODGE Aspen 1977. 4 AM/FM Caaa., W Ir.... <8795 64 Maro. Cougar *54W 647- 1S4S Items, bikes, excercise ' door Sedan. Good con- 86 Cudaaa Clarra brn.......WOS ,4 ,4, ^ Cougar *6496 Housing HANDYMAN nd equipment and some dltlon. S400. 646-4081. thing for everyone. 70 “ ■'g'S.'JSr:.................*7886 8 4 Mmo.Q.Mwqula *79% welcomes R E c r m c M . BUICK Riviera 1981. Full 0 HAULING Otis Street, Manches 83 Jaap Wagonaar, 84 Lincoln T.C. 11,4W UWRCME ter, corner of Forest loaded, Sunroof, white Loaded........................*8886 S4 Lincoln Contin. '11,595 Rag. Ins |W. Any Job — Anytime 649-9473 and Otis. with leather Interior. LAWNS Mowed. Reaso ELECTmCM. WORK Asking $3,950. Financ 82 VW RabUl DIaMt........*2596 a4 Marc. Cougar *64M inquiry NEIGHBORHOOD Tag 82 Bulek Skylark...............*2896 S4 Oldt Delta *69M nable prices, free esti u c i m imSiyii d A m Need e new Service with Call Biry 647-3880 ing'available for quali mates. Please tele- circuit breekerl? Sale. June 10 8,11.7,9,11 fied buyer. 644-0139. 65 CatMro IROC-Z......*10,485 53 Marc. Cougar *5996 project is phone John 647-1W7. 4 tadn^ ■! Ilia M . Moss are down! Chaok us out In Seaman Circle. 9am to the Manchsalsr yidow psgaa. CHEVY Comoro 1980. WASHINGTON (AP) - House H yeuYa aMi at eoniraeiora not 5pm. Something for Mint condition. slhS^M^!:...™^*28,585 301-305 CENTER S T.! LAWN Mowing Service everyone I____________ Speaker Jim Wright, awaiting available. Reasonable latuirnlng your oaHa, oall ua. josini Dums Loaded. Garaged win 77 Camaro. V8, AT.......... *2496 M A N C H ES TER M r nmrtJ, nuv T A G Sale. Manchester,47 word from the House ethics rates. Free estimates. 646-US3 QUALITY CLlANmO AT ters. $3800. Call 646-8736 64S-»57a otter 3pm. MM CMStraeUm ■OONONHCAL MMtOlt. mte Spruce Street, Satur- days. 643-5135 committee on whether it will dov, June M, 9am-3pm. d*aWam.NA8<8-1720 TOYOTA King Cab 1986. launch a formal investigation of N G U R T U m VggrD Of WNpirltfiog. nitnnom Rowing machine, ski his activities, today released HEATIII6/ ■vDiiibif. C6tt 40 Excellent condition. under fire rack, garage door op papers he said would refute PLUMMN6 ener, mopeds, house Stereo, bucket seats, MANCHESTER inuNTiM/ matching top, turbo. charges that he violated ethics BBBSBI^WIS kBSiSB A WSB RsRWSlSS hold Items, books and |m P H R N 6 much more.__________ Days 522-7448, evenings rules. By Anita M. Caldwell Howard L. Holmes of 128 Henry « aii n a eiieiwtlarl iniii cmna R.A. DAVIDSON 643-4593. HONDA PROWLER 5th whedl R AISB^ RBSlSflO 46 IBSW BBR SIOBB ASPHALT MAINTENANCE a ie r ik d »B D C ^^5. 32 feet, olr condl- But the speaker said he still Manchester Herald St., who arrianged the meeting, rOnAUTOUNNUM NAM E vour own price. FlumMiie. HMMna, Pump 8eivtoe T A G Sale. Various Items Drivtwaya 8 Paiklng Lott on Saturday June 11th, MUSTANG Coupe 1969. lla f c U If R N G tioning. Very good cort- welcomed an official inquiry. Fattier & Son Painting New bislallallons, R ^lre , You finish restoration said he was not concerned that CoS MV-fISb Drains Claansd, Bathroom 8 • Hot Rubbtflstd Craek iaWtiie 39 Eldridge Street, •..e eas dltloR. Asking S7500. “ The committee properly About 40 residents blasted the DiRosa would not attend. He said and Papering. Remo- Manchester. 9;30am to or use for parts. $750 88 Chevy Van *15,586 647-7435. EASTBikii val. 3W-S567. KKehen Remodeling • Mahan Wspalis « i«al OosHna firm. 647-7622. wants to look very carefully and architect for a $1.2 million he was more interested in talking SerWoe 1$ Our Bui4tm$ 5pm. 86 Honda Civic *6995 ______ , , _ , _ L A ¥WNCARB PAINTING Interior and FuW kworad Aw* HUnmm V-W Sauareback 1972. Re exhaustively into each of the housing for the elderly project on to someone who could answer o m m m • ntn u m of Bus Phorw'742-S3S2 SOMETHING for eve 64 Chav Camaro *5195 | B 5 ^ M O TO TC Y (^ E 8 / LmmirtrtSmvkm exterior. Quality ond G8IIB2S-244ST0DAYI built engine, excellent items of which I’ve been ac North Elm Street ’Thursday, questions about engineering and professional, work ryone. 82 West Center 84 Honda Accord *7995 C J M O r E l W Street, Manchester. mechanical condition. cused,” said Wright, D-Texas. complaining about construction construction details, like the manship. Free estl- Some rust, will pass "Ultimately I’m certain that problems they say have affected plans for sanitary sewers and motes. Call Craig PJ’8 PlttmMng A Hsallng Saturday and Sunday K Honda Accord •6996 Y A M A H A 650cc 1979. 8000 9-4pm. ____________ Inspection. Very de exposure to all the facts will their quality of life. storm drains. Mund. 742-8173 or 742- Boilers, pumps, hot pendable transporta 81 Chevy Monta Carlo *4995 Original miles. Excet- M7*f910 Kwidan Kayat water tanks, new and T A G Sole. 60 Otis Street, ...a lacMw: condition, S800. assure the committee that there Even the term, “ elderly” was Lamson told the crowd he 9382. __________ tion. S500. Call 647-9234. 84 Otda Cutlets 6995 Kowosokl 750cc replacements. CONCRETE Manchester. Friday, is no warrantable Charge." attacked as residents tried to would try to answer their ques TOYOTA Starlet Hatch 85 Ply. Horizon *2995 , 1982, 10,000 original RtBOVitioiM/Plas FREE ESTIMATES Saturday and Sundov, Wright released an inchrthick determine if the town-funded tions and what he didn’t know, he i w a i m p m / 8:30am-5pm. Linens, back 1981. 5 speed, Ouslem Inlarlor 8 Exwrlor CPS CONCRETE A M -F M stereo, runs .8 Honda Civic *5495 ,7on” S90o"or* sheaf of papers with a statement housing project is low-income, would find out. Painting ■ CaWng Repair t 643-9649 / 228-9616 Potlas, walks, floors, drlva- tools, miscelloneous. niGOIIETAX wovt, oddHIens 8 decks. Jock well. SHOO, 649-4690. 84 Oldt Cutiata *5495 only $15001 Call 643-8484 saying they "will demonstrate low-cost, affordable, or moder “ We’ll get a ns wers and respond Renew • Powsr Washing T A G Sale. 60 Otis Street. Hammsrtne 8 sow cufllna. C H E V Y M a lib u 1972. conclusively that my official ate. Architect Alan Lamson, who to you in writing,” he said. Praa CaHmalas ■ Friday, Saturday, Sun 88 Dodge Lanctr *7495 osk for Linda, Mondav- BARBARA RAY BnMISCEUAIIEOUS FREE ESTIMATES. Hard top, 307, auto Friday 10-5pm. conduct has not violated any rule appeared at the meeting alone, “ You’re putting it right back in Inturtd • StrHor Dlieountt 1S% Dhcount far tailin’ a iU a n day. 8:30am-5pm. Lln- 82 Lincoln Tovm Car *7495 BOOKKEEPING 646-2253 I S L I SERVICES e n s , tools, matic, stereo. Runs of the House.” received the brunt of the crowd’s our lap,” Donna Jezouit, of Henry SERVICES 4 4 7 -9 9 8 9 miscelloneous._______ good. S450. Call 742- 84 Honda Accord 4 dr. *7195 B S n jA U T O S F O R The papers included news criticism as he stood in an area Street, yelled.