MISS DANMARK ET MODSÆTNINGSFULDT IDEAL Kandidatspeciale, Kommunikation 10. semester. Vejleder: Lars Pynt Josefine Løvig Rasmussen, studienr: 20171308,
[email protected] Anslag: 191,921 ≈ 80 normalsider 1 ABSTRACT Although beauty pageants have never had the same mass appeal in Denmark as they seem to have in countries such as the USA, they haven´t completely faded into vague, kitschy nostalgia either. The pageant “Miss Danmark” seems to have been thriving on its own in the periphery of the pub- lic eye for almost a century. This thesis investigates the pageant seen as a platform for a gendered performance of a feminine ideal. Additionally, this thesis sees the ambassadors, judges and contestants of the pageant as cultural manufacturers, who construct and reconstruct the competition’s feminine ideal through a rela- tional discourse about looks, styling, clothes, behavior, values etc. I apply a discourse analysis of the communication originating from Miss Danmark’s website and Facebook site, as well as of interviews with contestants, mentors and judges found in the documentary Miss Perfect (2019). I am interested in investigating which understandings of ideal femininity are expressed as norma- tive, which qualities are emphasized, and which are reprimanded. Furthermore, I investigate the structure of the pageant. The feminine ideal is also constructed and reconstructed through the pageants structure, as it contains certain mandatory requirements for participation, a number of disciplines in which the contestants’ performance can be judged, a number of rounds with different dress and rules, and a system in which certain performances are celebrated through sashes, prices and high placements in the competition, while others are not.