Manual of Boxing, Club Swinging and Manly Sports
Class -^lV^K'- Book— Gopyriglit})"- COPXRiGHT DEPOSir. [J ^MJI -OF Boxina- ^^^^ .^^'np5, 10 o01 m z o > < o CD BY A. G. SPALDING & BROS., PUBLISHERS. THE LARG^T SPORTING GOODS HOUSE IN AMERICA. ^pALDipIl^ \. 15. \ ^Q^. MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN General Sporting Goods, GDNS AND GUN AGGOUTREMENTS, BASE BALL SUPPLIES, Lawn Tennis, Cricket, Croquet, Ice aad Roller Skates, Foot Balls, Lacrosse, Polo, Cutlery, Gymnasium, Tlieatri ca?, and General Sporting Goods. Send for XHustrated Catalogue, designating kind of Goods wanted. Address. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 241 Broadway, NEW YORK, 108 Madison St., CHICAGO. Bo]^ing,^lub3wingii AND MANL^Y &PO¥LT&. By GEO. H. BENEDICT, Champion Club-Swixgkr and IJoxkr, and Manager of the Chicago Olymi'U- Clih. CAVING VVIA. INTSniUCriON'S IN IllI-: AIMS OF BO^CINe. FENCING. Wl^ESl^IiING, CMB ?;WIN«ING, mm mUh MD GYMNTI^'PIO E^EI^OI^ES, ' /vT f^WIMMING, TOMBI^ING, EW. CONTAINING OVER 250 ILLUSTRATIONS, Showing How Every Onk Can Devei.oi" Strength, Skill and Health. Entered accordinef to Act of Congress, in the year 1S83 by Geo. H. BhnedicTjI the oflicc of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, A. G. SPALDING & BROS., ^ "^ ^ PUBLISHERS, y ' 241 Broadway, New York. loS Madison Street, Cflt^AGO. Su'6fix*)'^erA' Rotice. ^^ We take great pleasure in herewith presenting the first complete treatise on Boxing, Wrestling, Club Swinging, Dumb Bell and Gymnastic Exercises, Swimming, Etc. ever combined in one volume. Mr. Geo. H. Benedict, whose services we have been fortunate enough to secure, is a person especially qualified, as an author and artist, to attempt a work of this kind.
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