St Anthony's Parish
ST ANTHONY'S PARISH Priest Director: Parish Coordinator: Sr Maria Joyner pbvm NEWSLETTER Chair Parish Council: Mr Jim Tiernan Parish Secretary: Mrs Noela Nolan Saturday/ Sunday 14th/15th April (Ph 4636 1737) Safeguard Rep: Mrs Nicole Rangiira Postal Address: PO Box 217, Drayton North, Qld. 4350 School Principal: Mrs Louise Pfingst Church Opening Hours Office Hours – Monday-Friday 8.30am – 4pm Maria – Mon-Wed, Fri 9-4 Sunday 8am – 11am Noela – Tues-Fri 8.30-2.30 Fr Hermi – Tuesday - Friday “A Place at the Table for All” We acknowledge the living culture of the Giabal and Jarowair peoples, the traditional custodians of this land Third Sunday of Easter – Yr B First Reading: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 You killed the prince of life; God, We hold up and remember all those who have died recently: however, raised him from the dead. For the Anniversaries of our loved ones: Norman Hubert d’Aranjo Responsorial Psalm: and the Anniversaries of the deceased Priests of the Diocese: Lord, let your face shine on us. Rev Msg Leslie Schuhkraft, Rev Fr John Michael, Rev Fr Lex Herzig, Rev Fr Anthony O’Keefe, Rev Fr Roderick Lynch, Rev Fr Leo O’Donohue, Second Reading: 1 John 2:1-5 Rev Fr John Concannon, Rev Fr Reginald Prior Jesus Christ is the sacrifice that takes We hold up in prayer all those who are sick including the following Parishioners: away our sins and those of the whole Daniel Bell, Rosemary Carlaw, Thora England, Shelley Fry, Darryl Gampe, Matt & Eileen Garvey, world.
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