G6rv -TA-r-0001w1-~15'. w I Reow-s+ .f£JY ca~~ - SC~ S 6~~ Per~i - fr - -- ._ J;' "'""'"""' j i LUl:J : _:JI resourceful. naturally. BARR engineering and environmental consultants - ---··------' I - ~ I r 12/18/2015 Attn: Claudia Smith EPA Region 8 Air Program {8P-AR) 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO, 80202 Re: Request for Coverage under the General Air Quality Permit for New or Modified True Minor Source Stone Quarrying, Crushing, and Screening Facilities in Indian Country Dear Ms. Smith: On behalf of U.S Silica, enclosed is an application for a general permit to request coverage under the General Air Quality Permit for New or Modified True Minor Source Stone Quarrying, Crushing, and Screening Facilities in Indian Country. U.S. Silica {USS) is proposing construction of a new rail transload facility to transport silica sand from rail cars to trucks near Parshall, North Dakota in support of ongoing oil and gas development in the Bakken region. We have reviewed the criteria for coverage under this permit per 40 CFR Part 49 and the guidance materials found on EPA's Tribal Minor New Source Review website and have determined that it meets the applicable requirements. In addition to the application, we have included supplemental information in this application package to aid your review of this request including: site diagram, process flow diagrams, emission calculation documentation, equipment information on dust collection units, endangered species act review documentation, and documentation that the requirements of the screening process per the National Historic Preservation Act have been completed. If you have any questions or require additional information for a complete review of this request for coverage, please contact Rachel Ames at (952) 832-2845 or
[email protected] or Lori Stegink at (952) 832- 2633
[email protected].