Spartan Daily Where First Aid Was Administered
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Mabel R. Gillis, Librarian California agte Librry Sacramento 9, CAI California #2 s, Alumni to Retail 'Home' Toiiitrji 500 Erstwhile Spartans To Celebrate Holiday By ROY HURLBERT Alumni come home tomorrow on Washington Square. San Jose State college's annual June H6mecoming Day will attract more than 500 erstwhile Spartans for a full day's agenda of reunion and reminiscing., Students, faculty, and Alumni association members have designed a versatile program for the re- turning faithful, the latter ranging in "vintage" from unique Fall in Pool on Campus Golden Grads to recent graduates. Severely Sealds_Infant_ Ground-tfreaking,teremonies for_ Wednesday afternoon the one- the Memditial Chapel and the tra- year-old s000f Mr. and Mrs. John cljtional barbecue luncheon are the focal R. Kahle of San Jose was scalded points of tomorrow's festiv- ities. severely in a campus accident. Exercises at the site of the pro- .ThK;ihle child was playine in_ posed Chapel begin -at-11.30-am-.- the campus barbecue area under Musical selections on the. chimes his mother's supervision. In the and "fanfare" by Mr. Forrest area a small pool of hot water Baird's brass choir will "quiet" the had seeped to the surface from a atmosphere for introductory re- defective- underground- steam -line. marks by various Homecoming The child fell into the pool and Pictured above taking off from the scene of the informal presentation of the "Commuter" heli- officials and a special dedicative copter, is Langhorne Washburn, United Helicoptets official. Mr. Washburn, assistant to the president was burned from the waist down. prayer by Dean Paul Pitman. of the Helicopter company, Stanley Hiller, is shown in the cockpit of Hiller's latest model, the "360." Miss Margaret Pinkston of the Barbecue Luncheon Standing directly below the "360," is Mr. Tom Leonard, aeronautics instructor, who was partially re- Modern Languages department The barbecue luncheon and gen- sponsible for the donation of the "Commuter" to San Jose State college. photo by Gmeltn noticed the child in the water, and eral meeting of all alumni starts together with the child's mother at 12:30 in the Outer Quad. The pulled him out of it.. luncheon procedure will include United Helicopter ._The_two women_took ,the _child words of_welcome by Harry -Hard- to the college Health department, iman, Alumni 'association presi- Spartan Daily where first aid was administered. dent; Mrs. Velva Williams, Home- Donates Aircraft The child was sent from there to coming general chairman, and O'Connor's hospital, where he is in Miss Doris K. Robinson, alumni - SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE a critical condition, according to 'secretary-treasurer. To Aero Students word from the attending physician. Alumni President-elect Bart At 12 noon yesterday, students Vol. XXXVIII San Jose, Calif., Friday, June 16, 1950 No. 156 Collins, '36, will be introduced, and faculty members gathered on as well as new officers of the the section of grass in front of the Alumni Executive board. Benioff Says Bach Score to Be Projected Outgoing Alumni President aeronautics quonset shop to wit- Hardiman also will name winners ness one of the most unique pres- of the two $150 freshman scholar- entations in the history of San Senior Dance On Screen During Concert ships awarded to local high school Jose State college. The score of "Musical Offering" by Bach will Is an graduates. Other get-acquainted Two minutes idler the hour, Mr. Outstanding' a screen above the players' heads during the concert tomorrow night Tom Leonaixi, aeronautics in- Morris Dailey auditorium. structor, pointed .to an aluminum The Bey Meadows Race tritell at MI5 o'clock in the blade cruising in the sky south of will-open tomorrow night to more The score was photographed on 35 millimeter film by Mr. R. B. the main college building. Two than 1,000 San Jose State collegei Lewis, director of the college visual aids service. The complete work, minutes after that, Langhorne students and their guests, as the which takes 45 minutes to play, is Washburn, official from lJnited Senior Ball inaugurates "Senior1 in five parts. The first part is a g. Helicopters, Incorporated, flew his Week" for the Class of, 1930. fugue in three voices for oboe, "Hiller 360" over the grassy area, English horn, and bassoon. Pitman to peak paused to check over Admittante-t-O-Thejakey clUb the lati&1111 The second part is- based on space, and dropped straight down, of the San Mateo club will be by canons on the Royal various At Baccalaureate landing directly within the limits bids only. The white leather-bound theme. It contains a canon at the the campus "Three to Make Ready" will be of plot. ducats will not be on sale at the double octave for violin, English The purpose of Mr. 'Wash - the topic of the sermon offered by door. A few remaining bias may horn, and cello; a canon at -the Dean Paul M. Pitman, Sunday, at burn's visit was to make an unison for two violins -and bas- official be obtained in the Graduate Man- the senior Baccalaureate services.' presentation of the soon. The canon in contrary mo- "Commuter" helicopter, donated ager's office today, according to Scene of the occasion will be the, Russell Benioff, co-chairman of tion is for oboe, violin, and viola; Men's gym. to the college by Stanley Hitler, augmentation and contrary mo- the affair. in Graduates participating in Bac- president of UHI. for violin. English horn, and It was hoped Dance time 14 9 o'clock in the tion calaureate are to meet at the Mor- by college,officials, cello; and the modulating canon ,that Mr. evening until 1 o'clock. The ris Daily auditorium at 2:15 p.m. Hiller would be able to for English horn, viola, and cello. attend the informal ceremonies, club house will he decorated The march will begin at 3 p.m: but as- Mr. Washburn alighted with large bouquets of spring The trio sonata was written for cello, and clavier. Its Parents and Pelaties of the from his red and yellow craft, he flowers, Benloff said. flute, violin, the different movements are largo, class are invited to attend explained that Mr. Hiller cculd Hit tunes of the year will greet in the pro- allegroF andante, and allegro. services. Taking part rot attend, dug -to the ears of dance attendants as gram will be the San Jose State ness. nationally-famous Freddy Martin There are five canonic elabora- college a cappella choir and Prexy Baer-Collins Speaking on behalf of the and his orchestra are presented to tionS of the Royal theme. The orchestra, under the direction of tniti president, Mr. Washburn State students for the first time. mirror canon for flute, violin, cel: Mr. Frederick Boots. events on the luncheon program Featuring popular young Men. clavier; crab canon for two said. "Mr. Hiller asked me to lo, and will will be the introduction of Honor Griffint-vocalisin "na, canon-in contrary motion. The entire class be -garbed A*11- yolt-thOVAW=h- sorry* he caps and gowns Tor-the cere- 191)5, ahd 140. Re- Men". the wellThriow3Lsorchestra viola and_ello; canon in four -in could net be berolledoef-. in pre- for -ninn ceptionists _fortapective elassaa-- senting this helicopter to Sao leader Will set the musical pace parts for two violins,. viola, and y - are Mrs. Cora Fry Cramer, 1900-; Jose State college, Mr. Hiller -for the evening. cello; and the canonic fugue for Committee in charge of cam- Mrs. Eveleen Allen Minshall, '25; feels that it is important that At a cost of $2,000 the Class of flute, violin, cello, and clavier. mencement activities include Mrs. Gail Harbaugh Lukes, '40; aeronautics students get prac- '50 has contracted the first The final part is the fUgue in James C, DeVoss, chairman; and Don Schaeffer, '50. Mrs. Alice tical training and learn the gen- "name" band to appear before six voices for oboe, Englisli horn, Glenn Hartranft, Irene Palmer, Connolly Harris, Golden Grads eral prineiples of the helicopter." State college students in many bassoon, violin, viola, and cello. Eleanor Coombe, Margaretta Fris- president from Oakland, will "sin- In making the presentation of years. toe, William Perry, Wilbur V. gle out" attending individuals who the "Commuter" to Dr. Ralph !'The scene, the music, and the Hubbard, Lyle Dowey, Gladys are alumni of 50 years standing or Smith, head of the college Engi- tradition of the dance will all State Approves Vogelman, Milton Lanyon, Wil- better. neering department, Mr. Wash- serve to make it the most out- liam G. Sweeney, and Wiliam M. Dr. &melt. C. DeVoss and explained that SJS is now standing hop of the year," Benioff Felse. Dr. Carl Rich is adviser to Dean Paul Pitman will repre- burn New Chapel Site on of the few colleges in the said. the senior class. sent the administration with coulltry possessing a helicopter. Assisting Benioff with arrange- The State Department of Archi- speeches at the banquet tables. ments for the affair are Gale Old. Hearst Dude Ranch, in tecture has approved the new lo- Pleasanton, will open to members Luncheon program entertain- Morelock, Hatti Welch and Jo Ann cation for the Memorial Chapel as ment will be supplied by Mary Gleason. of the graduating class on Mon- Widow Gives to Chapel recently recommended by Pres- day, as "Senior Day" is checked Santilippo, student pianist, and A Gold Star widow made one ident T .W. MacQuarrie, according off the sctfedule. vocalists Churchill Jackson and of the most 'touching contribu- to Dean of Men Paul Pitman. Mrs. Nancy Welton] Harris, tions to the Memorial Chapel by The Weather The Chapel will be turned at a Students are asked to meet at former Broadway Hager.