'The Request of WL Broun, President of ~ Thecollege Letter Addressed By
77 At 'the request of W. L. Broun, President of ~ theCollege a copy of an original letter addressed by the Governor of the State to Hon. C: S. Fairchild was ordered .,'iiJ. ~I\d upon the reco~ds . Chief Executive Office Subject: .Agricultural Experiment Stations' Montgomery, Alabama Novemer 12, 1881 Hon. C. S. Fairchild Secty of Treasury Washington, D. C. Dear Sir Whereas on the second day of. March, 1887, the' Congress of the' United States passed "An Act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges, established in the several states under the provisions of an Act , approved j~ly 2, 1862, and of the acts ;ru.pplementary ,ther.eto f' and whereas ' by the ninth section of said Act the grant of ~one~ authorized thereby is suvject to tne assent, of ,the several states vand ,territories to the purposes of said grant; and whereas the Legislature of. Alabama did adjourn sine die on' t,he' 28th February, 1887, without assenting thereto and the next, regular session thereof does not ~_/ occur with' th~ 13t~ day of November, 1888; and whereas s~id section 9 provi des in such an "event for the exercise of the discretion 'of the Governpr of 'said state now therefore, .I, Thomas Seay, ~overnor of the State Qf Alabama, ' do hereby assent to the grant of the money authroized by the act 'approved March' '2,' 1881. Very respeqtfully Thomas Seay ... Department ~f Agriculture: and proceeding~ relB,ting thereot, February 24, '1888 " At a. cal~ed meettng ,of the Board of Trustees of t~e Agri cultural land Mechanical College of Alabama by order of Thomas- Seay, ,Governor of the State, and ex officio President of the Board, the Board met· in the office of the GovernQr on the 24th od February" 1888.
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