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: : '...... i 'i.!.! Pub Lives F.S.AA . to determine Pub's vialbility

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The Godfather of punk

page 11

Three Play

page 2 page 12 -The Fourth Estate: Editoria1' I

Like the French Maginot Line of WWII, Pres- 3. Violations of the SALT 1 and the unrat- brought to bear on Congress, through letters, ident Reagan's dense pack plan for the MX ified SALT 2 treaties. The ban on new fixed phone calls, and public demonstrations will missle is technologically obsolete before it's silos was pledged to be respected by both bear the fruit of disarmament if it is maintained funding is even secure. In the same manner as Washington and Moscow, yet is Congress passes the fortified trenches along theFranco-German the dense pack plan, the United States will be This guest editorial woas written by Barry Ritholtz. borders proved useless in the face of strategic the first to break either SALT treaty, which and technological innovations, so will the 25 up to now have been honored by both super- billion dollar Wyoming MX Boondoggle. powers. It is in fact saying to the world, "We What is the dense pack plan? A 14 mile do not honor our own treaties, our word is no strip, 1½ miles wide, containing 100 MX mis- good, we do not want peace. sies buried in hardened concrete and steel 4. Disturbing the Strategic Balance.- In the silos 1800 ft apart. This distance has been paranoid ridden game of nuclear deterence determined by Pentagon planners as being too there exists a phenomena of "Worst case sec- great for any single Soviet warhead to knock ond guessing scenarios." Each side tries to out more than one silo. As the theory goes , guess what the other side is doing, and must the electromagnetic pulses, x-rays, gamma-rays plan not optimistically, but that Murphy's and neutrons emitted by the first explosion laws will be working against them and for the will deflect or disable the following warheads. other side. This sets off the This "Fratricide Theory" is hotly debated overreaction chain, i.e. : They build missile Z among nuclear physicists, and if proved valid, we build counter defense Y. In order to insure leaves 60% of the remaining missile silos intact. overcoming defense Y, They build counter- You shouldurge Congress not to support the counter defense X, adding Satellite W and Dense Pack basing mode for the following five further srenghtening ICBM V. Not to be reasons: outdone, we Strengthen submarine U, cruise millile T, and multiple warhead missile 1. It will not work. Plain and simple, there R. And so on; the Arms Race, based on are too many untested and untried calculations fear and paranoia is reborn. and assumptions on which the Dense Pack The MX, with a top speed of Theory is based. 5000+ miles per hour, can be easily interpreted by the Sov- First is Simultaneous Detonation- while it is iets as a potential first-strike weapon. This, tentatively aknowledged that the Russians do coupled with the fact that the United States Front Page Photo Credits: not currently have the High-Tech capabilities *does not have a "NO FIRST USE" policy, required for a simultaneous only 100 missile deton- serves to intensifythe Russian paranoia, James Pub by Cathy Dillon ation within the timespan hence of a millionth of a destablizing the balance of terror. second, ( to avoid Fratricide ) by the time the Dense ~ Pack is fully operational in 1989, they 5. The Ecology Don't laugh, there are still might. The Stony Brook CIA estimate calculations conclude that some people who do the environmental impact they are approximately ten years away. So the studies as required by federal law. The Press system is obsolete in 1992, three years after its Wyoming Nebraska areascarce in water, is a Executive Editor ..... Paul completion. DiLorenzo cow and sheep-grazing farmland, with some Managing Editor...... Joe Caponi Second is Slow Walk- by dropping single marketable crops. The high prarie economy of Assistant Editor ... Gregory Scandaglia warheads at the rate of one every 20 to 40 southeast Wyoming is moderately dependent Senior Photo Editor... Eric A. Wessman seconds , starting from the south end of the on such operations. Surely the farmers and Arts Editor...... Kathy Esseks strip would avoid Fratricide, according to IBM ranchers who \ill lose their land or water sup- Arts Director ...... Blair Tuckman design engineer and Dense Pack critic Richard plies will raise strenuo is objections to the MX Business Manager ...... Dawn DuBois Garwin. being in their backyard. The third is the Earth Penetrator ipissile ,the News Feature: Rose Cianchetti, Eric Soviets could develop an ICBM which would The Senate Armned Forces Committee has Corley, Eleanora DiMango, Henry Ellis, bury itself in the earth and then detonate , refused to endorse the dense-pack basing mode. Ned Goldreyer. destroying the more delicate internal optical A presidential aid? says there was "something Arts: Ron Dionne, Bob Goldsmith, Jeff fibers and laser "mechanisms needed for counterintuitive" about the concept (that's a Zoldan. command, communication and control (C euphemism meaning it doesn't make sense). Photo: Cathy Dillon, Ron Kee, Dan cubed) of the Dense Pack nuclear warheads Even South Carolina's conservative Democrat Mangus, Gail Matthews, Paul O'Flaherty, and launchers asserted by MIT physicist Kosta Earnest Hollings, an influential military hawk, John Tymczyszyn, Chris Von Ancken. Tsipis. argues that, "The Soviets would love nothing The strongest liability to the MX system is more than to see us throw away billions of Advertising Director...... Rob Kurtz Pin Down- This tactic consists of continual -dollars on a system that can be easily counter- Ad Design ...... Maria Mingalone nuclear explosions high above the silos creat- ed." Graphics...... Ken ing debris, Copel thermal shocks, and high radio- Reagan's contention that the U.S. has fal- Pasteup ...... Ellen Brounstein active interference, effectively len behind Russia in military preventing the strength, derives Cartoonist ...... R. Gambol swceessful launch of any of the MX missiles. its rhetoric from graphs and measurements which give too much weight to American The Stony Brook Press is published These are just the critical analyses of weaknesses, too little the to American strengths, every Thursday during the academic year Dense Pack problems. To quote Newsweek and vice versa to the Soviet side of the scales. by the Stony Brook Press Inc., a student " Dense Pack is controversial for the simple Opponents of the dense pack plan raise the run and student funded not-for-profit reason that no one is sure it would work." objections that the 25 billion dollar cost is, corporation. Advertising policy does not If the "Technical dreams" on which the MX more than coincidentally, the exact amount necessarily reflect editorialpolicy. is based come true, there are other that Reagan wants to cut from social programs considerations that justify its trashing. (including the abolishment of Guaranteed Stu- The opinions expressed in letters and 2. Cost. A country with over 11% dent Loan programs, cuts in Pell grants, Gra- viewpoints do not necessarily unemployment reflect and a 200 billion dollar deficit duate Tuition assistance, Federally financed re- those of the staff. Please send letters simply cannot afford a 26.4 billion dollar toy. sesearch grants, and general aid to higher edu- and viewpoints to our campus address. This is the projected figure and does not cation. inc ude : a) Cost overruns This directly affects YOU- the undergrad, b) Design corrections in the the graduate student, the CSEA employee, the Phone: 246-6832 superhardening of the silos ( currently under faculty member, the administrator. Following Office: 020 Old Biology Building re-evaluation). the freeze referensums and grass-roots victories c) Pentagon planners desire for in November, the unwinnable bout suddenly Mailing Address: an anti- ballistic missile system (ABM) for becomes winnable. Add the further support by P.O. Box 591, East Setauket, New York defensive insurability. the upcoming pastoral letters of the U.S. Rom- 11733 So tack on another 3 billion dollars. Total an Catholic Bishop's conference to an already projected cost: 40 billion dollars +. volatile mixture; shake well. This pressure,

page 2 The Stony Brook Pres Pub Surviving FSA To Determine Jams'P 'sViabilii ` ý- Mý W wIRMP4W lqlp wwmmI WýW I·vf •,,...... by Joe Caponi The future of the Henry James Pub, the campuses' oldest social es- tablishment, is in serious jeaporday due to the twin pressures of eco- nomics and law. The Faculty Stu- dent Association, which has oper- ated the Pub since 1977, has as- sembled a high level committee to investigate possible ways of saving the pub, which may be financially ravished by the 19 year old drink- ing age law, which could cut the patronage of the pub by up to 60%, and which goes into effect tomor- row at midnight. o

FSA President Richard J. Bent- IjlCi:a a, ~ 3 leyexplained that FSA would do 31 .~ anything in its power to keep the A pub alive, but that the projected ,a losses the Pub would incur after the drinking age rises and 75% of James college residents are legally barred from drinking there could force the Rob Brooks distributing beer a the James Pub. hand of FSA to close it in the fut- age residents prevail all over H and ure. equally certain hard choices may ents of James. But soon enough it G quads, from which most of the have to be made. According to figures from Bent- They are reluc- will be seen whether the Pub can re- Pub's business comes. tant to ley and MaryEllen Sullivan, the invest any additional money main alive or if it will go the way of The committee has to find a in Pub improvements FSA Secretary, the Pub has spent for fear of the Benedict Saloon and the Kelly way to reduce the Pub's losses, simply adding $10,000 more than it took in last to its debt. And they Quad bars. shich come from several sources. want to cooperate with the resid- year, and has lost nearly five thous- This semester, through October 31, and dollars already in the first four the pub had sold $6,144 of beer months of this year. FSA estimates and wine, for which they had paid that, with the imposition of the $3,419. Bentley explained that a new drinking laws, the Pub's losses major drain on profits is the barten- Denton's could reach $17,000 this year. Jim ders giving away free beer to their Fuccio, FSA board member, said, friends. "After a keg is finished "There's a point at which the fin- and you see that there isn't nearly Photo Shop ancial loss outweighs the value of as much revenue from it as there the service that you are providing, should be, the bartenders will tell, under new and with the loss of the 18 year you that the keg was so foamy that WIUrEklVn' I'D E A L I TfV olds, $17,000 is preety close. you couldn't get much beer from YFTVTI I ILIHO r I I IL.I The committee, which will con- Well its funny that every keg in FOR THE HOLIDAYS sist of representatives of FSA, Pol- James Pub so far this year has been - ity, and James residents, will form- foamy." ulate by the middle of next Februr- One bartender said that out of ary, proposals for the long and any keg used in the pub, as much as AAKE THE short term financial preservation of one third is usually given away for the Pub. For now, though, the pub free. Bentley noted that a possible AEMORIES will operate as is for the rest of the solution may be to stop employing AST semester, and close the night of James residents as bartenders. 22. It will reopen Jan. 19. Other expenses in the pub in- For years, according to Miss Sul- clude payroll, which cost more than * Cameras * Film livan, the FSA has been willing to $3,100, for the school year up to * Custom Block & White Dark- accept the financial losses of the Oct 31, and the Pub's fixed rate room work done on premises James Pub, just as it accepted losses utility fee, which was more than * Passport Photos * from other FSA businesses, inclu- $2,000 for the same four months. ding the Whitman Pub and the While suggestions to expand the check cashing operation, on the appeal of the Pub may run natural- »C CAMERASx io grounds that they provided valuable ly to the serving of food and snacks 4000 OUTFIT 6000 OUTFIT services to the campus. But this in it, many James Pub residents $4995 year, the the Association already in * ill------_-h ___ s 699s - m may oppose that idea, as it involves 203 complex cash-flow problems, and putting the pub in direct competit- Main Street Shopping Center East Setauket the need for capital expenditures in ion with the James food and game next to Hott Coffee Shop 941-4686 other areas, a doubling of James's room, a college run room just down WIrr W WWe Cuip & Savie ag gaa- amaem drain on FSA's coffers has to be the hall from the pub. Gina Moore, avoided at all costs. chairwoman of the James College The problems to be faced by the Legislature, while saying she was I FREE committee are formidable. The very gratified at FSA's interest and I ""5X 7" WITH EVERY ROLL most important, and the one over efforts to save the pub, added, "one OF FILM DEVELOPED which they have the least control, is of the Leg's main concerns is that I THROUGH OUR INDEPENDENT LABORATORY the drinking age. Upwards of 80% the pub not compete with the food of the residents of Henry James col- room. -with this coupon- lege will not be able to use the pub Indeed, the members of the FSA jI DRAON DATE 12/15/82 203 Main the institution of the new board are genuinally concerned St. upon Denton's Photo Shop EastSetauket and similiar percentages of under- with saving the Pub, but they are mmmminmmmmnnnnmmmmmmmmnM

m December 2, 1982 page 3 - I I I I · I MMI_ *CALCUTTERS* Are You Ever Behind Schedule? unisex of Stony Brook celebrates the Re-Grand Opening vo locations 'Student Union 751-7737 ;hopping Center 751-1112

Dx Full Service Salon eet our newest Hairstylists Do you need multiple copies of a report or dissertation from Las Vegas has joined - or, for that matter, anything - copied, collated and nted staff of Jerry, Mike, even stapled almost immediately? Dee, Cathy, Renee, Elaine, Come by and see our very latest Xerox 8200 Copier - and Janine. It is a FANTASTIC TIME SAVER!! U -u U U U U i L~LIL~ I ,_-- I - -s. BUDGET PRINT CENTER $100 off 1 Route 25A, Stony Brook on. - Fri 1 block west of RR Station 751-7799 *expires 12-23-82 0 9 1 II --· r · I III I 0 *CC~ p

LiEEUULILII U IIlr~kU * II I II ,,, _I II I ' - - SMonday Night VOLKSWAOEN OWNERS I Football Mike Codon's Aulohous I is Back . 129 Hollock Ave. Re. 25A Port eon Sta. +I= Tue.-Sat. 92S-019 8aom.-6:30 p.m. 4= The v * :ON 4= ,I i 4• != 411 I~-PB~ens ~ ~__ _ -~---- Il i -- 1 --·I '~~ -P~ago=p ·e *-»IK • N • l•l 4 -< _fi«MC£ r . PAIWSI -- -~- -- * - - - REPLACE FRONT 9.95 BRAKE PADS $i ANY Foreign Car REG $29.50 BUMPER T5BjoUMPER COMPLETE * 4K SAVE $20.00 «S ()4 ALL INCLUSIVE $79.95 TunruV CM Ch4 4 CYL ONLY i Vine A , ,ustme-- This Monday Night tFdtfs Ifltced Twe Pressuue Serviced Boetly Watt S. LSrv.utbcrtion - InckwK'e all moving pars orwn to dlOro Swatch the Jets! , *"**PLUS MUCH MORE * i SMUFWFLER// I I / I l • I : Exchange vs. Billy Simms EsBGd BG $58 .98 "Sack SPas &Abo RABBIT $4 .95 =Catch all the action at The Bridge, ITUNE-UPS r, $19.65 Pregame party starts at 8:30 * i

,Im m mm· m m m -b - m m mI McPHEARSON STRUTS $79.95 The End of the Bridge Upstairs in the Union S246-5139 i »[ II I1IL ~lrr II _LI I I - Mond II --- c ,L ~I L ~__L~b _L rl-l k · I · r_ , I II IL_·-_l L I- , I~I~I I-L1- page 4 The Stony Brook Press The Third Estate: Viewpoint Last call F.S.A. to make a final decision on Pubs soon

by Richard Bentley College prepared and sent to its crete proposals through a com- Statesman was present through a A new 19 year old drinking age 250 plus residents received only 19 mittee to be established within the reporter at that FSA Board meeting will have an effect on all alcoholic responses. Also presented to the next week. Furthermore, the com- and -wrote an article on page one of beverage sales in the campus pubs, FSA Board was a concern that FSA mittee will have about 2 months to Wednesday December 1's the End of the Bridge Restaurant, should not market new it.ms which cone its work and i SA Statesman which was fairly accu- and the Union deli. It will have a W v rate. However, most alarming is the smaller effect in those areas which editorial which followed in the currently have a diverse clientele same issue. The editorial offers no and will have a larger effect in areas solution to the financially growing which have a predominantly 18 losses FSA is going to encounter; year old clientele. Exactly how it only chastises FSA for consi- much of an effect this will have is dering closing the pub until a so- yet to be seen. For the Faculty lution is reached. At the meeting Student Association (FSA) Opera- itself, the FSA Board chose NOT to tions, the largest effect is pro- close the pub at this time leaving jected for the Henry James Pub, open that possibility in the future located in the predominantly fresh- if the financial losses grow to a man James College in H Quad. point FSA can no longer bear to FSA has tried to encourage stu- carry. However, with James Col- dent input to a decision on what lege offering no solution and un- the most responsible response to willing to have any items sold in this law change will be. James Col- the pub which would compete lege was notified in the early' part iwith the James Food Room or con- of October to bring their recom- sider a merge of the operations, it mendation to FSA by November seems unlikely that a solution will 30th, 1982. At a meeting of the be found. FSA Board of Directors on that FSA wants to work with James night, James College brought to College to find a solution and we FSA no proposal to respond to the can't procrastinate any longer. I concern of a 19 year old drinking t t sincerely hope that mutual coopera- age or the projected 7 digit loss of 50 feet from tie pub. These pre- course of action because with the tion will occur so that a solution money FSA will incur if FSA con- mises lead the.FSA Board, who ana- data available, the Board could not that FSA, the James residents, and tinues to operate James Pub and lyzed the facts (which includes have made a decision to ensure a the campus as a whole can live with does not go into markets for sales an FSA operating deficit of long range, responsible goal for the will be found. other than alcoholic beverages. Un- $46,058), a result of FSA giving James Pub operation to continue as (The writer is President of the fortunately, a survey which James more time to come up with con- it does now. Faculty Student Association.)

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... 6-7766 Calendar of Events \ftaliaipExprgss^ Thursday Attention Balloon Lovers! Crafts Fair Set For Poetry Contest: Aud., rms. 213, 214, 223, 226, 236, 237, 4pm; GALA: rm. 223, 8pm; Auto Volunteers are needed to MAIN DESK December 7, 8, 9 Mechanics Course: rm. 080, 7pm; Campus Crusade for Christ: rm. 216, 7:30pm; Korean Christian distribute FREE BALLOONS The Union Crafts Center Fellowship: rm. 237, 7pmr; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship: rm. 226, 7pm; LASO: rm. 236, 8pm; to the campus community on will host its annual Crafts fair Kundalini Yoga: rm. 216, 5pm; Senior Portrait Re-sits: rm. 231, 9am-5pm; Women's Safety Conf.: 7, 8, 9, Tues- Monday, December 6. The on December rm. 237,12:30pm; CASB Thanksgiving Party/disco: Birm, 10pm. Med. Coke day through Thursday, in the "operation" will take place in Buy 2 slices and Stony Brook Union. Friday the Stony Brook Union, be- The Crafts Fair has be- Info Session for Health Professionals: rm. 236, 5pmr; Chinese Christian Fellowship: rm. 223, 226, ginning at noon, and ending and keep Collectors Glass! All Film Products come a welcome tradition at 8pm; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship: rm. 216, 8pm; MSA: rm. 223, 1pmr; Hellenic Cultural when we run out of balloons. If you would like to be a Stony Brook, and provides a Society: rm. 236, 8pm; Senior Portrait Re-sits: rm. 231, 9am-5pm; Tokyo Joe's: Birm, 10pm; Expires 12-9-82 in Stock great opportunity for stu- New Student Orientation interviews: rm. 229, 3:30pm; Italian Cultural Society: Aud., 11:30am; volunteer for any part of this program, contact Chris .... • ...... •lm m Im dents, faculty, and staff to Haitian Day, Fireside Lounge: Aud., 10am & 8pm. purchase handcrafted holiday Dayman at 246-3657 or 750 OFF gifts. Vendors will display Saturday 246-7109. 'I their wares in the lounges, the Saturday Science & More: rm. 226, 10am; Study Skills Workshop: rmn. 237, 9am; Senior Portrait I I lobby, and the ballroom of the Re-sits: rm. 231, 9am-5pm; CED Bowling: rm. 237, 10pm; Onda Nueva 4th Anniversary Dance: I STATIC)N I includes batteries Union between the hours of Birm, 9pm. I U k 10am and 6pm on those three lift~i U 1 1 ~ ~ & days. w~~2ii;-2-I--~-' -' ~' - U Senior Portrait Re-sits: rm. 231, 9am-5pm. For more information, con- ACU I Tournaments 1982-83 iI I flashes tact Chris Dayman at Monday The Campus Committee of 246-3657 or 246-7109. the Association of College I We now have beer m rm. 223, 4pm; Bridge to Meditation Class: rm. 226, 7:30pm; New Professionals Support Group: Unions - International has I I 9, & 11pm (FREE with Somewhere: rm. 216, 7pmr; Premiere of Peter Sellers' last film: Aud., 7, formed to develop the campus m Heineken m Expires 12-9-82 reservations); Korean Christian Fellowship: rm. 214, 4:30pmr; Omega Sigma Psi: rm. 223, 9:30pm; tournaments for the 1982-83 Portrait Re-sits: College Bowl Kundalini Yoga: rm. 226, ll:30am; Polity Senate: rm. 237, 7:45pm; Senior academic year. m $3.89 I Tournament Update rm. 231, 9am; Sigma Beta: rm. 223, 7:30pmr; Residence Life: rm. 229, 9:30am. This year's committee, co- College Bowl - termed "the chaired by students Barry m with coupon ZiPEAQ? Varsity Sport of the Mind" - Tuesday Martin and Larry Lipow, is * Expires 12-9-82 . has been rescheduled to Janu- Polity Comm: rm. 223, 10pm; SB Outing Club rm. 237, 8pm; Dream Appreciation Workshop: planning competitions in these ary 22 and 23, 1983. Stu- rm. 216, 3:30pm; Hypnosis and Weight Reduction: rm. 216, 12noon; Overcoming Social Anxiety areas: table tennis, foosball, dents can sign up as partici- I (For Men Only): rm. 214, 11am; Safety Services: rm. 231, 7pm; Holiday Festival Craft Fair: bowling, chess, backgammon, pants, either as individuals or and elec- Birm, Lobby, Lounge, 10am; "La Strada": Aud.. 7 & 9pm (25 cents admission); SB Sailing Club: and possibly frisbee tocdipd o (he as part of 4 person teams. tronic games. Some of the 2nO Hoor ot the rm. 216, 5:30pm; Fantasy Campaign Club: rm. 214, 8:30pm; Pre-Law Society: rm. 237, 3:30pm; Student Unso n Budding Sign up through December 23, have separate GALA: rm. 226, 8pm; Jewish University Infonial Study Groups: rmr. 236, 6:30pm; Senior Por- categories will in the Office of Student categories. trait Re-sits: rm. 231, 9am-5pm; Foreign Student Resume Writing workshops: rms. 214, 216, men's and women's Activities, located in room Volunteers are still being 4pm; Intervarsity Christian Fellowship: rm. 226, 3:30pm. 266 of the Stony Brook sought to work on a commit- 25¢ BEERS! Union. Wednesday tee or on one of the subcom- Faculty and staff are ENACT (Environmental Action): rm. 079, 7pm; Israeli Folkdancing: Birm, 8pm; Intervarsity Bible mittees: stage the tourna- Wednesday thru Saturday needed as facilitators, mode- Study: rm. 226, 1:30pm; COCA Films -El Salvador: "El Salvador Another Vietnam", 7:30pm, ments, to secure facilities, develop pub- rators, judges, timekeepers, speaker, 8:30pm, "Apocalypse Now", 9:00pm ($1.50 admission); Holiday Festival Craft Fair: funding and to Women are encouraged Evenings etc. for the tournaments. Lobby, Lounge, Birm, 10am-6pm; SOYK: rmn. 237, 7:30pm; Irish Club: rm. 223, 8:30pm; SB licity. Call Kayla Mendelsohn or Riding Club: rm. 216, 8pm; Affirmative Action: rm. 236, 9am; Senior Portrait Re-sits: rm. 231, to participate in all phases of Betsy Turk at 246-7109 for 9am-5pm; New Campus Newsreel: rm. 226, 7:30pm; Spotlight Magazine: rm. 236, 8:30pm; the tournaments. more information about Alcoholics Anonymous: rm. 223, 1pm. Be There! College Bowl. IRWMJIWI-ý ------w~-~ I UNil ~J

-- U I With a purchase of one of our ol I' start getting ready for DELI SANDWICHES U GREAT next semester's league. Ia One FREE extra! Salettuce & tomato or chees e1 U e 2 games for $1.01 I (with coupon) '9:30 a.m.-Mid. one coupon per person I Monday thru Friday I &I 9:30 a.m.-1 a.m.am. I 12-6 p.m. S All Calculators & Watches 9 1 a.m.-1 2 I No Coupon Necessary I Expires 12-9-82 Innp cnhnnn nn r norson i11 a.m.-Mid. Expires 12-9-8 December 2, 1982 page 7PM pagempage 6 Them Stonym BrookBrookPrs Press m m m - I I I _ I I II "l 0* International College i (Stage XII B) C.O.C.A. Presents: presents A Special Advance Sneak Preview An International Bazaar "Trail of the Pink Panther" Peter Sellers' Last Film featuring: music Monday, Dec. 6th at 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 dance in the Union Auditorium FREE ADMISSION and films Tickets must be picked up in advance from all over the world at the Union Box Office - 2 per ID '1I ? a$34$,34 JC4 Global delicacies from Greece, India, China, the Middle East, the U.S. (ice cream!!), and lots more, will be offered at a nominal price. 4 § ig Club Meeting and a plethora of international § ' \ crafts and handiworks. U § Every Tuesday "-! ~ § iion 237 8 p.m. take a study break and join us Slide Shows THIS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th § camping. hiking, cannoeir 9< § I p.m. - 7 p.m. ock climbing or 4G IN THE Stage XII Cafeteria Building

9- (·t CI I I · I' i · ~p 31 r II sl I ' r I - ~I hen Come ~I II - tg4 Get blown away with the wwrr ,wi Sailing Club

FILM1S2 FEST Meetings every Tuesday Union Rm. 216 5:30 p.m. A •tauII 4 ill.l I HliiSt1 te14e for more info 246-5492 DeuI I 4 S3II1 it b%1gs' 1.1Ui -4: 14 Ile I allsk I i4 k 'C-1 4 :4 4 IIIIta llsel4 4 114111.l14ela eIlq %:4 4 A FRENCH POETRY CONTEST 14 : 14 A1 t. k"11.113a.1st 1 11:4 4 Thursday, IDcember 2nd I l4lj < cai 3e4 u% «4tll, ale 114 between 4:00 and 7:00

sponsorc(l by the )cDpt. of French & Italian, iiulavi DIIec. 5 the A\.AT.IT., the Allialnce Francais of Brookhaven, jIloI ti Cafeteria uand FrenchC (ultural rSe'nices of the French Embassy. lMeeting and Award Ceremony will be 144 41. %4 41.1 .11141 13111114 *1i( %4I41 )e held in the Student Union Auditorium

All c'ontestants a(re students who attend lmng Island Secozndaryy Schools and Colleges. 1 ft s t%Hcl e 4luitl II t 11 l are Welcome! 4m hst to 4kitll 1 4 1t)flgt)l

by Bob Goldsmith Interestingly, the chief wizard behind Whodini is Thomas Dolby, Anyone who has ever undergone the British electro-popper whose a rap attack may be interested in a previous credits include songs and creature called "Magic's Wand" by production for Lene Lovich, Duran I some studio maestros calling them- Duran, and his own The selves Whodini. What it is, is an ode Golden Age of Wireless. How he to N.Y. street D.J. Mr. Magic who became involved with a bunch of has risen up through the ranks of N.Y. rappers is a mystery but what rap music to the position of week- is clear, is that Mr. Dolby can go a P0 end D.J. on WBLS. Over a stan- bit overboard at times. The 12" ? Presents... 4 dard but catchy concoction of fat, edition of "Magic's Wand" in- loopy bass, teetering sysnthesizers cludes three versions of the song, * *'<1 and throbbing drum computer, we none different enough to make its hear a reasonable but unspectacular independent existence worthwhile. 0 rap which, among other things, The three combined total a monu- 4 glorifies Mr. Magic's contribution to mental 21 minutes 38 seconds, the upsurge of rap. This is okay surely an enticement only for phan- because Mr. Maic has never been tom D.J 's and fans of self-indul- slow to {,- -:: !' S 4 4O 0 > Wed.-Sat.! * :Mondavs .. .. . ivionaay Nigni 0 Football Returns I)4 * See The Jets beat the Lions ies sr t~~Clr- I I I · I -- I * On Our Giant Screen 4

- 6 ft. Hero's by the slice 4 * Tuesdays Chinese Buffet 4 man who was scared to reach out, ther stockings nor tights with her but in the end is able to, because dress. * ALL YOU CAN EAT 4 Velma is reaching also. The lighting for all three shows Alan Inkles direction was ex- was designed by Carolyn Chrzan ) $4.99 'till 8:00 cellent. He pulled so much from and was very appropriate for all * Use Your Meal Plan Card * his actors and his interpretation of moods. Tangled Web had especially the play, and his blocking was de- nice effects with red lighting in veloped, clear, and concise. The certain scenes and lighting flashing * Wednesdays Bee effort he put into the show was on and off at the snap of a finger, S250 Beers very impressive. (Beel's) during a scene between he Tom Brady) The set(designed by and Tim. 0 was fine, though perhaps a littletoo Threeplay was definitely an im- > Live Music by Tooly Looke elaborate (Frankie's apartment). A pressive array of works, handled sparser set might have worked bet- and co-ordinated totally by studen- Thursdays Dance Contest 4 ter. The costumes were just right, ts. Everyone involved deserves a especially Velma's drab beiges and round of applause. I enjoyed each * muted prints. One small thing I show very much, each had their SDisco- Reggae-Rock-Punk noticed; it was supposed to be win- unique elements and much talent v ter and Smolenski was wearing nei- was evident in all. Ih Wii-h D.J. Sheik tem-an-davi -- Dance Contest 4 ? 1 The Press Fr id ay Spectrum Live ; welcomes SSaturday Northern 4 Star 4

your letters The End of the Bridge, at the Top of the Uinion 246-5139 4

- - -- I~ L A& Ab, AkAbi,0 Akh,0A& 0Abih 0A U Dbecember 2, 1982 page 9 _ _ _· - 1-1 4 PUBLIC INTEREST 10 PRESENTS

DNVERSION 44 =- I- Jwe or shouldn't we?

- An interview with Eddy Luttmuir and Speakers present Coordinator of NYPIRG's Coal Conversion Task Force) about proposed Coal Conversion at LILCO plant in Port Jefferson D-Train Thursday, Nov. 25 at 2:30 p.m. with r aw%- '1 i ftnA^f %A A MM.M

90.1 Planet Patrol WUSB On and surprise guest to be announced Hosted by Craig Dean

I mmmý_ ___ Dec. 4 *s 9:00 p.m. * GYM CanNuclearr A rms Secure Our Future? Tickets on sale now at Union Box Office . SAf Speakers Presean *e *t *3 *3~ *3~ *3 *~t *3 *31 *3 * *# *JI *e *J *-~ *3t *I *3 *3; *5 *9 * Opens again Tomorrow Night! *P *3~ *3 *3 10:00 p.m. *;~ Friday - Dec 3rd *I~ *3 * *,W4-4W 40"'W40-00 '00 4W'40'~ 4W40- r * 1I IIIII c1 110 ·II 68 *3 *35 *3t *3t * *3 b ·$ THE RACE NOBODY WINS: *31 *O SThe Sea * *X- irch for National Security *: v An Open Letter to the Student Community: . JiB Clayburgh and Tbny Randall nmrratk a Mui-tkMedia Slid Show * * presented hy SiANE i /ht1I ommttte hfrta .. 4 ,v ,Vuckar •iry). * (b * From New l.ntr tP'resntationm. Ir:. * * rb * We would like to remind you that on December * *C* * 5th. 1982, at 12:01 a.m., the legal drinking age in New ~ r"` , * York State will be raised to 19 years of age. Even if you * are 18 and legally Lec. Hall 1( 0O Dec. 9 ! allowed to purchase alcohol now, S8:00 p.m. FREE once the law goes into effect, you will be considered a *X .,s' * minor * Please remember to carry identification which * shows your date of birth. Carry it with you at all times. .13) Last Chance Party * You will not be served alcohol anywhere on campus if It's the "Last Chance" for 18 yr. olds l you cannot show proof of age. ~ to drink before the law changes on Dec. 4th *i * Your cooperation is appreciated. Whether you b Friday, Dec. 3rd * agree with the law or not - it is the law - and liquor a ! d 10:00 p.m.-3:00 a.m. 9* license holders must abide by it or lose their license * if violations are found. a O'Neill Lounge * d $2.00 Admission (with Stony Brook ID) ~ Proof of Age Required Sincerely, (r, Baby loey's "DJ Pabby" * will turn the tables * Rainy Night House featuring New Wave, Disco, Rock & more SCOOP e (r, Come party to raise money for d The Muscular Dystrophy (I) Association J, (all proceeds go to M.D.A.)

~··~~ · P'P ~,~,~C 8,·1) I 0. I I I I I ·~b ~8 I 9CIII)I ·~1)18 ~)~) ~,~,~ ·~* ~·*P1~' 1+ ~'- ~r -I I=-T I ~dl, I ~ _r _ "I __1 1 99-~_ IP page 10 The Stony Brook Press The Grand daddy of punk hits it again

by Jeff Zoldan paid to production than on past sibly can endure to traditional har- wasn't too good/ obviously the pole dO Beefheart LP's. Side One opens monic structure and creates a didn't like itself/ it wanted to The real godfather of punk has with the title track and while the moving piece that is woven around walk." The images here certainly returned with his 15th album in general dissonance that has become a loosely knit - framework. cannot be mistaken for ordinary, as many years and perhaps this time the trademark of Vliet's odd ar- But the predominant theory of a trait that many Zappa fans would around Captain Beefheart and the rangements is still present, it is song structure that pervades Vliet's find heartening. Magic Band will gain acceptance underscored by a lusher texture music is that the sum of the parts Vliet's fragmented thoughts are among the record buying public. that mutes a lot of the disjointed- are greater than the whole. Like a further confused by his run-on Captain Beefheart, or Don Van ness of Jeff Morris Tepper's and good sculptor, Vliet has fashioned delivery that serves to destroy any Vliet as he is normally known, Gary Lucas' opposing figures. songs from various contexts. In illusion of quick and easy compre- has enjoyed immense acclaim Vliet's coarse vocals, which are "The Witch Doctor Life", while hension. In his a cappela solilo- among critics for years and his more prone to poetry recitals than bassist Richard Midnight Hatsize quoy on "'81 Poop Hatch", Vliet music and ideas have had enor- songs, still retain the gruffiness that Snyder and drummer outlines thoughts and pictures that mous impact in the development of offend many listeners. hold down a steady march beat, can only be described as the ram- many modern day bands, among To say that Vliet's ideas, images, Tepper and Lucas are drawing blings of a serious head who has them the . However, and approaches are unorthodox is clashing guitar figures as Vliet eaten a couple of good tabs of acid. the small minority of critics and to say that Saudi Arabia has oil. drones on with a Zappa-like deli- Anyone who is vaguely fami- performers who about Vliet's Fragmented ideas and disjointed very. liar with Don Van Vliet and his imaginative and unorthodox musical phrases combine to form There is enough similarity be- Magic Band will find Ice Cream for approach to rock 'n' roll are, also, the typical Beefheart tune. Vliet's tween Vliet and Zappa to warrant Crow another pleasurable album only a small drop in the vast sea of multi-octave vocals and discordant a comparison but only one limited from this artist who operates on record consumers. So Captain hornblowing add to this web of to thematic content - Zappa's a different wavelength than most. Beefheart and have what will seem like confusion to arrangements are variations of stan- His precision and attention to detail been forced to accept an anony- the unattentive listener. Somehow, dard blues whereas Vliet's defy any is still impeccable and his ideas like mous role in rock's developrpent from this entangled mass of layered easy classification. In "The Thou- "The Past Sure Is Tense" ring as for the last decade and a half. instrumental assault can be extri- sandth and Tenth Day of the true as ever. To the large seg- , Beefheart cated powerful staements not far Human Totem Pole", Vliet's humor ment of the population that is un- and the Magic Band's latest re- out of line from present reality. On is not lost. Describing a totem pole familiar with the works of Captain lease might be the LP that will pull the instrumental "Semi Multico- made up of animate human heads, Beefheart, his latest work might Vliet out of the shadows mainly lored Caucasian", the Magic Band Vliet tells of how "at night the pole prove to be a tad frightening but because more attention has been pays as close attention as it pos- would talk to itself/ and the chatter well worth the enlightenment.

"Nightfly" rises from 's ashes

by Jeff Zoldan I advocate getting your hands on ished and have finally advocated growth, nothing was beyond Amer- blues exhortations and you have a copy of 's The something, I can go on with my ica's future grasp. Fagen describes beautiful music. "New Frontier", Nightfly and putting it on your normal lead into Donald Fagen's the beautiful world that would too, is one of the best sounding turntable for a listen. Pretty The Nigh tfly. soon be, where it would take only tunes on radio today, capturing trite way of opening up an art- The Nightfly is Fagen's first solo "ninety minutes from New York Fagen's witticisms in peak form. icle your'e probably thinking. work since the breakup of Steely to ( more leisure for artists) The only minor flaws of The It probably is, even I'll admit Dan last year. Since it's release a just machine to make big dec- Nigh tfly is on the LP's two final to that, but I just had to get it last month, it has already been ac- isions programmed by fellows with cuts. "The Goodbye Look", with out of my system. For the last claimed as one of the year's best compasson and vision." its breezy style and cool delivery, few days I've been wrestling LP's. This may be so as The Night- But without Becker, Fagen lacks bring to mind the blase TV com- with this desire to advocate fly certainly does stand on its own the bithe that once made Steely mercials of the 60's without ever something, or, at the very as a veritable success but the comp- Dan an ultradynamic band whose intending to do so. "I believe I just least, to say I'm advocating etition isn't all that tough. vision of life was, strictly no holds got the goodbye look" could something. I pondered advo- Nevertheless, 'Fagen has delivered a barred. Lyrically speaking, Fagen easily be Fagen's surprise at having cating for a return to the gold beautiful holiday package in the holds his own. But misically, the a lipsticked kiss magically planted standard but I didn't know form of fantasies he had enter- songs on The Nightfly lack Becker's on his cheek, like those Ultra Brite enough about it. I even wan- tained as a young boy growing up jagged edge and guitar signature. commercials of our youth. And on to advocate the return to in Tenafly, in the days .'s production makes up "Walk Between the Raindrops," colonialism as we knew it of Eisenhower and Kennedy, on the for this by utilizing a heavy text- the combination of organ and elec- back in the good old days of front cover of the LP, Fagen is ured sound that kicks up the bass tric recall the atomosphere Chris Columbus, Johnny Cabot pictured as the late night jazz DJ- line and smoothes things out with of hockey games and bar mitzvahs. and Pedro Cabral, all affirm- Sonny Rollins LP on the turntable multiple keyboards and synthes- 's strolling bass adds a ative action explorers. That way and all- and on the back cover is izers. One can't help but to think little weight so the song doesn't all the worlds problems would the bedroom light of the young what "Green Flower Street" would go completely out the door. be the responsibility of a hand- man roughly about Fagens's size sound like with Becker's cutting Well, to wrap things up, The ful of nations. Spain and Portu- and weight whose ear is glued to guitar and a smaller emphasis on Nightfly is an exceptional album gal would be world powers a radio. . that offers a few glimpses of ain again-that would be real funny- Fagen, in the usual cynical, Even without Becker, Fagen age long gone set to some intrin- and nobody would ever hear from humorous fashion of his past works still is in clear command and the cately patterned and wonderfully Russia again. But nobody at the with collaborator , ringing piano notes that pervade sounding tunes. This should come paper would buy my idea of captures the attitudes and nuances this album begin to gel into the as no real shock to any long time advocating a return to anything of America at the time. Opening listener's mind. . "" Steely Dan fan as the now Becker- so I'm left to advocate your pur- with "I.G.Y.", a most infectious is the perfect Fagenesque tune musicians to complement his chase of Fagen's new LP- Some- sounding song, Fagen echoes that combines all the complex sound. And God only knows that thing I wouldn't normally do the idealistic tone that reached its chord progressions of jazz with Gary Katz has had enough time to because I'm not a salesman and peak with Kennedy's new fron- the thumping beat of rock n' roll. understand Fagen and his artistic who's got six bucks to blow on an tier. Having gone through an un- Combine this with 's designs. Boy, I'm glad I could ad- album anyway. Now that I've fin- precedented period of domestic scratchy guitar and Fagen's whining vocate something nice. * December 2, 1982 page 11 I · IILI I - I L · I I I m Th reeplay

by Blair Tuckman tJanet Goldstein), another "Gestapo" scene where she is inter- pathos ttat was quite moving. A man trapped by his beliefs, journalist whom Tim claims his rogating Tim. The major problem I Muir was somewhat lacking in two female journalists, and the » wife. The Devil, alias Beel also had with Azua was a lack of cred- vulnerability but portrayed the devil himself. A husband and wife enters into the picture. The ersatz ibility in the fact that she was a humor and obtuseness of the char- growing farther apart while the void Rod Serling narraA .r who intro- journalist. Val is writing a book acter well. It seemed to be the old between them is filled with..... duces and closes the play was done and has a successful career which story here of the wife who wants to furniture. And a lonely, confused by Anthony Lisas. The crux of the playwright tells us, and yet communicate and attemps to, while young woman who killed her the play is whether or not Tim's Azua did not emphasize this. the husband buries himself behind mother in the morning and by house was really re-possesed by Other than this however, I his paper and answers in monosy- nightfall will be sleeping soundly demons as he steadfastly maintains, thoroughly enjoyed Azua's llables. because she and a lonely, con- or is this a fallacy solely to promote performance. Janet Goldstein Donald Cooper's direction fused young man hiave discovered his book, as Beel accuses him. played Mae as a typically pushy balanced the humor of the play their need for each other. Unbeknownst to Tim, journalist after a scoop, and added against the more serious aspects This was Threeplay, an evening Val and Mae are in cahoots with a delightfully wicked dimension without indicating any partic- of one-acts presented by the Stony Beel and by the end of the show complete witn "'there's something ular era. Brook Drama Club last week Tim is driven mad and runs amok funny going on here" glances to I wish that the set (here also des- The play's in order of appearencc shrieking "It's a play, they made it the audience, and an evil throaty igned by Joe Masset), consisted (and as presented above) were a play!" laugh. Mark Bridges made Beel of only two black boxes instead of Tangled Web and Man us. Furn- The cast was by and large very the funniest character in the show. the mass of furniture it did, which iture (by D.S Cooper and Birdbath good, with one exception being This devil wore a hip, late 40's detracted from the theme rather by Leonard Melfi. All three were Danny Zogott who was not quite type green suit with op-art buttons than enhancing it. The point that student directed, and the first two up to par with the rest of the on the lapel and a skinny tie. iHe Man us. Furniture wants to make, is student-written actors. However, this can be att- had a dry wit and ihnpeccable tim- made through the playright's The horror of these scenarios ributed to the fact that Zogott ing. In other words, this guy from words. The set was just so much belies the humor very much in evid- replaced the actor who was or- Hell was smooth, suave and scary. icing on the cake. ence in all three shows, though iginally playing Tim, and entered Anthony Liss also looked very Birdbath was the most realistic primarily in the first two. Tan- the show only a week and a half suave, holding his gold tipped cig- show of the evening. It's elementr gled Web, involved Tim (Dan- before it opened. No doubt with arette with the smoke spiraling are neither surreal nor absurd. ny Zogott), a man who has written more time to work on the role around his head as he recited the Velma Sparrow (Deborah a best seller about his house being Zogott would have reached the woeful tale of Timothy Taylor. Smolenski) is 26 years old and all re-possesed by demons, in ar promissing point he was moving Geogeanna Shepard did an her life has been teased and picked incredibly b zarre Twilight Zonian towards. In his scenes with Val his admirable job with the direction. on by her peers. Her mother does situation. Tim's sidekick is val obvious devotion to her contrasted From beginning to end the play little to boost Velma's self-esteem. (Jackie Azua) a "restless, liter- sharply with the fact that Val is flowed smoothly and never She tells Velma she is unattractive ary type" who is writing a book only using him, which Tim is obli- dragged. The blocking was clear- and has Velma work two jobs about Tim and his book. "A best vious to. Zogotts's weakest point cut and immaginative and the while she does nothing but live off seller about a best seller, you was his breakdown at the end whole "look" of the show, in line the money Velma makes. The follow?" which was too stagey and not very with the theme. relationship between the two is During the course of the play we believable. Jackie Azua had some The costumes (designed by Mark very neurotic, as is Velma. Howe- are introduced to Mae Taylor wonderful moments, especially her Bridges) were very colorful and ver Velma meets Frankie Basta somewhat of a cross between a 6 0's (John Bravo) on the evening of wr . w-- - - w- '-6 " -•4•r-4i4nn n flpf fl-A t f4 n i41p and 80's punk look. They looked the day she killed her mother.Velma perfect against the black and grey has killed her mother already by 4 backround of the sparse, dawn. Velma works in a diner and ) Ow livery modernistic set (designed by Joe Frankie has just taken a job there. ow6. Masset). Frankie is a poet who has never met ) -WW Man vs. Furniture was a kind of a woman who won't be jealous of Thursda watered down lonesco. Mr. and what his writing means to him, and ) Mrs. (Peter Muir and Michelle the time he puts into it. He finds ) (Chaikin) are a couple who, over the that woman in Velma. And Velma ) Niuht[ at The years, have become more and more finds someone who will appreciate 3 alienated from each other. With and care for her. the play is bitter- 3 each rent that occurs sweet and very touching. 3 in their life : I3ride 4 together, they have attempted to Birdbath has three scenes; in a replace what they have lost (and diner, on a streetcorner, and in Frankie's apartment. It took the -C paradoxically widened the gap) L:artv with ID.J. ICwith material things. They dis- running crew at least 5 minutes to cuss (obliquely) the things that change from scene to scene, not : Shiek drove them apart. We can deduce their fault, but it was very distract- he had a affair with a woman she ing. Once the apartment scene refers to as "that woman with the began, Iwas very much drawn in. Te.ni-an-idavil Knees". The woman left Mr. a Debbie Smolenski and John Bra- loveseat in her will. Mrs. cut the varo each brought many dimensions legs off their old loveseat when to their roles. Smolenski portrayed 4 K the "strange , new one " appeared. a Velma that was excessively ner- K Dance Cciutest Make of it what you will. I know vous and scared of life, and yet we 4 K [: what I think. The gap between also see the intelligence and love K with rrizes: 4 Cl them even extended to their that Velma possesses but was never C~ children whom Mrs. speaks of really given the chance to express. wistfully from time to time. Smolenski used her body to portray DLiCs - r-euu4ae - The Actors did a nice job with Velma's tenseness, and this worked difficult parts, difficult mainly bec- well though there was too much at ause they were playing characters the beginning, it was almost an Ocl - Dunik: so much older than themselves. indication of what we would later f Because of this, I had a problem' find out about Ilife. believing in Michelle Chaikin, Bravaro was a perfect foil for 2iE Deers simply because she looks so young. Smolenski, he had a calm, cool ex- The End of the Bridge. 2nd floor union Aside from this problem though, terior but could and did explode 246-5139 Chaikin gave a fine performance, when pushed. The Frankie Bravaro incorporating a A a a A S A A A A A A & .a A ~A ~A in Mrs. a sweet showed us was a talented, sensitive A AA A- ým m... l' 8l-,------L I1 .1 9 i A Kf ?N ~ K~mcPKIO~ K N- N~ s-~-- K~ KC f- nn~-- W7K~~--~ NWWWW~fl VA, 'II~ P"I IC1 q - - - .

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