
Review biomolecules Nitroaromatic as Oxide Sources

Review Allison M. Rice, Yueming Long and S. Bruce King * Nitroaromatic Antibiotics as Sources

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, USA; Allison M. Rice , Yueming [email protected] and S. Bruce (A.M.R.); King [email protected] * (Y.L.) * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-336-702-1954 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, USA; [email protected]: Nitroaromatic (A.M.R.); [email protected] antibiotics (Y.L.) show activity against anaerobic bacteria and parasites, finding * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-336-702-1954 use in the treatment of Heliobacter pylori , tuberculosis, trichomoniasis, human , and . Despite this activity and a clear need for the Abstract: Nitroaromatic antibiotics show activity against anaerobic bacteria and parasites, finding usedevelopment in the treatment of new of Heliobacter treatments pylori forinfections, these conditio tuberculosis,ns, the trichomoniasis, associated human Africanand lack of clear trypanosomiasis,mechanisms of action Chagas have disease limited and their leishmaniasis. therapeutic Despite development. this activity Nitroaro and a clearmatic need antibiotics for require thereductive development bioactivation of new treatments for activity for theseand this conditions, reductive the associatedmetabolism toxicity can convert and lack the of clear nitro group to mechanismsnitric oxide of (NO) action or have a related limited reactive their therapeutic nitrogen development. species (RNS). Nitroaromatic As antibiotics plays require important roles reductivein the defensive bioactivation immune for activity response and to this bacterial reductive through can convertboth signaling the nitro and group -mediated to nitricpathways, oxide (NO) defining or a related controlled reactive NO nitrogen generation species (RNS).pathways As nitric from oxide these plays antibiotics important roleswould in allow the the defensive immune response to bacterial infection through both signaling and redox-mediated design of new therapeutics. This review focuses on the release of nitrogen oxide species from pathways, defining controlled NO generation pathways from these antibiotics would allow the various nitroaromatic antibiotics to portend the increased ability for these compounds to positively design of new therapeutics. This review focuses on the release of nitrogen oxide species from various nitroaromaticimpact infectious antibiotics disease to portend treatment. the increased ability for these compounds to positively impact infectious disease treatment. Keywords: nitroaromatic antibiotics; nitric oxide (NO); ; (HNO); Keywords:species (RNS);nitroaromatic infectious antibiotics; diseases; nitric oxide (NO); nitrite; nitroxyl (HNO); reactive nitrogen species (RNS); infectious diseases; metronidazole Citation: Rice, A.M.; Long, Y.; King, S.B. Nitroaromatic Antibiotics as  Nitrogen Oxide Sources. Biomolecules 1.1. Introduction Introduction 2021, 11, 267. https://doi.org/10.3390/ Citation: Rice, A.M.; Long, Y.; King, Nitroaromatic compounds contain one or more nitro groups directly bonded to an biom11020267 Nitroaromatic compounds contain one or more nitro groups directly bonded to an S.B. Nitroaromatic Antibiotics as aromaticaromatic group group (Figure (Figure1)[1 ].1) [1]. Nitrogen Oxide Sources. Biomolecules Received:2021, 11 25, 267. January https://doi.org/ 2021 Accepted:10.3390/biom11020267 10 February 2021 Published: 12 February 2021 Received: 25 January 2021 Accepted: 10 February 2021 Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays Published: 12 February 2021 neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral institutional affiliations. with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affil- iations.

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Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom11020267 www.mdpi.com/journal/biomolecules Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 2 of 28

Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 Numerous nitro heteroaromatic compounds, especially those containing2 ofimidazole 29 and or thiophene groups as depicted in Figure 1, demonstrate biological activities allowing for their clinical use as antibiotics and are discussed in this review. NumerousThe chemical nitro and heteroaromatic physical properties compounds, of the especially nitro group those (−NO containing2) including its electron- andwithdrawing furan or thiophene ability, polarity, groups as size, depicted ability in to Figure form1 , demonstrate bonds biological and redox activities properties allowing[1,2] contribute for their to clinical its key use role as in antibiotics the action and ofare many discussed , in especially this review. agents. NitroaromaticThe chemical compounds and physical find properties use in the of thetrea nitrotment group of a (wide−NO 2variety) including of infectious its electron-withdrawingdiseases for both bacterial ability, infections, polarity, size,including ability tuberculosis to form hydrogen (TB), and bonds parasitic and redox infections propertiessuch as , [1,2] contribute trichomoniasis, to its key role human in the action African of many trypanosomiasis drugs, especially (HAT), antimi- Chagas crobialdisease agents. and leishmaniasis, Nitroaromatic compoundswhich are increasingly find use in the becoming treatment global of a wide health variety threats of [3]. infectious diseases for both bacterial infections, including tuberculosis (TB), and parasitic Despite the antibacterial and properties of nitroaromatic antibiotics, drugs infections such as giardiasis, trichomoniasis, human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), Cha- containing nitro groups often demonstrate mutagenicity and unacceptable toxicity gas disease and leishmaniasis, which are increasingly becoming global health threats [3]. Despiteprofiles, the which antibacterial have hindered and antiparasitic further properties development of nitroaromatic of this antibiotics, class. drugsThe potent containingbiological nitroactivity groups of often these demonstrate compounds mutagenicity drives andthe unacceptablesearch for toxicitynon-mutagenic profiles, and whichselectively have hinderedtoxic nitroaromatic further development antibiotics of thisthat drug kill the class. infectious The potent agent biological without activity damaging ofhost these cells compounds [1,4]. In addition, drives the repurposing search for non-mutagenic existing nitroaromatic and selectively antibiotics toxic nitroaromatic that have been antibioticsproven safe that represents kill the infectious a less risky agent and without cost-e damagingfficient strategy cells in [the1,4]. search In addition, of new and repurposingeffective drugs existing to treat nitroaromatic neglected antibiotics tropical diseases that have (NTD) been proven [3]. safe represents a less riskyThe and cost-efficientredox biochemistry strategy in of the the search nitro of newgroup and plays effective a central drugs torole treat in neglected the biological tropicalactivity diseasesof nitroaromatic (NTD) [3]. antibiotics. These compounds require reductive bioactivation for The redox biochemistry of the nitro group plays a central role in the biological activity antimicrobial activity with the reduction being carried out by nitroreductases (NTRs) of of nitroaromatic antibiotics. These compounds require reductive bioactivation for antimi- crobialtype 1 activityor 2 (or with type the reductionI or II, Scheme being carried 1) th outat possess by nitroreductases reducing (NTRs) power of greater type 1 or than 2 the (orreduction type I or II,potential Scheme 1)of that the possess nitroaromatic reducing power compound. greater than Numerous the reduction organism-specific potential ofnitroreductases the nitroaromatic exist compound. as well Numerous as other organism-specific systems nitroreductasesincluding pyruvate/ exist as well asoxidoreductase other systems includingand hydrogenases pyruvate/ferredoxin that are capa oxidoreductaseble of catalyzing and hydrogenases nitro group thatreduction are [5– capable10]. of catalyzing nitro group reduction [5–10].

Scheme 1. 1.General General reduction reduction mechanism mechanism of nitroaromatic of nitroaromatic compounds. compounds.

These catalyze nitroaromatic compound (N = +3) reduction These enzymes catalyze nitroaromatic compound (N oxidation state = +3) reduction using flavin mononucleotide (FMN) or flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and nicoti- using (FMN) or flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and namide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)nicotinamide as reducing adenine agents dinucleotide [11,12]. Type (NADH) I NTR (NTR1),or nicotinamide which is -insensitive, adenine dinucleotide catalyzesphosphate the (NADPH) reduction as of reducing the nitro groupagents through [11,12]. aType series I ofNTR two-electron (NTR1), which reductions is oxygen- yieldinginsensitive, a catalyzes group the (N oxidation reduction state of =the +1), ni atro hydroxylamine group through (N oxidation a series state of two-electron = −1) andreductions ultimately yielding an a nitroso (N oxidation group (N state oxidation = -3) (Scheme state =1 ).+1), On a thehydroxylamine other hand, type (N oxidation II NTRstate (NTR2),= −1) and which ultimately is oxygen-sensitive, an amine (N catalyzes oxidation a one-electron state = -3) (Scheme reduction 1). of nitroaromaticOn the other hand, compounds,type II NTR resulting (NTR2), in which a nitro is oxygen-sensitive, anion (N oxidation catalyzes state =a +2).one-electron The nitro radicalreduction of anionnitroaromatic can disproportionate compounds, to resulting the starting in nitroaromatica nitro radical compound anion (N and oxidation a nitroso state species = +2). The ornitro react radical with oxygenanion can to give disproportionate the nitroaromatic to the compound starting and nitroaromatic the reactive compound and a anion (Scheme1). The uncoupling of NADPH-derived reducing equivalents from normal nitroso species or react with oxygen to give the nitroaromatic compound and the reactive metabolism or the formation of reactive radical, nitroso or hydroxylamine intermediates, whichsuperoxide can react anion with (Scheme other biomolecules, 1). The uncoupling provides a of potential NADPH-derived mechanism for reducing nitroaromatic equivalents antibioticsfrom normal activity. metabolism The formation or the offormation these reactive of reactive species, radical, including nitroso , or hydroxylamine cou- intermediates, which can react with other biomolecules, provides a potential mechanism Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 3 of 29

pled with the presence of various nitroreductases in different target organisms, also likely plays a role in the observed toxicity, mutagenicity and lack of selectivity of nitroaromatic antibiotics. Thus, the nitro group in these triggers the formation of reactive intermediates upon reduction that either directly mediate the biological effects or further fragment to other reactive species. The bioreductive metabolism of nitroaromatic compounds also provides an opportu- nity for them to act as prodrugs of reactive nitrogen species (RNS), particularly various nitrogen oxides [2]. Scheme2, described more fully below, shows possible chemical path- ways of RNS release from metronidazole, as an example nitroaromatic . These − nitrogen oxides include nitrite (NO2 , N oxidation state = +3), nitric oxide (NO, N oxida- tion state = +2) and nitroxyl (HNO, N oxidation state = +1), redox relatives with important − implications in biology. For example, NO2 , a stable solid , undergoes a one-electron reduction to yield NO (+2 oxidation state), which is a colorless, radical gas at normal temperature and pressure. Nitrite finds extensive use as a food and acts as a source of NO under reductive conditions, demonstrating a biological profile similar to NO. Since the discovery of NO as a biological signaling agent formed by the (NOS)-catalyzed oxidation of L-, its potential as an antibacterial agent has attracted great interest [13]. As an endogenously produced free radial, NO kills bacteria through both oxidative and nitrosative stressors, which include lipid peroxidation, nitrosa- tion of membrane proteins and DNA damage through reactions with RNS [14–18]. The use of NO and NO-releasing materials as antimicrobial agents has been reviewed [19]. The multiple antibacterial mechanisms of NO decrease the risk of bacterial resistance, provid- ing another benefit of NO/redox-based therapies [19,20]. Further one-electron reduction and protonation of NO yields HNO, a highly reactive species that rapidly dimerizes and dehydrates to (N2O, e.g., laughing gas) [21]. Despite the structural similarity to NO, HNO shows a distinct biological profile compared with NO based on different chemistries with proteins and [22–28]. Various spectroscopic, electrochemical − and chemiluminescent techniques exist to measure NO2 , NO or HNO, which makes it possible to track and monitor their presence [29]. Nitro group reductive metabolism with nitrogen oxide release defines nitroaromatic antibiotics as prodrugs increasing the likelihood of identifying active non-toxic lead compounds [1,4]. Based on the cytotoxic and antibacterial properties of NO and the known reductive metabolism of nitroaromatic compounds, the possibility that NO release mediates a portion of the activities of nitroaromatic antibiotics exists. Scheme2 depicts potential chemical mechanisms for nitrogen oxide release from metronidazole, a common 5- antibiotic. Nucleophilic aromatic substitution to the carbon β with the nitro group yields a Meisenheimer-type complex that includes a nitronate anion form (Scheme2, Path − A). elimination directly produces nitrous acid/NO2 and a new - substituted imidazole. Alternatively, nitronate anion would yield HNO (Nef reaction) and a lactam-like derivative (Scheme2, Path A). These reactions produce nitrogen oxides from nitro aromatic compounds through direct nucleophilic addition without a nitro group reduction. Scheme2, Path B shows a direct two-electron NTR1 reduction of the nitro group of metronidazole to produce a nitroso intermediate. Nucleophilic substitution as shown above would be expected to yield HNO and a nucleophile-substituted imidazole. Alternatively, homolytic bond cleavage of the nitroso compound would give NO and an imidazole-based carbon radical (Scheme2, Path B). Further NTR1 reduction of the nitroso intermediate gives a hydroxylamine derivative that could also undergo a nucleophilic substitution to yield hydroxylamine and a nucleophile-substituted imidazole. Loss of from the hydroxylamine generates a reactive nitrenium capable of triggering ring fragmentation or reaction with . Scheme2, Path C shows a direct one-electron NTR2 reduction of the nitro group of metronidazole to give a radical anion intermediate. − Homolytic bond cleavage of this radical anion yields NO2 and the same imidazole- based carbon radical as shown above. The radical anion also could also undergo further redox chemistry ( or reaction with oxygen to give superoxide anion Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 4 of 28

this radical anion yields NO2− and the same imidazole-based carbon radical as shown Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 above. The radical anion also could also undergo further redox4 of 29chemistry (disproportionation or reaction with oxygen to give superoxide anion and starting metronidazole). Overall, Scheme 2 shows a number of plausible chemical pathways for the productionand starting metronidazole).of nitrogen oxides Overall, (NO Scheme2−, NO,2 shows HNO a number and hydroxylamine) of plausible chemical from nitro- − substitutedpathways aromatic for the production compounds. of nitrogen Differences oxides (NO in 2the, NO, redox HNO potential and hydroxylamine) of the nitro groups from nitro-substituted aromatic compounds. Differences in the redox potential of the nitro and thegroups heteroaromatic and the heteroaromatic rings may rings direct may reactivity direct reactivity between between Paths Paths A Aand and C C and and provide a structuralprovide control a structural element control for element the design for the of design new of compounds. new compounds.

Scheme Scheme2. Potential 2. Potential chemical chemical mechanisms mechanisms for for release release ofof nitrogen nitrogen oxide oxide species species from metronidazole.from metronidazole. Understanding the scope and mechanisms of nitrogen oxide release could portend Understandingnew avenues in the the therapeutic scope and development mechanisms of anticancer, of nitrogen antibacterial, oxide anti-tubercularrelease could portend new avenuesand antiparasitic in the agents therapeutic [2], as well development potential treatments of anticancer, for NTD Many antibacterial, nitroaromatic antibi-anti-tubercular and antiparasiticotics demonstrate agents evidence [2], of as nitrogen well pote oxidential species treatments release including for NTD 5- Many nitroaromatic (e.g., metronidazole, and related compounds), 2-nitroimidazoles (azomycin, antibiotics demonstrate evidence of nitrogen oxide species release including 5- misonidazole and ), bicyclic 4-nitroimidazoles (e.g., PA-824, OPC-67683, nitroimidazolesTBA-354 and related(e.g., compounds) metronidazole, and 2-/2-nitrothiophenes tinidazole and related (e.g., ).compounds), 2- nitroimidazolesThis review specifically (azomycin, highlights misonidazole the metabolism and benznidazole), and release of nitrogen bicyclic oxide 4-nitroimidazoles species (e.g., fromPA-824, these nitroaromaticOPC-67683, antibiotics TBA-354 and isand divided related into sections compounds) detailing nitroimidazoles, and 2-nitrofurans/2- nitrothiophenesnitrofurans/nitrothiophenes (e.g., nifurtimox and). other This nitroaromatic review specifically antibiotics highlights and their biological the metabolism ac- and tivity, nitrogen oxide species-releasing ability and mechanism of release. Other reviews releasefocus of onnitrogen nitroaromatic oxide antibiotic species drugfrom development these nitroaromatic or clinical treatment antibiotics of TB and and is other divided into sectionsinfectious detailing diseases nitroimidazoles, [3,30,31]. nitrofurans/nitrothiophenes and other nitroaromatic antibiotics and their biological activity, nitrogen oxide species-releasing ability and mechanism of release. Other reviews focus on nitroaromatic antibiotic drug development or clinical treatment of TB and other infectious diseases [3,30,31]. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 5 of 28

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2. Nitroimidazoles 2.2.1. Nitroimidazoles 5-Nitroimidazoles 2.1. 5-Nitroimidazoles Metronidazole (1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole) is an antibacterial Metronidazole (1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole) is an antibacterial drug containingdrug containing a 5-nitroimidazole a 5-nitroimidazole core similar to known core similar antibiotics to including known tinidazole, antibiotics ornida- including tinidazole, zole,, secnidazole and and (Figure fexinidazole2). (Figure 2).

Figure 2. 2.Structures Structures of metronidazole, of metronidazole, tinidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, secnidazole ornidazole, and secnidazole fexinidazole. and fexinidazole. 2.1.1. Metronidazole 2.1.1.Metronidazole Metronidazole has been used in clinical practice since the 1950s to treat anaerobic bac- terial andMetronidazole parasitic infections, has and been usage used continues in clinical for trichomoniasis, practice amebiasis,since the giardiasis 1950s to treat anaerobic andbacterial vaginosis, and as parasitic well as pelvic infections, inflammatory and disease, usage colorectal continues surgical for and trichomoniasis,H. pylori amebiasis, infections (Figure2)[ 32–34]. In addition to its broad treatment ability, metronidazole is cost-effectivegiardiasis and with vaginosis, an acceptable as adverse well as effect pelvic profile inflammatory and undiminished disease, antimicrobial colorectal surgical and activityH. pylori [32]. Theinfections mechanism (Figure of action 2) of metronidazole[32–34]. In isaddition based on fourto phases:its broad (I) cell treatment ability, entry,metronidazole (II) reduction is of cost-effective the nitro group, with (III) an cytotoxic acceptable effects arisingadverse from effect the reductionprofile and undiminished products, (IV) removal of inactive end products [32,33,35]. antimicrobialMetronidazole activity acts as a[32]. , The remaining mechanism inactive of untilaction reduction, of metronidazole and the meta- is based on four bolism,phases: structure–cytotoxicity (I) cell entry, (II) and reduction resistance mechanismsof the nitro have group, been recently(III) cytotoxic reviewed. 33effects arising from Thethe metabolicreduction reduction products, of metronidazole (IV) removal occurs ofthrough inactive two end routes: products (1) reductive [32,33,35]. inacti- vation,Metronidazole leading to the inactive acts 5-amino as a derivativeprodrug, and remaining (2) reductive inactive activation, until resulting reduction, and the in nitro group reduction, leading to cleavage of the imidazole ring giving and anmetabolism, oxamic acid derivativestructure–cytotoxicity (Scheme3)[ 33]. Metabolism and resi requiresstance enzymes mechanisms with a sufficient have been recently reductivereviewed. potential,33 The such metabolic as pyruvate/ferredoxin reduction of oxidoreductase, metronidazole which occurs generates through adeno- two routes: (1) sinereductive triphosphate inactivation, (ATP) through leading the oxidative to the decarboxylation inactive of5-amino pyruvate. derivative Other systems and (2) reductive including hydrogenases and various nitroreductases also reduce metronidazole [36,37]. Reductiveactivation, inactivation resulting proceeds in nitro through group the reductionreduction, of the leading nitro group to cleavage to the non-toxic of the imidazole ring aminogiving derivative, acetamide an oxygen-insensitive and an oxamic process acid thatderivative occurs in two-electron(Scheme 3) steps [33]. with Metabolism a requires totalenzymes of six electronswith consumeda sufficient [33,38]. Reductivereductive activation potential, of the nitro such group as leads pyruvate/ferredoxin to activationoxidoreductase, of metronidazole which through generates imidazole adenosine fragmentation triphosphate that mediates (ATP) cytotoxicity. through the oxidative This process begins with the formation of a nitro radical anion, capable of leading to the generationdecarboxylation of reactive of oxygen pyruvate. species andOther oxidative syst damageems including to the cell, andhydrogenases consumes and various nitroreductases also reduce metronidazole [36,37]. Reductive inactivation proceeds through the reduction of the nitro group to the non-toxic amino derivative, an oxygen- insensitive process that occurs in two-electron steps with a total of six electrons consumed [33,38]. Reductive activation of the nitro group leads to activation of metronidazole through imidazole fragmentation that mediates cytotoxicity. This process begins with the formation of a nitro radical anion, capable of leading to the generation of and oxidative damage to the cell, and consumes four electrons. It is thought to occur in a series of one- or two-electron steps leading to ring-fission, forming potentially cytotoxic derivatives (acetamide and an oxamic acid, Scheme 3) [33,39–42]. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 6 of 29

Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 four electrons. It is thought to occur in a series of one- or two-electron steps6 of leading28 to ring-fission, forming potentially cytotoxic derivatives (acetamide and an oxamic acid, Scheme3)[33,39–42].

SchemeScheme 3. Two 3. Two routes routes of metabolic of metabolic reduction ofreduction metronidazole: of metronidazole: (a) reductive activation (a) reductive and (b) reductive activation inactivation and (b) [33]. reductive inactivation [33]. The formation of acetamide and the oxamic acid from metronidazole reduction does not account for all three nitrogen atoms of metronidazole. It remains unclear whether the The formationcytotoxic of acetamide activity and of metronidazole the oxamic resultsacid from from metronidazole these reduction pathways reduction or subsequent does not account for all threefragmentation nitrogen of theatoms imidazole of metronidazole. ring and metabolite It remains formation unclear [33]. whether the cytotoxic activity of metronidazoleEarly pivotal studiesresults confirm from these the nitrogen reduction oxide pathways release from or metronidazole subsequent and structurally similar compounds upon nucleophilic substitution of the nitro group of 5- fragmentation of thenitroimidazoles imidazole ring by thiols and [ 43metabolite]. Metronidazole formation reacts with [33]. 2-aminoethanethiol to yield 4-[(2- Early pivotal aminoethyl)thio]-2-methylimidazole-1-ethanolstudies confirm the nitrogen oxide release and nitrous from acidmetronidazole (nitrite) (Scheme and4)[ 43] . structurally similarThese compounds reactions produceupon nucleophilic isomeric imidazole substi productstution and of demonstratethe nitro group a pH dependence of 5- nitroimidazoles bythat thiols lead [43]. to a plausibleMetronidazole mechanistic reacts proposal with of 2-aminoethanethiol direct addition to the to nitroimidazoleyield 4- [(2-aminoethyl)thio]-2-methylimidazole-1-ethanforming a Meisenheimer-type complexol and that liberatesnitrous nitrous acid acid(nitrite) while restoring(Scheme aromatic- 4) ity [43]. These results clearly show direct nitrogen oxide release from metronidazole in [43]. These reactions produce isomeric imidazole products and demonstrate a pH dependence that lead to a plausible mechanistic proposal of direct thiol addition to the nitroimidazole forming a Meisenheimer-type complex that liberates nitrous acid while restoring [43]. These results clearly show direct nitrogen oxide release from metronidazole in the form of NO2− and define a substitution mechanism that does not require direct nitro group reduction (Scheme 2, Path A and Scheme 4) [43]. Other earlier work showed that S-transferase-catalyzed transfer of glutathione (GSH) to over fifty 2-substituted derivatives yields GSH conjugates in rat and human homongenates [44]. Under these conditions, 2-nitrofuran derivative conversion to the corresponding GSH conjugate occurs with the release of NO2−, as determined spectrophotometrically [44]. Both alkali lability and pH considerations affect reactivity, and 16 out of the 52 tested compounds yield GSH conjugates and release NO2−, providing direct evidence of nitrogen oxide release from Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 7 of 28 Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 7 of 29

these nitroaromatic− antibiotics [44]. Interestingly, metronidazole does not generate NO2- the form of NO2 and define a substitution mechanism that does not require direct nitro groupin this reduction system (Scheme [44]. 2, Path A and Scheme4)[43].

Scheme 4. 4.Reaction Reaction of metronidazole of metronidazole with 2-aminoethanethiol with 2-aminoethan to yieldethiol 4-[(2-aminoethyl)thio]-2- to yield 4-[(2-aminoethyl)thio]-2- methylimidazole-1- and nitrous and acidnitrous (nitrite) acid [43 ].(nitrite) [43]. Other earlier work showed that glutathione S-transferase-catalyzed transfer of glu- tathioneA study (GSH) toof over metronidazole’s fifty 2-substituted effect nitrofuran on tumor derivatives radiosensitization yields GSH conjugates through iron-catalyzed inreactions rat and human with liverthiol homongenates groups provides [44]. Under evidence these conditions, of formation 2-nitrofuran of a metronidazole– deriva- − tiveconjugate conversion [45]. to the Metronidazole corresponding GSH treatment conjugate of occurs tumor-bearing with the release mice of NO before2 , as X-ray exposure determined spectrophotometrically [44]. Both alkali lability and pH considerations affect − reactivity,results in and a 16reduction out of the 52in tested the radiation compounds dose yield GSHnecessary conjugates to andcontrol release tumors, NO2 , possibly due to providingthe ability direct of evidencethe nitro of nitrogengroup oxideto act release as a fromstro theseng radical nitroaromatic oxidant antibiotics [45]. [Based44]. on absorption - Interestingly,experiments, metronidazole metronidazole does not rapidly generate reacts NO2 in with this systeman iron–cysteine [44]. complex to give a purple A study of metronidazole’s effect on tumor radiosensitization through iron-catalyzed reactionscolored withreduced thiol groups drug provides(radical evidence anion)–iron–cy of formationsteine of a metronidazole–cysteine complex [45]. Despite the formation conjugateof this conjugate, [45]. Metronidazole no evidence treatment of of nitrog tumor-bearingen oxide mice species before X-rayformation exposure was reported [45]. resultsSubsequent in a reduction to this in report, the radiation electron dose necessaryparama tognetic control resonance tumors, possibly (EPR) due spectroscopic to studies theshowed ability the of the mixture nitro group of metronidazole, to act as a strong radical cysteine oxidant and [45 ferrous]. Based on absorption yields iron–cysteine–NO experiments, metronidazole rapidly reacts with an iron–cysteine complex to give a purple coloredcomplexes, reduced indicating drug (radical NO anion)–iron–cysteine release from metronidazole complex [45]. Despite under the these formation reducing conditions of[46]. this The conjugate, suggested no evidence mechanism of nitrogen for oxideNO formation species formation involves was reportedloss of NO [45].2- from the radical Subsequentanion of the to thisnitro report, group electron of metronidazole paramagnetic resonance (Scheme (EPR) 2, Path spectroscopic C). Taken studies together, these results showed the mixture of metronidazole, cysteine and ferrous ions yields iron–cysteine–NO clearly indicate the ability of metronidazole to release both NO2 and NO through distinct complexes, indicating NO release from metronidazole under these reducing conditions [46]. - Thereactions suggested (addition mechanism of for thiols NO formation to the involvesheteroarom loss ofatic NO 2ringfrom or the direct radical anionreduction of the nitro ofgroup the nitro with group thiols/iron). of metronidazole (Scheme2, Path C). Taken together, these results clearly indicate the ability of metronidazole to release both NO2 and NO through distinct reactions (addition of thiols to the heteroaromatic ring or direct reduction of the nitro group with thiols/iron).2.1.2. Metronidazole–NO Donor Hybrids The intentional addition of a NO-donating group to metronidazole gives metronidazole–NO donor hybrids that release NO. A library of NO–donor metronidazole hybrids was synthesized for use as therapeutics to treat issues related to H. pylori infections, such as gastric ulcers and extra gastrointestinal disorders [47]. Based on the NO-donating ability of , hybrid were constructed with metronidazole or its amino analog joined through spacers to moieties, as well as a group of compounds containing one or two nitrooxy groups (Figure 3) [47]. Furazans (1,2,5- oxadiazoles) served as controls lacking the ability to release NO [47]. These hybrid compounds showed good in vitro activity against various H. pylori strains with a lower minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) than metronidazole [47]. In terms of the NO- donating properties, a significant difference in potency between the corresponding furazan/furoxan pairs was not observed, indicating that the N-oxide substituent present in the furoxan hybrids that donates NO and induces was not the major determinant of activity [47]. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 8 of 29

2.1.2. Metronidazole–NO Donor Hybrids The intentional addition of a NO-donating group to metronidazole gives metroni- dazole–NO donor hybrids that release NO. A library of NO–donor metronidazole hybrids was synthesized for use as therapeutics to treat issues related to H. pylori infections, such as gastric ulcers and extra gastrointestinal disorders [47]. Based on the NO-donating ability of furoxans, hybrid molecules were constructed with metronidazole or its amino analog joined through spacers to furoxan moieties, as well as a group of compounds containing one or two nitrooxy groups (Figure3)[ 47]. Furazans (1,2,5-oxadiazoles) served as controls lacking the ability to release NO [47]. These hybrid compounds showed good in vitro activity against various H. pylori strains with a lower minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) than metronidazole [47]. In terms of the NO-donating properties, a significant Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 difference in potency between the corresponding furazan/furoxan pairs was not observed, 8 of 28 indicating that the N-oxide substituent present in the furoxan hybrids that donates NO and induces oxidative stress was not the major determinant of activity [47].

Figure 3. 3.Structures Structures of variousof various metronidazole–NO metronidazole–NO donor hybrids donor [47hybrids,48]. [47,48]. NCX 972 ([4-(nitrooxy)butanoic acid 2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-1-ethyl ) com- binesNCX the basic 972 metronidazole ([4-(nitrooxy)butanoic structure with aacid 2-me ester,thyl-5-nitroimidazole-1-ethyl another known NO donor ester) moietycombines (Figure the3 basic)[ 48]. metronidazol The in vitro effectse structure of metronidazole with a nitrate were ester, compared another to NCX known 972 NO donor inmoiety trophozoite (Figure cells 3) for[48]. the The treatment in vitro of amoebiasiseffects of metronidazole against Entamoeba were histolytica compared, a pro- to NCX 972 tozoanin trophozoite parasite [48 cells]. NCX for 972 the releases treatment NO into of amoebicamoebiasis trophozoites against as Entamoeba measured by histolytica, a theprotozoan diaminofluorescein-2 parasite [48]. diacetate NCX 972 (DAF-2DA) releases NO detection into amoebic system trophozoites that reacts with as an measured by the diaminofluorescein-2 diacetate (DAF-2DA) dye detection system that reacts with an oxidized NO species to generate irreversible DAF fluorescence [48]. In comparison, NCX 972 displays both higher and faster cell killing activity than metronidazole in E. histolytica, which correlates with NO release into the cells [48]. These data could portend new avenues for drug derivatization with NO-releasing moieties to already established drugs. Similarly, the mechanism of action of quinoline–metronidazole hybrids was recently investigated against (VL) [49]. The rationale for merging the two compounds stems from the use of metronidazole to combat experimental VL, especially in combination with other drugs [50–53], along with the activity of quinolines and their derivatives against in vitro and in vivo forms of experimental and cutaneous VL [54,55]. To determine the anti-leishmanial potency of quinoline−metronidazole derivatives, inhibition of promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania donovani was tested at various concentrations with various regioisomeric compounds [49]. Compounds 4-methyl-2-(3-(2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethoxy)phenyl)quinolone (1) and 4- methyl-2-(4-(2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethoxy)phenyl)quinolone (2) (Figure 4) were found to be the most active as determined by a luciferase and 3-(4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, while 2 most effectively inhibited parasites in the liver and spleen of infected mice [49]. To examine NO release in relation to leishmanicidal action, the DAF-2DA dye assay was utilized, which implies local NO formation in living cells at the intracellular level, and revealed 2 leads to Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 9 of 29

oxidized NO species to generate irreversible DAF fluorescence [48]. In comparison, NCX 972 displays both higher and faster cell killing activity than metronidazole in E. histolytica, which correlates with NO release into the cells [48]. These data could portend new avenues for drug derivatization with NO-releasing moieties to already established drugs. Similarly, the mechanism of action of quinoline–metronidazole hybrids was recently investigated against visceral leishmaniasis (VL) [49]. The rationale for merging the two compounds stems from the use of metronidazole to combat experimental VL, especially in combination with other drugs [50–53], along with the activity of quinolines and their derivatives against in vitro and in vivo forms of experimental and cutaneous VL [54,55]. To determine the anti-leishmanial potency of quinoline−metronidazole derivatives, inhibition of promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania donovani was tested at various concentrations with various regioisomeric compounds [49]. Compounds 4-methyl-2-(3- (2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethoxy)phenyl)quinolone (1) and 4-methyl-2-(4-(2- (2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethoxy)phenyl)quinolone (2) (Figure4) were found to be the most active as determined by a luciferase and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, while 2 most effectively inhibited parasites in 9 of 28 the liver and spleen of infected mice [49]. To examine NO release in relation to leishmani- cidal action, the DAF-2DA dye assay was utilized, which implies local NO formation in living cells at the intracellular level, and revealed 2 leads to oxidative stress through the enhancementoxidative stress of both through ROS and the NO enhancement generation [49 ].of While both theseROS compoundsand NO generation do not contain [49]. While traditionalthese compounds NO donor do groups, not contain these traditional results further NO show donor nitrogen groups, oxide these species results release further show fromnitrogen 5-nitroimidazoles oxide species similar release to metronidazole.from 5-nitroimidazoles similar to metronidazole.

FigureFigure 4. 4.Quinoline–metronidazole Quinoline–metronidazole derivatives derivatives active active against against visceral visceral leishmaniasis leishmaniasis (VL) [49]. (VL) [49].

MetronidazoleMetronidazole possesses possesses a relatively a relatively simple simple structure structure with functionality with functionality positioned positioned toto allowallow further further elaboration. elaboration. Eckmann, Eckmann, Sharpless Sharpless and co-workers and co-workers demonstrated demonstrated the struc- the tural versatility of the metronidazole core by generating an extensive library of diverse structural versatility of the metronidazole core by generating an extensive library of 5-nitroimidazole-based metronidazole derivatives [56]. Preparation of a metronidazole- deriveddiverse 5-nitroimidazole-based allows copper (I)-catalyzed metronidazole azide-alkyne cycloadditionsderivatives [56]. (“click Preparation reactions”) of a thatmetronidazole-derived give a large number ofazide metronidazole allows copper derivatives (I)-catalyzed in high yield azide-al underkyne simple cycloadditions and mild(“click conditions. reactions”) Several that ofgive these a large new compoundsnumber of showmetronidazole increased antimicrobial derivatives activ-in high yield ityunder (>100-fold simple compared and mild to metronidazole)conditions. Severa whilel of being these active new and compounds non-toxic in show animal increased infectionantimicrobial models, activity as well (>100-fold as showing compared the ability to to metronidazole) overcome different while forms being of drugactive re- and non- sistancetoxic in [ 56animal]. Such infection work shows models, the synthetic as well potential as showing for designing the ability the nextto overcome generation different offorms metronidazole-based of drug resistance novel [56]. scaffolds Such thatwork include shows nitrogen the synthetic oxide-generating potential groups for designing for the anti-infective disease treatments. next generation of metronidazole-based novel scaffolds that include nitrogen oxide- 2.1.3.generating Tinidazole groups for anti-infective disease treatments. Tinidazole (1-(2-ethylsulfonylethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole), an antibiotic similar to2.1.3. metronidazole Tinidazole in structure, was first introduced in 1969, followed by its approval by the US FoodTinidazole and Drug (1-(2-ethylsulfonylethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole), Administration (FDA) in 2004 for the treatment of bacterial an infections antibiotic similar suchto metronidazole as vaginosis and in trichomoniasis,structure, was as first well introduced as a therapy in for 1969, parasitic followed infections by suchits approval as by giardiasisthe US Food and amebiasis and Drug (Figure Admini2)[57stration,58]. (FDA) in 2004 for the treatment of bacterial infections such as vaginosis and trichomoniasis, as well as a therapy for parasitic infections such as giardiasis and amebiasis (Figure 2) [57,58]. Due to the structural similarity to metronidazole (e.g., the 2-(hydroxyl)ethyl group is replaced by a 2-(ethylsulfonyl)ethyl moiety in the 5-nitroimidazole backbone, Figure 2), tinidazole was suspected to have an analogous mechanism of action, as well as potential for NO donation. Direct current (DC) polarographic experiments confirm the ability of tinidazole to donate NO through nitro group hydrolysis to generate NO2−, determined by the spectrophotometric Griess assay [59]. The chemical investigations showing NO release from tinidazole were further confirmed with biological data showing that tinidazole activates soluble (sGC), indicative of NO formation, in a comparable manner to metronidazole [59].

2.1.4. Secnidazole Secnidazole (1-(2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-1-yl)propan-2-ol) is an antibacterial drug containing a 5-nitroimidazole core, similar to metronidazole (Figure 2). Secnidazole shows clinical efficacy against anaerobic bacteria and parasitic infections such as trichomoniasis and amebiasis. The mechanism of action of secnidazole is based on the ability of the nitro group to accept electrons [60]. Different voltammetric techniques (e.g., cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis) to study secnidazole reduction in aqueous media reveal two well-defined reduction waves in acidic media, while at higher pHs, the two waves overlap [60]. In acidic media, secnidazole is reduced to hydroxylamine in a four- electron process, with the nitroso derivative as an intermediate [60]. Given the structural Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 10 of 29

Due to the structural similarity to metronidazole (e.g., the 2-(hydroxyl)ethyl group is replaced by a 2-(ethylsulfonyl)ethyl moiety in the 5-nitroimidazole backbone, Figure2), tinidazole was suspected to have an analogous mechanism of action, as well as potential for NO donation. Direct current (DC) polarographic experiments confirm the ability of − tinidazole to donate NO through nitro group hydrolysis to generate NO2 , determined by the spectrophotometric Griess assay [59]. The chemical investigations showing NO release from tinidazole were further confirmed with biological data showing that tinidazole activates soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), indicative of NO formation, in a comparable manner to metronidazole [59].

2.1.4. Secnidazole Secnidazole (1-(2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-1-yl)propan-2-ol) is an antibacterial drug containing a 5-nitroimidazole core, similar to metronidazole (Figure2). Secnidazole shows clinical efficacy against anaerobic bacteria and parasitic infections such as trichomoniasis and amebiasis. The mechanism of action of secnidazole is based on the ability of the nitro group to accept electrons [60]. Different voltammetric techniques (e.g., cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis) to study secnidazole reduction in aqueous media reveal two well-defined reduction waves in acidic media, while at higher pHs, the two waves overlap [60]. In acidic media, secnidazole is reduced to hydroxylamine in a four- electron process, with the nitroso derivative as an intermediate [60]. Given the structural − similarity to metronidazole, the release of NO2 /NO from secnidazole would be expected but has not been definitively confirmed.

2.1.5. Ornidazole Ornidazole (1-(2-hydroxy-3-chloropropyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole) is a 5-nitro imidazole antibiotic used to treat infections caused by both anaerobic bacteria and proto- zoa including giardiasis, Crohn’s disease and Dientamoeba fragilis (Figure2)[ 61–63]. The antibiotic ability is very similar to metronidazole, and the selective toxicity against bac- teria cells depends on reduction of the nitro group to the radical anion [64]. Similar to secnidazole, the reduction of ornidazole was studied using normal pulse polarography and reverse pulse polarography [64]. Depending on pH, ornidazole demonstrates one or two waves in aqueous solution, with the first wave corresponding to a four-electron reduction to hydroxylamine and the second wave corresponding to the subsequent reduction to an amine [64]. 2+ A Zn complex of ornidazole (Zn(Onz)2Cl2) decreases the formation of the radical anion species [65]. While the antibacterial activity of ornidazole depends on the formation of the reduced radical anion and other reduced reactive species (e.g., hydroxylamine and nitroso), prolonged exposure to the radical anion reduces tissue oxygenation and generates a superoxide and peroxide, leading to neurotoxicity [65]. Thus, controlling the generation of the radical anion becomes crucial. The Zn+2 ornidazole complex was examined for radical anion formation and efficacy against E. histolytica compared to ornidazole [65]. Using to reduce the nitro group of ornidazole, a change in the absorption spectra is observed as evidence of irreversible nitro group reduction [65]. The Zn+2 ornidazole complex showed controlled reduction to the radial anion with no significant decrease in absorbance [65]. In addition, the MIC, against E. histolytica after 48 h exposure, was lower for the Zn+2 ornidazole complex compared to ornidazole [65]. These results support the idea that the complex has a similar or even better efficacy in treating infection while maintaining a lessened cytotoxicity [65]. The role of nitrogen oxides in the biological activity of ornidazole or its Zn+2 complex has not been investigated but would be expected based on the structural similarity to metronidazole. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 11 of 29

2.1.6. Fexinidazole Fexinidazole (1-methyl-2-[(4-methylsulfanylphenoxy)methyl]-5-nitroimidazole), a 5-nitroimidazole derivative developed by Hoechst AG, was shown by the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) to demonstrate activity against brucei gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense in 2005 and is now undergoing phase III trials for HAT and Chagas disease (Figure2)[66]. Following NTR1 reduction and bioactivation, fexinidazole produces reactive amine species that are indirectly toxic and mutagenic to trypanosomes, while two principal metabolites, fexinidazole sulfoxide and fexinidazole sulfone, result in the anti-trypanosomal activity [67,68]. Given that the genome of the leishmania parasites contains a homologous nitroreductase gene to the trypanosomes, experiments were undertaken to test the ability of fexinidazole to treat VL [69]. The results indicated that overexpression of the leishmanial homolog of this nitroreductase in L. donovani increases sensitivity to fexinidazole by 19-fold, which leads to the idea that a similar mechanism is occurring in both parasites [69]. Direct release of nitrogen oxides from fexinidazole has not been demonstrated, but such activity could play a role in the observed biological activities.

2.2. 2-Nitroimidazoles Some 2-nitroimidazole compounds discussed in the context of this review are azomycin, Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 misonidazole and benznidazole (Figure5). Unlike metronidazole, these reductions of 2- 11 of 28 nitroimidazoles do not generate nitrogen oxides and all of the nitrogen atoms remain in the observed products.

Figure 5. 5.Structures Structures of azomycin, of azomycin, misonidazole miso andnidazole benznidazole. and benznidazole. 2.2.1. Azomycin 2.2.1.Azomycin Azomycin (2-nitroimidazole) was isolated in 1953 from a culture liquid containing a strainAzomycin of bacteria similar (2-nitroimidazole) to Nocardia mesenterica wasand isolated first synthesized in 1953 in from 1965 (Figure a culture5)[ 70 liquid]. containing a In early studies of 2-nitroimidazoles, chemical reduction of azomycin and misonidazole gavestrain 2-aminoimidazole of bacteria similar (e.g., six-electron) to Nocardia and mesenterica 2-(hydroxylamino)imidazole and first synthesized (e.g., four- in 1965 (Figure 5) electron)[70]. In products early [71studies–73]. NMR of spectroscopic 2-nitroimidazoles, studies showed chemical the major productsreduction of theof azomycin and reductionmisonidazole of azomycin gave were 2-aminoimidazole the cis:trans (e.g., of 1-substituted six-electron) 2-amino-4,5-dihydro-4,5- and 2-(hydroxylamino)imidazole dihydroxyimidazolium ions in 70–85% yield [71]. These products likely form from the condensation(e.g., four-electron) of glyoxal and products [71–73]. decomposition NMR products spectroscopic (Scheme5)[ 71studies]. showed the major products of the reduction of azomycin were the cis:trans isomers of 1-substituted 2-amino- 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxyimidazolium ions in 70–85% yield [71]. These products likely form from the condensation of glyoxal and guanidine decomposition products (Scheme 5) [71].

Scheme 5. Anaerobic reduction of 2-nitroimidazoles (e.g., azomycin) [71].

The four-electron-reduced hydroxylamine is more stable in acidic media and converts to glyoxal, a highly reactive dialdehyde, while at a neutral pH, hydroxylamine is not observed, but the decomposition to glyoxal competes with the further two-electron reduction to the amine [71]. The finding of glyoxal adducts is in accordance with the identification of a glyoxal derivative from the of a patient being administered misonidazole [74]. Reduction of azomycin to a glyoxal precursor is biologically important due to the known interaction between glyoxal and cellular compounds.

2.2.2. Misonidazole Misonidazole (1-methoxy-3-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)propan-2-ol) (Figure 5) was examined for NO release by EPR in the presence of cysteine and ferrous ions and compared to metronidazole [46]. While metronidazole produced a three-line EPR spectrum indicative of NO release and formation of an NO–iron–cysteine complex, misonidazole did not produce the same spectrum, indicating the lack of NO formation [46]. Optical spectroscopy revealed nitro group reduction [46], leading to the conclusion Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 11 of 28

Figure 5. Structures of azomycin, misonidazole and benznidazole.

2.2.1. Azomycin Azomycin (2-nitroimidazole) was isolated in 1953 from a culture liquid containing a strain of bacteria similar to Nocardia mesenterica and first synthesized in 1965 (Figure 5) [70]. In early studies of 2-nitroimidazoles, chemical reduction of azomycin and misonidazole gave 2-aminoimidazole (e.g., six-electron) and 2-(hydroxylamino)imidazole (e.g., four-electron) products [71–73]. NMR spectroscopic studies showed the major products of the reduction of azomycin were the cis:trans isomers of 1-substituted 2-amino- 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxyimidazolium ions in 70–85% yield [71]. These products likely Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 form from the condensation of glyoxal and guanidine decomposition products12 of 29 (Scheme 5) [71].

SchemeScheme 5. 5. AnaerobicAnaerobic reduction reduction of 2-nitroimidazoles of 2-nitroimidazoles (e.g., azomycin) (e.g., azomycin) [71]. [71].

The four-electron-reduced hydroxylamine is more stable in acidic media and converts Theto glyoxal, four-electron-reduced a highly reactive dialdehyde, hydroxylamine while at a neutral is more pH, hydroxylamine stable in acidic is not ob-media and convertsserved, to butglyoxal, the decomposition a highly reactive to glyoxal dial competesdehyde, with while the further at a two-electron neutral pH, reduction hydroxylamine is notto observed, the amine [but71]. Thethe findingdecomposition of glyoxal adductsto glyoxal is in competes accordance with with thethe identification further two-electron reductionof a glyoxal to the derivative amine from[71]. theThe urine finding of a patient of glyoxal being administered adducts is misonidazole in accordance [74]. with the Reduction of azomycin to a glyoxal precursor is biologically important due to the known identification of a glyoxal derivative from the urine of a patient being administered interaction between glyoxal and cellular compounds. misonidazole [74]. Reduction of azomycin to a glyoxal precursor is biologically important due to2.2.2. the Misonidazole known interaction between glyoxal and cellular compounds. Misonidazole (1-methoxy-3-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)propan-2-ol) (Figure5) was 2.2.2.examined Misonidazole for NO release by EPR spectroscopy in the presence of cysteine and ferrous ions and compared to metronidazole [46]. While metronidazole produced a three-line MisonidazoleEPR spectrum indicative (1-methoxy-3-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)propan-2-ol) of NO release and formation of an NO–iron–cysteine complex, (Figure 5) was examinedmisonidazole for NO did release not produce by EPR the samespectroscopy spectrum, indicatingin the presence the lack ofof NO cysteine formation and [46 ferrous]. ions and comparedOptical spectroscopy to metronidazole revealed nitro [46]. group Whil reductione metronidazole [46], leading toproduced the conclusion a three-line that EPR the reduced nitro group remains attached to the imidazole ring that is in accordance with spectrum indicative of NO release− and formation of an NO–iron–cysteine complex, a previous report that only 1% NO2 is observed during the electrolytic reduction of misonidazolemisonidazole did [75 not]. This produce body of evidencethe same shows spectr a clearum, difference indicating in nitrogen the lack oxide of release NO formation [46]. betweenOptical 2-spectroscopy and 5-nitroimidazoles revealed during nitro reduction, group indicatingreduction the [46], nitro leading group position to the in conclusion nitroaromatic compounds influences the decomposition pathway.

2.2.3. Benznidazole Benznidazole (N-benzyl-2-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)acetamide), a 2-nitroimidazole prodrug, made its debut in the medicinal world in the 1970s [76,77] and is now considered as the current drug of choice to treat Chagas disease (Figure5). Despite its history and use, the mechanism of benznidazole has remained widely elusive. An NADH-dependent trypanosomal type I nitroreductase plays a crucial step in benznidazole activation [77]. The addition of benznidazole to T. cruzi extracts does not increase the production of reactive oxygen species, as previously shown [78], which led to the investigation of an alternative NTR1 mechanism as the cause of trypanocidal activity. After the reduction of benznidazole through NTR1 (Scheme6), several potentially cytotoxic metabolites were formed that were characterized through liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) [77]. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 12 of 28

that the reduced nitro group remains attached to the imidazole ring that is in accordance with a previous report that only 1% NO2− is observed during the electrolytic reduction of misonidazole [75]. This body of evidence shows a clear difference in nitrogen oxide release between 2- and 5-nitroimidazoles during reduction, indicating the nitro group position in nitroaromatic compounds influences the decomposition pathway.

2.2.3. Benznidazole Benznidazole (N-benzyl-2-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)acetamide), a 2-nitroimidazole prodrug, made its debut in the medicinal world in the 1970s [76,77] and is now considered as the current drug of choice to treat Chagas disease (Figure 5). Despite its history and use, the mechanism of benznidazole has remained widely elusive. An NADH-dependent trypanosomal type I nitroreductase plays a crucial step in benznidazole activation [77]. The addition of benznidazole to T. cruzi extracts does not increase the production of reactive oxygen species, as previously shown [78], which led to the investigation of an alternative NTR1 mechanism as the cause of trypanocidal activity. After the reduction of benznidazole through NTR1 (Scheme 6), several potentially cytotoxic metabolites were Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 formed that were characterized through liquid chromatography-mass13 spectrometry of 29 (LC- MS) [77].

Scheme 6. 6.Bioreduction Bioreduction and activationand activation of benznidazole of benznidazole [77]. [77]. A 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxyimidazole was identified as the major product of the reductive pathway that passed through nitroso, hydroxylamine and hydroxy intermedi- ates [77]. Ultimate breakdown of the dihydroxy intermediate gives glyoxal, a reactive dialdehyde, which can form adducts with other biological molecules (e.g., guanosine– glyoxal adducts) and a guanidine derivative (Scheme6)[ 77]. This process follows the reduction of other 2-nitroimidazoles (Scheme5) and does not generate nitrogen oxide but could be crucial to the trypanocidal effects of benznidazole [77]. Overall, 2-nitroimidazoles do not generate nitrogen oxides upon reduction but instead fragment to glyoxal and guanidine derivatives that can mediate their biological activity. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 13 of 28

A 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxyimidazole was identified as the major product of the reductive pathway that passed through nitroso, hydroxylamine and hydroxy intermediates [77]. Ultimate breakdown of the dihydroxy intermediate gives glyoxal, a reactive dialdehyde, which can form adducts with other biological molecules (e.g., guanosine–glyoxal adducts) and a guanidine derivative (Scheme 6) [77]. This process follows the reduction of other 2-nitroimidazoles (Scheme 5) and does not generate nitrogen oxide but could be crucial to the trypanocidal effects of benznidazole [77]. Overall, 2-nitroimidazoles do not generate nitrogen oxides upon reduction but instead Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 fragment to glyoxal and guanidine derivatives that can mediate their biological14 of 29 activity.

2.3. 4-Nitroimidazoles 2.3. 4-NitroimidazolesBicyclic 4-nitroimidazoles including CG-17341, PA-824 (Pretomanid), OPC-67683 (Delamanid),Bicyclic 4-nitroimidazoles DNDI-VL-2098 including and TBA-354 CG-17341, demonstrate PA-824 (Pretomanid), potent anaerobic OPC-67683 activity against (Delamanid),non-replicating DNDI-VL-2098 and TBA-354 tuberculosis demonstrate (MTB) potent and anaerobic a variety activity of anaerobic against parasites non-replicating Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and a variety of anaerobic parasites − (Figure 6). Reductive metabolic activation of these compounds generates− NO2 and/or NO (Figure6). Reductive metabolic activation of these compounds generates NO 2 and/or NOthat that participate participate in in theirtheir biological biological activity. activity. TheFood The andFood Drug and Administration Drug Administration (FDA) (FDA) recentlyrecently approved approved Pretomanid Pretomanid tablets, tablets, in combination in comb withination bedaquiline with bedaquiline and linezolid, and for linezolid, for treatmenttreatment of of highly highly treatment-resistant treatment-resistant TB [79 ].TB [79].

FigureFigure 6. 6.Structures Structures of CG-17341, of CG-17341, PA-824, PA-824, OPC-67683, OPC-67683, DNDI-VL-2098 DNDI-VL-2098 and TBA-354. and TBA-354. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 14 of 28

2.3.1. CGI-17341 CGI-17341 served as the lead compound for a 2000 study of a series of 4-substituted Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 bicyclic nitroimidazopyrans (NAPs) in a search for anti-tuberculosis activity15 of 29 [80]. This work identified over 100 compounds possessing either the same or better anti-tubercular activity than CGI-17341 [80]. Structurally, the stereochemistry at the C3 position appears crucial2.3.1. for CGI-17341 activity, with the S enantiomer being more active than the R enantiomer by 10- fold [80].CGI-17341 PA-824 emerged served as the from lead this compound studyfor showing a 2000 study potent of a seriesbactericidal of 4-substituted activity against bicyclic nitroimidazopyrans (NAPs) in a search for anti-tuberculosis activity [80]. This work MTB identifiedwith a sub-micromolar over 100 compounds MIC, possessing as well either as promising the same or oral better activity anti-tubercular in murine activity and guinea pig modelsthan CGI-17341 of infection [80]. Structurally, [80]. The the stereochemistrybactericidal atactivity the C3 position of PA-824 appears compares crucial for well to metronidazole,activity, with while the S enantiomerCGI-17341 being and morethe commo active thann TB the drug R enantiomer isoniazid by (INH) 10-fold were [80]. found to be lessPA-824 active emerged against from this non-replicating study showing potent MTB bactericidal [80]. Since activity metronidazole against MTB with aundergoes sub-micromolar MIC, as well as promising oral activity in murine and guinea pig models nitroreduction for activation against anaerobic bacteria [35], similar metabolic activation of infection [80]. The bactericidal activity of PA-824 compares well to metronidazole, while pathwaysCGI-17341 for PA-824 and the commonwere investigated TB drug isoniazid [80]. (INH)Incubation were found of radiolabeled to be less active PA-824 against with MTB variantsnon-replicating revealed metabolic MTB [80]. Sincenitroreduction metronidazole of undergoesPA-824 [80]. nitroreduction Mutagenicity for activation issues ultimately stoppedagainst the anaerobic development bacteria of [35 ],CGI-17341 similar metabolic and led activation to the pathways optimization for PA-824 of wereother bicyclic nitroimidazolesinvestigated [ 80such]. Incubation as PA-824 of radiolabeled (Figure 6) PA-824[80]. with MTB variants revealed metabolic nitroreduction of PA-824 [80]. Mutagenicity issues ultimately stopped the development of CGI-17341 and led to the optimization of other bicyclic nitroimidazoles such as PA-824 2.3.2.(Figure PA-8246)[ (Pretomanid)80]. PA-824, also known by the generic, nonproprietary name Pretomanid, is a novel 2.3.2. PA-824 (Pretomanid) antibacterial drug in the bicyclic 4-nitroimidazole class of compounds (Figure 6). As PA-824, also known by the generic, nonproprietary name Pretomanid, is a novel mentioned,antibacterial the FDA drug in approved the bicyclic Pretomanid 4-nitroimidazole tabl classets of[79], compounds in combination (Figure6). Aswith men- bedaquiline and linezolid,tioned, the FDAfor approvedtreatment Pretomanid of highly tablets resi [stant79], in combinationTB in 2019. with Like bedaquiline other nitroaromatic and antibiotics,linezolid, PA-824 for treatment requires of highly resistantbioactivation TB in 2019. and Like othera nitroaromaticdeazaflavin antibiotics,(F420)-dependent nitroreductasePA-824 requires (Ddn) bioactivation catalyzes andhydride a deazaflavin transfer (F to420 )-dependentPA-824 followed nitroreductase by protonation (Ddn) of the catalyzes hydride transfer to PA-824 followed by protonation of the resulting nitronate resultinganion nitronate and elimination anion of and nitrous elimination acid to give of the nitrous des-nitroimidazole acid to give (des-nitro) the des-nitroimidazole product. − 2− (des-nitro)Subsequent product. reduction Subsequent of NO2 /nitrous reduction acid of provides NO /nitrous a pathway acid (Path provides A, Scheme a pathway2) to (Path A, Schemegenerate 2) reactive to generate nitrogen reactive species, nitrogen such as NO species, (Scheme 7such)[81]. as NO (Scheme 7) [81].

Scheme 7. BioactivationScheme 7. ofBioactivation PA-824 [81]. of PA-824 [81]. As a prodrug, PA-824 avoids unwanted drug properties or effects as it only becomes Asactive a prodrug, in bacteria PA-824 after transformation avoids unwanted [82]. A nitro drug group properties in the 4-position or effects is crucialas it only for becomes activeactivity in bacteria as the 5-nitroafter transformation analog is inactive. [82]. The stereochemistryA nitro group of in the the side 4-position chain appears is crucial for activityimportant as the for5-nitro activity, analog with ( Sis)-PA-824 inactive. demonstrating The stereochemistry superior anti-tubercular of the side activity chain appears compared to (R)-PA-824 [83]. Replacement of the benzylic oxygen with nitrogen leads to importantan amine-linked for activity, series with with favorable(S)-PA-824in vitro demonstratingactivity and superi propertiesor anti-tubercular [84,85]. In activity compared to (R)-PA-824 [83]. Replacement of the benzylic oxygen with nitrogen leads to an amine-linked series with favorable in vitro activity and solubility properties [84,85]. In addition, changing the imidazole ring to a pyrazole or triazole maintains activity against MTB, and swapping the oxygen atom in the oxazine ring with sulfoxide, sulfone, amino or groups gives compounds of varying activities [86]. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 16 of 29 Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 15 of 28

addition, changing the imidazole ring to a pyrazole or triazole maintains activity against MTB,In 2008, and swappingBarry and the co-workers oxygen atom infocused the oxazine mech ringanistic with sulfoxide,studies on sulfone, the bioactivation amino or of methylene groups gives compounds of varying activities [86]. PA-824 and other bicyclic nitroimidazoles for tuberculosis treatment [81]. F420H2- In 2008, Barry and co-workers focused mechanistic studies on the bioactivation of PA- dependent Ddn-catalyzed bioreduction of (S)-PA-824 followed by LC-MS revealed the 824 and other bicyclic nitroimidazoles for tuberculosis treatment [81]. F420H2-dependent formationDdn-catalyzed of three bioreduction primary metabolites of (S)-PA-824 (Scheme followed 8) by including LC-MS revealed the des-nitro the formation product of (4) as the threemajor primary metabolite, metabolites with (Scheme smaller8) includingamounts the of des-nitro5 and 6 product [81]. (Neither4) as the the major des-nitro metabolitemetabolite, (4) withnor smaller5 or 6 amountspossessed of 5 anyand 6detectable[81]. Neither activity the des-nitro against metabolite MTB, indicating (4) nor the importance5 or 6 possessed of the nitro any detectable group and activity its reduction against MTB, for indicating activity [81]. the importance Chemical ofreduction the of nitro group and its reduction for activity [81]. Chemical reduction of PA-824 with sodium PA-824 with , as a model of the enzymatic reaction, also yields the borohydride, as a model of the enzymatic reaction, also yields the des-nitro product (4)[81]. des-nitroDeuterium product labeling (4) studies[81]. show hydride labeling transfer studies occursat show the 5-position hydride of transfer the imidazole occurs at the 5-positionring with of additionthe imidazole of a proton ring from with the addition solvent to of the a proton original from position the of solvent the nitro to group the original position(4-position) of the [nitro81]. group (4-position) [81].

Scheme 8. MetabolitesScheme of 8. PA-824Metabolites [81]. of PA-824 [81].

These observations led to a mechanistic proposal for the formation of 4–6 during These observations led to a mechanistic proposal for the formation of 4-6 during Ddn- Ddn-catalyzed reduction of PA-824 [81]. Hydride transfer from F420H2 to C-5 of the catalyzedimidazole reduction ring generates of PA-824 a nitronate [81]. Hydride anion and transfer protonation from of F420 thisH2 anion to C-5 followed of the byimidazole − ringelimination generates ofa nitronate nitrous acid/NO anion2 andgenerates protonation the des-nitro of this compound anion followed (4, Scheme by 8elimination)[ 81]. of − nitrousGeneration acid/NO of NO2− generates2 provides the the des-nitro opportunity compound for NO formation (4, Scheme uponfurther 8) [81]. reduction. Generation of NO2− provides the opportunity for NO formation upon further reduction. Hydrolysis of the nitronate anion (Nef reaction) forms the lactam (5) with the elimination of HNO (Scheme 8) [81]. Finally, further nitronate reduction yields 6 (Scheme 8) [81]. The spectrophotometric Griess assay provides evidence of NO2- formation during the in vivo incubation of PA-824 with Ddn in the presence of F420-H2, and fluorescent experiments using diaminofluorescein in whole cells show NO generation [81]. Evidence of HNO was not reported, although the identification of the ultimate organic products may provide information as to the identity of the nitrogen oxide product in these conversions [81]. A Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 17 of 29

Hydrolysis of the nitronate anion (Nef reaction) forms the lactam (5) with the elimination of HNO (Scheme8)[ 81]. Finally, further nitronate reduction yields 6 (Scheme8)[ 81]. The - spectrophotometric Griess assay provides evidence of NO2 formation during the in vivo incubation of PA-824 with Ddn in the presence of F420-H2, and fluorescent experiments using diaminofluorescein in whole cells show NO generation [81]. Evidence of HNO was not reported, although the identification of the ultimate organic products may provide information as to the identity of the nitrogen oxide product in these conversions [81]. A series of eight derivatives of PA-824 was studied to correlate NO release with the anaerobic killing ability of MTB and a strong correlation exists between the amount of the des-nitro product formed and killing ability [81]. Addition of C-PTIO ([2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5, 5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide]), a specific NO scavenger, decreased the amount of NO formed and decreased PA-824 killing of anaerobic MTB [81]. These results suggest a specific role for NO in the mechanism of action of PA-824 and reveal the mechanism of action of a clinically used TB treatment relies on NO release. [81] Subsequent transcriptional profiling experiments provide further insight about the role of NO in mycobacterial killing by PA-824 by suggesting NO inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase leads to respiratory poisoning under anaerobic conditions [87]. The biochemical properties and catalytic parameters of the deazaflavin (F420)- dependent nitroreductase (Ddn) reduction of (S)-PA-824 have also been investigated [81]. − Monitoring F420-H2 oxidation and NO2 production by UV spectroscopy gives kinetic −1 −1 constants of kcat/km,app = 0.016 µM · min for (S)-PA-824 reduction [81]. Monitoring − NO2 formation by chemiluminescence NO detection, a more sensitive measure than −1 −1 the Griess assay, yields a kcat/km,app = 0.013 µM · min using recombinant Ddn expressed and purified as a His6-tagged protein in with F420 isolated from Mycobacterium smegmatis [81]. Production of NO or HNO or reactions with other biomolecules including F420 may account for the observed 10-fold difference in F420-H2 − oxidation and NO2 formation [81]. In this system, neither des-nitro PA-824 nor (R)-PA-824 supported Ddn-catalyzed oxidation of F420-H2, indicating these compounds do not act as substrates, supporting previous work that indicates the importance of the nitro group and stereochemistry for activity [81]. Although Ddn does not catalyze (R)-PA-824 reduction, fluorescence quenching experiments show (R)-PA-824 binds to the with the same affinity as (S)-PA-824, leading to the idea of different binding modes of the enantiomers [81]. Both R and S enantiomers of CGI-17341 act as Ddn substrates and gave kcat/km,app = 0.011 −1 −1 and 0.020 µM · min , respectively, for F420-H2 oxidation in this system [88]. The metabolism of PA-824 by mammalian enzymes found in the subcellular fraction of the human liver has also been compared to purified Ddn, and MTB and M. smegmatis cellular extracts [89]. Electrospray ionization (ESI) LC-MS analysis confirms that both Ddn and MTB catalyze conversion of PA-824 to the des- (4), but neither the human liver nor M. smegmatis produce 4-6 from PA-824 [89]. The subcellular fraction of the human liver did metabolize PA-824 to four distinct products [89]. Examination through LC-MS indicates the formation of the two-electron imidazole reduction product, also seen in the radiolytic reduction of PA-824 [90], and a hydroxylated imidazole ring product that forms nonenzymatically in the presence of ferrous iron and thiols [89]. The identity of the other two products could not be determined [89]. This study highlights the unlikelihood of metabolic cross-activation of PA-824 and related compounds by mammalian enzymes and their selectivity for organisms capable of hydride transfer (i.e., having a Ddn- type nitroreductase) [89]. Since PA-824 requires reductive bioactivation, electrochemical studies were deployed to better understand the redox properties of PA-824. Even before the mechanism of action for PA-824 was fully determined, the cyclic voltammetric behavior of PA-824 reduction of the nitro group to the corresponding nitro radical anion was examined in comparison to metronidazole [91]. Similar to metronidazole, electrochemical reduction of PA-824 in an aprotic solvent (DMSO) formed a relatively stable nitro radical anion [91]. Formation of the Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 18 of 29

PA-824 radical anion requires more energy for formation (~200 mV), making it less stable (~100x) than the metronidazole radical anion [91]. Further work examined the effects of substitution of the imidazole ring of PA-824 on the ease of nitro group reduction and impact on anti-tubercular activity [92]. The 5-position of the imidazole ring was decorated with electron-withdrawing (cyano, chloro and bromo) and electron-donating (amino) substituents and both differential pulse voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry showed their effect on nitro group reduction [92]. Electron-withdrawing groups caused a positive shift and the electron-donating group caused a negative shift in the peak potential value (Ep), which illustrates the tendency of the to be re- duced [92]. The cyano derivative showed the greatest shift in peak potential, indicating that its corresponding nitro radical anion would be the most thermodynamically favored [92]. All of the electron-withdrawing substituted derivatives showed a positive shift, but only PA-824 and the cyano derivative exhibited a well-resolved, reversible CV with the cyano derivative nitro radical anion being ~300 times more stable than the PA-824 radical an- ion [92]. In terms of biological activity, only the bromo and chloro derivatives were active against WT and mutant MTB, suggesting these compounds do not depend on F420 Ddn as PA-824, but that reductive bioactivation proceeds through a different pathway, possibly direct reduction of the nitro group [92]. These studies could portend next-generation nitroimidazole derivatives with the alternate nitroreductase pathways. The sequential single-electron reduction of PA-824 was investigated through a pulse and steady-state radiolysis study in aqueous solution, which supports a radical mechanism through the novel reduction of the imidazole ring preferentially to the nitro group, unlike other related nitroimidazoles [90]. Stepwise reduction of the compounds was facilitated •− through the electron transfer from the radical anion of (CO2 ). In addition to PA-824, the more soluble compound without the lipophilic sidechain and 2-methoxy- 1-methyl-4-nitro-1-H-imidazole were studied through UV–VIS spectroscopy, mass spec- trometry and DFT calculations, in order to follow the reduction and intermediates [90]. The reduction preference of the nitro group may be due to the 2-alkoxy substitution of the 4-nitroimidazole ring, and the lipophilic side chain of PA-824 could facilitate its ability to bind to a specific protein with the following activation of the 4-nitroimidazole core contributing to the bactericidal ability against MTB [90]. More information is needed to determine if the reduction intermediates play a role in the bactericidal action of PA-824 [90]. More recently, PA-824 was evaluated against a wide range of organisms (e.g., Giardia lamblia, E. histolytica, T. b. brucei, L. donovani, M. tuberculosis, Clostridioides difficile, Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans and representative ESKAPE bacteria: E. coli, aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii)[93]. PA-824 showed potent activity against G. lamblia, E. histolytica and C. difficile, which could lead to the expansion of its use as therapy, from Mycobacterium and Leishmania to anaerobic protozoan parasites and anaerobic Gram- positive bacteria [93]. In addition, two novel bicyclic scaffolds were prepared (e.g., nitroimidazopyrazinones and nitroimidazopyrazines), which were derived from the 4(5)- nitroimidazole scaffold that showed potent activity against M. tuberculosis, G. lamblia and T. b. brucei [93]. Since these organisms do not necessarily possess a deazaflavin-dependent nitroreductase, the identification of the enzymes and mechanisms for the requisite reduc- tive bioactivation may provide leads to the development of new therapies that may include nitrogen oxide release.

2.3.3. (R)-PA-824 While (S)-PA-824 demonstrates potent activity against MTB, the R enantiomer was found to be relatively inactive [81]. Both enantiomers have potent antiparasitic activity against L. donovani, the causative agent of VL with (R)-PA-824 (Figure6) being 5-fold more active than (S)-PA-824 in Leishmania-infected macrophages [94]. Using a murine model of infection, (R)-PA-824 (100 mg/kg) presented an effective cure with 99.9% suppression of infection, while other front-line drugs, and , only Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 19 of 29

provided 41.9% and 68.7% suppression of infection, respectively [94]. The nitro group plays a crucial role in the anti-leishmanial activity of PA-824, as both enantiomers of des-nitro PA-824 were inactive against L. donovani promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes [94]. Both enantiomers of PA-824 were leishmanicidal in vitro with good selectivity, microsomal stability, aqueous solubility and low plasma protein binding, as well as being orally bioavailable and well tolerated in mice [94]. Investigation of the activation of bicyclic nitroaromatic antibiotics (e.g., (R)-PA-824, OPC-67683 (vide infra), DNDI-VL-2098 (vide infra) and other related experimental drugs) revealed reduction by a novel NTR2 in Leishmania, which do not contain a F420-deazaflavin- dependent nitroreductase [95]. Although monocyclic nitroaromatic antibiotics, such as nifurtimox and benznidazole, are activated by NTR1, quantitative proteomic studies and whole-genome sequencing of susceptible and drug-resistant parasites indicate that NTR2 is necessary and sufficient for the activation of these bicyclic nitroimidazoles through the formation of toxic products, although the direct production of NO from the incubation of either enantiomer of PA-824 to the Leishmania NTR2 has not been determined [95]. These studies portend future directions for VL treatment through the intentional repurposing of PA-824, especially in combination with fexinidazole, in antiparasitic therapy.

2.3.4. OPC-67683 (Delamanid) OPC-67683 (Delamanid or Deltyba), a bicyclic nitroimidazole, was developed by the Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd. and approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in 2014 for the treatment of adult MDR-TB (Figure6)[ 96]. OPC-67683 shows potent activity against MTB both in vitro and in vivo in an experimental chronic TB mouse model and MDR-TB with a low MIC [97]. Importantly, OPC-67683 shows a good safety profile in terms of mutagenicity [97]. The good efficacy, lower toxicity and absence of interaction with anti-retroviral drugs suggests use of OPC-67683 for MDR-TB, XDR-TB and TB in HIV-positive patients [98]. In addition, OPC-67683 inhibits VL, both in vitro and in vivo [99]. Similar to PA-824, the mechanism of action of OPC-67683 depends upon reductive activation by the deazaflavin (F420)-dependent nitroreductase (Ddn) [88]. OPC-67683 shows substrate-dependent F420H2 oxidation with purified Ddn, but solubility limitations prevent determination of the kinetic constants for OPC-67683 [88] Ddn-mediated reduction of OPC- 67683 generates the corresponding des-nitro compound, which shows no activity against MTB [88]. Intermediates, including NO, formed during this conversion likely mediate the drug’s action by blocking mycolic acid synthesis that disrupts cell wall synthesis, allowing the drug to enter the mycobacteria [88,96].

2.3.5. DNDI Series In 2014, DNDI-VL-2098, an OPC-67683 analog, was identified as a preclinical candi- date for VL treatment (Figure6)[ 100]. A library of 72 compounds was screened for in vitro anti-leishmanial activity against luciferase-transfected DD8 amastigotes of L. donovani and DNDI-VL-2098 and its enantiomer, DNDI-VL-2001, were identified as the best candi- − dates [100]. Griess assay analysis verifies NO2 and presumably NO generation in hamster splenocytes and extracellular NO generation was significantly higher (>5-fold) when the hamsters were treated with DNDI-VL-2098 in comparison to the infected/untreated group on various days post-treatment [100]. The mechanism of NO release from DNDI-VL-2098 in L. donovani has not been elucidated, but the absence of a leishmanial F420-deazaflavin- dependent nitroreductase suggests the presence of other bioreductive mechanisms [100]. The idea of NO-mediated suppression of parasites in DNDI-VL-2098-treated hamsters is supported by these studies and provides the basis for NO-based antiparasitic thera- pies [100]. Additional parallel studies define the essential structural features of DNDI- VL-2098 in terms of activity for VL, solubility and safety [101]. Further studies have led to the development of other potential new leads for VL through the modification of the C-6 position [102]. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 19 of 28

2016 after clinical trials showed mild signs of neurotoxicity [104]. The mechanism of action of TBA-354 appears similar to PA-824 (vide supra) [105].

Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 20 of 29 3. Nitrofurans/Nitrothiophenes A number of nitro-substituted and thiophenes have a long history of use as 2.3.6.treatments TBA-354 of anaerobic bacterial infections and parasitic diseases (Figure 7). As with other nitro-substitutedTBA-354 is bicyclic aromatic 4-nitroimidazole therapeutics, (Figure6) that initiallybiological had greatactivity therapeutic requires metabolic promisebioreduction. against TB Early [103], butwork the TBshows Alliance NO placed2− release a hold onupon further exposure development to inGSH 2016 and liver extracts afterfrom clinical some trials 2-substituted showed mild 5-nitrofurans, signs of neurotoxicity and [ 104NO]. Thegeneration mechanism upon of action chemical of reduction of TBA-354 appears similar to PA-824 (vide supra) [105]. nitro furans has also been reported [44,106]. Representative examples discussed below 3.include Nitrofurans/Nitrothiophenes nifurtimox, and molecules of the nitrothiophene and nitrothienopyrimidineA number of nitro-substituted classes furans (Figure and thiophenes7). have a long history of use as treatments of anaerobic bacterial infections and parasitic diseases (Figure7). As with other nitro-substituted aromatic therapeutics, biological activity requires metabolic bioreduction. 3.1. Nifurtimox − Early work shows NO2 release upon exposure to GSH and liver extracts from some 2- substitutedNifurtimox, 5-nitrofurans, first and introduced NO generation in upon 1965 chemical [107], reduction is a nitrofuran of nitro furans with has activity against also been reported [44,106]. Representative examples discussed below include nifurtimox, nitrofurantointrypomastigotes and molecules and amastigotes of the nitrothiophene and is used and nitrothienopyrimidineto treat Chagas disease, classes as well as HAT (Figure7). 7) [107].

Figure 7. 7.Structures Structures of nifurtimox, of nifurtimox, nitrofurantoin nitrof andurantoin thienopyrimidine. and thienopyrimidine. 3.1. Nifurtimox Nifurtimox,Nifurtimox first acts introduced as a prodrug in 1965 after [107], absorption is a nitrofuran from with the activity gastrointestinal against tract and liver trypomastigotesmetabolism, where and amastigotes nitroreduction and is used is catalyze to treat Chagasd by cytochrome disease, as well P450 as HAT reductase and NTR2, (Figureleading7)[ to107 oxidative]. stress, the generally accepted trypanocidal mechanism of action for Nifurtimox acts as a prodrug after absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and livernifurtimox metabolism, [108]. where More nitroreduction specifically, is catalyzed nifurt byimox cytochrome metabolism P450 reductase by a andtrypanosomal NTR1 NTR2,proceeds leading through to oxidative the stress,nitroso the and generally hydroxylamin accepted trypanocidale intermediates, mechanism resulting of ac- in generation tionof a for cytotoxic nifurtimox ring-opened [108]. More specifically, unsaturated nifurtimox metabolism metabolite by a trypanosomal as determined by LC-MS NTR1(Scheme proceeds 9) [108]. through the nitroso and hydroxylamine intermediates, resulting in gener- ation of a cytotoxic ring-opened unsaturated nitrile metabolite as determined by LC-MS (Scheme 9)[108]. BiomoleculesBiomolecules 20212021, 11,,11 267, 267 21 of 29 20 of 28

Scheme 9. 9.Reduction Reduction of nifurtimox of nifurtimox [108]. [108]. Unlike nifurtimox, this metabolite inhibits both parasite and mammalian cell growth. This studyUnlike sheds nifurtimox, light on the this selective metabolite toxicity of inhibits nifurtimox both as aparasite result of NTR1and mammalian activation, cell growth. whichThis study generates sheds secondary light on toxic the organic selective products toxicity rather of than nifurtimox nitrogen oxides.as a result of NTR1 activation, which generates secondary toxic organic products rather than nitrogen oxides. 3.2. Nitrofurantoin Nitrofurantoin, first patented in 1952 [109], is an antibiotic used to prevent and treat bacterial3.2. Nitrofurantoin urinary tract infections (e.g., E. Coli, Enterobacter cystitis, , Klebsiella and StaphylococcusNitrofurantoin, aureus )first (Figure patented7). The mechanism in 1952 [109], of action is ofan nitrofurantoin antibiotic used is complex to prevent and treat andbacterial includes urinary bacterial tract nitroreductase-catalyzed infections (e.g., E. formation Coli, Enterobacter of various reactivecystitis intermedi-, Enterococcus, Klebsiella ates [110]. While reduction of nitrofurantoin generates nitro radical anions in mammalian and ) (Figure 7). The mechanism of action of nitrofurantoin is cells [111], speculation exists whether NO is produced as other early studies found that enzymaticcomplex reductionand includes of nitrofurantoin bacterial generates nitroreductase-catalyzed ROS [112]. formation of various reactive intermediatesThe relationship [110]. of NOWhile release reduction and the biological of nitrofurantoin activity of nitrofurantoin generates wasnitro exam- radical anions in inedmammalian on intracellular cells uropathogenic[111], speculationE. coli (UPEC),exists whether which causes NO urinaryis produced tract infections as other early studies (UTI)found [113 that]. Both enzymatic extracellular reduction and intracellular of nitrofurantoin NO production generates of infected ROS 5637 [112]. bladder cells treated with either the NO donor (2,20-(hydroxynitrosohydrazono)bis- (DETA)/NO))The relationship or nitrofurantoin of NO were release measured and through the bi eitherological the Griess activity assay of in nitrofurantoin com- was binationexamined with on UV–VIS intracellular spectrometry, uropathogenic or DAF-FM-DA E. coli and confocal(UPEC), microscopy which causes [113]. urinary tract − Whileinfections nitrofurantoin (UTI) [113]. was effectiveBoth extracellular against colonized and intracellular UPEC, neither NO NO2 productionnor NO was of infected 5637 detectedbladder incells the infectedtreated 5637 with bladder either cells the treated NO withdonor nitrofurantoin (2,2′-(hydroxynitrosohydrazono)bis- through either measurement, indicating that NO is not a key byproduct in the mammalian metabolism ofethanimine nitrofurantoin (DETA)/NO)) [113]. or nitrofurantoin were measured through either the Griess assayThe in cytotoxicity combination of nitrofurantoin with UV–VIS in the dark andspectrometry, after light exposure or (UVADAF-FM-DA irradiation, and confocal wavelengthmicroscopy = 385 [113]. nm) wasWhile studied nitrofurantoin in murine melanoma was B16F10effective cells against for a role forcolonized NO [114]. UPEC, neither OpticalNO2− nor absorption NO was and detected fluorescence in the , infected 5637 chemiluminescence, bladder cells treated fluorescence with nitrofurantoin imagethrough microscopy either measurement, and standard cell indicating viability tests that detected NO is NO not and a key its effectbyproduct on the cells in the mammalian during nitrofurantoin irradiation in both buffered solution and cells [114]. The mechanism ofmetabolism cell death in of the nitrofurantoin dark results from [113]. enzymatic NO release, while light exposure increases The cytotoxicity of nitrofurantoin in the dark and after light exposure (UVA irradiation, wavelength = 385 nm) was studied in murine melanoma B16F10 cells for a role for NO [114]. Optical absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies, chemiluminescence, fluorescence image microscopy and standard cell viability tests detected NO and its effect on the cells during nitrofurantoin irradiation in both buffered solution and cells [114]. The mechanism of cell death in the dark results from enzymatic NO release, while light exposure increases nitrofurantoin cytotoxicity through increased NO photorelease [114]. The nitrofurantoin cytotoxicity was several times greater upon light exposure [114], which could render this drug a promising photochemotherapy option. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 21 of 28

3.3. Nitrothiophenes/Thienopyrimidine (TP053) Given the similarity of thiophene to furan and imidazole ring systems, a series of 5- nitrothiophenes was evaluated against MTB, revealing a highly active yet non-toxic or mutagenic lead compound (2-(3-methylpiperidin-1-yl)-5-nitrothiophene) from these assays (Figure 7) [115]. Mechanistic studies indicate this 5-nitrothiophene requires the F420-dependent nitroreductase (Ddn) for activity and these compounds generate NO2- during incubation with recombinant M. smegmatis containing Ddn [115]. The presence of Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 22 of 29 a nitro group at the C-5 position of the thiophene ring is critical for activity as exchange of the nitro group to an acetyl group or movement of the nitro group from the C-5 to the C-3nitrofurantoin position cytotoxicity abolishes through activity increased [115]. NO photorelease These [compounds114]. The nitrofurantoin appear to act in a nearly identical cytotoxicity was several times greater upon light exposure [114], which could render this fashiondrug a promising as the photochemotherapy bicyclic 4-nitroimidazoles option. (e.g., PA-824 and OPC-67683) and their ability to 2− kill3.3. Nitrothiophenes/Thienopyrimidine MTB and release NO (TP053) indicates these thiophene heterocycles can release nitrogen oxidesGiven in the a similarity similar of fashion thiophene toas furan the and more imidazole complicated ring systems, abicyclic series of nitroimidazoles, identifying new5-nitrothiophenes lead therapeutic was evaluated compounds against MTB, revealing [115]. a highly active yet non-toxic or mutagenic lead compound (2-(3-methylpiperidin-1-yl)-5-nitrothiophene) from these assaysThe (Figure mechanism7)[ 115]. Mechanistic of studiesaction indicate was thisstudied 5-nitrothiophene for the requires anti-tubercular the thienonpyrimidine − prodrugF420-dependent (TP053), nitroreductase a fused (Ddn) thiophene–, for activity and these compounds generateactive NOagainst2 both replicating and non- during incubation with recombinant M. smegmatis containing Ddn [115]. The presence of replicatinga nitro group at theMTB C-5 position [116]. of theActivation thiophene ring of is criticalTP053 for activityby a asmycothiol-dependent exchange nitroreductase of the nitro group to an acetyl group or movement of the nitro group from the C-5 to the (Mrx2) releases NO and/or NO2− as judged by the Griess analysis, similar to PA-824 C-3 position abolishes activity [115]. These compounds appear to act in a nearly identical activationfashion as the bicyclic by Ddn 4-nitroimidazoles [116]. Based (e.g., PA-824 on andprevious OPC-67683) studies and their ability of 2-nitrofuran to reduction [106], a − kill MTB and release NO2 indicates these thiophene heterocycles can release nitrogen 2 suggestedoxides in a similar mechanism fashion as the morefor NO complicated release bicyclic involves nitroimidazoles, the conversion identifying of the nitro group (-NO ) to anew nitrite lead therapeutic ester compounds(-ONO) [115that]. apparently homolyzes to NO [116]. Further reduction and The mechanism of action was studied for the anti-tubercular thienonpyrimidine dearomatizationprodrug (TP053), a fused of thiophene–pyrimidine, the thiophene active ring against gives both a thiophenol replicating and non- derivative, as confirmed by LC- MSreplicating [116]. MTB This [116]. Activationthiophenol of TP053 (e.g., by a mycothiol-dependent2-(4-mercapto-6-(methylamino)-2-phenylpyrimidin-5- nitroreductase − (Mrx2) releases NO and/or NO2 as judged by the Griess analysis, similar to PA-824 yl)ethan-1-ol)activation by Ddn [ 116contributes]. Based on previous to the studies antimycobacterial of 2-nitrofuran reduction effects [106], aon both replicating cells and non-replicatingsuggested mechanism forcells NO [116]. release involves These the results conversion iden of thetify nitro yet group another (-NO2) nitroaromatic substrate with to a nitrite ester (-ONO) that apparently homolyzes to NO [116]. Further reduction and adearomatization different reducing of the thiophene system ring gives capable a thiophenol of producing derivative, as nitrogen confirmed by oxides. LC-MS [116]. This thiophenol (e.g., 2-(4-mercapto-6-(methylamino)-2-phenylpyrimidin- 5-yl)ethan-1-ol) contributes to the antimycobacterial effects on both replicating cells and 3.4.non-replicating 1,3-Benzothiazin-4-ones cells [116]. These results (BTZs) identify yet another nitroaromatic substrate with BTZ043a different reducing system capable of producing nitrogen oxides. 3.4. 1,3-Benzothiazin-4-ones (BTZs) BTZ043Similar to PA-824 and its use as an anti-TB agent, 1,3-benzothiazin-4-ones (BTZs, especiallySimilar to BTZ043) PA-824 and itsand use relat as aned anti-TB nitroaromatic agent, 1,3-benzothiazin-4-ones compounds (BTZs, in the nitrobenzothiazione class haveespecially emerged BTZ043) and as related effective nitroaromatic candidates compounds for in the the nitrobenzothiazione same purpose class (Figure 8) [117]. have emerged as effective candidates for the same purpose (Figure8)[117].

Figure 8. Structure of BTZ043. Figure 8. Structure of BTZ043.

BTZs kill MTB in vitro, ex vivo and in mouse models of TB [118]. Based on potency and specificity for mycobacteria, BTZ0838 (2-[2-methyl1,4-dioxa-8-azaspiro[4 .5]dec-8-yl]- 8-nitro-6-(trifluoromethyl)-4H-1,3-benzothiazin-4-one)) was synthesized in seven steps, and its enantiomers BTZ043 (S) and BTZ044 (R) were evaluated in a structure function study [118]. Both the sulfur atom and the nitro group are necessary for activity as chemical reduction of the nitro group to the hydroxylamine/amine diminishes activity. Nitroreductase-producing mycobacteria were resistant to BTZ043 [118]. BTZ043 acts as a prodrug and functions through nitro group reduction to the nitroso, hydroxylamine and ultimately the amine [119]. Both genetic and biochemical studies identify Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 23 of 29

BTZs kill MTB in vitro, ex vivo and in mouse models of TB [118]. Based on po- tency and specificity for mycobacteria, BTZ0838 (2-[2-methyl1,4-dioxa-8-azaspiro[4.5]dec- 8-yl]-8-nitro-6-(trifluoromethyl)-4H-1,3-benzothiazin-4-one)) was synthesized in seven steps, and its enantiomers BTZ043 (S) and BTZ044 (R) were evaluated in a structure Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 22 of 28 function study [118]. Both the sulfur atom and the nitro group are necessary for activ- ity as chemical reduction of the nitro group to the hydroxylamine/amine diminishes activity. Nitroreductase-producing mycobacteria were resistant to BTZ043 [118]. BTZ043 acts as a prodrug and functions through nitro group reduction to the nitroso, hydrox- decaprenylphosphoryl-beta-D-ribose 2′-epimerase (DprE) as the target of BTZ [119]. ylamine and ultimately the amine [119]. Both genetic and biochemical studies identify Suicidedecaprenylphosphoryl-beta-D-ribose inhibition of DprE by BTZ043 20-epimerase prevents (DprE)the formation as the target of of decaprenylphosphoryl BTZ [119]. Sui- arabinose,cide inhibition a crucial of DprEprecursor by BTZ043 needed prevents for cell the wall formation arabinan of decaprenylphosphoryl synthesis, leading ara- to death of the bacteriabinose, a [119]. crucial BTZ043 precursor and needed nitrobenzamide for cell wall arabinan hybrids synthesis, react with leading cysteine to death thiolates of or hydridesthe bacteria at the [ 119active]. BTZ043 site of and DprE, nitrobenzamide inducing hybrids the nonenzymatic react with cysteine reduction thiolates of or the nitro hydrides at the active site of DprE, inducing the nonenzymatic reduction of the nitro group group of BTZ043 to the nitroso intermediate through nucleophilic addition at the of BTZ043 to the nitroso intermediate through nucleophilic addition at the unsubstituted unsubstitutedelectron-deficient electron-deficient aromatic carbon aromatic present in thesecarbon compounds, present which in these leads tocompounds, inhibition which leadsof to DprE1 inhibition (Scheme of 10 DprE1)[117]. (Scheme 10) [117].

. SchemeScheme 10. 10. ReductionReduction of of BTZ043 BTZ043 [117 [117]] . This reactivity mirrors the classical von Richter reaction and provides an alterna- tiveThis hypothesis reactivity for mirrors the mechanism the classical of action von for Richter nitroaromatic reaction anti-TB and provides agents, such an asalternative hypothesisBTZ043 [for117 ].the While mechanism evidence of of NO action formation for nitroaromatic from BTZ043 does anti-TB not exist agents, or is suggested, such as BTZ043 [117].these While results evidence reveal theof NO rich bio-organicformation chemistryfrom BTZ0 of43 these does compounds not exist specifically or is suggested, and these resultsnitroaromatic reveal the antibiotics rich bio-organic in general [117 ].chemistry Based on the of promise these ofcompounds BTZs as a novel specifically class of and TB drug candidates, a -based design model, based on MIC values from BTZ [118] nitroaromaticand predictive antibiotics solubility, in was general used to [117]. yield aBased variety on of compoundsthe promise of greaterof BTZs activity as a novel than class of TB drugBTZ043 candidates, against M. smegmatisa ligand-basedand MDR-TB design with model, increased based solubility, on MIC as well values as microsomal, from BTZ [118] and metabolicpredictive and solubility, plasma stability, was andused low to toxicity yield [a120 variety]. of compounds of greater activity than BTZ043 against M. smegmatis and MDR-TB with increased solubility, as well as 4. Summary/Perspectives/Future Directions microsomal, metabolic and plasma stability, and low toxicity [120]. The presence of a nitro group can be considered a key structural component in certain drugs, as presented herein. Nitroaromatic antibiotics, such as metronidazole, have his- 4. Summary/Perspectives/Futuretorically found use in the treatment Directions of anaerobic infections and continue to be developed asThe therapies presence (Pretomanid). of a nitro Reductivegroup can metabolic be considered activation a key provides structural a unifying component feature of in certain drugs,these as compounds, presented which herein. act as Nitroaromatic prodrugs. The requisite antibiotics, reduction such of the as nitro metronidazole, group leads have to a series of reduced reactive intermediates that may directly react with biological targets historicallyor fragment found into smalleruse in reactive the treatment species that elicitof anaerobic biological actions. infections Reductive and metabolic continue to be developedactivation as oftherapies these compounds (Pretomanid). also provides Reductive a mechanism metabolic for the activation generation provides of reactive a unifying − featurenitrogen of these oxide compounds, species including, which NO act2 , as NO pr andodrugs. HNO, whichThe requisite show biological reduction activity. of the nitro groupThis leads review to specifically a series highlightsof reduced the releasereactive of nitrogenintermediates oxide species that frommay nitroaromatic directly react with biologicalcompounds, targets which or canfragment potentially into propel smaller further reactive studies thatspecies illustrate that the elicit direction biological of this actions. field, as well as the development of new treatment options. Reductive metabolic activation of these compounds also provides a mechanism for the generation of reactive nitrogen oxide species including, NO2−, NO and HNO, which show biological activity. This review specifically highlights the release of nitrogen oxide species from nitroaromatic compounds, which can potentially propel further studies that illustrate the direction of this field, as well as the development of new treatment options. As described, the biological reduction of the nitro group of specific drugs results in distinct products. 5-Nitroimidazoles, such as metronidazole and its relatives, fragment to acetamide and oxamic acid derivatives during metabolism with incomplete nitrogen recovery. Nitro group reduction clearly shows NO formation and the direct reaction of thiols with metronidazole reduces the imidazole ring generating NO2− directly. 2- Nitroimidazoles, such as benznidazole, form glyoxal and guanidine derivatives upon reduction with no evidence of NO production. Bicyclic 4-nitroimidazoles, such as PA-824, generate NO2-/NO through direct imidazole ring reduction by a deazaflavin nitroreductase (Ddn). The biological activity of these compounds directly relates to their ability to release NO. Nitrofurans and nitrothiophenes, depending on the structure and biological reductant, either fragment to reactive intermediates or release nitrogen oxides. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 267 24 of 29

As described, the biological reduction of the nitro group of specific drugs results in distinct products. 5-Nitroimidazoles, such as metronidazole and its relatives, fragment to acetamide and oxamic acid derivatives during metabolism with incomplete nitrogen recovery. Nitro group reduction clearly shows NO formation and the direct reaction − of thiols with metronidazole reduces the imidazole ring generating NO2 directly. 2- Nitroimidazoles, such as benznidazole, form glyoxal and guanidine derivatives upon reduction with no evidence of NO production. Bicyclic 4-nitroimidazoles, such as PA-824, - generate NO2 /NO through direct imidazole ring reduction by a deazaflavin nitroreductase (Ddn). The biological activity of these compounds directly relates to their ability to release NO. Nitrofurans and nitrothiophenes, depending on the structure and biological reductant, either fragment to reactive intermediates or release nitrogen oxides. While reductive metabolic activation unifies these prodrugs, the structure of the compound, the site of reduction (nitro group or aromatic ring), the subsequent pathway (fragmentation/nitrogen oxide release) and the specific reducing systems appear distinct for each drug. While complex, these various pathways provide an enormous opportunity for the development of selective therapies for tuberculosis and a variety of NTDs, such as HAT, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis. These conditions, as well as many others, urgently need improved treatment options. Evidence presented in this review illustrates that a number of nitroaromatic compounds show activity against various parasites by utilizing the parasite’s distinct metabolic machinery that differs from the host and many bacteria. While development of nitro group-containing compounds has been largely avoided due to their potential mutagenic effects, the potential for the development of specific antibiotics based on the metabolism of a specific organism represents a valuable opportunity. A combination of genetic profiling of target organisms, identification and characterization of potential enzymatic reductants and the design and preparation of new nitro-containing compounds represents a roadmap for developing a new therapeutic that minimizes toxicity issues. − The biological activity of NO2 , NO and HNO and the observation of nitrogen oxide release from these nitroaromatic antibiotics adds a powerful design element towards new therapeutics. Identification of the reducing system and understanding the mechanism of nitrogen oxide release would permit the incorporation of structural features to ensure release of a specific nitrogen oxide in a controlled manner. Controlled bioactivation of designed nitroaromatic compounds by organism-specific reducing systems holds untapped potential for the delivery of biologically active nitrogen oxide delivery agents with high activity and minimal toxicity.

Author Contributions: Writing—Original Draft Preparation, S.B.K., A.M.R., Y.L.; Writing—Review & Editing, S.B.K., A.M.R.; Visualization, A.M.R., Y.L.; Supervision, S.B.K.; Funding Acquisition, S.B.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This work was supported by the Center for Molecular Signaling, Wake Forest University. The APC was funded by Wake Forest University. Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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