EMCDDA SCIENTIFIC REPORT Drug seizures, drug offences, drug offenders, drug use among criminal populations ___ Information systems based on law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system VOLUME II Summary comparative tables by indicator EMCDDA / 2002 2 EMCDDA SCIENTIFIC REPORT Drug seizures, drug offences, drug offenders, drug use among criminal populations ___ Information systems based on law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system VOLUME II Summary comparative tables by indicator EMCDDA / P1 / P4 / 2002 3 This report was prepared by: Chloé Carpentier, EMCDDA, Lisbon (volumes I, II, III) Cécile Martel, EMCDDA, Lisbon (volumes I, II) © European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2002 Quotation is authorised providing the source is acknowledged. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Rua da Cruz de Santa Apolónia 23-25 PT - 1149-045 Lisboa Portugal Tel: + 351 21 811 30 00 Fax: + 351 21 813 17 11 e-mail:
[email protected] http://www.emcdda.org 4 Table of Contents VOLUME II – SUMMARY COMPARATIVE TABLES INTRODUCTION 6 DRUG SEIZURES 7 POLICE/CUSTOMS INTERVENTIONS 27 PROSECUTION STATISTICS 49 CONVICTION STATISTICS 56 PENAL STATISTICS 67 DRUG USE AMONG ARRESTEES 81 DRUG USE AMONG PRISONERS 84 5 Introduction The Comparative Summary Tables that follow have been made on the basis of the forms submitted by the National Focal Points within Part II of Information Map 2000-2001. These tables are organised around seven indicators: - Drug seizures (drug seizures made by law enforcement agencies) - Police/Customs