Planning Sub Committee of Corporate Services Committee 25 October 2004

IRVINE, 25 October 2004 - At a Meeting of the Planning Sub Committee of the Corporate Services Committee of North Council at 2.00 p.m.

Present David Munn, Tom Barr, Jack Carson, Gordon Clarkson, Drew Duncan, Elizabeth McLardy, Elisabethe Marshall, David O'Neill and Robert Rae. Also Present Sam Taylor (Item 2.2), Ian Richardson (Item 3.4), John Reid (Item 3.5) and Alan Hill (Items 5.3, 5.4 and 5.6). In Attendance I.T. Mackay, Assistant Chief Executive and J. Miller, Chief Development Control Officer (Legal and Protective); R. Forrest, Planning Services Manager (Development and Promotion); A. Wattie, Communications Officer and M. Anderson and M. McKeown, Corporate and Democratic Support Officers (Chief Executive's).

Chair Councillor Munn in the Chair. Apologies for Absence John Bell, Jacqueline Browne, Margie Currie and Jean Highgate. 1. Arran Local Plan Area

N/04/00737/PP: Arran: : Site adjacent to the Marine House Hotel

Ann Hutchison, Marine House Hotel, Lamlash, , has applied for planning permission for the erection of a detached dwellinghouse with the formation of associated parking on a site adjacent to that address. An objection has been received from John Roberts, Arran Civic Trust, 3 Glen Place, , Isle of Arran.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objection, agreed to grant the application subject to the following condition:-

1. That no trees or hedges on the site shall be felled, lopped or topped without the prior written approval of Council as Planning Authority.

2. // Local Plan Area

2.1 N/03/01084/PP: Stevenston: Site to the east of 3 Greenhead Holdings

J. Ellis, c/o ADM Limited, Marlin House, 12 Heatherhouse Road, Irvine, has applied for planning permission for the erection of a two storey dwellinghouse on a site to the east of 3 Greenhead Holdings, Stevenston.

Page 1 The Sub Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the following conditions:-

1. That effluent disposal shall be by way of a septic tank and sub-soil soakaway system, full details of which shall be submitted for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development, and thereafter shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

2. That no development shall take place until a soil porosity test has been carried out to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

3. That prior to the commencement of the development the applicant shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority full details of the proposed external finishes.

4. That prior to the occupation of the house, 3 car parking spaces and a separate turning area shall be provided within the site and thereafter maintained to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

2.2 N/04/00816/PP: Saltcoats: 18 Adams Avenue

N. Sanghera, 6 Adams Avenue, Saltcoats, has applied for planning permission for the change of use and alterations to shop front from grocers to hot food carry out at 18 Adams Avenue, Saltcoats. An objection has been received from Mrs. M. Fraser, 2 Links Road, Saltcoats, together with a petition of 322 signatures opposing the development per H. Donachy, 69 Adams Avenue, Saltcoats. A petition of 524 signatures in favour of the proposed development collected by the applicant has also been received.

The officer's report recommended that the application be granted subject to the following conditions:-

1. That prior to the commencement of the development the applicant shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority (i) full details of proposals for the extraction system and (ii) proposals for the provision of litter receptacles.

2. That the extraction system required by condition No. 1 above shall be fully installed prior to the commencement of the use and thereafter maintained and operated to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire as Planning Authority and shall be designed to terminate on the side (north east) elevation of the building.

3. That the use hereby permitted shall not operate between the hours of 23.00 in any day and 16.00 the following day unless North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority gives written consent for any variation.

Page 2 4. That the litter receptacles approved by condition No. 1 above shall be provided prior to the commencement of the use hereby approved and thereafter maintained, all to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

5. That the drainage system shall incorporate an adequate grease trap which shall be installed prior to the commencement of the use hereby approved and thereafter maintained all to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

The Local Member expressed concern about the proposed change of use which in his view was likely to adversely affect the amenity of the neighbouring residential area.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections and having heard the Local Member, agreed to refuse the application on the following ground:-

1. That the proposed change of use would lead to unacceptable additional levels of noise, activity and general disturbance which would be detrimental to the amenity of the residential area.

3. Garnock Valley Local Plan Area

3.1 N/03/00920/OPP: : Site to the north and west of Montgomery Avenue

Mohammed Ramzan, 4 Hanson Street, , has applied for outline planning permission for a residential development on a site to the north and west of Montgomery Avenue, Beith. Objections have been received from Rosalind Charles, 17 Montgomery Avenue, Beith and from Beith Community Council.

The Planning Services Manager advised the Sub Committee of an amendment to the proposed grounds for refusal.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to refuse the application on the following grounds:-

1. That the proposed felling of the mature trees would be contrary to Policy ENV 2 (Trees and Woodland) in the Adopted Garnock Valley Local Plan and detrimental to the visual amenity of the area.

2. The applicant has failed to demonstrate that the site can be satisfactorily developed in a manner which would comply with Policy HOU6 of the Adopted Garnock Valley Local Plan and resolve the peculiar site constraints.

Page 3 3.2 N/04/00571/PP: Beith: 61 Eglinton Street

Adeel Chowdry, 96 Maxwell Drive, Glasgow, has applied for planning permission for the erection of a two and a half storey development, comprising hot food takeaway on the ground floor and 2 residential flats above on a site at 61 Eglinton Street, Beith. An objection has been received from Douglas and Alexis Craig, 55 Eglinton Street, Beith.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objection, agreed to grant the application subject to the following conditions:-

1. That prior to the commencement of the development the applicant shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority full details of: (i) the design and finishes of all windows and external doors; (ii) the external finishes to the walls of the building; and (iii) the proposed ventilation arrangements for the takeaway facility. Any such details, which may be approved, shall be implemented on site to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

2. That the takeaway facility hereby permitted shall not operate between the hours of 11.00 pm and 4.00 pm the following day.

3.3 N/04/00512/PP: : Dipple Road: Site to the south east of Redheugh House

Harlequin Homes () Ltd., 10 Clydeholm Road, Glasgow, have applied for planning permission for the erection of four terraced one and a half storey dwellinghouses and associated car parking and access roads on a site to the southeast of Redheugh House, Dipple Road, Kilbirnie. Objections have been received from the 19 parties listed in Annex 1 to the report.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to refuse the application on the following ground:-

1. That the proposed development would be contrary to Policies HOU6, ENV2, ENV8 and TOU10 of the Adopted Garnock Valley Local Plan and Policy BE5 and the Development Control Statement of the Finalised North Ayrshire Local Plan (Excluding Isle of Arran) in that by reason of its scale, siting, design and external appearance, the proposed development would: (i) detract from the setting of Redheugh House which is a Category B listed building; (ii) not be in keeping with the scale and character of existing developments in the area; and (iii) result in the loss of mature trees within an area where a Tree Preservation Order is in force, which would be detrimental to the character and amenity of the area.

Page 4 3.4 N/04/00778/OPP: Beith: Barrmill: Site to the north west of No. 8 Beith Road

Ms. Linda Jackson, 1 Craufurd Crescent, Barrmill, by Beith, has applied for outline planning permission for the erection of a dwellinghouse on a site to the northwest of 8 Beith Road, Barrmill, by Beith. A representation has been received from Stephen Miller, 8 Beith Road, Barrmill, by Beith.

The Planning Services Manager advised that the sentence in Section 3, paragraph 6 of the report commencing "Furthermore an application (ref no 04/00987/PP)...." and ending "20/2/03)" should be disregarded by the Sub Committee when determining the application.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the representation, and having disregarded the content of the sentence referred to above, agreed to refuse the application on the following ground:-

1. That the proposed development would be contrary to Policies HOU10 and ENV11 of the Adopted Garnock Valley Local Plan and Policy ENV1 and the Development Control Statement of the Finalised North Ayrshire Local Plan (excluding Isle of Arran) in that no specific locational need has been demonstrated for a house in this location which would: (i) detract from the openness and amenity of the countryside; (ii) add to existing ribbon development along Barrmill Road; and (iii) set an undesirable precedent for further similar developments which would be detrimental to the amenity and character of the countryside.

3.5 N/04/00828/OPP: Dalry: 23 Braehead

I. Smiles, 14 Kingsway, Dalry, has applied for outline planning permission for the erection of a detached dwellinghouse at 23 Braehead, Dalry. Objections have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Steel, Stanley House, 29 Braehead, Mr. and Mrs. A. Murphy, 4 Braehead Place and C.J.S. Brodie, 23a Braehead, all Dalry.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to refuse the application on the following grounds:-

1. That the proposed development would be contrary to Policy HOU7 of the Adopted Garnock Valley Local Plan in that (i) it would place the existing house in a backland situation which would be detrimental to the amenity and outlook of the existing house and result in a form of development which would not be in keeping with the architectural character and townscape of the area; (ii) the site is of insufficient size to accommodate a dwellinghouse and adequate curtilage ground to provide a reasonable standard of amenity space around the building and the proposal would therefore constitute overdevelopment of the site; (iii) it would result in the loss of part of the garden of the dwellinghouse which would detract from the amenity of the dwellinghouse; and (iv) it would be detrimental to the privacy of the existing and proposed houses.

Page 5 2. That the proposed development would be contrary to the Development Control Statement of the Finalised North Ayrshire Local Plan (excluding Isle of Arran) in that by reason of its siting, it would place the existing dwellinghouse in a backland situation which would be prejudicial to the proper planning of the area and detrimental to the character and amenity of the area.

3. That the unmade track leading from Braehead is of insufficient standard to serve the proposed development which would be detrimental to road safety.

4. Irvine/ Local Plan Area

4.1 N/04/00673/OPP: Kilwinning: Alexandra Terrace: Former Accident/Repair Centre

Bridgend Estates Ltd., 77 East Road, Irvine, have applied for outline planning permission for a residential development at the former Accident/Repair Centre, Alexandra Terrace, Kilwinning. An objection has been received from Kilwinning Amateur Prize Flute Band, per William J.M. Young, 1 Broomfield Street, Kilwinning.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objection, agreed to grant the application subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority with regard to the siting, design and external appearance of, landscaping and means of access to the proposed development shall be obtained before the development is commenced.

2. That the development shall be sited, and shall incorporate suitable noise attenuation measures, such that noise nuisance to residents from existing nearby uses shall be minimised, to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

3. That demolition/construction work shall take place only between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am and 4pm on Saturdays, and not at any time on Sundays or public holidays, and that any variation to this shall require the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

4. That the presence of any significant unsuspected contamination that becomes evident during the development of the site shall be brought to the attention of Environmental Health. Thereafter a suitable investigation strategy as agreed with North Ayrshire Council shall be implemented and any necessary remediation works carried out prior to any further development taking place on the site, all to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

Page 6 5. That prior to the commencement of the development, hereby approved, details of a scheme to treat the surface water arising from the site in accordance with the principles and practices contained in CIRIA's "Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland 2000" shall be submitted to, and approved by North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Thereafter any scheme that may be approved shall be fully implemented prior to the completion of the development and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

4.2 N/04/00530/OPP: Kilwinning: Site to the north west of Whitehirst Park Farm

G.S. McCutcheon, Whitehirst Park Farm, Kilwinning, has applied for outline planning permission for the erection of a dwellinghouse for an agricultural worker on a site to the northwest of Whitehirst Park Farm, Kilwinning.

The Sub Committee agreed to refuse the application on the following ground:-

1. The proposed development would be contrary to Policies ENV1 and ENV6 of the Adopted Irvine and Kilwinning Local Plan and Policy ENV1 and the Development Control Statement of the finalised North Ayrshire Local Plan (excluding Isle of Arran) in that it would represent prominent residential development within an area of open countryside for which no specific need has been demonstrated and would, if approved, establish an undesirable precedent for other similar developments, to the detriment of the character and appearance of the countryside.

4.3 N/04/00842/PP: Irvine: 65D Lamont Drive

Alex McLuskie, 65D Lamont Drive, Irvine, has applied for planning permission for the formation of a hardstanding area to the front of the flat at that address. An objection has been received from J. Campbell, 65B Lamont Drive, Irvine (also signed by Mrs. E. McDowall, 65A Lamont Drive, Irvine).

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objection, agreed to grant the application.

4.4 N/04/00730/PP and N/04/00731/LBC: Kilwinning: Main Street: Kilwinning Abbey Clock Tower

Hutchison 3G UK Limited, c/o Mono Consultants Limited, 46 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, have applied for planning permission and listed building consent for the erection of an 8m high rooftop flag pole, housing 3 antennae with 2 transmission dishes, equipment housing and development ancillary thereto housed internally within the clock tower at Kilwinning Abbey Clock Tower, Main Street, Kilwinning. Objections have been received from W. Meney, 9 Vaults Lane, Colin Tulloch, 8 Vaults Lane, James Kennedy, 4 Ganton Court, Motherlodge Kilwinning, c/o Secretary David Wilson, 54 St. Winnings Well, and Abbey Church, c/o Session Clerk Gordon McConnell, 9 Old Woodwynd Road, all Kilwinning.

Page 7 The officer's report recommended (a) in respect of the application for planning permission (N/04/00730/PP), that the application be granted subject to the following conditions:-

1. That prior to the commencement of the development the applicants shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority exact details of the proposed method of fixing the flag pole to the tower, which fixings shall not be visible on the exterior of the tower.

2. That within 6 months of the apparatus hereby approved becoming redundant, it shall be removed and the site reinstated to its former condition, to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire as Planning Authority. and (b) in respect of the application for listed building consent (N/04/00731/LBC), that the application be granted subject to the following conditions:-

1. That prior to the commencement of the development the applicants shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority exact details of the proposed method of fixing the flag pole to the tower, which fixings shall not be visible on the exterior of the tower.

2. That within 6 months of the apparatus hereby approved becoming redundant, it shall be removed and the site reinstated to its former condition, to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

The Sub Committee expressed the view that the proposed development would be detrimental to the character and setting of the category B listed building.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to refuse both the application for planning permission and for listed building consent on the following grounds:-

1. That the proposal would be contrary to Policies HER1 and HER4 of the Adopted Irvine and Kilwinning Local Plan as the development would be detrimental to both the setting of the scheduled ancient monument and the character of the Category "B" listed building.

2. That the proposal would be contrary to Policy BE5 of the Finalised North Ayrshire (excluding Isle of Arran) Local Plan as the development would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the Category "B" listed building.

4.5 N/04/00697/PP: Irvine: : 3 Bonnyton Row

Mr. and Mrs. Hays, 3 Bonnyton Row, Girdle Toll, Irvine, have applied for planning permission for the erection of an extension to the rear of the mid terraced dwellinghouse at that address. An objection has been received from Andrea Duncanson, 2 Bonnyton Row, Irvine.

Page 8 The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objection, agreed to grant the application.

4.6 N/04/00641/PP: Irvine: 1 Kilwinning Road

Abbeyfield Irvine District Society, 1 Kilwinning Road, Irvine, have applied for planning permission for the erection of a single storey extension to the side and front of the nursing home and for the removal of trees protected by a condition on planning permission no. 01/91/00758 at 1 Kilwinning Road, Irvine. A petition of objection containing 12 signatures has been submitted per M. Spiers, 11 Burns Street, Irvine, together with a letter of objection from J. Ferguson, 3 Kilwinning Road, Irvine.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed, Councillor Carson dissenting, to grant the application subject to the following conditions:-

1. That prior to the commencement of the development the applicant shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority samples of the proposed external finishes.

2. That no trees or hedges within the site shall be felled or lopped, with the exception of the trees and hedges identified for removal within Drawing No. 84302/1R3, hereby approved.

3. That prior to the commencement of the development, hereby approved, details of the species and siting of three replacement trees, which shall be heavy standard, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Any trees, which may be approved, shall be planted within the first planting season and thereafter maintained to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

4. That prior to the commencement of the development, hereby approved, details of the finished floor levels of the development, shall be submitted for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Any details, which may be approved, shall be implemented to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

5. North Coast and Cumbraes Local Plan Area

5.1 N/04/00313/PP: , 22F Faulds Wynd

Ms. R. Anderson, 22F Faulds Wynd, Seamill, has applied for planning permission for the installation of roof lights to the front, rear and side of the third floor flat at that address. An objection has been received from the Church of Scotland, Law Department, 121 George Street, Edinburgh as owners of a ground floor flat in the block.

Page 9 The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objection, agreed to grant the application.

5.2 N/04/00693/PP: Skelmorlie: Site to the rear of Tadpadhlea, Innes Park Road

A. Cook, 77 Innes Park Road, Skelmorlie, has applied for planning permission for the erection of a detached dwellinghouse with the formation of associated car parking on a site to the rear of Tapadhlea, Innes Park Road, Skelmorlie. Three letters in support of the application have been received from G. Houston, 67 Road, B. Finn, 20 The Lane (as owner of 75 Skelmorlie Castle Road, Skelmorlie) and J.M.R. Properties, 20 The Lane (as owners of 73A and 73B Skelmorlie Castle Road, Skelmorlie), all Skelmorlie.

The Sub Committee, having considered the representations, agreed to refuse the application on the following grounds:-

1. That the proposed development would be contrary to Policy HOU7 of the Adopted North Coast and Cumbraes Local Plan in that the proposal fails to achieve an independent outlook, and is likely to adversely affect the amenity of neighbouring properties.

2. That the proposed development would be contrary to the Development Control Statement of the Finalised North Ayrshire Local Plan (excluding Isle of Arran) in that it would (i) constitute backland development; and (ii) be detrimental to the amenity of neighbouring properties.

5.3 N/04/00748/PP: : Site to the north of 15 Wilson Street

Halkshill Bowling, 15 Wilson Street, Largs, have applied for planning permission for the siting of two metal storage containers on a site to the north of that address. Six letters of objection have been received from residents of the adjacent flatted property at 13 Wilson Street, Largs.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to grant the application subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the storage containers hereby permitted shall be removed and the land restored to its former condition on or before 2nd November 2007.

2. That the storage containers hereby approved shall only be for the storage of equipment/machinery belonging to the applicants and associated with the use of the adjacent Bowling Green.

3. That prior to the commencement of the development the applicant shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority full details of the colour of the proposed containers.

Page 10 4. That the appearance and condition of the containers hereby approved shall be maintained to a high standard to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

5.4 N/04/00741/PP: Largs: 27 Brisbane Street

A.D. Mair, 27 Brisbane Street, Largs, has applied for retrospective planning permission for the formation of an access and hardstanding to the rear of the flats at that address. Objections have been received from T. Gorman, 1 Brisbane Crescent and J. Pattison, Flat 1/L, 1 Brisbane Crescent, both Largs.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to grant the application subject to the following condition:-

1. That the applicant shall form a footway crossing to North Ayrshire Council Roads Guidelines to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

5.5 N/04/00454/PP: Skelmorlie: Site to the northeast of 2A Station Road

P. Leslie, Grenville Limited, 21 Luss Avenue, Greenock, has applied for planning permission for the erection of a detached dwellinghouse with timber deck to the side and rear and associated parking and access on a site to the northeast of 2A Station Road, Skelmorlie. Objections have been received from Mrs. M. McCluskie, 1 Eglinton Drive, A.R. Leitch, 2 Eglinton Drive, B. Duffy, 1 Winton Drive and S. Phillips, Cornerlea, 2A Station Road, all Skelmorlie.

The Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to grant the application subject to the following conditions:-

1. That the vehicle access shall be designed in such a way that no surface water shall issue from the access onto the carriageway.

2. That prior to the occupation of the dwellinghouse the parking area indicated on the plans hereby approved shall be fully constructed and thereafter maintained to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

3. That prior to the commencement of the development the applicant shall submit for the written approval of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority full details of the proposed external finishes.

5.6 N/03/00159/PP: Largs: 9 Brisbane Street

M.P.B. Structures Ltd., Crucible Road, Corby, Northants, have applied for planning permission for the erection of 8 new flatted dwellings and 4 duplex units at 9 Brisbane Street, Largs. Objections have been received from the 9 parties listed in Annex 1 to the report.

Page 11 Councillor Hill, seconded by Councillor McLardy, moved that the application be refused on the grounds that the proposed development would breach the existing building lines and would have a detrimental impact on the visual amenity of the area.

As an amendment, Councillor Munn, seconded by Councillor Barr, moved that the Sub Committee approve the recommendations contained in the report.

On a division, there voted for the amendment 6 and for the motion 4 and the amendment was declared carried.

Accordingly, the Sub Committee, having considered the terms of the objections, agreed to grant the application subject to the following conditions:-

1. There shall be no construction work on site before 07.30 hours or after 19.00 hours Monday to Friday or before 07.30 hours or after 13.00 hours on Saturday, or at any time on Sundays or bank holidays.

2. That no development shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved by North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority a scheme of landscaping, which shall include details of species, planting densities, soil treatment and aftercare and shall include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land and details of any to be retained together with measures for their protection in the course of the development.

3. That all planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting season and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.

4. That prior to the commencement of the development, hereby approved, details of a scheme to treat the surface water arising from the site in accordance with the principles and practices contained in CIRIA's "Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland 2000" shall be submitted to, and approved by North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority. Thereafter any scheme that may be approved shall be fully implemented prior to the completion of the development and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

5. That the first 6.0 metres of the access, measured from the heel of the footway shall be hard surfaced in order to prevent deleterious material being carried onto the carriageway and designed in such a way that no surface water shall issue from the access onto the carriageway.

Page 12 6. That the width of the access shall be 5.5 metres.

7. That visibility splays of 2.5 metres by 60.0 metres shall be provided and maintained on land within the applicant's control, such that there is no obstruction to visibility above a height of 1.05 metre measured above the adjacent carriageway level to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

8. The existing vehicular access at the western end of the site, adjacent to the A78(T), shall be permanently closed prior to work commencing on site and the existing drop kerbs replaced with appropriate pedestrian crossing facilities, to the satisfaction of North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority.

9. Notwithstanding the plans hereby approved, details of the revised access to the site from Brisbane Street, repositioned 5.0 metres to the west of the proposed access, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with North Ayrshire Council as Planning Authority prior to any work commencing on site.Thereafter the approved access shall be fully installed and operational ,prior to any of the flats hereby approved being occupied.

6. Naming of Streets within New Housing Development by Redrow Homes on the site south of Wynd, Kilwinning

Submitted report by the Assistant Chief Executive (Development and Promotion) on the naming of two streets within a new housing development on the site south of Dalgarven Wynd, Kilwinning.

The Sub Committee agreed to name the two streets "Nursery Drive" and, "Nursery Wynd".

7. Proposed Tree Preservation Orders

Submitted reports by the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal & Protective) on the proposed confirmation of Tree Preservation Orders at the following locations:-


The Sub Committee agreed to approve, without modification, the confirmation of the Tree Preservation Order.

7.2 Kilbirnie: Redheugh House

The Sub Committee agreed to approve, without modification, the confirmation of the Tree Preservation Order.

Page 13 7.3 Dalry: Former Hotel De Croft: Courthill Street

The Sub Committee agreed to approve, without modification, the confirmation of the Tree Preservation Order.

8. Enforcement Notice: Irvine: 4/6 Townhead: Advance Advertising Hoarding erected on gable end of building

Submitted report by the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Protective) on the proposed serving of an Enforcement Notice with regard to an unauthorised advertisement hoarding at 4/6 Townhead, Irvine.

At their meeting on 27 September 2004 the Sub Committee agreed to continue consideration of this item to enable further background information to be obtained.

No. 4/6 Townhead, Irvine was previously occupied by a printing firm, which had a small sign advertising the business on the gable end of the building. Whilst the display of this advertisement required consent, no action was taken on this matter.

In March 2003, it was noted that an advertisement hoarding had been erected occupying the entire upper half of the gable end of the building at 4/6 Townhead, Irvine, advertising Mr. Auto at 9 East Road, Irvine. No application for advertisement consent has been submitted and the proprietor of Mr. Auto has been advised on several occasions to remove the advertisement hoarding, but has failed to do so.

The Sub Committee agreed to approve the serving of an Enforcement Notice in terms of Regulation 24 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984 for the removal of the unauthorised advertising hoarding erected on the gable end of the building at 4/6 Townhead, Irvine.

The Meeting ended at 3.50 p.m.

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