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Achy Obejas of the Murder of an Openly Gay Choir Director As Well As the Mid-November Killing of a Black Talks About Gay Man

Achy Obejas of the Murder of an Openly Gay Choir Director As Well As the Mid-November Killing of a Black Talks About Gay Man

THE VOICE OF ’S GAY, , BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 January 2, 2008 • vol 23 no 16 DP, Immigration Bills in Congress by Bob Roehr anti-nepotism and financial disclosure rules, ences] but also refugees who are seeking asy- which now apply only to legal spouses. lum in our country,” said Kerry. “My legislation An ‘Amazing’ Gay and lesbian relationships of federal employ- A companion bill was introduced in the House would end this draconian law.” ees would be treated similarly to marriage under under the lead sponsorship of Democrats Tammy Only a dozen other countries have similar re- Duo page 20 legislation introduced Dec. 19 by Senators Joe Baldwin (Wisconsin) and Henry Waxman (Califor- strictions, including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Libya, Lieberman, I-Conn., Gordon Smith, R-Ore. and nia), and Republicans Tom Davis (Virginia) and and Sudan. China recently changed its policy. 19 co-sponsors. The bill is called the Domestic Chris Shays (Connecticut). It has 35 additional On World AIDS Day 2006, President George W. Partner Benefits and Obligations Act of 2007. co-sponsors. Similar legislation previously has Bush said he would modify administration of the “It’s time for the federal government to catch been introduced in both chambers. law to make it easier for persons to get an ex- up with the private sector, not to just set an ex- The Human Rights Campaign has pressed for emption to enter the country. However govern- ample, but so that it can compete for the most the legislation. It noted that a majority of the ment lawyers concluded that the law gave them qualified employees and ensure that all of our Fortune 500 companies, the largest in the na- little flexibility. Some advocates have argued public servants receive fair and equitable treat- tion, provide domestic partner benefits to their that recent modifications proposed by the De- ment,” said Lieberman. “It makes good econom- employees. partment of Homeland Security are even worse ic and policy sense, and it is the right thing to than what currently exists. do.” Immigration reform Much of the processing of visas at US con- “The federal government should be leading the Repeal of legal provisions barring persons who sulates is handled by local employees and an way rather than following when it comes to pro- are HIV-positive from entering the country was applicant disclosing their HIV status when seek- viding benefits,” said Smith. “Rights and ben- introduced in the Senate on December 14 by ing a visa waiver opens up the possibility that efits must be afforded to all employees equally. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Gordon Smith, R-Ore. the information may spread and put them at risk This bill corrects the current inequity.” It would reform the Immigration and Nationali- for discrimination in their own country. Persons Sports The legislation allows same-sex domestic part- ties Act. with AIDS are not allowed to apply for a work ners to take advantage of health, retirement, “It’s incredible that the federal government permit or asylum either. Story of page 22 and other benefits associated with federal em- still tolerates a ban that not only restricts AIDS Turn to page 5 the Year ployment. It also extends restrictions such as experts with the disease [from attending confer-

Black Gay page 12 Activists Fear Violence Pattern BY AMY WOOTEN

Local Black LGBT activists are concerned about the recent murders of two openly gay Black men ‘Blood’-y on the South Side, and in light of the passing of the anniversary of last year’s New Year’s Eve Good Fun page 15 South Side shooting, they are calling for the city to step up on combating what they fear is a pat- tern of violence against the community. “We are calling on the police department to let the community know what’s going on,” said the Coalition for Justice and Respect’s Mark Love- less. He and others feel that the city and police nightspots haven’t adequately responded to the killings. n Critical Caucus—a coalition of LGBT organiza- tions such as the Coalition for Justice and Re- pick it up spect—as well as event planners and businesses, take it home held a press conference at City Hall Dec. 27 to issue a community alert in response to the news of the murder of an openly gay choir director as well as the mid-November killing of a Black Talks About gay man. Loveless feels that the killings show a continued pattern of violence against Black gay Cuba, Books men on the city’s South Side. Since the press conference, the Chicago Police and www.WindyCityQueercast.com Turn to page 6 Sexuality www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com 2 January 2, 2008 Af`ek_\N`e[p:`kpD\[`X>iflg Fec`e\:fddle`kp

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index News Republicans and gays 4   Appropriations done 4 Veterans and PTSD 5 Congressional bills 5 Local: Choir director killed 6  Pickett on nat’l TV 6 celebrateˆ   Passages: Hansen, Pudgy! 6 Activists fear violence pattern 6 F@HBQMOF@BFK@IRABP’’’‚ELROPLCELPQBA?BBO—TFKB>KA Local: Smoking ban, death 7 >OHFKDTFII?B>S>FI>?IBCLOŠ†FK>KB>O?VD>O>DB’  @>II?>O ªKLAOFKHQF@HBQP« ’LOPAÁLBRSOBP—M>PQ>—SBDBQ>?IBP— J>FKBKQOBB>KAABPPBOQ?RCCBQPTFII?BPBOSBA’ Local events 7 Before I Forget (above) is one of Rich- National roundup 8 ard Knight, Jr.’s top LGBT movie picks “RKA>V— >KR>OV„QE—‚¦†MJ The year in trans 8 for 2007. See what else made his list on “>OAL@H>CB—„’KQ>OFLQ’—EF@>DL „ˆ„ˆ World news 9 page 15. AS>K@BAMRO@E>PBQF@HBQP>S>FI>?IBRKQFI€’€†’ˆ ’ŠˆCLO JBJ?BOP>KAŠˆCLODRBPQP’ IB>PBSFPFQEQQMP“¥¥@EF@>DLJP>’A‚PMLOQPOBD’@LJCLO>AS>K@BAMRO@E>PBAQF@HBQP’ Chat Daddy; Lynch; letter 10 QQEBALLOª@>PELKIV«—@LPQTFII?BŠ€ˆCLOJBJ?BOP—Š‚ˆCLODRBPQP’ RPQ?B†QLBKQBO—€QLAOFKH’ Business: Dr. Pielet; Scarlet 11 Quotelines 11        ’’’

>GJ>>II FJF >OHP FPPQEFLMF> EB ENTERTAINMENT FPPLKQFKBKQ>IIRP EBLOIAÁP LPQ FPPRQLCQEFPKFSBOPB EF@>DLLF>KAROI Writer Achy Obejas 12 €ˆˆ ¦€ˆˆ† B>RQFCRIO>KPPBUR>I €ˆˆ ¦€ˆˆ† LFW Theater 13 Warren’s movie picks 14 Knight at the Movies 15 Kuda: Boys in the Band 17 Pop Making Sense 17 Starrlight: Fantasia 19 Ross Forman chats with Chicago Metro- ‘Amazing Race’ 20 politan Sports Association head Marcia Julian Fantechi 20 Hill (above) about the year in sports and her organization’s own milestone. See OUTLINES page 22. Real estate 18 Classifieds 19 Calendar, Dykes 21 Sports 22 —Amaechi; CMSA

This week’s online-only www. features include: Windy —Interior Motives; and —A tour of Buenos City Aires and Montevideo Media (right) Group There are also extended online specials of: .com —Deep Inside Hollywood; and —a review of the DVD ShowBusiness


A NEW LOOK FOR AN OLD FRIEND Check out Nightspots’ makeover for 2008! nightspotsn 4 January 2, 2008 “Why would you link homosexuality with sa- On his own radio show as governor in Arkansas, didate. domasochism, pedophilia and necrophilia?” Rus- just days after the decision was issued, Hucka- In short order, Giuliani began leaning heav- sert asked Huckabee. bee had said state sodomy laws were essentially ily to the right. He revised his position against Huckabee said that he was pointing out that unenforceable. a federal constitutional amendment banning “all of these are deviations from what has been The following week, she said Huckabee re- same-sex marriage, saying, “If a lot of states the traditional concept of sexual behavior and sponded to her criticism of his position on the start to [approve same-sex marriage] —three, men and women having children, raising those 2003 Lawrence v. Texas decision by saying that four, five, six states, where we have that kind children in the context of a traditional marriage his comment in 2003 had relied heavily on the of judicial activism, and the kind of situation and family.” Taken in the context of the book, he word of a caller to his radio show and hadn’t the governor is talking about actually occurs, said, it was a discussion of “how so many of our known the details of the case. if we’re dealing with a real problem—then we social institutions have Given the enor- should have a constitutional amendment.” He broken down.” mous amount of publicity revised his position in favor of civil unions, say- “But do you think ho- Iowa Caucus surrounding the decision, ing now that they “go too far.” And he trotted mosexuality is equiva- Don’t forget to visit www. wrote Coulter, “this little out the endorsement of right-wing anti-gay tel- lent to pedophilia, sa- WindyCityMediaGroup.com to find out the stretch-marked corn- evangelist Pat Robertson. domasochism.....” latest results, analyses and more! pone is either lying, has Given his pro-choice position on abortion, Mike Huckabee. Campaign photo “No, of course, not,” a closed head injury, is a there seems little likelihood that right-wing said Huckabee, inter- complete ignoramus—or conservative leaders will take a second look at rupting. all of the above.” Giuliani, no matter how far he swings their way Republicans and “But this is what you did say about homosexu- Republican hopeful Mitt Romney was grilled on gay issues. But it’s still unclear how strong a ality,” continued Russert, reading the “aberrant, on Meet the Press, too. On Dec. 16, he said that, factor gay issues will be for conservative voters. Gay Issues unnatural and sinful lifestyle” quote that had while he still supports laws to prohibit sexual A Pew Foundation poll earlier this year found By Lisa Keen received considerable attention during the past orientation discrimination in employment at that many conservative voters were very much few weeks. the state level, he no longer supports a federal split on the abortion issue and that many didn’t One of the interesting surprises of the current “That’s millions of Americans,” said Russert. bill, such as the Employment Non-Discrimination know what Giuliani was the lone pro-choice Re- presidential campaign has been the degree to Huckabee started in on a brief and familiar ser- Act (ENDA). Moderator Tim Russert had noted publican candidate. which gay-related issues have been used to beat mon about how “a Christian says all of us are to Romney that, in his 1994 race for the U.S. Perhaps that’s why so much time has been up on Republican candidates, not Democratic sinners. I’m a sinner….” This time Russert inter- Senate, he had indicated a willingness to co- spent slugging away at the Republican candi- ones. rupted him. sponsor ENDA and asked him if he still supports dates over their positions on gay issues. But All the Democrats are generally supportive of “But when you say someone is aberrant or un- it. whatever the reason, the bottom line seems equal rights for gays and all the Republicans— natural, do you believe you’re born gay or you “I would not support it at the federal level almost certainly one that can benefit the Demo- with one arguable exception—are generally hos- choose to be gay?” and I changed in that regard,” said Romney, crats. tile. “I don’t know whether people are born that “because I think that policy makes more sense All the Democrats have been asked about gay way. People who are gay say they are born that to be implemented at the state level.” marriage or some gay-related issue on the cam- way,” said Huckabee. “But what I know is the That prompted anti-gay activist Peter LaBar- Appropriations paign trail, and all formulated pat responses behavior one practices is a choice….” The im- bera, of Republicans for Family Values, to call early on which have seemed to satisfy their early portant thing for voters to understand, said on “pro-family leaders who have endorsed Mitt Process questioners. Huckabee, is that he’s “never tried to come out Romney to withdraw their support for his can- Completed But Republicans, who have at times seemed with some way of imposing a doctrinaire Chris- didacy in light of his recent comments on NBC’s by Bob Roehr to be in competition to see who can be most tian perspective in a way that is really against ‘Meet the Press’ supporting pro-homosexual ‘sex- antagonistic towards the LGBT community, are the constitution.” ual orientation’ state laws.” Congress staggered home Dec. 19 after the repeatedly being put on the spot—both by me- Russert moved on, so the obvious follow-up “Laws that treat homosexuality as a civil right House wrapped up a $555 billion omnibus ap- dia and right-wing conservatives. question—about the religious doctrinaire that are being used to promote homosexual ‘mar- propriations bill that included an additional Case in point: Mike Huckabee. As soon as the has been driving right-wing opposition to same- riage,’ same-sex adoption and pro-homosexuality $70 billion for the war in Iraq and Afghani- long-shot former governor of Arkansas began sex marriage—did not get asked on NBC. indoctrination of schoolchildren,” wrote LaBar- stan. Only 78 Democrats voted for it, while rising to the top of the heap in Iowa polling, But , the femme fatale of conserva- bera, on his Web site republicansforfamilyval- 141 said no. reporters began digging up old comments of his tive commentary, had already been lashing out ues.com. “These same laws pose a direct threat The measure rolled 11 appropriations bills from the 1990s in which he said such things as at Huckabee over the tricky line he’s now trying to the freedom of faith-minded citizens and or- into a single bill. It was the second try, as “I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural to walk between his past comments and his cur- ganizations to act on their religious belief that President George W. Bush had vetoed an and sinful lifestyle.” rent bid to appeal to a wider electorate. In two homosexual behavior is wrong….” earlier omnibus measure that was $11 more That digging continued Sun., Dec. 30, on NBC’s recent columns, she has tried to paint Huckabee Republican Ron Paul surprised many when, in than he had proposed. The Democratic major- Meet the Press. Host Tim Russert read a passage as being soft on gays. an interview with ABC News Dec. 20, said he ity, lacking the votes to override that veto, from a book, Kids Who Kill, which Huckabee co- In a Dec. 20 column, she wrote, “Huckabee in- thinks gays should be able to marry. grudgingly agreed to the spending total but wrote. Russert read this, from page 28 in the sults gays by pointlessly citing the Bible’s rather “Sure they can do whatever they want and did some minor tinkering on how it would be book: “It is now difficult to keep track of the pointed remarks about sodomy -- fitting the they can call it whatever they want,” said Paul, spent. vast array of publicly endorsed and institution- MSM’s image of evangelicals sitting around all “just so they don’t expect to impose their re- Congressional earmarks for pet projects ally supported aberrations—from homosexuality day denouncing gays…. And yet, Huckabee has lationship on somebody else. They can’t make were trimmed back by about 25 percent but and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necro- said he agrees with the Supreme Court’s lunatic me, personally, accept what they do, but the gay still approached 9,000, totaling nearly $8 philia.” opinion that sodomy is a constitutional right.” couples can do whatever they want.” billion, according to Taxpayers for Common The comment stands in contrast to his co- Sense. Funding for research at NIH also went sponsorship of HR 724, which seeks to amend up, but not enough to cover inflation. the federal Code to prevent federal courts from 8]Xmci_bck Funding for global health programs, primar- ruling on the constitutionality of the federal ily for HIV, increased a substantial $1.2 bil- Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). That act, of lion, to $6.5 billion. Domestically, Ryan White course, bans any federal recognition of same-sex AIDS services programs received a modest marriages. $29 million increase. That is a bit more than In an op-ed piece in the Oct. 2 New York Times, WUbdfcj]XY""" 1 percent in the $2.167 billion program. It is Focus on the Family founder James Dobson ex- less than the cost of inflation for the year, plained that a group of about 50 “pro-family” 7caa]haYbh7YfYacb]YgCb!G]hY and not enough to address the growing case- groups met in Salt Lake City in late September 7cfdcfUhY9jYbhg 5iWh]cbg5fh @UbX YhW" load. and decided that “If neither of the two major San Francisco will not suffer quite so great 6ig]bYggAYYh]b[g 9`Y[Ubh6U``g political parties nominates an individual who a loss a under the proposed Bush budget 5bb]jYfgUfmDUfh]Yg :ibXfU]gYfg pledges himself or herself” to oppose abortion, thanks to the efforts of Speaker of the House “we will join others in voting for a minor-party Gdcfh6UbeiYhg G\ckYfg Nancy Pelosi to assure inclusion of a “stop- candidate.” 6]fh\XUmDUfh]Yg :ibYfU`@ibW\Ycbg loss” provision in the final bill. Instead of the But for himself, said Dobson, he will insist KYXX]b[FYWYdh]cbg Ybb]ZYfÈg;UfXYb ing. The CDC is likely to make those numbers has publicly dressed in drag three times. public early in 2008. )))K";cfYFX" Acff]g =@*$()$ The following month, Tony Perkins, head of Read the entire article at www. the right-wing Family Research Council, joined ,%)!-(%!&,*, WindyCityMediaGroup.com. Dobson, saying, if Giuliani wins the Republican ^Ybb]ZYfg[UfXYb4WcfY"Wca nomination, Perkins will back a third-party can- January 2, 2008 5 More than a half million persons have been de- Perhaps the most difficult to overcome is the naturally resistant or their training may have Veterans and ployed two or more times. attitude of the typical twentysomething solider made them more resilient to the psychological Gay and lesbian veterans face the added bur- returning to civilian life. “It is hard to get a traumas that lead to PTSD. den of dealing with sexual orientation in a mili- 22-year-old to come in to see the doctor for any PTSD tary context that often can be hostile to them. reason. The stigma of PTSD and mental illness by Bob Roehr What is PTSD? in general runs very high. There also is a lot of Sometimes that means hiding their sexual ori- The official 17 symptoms of posttraumatic distrust, avoidance, and denial that are inherent Gays and lesbians serve in the military despite entation and, in the process, depriving them- stress disorder (PTSD) can be placed into three in the disorder. People are worried about their the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” selves of the comfort and support of a partner broad groups. Reexperiencing: intrusive memo- military careers and that if they get a mental (DADT). And they suffer the same physical and or extended community that might help them ries, nightmares, flashbacks, triggered distress. health diagnosis, they will be drummed out.” psychological wounds as their straight col- through their recovery. Avoidance: isolation, withdrawal, emotional Sexual orientation can add another barrier for leagues. The VA in Washington State and Montana numbing, detachment, memory gaps. Hyper- those who are still on active duty. But it should About 25 percent of returning Iraq and Af- surveyed 445 gay and lesbian veterans from all arousal: insomnia, irritability, anger outbursts. not be a deterrent to seeking help for those who ghanistan veterans received mental health diag- times of service and for all types of medical and Beyond the official diagnosis, Kanter said have been discharged. The VA has a policy of noses, according to a study of the first 100,000 psychological services. It found that 36.2 per- there are associated features that result in poor nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orien- veterans seen at facilities operated by the De- cent had been investigated for their sexual ori- occupational and social function. They include tation and many consider it welcoming environ- partment of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA is like- entation. Some 14.8 percent were isolated from depression; suicidal ideation; and alcohol and ment, particularly in non-urban settings where ly to see the more severe cases, so one should their unit for that reason, and 2 percent were in- drug abuse. local practitioners and institutions may not be be careful in extrapolating its findings. carcerated, while 11.7 percent were forced into Read more about PTSD at www.WindyCity- as enlightened or as knowledgeable. . This was just one of many pieces of informa- a psychiatric evaluation of their sexual orienta- MediaGroup.com. Kanter stressed that recovery from PTSD is a tion that is helping to bring the veterans’ situ- tion. Overall, 16 percent “said they were forced process that takes time. Successful coping strat- ation into sharp focus. It was presented at the to leave the military due to their sexual orienta- egies include limiting exposure to triggers such 135th annual meeting of the American Public tion.” BILLS from cover as news coverage of war; restoring balance in Health Association (APHA) in Washington, D.C., one’s life; attending to physical and emotional “What’s more, it is all left to the discretion of just prior to Veterans’ Day. Evaluation and recovery needs; and limiting use of alcohol and stimu- the consular officers who likely do not have Evan Kanter, M.D., Ph.D., staff psychiatrist Evaluation immediately upon return from de- lants. the medical knowledge to make these deci- in the PTSD Outpatient Clinic of the VA Puget ployment suggested that 5 percent of active- Learning about trauma and its effects is “criti- sions [of granting a waiver]. No guidelines Sound Health Care System, said, “The most com- duty and 6 percent of reserve personnel had a cal” for the vets and their families, as is repeat- are given on how to make these determina- mon [of mental disorders] were post-traumatic significant mental health problem. When reas- ed, gently urging them to get help. It is impor- tions and there is no appeal process whatso- stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, and sessed 3-6 months later, 27 percent of active tant not to frame the discussion in threatening ever,” said Kerry. depression. The younger the veterans are, the duty and 42 percent of reserve personnel re- terms of psychiatry but rather as “post-deploy- “Three cheers for Senators Gordon Smith more likely they are to have mental health con- ceived that evaluation. ment stress, readjustment, reintegration,” as a and John Kerry. They have introduced a bill ditions.” Kanter said there are two reasons for the dif- part of total care. that will finally drag the US out of the Jesse Estimates of the occurrence of PTSD range from ference in outcomes. “At the time of return, The literature on PTSD shows “that when they Helms era,” pundit Andrew Sullivan wrote on 12 to 20 percent. With the number of troops de- people want to get home and get to their fami- are exposed to the same trauma, women are his blog. “The trouble has always been the ployed to combat zones passing 1.5 million last lies. They perceive that if they answer yes to twice as likely as men to get PTSD,” he said. lack of an active constituency in the US to summer, and the VA having treated only 52,000 the question, it is going to take time [and delay Iraq is the first conflict where women are serv- get rid of this law.” The law has barred the persons, it is clear that many vets are not re- their return home]. So, there is tremendous un- ing in large numbers. However, when pressed as British Sullivan from becoming an American ceiving the help they could use. derreporting. The other is that PTSD and other to whether he has seen differences in PTSD be- citizen. Kanter said there is “a dose response” with mental health conditions have an insidious and tween male and female veterans, Dr. Kanter said “This is also a great legacy for the Bush ad- PTSD to the intensity and duration of the trauma delayed onset.” he has not yet seen enough women in his own ministration—and its AIDS commission, Mark experienced. In Vietnam, soldiers served a single He is guardedly hopeful that a greater under- practice to know for sure. Dybul—as a sign for the way the mainstream one-year rotation in the country unless they vol- standing of PTSD and earlier intervention will It is possible that women who volunteer for right has gone from paranoia to reason and unteered for further duty. But soldiers today face result in better outcomes than those seen from military service are not representative of the compassion on HIV and AIDS,” he wrote. “unprecedented multiple deployments to Iraq,” the Vietnam era. But significant barriers to ac- general female population. They may be more which further increase the risk of the disorder. cessing care remain. THERE’S SO MUCH HAPPENING IN JANUARY AT CENTERONHALSTED

With programs and services that appeal to every age group and a broad range of interests, there’s something for everyone at ! For a complete list of events log onto our Web site or pick up your copy of January Events at: UÊ i˜ÌiÀʜ˜Ê>ÃÌi` UÊ1˜>LÀˆ`}i`Ê œœŽÃÊ UÊ7œ“i˜ÊEÊ ˆ`Ài˜ÊˆÀÃÌ UÊ-iiVÌi`ʏœV>̈œ˜ÃÊÌ ÀœÕ} œÕÌÊÌ iÊVˆÌÞ A complete list of distribution sites is listed on our Web site. CENTER ON HALSTED. GET INTO IT! PHOTOS: BRET GRAFTON PHOTOGRAPHY

COMMUNITYÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê LESBIANÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê GAYÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê BISEXUALÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê TRANSGENDEREDÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê STRAIGHTÊ " Ê -/ ÊÊ DIVERSITYÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê PROGRAMSÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê FAMILIESÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê YOUTHÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê SENIORSÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê MENTAL HEALTHÊ " Ê -/ ÊÊ CELEBRATIONSÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊCENTEREDÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊCULTUREÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊFILMÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊARTÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊDANCEÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊTHEATREÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊ COMEDYÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê POETRYÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê ENRICHEDÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê RECREATIONÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê YOGAÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê BASKETBALLÊ " Ê -/ ÊÊ centeronhalsted.org VOLLEYBALLÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê STRONGERÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê EDUCATIONÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê LECTURESÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê SEMINARSÊ " Ê -/ Ê Ê TRAININGÊ " Ê -/ ÊÊ TECHNOLOGYÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊINFORMATIONÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊSELF-DEFENSEÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊENLIGHTENEDÊ" Ê-/ ÊÊ3656Ê" Ê-/ ÊÊCENTERÊ" Ê-/ 6 January 2, 2008 At one point, Pickett said that the situation 47, was found shot to death in his South Side Choir Director with the treatment seemed to be one of “profits VIOLENCE from cover apartment Dec. 23, and several items from his before proof.” home were stolen. He was the choir director for Killed “The thing is that we care about treating pa- Department has contacted Critical Caucus and Trinity United Church of Christ, which recently Donald Young, 47, a choir conductor at the tients correctly,” Pickett continued saying to requested a meeting. Loveless said that the confirmed his sexual orientation to a local Trinity United Church of Christ, 400 W. 95th, was . “We’re not against having meeting will take place early January. news station. found dead in his South Side apartment Dec. 23. people feel better; we just don’t want people “We are here because we are scared,” Love- Last year, six men were shot at a New Year’s He suffered several gunshot wounds and police buying snake oil. If we didn’t have science and less said. Black gay activists are calling on the Eve party attended primarily by Black gay men are investigating his death as a homicide. procedures in place, we’d have diabetics sniffing Chicago Police Department to provide the com- on the South Side. The case remains unsolved. It was the second major loss at the church in a flower or AIDS patients taking special multivi- munity with more information. They also want Loveless said since the news of the killings the past two months. Anthony Hollins, a Hazel tamins. ... All the anecdotes and testimonials in city officials to help stop what they consider a broke, his organization has received phone Crest resident who helped lead the HIV/AIDS the world don’t prove the point.” pattern of violence, although police have no calls and messages from South Side Black gays support ministry at Trinity, passed away Nov. 25 Pickett also talked about the name change of information linking the cases, which are still and lesbians who said they have been recently in Stroger Hospital of complications from AIDS. the organization, which also reflects a shift in under investigation. Police also have no infor- attacked. Critical Caucus encourages the com- For the past two , Young, who was the group’s mission. “We’re actually going back mation as to whether or not the killings were munity to speak out and report attacks to the gay, led the choir at Trinity, which is the home to our roots,” he said. “Before the Chicago Crys- motivated by hate. police. church of Democratic presidential hopeful Ba- tal Meth Task Force, we had the Chicago Task On Nov. 17, 24-year-old Larry Bland was shot Local activist Wil Lockett believes it is time rack Obama, his wife Michelle and their family. Force on LGBT Substance Use and Abuse. We to death in his Englewood home. His family has for the community to take action. “Black gay Young was also a teacher, guiding fourth-grad- spent several years laying out a framework, but voiced concern that he was possibly targeted and lesbian people are being attacked and ers at Guggenheim Elementary School, 7141 S. [then] crystal became the number-one concern because he was openly gay. Donald Young, murdered,” Lockett said. “It’s time to get out Morgan, The reported. He was for people, and we felt like we needed to focus on the streets and take it on publicly without planning to become a there. But all along, we said that the majority embarrassment.” principal. of gay men in Chicago are not using crystal; it’s Regardless of whether or not the recent mur- According to The Chicago Sun-Times, Michelle a special issue and it deserves concern, but it ders will be investigated as hate crimes, Love- Obama called the passing “sad,” adding “[h]e doesn’t address most of our lives. less said he is most concerned over the lack of was very well-known in the church family.” “We have a complicated relationship with information provided to the community. A wake and funeral for Young were held Sat., substances in our community. Alcohol is one “There is a growing concern of the killing of Dec. 29, at the church. Over 3,000 people at- of those complicated substances. We also know Black gay men,” Loveless said. tended. that, through our research, that 40 percent-plus Critical Caucus held a march in remembrance Chicago police have released a Crime Stoppers of gay men use illicit substances. There are also of the one-year anniversary of the poster offering a $1,000 reward for information kinds of other letters in the alphabet that we’re South Side shooting Dec. 31. Visit www. in Young’s slaying. Anyone with information playing around it—and we can’t ignore it. ... As Activists at the press conference. Photo by WindyCityMediaGroup.com to get the latest on should call 311 or 800-535-STOP. Simone [Koehlinger, another task force member] Amy Wooten what transpired. For a related story, read “Black Gay Activists said, ... ‘We need to address our health more Fear Violence Pattern” on page 1. holistically.’” Pickett added that the public will start to see PASSAGES Drug Task Force changes. For example, the Crystal Breaks Web site will be dismantled, “but the information will Dorothy Hansen Member Appears be integrated into Lifelube.org, our gay men’s Dorothy Ann Hansen, known as a waitress health portal. ... We hope to have everything who had an over-the-top style that entertained on Nat’l Shows incorporated into Lifelube in the first quarter of gay and straight clientele alike, passed away By Andrew Davis 2008.” Dec. 11, in Milwaukee. She was 82. The meth initiative known as Project CRYSP Hansen—whose parents were John Charles Jim Pickett, a member of the Chicago Task Force will still be intact, but Pickett said even that has Hansen and Beulah Lois Hansen—retired to on LGBT Substance Use and Abuse (formerly taken a broader aspect. “The tag line is ‘More Wisconsin in 1996 after waitressing in Chi- known as the Chicago Crystal Meth Task Force) than crystal prevention—promoting healthy cago for over 25 years, mainly at the Melrose appeared on a segment of the Dec. 13 airing of communities,” he said. and Medinah restaurants. She was well-known The Mike and Juliet Show, a nationally syndi- When asked if the expansion of the group’s for her flamboyant serving technique, unique cated program, to discuss the controversial drug mission would result in tackling all of PROME- no-nonsense personality, 1940s hairdo and ex- treatment PROMETA. TA’s treatment protocols (regarding alcohol and travagant costume jewelry. Hansen also worked Hythiam, Inc.—the company behind PRO- cocaine as well as meth), Pickett responded, at the Slenderella women’s fitness chain in the META, which is being used to combat meth, “While our talking points have focused on crys- 1950s and at the Remington-Rand Corporation cocaine and alcohol dependence—has pointed tal, the issue is that it is untested for what it is in the 1960s. Dorothy Hansen. to addicts who claim the treatment has turned saying it works for. It hasn’t proven the point for No service is planned—“Just coffee with cre- their lives around and a recent 30-day random- crystal, alcohol or cocaine. ... We’ll be following mation, if you please.” ized study that allegedly showed a “statistically PROMETA very closely.” significant reduction of cravings over placebo in Pickett also appeared on The Live Desk with worked from coast to coast as well as headlin- treatment-seeking subjects.” However, critics Martha McCallum, a FOX cable show. Torrington’s ing in Las Vegas; Atlantic City, N.J.; and Reno, point to the fact that the program has not yet satellite feed disconnected, giving Pickett a lot Nev., the Las Vegas Review-Journal stated. been approved by the Food and Drug Adminis- more time than he had expected. “It was [origi- When Wines began her career as an enter- tration and say that the numbers of said study nally] set up for the curmudgeon [referring to tainer, a career that would eventually evolve were skewed. himself] to be on for 10 seconds,” he joked. into “Pudgy! The Queen of Tease,” female com- When asked about what he thought of his ap- To see the PROMETA segment on The Mike & ics were quite rare. She was frequently com- pearance on the show, Pickett told Windy City Juliet show, see www.mandjshow.com/videos/ pared to fellow female comedians Phyllis Diller Times that he felt that he got his message across. medical-cure-miracles. “Would I have liked more time? Absolutely,” he and the late Totie Fields. Diller said, “Pudgy said. “Do I think I got my point across? I do.” was amazingly funny—an original—the per- Others who appeared during the segment were fect person to carry the torch of female com- Dr. Matthew Torrington of the Prometa Center ics into the future. There was no one like her. of , Hythiam Vice-President Chris She never used writers. All her material was her Hassan and Dr. Lori Karan, a researcher at the own. Unlike most of her “competitors,” Pudgy! Drug Dependence Research Laboratory at the made her mark without relying on four-letter University of California San Francisco; Karan, words or vulgarity. Also unlike other funny along with Pickett, talked about waiting for es- ladies, Pudgy! could and sing. In fact, songs tablished proof before championing PROMETA. Pudgy!. were an integral part of her comedy. Chicago resident and Pudgy! fan Gary Chich- PASSAGES ester stated to Windy City Times that “Pudgy NEIGHBORS Understanding insurance and financial has always been a friend of Chicago’s gay com- services can be tough. That’s why I’m Beverly ‘Pudgy!’ munity. From her start as a waitress at the late- ASK QUESTIONS. here to answer your questions, from auto night showbiz hangout Punchinello’s on Rush insurance to retirement savings plans. So Wines to her performance at the first International GOOD NEIGHBORS Female comedy icon Beverly ‘Pudgy!’ Wines start by asking me about our great prices. Mr. Leather, she was always involved with the died at her home in Las Vegas of a heart at- PROVIDE ANSWERS. Nobody can match our combination community both in chicago and her new found tack on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, according to of service and low rates. home in Las Vegas. She will be greatly missed; CabaretHotlineOnline.com. 5JGC3GTUCF-Q[GT$IGPV she was a one-of-a-kind talent.” 4911 N. Lincoln Ave. She had been appearing as part of a revue Wines is survived by her husband, Michael Chicago, IL 60625 at The Flamingo Hotel and was relaxing follow- Bus 773-878-8883 Cardella, and her children, Michael, Jr., Melissa Fax 773-878-8903 ing two performances. She had also suffered a LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, and Anthony. She is slated to be buried in Chi- TM www.rheajoyer.com previous heart attack several years ago. STATE FARM IS THERE. cago. Wines grew up on Chicago’s West Side and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company - Bloomington, IL; State Farm Florida Insurance Company - Winter Haven, FL; State Farm Lloyds - Dallas, TX. Consult your legal or tax advisor for specific advice. January 2, 2008 7 employment and even within 15 feet of public No-Smoking Ban entrances. Gay Man Attacked, Local Events Raped in Cicero Muy caliente: GLBT bar Club Krave recently Kicks In A man has been charged with sexual assault announced its new Latin Night, which will By Kera Soko Rogers Park Man’s and a hate crime in Cicero after attacking a gay take place every Thursday. There is no cover. Death May Have man, according to 365Gay.com. Club Krave is located at 13126 S. Western “When did smoking become a part of us?” This Felipe Rivera, 43, allegedly confessed on video Ave. in Blue Island, and is open from 9 p.m. catch slogan is traveling cross-country along- Been Accidental to beating the victim and then raping him with to 2 a.m. side an image of a cigarette as a stripe on the BY AMY WOOTEN a metal broom handle. (They had reportedly got- Raising hell: Gay artist and writer Clive rainbow flag. into an argument at a party earlier in the Barker, most known for the horror film Hell- On Jan. 1, when statewide no-smoking A gay man was found dead in his Rogers Park evening.) Allegedly, Rivera said that he raped raiser, will have an opening reception for his ban went into effect, was it a direct hit against home the morning of Fri., Dec. 21. said victim “because he hates faggots, and this exhibit, Apocalypses: Paintings and Works on the gay community or just against smokers? Af- Domenic Heltz, 44, was found dead with trau- is what they get.” Paper, Jan. 11 from 5-9 p.m. The exhibit runs ter all, numbers from the Women’s Health Initia- ma to the head on the floor of his home at 6441 According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Cicero through Feb. 16 at Packer Schopf Gallery, 942 tive show that gay females smoke at twice the N. Bell. An unnamed source told Windy City Police spokesman Dan Proft said, “Mr. Rivera got W. Lake. See www.packergallery.com. rate of heterosexual female smokers. Times that the investigation is leaning towards upset apparently because he believed the vic- Liz be friends: Chemically Imbalanced Center reports that 17 determining the cause of death as an accident, tim, No. 1, didn’t respond to a female and then, Comedy brings back “The Book of Liz” by Amy percent of the overall male population smokes but the Chicago Police Department said that it No. 2, somehow winked at him—made what he and David Sedaris Jan. 11 through March 2. while 27 percent of gay men smoke do. The has no new information regarding the investiga- perceived as a sexual advance.” Shows take place Fridays and Saturdays at 8 combined death toll of smokers and secondhand tion, which is still under way. Rivera’s bond was set at $400,000, including p.m., and Sundays at 5 p.m. at 1420 W. Irving inhalers totals 438,000 annually. According to a close friend, Heltz was a wood- $50,000 for violating parole. Park Rd. Tickets are $12-$18. See www.cicom- According to the Centers for Disease Control worker and expert carpenter who loved to bowl. If found guilty, he could receive up to 30 years edy.com or call 800-838-3006. (CDC), cigarette companies need to find replace- He was born and raised in Hawaii. in jail, and an additional 5 years on the hate- Lavender scare: , ments for the 1,200 dead consumers and 3,500 Heltz was involved in the gay bowling leagues crime charge. 1601 N. Clark St., presents “Sexual Politics: who quit each year. As a result, tobacco compa- at Marigold Bowl before it closed, and was also From the Lavender Scare to Larry Craig,” on nies have focused their advertising efforts on in several Chicago Metropolitan Sports Associa- Jan. 31 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $15/$12 for minority groups—including, most notably, the tion and Windy City Athletic Association leagues. members and students. See www.chicagohis- gay community. Kristen Torres of the Bitch to HeBTQad_WCT participated 12/14/2007 in several bowling 12:32 tournaments, PM Page 1 tory.org. Quit lesbian cessation program (of the Lesbian including at the in Chicago. Community Care Project) finds it hard not to notice issues behind gays smoking. The correla- tion is hard to miss, Torres points out, with data stating that the LGBT community smokes at a rate of 40 percent, as compared to the general population’s 20 percent. And for Illinois, the gay population of smokers goes up, since a 2004 CDC survey on smoking prevalence revealed 22.2 percent of men and women in Illinois smoke, as compared to California’s rate of 14.8 percent. Hey, it’s a Not only do 80 to 90 percent of smokers take their first drag before age 20, but the National Lesbian Survey points out that lesbians smoke more as they age, whereas the general populace of women smoke less as it becomes older. And with tobacco’s new stratagem of selective ad- vertising techniques that promote gay-friendly events and venues, underage smoking is occur- ring in greater numbers. Bob Gordon of San Francisco’s Last Drag pro- gram cannot help but notice the correlation between smoking and the problems gays face self-identifying. The largest percentage prob- lem, and possibly the problem itself, involves bitch self-identifying 18-24-year-olds perpetuating their outcast image. Torres hypothesized, “… when you’re a gay youth, you already feel like an outsider. ... Smoking makes you look and feel tough, but also reaffirms the idea of being an outsider—different.” In comparison, their peers only smoke at a rate of 18 percent. Initially, local bars and nightclubs had until July 1 to adhere to the new law. But now, most public establishments statewide will be smoke- free. A 73-42 House vote and the signature of to quit! Gov. Rod Blagojevich ensured that Illinois is part of a country-wide non-smoking movement. Actually, American Medical Association Presi- dent Ron Davis, M.D., told the Heartland Insti- Are you ready for the ban? tute that Illinois has gone further than other participating states, since it has passed one of the “strongest clean indoor air law[s] in the Quit smoking with Howard Brown Health Center country.” In 1989, under the original Clean Indoor Air Act, Illinois segregated smoking into sections within buildings. And Illinois has fought for a long time to become smoke-free. But, because of preemption, a legal control device used by tobacco and implanted into legislation, state anti-smoking laws were weaker than local ones. Only recently, Illinois made the effort to partial- ly reverse preemption, putting regulation back Partial financial support for Bitch to Quit provided by the in the hands of the state. With the same crew American Legacy Foundation and these community partners: responsible for Illinois being one of the first Call 773-388-8682 today to sign up or visit states to begin reversing preemption on Jan. 1, www.howardbrown.org/bitchtoquit 2006, Rep. Karen A. Yarbrough, D-Maywood, and Gov. Rod Blagojevich were also responsible for This program is designed specifically the tight wording in the most recent bill—now for the LGBT community. law. Various program locations available Smoking will not be allowed in places such as ©2007 Howard Brown Health Center. All rights reserved. nursing homes, police cars, cigar bars, places of 8 January 2, 2008 advantage of a domestic partner registry that ing inheritance rights, joint health and hospital- alty if their client is convicted, according to NATIONAL began Jan. 1. visitation rights­—asked a U.S. District judge to 365Gay.com. Attorney Mark Bufalino said that In Oregon, a domestic-partnership statute intervene. A hearing is set for February to dis- the death penalty is warranted only if Kerekes is that would have gone into effect Jan. 1 has cuss the law. seen as the main killer, as opposed to being an ROUNDUP , according to the Interna- In Pennsylvania, attorneys for Joseph Ker- BY AMY WOOTEN been put on hold accomplice or co-conspirator. Kerekes and Har- tional Herald Tribune. Opponents of the law— ekes—one of the two men charged with mur- low Cuadra are accused of killing Kocis. which would have endowed same-sex couples dering gay-porn businessman Bryan Kocis—say The first openly gay president of the Nation- with some spousal rights and privileges, includ- that they will argue against the death pen- al Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Thomas Morgan III, died of AIDS complica- by including both Aaron Raz Link’s improvement from the past. The highest profile tions, according to . Morgan, TransNation perspective and that of his mother and co-au- character was Rebecca Romijn’s Alexis Meade on 56, was former reporter and editor for The New thor, feminist scholar Hilda Raz. Link’s scientific Ugly Betty. While it’s a huge step to have a trans York Times. He was president of the NABJ from Roller-Coaster background also provides unique insight into woman portrayed by a former supermodel, ABC’s 1989 to 1991. Morgan was also an AIDS activ- Ride: 2007 Trans the trans experience. show Dirty Sexy Money went a step further, fea- ist. Year In Review turing actress Candis Cayne in a Following the news that a Pennsylvania high Films well-received recurring role as a trans character. By Jacob Anderson-Minshall school student dropped out of school due to This year the film that garnered the most at- On FX’s The Riches, a young boy with a penchant anti-gay harassment, 300 of his fellow class- tention in the trans community may have been for cross-dressing is embraced by his family. And From a transgender perspective, 2007 was a year mates have signed a petition demanding Catherine Crouch’s short The Gendercator, which ’s once reprehensible characterization with a lot of peaks and valleys. The entertain- changes be made, according to EDGE Boston. was pulled from the San Francisco International of FTMs, Max, improved significantly. ment field, in particular, witnessed many accom- The students want the school district to change LGBT Film Festival after activists accused Crouch plishments but the community as a whole was how it handles anti-gay harassment and abuse. of . But the festivals were privy to Other performances tested with some significant blows. Since the petition, the school district’s superin- a number of great trans films, including Martin Comedian , the man most likely re- tendant has started a review of the school and Rawlings-Fein’s documentary, Clocked: An Oral sponsible for ’s blooming obsession Achievements how it handles such situations. History, which provided an intimate portrait with trans guys, continued to expand his Ian A number of trans folk received recognition for A recent national survey says that gays love of transgender communities through personal Harvie Show, which has developed into a live their notable achievements, including Just Add their pets. In a press release, Witeck-Combs reflections; Godspeed the film, based on Lynn revue featuring icons Jane Lynch, Jenny Hormones author Matt Kailey, who became the Communications, which conducted the survey Breedlove’s novel about a bike messenger who Shimizu, Garrison Star and Cho herself. L.A. first trans managing editor of a LGBT publication online in conjunction with Harris Interactive, passes as a boy fighting for the love of a strip- also saw the premiere of queer pop-rock musical (Colorado’s ). Performer Scott Turner said the survey found that 71 percent of LGBT per; The Believers, a doc about the all-trans Twist, starring trans actress Alexandra Billings Schofield received a special award from the Prin- Transcendence Gospel Choir; and Trannymals as Fagin, the male dominatrix with a nasty tem- adults own pets, compared to 63 percent of het- cess Grace Foundation. Trans and screen- Go To Court. The latter is a sequel to the award per. erosexual adults. The survey also found that 90 writer M.C. Brennan won an Outfest Screenwrit- winning short, Trannymal, which captured the Performing artist Scott Turner Schofield pre- percent of LGBT pet owners consider their furry ing Lab award for her transgender teen comedy adventures of dressed up tranny genitalia. miered his most ambitious work to date, Becom- friends a member of their family. script, Dramatis Personae. Filmmaker scholar ing a Man in 127 Easy Steps, the final install- Two gay groups are working together to fight Joelle Ruby Ryan became the first MTF-spectrum Music ment in an autobiographical performance trilogy. a lawsuit filed by anti-gay organizations that trans person to receive a prestigious Point Foun- Rock band had quite a year, releasing Trans dancer Sean Dorsey’s highly-anticipated would prevent enforcement of a California dation Scholarship. Transgender consultant Deb- a major-label debut, ; joining Cyndi new concert of dance, Lost/Found—performed statute that protects students from discrimina- ra Davis clocked her 1,000th presentation while Lauper on the True Colors Tour; hitting Europe; by a cast of transgender, gay and straight men— tion and harassment in public schools, reported your friendly TransNation columnist passed the and then opening for The Cult. With singles on delves into life on the margins of . GayWired.com. Equality California and Gay- 100th column mark. After 20 years as a sports constant rotation, trans front man Lucas Silveira Straight Alliance Network are trying to intervene writer for the , Mike Penner rocketed to fame. Athough they didn’t receive To read the entire column—including in the suit that challenges the newly-enacted came out and transitioned in the predominately the same attention, the trans band Actor Slash political gains and losses—see www. Student Civil Rights Act. The suit was filed in male field to become Christine Daniels. federal court by Advocates for Faith and Free- Model released its 2007 , Cheap Date, and WindyCityMediaGroup.com. made its own mark in the industry by filming a Tune in next week for the preview of 2008. dom and the Alliance Defense Fund. Books documentary about other trans musicians. Spo- Trans author Jacob Anderson-Minshall writes After a nine-year ban, a federal bill has The genre of transgender books continued to ken word artist Katz, the one-trans-band known the nationally syndicated column “TransNa- passed that will allow the nation’s capital expand beyond simple memoirs. A few of this as Athens Boys Choir, released his latest album, tion,” and co-authors the Blind Eye mystery to provide funding for needle exchange pro- year’s best included: Julia Serano’s Whipping Jockstraps and Unicorns. Trans rapper Foxxja- series with his wife, Diane. Learn more at an- grams in Washington, D.C., reported The Advo- Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the zell, who appeared in Beam’s Transparent and derson-minshall.com or reach him at jake@ Scapegoating of Femininity and Transparent, in cate. City officials say that the lifting of the ban on The Tyra Banks Show, joined the HomoRevo- trans-nation.org. which lesbian author Cris Beam offers unique in- will help combat increasing rates of HIV/AIDS in lution Tour while another Tyra alum, hip-hop © 2007 Jacob Anderson-Minshall sight into the lives of trans teenagers living on the city. A federal spending bill recently signed stud Joshua Klipp, went on his own tour and the streets of Los Angeles. Helen Boyd followed by President Bush allows the city to spend its experienced the Margaret Cho effect when the up My Husband Betty with She’s Not the Man I own money on needle exchange programs. trans-loving comedian directed and appeared in Married, further examination of and rela- On Jan. 1, gay and lesbian residents of New the for his single, Rescue Me. Hampshire were able to engage in legal civil tionships with a trans partner. Disability activ- unions. A mass ceremony was set to take place ist Eli Clare’s collection of poetry and prose The Marrow’s Telling: Words In Motion explored how at the Statehouse as the clock struck midnight Television bodies carry history and identity over time. The on New Year’s Eve, according to 365gay.com. In Increased portrayals of transgender characters memoir What Becomes You distinguished itself addition, couples in Oregon were be able to take on television this season represent a marked

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Well-known folk singer Maria del Mar Bonet Rudd supports gay cese have left the U.S. church in protest against performed “L’àguila negra” (“The Black Eagle”). its gay-friendly positions, aligning themselves No charges over “This ceremony by which today I am going to relationship register instead with Anglican provinces in Africa or South America. Swiss political ad live with my partner was a dream for 30 years New Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd sup- The defections have created numerous prob- because then we homosexuals were [seen as] ports creation of a national relationships regis- The Swiss People’s Party will not face charges lems for the Episcopal Church, including expect- ‘social dangers,’” Petit told reporters. ter for same-sex and nonsexual couples, he said over an anti-gay advertisement because there ed legal battles over property ownership. Spain is one of six nations where same-sex Dec. 16. is no law protecting homosexuals from insults, couples have access to full marriage. The others “We believe that’s an appropriate way to go,” Geneva canton Attorney General Daniel Zappelli are Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, South Af- Rudd said. “Our position has always been that Swedish pop star said Nov. 9. rica and the United States (Massachusetts only). marriage is between a man and a woman, and The case involved posters against a voter ref- Numerous nations (and nine U.S. states and the therefore that always will form the cornerstone comes out as erendum to grant inheritance rights to same-sex District of Columbia) offer civil unions or regis- of our view on these matters. A relationships HIV-positive couples, whom the ad campaign called “infertile tered partnerships that grant same-sex couples register ... we believe is a positive and produc- some, most or all of the rights and obligations Openly gay Swedish pop star Andreas Lund- and well-off.” The referendum passed. tive way forward.” Zappelli said existing law protects Swiss resi- of matrimony. Rudd said the register should extend rights in stedt came out as HIV-positive in the January dents from offensive remarks based only on race, areas such as taxes, inheritance and social secu- issue of the local gay magazine QX. Spain recognizes rity. Lundstedt, who became famous as a member ethnicity and religion. Australia has had a national law banning of the group Alcazar, said he has carried the vi- Gay groups said they will mobilize to add sex- UK civil partnerships same-sex marriage since 2004, courtesy of for- rus for several years and now is “at the right ual orientation to the list. stage in my life” to talk about it. Spain’s government has decided to recognize mer Prime Minister John Howard. “I feel great. This is nothing that affects my same-sex civil partnerships from the United —Assistance: Bill Kelley daily life,” he said. “I’m lucky in that I don’t Kingdom. Bishops banned need to swallow masses of tablets.” Spain allows same-sex couples to marry but Lundstedt hopes the acknowledgment of his the UK limits them to civil partnerships, which from gathering infection will “show people a face of someone nonetheless carry the same rights as marriage A gay bishop and an anti-gay bishop have with HIV.” within the UK. been banned from attending the Anglican Com- “I know that there are more people in my in- “This is a big breakthrough in securing over- munion’s global Lambeth Conference next July dustry who have it, and it’s just a shame that it’s seas recognition and rights for British lesbian in Canterbury, England. The meeting occurs only a taboo issue,” he said. BYOB BUILD YO UR OWN BO D Y

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VOL. 23, No. 16, Jan. 2, 2008 The combined forces of Windy City Times, VIEWPOINTs founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper, founded May 1987. clubs, parks and even the Internet in search of I can’t stand by any longer in silence watching finding the right one. so many of my same-gender-loving brothers lose PUBLISHER & Executive EDITOR So I hope that my editorial will server as an of- their lives over some worthless trade. Picking up Tracy Baim ficial wake-up call to all our readers that the ris- trade is dangerous, people—point blank! Most CHAT DADDY Assistant Publisher Terri Klinsky qué phenomenon of men wanting trade as their of these guys are irresponsible and often display MANAGING Editor Andrew Davis “desired” choice has placed gay relationships disrespectful behavior and actions towards you Business manager Cynthia Holmes in an extremely compromising position because from the very beginning of your relationship, but Director of New Media Jean Albright picking up trade has become deadly! Gone are the you continue to ignore all of the warning signs ART DIRECTOR Kirk Williamson account managerS: Amy Matheny, Suzanne days of meeting trade who you thought would be because he’s some hot trade. Kraus, Kirk Williamson, Jerry Nunn, Terry Wiegel, When Trade converted into an instant relationship while you From one brother to another I’m just telling you Thomas Koontz both took care of your sexual healing needs in the all to please be careful in the company you keep, Promotions director Kathleen Ulm Turns Deadly... process. It’s unfortunate the “one” just might end because you never know what kind of person you OFFICE Robb Olson NIGHTSPOTS MANAGING Editor Kirk Williamson up killing you. are letting into your world and just how the story SENIOR NEWS REPORTER Amy Wooten Welcome to 2008! This an open letter to all of my I must warn you that there’s a new crop of trade will unfold. Here’s wishing all of my GBLT family National Sales Rivendell Media, 212-242-6863 same-gender-loving brothers. working out here. The new trade are guys who members a happy new year that will be filled with TheatER Editor Jonathan Abarbanel As we begin the New Year we should all take an are not necessarily gay in their sexuality but are purpose, integrity and a love for self and your fel- Cinema WRITER Richard Knight, Jr. honest look at the various ways in which we meet BOOKS WRITER Yasmin Nair modern-day hustlers who are oftentimes young; low man. SENIOR WRITERS Bob Roehr, Rex Wockner, David each other. Let’s start with being truthful with extremely masculine; built with muscles; and are Byrne, Cathy Seabaugh, Tony Peregrin ourselves. usually broke and just trying to survive day to day. Chat Daddy is a nationally syndicated rela- ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WRITERS First, who hasn’t wanted to have a wild and pas- They don’t believe in loyalty to anyone but them- tionship advice columnist. You can reach him Mary Shen Barnidge, Jim Edminster, Steve Warren, sionate love affair with some type of trade you’ve Lawrence Ferber, Mel Ferrand, Tim Nasson, Romeo selves and they aren’t really trying to be honest at talk2chatdaddy@.net. St. Vincente, Scott Morgan, Catey Sullivan, Eric met on the streets? Over the years I, too, have had with you. They tend to seek men who look pros- Eatherly, J. S. Hall my own personal experiences that went wrong, and perous and are in search of a genuine relation- Columnists/Writers: Yvonne Zipter, Mubarak have heard endless stories from men of every race ship. Dahir, Michelangelo Signorile, Susie Day, Jorjet who have spent a great deal of their time, energy Harper, Lee Lynch, Steve Starr, Joe Rice, Dan I hope I’m not offending anyone or stepping Woog, Marie-Jo Proulx, Lisa Keen, Chris Crain, and efforts in search of finding trade—cruising on any toes here with my bold statements, but Charlsie Dewey, Aqua Terra Travel, Michael Knipp PHOTOGRAPHERS Mel Ferrand, Kat Fitzgerald, Steve Becker Then my Sweetheart and I went to visit some of during Women’s Week in Provincetown, was clearly ARTISTS/CARTOONISTS Alison Bechdel, Mikeoart her friends and we met up with my best friend of one of those for me. I was gay and I belonged. The CIRCULATION 43 years. I look at the pictures of our few hours at words once had been mutually exclusive; now they Circulation director Jean Albright lunch in Rhode Island and my heart swells at the could not be separated. I’d grown into the lesbian LEE LYNCH sight of this expanding gay family of ours. writer I’d dreamed of being, I’d found the love of It’s no exaggeration to say that I sailed into my life, I was out to my family and I even had PTown on—if not cloud 9, then at least cloud 8.5. friends in P’town whose shower we shared when Distribution: Ashina, Allan, Carol, Crystal, Dan, I reached the nine level when we spotted my pub- the boiler in the old house where we were staying Ed, Jack, John, Maria and Sue lisher and sister author, Radclyffe of Bold Strokes gave up the ghost. Could life get any better? The Land Books, zip by, waving, as we walked to the natu- Provincetown has not lost its cachet as a gay WCMG Board of directors ral food market. This was yet another new family mecca. The restaurants, stores and streets were President: Tracy Baim of the Free for me—a family of writers, editors and readers I stuffed with us: Gabriel Goldsby, Karin Kallmaker, Vice President: Nan Schaffer Secretary: Pete Thelen could not have imagined when I came out. Better J.D. Glass, Val McDermid, Marianne Martin, Lynn At-large: Jonathan Abarbanel, Michael Bauer, I’ve read that the Castro in San Francisco is un- still, there was a whole town filled with us—it Ames, Kim Baldwin, Kelly Smith, Austin and An- Marv Pollack dergoing a re-gentrification —by young nuclear was Ptown’s annual women’s week. drews, Jane Fletcher, JLee Meyer, KI Thompson, VK families with children. I’m all for the idea of kids As the week went by I kept thinking of my char- Powell, KG McGregor, SX Meagher, Kate Sweeney growing up in diverse communities, but the Cas- acter, Frenchy Tonneau from The Swashbuckler, and others—an amazing gathering of talent. Edi- tro? Gay people don’t have a lot of sacred ground and how alone and out of it she felt when she paid tors, press lawyers, computer support, publishers, in this world; how can this be happening? My her first visit to Provincetown. She knew no one, bookstore owners, the uber-supportive readers non-gay acupuncturist just returned from Maui. Copyright 2008 Lambda Publications Inc./Windy City Media she had to beg rides to the gay beach, her cheap and the friendly headliners like Kate Clinton, Wes- Group; All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. He told me that many gay men left San Francisco room wasn’t up to her fantasy of where she could tenhoefer, Tret Fure and Chris Williamson. Back issues available for $3 per issue (postage included). for Maui and are now in great evidence there. For Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, take some girl she imagined picking up. Frenchy Most of all, though, it was fun. There was laugh- and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and years there has been an influx of gay people to had a bad sunburn, cramps and the gay men she’d ter and entertainment, a bonfire, walks on the no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. cities like, for example, Seattle, but they don’t traveled up with had priorities that didn’t include beach with my Sweetheart. We celebrated the sec- All rights to letters, art and photographs sent to Windy City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned rate the gay mecca title. a lonesome dyke. I’d felt similarly alienated in my ond anniversary of the marriage of editor Shelley for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing It’s partly because of these population shifts twenties, walking up and down the main drag, Thrasher and publicist Connie Ward with ice cream and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own that I was thrilled to return to Cape Cod after 19 looking, as Suzanne Westenhoefer joked in her at Spiritus, a perennial town hangout, crowded and do not necessarily reflect the position ofWindy City years to find that Provincetown’s essence is in- performances that week, at the lesbians looking into a booth with cross-dressers in town for their Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of tact. I loved being there again in the rain, in the a person or organization in articles or advertising in Windy and me and my partner. I felt most comfortable convention. City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the wind, under the sun and in the sometimes raucous in the bookstore, but then I felt comfortable in Maui may be nice, the Castro may be dwindling, sexual orientation of such person or organization. While nights out on Commercial Street. we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make bookstores everywhere. but we still have zany P’town—its streets of this newspaper possible, Windy City Times cannot accept Of course, it didn’t hurt that my happy return to This trip was very different: decades after my dreams, crowded with loners and the celebrated, responsibility for advertising claims. the vacation land of my younger years was preced- first visit, I actually knew people as I walked along the seekers, the doers, the revelers, all mingling (773) 871-7610 FAX (773) 871-7609 ed by a visit to my family. This was the first time the street. Knew them, stopped and talked with in the land of the free. e-mail: [email protected] I’d ever brought a partner home to meet them. them—had what Frenchy most wanted, a beauti- Copyright Lee Lynch 2007 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com They literally welcomed my Sweetheart with open ful and devoted woman I adored on my arm. radio: WindyCityQueercast.com arms. It took over six decades, but I finally, feel There are certain turning points in life which we part of my birth family. may not recognize as they happen. This October, WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, 5443 N. Broadway, #101, Chicago, IL 60640 USA

Windy City Times Deadline every Wednesday. LETTER Nightspots Deadline every Wednesday. Identity (BLACKlines and En La Vida): Now online only Proceed with caution impact our most frail citizens, including disabled shareholders. The more important question is Deadline The 10th of month prior. and elderly patients. whether it makes sense for the thousands of el- OUT! Resource Guide ONLINE To the editor: That is precisely the scenario that we are now derly and disabled patients in Manor Care homes www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com facing in Illinois as a result of the Carlyle Group’s across Illinois. SUBSCRIPTION RATES As the trend toward private equity buyouts esca- proposed $6.6 billion buyout of the HCR Manor I urge the Illinois Department of Public Health lates across the country, it is vital that public of- Care chain of nursing homes, which operates 31 fa- to take as much time as they deem necessary to ___ $89 for 1 year Windy City Times only ficials scrutinize such transfers of ownership and cilities in Illinois serving nearly 4,000 elderly and review these applications, to guarantee that this ___ $55 for 1 year Nightspots only disabled patients. This would mark the first time transaction is in the public interest and will not ___ $109 for 1 year WCT & Nightspots the consequences that routinely follow them, such ___ $5 for 1 copy of all products as cost-cutting steps taken to erase massive debt in Illinois that a private equity firm has sought adversely impact care in nursing homes or long loads. A careful and through review of such trans- entry into the nursing home business. Nonethe- term care facilities. We owe to these patients and SEND PAYMENT TO: WINDY CITY MEDIA GROUP, fers is especially important when those buyouts less, the Carlyle Group—which has vast experi- their family members nothing less than a guaran- 5443 N. Broadway, Suite 101, Chicago, IL 60640 USA begin to affect critical industries such as health- ence in fields such as aerospace and defense—has tee that they can expect to receive quality care in care and long-term senior care. In addition to the urged state regulators to place this deal on a “fast safe and dignified surroundings. www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com possibilities for lost jobs as well as reductions in track” for approval. Gregory S. Harris www.WindyCityQueercast.com benefits and economic development, these lever- The Carlyle Group’s proposed buyout may, in- Representative, 13th District aged buyouts deserve extra scrutiny because they deed, make sense for company executives and Member, Illinois House Committee on Aging January 2, 2008 11 BUSINESS high-energy, low-energy and ultra-low treat- QUOTELINES ment. Low-energy, which is the most common, BY REX WOCKNER is done in his office with topical anesthetic, a numbing cream. The procedure usually takes un- der an hour, he said. Q “Years ago, the highlights of the [gay- “I think a good deal of it [my huge gay “The nice thing about these treatments is, pride] parade were the outrageous parade following] has to do with the heartache there’s a cumulative effect. So what we’re rec- floats, featuring drag queens and go-go boys, and pain and misery that this community had ommending is three treatments, spread out by sponsored by gay bars. Now those delightfully to suffer so long. I think things have changed four to six weeks,” Pielet said of the procedure pointless displays are outnumbered by con- a great deal since the 26 years that I have that he said is “not really” painful, especially tingents of waving employees from banks and been with this community, but I think that when a topical anesthetic is used. utility companies in matching T-shirts. It’s a prior to that, the reason they fell in love with “With the topical, it’s certainly tolerable. It’s positive development that so many people are me was because I was a misfit, meaning that like a warm sensation, like a light rubber band out at work, to be sure, but the parade has be- I was a big figure, a big woman, maybe not as snapping on your skin,” he said. come a lot less fun for gay and straight specta- attractive, and you have this big, painful voice For high-energy treatment, sedation is often tors alike.” — Robert David Sullivan writing in and it’s a thing like being connected with Judy needed and it’s often done in the operating , Dec. 2. Garland or other people who had that sadness room. that they could kind of latch on to. So I think “There aren’t that many people in this area “I think it’s [same-sex marriage] a that’s how it started with ‘And I’m Telling You’ who require high-energy treatments,” Pielet Rodger Wade Pielet. great deal of self-indulgent crap. I being such a song of rejection and need and said. mean, people around the world are being tor- pleading to be recognized. ... I’m glad though Portrait is FDA-approved for the entire body, tured for being homosexual, and people here that when I lost the weight and I did change and it’s most commonly requested by women for carry on as if not being allowed to marry was and my life got happier ... they followed, you Rodger Wade their necks, upper chests, hands and feet. For a huge abuse of civil rights. I wish there was a know, because the gay community’s life has men, it’s most often used to reduce the effects bit more internationalism in the Australian gay also gotten better as well, and I think we’ve Pielet: from liposuction around the middle. world. I mean, it’s not too much to ask that all grown together and evolved and are finally Pielet has treated about 100 people in Chi- we remember, sometimes, we are not the most coming to fulfill our own destiny.” — Singer On the cago; about 20 percent of them have from the persecuted and oppressed group in the world.” Jennifer Holliday of Dreamgirls fame to the LGBT community. — Veteran Australian gay activist Dennis Alt- Palm Springs gay magazine The BottomLine, Cutting Edge Pielet’s office is located at 1 E. Erie, and he man to the Sydney Star Observer, Dec. 6. Nov. 9. By Ross Forman can be reached at 312-440-3100. See www. drpielet.com. “[T]he only real dif- Dr. Rodger Wade Pielet, a gay cosmetic surgeon ference between radi- who grew up in Aurora and now lives in Chicago’s cal and Chris- River North neighborhood, is reportedly the first The Colorful New tianity’s own bloody, Chicago plastic surgeon to introduce the Portrait murderous past is, well, a I think it’s PSR (plasma skin regeneration) procedure. Spot on Halsted bit of time, with a splash Wockner Rex by Photo of geography. Ah yes, the [same-sex mar- Portrait is the first non-laser technology clini- By Ross Forman cally proven to perform skin resurfacing and re- bloody crusades, the sa- riage] a great generation using the power of activated nitrogen Upon further review, the Gentry on Halsted distic assaults on conflict- deal of self-in- plasma. Portrait, a trademarked skin regenera- bar will not be renamed The Levee. Instead, ing belief systems, the dulgent crap. tion procedure developed by Rhytec in Waltham, it now is Scarlet. gay popes and murderous —Veteran Australian gay Mass., is based on nitrogen plasma energy—the When Paul Cannella bought the Lakeview priests and boundless hy- same technology used for high-definition televi- bar earlier this year, he planned to remodel pocrisy, the book burnings activist Dennis Altman. sions. The procedure is designed to treat facial and rename the bar The Levee, to pay tribute and witch burnings and wrinkles, skin lesions and sun damage. to Chicago’s LGBT past. But, through market pagan slaughters and a “The results have been incredible, and I’m research, he soon discovered that the new billion sexual oppressions, very reluctant to jump on the bandwagon of new name, The Levee, was going to take too much the mountains of guilt technology unless I am convinced that it’s safe time to explain. and shame and sin sin sin. and that it works,” said Pielet, who graduated “No one really seemed to know what [The Been there, done that, still doing a great deal from West Aurora High School in 1979 and New Levee district] was at first, though, when we of it but not quite as, you know, explicitly as “Oh, my God, before I played this char- Orleans’ Tulane University in 1983. told them, they thought it was cool. But of before. Note to righteous Christians: That vio- acter, I never realized how important gay “I really think it makes a difference,” he add- course we knew we weren’t gonna be able to lent Sudanese march [against the teddy bear rights issues are; I never paid much attention. ed. “The proof is in the results and the patient tell everyone why it was called that,” Can- named Muhammad]? Different branch, same And then when I started playing this charac- nella said. satisfaction.” family tree.” — San Francisco Chronicle colum- ter, it was a personal affront to me. It seems Plus, Cannella realized The Levee carried The goals of Portrait PSR are to treat sun- nist Mark Morford, Dec. 5. outrageous that the things I and many others negative connotations, based on the flooding take for granted, gay people cannot. I think damaged skin; reduce wrinkles; and improve skin woes in and around New Orleans. “So we just “I have little sympathy for people the marriage issue that gays face is outrageous tone and texture. The technology works below didn’t think The Levee was going to be a good who whine about Bush. You know those as well.” — The L Word star Jennifer Beals to the skin’s surface to initiate skin regeneration fit,” he said. watches that say ‘Only so many days until Bush QVegas magazine, November issue. while preserving the skin’s outer layer, using Scarlet, meanwhile, stems from the old- leaves office’? Oh, gee, that’s real effective. it as a natural, protective bandage during the time era too, when people would wear some- Why don’t you cause a riot? Why don’t you shut healing process. The action transfers heat en- thing red or scarlet to signify that they were down a university? Stop whining! All people —Assistance: Bill Kelley ergy to the skin without direct contact. gay, Cannella said. do is whine! He won! Do something!” — Gay Pielet, who has had a private practice in Chi- Scarlet, located in the heart of Boystown, filmmaker John Waters to the Montreal weekly cago since 1997, said the Portrait procedure has been re-designed, with the interior gut- newspaper Hour, Dec. 13. makes up about 10 percent of his overall work, ted, new hardwood flooring added, plus a which he expects to steadily increase in the new glass garage door, a new bar, better and coming years. brighter lighting and flat-screen TVs, among Portrait, he said, “picks up where laser [tech- other updates. SERVING THE NEEDS OF HIV+ INDIVIDUALS nology] leaves off,” and he was a strong propo- It was a $200,000 remodeling, Cannella • LOWEST PRICES nent of laser technology for years. “[Lasers are] said. • FINANCIAL He added that the bar still is planning to ASSISTANCE great tools, but have limited applications. Prob- • COUNSELING lem is, each laser is very specific for a certain apply for an outdoor patio license. • CONFIDENTIALITY color or a certain thing, such as pigmentation Scarlet no longer is a piano or cabaret bar, issue, wrinkles, lines and sun damage. Thus, you as Cannella mandated. “Our ultimate goal is to be a true neighbor- need multiple lasers. The beauty of Portrait is hood bar,” he said. THORNDALE PHARMACY [that] it will address multiple things with one And he wants Scarlet to cater to everyone 1104 W THORNDALE, CHICAGO machine.” in the LGBT—from bears and twinks to jocks Pielet has been doing the Portrait procedure and lesbians. (PH) 773-561-6660 for about two years. “I want Scarlet to be a place where every- (FX) 773-561-6685 Portrait is more common in the South than one feels welcome with a completely friendly Chicago, primarily because of its ability to re- atmosphere, no attitude,” he said. FULL SERVICE duce and eliminate sun damage, he said. Still, it has been, “received very well in Chicago.” WE SHIP ANYWHERE There are different levels of Portrait treatment: DR. JAY L. HAMMERMAN, R.PH. 12 January 2, 2008 GOINGS-ON WINDY CITY TIMES’ ENTERTAINMENT SECTION


The unique visual presentation Hey Girl! will be performed at the Museum of Contemporary Art. See page 13. TV MOVIES SPORTS Dynamic duo. ‘Blood’ sport. On the ball. Page 20. Page 15. Page 22.

United States permanently, he thought this was ton. A town that was essentially constructed as Achy Obejas: a temporary thing until the U.S. went in there the whites fled out of Gary. They both became and knocked Fidel [Castro] out, as the U.S. had Spanish teachers, high school Spanish teachers. ‘Havana’ Nights been wont to do with every other Latin Ameri- TB: When do you think your sexual orien- BY TRACY BAIM can dictator, and my mom actually was delighted tation started mixing with your coming into to come to the United States, the very notion the country, your identity as a Cuban, as an Chicago-based lesbian writer Achy Obejas is an of whiteness, capitalism, economics and easy American? award-winning journalist, author and poet, and street was really appealing to her. We left Cuba AO: I knew I liked girls from like the first grade; her talents are showcased in two new books. by boat on Feb. 10, 1963—there were 44 of us, it’s just that I also liked boys, so the whole The first, Havana Noir, is a collection of essays it was a 28-foot boat; 17 of us were kids. We lost thing was sort of open and fluid for me. There’s edited by Obejas, part of the noir series by Akashic a lot of our fuel during the course of our trip, we a terrible stereotype about Latin Americans Books. She has her own essay in the book, which ran into terrible weather; it was a terribly, ter- because of Catholicism primarily, being sort of features a wide range of Cuban writers examining ribly frightening event. We were left adrift in the prim, et cetera, and that’s true of certain places; “the dark side of a city characterized by ironic ocean for at least a couple hours, and then we it’s not true of Cuba. Cuba is not very Catholic, and wrenching contradictions.” were spotted by an American oil tanker, and we and never has been. Even during the time of the The second book is a small chapbook, This is were picked up by that oil tanker and we were colonies, this is one of the great mistakes in What Happened in Our Other Life, a collection of taken to Miami. They actually went out of their judging Cubans, and the Caribbean as a whole, poems of love and passion, providing a glimpse way to drop us off. They didn’t turn us over to but Cuba in particular. So there’s a very sort of into the more lyrical side of this Cuban-born writ- the Coast Guard … they actually took us straight lax sense of sexual play and sexuality and, like I er. It is published by A Midsummer Night’s Press, to Miami. said, in Cuba in particular. Remember, Cuba was a specialized company; see www.amidsummer- … We went to Miami, as that was the port of known as the brothel of the Caribbean prior to nightspress.com. entry for most Cubans back then; we were put the revolution. People went to Cuba to do the Obejas will be joined by writers Cris Mazza and on public assistance, which was a tremendous things they couldn’t do in their home countries, Richard Fox for a reading and book-signing Wed., blow to my dad’s dignity. We were there for a but were free to do there. So Cubans have a sort Jan. 9, at 7 p.m. at Women & Children First Book- year and a half while he and my mom were try- of thick skin to most sexual stuff, which is not store, 5233 N. Clark. ing to figure out what was going on; they kept to say that my parents did, but as a general rule As part of a new history project, Windy City Achy Obejas. Photo by Tracy Baim waiting for something to happen in Cuba and in the environment and the culture, there’s a lot Times Publisher Tracy Baim interviewed Obejas nothing was happening. My dad didn’t want us more possibility. I never had any sense of shame to discuss the latter’s writing activism and Cuban point, from all of the evidence that I can muster, to be Americans; he didn’t want us to grow up or anything like that. roots. (She was born in Havana June 28, 1956.) [my mother] supported the revolution in some here, so he started concocting a scheme to take … [I was] curious about all of these things Following are excerpts from that interview. form. My father never did. … us to the Dominican Republic. My mother, al- that were being attached to me by the rest of the Tracy Baim: What it was like for you during TB: Let’s talk about your years getting here, ways very concerned about race, was terrified world, you know the rest of the world reflected the first 10 years of your life? when that happened. that if we wound up in the Dominican Republic, me back. The rest of the world being Michigan Achy Obejas: Both my parents were Cuban. … AO: I was six and a half; that happened in we would end up marrying people of color. Much City, Ind. It reflected me back as Cuban, not La- Both of them were the first in their families to February 1963. My mom had been in a literacy more of color than us. So she actually came up tino, not Hispanic. There was not this sense of go beyond sixth grade, and they were obscenely campaign; my dad was actually working actively with her own scheme, which was to sign us up pan-Latinoness like there is now. This was in the overachieving sorts. My mom had a doctorate in against the revolution. They had separated for for a program which was sponsored by the De- ’60s, early ’70s, and there was no other Latino pedagogy, my dad had a law degree and when a couple of years, by all accounts for political partment of Health Education and Welfare, and population in town to sort of suggest what one they came to the United States, they each got reasons, although now that’s blurry in the fam- that was a mainstreaming program that would could be if one were Latino. In fact there was a Ph.D. I’m the oldest child in my family, and I ily history. At some point my father was under take my parents to Terre Haute, Ind. My dad’s one other Cuban family in town. They were pre- have a younger brother, his name is Mario and a lot of pressure. He was wanted—he had been scheme fell through, my mom’s scheme came revolution immigrants to the United States and, he was born, I’m not making this up, on Jan. 1, getting a lot of people out of the country—and through, and so we wound up in Terre Haute therefore, to the left of Mao. 1959 exactly as the bullets were whizzing by and so we were sort of forced to step up and make and that was a big shockarooey. … I grew up in the revolution was coming into play. … At one that decision. He never intended to come to the Michigan City; my dad eventually got a job very Turn to page 16 close to Michigan City in a place called Chester- January 2, 2008 13 SPOTLIGHT

Part of the Girls on the Verge exhibition.

For the first time in its 18-year history, Redmoon Theatre has remounted a show,Hunchback , 773-871-3000; $10; discussion with performers first staged in 2000. Hunchback boils Victor Hugo’s monumental novel, Notre Dame de Paris, Stage Door follows. down to 90 nearly wordless minutes, with only a smattering of narration from a character repre- As if Crip Slam Sundays isn’t odd enough, senting Hugo himself. Redmoon distills the complex story into cinematic images and emotional Jonny Jonny has received intel about a Jan. 18-19 per- high points using various techniques of puppetry, masks, music, mechanical devices, pop-up formance event at the Museum of Contemporary scenery and so-called “crankie” scrolling dioramas to create an intense and elaborate yet inti- By Jonathan Abarbanel mate spectacle—one that WCT critic Scott Morgan calls “amazing theatrical magic that tickles Art that really sounds like a freak-out. Hey Girl!, presented by the radical Italian theater troupe the imagination.” Hunchback continues at Redmoon Central, 1463 W. Hubbard, through Jan. 20; Jonny’s good friend Sylvia Ewing leapt out of the 312-850-8440; $15-$35. Photo by Sean Williams frying pan and into the fire when she left Chica- Societa Raffaello Sanzio, is described as an in- go Public Radio to produce the multi-disciplinary tense, darkly poetic dreamscape with “breath- Traffic Series at Steppenwolf Theatre Company. taking” visual effects both beautiful and hor- But being a multi-tasker and into discipline, she rific. Sounds a bit Jekyll and Hyde-ish to Jonny, took to it like a duck to water. The 2008 Traffic but it’s really a deeply serious, symbolic work Series begins with a kick, An Intimate Evening that follows a girl’s evolution from birth through with David Sedaris, Jan. 8-13 in Steppenwolf’s the brutality of adolescence to the sexual inde- intimate Upstairs Theatre. Alas, Jonny must pendence and power of womanhood. The pro- tell you that all eight Sedaris performances are duction utilizes architectural sets, large-scale SOLD OUT! Sedaris no sooner checks out than paintings and sculpture, video projections and WVON’s Sharon McGhee checks in, headlining exploding glass. Perhaps you should bring your The PocketBook Monologues for one perfor- safety goggles. Seriously, the MCA performance mance, Jan. 14. It’s a collection of stories—it series brings high-quality, cutting-edge interna- was a book first, then adapted for the stage— tional theater, dance, music and performance art from women of color that reveals their heartfelt to Chicago, most of which hasn’t been seen here emotions about intimacy, performed in the style previously—allowing you to judge for yourself of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, but with without any predisposition from the critics. 312- ALFRED BEAM SIERRA, 31 NAPERVILLE SMITHE DESIGNER the Black female perspective front and center. 397-4010; $19-$24. McGhee is the constant in a rotating ensemble Yet another girlie show is a featured exhibit at of performers. 312-335-1650; $35. the . Girls on the Verge: Yes, yes, Jonny knows: There’s the real you Portraits of Adolescence features more than 40 and then there’s the you that comes out after photographs and one video by 11 contemporary dark. Or perhaps it’s the other way ‘round. Well, artists that showcase perceptive, subtle images if there’s a touch of duality hanging on you, and focusing on the subject of female adolescence. you can sing and move, there may be a role for These pictures reveal the complexity, power, and you at the Bohemian Theatre Ensemble. As of common humanity of the transitional moments press time, BoHo still was taking audition ap- between girlhood and womanhood. Increasingly, pointments for its upcoming production of the the dividing line between innocence and adult- Broadway musical, Jekyll & Hyde. Auditions are hood seems more and more blurred. Not surpris- 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Jan. 12-13 (callbacks Jan. 19 ingly, then, this simultaneously beautiful and and 26). Call for an appointment at 773-791- awkward stage has provided photographers with 2393; there are no walk-ins. You’re asked to pre- a wealth of material. Girls on the Verge contin- pare 24 bars that show your range, in the style ues in Gallery 1 through Feb. 24 and is included of the show (operatic pop-rock). BoHo promises with the voluntary admission donation to the that “the concept of duality will be explored in Art Institute. all aspects of the design and direction.” Jonny lifts a glass of champagne to wish all Ah, Jonny fondly recalls the time long ago readers a happy and—especially—a healthy New when Jonny auditioned for a national tour of Year. Godspell by singing a Rodgers and Hart song! They gave Jonny a callback anyway, based on Jonny’s mime and improv skills (true!), but Jon- ny’s ship was sunk when they found out Jonny couldn’t sing even soft rock. But Jonny became OR YOU COULD WORK the great star he is, anyway. Victory Gardens Theater once again is present- ing its gracefully-named alternative series, Crip IN A WORLD Slam Sundays, presented by the Victory Gardens Access Project for folks who can’t see, hear, move or think like most of us do. And Jonny hears WITHOUT STYLE. some of them like weird sex, too. In any case, Jonny’s attention was caught by the upcom- ing Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m., program, Chicken and You were born with style. You are so Smithe. Imagine the whole Striptease, featuring solo performances by Mat- palette of that famous Smithe custom furniture you’ll have to work thew Kerns and (one of Jonny’s favorites) Tekki with. And those fabulous clients. ey trust you with their dreams, you create beautiful rooms for them. Lomnicki. The Chicken of the title is Kerns, who You’ve never been about salary. at’s why we have great you dream it. we build it. details his one-man quest for life, liberty and commissions. You just concentrate on saving the world with style. the pursuit of healthiness in the shadow of HIV. We even do benefits with panache. How about paid Smithe Can the cure really be peanut butter, pop cul- training, paid holidays and vacations, a 401K, health insurance ture and a chain-smoking mother? In Striptease, and drop dead discounts on all the to-die-for merchandise. Little Person Lomnicki sheds her denial about No more talking. Busy typing [email protected]. having a disability only to find herself at a Little WVON’s Sharon McGhee of The PocketBook ©2007 WALTER E . SMITHE FURNITURE People of America Conference with the Mayor of Monologues. Munchkinland. At Victory Gardens Greenhouse; 14 January 2, 2008 ‘PocketBook The program for this celebration revisits past About Face to collaborations and introduces several new works, CRITICS’ PICS Monologues’ including a preview of a new dance piece that Present ‘Little Dog’ will have its official world premiere by HSDC in About Face Theatre will present the Chicago Ella, Northlight Theatre, through Jan. 6. Jan. 14 March 2008. Returning works include the first- premiere of The Little Dog Laughed, by Douglas There are just a few more days to see the Steppenwolf Theatre Company continues its ever collaboration between HSDC and CSO, coun- Carter Beane. The production, directed by Eric astonishing E. Faye Butler channel the great 2008 Traffic Series with The PocketBook Mono- ter/part. Rosen, will run Jan. 9-Feb. 17 in the Hoover/ Ella Fitzgerald. As drama goes, there ain’t logues, which will run Jan. 14 in Steppenwolf’s Tickets are $17–$110 and are available by call- Leppen Theatre at Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Downstairs Theatre, 1650 N. Halsted. much here, but the music is glorious, with ing 312-294-3000 or visiting www.cso.org. Halsted. The PocketBook Monologues is a collection of Butler backed by a tasty, cookin’ four-piece The Little Dog Laughed tells the story of a hot stories from women of color that reveals their band. JA Hollywood actor who may be about to win the heartfelt emotions about intimacy, performed in Forbidden Broadway: Special Victims Lyric Opera’s role of the century—if he can keep his sexual- the style of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, Unit, Royal George Theatre, through Jan. ity under wraps. Add to the equation a rent boy but from the Black female perspective. “We talk Foldi Dies 27. The costume changes come fast and looking for love, his “girlfriend” looking for a about everything and have a lot of fun, but Andrew Foldi, a leading member of Chicago’s furious in this hilarious musical revue that home and a scheming talent agent out to make the underlying message is about the health of music community in opera and education who takes potshots at all things Broadway. See the deal of a lifetime. women and girls with an emphasis on HIV and was the retired director of the Lyric Opera Center it soon: Its 10-month run finally is ending. Tickets start at $20. Call 866-811-4111 or see AIDS awareness,” says WVON Radio personality for American Artists at Lyric Opera of Chicago SCM www.aboutfacetheatre.com. Sharon K. McGhee, author and star of The Pock- (1991-95) and renowned opera singer, died Nov. The Snow Queen, Victory Gardens Bio- etBook Monologues. The one-night engagement 21, in Federal Way, Wash., following complica- graph, now through Jan. 6. A rare Victory also features La Donna Tittle, Deborah Crable tions of a stroke. He was 81. ‘Cloud’-y Forecast Gardens extension as Michael Smith’s songs, and Ramsey Cary, plus some surprise “celebrity” Foldi began his career in the 1950s singing Jim Corti’s dances and performers who shine guests. a wide variety of bass and bass-baritone roles for Halcyon like the aurora borealis make this musical Tickets are $35. See www.steppenwolf.org. at Lyric Opera of Chicago. He eventually became Halcyon Theatre continues its second season fantasy something special. MSB a celebrated interpreter of the most important with Cloud Tectonics by José Rivera. White People, Gift Theatre, through comic roles of Mozart and Rossini. In more than On a cataclysmically rainy night in L.A., Aníbal, March 1. An erudite academic, a long-fallen HSDC and CSO 40 years onstage, however, he scored his great- struggling with his cultural identity, picks up Ce- prom queen and a corporate shark reveal est successes in a 20th-century work, Alban lestina, a mysteriously cryptic pregnant hitch- the damning, damned side of human nature Celebrate Berg’s Lulu. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) and hiker who literally seems to stop time. in blazing monologues directed by Michael Andrew Foldi is survived by, among others, his Hubbard Street Dance Chicago (HSDC) will cel- Cloud Tectonics will run Thursdays through Patrick Thornton; an intense, troubling dra- wife, Marta Justus Foldi of Federal Way, Wash.; ebrate their fifth season of collaboration with a Sundays Jan. 12-Feb. 17 at the Peter Jones ma. CS his children David Foldi, of Geneva, Switzerland, special one-night-only performance on Fri., Jan. Gallery, 1806 W. Cuyler, 2nd floor. Tickets —By Abarbanel, Barnidge, Morgan and Nancy Foldi of New York City. 11 at 8 p.m. at Symphony Center, 220 S. Michi- are $10-$15. Call 312-458-9170 or see www. and Sullivan gan. halcyontheatre.org.

Out 2: Sloppy Seconds. Entertainment ‘L Word’ Showing Movies: 2007 As usual, the best queer films came from abroad, but even they were in short supply this News at The Vic in Review— year. Israel gave us Eytan Fox’s The Bubble, with David Beckham loves being a gay icon, he The Human Rights Campaign and Showtime gay and straight romances but the Romeo and recently told BBC Radio 2. “I’m very honored to will present the fifth-season premiere of The Gay is Not the Romeo story taking precedence. Gus Van Sant’s have the tag of gay icon,” Beckham said. “May- L Word at The Vic Theatre, 3145 N. Sheffield, gay love story was one of the 18 shorts in Paris be it’s things like I like to look after myself, I on Sun., Jan. 6. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the Je t’Aime, and a couple of others had some gay like to look smart and presentable most of the screening will begin at 6 p.m. New Black content. by Steve Warren time.” Beckham added that his wife, Victoria, Admission is $15, and will be collected at With Here! and Logo TV offering increased plays a large role in his fashion sense. the door. (Attendees must be 18 years old to Two years ago, when Brokeback Mountain was distribution opportunities on cable and DVD for Jamie-Lynn Spears and her mother are now attend.) In addition to the premiere, there queer independent films you’d expect to see an winning awards and, more importantly, turning $1 million richer, thanks to OK! Magazine. The will be the venue’s regularly scheduled Brew increase in quality as well as quantity. Sadly, a sweet profit, we thought Hollywood, which magazine already got the exclusive on Britney’s & View. Also, all party guests will receive an that’s not true. The numbers may be rising but never saw a hit it couldn’t clone, would start little sister’s pregnancy, but reportedly agreed advance copy of The L Word’s second episode most of the narrative films (e.g., Boy Culture, cranking out queer films by the dozens, fill- to a $1 million deal for exclusive pictures of of the fifth season—and there will be drawings Itty Bitty Titty Committee, Colma—The Musical, ing those multiplex screens with A-list stars in the baby once it is born, according to eFluxMe- for various prizes, including posters and other Puccini for Beginners) are still pretty mediocre. same-sex liplocks. Gay was going to be the new dia.com. giveaways. They may be OK for movie nights at home or in black. In Touch magazine reports that MTV’s The the communal context of a festival, but when So what has 2007 brought? Jude Law and Mi- Hills star Spencer Pratt has received an of- you consider the superiority of many straight fer from gay porn mogul Michael Lucas. Pratt chael Caine in an ill-conceived reimagining of indies on the market you have to wonder what plans on declining the offer to star in a gay Sleuth; Heather Graham discovering she loves happened to our famous creativity. porno. her brother’s wife in Gray Matters; and Woody This year’s festivals didn’t offer much hope for Harrelson as an anachronistic gay stereotype in the future. One of the best queer dramas I saw, The Walker. Total combined North American box The Houseboy, should have been released to office? Less than a million. theaters for the holidays, as it’s a gay variation John Travolta appeared in drag in Hairspray CULTURE CLUB on It’s a Wonderful Life. Maybe next year. but also starred in the year’s most homophobic As usual, documentaries outshone narrative movie, Wild Hogs. Secret lover Peter Dinklage films. Among the year’s best were For the Bible outed the deceased in Death at a Funeral. There Tells Me So, practically a remake of Arthur Dong’s LOOKINGGLASS THEATRE COMPANY was eye candy galore in 300, thanks to the sol- Family Fundamentals; The Life of Reilly, an auto- AND SILVERGUY ENTERTAINMENT PRESENT diers’ ridiculous battle garb, but we never saw biographical performance piece by Charles Nel- them do what we know Greeks did, thanks in son Reilly, who passed away this year; and Jes- part to the mess Oliver Stone made of Alexan- sica Yu’s Protagonist, in which one of the four der. personal journeys we follow is that of a gay man There were the traditional (i.e., pre-Broke- turned “ex-gay” turned gay again. back) movies with token gay friends (Bug, You As for movies in general, ticket buyers proved For tickets call Kill Me), gay relatives (The Jane Austen Book to be a bunch of idiots in 2007! Club) and trendy gay chatter (P.S. I Love You). I don’t mean you personally, of course. If you 312.337.0665 Ray McKinnon played twins—one of them gay— have enough taste to read this column you’re in Randy and the Mob. A male-male rape in The lookingglasstheatre.org not one of the people who started the year by Kite Runner is so obliquely presented the movie making huge hits of horrible movies (Norbit, Lookingglass Theatre Company got a PG-13 rating, yet the young had to in the Water Tower Water Works Ghost Rider, Wild Hogs), then stayed away when flee Afghanistan because of death threats. Michigan Avenue at Pearson the “serious” pictures started arriving in the The year’s gayest mainstream movies were fall. Reno 911!: Miami, with Lt. Jim Dangle (Thomas Everything came in batches all year: great Lennon) leading the campy fun; and I Now Pro- actresses (Julie Christie and Marion Cotillard) nounce You Chuck & Larry, with Adam Sandler and failed “torture-porn” sequels in the spring, and Kevin James as straight men pretending to threequels in late spring/early summer, vigilante be gay. thrillers and Jane Austen-related romances in There were gay pretenders in queer films, late summer, anti-Iraq War movies in early fall, too. Sam Huntington was straight-playing-gay For more shows and listings, African-American holiday movies in late fall. in Freshman Orientation (with lesbian actress check out www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com Heather Matarazzo in a straight role) and gay Turn to page 18 was gay-playing-straight in Eating January 2, 2008 15 ett that’s sure to end up in the Oscar circle. I are in Hollywood, so nobody’s butching it up was also a huge fan of the offbeat documentary DVD REVIEW for Berinstein’s camera. Zoo, a visually hypnotic film that offered insight The film is divided into four seasons, begin- into the world of fringe sexual practices, and SHOW KNIGHT ning in the summer of 2003, and follows the For the Bible Tells Me So won points for tracing four shows from rehearsal through opening AT the longstanding abhorrence evangelicals hold BUSINESS: night and beyond. The focus with Avenue Q is for Our People and trying to make sense of it THE on creators/songwriters Jeff Marx and Bobby through individual coming-out stories. Turner The Road Lopez, who held their first workshop in 1999 MOVIES Classics Movies’ excellent series, Screened Out, with a TV show in mind; and bookwriter Jeff presented a month-long film festival during to Broadway BY STEVE WARREN Whitty, who reportedly clashed with Marx dur- Pride that illuminated much of our gay history ing the creative process. They’re not the only on film in a mainstream setting while Queerborn If you were to re-watch an old ones who can’t believe their little show is go- & Perversion, a fascinating documentary by film- telecast it would be for the musical numbers. ing to Broadway. maker Ron Pajak, did the same for Chicago histo- Show Business: The Road to Broadway exam- Periodically, the film checks in with a round ry. The latter was the highlight of this year’s gay ines the 2003-2004 Broadway season, which table of theater critics and columnists who are and lesbian film fest, Reeling. Other highlights was unusually gay even for New York theater, surprisingly candid about their expectations of of the festival (perhaps coming to a theatre or up to and including the Tonys. It focuses on shows they haven’t seen yet, as well as their to DVD in 2008) also included Itty Bitty Titty four of the season’s five biggest new musicals opinions after they’ve seen them. Committee, Outing Riley and Starrbooty. Best LGBT (The Boy from Oz is the elephant that’s missing Alan Cumming, who has a co-producer credit The best LGBT film of 2007 for me was Before from the room) but has no complete musical on the film but didn’t work on Broadway that I Forget, which played at the Chicago Film Fes- Movies of 2007, numbers, only excerpts, mostly from rehearsals season, makes a few general comments. Cyn- tival. The third in a trilogy, the French film was and showcases. thia Nixon and are among the written by its director, Jacques Nolot, who also There Will Be Considering the incredible access Dori Ber- first-nighters glimpsed at premieres. stars as Pierre, a 58-year-old ex-hustler entering instein had to Avenue Q, Wicked, Taboo and In a too-little, too-late effort to earn cred the autumn of his life with no regrets and not Blood Caroline, or Change, the documentary she’s as- with the young crowd, Idina Menzel sings a a trace of sentimentality. The movie beautifully By Richard Knight, Jr. sembled is unremarkable. There may be a few hip-hop version of Lullaby of Broadway dur- illuminates the “gay lifestyle” and issues spe- revelations of interest but mostly it’s what ing the closing credits, following a punk-rock cific to our community as Pierre goes about his This was not a good year for LGBT movies, an you’d expect to hear about how hard the work Cockeyed Optimist. everyday life in Paris. The film is tough, flinty, easy deduction to make when one glances over is, how great the financial risk and how excit- There are some creative camera angles and emotionally honest and, I think, a masterpiece. the list of 2007’s mainstream releases. There ing it is to be involved with a show on Broad- a couple of clever montages of shows other My runner-up would be another French film, The was no Brokeback Mountain, Shortbus, Capote way. than those highlighted. In a few years Show Man of My Life (which you can still catch at the or D.E.B.S. Instead, we got I Now Pronounce You The four musicals are all gay to some extent. Business will be required viewing for theater Siskel Film Center through Jan. 3). The elliptical Chuck & Larry and a slew of movies that used Avenue Q mixes gays and straights, puppets classes but right now, being too late for report- film centers on the life-changing events that oc- gay sexuality as the subtext for their comedy or and humans, in a Sesame Street-for-adults age and too early for nostalgia, it isn’t ready cur when a happily married French couple make drama: Blades of Glory, Reno 911: Miami, Eve- tolerance lesson. Caroline, or Change is gay for the big time. a casual acquaintance with their gay neighbor ning, Eastern Promises and Sleuth among them. playwright Tony Kushner’s (Angels in America) (This review doesn’t include the commentary and the husband finds himself subconsciously Many of these movies were terrific but didn’t re- memoir of his childhood in Louisiana. Taboo, and hour of deleted scenes included as extras attracted to the man. I would also like to point ally focus on our lives. produced by Rosie O’Donnell with songs by Boy on the DVD.) readers toward yet a third French film: The Page The Walker—Paul Schrader’s film about a George, is a fictionalized tale of George’s rise Turner, a thrilling yet extremely subtle movie in Washington, D.C., gay social bon vivant mixed to fame in the London club scene of the early Read the entire review at www. which a complex revenge plan is enacted by a up in a murder case—did feature Woody Har- ‘80s. Wicked is a prequel to The Wizard of Oz, WindyCityMediaGroup.com. young woman whose artistic ambitions had been relson playing gay in the title role, but the film’s and you can’t ask for gayer than that. thwarted as a child by a celebrated classical pia- justifiably lukewarm critical reception found it If you watch the Tonys you know gays are far nist. A heavy lesbian undertone is present in the relegated to so few theatres it wasn’t easy to more open in the New York theater than they relationship between the young woman and her find. (Though it’s not great, it’s worth a look— intended victim, the now-anxiety-ridden pia- especially the first half hour.) For overt visibil- nist. ity, we again turned to indie and queer cinema, where the results were often spotty at best. Boy While not a good year for LGBT-themed movies, Culture, Cut Sleeve Boys and Gray Matters were the same can’t be said for the year as a whole. just three of the okay-but-not-great highlights It’s been a month and a half of one terrific of the year in queer cinema, though Color Me movie-going experience after another and the Kubrick (with its pixilated lead performance by new year begins with one more. Boogie Nights- John Malkovich) and The Bubble (from gay Is- Magnolia writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson raeli filmmaker Eytan Fox) were definitely a step has now written and directed There Will Be up. Blood, based on the Upton Sinclair novel Oil. Musicals—the queer-in-all-but-name genre— It’s the story of Daniel Plainview, a fictitious did boast three stellar additions to the canon: oil wildcatter who is portrayed by a sensational Dori Berinstein’s informative and entertaining Daniel Day-Lewis. Day-Lewis’ performance as backstage documentary ShowBusiness: The Road Plainview—who is at once seductive, charming, to Broadway, Hairspray and Sweeney Todd: The mesmerizing and supremely evil—is surely one Demon Barber of Fleet Street are a trio of must- of the greatest ever captured on film. see movies for any self-respecting show-tune Day-Lewis channels the voice and mannerisms queen. For the adventurous, queer director Todd John Huston brought to his portrait of supreme Haynes returned with his lyrical, contempla- evil as Noah Cross in Chinatown and develops LOOKINGGLASS THEATRE COMPANY AND SILVERGUY ENTERTAINMENT PRESENT tive homage to Bob Dylan, I’m Not There, with them even further. There Will Be Blood follows a gender-bending performance by Cate Blanch- the character from prospector to magnate—who, in all that time, seems only to love oil itself. Nothing else—money, sex, power, or any kind of human interaction—truly seems to interest Plainview or distract him in his quest to draw more and more oil from the earth. Certainly not Paul Dano, as a religious zealot, who it appears might be Plainview’s one true nemesis. Ander- son’s canvas—the sweep of the harsh western plains (with Ireland filling in for the frontier)— is as large as that captured by Terrence Malick in Days of Heaven. But in Anderson’s movie, the BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! vast panorama doesn’t dwarf Plainview or deter “explosive, dangerous, dazzling” him for a second. It’s a thrilling, entertaining -The Wall Street Journal movie aided greatly by Jonny Greenwood’s dis- Tickets on sale now Begins January 9, 2008 lookingglasstheatre.org 312.337.0665 sonant, symphonic score (also the year’s best), which underscores the contrast between the surface beauty of the characters and the land with the ugliness and rot ready to bubble up just Paul Dano (left) and Daniel Day-Lewis in underneath. There Will Be Blood. Check out archived reviews at www.windyci- LOOKINGGLASS THEATRE COMPANY IN THE WATER TOWER WATER WORKS tytimes.com or www.knightatthemovies.com.

16 January 2, 2008 ACHY from page 12 time, I don’t regret any of it. It was also a very Cleis. Cleis is still this great thing, they keep the strident time; I think that a lot of us played books in print, they’re just amazingly support- out some roles, some very terrible roles, and a ive. Days Of Awe came out with Random House, TB: When and where did you go to college lot of us played out some very good roles. I’m it was a very good and interesting experience. that might have taken you away from that? pretty proud of a lot of the stuff that I did, I I had an amazing six-figure advance, and it al- AO: We used to go to Miami every summer. actually wrote Mayor [Eugene] Sawyer’s speech lowed me to enter adulthood finally, buy a place, Also I had a relationship with Chicago, from the that he gave, that accepted the ordinance, and get rid of debts, pay the IRS. But I feel like my time I was in the tenth grade. We came to Chi- I did a lot of lobbying that I know made a huge heart has always been in these alternative press- cago a lot as a family, because there was no difference. I will happily take credit for [then- es like Cleis. And now, working with Akashic I’m Hispanic presence in Michigan City. … I think Alderman] Luiz Gutierrez’s position on gays. … just delighted, they’re just an amazing group of my real radicalizing moment came inadvertently Actually, all the Latino aldermen, who were all people and really committed to a lot of things thanks to my father. … He set up for me to go crucial to the vote, not one was a sure . … I that I’m committed to, so I’m looking forward to to Mexico for a summer when I was 15, just me, actually think that Mayor Sawyer ended up be- future projects with them as well. living with a Mexican family. At that point, all ing more genuinely committed in his heart to it I knew about Cuba and about being Latino was than [Mayor] Harold [Washington]. I worked for from my parents, Miami and Michigan City. I had Harold in ’87; I had a relationship with Harold, a very specific sense of what all of that meant, I wrote speeches for him, I was on his media Deep Inside and I remember getting off the plane in Mexico team. I think Harold was committed in principle, City and while in customs, seeing a woman with but he was not going to sacrifice a lot for that, Hollywood a Che [Guevara] T-shirt, which was really shock- Achy Obejas. Photo by Hal Baim By Romeo San Vicente and I think that was clear the first time that the ing, it was really really early, because this was ordinance got voted down. … He actually said, like 1973 or ’72 or something. It was shortly Keri Russell Ready for Bedtime “It wasn’t my ordinance.” Which was shocking to that we probably wouldn’t have. And radicalized after he died actually [in 1967], and it wasn’t After her winning turn in this past summer’s a lot of people. I also think that he was tagged us in ways I think we wouldn’t have. There was the iconic image we all know now, but it was indie sleeper hit Waitress, it was inevitable with a lot of gay rumors, and so he needed to this whole business of, we’re just like everybody nonetheless a Che thing. … The following sum- that Keri Russell would finally make the jump get some distance from that, but even after you else, we just stick it in a different hole. Then mer, I had behaved so well, my dad sent me from TV stardom (Felicity) to a solid film ca- get through all of that, it just wasn’t one of his AIDS came along, and actually we’re not like ev- again, and this time one of my cousins came reer. Now she’s been cast opposite Adam San- top 10 issues; he had a lot on his plate, and he eryone else, we have a completely different life- with me. We were in that school, for I don’t dler in Bedtime Stories, the latest film from had an insane situation in City Council where it style, we do things in a different way, we think know, 24 hours, then we packed our little bags, gay director Adam Shankman (Hairspray). was maddening to get even the simplest thing about things differently, and we challenged the and traveled through Mexico, El Salvador, Nica- The high-concept movie takes Night at the passed. … I think for Mayor Sawyer, it turned way people relate. As much as this particular ar- ragua, Costa Rica, Panama. We got all the way Museum’s mojo and runs with it, as Sandler, out to be a really crucial and transformative is- rangement is interesting, so is this one, and so to the Columbian border where they wouldn’t let telling his niece and nephew bedtime stories, sue. is this one. Jon was just perfect for doing a lot us in because we were minors. The whole time finds those fairy tales coming to life. Russell TB: Can you talk about your official capac- of that outreach. People remember him for his we were driving, our parents would say, because will play, naturally, Sandler’s love interest. ity with the mayor’s committee and your work work in the Mayor’s Committee, and his position we were reporting in, we would call collect, and But here’s hoping the role won’t be reduced with [who was mayor’s liaison as the Mayor’s liaison in terms of gay issues. I then we would just kind of hold the phone out during editing to anonymous, personality- to the gay community; he was later murdered think where his legacy really lies is in AIDS work while our parents screamed bloody murder at us free “girlfriend,” a trap many actresses find while visiting Los Angeles]? and AIDS outreach. He just did so much quiet about how we were going to be grounded for the themselves in as they rise up Hollywood’s AO: The mayor’s committee was an advisory work around that, and he managed to bring in rest of our natural lives, et cetera. We wanted to male-oriented ladder. After proving she could committee on gay and lesbian issues that was so many people from the South Side, the West let them know we were OK, but we also were sort carry a film on her own, Russell’s too interest- put together after a number of other committees Side. of on this journey of discovery for ourselves. … ing for that kind of treatment. Bedtime goes on various other interest groups like Latinos and TB: Can you speak to your work in journal- So to me that was really very important, and before the cameras in February. Asians had been put together. Jon Simmons was ism, and the books you have done? coming to Chicago was also very important. I one of the original members of the committee, AO: Journalism, to me, was always a practi- used to come to Chicago all the time when I Jim Verraros and Peter Paige we came in together to the committee. We be- cal thing; it was less anything that I was ac- was in high school … . You came to concerts Visit Copacabana came instant best friends and conspirators, and tually ambitious about, than just something in Chicago, there were tons and tons of all-ages Say what you will about the raunchy gay we ended up forming kind of a crucial block in that, you know I had to pay rent, and limited Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds concerts in Chicago, and a lot of them were on that committee. Jon was white, and extremely talents, so this seemed a way to take care of (the sequel to, yes, Eating Out), it had the the South Side. sensitive to racial issues; he worked for Joseph that. So I worked for Windy City Times, I’ve writ- nerve and energy to be as lowbrow as the In terms of my own sexuality, I don’t know Holmes Dance Company, which was a Black dance ten for Outlines, I’ve written for The Advocate, subject matter demanded. And part of that what it was, but I just never blinked. I was al- company, and he had an amazing discourse on Out, and—at the national level in terms of non- energy came in the form of a go-for-broke ways amazed when other people did; I was al- race and ethnicity. … He was also absurdly, ri- gay stuff—Vanity Fair, Playboy, Ms., The Village performance by ’s only openly ways sort of flabbergasted when people would diculously, savagely funny, and we worked very, Voice. I’ve also written for a lot of Spanish- gay runner-up, Jim Verraros. The singer is suffer angst about it. I understood that it was very well on that committee. … We proposed language stuff both here in the United States proving himself a likably funny screen pres- taboo and all of that, but I chalked it up as a him [to become the director of the committee], and abroad. In terms of regular relationships, I ence, so it’s good to see him signed on with kind of a generational problem. … Then I went and he got the job. And he was great. … was a staff writer for many years for the Chicago former Queer as Folk star Peter Paige for the off to college and I went to a very unfortunate The gay and lesbian, transsexual, transgender, Tribune, I continue to have a warm relationship new feature Copacabana, Of Love and Shad- place called Franklin College in Franklin, Ind. bisexual queer community is one that is very, with them and sort of contribute whenever I ows. The story revolves around a British art- Franklin College is associated with a Baptist con- very diverse in every single sense. In terms of want. I’m also a contributor to the Washington ist’s relationship with a Brazilian street kid, vention. The reason I went to Franklin was very class, in terms of race, in terms of sex, in terms Post on a regular basis. and the that complicates things straightforward: I dropped out of high school, of marital status, in terms of children. … But a I’ve written three books. We Came All The Way for both of them. Paige stars as “Miranda,” and the only way my parents were going to sign lot of the iconography of our community doesn’t From Cuba So You Could Dress Like This?, which is while Verraros takes on both male and female that damn slip is if I went straight to college. So reflect that, and back in the ’80s and early ’90s, a collection of short stories, and is published by roles for the film. Shooting in Rio de Janeiro, I had a total of two weeks between the first se- even less so. I think that one of the things that Cleis Press, whom I love. They’re all stories that look for this Copa eventually to shake its way mester of my senior year, and my first semester really changed that was AIDS. AIDS really made take place in Chicago, they’re all but one stories onto the gay film-festival circuit. of college. ... Then I went to Indiana University, us have to deal with other communities in ways that engage the queer community in Chicago in which to this day remains a time that I think of; some way. My second book is Memory Mambo; Wilson Cruz Is Into You as much as I look back in horror at Franklin, I it was a novel and it’s about the tensions that With the freshly released complete series of look back with immense pleasure at my time in exist between public and private identities, and My So-Called Life still in the DVD players of Bloomington, it was a great town, it was a real sort of the way that families create myths. My fans like Romeo, nostalgic for brilliant-but- radicalizing experience for me because it was my third book is called Days Of Awe, and it had the cancelled TV shows, it’s easy to remember first contact with a lesbian community. misfortune of August of 2001, so how gay actor Wilson Cruz broke new televi- TB: Let’s fast forward to the 1980s in Chi- that it got fabulous publicity and criticism, and sion ground as the outcast queer high school cago, your being a journalist, but also politi- then was completely blown away, literally, by student during that series’ brief life. Since cally active in helping with the human-rights some little incident in New York. It mostly takes then, Cruz has appeared in independent proj- ordinance. place between Chicago and Havana, and again ects and keeps working for queer causes, but AO: In the 1980s I worked for Windy City it sort of expands more on the idea of tensions a triple scoop of new films looks very likely Times, and Windy City Times was very political between public and private identity. to raise the still-young star’s profile. He’ll ap- at that time, and had a publisher and an edi- I [now] have an anthology called Havana Noir; pear in the gay indie drama The Ode, about tor who was very engaged with the whole no- it’s part of the Akashic series of noirs, and it’s a young Indian man who runs off to Holly- tion of the Human Rights Ordinance, so for us crime stories that take place in Havana, and I wood; the basketball drama Green Flash; and - speaking of flash - in the all-star comedy it was not a conflict of interest, but rather an translated 13 of the 18 stories, so I am extreme- He’s Just Not That into You, alongside Jenni- ethical commitment to do that. I had a weekly ly excited about it as a showcase for that par- fer Connelly, Scarlett Johansson, Ben Affleck, column of a political nature, so it all extended ticular skill. It features some amazing writers. and Jennifer Aniston. Nothing “so-called” into that. Eventually I became involved in a sort I [also] have a chapbook of poetry called This about that gig at all. All three movies should of secondary way with the Gang of Four [activ- Is What Happened In Our Other Life, which is be out in the coming year. ists working on the ordinance], because there out with Midsummer Night’s Press, a little enter- was a kind of a confluence of interests, one was prise by Lawrence Schimmel, who I’ve known for Read the entire column at www. that it was imperative to move aldermen of color many many years, who I actually met through to get votes. … It was a tremendously exciting WindyCityMediaGroup.com. January 2, 2008 17 Sidney J. Harris, in a creditable review (like the Panorama (the Sun., Jan. 10, 1970 magazine HISTORY others he lauds the performance of Paul Rudd section of the Chicago Daily News) asked “Does as Donald), warns the readers of his “family ‘The Boys’ tell it straight? There’s a certain ‘The Boys newspaper” of the “raw and raunchy” language ‘generation gap’ in drama of homosexuals.” The of the play noting that his “coarser fiber” sus- feature by Jerome Landfield, then a teacher at in the Band’ tained him. He concluded that the play was a Roosevelt University and reporter on cultural af- hit: “in this bleak season, the theatre has come fairs for WBBM radio, questioned the veracity of alive with a play that involves, that deepens our the play compared to the experience of Chicago Play On insight as much as it entertains our sadly mal- gays and found it echoed only the experience of by Marie J. Kuda nourished sense of humor.” “aging unhappy fags ... obsessed with gayness Concurrent with the Chicago opening the Dec. and guilt.” What he called “female homosexu- In December 1969, Mart Crowley’s play, The 2, 1969 issue of Look Magazine ran two features, als” and the younger generation (“the far-out Boys in the Band opened at the then-Studebaker one on the impending film version “The Faces of fringe” the “hard-hip movement” and the “new Theatre in the Fine Arts Building on Michigan the Boys in the Band” and the other “A Changing militants”) rejected the play’s image. The first Avenue. On the eve of The Hooker Report, just View of Homosexuality.” In subsequent issues, to tag Mattachine as representative of the past, months after Stonewall and weeks after Time Look’s letters column reflected the dichotomy of Landfield asserted that Mattachine leaders had Magazine’s cover feature on “The Homosexual response. Rodney Kings of Ohio wrote that the “about as much influence over these people as in America,” Mattachine Midwest ran a benefit “whimpering, bitching, sadomasochistic psy- the Rev. Ralph Abernaathy has over a group of at the opening night performance. Mattachine, chopaths portrayed” were a dying breed but the Black Panthers whose leader has just been slain Chicago’s first modern gay-rights organization, “new homosexual looks and feels no different by police.” not five years old, sold 300 “choice orchestra from the rest of American youth”. Today, “The The Sunday magazine section of Chicago Today seats” to the show’s opening, Dec. 2. Next morn- Boys in the Band” is alternately described by (Feb. 22, 1970) ran “The ‘gay’ life in Chicago: ing, columnists and reviewers had a field day gay historians as either a landmark event (large- Homosexuals today refuse to remain submerged commenting as much on the audience as on the Flyer for a 1969 Boys in the Band Mattachine ly because of its frank, crackling dialogue), or and oppressed by the ‘straight’ world” by Paul play. benefit. a play that (because of its stereotypes) set gay Sampson. Still citing Boys in the Band, Sampson Jon and Abra in the Chicago Daily News, while theatre back a couple of decades. ran a two-page interview with Mattachine Mid- acknowledging the “homosexual liberty lobby Sympathy...” The crowd “hooted, hollered and In Chicago, those reviews and commentary by west members, attorney Renee Hanover and gay is raising funds to fight the blue meanies (po- applauded its way through the evening and al- columnists (from the legendary Irv Kupcinet to students at the . Sampson lice harassment),” noted that the theatre was most managed to turn what is a compassionate, Ron Powers) continued a popcorn explosion be- also compared the situations of gays and Blacks: “jammed with the limp set, lads in fur, open- devastating and brilliant piece of writing into a gun by major features in (Oct. 27), “Both are minorities with legitimate grievances necked flounce shirts, leather maxicoats, plus circus.” She further noted that she planned to Time (Oct. 31), Look (Dec. 2), and articles in The against the majority culture.” No names of gays several would-be ladies who walked funny.” see the play again at a later date “on some quiet Washingon Post, and dozens of smaller venues. or lesbians interviewed were used in these early Doyenne of reviewers, Glenna Syse, writing in night—say when the performance is a benefit Letters to the editors and opinion page articles articles, and the only illustrations were stills the Chicago Sun-Times, said that the opening for Field and Stream or Family Circle.” continued well into the New Year. Parade (Dec. from the play. For the 1970 Chicago mainstream night audience reminded her of the disadvan- Roger Dettmer of Chicago Today either saw 14) responded to a query from a reader asking media, “Boys” had just turned the key in the tages of being a critic. “I don’t mind telling you the previews or wore blinders. His generic com- about rumored government plans to legalize ho- closet door. there were times ... when I wished it were 1953 mentary only mentions the Chicago cast in the mosexuality by referencing the positive recom- Copyright 2007 Marie J. Kuda and that the play I was watching was Tea and last paragraph of his four-column review. But, mendations of the Hooker Report.

Nothing Left) sprinkled with a few up-tempo numbers (Can’t Fight the Feeling). But the vocal powerhouse also branches out into the turf claimed by younger chanteuses Shakira (Eyes on Me) and Carrie Underwood (Sur- POP prise Surprise). Just try giving Taking Chances a MAKING spin without envisioning vet- SENSE eran Ana Gasteyer aping La Celine. As a keepsake of Dion’s run in Sin City, she just issued the DVD Live in Las Vegas: A New Day. But Chicago fans will Colton Ford (left) and Ultra Nate. Respective photos by Joe Oppedisano and Karl Giant have to wait all the way until Nov. 4 to see her perform at the United by David Byrne and Tony Peregrin Center. War, Colton Ford is releasing a remake of Alicia the warmth from the Sunshine State on T*Dance. Revisiting the progressive electronic sounds of Keys’ single, No One. The video, directed by Bart Out now on Red Wallet Records, T*Dance is Once again, Annie Lennox gives her fans some- his eponymous debut, Seal’s fifth studio album, Everly, takes a jab at Senator Craig’s now-infa- loaded with Marsh’s signature sound and feel- thing to ‘sing’ about. Her latest single, Sing, mous bathroom scene as Ford belts out No One a good vibe. After listening to this mix—which not only features a choir 23 divas strong, but System, is produced by Stuart Price, the mas- termind behind Madonna’s Confessions on the cappella. Produced by Matthias Heilbronn (Chaka is highlighted by the latin-flavored opening it benefits the AIDS charity Treatment Action Khan, Angie Stone, Ledisi), Ford’s cover and its track Come Along by Kim Kuzma, My Life Again Campaign and has been reworked by today’s Dancefloor. Not everything here is intended to be accompanied by a strobe light. Seal’s mid- remixes are available now on iTunes. The former by Lauren Hildebrandt and Forever by Alyson— hottest mixers, including Moto Blanco, Dean adult film star scored a dance hit with Pepper maybe Marsh should push back his retirement Coleman and Harry “Choo Choo” Romero. Sing is tempo duet with wife Heidi Klum, Wedding Day, easily could become the next sappy wedding MaShay redoing Stevie Wonder’s Signed, Sealed, even further. already storming up the club airplay charts, as Delivered. Every year I seem to be disappointed by the fans and DJs alike have been waiting patiently ceremony staple, like Atlantic Starr’s Always. Rolling and Immaculate are also sparse on the Windy City siren Susan Werner is scheduled Grammys. Leave it to the new seven-disc series, for another dance hit from the Eurythmics front- to take to the stage at Schuba’s, 3159 N. South- Ultimate Grammy Collection, to restore my woman. Dark Road—the first single from Len- beats, allowing that unmistakable voice to take center stage. Even the video for the set’s feature port, on Sat.-Sun., Jan. 5-6. Ever the folk artist, faith in the industry’s prestigious award show. nox’s opus, Songs of Mass Destruction—was not Werner’s knack for songwriting is in top form on The contemporary R&B disc comprises gems from commissioned for mixes. Material from her 2003 single, Amazing, possesses the futuristic traits of Seal’s breakthrough clips Crazy and Killer. the thought-provoking album The Gospel Truth. the last two decades, including Sade’s seductive set, Bare, fared significantly better in nightclubs Here, she recounts childhood memories (Sunday No Ordinary Love, R. Kelly’s remake of I Believe than on the radio. Per her MySpace page, Lennox The third time’s the charm for Ultra Nate. The video for Give It All You Got, the third single Mornings), ponders spiritual woes (Heaven So I Can Fly and Soul II Soul’s classic Back to Life, hints that her next album will have her returning Small, Our Father) and modernizes the golden featuring Caron Wheeler. The contemporary pop to her electronic roots with mostly upbeat dance from Grime Silk Thunder, finds the Free singer in a post-apocalyptic nightclub intended for Mad rule (Help Somebody, I Will Have My Portion). compilation boasts 16 hits, including kd lang’s music. Sweet dreams indeed. She even treads more into the gospel sound on pining Constant Craving, Shawn Colvin’s cross- As one of the many singing back-up on Sing, Max. Nate already morphed into over-the-top characters in her recent videos. She was Lady Forgiveness. This ever-evolving folk-jazz-soul over Sunny Came Home and ’s Celine Dion very well may have the greatest musician tours regularly, with a live show that is anthem, Since U Been Gone. These collections voice in pop music. Dion is back with Taking Chatterley for the clip to Love Is the Only Drug and then a sadomasochistic nurse in Automatic. not to be missed. deliver, with no tracks to be skipped. Sales pro- Chances—her first outing in five years, now that Two of my all-time favorite compilations are ceeds go to the MusiCares Foundation and the she has fulfilled her concert obligations in Las Available as a digital single on iTunes, Give It All You Got has been remixed by some of the top Pride 1998 and Winter Party 1998, both mixed Grammy Foundation. Vegas. On Taking Chances, the Canadian diva by Julian Marsh. His feel-good dance music has does not stray too far from her formula. Here, names out there, such as Bimbo Jones, Soulcast, Risque and Redtop. been missed since his self-imposed retirement. she makes a solid pop album; doing a cover With some persuasion, Marsh has returned with (Heart’s Alone) alongside power ballads (I Got As a teaser to his forthcoming album Tug Of 18 January 2, 2008 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE for an outdoor pool without compromising yard space. and private all season hot tub. More information and TWO Bedroom Close to nature preserves, deer and wild turkey can be pictures at www.saugatucklogcabin.com, or email us 4860 W. BYRON ST. - OLD IRVING PARK: 2BR Beauti- OUT OF TOWN seen walking through the yards in the morning and eve- at [email protected]. (1/16/08-4) ful 2BR with refinished HWF. Heat included. Close to ning. Homes are 2200 to 2300 sq ft. Open floor plans, SW FLORIDA CAREFREE RESORT: Premier Lesbian desti- public trans. & shopping. 4860 W. Byron. $850/ mo. cathedral foyer; hardwood, ceramic and carpeted floors. nation. 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Call 773-392-4550. treat close to shops in Union Pier. 2 BR, 2 BA, vaulted 2-flat sports central air, hardwood floors, closets galore, www.landstarrealty.com (1/02/08-4) ceiling w/ fireplace, cathedral windows. Loft w/ sliders ceramic bath, kitchen/stove, fridge, dishwasher. Eat-in to deck, eat in kitchen w/ large pantry and view of kitchen overlooks Japanese style meditation garden woods. 2 car garage. Sandi Zeidler, 269-932-5252, FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM with koi pond/exotic vegetation. Berwyn close to pub- 1301 W. ELMWOOD AVE. - EVANSTON 1BR: Close to Red Arrow Realty, 2845 Niles Ave., St. Joseph, MI. lic transportation, 2nd floor, non-smoking, tenant pays downtown! Spacious 1BR w/ HWF & updated bath in se- (12/26/07-3) OUT OF TOWN gas/electric. $975/mo. plus security deposit. 708- SAUGATUCK LUXURY CABIN GETAWAY: Cozy up to a nice cured entry building. Heat & cooking gas included. 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MOVIES from page 15 3. There Will Be Blood 4. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 5. Juno Whatever you liked, there would surely be at 6. No Country for Old Men least one more just like it opening soon. 7. The Lookout The studios continue making a self-fulfilling 8. Michael Clayton prophecy of the idea that awards go to late-year 9. Lars and the Real Girl releases by saving their potential contenders at 10. Golden Door least until September, then flooding the market with them. It’s worth noting that most of my Honorable Mention (listed alphabetically): Ten Worst opened in the first half of the year, so Away from Her I don’t forget. The Bourne Ultimatum After eight months of crap, can the public re- Charlie Wilson’s War ally be blamed for not flocking to Eastern Prom- Death at a Funeral ises, Reservation Road, Things We Lost in the Hairspray Fire, Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, Lions The Host for Lambs and Martian Child, some of which In the Valley of Elah weren’t very good anyway; or for confusing Ded- Knocked Up ication and Delirious, Rendition and Redacted, Rocket Science The Hoax and The Host, In the Valley of Elah and Shoot ‘em Up In the Shadow of the Moon, September Dawn Thomas Lennon in Reno 911: Miami (left); Ellen Page and Michael Cera in Juno. Left photo by and Rescue Dawn or We Own the Night and 30 Glenn Watson; right photo courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox —Best Foreign-Language Film: The Kite Days of Night? Runner; Runners-up: The Diving Bell and the As disappointing as many of the films them- Butterfly, Golden Door ney, Diaries; James McAvoy, Atone- Jenkins, The Savages selves were, more disappointing was when one —Best Documentary Feature: Protagonist; ment —A Ten-Year Break Can Be Deadly: Francis the masses should have enjoyed (e.g., Shoot Runners-up: The Life of Reilly, The King of Kong: —Movie that Made Me Feel Best about Be- Ford Coppola, Youth Without Youth ‘em Up) got lost in the shuffle. At this writing A Fistful of Quarters ing a Human Being: Lars and the Real Girl —Worst Daypart (Tie): Night (We Own the the box-office jury is still out on those year- —Best Animated Film: Ratatouille; Runners- —ROFLMAO: Death at a Funeral, Knocked Up, Night, 30 Days of Night); Evening (Evening, end releases that are supposed to make the wait up: The Simpsons Movie, Paprika Superbad, Blades of Glory, Reno 911!: Miami Starting Out in the Evening) worthwhile. You’ll see several of their titles in —Best Director: Joe Wright, Atonement; —Best Creature Feature: The Host; Runner- —If I Go Down I’m Taking the Picture with the “Best” list below and on many other lists of Runners-up: Joel Coen & Ethan Coen, No Coun- up: The Mist Me!: Robin Williams, August Rush; Runner-up: nominations and awards. But will you go to see try for Old Men; Sean Penn, Into the Wild —Breakout Actor: (Alpha Nicolas Cage, Ghost Rider them when they’re up against sequels to Alien —Best Actress: Marion Cotillard, La Vie en Dog, Black Snake Moan, Southland Tales, Shrek —If One Line Could End a Career... (a.k.a., vs. Predator and National Treasure? Rose; Runners-up: Julie Christie, Away from the Third); Runners-up: Homayoun Ershadi (The the No Wire Hangers Award): Oh, you will, but what about all those other Her; Jodie Foster, The Brave One Kite Runner), Michael Cera (Superbad, Juno) “I am the super mother bug!”—Ashley Judd, idiots? —Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, There Will Be —Breakout Actress: Amy Ryan (Gone Baby Bug As usual, some of the films listed are platform- Blood; Runners-up: Tommy Lee Jones, In the Gone, Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, Dan ing and haven’t arrived here yet, or were test- Valley of Elah; Joseph Gordon-Levitt, The Look- in Real Life); Runners-up: Dana Fuchs (Across Bottom Ten: marketed and sent directly to DVD. out the Universe), Saoirse Ronan (Atonement) 1. Wild Hogs —Best Supporting Actress: Amy Ryan, Gone —Rediscovered Geezer: , Into 2. Romance & Cigarettes Top Ten: Baby Gone; Runners-up: Cate Blanchett, I’m the Wild; Runner-up: Andy Griffith, Waitress 3. Norbit 1. Atonement Not There; Tilda Swinton, Michael Clayton —Unstoppable Geezer: Vanessa Redgrave 4. Daddy Day Care 2. The Kite Runner —Best Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem, No (Atonement, Evening); Runner-up: Max von 5. The Brothers Solomon Country for Old Men; Runners-up: Tom Wilkin- Sydow (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Rush 6. September Dawn son, Michael Clayton; Alan Tudyk, Death at a Hour 3) 7. Georgia Rule Funeral —Return to Form: Joel Coen & Ethan Coen, 8. King of California —Best Original Screenplay: Judd Apatow, No Country for Old Men; Runners-up: Sidney Lu- 9. In the Land of Women Knocked Up; Runners-up: Diablo Cody, Juno; met, Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead; Brian 10. The Number 23 Nancy Oliver, Lars and the Real Girl DePalma, Redacted —Best Adapted Screenplay: Christopher —Top & Bottom: Philip Seymour Hoffman Dishonorable Mention (listed alphabetical- Hampton, Atonement; Runners-up: Aaron Sor- (lead in The Savages and Before the Devil Knows ly): kin, Charlie Wilson’s War; Sarah Polley, Away You’re Dead; supporting in Charlie Wilson’s War) Arthur and the Invisibles from Her —Runner-up: Tommy Lee Jones, (lead in In Bella —Titles I Hated to Leave Out but They the Valley of Elah; supporting in No Country for Bug Wouldn’t Quite Fit: Across the Universe, Before Old Men) Ghost Rider the Devil Knows You’re Dead, Black Book, The —She’s Everywhere!: Margo Martindale (The Happily N’Ever After Bubble, For the Bible Tells Me So, The Namesake, Savages, Rails & Ties, Paris Je t’Aime, Rocket Sci- Kickin’ It Old Skool No End in Sight, Rescue Dawn, Rendition, Sicko, ence, Feast of Love, TV’s The Riches) License to Wed Superbad —He’s Everywhere!: Terrence Howard (Pride, Rails & Ties —People I Hated to Leave Out but They The Hunting Party, The Brave One, August Rush, Sleuth Wouldn’t Quite Fit: George Clooney, Michael Awake, The Perfect Holiday) We Own the Night Clayton; Angelina Jolie, A Mighty Heart; Ben —Best History Lesson: The Great Debaters Jodie Foster in The Brave One. Kingsley, You Kill Me; Sidney Lumet (director), —Worst History Lesson: 300 Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead; Laura Lin- —A Nine-Year Break Can Be Healthy: Tamara January 2, 2008 19 CLASSIFIEDS ADvertise here COUNSELING offered. Salary is 35-42K, depending on experience. stallation. J JAMES ALEXANDER Gardens 4116 North ADVERTISE HERE: Want to advertise your product, ser- Please email resume with cover letter to carly@ori- Lincoln Avenue, Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60618 t vice, etc. to thousands of readers? Place an ad in the oncoat.com or fax to 773-282-9112. (1/09/08-3) 773-975-4079 f 773-975-1809 www.jafinegardens. Windy City Times! We offer affordable rates, convenient com (PP4/23/08-52PP) service, and as a bonus, your ad runs in our online sec- HAIR REMOVAL tion for free. To place an ad, contact Cynthia at 773- MASSAGE THERAPY 871-7610, [email protected], or POWER MASSAGE: Deep, strong, and rejuvenating go to our website www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com. with lean muscular athlete. 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STARRLIGHT: Steve Starr Studios. His new book, STARRLIGHT- www.SteveStarrStudios.com where you can enter Glamorous Latin Movie Stars of Early Hollywood is The Starrlight Room. Fantasia at the to be published in 2008. STARRGAZERS-Radiant Photography by Steve Starr’s column, STARRLIGHT, appears regularly Starr is available for portraits and events. Phone Alhambra Palace in various publications including IMAGE Chicago 773-252-5171. E-mail ssschicago@ameritech. by Steve Starr Magazine, Entertainment Magazine Online-EMOL. net. Photo of Steve Starr in Chicago, Sept. 2,

org/reporters/Starr, the Windy City Times, Extra! 2006, by Patrick Hipskind Fantasia Barrino was born and the Chicago Art Deco Society Magazine . Visit June 30, 1984, in High Point, N.C., and began singing in church at just Dayne’s ‘Satisfied’ Blige Has five years old. Simon Cow- ell told the 2004 American to Hit Feb. 5 ‘Growing Pains’ Satisfied, the album from recording art- Geffen Records superstar and hit-making Idol winner that he felt she ist Taylor Dayne, is set for release on Feb. 5. songwriter Mary J. Blige has followed up the was the very best singer of Dayne’s fifth studio album and first effort in most successful album of her career, the triple- all the 70 performers that ten years, Satisfied will contain 13 songs from platinum The Breakthrough, with her eighth had been crowned in every one of the worldwide Fantasia (right) with guest Dr. Amer Rustom. acclaimed writers and producers including Rick studio CD, Growing Pains, which came out Dec. competitions. In 2005, her biography, Life Is Not Nowels, Billy Steinberg and Mike Mangini. 18. According to Reuters, the CD debuted at A Fairy Tale, was published and in 2006 the book les Lakers basketball team; models; producers; Dayne is no stranger to success. She has sold number two, selling 629,000 copies—right was made into a film directed by Debbie Allen. photographers; and social arbiters who mingled over 75 million and singles worldwide behind Josh Groban’s Noel, which moved over Fantasia made music history when she became for hours while celebrating George Reynolds’ and has had 10 Top 10 hits—including Tell It 750,000 copies. the very first artist to ever debut at number one birthday amid the opulence of the gorgeous en- To My Heart , I’ll Be Your Shelter and Love Will Growing Pains includes her top 10 uptempo with her first single, I Believe, written by former clave. Reynolds, the always friendly and smartly Lead You Back—three Grammy nominations single, Just Fine, which has become an instant American Idol contestant . In 2007, dressed owner of the venerable George’s Music and two sold-out world tours. On Satisfied, favorite on radio enjoyed by over 20 million she joined the cast of Oprah Winfrey’s The Color Room, has helped launch the careers of various Dayne has opted to leave the major labels be- listeners. Just Fine is in heavy rotation on MTV, Purple, playing Celie to the acclaimed delight of hip-hop and R&B performers, and everyone, in- hind and make her own way by releasing her BET and VH-1, and Mary recently shot the video critics and audiences. cluding Fantasia, showered him with attention newest offering on her own label, Intention for her second single, Work That, which is cur- On Dec. 18, 2007, the very amiable, sweet and and admiration. Music, distributed by Adrenaline/ADA, Warner rently featured in an Apple iPod commercial. talented Fantasia wowed the dazzling crowd at Photo by Steve Starr Music. Chicago’s Alhambra Palace, 1240 W. Randolph, Steve Starr is the author of Picture Perfect-Art Beautiful is the first single from the disc. where she performed for dozens of luminaries Deco Photo Frames 1926-1946, published by Riz- that included television anchors Robin Robin- zoli International Publications. A photographer, son and Art Norman; members of the Los Ange- writer, designer and artist, he is the owner of

20 January 2, 2008 The two dated for seven years before tying the Said Hendrickson: “We really do want to get The Amazing knot three years ago. They first met about 10 a message out to the LGBT community that God years ago at a Christian retreat, “and we just is an inclusive God, that God loves everybody Kate & Pat connected right off the bat,” Hendrickson said. and there really is a place for everyone in the By Ross Forman Each was the other’s first same-sex partner. Christian community.” “We wanted to give a context and a vision to Lewis added, “Diversity is not God’s prob- It truly was an amazing race for married minis- any and all lesbians watching the show, and oth- lem.” ters Kate Lewis and Pat Hendrickson, the Califor- ers,” in the LGBT community, Hendrickson said. The two said they plan to work with the Hu- nia couple from the current version of CBS-TV’s Lewis said their kids were “totally fine” with man Rights Campaign and other charities in the The Amazing Race (Sundays, 7 p.m.). their coming out. Nor did they lose any friends future. The two wore “Erase Hate” bracelets dur- It just didn’t last long enough. over their sexuality. ing the Race. Kate & Pat, as they were known throughout They were ordained in 2002, and became “We’re just like everyone else; we have our the show, were the second team eliminated on priests in 2003. strengths and our weaknesses, good days and this 11-team race around the world. “My parish is in the community,” Hendrick- bad days,” Hendrickson said. “Just as [the show’s name] says, it was amaz- son said. “My role is to discern the needs of the ing. It was fun and the little bit of sting from community, bring those needs to the church and GETTING TO KNOW … Kate & Pat being [eliminated] so soon is now gone. And help the church find ways to meet the needs of —Favorite actresses: Meryl Streep (Pat) and we’d do it again in a heartbeat,” said Hendrick- the community.” She has been working at length Jodie Foster (Kate). son, 65. “I think the best part of the experi- with the disabled community. —Hobbies: Bowling (Pat) and gardening ence was just the fact that we took the chance Hendrickson works at St. Patrick’s in Thousand (Kate) [to participate] and did it. And the event really Oaks, while Lewis is out of St. Cross in Hermosa —Favorite TV shows other than Amazing changed both of our lives because it showed Beach. Race: CSI (Pat) and Survivor (Kate) both of us that we could do a lot more than we So what was the church’s reaction to their —Who they want to win this season of The first were giving ourselves credit for physically.” Amazing Race expedition? Amazing Race: Kynt & Vyxsin (both). “We love Lewis, 49, said the best part was the first day Lewis said they could not reveal they were on them,” Hendrickson said. “They’re great. They when they had to climb to the top of a moun- the show. “But once they found out, they were work together the way we do—and they’re a tain in Ireland. “OK, it really was just a hill, but thrilled [for us],” Lewis said. “There was no fall- statement that, again, people can be differ- it felt like a mountain. We thought we might out [from being on the show].” ent.” be last at that point, but we weren’t, and that Kate Lewis (left) and Pat Hendrickson. Image made it even better,” she said. scholarship to New York University, he had to courtesy of CBS Lewis is an Episcopal priest and has one grown give back three years of working time. And ul- son: Russell, 25. She is more reserved than Hen- timately, he got hooked on helping kids. fession had an impact or effect on their time on drickson, who can be described as persistent. “It’s a great job. The hours are great; the the Race. Hendrickson is a vocational deacon in the environment is great. The kids are just great “Of course, we’re aware that [our sexuality] Episcopal Church and her ministry in the com- to work with; they’re so much fun,” he said. challenges a lot of people’s mindsets. For some munity is to people with disabilities. She is also “To kids, I think every adult is a role model, people, it expands the notion of who lesbians the mother of two sons (Robert, 36; Richard, 29) myself included; it just comes with the ter- are, because we’re pretty normal-looking; we’re and grandmother of three (Cyrus, 14; Cayden, 5; ritory. Whether you’re a parent, an uncle, an cute and sweet and not really a threat to any- Max, 2). aunt or cousin, or whatever, every adult is a one,” Lewis said. “We really just wanted to get “It definitely was a demographic coup,” for role model, thus, we have to act and behave a on the show— and, thus, into people’s living CBS,” Lewis said, laughing. “We were so glad certain way. I think that’s very important.” rooms—so we can show them that we’re just a they took us because they easily could have Fantechi has been a fitness workhorse for al- loving couple and not a threat to anyone’s mar- backed away from us.” most 15 years, dating back to his high school riage, and that we were giving a fairly normal And neither their sexual orientation nor pro- days, when he played football and basketball, look to two people who are Christian.” and swam. Fitness, he said, “just becomes a part of your Julian Fantechi on the cover of Men’s life, part of your lifestyle, kind of like brushing Exercise. your teeth in the morning. And if I don’t do it, I miss it. GAY PHONE SEX Julian Fantechi: “Lifting and leading a healthy lifestyle is something you can do forever. Sure, when I’m Therapist—and 50, I may not be able to lift the same weight I You want it. We’ve got it. did when I was 20, but that’s OK. I can still lift Live, One-On-One • Bulletin Board Playgirl Model some.” By Ross Forman Fantechi’s lifting tips are simple: Work out within your means. “You’re not competing Julian Fantechi splits time between two New against anyone else; you’re doing it for your- York City public schools as an occupational self. Don’t get discouraged and don’t expect therapist, a post he’s held for seven years. He everything in one day,” he said. “Working out spends time at an elementary school and a kin- in the gym is like being a sculptor, and your dergarten. body is your clay.” “I love working with children, interacting Fantechi’s rock-hard body has landed him on with them. They’re so full of life. They really numerous magazine covers, such as Men’s Ex- keep you young,” said Fantechi. “You need a ercise, Advocate Men, Odyssey Hawaii … and balance in life—you need to do something for also Playgirl, multiple times. yourself that you enjoy, but also something And this past January, he was named Play- where you give back, helping others.” girl’s 2007 Man of the Year, an honor voted by And, boy, does Fantechi do that for the young the reader’s from the 12 centerfolds of 2006. New Yorkers, many who few him as a real-life “It’s an honor, a great honor, a lot of fun. superhero. It’s been a good thing,” said Fantechi, who ap- “The kids really look up to me, especially peared on the June, 2007 issue. “This honor is since many of their teachers are females,” Fan- something I can look back fondly on when I’m, techi said. “I always tell the students that I oh, 75 years old. It’s totally cool.” just eat my vegetables, that I don’t drink or Fantechi admitted he wasn’t too sure he smoke, and that’s the reason I look the way I wanted to pose for Playgirl because of his day- do. job, but the gig was pre-approved by his em- “I think I’m a good role model, and I’m hap- ployers as long as he didn’t advertise that he Call now. Guys are waiting… py about that.” works for the school system. Some of the students don’t know what to Ultimately, the New York media learned of make of the muscle-laden Fantechi. “They’re the centerfold’s day job, leading to a media 1-800-PROMALE just amazed,” at my size, he said. “I just try to frenzy. 1-800-776-6253 conduct myself in a professional manner: dress Fantechi is single and straight, but definitely $1.99/min. 18+ Discreetly billed to your Visa/MC professional, act professional, etc. gay-friendly. He appeared in late July at Hu- “I interact with all of the students; I talk to la’s, a popular Waikiki , where he signed all of them. I treat them with respect and they copies of the Playgirl and other publications he 1-900-825-4500 see that I’m just a regular guy.” has appeared on. $1.49/min. 18+ Discreetly billed to your phone. $2 connect fee. Ironically, Fantechi admits he first didn’t Read more about Julian Fantechi at www. © 2007 npp productions, reno, nv customer service (888) 283-3331 want to work with kids. But, because of his WindyCityMediaGroup.com. January 2, 2008 21 WHAT TO DO? Fri., Jan. 11

Wednesday, Jan. 2 Windy City Performing Arts Windy City $5 donation, 3656 N. Halsted, www. Theatre, 1650 N. Halsted, 312-335- Windy City Performing Arts Windy City Women’s Ensemble rehearsal. Also Jan. centeronhalsted.org 1650, www.steppenwolf.org Gay Chorus rehearsal. Also Wednesdays 14 and Jan. 28. 7:30-10 p.m., Center Women and Children First Cris Mazza, WTTW Special cocktail reception Jan. 9 through Jan. 30. 7:30-10 p.m., on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St., RSVP Water Baby; Achy Obejas, This is What highlighting excerpts from its new Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted in advance to join@windycitysings. Happened in Our Other Life; Richard documentary project, Out & Proud in St., RSVP in advance to join@windy- org Fox, Swagger and Remorse. 7 p.m. , Chicago. 5:30 p.m., Center on Halsted, citysings.org Women and Children First Sara 5233 N. Clark St., 773-769-9299, 3656 N. Halsted St., www.wttw.com/ Paretsky, Bleeding Kansas. 7:30 p.m., www.womenandchildrenfirst.com outandproud 5233 N. Clark St., 773-769-9299, Thursday, Jan. 3 www.womenandchildrenfirst.com Thursday, Jan. 10 Tuesday, Jan. 15 New Latin Night Thursdays. Club Krave Club Krave Latin Night Thursdays. 9 Center on Halsted Immigrant Support CLIVE TALKIN’ 9 p.m.-2 a.m., no cover, 13126 S. Tuesday, Jan. 8 p.m.-2 a.m., no cover, 13126 S. West- Group/Grupo de Apoyo para Im- Western Ave., Blue Island Writer and artist Clive Barker will be at some Center on Halsted Investment OUTlook ern Ave., Blue Island migrantes. Tuesdays through Jan. 29 Rush University Medical Center and events, including a reception at the Packer for 2008. Presented by Henry Gorecki 6:30-8 p.m., free, pre-registration Center on Halsted’s LGBTQ Caregiver for UBS. 6-8 p.m., $10 donation, 3656 required, call 773-472-6469, ext. 158 Schopf Gallery, 942 W. Lake. Support Group. 6-7 p.m., free, Center Friday, Jan. 11 N. Halsted St., www.centeronhalsted. on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted St., www. Packer Schopf Gallery Opening recep- org centeronhalsted.org tion of Clive Barker: Apocalypses: Wednesday, Jan. 16 Center on Halsted Immigrant Support Paintings and Works on Paper. Shows Chicago Commission on Human Rela- Group/Grupo de Apoyo para Im- through Feb. 16. 5-9 p.m., 942 W. tions’ Advisory Council on LGBT Friday, Jan. 4 migrantes. Tuesdays through Jan. 29 Lake St., www.packergallery.com Issues Meeting. 6:30 p.m., City Hall, Mon., Jan. 14 First Fridays fundraiser. 6:30-8 p.m., free, pre-registration Room 201A, 121 N. LaSalle St. required, call 773-472-6469, ext. 158 6-8 p.m., Sidetrack, 3349 N. Halsted Saturday, Jan. 12 Howard Brown Legal presentations St., [email protected] Steppenwolf An Intimate Evening with Chicago Women’s Health Center and for LGBT community: Gay and Gray: Windy City Rainbow Alliance of the David Sedaris (author of Me Talk Pretty Buying Your First Home. 6:30 p.m., One Day, Naked). Through Jan. 13. Center on Halsted’s LGBTQ New Parest Deaf Coffee Social. 7 p.m., Self-pay, Peer Support Group for new parents 4025 N. Sheridan Rd., RSVP at rsvp@ Caribou Coffee, 3500 N. Halsted St. 7:30 p.m. Tues.-Sun., 3 p.m. Sat. and howardbrown.org or call Hope at 773- Sun, $35, Upstairs Theatre, tickets at with children up to age 5. 10:30 a.m.- 12 p.m., donation requested, 3656 N. 388-8906, www.howardbrown.org 1650 N. Halsted St, www.steppenwolf. POW-WOW Sixth Annual Kings of Poetry: Saturday, Jan. 5 org or 312-335-1650 Halsted St., www.centeronhalsted.org Girlie-Q Live show starring Cherish the In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Stonewall Democrats Illinois New Burlesque Goddess, Miss Bea Haven Jr. Features Talaam Acey, Triple Black, Hampshire Primary event. Watch the Sunday, Jan. 13 and more. Hosted by Tamale. 10 p.m., avery r young and Kevin Coval. 6-9 New Hampshire Democratic Primary Chicago Prime Timers Open social. 6 Empty Bottle, 1035 N. Western Ave. p.m., $10, Center on Halsted, 3656 N. with local candidates. Open to the p.m., Ann Sather’s Restaurant, 909 W. Halsted St. public. 7-9 p.m., $25 advance/$35 at Belmont, $20 for members, $25 for Windy City Performing Arts “Making Sunday, Jan. 6 door, Halsted’s Bar & Grill, 3441 N. non-members, www.primetimersww. Music from the Ground Up!” musician- Chicago Lesbian Brunch Group Brunch Halsted St., advance tickets at www. org/chicago ship classes. Also Jan. 23 and 30. and speed networking. 10:30 a.m., illinoisstonewall.org until Jan. 4 6:30-7:15 p.m., Center on Halsted, Heartland Cafe, 7000 N. Glenwood Monday, Jan. 14 3656 N. Halsted, free and open to Ave., gaypros.meetup.com/283 or con- Wednesday, Jan. 9 Center on Halsted Housing Rehabilita- public, call 773-404-9242 for more tact Kelly at [email protected] or About Face Theatre Chicago premiere tions/Real Estate as an Investment. info 312-218-1502 for more info of The Little Dog Laughed, about 6-8 p.m., $5 donation, 3656 N. Hal- WACT Brunch. Noon, email cherylchi- the fast-paced world of celebrity. sted St., www.centeronhalsted.org ‘LOGUE GABBIN’ [email protected] for info. Thursday, Jan. 17 Runs through Feb 17. Hoover/Leppen Rainbow Hospice Monthly LGBTQ Grief AIDS Foundation of Chicago Les Ballets Sharon McGhee will be one of the featured Theatre at Center on Halsted, 3656 Group. 7-8:30 p.m., $5, Center on Hal- Trockadero de Monte Carlo exclusive Monday, Jan. 7 N. Halsted St., 866-811-4111, www. sted, 3656 N. Halsted St. one-night engagement. All proceeds performers in The PocketBook Monologues, Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders aboutfacetheatre.com Steppenwolf The Pocketbook Mono- benefit AFC. 7:30 p.m., $40-$75, to be held at Steppenwolf, 1650 N. Hal- Cultural Outing: Auditorium Theater Center on Halsted Know the Tax Basics. logues, a collection of stories from , call 312-334-0935 for sted. Tour. 12:15-1 p.m., $8, RSVP no later Presented by Citibank and part of the women of color performed in the style more info, www.aidschicago.org than Jan. 3 to 773-472-6469, ext Women and Money Series. 6-8 p.m., of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. .160. 7 p.m., $35, Steppenwolf’s Downstairs See our online calendar: www.windycitymediagroup.com/calendar 22 January 2, 2008 Jr., of the gay Web site OutSports.com. “I think the most gay-friendly, particularly, NHL players 2. Gay Games VII, held in Chicago in 2006, 2007 was the most important year ever for gay in comparison to athletes from all of the big breaks even financially. sports because of the incredibly positive reac- four sports,” he said. 3. Transgender sportswriter Christine Daniels tion from straight athletes and the [mainstream] of the Los Angeles Times. media to the gay sports stories that happened The Top 5 LGBT Sports 4. The wave of college athletes coming out. this year. In 2007, in sports be- Stories of 2007: 5. Tony Dungy raises money for an anti-gay came a bad thing.” 1. John Amaechi comes out. organization. Amaechi came out last February, leading to a media flood of exposure for the first NBA play- —Beach volleyball: The CMSA league soared er, current or retired, to announce he was gay. to 115 teams, playing on almost 30 courts, The media exposure hit worldwide when former and maintaining its status as the largest LGBT Chicago native Tim Hardaway, a former All-Star beach volleyball league in the nation. player, went on an anti-gay, hatred-filled radio “I’m happy that so many people stepped up interview. and volunteered their time, to help make sure Hardaway was immediately blasted and, simul- the fields got set up, make sure scores got re- taneously, sports superstars threw their support corded, etc.,” Hill said. “We’re so happy that behind Amaechi and gay and lesbian athletes CMSA allows so many people the opportunity as a whole. to play gay sports, because that’s what they’re “There was an overwhelming support for John looking for” Amaechi, from stars such as [Glenn] ‘Doc’ Rivers, Hill said that CMSA officials are looking into John Amaechi. Shaquille O’Neal, Scottie Pippen and so many forming an indoor or outdoor kickball league in others,” Zeigler said. “Over and over again, ma- 2008. She confirmed that no sports are going jor names in sports said, ‘I don’t have a problem to be dropped in 2008. with gay people and you shouldn’t either.’ John Amaechi— “The [positive] reaction to John Amaechi and Recognizing greatness the [negative] response to Tim Hardaway were Marcia Hill. Photo by Ross Forman The 2007 Male LGBT Sports Person of the Year The LGBT Sports so incredibly important.” for the Chicagoland area was Chad DePauw. (The The support Amaechi received also, according determinations for the Sportpersons of the Year Story of 2007 to Zeigler, was influential in a wave of current Local Sports was made after consulting individuals associ- By Ross Forman college athletes coming out. ated with the CMSA and WCAA.) DePauw was And no doubt more athletes will come out of in 2007 the commissioner for Thursday softball’s Open John Amaechi was greeted with an amazing the closet in 2008, whether it be former profes- By Ross Forman Division and, in 2008, he will be the commis- round of cheers from the near-450,000 attend- sional or current collegiate athletes. “That’s a sioner for the Sunday softball league. He also ees of the 2007 Chicago Gay , far hard question to predict,” Zeigler said. The 2006 Gay Games had a major impact on is on the CMSA board of directors. greater than any ovation he ever received dur- Zeigler would not speculate, or even guess, Chicago’s LGBT sporting community in 2007. The 2007 Female LGBT Sports Person of the ing his five-year career in the National Basket- when a current athlete from one of the big four Take, for instance, the Chicago Metropoli- Year for the Chicagoland area was Kristen ball Association (NBA) that included stints with pro sports (baseball, basketball, football and tan Sports Association (CMSA), which is the Polich. She runs the women’s volleyball league three teams, culminating with the Utah Jazz hockey) would come out. But it’s only one per- nation’s largest LGBT sport organization. The and also is a CMSA board member. after the 2002-03 season. son away from happening, he said. group’s membership in 2007 soared to more “Both really stepped up big time for CMSA, Amaechi was the grand marshal for the Chi- “And that one person can be an athlete taking than 3,500, an increase of about 350 from a and each does a great job running their cago Gay Pride Parade, and for similar 2007 pa- a stand, or someone outing their former lover. year earlier. While the majority of CMSA’s male leagues,” Hill said. “People respect them and rades in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. When will that happen? I have no idea,” Zeigler participants live in Chicago, particularly the their leagues run pretty smooth.” Amaechi was, without question, the biggest— said. Lakeview and Andersonville neighborhoods, and, at 6-foot-10, also the tallest—LGBT sports But, Zeigler speculated that “the first” likely the females have been flocking to CMSA sports story in 2007. would be a National Hockey League (NHL) play- from a variety of Chicago-area suburbs, not to CMSA: Celebrating “It feels like the attitude toward athletes com- er. mention Union Pier, Mich.; Kenosha, Wisc.; and ing out is really changing, and I think this really Rockford, Ill. Three Decades “Sports Illustrated did a survey a couple of By Ross Forman was the first year we saw that,” said Cyd Zeigler, years ago and found that hockey players were “There were a bunch of people who were not aware that CMSA existed until they read about form. Individuals can also register to be placed it during the [2006] Gay Games,” held in Chi- Chicago’s 2008 LGBT sports scene kicks off with Pole Vaulter on a team by visiting www.ngba.us. cago, said CMSA president Marcia Hill. “Most a tribute to its past. of our sports are at capacity. We really can- A 30-year tribute to the Chicago Metropoli- to Change tan Sports Association (CMSA), the nation’s German track-and-field athlete Yvonne not have more teams in many sports, unless we largest LGBT sports organization. Buschbaum, 27, who won sixth place in the Skiing “Gay-La” find other facilities.” The 30th anniversary party will be held 4-8 women’s pole vault in the 2000 Summer Olym- Clearly, 2007 was the best, most important, Jan. 23-27 in Tahoe p.m. on Sun., Jan. 6, at the Hard Rock Café, 63 pics, has announced that she is retiring from most influential year in LGBT sporting histo- Disco band KC & The Sunshine Band will be W. Ontario. Advance-purchase tickets are $10 the sport and will become a man, according to ry—locally and nationally. one of the entertainment headliners during the for members, $30 for guests, and include an AOL Sports. “It was a great year,” Hill said. action-packed second annual Blue Gay-La gay open bar. She also finished third at the European Cham- CMSA runs nine sports: badminton, bowling, and lesbian ski week in South Shore Lake Ta- “I always hoped CMSA would last this long,” pionships in 1998 and 2002, the International dodgeball, flag football, golf, soccer, softball, hoe, Jan. 23-27. said CMSA president Marcia Hill, who joined the Herald Tribune reported. tennis and volleyball. The Windy City Athletic Blue Gay-La combines skiing and riding with organization in 1982. “The key has been that On her Web site, Buschbaum said, “I feel as Association (WCAA), meanwhile, offers basket- 24-hour gaming and nightlife, headliner en- there are so many people who have the passion if I am a man and have to live my life in the ball, bowling, darts and volleyball. tertainment, renowned comedians, top-rated and dedication to promote gay sports.” body of a woman. I am aware of the fact that And there also are numerous other LGBT DJs, après-ski parties, hot nightclubs and on- Those people would include Sam Molinaro, transsexuality is a fringe issue, and I do not teams, sports, groups and individuals who had mountain activities. and certainly also Dick Uyvari, , Art want to be responsible for it remaining on the successful 2007 seasons, such as the Chicago Comedians Paula Poundstone and Anthony Johnston and thousands of others. fringe.” (The statement was translated from Blackwolves hockey team—and none is even “ANT” Kalloniatis are also scheduled to ap- “If it wasn’t for Sam running things early on, German to English.) associated with CMSA or WCAA. pear. I don’t think we’d be at 30 years. Sam did a Other highlights include the Chocolate and Here’s a look at some of the 2007 sporting moments to remember: tremendous amount of work, especially those Martini Party as well as the Blue World Pub early years,” Hill said. Gay Basketball —The 25th anniversary of CMSA women’s Crawl. The notorious “Queen of the Mountain CMSA started as a four-team 16-inch softball softball Drag Races” will take place Jan. 26. league, played in Lincoln Park. It now has more Tourney in L.A. —The 20th year for CMSA women’s flag The National Gay Basketball Association has See ww.BlueLakeTahoe.com/glski. than 3,500 members playing so many different football: “Women’s flag football really went announced that the West Coast Classic III will well in 2007,” said Hill, who noted that there sports. be held over the Martin Luther King, Jr., holi- SkiBudz Outing were three new competitive teams. “The skill Just consider some of the CMSA numbers day weekend, Jan. 19-20, in Los Angeles, ac- level across the board was up.” Ironically, the from 2007: cording to GayWired.com. Jan. 25-27 four teams that won their league’s regular-sea- * 115 beach volleyball teams Twenty teams from across the United States SkiBudz, Chicago’s gay ski and snowboard son title did not win in the playoffs. * 46 women’s softball teams and Europe will compete in three men’s divi- club, has announced plans for their 2007-2008 * 43 men’s softball teams —Golf: Golf made its CMSA debut in 2007, sions; there will also be a women’s division. Midwest Ski Weekend. with several weeks of play. “Playing right after * 80 men’s indoor volleyball teams The Memphis River City Champions, Spin- SkiBudz will be heading to Granite Peak work did not work, so we’re going to try to * 24 women’s volleyball team Freeze “A” and DC Sentinels “B”, and the host Ski Area in Wausau, Wis., on Jan. 25-27. The move it to the weekends [in 2008],” Hill said. * 200 badminton players of last summer’s European tournament, the weekend trip will include downhill skiing/ “There definitely is an interest in golf.” * 96 indoor tennis teams London Cruisers, insure that this tournament snowboarding, dinners, a bar night and Sunday The league likely will play on Saturdays, “Things really took off big time for CMSA will single out the leading contenders for the brunch. Skiers and snowboarders of all levels she said, probably with co-ed foursomes once in 1986,” Hill said, noting the benefit of the Coady Classic NGBA Championships, to be held are welcome. again playing at different area courses. switch from men’s softball changing from 16- in Chicago in April 2008. See www.skibudz.org or e-mail information@ to 12-inch balls. —Dodgeball: Set to make its CMSA debut in Teams can reserve slots by visiting www. skibudz.org. And the CMSA just continues to expand. January, the CMSA league will launch 24 teams, ngba.us and filling out the team registration See chicagomsa.d4sportsclub.com. with open and women’s divisions. January 2, 2008 23

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would like to thank the following supportive businesses advertising this week in Windy City Times, Nightspots, Windy City Queercast and www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com

@Mosphere Cupid’s Treasures/ Leather Sport Lyster And Associates Susan O’Dell, PhD 5430 N. Sheridan / Blue Water Group Deborah A. Murphy, CPA Man’s Country Chicago Terry Hines and Associates 5th 3rd Bank Encompass Night Club & Lounge Mulryan & York, Attorneys At Law Terry Oldes About Face Theatre Grainger Advertising National Gay And Lesbian Task Force The Gutrich Group Alexander Weaver & Associates Gruppo Di Amici Northlight Theatre The Men’s Room B. A. D. Harris Theatre for Music and Dance Oak Park Area Convention & Vistors Bureau The Rimba Store Baton Show Lounge Howard Brown Health Center Peck, Bloom, Austriaco & Mitchell, LLC Thorndale Pharmacy, Inc. Berlin Corporation Hunters Dance Club Remy Bumppo Theatre Company TMG - The Marketing Group Bristol-Myers/ Sustiva Hydrate Rhea Joyer, State Farm Insurance Walter E Smithe Furniture Broadway In Chicago Iloilo Custom Framing Robbins Brothers Jewelry Whole Foods Market Bud Light Jennifer’s Garden & Banquets Sidetrack Women And Children First Bookstore BYOB Build Your Own Body Jewish Family & Community Service Spin World-Shoppe.com Charles Rhodes, State Farm Insurance Joseph Rice Interiors, Inc. St. Nicholas w/ the Holy Innocence Episcopal Church Yelena Kovelman, Colette Hair Salon & Day Spa Chicago Eagle Karma Salon & Gallery St. Paul’s United Church Of Christ Young Communications Group Circuit Lakeshore Theatre Starla Sholl, LCSW Creaoke Lombardo Organization Steppenwolf Theatre Company Crew Low Cost Prescriptions Sunburst Flowers & Gifts

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