Darton West Ward Profile 2019
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DARTON WEST Ward Profile 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS 03 04 Introduction and Purpose Demographics 06 09 Learning Health and Wellbeing Page 13 15 Households Crime 16 17 Internet Access Other Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&[email protected] 2 Introduction and Purpose Barnsley Council is continuing to change how we work together for a ‘Better Barnsley’. We have ambitious plans to improve and grow as identified in our Corporate Plan for 2017-2020. This sets out what we aim to achieve over the next three years to improve outcomes for our customers and the community as we strive to become more customer focused, modern, efficient and business minded. We're still focused on achieving our three key priorities: Thriving and vibrant economy People achieving their potential Strong and resilient communities We still feel that these areas warrant greater attention, emphasis, and possibly resources, to influence other areas of activity and make the greatest impact overall. The council will concentrate resources to make the most impact by providing services where they are most needed and we'll help people to do more for each other and their community. To do this, we need a solid evidence base to develop effective interventions which will help to achieve a ‘Better Barnsley’. The data within this report are from the latest available as of May 2018. This information is intended to stimulate discussion, debate and action to support Area Councils and Ward Alliances to identify some of their strategic priorities on an area basis and commission services to meet these challenges. This profile compares the Ward with the overall Barnsley figure and that of England where possible. Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&[email protected] 3 Demographics Overall Population Barnsley’s population has been growing constantly Down -0.8% since 2001 and has increased in Barnsley by 4.9% since 2011 since 2011. However, since the 2011 Census, the 10,578 resident population in Darton West has decreased by 0.8%. There are slightly more females than males within the ward. 51.0% 49.0% Source: ONS 2011 & 2017 Mid-Year Estimates Male Female Age Profile and % of Total Population 0-18 Darton West 18.7% The age profile of the population is changing year olds: both locally and nationally. Darton West has a Barnsley 21.7% higher proportion of 65+ year olds than both 1,977 Barnsley and England. England 22.5% 19-64 Darton West 57.6% year olds: Source: ONS 2017 Mid -Year Estimates Barnsley 59.2% 6,089 England 59.5% Main Language is not English 65+ Darton West 23.7% year olds: Barnsley 19.1% 2,512 England 18.0% Darton West 0.8% Source: ONS 2011 Census Barnsley 1.3% In 2011, 1 in every 100 Darton West residents’ main language England 4.4% was not English; equal to the rate for Barnsley overall. Ethnic Breakdown White British (Includes English/Welsh/Scottish/ Northern Irish/British) 1.1% White (Includes Irish/Gypsy or Irish Traveller/Other White) White British 97.3% Mixed/multiple ethnic groups 2.7% 0.5% BME Asian/Asian British 0.2% Black/African/Caribbean/Black British BME 0.3% 2.7% 0.7% Other ethnic group White British BME Barnsley’s ethnic diversity continues to change. In the 2011 Census, 3 out of 100 people in Darton West were from a Black Darton West 97.3% 2.7% and Minority Ethnic (BME) group compared to 4 in every 100 people in Barnsley overall. Barnsley 96.1% 3.9% The 2011 Census is the most up to date national data available on ethnicity. England 79.8% 20.2% Source: ONS 2011 Census Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&[email protected] 4 Demographics Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2015 This is calculated based on seven domains of deprivation, which in turn are composed of a number of indicators that are scored and ranked to produce an overall domain score. Proportion of Darton West Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in 10% Most Deprived in England LSOAs in 10% Most Deprived in England LSOAs not in 10% Most Deprived in England 0% 0% None of the LSOAs in Darton West were in IMD IMD the 10% most deprived n o i in England for both t 2015 2010 a v i 7 LSOAs 6 LSOAs IMD 2010 and IMD 2015. r p e D f o s es c d 7 6 I h i i l g n n E 5 1 0 2 The Seven Domains of Deprivation and how Darton West Performs : c r e u o Percentage of Darton West LSOAs in the Bottom 10% in England by Domain S Education, Health Barriers to Living Income Employment Skills & Deprivation & Housing & Environment Deprivation Deprivation Training Disability Crime Services Deprivation 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 Darton West LSOAs Relative to England (DCLG, 2015) © Crown copyright and database rights (2018) Ordnance Survey licence number: 100022264 Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&[email protected] 5 Learning 2 Primary schools 1 Secondary school 533 Pupils on roll 1135 Pupils on roll % of Pupils Achieving a Good Level of Development 2013 - 2018 Darton West Barnsley England 70.7% 69.3% 71.9% 71.5% 66.7% 68.5% 66.3% 67.5% 70.0% 65.5% 65.7% 67.2% 60.4% 62.5% 57.6% 55.9% 51.7% 50.2% Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 The percentage of pupils resident in the Darton West ward achieving a good level of development increased in 2018 with outcomes now above both the Barnsley and national averages. 2017/18 DfE % of Pupils Achieving the Expected Standard in the Phonics Screening Source: Check at the End of Year 1 2015 - 2018 Darton West Barnsley England 82.9% 81% 82.0% 81.7% 79.0% 81.0% 80.0% 79.0% 77.0% 78.0% 73.9% 73.0% Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 The percentage of pupils resident in the Darton West ward achieving the expected standard increased in 2018 with outcomes remaining above the Barnsley average and just below the national average. Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&[email protected] 6 Learning % of Key Stage 1 Pupils Achieving the Expected Standard 2016 - 2018 Reading Writing Maths Darton West Barnsley England 76.0% 71.7% 76.1% 70.8% 76.0% 75.0% 74.0% 75.0% 70.0% 75.2% 74.0% 68.0% 75.0% 75.0% 68.8% 73.0% 72.0% 67.0% 73.0% 74.0% 67.0% 72.0% 72.0% 65.0% 70.0% 64.0% 71.0% 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 Year Year Year Attainment at the expected standard for pupils in Darton West ward decreased in all three subjects in 2018 with outcomes now below the national average. % of Key Stage 2 Pupils Achieving the Expected Standard in Reading, 2017/18 Writing and Maths Combined 2016 - 2018 DfE : Darton West Barnsley England Source 71.4% 67.6% 65.0% The percentage of pupils achieving the expected 63.2% 61.0% 64.0% standard in reading, writing and mathematics combined increased in 2018 with 59.0% outcomes remaining above 53.0% both the Barnsley and national 53.0% averages. Year 2016 2017 2018 Average Attainment 8 Score at the End of Key Stage 4 2016 - 2018 Darton West Barnsley England 51.8 The attainment 8 score of pupils resident in Darton West 48.5 ward increased in 2018 with outcomes now above the 47.4 Barnsley average and equal to 44.6 44.5 the national average. 44.0 44.5 43.9 42.5 Year 2016 2017 2018 Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&[email protected] 7 Learning Average Progress 8 Score at the End of Key Stage 4 2016 - 2018 2016 2017 2018 Darton West -0.28 -0.52 -0.45 Barnsley -0.22 -0.15 -0.15 England 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.4% In 2018 pupils resident in the Darton West ward made less progress than pupils with similar starting points in Barnsley and nationally. However, the progress score was higher than the 2017 score. % of Pupils Eligible for Free School Meals on January Census Day 2018 Primary The percentage of primary school pupils eligible for and claiming a free school meal in the Darton West ward increased but remained well below both the Barnsley and national 43.4 averages in 2018. Darton West Barnsley England 9.6% 18.3% 13.7% 2017/18 Secondary DfE : Source The percentage of secondary school pupils eligible for and claiming a free school meal in the Darton West ward increased but remained well below both the Barnsley and national averages in 2018. Darton West Barnsley England 9.8% 16.5% 12.4% % of Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2018 Darton West Darton West 12.9% 12.0% Primary Secondary 14.1% 13.8% 12.9% 12.3% Barnsley England Barnsley England The percentage of secondary school pupils with The percentage of primary school pupils with special special educational needs and disabilities in the educational needs and disabilities in the Darton Darton West ward increased slightly in 2018 and is West ward increased slightly but remained below now just below both the Barnsley and national both the Barnsley and national averages in 2018. averages. Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&[email protected] 8 Health and Wellbeing Life Expectancy at Birth Male Darton West Barnsley England 81.1 80.9 81.1 80.7 79.5 79.5 79.6 79.4 78.2 78.3 77.9 78.1 Year 2012 - 2014 2013 - 2015 2014 - 2016 2015 - 2017 Life expectancy at birth for males in Darton West is 3 years higher than for men in Barnsley and 1.5 years higher than England.