BIOLOGY AND DIVERSITY OF VIRUSES, BACTERIA AND FUNGI (PAPER CODE: BOT 501) By Dr. Kirtika Padalia Department of Botany Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani E-mail:
[email protected] OBJECTIVES The main objective of the present lecture is to cover all the topics of 5 unites under Block -1 in Paper code BOT 501 and to make them easy to understand and interesting for our students/learners. BLOCK – I : VIRUSES Unit –1 : General Characters and Classification of Viruses Unit –2 : Chemistry and Ultrastructureof Viruses Unit –3 : Isolation and Purification of Viruses Unit –4 : Replication and Transmission of Viruses Unit –5 : General Account of Plant, Animal and Human Viral Disease CONTENT ❑ Introduction of viruses ❑ Origin of viruses ❑ History of viruses ❑ Classification ❑ Ultrastructureof viruses ❑ Chemical composition viruses ❑ Isolation and purification of viruses ❑ Replication of viruses ❑ Transmission of viruses ❑ General account of plant, animal and human viral diseases ❑ Key points ❑ Terminology ❑ Assessment Questions ❑ Bibliography WHAT ARE THE VIRUSES ??? ❖ Viruses are simple and acellular infectious agents. Or ❖ Viruses are infectious agents having both the characteristics of living and nonliving. Or ❖ Viruses are microscopic obligate cellular parasites, generally much smaller than bacteria. They lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body. Or ❖ Viruses are infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host. Or ❖ Viruses are the large group of submicroscopic infectious agents that are usually regarded as nonliving extremely complex molecules, that typically contain a protein coat surrounding an RNA or DNA core of genetic material but no semipermeable membrane, that are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells, and that cause various important diseases in humans, animals, and plants.