Extensions of Remarks E2133 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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December 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2133 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING BRADLEY C. Under Bernie Dittman’s leadership, WABB children; as well as countless friends and loyal KEENEY FOR ACHIEVING THE became one of the longest-running and most employees that he leaves behind. RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT successful Top 40 radio stations in the United Our thoughts and prayers are with them all States. at this difficult time. HON. SAM GRAVES The station has also spearheaded over the f years the move to more equality in the hiring OF MISSOURI PAYING TRIBUTE TO JEANETTE of on-air personalities and staff members. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ROBINSON fact, WABB was one of the first stations in Wednesday, December 6, 2006 south Alabama to hire both women and Afri- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause can-Americans for important announcer posi- HON. JON C. PORTER OF NEVADA to recognize Bradley Keeney, a very special tions. WABB has also been a critical part of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES young man who has exemplified the finest Mobile’s emergency broadcast community and qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- played a crucial role in providing information to Wednesday, December 6, 2006 ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- listeners during Hurricane Frederic (1979) and Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ica, Troop 357, and in earning the most pres- Hurricane Ivan (2004). During Ivan, WABB honor Jeanette Robinson in recognition of her tigious award of Eagle Scout. was one of the few stations in the area able multiple accomplishments as a professional Bradley has been very active with his troop, to transmit continuously during the storm with- bowler. participating in many scout activities. Over the out losing power. Following the end of the Jeanette has been inducted into seven many years Bradley has been involved with storm, the station also led the effort to collect bowling halls of fame and is the only person Scouting, he has not only earned numerous and distribute relief material to neighboring to have attained this great honor. Her competi- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- States which had also been severely affected. tion and coaching endeavors have allowed her ily, peers, and community. It is with extreme Aside from his professional obligations, Ber- to travel the world and work with the best pleasure that I commend the dedication Brad- nie ensured that WABB and its family of em- players internationally. Jeanette has also ley has shown. ployees took an active role in the life of the bowled a competitive frame in 49 of 50 states. Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Mobile community. Jeanette grew up in Flint, Michigan and commending Bradley for his accomplishments For the past 47 years, the station has oper- picked up her first bowling ball in 1956 at age with the Boy Scouts of America and for his ef- ated the WABB Community Club Awards Pro- 28. By 1957, Jeanette was coaching youth forts put forth in achieving the highest distinc- gram of Greater Mobile, which has provided and seniors in addition to running leagues and tion of Eagle Scout. I am proud to represent over $250,000 in financial awards to local tournaments full-time. As the first known per- Bradley in the United States House of Rep- civic, religious, and cultural institutions. Addi- son to organize and promote national bowling resentatives. tionally, the station has been a 40-year spon- tournaments for the deaf and the blind in 1958 f sor of the Greater Gulf State Fair, a 35-year and 1959, she laid the foundation for making sponsor of the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing bowling a sport for everyone. HONORING THE MEMORY OF MR. Rodeo, and a long-time sponsor of both the As more coaching opportunities became BERNARD SIDNEY DITTMAN Senior Bowl and GMAC Bowl college football available, Jeanette’s travels increased, and games. she was chosen president of the Professional HON. JO BONNER Additionally, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Women’s Bowlers Association in 1965. She OF ALABAMA Greater Mobile, the United States Marine held this position for 10 years until stepping IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Corps Toys for Tots program, the Mobile Ron- down in 1975. Under her leadership, the wom- ald McDonald House and numerous other or- en’s professional bowling tour grew exponen- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 ganizations advocating area youth have bene- tially. Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, Mobile County fited tremendously from Bernie’s leadership Although Jeanette still bowls today, her true and indeed the entire State of Alabama re- and community involvement. In fact, the area love is coaching and she currently holds the cently lost a dear friend, and I rise today to Toys for Tots program holds the record for the position of resident professional at The Orle- honor him and pay tribute to his memory. Mr. single largest toy collection anywhere in the ans Bowling Center. Her work with the local Bernard Sidney Dittman, known as ‘‘Bernie’’ to United States, with over 100,000 toys col- Las Vegas high school leagues, professional his many friends and family, was a devoted lected—due in no small part to the efforts of tours and family bowlers at The Orleans is family man and dedicated community leader Bernie and his entire team. most rewarding because it is the legacy of her throughout his life. Bernie was a longtime member of the Ala- sport that she hopes to see passed on from Bernie purchased WABB–AM in Mobile, Ala- bama Broadcasters’ Association and the Na- generation to generation. bama, in 1959. This station, previously owned tional Association of Broadcasters and in 2000 Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Jeanette by the Mobile Press-Register newspaper orga- was the recipient of the Greater Mobile Adver- Robinson. Her lifetime contributions to the nization, first went on the air in 1948 with call tising Federation Silver Medal Award. sport of bowling are truly commendable. I wish letters that stand for ‘‘Alabama’s Best Broad- Mr. Speaker, there have been few individ- her the best in all of her future endeavors. casters.’’ uals more important to the broadcast profes- f One year later, Bernie moved to Mobile and sion in Alabama or to the life of their local IN RECOGNITION OF THE AUXIL- completely changed the broadcast format of community than Bernie Dittman. IARY TO BELLEVUE HOSPITAL the station. His conversion of WABB from a He was an outstanding example of the qual- CENTER, INC. ON THE OCCASION country station to Top 40 propelled WABB to ity individuals who have devoted their lives to OF THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF the position of the leading station in that for- the field of broadcasting, and I ask my col- ITS FOUNDING mat and one of the premiere stations any- leagues to join with me in remembering a where along Alabama’s Gulf Coast. dedicated community leader and friend to In 1973, Bernie took WABB in a new direc- many throughout south Alabama. HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY OF NEW YORK tion when the station added a new FM signal Bernie Dittman loved life and lived it to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and began to broadcast a progressive rock fullest, and his passing marks a tremendous format. At a time when most automobiles were loss for all of south Alabama. He will be deep- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 not equipped with FM receivers, Bernie and ly missed by many, most especially his wife, Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to his team ran an extensive series of on-air pro- Judith S. Dittman; his 3 daughters, Betsy honor the Auxiliary to Bellevue Hospital Cen- motions encouraging the installation of low- Dittman, Stephanie Teichmer, and Marsha ter, Inc., which is celebrating its 100th anniver- cost FM receivers. Scimo; his sister Sylvia Scott; and 3 grand- sary of service to the community. During that ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:52 Dec 10, 2006 Jkt 059061 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06DE8.045 E08DEPT1 jcorcoran on PRODPC62 with REMARKS E2134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 8, 2006 time, the Auxiliary has developed into an in- sion. Today’s Auxiliary is a vibrant organiza- In appreciation of Jack’s latest gift, the Hos- valuable resource for Bellevue Hospital, one of tion comprised of caring and involved people pital District’s Board of Directors have decided our Nation’s most renowned hospitals. Over who pride themselves on having an impact on to name the new cancer center the Lou and the past 100 years the Auxiliary has provided the well-being of all of the patients of Bellevue Jack Finney Cancer Center in honor of Jack in excess of $45 million in support, piloted nu- Hospital Center. and his late wife, Lou House Finney. Lou and merous new programs and been a source of Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Jack were married for 68 years prior to her satisfying work for thousands of volunteers. At in saluting the hard-working, caring and com- death in 2005. their gala recognizing, they are honoring Rita passionate volunteers of the Auxiliary to Belle- During the reception honoring Jack’s gift, J. Kaplan, for her philanthropy, Dr.