Doug's Mustache Hollywood—Hitting and missing around the Aim village: Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, has acquired a mustache and a bright blue beret The beret came easily—all he had to do was pay for it But the mustache required a month of careful nursing. Peanut butter sandwiches now are all the rage around the First Kational lot. thanks to Kay Francis Kay got hungry one after* noon and didn’t want tea She tlnally decided upon the aand- wiches. e l»3J.Xln( r>l»m Syndicate, Inc,Greet Minin rl«*>ln rtncrwd. Director Archie Mayo thought that a couple wouldn't do his 60- Inch waistline any harm either so he tried them and liked them. But then, Archie would like anything In the way of food Any- how. the idea has spread all over the studio. THE NEW FANGLES (Mom’n Pop) Hank Lends a Hand! By Wood' Cowan Ann’s Can Opener Although Nt111 devoted to the sea, IS Warren William has sold his MURRY ANO 1 WNOW'.VMWY mot W-suqsWesTi schooner and given up yachting In orr into Nbua HAH*. UvtE TVS CORK.OMVft Kt IMOfetWK* OUT TME! favor of golf and tennis TO KFORE AMO M»S '• WKt; WHY ‘•Takes too long to get to the har- THINGS UC«HSt MtXJ CAft cwick, X «W bor,” he explained. y»wo is CHICK COMSft a wuwtcna MS MMOUJS 'MMtRt TouO Things look bad tor Leslie Fen- SUMUNG UP WlUYTMHG iS-tCNY N&U \N6Re ton His new bride, Ann GOING to iJvorak, was caught practicing wcBuvctns IN TMS ttOPE y with a can opener In her dressing room the other day—simply a pre- KVTCUSM. paratory step tp getting Leslie's TMIKlGS dinner, we suppose. M5E And now certain actresses are HfcPPENIWG. wondering what would bo a fit IN 1WE punishment for one of their num- ber who continually flnunts the TRONT luct that sho doesn’t have to diet ROC*A Practically everyone likes potatoes .Yet at least half our tw@-> actresses don’t dare cat them to whenever she Is around with other actresses, young Sheila Terry orders potatoes!

Tip for Mothers •I U8t a Up for iom« would-be v> movie mother* Joan Bennett, T who hex not done ho bndly for a young girl, declare!) that ehe BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES On the Way! By Martin wouldn't permit her daughter to IP. Into the movlcx under any con- sideration until ehe Ih 18. After — 7 that, If the girl want* a acrcen Sheila .... she doesn't ■— Terry career, Joan will give her every —i wonow \r m* WMM&' VsOCX MWvm. — Eric Linden a box of turtle food Krlc wasn’t going to have any- HOW thing put over on him So he a turtle! Now the food BOTWtfcEO Mi WW TA' NlViS ????._ comes in T sil^/ handy. r/ ASotfT Tvwr ___ i/ There actually Is a movie actor named Hollywood'—Lyslc Holly- wood. Needless to say, It’s Lyslo Talbot now. W\RE , BROTHER Is Joan Mud? B\UN *>EKfT If you hear of a murder In the near Hollywood future, don't even / stop to read the story The victim will be Walter Catlett Is "gunning” for him ... A few days ago Walter told Joun that If sho wanted something thut would make h*r feel extra good to put a heaping spoonful of blcurbonute of soda In a glass of grape- fruit Juice and drink It before breakfast The next morning Joan appeared on the set and took one look at Walter, who burst Into up- roarious laughter and then departed for parts unknown. He knew without waiting to ask that Joan had fallen for the gag.

ji Today At Local Theaters WASH TUBBS Hidden Funds By Crane 6M6R6€(0Cy POMPS/ lAPOIE. ‘•Thu Mouthpiece" with Wurren Kirkwood, Morgun Galloway, Joyce PODNeS.—VTIU. GAME To FROM WfcV -mose FRENCH- C1 PON'T MIMP, <3000 SOYl MST MVGOSM! Y William Closing At Struml To- und Clur- / rtovo fcfcOUT'tT, U>TS Of FOOD Compton, Betty Blythe SHE* AS SHE FOR THAT I'LL OPEN I THOUGHT / GOING To NEED Thurs- unco Muse. «.ro\M PsWM ON TWM1 SWP? MAN GRvJE OS THE tRUOH, AS tOWCj day; ull-Ito(|iiost Program we wene mod water.. here,too get day. PROS'LL THE toughest old r^\ TAKES US HOME* me BANK. / -- i gather prift- Bast liuy of Miracle Man" at Poll Sime. TUB RFUORT. '"-‘■V eroke. / vomifi Performanceii this In- I’alacc Two A RAFT. evening Tomorrow Big lilts wvw MOT? VJSU.I 1 y \VJOOD FOR clude tho engagement of "The "The Tt:m of Vivienne Ware" OH, Mouthpicco” marring Warren WII- With Joan Bennett and llohcrl auess ru. swps /V ON Ham. now heading a double feature Montgomery In "But The i'lesli A\JL RR* TOUGH program at Warners' Strand the- la Weak." STOMJRNRVS. ater. tHartlng tomorrow another "All Today la tho lust day of tho Request" program will bo present- "Miracle Man" with Hylvlu Sidney ed to Inoludo “The Greeks Hud A and Cheater Morrla at Poll'a Pal- Word For Them," featuring Ina ace, starting tomorrow will offer Claire, Joan Blondell and Madge big double feature program with Evans. "Tho Trial of Vlvlenno Warn" They arc ably allied and abetted with Joan Bennett as tho leading In their wild scrumbleu through feature. penthouse ttpartmentM and oceun Dramatic and thrilling la "The liners by Lowell Sherman and Trial of Vlvlenno Ware,” tho Fox David Manners und Phillips Smal- production coming to Poll'a Pal- ley, tho veteran old-timer. It In one ace tomorrow. A startling story has of thuHe pictures you eun’t miss if been combined with a splendid cast you still figure a good laugh 1s under tho capable direction of Wil- worth having. liam K. Howard. Women will flock to “The "The Trial of Vlvlenno Ware” Greeks Had a Word for Them" If Is an entirely logical and powerful only to see tho gowriK, some thirty of tho far-reaching pos- Bloater depletion FRECKLES The Cave of the Oodles! By , of them, ranging ull the way from sibilities of circumstantial evidence. tailored eults to negligees, which It concerns a beautiful society girl Mile. Oabrlello Chanel, tho fam- who finds herself on trial for the V«AW...P»OFLg WILL ac tf-S-fiM.VHAT ous Parisian dress-designer, made murder of a millionaire architect DID you EVER SEC MSUEB DID, OSCAR, i! L*T* Mg WMXTg OO'WM specially to be worn In this pro- who hud boon her fiance. look HOW 7W' CRYSTALS TWI« WAV* WHy! Os/B« COMIM' FROM all OSWR THg DO XX) C'POSff duction. They are tho last word Joun Bennett demonstrates her TWC AMyTWlWS 60 WORLD TO *H 1Hlg...WHy ©WROUiSM sparkle,..AH' How THE Mlgg I* A menu** ROOM IT WA« In smartness In moving pictures exceptional ability us a dramatic BEAUTIFUL.,, r CALL IT 'TVlg CMf ■XCITBMEtJT WAIT'LL gVggyBooy IM and set off to perfection by tho actress In tho role of the prosecu- FRECKLES? ROOF HAKES LIKE 9\t Chic chnrms of tho threo ladles ted girl. She gives a vivid und con- O0 DlSOOVBBIWS ICICLES.... THIS IS *T»WKl UgARft WHAT who weur them. one leaves vincing portrayal thut THE C*HC, NHQ a w right f Lew Clarke In MV lAi ns 9 » I Oa«.aiV/& QaQOi It. i' Q At k 4hJ Ayri-x-Muc “Night fers tho ever Robert Mont- WHAT WAS PAL TOR dliue SOMCTHidG ClEAR popular 1 BABBlim’- balmy ARE _ World" nml lllver*” on BROOK'S COM&DEREO YOU CAki't “l/Cnn gomery In "But the Flesh Is Weak" r v /> NEAPS lid A .. Double Hill nl Warner*' sinln AUSTRALIA S-ffeAdOELV MOUTtf /UT BREEZES Blovsmkj Biros All These WASTE with Nora Gregor, Heather Thatch- Old I&ere’', er Kdward Everett Horton and OU’ "EMPEROR CAESAR* f FAMILIAR PLUG H/tr BiROlMGr FLlTTER'FuES nro to FLUT*~ efficiemt dayb- YOUR Two (front picture* bo Nils Aster. Fox movietone news found on tlio double I HAD Him TPAidED -To ns Heai>< Ad’ ME AM BuTTfeRFUES feuturo pro- and novelties will complete the ABOUT “THAT I-UH-X BuT'— VOu Time that a en- AimTGommA1 gram begun three-day progru m. CRACK dliTS FOR MS { IT’D Be A WHuTl’M GlTYM AT IS- gagement ui Wurner'* State thl* BIRD f —vvdHAT \/siELL, GO* FAR OM Lioim, DEAD-Rid GER afternoon. Heading thn bill Ih a ode DAV TH’ ol’ CHUMP — IS A’ GuY WHO Kim KEEP HIS. Buffl-RFuES am IF TIMIX “THK CIIOW11 is rr? oH, YOU new lilt from Univemul atudloa LAST GEtTS FOR TH’ A AXIl “DKVir/N l/OT- HOLD OF A BIU-IARD —> Ml MO OM A BOOK, AT A TIME balmy entitled “Night World” and again no US” 1 see,uova breezes. wamma AT OAIIDEN •tarring Low Ayre* and Mae TERV" NEW ■BAu.T-rHl^iKl/u, some MATOR | UKft TKife (6 HE AU/THERE? LIME. rr£ — Clarke. Ktato patron* who en- it Has iHf Your luHt In to. KldT) OF A AdT He joyed thin |>alr In "Impullcnt Mald- very opportunity muf, Hoople en’’ will doubly enjoy their work rltty to non lit Now Garden theater, KICKED OFF FROM “The Crowd Uonra”. A of in “Night World,” a picture that atnry /Jose « ri*k for might have been Written enpeclally men like trod*, who (Ipath exHAus-rfod rrRVid’To the Hhoer thrill of It, and tholr wo- for their Individual talent*. CRACK IT* •••{if. Another fatnoun American cIuh- men.helplea* mIiivo* to a life from to •Ic hu* ut lu*t found It* way to that leap* ecataay tragedy the talking screen, Wo refer to In the flash of a second! Youth In- “Lena lllver*" thn celebrated novel i.'iirnate living at n pare no huniana by Mury J. HoIihoh, on the Stute's ever attempted! current prugruiu. Another great Warner Ilrother* Jt seem* hardly noeewuiry to give hit starring Jimmy Cagney and In detail the atory of Lena, tran*- Joan fllondell, with Ann Dvorak— planted from her New klnglund Eric Linden—and I!! fumou* race- drlver*. homo to u southern plantation, Directed by Howard Hawk* Whore who and her grandmother (Who made “The Dawn Patrol”) are nuffered to live with their AI»o on thl* hill I* "Devil'* Lot- aristocratic relative*. When khe tery” with Kllssa Lnndl. Victor Me- incur* the displeasure of her cou- Laglen, Paul Cavanaugh and Bar- »ln Caroline, the latter revoal* tho hnru Week* and Interesting ahort fact that Lena'* mother wa* never auhjeet*. married—and Lena'* cup of bit- Ladles who are making a collec- ternea* I* filled to overflowing. tion of the dinner Nervine can se- Charlotte Henry, neventoen-yenr cure another article to-day. old uctreaa who ncored aueh n tri- Coming to-morrow “Scandal For umph both on the itage and ncreon Sale” with Charles nick ford, Role in “Courage,” enact* the role of Hohart and Pat O'Brien. X

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