Curriculum vitae FABIEN GÉLINAS Sir William C. Macdonald Professor of Law McGill University Faculty of Law 3644 Peel Street Montreal (Qc) H3A 1W9 Telephone: +1 (514) 398 6623 Fax: +1 (514) 398 3233
[email protected] UNIVERSITY EDUCATION - D.Phil. University of Oxford 1995 Supervisor: Prof. John Finnis Examiners: Dr Geoffrey Marshall and Prof. Neil McCormick Commonwealth Scholarship 1991-94 F.C.A.R. Doctoral Scholarship 1992-95 Quebec Bar Scholarship 1993 and 1994 - LL.M. University of Montreal 1991 Supervisor: Prof. André Morel Examiners: Prof. Pierre-A. Côté and Prof. Danielle Pinard F.C.A.R. Masters Scholarship 1988-89 Louis-Philippe Taschereau Scholarship 1989 - [DEA] University of Poitiers (France) 1989 (one semester, private law) Exchange Programme with University of Montreal. - LL.B. University of Montreal 1988 Louis-Philippe Taschereau Scholarship 1988 First Prize, Rougier Foundation – International Jurists Commission Essay Competition 1987 Joseph Blain Prize 1986-87 Deacon-Kennedy Scholarship 1986-87 - [B.A.] University of Ottawa 1985 (two years of studies in political science) Rodrigue Normandin Scholarship 1983 (Admission Scholarship taken-up at the age of 16) CLERKSHIP - Supreme Court of Canada, 1989-90 Law Clerk to Justice Charles Doherty Gonthier. Fabien Gélinas , Page 2 of 45 OTHER COURSES - School of Diplomacy and Strategic Studies (École des hautes études internationales) ABD, Paris, 1996-97. - Centrum für Deutsche Sprache und Kultur, Frankfurt, 1996. - International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, 1992. - Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, 1989. - Bar School, Montreal, 1989 (registered barrister since 1990). EMPLOYMENT - McGill University (2016-) Sir William C. Macdonald Chair in Law - McGill University (2015-) Full Professor, Faculty of Law: courses: Resolution of International Disputes, Constitutional Law, Contractual Obligations.