State College - Raleigh, The
State College - Raleigh, The PINETUM l955 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY N. C. STATE COLLEGE RALEIGH, N. C. CONTENTS Dedication , 4 Faculty Students , V , , 6 Student Activities The School , Alumni Advertising Index V Foreword As time passes and we the students pass on to our chosen work. let this l’IM-z’rvu sluml with the others as :1 memory of the trials and tribulations of school. Herc is the 19:35 I’lxlcllm. Slut-nuan/ 8‘0 91 78.9.9Hiwe1; Cfonociale' 9310123301 or, 510s‘ic11fintaoj, (r neuv' l‘iieml' “‘ilflx (“tragic-Lint], rail}: and {Illa-Lem! inv (Meaty .slmlenl, u (lcs‘olul [cucfler and counaepui; and a mum M‘me . ) } 3 . Manda 0001 neudll( [u uul ”lose ““10 can upon' flung M‘e/ out- cud” dedicate me 1955 gineium; FACU LTY and STUDENTS /HINK THAT‘LL 56'va on TWO“ HARDWO°°5 , -”:- , I"/ fl”H " 4_ ;7 ‘7\ y, _‘v; \I, ..-‘N' \ ' 2'3" \ ‘\ I \ ()svmno ‘\IJ~‘;\R() _]oIL\' .\l. A\R(IlI|’R l’msn, Drkt: BARR "()xu'u/II” “xlt‘r/I" ”Du/tr” Forest Mnnztgmnvm Fort-st Mumtgcnwm Formtl'y Management Fol‘vstry (Iluh Forestry (Ilul). Alpha Forestry thu. I’im-tum 1511., Pub» (le1!) limlion Board, Rillr' ’l‘t‘nm firms WHITE Conn, JR. "Shorty” JOSEPH BELOTE BROWN JOHN CHAPMAN Forest Management ‘70?” ”](')/171" Xi Sigma Pi, Alpha Forest Stlztllzrgcmcnt Forest Management Zeta. Blue key. Forestry Forestry (Ilul) Forestry (llul) (Ilulr Jmliriu] Board lintnk l,;\l|{l) l),\t,ttk\' EDGAR FLOWERS ”LII/HI" “It‘d" 4. .~\l‘l’ \\'t)()(l l’mtltuh \\‘tm(l l’rotlutts Fart-st Management and t\'(‘1'(llilll(li\illg \lt‘t'thantlising FUN'NH') (Ilul) Fort'stt‘y (Ilul), l-‘.l’.l{..\'.
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