Important Points If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it! Important Points Index • Science & Technology • Films & Entertainment • Polity • International Affairs • Government Schemes • National Affairs • Agreements, Pacts & MOUs • Appointments • Books & Authors • Awards & Honours • Art & Culture ImportantScience Points and Technology Most-distant object ever discovered अब तक की सबसे दूरथ वस्तु खोजी गई ImportantScience Points and Technology • Scientists have discovered the most-distant body ever observed in our solar system. • वैज्ञानिकⴂ िे हमारे सौर मंडल में अब तक की सबसे दरू स्थ वतु क की ज क की है • The new object was given the nicknamed 'Farout'. • िई वतु क क ' उपिाम 'फारआउट' ददया गया था • It is located over 100 times farther than Earth is from the Sun. • यह पृथ्वी से सूयय की दरू ी की तकलिा में 100 गकिा अधिक दरू स्थस्थत है • It is located about 120 astronomical units (AU) from earth. • ' पृथ्वी से लगभग 120 जग लीय इकाई (AU) दरू स्थस्थत है ImportantScience Points and Technology Extra Information: Astronomical Unit: It is a unit of length/distance ImportantScience Points and Technology → 1 Astronomical Unit is defined as the distance between the Earth and the Sun. → 1 Astronomical Unit = 149597870700 metres or about 150 million kilometres (93 million miles) Light year: It is a unit of length/distance → It is used to express astronomical distances. → 1 Light Year = 9.46 trillion kilometres or 5.88 trillion miles → A light-year is the distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days) 1 light-year = 63240 AU (astronomical units) ImportantScience Points and Technology ImportantScience Points and Technology Solar System: ImportantFilms Points and Entertainment Period. End of Sentence' in Oscars पीरियड. एन्ड ऑफ़ सᴂटᴂस' ऑस्कि मᴂ ImportantFilms Points and Entertainment • Period. End of Sentence' has made it to the Oscar shortlist in the Documentary Short Subject category. • पीररयड. एन्ड ऑफ सेंटेंस' िे लघक नवषय वृत्तचित्रणी श्रे में ऑस्कर शॉटयललस्ट में स्थाि बिाया है • The film is about women in India fighting against the deeply rooted stigma of menstruation and delving upon the work of real-life ‘Pad Man’ Arunachalam Muruganantham. • यह फि भारत में मदहलाओ ं के माहवारी सम्बंधित कलंक की गहरी कडें के खलाफ संघषय और वातु नवक 'पैड मैि' अ셁णािलम मक셁गिंतम के काम पर आिाररत है ImportantFilms Points and Entertainment • India’s entry for the Foreign Language Film Category, 'Village Rockstars' is out of the Oscar list. • नवदेशी भाषा फि श्रेणी के ललए भारत की प्रनवफि, 'नवलेक रॉकस्टार' ऑस्कर की दौड से बाहर है ImportantFilms Points and Entertainment Extra Information: Oscar Awards: ImportantFilms Points and Entertainment Oscar Awards: → The Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, are a set of 24 awards for artistic and technical merit in the film industry → It is given annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), to recognize excellence in cinematic achievements as assessed by the Academy's voting membership. ImportantFilms Points and Entertainment Recent Oscar Winners Important Points Polity Cabinet gives nod to law amendment for Aadhaar मंत्रिमंडल ने आधाि के ललए कानून संशोधन को मंजूिी दी Important Points Polity • The Cabinet approved amending the two existing laws to provide legal backing for seeding of biometric ID Aadhaar with mobile numbers and bank accounts. • मंफत्रमंडल िे म बाइल िंबरⴂ और बℂक जातⴂ के साथ बॉय मीफटिक आईडी आिार क क डिे के ललए कािूिी समथयि प्रदाि करिे के ललए द मौकूदा कािूिⴂ में संश िि करिे क मंकूरी दी • The Telegraph Act 1885 is being amended to provide legal backing for the issuance of mobile SIMs through Aadhaar. • आिार के माध्यम से म बाइल लसम कारी करिे के ललए कािूिी समथयि प्रदाि करिे के ललए टेलीग्राि अधिनियम में संश िि फकया का रहा है Important Points Polity Extra Information: Aadhar: Important Points Polity Extra Information: Aadhar: 1) It is a 12 digit individual identification number issued by UIDAI (Unique identification authority of India) on behalf of Government of India 2) It will serve as identity and address proof anywhere in India. 3) It is available in 2 forms, physical and electronic form i.e. (e-Aadhaar). 4) Any resident (a person who has resided in India for 182 days, in the one year preceding the date of application for enrollment for Aadhaar) of India irrespective of age, sex, class can avail it. 5) Note: Aadhar is not a valid document to proof of Citizenship Important Points Polity Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002: Important Points Polity Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002: The PMLA seeks to combat money laundering in India and has three main objectives: 1. To prevent and control money laundering 2. To confiscate and seize the property obtained from the laundered money; and 3. To deal with any other issue connected with money laundering in India Important Points Polity Transgender bill passed in Lok Sabha लोकसभा मᴂ टर車सजᴂडि बिल पारित त्रकया गया Important Points Polity • On 17 November 2018, the Lok Sabha passed the 'Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill', 2016. • 17 िवंबर 2018 क , ल कसभा िे 'टिांसकेंडर व्यक्ति (अधिकार संरक्षण) नविेयक, 2016 क पाररत फकया • The bill seeks to empower the transgender community by providing them with a separate identity. • इस नबल का उेश्य टिांसकेंडर समकदाय क एक अलग पहिाि प्रदाि करके सशि बिािा है • The bill also seeks to define transgenders and prohibit discrimination against them. Important Points Polity • यह नबल टिांसकेंडर क पररभाफषत करिे और उिके खजलाि भेदभाव क प्रनतबंधित करिे का भी प्रयास करता है • The bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha in 2016. • यह नबल 2016 में ल कसभा में पेश फकया गया था Important Points Polity Extra Information: Lok Sabha Important Points Polity Extra Information: Lok Sabha • Also known as lower house of parliament or house of the people • Members are directly elected by the people for 5 years • Lok Sabha can be dissolved by the President • Total strength is 552 • 530 → Representatives of the state, • 20 → Representatives of UT’s • 2 from Anglo Indian community nominated by President. Important Points Polity Qualifications • Must be a citizen of India & must have attained age of 25 years • Must be a registered voter in parliamentary constituency of India • Must subscribe by an oath administered by Election commission as mentioned in 3rd schedule Special Powers • Motion of no confidence can only be initiated & passed in Lok sabha • Money & Financial bill can only be originated in Lok sabha • RS cannot amend or reject money bill • Under article 352, Lok sabha in special sitting, can disapprove the proclamation of President, regarding continuance in force of national emergency. Hence, President has to revoke the emergency in this case Important Points Days and Events International Migrants Day: 18 December अंतिाष्ट्र ीय प्रवासी ददवस: 18 ददसंिि Important Points Days and Events • International Migration Day is observed every year on 18 December. • हर वषय 18 ददसंबर क अंतररािि ीय प्रवासी ददवस मिाया काता है • The theme for 2018 is 'Migration with Dignity'. • 2018 का नवषय 'माइग्रेशि नवद फडक्तिटी' है Important Points Days and Events Extra Informations: Important Days in January 2019 with themes Important PointsInternational Affairs France to introduce tax on internet firms फ्र車स िडी इंटिनेट कंपबनयⴂ पि कि पेश किेगा Important PointsInternational Affairs • France will introduce its own tax on large internet and technology companies from 1 January 2018. • फ्रांस 1 किवरी 2018 से बडी इंटरिेट और प्रौद्य क्तगकी कंपनियⴂ पर अपिा कर पेश करेगा • The name of the tax is 'GAFA tax' which was named after Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon. • कर का िाम 'GAFA कर' है लकसका िाम गूगल, एप्पल, िेसबकक और अमेजि के िाम पर रजा गया था • The aim of imposing the tax is to ensure that the global giants pay a fair share of taxes on their massive business operations in Europe. Important PointsInternational Affairs • यह कर लगािे का उेश्य यह सकनिलित करिा है फक वैलिक ददग्गक यूर प में अपिे बडे व्यापाररक संिालि पर करⴂ का उचित दहस्सा दें Important PointsInternational Affairs Extra information: Important PointsInternational Affairs Extra information: Ad Valorem → A Latin term meaning “according to worth,” referring to taxes levied on the basis of value. → Taxes on real estate and personal property are ad-valorem. → Luxury goods are taxed higher even if they weigh the same or number the same as ordinary goods. Negative income tax → Subsidy is a negative income tax. → It is a taxation system where income subsidies are given to persons or families that are below the poverty line. → The government will send financial aid to a person who files an income tax return reporting an income below a certain level. Important PointsInternational Affairs Extra information: Tax Buoyancy → It refers to the percentage change in tax revenue with the growth of national income. That is growth based increase in tax collections Pigouvian Tax → The Pigovian tax is imposed on bodies that have a negative externality. For example, pollution. → Externality means impact of one person’s actions on the well being of an outsider (bystander or third party). For example, the seller and consumer of cigarettes together will harm the third person with pollution. → Example of negative externality is exhaust fumes from automobiles.
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