'·,, ... I>. ,, ' \ ... , r.f!' },·. " . ' . ••'\,~ f! • ;- ' . t / "' ' ..,. J_.,,. • "".J;.· ' . ' ,_ ·;r. :' • • I ' '' " J ' ' ' . . • • -"" ' ~: ' . :- -,•\ \ -.Jt~,.b~t• Clflt . . ' ' - . . _; '' . . • -' ' . ''( . - . ' ' • ·"tf'~-~~· 1 b: · · 'L· . ;.., P • ·t·. . ; ' , •.,., ... ~ ..,.Pt ...... _,,._ ·.-m.tDt · • ~ - . -.t I ... • ' .. ,_ .... J ' •• • .- - I • '•

. ·- - . . . - . ~: ,_ - . ' l -- VOt..UME ~X.,..,.(Carrizozo News, Vol. 35) •• OARlUZOZO. NEW MEXICO, F'Rll>AY, AUG. 17, 1~4Q NUMBER 3 . ' . -- ' ~ •. • N. M. Coast duardsroan~. Assistance to With The Men Stationed at Advance Base i n Pacific \


FRIDAY & SATURDAY ' DOOBL~ FEATURE . The_,._ Ciaco Kid • "OtO "NEW MEXICO" -PLUS- ' Gale Storm, Peter Cookson -ln- . "G. I. HONEYMOON"

BUNDA Y, MONDAY, TU-04.'1' . - Mickey Roon~ry, Elfzabotb Taylor Donald Crlnp Ann Revere, Jackie Jenkin• ' •

-Aial>- ' Paramount News • WEDNESDAY A mdaiD.AY Aono Baxter, Ralph Sollamr, Aline MacMahon -Ia-

A cnaon of rojololog "'' iu· dulged in Tueadav aftemoon ' T. Luus of wbon the long o:rpcctcd mcsJilgea l' • viaitina tbo of tho Jap surrender ~ere riceiv~• ' SircDs wnilctl, bonia blasted, women cried and laughed at tbt l\I 'I ! tam& timo. Tbi flro truck ltad a J procession of cart with flap "· •' waving and just when it a.~med i ' lik<'l Bedlam bad brok&n looae, along camo £tveral ebildrtn with somo «!!W bolla to oofj to Lht tumult - It waa glorious news, and wna gladly received. \ I i ' 1 We bavo tbo eamt degree of BANKS AND Tlfl WAlt · in tho Mikado, tllo tempo• rary and aplritual bead ohbfl Jap. 1au.-;•u empire as WI bavo in biJ • fsult)Jects tbat bombed Pnrl Har• fRffDOM Of OPPOR TDRIIY BUD ll. .u:DERSON'S ALL bor; tbercforo we boptt General .UIEBIOAN ClRCUS MeArtbur will bavo an abU.Il· • dane• of planes won pre,ared tor Wbat sputa Iii man to do bis bt11t? For ont tbioa It wan learned today thnt nrrnn~ tbl representatives of ebauvlnillll. , it ia the opportunity to go forward •n hla own-tre• ~ ment.!J hove bl)en mndc wlth the when be reetiVCII thf!JD. l do.nl to engage in any trade-to prodnet an)' com• American Legion to brinG to Carrl· l modit_y-to r(:nder any U!tful 1enlee. zozo, tho world-toured, BUD E. Mr. w. J. Lanteton hu betn l UnQer our trEe enterprla8 system, evf!tY American ANDERSON'S A L L AMERICAN entertaing his brother attd family cm.cus tor two pertormoncet:~ on for teveraL dayaftom Spt:ib,ficld, I ' haa.that opportunity. And, here at owr bank, eredit Saturday Augunt 18th. Tb()J are enroute to the Wu' ,.ro:l [ \~ for competent indivirfuals1 firms And corp~rationa need· # THE BUD E. ANDERSON'S ALL Conat. u . f ' ine it for a eonatruetive purpoao iJ rendy and waitina. AMERICAN CffiCUS b well l'mown J .... (, 0 I ' for tw oubmndin!J entcrtamment ' ' • • M".'tltr and ANIMAL nC't& Tho

' '

' ". • . :.;~ • ,, fl ' • ., '• • ' ' ' " , ' ' • ' ' ' •• ,, "

• I ,I ' '; ; ; ; ' ; ~ ; ...... - ; ; : ' ;-_ ~ ! ~. ; ·\ •, • " • I , " ..

' • ·J ' • '

•. '"" ... -~<'..,,.:,,..'>ll:il>¢~="~:-·~. . ' ~ ' • . , •. ·!'. r. / . ' ,. I , • •


HE omnrt ho:;tcoo wcaro n cro­ T cheted apron when ohc enter.. tullw. This one combineD mcl!b ond petal otitchco: eooy, inoxpcn­ oivc to make. - v • • • WCM l!lU crcwhctcd open when 11* I ccrvo rdrc~hmcutn. Dcn't bo rnrtH4 at tllD eJtcllcfll."!illt you crentoJ Pnttav R 1(!)1 htlll l:llltru~ ana. '•. • !!end your order to: • G I flewtoa Ctrdo Ncetn"rnt& DcpC. I &ZO w. B:lcaol.l'll Ol. Cblcnao !0. ll1. . lr Ecclo-..Q 10 ccnltl ta: Pattern. tlo•----- L .. I t ·H- num.~------Aedr·

By LEN KLEIS • REG'LAR FELLERS-Juat a Retainer By GENE BYRNES ... • ... ---- ~, Mads from ~, Premium Groins!:

POP-A Cock Tale J. ?tULJAR WATT, I WAS HAVINC!J A VRI N TO STOP I )ooo"""'',, IN O~ER TO I=ORC!lE'T, StR • •

' '


cf tatcj l1:mred dr~td C:;lrueo c=u a1cu Oll!f 20 ~ uez:::et wr:!l tou.OO.-alo ~~ -==ll ttW&ctttt. / -" ... •~""""' SORETONE .· ,, ...,.fl411rdllt" I ij•• ...... ' ~ ~ 50¢ad$1.00 --~ , ,j i m br " * · -·.- ,&<'_ ...... ,. ·•-* ··a·,-· .. •zt•~- ' ..;.r

t PRIVATE • ' .. ' iJ DUCK CROSS ,,jt IJ •• 1 f, • TOWN Ctylelewis ~ ' ' il'I Q I" "ll ' ', jt' • J ' ' ~r llI ' ' ' :r' ~ i n' I ' 0 ,, ' ;-. ,, il ' i ' . it ' - ' : lt % i \_ >t;.y't~ .. l!' .. 0 • •

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By C~lUE NI¢1JOL,AS ' .· . S!:WINO cmCLE PI'Tl'ERN DEPT. ' ' 5SO South WeDs SL Chl«:altO Enclono llll ecn~ In colll:l tor eaeh .· · JF'Mlt .W ol4er· lfli}Chell f' 11way, eMs pattern dcslr!:d. · month, h.il .f:qlunm will bt evndut;ted Pe.tterp. No. izc - by:sueJC c~Jlumn,.es. ' Nam.~~----~------Addres L oki1111 Baelr:-and Alu:ad J,y COI\li)R, .JACK DEMPSEY • '., ~ . .• 4,s l ta~c over WW'• I find Statue ··• aeen GP litUe of the One of America's outstllnding Jaw c6uplc qf yep:ra that really memorials of the First World war ·· ®n't 1inow, the 5core. My il.b~ence ia The God at Peace, th~ 38-foot At hom•-Any flQVor-O.IIdova ... Smoello -No 1.. .,yatola-N" coolllng-No ,.._ · from the old street is only tempo- onyx statue of nn Indian by Carl whipping-No acon:hool llovor-l!cwr­ '~ary. Lil>e every anllor, 1 !lm loolt­ MUles, installed in 1930 In the lnexpenllv•-20 raclpea In '""' 154 ,.,. Pita.. a0<1d this ad f01 free tull-al.re •• fng forwQtd to wear!ng a wide­ Ramaey county court house in St. pi• olfor, or bUJ' from rovr gtowr. \>rinlm~d Panama ag!lin, complete Pau,l, Minn., aoys Collier's. with • loud ·~porta jacltct and the To show the detall of ita back, brightest neckUe l cnn t'ln,d. That LODUODDEIRY this GO-ton figure rotates automat­ ltonlillomoma"a lc• er.- should be o matter of.-n~ more than ically on Ito base, to the right and e~sht monthn, to~; the Nlp3 are hang­ to the left, 66 degrees in each di­ iQg on the ropes !lnd the beU ilm't rection, completing the two move­ STAII eolng t9 onve them. ments 1n five hours. In the meturtime 1 am in the C<>tult Guard for the duration, or ru:J long aa . ,.,_., Uncle Sam han a Sob I cnn do. By tho time thJB rcnchea you I expect to be aomewhero in the Pacific. ~~y oo:Jlgnment io that of mWtory mor­ 1S74 ale, officer for the 11th, 12th, 13th 36-52 and 14th Naval diotrlcto. Included in thio group lo Pearl llorbor and CHARMING daytime froclt tor my duUco may toke me farther A the womnn who lllico unclut­ weatword oo our fleet hnmmcro at tered nlmpllcity. The gored oldrt tho very dooro of -Blrohito'o hovel. 1o olcndcrizing and very fiattcrinu The Baking Powder to the loruor figure. . Shoulder Want• to Hold the tuclw sfvo a coft, feminine air. with the White Hor•e BALANCED Double Action U I can only have the prlvU~e of • holding tho Mllta.do'o t"lhU~ horco it the ~ml:?n ruJmlrol Hal!:oy mounto him Onbber Gtr1's botam:ed double actron malcos natural choice for the• • for-'O!l rc!cnina to Joch Lon.dun, tho co nmo.rtly ctykd, come with ln!:ct ' Into o bol.ld. Britbb prize flahtcr, and not Joel; bcl!.!l, othcra WIUl tho nct'l corcelet There in quite a wide uco being I.cru:!on, the Amerienn auth!lt'." effect. StdCKirnpina to much in evi- mode of durable oU-ovt>r bco in I hod to canfeC!J that I hou n.e\'cr d~. a1cD 'rufficd !lhuulder trent· tintn to match the crepe wlU1 which cccn ~11llll llght ond hod tw opin­ menb anti a dramatic U!::O of je'aclcd it to modo up. Ono lovely fl\odcl bon ftm tn cffer on tho cubject, I l'lovo hutrow at Ole t"JobtiJne. Theca o peplum jachet bluUl:n of· all-over ainco mot Lmldon, a h:lld-hcodc-J bril]bt jornt1y·prin\ loveliro oro no\ lnce which top:; n sldrt in matched­ vewrnn of aa yeoro. HiD def<>ot cy nnly rdon:ation·~rfect but you con I color crepe. An inereoolng trend to Bru1:.0 Wan~l:m!k recenlly come O!l meet your (!UC!ll!l 't7ith perfect pnico co!t otyUnc l!J noted all the way nn flW1l:t'ica tn me, ll!l I judatd fr.~m In one a1 thene fonhinn-rlcht robeo., throuch the advance at-home op- LmuZnn'il op~rance that he >-'ll!l Tho auUmJ!t for fall and winter nt- p:1rcl collectlnno. wen tJ!l!lt hb prime. hilmo fochlnn!l b mc:;t glnmorow. OQt""~>:l b7 t'lcr#'.em r;"~""~' or..t--:.. A NEtv FIGUt·En ~------,-;---;,------Ycu may hova gatt.erc::l by CGW Early Fall Gingham J\.1ake-Your-Own Idea Umt l om atlll tntewu!ed m the fluht. 40% lONGER TREAD Uff. gome. l am, on:i I ~ct to ba Olltl'i7o b · it 'during tho ~corn fuot Spreading on Campus wm b:! Ielt w me after tho t"JOI'. &­ ., Sewing intcrcnt lo mounting to a ~ty thtio onivctl fum tba A-z­ rt3W high. Now that the moko-your· l4~ STRONGER CORD BODY £enllilo Ahcl Cenfue, a !;'G!llliJ Sc'Jtll Gwn Ideo In opreadlng tbrou(lhout Amcrl;::m uinnt, c:mt tn mo by my tho college girl clan there cura will OOD trnctor tires do two things. Thev a!::'! frltnll ar:.U faa, Lill!J Angel Firpl). llo ccmethlnrz doing In the way cf G ~ct every ounce of pllillni: pm-1er, from tf yen kntw Firpo ~ ~ill rcnllie cloilien hut!gct thrift by these nmbl• yotlr tructcl'. They stay em dw job. 'l'hnt • why ~ l6t MORE DRAWBAR PUll thot t:c didn't lay Gut tho mcmey t!oun enthWiirurto. Many of them Firestone Ground Grlps ~ best on c.:d'f':l br biD PO.<::!:!lCO ttn1ero to \.'aD COU· oro liliendy plannina to mnlm their Job ••• under all conditions. vmtt-1 Ah2l eon f1gilt. trext ccmcoter'o wordrohc. f There are sound reawns for t4ls. Cord • ~c b::um't heen fuorm.tghly Exccp11ol1lal opportunitico oro be­ I . • tc:ittd yet, hut I'm willtng to toko a Ing off~.rcd 1n way of ccwing inntruo­ hndies are 14% stronger ••• able to withstand • chan:~ Bo's I::Jg, ctrong ~mil rough. tlonn given 1n ftlbrlc depo.rtmentn .1n hard knocks. Trend Ufe b 40% longer • • • • I . ' 0: colttSe I crm•t be aetiva many &tores. To do vcur own cow­ capable of giving years af extra service. ; blg 1!1 llonnl it Civets !:n bnn:llWg tho &>utb American. rcn1Js7 fncpiro for FireUoQ.e Ground Grlps iacrease pull at • ·¢oy to crcaUve gcniuo. N!J won. Wl:.llle I am fn uniform, Max Wax­ the drawhar by ns much u 16%. That'• tmtn f!j tooktng i\fter him. Waxtna~t dcr tho cewing venture Is becotnfnt bu nlaDI!ICd soveral champlom aM a4 hobby with to1ll1g moderns whO because tracdon ban are ke h.B.s teen filS' pet:§.tllltll roanag~ Jtave fdCllO of their own oru:l weJ. c:orus"ectt:d, addJng up to for a great matJ1 yea~ I iWl rorlu· · como tho chanen to work out Indi­ Z15lncbea oftraet16n bar vidual • toucheo in tho clotl1eo thoy rtatc to to ~ssoelnted ln n llwlitless length per tractor. .Aho, wq wlth Max Md also with 1ob wear. Y6U con got parfect pat.tern!l Amt(;ll and ~Altai! Broo)w. . tor ev~ thlrlg from oloclw outfits thettl are no broken-bar, to daytime frol:ka rind drecey utter­ trasb·eatehing poekeu. :Beenu~ c! th~ l ha~-e not bad noon cootumM, witb complete sew· · The strong, sturdy b3fl to mw the; finanelal sacrl!ce to lng inntructiooo. many others had to tn!lki! wben they •. are always tleaft: • • • ready to take ~tercd the- litmed terce$. t croutcbl't the next deep, forceful trac:tlon stc!p. have conducted my. Brottdway reao That*s why it 111 juet sound • tautltfit ttot the G'tf!a~ Notth@rtl hotel llDt better t!i'atl · ther havw, eeonotny, when buvJ.ng tractor tlrtt, • Wtlt~ a gofug ecnccrn and ;.ve arc to demand Ground Grips, maac looking fonvarl tQ the pustwar by Firestone, the pioneer and · rears JoJethl.!r • pacemaker. . · ."JIDxnt(l WAs GOOD TO ME ·· £eckla.r ll~tldtem the exlllted ago F

0 u -t_·

- ·"'-·-' ''· ~ ,. '·. ,. . ~- ' . ' ' ' . .. ..,.. ~-.. ' ;;. ~ "- <; •.,., ' . '·, . ·' f ,, * '. ,.,. .. ~ }1 ...,~ ·-. "' ,, r ; ) . . ' • J -~ ' • • ·•' •


---~ ------4ubacriptloo. In adyapce, •2.00 par Y!Mt

Advertwlnsr Rates Furnbbed on lteqll1'llt I Frld11y, Auguat 17, 1946 ------1 oald tourt ln the Villasro of Carrizo "han the presentn,tion of the slip NW ~·, N 'hSW '!.& sec. 12, NE~i, W •1: 0 o. Now Mel$., Is the day tlmo nnd pltco tc:l ration boards for the fss'utmee of NW'4 sec. 14, 1 sec - E1)~NE 4, NW~ (or brorlng proof ol oald Lant Will ord food raUlm cards f()r the bablco. The EDITORIAL 15. -T. 6 s., R. 'zo E., loto 13 and H Testnmcpt. slip al!lo hns been used to prove the st•c. 6 lots 2, 7, 5, 12, 18 and 19 sec. Therefore any peroo11 or peroono wirlh· (<'or cnulinn, the Ruoau111 BPt r age ot n ch11d who otarts attend!~ 7, lots 4, 5, 17, and 18 5eC. 18, T. ll lng to enter objectlona to the probatlr hoe the world okinned. To bor· nchool for the fircet time," s .. R. 21 E .• N. M. P. M., in cxchnng< of eald l-ost Will and Teotomcnt ate row WPb' ern slang, the Rusalar& hereby notified to file tholr objections In . ' Cor N '.'.: !lCC 21, E 1,1, sec. 22, nil sec -----,.--· ulwa)a wait to see "~~thich w&y the office of the County Clerk of Uncoln 23, E1A.,.SW\4, SE%NW~~. nee. 33 the cat io going to jump" bt-fore County, on or -before the time cot tot NW%SW~~. S~i.SW~~. NE%SW~. hcarini. , - tbey ao into qnything. SW~~SE~· sec. 34, T. 2 S., R. 18- E. Doted ot Carrizozo, N. M., thla ll1h ••u:ew~ "'!!!"<§{:Cl- ; •• -- ; __ ,.£1_~5 day of Auguot, 104G. PAYDAY N •,1: SW 1_.1 , SW lilE \4, SE '4 NW % The golden rult' (or war io to do \~ • SE'4, S'tJSW\~, SW%NW\~, lots 2 S. E. Grelcen, WAR unto other ormit>e what you know Probate Clerk. tbey would like lo do unto your 3, and 4, ~cc. 3, SE\~. E%NE.%, E'.! Al0-31 BOND DAY . ONE DAY ONLY ONLY TWO SHOWS nrmi•o- Lut do them ft' l R S 1 . SW ~- nee. 11, T. 3 S., R. 18 E., N. M SIEI(JIIIS-SAVf JOUW • P. M., New Mexico. 'I'hliJ notice IJ In tho Probate r,lntt'r Tcntamctlt of IUcbmond Iluat Pcre::~:l!d, After tbe War? • 1000 Free Seats thP JDtl'rf•&tlnll port llbf•Ut the r 1-'lrut publlcotlon Aur,. 10. hJa:l bt:cn filed for probnu, In tho Now is the time to prepare fer Probate Court of Lincoln County, Now ronotruct ion won that thPy Wl' e S('('ond publtratlon Au!J. 17. Moxiro, aod by order, tho 4th day of theau oositions. Sponsored by The Americ.an Legion eompotwd £>nt~rely or wan to pa~ er Third publtcotJon Aul_l. 24. eoptcmbor, l!J4o at tho hour of 2 o.cJocl,t 0Qn't loL tho pre100t job ISitUO• and glu1•. Tel·hntdtlno hac1 a I•'ourth publication Aug. 31. r. M. a~ tho court room of rmld court in tlon dcf{livo you into being ntia­ formula for pnosiug and treating tho Vlllcgo of Carri= Now Mon.,lp 100 People and Performers. 125 Trucks of thea a to nics 111 o wuy to hold gao tho day, tur..o and plooo for hooriD~ ficd with ineomplete office train· proo! of Cllld Lwt Will and Tt>otomcnt. lng. Animals for long rnngl' fighter prott>ction. 0.• Nil!• WN NIJ ••• w'- Equipment. 35 Big Acts. 100 • WIJI. w.·... ,., ,..,., , Tboroforo any IH!teOD or ptoraow U you lac!t Uniniog in book t'flnbing ~o enter objoctlonn to the <&lutPWO TvPUtvnlTWo SuonT Local rhurehea invite th~>ir ri.J•• •brat The GREATEST SHOW on Earth for PRICE I. probotmg of cald L:l:!t Will and T~to-- ' ' mt>mbPre to pray each dlly nt 11 Buy More ment ,.10 hC'J'tlby notified to fllo thtit UAN?• Comptomoter, or Sank o'rloelt In the Bible WI.' ore told obJections In tho office of tho ~untr Pcstmg Machine, tbon you abould to "pray without ceaoing" or.d War Bonds ,CI ,,.. do"''' tel• Clorl: of Llcrpln County, on or b.oforo plan now to train for future O"· ~r~re told that "the e!Teetual frr· t.bo tllllll tot for hllarlng. turity, Dated ot Carrirozo, N. M., thra Olct vent prayer of tho ri~thi{'OUI day of July, I 04G. Mail tho ~oupon below Cor our avotleth much". S. E. Groleen, Catntog giving eompJoto informa­ Probnto Clorlt. tion about time required, coat of Tho emperor • ( t.ho tHlttlng nun SFJFJ US co'llrco, and placement opportun­ l11 too "uppcty ;" he wan to to clic Ities. Th!l'rc Ia oo obligation. tate tho t.t>rmo of ourrc:>ndc:>r him ]-i~()R Sec tho publisher of tbio paper aelf ( t\y the way uppt>ty inn't in LBTTlliiU!lAUS ab1>ut a apreial erboJa r e h i p tho dictionary, but 'uo llouthprn. Bstt.tlnAns abe boo to ofi'a. ero rnn ueo o linao oil our own.' 1 NAME ...... ! I , I , ADDRES-S ...... , ...... This la The 6 t 60 Y eara KIDS I KIDS Show for allkida 0 Old • City Ball Park Saturday, Aug .. 18. Buy IUoi·e w-a1• bonds

HTATE OF NI-:\'v' MEXICO • 9tllw Corporotlon C'ommlc,lon

CERTIFJCATF. OF fo•ILI.NG -~ ~ -- --- ~ -- UnltQd Btnlr:~ o! AmQrlt'tl t St&t<> of Nc.>t1 Mt'Uiod conc:mt in ~rltlng tbnt se:v!ce, b pintlr.~ • • • OOOD PRINTING. . " ea\d cotpotlltlon bo d~oh7N'l; end tbta Commbion ll()lna ~tlnflt::l thnt oil of THI$ WILL BE AS TRUE IN POST·WAR TOMORROW' as it was y~s. tho i'OQUlromontD of Scetion li4·G01, Now te:day and •• It Is fodey. Uoulco Ota.tutca Annotated, Compllo· tlan of 1041, rolntina to tbo volutnry THE MAINTENANCE OF A STeADY FLOW OF QUALITY PRINTING , dlaw1utlon of eorpomthma b~vo bton duly comp!lod with: · irtto your trade ch•r.:ul!s has earned fot you • wen ~trifttd NOW, TUBREFOnE, Uflllll t b e reeognition among your customen.. Don't risk los!ng th!i From wliere I sit ... op Jo~ fVIarsl\ filing with thin Commblou of art nffi· '. davit piJowlni that th!!J Cort!Groto hn!l pttltige now wl:!le s•l•s •t• fssy; · · f ~ ' . it b~Wn pui;)Usbtd no requtrtd by lnw, tho f> How to Greet a eald cutPDriUInt In wet tomcrtrow. Ktep ••m buyin; • • • with fin• ptintii'IQ chara6 U:tttof anll upnn whum tor\•lro from ¢UI' modtrn plant. mlY be• mal!o f.9 W. A. Ilart, Uutdos(), • New llollco. • 1 (No.l!0014) * In 'l'estlm~rllV Wtertot. t~o Stato • Col'paratlcn Commblt

• • I

• Lbicoln Cou~ty News .· • Pboa•c., 14 • • .. ,. ,, ., • I ,.. ) I I ,. ' ., • ' - - ,·'. ·- .,.· .. . ,., • ..,· I, .. • ' . ,, ·, ~ ' . • • • • .. - Milk Cow# for Jale. ' · • • • PERSON Carri~a;~:o~ N. M. ' . AlO·St . laomt - ~ .. . · . . . Kra. Dan •m•u arrived - Wanted to Rent- 4 or 5 room from Beltn lti\ Saturday. COMET CHAPTER bouse witb batb. Write W. B. --~ • Lindsey, Claunch, N. M. · :(f No. 29 . Mra. Martartl StinntU who ·~-- ... A 10 8tprl. . . • O.RDER EASTERN , " wu employed at Ill Pa•o wntil \ STAR If you nre lonely, write Box 32, recently tralllferrtd te Vaughn • Meets on the finlt Thursday CISl'kston, Wasil. Send stamp. lut weak, stopping... over in Car· in each month. JESSIE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE rizozo for tbe week-end. '· • Vtsiting Stars. «'ordially invited F.OR SALE G'ood m1lch Cow11 You are eordially invited ' Hoffman W. M. See Hunt . N. Mrs. y gueat two aons, Messra. ·Mrs. lt~a Mayer, Secretary WANTED- B.W •. Wallcer of Bytbol and Delbert Jolly and appointme~iJ; with Fort Stantor'l, N. M. wants to get tb(lir ta'milics. , . • l. 0. 0. F. in to•1cb· wit b Tbos. L. Smith, U&, CARRJZ.OZO LODGE. NO 31 " 0 ~ 667112, a discharged veteran, ' JESSIE PEARL- LONGLEY in order to exchange witb · him a ~uy A Bond T odar • "short srorter" $1 00 hiJI with Phone 111 names and recorda of bombing missioop over Germany. . Uncle Pins Orchi~s ... ;special ~: ~:.eting, 2nu 1" uesday in ------each month. WIIITE SANDS POWER LINE On Local Women for­ • . Church of Christ M. 0. Longley ..... NobteGrand • SaYing Used Fats! Bible <,.:lnB/3 Sunday Morniug AMARILLO, TEX., AUG. 6th- . 'l'hln!lO bllvo rco.lly b::cn bop. Jobo E. Wright ...... ~ee -TrenG punlna to fnt-rmlvu(!e-(:ollect1on Worlc In prOgre!l!!ln~ rapidly on the ..... 10.80 A. M .. Communion ll.SU figure:~ 11lneo town nnd fo.nu _- high voltage transmmslon Une from wom~n aot buoy on tho Job I L!lt­ DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH A. M. Dr. P. 1\•. Sbbver Jead~r e:Jt ofilcJnl (JOVcrnment record!! N S. A. Followel•, toacber. J,.n!l Cruces to Alamogordo, New Mex• bhow that their fat cnvtnnn havo - left tho cm:cllent record of clty I Lo 16 be!ne CQnstructed by the Bureau - Coa ora dge, o. liible l:ltlfill Suuday women "Wny behind. of ReclamatJon to eervc tbe U. s. Dut lt !!Jn't ~ drop too much. M~ting dates 2nd and 4th 8 P. M. Tlt1tJ year, 'l."iO tc.co o. llhortnr.o of •- 1 billion, GOO million pound!! at Wedn~daya or each month. , Army'!! White Sands Ordnance prov· . f!U.Il In do=Up auppll~. Tooo at 7 p.m. Ina crounds, tho air field ncar Ala· zr.oroot war and home-front nup. pllcn Cllldo from fat.a aro nccdetll• NEW J>BOOB.UI FOR VETEn.uJB mo~ordo and the cJty of Alnmoaordo. \.' ..- ' ' Mtyme Greisen, Noble Gral'd • Fo.rm follin (l(!tmoro mc:>.Uhc::o I OF WOULD WAR U da:VIl Ulan mn:Jt dty ~KQP!o-co Birdie Walker, Secretary. Several mlleo Olll' l'lolro have men It'!! up to them to ovo tho tau ' fUUi; by tho llcynold!l Elcctrlcn1 muJ {)!gm Dt!ll;'!l,t:QIIJ!'l,cmllk:l, ~ ------·------·--- -· p:lll!l. Melt down meat tr1mmln(:ll. • -- Effective July 1st vcternnn can pur• Enulnccrlna co. of E1 PClCf>, tho con· lt on b.clp.!l you flU tho fnt-c:.\1· Pro(e5aional Directory vnco on_~ nnd you act up to 40 cha!:c c;ovcrnmi.>nt surplU!l propt>rty ~trtcr-nro hl'adquartern In AmntiUo. LA\V REQUIRES FISIIINO plnnoo, ana provido n viuu wob of commu· will be nceomplbhed throuch SWPC, Tho ClltCMion or th<> Uno Crom LICENSES FOB 9EnVICE!IEN niciltionn for th• figbtoro-on-foot. T F.. KELLEY thl'reby nfConlln~ vctcraoo the high· L:l!l Crucen to Alnrno;:tordo, whwh wUJ Funeral Director and rot prl.orlty po-.l!libll'. ' Under Ute traMmlt- hydro.pa-.:;"r from· Elephant From t.tnu> to tJnw rcqurot!l hnvc Wo look· forward to tho day whon we tormn of tho Surploo Property Act, Ucenscd Embalma Duttc> d:~m, will cvl:'ntuaU.v cervo a cumo to th<> State Gumn DDP!lrtmt'n\ SWPC Clltl purehll!le uurpiU!.I propt>rty numbt>r or REA conpcrntlvl'::l In New to (ll:'rrnlt (;'(lnva!r=rent and other c~r­ wUI bo nblo to oorvo cvor}rono again, but 'Phone 33 ror rc::clo to runall bU!llnt>:;!l oman!· Mex.lco In addition to tho prc"..cnt YI~mcn to fl!lfl wlthnut a Ucon:o o:r tho domandn of wa.r muot como first. , i • • • 'I CarriZozo • • • z.attoro and under SurpiU!l Propt>rly l'mercrncy war nfftb. Mr. Ncl!:on to l!!:lUO them frc~ l!cant<'ll to flnh or ~~ .. I Bum IW~>Ulotlon No. 2 hM n fedl'rcl enid. hunt, Authority to pureh~o n lO'o"J • ocl'ncy wp priority buy ourpltcl I "' i (I ,, w Worlt on th<> power line b hi'!nu U!!~rt:t>tl Md rotntc their u:o omnng PtA BRENTON AND HALL propt>rty. SWPC will act n huyln!! w dlrr-ctl'd by o. Nc,wall Parlwr, ctm· oonvnt~nt nn!l oUwr carvlocm:m Attorm•ya at ~w ogl'nt or cll'arln(l' how:o on all vet· otructton enclnr<>r for tho Burc.::m. hM cili:o bet:n ~uc:.tc-d. • M~xi~ l'rom purettXI'::I. It hw the rt1lpon· The SQ\to O:uno Ccmm!n.!on at Ito Carrizozo New with orrlf'l"l In l.nn C'I'UN'11 • THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE &TELEGRAPH COMPAIY oibllJty of dntc:rmlnlncr wh<>thcr the O".t'Otlnn nn Jur-e 11 and oaotn on July Pbono63 ll .j - •• ~:etcran hM o Uttely chnneo of oue~r,J ~.. -'-=-. --- 10 toolt th1!J matter under odvl.!:cml:'nt In hb venture. The Depot Cafe nnd ~vent Into lt Cully. The Ccmml!l· It h£> drc!de.J h<> ha<1 not, SWPC nlon fl't'l!J mrot ltlmily ur.vonl an men mU!.It cJCplnln Uwt d('{'l!Jion to the Sur· rty Btnrd. Tho War Food SpPdal cbiC'lten dhmt>r oervrd nrmro forcrn and Ill rurttculllJ'iy gym. AdminbtroUon wlll nd111!:e S\VPC Sundoy tuthettc t~r.•ard th= who (lJ'I!! ncr.v ooncemlnrr nJ!I)IlcoUore for ourplU!.I canvo!(;"'... dnt:: In hropltab or at convn· A€'ro~o Stre~t From Deput pro~rty lterM lt<>ful In farmln(l. lc~nt omtlorul. fm'€Dtr)', WULlnn ( trult Crt>"-"'lnc onll Regular Menla "'Tile Gnma C'~o.n ~uld Ulte tho Inte. Under thh 11}11tem a 1.·et· Short Ordora very much to QU~I'l\ thc.:a ln{>n In any oran eonnot buy more thmt $2,500. Sarldwieb('D \'.ny (l(l:llllblo thnt wm M!lten thdr of ourplto propr>rty. Prlcea will bt> ~very" c:tld tho Chalrmcm, Jud;.."e gowm:>-J tr'; QPA <:~!Utn::;n, and the V/iU!nm J. tbt-:tcr. ''ho·:lmter. ttm prlcm will r.ot lX! moro thnn the IJOV• Marine Corps Needs C'.omm!o!nn'a authority b Um.ltro by emtrli'nt orl/Jinnlly p:Ud. k-!;3 dl'pm· Volunteeri statute.a and \T-o find that no o~-elnl elnHon. _ t:-"m'bhm holl ~n tnnd ~ to ap;;rato a nmntJ wen, ac.cordillg l.o tho El Paw carmot wruve tho Jlro"Ji:l!::n,? of low hu::Jin"w rn- pro!e-"'hm:ll mterprt:e en Marino Offico. Men who ore anx- twv'emino ~;U::l\ mattern." EL PASo- Intetn!ltW:rcl l'..Dnlng ~==- . ------. Dey wm ba eclobroted t-1c;vcm~r hf:l c:r.JD. Tilb mlcht rorJ~i.st af a ioua for immet!iato corvicc can Them oro wo t<'JJ:3mte cc-!!Utm:J of romm~rl±ll. mdrutri:ll. rr.nnufodm" (c;!nve once for lo\".1 rebUna to fuhma llcrrccJ: muJ 3 In El p~ ot their "Bcot soo­ Trsining" at Ponifl la!nnd, S. C. ttnn 43-snl of tho lMl Stntut~ An· Thcce interc:Jtcu ohcutd write or Mwml prc:;tdo oo folln..-u' apply to U. S Marine Recruiting "' o • o No nmn:m~ llhn1l ot anv When in Need of Pure Drugs Ollice, 005 Mills Building, El tbr.2 olloot hunt, kill. 1nSUro cuo Or Anythina in Our Line Pt~o, 't'~xaf, tru-~ tn ~ ~. tm!1 co.mo an· ___ """'~'"""--- (m:j), ~ tlm mo came f1W wlttcut ~m.s to:r ana Mvmz in Oive Us A Trial pro:;c:nlnn 0 u~roo an herein pro­ vld~ rmo tllo yenr In which llUCh ohooUng, huntina. finhing o:r tclt- Paden's Dr-ug Store -" In:;: is dono. • • "" Ct.ttizozo, N. M. Phone20 nnb Se-Ction 43·ZOO says: ... • • It shnl~ 00 unlawful for anv pe~(l)l ~ccpt dilldrcn under age of 14 years to tnlte any game !bh from nny public atroom or '• wnter in thf!l Stllt<.! withou\ ll.ltJ. 111g 1n ht!l po;.-zes.sltll\ ana ~ hla • West's Sanitary .Dairy P!;~~ b,Y AWAY F(Jl ~ ~li!ics to.r them. Yotroy tbtt5 Gp(!nt · Wiiilltls,:~ bJek into tlW Canto Protce• PRINTING tiM 'Fund. 'l'hoor.!' di?Shhig to da' · "f'rtft.Ntvu fWc ' sl1QO!d contact ltospital Of' c®vatc~ tctU. Do y.., ·~a~~.. ' ' • ' ;)' • ;; ' . 'h1 .. -'·! \ . ' I I .. 1.1 11!1!1!~--.1•1 111!1. II!. I111111!!111. I11!1!111.111 !!I. !!II!!I!JIIIII. 111. II!JII!IIIIIII"''!!I!JIIIIIIII!I!III!I!JIIII!JIIIIII 1!11!111.!!!!11!'11111!'1'!111!!~!111111""' ____"""'""'""""'·".;"""'"'· '"""""""""'·· "'' ""'-' """;....,. __.,,.,...... ,..."":"....,""7\''CC',.....,-~~~7 ~ ,_. -.. • ,. . ' • • . . / . • ·• i , ' ... ; • - I . ~ :_" :_~ ' . ~·! Postwar Streamlined) :(]argo-Handling- Plane ~~.. ""~"-~"'"" Cl:o~.,«"CI:o~lo~·~~~.C\:fkl....

...... ~,.--.. ----- A General Quiz The QireationJ 1. To what length of time d,oes a

llol.,aaed by Wostom Newapai)OI' t1n!Oa. BRITISH LABOR PERSONALITIES ~!{efer ·when ~e spea_ks of sk: U. 8. MUST PLAY VITAL Britain's Labo.r paz:ty which swept · 2. What fs the weight of the PART IN WORLD AFFAIRS Churchill out of office Is a strange legal English stone? ' mixture, resembles the libe~l 3. What Greek goddess is said FOR MORE THAN a century our branch of the Democratic pa'tty to have sprung from tb.e foaJD of only continuing and emphatic for­ more than any Socialist movemen~. the sea? eign policy woo the Monroe Doc­ It has its liberal and its conserva- 4. Are the odd numbers on the trine. It wao o policy that was un­ •', . __ ; tive wings, has had no labor right or left pages of a book? derotood and reopected by European · .. troubles similar to ours during the 6. Whnt 1s the plural of court- J notlonn. but not always oo weU - " . ... -···.'' - ~ ,., ~ underntuoa or ,- ? . ' , .. ·~~~~-j~~"f~~~d~e~cia~d~e~.\ti~~JBlrlb~"'~~rf~~~~~~~~~;t~rc~~~--~~·.· Cleml!O Attlee, new 6. Can you name the four quaU- Latin republica ' ~-' '' -' ,,. t · ',~, · prime rt1jll.ister, Is n poor man. · · • ties of taste sensations? When, on two or three occaelons, .· ~- Be was tittle !mown among the fash· 7. Do 11tars ever appear in the thooe outoide or this hem lophere at­ .. ionable people of England until 1935 crescent of the moonT tempted 1.o Interfere with uo we took .. _ - when his salary was raised to 2,000 11. Halcyon days Is a phrase slg- o hand In outolde olflllro. Thooe oc- ' poundB a year.... After getting nifylng what? caolono rupreaent.ed lncldento more this pay boost, Mrs. 4ttlee was able ___ than a policy. It wan not that we were •• to venture into society for the first The Aruwera Inola tlonlot; we were not lntercoted • time, was able to-start playing golf, ln olfolra outoide of our own back hire enough help to keep her heme yard. We tried mildly to taltc a going. . . . Attlee likes to putt~ in 1. Six years. hand In the Far Eaot. Tho open his garden, do odd jobs around th\'1 2. Fourteen ppundD. door for Chlll!l woo not an emphatic ! . -;~:_;~r<::,;;,;.~;; house, constantly puffs a pipe, is a 3. Aphrodite. pollry, and we were ellllily bJ.ulfed ~· ,..... aharp contra at to fiery, charming 4. Right. • out Ramsey MacDonald, England'o lll!lt 5. Courts-martial. Condlllonn have changed. We can . . Labor prime minister. • . . Att­ 6. Sweet, snit, sour nnd bitter. nn longer hove only a hemlnphere A etreamllned cargo-handling IIY!Item has been de 1illed for specdJng vitally needed suppUcs to the PaclJlo lee Is no forthright leader, is 7. No. policy, we muot have a world pol­ war front via tbe '12!11-ton Mnrs Transports. U Is the first ever planned for a Oeet of large Oying ships op­ conoiljcred more of an ill')partlal 0. A period of pence. ky. To mnlw our policy, whatever ernting on .extended ovenvater routes. Tho syst~m bas proven so successful Jbnt Its use .aurinr postwu middle man, will have all he can 1L may be, reopccted It muot be em­ era Is aosured. Tbene and similar plnnes wW be fitted to carry on l!uge operaUoll!l on future global rontea. do to lteep peace within his own phatic, conointent and continuous. widely aplit party. We can no lancer merely oil on the Attlee'o greatest rivals for power oldc hneo and watch tho worl41 inolde the party are paunchy, jovial CLASSIFfEb gorne We muot be moro than "ld· Jap 'Ersatz' Merchant Fleet Takes a Beating Herbert Morri!lon and hard-headed, DEPARTMENT bttz1•ro," we muot tahc a hand. ... d,eep-volced, testy Ernest Bevin...... ~ ....,. ----· ...... ·-·-· --....,.~ •.,;6,~'( We muut hove a part In dl­ c.i: • • Morrloon lost hlo rlaht DYe when rcctlna the game, In heepln!l' It he was three days old, hao had a • Pttrsae3 a'"" oaKD&..d Ia euoai/DI honest, with the eardo on tbe , "leftloh" outioolt ever since. . . . /cdu3try will CDI opp/7 rlrbcut trtol.. Morrinon bas played fW1Der-up to maat cl aiallablllt;y lrot:a tbolr lcclll table, nod none of them marked. .. /. UnJto4 StotoD E.mplcyt:aoat Service• That port eallo for a policy. We ~ ~~ .~rl... -:_; Attlee ln many elcctlono, carrico on ron be orbltero, bot we eon­ ' coJl!.ltant behlnd-thc-ocene:J warfare 1'li1h Bellin. ••• Bellin bnd 1hn same _ _.HELP WAN'l'ED-1\m..::..:N __ not be mnely nppentJen. We . ' ' muat rerognlze and c~all a blo.IJ ' j war job which Sidney Hillman took PuJUiuAcJo-rs- \YANTED f·. ·. ' !. oxcr In the OPM after Pearl Har- Wolarcan Drus O!Drcn lu>vo Oll')nlnll fDr brfon• II become~~ a threat. '-- h .. ,._ I b 1 tl B Pban:nndnta In Utah nnd ldllbo. l':!Wll bo :l uur- onu.un(f a or rc a OD!l. OW• roslctorod In theca ototco or bo ablo to •o- Our pohry In belnc formulated ever, Devin made a better llO of lt, clproeoto. We will pay roclproclcy teo nnd now A portion of It won demon­ fe0ught arlmly and oucccO!lfully tor lf="~~~at~'bgtJ:rr~ ~~~J~ atrot~>d at the Potodnrn confl'rencc. better rotiono for worltero. . . . Mor- tnr odvoncomant with Jncaro.nco bc~lllll •-- lo and »en::!=. Appl7 J.nUI DELA'IVAnE, Wr aove unmlnloltablc rvldcnce that ru;.un a cocltncy, hao o spry cenoe DEUVEn, coLo.• bY lottor,ln J"lrllml or bJ' wr propo'le (() ploy o port, In ltccp­ ot humor, Wtcs to dance, Ia head of Tolopboao Tabor Clll. lna w1th our plnC'c In tho world, In the oventn or tlw world, and In dlc­ London.the Labor He party Is alr:o In opollUcally man ot darlnu, potent t·i~~~-~; 0-~!-Y~~~~~~1~~1~~~~~M~"'~ t!lllna International pullcleo. In pro­ !!,od the ancient trodJtion-cncruolcd vlouo eonfrrrnC'ro In whleh we par· \Vatcrloo brldao torn dcwm bccoWJc oreal iloiiil tlclpatcd, mul'h wac left to lnter­ found It uncorvlccablo, afterword ------·- protntton. Our pooiUon hod not ...... traffic rcllina more omoothly flbooi:u>ken and ClAilll~tn ''D11tl., aood cpo J"):tunltlllll ami 11AIIll71 t.~\y Uarrr Bll:.f, bern d<'flnltcly alated. Thai ohouJd throuah the center ot London. • • . U E. .tl.roa•war. .Bad LAke CUr, U not be true or tho fuliJfl'. Every t Morrloon lo o hard ruler. _,_,_ -~------~--- =--~-- ~ """'~ -. --~ ------, . __ ...__.__ ohuuld br croo:;l'd and every I dot­ ted OcviD-Un!on Doss. Jamt>o F. Dyrnt>o, on orrn•tary ot Emlo Devin lo a hnrd·hcodcd otote, w1U hove much to do with un.lon bc::l!l. • • ; lie hotw dlctntor­ formulotlna that emphatic and con­ ohip:J but l.n a dlctotor in hJD own llnulna Amrrll'an forclan policy. Uo union, tho giant trOil!lport worltcro. b.nrr..,n tho AmGl'll'nn pt'oplo and our • • • Bevin rtm!l hb 0\"m union lllio deolrcn In lnt€'rnatlonal aiYalro. nut John L. ~wlo rUM tho mino ~;orlt. cro.•.. Outoldo b1o union, however, HELP WM"TED-1\IEN, WO!\IEN moot Important of all hlo quail· ,..._~-= ...... _ flcnUono lo that he !mown a biWl Ecvln'o labor pracUceo arc more onrl will <'nil It bctoro It beromea l.!ko tho::o of ill!lncy Ulllmon and Tbe bnrbor at Uacblnohe, In the Jap home Island of Uons!m, 1.!1 no safe harbor for tbece "ersats" woodt~~ Phllllp l.1urray. . . • Be bcllovro a throat Dolna that lo a lona atop -~ ----~~------In tho proccrvaUon of world peace. luaaero of the dwlcdU1li .Jap mcrcbant fleet. UaaWy nnd cmtlcly btillt to replace better nbiP3 rmnk by the in neaoUnt!on rather thon striltCD. IIELP WANTED-WO!\IEN Bevin toolt a b::uJ trouncing from -... • --- -.¢o·- - co P- =-----=- -- -= - AmcrlcaoJJ, the.oe agly dackllilga of tbe Bca aooo Join their better predeeescoro at the bottom of the sea­ WAnTlZD =CLAO!I WOII:!Atl ()()OK • • • uracil on tbelr woy by gtm!l IUld bombs of earrler-baoea alrcroft of the mighty u. B. Third fleet. WiJl!.ltcn Churchill In lOZO, boo never ,.,.. cmnll core orin. Cc.'llllct WnETI'o ll11JU0'1'13 COJ; 013, Lorello, Colore>.._ nAIL ROAD I .A Wil TIE foraivcn the ex-prima mlnlntcr. It ------·· '-~,~------. woo Devin who called tho lDZO liCD­ -----=~-"""""-~-.-- UP NEF.'DED 1\IANPOWER Tires to Aid Civilian Needs cral otrihe in Enc-lo.ntl, a strilro IIOW TilE "F'ULL CREW" LA\"19 Light Comes on Again I ~hlch Churchill declt a chattering that ore: on th€' boohD In a number bl0\7. . . . Bevin In a forthrlahl anU. at otot€'o can rt•oult In railroad Jo­ Focci.nt, woo acoin::Jt litter, M~ hor "r€'alht'r bcddlna" l!l IUuntratcd Un1 and tho Cllvcdcn cot from their by an lnf'ldent of whl<'h 1 heard re­ incept!on, woo rt!GJlun!liblc for tho cently touch • minded po::;IUon h1!J pnrty • too!t intcrnntionolly from 1033 to tho In Calllomla tflo law provfdea M tbnt eztra brakemen mWit ba outbrealt of war. . . . AD leader t'mployca on ancb porUcmJJ of the tranaport worttern, Davin cen­ track where the mountain troiD cunoideroblo of tho Lobar R;;rrty, In roul.)h on hill cnemleo, gruff arnllell ore In any way anusoaJ, wlth hl!l friendo, lcm;en hln patience or on any curve that 111 more frequently. • tbnn onllllllry. 'fbe!le lnWII onll for lbo employment cf u man:r To cot tcmlnino cupport, the new nu flvt> to aavcn brnkcm~n oo labor aovernmont will lean heavily 111Jort aecUoru~ c1 tvacll, aome of em o rcd·heoded fiery labor M.P., El­ them only n few hacdre:'J 7Uill len Willtiru;on. . . . t.'lis!:l Wi1lrln!:on Ia lcogth. Tbene brakemco, l!l at h!!me In a ficht, lmotm tho t7llh m~em trnlo control, bnve world, hao contempt for Brilnin'o coUiloa to llo bot ride. oo!.!mlol P1>licle9, l.o o cuop{r.!r from tho ~ord She lmoPo abmit FAR!Il'MACIIINERY & EQUIP. ao. . . . - -·· ~ - A nhnrt Umo aao a truln tnaded rlot!J oruJ b!cnrl!J.hed flrGt hand,. woo ~ilb aovPrnmcnt war rruppllan ~ol!l in the thick of the bloclt and tnn Jt=lna over o dlvbltm l:l wWt-b a troub!o In Ircln.nd, even Jed hunger fl.J"tnrt llr<:'<'t!nn collc.d for cavan broko­ mnrcllaro on I.mlrlcn durinc tho do­ mcn Tho broltomon woro coUe:l, p-rcroron. • • • Miw WiUrinr:nn liveD but did nnt oiTivo hcloro tho tram won ready to loavo the tllvla!an in the Bchemlan B1oomobury cec­ ·- tion ot Lunrlon ourrountkd by s:noto, ~1nt Th" c«mduetm', nnt ,kn:wliniJI thoy woro nut ahtl::llrd, E!llvO llie mP po.intero, actors and rn-itern; ruw smear tho "ao" sJgn, (lt'.,d the troln 1 pcruuaded many of them tQ pitcll pullcr not emp!GY· lt was established In 11es and Is one llupeeteil and classl!t4 by the .UmJ.. Some will be keft.Jaarmy unlu. mnn'o wife, che b good enough to ·fnl me."l fer whOm there wp nnt of theouncl alcb &o ll&YlraUOil. but many turaea over lr;r dlspMal• te dtDiaa ...,thuus. tho ellgbtcst nee:l. The mdd'ent u. uo her sf!le by b1m 1!9 bi!J equal lustratee

- ~..., .. 1:h* wt.r-· ltolffnt \j • • Wlttt Y(Jil'lo.-td~ari·~

• *******idt***-A:J\J\.. · . . • • I I '• ·' ' :_~ • < 1 '/. . ' ' . •' ' ' ' . • ..• .1~ ' ' • . . ' ' • • ., •

. ' l' •• ., any .a.n~:· !1\ln hn·••· bas the graceful @ 'ttN.U. StllVICE. prot: thSil>e used in Colo- 1 • • tho rock with _. JTP•1f TIWB rp: Amo• c~ m, this; and •o much for ~ot raisinJ cent. I remember my mother PM: Z~Crewfild Jn place for llot _...,..witt ..w.a 011 • farm In MJs. that. It takes a bit of figuring. , ''Bomer, I wiBh you didn't have to pan Js designed to hnr- Pastures ReqUire monize '~the box. "'llfl Wllmt Bomer ••• 11om. D~el' go o~ to the city wi.th a. hol•. m AVE the Merlin ·of ... 1111 If•' croy to 10 to bllb achoGl As we walk across the torm, I see "' '"' Both bQll: and rack at"o easy to ~ut oqt .., Pllen. 111 New Y~k lle worked a a cornpicker at work. It Is not 011 your telescope." . Renewal Regularly D the mound, the ex-airman with of' plywood or thtn lumbor I!Cl'nps-cltber •tmD&!I'• ~~taealdne, mote • novd, our land, but In a few days o11e l4Y mind races away to St,\Tosepb the , Is now after by hnnd with il coflng 11ow or with a J'- fl8ll • play. W1 faUler and mother boUJ will be snatching oft the ears 011 our wb:ere I saw my second atreet-car Depletion ls Rapid big ,game, moaning th.e star pitch­ ~ ~ DO!DCr mortgaced !be farm &o land. I, thlnlt back to the days and I think of something 1hat .hap. If Fertilizer Missing tvg records of the last 40 years. llllp 1m • retaUve who wu In acrlo~ when my father shucked' com and pened, later, when X ca!lle to havo • · en you nre levelling with dead i ~~. 0 fl then wroto • dealer tralnli}C my mother ca.me out· nfta helped as a friend the man who '-vented. J1111 wllleb llroagbt In enoach to pay oil .... 1.10 aim on such past stars as Lefty I file mortcace.; Homer pabllsbed and him, and that night·poured tallow in the electric streetcar, Fr~ J, Formers. who used to let ~elr Grove, Christy . Carl 10111 tor a prollt a for nntboro, the cracks in his hands. And I and he told . Prla strltl!t. pastures "Bllm for 1themselves" \ while concentrated their time =+-i:i Hubbell, Grover Alexnn~dd~er~,~~;.+~~~~~~~~~~~ wrote radio veulon of "Bb~o~w~~~~~~:!iife~~~~:aJ~~H-~~t~a~te~lr.~.!L!m!l.! »:...2:<"" Walsh, ipud ~~+---- ·.JSoaV' and worked wttb Cblc Sale and in the world. The yield we go into "'Reruro Davie' ''room. yield and qtlolity of field crops, hove ler and a few oth­ ••• •ecrctaey of Aatbon Leal!lle. De as It did fut:=n. is going Two sacks of shelled com are on learned that pasture improvement is ers, you have to ad­ IMIInae4 • 114 !ll• novel wl'ltlnc. on it-something my· father never the fioor. "We don't' dare leave our now a "m\lSt," according to Paul M. Just your sighto to dreamed of. And there are a mil- hybrid at the bam," aa)'ll Splde. Burson of the University of Mlnne­ an unusual angle. ' CHAPTER XXIV lion bugs and Insects busy at the "Mice." oota. For in these 40 years corn and at the land, pests he never "This room ohould be papered_, •• "Nature did not provide the ooU of big league bose­ - beard o,t. The vast fertility .of the N Ill with an Inexhaustible supply of boll there ho vo Men were posted in the wagons to prairie soU bas been depleted. But oayo e e. plant foods which could be drawn bt;en others who drive for the women, n starting gun i •0 ill bl 110 k 1 8 till th fin From room to room we go, and upon indefinitely by pasture crops," have set up a num­ WllJ fired, and alowly-l.nterminably t at oam, e est from place to place, then outside. !lOW. Tho quaint atencll deslcn me~y ~ cornland in the world. Mr. Burson pointed out. "Year oftl!r ber of incredible nppllcd rlt!ht on tbo wood with wax crayon 1\ seemed to me-the wagon.<~ inched We have .dinner. Nellie oits in The kitc:hen foundation Is ;ettlng year, nltrouen, phonphoruo, potash _ marlts that the bril- nnd then ahellacltcd to flll tho color. TbiJI acroBS the field. Those women knew the choir nearest l.he kitchen, where weak In the bees; we'll llave to and lime have been removed from Jlant Ferrias must waohablo Qnlah brln:Ja out tho brtulanee how to strip ribbons, pick up down­ the ~U by the animals graz­ of tho crayon coloro and at tho opme my mother used to bop up. Splde hove the cement man out. look at, face. to limo elves a salt onUquo finll!h. Tho olen· corn. and keep on the throwboard. only bows his head, for the Logans We go into the basement under ing the paatureo and marketed in face, or figure to figure. ell oleo may bo ll!led with oil pnlnl It pro­ They were the farm women I had are Catholics. I thinlt of my father the parlor, and I think of the time l.he form of JlveotOck and Jlvestoclt Here are just a few amona fcl1fC(I. known all my lUe-tanned, sha.J.le· sitting in Splde's chair, and a choky my. father sot the acetylene· gas products. As a reoult, many parr those who have won morll than 20 • • • lu1,1, amazingly capable, equal ··to feeUncr. gushes into my collar. A craze and had a machine Installed tures which were once producUve games In any given season: t

c:wtditfcn of the country. bi!l kind. And the hired man, today, n·o holf-p:iat nine. Wh.,,4 we haven't ·- hoi"' .... ba• tn N R al S ... , _ _._ad of bavin" plctureo of roco "' u ,...., .. O e uppo, • """"' .. been up that late elnce Grandpa died. the ho!der. 'l.'ha porch is otiil there, In about boroen pinned on bin wan, boo PooCD And lookina bach to Grovo'a big the tlz tho opeech left It ln. of Beautiful Art Model.o. SomeUmcs After o while they've gone lln:d year, bao Forrbo an"ther Jimmy When I got b.:Jck to New York, I I wioh the molf-order magazines the horu:e oeemn lonely and empty- Can't Judge Milk Cow From or oncrthor AJ Simmonn bot- went to the Dutch Treat Club, and hadn't gone their way. ju.ot acr It did when I won • bey. B s· f I v . tin~ In rull!l for hiD aide? Simmons there woa my neiiJ}tbor. I went to We loolt at the bathroom. The A trllin \7hlotleo In the diattlnce and Y lZe 0 tg ems hit .3!!0 that seocon and Jimmy li1Di, after he bod flnlnhed lunch but noildecoylng wallpaper bao about do- an e.xquiolto o(lmty layo hold of mo. The old notion that o hich-produc· Fo= hammered zo home runn wan still oitting at tho table, and cayed. So thot goeo down on tho And nnw, O!J 1 He in my o!d rcom, ina cow con be Ju!iacd by the nwn· over the woll. And there wero oth­ aafd: ll.ot. It 1o a ain(l.le duty bathroom; I thlnlt: Some day I'll be no more, ber and oi%o of veino ohowlng on the ero. Connie Moclt hod a world co­ "Mr. Hoover, I'm going to oay merely bathroom and noUrlng elcc:!. and when that day comes l'd like aurface of her udder, and thono · rlen team that year, bock in 1031. BOmethlna to you that no one else In 0 ri ...., to hove my ooheo oprlnkled on the ntng alon& her belly, boo been tosoed Don't foraet that Grove drew far thJt club bas ever !mid." fril~r: !~~~d a ~o~~n c~n o;:n f~::; farm. out the window by dairy opeclalioto. bettor defenolve and offenolve oup. lie ctnnccd at me, evidently won­ when ohta wnnto to be alone. They have cMhlted on that notion port than l.he 1045 Red Sox con offer. derin{t what to moke of thin op. does The next doy we go In to trode, ru~d found there Is no olaniflcant ro- WithO'Ut Ferriss, the ~~d Sox The- answer Is olmple. She does an .but now It token only o few minutes lotion between the oize and number WDtlld be lD seventll place, liailWy proach. the women have done lor ·three· to clip ofJ the Dix mDen. What of velD!! and tho cow'o millr-produc- I Mid, "l walked across your farm quartern of a century. Goeo to an wouldn't I hove given if old Dave ini ability. ontelassed by evei'J team In the m Miscouri a few days ago/' arraneement ih the bnclt yard, or hod had olx cylinders? It's o form· By lteeping financial anti prodll~ Ameriean teague except the Ath­ Now he did loolt with Interest. in the edge of the orchard, designed Jng to'wn, the guidebook(! soy, then tlon recorda, havfnri a oound breed- letlcs. Leave out the Ferriss record ''Well, how 1!1 ItT" vet" purpose. Naturally In dd "Ind t , Th , o and the Red Sox would hllve only for that ., a : uc ry-none. ey ro • Ina program, practicing dlceoce con· l!!l victories aralnst the t2 they held IJ told him juot what I hnd seen. winter time there are certnln pro!). little of1, for thero'o the lightning· trol, feeding high quality· rouriJtage after Sunday's list. 'rhat it 'WaG in poor condition; the lema to colve. But ohe colveo them rod toctory. A d02en people em· and by practicing modem monoge- outbuildings were fallina to pieces, ond never once thinlw of heroelf oa plotM· there, counting, of courne, mcnt method.!!, higher tnllk produc· Don't forget again that Lefty the house needed pointing, the fences underprivile{led. tho office worltero. You're nobody if tirin can bo secured. Abllity to pro- Grove and Joe Wood wero working were down, the . guJ.Ues were wash- That Croy batltroom means &Qme- you're not proud of your borne town. duco mUk 1.o inherited ond the vol· with two pennant winning, two world . fug and the coU itself wan over­ thing to me, for it woo the flrot In We bov~ some "nomoo" that we're ume can be rowed cooolderobly by eer1oo tenmo, whllo Ferrloo hno been corned. Even, I aold, one side of all the neighborhood. People crlme of-men who were born fh proper berd lmprovcm!)nt methods. pitchl.ilg for a toom that witho~t his cave hod fallen . in. as if to a ohrlne. I tum to Mellie county otld who bnve dlr;tJJt· ------,, him would bo next to loot among 'a l!e asked queotlons and I told him and soy: · themselves. There's Oeorge J)amp litter is not dJrty" Utter if lot .of bod ball clUbil. His Infield just how the fqnn impressed me. "How many bathroooto ore there . Elllcon."jttdr,o of the MJnsouti It is 6 to 0 inches deep. Worry .more and ouffield support bas been noth- • Then he wanted to know If I would in this neiahborhood?" Court. Remember I men- .about your ventnatlon.than about tho fug to compare with tho suppor& -8117 Wat· Savillp Bonda- be mldrMted fh buying it. I told She and Spide count it up. On the a boy who went to Hatvnrd b 0 th bn rU1D Grove and Woods knew in Other and him that 'l did not think I would. ten farms nearest ouro there attt e@mtl back with tt (l!ather-cdgl!t Utter-but · arc · po t. bettlll" years. · A1tet I left, he went on smoking; two bathrboms. They oUli go dUt bnlrcu£? Well, thnt wM George. And 's'·u1 h . ,.., d. "hi J .. _ Football'$ Coming Boo.m 11J1uhnore thougbtlully, it seemeq. to back. And thot'o today in the black there's Merrill E. Otis,~ Feder!\~ p ur .. e '"' c~ ¥ me. Mt:tYbe Jt hod "downed on Him loom section. .'Ju!fge; Knnaas City. (He's Ule oner Tosto condu.ctt:d at Texas stnte ex. ''This wiD lln the greateotw~;~r r:cn· 1ltut he hadn't been cut dut to be We l!o upstairS to the northwesi who pentonced Pendergast.) Date ~erlment statJon allowed that· chiclw son /ootbnU has ltriown," remarked • a. fnrmer. · . bedroom and my heart gocn flutter. Corncgio,. the. wrlliit and. Iccturot. fed swphUl' for ~the control of Ste\re Owen, of the New York AU visits lite not co glamorous; This io the room whore I hod my Ed B. Moore was born in our count1 CbCcl€).1osls, away from t4e ~gbt G!mlts. "I am not telerring alono to itl:lre are: plenty· c>f bord, proctieol panel of ''She Famous AmE!rlcan AU· ond Uvctl there an his early days; r~qufto four times as tnucb vitamm tho pro gnme. I om atso speaking ~bleh'l!f to sol~c; And co Spide thots." There's where the old Bill'· then went . to Oklahoma nnd beat D carder as chicb ted no sulphur. · for tM colleges. Wo lla"'o been get­ .nd 1 !Jld Ll!JYd ~t:Uid on the couth .lock used to rcpos1,; on the waU was Josh Lee and bec3lne United Stafea . on the ~the~ h!ndt cliJ.cJul, 1ed ad- tibl in a number of t~porbl lately side of the bam and try to work a picture of Victor Hugo and ti&h.t · ~ctlafM. (Sbauld never lllifle lett Mil- phut did wen f1 allowed two hours trom our scouts. l'~e bel!lrd from • ~em out. llow much land lihowd tind!:!r it I read "Les.Misernbles," souri.) Forrest .c. Donnell became of cUtect noon-day. sunllght dis- a tiUJnbl!r of coUoge" coaches and · to 1n wlieatf ltc)w much In corn? •'Homer, tile roof teaks/' l!nys~el• ol Mfssourt . Yep, one of tribUted bvet a week's tltno. The they tell me thefr material will be l{(lw Uc. .. Have 71JU heard ot. Daw· bf. aulpbur to. chicks 1 .... h b • . · • • mut:lt in :ryet 'l'bls is .compU.. otar fetdin'" nm· . t"' tb• ... 1 4 0 tt~fed by1ha tact that the gO,vem• This ts tlle room where I pack~d Btitbh, Co~bi••. · l'loar nlaj. !h the IUDliJEbt dJd not mllke ·... uc e ""r n • was. 1,1ar '~ • ,. ~nt mu!t alwnyrt recl;otteif' with. """·". te. fesCOj:le \ri.tfl Uur motz!CbOlt. fM ortfl of (IUt "bo1f. ....,...... , '· · u orAA ...... _.__ .0... .,.,a They WOn't be btnUni, }(n;ny (Jt be ~~'!of ...... f y • '"" ("""' - ~·"'"""' · __,_arJ' "' •¥\A ...... wwo .., &C1:U. Nauv but thav wiU .UU be ...... /'. loc& WU •• ...,. ... AU - .._.UftU-1 • ~.. '!"VV\1 , w.. ·11·· ..,.. · "'!lid fd mtl(;b tot tUP mw •co ..... :.r • • • • . '" ..... "· ..\ • • - • I • • • I ' . ' • # IJt ' ~:"' ~-~:'!" ' ·' ~.-(_~,; "•, . ,. • '' '~ ".~, ,:<··' \i· .. ... ' . -~ ' . "'~ !'" ..... • ' .\ ~ - ' •' . - '. I • ' • • • • ' • 'I . ••

t ' • • PERSeNALS. • • • • over. . Have a Coca-Cola • ' " r J""' in the rondmnst\lrs -ofi\l!e after ; tw~ weeks of v~cation. SbG:spent ., I 1part of tbe time at Dawaon,

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chamberlain

or Las Cruces flew bPre lllst. Sun I da)l' and spent seve•al hrurs wjth' the C. A. Snow fomily. 1 ' •• I Alfalfa Seed Arsenate o{ Lead Mrs. R. M. Taylor and Drilga and Medicines Ridge Roll " ' children c·f Albuquerque J ForkB the Eaker family. Eaves TrouQbs .HQea and Rakea Mra George Hobbs nnd M rr.. . Oils, Greasl'a Pipe Fittings Roy ,.razler of Coyote were in Stock Salt town on business laat Tuesday . - 1 • •. an easy way to be neighborly Pump Leather• uu Sash Doc.ra At the words Haf!e a Coke, neighbor& get together (or a • .Mrs. A. W. Drake and daugh.· friendly chat and refreshment. That's why you {i, J . tcr, Mrs. Bill Cathy and. children I "'' were ahopping here Tueaooy (rom • (;oca-Cola in family refrigerators evcrywherc.,.Coca·~v!.l Boots and Sho~s Anebo. stands for the pame tbJI refreshes. ... llOTTUO IIND111 AUTit0111TY Of Tile COCJ..C¢1A COtAPA1f/llY • Ladies' Ready-to-Wear UAuNOLJJI ('01 A·UJLA IIOtTLIN'O COUI'ANY Notice r 'U{'Q ~ "oln UuHll m,d, Bl utrcfL, k:l l'ru:D, 1'cx(lll ~ Garments Tbo Rev. 0. -L Oldham on- nouncQo that it woo voted un- ' Our Prices Are Reasonable J C I h d M' M~- -- -. --- - ~-~E-E US For ~-~·u·~ J-obW--- ,,~- ;:!m;~!~e:~/~~le:~u~~~Y~~~i~ • 1 1 0 Mru. • al a an nn dauu hter,, l!in nrgarette M yera whn • " be held every moreing at 11 0 •.1 Mrs. MildrPd Goodman and ch1'· baa been employtd in the St•lt>c· · 8 1 dren of Bristol, V'U, who have t vo Se•v.cc offiAe in Deminp h1•n In the Probata Conn of Llnf:oln oclt. The church bell will ring tJO 1 eacb morning at that hour n CCfi The Titsworth Company, Inc. bPen vioitina M rn tt 0. SproiPu orcepte_d n pouition nt tho Ho" nd· od bigb school elcewberc ohoul•t We find it n~ceerary to elnce on FEED Carrizozo Auto Company haven comploto trnnocript G( oil Sundaya from 12 M to Monday their credito coot to tho cehool morotn~. beginning next Sunday, SUCH AS BRAN, SHORTS, DAIRY FEED, bnn bE~foro opening dote. Augu!lt 12. Sates Servi{e Wo will be available I o Primary pupilo that ontl'r .. CHOPS, OATS, EGG MASH, CHICK emergevcin1. o~h!wl (or their fli'Ut time th;a • STARTER, GROWEJt MASH, ll. TC - ' I Y-Cl'n·•hould present a birth err· EXPEHT MEfHANICAL WOHJ\ ROLLAND'S DRUG STORE tiflcato.

ON ALL MAKES OF CARS -~------_,..._- A abort opl'oiog pro;:ram will bo hold on Monday, August 27th PETTv•s GENERAL MDSE. lltAlUNES AT OtJADAL <~ANAL FORD TRACTORS .. at 9:15 and n opt>cial invitation PHONE O:l is e,~Itendcd to t be public to bP FERGOSON EQUIPMENT Thrro )'t>orn ono.- Ausw;t ith ot 0:(}3 • prccent ror thin opening . A. M tAmert.cun !'.1arin<.>a rwhcu L. Z. Manirc GOODYEAR TIRES Phone 80 nRhOT'(' at Guudal In Amerlcn'!l firut l>-Ouy of thl!l_ war. Complete {'ldwtotlon doJWd thl'ir At oi}pruximotdy 6•00 A M o da)'ll and night!!. The hl'ot of the , V. S. wamhip hod Cin;d the firnt ~!tot tropic;~, th<> atroncenr-:;!1 of the juncle. I.. Jncoln County of th!' buttlt> and the flrnt nh'lt of the mud, ru:tJ the inet>S!mnt min \";;'fn> Motors • Amrnrn 'a t'mllltt>r-ofCerolve oaoirl!lt all hnndirop:J to tw emiu'rc-d CARRIZOZO HARD\VARf (O. the Jop.un~:.::<>. The l.'n!:luing bomb:ml· Tht> en::my wru; o ft>n>ign wilinrr>Yn f Cliff Zumw I an ment lootC11 tlm'e hourn. Enemy In· flr;htl'r, with a covoc~:> cunrunr:: or.11 0 , rJtolbtlmw r.:m are roftened up far thorouGh \mining fin ltmG!e worfnf'i:'. )! Floor Lamps, Table Lamps Wl:'t>IID In odvom:e. But the Marins (cur::ht with !lttcll ~ EXPERT REPAIRING ON \\1J(>n the llitmin!l bo:ltn, \waring bitter fcrocJty that fr.2 Jap:l con- !! CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS fancy di&hes and novelties suit· · )-ounu and unttrlru Marines, hit Lun- slderr..d them Itffi!'m who re!u:;c-d to )\ f;a b<.>orh. the mi'm~ o! the Firnt tlllte pri.Sorwm. L£!tcr, after the 0 able for gifts Morino Dlvi5lon ro.~d lnlond to to!ro Army nrrivro, the JOP3-f!!""~ t'l.-auld Hadquartero for Fine Furniture, Rugs, Stoves, , prolUaltl. dirc~tly opproite the Jop. BUJ'n'ntbr to coldtem, but not to Mn· Phillips Products ' P•int, Varnish, Kemtone and Ranch Supplies, aniSe nirpurt. Thl!l airfield \"'.'OS later rinm Phone 55 • Such as Wire Fencing and Tools. to lweom£> !mown to every Americnn The otrucate lll!ltro om montro. O!l llendcn::on Ficld, n:unro tn honor Its b:lttlen nave fome, nnd immor· ~;:;;:~=~:;;;;~;';;;~;;~~~~~ 96 .. • - Carrizozo,N. of Major LoftQn R. Henden::on, the tnlit)' to Murine Corp:~ histcey, to Phone M. Midway Bottle air hero. stranr;c nonte5 lilte Tcnnru, Lunga, r-.• At Guadnlcanal, Marines were tvlth Matanlkau. lllo and Dloody RirJae. i:: i j~ the heavi1'3t n>!liJt>nllibility ever en- The courOJJe of the Marine Corp;J trusted to a nshttna rorcc ln ~etl· flahter pllow ocrntnnt unthoU£:ht-of Notice ro's hiSJtory. lts job Wllll to ntop the otlds in the slrlcn b-2Cume Uw tallt of The American Legion Auxiliarv Ladles ..nUl Jap.:l' nure nnll rebmUcS9 ndvun~ to- notion. Ono of thco gumcn, 3 n ROLLAND'S ward New Zealand o.nd Auatro.Uo.. n.~ Jon I'!~ lmcnms the firnt Be in .c~arge of Concessions at tbe t\nder- Enemy tct.mro Of tlle:>CI countric~ 2o-placc oco oi' World War u, Ho B' c· would have p:1vcd bro;"J.d hlghwt'ly holtb tho Mro:ll of IJ: 0 Con~.:>Slonru son Ircas sponsored by Tbe AmPrtrmu DRUG STORE tor ah cvcntu:ll !lll!l:.lult on the United Honor for his heroism. Legion. 'Coming Saturdny' AugUit 18tb • AUf!U5t. 7, 1942 Will olwnys lm n Tnt Ladies will ha~e tot Sale. the follow~ IN' choo~tng our medicines we havt\ been careful Tho 1\1erlnt:l' tnb woo to tolte da.to In Amwcnn history. ing: . Gu."llbJeClll.!ll and I0ItJ lt. To d th1 It brought to an end tho Nippone.;:e to select those componnded by the greate~t Hamburgers chemtst• in the world. Thoy have tho)' onw lo21Sor ltont Uno flf3~1tin; c~p:Ar~l~~ :md bcaan ~ Dixie Cups Sodl\ Pop Umn any other ®mb:.t torep tn Ampr• Am~rlenn "'o~tmlve whlclt . b nthV Hot Dogs b"ilt up theh rep\ltation bt!euu~e fe:ui htstozy. otrou Ult>)' waht \'lith· rocJdng th." '!iei? foundattort~ ot tlio Pop Sitkles Lemonadt they ue reliable. , • • . _ pr~t fOOd oM mc-d!~nl taeUitk~. . " cmplf?~ " _• . _ Doughnuts M~~ Nickel• Coffee • :::;"" J' "I I=~··· .. ' ...... ; ~OIDOtlntts t b f>Y f~usht Wl\hcu~ -A-USUJt 7, l~2t {ll!;o ~alrjtciJ ~o Kl&ldnts, Cand1, Presc~iptions CaretuU~ lll\l~t t-ll _ ' ';t ..,, ..., .....,,,, .. •"i<'"l(''. ·: ±:''' . \ aga~t '"'~Jll•cq~ ~~" <;~ll'~ S~$ ys A'f THE CJRCfJS lt t _-fb;:# ·uclali .- w\.1 ; J ,% ; ·.-1q r ' "' -. I \ .. .-- " - '·'' :$1 • • • • • tr:oo"" Wit"' ''""""' ·•~~-t· ~' . .. . fOl." G'u:J.l.hk~ ~no- of t~o """" " ""''"' WJ~ · u.\\~'S liD"" t~;tnt II- .... ~- · · · . ~UtJ(>rifil'ln nU!llbc~ . . .,..r fu.&bt tlt~-c The ··A~erican · Le1ion. ·~'*iJiJt; . ~lal'l.a.\vas 1.1$ €k.'ldiYttS tho Ja~ tbtr cli!UbJ)ioM ot our elvlliza&11. · !f '· • • • • ... "• ' ' .. ) ' • "