River Ice Observation Report River Forecast Centre April 16, 2011

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River Ice Observation Report River Forecast Centre April 16, 2011 River Ice Observation Report River Forecast Centre April 16, 2011 2010 – 2011 Peace River Report No. 33 An aerial observation of the Peace River located the ice front at km 363.75 (approximately 32 km upstream of the Hwy #2 Bridge at the Town of Peace River) at 9:30 MST on April 16. The ice front has receded approximately 16.4 km and at a rate of 8.1 km/day since the last observation on April 14. The rate has slowed in response to the cooler weather and snowfall, however with the forecast of sunnier and warmer weather it is expected that it will return to an average rate. The brash ice jams observed on the Smoky River during the last observation flight have consolidated into a larger accumulation approximately 4 km upstream of the mouth. With the consolidation of the jams, the Smoky River is essentially open from km 10 to the railway bridge at Watino (km 62.5). The Little Smoky and Heart Rivers are also essentially open from their mouths to the respective Hwy #49 bridge crossings. With the Peace River ice front nearing the Town of Peace River and the reduced snow melt runoff consideration is being given to resuming normal hydropower operations in the BC Hydro Peace River system. Any increased releases from a resumption of normal operations would arrive at the Town of Peace River approximately 2 days later. Alberta Environment and BC Hydro are in contact regarding river ice observations and operation of the BC Hydro Peace River facilities. Observation Details April 16 – aerial river ice observations Peace River o km 363.75 (NW-26-081-24-W5) – Ice front at 9:30 MST. Approximately 400 m of brash ice is present upstream of the front. o km 363.75 to 367.5 – A series of open leads is present. o km 375 to 376 – Open lead created by McAllister Creek inflow. o km 389 – 390.5 – Open lead in left channel continues to lengthen downstream. Smoky River o km 0 to 4 – The ice cover is still intact. o km 4 – Toe of jam which formed last night. o km 10 to 37 – River channel is open and there are heavy deposits of brash ice along the banks. o km 37 to 37.5 – Approximately ¼ of the Hanging Dam remains in place and it is holding back approximately ½ km of brash ice. o km 37.5 to 39 – Brash ice shearwalls approximately 3 m high are present along the shorelines upstream of the Hanging Dam. o km 37.5 to 62 – Channel is mainly free flowing. o km 62.5 – Ice jam remains in place and it is approximately 900 m long. o km 63.5 to 70.75 – Channel is open and free flowing. o km 70.75 to 72 – Sheet of original ice cover is holding back approximately 800 m of fine brash ice flushed from the Little Smoky River. o km 72 to 76.75 – River channel is open and free flowing near the mouth of the Little Smoky River. o km 77 to 100 – Ice cover has changed little since the April 14 observation flight. Ice over continues to shift and melt in place. Media inquiries may be directed to: Alberta Environment, Communications 780-427-6267 For toll-free access outside Edmonton, please dial 780-310-0000. Little Smoky River o km 0 – The brash ice accumulation at the mouth is no longer in place. o km 0 to 65.5 – The river channel is open to approximately 5 km upstream of Hwy #49. o km 65.5 to 66.5 – Original ice cover is holding back an accumulation of brash ice. o km 66.5 to 68 – The river channel is open. o km 68 to 95 (Alder Ridge Road area) – Ice cover has lifted with some breaking and shifting. North Heart River o From the Twelve Foot Davis Ball Park to approximately 4 km downstream of the Hwy #2 crossing the river is open and free flowing. Unable to tell if there is still anchor ice (ice frozen to the bed) present. o From approximately 4 km downstream of the Hwy #2 Bridge to upstream of the bridge the ice cover has lifted and is breaking and shifting. Temperature Forecast The following table contains Environment Canada’s observed and forecasted daily maximum and minimum temperatures through to April 22. Location Day Date High Level Peace River Fort St. John Yesterday 15 April 2011 7.5/-5.0 1.4/-1.5 0.4/-2.7 Today 16 April 2011 5 4 0 Sunday 17 April 2011 2/-11 5/-10 4/-8 Monday 18 April 2011 3/-8 5/-9 5/-8 Tuesday 19 April 2011 5/-9 6/-9 4/-7 Wednesday 20 April 2011 9/-7 8/-6 7/-6 Thursday 21 April 2011 6/-8 11/-5 8/-2 Friday 22 April 2011 9/-7 12/-4 10/-1 Average Max/Min for 16 April 10/-3 11/-1 10/0 Daily ground observations will now be conducted until the ice front is out of visual range. Observed Peace River Ice front Locations 2010-2011 900 Fort Vermilion (832) 800 700 Tompkin's Landing (694) Carcajou (651 - 665) 600 Notikewin River (565) 500 Sunny Valley (483 - 497) 400 Town of Peace River (396) 300 Dunvegan (296) 200 Distance DownstreamDistance of Bennet(km) Dam BC/AB Border (168) 100 0 1-Nov-10 1-Dec-10 31-Dec-10 30-Jan-11 1-Mar-11 31-Mar-11 30-Apr-11 30-May-11 Date/Time Observed (2010 - 2011) Mean (1973 - 2007) Historical (1973 - 2009) .
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