Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women Monthly Business Meeting

May 23, 2019 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Will Rogers Building – Room #216 2401 N. Lincoln, OK 73105

Commission Members Present: Kathy Banks-Monroe, Jan Barrick, Sarah Brown, Linda Haneborg, Estela Hernandez, Nyla Khan, Denise Kinzie, Lou Kohlman, Mary Larson, Jean Lehr, Shondra McCage, Delores Runnels, Karen Sneary, Riki Snyder, Gloria Torres, Maria Trapp Braly, Molly Wehrenberg, Victoria Woods, and Adeline Yerkes

Commission Members Excused: Brenda Jones-Barwick

Commission Members Absent: Rhonda Barker, Carol Bush, Denise Castelli, , Alice Kelsey, Cyndi Munson, and ,

Staff Present: Kitti Asberry

Advisory Council Members Present: Nora Pugh-Seemster and Deanna Williams

Call to Order and Determination of Quorum: Chair Maria Trapp Braly called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. There was a quorum declared.

Minutes: Presented April 25, 2019 minutes – Motion to accept. MSP: Karen Sneary/Nyla Khan. Minutes approved unanimously.

Officer Reports: Chair –Maria Trapp Braly  Thanked all Commissioners and Advisory Council members for their support during her tenure as Chair.  Annual Commission retreat will be August 22 at the Chickasaw Nation Community and Senior Center, 4001 NW 39th Street, City, OK 73112. Time to be announced.  National Association of Commissions on Women (NACW) Annual Meeting is July 22- 24, 2019, Chicago, IL. In past, the Commission has sent representatives to the Annual Meeting and Oklahoma has had a presence with both Executive Director Kitti Asberry and former Commissioner Bernice Mitchell holding national offices. A general discussion reflected that Oklahoma needs to continue with this presence and that we should fund travel and registration for Executive Director Kitti Asberry to attend. Motion made to support travel and registration up to $1,800 for Executive Director Kitti Asberry to attend NACW annual meeting. MSP: Sarah Brown/Jean Lehr. Motion approved unanimously.

Guardian Award: Chair Braly presented the Guardian award to Representative , District 7 (Tulsa Area). Representative Goodwin thanked the Commission and briefly discussed some of the accomplishments on justice reform this current legislative year.

Vice-Chair – Riki Snyder  Attended the New Leadership Luncheon, May 21st with Executive Director, Kitti Asberry. She acknowledgment the purpose of New Leadership and suggested that in coming years, the Commission have a role as course instructors/mentors. Several Commissioners responded that they had been faculty in the past. She disseminated the program for the attendees to review as to sponsors and program content.

Finance Report – See packet

Executive Director’s Report – See packet

Advisory Council Report – No report

Election of Officers: Commissioner Lou Kohlman presented the slate of officers that was presented at the April meeting: Chair – Riki Snyder Secretary – Mary Larson Vice – Chair – Gloria Torres Finance – Brenda Barwick Advisory Council Chair – no nominee  Nominations from the floor for each office were accepted – no nominees voiced  Concern was expressed by Commissioner Yerkes as to the adherence to the meeting attendance standard in our operating policies for all nominees. Review of minutes from the past year, found all nominees met the standard.  Advisory Council members present assisted with the ballot count. Newly Elected Officer are as follows:  Chair – Riki Snyder  Vice – Chair – Gloria Torres  Secretary – Mary Larson  Finance – Brenda Barwick

Oklahoma Women’s Hall of Fame (OWHOF) – Vice-Chair Snyder reported on her funding raising efforts. At this time she has several contacts which have given her tentative support. She is hoping that the contacts approached would be able to underwrite the cost of the OWHOF. Discussion centered around the discussion at the past Commission meeting, no vote on having the event, but where a vote was taken for funding raising commitment of at least $250.00/commissioner to serve as the seed monies (total of $4000). Executive Director, Kitti Asberry has received several checks here at the meeting. Motion was made to commit to having the OWHOF and proceed to planning for a fall OWHOF. MSP: Gloria Torres/Lou Kohlman. Motion passed unanimously. Group decided to return checks to the persons providing seed money today and if need arises for additional dollars, Commissioners would fulfill their commitment. Executive Committee and Executive Director were tasked to establishing place and date.

Notifications of Legislative Issues: Commissioner Mary Larson gave a report on a free legislative tracking app that is available from Oklahoma.gov. This app has several sorting capabilities for sorting legislation once introduce. Larson has offered to train anyone interested in using the app.

NACW Convention –see discussion under the Chair report on NACW.

July meeting – Commissioner discussed the need for a meeting in July and determined that due to summer vacations, that reaching a quorum would be difficult. Motion made to cancel the July meeting. MSP: Sarah Brown/Kathy Banks-Monroe. Motion passed unanimously

Announcements  Sarah Brown announced that she will be a speaker at NACW. She will be presenting on building networks  Nyla Khan announced that she will be a speaker June 11 at the Dialogue Institute of the Southwest which will be from 11:30 to 1:00 at 4444 N Classen Blvd. She will discuss diversity.  Gloria Torres shared her new position: Executive Director of Capital Hill Business District.  Next Commission Meeting: Next meeting June 27, 2019, Will Rogers Building – Room #216 Meeting Adjourned: 4:27 p.m.