The Ukrainian Weekly 2007, No.49 INSIDE: • “Song of Ukraine” heard in California — page 12. • Jack Palance remembered in New York — page 13. • “Holodomor Through the Eyes of Ukrainian Artists” — page 17. HE KRAINIAN EEKLY T PublishedU by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profitW association Vol. LXXV No. 49 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2007 $1/$2 in Ukraine At emergency meeting, Democratic coalition succeeds in electing Yatsenyuk as Rada chair by Zenon Zawada Ukraine’s elite decries Kyiv Press Bureau KYIV – The newly formed Democratic sorry state of cultural life Forces Coalition on December 4 elected Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the Verkhovna by Zenon Zawada Rada’s new chairman. The 33-year-old is Kyiv Press Bureau known as an independent politician widely KYIV – A tour guide in Ukraine’s expected to neutralize the polarized capital, Tetiana Nechai comes across Parliament and establish compromise daily evidence of Ukraine’s historical between the pro-Western and Russian-ori- inheritance under threat. ented forces. She discovered that an underground Although elected as part of the pro- gym built next to the 11th century St. presidential Our Ukraine – People’s Self- Sophia Cathedral – the center of Defense bloc, Mr. Yatsenyuk is a pragmat- Ukrainian Orthodoxy, actually extends ic centrist with considerable experience in underneath its walls. working with Ukraine’s Russian-oriented “And every day 200 cars safely drive politicians. in and out of an underground garage “President Yushchenko suggested under the walls of St. Sophia Cathedral,” Yatsenyuk himself, knowing he is not she said, addressing what she called politically compromised,” said Kyiv’s cultural ruination.
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