VOLUME 56, NUMBER 3 189 sentation. The reasonably priced work should be on and female genitalia, and references. Particularly use the shelf of any lepidopterist with an interest in mon ful is the illustrated key to the genera of Gelechiidae tane and arctic Satyrinae. based on male genital characters. All genera and species are characterized following the pattern for JOHN A. HYATT, 5336 Foxfire Place, Kingsport, family-groups but with the addition of the synonymy Tennessee 37664, USA, e-rrwil
[email protected] and literature citation for each name, illustration of ve nation for each genus, lateral views of selected heads, a distribution map for each species, larval hosts and j ournal of the Lepidopterists ' Societ" 56(3).2002. 189 habits, and adult habits and summary of geographiC distribution. The historical record of each species pro TIlE MOTI-I S AND BUTTERFLIES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND vides inSights to faunal changes. SpeCific variation is IRELAND, vol. 4, edited by A. M. Emmet and J. R. noted, and contrasts with similar species are clear. Langmaid. 2002. Published by Harley Books, Martins, Much valuable information, which should prove useful Great Horkesley, Colchester, Essex C06 4AH, England. for other temperate taxa, is contained for each taxon. Part 1 [Oecophoridae, Ethmiidae, Autostichidae, Blasto The quantity of life history information is impres basidae, Batrachedridae, Agonoxenidae, Momphidae, sive. Beyond the relatively standard discussion oflarval Cosmopterigidae, Scythrididael: 326 pp., 95 text figures, appearance and host plants are treatments of larval, 146 maps, 13 color plates; Part 2 [Gelechiidae l: 277 pupal, and adult behavior; habitats where adults may pages, 63 text figures, 161 maps, 6 color plates.