Morton-Scott-Robertson Co., Mtionalehploynent\Eilll
16 BAPTIST AND BEFLBGTOR, MAY 21„ 1896. HTBUI Uomblnaiont UUBOdKleclrlc EDUCATIONAL. AMD g«{U£aB. AI»o TIM IMMU Sokool ANA TeMhen BUTMU of HOT Drop l!l<b%, Soatk Mtd BontliWMi la Ui« WATEB ai^,Btaleo Bum'oraS'hadei. lITational Bnmu of Zdneation. llEATINU, Bleolrle wlrlnv IfiMOBomw&n audi W.Bum,Prop'n. PLOMHIMO Dealer in Iron WUlMs BnUaiof, MMhrUle,TenD. C0r a^rr^ >» Xtnten,^. TirMAvU&i, Timu AMU Pipe, mtlnfa, B«ad tump (or loformatlon fllobaAuie UAM TM.dloaelii, MUUriNO Bunds, Bath Tubs, ii}- drants. Pump* Teachers or Schools and Hrdraullc IfMdiDg the aid of a rallablo aod efflclent Taaeberi' Ateacy—one that worki nrneatly Morton-Scott-Robertson Co., for Ita teaohera and patrona—will And it to Tus lurnsr, BsUbltsbed IBM. i Published every Thursday. Entered at the their Interra: to eorreipond with IIAPTIBT IB7I. <( postofflce at Maabvtlle, Tenn., aa aeeond-elass DKALKK8 IN TIIK Kan.aaroaj^ublisbad SPEAKIHG THE TBUTH IN LOVE. i matter. CLAUDE J. BELL. CuuBOlidated August 14, IM) Proprietor Boutbweatem Trsehera' Agency, 400 Union Street. Naabrllle, Tcnn. Furniture, • Carpets, • Mattings, Old Series, Vol. LIZ. NASHVILLE, TENN., MAY 548, 1896. New Series, Vol. VII., No. 40 Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Etc. SCHOOL CUBRENT TOPICS. lines. .She has been a noble, true, and uway wc know not whither. It We make a Bpecialty of church furnlshliiffs. ^^^^ virtuous, womanly woman, a loving STDMBLING BLOCKS the lHM»k lie nut true, then over tiie CATALOGUES It buH beon decided to hold a South- wife, a devoted mother, and has set hor earth we go blindly groping lo our For Before purchasing write to or call ou .
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