E2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 26, 2008 servicemembers and veterans. To address friendship and dedication to the American peo- national model for over 600 programs in 50 this crisis, the bill establishes a Task Force on ple. States and the District of Columbia. the Prevention of Suicide by Members of the TERRY is a man who knows the meaning of Following his election to Congress, BUD Armed Forces to bring together experts from hard work. His father was a sharecropper and continued to be a leading voice for children. both within and outside of the military to as- worked on the railroad, instilling a strong work He authored the landmark law, the National sess current service suicide prevention pro- ethic with TERRY and his siblings at an early Children’s Advocacy Program Act, which pro- grams and policies and to examine the risk age. TERRY never forgot those lessons, and vided funds to expand and enhance the chil- factors that can lead to suicide. The Secretary served his country with honor as an Air Force dren’s advocacy program into new commu- of Defense is required to develop a plan to im- intelligence specialist in Europe before return- nities. He is also a member of the Advisory prove suicide prevention based upon the rec- ing home to Dothan, , in 1959. He Board for the National Center for Missing and ommendations of the task force. I urge Sec- joined the staff of the Dothan Eagle as a beat Exploited Children. retary Gates to convene this task force imme- reporter, and for 30 years climbed the cor- As a member of the House Appropriations diately and for the task force to complete its porate ladder with determination, working his Committee and the powerful Defense Appro- work as quickly as possible. way up to editor and publisher, and finally as priations Subcommittee, BUD has been an ar- Mr. Speaker, as is always the case in bills the owner of his own newspaper chain. He dent supporter of NASA and missile defense. crafted by Chairman SKELTON, this bill also au- has brought the same dedication and work- With Redstone arsenal and NASA’s Marshall thorizes additional necessary funds for key horse attitude to the House of Representa- Space Flight Center both located in the 5th systems designed to help protect our troops. tives. District, BUD has led the fight for many of Two programs are of particular note. For ex- In his service in the House, TERRY has de- NASA’s programs including the international ample, the bill authorizes $1.7 billion to pro- voted himself to ensuring that the United space station. In 2002, BUD was awarded the cure, sustain, transport, and field Mine Resist- States remains safe and secure for our chil- National Space Club’s Von Braun Memorial ant Ambush Protected, MRAP, vehicles for our dren and grandchildren from the growing Award for Space Exploration. troops overseas. Additionally, the bill author- threat of international terrorists and rogue BUD has also overseen defense and na- izes $2.2 billion for the Joint Improvised Explo- states. As a member of the House Armed tional security intelligence issues as a member sive Device Defeat Organization, JIEDDO, and Services Committee, he has led the way for of the House Permanent Select Committee on urges that $10 million be used for Marine the to be on the cutting edge of Intelligence. He was recently appointed to the Corps and Army development of specialized military technology by pressing for advances newly created Select Intelligence Oversight counter IED dog teams. The bill also requires in our Missile Defense System and in space Panel of the Appropriations Committee. that the Director of the JIEDDO to develop a technology, which is vital not only to our secu- In Congress, BUD is perhaps most known science and technology investment strategy rity at home, but also for our brave soldiers for his independence. He is a founding mem- for countering the threat of IEDs. serving on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghani- ber of the Blue Dogs, a coalition of more than Additionally, I’m pleased this bill requires the stan. His efforts have helped keep our Nation 40 conservative House Democrats. Defense Department to take additional steps safe and strong in a time when threats to our BUD has also worked hard to bring jobs to to reduce its energy consumption, consistent security are quickly changing and adapting. north Alabama. In fact, he has played a key with mission and operational requirements. Madam Speaker, it has been an honor to role in bringing thousands of jobs to Ala- The bill establishes the position of Director for have served with in this great bama’s 5th District, most notably, International Operational Energy Plans and Programs and body. I want to wish him and his family well Truck & Engine, Skyhook, Target, HiSan, creates senior operational energy officials as he embarks on the next chapter of his life. West Teleservices, and Toyota as well as within each service. It also authorizes $90 mil- I know the people of Alabama, like me, are helping persuade Boeing to build a $450 mil- lion for energy conservation programs on mili- proud to know him. lion rocket booster plant in Decatur in the tary installations. f 1990s. BUD was instrumental in the decision I regret that a number of provisions that to restart Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 1. were in the House version of the bill were not RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE Make no mistake; his work has not gone un- included in the bill before us, including provi- BUD CRAMER AND THE HONOR- noticed. He was named ‘‘one of America’s sions dealing with the use of private security ABLE TERRY EVERETT ON best Congressmen,’’ by Money Magazine. contractors and detainee interrogation-related THEIR RETIREMENT FROM CON- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me activities. I am especially disappointed that the GRESS in recognizing a devoted leader and friend to current bill does not include the detainee many in this body. I know his family, his SPEECH OF videorecording provision I authored and that daughter, Hollan; his three grandchildren, was included in the House version of this bill. HON. JO BONNER Dylan, Mason, and Patricia; and his many col- I look forward to working with Chairman SKEL- OF ALABAMA leagues and friends join me in commending TON in the next Congress to correct this defi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his accomplishments and extending thanks for his service over the years on behalf of the ciency. Wedesday, September 24, 2008 Mr. Speaker, this is a good bill; I will vote State of Alabama and the United States of for it, and I urge my colleagues to do likewise. Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to America. f honor the outstanding career of my friend, the BUD will surely enjoy the well deserved time Honorable ROBERT ‘‘BUD’’ CRAMER, for his he now has to spend with his family and his RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE service to the people of Alabama and the beloved constituents. I wish him the best of BUD CRAMER AND THE HONOR- United States House of Representatives. Con- luck in all his future endeavors. ABLE TERRY EVERETT ON gressman CRAMER has represented the 5th f THEIR RETIREMENT FROM CON- Congressional District of the State of Alabama GRESS for the past 17 years ably and with distinction. CONDEMNING SEXUAL VIOLENCE Born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama, BUD IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC SPEECH OF earned a bachelor’s degree and a Juris Doctor OF THE CONGO from the . BUD is also a HON. HAROLD ROGERS SPEECH OF OF KENTUCKY military veteran, where he served our country IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as an Army tank officer at Fort Knox, Ken- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY tucky. Wednesday, September 24, 2008 OF CALIFORNIA Of all of his many achievements, BUD’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, work on behalf of abused children is perhaps I rise today to honor my good friend TERRY his greatest legacy. Before his election to Tuesday, September 23, 2008 EVERETT, whom I have had the distinct pleas- Congress, BUD served for 10 years as Madi- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ure of serving with in this House for nearly 2 son County district attorney. It was during this strong support of H. Res. 1227. This resolu- decades. After 16 years of diligently rep- time that BUD founded the National Children’s tion condemns sexual violence in the Demo- resenting the people of the second district of Advocacy Center. The Center provides com- cratic Republic of the Congo and calls upon Alabama, he will be retiring when the 110th plete services and support for abused chil- the United States Department of State and the Congress adjourns. I want to take this oppor- dren, a fundamentally different approach to international community to take immediate ac- tunity to wish him well and thank him for his these types of cases, and now serves as the tion to end this widespread crisis.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:27 Oct 09, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\E26SE8.REC E26SE8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 26, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2019 Since 1998, the Democratic Republic of the Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Energizer ers. Funding is required to continue develop- Congo has had 5.4 million conflict-related Battery Manufacturing, Inc. ment of enterprise-enabled, integrated Aviation deaths, making it the deadliest humanitarian Address of Requesting Entity: 25225 Detroit tools and provide this ability to all Army Avia- crisis in the world since World War II. Over the Road, Westlake, OH 44145. tion systems to include UH–60 series, OH– past decade, hundreds of thousands of Description of Request: Provide $2,500,000 58D, AH–64D, Fixed Wing, and UAS systems. women and girls have been violently raped as for the continued development (Phase II) of a The complete integrated aviation solution in- a result of this ethnic conflict. These rapes high-rate capability air electrode for a zinc air cludes implementing the automated mainte- have been exceptionally violent, often involv- battery system. The objective is to increase nance test flight tool, automated weight and ing forced incest and mutilation of the female’s the rate capability by an additional 65 percent balance software, and integration with current genital organs. Victims’ mouths were cut off so as to support the high power requirements logistics and Aviation Mission Planning sys- following the raping to prevent them from re- for equipment used in military and commercial tems. The Aviation community has consist- porting the crime, while many women and girls applications. The subject zinc-air battery will ently requested an enhanced, fully Automated were simply killed after being subjected to provide the same energy and power of the in- Maintenance Test Flight Tool for in-cockpit sexual abuse. cumbent battery (lithium-sulfur dioxide) for use, eliminating manual and repetitive Mainte- With sexual violence in the Democratic Re- about half the weight and in a 60 percent nance Test Pilot tasks and significantly reduc- public of the Congo at such tragically high smaller package. Approximately 63 percent is ing the labor required to return aircraft to full rates, I strongly urge Congress to condemn for labor; and 37 percent is for materials and service. This solution would also fulfill the the actions of the perpetrators of these rapes other allowable indirect costs. Army directive for a paperless system, storing and to support measures to prevent the further On average, a U.S. soldier consumes the the maintenance test flight check sheets into escalation of this crisis. The Administration equivalent of 1 AA battery per hour in combat, the Common Logistics Operating Environment, must act, in concert with the United Nations, and an infantry platoon, for a 3-day mission, eliminating the paper form. Improved integra- to assure that the Congolese people have the will require approximately 2,500 batteries, tion of automated weight and balance tools resources needed to combat the situation. We weighing a total of almost 400 lbs. Carrying with the CLOE and the Aviation System of need to work with other African leaders to as- this added weight induces fatigue and ulti- System infrastructure is critical, eliminating sist the Congolese in preventing these violent mately limits their effectiveness and ability to error-prone manual entries and expanding air- sexual crimes from occurring. carry out their missions. Thus, with our heavily craft flight envelopes by eliminating manual The plight of women in Africa has for too armed and battery laden troops increasingly lookup and interpolation of paper performance long been ignored. I call upon my colleagues confronting light and irregular forces, issues of charts. The amount of time in calculating and to join me in support of this resolution so that battery weight and equipment reliability are recalculating loads during OPTEMPO will be we can put an end to this deplorable situation more important than ever. The total project greatly reduced from hours to mere minutes. that has been allowed to persist for over a cost is expected to be approximately This effort will include the application of com- decade. We cannot stand by any longer as $14,000,000. Energizer will provide the bal- mercial Aviation best practices to data and such unspeakable acts continue to occur with ance of this funding and will continue to de- data processes in support of airworthiness, impunity. vote tens of millions of private R&D dollars to and the development of processes to support f support the continued development of this airworthiness assessments of unmanned air- technology for high power military and com- craft systems (UAS). Airworthiness of UAS will EARMARK DECLARATION mercial applications. improve safety in training and combat oper- Project: Hyperspectral Imaging for Improved ations as well as permit the routine use of HON. W. TODD AKIN Force Protection (Hyper-IFP). these critical capabilities within national air- OF Account: Army RDT&E, (CERDEC, NVESD, space during natural disasters and homeland IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Special Projects). defense operations. Thursday, September 25, 2008 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Clean Project: Out of Autoclave Composite Proc- Mr. AKIN. Madam Speaker, in accordance Earth Technologies, LLC. essing. Account: U.S. Navy ONR Industrial Pre- with House Republican Conference standards, Address of Requesting Entity: 13378 Lake- paredness 0708011N. and Clause 9 of Rule XXI, I submit the fol- front Drive, Earth City, MO. Description of Request: Provide $1,600,000 Legal Name of Requesting Entity: GKN lowing member requests for the record regard- Aerospace North America. ing H.R. 2638, The Consolidated Security, to complete the design, assembly, integration, test and evaluation of the Hyperspectral Inte- Address of Requesting Entity: 142 J.S. Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appro- McDonnell Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63042. priations Act. grated Force Protection sensor system (Hyper-IFP). Approximately 40 percent will be Description of Request: Provide $1,600,000 Project: Heuristic Internet Protocol Packet to develop out of autoclave composite proc- Inspection Engine. used for engineering development modeling and simulation; 20 percent will be used for essing. Most composite lamination processes Account: Army, RDT&E. require the use of large, expensive autoclaves Legal Name of Requesting Entity: subsystems assembly and testing; 15 percent will be used for system integration and ground to cure lightweight composite structures for to- TechGuard Security, LLC. day’s high technology military aircraft. The Address of Requesting Entity: 743 Spirit 40 testing; 15 percent will be used for a deployed size of the parts fabricated is often limited by Park Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63005. full system field test and evaluation. The re- Description of Request: Provide $2,000,000 quest is consistent with the Army NVESD the size of the autoclave. This project will help for Army, RDT&E, PE# 0305208A, Line # 177, Special Projects office mission to develop ad- develop composite curing processes that do Distributed Common Ground/Surface System vanced sensor systems that provide an oper- not require an expensive or size limited auto- solely for the research, development and test ational advantage or that increase survivability clave for the manufacture of composite aircraft of Heuristic Internet Protocol Packet Inspec- of the warfighter. Taxpayer value is substan- structures. This will result in lower cost aircraft tion Engine (HIPPIE). The advanced concept tially enhanced by dual/multi-use capacity to structures and open additional opportunities HIPPIE technology can be rapidly prototyped serve a number of Homeland Security (DHS) outside of aerospace for high strength light- and deployed in a filtering appliance that sits missions in addition to military force protec- weight composites. in front of an existing firewall or router and tion. f uses unique filtering algorithms to quickly clas- Project: Mission Execution Technology Im- ADDRESSING THE HEALTH CARE sify large numbers of packets—i.e., the coun- plementation. CRISIS try of origin for an IP address—without using Account: Army, RDT&E. slow and CPU intensive rule sets. The objec- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Westar HON. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ Aerospace & Defense Group, Inc. tive of the program is to miniaturize the OF CALIFORNIA Address of Requesting Entity: 36 Research HIPPIE through the use of nanotechnology to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the point where it can be placed on a chip and Park Court, St. Charles MO 63304. Thursday, September 25, 2008 placed directly on a computer for offensive or Description of Request: Provide $3,200,000 defensive cyber warfare use. for technology improvements urgently needed Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California. Project: High Power, Ultra-Lightweight Zinc- by combat units in Operation Enduring Free- Madam Speaker, I rise today to join my col- Air Battery. dom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. This pro- leagues in addressing our health care crisis. Account: RDT&E, Navy-Marine Corps Land- gram will result in significant increases in mis- The facts are clear: too many Americans lack ing Force Technology. sion effectiveness and safety for our war-fight- access to quality, affordable health care.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:27 Oct 09, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\E26SE8.REC E26SE8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE