Passionate Engineers: We Need You
Passionate Engineers: We Need You Key Note Address delivered by Er. Lim Bok Ngam, Deputy Chief Executive, Infrastructure & Development, Land Transport Authority on Professional Engineers Board Day of Dedication, 9 November 2011 Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State, Ministry of National Development andMinistry of Trade and Industry, Er. Lau Joo Ming, President, Professional Engineers Board, Distinguished guests, fellow Engineers, ladies and gentlemen It is a great honour for me to be here today to deliver the key note address, especially to the new group of professional engineers. Preparing for this talk gave me the opportunity to mull over what Singapore might have been had there been no professional engineers. I came to the conclusion that without the dedication of the many engineers who came before us, Singapore would not be the modern bustling place it is today, on par with many modern cities across the world. And so, on this Day of Dedication, when we celebrate our profession and reaffirm our commitment to maintain high standards to better serve the public and stakeholders, we can give tribute to those who came before us and their contributions to Singapore. We can also derive some lessons from their experiences as we move into challenging times ahead. Now that you have been presented with your Professional Engineer Registration Certificates, you will face a plethora of questions and decisions in your daily professional life. Before you start feeling overwhelmed, remember that many professional engineers have been here before you – and survived! Now it is your turn to go through the turbulent initial years of your practice and progress from here.
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