WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1920 NORTHERN WYOMING HERALD THREE to me about all the state should spend ! WYOMING WOMAN MUST PAY ! CRABBE TO HEAD in any biennial period. i eggs, besides what we used ourselves. CUT PENALTY FOR HER CRIME KANSAS McCormick, Idaho.” HIGHWAY WORK DOWN No Useless Obligations LEAGUE —C. D. Irimo, ] Fred L. Crabbe, formerly superin-j Poultry raisers who get abun- “I desire to say that I am in favor penitenfary an Colorado’s state will re- tondent of the Wyoming anti-saloon !' dance of eggs, use Dr. LeGear’s Poul- of roads, but, as I stated in my speech ceive 50 PER CENT FOR WINTER another woman prisoner soon league and later prohibition commis- try Prescription, which tones up the at Sheridan and elsewhere, I am not the of as result the sentence imposed sioner , has been chosen superintend- system and stimulates the in favor of going crazy over the sub- Federal egg-produc- Reply to a published criticism of the matter of reducing these overhead jby Judge Riner upon Minnie ent of the league in Kansas. ing organs without injury. If you 1 I ject of roads; am favor of C. work and methods of the state < expenses and they agreed neither I in Brown. Following her plea of guilt According to arrangements made want eggs this eggs the i with me the incurring obligations unless winter, when highway department was made by that it was not necessary it would state to a white slave charge, the judge it will not be necessary for Mr. Crabbe mean money, get Dr. LeGear’s ji and it can see way Poul- Robert D. Carey Wednesday. be a waste of money to the its clear to meet them | ordered her imprisoned for one year to leave the state and he will continue try from dealer Governor 11 carry on when they is the Prescription your answering a series of statements j] payroll a large number of people, become due. It and ope day at Canon City. his residence in Cheyenne. right today. Dr. In a: intention of the highway commission j LeGoar is America’s set forth in a Sheridan paper, the gov- j part of whom was not needed on ac- Leßoy Brown, Claude Smith and foremost expert poultry breeder and to continue maintenance work as soon i ernor takes occasion to explain in de- count of surveys being completed and Julius Schmidt, each pleaded guilty WINTER EGGS HAND SET 18 PT. veterinarian. For any ailment what- i as the weather conditions permit in, the «nd each the workings of the department others who would have nothing to do ito same charge, was “The first winter I used Dr. Le soever among your poultry or stock, tail i the spring, and it has also prepared to at and to tell why something like .during the winter months. Further, j sentenced a year and a day Gear’s Poultry Prescription, it made get his remedies from your dealer. an extensive road-building program to Leavenworth. The three men and a ( cent of the bureau’s offlee forces on account of the little wo-: me lot of money. I have 61 hens They must satisfy you, or your p .r < work that can be submitted to deal- state have been done away | done during the was the legislature. : man were arrested in a Cheyenne and sold in January $44.00 worth of er will refund your money. over the be winter, it felt “As to the expenses i adv for the winter. He also touched! by the commission that instead of down of 1rooming house more than a month i with I in the highway department, I am ; j defeat of the three road having five district engineers or su- 1 ago; they came recently from Nebras- upon the 1 proud to say that after ¦ at the recent election. | ] perintendents in the state, the num- tbe first of ka to Wyoming. amendments the month the overhead expenses of a It was stated in the Sheridan paper I ber could be reduced to three and: Belle Phelps of Lusk entered plea that department will be reduced at , of guilty a bootlegging charge and of that all highway work in the count- 1 that these three can easily look after to See Campbell, in least 50 per cent, and I wish it could was fined SSOO and costs. Her case For l es of Sheridan, Johnson, i more territory than they have been reduced Ed. BOHLIN Weston been j < charge of up be still more. i j had been set for trial before the petit Crook and had discontin- to this time. In select- “This is the first time that I have’ the state highway commission; ingj the three to be retained, it hap- | jury, but when she changed her plea uci! by I ever known any one in public office and Buckskin Governor Carey is chairman of pened that the at the jury was dismissed. that ] engineers Sheridan to be criticized for trying to save the he is not was not named, which accounts for Mrs. Vina Barliee has been cleared made to order. Repairing of that commission—which ¦ taxpayers’ money, but, if I must be the involving that the defeat of the amendments 1 the fact that the Sheridan office was 1 of all connection in case criticized on that score, I prefer it to the finding of a still her six all kinds of Leather responsible for laying off men, , discontinued for the time being. on Goods. was being accused of wasting money.” miles of She told the Mit Carey was responsible ( west Casper. and that “As to the work of the highway I authorities that she had leased the for this defeat. Whereupon the gov- , there like BRIDLES SAD 1 commission, are something NEITHAMMER—SCHWARTZ i place to two men so that they might CHAPS LES ernor came right back at the northern ! i 70 been large 1 : contracts that have let, a WEDDING IN BILLINGS start a chicken farm there, but that Opposite Irma Hotel Wyoming editor. of been ¦ | number which have not yet Otto Neithhammer, formerly a, Red later is developed they were operating first place,” he said, “It work be "In the i completed, and this will con- T. dge business man, and Miss Marie a smsll-sived distillery. The men for whoever is doing letting would be well tinued. As to the of new Elizabeth Schwartz, daughter of Mrs. nleaded guilty. the writing for the Sheridan paper .contract?, it would not sepm wise at E. Krause of Billings, and neice of Mr. to read the state highway law, and , this time to let any, for the reason and Mrs. married Alfred Hcimer, were Should be if he will read it he will find that the! ! that it seems more businesslike to last week at Quarantined the Heimer residence in Many believe that any- highway work in the state is under , ] know how much monfcy would be avail- physicians Billings, The ceremony was perform- who has bad cold be the highway commission the members ; able during next period one a should com- the biennial ed at 6 o’clock, and later in the even- pletely prevent of which come from five different dis- j and then to determine the work that ! isolated to other mem- i ing, Mr. and Mrs. Neithammer left bers of family Scotty jj the and associates from Clark tricts in the state, which districts it most necessary to be done within for Seattle, whence they will make a contracting the disease, as colds are closely correspond with those off the ! the state. There is no doubt that honeymoon tour the J of coast by motor. as catching as water superintendents’ divisions. ; contracts can be let for less money about measles. One Mr. Neithammer formerly was as- sure—the sooner one | General Blacksmithing and § the past, and in the spring than at the present time. thing rids him-1 ¦There has been in sociated with his brother in the meat self of a cold the less the danger, and present con- is perhaps at the time, j It’s Just as Well packing business at Red Lodge, which i you will look a good while before you siderable criticism of the highway! “As to the constitutional amend- some time ago was purchased by the find better | Wagon Work 1 a medicine than Chamber- commission for the reason that in ments which were submitted to the Yellowstone Packing Co. of Billings. lain’s Cough Remedy to aid you in - - the Schwartz jfi CODY WYOMING order to carTy on extensive road people at the last election, I can say Miss has made her home jcuring a cold. | program within the state it has been quite frankly that I never made any with Mr. and Mrs. Heimer for the I irinr.nnnnnnnrinri rinririnririririririririnririririririririnnri mcesßary to have a large number of effort to defeat them, but since they past eight years. I Herald want ads bring results. JuouQuuuuuuljul3ijolSiaul3UUljUlJlSlJlJljOljiai3lSUl7lllljuo employes. These -employes have not were defeated I believe that it was only been in the Cheyenne office, but just as well that they did not become also in different parts of the state.; : a part of the constitution. While I "Before it could build any roads favor good roads and other improve- the highway commission was obliged ments within the state, I do believe to make a large number of surveys it is unwise to remove all restrictions and it was further necessary to lo- on the amount of indebtedness that cate large stretches of road so that either the state or a county may in- nave to wait any longer for sections You don’t Work that might be done on cur for the building of roads or for of these highways would not be other purposes. The fact of the mat- thrown away through the fact that ter is that under our present consti- locations might be changed later on. tution limitation the state will be able In order to carry on this work, divi- by July 1, 1921, to issue additional sion engineers or superintendents to- bonds to the amount of approximately gether with other engineers were lo- $2,000,000. This we can do for the cated in each district. As these sur- reason that since the last bond issue veys have now been completed is state it the assessed valuation of the has not Lower necessary payroll Prices to keep on the i j increased about $1,225,000. There a large number of engineers, and, fur- jj has already been paid off out of the (her, it seems foolish to continue mak- :; automobile license fees, $300,000 and ing surveys for roads that we may not| : by July Ist, 1921, another $300,000 can have funds to build. Ibej paid off. As our indebtedness is “Further, during the winter months i limited by the constitution to one per You’ll find them here—NOW particularly after the ground freezes! ! cent of our assessed valuation, it can up, but little maintenance work can I 1 he readily seen that we will be in be done. About the only thing that; : position to issue additional bonds if Take your choice of our entire stock—you save money no matter what you buy. We can he done is the repairing of dam- 11 the legislature and the people so de- ages to bridges that may get out of! j sire. The last legislature appripri- are satisfying our customsrs by our big reductions and we certainly will keep up such ' fair during the winter. By laying! ! $300,000 fqr year high- r ated each for ¦ these surveying parties in the! way work in addition to the bond is- good work and give every one of our customers the best possible prices. I Id and also a large number of peo-; i sue, and if anything like this amount 1 who have been employed in main- I is appropriated by the next legisla- -1 nance work, it necessarily follows' ture, we will have available from state Our nationally advertised high-quality clothing and furnishings mean a saving to you- that the office force in Cheyenne! | funds $2,500,000, together with a like ' uld be correspondingly decreased. ' ¦ amount of federal funds if the feder- There is no comparison to good duality merchandise manufactured in an ideal factory Reduce Overhead | al government continues its appropri- "At the last meeting of the high-' ; ation for highway work. This would and the sweat-shop kind manufactured in a dingy factory by woman ane clild labor. "ay commission I took up with themji [ make a total of $5,000,000 which seems Help keep the country free from such by wearing the clothes we carry and advertise here, which are always the best in the long run.


EMERY PATRICK MACKINAW PANTS STEPHENSON UNDERWEAR 25 PER CENT 25 PER CENT 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT SWEET-ORR WORK CLOTHES SWEET-ORR DRESS PANTS PATRICK MACKINAWS 20 PER CENT 25 PER CENT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT .DISCOUNT DISCOUNT FRANK RUSSELL GLOVES RACINE AND PENDLETON LIKELYBAGS, CASES AND 20 PER CENT FLANNEL SHIRTS TRUNKS DISCOUNT 15 PER CENT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ¦ DISCOUNT PIONEER AND ~ WYMAN PATRIDGE SHEEP CORTLEY CLOTHES FOR BOYS LINED COATS ANI) LEATHER 10 PER CENT 20 PER CENT COATS Why We Use DISCOUNT DISCOUNT 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT Jcefinite Soft Water Some people expect manufactured articles of today con to the same price that it was when wages were to be sold at prices the same as during the pre-war per- lower, and hogs were 10c. M Reason T]o.3. iod. For instance, hides are low they expect and clothing and other articles made of leather to be at the same One manufacturer states that about 50c LESS LAUNDRYWEAR ANDTEA.! low figure that they were when labor was much less of every SI.OO that is paid for a of clothes goes to than it is today. The same was with ham and bacon, labor. Tailoring wages are three times the pre-war Right d;rt clothing and most all manufactured articles. rates and have not gone down a partical and will not laundering takes the perspiration and for some time. from clothes without damage to eoloi 01 cloth Ray material is lower but up to this there is prac- tically no reduction in wages. Reductions must conic gradually and follow lower Right laundering is soft water laundering. costs on each and all of the items that enter into the Live hogs at 10c today will not bring ham and ba- cost of the manufactured article. The water we use is softened by passing through * bed >i definite, Nature’s water softening mineral. It is suite than falling rain—clear, sparkling, velvety soft. New goods arriving daily in our Dry Goods, and Crockery Departments. You will find many useful and Clothes we launder are cleansed with fat less washing appreciative gifts here. .. In our Department you willfind suitable gifts for the family. They are free from.that b*rd watei soap curd, whicr *r-,f We have a complete line of boudoir and shoes for men, women and children. fens, discolors and weakens fabric. They last iongei and retain their good looks. Let us show you how beneficial Raflnit* soft watei is co your shirts and linens. Cody Phsas SS £: Sm a