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Columbus Courier, 1911-1920 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-26-1918 Columbus Courier, 04-26-1918 The itM chell Co.

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UmbUm, 1mm rW Hoi, April X, Hit No. 45 om: HtiMimen Arm TWM.VK Mf'.N MUST CO WILL-OMDt- hrk MAY ELEVENTH rt:e.F. w;ii:iwf: to loan FWM LUNA COUNTY ' LMITt DAT rMm, NM .ht, hHIi' Sm Mere ?&nm ef Ihe Rms WM Arc Called DATEFORfRIMARY Hnfei'Hi CMi hwIm i fikxs Hvrr In nmi nWit'l r,' Hn , ttuwln hy Atnnwt M Ytt CchL Convention held In llrinlnii Saliirday aprcr tiMn prlnmry plan of Loan Ma, After Wei Ufcertr Ona hundred and four subscribers .. INFANTHY BAND Lnn county must furnish twelve nominating candidate"! for We KrtwIaCllie Kg'WIl lo llm Liberty Loan Is the record men for Hie new strait, regardless Ihe County Offlrrrs WHrr. AMHS . CtH.OXEL WILSON CHASK r IW made by Columbus, with small sub- .TH'E.VH'-FOl'RT- of tho fad that alio la far ahead of scriptions romi'ig In every day. Her SCSW. . . . INFANTRY BAND Saturday. May 1Kb, has been set Columbus will patrtollrhlly ob- her quota already. Tbn difiWully as Iho dato for holding Ibe demo quota of ilLbon was subscribed In . A. I TAYLOR serve Liberty. Day as proclaimed in Ilea 111; the tlownew of tho depart- rralie primary In Luna county a fdw hour after tho committee got 8CH004, CHJ)Hf'A' .fr n proclainallon Issued liy Ilie presi- WW ment st Wttblnston Iq glviiw) Ibe Ihe purpose of nominating a randi en the Job. and whilo they have date for representative, n dent. Tho program for llio clay will t AIMmK.13. . . CIIM'I.MN A. B. TH0MA8 proper credit for enlistment from sheriff, continued lo solicit subscriptions sensor, treasurer, superlnleudeiil of lio In coliiniu of thin HL'SIC ...rwtLvn-Kta'Rn- county. Hip When found anoUior they nro not devoting very much i infantry rami this local Iwanl, schools, probate Judge, three com- Issue of tlio Courier. Unto lo (be work. AIMIRESS. : 4, .PHOF. U C (iREEN tho rail was received last week. Im- missioners, and surveyor mediately look matter Willi Frank Callcn. Jack lmilon and Columbus has done exceedingly up the A convention was held in iH'iiiing HUfitC ...TWEn-FOURTI- I INFANTHY BAND llm department, but could gel no William Klein conceived llio Idea well, the husuicia men In town all last Saturday for tho purpose of de- sulwcrlhlng as liberally as could Mtamm... ,lt:ilAPI-I- N MILTON 0. BEEBE satisfaction, lliu queatloii merely sei riding how the candidate were In of a pntrlollo demonstration after ning down to the plain demand for havi' Ven oxixcted. To those who TWENTY-FOURT- bo nominated which was attended rradlug llio proclamation, .. INFANTRY RAMI and, after havi ri, yet subscribed, tlio Colum- the into, aa the government will not hy delegates from all over Ihe enun conferring Willi Mayor T. II. Dahney bus tfato Hank Is al your service ADDRESS... JIHIN WATSON wait until tho credit la made fJid ly. tlio pro rain being onu delegate talked tin- - mMler lu'll. ii'4 for Mio placing of your sulmcrlptlon. meanwhile will not alow up t)ie for each twenly-llv- o democratic rRIM'.ESS10N fnAltTI.NU AT l:M V. M. (SCHOOL men In town. "d ovtuiic wU In rlierc Is no charge whatovcr for Fllini THE draft machinery. So Ihe tsiard got voters In Ihe lat general eierimn sympathy ' villi lit mivriiient ami (Ilia service. HOL'fiE, LED BY HlflTAHY BAND AND BATTALION busy, and hero are the men who irfdiimbus was entitled In six. Tlne agreed In rime Ihet. places of busi- ill! subscriptions must be made must go In Iho first call, Ibe latter who nltended from hero vj'ere De Of INFANTRY. INFANTHY WILL 8INU "ITS A LONO ness at noon. 'fbey conferred with on or before May ? Initial payment part of tbU month: IIoIm.i t M. Marshal. T. A. Ilulsev I Colonel Wilson Cliasc, commanding B per cent with subscription: WAY TO TIPERHARIi." Wm. Uaupp. Ujiuuibiiv N y. I. Hurkhenil. '.. II. MeAulev I. officer at Camp Furlong, who second payment, due May M, SO per Newton Ita'ph Meilrlde, Pittsburg. Hint D. J. CIiikIIhoii. thought tlio plan an uxrcllcnl one, cent or (olal. Third payment X per Pa. Iek bunion and Charlie l'iran ni and readily offered hi assistance in rent, duo on llm iHth or July. Fourth J Jesx Kt'ley. !mllig. so went along. very way mssI1!c. and last payment on Amnisl li), IOIH, Julian Parheco, Demlng. The roinmltli-- on rosolulion A Columbus has Half1 of Interest for the loan 114 per JAMKH MANNING A INDIAN APPROPRIATION Hill McDonald, lllslieo, ArU. the Wilson Iter quota of the Third Liberty U)an cent, Willi llio ImiiiW dated May tl. pneumonia nil.l. OF JIL'ai INTEIIIC8T F.iiK'lerio Almeret, Dcmlnu. iVualor A. A. Jones nnd llepn. o on thin day her honor Han wilt he IWH. Ursl Inlerest payment for 120 llolNrl llarrion Emery. Deming. Istlfe Hilly Wall and also tlx Washiuglon. D. April 35. -- s mined over llio postofllce. The fed- days duo lo holder on Kcptemlier 'jamcs Manulug, ageil 43, diel of il, Hie, Herman Lindauer, Deming. county officials, nnd Keunlm- Jaio.-- flreen-wik- l hill. eral reserve hank wired J. U nexL Inlen-s- paymenls there- - pneumonia at the base hiMpital hern Indian Appropriation Iho con Maximo Hseau, Columbus, N. M. l. I ptnii for goveiior. report on .nf Oi Columbus Stole llank ftcr due every March 15 and 8en- - tiatunlay night, arter a short Illness. ference which has been J as. h. While. Iloiulale. Judge (;. 0. Hiiiiers. Ilie Deming Irinher 15. Ilonds Hep- - Mr. agreed to by IkiIIi tlio senate and Hie peaco. (lint the flbtr was shipped Iqsl Hot. maluro on Manning had been employed as Claude C- Howard. Demlng. Justice of was unani- :t, IVM. is I by quartermaster house of representatives, Is mously clet'li-- unlay, and It surely will arrive here iiiIht It tho safe wheelrlghl llu of more Alva il Slnmd, lloldriiUe, Neb. democratic rounly in world,, lo .1. hy Friday. Investment the nnd your at the ramp. He had lieen n resi- than usual Interest Hie people of Allernales: rhnirinaii, and S. Smith wiisrlio. Tlio composed I'nclc Sam need? the coin. dent valley several years New Moxlro Ibis year. en as vice ohulrman. rommittefl, of of the for E. II. White, Waterloo. N. M. Mayor T. II. Dahiiey, Jack tmdnn, I'ollowlng Is a complete list of and Is survived by his mother, Mm. II roiitnlin a provision thai no In Iho oveniim Jnuios Cnrrimin. n Il F. lUtes. Null, N. M. Wlllluiii Klein, Frank Callen and uhsrribem to dato: E. Manning, and brothers, llid'uu shall Ih) Deming biislnesD man n ban- four created Warren S. Clark, Deming. navo Chaplain Milton 0. Heche, met on Dr, II. Dabney John T, lloberl. (leorue and leu Man- nor shall any hi to quet lo Hie visiting deleimtes tlio J. additions made Julian II. Ilurker, D'iiiiim. and Wednesdoy afternoon and arranged Harry O. Tracy ning, Interment was mudu al Valley ono heretofore created within the lendliiK democrals of the rounly. nt Unlit. V. Turwater, Columbus. the program. John ft Walsoti of WVH. Murphy Heights cemelermy. limits of Hie slides New Mexico Ilie Harvey house. Those from tills of Green A. Smilh, Deming. Deming has been asked lo make the and Arirona, except by act con- place who were luvlled were Jack of Leonard A. Hathaway, Deming. closing address. W. Kllloll J. II. Ulalr ami E. r.. Kulflln re- gress. liondon, J L. Hreenwootl. C. II Me- This removes n question Joo Deckrrt. Di'inlng. 'I tic procession will start at Ibo 0.E.VJark turned Sunday from a y bus- many years Auley. and Charlio Powers. They which for has tieen W fi. I'aikry. Iemlng school building al 1:30 o clock and (. J.WIIklnson iness, visit to Arlion. most serious one in this slate, and re"rt a very enjoyable lime, and vs Tboe liaimil from outside Ihe III he led hy a military hand, It is Mrs. J. yilkluviu r rent Ion and enlarge- leak of Mr. tarrlgan as a host in 0. ppihihlf the county were registered .from Luna, hoped thai llm people lit town will John K, (Viloii lADIKfT AID SOCIETY ment of Indian reservation liv de- - (he hiiihcsl terms. allium out and fall hi lino asthry but have slncp rmovrdUto pther IjnJmejiUL ""'U atlfirgeTtiiiBii-rcdi- l ' pSHWiWcounly i ,ili.t; oiijIweli . ' marctjp Mjra'i'wMmsrsn rfa- VJliftASqittp!l4( 'Hieimwlll bvhi tinNHoiuallou, "leavfng the niotter nm oN program Ve.lnes-da- for them. AffAIN immeiimieiy auer ui is Airs. Nanor m vnn or thcMjiilles' Aid Silely whore il pnqH'rly belonitx, wllh Ihe IIEID IP completed The nr-- uamnl who-ar- tlll In at tlio band stand thu 0. A. IjiwTtnco Mny I. Tills meellng will be duly elected represeulalivi's in crowd will form otvund tin; mst Ihe rolliify are required In report lo The drilling at Ibo Knlflln well Ih 0, Itoeso M. o'clock. All The provision was intro- of lice, where tlio Liberty m al tho F church al3 the local board al Ibe court honw lieiug held up this week on the ac W. F. King are requested W pres- duced In the senate hy Senalnr Honor Flag, which Columbus Is now members lo HI this city at 2 in on April '.? count of having broken a bull rope Frank W. Callcn ent. Sinilh of Arizona, and was ener entitled to ily. will bo raised. The for Ihe llrst. roll call, and (he ron- - and having lo wail unlit another C II. MeAuley getically nml vigorously suporlcd committee hopes to ho able to lingnnt will be entrained m a spe- could lie received II will only bo The l'uclil llros. Co. ' by Hie. entire New Mexico ilcjepallon secure a large number nf new Joliy Oanier cial Santa Fe train at this place at a few days. They are also wailing A. Froderlckson It. W. In lMh branc on this day. Hlllolt :3n o'clock on Ihe morning nf Ihe on a driller who is coining out from II. Meholsou bill - The proclamation Issued by Presi- T. II. Dabucy Ilie also rurries an appropri- Sllh. for Camp Funston, Ft. Hiley, lbs Angeles lo lake charge of Ibo Henry Davis litiuli r.M.RiMI Hie Albuquerque dent Wilton follows: Dora Hurlon of for Kau. 'Iho local Niard is plauninR night shift. IS. H. Nelson fi,H,Vi for Iho IV Prorlmuntlou. T. J. Colo school. Santa a demonstration in honor of their A. J. Wehl Maliue (Inllndd hcIiim)!, W,ichi for coiilinuing work "Hy the President or the United departure in which Ihe clliens gen- Senator .1. C). Upton of Deming Is 'J. CFIoto' Dean extending Stales of America: Harry A. for the Indian highway erally will lie asked to HirticlNilc.- - a candidate for lljp Democratic " I'on Don V. liarvey Hie Mesa National proclamation. U from Verde park DeiuiiiK (Iraphie. nomiiiallon for governor of New A. J. Kvans "An cneni) who has grossly nbus-o- il W. II, Pago lo liiillup, 9l.(sl additional appro, Mexico. Hie democrats con do n lot Mrs, J. W. (ho power of orgaultrd govern lllnlr IJenry, imrlou priulipu to the ( already made NEW SWINDLE TAKICS MONEY worse than nominate Mr. Upton: In Juan Carreon ment and who seeks to dominate Ih' llnvinon Jt llernl lor llio building nf n steel briilge FROM PARENTS OF SOLDIERS fact, they will have to go some lo world hy might of the sword, chat Uenaro Fnrtan, Jr. J. lit 6reeiW(nd miros Ilie Sun Juan river near llud n democrat better qualified for Illchardo llodriguez $KVOi0 Iritxes the righls of America and the l.lx E. a llohbini Fiirmlimlon. and to nssll In Parents nf soldiers hi ramps are Job. He will bo a great Impnne- - fin- - Jesus Quevrdo liberty ami life of nil free nn. Lee A, IIIuks Ilie aijiilnii'lloii of a wagon road wamiil by tho War department of menl over any man Ihey have nomi F. lions of tlio earth. Our bnTve wins K lliiar llelle It, Poolo between Tularosa and the Mesrolero swindle which lias lieen success- nated In Ihe pail, meauing no de Htovn McKlnney W, nray are fiiciiiK the lire of battle In O. Indian roeenalion. fully operated in various camps. for tho lalo Governors fenso W. A. WaWblleld II. McDonald. of the honor and rights "f J. illair A teh'Kram Is sent Informing thai Dellaeu and This much liberty W. D. II, Moberlson to Mr. I'plon bo given America and the of nations titan Jainud If Luna county wants put up a Hie soldier has a furlough, and can credit for To lo J. II. A. Moore II poll sustain them and anilst our Davis Susan real winner for Ihe Kovemorshlp, reqiiestlui; funds by wire lo come he is one of the smoothest gallant hi war, gen A McCullough W. F. Murphy . Hush. wlio Suushlue ? associates the a Ilillie Pii.e has tho Hutu in II. There liome, waiving Identification. The tirians ever bit the emus nod patriotic people have been Aj Engendorf May W.'pelcm hardly a misslhilily Mr. Into. l' H of Hush est is a mere matter nf detail. called upon to subscribe to Ibe third A. n. Afplia 0. M. fjut-F- . Ibo If It Oardner accepting nomination even Parents and friends should be Liberty M. II. Coleman II. Wallace II is n cor lon. was tendered him, and warned of Ibis camo and of the "Now, therefore. I, Wondrow Wil Mra. Ida II. Martin James W. Illair lain fact Ihnl be will not make u ARRY WAIVES EXAMINATION imilur one where Ihe telegraphic JURY son, president of tlio Unlled Stales H. F. John S. Heed light for II. but ho is the brand of HELD TO (ill AND Orr request is to mail money to the sol of America, do appoint Friday, the Jack IxmdQii Mra. A. I). Frosl (tsno subscrip man that New Mexico nerds for its her. care general delivery. Emel parry lo tho grand tweuiy-Hixi- ii day of April, one thou Win. Klejn tion made IhrotiKh Ibo Demlng Na chief cxcculho. was held Jury in Iho sum $$2,000 hy Judge sand tilno hiindrvd and eighteen, ns Mi's. Hello Dnllon tional Hunk, wilh request that sumo of t Y N .MAJOR ARTAUD WILL ASSIST lingers in Deming last Saturday on Ltlwrty Iny. On the afternoon nf John DuHnn hu placed to credit of Colli! I' LI tl E II T Y II 0 DS tiny I in clean-u- i;mpah;n ,1 rhargo of liavlnit killed n row The thai request Hie people of HenJ.' Lebow cm Isind was promptly furnished, lh united Slates to assemble in K. Jjieouturo Major Frank E. Arlaud, chief sur A cillien of iMliimbui .speuking llielr respective communities and Alfred Hplro llherally pledge neon In die hospital at Cump Fur of (lie parry family says: nnew their llnanrul llobeit Flock support to sustain, Hie cause, long, is very much interested In When W II. Parry left the con nation's Anna I), llreenwuy Home Service Department I'alriollc demonstrations uliouM bo iViluinbus getting rleaned Upk and finement of mercantile pursuits. In II. II. Clomet buld In every clly, town ami has offered to contribute some arti Jopliu, Mu to homestead,, In this hamlr U Mnllnur throughout tint land under Ilia gen of the Red Cross cles to the Courier along these lines. locality, ho sought both thn open nlr J. Lujan ernl direction of llio secretary o H Tho members of Ibe new clly Imard and an opportunity to farm on u Pedro I'acliecq tin treasury and the Immediate di havo under consideration plans for moderate scale. The well thai was J, U Walkeiv rection of the Liberty Uan com AT THE M. V.. CHURCH ON THURSDAY EVRMNO, APRIL active work In this direction as hooii hoped to ho of Irrigating rapacity J. il. Hrecn us they go into nfllcn tho first of mittees organized by llio federal re. AT 8 O'CLOtii proved tn be hut a good slock well. Kdwanto Hijar May, Major signified ferye banks, Let tlio nation's and Artaud has so he was compelled In alter his L. J. Peach hiii In in any spouse to the third Lilwrty Iwii wtlllmmcss plans to (bat of stock raising, ospn- - Me'k Pappas way ho possibly can. ijpren In unmlslakHhle terms the MUSIC. r...HY MILITARY RAMI ally as. Ihe ranim in his locality LI. It. M. Myers Columbus must make hls clean iieiermmaiiou oi .vmerira to ugn was amoiiR the choicest spots in the Sam Fein ' up proiHisltion a success, and wr for peace. Hi" pernianenl peaco o ' ADDRESS COLONEL WH.80N CHASE valley, offering n small slock man Jnhnlnn llros, should consider ouritclven oxreed a justice. rare opportunity. Agapolol Aimol - MAJOII Itutly fortunate in having the advice "For the purpose of pirllclpntlng ADDRESS FRANK E. ARTAUD He family have, by II. 0, of Iho major. Watch for his articles anil his iiaril id Lilierty day celebrations, all cm Jt41t lalwr, increases!, iholr government Carrln'll. Mnseley in Iho Courier. consistent ployea of the federal ADDRESS... MR. IIMIVEY, OF Y. M. ('. A. laud biddings pud herd unlit pros- - Ihroughout ountry ntIioso aer- - Farrar . the JVelmOj lierily lias iiogun lo smile upon can bo Bpared may ho excuset Major Hlrkner, who was sent up kes ADDRESS...... MRS. WILSON CHASE them. Judging- front Iho interett gtjt2 o'clock noon, Friday, the twru Myrtle L. KngJIsli to tho penitentiary from Deming on bcin recently displayed In the lyjstilli of April; Julia D tjonear CHASE EXPMIN T1IK HOME SERVICE a rliargo of being was MRS. WILL of the vell anil control of In witness whereof, I buvo here ('. L, Froucli recently tarred and feathered by Iho OF THE RED CROSS. Iho range now legally unto set my hand and caused the Wm, K Rowplll prisoners or ine nmuutinn. v and honoraldy Seal or the United filales to he nf wonder if tho Mexican bandits who in the Kic8iou of Mr. Parry, AUDIENCE IS DESIRED. BUSINESS MEN .Mil! (fifed. of America the one hundred nnd ItAKIIE were among Iho Columbus raiders of a mire op lest serious Ikmo in (he District of Columbia "3? ESPECIALLY INVITED. now boused In tho penitentiary were nature nro arising. Tlio Parry fam- Mils eighteenth day or April,. In tin WOODHOW WILSPN rrsonsiblc for Ibis horrlhlo crime ily Is among tho best families that to our locality. year of our Lord, ono thousand itlnu "ily tho President- -' THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT lever came hundred and eighteen, and of the Itoberl Lansing, Becretary of linos! ilumbus by patronizing Independence af tho I'nJted filatcs Stale. her Industrie?, B L Y L I II li H T Y B ON DS, Tin WLvmxm couxntx

aaeetlag occerreeV ft vea at the cor- ner grocery. Iretk caste harrying In vfttcvtM base f aaeM Move, her - ChftllCM ceasctoasaeee at bavins; to carry this. awkward burdea eotly staking her Monday cheek pinker 4 her eg Invader. "2& "Please fill tbt vtetfc ell," text, told Vt grocer's bey, aa4 Miesi Masked a Metis reefer as she reoshwa that Yieter 9f MARdA MVASssM'sPME Ne was standi at httMm He rtvi Itw took efc'WssftwisjTii.r wfcw4 (Copntoki. MM. fcy i awOHw hie hat In the sir aad stroke tM eat wHh the brlsi of K it try te bswtssm Folfowifitf Mateelt he h te take It Will row ate acf set the that rM vettr est anyway, vea aet a Mt voice, yoeati e stasis! aad that he The those at, eeahtireseed by ffoC Wttfo waa not entirety pleasaat Freda'a hastier. 800 "We no oil U sold believe I took my receiver eff ain't tot out" I cam from grocer's boy, a came back "I the Jutt first" Victor Palgo was Inquiring, of the am trying to janitor, Are yo git the grocer himself whether H hspseotd the Janitor's wlfer that oil stoves wtre a part of M How ridiculous I Where Is the ele equipment In the grocery store beck boy answer pboMl 1 vator to the la his New Englaad home town he re- want the Janitor." - called that inch trifling article were WRIGLEYl A laugh cane back through too always sold. And as the gtocer as telephone, "Kveryboey waota Jani- the sured him only ptnect to get he gOB that the tor. The latt I heard had such thlngl were household fur buy coal, I tht out to try and soft dart bishing stores, and they were all say same you're la the boat that I doted, because was coalleta Mon- 'UMon for a momtftt tfeottferrotf am to In your apart- It fro ten death day, confided him. He knew the do any good be to ment You know It won't grocer care, and he dtdnt car (wood ti ttacWt me, nothing else will didn't to kick; but ke he did care, be spoke In keep you whether but warm." loud, clear voice. Could It have been torrW lux answer. Til- - From Arctic let. to tht . There was no Freda was benefit? back that It for Freda's son's receiver slsmmed oa the "Tou see. the women keepa been that frMtttfi tbtSoutbtro Crot-t- hook that held It and It the bed house for me suggested that If I Inclined to talk to herself In ber little bought some olt I could manage to might to apartment she have muttered keep warm, even when the steam was From fowl tucktd In tin Bwwrttti. Impertinent something about an not up In apartment was girl the and I creature who dared to talk to a such to forget on the bitty rivtr'f woutfrr, her, an ass at that when ha did not know and that really needed something to burn It In. remote Idea who she hadn't the most have n gallon of oil, but what good was. would have been a fib, That does thst dor however, for she really did know that Freda did listen, and for Jutt one was the young man who dwelt In moment was tempted to tell her find more the Tbtrte btcMMt mta bachelor atate In the somewhat neighbor that between the two they spacious luxurious apartment to and might manage to get some so- -t of own, greater luxury comfort and rtfrMbmtnt front of her the result Dut she didn't tell blm. Ehe his apartment be- and higher rent of hurried home, walking fasttr and (nltscontlMMdutc. ing due to the fact that while he footsteps be- weekly faster as she beard his managed to draw to himself a hind ber. He overtook her Just as she check for I7B writing "thrillers" for for reached the landing 08 which both i type srNNWI&JaT popular weekly, she pounded a their apartments opened, and would writer somewhere In the "downtown' have spoken to her only that she month. district to the tune of sixty a closed tho door unceremonious- having apartment rather To her, an of her ly In his face. She knew the had been own. with a little nlace she could call rude, for some unaccountable rea- borne, was a Inxury had' but FOR MOTOR AND GENERAL WEAR that she sons sho took satisfaction In her earned by much economy in the way amusement and pretty clothes. Coats (or general wear It almoat tneuta that manufacturers make so of A hour later, when Victor Paige living put down half goes without laying should b nearly like ones that It Is Ills there was to bis answered a slight ring at his doorbell, origin, Paige ; but weatherproof garments not always easy to distinguish betwten New England for Victor he wore a skating cap, a bathrobe, an have to be that and much mora to them. There Is more precision In the was more of a miter than a spend overcoat hockey stockings and gal' dine atone tneet the arproTal or the sophisticated machine-knitte- (westers, all the thrift and be would rather loahes. He found Tllaon on the visiting Freda woman of today. She require crisp stitches exactly alike, but many of on the simple fare that bta col landing. She waa very sorry to dis style and substantial quality In them them are finished with band knitting. ored housekeeper msds for him thsn him, the told him, but she naa res- turb and checrfnt colon. Leaving out sweaters and swest to spend many ducats In alluring received word from the editor In the the happened Two rainproof declare er coats of silk and silk fiber which taurants. Now It that the office where she worked because coat! that Ttison pounded that thtmaelTea read to meet moat worn with sport or other typewriter that Freda be been unable to dispatch some the are skirts very hsd eye The wise, are an of wss located la the office whither cony to do at home, ho would critical are pictured abort. tbst essential the occasionally for her make woman's wardrobe, are Victor t'alrfl strolled to tike to put In day taking dic Nursery. Could Arrange Matter. only departure they from the smart there mayhap her the Phonograph far Thst govern In acaaon'a coat many In the very practical deliver hit manuscript and tation on typewriter from Mr. special phonograph chil Of the dlDlomatic circles In Franco ml fa that the stiles she the A for the appear In of length. real sports wear. Two of chin with the editor. Terhaps felt It funny that Ur. Paige playroom been put on the la a delightful woman whose English atjles, the matter sweaters for because, though Palse. Wasn't dren's has Nearly coata are aereral Inches these are shown In the Illustration a secret triers nee. happened to be connected with the It will take either a Is still French. She was urging an offi all she noticed coincidence that market frock worn under one for the "flapper" at the right and had the same office' Did he with to come Into record or any smaller records, cer of tho navy to attend a ball, the ahortcr than the frequented office and also abode of the them, but rainproof coat la prlv one for the grownup. These are both he her her apartment or should the come and besides having a really excellent Invitation to which he had already the roof, no naa sought be an loch or ao longer. of wool, closely knitted and are classed under the tame Into hit? There waa tmalt choice! tone. It Is a most ornamental object lleced to no excuse to speak as they la a ex as fitted The sweater for to her both were arctic. outside being painted tn bright and I can't" he protested : "I bav The coat at the left smart In going home or vent Its ample military style Both the Utile girl has collar andtufftj of pawed the halls Ten minutes later Victor ralge, carry cheerful hues, with' decorations that burned my bridges- behind me." of the and turing does seem strange will be qulto so for a ancora wool and Is a good general forth. It ing an odoriferous gallon of keroeene. appeal to the of childhood. "Oh," she replied. "I win iena yoo tsf appropriate Victor sought excuse, heart big patch utility model, white the other test never the tome notes on stray bits of cost well SIB and will be soma of Henri's." Montreal Herald. coat for all weathers. It has would been good to It under pockets on body and a convert' Itself an Ideal garment for all for Freda bare paper, and a dish of apples VJctor summer camps and bunga- skirt, speak to. And there waa nothing re- faaded for able and narrow, looae belt of aorta of sports. could not write without apples for re low a well aa for nursery use. Brute. collar pelling In her round blue eyes. Hut The fabric. with a fly, to A very model In a loosely freshmentwent Into Freda'a smsll you do you the It fastens clerer then. Victor came from New England. She "What would If and Is equal to heavy coat sweater, designed apartment When lunch time came the left of the front knitted, As performed tho taak of A good reputation Is sometimes use were In my shoesr He "Oct a pair gown perfectly, provide when It Is needed, Freda had forgotten her resentment protecting the under It to warmth dusting and straightening up her little Freda ful as a parachute to the man who about four slice larger." a resembling covert baa small square cape collar that end Victor, truth to tell, wss as much It Is of fabric a apartment clad to the chin In a rises rapidly In the world. every way to be recom may be up over the head and In love with her as he bsd aver been cloth. In turned sweater and wearing gloves on her Naturally. mended. so that It forma a hood. It with any girl. things you tell me on line buttoned handa as she worked, she listened In- He who goes In for taking "Can what Is also up close about the throat I had some egg make tn The story of the coat at the right buttons tently a ring at her doorbell that If rd eaty will be mott tur to come out brains of thought runt" two comfortable-lookin- pock' for you to lunch," she said, tuld so completely In the picture that and bas would mean she wss omeltt and ask getting It pretty bard. "Certainly; on bead tines." that the letter a timidly. waiting had come. When lust little for all although knew nia delivery was over And victor mat chance of the the coming to make lunch In to make Dinah wat Win the War by Preparing Land descended to the entrance apartment that dty, be hurried to the boy In attendance there hit sure that the get tome eggs thst he wst right in bad not failed to deliver It to ber. Sowing the Seed ami Bigger Crops mealing had in nit ice nox, Prncixg Talge should the left Strange that Victor And so tbey lunched, and so they Urn Set Uw UBtted gone same He Wrk la Jtfet Etftxt ef SMt a OHufe hsve forth at the time. worked on through the afternoon. waited while she made her complaint cermrmi rAMmm tn mim rovnai sucbm urr "What's ths use of resisting the in to ww rm suTTut rat maanr "In the first place," the said, "It Is evl table," he aald ae she handed him perfectly ridiculous that on the one the latt Dace of his manuscript from The Food Controller of the United States and Canada are asklns? for day In the week when we have to be her typewriter. "We can't either of greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 buihelt of wheat tie arslU home, and when it would really seem us cet along without the other, w able to be tent to the allies oversea before the crop harvest Upon the apartments and housea ought that to would both have1 been miserable today effort of the United State and Canadt rests the burden of supply. bare enough coal to make them com' alone" fortable, we should be made to suffer "It doet teem ttrtnge. Do you be Eviry Avallakl. THIakt Ar Mtt Evtfy going lMlriili In this way. How I am ever to lieve In fatef rarmtr Farm jum Mutt Aitlit write on my typewriter, with hands apparently Victor did, for he ih And acreage stiff from cold, la more than I can tell, was always sure It was fnte that threw Western Canada ha an enormous to be seeded, but man notrer my It seems most extraordinary that htm and bis wife together thst coal- - It short, and an appeal to ths United Sates tfiiei It for mora men for seed- manuscripts did not come by the mall less Monday. ing operation. u this rooming. My ofllce Is closed, and WbMt FmtMMt flgfglBSBBBB It Is absolutely necessary for mo to Hloh Cost of Patents, CtMtYi Litl Yr waa 22S,Mt,Ht Uttok Hm ETT3Nr It typo write some revised manuscript There It no economy tn patches. Tou nmM FrM taMtfa AlaM f III! la 4M,Hf,Ht Mtth that the editor was sending by special may have a frugal wife who persists secure thi the must have assistance. She ha the land but delivery. Are you qulto sure nothing To need In patching your trousers, nut you ai the men. Tho Government of the United State want every man who has come for met" degraded can ways feel mlsersblo and In effectively help, to do farm work this year. the land in The dusky skinned attendant nodded garments. They" make you feel It want the United such Sate developed first of course but it also want to help Canada. When- In the negative. like a thief, or like SO cents tn counter- find a man we can spare to Canada' field alter supplied, gggggP "And Is there no hope of any beatr feit money. Tou are forever trying to ever we our are HLjKgx Again negative w direct him there. a nod. hide thero from view. ... I hsve want to "Well, then, the only thing for me worn them myself and I know bow un Apply to our Employment Service, aid we wQl ttU you where you can belt strrt Jo do It to go and get some oil. Thank easy a man feels In good society when Ih comUisJ UujmU. goodness, I bought a stove." be expects each gust of wind to fan Western Cusda't hilp will be required not later than April 5th. Wtgts to (SO. 00 a Now It wss Victor's Inning. Having bis coat talis atlde, exposing his wire'i help, month and up, board sad lodging. heard Freda's plaint and the unsatis needlework, Zlm writes In Cartoons. Thai who respond to this appeal will gtt s warm wtlcoms, good vngti, good find homes. factory replies, he did not mention the Datch In the sest of your trousers, board and comfortable They will git s rats of ona cent a mils from Csnadisa boundary points to dtttlastloa tad return. frigid atmosphere that prevailed In bis It be accidentally exposed In public apartment as well as h. hers. will reduce your market value 00 H For partlcukra as to routss tad places whtrt cmploymtat may be had apply tot IN THE WAKE OF SPORTS "I say, Obodlah beg pardon, I for- nr cent If you cannot anord so sua U. t. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR got your name was Hannibal you den end enormous a decline In your nothing say about ets. The snorts woman who hat DENVER, COLORADO) CHEYENNE, WYOMINQ there Is almost to baren't seen anything of n stray mes- stocks, and are not prepared to cover It also Is made In among her belongings will be fortified senger boy with a typewriter, have lit any emergency. margins, you'd better accept a fool .style fattening to the left with bone against weather you? Of course you haven't Dot your holey belong' loosely fitting, sleevelets, silk advice and unload (buttons and la a good style for any of The you see, the place I usually dictate my ragman your coming consid Ing upon the before wife Step (e M ithe usual waterproofed wool materials Is in for much copy closed, I was going to Distemper doming patch novelty midsummer It and get out her needle and like serge, twill, covert cloth, etc. To eration as a for pound out for roytclf today, to CURES SICK Is shown In vivid tones It bag. THI to our comfort milliners hire add- wear. It sent for a typewriter. Hut I guess they And prevents othtr having the dleeaaa no matt'ir hew cii creen. In rose and In blue shades. ipoatd. ( tie mm ed rainproof materials to their stocks had too many orders before mine. Well fitranueua ets l ktil, houses. not so altogether practical as the neform. IwltUa. All good drustlata and turf sooaa land area the most fragile fabrics are Is It there's no hope for heat 111 have to vnn mnan't tjlar with that regulation sweater coat, buttoned at rrwiin. Medical Co., MtMfacteen, iUiade Impervious to moisture. Hut to burn oil." Grupplns boy. His manners need Sftla CU, bsl.U.SX tai- and provided With sleeves, little wear with rainproof coats, small the front to rooms, mending." It Is amazingly smart. Among the And he returned his call lored bsts mads of millinery patent but nil rfffht. ma. Vm worklns sweater coats there are loosely knit log the name of Dinah, who came "That's .leather or of satin or lacquered braids day noon to keep house manners. they don't Improve models with plaited skirts and knitted every at for on bis It look their capable part. A satin bat aug- - my stsndlng sashes, finished with frlngo that an htm. blessed, because sho hsd In a (ty or two I lose at with silk cord and tassel Is shown with my very handsome for maturo women. yoattd to him that when steam beat the hardest hlttln' kid la block BIG CATALOG the military coat in the picture and In failed the temperature could be Im FREE style and utility tbey itro two of a proved by burning oil stoves. Ftmlnlne Flnsnce. of Seeds, Trees r.ttd Poultry Supplies kind. soma deep He Tou most remember, dear, Writes today for this most matruotrvo booK over pub- sweaters, The fact that fate had There are sweaters and design In choosing to bsve Victor are Jutt starting out In life and lished for Froa Distribution In the Mountain State. Va of design and texture greater varlaty Paige and Freda Tllson take opart' mutt economise. PORTEK-WALVTO- N before In al- - CO. nd coior than ever and ments In same bouse really might Blie But don't you think getting SALT bAKB tITV, AH rtemsniL Bilk, fiber Thirty women wearing khaki the IT nnlv.rart have been suspected when, a quarter Into debt la the best way? Then well ,, . --m, am th vftma Tied for are working as pipefitters In New - Jersey chemical plant of an hour later, another accidental hare to economise. she hanilaonV. machine-knitte- far- OOlPMlUg 0OUMM

wri m win - . YOUR LOYALTY TO HfMISI HelpUf the Mett til Milk Smpfly YEARS OTIRVS CM (Sped! Information Servt, United Slate Department ef AartcultiueJ Wm CufW by Lyafk E. "A" 6V0OO HOWE THE WAR UTTERS ARK YfU MAKIN6 SACRrFrCCS FOfl aMasssAAs's fSsaajf)1 WAT NEED FOR HOME 6AKDENS CALLS EQUIVALBNT TO THO F CofOtl8al OUR MH.BIKRST MORE WORK IN EVERY BACK YARD m Oskaloots, Iowa." For years I wa Imply la mUtry from a weakn aud ALu. SAN FIND WAY 10 HELP awiui pains ana nothing; seemed to do me any good. A Make No Ridiculous friend advised m Reservations! to take Lydla E. Held Back Nothing) Share Your Plnkbam's Vega-tabl- e Money, Yeur Food and Your Cloth-In- g Compound. I to Aid the Oreat War. did so and cot re- lief right away. I can certainly re VIRGINIA TERHUNE VAN DE commend thla valu- WATSR of tho Vigilantes.) able medicine to A good woman was discussing the other women who rules food suffer, for It baa of the administration. dons aauh pood "I am doing a lot for tny country," work for me and I know It will help she said, "but there are certain trifle others If they will Rive It a fair trial.'' that I do not Intend to glvo up. Such --Ma Urns Coprtnit, 108 8th Ave., as whlto bread and bacon." West, Oskaloo, Iowa. 4 "No," the said In rvsimnse to my Why will womtn draft along; from day astonished look, "1 mean to have white to day, year In and year out, uutring bread when I auch misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when want It Why ahould I such letters as this are Continually bring eat corn bread And other substitutes! FublUhed. Every woman who suffers t like white bread Just a much a irregularities, In- the soldiers and sailor do. And, any- flammation, ulceration, backache, ner- way, what dlfTcrenco can It make If I vousness, or who Is passing through the use n llttlo whlto flour and a few Change of Llfo ahould give this famous slice root and herb remedy, Lydla E. of bacon every day? I urn only Vegetable Compound, ono " a trial For person," apeeial advlco write l.vdla l'lnkhsm Only ono of millions I Supposo they Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The resuit all took that nttltudol of its long; experience Is at your service. "I am no slacker," she added. "1 work at Iho lied Cross four afternoon of each Wtek,jind I havo made doien You Can Move tho House on Its Runnsra From Field to Field things or From of knitted for tho soldier. Hut Dirty Plate to a Clean Location. I draw the lino at bacon aud whlto bread nnd rolls." I thl patriotism ? I remembered fastened together by a saddle of two tho test: Thcso things ought ye to MOVABLE HOUSES 1 by C 'nch boards. havo done, and not to have left the There should also bo a board nailed other undone." across the front to help hold tho sides. Another good woman wi talking of As n framework for tho back, 2 by the next Liberty Loan drive. SUITED TO HOGS pieces are placed upright 2 feet "Well," she declared, "they need not from each sldo and nailed to the floor For Constipation come to ino for help I I nm n business nnd sides. A crosspleco I put In 2 feet woman, and I money from tho floor. The bock boon! are havo lost on Typo Especially Adapt-cd't- o Carter's Little Horn Feed Ptoti Like These Help Table and Poekslbeok Thy Help Na. hcatlcs Mondays, nnd since tho gov- nailed to this framework and to the tlsn, Too. ernment ha made roe do that I do not Beginner In Swlno side. A guard rail should bo placed Liver Pills proposo to help with Liberty across tho baik tho satno as on tho "The obligation of every man, woman which Ita members can dry, can, or their loan. Business. I lovo my country, I a side. The sides should bo fastened and child out of uniform to help feed storo homo consumption. and am Bed will set you right for later Cross worker, but firmly together so that no storm will hlraelf trill be greater In 1D1S than In The ganlencr who has provided for and all that there I n limit." blow them down. Tho crack should over night. 101T. Thtreforo tho homo. Burdening 'the Immediate nerds of his family and GOOD IN SUMMER AND WINTER be covered with button, fJuy wire canning Should Ds No Limit and activities of lait year roust Its canning nnd drying requirements should be put In placo to keep tho Purely Vegetable repeated." A limit! I there any limit to what be therefore should dovoto attention to house from blowing over If In an ex- Small PHI. Small Dose, Small Prlto la tho message of United sho would do If her nearest and dear- Thl tho fall crops of root vegetables such as Front Csn Os Closed In Colder posed position. State Department of Agriculture to potatoes, beets, lata turnips, carrots est were fighting for his llfet Would stop Afford Needsd Shelter every family. Tuoao who cannot pro- and parsnips, which can be stored eas- she to argue that she had given for For Fattening Pig. tho expenstvo Sow and Llttrr Lanterns Will duce, can conacrvo and aaro food. ily for later u,se. It also would be well suffered woolen under- Tho house I very good for Supply Iron 'There must be" no backsliding among to give attention to the production of wear, but that she drew tho line at the Hekt n few fattening pig and may be used Carter's Pills experienced gardeners; they mutt re- mature lima or other beans which can renunciation of certain comfort so to houso a qw and Utter in warmer Will restore color to the feces of peat their contribution of food. Ab- be shelled and kept In bags. that ho might have them Would she Movable or colony hog house nro climate. In section where cold win- tboe who lade Iron In the blood, sence of novelty mutt not deter thoi Help en Home Feed Met. be considered a good wife or mother especially suited to the need of the ter sro experienced the front should .as most people do. who tried gardening for the flnt time The garden specialists of the Depart' or daughter If sho licld thl attitude farmer Just starting in the hog busi- be closed In. This will mako a good In 1017 from capltalUIng their lucres ment and of tho State Agricultural col toward hubandtochlld or parent? ness and also for 'pig club members shelter for a sow and her spring litter, ed knowledge and skill. Those with leges aland ready to help everyone Let us stop all these ridiculous res- who are doing their part to help the if th front Is to be closed this should 8avlng Infants' Lives. experience must make every seed count make the. greatest possible success of ervations, these talks of what wo will IS per cent Increase needed In hog be decided before tho bouse Is built The city of Iluffalo Is making -- to get satisfactory retume from their his home garden and to assist In the do and won't do. Let us hold back population. These house, especially This Is neccsssry for two reasons. winning fight against blindness caused work with hoo. rake and watering can. canning of surplus food. nothing. Do tho women who are send- where the winter are mild, will meet First provision for ventilation should by ophthalmia neonatorum. It There must be no slacking off. Gar- With the of the press. ing their sons abroad hold back any- all tho need of hog for shelter both be made, which can bo done by Insert- using preventive measure like those dening Is everybody's business, but In the department will carry the garden thing? Do thcso sons grudge risking from the hot sun of summer and the ing threo or four pieces of 2 by employed In Chicago In accordance 1018 everyone mast attend to that busi- Ing advice of Its specialists directly, to their beautiful youth, their live, for dampness and storm of winter. They material at the apex and spiking with tbe Illinois state law on the sub- ness. many millions of readers. To supple their country Yet omo people hesi- can be moved from field to field os tho sides firmly to them, thus provid- ject And now a word of caution. Don't ment this "Food From Tour Back tate at white bread and bacon, and the pigs are changed from on grating ing a series of spaces for venti- crop s try to raise more then you can use. Yard" series, of which this article Is refuse to buy Liberty bond t to another. Their use makes It lation. The are raised. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP And water systematically all spring the foreword, the department has Is- The hesitation I not only easy to keep tho hogs healthy, as the Second, the Insertion of tho blocks to and summer. A few square yards sued two new war garden bulletins for unpatriotic, bjlt It I absurd. Later house can bo moved as soon as one provide for ventilation will change the Why use ordinary cough remedies, well tilled wilt yield more than a e every home gardener who wishes to we will know tho meaning of tho ex- placo becomes unclean. angle at which the boards for the when Doschee's German Byrup has allowed to run to weeds. help feed himself. They are: pression, "What 1 glvo I have." The House. back are cut been used so successfully for e The department advisee strongly "The. 1'aiJi darden In the North," money we Infest in Liberty bond will Two types the houso In building the front proceed the years In 'all parte of tho United against effort by amateur gardeners to Farmers' Bulletin No. NT. bo our when other money that we and the house ore described same as with the back. Tbe door States for coughs, bronchitis, colds produce truck crops for sale. Such en- "Home Gardening In the Bouth," now have I gone. by specialists of the United 8tatrs de- should be 22 Inches by 8 feet If the settled In tho throat especially lung terprises commonly prove unwise, bur- Farmers' Bulletin No. KM. All such talk a I havo quoted I partment of agriculture In a recent front I closed the window In the front trouble. It gives the patient a good densome to all concerned, and not In- "Tho City and Huburban Vegetable wickedly unpatriotic. Let us giro a publication. Thfs article deals with should bo on binges so that it may be nlght'a rest, free from coughing, with frequently financially unprofitable. aarden," Farmers' Bulletin No. 030. our sons glvo ungrudgingly, proudly, tho construction of the smaller or opened to give ventilation. easy expectoration In tbe morning, Much precious seed and fertiliser Your postal card to the Division of becauso we ore counted worthy to shelter. The houso If tho weather la severe at farrowing give nature a chance to soothe the to aay nothing of time and labor were Publications, U. 8. Department of Ag- make sacrifices for the greatest cro- shown In the accompanying Illustra- time, ono or two lighted lanterns hung Inflamed part, throw off the disease, wasted last year In auch undertakings. riculture, will bring your free copy. wd etfAlUit evil Hist the world ha tion and nlnna. la A A In the top of the bouse will mike It helping the patient to regain his Tho government's home gnrdenlng spe- Itcad these articles aa they appear. ever known. foot from back to front Tho founda quite comfortablo for the young pig. health, Mnde In America and sold for cialists bellove that beat results will be Study the handbooks around the winter Make It An Henerable 8trvlee. tion is mauo or three runners of 4 by more than half a century. Adv. attained It each family attempts to lamp. You will be ready to deal with What would tho Eon of ltlghteous-ne- s material nr atralcht nnl A raise only enough vegetables to supply soli and seed as soon as spring weather say to our hesitation about trifling floor of material la nulled to the Different GET THIS CIRCULAR ON seem very Its own table and to afford the surplus permits. luxuries He died for his cause. Wa tnree runners, rieces s by 4 Inches "Jack melancholy late- women nra not called upon to do that. are nailed along the outside of tho MOVABLE SWINE HOUSES ly. Has he loved and lost!" (Homo of us wish wo were,) floor to keep tho aides from spreading "No, 1 understand he loved and row, thla will be nujy that and sufficient for roost But we nro called to sacrifice our nt tho bottom. Proper housing Is Important In won." families. LAST YEAR'S RECORD MUST After tho plants are selfishness for Tho sides are built on the ground Increasing hog production. Good they ahould bo suf- It DC SURPASSED THIS YEAR. thinned I am not making light and then set up. Each side Is roado of six houses reduce the amount of Pimply Rishy Skins ficiently to prevent of the wonder- their crowding. The ful by 1 by board 8 tong. feed consumed and prevent Quickly toothed nnd healed by cultivation work done thoto women who feet Theso This (101T home gardening) ahould be frequent and held by losses from exposure, especially often when all else Tbe thorough. toll nt Hod Cross station! I nm not are together two 2 by fall. campaign . . . stimulated, It Is forgetting the noble end army of crosspleccs, one about 0 Inches from with the early spring Utters, Soap to clesneo and purify, the Oint- Salsify may be dug In autumn vast estimated, the planting of from the wires, and sweet- the top and the other about "Movable nog Houses," circular ment to soothe and heat For free and stored In banks or pita or In the mother, sisters 8tt feet two hundred to three hundred per who stop nothing About 10 Inches from bottom 102, ofllco of the aecretary of ag- sample address, "CuUcura, Dept storage room In tho basement, may heart at In their the of cent more gardens than had ever or help tho side a 2 by piece Is nailed riculture. Just published, telle lloston." At druggist and by malL be allowed to remain In ground to end tho war honorably. before produced food In the the and edgewise braced by how to make two types of Inex- Soap 28, and PP. Adv. dug as needed. But I hoio that such sentence a I and at the ends Ointments United States. From annual re- have quoted go no further thnti the tip blocks as shown In the illustration. pensive hog houses the y Drawls' Criticism. port of the United 8tstes Socre-tsr- of tho tongue. If they do, shame to This pleco will act as a guard rail and and tho kind. Tht you worm I of Agriculture. tho speakers. And shame to us who prevent the sow from laying on her Write for this publication. Mr, llrnwl Oh, Air, llrnwl Ob, you I let such speech pas unreproved. pigs. The two aides are set hp and early bird London Answers. INJ918 "Ills very living sue' . wa Christ' Every family must help feed giving," We women not yet How's This? Itself, "have radstrd W 1100.00 blood," offer tor any case of catarrh Fresh vegetables must be unto But ome of our men thai cannot ba curad by 1IAUVJJ have, and nod help us! many more used to lessen hem consumption HALt'S CATAVUtll MEDICINES tak. of staple foods needed by may have to, Can wo then enduro the aa Internally sad at t a through the Blood Ignominy of remembering that even In 0IL ta.e.Moeou BorrarM of ih Brstam. PARSNIPS. troops and the, allies. gold br dnistteu for ever forty years. More food must be canned In our Inner heart we have paused to Irtc Tie. Taattmonlala fra. consider what delrcaclo we may uso r. J. Cbeney Co Toledo, Ohio. Sow parsnip seed from 18 nerve than evr before. in drills we r.ot In language Inches to 8 apart, depending on There must be a war garden Shall the nf our feet fighting boy Proverbial Wisdom. the method of cultivation, In every back yard fertile and dear "cut out" all about the And u "Who breaks, pays." lime of the last kllllng'froet In spring. sunny enough to grow vege. doubtful article let make of the trifling duty an honorable service. "That show you don't know any- (The seed should be sown rather thick tastes. thing about being broke," ly and later thinned until the plants Evtry seed planted must be The cause ennobles all that It tquches. 'are about 8 Inches apart In the rows. made to count In the feed supply, Respectsblllty, Important to Mothers parsfitfTriqulres very rich coll Unltsd Status Department True Bxamlnu carefully every The for Having bottle of best development. The roots of Agriculture. the murage to llvo within CASTOlllA, that famou old remedy Its are respectability. Plin ef Hog House) usually left In ground during the one's mean Is Closed Front on Left Provision for Vsntlla. tor infant and children, and aeo that It the lion Shown In dug as needed, may be Small Diagram, Dears winter and but Build Firmly. the harvested In the autumn, packed In Character BlgU you con- .Tire moist sand and stored In pits or root SPRAY FOR FRUITLESS TREES The character which are structing la not your own. It Is the In Use for Over 3d ivurs. cellars. Most people consider this MATERIAL NEEDED TO MAKE HOG building out of other HOUSE Chlldrcu Cryfornetcher' CastorlS root Improved by freezing, so as a rule Thoet Who Neglected Thl Work Last material which generations will quarry stones 1 season Felly for the It left In the ground as suggested. win eie Next Sum- Total Home thoroughly a pretty woman mer, 8aye Orthsrdlst temple nf lite. Bee to It, therefore, nnd not Slxe Length Measurement does lore to walk down the street with that It be granite shale. Pieces, ' (Inch). (Fest). Use. (Doard feet). a homely one' SALSIFY. Snravlni fruitless tr i . -- 111 II Bides, back and Boor lesa job, but those apple grower Famous Writer Poor Physjclan. H who ' Uatlen A forced apology worm than none Sow seeds qf salsify during the failed to spray their tree the past Schiller, the author of "William txt it Framework sj Tell," was medical oftlcer In the Prus- u Guard rail 11 at all. prlng about the time of the last Wil- season because there was no fruit on tit ling sian gun nl before ho found hi profes- ,, Saddleboard frost In the same manner as for them will see the follr nf ihi. U II Poles for runners sion Irksome. He proved to be a very WftM Yew tNMrfCM-- carrots or parsnips. One ounce of lect next season. If the predictions of Total, tn board feat ef lumbar, IU feat batten, I poles, and naeaasary nails. Med Is. required to plant cue progressive) orcbardlit coma true, Incompetent physician and was belled trom hi regiment THE COLOMHUS COUH1ER


.Published Kvery, Friday Will you, who Hiruugli long years of Established in IVUU neaco - Have lived In this Moved Innd, Singer Sewing (!. Im BREAD Parks Ktltlor DIXIE I'nke out n bond aiid so inrreaso Its armumenl by sea and Intuit Bi'iiscini'TioN uatks bargain shop JI.&0 Always a in my Ono Year Will you, who have had home and .75 8ii Month food ' f 0 waiting you Thrco Months - In Utterly beneath this sky, KiitMcrlnltons are navnblo strictly In Hold back, foreign brood, and let a All kinds olr repairs and extras hch as Homers, Wn-o- advance ami will be discontinued Teach you tho way to do and tllo? promptly at xplrallon. and double braiders, rdiofrjutti, shuttles, need-Ir- s, many of Will you, who have so often said . belts, oilers, screwdrivers, etc. .A (treat Advertisements wilt be accepted on-l- jr Standard 16 Oz. Loaf scaled in waxed Your country was Iho best on earth Slnorr rstras can lx? auccosAfully hhiI on othrr.niakM at rata COo per column tho of Wall, until confidence is dead, of murhliirs. Also have on haml mnchlnn cralrs for Inch each Insertion. Iakk notice paper. We are installing an Hcforo you prove what words arc sale, Clrnnlnp anil repair I nu a (qieclalty. too per lino each Insertion Legal entire new equipment including new worth? irgai auvcrnsc,memii hi ruies. Bread'Molds which make a very at Marlha SATISFACTION GUARANTBBp Entered nl the postolllo at Co tractive LOAF. :: :: :: :: :: :: ON THK KAISF.H luinbus, New Mexico as fecund class HII.I.V SUNDAY mall matter. Agent The hell Ihe kaiser has created W. C. MILLER, on earth makes Hie real hell look WHY AUK WK I KillTIM; like a side idiow and he is such liar that Ananias Is a Sunday school il'rom n fpn-cl- i Hun. I'alrlrk II Icacher beside him. Kellcy. of Michigan, attended into BAKED FRESH EVERY DAY "The kaisur, that dlrly ilog. has "The Hecord' by Hun. II. Ujrile kept bragging that he was going In Kelly, of l'ennylvnnln.) vat his iiet Chrlidmes dinner in f I Cune iteople who would rather Carls That hot dog. belly gatrnled, Imve Ibis country a province than murderer will Ihj damn n free rnnnlry stand around on our Columbus Bakery ed lucky If he cat his Itexl f'hrist-ma- r Miwl comers hiiiI ink the question dinner In Iterlln nfler t'ncle ' I'nr what are wo llghtlngf" EAT COLUMBUS BAKED BREAD Ham get through with htm. We lire Ughllng so that the I'ullnl "Do you know what n parillsl-t'- ' Klntnn tbnll not Ihvoiiic nnolher He is one too damned cowardly lo Tilt UNIVERSAL CAR ravished Illinium. light nnd too damned cowardly lo We an- - lighting so that no country run. He ought to lie ood ngain't I'onl is nu honest In Ihe fullest sense, of Iho ran ever nra In repudiate every rule a wall willi a tiring siwt in front of Tin! far 1 him. f honorable warfare and eery law lerm-b- ulll on an honest design wilh honest materials, sold of rlvtllMiion, and uxlsl. "Ho help tile Hod, I'll never buy Anything stamped, 'made in Her at fionesl of honest performance We ir.e lighting so that nil who an price with nMiranre many' so long as I live. If I do you'll ml iim) know that wherever and ai eipially bonfsl, efficient Ileslde.s'll I goes lawfully- - HARDWARE know am nuts." inertrnii whether has been proved beyond question ibitl Iho I'mil is iiiikI - (lag protects on bind or en lite KWi: Mtllll'. wash: N(IT bun Hiininul lnull and death, and lioth lo operalo and maintain. It is ono of the Ins women nimltiM lolallon. FURNITURE iMilalo is n good soldier, cut daily lire. Your order solicited. Kfllclenl The utilities of We are llghtliu: so (hat in lb Kt'llMTl'IIK tlX MONTHLY It uniform and ull. every stxijsi; Touring future no will dream of world I'M MKXT.S.OI H CHKIIIT is behind I'urd car. lluiialoul. in.nn IS GOOD CIUIJMI; l I'jir. So 15, empire no man will dream of mak Ilread I Ihe stalf of life, hut very litr. liinpelel. ow it ft'X,W: Sedan, tog the Mtipls of all nations his few Americans need n stalT. One 'Ion Truck Chassis. JOOO.OO. All I' O. II. IKIroll. unwilling Mihjeels. I). We are lighting to make your A. FROST We'll substitute corn for wheal mother, ur sister, your wife, your Phone 3 Residence Phone 5 and victory for defeat. rhildreti safe from Hie Uendlsh A. J. EVANS GARAGE attacks Unit have ibTlmaleil ld Do not help the Hun tit meal time. Kfuni and Prance and are liHlay starving the innocent women and l'ood ronlrol In North America to- COLUMBUS, N. M. children of 1'rance as well day means chiefly gelling III" food Iielglum. ESS aero" the Atlantic at all cutis. These aro Ihe things for whirh wo aro tlgbting, and yet liters are "Make your acres lole double," men Uod save Ihe mark) win says Ihe Progressive runner. have been honored Iwynnd their & Fancy Staple lo Hie deserts by American rillens who The one sure way supply rise up in high places and have lb supreme need for food,'' rends n audacity to ask: "for whnl are we proclamation by Tiovemor lllckelt fighting?" of .NnrlluCamliua, "I to man tto Groceries bread line with the woman mwer Iho Ixty Columbus Is now attracting tho the girl power and imwrr nllenlion of the enllre soiilliwesl of Ihe slate." owing lo Ihe prow log activity In oil two years not a single new speeulallons. The pcognled Holds For pleasure motor car ha I n made near here become more Impor- bae in Knglond. Luxury business ha tant and It is ecrlaln now Vegeta- of late Fresh Fruits and ceased. 'lite Knglish are leading a numbe'r be going that of wells will strenuous lives, but are prospering. down iMifore Iim end of the year Iteeii made bles all the time Favorable reorls havo The iMilalo Is a native Aiuerirau. by oxperieured oil men mm many cnliid It In light agnltM lite kaiser I kitIt of Ihe rounlry. and Ihey are now having an offcrl. Cohimhu Home men are hard on Ihe truces will lie an oil under. If allowed to lake the lead and be s T. "Jllg Ike," but thai when some oilier in Ihe vicinity of JAS. DEAN CO. The farmers Prompt Delivery 'liome 31 fellow conies along who can beat Columbus should pay more atten- WE 00 NT KKKI OKCHlKIMr'S, WK Hi'Mi T II K M them at Hie Job. Ihey me great tion In Ihe development of their hands at hrenking straps H ii prolllitble pi'oeiM, wbltii, bow-e- homosleads for agricultural as Ihe market in here it t It V Y I, I II i: It T Y II O N II 8 reiptit'us Ihu powei of being Mining home rainpn furnish Ihe T 1 1 1 L ttlilo hi pay "sm wish" t tin farmers Hie hel markets In the t All organization of iniall copper when world, and the miilthwest Is devel- pnidtirers, xald In represent nu ag. ! " opMiituuu tliiie arrivea I oping wiim" of Ihe largest mining & grcgalc production of more Hiau world In Columbus Western New lon.nnn.noi) imitnds tusuuiilly is ' riimiis of the lllulit here iiik J A IIAMt ACCOIkVI IK lilt; M- - I New Mexico Ihe Clilno and lb lllg lite gntormnellt lo llli'teaie Hie Trone riuniis oiler the farm1 of fixed price of copper to jn cent aiiNCHY which ii.i, ov Ihe utale market in whirh the bent Mexico Townsite Company The producers tire generally' paying dk; s will be demsndml, and willingly paid wages IkishI on n m'Hiiik price of for at Ihe best price year Hi more than M cenls, and for Ihe year and scoop up ume of Ihii.Jiargaius I c.hlno ninl not iibout eight millions HH7 Ihe prolll of IheptiHlurer of- wnge off very which would ulhcrwito renmlp Im I of d'jllnrs for and material PROMOTERS COLUMBUS copper went materially mid nearly all Hint money goes OF The large eompanles nre in n heller yottd reach, V through Ihe hands of Die miner See us for town lots, business and residence IMiiillon lo ulatul (his inereaned col Wu invite llio accounts I and their families for good things property. Oil Leases and Valley Lands. and reduced prolll heller Hiau tho of ret)Hit. In hh l and wear. Dairying would be v small prodiieett, hence Hie orgillll- - Slbbi hushmss.meu wlllt n view hi I Industry Tor n mini pmlllable y latlon. arcoinnioilaliim Hum whoii occa- - L because'theso mining rnmi 1 consume IhntiMiuds and thousands Three lundlug llelds have been sinus uriso that mptlro of dollar' worth of dairy product obtained for lite propo.-)- ! Windiiug iivniliilile caih. I inonlbly. Ilitller, eggs. cheese and York iilrpliuin tnliil xerv II V Y I, I II ll'lt Y other prodtiel of Ihe dairy will R. Ire, at Wimhlugloii, nnd T II 0 N DK I J. BLA.IR New York. Aerordiug lo Hie potl- - bring ie(ef prjees thnn anywhere .!. else In Ihe nation, and Ihe market is MANAGER oftlce depiiilmeul. Hie service will right here at home. Let us get into J Columbus, .. New Mexico 4 start nul later than May in, Ihe gun in. Columbus State Bank MiiiCK KM! t'l III.HLVIKIN It I reported that the government of Hie I'. has nipped in tliH bud a plan to Mop Deiatliieul Interior. H.'jn ,n lli produrtloti of lumber In Hi'' i nil iMiiee. im i.ritres, April in. HUH. stale i;f ArUmia. (ho Iruuble being Notice in hereby given thai pearl rharged In the I. W. Ws. s HOTEL CLARK II. Ilriiill, of Denting. ,MH who, on March 1.1. I II III. mado limnoslenil hrueehos nnd Grain Hay Wobd enlry No.nHIJI bir of seellim H, shoo are hudgcr of honor. 1 wear lieti gladly Hot and cold water and steam township Mi . range K w.. M, , litem and recommend them. I teri'elary MeAlloa Meridian, has tiled notlre of luleii-Ho- n am prepared to furnish you your Oats heat in rooms. Baths to male three.yenr proof, In Corn, Chops, Wheat, Peruna Chick any establish rl tlnt (o die land uboe Wheat Is necdl In Ihu front line Feed, Baby Chick Feed, Fcteritu, Irench "fiver There." dencrlbed, before II. M. Heed. V. H. Bran I.el Potadfl's 8i"v) as tho (tonic time of day or night Oimmissioner. ul Oilumbiis. N. M. Maize, Cotvon Seed Meal, Alfalfa and guard "0cr Here." on Ihe I5lli di.y of .lime, I0IR. Sorghum Hay, Wcod, Inside Rooat $3.50 per week, Ouliide $5,00, Corner Rooms Hlainmitt names us wllnoiwe: t'nele Bum Is tuduy Iho iiiurtcr-mtul- $7.00 lo $10.00 per week Prank If Wallace, James V. Illair. of -. hungry world. II" Is William II 1'iiyne and James I.. playing Iho game squarely und Walker, all of Colgmbus, N M N. count on every American lo lio the J. J. CLARK, Proprietor JOHN I ni'HXSIDK. J. Yarbrough earn,? Jtiulslrcr. TMt C6LUMHJS COURIER

GKTTIMJ VAMJK IIW. v bfllnw that supplied In other PKoriitrr - l.ff oi- mtm aecllani of ilia country, uur great ' cats m Doparliwnl of the Interior, U. H. dis(roy need now Is to learn wlicro to save Injects annually $I20.00.- - ENOCH MORGAN'S ImvI Office, l.ns Unices, N, M fxs) - I'liwii am csllmnlnl to lw IWWl on tbn riihUM lhal wo used to con " worth of crops III (his country. SONS CO. April in, 1018. . tw'nntl a Ilka numlwr of cnU In sider worthless, Ctir government Hair or this, Or over Notion is hereby given that Mamie hI(iio-o- Mcsxlco, a raljiiul a dog U roeh tells us daily where grrai quantum damage, Is donn lo cereals ii Js'ew MrKarland, (wife! for herself and fiiur pvOpTc. Probably Mjm f II"' of food may l saved from waste. which wo depend Ihls year to win dog mid other heirs of Henry A. MrKlnnny, Hie war. tlog-- j Imvo " vpIuo a watch dona of Wo Used to think tho Iho deceased, of Ilachlta, N. M. who, on nno fori or another. Tho ullicr cat should have Ilia meal scraps, The coddling molh and apple pels Dec. 1st, 1013, mailo homestead en- 60,000 liavo pracllcally no economic bones, etc., from the table, wo arc coal Ihe formers annually (an,o),ono. try No. 01)011, ror nuv Of iho cats number that told now bow lo utlllro almost every WtiNWU: Wti Thn chinch bug and Ml weevil Buy value. " I. township 33 & r. UBWTY pay 'fop tlirlr keep li vrry small, so bit of theso "scraps. 8WU. scellon rob us yearly of JlO.non.niiO. IS W. N M P Meridian, ha filed BONDS SAPOLIO wis ihay rrgard llirm as almost It Is difficult tn rstlmalo In dollars Tree Iniccls cost IOO.noo,000.' a For notice or Intention to make final For lOO.ono sources of wnste. Oats tiiat and tenia Iho acttml amount of year. " proof, tn to arc fed will hunt very llllloi cat such waste of food given to tr.cso establish claim tvery song-bir- d destroyed helps PATRIOTISM ECONOMY Boni(TYstlmatcs givo five the land above described, .before expensive pests to help the .. that are not fed, a a rule, kill more animals. lhre Bpeok Mian cab) cejits Oeorge Edwards, I). R Cuinmmls-slonc- Huns by decreasing food "Aclions louder bfiicilclal birds than injurious ro- -' ccpts a day for and ten American wor5s-A- al Ilachlta, tf. M on Ihe &tli gave cf - Donf Talk -- Buy Now denU; o they are worse than waste, a nay lor nogs, iiibi is iiKciy iuu resources, tho lliey arn an actual detriment. Cat high for our animals, on an avrra&e. day of June, 1018. ore worse destrvyara of birds than lnaleail of Irvimr to tilaco n doflar Claimant names as witnesses: Tim fuel administration has iucd Mnnle Adams, Milton Jcnsmi, Don domes-li- nro hawks. Hat and mouse control and onls estimate on tills walc a warning aminst the use. of e Phillips, of nhonl Kranarlcs and mills slioulil Im Icl is ilo this: Kvrry time wo reed and lUiyranflll. all sites or hard coal by Industrial biited on'prcvcntlou of the mlranco a dog or a rnl. let us llgure what N. M. plants. JOHN L. of Iho rodents. Actual killing of that food Is actually worth, accord- IIUIINHIDi: lleglslei such roibiils may usually Imj donn ing lo slandards, and Ilepresi'iilativc of the morn efllrlenlly anil wllh less Hunt let us llgure whelher thai animal industry have agreed to o pxpenso by means other than can actually pro? II Is paying for lloott Columbus by piilnmlfliiF a curlallmenl or their output to of cats. However, cats that feed. If It cannol, we liavo no our advertisers. Pt cent of normal during April and "aiwui such placrs come moro closo-- rltdil lo feeil it. Ily all menns, let May. ly than any others tn earning a us not forgot to do IhH. We liav In bands at niglil curs mid pedi- A now living, the habit. greed Aristocrats, country bred and total of im.nnn women are r on Ihe pay Ihe Prulau-llessia- Of the 60,000 worthless doits mine Killing animals proven worthless, town bred together, forget all mil of Allyear-Voun- d Hallway, iicrordlug lo a An ram their keep. They fall Into saves the los. Their hides are teachings If they encounter r Soft three classes: llinso overfed anil worth something. Their carcasses lloek of helpless sheep. 'Iliu resiill statement In Ihe llislge lllutrierle Drink Zeltlllig. pampered! those whose may lc used for fertilizer or poultry Is loo oflen a disastrous loss lo the for the Bluejackets appearance testify food and great good lie gotten out tarnter wllh no recourse, for be dm In Norway, nlicre no gasoline lias Our boys in the navy enjoy their In their Inablllly to gel their own of litem In tills way. Hy the de know dugs Ihu not what did work been obtainable for many months Bevo. The esteem in which is prey on do- of the Morlhless rats tunny Indcinn-Il- it living: and lhoe that struction and (here Is no automobiles practically especially, or Iwnellclal birds may nnd hae held by the entire Nnvy Depart- mestic animals, sheep tbousnnds for Ids loss. Kven a ceased running, njperiinenls are at an even lie saved and their help In Ihe mai- -- ment is clearly indicated by the unit fill their stomachs Indemniiy is wnmg erouomlrs In lo operato . l beinu made molor curs loss farmt-r- of Insect conli-o- will be another ii fact that is sold served on greater lo the ler foster uWi of rerlaiu waste In with acclylene gas. it nnd Another very vital reason for re valuable nssel to Ihe former. these worthless dogs, and then (at all U. S. vessels nnd in trninintj animals Finally, reducing the number of ducing the number of these It to pay for waste of still other The total amount or rooiMuffs camps. Afloat or nshorc, you will Is ninraudinit dooi will make safe Ihe and restricting their activities kinds. Ilalher abolish these "hound shipped during March from the find Bevo unusually refreshing, Iwlng car raising much needed smnll that they are ronvlcled of of li" within our gnles," mill maku Ihe Hulled Stales anil Canada In the good and healthful. oj Hocks or alieep on (ho farms or our rlers of many kinds of dlean stale "snfii Tor sheep." Allies, arrordiiiK In the Food Is a crying need for Soft humnus ami of domestic animals. slate. There I.el ns llgure for ortrselves the was iiIhimI in the strictest sense, but a peace, perhaps, but wool production. On near- In times of inrreased enormous wanlo per year from thin Ions. niiiiKireil with W,im tons In thoroughgoing man's drink. Try alTonl to feed uy ly every feed or various kinds not now. ran we farm source and turn IIipk worldle February. it by itself, or with a bite to cat. less animals. For eery ounce of is wailed sufllelenl to keep H small animals Into ferllliter, ixiullry. food lit fur human glwm to useless llock of sheep. For heep eat o sheep and wool let us nuiiil Ibis lied Ciiew workers at line of Served ovarywharc- - families ac- animals. Just twice that Is token that other animals nfui. waste and help meet tills crisis ir eanleens In Franco supplied by rocors, druggists rr from our food supply. coarse hay, grating leavings, weeds, rivilliation by pnividiug llin company American soldiers on or dealers. lo statu per year for They are must valuable iu Ihe wmil. ohoppllig In see they The cost the elc. easily more food and more lrlp. tint MuiuTKIuml nr Irtttal K ani- Incidentally, feeding theso l& worthless control of weed and, Swnt the worthless doss and ral recelj comvt change and other Anhcuscr-Busc- h, St. Louis mals Is great even Ihounliswe think of insects on Ihe fiinn. Thv worth mid help oust the kolT I). I".. Mer- wise aiMn' them in (heir encoun tint amount of food supplied them less roaming dnus Ihnl get togeiher rill, lllnloght. ters wjth French shopkeepers.


Be satisfied with mediocre ability and service W H Y when you may have the benefit of years of training and experience. With no name goods when you can purchase Nationally advertised brands of known quality S9L. Wholmlc nUlrlliulors LI. I'VSl), H;.S JEk for the same price. With packing "home unsightly packages when we

keep a mule and delivery wagon and man in readiness to make prompt K' tz z T i deliveries of such packages, whatever their size, you do not wish to pack y y home. With putting down linoleum, hanging window shades, putting y up your beds and stoves when it is all done free of charge for you when THE COURIER ? the goods are bought from FROST????? ? Why not investigate us personally and become one of our many pleased customers? JOB PRINTING SUMMER GOODS ni:Fiiir.i:ii.vroits ji.tti. i;hih:n itnsif, A. v A. .

ict-- ; r.uiwrs LI.VOI.LTM (5:iu;r. noon iiincix

i ly ku'ath ,sciiia; noon intcr.s i.kvio.v kuuki:i:us OIL CndKINR ST0VIC8 M HCIVS DOOIt (VVrCIIIvS Bat 'Em Out in; picks ()IL ClllllilNC 8TOVK OVI.NS SCIII.IA 1)0011 MI,lrACi:itS From the Columbus Drug Co. (iAI,VAMl l I'LAT SlllCirrS I'Olt (lit. COOKING STOVK WICKS in: ntr.M nti:i:zi:its iti:i iii(;i:iiAToiis ici n:. (!issich rOI.IIIMS I'OltCII CIIAIIIS

Kt:iticir-- N vinn cloth I'OLIIINC CAMP CIIAIHS nr.i.rox tin ass nucs BASEBALL Season is fast npprnaclu Wetcarry:the celebrated line of Simmons Iron Beds, Springs, Sanitary have a HncoFBalls. JJhts, Couches, Cots, Baby Cribs, etc. Gloves, Etc., that will make 'cm Jll set up and take notice . .. We stock Sanitary Mattresses only: from the Welch Bedding Company. GiOc V.s Your Qrder for Any l$prl of You should use Sanitary Mattresses only for health's sake. ATHLETIC GOOBS


THE COLUMBUS OOURIKR m TUT LEMONS WHITEN Demand Ibr "War Nur THE C0MP1EXI0N Htedr4 or noised are all who walk lift's way ANY WOMAN CAN MAKE UP THIS With you, or nr your tattl CNBAMY MAUTY LOTION Tea are the radium, and yours the FOR A FIW CKNT. ebelco What yea thall rndlstsl Daisy at Weur. The Juice Of two fresh lenoM strain- ed Into a bottle containing three ounces Probfen whole quar- 5rinds THY THB8E. of orchard white makes a ter pint of most retaarktM lew on balls, the 1 A pretty decoration for butter sW bcautlfrcr St about the cost oas Is tha spray of parsley mlnnt tha must pay for a sutall Jar of Iks ordi- leaves tnruii iuio nary cold creams. Cars should be tak- stem. .the ball for a en to strain the lemon J alee through a Savory R I e s fine cloth so no lemon palp gets In, Cook together a then this lotion will keep fresh tor cupful of rice nnd months. Every woman knows that a cupful end a half lemon Jules Is used to bleach a dark- each of tomato pu- ened skin and removo such blemishes ree and broth, st freckles, sallowness and tan and It using either chick- thcr Ideal tUa softener, whltener and en or veal, season beautlSer, with onion In halves with two an cut Just try it I Get three ounces ef cloves prcMcd Into each half, a .orchard at any drug store and chopped while of salt, a chill pepper, two lemons from tho grocer ana mage fine and a dash of paprika. Cook until up n quarter pint of thlt sweetly fra- of a the rice It tender, add grant lemon lotion and mattago It dally cupfot unUI of butter and Itt stand Into the face, neck, arms and bands. melted, then serve at above. Adr. Potato Sausages-Sel- ect largo Pota- toes, peel and cut out an openlog An Impeulbtllty. through them with an nbple cortr. "Hero's n woman wants to be di- jovcr wiin ooinng waier ami coo vorced becnuio her husband Is too per- eight minutes, then drain and Insert fect." Into each opening a small sausage. "Well, do you suppose any woman pricked with n fork. Put the potatoes could be happy with a husband' who Into a baking dish lb the oven and nnver gave her a chance to find bike until tender. fnultr Dansna Parfatt I'eet nnd. scrape to remove any fiber, prest MftcAtp oreuu tu?jsj rioftoox artmy three banann. KIDNEY SUFFERERS HAVE TO S7CU) fO&VAUjJ them through n rlcer; there should be n cupful otjho pulp. Scald Iho banana FEELING OF SECURITY Re-leasi- with cupful sugar, Public nntlonnl defense, nnd tuny be ImiVgaai application of a of Must Aid bu n nnd fold to committee on nursing, council of national the Juice of halt lemon, chill Tan nstursllr feel secure when you the In one whipped cream, a defense, Washington. D. cjnful of know the medicine yon ai about to C chopped thtt Trained Workers In great majority of schools pupil nurse third of a cupful of finely ttke It absolutely pure and contains no the the over- drugs. It no expense tuition, board, room, laundry candled fruit which hat soaked harmful or titbit producing nt for night In orange or uniform. Tho regularity and Interest of the Juice. Such a tnedlclnt It Dr. Kllnwr't for Armu Service A most delightful kidney, liver and bUdder remedy. llfo aro strengthening physically nnd mentally. Brailllan 8ld. company salad All equal The tUndtrd of purltr, strtogth Salaries graduation compare favorably with It thltt an ttme nfter quantity of shredded pineapple, tnd esctlltnce It maintained In every other professional women, and unlim- fresh salaries nf applet cut In shoestring strips, and cel- bottlt of HE (HtOWINO demand for ited opportunities nro waiting forjhe nurso nt the compound- for nurset ery, cut In tho same way, let the celery Swampjloot Is. scientifically I'X wrripn me nroiy i completion of her course. vegstibl horbs. rxi wiwi American stand In Ice water uutll needed, cover ed from I W creating a problem which eventually "The training offers rich, compensations for sad It la A lit the apple with lemon Juice and water It It not a itlroultnt Itkro Vj I be solved by Ihc papula- - exacting work," said Mis Delano, capable teatpoonfttl dotes. jjj. mint civilian "fur the It not used at once, It turpi brown. lint gnlned along with knowledge of at evtrytblng. trained nurse Mix all altovo Ingredients nnd add It Is not recommended for Every city ami town In Hie country suffering tragedy, broad outlook of one the It It nnd the n of Iho quantity of carefully According to veriEM tetllmony l anWlMl lir th linlxmllnll mil far learned to In of humanity; fourth nature's helper In relieving sad over- who hat think terms peeled Krazll nuts which havo lieen treat nurses, upon every community work Is. helping to coming kidney, liver aad bltdder trou- for and the realization that her cut In atrlps nnd sonkod In milk to ""fr0 ,ne responsibility relent- - make the world a happier and a better plnce." bles. ' ret" soften, If nt all hard. Mix well and of purity It with r Inc many nurses na possible for What It means to tie n Hod Cross nurse Is a A sworn ittWment it add maynnnnlso dressing. Serve In every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's military service and adapting lUelf to the new war- qtnoton that Is asked repeatedly at all chapter time cnmlltliint nests nf letlucV. which nro bouud to follow. headquarters. To be n "Ited Cross nurso" Is to salad or you medicine, ycu tioulJ havt The country Chccso In various forma at If need a hat shown determination that lit havo met the standards of tiirollmcnt of tho lied combination with vegetables In tbt Utt. soldiers nml duty tailors thall have pro;cr care, Cross, and to lie subject to auch cnlla of cream sauce It a most wholesome and It yen are tlretdy convinced thtt Miss en-- Jono .. Delano, director nf the depart- from the licit Cross ns aro specified In tho nutritious dish. Sirtmp-Iloo- t Is whit you need, you will of nursing compen- on sll drug In bottles ment of the American lied Crou. Mlu rolttncnt. lied Crou nurses receive no A delicious flavor for lamb which Is find It tslt st ttortt Delaio been responsible of two tltts, medium tnd Urge. hat for tho organization sation except when on active duly. When called to bo eaten cold It given by adding a of great war nurtlug of on co with tho United nnny or However, If you with' Brit to try tnit t'o icrrlce tha lied Crou. for ten States stick of cinnamon and a few cloves to eentt to Dr. "The calta mad upon the Ited nurso corps they rocelvo tho pay nnd preparation send tto Croat mining nary the water used when basting, during Eitt & Co., Hin,hmlon, N. . for a ten I co by tbt government liars been met up to provided by law for these corps, and are roasting. Mint may be used Instead If simple bottle. Wbca writing be ture sod thtt time," aatd Mitt Delano. In discussing tbt through training schools everywhere, lint ex- entitled to tho same Insuranco aa officers preferred. mention' thlt piperv Adv. crowing need of nurtea. The entity of the pressed Its need of mora nurses. Capablo and edu- nnd enlisted men. All lied Cmu nuraet assigned Try cutting out a small ponton or All. lies In the problem Immediately confronting cated young women can perform no more patriotic to duty In military or naval bospttala automatically alt food, especially fata, sugar, and Bttttr tils the country. It It Inconceivable that our boyt and service than by entering training schools for nurses become members of,the Array and Narjr Nurse meats, weight will- - gradually re- June So that It better halt!, the Yes, and 40 per cent of the men. who art offering all they hare for us. should and thus preparing to adopt nursing at a profes- corps, and atfer their assignment to duty are no duce to normal, the health will be bet Jano not haTe the best care that the utraott kill and sion: Tills crisis Is not Just of this year and the longer under the supervision or direction of the ter and work In an unusual degree rest. devotion can glre them. Nurses bare retponded next and perhaps the next, but for many years to Ited Cross. can be accomplished without faUgue. tplendldly to military terrlce, at toon at they hare come. Thn tick and wounded may before long be In order to meet tho Increasing demands of the Iltd Cross Hit Hint mskts the liundrtu hippy, than the enormity of the need. crowding well aa our hospitals. Army and Navy Nurte corps, the lied Cross hat Is crowning quality. nsku clolbfi whiter saotr. rallied our civilian as base Kndursne the gooa grocers, aov. The nursing profculon will not fall. Ilut the Wo shall be confronted by sertous health prob- modified Itt former requirement! for enrollment. And patltnee sll the pstilon or trtit an hurts. J. R. LowtlL fact that mutt bo brought home to everyone It that lems for uimy years at on aftermath of the war." Tho ago limit hat been lowered to twenty-on- More Children In Court every a the years, special cases nurses over may nurte releated for military duty leavct Since the entrance of the United Statea Into and In forty SEASONABLE FOODS. Tho annual report of the children's vacancy In civilian Ufa. And thtt. too, at a time war the number of pupil nnrsea entering training be accepted. Smaller schools for nurses have been court ot New York. city shows that when there It an Increased amount of sickness and schools for nurses hat Increased SO per cent over placed on the accredited list, and applicants are Let ut est more cheese, milk, eggt. H.510 children came beforo the court distress brought about by the very war conditions the year before. Very generally, Mlu Delano said, judged on their merits. nuts, beant, peas and cerealt. Such last year, an Increase ot 2,004 over tha which decrease the number otnuraea In civilian superintendents and directors of training schools The American lied Crou has no schools for foods aro appetizing, previous year. hospitals. throughout the country hare, with great resource-fulne- u nurses, nor docs It give or authorise any short tike the place of meat "lly a recent estimate of the surgeon general's and energy, arranged for thd training and course which qualifies one at a trained nurse. and may be served In so THE GREAT WAR HAS MADE oOlce not far from 30,000 nurses may tie needed. housing of an Increased number of students. a Short courses which It does give In "Elementary many waya that there CIGARETTES A NECESSITY. It the war continue, for our army alone, and the when tho latter hat not been poulble, Ilyglene and Home Caro of the Sick" nnd "Home need be no fear of are depending on us to supplement their people have placed suitable accommo- Dietetics" are not equivalent to hospital training. allies boys own nursing sen Ice. There are between 80,000 at disposal. In some cases, too, the satisfactory completion of tho first course It Cottage chccso which "Our mutt have their dations their Ilut smokes. Scud them cigarettes I" W.OOO nurses registered In United States. hours of tralnkg have been arranged to permit step In becoming a Volunteer lias been well seasoned and the tbo first lied Crou Thla a appeal now to Approximately his tak, course live own will tako plnce nt It familiar 17,000 of number aro already ttudcntt to the and at their Nurses' Aid, the term which Is applied to those the all ot us. enrolled Ited Cross nurtea. This enrollment It the homes. women who, having met definite requirements of meat, nnd la richer In reserve of the United States army nurao corps and Mlu Clara Noyes, one of the most distinguished the lied Crou, are available for auch aervlca at protein than meat. A Among those most tn demand It navy nurse corps, and from It nurses nro tlso sup- women of her pmfeulon In the United States, re- they have voluntarily pledged themselves to give. third of a cupful of cob the now famout "toasted" ciga- plied to the United States public health service nt cently superintendent of tho training school for It It becomes necessary to rely on the assistance tage cheese will give aa much protein rette LUCKY STRIKE. Thou- required. nurses In connection with Ilellerue and Itt allied of volunteers to aid In tho care of tick and wound' quarter of a pound of sirloin sands ot this favorite brand have "Since the declaration of war the department of hospitals In New York, and at present director of ed soldiers and tailors, they will be selected from itenk, or a cupful of beans It aa rich been shipped to France. There nursing of Crou, tn protein aa of a pound of Is something homelike nnd friend- nursing hat selected and equipped for service with the bureau of field the lied hat among thoso who have had this Instruction. The of agent some Tha flavor of meat well ly to the boys In tho sight the the army nurse corps 4.204 nurses, and with the been acting at field for thlt bureau for women so selected will be given an opportunity for tteak. It to green packages with the addressing meetlnga In number of liked that, that la tho main reason familiar navy nurte corps 070. It It maintaining several weeks, mats a practical experience of one month of eight boun red circle. hundred more directly under the lied Crou, In- cities, urging the recruiting of nurses. dally In approved hospitals. No guarantee of se It la so hard to substitute other foods cluding 80 nurses In France, 12 In Iloumanla, three Hospitals and training schools are undertaking lection tor service Is given by the lied Cross, but for It. A very small bit of meat (one Thlt homelike, appetizing qual- In Urecco and ono In Serbia, and SO lied Cross pub- arduous, difficult and heavily Increased tatka with It urges upon the women of tha country the prac ounce) will aeason other foods like ity ot the LUCKY BTRIKE ciga- nurses on sanitary zones sur- enthusiasm, aa a patriotic duty, she reported. Also, value of these courses to home end com rice, or combinations of vegetables, so rette la largely due to the fact lic health duty la the tical used In also over they given nnd are giving In many Instances that the dish will be well flavored and that the Hurley tobacco rounding the cantonments. There'are baro munity. toasted. practically moat valued members staffs of nurses meat will be taved. If there are tlx making It hat been "It's 2,000 nurses organised Into units and the of their "Every day, at tho headquarters of the lied was tbo "slogan" that service, In spirit of sacrifice to be terved, tlx ounces of meat will toasted" ready for mobilization. for military the tame Crou In Washington, nurses are being mobilized made great success ot LUCKY give con- sufficient. a "Though the enrollment of nurses wjtb the lied that hat made the Individual nurse up all for duty at home or abroad," said Miss Delano. be STRIKE In than a year. Now may make cottage cheese or leu Crou averagca 1,000 h month, not even da num- sideration of personal comfort or advantage, to "A call may come In the morning for a group of One the American Tobacco Co. It mak- ber will meet tho constantly Increasing needs of face stern duUet abroad; and tha woman who nurses for service with the Ilrittsh expeditionary buy It at almost any cream station. ing 18 million LUCKY STRIKE warm sour a tho government," continued Mlu Delano. "So far, would eagerly have gone on foreign duty atands forces. In the afternoon for another group spe- To prepare It. milk at Clgarcttct n day. by demands have been by post when most needed at home, with the low temperature on the back of part careful adjustment these her cially skilled In contagious work for a cantonment of Immense con- purpose of serving tho with all her of the stove, or act the bowl Into a A good part thtt met without seriously disorganising the home steadfast colon hospital at borne, or for public health nurses need making way aba might be assigned. pan of hot water. When the curd production It Itt ditions. Ilut from now on every poulbte effort ability wherever ed In the unitary xones surrounding the canton' to our young starting out on and whey have separated, pour the across the water cheer will have to be made by the general public, at well Tbo probationer, Just her mentt. Sometimes they go la units of a hundred boys. satlsfsc-tlon- through a sieve. Mis Adr. by the nursing profession and nurses' training hospital course. Cuds one of her greatest t or more, sometimes la smaller companies and mixture the at curd with a spoon and let It achools to meet wisely and effectively tho crisis In tho knowledge that the, too, It tcrvlng the sometimes alone; prepared any hardship, or drain; All the Amount for well drained, mix but' that It created by the rapidly decreasing number colors from tha very first day of her training, which any service, tho bronze 'U, on the when with salt, "Well, Hardupp, did you raise any- - with letters 8.' cayenne and enough cream to of nurses In civilian hospitals." the does very literally by aiding In tha care of the collars of those tcrVlng under the government In ter, tllng on your promise to payF of the right consistency. The When asked bow tho general public could con- civilian sick and thus helping directly In the pres- the Army and Navy Nurse corps, make It Sure; I raited a smile," the lied Grots In whey may bo used to make bread, tribute to bring thlt about, Mlu Delano outlined ent emergency. And another of the satisfactions signia marking the uniform of those serving dl Immediately upon comple- many cooks preferring It to any other several plant of of her work It that the recti y under the lied Cross small emblems of upon full respon- liquid. "Tha general public," ahe aald, "can tion of her course she enters the high service." sibilities and opportunities for usefulness of the Nuts of various kinds vary at to FRECKLES In such vital matters at releasing more prlvsU Ntw It TUt Ugly graduate nurse. their nutritive vatce. Twenty peanuts Ut It Cl fU t Tut Sfstl duty nnrsea for military duty. It can do thlt defi- equal to an Inch cube of good at Miss Delano pointed out further the wide scope PH0T00nAPH8 OP LIOHTMIHa are Turn's luiir tht tlltnttit tul nitely and Immediately by utilizing hospital facul- peanut butter may be fMilsy uhtmid of jeur rrtcklts. u tbt pre- openlo trained nurse, and the fact cheese. The scription this OoubK Is suae- - ties, vislUog nurses, and similar agencies where of activities the many dishes to place tlrutlb when world will be look- Nothing It easier than to inako lightning pho- used In tske the one nurse can care for several paUenta; by fam- that after the war, all the peanut, Simply as ousts of olhlao dtttftll wel- tograph Itself. All you to do la place of the as It Is in a more avail' st your ilies learning to care minor Illnesses la their ing to a new foundation of public health and bare the itnssih from orotiltl nod applr a for camera facing m able form, 1'eanuta should be well llttlt of It aleht sod toornut sod row ohosld hornet, by by fare, women of superior ability will be needed In the part of tho sky which th own and preparing whatever meant open ground and thoroughly masticated to rca im tki ova tbo wont frtckltt bivo to In greater numbers than ever beforo In hospitals and storm Is raging and It at for a time ex bosun to diMppttr. wbllo tbo !!Mr ooti aro afforded In their communities asslsl all be well digested. hovo vonUhad oollrtlr, U Ikst schools of nursing superintendents and super- DOlurc. After the first (lath closo the shatter at II iiltoro matters pertaining to public health, at When buying bananas tske those moro tktn mo oonoo U nvoatd to compUtalp and lecturers. onco and develop tho pliito In tho usual way. Of tbo tsla sad tola a oouunu cioo "A striking example of how the women of the visors, Instructors are firm have dark tur profession of nursing. Mist Delano empha- courao It It not certain the Hash will corns Just that but skint. country have already begun to take hold of the The green banana should never be used sized. Is not alone tha care of the sick In hospitals where tho camera it aircctca ituaUon la tho fact that over 60.000 women havo thoroughly baked and even took If It to Minove frockUt. Adv. Is the care of babies and prenatal unlets filli satisfactorily completed the lied Croat courses of nnd homes. It then they are not w some supervision tbo INDEED, YBS. at holt at 18 leasont each In 'Elementary Ilyglene and Homo Instruction of mothers; of health well ripened ones. Dates and figs No wonder tomo women look faded care of tuber- are Car for tha Sick and 'Hume Dietetics,' which of schoolchildren "Instruction and most wholesome sweets, they they spend too much time catting nursing and welfaro work In In- Mistress Susan, I you war established for the purpose of aiding women culosis patients; undontand that walk prunes well cooked may be added to withering glances at the men. hygiene work, and hospital out with a young man; hope ha to carl for the tick in their own hornet. Beveral dustrial plants; mental t la rcxDectablut breakfast food few moments before enters Into almost every "Oh, groups of men, about to move Into Isolated dis- social service; and It yet, raa'nm; and he It a Frenchman, and serving, doing away with augar on the Btrnngo how a fellow with plenty service speak no English." - tricts, have nlto taken these courses. branch of the social structure. can't cereal. ot spore tlmo never seems- to do "Then," continued Mist Delano, "public Interest Bulletins dealing In the most concrete way with "Then how In the world do you aunage your . by young wom- la needed In recruiting the nursing profession. The all tho question! likely to be asked courting, SusanT" country through the surgeon general, through the en considering the nurse's training, have been Is- "Law, ma'am. Isn't the'kluln' and huggtn' the To the traveler the best guide Is lied Crou, through the council of naUonsI defense. sued by the committee on nursing of tho council of tame in every language r checkbook. not ooitmipf ooroin

show th following Increaie frem 1013 GHAN6E IN THE to 181T lncluslv! Value of Field Crop Kwp Ywrsclf Fit 1013 1017 Manitoba ...I (HWjOOO $137,4T00 You can't afford to be laid p with LIFE Saakatchewaa 120,170,000 Stn.4$,20Q sore, aching kldntyi in the daya of Alberta 40,112,000 high prieta. Home eeeepation brlag NUTS .... 17Un.V0 kJney troaUra) alnmt any work) fNTTO make weok kidney wor, If roa (rl .SNOW Total 120.lW3,000 VWMTUV tired all th time, and wfltr with UtM MARCH TO VICTOR! Th total value ot field crop foi back, abarp pa'oa, dlur pll, "Mklfo a Llvffl" Mea Has D- - and disordered kidney action, Oattraa I a of taw Meed. 1017 waa ,(W.1.U2t,K0, produced on less dm mHr VerOfrMl IfltO a "MfrrrSy Doan'a Kidney rills. It may ear an WKfcoat good red blood a kmb ht a than 60,000,000 acres of land. attack of rbeumatltm. drapay, or vraak heart and poor aerre. Mftkiflfl Faet." Further evidence of prosperity and llriikVa dlMaa. Doan'a have helped Um la Is vprtef tk beet Hate to progress I found In thouaanda back to health, t Mock ejeadttloa. th Government of K tho A few years ago and not so many ot value of lands, Mood I tUn sado'swatery, face pale or estimate the farm A Colorado Cs toply, generally weak, and at that most farmers were satisfied and Increase In value tine lOOSi J, K, Mar, lltH Main tired lit- Ot, Btarllns, Colo.. tle, on should taka a snrlnr tonic If they saw ahead of them th oppor- 1009 1010 "1 waa alntoat halplvaa Oh that will do the spring tunity Manitoba 27.30 32.03 with eharp palna In my to mnko a fair living, a reason- bark. Sir Ilmbri wr .aftLaaaUaafi aa herbal rem- Roakatchewan 20.40 23.07 'HaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBWi. T mm edy wa eeed by everybody nearly able competence In their falling years, tiff and aore and I that Alberta 18.20 22.18 wars fjlt tlr4 mni . 60 year ago I still sefe and sane be and an assurance of an existence for Tin kltfr-r- acr- cause no narcot- will average Slons passed far too of. it contains aiconoi or their famlllea. They worked hard, It bo obaerved that th On frlanii's ic It I Bad op of Wood root Gold- ml tilled acres end In price ot land haa not kept pace with 1 usk! IKmn's y their villi this IMIla en Beat root Oregon Grape root their producing value. I and ihar freed Cherry view. Honest struggle, earnest ef- It therefore me of Iho Iroublaa. f Queen' root Stone root Black pointed out that tho opportunity for aaidom havo nt) of bark extracted with glycerine and fort aud a true conception of upright now, tne purchaeo ot land I still Klanty medicine made into liquid or tablets. This blood manhood, together with the Increas-In- a nut nevertnaieas, IsTi by Dr. Pierce within Ihe reach of thoie with lim- wouldn't fx without s4k Ionic was first put out knowledge that upon the of box of Doan'a In th house." In form and aloe then fruits ited mean. has been sold by million bottle aa Dr. their endeavor rested the structure of A good Idea ot advancement In a CriDau'itlAv Saar.0aB Pierce' Golden Medical IMseoTery. K the world, whose opIo had to be fed country' progress may be obtained by druggists do not keep this In tablet and maintained. Economy In method. n knowledge of what has been done In D OA N S "iiSV roSTOUULBURM CO. BUfTALO, K.Y. form, aend 00 cents for a vial to Dr. Improved conditions of working, have the production of cattle, and when tierce's Invalids Hotel. Buffalo. N. T. added to the farmer's posalbllltlrs, and figure away large these ore studied In connection Kidney disease carries a today Instead of being a pluddi-- for country percentage I with Western Canada, n whose ot our people. What to an exlatencp, which his early training be done! Tho answer Is easy. Eat less fame having been heralded as a grain' Killer had bred Into him, ho basliecime the growing Let's Lice meat cat coarse, plain food, with plenty country, giving Ihe Idea that TM hn iMtsniid for tlitfkMi laad hnaTL of vegetable, drink plenty of water bulwark of tho nation, and, ns audi, that was whnt It wa mostly adapted becomo between meals, and take an uric add hss elevated to a position to. It will Ins realised that there Is iLitlH 1 i ttmk Mft rma where his I lo fplatltvlataT WBMr I CVfllfrhft 4"S'f. solvent after meal for a while, such a word and his work arc rec- thero a vaat storehouse of wealth MMsfMIMIWlMtWrfUfMft ognised l firfJlUF IJm U Ol4 aUMM Anurlc (double strength), obtainable at as tho fuctors It as always awaiting (hove who choose lo toko ad- any store. wa first almost drug It Intended they khould be. He Is now vantage of It. In Ihe three province discovered by Dr. Pierce. Most every the man of business of big liualness. In 10!1! there were horses, milch cows, one troubled with uric acid finds that He has forced an oppredatlon of his other entile, ahecp nnd awlne, four mil- EEKS' Anurlc dissolve tb uric acid a hot work, and sugar. Tou can obtain a the true vnlu has been lion head, while In 1017 the number iWrniAmummm j water doe placed upon trial package by sending ten cents to It. The big men or the wa seven million. .snaaa country lodny Doctor Invalids' Hotel aud are tho farmers, u. In 1001 the population wns Th Roman Frum Cld In'Snew. Plerc'. with entire Surgical Institute In Iluffalo. N. Y. business acumen and forensic U 0,512; In 11)10 forethought 1,00820. arc able tt tell you from Ono el rapid progress noma clothed Id ermine dltturbed th ordlnaiy routine of Ro- Surely books inner at the Must their what It coats to produce ot the United Ktatrs during tho nine- Imperial vlalonlh Tanlablng 7far man life. "lie signs himself E. Ncbucliadaes- - a tmthot of Guticura Soap wheat or a ixmml ot wool. century. Hut Amerk-n'- tare to a surprised popu Seen of Rare Beauty. wombat Wonder tho 'E. teenth tar what All of which Is Intended to for growth at the begiinuog of lac. Th Eternal city mantled The beauty of the city stands unite Is In anow wa th unusual forr that farming Is n butuce, aa much that century were nothing compared Ideal and almoit I a thing lloman will not forget Th "Dunno. Hut If he prefer to uio of apectael which as banking or selling a suit ot clothes. to tho opiiortunltle which are Can- unheard erected th panorama, from th II tit. tho nam Nebuchadnc? r, the 'R.' Roman morning rindan It Is nn Industrial bunlnra, with more ada' at the present time. For the Hands on th after Chrtat carpeted with a coTtrtog must stand for someth terrible." mas, certain profits than accompany any The fart thut Ciinadn ha a Its next wrltra Alice Iloh la th. Kanaaa of white, Ita palm tree picturesque Louisville Courier-Jouni-n other line ot trade. It Is a manufac- door neighbor n nation of ovpr 100,000,-00- city star. and curlou aentlnela In th Thoa who winter turing enterprise, devoid of any ot the the richest nation In Ihe world- -Is wok to flkd th city letting, waa Incomparable, Balnt yon with beautiful, clear white Denver Directory chaatened If dangers that the frills of fashion's bound to have a atlmulatlng effect with Ita whit Teetmente, Peter's dome, ermlned, with ball, llothis, use Red Croee Bag Bias. At all lying peaceful the a follies and desires force upon ordinary on Ita progress. Already one sees DCVCLOPING and mysterious, felt th whit world symbol, aa erer dominated tood grocers. Adv. pell th wondered If pursuits. Food Is something that all signs of It on every hand. Kodaks and PRINTING if unoiual and tba picture Nearer, tbe Tantheon, eod for Ctlofaa a, n d sign Old Stuff. inut havo and the fanner produces It Canada not only has tho largest area It conli bo a of peace. now white, ahone In Its new garment rioiuim u.u yi.n..,..n.i1t.i.ri.i.r. surged "He's alwaya talking about hi fam- Tho cheaper It ennb produced the Iras of unoccupied, but fertile, land of any UUk isia Winterer prlrate emotlona Far away orcr whit powdered roofa C. ut Un. Dm, Cuu through an aatonlahed people, an- ily tree" will be the cost lo the conaumer. And country, but this land Is already made th and terrace through twisted. Irregu- cient chronicler announced that "Yea, It'a a chestnut" this Is one ot the chief thoughts ot the nvallable by n network ot railways. The Platte River Cadle Co. for lar streets, rota the whitened Jtnlcu-lum- , th first time In thirty year a heary farmer. Within the memory ot tho Cost of production of grain I lower 71$LlCUZi. Dnnr. CiU. th watchful llgur of Oaribatdl, boy havo Im- anow storm had deacended upon Home. Many a living picture of health Is thero been than rlsewhtre, while the prices are PURE BRED mantled In anow. provement HEREFORD Ther are thot who record tnor re- badly framed. In machinery, change In on n baals of thoae ot the United BULLS FOR SALE From the ghoetllk whltenea of th a cent anow, but not of a almllar heary methods, scientific dlsciverlrs of 8tntcs. Advcrtlaement Ones, twos and Palatine, an undlaturbed tkreea. fall. And anowatorma In Home, gen- shroud lay Women who laugh all the ttmo In as adapted to agriculture, all ot m or wrtu a beforo bartaci upon th campagna, In early morning, erally occur la January or February. public nag all the time at home. which Jin lessened cost of production Soap through which a tpccterllke Applan Savers. Thli time for three daya anow fell and mado possible tho cultivation ot More uao should made of rain Way atretehed toward th truly named Increased In some le upon th ateeplng city and then d rilYErc ASOKTOH W C0W1 acre. parts these water when procurable nnd hanl Alban II1II. things havo brought about more Inten- with tba inn' ray at noon. may be softened by boiling It and , In the heart of ancient Home, the BBBBBBBK agriculture, Not only the people regarded the phe- B cteir".?;.tsz'zz;iiu iw 01 sified growing heavier then leaving It exposed to the miracle of th anow brought umbrel- Vr (MrM IWIwrl crops on neres. Improved air our nomenon with wonderment, but th Asllsial less machin- of doora for n while. The effect of la and orerahoea out of American and fBsjbbbbp oPSuUftrt Va4 ery and demand for greater production tram line and telephone wire were nouudi r naar these precautions good English cloeet to go forth on wonder- Ajaw mItm uaa nmn wilt tie for tho o orercom by th atrnln that they utk have led another claas In aenrrh of skin and thrifty In soap usage. ing admirer thrilled by tb atartllng aaBBaaaBaV twtat BeeMVriaplaath larger areas, where their ability may refuted to operate. aaaaaay ea . 11 urn. tma By the simple practice of drying City tranaformatlon of Ilomo'a antiquities. ejew' iirMiim,mu cope with the growing ot a greater Routine Uptet tkSrM M. (4. to Mtnta, tn snap before ualng It n large saving Ksasln for tba Forum Clad In Snow. MM ltu,IN Iim, number ot bushels. Is ono of the Th public conreyanrea were That will be effected. The bars or tablets Wltw Kerrr Break Trie "ft! All reasons why Western Canada SADD1 ca atunned Into helplessness. Iloman cab tbe year round Tine and plant WHEN lands may bo placed In nn airing cuplwanl DENVER YOU THINK FUGS havo recently come Into such demand. ura.BiM horses know nothing of anow and Ilo- grow In the Forum, while llurd aun for a few days, or anywhere In mod- Think of Paotory Prlo These, at from twenty to thirty dol- man cabmen are llkewlae afflicted. themselres on th fallen column. Tba fkrni priM Hbtforauii war erate heat plied not one bar on an- W. N. U, DENVER, NO. Contequently th Intrepid pedeatriana Forum, anow corered, and corrred for ThMwrUvt fsfMUlen. lars an acre, and producing th pro- other, but with space between. found tbemtelrea wading through deep three daya until noon, waa a eight of digious crop that are claimed for College Men Off to War. young them, havo attracted thousand of Only six of 73 aluah by noon In a cablesa town. Th which the generation will boaat To keep dean nnd healthy take Dr. the Harvard students -- American while thou- who stlTt Ilatxa Oolonna waa, with th thawing. of aeelng back la 1017, th third year settlers, other Plcrce'e l'lraaant Pellet. They regu- won their "IV last year lire Ilk a lake of aherbet acroaa which a of th war." sands havo gono out Into the lands In late liver, Imwels and stomach. Adv. In the unUerslty. The revt are "In few renturctom acouta generally Up on th Capltollne Hill, th nobl the Western states. Hut. as to the Can- tho war." Sloni thnn fifty Vale pro- were wading. equestrian itatu of Marcus Aurellua, ada lands, there Is this to say of them, Next Question. fessor nnd Instructors ure engaged Id Ameri- m today they are cheap, and If they will have completed my service. In th forenoon a group of tiling from th center of th historic "I just farewell war can boy from the arlatlon camp at square, wore a new mantle of anow, mCOUOHS MM COLDS yield auffldent In one year to pay the tour." Foggta up for a holiday hired a car while hi borae waa whit with fresh coat ot the entire purchase, why should "And did you fare welll" The man who tins no enemies may Applan Way and unforeseen trappings. tax a pnaH sad asVUie maadrM not there be a demand. Tho country be considered good, n question to take a trip out th that set qtkMf ant naula m eeUUa. but It's but th chauffeur, detplt th proteata Hut like th snows of Villon the Tm caa sat di a roudr r saklai be Is well settled, and settlement Is In- Too many men pray for the things what he' good for. and ttronger argument of the Eternal dty'a ermine disappeared be- creasing. A evldenco of the growth they are too laiy to work for. that a little dampneaa wouldn't neath aun and aquada of street clean-er- of tho tt.rro Western Provinces Into When n man tells a womnn that h hurt a machine, had to renounce th among whom th now common whose tern JJle the Canadian Govern- An entertaining man says but little, understands women he la at once trip at the Catacombs. To audi an alght of women "white wings" told of ment in te settlers, recent reports but Uitens Impressively. classified a an easy junrk. had unheard of anowfall a PISO'S extent the wartln .world.

uipccted, a new elementary sub- stance. Valuo of Sense of Smell This new substanco, which waa Proved In Discovery of named aelenlum, resembled black stal- the Substance Selenium ing wax In appearance. In'lta vltreou form It was a nonconductor of but when heated almost to the Have you an ambition to found a fusing point and allowed to col very Swift & Company's 1918 Year Book slowly ap- new science? Why not meaaure a It completely changed Its pearance. emellJ Can you tell whether on smell It acquired a dull, metallic look, crystal-ti- I Juat twlca aa strong as another! Ilk lead ; and In that Ita Can you measure th difference be- condition. It wa a conductor of shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from a steer tween on kind of smell and another? electricity, but of extremely high re- A I we many sistance. little pencil of crystalline s live cost! It obrloue that hare rery for less money than the steer different klnda of smells, from th odor selenium, not much more than aa) Inch of violets down to aiafetlda, but until long, offered aa much reslttanc to you can mcaiuro their likenesses and tho passage of the electrical current as Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other differences you can have no science 00,000,000 mile of wire, enough to dressing, refrigeration, of odor, write Alexander Graham llell reach from her to the aun. Vet It was covered all expense of freight, selling In Youth's Companion, a conductor. expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift & In the first place wa hare to define Immense Concrete Drldot. mate-H- Company's 1917 figures as follows: an odor, la It an emanation of Plsns are now practically completed particles Into the air or la It a for the construction In Stockholm of form of Titration, Ilk sound! If you what Is claimed will be tba largest Average price paid for live cattle per i84.45 can decide that question, you will have concrete bridge In the world. The new starting point entirely new the for an structure, which will Join Itopsten and Average price received for meat . . 68.97 investigation. If odor la an emanation, Uerscrud, will be called the Udlngo It could be reflected from a mirror. bridge, after the Island where Ilerse-ru- d Average price received for 24.09 Light and sound and heat can b re- Is located, and wilt ba 843 meter even my flected. I have warmed band (2.TT2 feet) in length, with 63 arches Total received ...... 93.06 at tbe reflection of a fire In a mirror supported by massive concrete col- ; 'T: of polished metal. , umns 60 meter (IBS feet) In length. This leaves for expenses and profit 8.61 That a cultivation of the sense, of The columns will be hollow, with an smell may be very valuable waa proved Intersection of about 83 centimeter. Of which the profit per steer was . 1.29 8 In the discovery of the substance (M Inches). A few of tho columns selenium, la experimenting with the will be provided with concrete "rings,'' wast products obtained In manufac- three meter 10M feet) In height each many interesting and instructive turing sulphuric add, a distinguished "ring" bavins an expansion of about There are other chemist noticed th characteristic ono miter (30 Inches), facts and figures in the Year Boole smell of tellurium an odor that has no counterpart on earth or In hasten. Football In th Hely Land. Dut th smell was the only Indication There I a desert football league Wo want to send our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere free of th presence of tho substance i all now, and Ita "season" is in full for tho asking. Address S?i(t & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago the chemical , reactions declared that Is also Waal team, regret there na no tellurium present la the to aay at the bottom of the Hat In powder. Tho chemist therefore con- towna with quit famous Biblical S. cluded that, It no tellurium waa pres- namea you can hear now about of Swift & Company, U. A ent, there must be a new subaUnc "Well played I" and "Off ltd I" I won- there, as yet undiscovered, which der what tb Jsbuxltea and the tellurium. When be had ex- the, Ulvilea and the Hlttltes, and tracted from th masa all th materials Araotitea would think of It all, If they that he knew were pressat, he found a could bear It From the London Daily rusldua, which proved to be, a be bad News. THE C0UJM8US COURIER

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMCNTS. POMTKAl, ANNkjMitVlS l.liTH CI.IMN HI' AM) THfc 8TAKS AND fHWrKS MINT IIP (MH.lIMHl'H . 4 itmaY m MKWS to vwib ? I hereby announce as a cnnifrdnle ' ' r, F.llllH for hatching: I'uro blood ' Ihal oura Is (he (Acl of February 20, IlKOj for to llnS Ofllet) of eoun-l- y Clean up nnd trnliil our perfect hulclu Ithode Island UiU and pure blood shop, II' Is Section 5: ("hat mi marts by tiTaure"r yuiiject ly the appro- rlly tienullfiil. s but not news to llhndo tsland tloteii. town the Jer Whiles,! Ier val Of thu voters In tho democratic In Ihun4rids BraUfled Which the goods of tlio owner of tho -- It. HLAIIl. f The good td Iw iiccotnpl.Uheil . of cuoin.- - J. primary. KUOAIl llEl'l' mark may to distinguished from such.WTirk Is iw out of proportion lrrs, 'who know n fine roail!, Involved , when they aeell, other goods of tlio samo class shall Wanted: Young lady to learn to I liereby announce as a candtdaU lo the expense and trouble or a bracft ofi excellent chops. whtii tjD refused registration as a trade operate tlnolyiv-T- ho Courier. for to tho ofllco or conn In Its prosecution, Indeed, from Wo mark on account of tlio nature of ly Superintendent ot Schools, suit-je- every standpoint Imaglnablo espe there were wonts to iMcrtbfl or llio Mich mnrk unless, sucti mark con- OLD lumber, windows, ihwjr, etc to tho will of tho Democratic cially In the spring .tho whotesOmcHcss anFWio,all Half price. A. Di FrosL voters In the primary. yields such dividends by sists of or comprises tho flag or tl rouiid ilnences of out' Mrs. AllcoO, Smith w;ay of good health, happiness and If you liavo anything to sell or and provlfow.wE coat of arms or other Insignia of the pleasing ami attractive appearnnce want to buy try this column. Cent United States, or any state or mu Uannounco myself as a candidate at so small an investment. a word a week. QE' ;g nicipality, or of any foreign nation. for the ofllco of County Assessor ot We should always wish In Colum PALtA. MARKET JOHNSON MQTMUS. Pmm. Tim abovo l tho only law which How dull Is your butcher knlfi Luna county, subject to Ihe action bus to look our best; to present to has lecn passed by congress In re and household shears? The "Fix-i- t' jf tho voters (n tho democratic pri the eyes, tsilh of strangers and resi- gard to the use of tho American Hag, Shop sharpens them. lie mary. ,11. II. FLAHIVK. dent., our most enguglng nnd con and In hi Is only In connection with vincing front. We should be able ti Tho "Fix-It- 8hop fixes everything trademarks. " I hereby announce myself a can- to liear close Inspection, loo. from and sharpens everything. tit didate for county assessor, subject all angles. The Amcrlran KlfciJ. to the action of (ho voters in the Spring is naturally n season or TWO refrigerators cheap. Accident & (Passed March ti, llsO.) for sale Democratic primary. freshness and beaut- y- when Ihe Health IntirMKc J. V. Illalr. r Mrxlro Stale Law In Itrmird to J. T. (TAI.) HUKTErt. llmvers are beginning to blossom Section IHIi: The use of tin and the trees to assume tluir green- American Hag In this stato Is pro koo.00 iiKW.utn in (;oi.d t hereby announce as a candidate est raiment. For men and Women, regardless ot color, otier 18 hibited for any other than the for the ofllce of county assessor,' Hut over and beyond Ihe matter years ot age ami under 70. for willed It was designed h I will give Two Hundred Dollars subject lo the action of Ihe voters ill of nppearunro IV the vnslly lnior-Imii- I congress gold n the democratic primary. the of the I tilled Slate In a reward for the arrest mailer of health ami physical Policy far 0a Year, 0(y - - $ CM nnd ns an emblem of our common nnd ronvifllnn. upon receipt thai - J. 0. JIAIINK8 comfort. rountry, to be used and displayed party has been conlhted In the pen- II Is line to don our bib nnd fM in a seemly and decorous manner itentiary, of anyone raught stealing ADMINIfiTHATHIXT NOTICK tucker" for grand opera, say, bill ftm in public or private place. And 1' 0 I. cattle or I O I. horses. Calth II is even finer to clean up Hint our any person who shall by or branded on left side; horses on left Notice Is hereby given that the rilitens may h healthier and hap art offer any Insult In the Hlars and hip. S. 8. HlltCHI'IKLD. Colum- inderslgued, Husan A. Moore, was pier the year round. Slrlpn. or who shall Use I lie same bus, New Mexico. tl m IheC'Hth day of March, 11)18, duly This "Clean I'p and Paint Up" J. A: MOORE for advertising purines by paint-lu- ipH)intrd administratrix of the campaign Is largely sanitary In its printing, damping or otherwiv' state of John J. Moore, deceased. sole. And that view Is the most placing thereon or nfllxiiig tlnrrtn Ml persons having claims against sensible of all. For when a ram imy name or object not ronm-rte- .aid estate are required lo present pslpn ha Hint as its object, it car wllh the palriolic history of the W. ti. MOXTGOMKHY .he samed uly verified within one ries Inevitably alvi every attribute iialion or th slate, hall lie guilty ear frofit the date of sold appoint' of beauty and a(traclhenes that I bill1 Painting nnd Paper- - f n niid('iiiisnir and iiihiii ron uent, the time allowed by law for may rationally, atlocli. Foxworth- - Galbraith Lumber Co. - Ihmiil.iu 4 vtelton by any JtiMIre .if tin- pence 'ho presentation of such claims, anil Will ynti, then. Mr. yillieii-a- nd or district court shall ! limit uny f not so presented nnd II led Ihe more lniHirlaut sllll, Mrs. Cltlreu. l.lfr-Th- Kxperlrnro sum not exceeding one hundred did lul in will be barred by virtue of and little Miss mid Master Citiien - liirs nnd by Imprisonment in Ihe he statute in such ruse made ami do your pr,l willlnuly. gladly and S riiunl Jail not uni' him Inquire at rovided. All persons Indebted to Intelligently in tills great moe. Wholesale and Retail Dealera in Flack' rirroiid-llm- dn-- df . or by both llii" and Won' mid etate nre requested lo settle mcnl mipriiMHinn'iit. villi Hip undersigned. Will you do Huo things for ! IHIJ; I he I Ion nf any nil. 8UUA.N A. MOOHK, Columbus? engraving or print of urh ibtg as Administratrix of the Kstate Paint ydtir outhouses and fences LUMBER an advertisement of any vocation or . of John J. Moore, Deceased, Plaint flowers, shrub or vege. 'i Lath.Shlnnles.Saili, Doors, MoulJ- - IhisIihwi or upon any (tartieular A. W. 1'OI.I.AIII). In front and back yards; N .' . t ! m.... c.- - tables nigs, nvciticm, Liiuic, i taster, ic nrtiele to be mjIii Is alsi prohibited ruiv Attorney for Administratrix, Sprinkle lime on your premises under the same ietiAlty ns iirowiled Milk, where necessary; in IU preceding seeHon. Mrs. J. S. Anderson Is hero from that cleanliness Is Cream and I'orl Worth. Texas, for n visit with virtue, iiiislghtlinex n crime; lll'Y I.HIF.HTY IIONHS Buttermilk relatives. Paint the residence anew, if mis- - COMPOSITION ROOFING A SPECIALTY j iTtKMi slble. i:;r.s and tMiti.Tin Columbui, New Mexico If our mughlior goes lo (lit front Clean CALL AT THE The well being drilled by the rail up the back yards ami make to light for us. we must uphold him. - Into gardens; penernus U OISUSIS MPSH -.- ..I Ilm nlil U them uo imSIMM 11 MWMLmjktrMK4M immMM lilM.Jlli (j If he wins, we win. If he loses, we quantities soap water your J now down to a depth of 120 feel and nf and on lose. Our Interests are inseparable Peach Peach Inside they have W feel of water. premises, and out: work the As battle thickens, we be i the must good old broom overllnie; white- prepared to keep up (lit Milk Parlor supply ot lloost Oilinnlms br nalronUriiB wash your fence, that they may be equipment and ammimlllon. If we sightly and sanitary; burn nil the ild not tight, we must finance those garbage alsiul tho plare; unpack who do. Tho only way to end the ijark rlosijts and gel rid of moths GEO. E. JACK war 11 to win II. only way to and' Th 9 vermin; use plenty of ixilnl. win it it lo furnish more men and Let's make (lift year's Clean up w 4 money than the enemy. The IIikI campaign the biggest and most suc- khakl-cla- d million Is moving low an! cessful of all. " COLUMBUS THEATRE the enemy "over there Hie Tlur-- l Columbus Is enjoying It great The Busy Corner Liberty Loan is being mobilized period of prosperity she Is facliw "over here." It Is not so Important d a wonderful year she is on the Bl'lie Follow bio I'nuiruiii Will lie Presented at the Columbus Theater Newa, in which branch of Ihe service you lor ine ivefK iirgiunmu .vpru ss threshold of her most expanslvo and am enrolled so long as you an progressive era. Tobaccos, lighting or llnanrlim. One or Hi fiiiiiday live Heels Greater Vllagraph Production Lei's make her supremely pre- other you should do. to Stationery, MAHY ANDHIISON sentable tho eye nnd senses He who Is not actively for Amer accordingly. If It's a New IIV HHSIIT OF IttSSICSSION ica in Ihixe days Is against low. He Magazine' who Is not serving Is swerving. Idle WF.Iim.Mi ANMVDIISAIIV .tlontluys-nv- o Heels Paramount Production money Is enemy money. Idle men I Get It At and women Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoppn are giving comfort lo CIVISC WXMK a !iiam:i: i tlio enemy. Work, nave and lend i their thirly-fourl-li wedding and convert your nniilversary lost Kunilay nt economies Into TiieMlny Wv Heola Purainounl Produrllon Jhelr Lilterty Hnmk heiillliflll home. wet of lowti. Mr. It has been widl wild that Ihe 6Hi8tJF. HAYAKAWA nnd Mrs. W. L. MiNidy ami Mr. mid A GK'S banks of this rountry ranuot sustain Till: JACUMW ( UUK Mrg. N. J. Yarbroiigh were invited J Amerlens needs In Hits war and In spend the day. A very delirious extend lo our allies Die eweullal alb w U'nliiidiiywWvo Heels firi'nter Vilagniph I'rodiictlou 1 dinner was prepared by Mrs, Hoppe lliey must have lo continue war. and n very pleiiHiit day waV spent the t . Il i8T i The rich of this rountry hear 9 emu viTA;.i.i'ii.i't:.TiHi: I Hie liurden llloue. Ihe luvli of til' Patriotism Into of roiintry-en- ii In way: deeds. rniitilry ruiinot do il alone; the k riiiirMlnyWSti IkwU William l ux Production a be nianlfelnl FOR Dr. . H. DABNEY women ranuot do il. nor Ihe Thouiih I toot my horn of patriotism ehll IkMlgON dren. but nil of us together, for ft VIHOIMA PI 4 lomr and loud and give not myself Custom Broker h Tiinir 4 I PHYSICIAN getting partisanship nnd wii,t not sii:m. aifll all that h ae thai the world U. S. Commissioner nnd thinking only or Hie great eniiw may be safe for democracy, I am Friday lleuls William A. Ilnidy Production Commission Dealer at slake, can meet Hie reHiiiilnlily 9 become u sounding hms mid a that bus been forced iihhi ii. ami ALIOK tinkling cymbal. "Notary Public Ofllce Krrond Door North ol sustain it until victory is aio.iir.-d- . HlIRs'lA Columbus Drug- Co, r This idea of forcing SEE ACIUCULTIHM. lAI'Mlltf P rintlirihiy Four Husk I'rogruni 4 lo kiss Ihe ling is a joke. It does not make them any heller rillen, and U. M. Columbus, New Mexico Morn oiinwrAiii.ovir REED llian n billion dollar of Keyitoiij.iiii!e)yr cannot Hssibly do any good hi any- Auierienn agricultural exports were way. A soldlen speaking nf this pro- sold lo the Kiiropeaii nations lit war a sorr TiwoHHKoor cedure says: "The lieu is loo good wild Oernwuy during Itili llnd Smiilillie Cfiinly to lie kissed by n pro iiei inNii." Our Hid natinu maintained peace at the Idea of Ihe Irallor Is Inlerit htm ut TWRNTY-T11UK- YKAH8 1'ltACTlCAL BXI'KUIK.NOK pnre of obedience lo Ihe (Seimaii hard lalsir. or better sllll let him war xoiii) decree this market would faeo u llriug squad. have been closed and tins billion Program Subject to Chance Without Notic For Your Watch and Jewelery ItepalrinL' go to dollars worth of agricultural prod ALLIED FOOD SHIPMENTS nets would most of llielii liur flEACH LARQB TOTAL, rolled on farms and In warehouses, A AT HAM ItAVKL'8 or ways, (tneral Idea of tlis quantity ot JOSEPH'S been used in unprofllahle food tent to Kuropesn silica hy with ronseipivnl slngnatioii .mid ths FINE SWISS 'AND AMERICAN WORK Unjled Stales from July 1, 101 1, lo tlio to ruin American Tanner. January 1, 1018, I given by figures Interest as well as duty urges Ihe j BLAIRl You will ahxi find a rholea line nf Watches and Jewelery whloh aro MISS W. L. GREY just announced by Ihe U. H. rood Ad- guaranteed goods. Formerly wolcli repairer the American farmer lo ministration, to Post siipwrl his la Hint period His Unit-t- Kxrhsnges ot the Old, bith ami 20th Inly and Nth Cavalry government In this war. and by the . l KODAK FINISHER SUtss has furnished complete yesr-l-y at Fort tlllst. purchase of Liberty Loan ilonds i rations for 6T,ioo,nl penpls. In furnish it with the sinews of war - I Leave your fflhns at Msadosrs addition them was enough extra pro- Public 9 Drug Hlorc, tein to supply this portion of Iht diet A I. I. W O II If fl I' A II A M V V V II ur It ...... for II is just ns natural for some folks or Confectionery 22.10i.fi70 additional men. J Stenographer I Kind's The total export ot wheat tu have a grouch as it Is for u fly to and wheat KNLAUOINn A SPECIALTY flour to the ihrra principal allies la fall into the gravy A lot of folks equivalent to about 3SI.OOi).ouo bushels. Ikiosl Columbus by patronizing The nrder of surgical dressini,- - for with cobwebs In their brains nnd exports Let me enlarge your Pork for the 8U jean amount- her Industries. the Camp hospital has been pure unadulterated pcrverseuess in Kuvorlto Films ed to almost 2,000.000.000 pounds, 4 Olllttlm B)WI coinpleled their aonta refuse to remply with of, fresh beef totaled ard the (tidies will ngw Tlf iii:i citfis-- begin on the rules of the government wild pounds. The amount of food exported work nn order of ft0(S) to Is nxVt surgienl Imndageu reference lo time, food unit other Ilutils negligible compared wllh us sopn us. that sent to the western allies, the pew order game numerous iseemiugly Tho chief characteristic nf lltllo Mrs, Dean made n business trip The iihiiiiI HhI Cross business of arrives. This order of surgical aro things In minds is enollsni und is caused by to Demlng Wednesday, to bo gone dressings will go matters. These which meeting was held in the Iheitler lo France. anil otirlmagnlfylng self and minimizing Sfrfrrnl days. everybody can Join render lloost Columbus by iialrolililim building Tuesday. A ml 23. There II Y 1 Y country valuable service. Line up. others. I L II i: It T II t) N II ti her Industrie. tjood was a attendance. in: y 1. 1 ii i: it t y iion us