Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry, 2020, Vol. 62 (1), 46–52 SHORT COMMUNICATION

DOI: 10.2478/ffp-2020-0006

State and structure of urban forests in region

Sergiy Musienko1, Oleksandr Lyalin1, Ludmila Tkach1, Vira Bondarenko1, Marina Kolenkina1, Olena Kolchanova2 

1 O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Marshal Bazhanov 17, Kharkiv, 61002, 2 State Enterprise Vinnytsia Forest Research Station, Maksymovycha 39, Vinnytsia, 21036, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]


Deterioration of water conservation, water protection, water-regulating, soil-protective, health and recreational prop- erties of urban forests is an urgent problem in urban areas. Researching the state and growth characteristics of urban forests will help in developing the best forestry management activities of care. The objects of study were the urban forests of Kharkiv region. During the study, methods commonly used in forestry, forest inventory and biometrics were applied. The investigation determined a species range of urban forests and prevailing species in terms of users. The stands’ distribution by species composition, age groups, their average age, site class, stand density and timber volume was determined. The practicability of further research of these objects was proved.

Key words urban forest structure, urban areas, state enterprises, environmental condition

Introduction the concept of ‘urboecosystem’, natural and urban sys- tems consisting of fragments of natural ecosystems, The city is sometimes called a giant ecosystem, but it surrounded by houses, industrial zones, highways and is hard to agree with such definition. In ecosystems of so on (Tokareva 2004; Stolberg 2000). urban areas, there is usually no state of dynamic equi- Forests of urban areas serve to protect the air of cit- librium. In cities, construction works are constantly in ies and industrial centres from the harmful effects of progression that changes not only relief but also condi- dust, carbonic acid and toxic gas (hydrogen sulphide, tions of an underground environment: there are local hydrogen fluoride, carbon dioxide, sulfur and nitrogen soil subsidence, karst cavities, underflooding and oth- oxides, hydrochloric acid vapor and so on). ers. The soil loses its natural qualities. Polluting emis- A hectare of forest plantations is capable of annu- sions into the air from transport and industrial enter- ally filtering and precipitating up to 50–70 tons of dust, prises induce growing air and soil pollution, which in thus healing the environment (Sviridenko 1989). Decid- turn adversely affects the flora and fauna. An additional uous forests have a high gas-absorbing ability. factor that is essential is a recreational activity. These Urban forests are used by citizens as a place of rec- circumstances have prompted researchers to formulate reation. Clean air, a beauty of forest nature, peace and

Received 29 June 2019 / Accepted 6 December 2019 © 2020 by the Committee on Forestry Sciences and Wood Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Forest Research Institute in S´kocin Stary State and structure of urban forests in Kharkiv region 47 quietness provide relaxation, rapid readaptation to work From the subcompartment (PLOT) layout, the land and human health. At the same time, human impact on category (KAKZ), year of the last inventory (KAVQ) planting often causes extremely undesirable effects: re- and area (SQUARE) fields were included in the query. ducing the protective functions of forests and their aes- From the layer (LAYER) layout, the layer (LAYR), thetic value and inducing gradual degradation (Alvey stand density (KAP_), stock per hectare (KAMG) and 2006; Miller et al. 2015; Basos 2008). layer stock (KAMJ) fields were included in the query. Research on the structure and characteristics of The following fields were added to the query from urban forest growth will allow creating optimal plan- the stand (STAND) layout: the species number in a sub- tations for urban areas that will strengthen their water compartment (nPage), species (KASP), origin (KAPH2), conservation, water protection, water regulating, soil- age (KAA_), diameter (KAD_), composition (KASS), protective, health and recreational properties. height (KAH_), the percentage of merchantable wood (KAND), total cross-sectional area (KAGS) and sub- compartment stock (KAMQ). Material and methods Taking into account the fact that the urban forests were investigated, the query was narrowed to the cor- The current state of urban forests was analysed and responding protection categories. The generated query studied following the data of the last basic forest sur- was exported to MS EXCEL for further analysis (Ved- vey and the content of ‘Forests of Ukraine 2010’ sub- mid et al. 2006; Musienko et al. 2018). compartment database. Calculations were performed using modern information technologies and computer engineering. The forest stand areas were distributed by Results species, land use categories, diameter, height, density, forest site capacity, age classes and other mensuration The total forest area of Ukraine is 10.4 million ha, indicators in the context of users. The study was con- 9.6 million ha of which are covered with forest vegeta- ducted using standard methods of forestry, forest sci- tion. Forest coverage of the country is 15.9%. In a 50- ence and forest mensuration (Vorobyov 1967; Anuchin year period, the forest area has increased by 21% and the 1982). timber volume has grown almost three times. Timber The analysis of urban forests was carried out based volume in forests is estimated to be within 2.1 billion on the electronic database of the ‘Ukrderzhlisproekt’ m3. The total area of urban forests in Ukraine is about Production Association. The forest surveying database 51,000 ha (Tkach 2012). The largest share of the area was converted from .vff to .mdb format for MS Access is accounted for by the middle-aged stands (45%). The software using the program developed in the Labora- area of mature and overmature forests is almost 17%. tory of New Information Technologies of Ukrainian The average age of the stands is about 60 years. There is Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration. a gradual ageing of forests that negatively affects their The query was generated in the database designed health condition. in the ACCESS format using four layouts: forest growth Forests of Ukraine are formed by more than 30 tree conditions (GROWCOND), subcompartment (PLOT), species, among which Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), layer (LAYER) and tree stand (STAND). English oak (Quercus robur L.), European beech (Fa- Region (REGN), forest economy (FADM), forestry gus sylvatica L.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), (FORY), compartment (KVRT), protection category common alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.), com- (PROT), subcompartment (PLOT) and subplot (SPLT) mon ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), European hornbeam fields were common for the layouts. (Carpinus betulus L.) and silver fir Abies( alba Mill.) In addition, the query included predominant spe- are dominant. Coniferous plantations occupy 43% of cies (KAPL), site class (KAB), forest type (KATL), the total area, including 35% of pine. Hardwood stands forest site type (KATU), age group (KAGV) and ori- (oak, beech) account for 37% of the total area. gin (KAPH1) fields from the forest growth conditions The majority of forests are state-owned. About (GROWCOND) layout. 1.3 million ha (13%) of forestry-designated land being

Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry, 2020, Vol. 62 (1), 46–52 48 Sergiy Musienko, Oleksandr Lyalin, Ludmila Tkach, Vira Bondarenko, Marina Kolenkina, Olena Kolchanova

in sustained use of municipal enterprises subordinated of several tens of ministries and agencies. According to local government authorities can be attributed to mu- to subordination, the largest area of forest land (about nicipal ownership during the division of land. The pro- 73%) is in use of forestry enterprises of the State Forest portion of forests under private ownership is less than Resources Agency of Ukraine (Forest Code of Ukraine 0.1% of the total area of forest land. About 0.8 million 1994). ha of forest lands under the state ownership are not pro- The total area of forest fund of the Kharkiv region vided for use and have been assigned to reserve lands. is 415.5 thousand ha, including 378.3 thousand ha cov- Assignment of state forests by numerous perma- ered with forest vegetation (Fig. 1). The total area of nent forest users has developed in Ukraine historically. urban forests of this region is about 3,000 ha. Their For forest management, forests are assigned to use in timber volume is about 69 million m3. The largest area perpetuity to enterprises, institutions and organisations is occupied by middle-aged stands (64%). The young

Legend 1 – SE ‘Huty Forest Economy’ 2 – SE ‘Zhovtneve Forest Economy’ 3 – SE ‘ Forest Economy’ 4 – SE ‘ Forest Economy’ 5 – SE ‘Zmiyv Forest Economy’ 6 – SE ‘Chuhuevo-Babchanske Forest Economy’ 7 – SE ‘ Forest Economy’ 8 – SE ‘Balakliya Forest Economy’ 9 – SE ‘Izyum Forest Economy’ Figure 1. The schematic map forests of Kharkiv region

Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry, 2020, Vol. 62 (1), 46–52 State and structure of urban forests in Kharkiv region 49

Table 1. Distribution of stands by the predominant species in terms of enterprises

User, ha/%

Predominant species Total, ha Economy’ Economy’ Economy’ Economy’ Economy’ ‘Zhovtneve ‘Vovchansk ‘Vovchansk ‘Krasnograd ‘Huty Forest ‘Izyum Forest ‘Zmiyiv Forest State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise ‘Kharkiv Forest Forest Economy’ Forest Economy’ Forest Economy’ ‘Balakliya Forest ‘Kupiansk Forest Research Station’ Siberian apricot 0.4/ – – – – – – – – 0.4 (Prunus armeniaca L.) 0.1 Black locust (Robinia 35.8/ 8.2/ 6.4/ –– –– –– 50.4 pseudoacacia L.) 13.1 4.3 0.6 Silver birch (Betula 3.0/ 2.7/ 22.9/ 24.2/ – –––– 52.8 pendula Roth.) 1.0 1.0 4.5 2.1 Field elm (Ulmus 3.6/ –––––––– 3.6 minor Mill.) 0.3 White willow (Salix 18.9/ ––––– – – – 18.9 alba L.) 9.9 Common alder (Alnus 1.4/ 6.7/ 0.3/ 5.8/ – – – –– 14.2 glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) 0.5 1.3 0.2 0.5 European pear (Pyrus 0.5/ –––– – – – – 0.5 communis L.) 0.4 English oak (Quercus 3.7/ 24.2/ 82.4/ 27.7/ 7.8/ 1,027.6/ – – – 1,173.4 robur L.) 100.0 8.9 71.0 14.5 75.0 88.4 Red oak (Quercus 1.1/ 2.1/ ––– –––– 3.2 rubra L.) 0.2 0.2 Norway maple (Acer 6.7/ 6.5/ 13.7/ –– – ––– 26.9 platanoides L.) 2.5 5.6 1.2 Ash-leafed maple 0.3/ 15.2/ – ––– – – – 15.5 (Acer negundo L.) 0.1 7.9 Small-leafed lime 2.3/ –––––––– 2.3 (Tilia cordata Mill.) 0.2 Common aspen 5.4/ 0.8/ 1.1/ – –– – – – 7.3 (Populus tremula L.) 1.8 0.3 0.6 Scots pine (Pinus 279.0/ 195.8/ 475.1/ 28.2/ 64.0/ – – –– 1,042.1 sylvestris L.) 95.1 71.6 93.9 14.7 5.5 White poplar (Populus 1.3/ 0.7/ 1.1/ 65.6/ 2.4/ –– –– 71.1 alba L.) 0.5 0.1 0.9 34.1 0.2 Bolle’s poplar 0.2/ (Populus alba L. var. –––– – – – – 0.2 0.2 pyramidalis Bge.) Canadian poplar 4.1/ 0.3/ 0.4/ (Populus deltoides – ––– – – 4.8 1.4 0.1 100.0 Marsch.) Black poplar (Populus 2.4/ 25.4/ 4.8/ –– –– –– 32.6 nigra L.) 0.9 13.3 0.4 Common ash 3.0/ 25.5/ 2.6/ 4.9/ –– – –– 36.0 (Fraxinus excelsior L.) 1.1 21.9 25.0 0.4 Green ash Fraxinus 0.9/ ––––– – – – 0.9 lanceolata Borkh. 0.5 Total, ha 3.7 293.6 273.0 506.5 116.2 191.5 0.4 10.4 1,161.8 2,557.1

Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry, 2020, Vol. 62 (1), 46–52 50 Sergiy Musienko, Oleksandr Lyalin, Ludmila Tkach, Vira Bondarenko, Marina Kolenkina, Olena Kolchanova

stand area is 10%, the stands of approaching maturity Forest Economy’, State Enterprise ‘Kupiansk Forest constitute 13%, and mature and overmature stands oc- Economy’, State Enterprise ‘Kharkiv Forest Research cupy 13%. The average age of the stands is 70 years. Station’, State Enterprise ‘Chuhuivo-Babchanske For- The most widespread species are silver birch est Economy’ and National Natural Park ‘Homilshanski (B. pendula), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), Lisy’. common alder (A. glutinosa), English oak (Q. robur), Since urban state-owned forests in Kharkiv region Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.), field maple Acer( occupy the largest area, they became the subject of our campestre L.), small-leafed lime (Tilia cordata Mill.), research. common aspen (Populus tremula L.), Scots pine (P. syl- In these forests, the area covered with forest vegeta- vestris), white poplar (P. alba L.) and common ash tion is 2,557.1 ha, including 1,496.6 ha of forest planta- (Fraxinus excelsior). Among them, English oak and tions. The timber volume is about 64 million m3. Area Scots pine are the predominant species, which occupy distribution of the stands presented in Table 1 shows 54% and 32% of the area covered with forest vegetation, that the predominant species in urban state-owned for- respectively (Kurakin 2006). ests are oak and pine (45.9% and 40.7%, respectively). Forests in the region are used by different users. A small share (13.4%) is accounted for by other species. The main forest area (319.5 thousand ha, or 76.1%) is The stand structure based on age is an important within the jurisdiction of the State Forest Resources indicator in assessing forest resources. Age of stands Agency of Ukraine. According to the Forest Code of is one of the principal forest mensuration indicators Ukraine, the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine for planning most forest management activities and es- controls the general forest management and forest law timating forest productivity. It is, therefore, advisable compliance. The authorised body for the above issues in to analyse the distribution of urban forest area by age the region is Kharkiv Regional Department of Forestry groups depending on the user (Tab. 2). These stands are and Hunting and the state forest economies located in distinguished not only by species composition, but also the region, namely the State Enterprise ‘Balakliya For- by age, as evidenced by the data in Table 2. est Economy’, the State Enterprise ‘Vovchansk Forest The average forest mensuration indicators were Economy’, State Enterprise ‘Huty Forest Economy’, obtained in the research, which characterise urban for- State Enterprise ‘Zhovtneve Forest Economy’, State ests depending on the user (Tab. 3). The stands are also Enterprise ‘Zmiyiv Forest Economy’, State Enterprise characterised by different productivity, as we can see ‘Izyum Forest Economy’, State Enterprise ‘Krasnograd in Table 3.

Table 2. Stands distribution by age groups in terms of enterprises

User, ha/%

Age group Total, ha Economy’ Economy’ Economy’ Economy’ Economy’ ‘Zhovtneve ‘Vovchansk ‘Vovchansk ‘Krasnograd ‘Huty Forest ‘Izyum Forest ‘Zmiyiv Forest State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise State Enterprise ‘Kharkiv Forest Forest Economy’ Forest Economy’ Forest Economy’ ‘Balakliya Forest ‘Kupiansk Forest Research Station’ 67.8/ 58.2/ 26.9/ 0.6/ 14.6/ 7.3/ Young stands – –– 175.4 23.1 21.3 5.3 0.5 7.6 0.6 3.7/ 221.0/ 174.9/ 471.3/ 88.3/ 59.3/ 1,012.8/ Middle-aged stands –– 2,031.3 100.0 75.3 64.1 93.1 76.0 31.0 87.2 Stands of approaching 0.7/ 1.9/ 7.6/ 26.0/ 12.8/ 6.9/ 119.9/ – – 175.8 maturity 0.2 0.7 1.5 22.4 6.7 66.3 10.3 Mature and overmature 4.1/ 38.0/ 0.7/ 1.3/ 104.8/ 0.4/ 3.5/ 21.8/ – 174.6 stands 1.4 13.9 0.1 1.1 54.7 100.0 33.7 1.9 Total, ha 3.7 293.6 273.0 506.5 116.2 191.5 0.4 10.4 1,161.8 2,557.1

Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry, 2020, Vol. 62 (1), 46–52 State and structure of urban forests in Kharkiv region 51

Table 3. Dynamics of average forest mensuration indicators by users

Average forest mensuration indicator growing stock volume User age, site stand per hectare, m3 years class density lands covered with mature and forest vegetation overmature stands State Enterprise ‘Balakliya Forest Economy’ 59 І,3 0.66 208 – State Enterprise ‘Vovchansk Forest Economy’ 54 І 0.71 321 172 State Enterprise ‘Huty Forest Economy’ 55 І,6 0.72 224 149 State Enterprise ‘Zhovtneve Forest Economy’ 64 І,9 0.74 265 202 State Enterprise ‘Zmiyiv Forest Economy’ 65 ІІ,6 0.71 192 426 State Enterprise ‘Izyum Forest Economy’ 46 ІІ,8 0.56 196 221 State Enterprise ‘Krasnograd Forest Economy’ 34 ІV 0.62 151 151 State Enterprise ‘Kupiansk Forest Economy’ 75 ІІ,8 0.71 214 241 State Enterprise ‘Kharkiv Forest Research Station’ 75 ІІ,1 0.73 246 225 Total for all users 66 І,9 0.71 250 206

Discussion growing stock volume (321 m3 × ha-1) and the stands of Krasnograd Forest Economy have the lowest one Kharkiv urban forests occupy a small area (about 1%) as (151 m3 × ha-1). compared to the forest area of the Kharkiv region. For- At the present stage of society’s development, is- est cover of Kharkiv region now makes 12% only, while sues concerning the role of urban forests in the con- the optimal one might be 15%. So, about 80,000 ha of text of sustainable development of world forests, prior- new forests must be created. itisation in ownership and economic entities, optimal Most of the forest areas of the Kharkiv region be- stand distribution by age group, extension of the spe- long to the state ownership (76.1%), where the main sus- cies range of forests and determining the optimal forest tained users are forest enterprises subordinated to the management principles are very important and invite Kharkiv Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting. further investigations. It will significantly increase The species composition of Kharkiv region forests water conservation, protection, sanitary, health, rec- is quite poor and mainly represented by English oak reational, aesthetic, educational and other functions of (Q. robur; 46%) and Scots pine (P. sylvestris; 41%). urban forests. Species such as black locust (R. pseudoacacia), silver birch (B. pendula), white poplar (P. alba), black poplar (Populus nigra L.) and common ash (F. excelsior) cover Conclusions about 2% each. Other wood species occupy small areas. By age group, the middle-aged stands are dominat- Deterioration of water conservation, water protection, ing (79%), which contradicts the theory of ‘normal for- water-regulating, soil-protective, health and recreation- est’ and does not comply with the optimal structure of al properties of urban forests is an urgent problem to forest distribution by age group. be addressed in urban areas. Having examined the con- The stands of Vovchansk (I), Balakliya (I,3), Huty dition and peculiarities of their growth, the following (I,6) and Zhovtneve (I,9) Forest Economies have the conclusions can be drawn: highest site class. The stand density ranges from 0.62 1. The urban forests in the Kharkiv region fall under (State Enterprise ‘Krasnograd Forest Economy’) to the public and communal domains. Forest manage- 0.73 (SE ‘Kharkiv Forest Research Station’). The ment activities in them are virtually the same to stands of Vovchansk Forest Economy have the largest date.

Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry, 2020, Vol. 62 (1), 46–52 52 Sergiy Musienko, Oleksandr Lyalin, Ludmila Tkach, Vira Bondarenko, Marina Kolenkina, Olena Kolchanova

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Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry, 2020, Vol. 62 (1), 46–52