-----=------:------==------:-~--HogS Defeat Butler in Opening Track Meet Here Archery Range on PiKA "Dream Girl" Two Mentioned Kerr Announces Make-Ups Cole's Men Win Dickson Street New For D and E Grades To Be Selected Student Business Every Sunday As Prospective Make-up examinations on D Ten Firsts ·to "Johnnie's Archery Range", lo­ and E grades secured in the A novel plan for selecting an an­ Medical Deans cated next to the new Coca-Cola Spring Semester 1937-38 or the nual "Dream Girl of Pi Kappa Al­ Crush Visitors Fall Semester 1938-39 and on E pha" has been started by the fra­ Two physicians were mentioned plant on Dickson street, is the lat­ est student bush10ss lo open. grades secured in the Summer ternity. by Gene Farmer Sunday as being outstauding pros­ Johnnie Hornor, Eel Lothrop and School will be given on Monday, Each Sunday a weekly "dream Arkansas' question-mark track pects for the deanship of the Uni­ Bob Brooks are operating the new April 10, at 8: 30 a. m. in the girl" will be chosen from among squad baptised the new cinder path versity Medical school, as the board business, which opened Saturday. Engineering Auditorum. the dinner guests. At the end of of Bailey Stadium yesterday after· or trustees prepared to meet next I It has attracted a great deal of at­ Fred L. Kerr, Registrar. the year the "dream glrl" for the noon with a crushing victory over Saturday in Governor Bailey's office tention from students and town year will be chosen from among Butler University of IndianaJlQlis, to elect the dean and plan further residents. -----•----- those selected during the year. Ind., by a score of 87½ to 39½. The reorganization. FranceB Carl Lee, a Kappa Gam­ Porkers took ten of the 15 first Dr. Paul Huston Stevensou, as­ -----•----- 1 Mary Alice Horne s ma, was elected last Sunday, the places. sistant dean of the University of 11 first time the new plan was put Carlos Parks, lanky junior star, Cincinnati Medical school, and Dr. "Bury The Dead , • One-Act Play Wins into effect. was the star of the afternoon, win­ F. A. Corn of Lonoke, member of Great War Drama, ----•----- ning scoring honors with 18½ the board of trustees, were those Lambda Tau Contest points. Parks won the javelin, the prominently mentioned for the post. Coming Soon Senior Engineers 220 yard dash, placed second in the Illinoisan Mary Alice ,Horne won the one­ 100 yard dash and the broad jump, Dr. Stevenson, who recently spent The University Theatre will pre­ act play contest sponsored by Will Make Inspection and ran on both winnig relay several days visiting the school is sent "Bury the Dead" at 8 p. m. on Lambda Tau, honorary literary so­ teams. His javelin throw of 189 a native of Monmouth, Ill., born April 12 and 13 in the University ciety, for its members. The win- Trip This Month feet was a new University record. there December 22, 1890. He re- ·t · d t'· d. t· f ning play was a comedy about au d1 Ol'lum, un er "'e 1rec 10n o A group of thirty seniors in the Only a step behind Parks were ceived a B. S. degree from Hiram v L B k f f bl' dormitory life, "Penny Makes a Marshall of Butler and Neil Martin • • a er, vro essor o pu 1c 11 College of Engineering will leave College in 1913, and his M. D. at ki Conquest. Plans are being con- of Arkansas. Marshall scored 15 . t U · ·t t St L · spea ug. s1'de'·ed fo1· product1·on of tl1e nlay Fayetteville April 29 for lbeir an- w ash mg on ntversi Y a · oms "Bury the Dead" is a war satire ;, ,, nual inspection tour of the industri- points with first place in both hurd­ in 1916. He was in medical service b I · Sh d h h d by Lambda Tau. Y rvmg aw an as a a sue- al centers of the Middle-West. They les and the high jump, while Mar­ in China from 1917-20 and from cessful run 011 Broadway. The story Three other J,Jlays were submit- will travel 1500 miles in nine •days, tin captured firsts in the broad 1920-28 was connected with the Pei- is centered around six corpses that ted for judging. They were writ- visiting plants in St. Louis, Chica­ jump and discus, second in the high ping Medical college, a Rockefeller- rise from their graves and refuse ten by Betsy Payne, Patricia Peck, go, and Milwaukee. R. C. Paddock, hurdles, and third in the low hurd­ endo wed institution in Peiping, t o b e b une· d . E ac h corpse d epic· t s and Abb1·e Ba1·rd · professor of mechanical engineer- les. Cbina. He taught anatomy there, m d'ff h t t ·t d J d f tl t t D so e 1 eren t c arac er ra1 an u ges or 1e con es were r. ing, and Dr. Stuart McClain of the The Razorbacks swept all three and is said to have won wide recog- each has a different reason for re- William J. Baerg, professor of en- chemical engineering department places in the 220 yard dash, the nition for his work there. He went fusing to be buried. The morale of tomology; Dr. J . C. Jordan, dean of are to accompany the boys. shot put, the discus, and the broad to the University of Cincinnati as the army is disrupted and even the the graduate school; Blair Hart, in- In St. Louis, the students will be jump. its assistant dean last year. wives and sweethearts of the men structor in public speaking; and shown through the Howard Bend Two of the afternoon's best times Dr. Corn is a native of Arkansas, are called in to pursuade them to Elsijane Trimble and Seth Thomp- Pumping Plants, the Monsanto were turned in by Southworth, ace born at Lonoke in 1899. He was allow themselves to be buried. son, students. Chemical company, and the Bush- Butler distance man. Southworth graduated from the University Med- The play will be presented dur------•----- Sulzer Diesel Engine company. ran a 4: 30 mile and wasn't even ical school at Little Rock in 1927, · H. h S h I W k d th Th thr d · Cb' mg 1g c oo ee an e con- Serv'ice Group lnstall ... d,· e ee ays m 1cago are pushed, and then came back to step interned at St. Vincent's Infirmary, testan.ts will be invited to attend. .., to be spent in the plants of such off a brilliant 1: 57 half. and has practiced at Lonoke since. The cast includes Harold Ellis, Perkins first President corporations as Camegie Steel, In- Roger Mast, Arkansas quarter He is active in Lonoke county and Arden Sutherland, John Finne, A. ___ terlake Iron, and Western Electric; man, provided one of the meet's state medical circles, and assists in . S. Riskin, Seth Thompson, Bob Formal installation of Alpha Phi with stops also at the State-Line features on the last event of the the county's public health work. IGoodrich, Morgan, Mary Omega, service organization, -was Generating station, Swift and Com- day, the mile relay, when, running Popu1arly mentioned before have Frances Mccaslin, Dorothy Dough- held at Wesley Hall Sunday after- pauy's stock yards, the Board of the anchor lap, he overcame a five­ been Col. Kent Ne1s·o1:1, Seventh j erty, Leola Sharp, Patricia Murp~y, noon. The installation was follow- Trade building, Lighting Institute, yard deficit to win. Mast turned in Corp area surgeon, Umted States I Olga Trail, John Knipe, Roy Patten, ed by a banquet at the Washing- and Underwriters' Laboratories. a neat 50.7 quarter earlier in the Army, a~d Col: W. F. 1\'Ionc~ief, IWilbert Lynch, Allen Wood, Charles ton hotel. Roe Bartle, national The party will be split in order to day. commandmg officer of the United IHannan, Sidney Worob, Dickson president, and a degree team from allow civil, chemical, electrical and The Summary States Army and Navy General hos- Knott, Joseph Shay, Jay Frizzo, the University of Kansas City were mechanical engineers to investigate Javelin-Parks, Arkansas; Spor­ pital, Hot Springs. The latter has Francis Hogan, Paul ~hillips, Bill present. indu,i;tiies in Which they are par- er, Butler; Lyon, Arkansas. Dis­ asked that his name not be consid- 1Crow, Tl1omas Brad11am, Burton The officers installed were: Bob ticularly interested. tance, 189 feet. ered. Both are nearing the retire- Clark, Bill Spencer, William S{leer, Perkins, president; Henry Koen, At i\lilwaukee, stops at the Allis Pole vault - Walls, Arkansas; / ment age. and Clarence Farrell. vice-president; Fay Jones, secre- Chalmers machinery works, the A. Hiatt, Butler, and Driver, Arkansas, Retired -----• ----- tary; and Fred Lynd, treasurer. L. Sm\th corporation factory, and tied for second and third. Height, Dr. Vinsonhaler retired from the Bob Rowden is chairman of the the sewage disposal plants are . ! pau Ia O verstreet to 12• feet. • • deaush1.1> several months ago, but 1 installation committee. scheduled. 440-yard dash-Mast, Arkansas; has been serving until appointment Give Recital Tomorrow Alpha Phi Omega is a national ----• ---- Vogler, Butler; Yates, Arkansas. of his successor. He bad 'been dean --- organization and has 87 chapters No Drill Thursday Time, 50.7 seconds. since 1927. Paula Overstreet, piano student, over the United Slates. The uni- 100-yard dash-Zuebr, Arkansas; The school's reorganization, un- \viii gi'\'8 a recital tomon-ow night versity cbapteT is the first to be There is to be no drill for the Parks, Arkansas; Reno, Butler. der a recent $300,000 legislative ap- at 8 o'clock in the University audi• installed in Arkansas. The pur­ ROTC regiment Thursday, the Mil- Time, 10 seconds. propriation, to retain the school's torium. Clees McKray, associate poses of lhe organization are to i_tary Art department bas announc- Mile run-Southworth, Butler; "A" rating, is expected to go for• instructor in piano, will J,Jlay the foster improvements on the cam­ ed, so that cadets may take full ad- Overstreet, Arkansas; McColl, Ar· ward rapidly. Of this amount, $100,· orchestral parts on the second pi- pus, ancl to help in campus activi- vantage of the Easter holidays. kansas. Time, 4: 30.6 minutes. Blouses will not be worn at to- 000 is an annual appropriation for ano. ties. High jump-Marshall, Butler; the operation of the school and day's drill. Extended order and Thorpe, Arkansas; Reno, ButleT, $200,000 for operation of the city calisthenics will be given d!1ring and Driver, Arkansas, tied for third. the drill. clinic and hospital in connection Consciousness of Proletarian Art Great -----•-- --- Height, 6 feet. with the school. Razorback Staff Will Meet 220 '.yard dash-Parks, Arkansas; Rumor was that all requirements Phenomena of Literature, Jones Tells Seminar Mast, Arkansas; Zuber, Arkansas. of the American Medical Associa­ A general conference meeting for Time, 22 seconds. tion would be fully met with 200- The great change in American its history," he declared. "Two of a ll members of th"l Razor.back edi­ High hurdles-Marshall, Butler; bed hospital facilities, and teaching literature since 1933 has been the them, Eugene O'Ne111 and Maxwell torial staff will be held in the offi­ Martin, Arkansas; Elkins, Butler. staffs with emphasis on require­ growing consciousness of the ex- Anderson, are genuinely first-class." ce Wednesday afternoon at 4, ac- Time, 15.1 seconds. ments for "physician professors, istence of proletarian art, Dean Vir- Three novelists were named by cording to an announcement by Ed­ Shot put- Thorpe, Arkansas, Mc­ voluntary or otherwise, meeting all gil Jones of tile College of Arts and Dean Jones as appealing to "prim­ itor Fayette Locke. All members Daniel, Arkansas; Fletcher, Arkan­ class sections promptly and r egu­ Sciences told the edvanced jour- itlve emotions": Theodore Dreiser, ar e urged to attend. sas. Distance, 41 ft. 9¾, in. larly." -----•----- nalism seminar yesterday. Ernest Hemingway., and the late Chemistry Class Visits Water Plant 880-yard run-Southworth, Butler; The teaching staff of several de­ "For a long time we denied the Thomas Wolfe. "Hemingway was Smith, Arkansas; Fox, Butler. Time, partments will probably be streng­ existence of a proletarian class In once pure artist," the speaker ad­ Friday afternoon the water anal­ 1 : 57.4 minutes. thened in the near future. the ," Dean JonEjs ded, "but his lost book was half ysis class made a trip to the water 440-yard relay-Arkansas (team When reorginzed, with the school said. "'l'he most important writer novel, half diatribe against the plant. There are 14 members of of Zuber, Diffey, M:a.st, Parks). controlling the city hospital, this of that classification is, I think, Al- rich." the class, and D11. Hanison Hale, Time, 43 seconds. institution can handle from 150 to bert Halper, with Erskine Caldwell 1 "The romantic exists now just professor of chemistry, is teacher. Broad jump-Martin, Arkansas; 115 patients daily. Other hospitals not far behind. We know definite- as it ever did," the speaker con------•----- Parks, Arkansas; Zuber, Arkansas. have agreed to co-operate by pro­ Jy what Caldwell is now, since the eluded. "Both 'Anthony Adverse' Exam Schedule Announced Distance, 23 ft. 2¼ in. viding the needed 25 to 50 addition­ appearance of 'Tobacco Road'." and 'Gone Witb the Wind' fall into Discus throw-Martin, Arkansas; Ten weeks examinations will be al bed facilities. Discussing contemporary A:meri- that class, but I don't believe either Stallings, Arkansas; Britt, Arkan• held the last meeting of each class bed facilities. can literature, the speaker expres- will last. Their passing populari­ sas. Distance, 113 ft. 5 in. before tile Easter vacation, Fred sed the opinion tl1at the last fifty ty, I think, wm eventually be on Low hurdles-Marshall, Butler; -----•----- L. Kerr, registrar, has announced. No Senate Meeting years had seen lasting American the order of 'Ben Hur' of some dee------• ----- Elkins, Butler; Martin, Arkansas. There will be no student senate contributions to literature in every ades ago. As for young writers, I Students receiving funds through Time 24.2 seconds. meetings until after the Easter hol­ field except that of the essay. think the South has more young, the National Youth Administration Mile relay-Arkansas (team of idays, Bob Stout, president of the "America now has more fine vigorous writers today than does must sign affidavits stating they McColl, Parks, Smith, Mast). Time, associated students, has announced. dramatists than at any period in any other section of the country." are U. S. citizen.a. 3: 29.4 minutes. 2 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER Tuesday, April 4, 1939 Debaters Ready For Mut ger car. Leave Thursday afternoon for two Thursday, April 6. W!ll black n otebook with my name In It. J\rknniuts wruurltr April -.6, return Monday. Call Jim- share e xpenses. Call 807. S.O.S.! Call Bea Penrose, 1037. At Colorado University mie Porter 1 313. Official Student Paper, University of Arkanaaa, Fayetteville LOST: Last F riday-one red dic­ WANTE D: Ride to Dallas fo r The University debate team will WANTED: Passenger to Fort tionary with valuable photographs. Easter holidays. Leave Thursday Pub'lshed Twice Weekly During the School Year By Students of the be the guests of the University of Smith, leave Saturday noon. Oall l!'mder call J oe Schmelzer at 847 afternoon or Friday. Oall 1629. Turner Brown. 1313. or K appa Sigma house. University of A rkansas Oo lorado a t Boulder on Ap1·il 13 to Accepted tor ma!llng at a s pecial WANTED: Room and board for ra te of postage provided for In S ection 16 fo r the a nnual M issouri Valley BOARD AND ROOM for boys WANTED: Passengers to Little t wo boys $20, board for several 1103, Act or October S, 1927, Authorized debate tournament. November S, 1919. just across the street from the Rock Thursday m orning. Call Joe more at $1 5. Across street from The question will be " Resolved : ha nd house. Quiet place. Phone Woolsey OT Phil Ba ker, 912. E ngineering building. Call 26 or Publlca.tion Ortlce, lllaln Building, 161 0. Mrs. T. A. Green, 827 W est Basement. Telephone 588. that the United States should join <'Ome to 03 West Dickson. 4-4 2t Dickson. LOST : On e black and white Printed by Fayetteville Pl'lnllng Co., in with the other demo ralic na­ Cravens Building. Telephone 131. Eversharp pencil between Ag ri and OTICE: barter of Local 273 tlons in a program of coll ective se- LOST: Green and black f ountain Dairy bui ldings. Bryan Walker's of Amer ican Federation of Musi­ Douglas Smith . . . Editor curily." es name on it. Please return to Trav- Gall Borden Business Manager pen with my name on it. Syk cians w ill be closed Wednesday. Al l The affirmative Learn making the Ha1Tis. P hone 1638. ler office. cle:siring to join ee John Waller, Managing Editor (or this trip ar Ernie Wright and Fr d secretary. edition . . . Seth Thompson F OR SALE: One ticket to the WANTED: A ride to Jonesboro Pickens. Don Hall am and Harris April 6, or F ri­ oclet,{ll~:ii~~singer and ~!ary Pr witt Militiwy Art ball. Entitles holder Thursday afternoon, Ride to Little Rock will com pose the negative 7. help share ex­ WANTED: Sports Editor . . Gene Farmer Young to take a date. Price, $1.50. Call day, April W ill Wednesday afternoon or Thursday start Writers-Richard 1\lobley, Yera team . 1115 after six p. m. Warren Wal• penses. all Reedy Turney, phone ex­ i'.llargaret Brown, Dorothy Dough 1·- 26. lo return Monday. ·wm share tv Bills tafford, Rogel' ;'\,!(Isl, t1 1'­ The toumamenl is sponsored by ters. penses. 'all 5'7 J or 976 and ask trude l\l eye1·, Man' '\\'ooll Beau­ champ ~lnrv Ali e Horne, 'Maston the Missouri Vall ey Forensic WA TED: A ride to Han; n, for Murray Dechek. Jacks,' :llae Ellen D,·orachel<, ?,itrl­ League, composed of Kansas Uni­ LOST: Gold m sh bracelet with Thursday, April 6. Will share ex­ cia Peck, Bob N well, Har!'ls 'Young, LO T : Jeweled Sigma Chi pin. ,. rsity, Texas uiv rsity, Louisi­ a Tri-Delta crest. Jane Buxton. penses. Call 807. Charley Light. Call 1512. Sapphires and pearls. Initials ana State University, Oklahoma L.D.B. If found, please notify Jim­ Asst. us. :i\1gr. Donald Gltchel LOST: Four or fiv keys on a Asst. Bus. ::l!gl'. . . Henry Thane my Parish at 1594. Reward. Clrculalion l\[grs. . Mary Croom, Univer ity, I'ansas State A. and M., RADIO SERVI E : Call L. R. Kir• ring with a green dice. Return to Mary Good, Phyllis Kraus Colorado University, Nebraska ui- by aj;.. the Shuler Shop, 320 West Helen Weaver, Carnall Hall. ,v ANTED: Typing of term pa­ versity, reighton, South Dakota Dickson. Phone 719. pers etc. Con ctions in spelling LOST: Black Sheaffer fountain niversity, Drake, Iowa State A. WANTED: A ride to Tulsa on nnd punctuation. Phone 1445. Mrs. pen set with mother of pearl. B. F. Harper. 4-4 2t and M. ,and the nlversity of Ar- April 7. 1f interested call Jack Plea e 1· turn to Wanda Richard - - by the editor I kansas. Reed at 1579. at the Zeta House and receive re­ ,______,I ----•----- ward. KA SAS CITY or points north. LOST: One gray Parker foun• Leave Thursday p. m. Return Sat­ people who stay on lain pen. If found please call Tom urday p. m. or Sunday. Share ex• University Agris W ill Choose Oueen WANTED: Ride to Little Rock peuses. all Bobby Goff, phone st th Guthrie, phone 971W. Thursday afternoon. Call 1128 to­ the campus mo of e time are At ADA Meeting Tonight night. 1299, Wilson Park. often surprised, when they visit FOR RENT : Tuxedoes. Sizes 36 elsewhere in the state, to fi nd that The election of the queen to and 38. Paul Marinoni. LO T: Sheaffer black and gray WA TED: Passengers 011 char­ fountain pen. Rough "D" carved a large number of our citizens con- reign on the annual Agri Day, April tered bus to Little Rock. Leave on stem. Reward. Phone Dick Dun­ sti WANTED: A ride to Little Rock Thursday, 2:30; leave Little Rock sider the niversity a gl:eat in - 28, will be the main feature of on Thursday. all Rafe Andrews can, 1152. tuUon but also a very immoral AD . 3: 00 Monday. Round trip. $6.00. . .A. meetmg Tuesday night, or Dave Block at the Sigma Chi Call James Spencer or Marshall place. Although the last big scan- April . house, phone 1152. WA TTED: Ride to Little Rock 4 Shack !ford, 1152. rhursday afternoon or Fliday. Call dal happened years ago, it is still Fo_llowing U10 annual custom the Halbert Moocly, 976. often referred to in the smaller LOST: Political Science note­ LOST: Ladies gold broa h in queen will be chosen by the Agri book containing notes for the se­ form or two leaves. Lost around towns of the state. students from among the outstand­ mester. If found please return im­ Field House after the concert. If ing girls of the Senior Class. mediately as they are needed for found call 867. Reward. Freshmen who come here for the -----•----- ten-weeks. Call 1560 or see Robert Alices Beauty Shop first time often-- expect- older stu• Han ;ell. F OR SALE: Auto radio electric CO NVENIENT, M ODE RN Blue Key Elects air horns, boxing gloves. Call 1560. dents to spend most of their time W.A,..."'J'TED: Can take 2 passen­ E FFICIENT OPERATO RS drinking whiskey, staying up all Eight to Members hip gers to Tulsa Thursday evening LOST: Behind loan desk of Ii· 302 W. Dickson night playing poker, necking under for Easter holidays. Call Alvin brary F riday arternoon, a small Phone 560 for A ppointment the moonlight and otherwise doing Eight new members were elected Bickel at 785. everything except studying. The to Blue Key, national organization WANTED: Would like to share .a-a - o_ t _ J _ J _ D_ O~ - 0 - ll _D_ll _Daan~ - ll -0_0_0_ - 0• movies and the magazines are re­ for men active in student partici­ expenses with anyone driving to sponsible for a lot of this, but we pations, when the University chap­ St. Louis over Easter. Call Dick For Quality and; Service . EAT AT THE ourselves are due some of the ter met at the hotel Schmelzer, Green Tree Apart. 147. blame. Sunday afternoon. WANTED: Ride to Springfield. MAJESTIC CAFE -•- The students selectecl for mem- Will share expenses. Call E. R. Since it is just before Easter bership were Henry Thane, Charles Carter, 1313. 519 W. DICKSON vacation, this is a good time to re- Morse, Bram McClellancl, George LOST: One political science note• mind ourselves that the way we Murphy, J. M. Stevens, LaFayette bcok. Essential for ten week's ex­ students behave off the campus has Rutledge, Charles Hogan, and Oli­ aminatlons. Finder please return ~9>0 - D_ o _ c _ o _ o _ o _ o _ D_ a 3 _ 0 _ 0 _ c - ~...a - 0 • c -..-..-•- a - Oe a great deal to do with the Univer- ver Clegg. tc Dick Cunningham, 520 Storer sity's reputation. One student, • ---- 5treet. Phone 1337. drunk on a train or in a Little New Group Moves in TO WHOM IT MAY CONGER Rock hotel lobby, attracts more at• M (it, concerns no one with honesty tention to the Univer sity than pie- Home anagement House ns a prerequisite): Note, pay atten­ tures of a new building in the news­ tion, consider, notice, read with Four new girls have moved into care. Lost one valuable light­ papers. the home management house for brown rain-coat recently purchased Easter via with good green-back currency. weeks of training. They Nobody will -claim•- that we are a the last six Not a s licker but a c loth r ain-coat. ROUND TRIP FARES FROM FAYETTEVILLE group of puritans. We have our will be under supervision of Mi ss 1 offer as rewards my friendship, Floy Wilson, teacher trainer for my esteem, my admiration, and a fun, but t his group of students is Fort Smith $ $10.20 the home economics depa rtment. financial r emuneration. Deliver 2.35 Memphis no more immoral than any s imilar said r aincoat to Dickson R . Knott Bentonville $ 1.00 Jonesboro $ 9.35 group of the same age in the coun­ Those moving in are Alva As­ at Kappa Sigma house. Sooner :re­ Joplin $ 8.65 kew, Christine Naughter, Mary Lou­ $ 3.35 Kansas City try, and in spite of the movies there turned the more handsome t he re­ Russellville $ 3.25 ise R ye, and Lucy Mae Williams. ward. $ 4 .50 Muskogee . is quite a bit of studying on t he Conway $ 1.10 The girls that were t here t he first $ 6.15 Siloarµ Springs college campuses of today. The ragged American history $ 2.10 six weeks wer e: Beatr ice Davis, OLD Pine Bluff . $ 8.75 Eureka Springs . people over the state, however , nev­ book with Allen Wood, PiKA house, $ 4.35 Sara Helen Chester, Mar tha Pa t• Little Rock $ 7. 20 Tulsa . er get an opportunity to see us writteu in front. Liberal two-bit 3.60 ton, and Mrs. Alicia Yoes. reward. Hot S prings $ 7.20 Harrison $ studying. They are more likely to -----•- - -- DeQueen $ 7 .15 Berryville $ 2 .55 see us in a honky-tonk over the WANTE D: Ride to Little Rock Texarkana $ 8.65 Marshall $ 5.05 holidays, showing t he boys back Classified Ad Section Shreveport $11.00 Oklahoma City . $ 7.85 home what hellions we ar e up at (Ads free to students; 25 cents El Dorado $10.45 Dallas, Texas $10.90 the University. per four lines to non-students.) (DUKE UNIVERSITY NOTICE It is an unfortunate-•- fact that the l!-O OM and board for two boys. Pleasant room. 327 W. Lafayette Special through coaches will leave Fayetteville at 4:00 p, m. student who studies regularly, goes street. P hone 1572. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE to bed before midnight and other- DURHAM, N. C. T hursday, April 6th; scheduled to arrive in Little Rock a bout 9 :30 wise lives a normal life, usually FOR SALE: Round ti;p ticket p. m., con nection will be made with M. P. bus leaving Little Rock for $6.00 to Forrest City in passen- Fo ur t erms of eleven weeks are giv­ at 9:40 p. m . fo r P rescott, Hope, etc. Reservations are now being goes home and keeps quiet about en each year. These may be taken it. The hell-raising minority makes consecutively (graduation in three taken on these thru coaches upon purchase of t icket to Little a lot of noise to show the public tion's aims is in order..... Lambda and one-quarter years) or three Rock or beyond. Thus Chi Alpha's "fish board," wher eon terms may be taken each year what naughty boys they are. (graduation in four years), The en­ is written the names of brethren REGULAR SCHEDULES LEAVE FAYETTEVILLE FOR the average citizen gets the idea trance requirements I are intelli­ that every boy or girl who goes to who are stood up or otherwise done gence, cha racter and three years of LITTLE ROC K AT: a the University will in time become wrong by women, is full again as college work, including the subjects 4 :30 a. m . 10:50 a. m. ~2 :35 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 10:35 p. m . for Cl ass A medical a drunlcard. As long as this keeps result of Jack Robinson making the specified list with Helen Hesterly as his schools. Catalogues and appl ication To Texarka na, Shreveport: 4:30 a. m. 10:50 a. m. 10:35 p. m. up it is no wonde1· that some par­ ai ned from the forms may be obt 7: 45 a. m. 2:45 p. m, ents send their children to smaller sponsor..... The boys are looking Adm ission Committee. To Seligma n, Ha rrison: schools in preference to this one. fo1• an "annex." The original board I West B ound: 7:30 a. m . 11: 00 a. m. 1:30 p. m. 5:45 p. m. was pilfered from a nearby hatch- "Bury the Dead",- •- widely known ery. . . . . April Fool gags included • • 1 anti-war play, should be the best ,,111111111 & 11111111 ... corn muffins filled with cotton at LANER BROS. I 0 and most timely stage production the Kappa Sig house. . . . Celeste I here in a long time. The Univer­ Snyder of the Phi Beta Kappa house SHOE SHO p ~ sity theatre will give it shortly af­ wired her folks that she was mar- ter the holidays ..... Among those ried and was coming home. They ·1111111t: ... :.· :\11111'11' didn't get the joke and when she A Free Shine on Every black-balled by Blue Key, supposed­ ·:t'''. ly an organization for outstanding didn't arrive excitedly called up. Repair Job men on the campus, was Bob Stout, She happened to be picnicking president of the student body, eil with Gruesome Newsome ...... WE CALL FOR Martin, one of the most popular ath­ Among eccentric habits of notables AND DELIVER UNION BUS TERMINAL letes in many years, and Bob Hud­ is that of Maurice Britt, who sleeps son, St. Pat this year. It looks like with his military cap on to keep PHONE 819 106 N. College Ave. Phone 66 a new statement of the organiza- from catching cold...... I• .,._...,~_ ..0 ____ ,....,__ _,,__ ~,..,_..~,..--.,_ ..,u.--.,.. e •~-a-~-a-• --~ ~~-c-a-0 4 Tuesday, April 4, 1939 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER 3 Sigma Alpha Epsilon The pledging of the following is Jean Stevenson and Delta Gammas Entertained Kappa Kappa Gamma also announced: Edwin Kitrell, Ty- Initiates ind Pledges ler, Texas; Royce Skaggs, Forrest Bob Gordon Married At Sigma Nu Drop-In Holds Formal City. Sigma Nu entertained eight Del­ Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces In a s pring garden setting the ----•----- Announcement of the marriage ta Gammas a t its Friday night the Initiation of the following men : Kappa Ka ppa Gamma e ntertained Lambda Chi Initiates of Jean Stevenson, Kappa Kappa drop-in. The elates were: Sybil A. L. Smith, Siloam Springs; Loui s their el ates and guests wi th their Ga mma, a nd Bob Go rdon, Kappa Spade, Howard Kitchens; Virginia George, Texa rka na; Edwin Walker, s pring formal d ance Friday night Initiated into Lambda Chi Alpha Alpha, both of Little Rock, bas Cook, Pat McWilliams; Mary E s­ Camden; John E. Carruther s, Pine in t he women's gym. The o rchestra fraternity Wednesday wer e Ted b een m ade by the bride's par ents, ther Poole, J immy Walker ; Lena Bluff; Douglas Wynne, For dyce; seated in a huge Easter basket. Scll wi nk, Rochester, N. Y. ; Duane Mr. a nd Mrs. Lloyd D ensmore Stev- Morara, John Thane; Susan Clark, was Jack Arnold, Arkadelphia; Edgar egg re­ Yoe, Sti1lwater, Okla.; Bob Hunter, enson. The ceremony was perform- Jack Webb; Peggy Withington, A brightly colored Easter IcBride, Hot Springs; Knighten of the ceil­ Memphis, Tenn.; Herman Powers, ed Sunday, Mar ch 12, at Neosho, Bob Perkins; Dorothy Clayton, Le- volved from the center Starns, orth Little Rock; Roger was further Springdale. Mo. Moyne Cullum. ing. The Easter motif Hannon, Little Rock; Tom Burrow, ng carried out by the orchestra playi Little Rock; Jack Griffith, Little -----•------•------•----- ''The Easter Parade" du1ing the Rock. Patroni ze Traveler advertisers. Patronize Traveler advertisers. Patronize Traveler advertisers. Kappa lead-out. The date list is as fo llows: Doris Mills, Tom Trimble; Mary J im Lane, Dick Walker; Mary Caroline Beem, Henry Thane; Edith M - Crary, Clifford Marsh; ancy New­ land, B. A. Owen; Frances Rye, Bob Keathley; Judy Copp, George Dun­ naway; Carolyn Wagley, Bob Pick­ ard; Bobbie Alfrey, Andy Layman; Betty Pickard, Bill Carroll; Mary Ruth Pate, Arden Sutherland; Bet­ tie Beesley. John Haw1ett; Kay Ad­ kins, Preston l\1cGruder. Jane Fowler, Chuck Eld; Maryj Alice Story, Lee Cullen; Dolly Walker, Doyne Lloyd; Camille Wal­ dron, Best Clark; Mary Ellen Git­ LeCroy, . Arnold; Gladys ever tinger, Bill ·"If my son Doug Whaley; Virginia Hensley, Stanley Price; Mary Ellen Robin­ son. Ted Sch~vink; Betty Powell, John Swearengen; Mae Ellen Dvor­ discovered the truth achek, Paul l\[ilholland; Dora Sue Higgins, Albert Ridings; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Little; Mr. an dMrs. Bob Gordon ; Will Etta Long, Leather about me ll .'' Black; Frances Carl Lee, Walls Trimble; Edna Carl Lee, George Doerries. ----•---- Whatwottld he think, Johnny Kelsey wondered. He'd always Chi Omega Gives been "the swellest guy i n the to his son. Then one Tea Dance world" CAN WE night Johnny got drunk and Cbi Omega sorority entertained ran over a man. He knew his with a tea dance Saturday after­ KEEP IDlJ OF friends would " fix''things, hush noon in the ,Vomen's gym. Decora­ it up somehow. But there was tions were of spring flowers with one person Johnny still had to the Greek letters of tbe sorority WAR? face-his own son.•• . Read in fashioned out of white carnations placed at each end of the gym. your Post tonight this dramatic l\!usic was furnished by the Varsity story of a father and son, by the club. Crnthor of The L ate George Dales were as follows: TODAY the colossal poker .Apley and Wickjord Point. A1lison; John James Brown, Jean game of European p olitics has Diffy, Joella Berry; Paul Johnson, a n e w player: Fra nklin D. Bess Bohlinger; Vance Scurlock, R oosevelt. What m ad e him de­ A NEW SHORT STORY Carrol Dorland; Warren Nance, cide to sit in? Will this new Ann Eddins; Bob Amalia, June strategy k eep us out of war? Gingles; Jimmy Byrd, Evelyn A n oted European correspon­ d ent analyzes a critical turning "Beginning Now.;,;'~.P. Marquand Green; Dick Bulgin, Helen Hester­ y. ly; W. A. Moore, Martha Ella point in U. S. foreign polic Gambling With Peace Hurst; Bob Kerr, Marjorie J ack­ son; Happy Ha1Tell, Bobby Jones; by DEMAREE BESS Art Salisbury, Kula Makris; Dave Ellison, Mary Mccroskey; John Wbiting, Betsy Payne; Roy Baker, Betty Sale; 'Charles Hogan, Miriam HE COURTED HER WITH ASAND­ Grace Stuart; Max Hickman, Pat­ WICH KNIFE! Two soda poppers ty Thompson; Lyle Rhode, Elsijane go after the same job- and the Trimble; John Chester, Jo Tucker; same girl. In Second Man, Kenneth McGehee, Virginia Creek­ Jerome Barry writes the story more; Jesse Stone, Ann Pickens; of a triple-decker frame-up. Dallas Miles, Martha Beall; Bert Mitchell, Joyce Canary; Don Bea­ IMAGINE MOVING A MOUNTAIN! mon, Margaret Carolan; Bob Rolling a giant river from side Keaethley, Ann Collier; Fay Jones, to side I L ifting an ocean liner er a 70-foot dam I When Connie Collins; Larry Smith, Mary ov U. S. public-works engineers Jess Curl; room; Travis Cotton; push N a ture around , they Albert Railsback, Virginia Lee Dab­ make those ancient R omans ney; Rafe Andrews, Sarah Deaver; and E gyptians look like ama­ Bob McCall. Evelyn Freeman; teurs with M eccano sets. Garet Johnnie Horner, Mary Good ; Ed Garrett tells you the amazing MAKE Fogg, Catherine Hogue; Louis Ram­ story in Great Works. sey, Eloise Inring; John Meiser, l\laMon Jennings; Harley Chapman, AND The Great World Money Why did a rubber-heel improvement make millions for an obscure Adele Kirkpatrick; Sid Crawford, Play, the story of Secretary wrappers l ose a manufacturer ld­ cobbler-and an idea for gum Phyllis Kraus; Harry Crumpler, Morgenthau and the go standard crisis, by J oseph Al­ $6,000,000? H ere are fascinating stories about dozens of inventions. Betty Lee Lemley; Robert Gladney, sop and Robert Kintner ... A Clues as to whether your gadget may be worth money. You'll find Janet Lemly; Mac Roebu k, Mari­ te Mr. Tutt story, "Priva to protect your idea. How to know if it's worth patenting. beth Mallory; Pitts Jarvis, Patricia Enemy No. 1," by Arthur bow Murphy: Fostecl Finley, Shelley T rain ... ALSO-short stories, And what to do if you think '" That Idea's Worth Millions." Patteri,on; Lloyd l\lcCuiston, Es· serials, editorials, fun, P ost ther Ann Pearson; Todd Gordon, Scripts and cartoons. All STOCKBRI DGE Jane Plummer; Bert Cottrell, Beth in this week's issue by FRANK PARKER Riley; Stanley Applegate, Miriam of the Post. Rosen; Bud Scott, Virginia Sevier; Charles Hinton, Anne Smith; Jack Griffith, Estelle Triplett; • Pinned: Ruth Long, Aurora, to Frank Robertson, Benton. Robert­ son is a second year medical stu­ dent in Little Rock. He graduated from the university in 1937. 4 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER Tuesday, pril 4, 1939 Four Games Scheduled Yates, Hickey, Adams, Sound Pictures To Be Oates for Military Ball Easter Hol idays Beg in T hursday In Intramural Softball New "A" Club Offcers Shown at Officers' Meeting Must Be Turned In Easter holiday will begin Thm.- 5 nd I11ti-amural ha'I'" been raging A. J. Yates was elected president Sound pictures dealing with phas- All basic students who wi h to clay aft rnoon at o'clock a will th heatedly in the form of oft-ball, of th "A" rlub, organization com­ es or atta k and signal commuuica- tak a dale to the Military ball la t until a. m. e following Tn sday, Fr d L. KetT, registrar, howe\•er, only one game will be posed of Univer ity atllletes, wh n lions will be shown at 7 · 30 p. m., must turn in their date's names to has announced. prote·t d. There will be only four the club met aturday afternoon. V,' dnesclay, in the Y terans Facil- rgeant Richtmeyer in the mili- games this w ek, Manager harlie Howard Hickey was lected vice- ity theater at the regular m eting tary office before pril 10, Royce Hinton announce . Play will be r • president;, uud John Adams wa.s of the n sen'e Offic r' oln, chairman of the dance com- . ------• sumed after th holidays. elected secretary-treasurer of the this district. mittee, said today. The chednle for this week is as group. Mrs. Goldie Jones, secretary Imm cllately following th con­ Also, any basic student who has I DeLuxe Eat ~h op J follow : in the nive1 .. ity athletic depart- f r nee an important meeting of not sign d up and agreed to the as­ I Student Help-Student Owned "- dnesday at 4-AE vs. Dorm, meut, was lect d as an honorary the otl:ic rs will be held for th s ssment ror the ball may still do I Texas House vs. SAE. member of tile club. purpose of making plans ror the an- so with Sergeant Richtmeyer at the IOn Dixon Phone 145 Wedne day at 5-Kappa Sig vs. Retiring ofl:icers for the club are: nuai dinner, it was annouq ed by military office. The assessment will Kappa Nu, Hill Hall vs. Kappa Al­ Ray Co 1 e, president; Wilfred apt. Alfred Taylor. be taken rrom ach student's mlli- pha Thorpe, vice-pre ident; and Gloyd ----• ---- 1 tary deposit. ======The result or lhe other games Lyons, secretary-treasurer. Futral! Attends NCA M eeting 1 Coln also said tbat due to the ar as follows. Dr. John linton Futrall, pres!- great demand for bids and to avoid Sigma hi won over Dorm 5-1. ----•---- discrimination, each junior and sen­ Rootin' Rubes Not to M eet dent of the university, attended the Kappa igma won over Kappa ior officer will be allowed to sell meeting of the North Central Asso­ u 24 to 7. A check up might r eveal ciation of olleges and econdary one outside bid at $1.50 each. There visual difficulty. This Alpha Gamma Rho beat Kappa The llootin' Rub pep organiza- will be only 80 of these available. Schools held at the Steven hotel Alpha 20_0_ tion will hold no more meetings un­ service is free. til after Ea ·ter vacation, Marigene in hicago March 29-April 1. He ----•---- Lambda bi beat FF 11-0. DR. OTWELL Howell, presid ut, has announced. returned to his office yesterday. Patronize Tra eler advertisers. Town beat 4-H 7-3. E beat Kappa Alpha 19-0. Hill Hall beat Texas House 5-2. AGR beat PiKA 12-10. ----•---- Preli ms In Women's Volley Ball Held

The initial mat hes of a volley ball tournament between eight wo­ men's organlzations on the campus were held last Wednesday after­ noon in the women's gym. OLIVIA de HAVILLAND Winning teams were 4-H, Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Gamma, and Car­ nall. They defeated Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Tri Delta, and town. Final matches are scheduled for Wednesday, April 5. They will be played at five o'clock in the wo­ men's gym. The Women's Athletic associa­ tion is sponsoring the tournament. Miss Dorothy Crepps, instructor in P hysical Education, is directing the games. ----•---- Women Athletes Sponsor Series of Play Nights

Eleven couples participated in a Play Night sponsored by the Wo­ men's Athletic association Wednes­ day evening. Games played by the guests were ping pong, shuffle board, badminton, volley ball ,and ariel darts. Play 'ights are sponsored by the WAA on the average of once a month. All university women and their dates are invited. They are held in the women's gym from 7: 30 to 9:00. ----•---- Golf Tournament to Begin April 1 5

Because of the approaching East­ er holidays the date of the golf tournament for University of Ar­ kansas male students on the course of the Springdale Country Club has been changed from April 8 to April 15. All who Intend to enter the tourn­ ament should register at the golf Chesterfield's Happy Combination (blend} of the club not later than 6 p. m. Thurs­ ,day, April 6, in order that flights finest American and Turkish tobaccos satisfies millions may be ar ranged. because it gives them smoking pleasure they get from _Qualifying scores must be llste<7 at the club house by the players no other cigarette. Refreshing mildness, better taste not later than 6 p. m. Thursday, and more pleasing aroma are Chesterfield's feature April 13. Finals will be played Saturday, p· ·· . ' attractions with smokers everywhere. April 15. ' The. right combinotion for a satisfy• Golf balls will be given as prizes. ing show is ERROL FLYNN & OLIVIA \ When you try them you will know why ----••---- de HAVlLLAND in DODGE CITY \' Power Executive Speaks a WARNER BROS. picture coming )( Chesterfields give millions of men and women 1 \ soon to your local theatre. 1 : To Engineers' Society \ - l1 more smoking pleasure •.. why THEY SATISFY Kenneth Johnson, salesmanager } 'The right combination for a really \ for the Arkansas Power and Light : satisfying smoke is Chesterfield's :( company will speak on "Power / can't-be-copied blend of the world's /; Sales" at a special meeting of the I best cigorefte tobaccos. ) American Institute of Electrical En­ ~- " gineers today at 4: 00 p. m. in the \ . __ .---~---~- {! b,,,..'"'-• -...... --· ..... - ~ Engineering Auditorium. ' Paul Carpenter discussed "Beam hesterfiel~ Power Tubes" and E. H. Heckman spoke on Television at the regular The RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos, THEY'RE MILDER •• THEY TASTE BETTER meeting Wednesday.