for the WTO Negotiations in 2017


May 31 – June 1, 2017 Mont Blanc Meeting Rooms World Economic Forum, Route de la Capite 91-93, 1223 Cologny, Geneva


Government of

Authorities Biographies

Miguel Braun Secretary of Commerce of Argentina since December 10, 2015.

Before taking this responsibility, Mr. Braun was Executive Director of the Pensar Foundation, the think-tank of Pro, the political party founded by President Mauricio Macri. He was a board member of Banco Ciudad, and co-founder and executive director of CIPPEC, a public policy think tank.

Mr. Braun obtained his bachelor’s degree in economics in 1996 at Universidad de San Andrés and a Master and PhD in economics at Harvard University.

He co-authored Argentine Macroeconomics, a college textbook, and has taught public finance, macroeconomics, and political economy at the universities of , San Andrés and Torcuato Di Tella.

Nora Capello Undersecretary of International Economic Negotiations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina.

Minister Nora Capello is a diplomat. She has served different positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Director for Bilateral Economic Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean; member of the Cabinet of the Secretary of International Economic Relations;

Chief of Staff of the Undersecr eeetary for American Economic Integration; Counselor at the Embassy of Argentina to Chile - responsible for the Political and Parliamentary Section and the Economic and Trade Section - and negotiator of FTAA process.

Minister Capello obtains his bachelor degree in law in 1994 from Universidad Católica de La Plata and was Associate professor of International Law and Civil Law at the same University.


Marcelo Cima Ambassador Permanent Representative Argentina Mission to the WTO anda the United Nations, Geneva.

A member of the Argentine Foreign Service since 1985, Ambassador Marcelo Cima serves currently as the Permanent Representative of Argentina to the and the United Nations Office in Geneva. He has been posted to the European Union in Brussels (1989-1994), and to the United States of America in Washington D.C twice (1998-2000, and 2003-2008). Working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs he was Director General for Export Promotion, Director for Capital Goods, and Technology Export Promotion, acting Undersecretary of Investment Development.

He holds a degree in Law from the Catholic University of Argentina (1983), Master in International Relations and International Economic Policy, Belgrano University in Argentina (1987-1988 no thesis), and Master in Public Management, University of Maryland in the USA (2010). He is a rugby passionate.

Federico Lavopa Chief of Staff, Undersecretary of Foreign Trade, Secretary of Commerce, Argentine Ministry of Production of Argentina.

Mr. Lavopa obtained a M.Sc. in Global Politics (London School of Economics) and a Postgraduate Degree in Regional Integration and International Economic Relations (Universitat de Barcelona).

He holds a Degree in Political Science and Law from the University of Buenos Aires. He has been fellow of the British Council and the Carolina Foundation.

He was also Academic Coordinator and Professor of the Master in International Relations and Negotiations from FLACSO / Argentina - University of San Andrés. He was an Advisor to the Directorate of Foreign Commercial Policy of the Ministry of , where he served as representative of the Ministry and Argentina in international economic negotiations related to investments, services, government procurement and intellectual property. He was also a lawyer for the WTO's Legal Affairs Division and served as a consultant at the WTO's Statistics and Economic Research Division and UNCTAD.


Maximiliano Moreno Director of Multilateral Negotiations, Ministry of Agroindustries of Argentina.

Mr. Maximiliano Moreno is a lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, specializing in economic business law. He holds a Master's Degree in International Relations from FLACSO and a Postgraduate Degree in Regional Integration Processes at Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina.

Since 1997 he has been working in the National Directorate of International Agro-Food Relations of the Ministry of Agroindustry, holding different positions. More specifically, since August 2010 he is in charge of the Multilateral Negotiations Division. Mr. Moreno works with the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Production in the negotiations that take place under international organizations, such as WTO, G20, United Nations and OECD.

He has taught regularly in different specialization courses and master's degrees in Universities such as Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Tres de Febrero and La Plata. He has lectured at various congresses and workshops both nationally and internationally, mainly on issues related to international agricultural trade and the rules of the multilateral trading system.

Shunko Rojas Undersecretary of Foreign Trade, Secretary of Commerce, Argentine Ministry of Production.

Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.), Harvard University. He graduated as a lawyer in the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and holds a Master Degree in Global Politics, from London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE). He was awarded both Fulbright and Chevening’s scholarships.

With vast international experience on trade and investment, Mr. Rojas specialized in legal and institutional strategies for the internationalization of enterprises and the creation of public-private associations. After the ‘I Cumbre Empresarial de las Américas’ (Cartagena, 2012), from the Inter- American Development Bank (IADB) he promoted the creation of the ‘Diálogo Empresarial de las Américas’, a public-private dialogue forum with high rank leaders from the private sector and governments of the whole region. In 2016 Mr. Rojas was Chairman of the National Foreign Trade Commission (CNCE in Spanish).


Speakers Biographies

Yonov Frederik Agah WTO Deputy Director-General and Nigeria’s former Ambassador to the WTO.

Mr. Yonov Frederick Agah was appointed as Nigeria’s Ambassador to the WTO in 2005. In that capacity, he served as the Alternate Chief Negotiator for the Doha Round and Head of Nigeria's Trade Office to the WTO in the Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations Office in Geneva. Mr. Agah served as Chair of the WTO's General Council in 2011. He was responsible for organizing the VIII WTO , which was acknowledged to be successful despite the prevailing stalemate in the Doha Round. He previously worked as the Director of external trade of UTC Nigeria PLC. He obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics with a focus on International Trade from the University of Jos, Nigeria in 2007.

Gustavo Beliz Director, Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) from the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB).

Mr. Gustavo Beliz was Minister of the Interior; Minister of Justice, Security and Human Rights; President of the National Institute of Public Administration, Secretary of Public Function of Argentina. He served also as Member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. As an IDB staff member, he served since 2005 in the offices of Washington and Montevideo.

Mr. Beliz a lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires and holds postgraduate studies at the London School of Economics (LSE).


Francesca Bianchi Project Specialist Trade & Investment at World Economic Forum, Geneva.

Francesca Bianchi is project specialist in trade and investment at World Economic Forum. Previously, she worked at the WEF’s Forum Supply Chain & Mobility Industries and Enabling Trade Project; as external relations intern at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations; as legal research intern at Meyerlustenberger Lachenal (MLL) Attorneys in Geneva; and as intern at the Bacardi-Martini Group.

She has a Master’s degree in international studies and international law from Institut de Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement of Geneva. She graduated for her Bachelor’s degree in international relations from University of Geneva.

Xavier Carim WTO General Council Chair for 2017 and ’s former Representative to the WTO until de launch of the Doha Round negotiations.

Mr. Xavier Carim was also former Deputy Director General of the International Trade and Economic Development Division at the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), South Africa from March 2007. As Deputy Director General, Mr. Carim was responsible for managing South Africa’s trade policy and international economic relations and his portfolio included leading South Africa’s trade negotiations at multilateral, regional and bilateral levels. From May 2002 until March 2007. He held the post of Chief Director for Trade Negotiations at the dti. Between 1998 and 2002. Before joining the DTI in 1994, Mr. Carim was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Southern African Studies and Lecturer in International Studies at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa.

Mr. Carim holds a BA Honours Degree in International Relations and Development Economics from the University of Toronto in Canada and an MA Degree in International Studies from Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa.


Sean Doherty Head of International Trade and Investment, World Economic Forum, Geneva.

Mr. Sean Doherty heads the International Trade & Investment team at the World Economic Forum. As such, he leads the Forum’s work on trade and investment policy, concentrated in the E15 Initiative, is acting Director of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation and supports the Global Agenda Council on Trade & FDI.

Mr. Doherty holds a Master's in Aeronautical Engineering, Imperial College; a Master's in Structural Molecular Biology, University of London; an MBA, Collège des Ingénieurs; and an Executive Master's in Global Leadership, World Economic Forum. He previously worked with IBM Business Dynamics; Energy Practice, Booz & Co.

Victor do Prado Director of the Council and Trade Negotiation Committee Division at the WTO, and responsible for the organization of the WTO Ministerial Conferences.

Mr. Victor do Prado is currently the Director of the Council and Trande Negotiation Committee at the WTO. From 2005 to 2011, he worked as Deputy Chief of Staff to the Director-General of the WTO, . He previously served as a Counsellor in the WTO Rules Division where he acted as a Secretary of the WTO Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. Prior to joining the WTO, Victor do Prado was a Brazilian diplomat. During his post in Geneva a Brazilian negotiator, he held the position of Chairman of the Subsidies Committee and was a Panelist in various Dispute Settlement cases. He has lectured at the University of Paris, the Freie Universität Berlin and at Georgetown University Law School.

Victor do Prado holds a Degree in Law from the University of São Paulo and a Master in International Relations from the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy.


Antoni Estevadeordal Manager of the Integration and Trade Sector at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Washington.

Mr. Antoni Estevadeordal coordinates IDB’s operational program and technical assistance, support to regional initiatives, policy research agenda and capacity building, as well as several public-private policy dialogues and inter- institutional partnerships (WTO, WCO, ADB, EU, UN, OECD, APEC, ICTSD, WEF, etc.) to promote trade and investment, economic integration and regional cooperation in LAC. Before joining the IDB, Mr. Estevadeordal taught at the University of Barcelona and Harvard University. He is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution, member of the WEF Global Council Agenda on the Future of Logistics and the E-15 ICTSD/WEF initiative.

Mr. Estevadeordal is a Spanish citizen and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Barcelona.

Stuart Harbison Former General Council Chair and WTO Secretariat Chieff of Staff.

Mr. Stuart Harbinson had a distinguished career in public service in . From 1994 to 2002 he represented Hong Kong, and then the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of , in the WTO in Geneva. He subsequently joined the WTO Secretariat as Chief of Staff to Director- General Dr. and then became Senior Adviser to Director-General Pascal Lamy. He is currently working in the UNCTAD Secretariat in Geneva. He has rich experience as a former Chairman of a number of WTO bodies, including the TRIPS and Services Councils, and the . He was Chairman of the WTO’s overarching body, the General Council (2001/2) overseeing preparations for the launch of the Doha round, and of the negotiating group handling the formative stages of the Doha negotiations on agriculture (2002/4). He has also chaired a number of WTO dispute settlement panels.


Alejandro Jara Former WTO Deputy Director General and Ambassador of Chile to the WTO.

Alejandro Jara served as the Deputy Director General of the WTO from 2005 to 2013. He has also served in the Delegation of the GATT (1979-1984) and was seconded to the Economic System for Latin America (SELA) in Caracas as Coordinator for Trade Policy Affairs. He was also appointed Director for Bilateral Economic Affairs (1993-1994) and Director for Multilateral Economic Affairs (1994-1999). During 1996 -1997, Mr. Jara served as Chile’s Senior Official to APEC and, at the same time, was deputy Chief negotiator for the Chile – Canada Free Trade Agreement. In 1997 -1998, he was Chief negotiator for the Chile – Mexico FTA, and in July 1999, he was designated Director General for International Economic Relations.

In June 2000, Mr. Jara was appointed as Ambassador Permanent Representative of Chile to the WTO in Geneva. During 2001, he served as Chairperson of the Committee on Trade and Environment of the WTO, and in February 2002, he was elected as Chairman of the Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services, in charge of the negotiations mandated by Ministers in Doha.

Johanna Lissinger Peitz President of the COP to the Stockholm Convention.

Mrs. Lissinger Peitz is Senior Adviser at the Ministry of Environment and Energy of and the Swedish Chief negotiator for climate change and heading the Swedish delegation to UNFCCC. Mrs Lissinger Peitz is also Lead Negotiator for the European Union in the field of climate finance and areas related to the Global Climate Action Agenda. In 2015 she was the President of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention. In 2012, served as President of the International Chemicals Conference for the Global Chemicals Strategy (SAICM). Mrs. Lissinger Peitz have over 10 years of experience in multilateral environmental agreements and have undertaken several roles as chair and facilitator as well as negotiator for the European Union in above all areas related to finance and capacity building in multilateral agreements related to climate change and chemicals and waste.


Francis Lisson Ambassador and Permanent Australia Representative to the World Trade Organization.

Amb. Francis Lisson is a senior career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and was most recently First Assistant Secretary of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Division and Australia’s Chief Negotiator for the Indonesia-Australia Closer Economic Partnership Agreement and the Australia- Closer Economic Cooperation Agreement. Ms. Lisson was lead negotiator for Australia’s FTAs with China, Japan and Korea. Previously, she was Assistant Secretary for Trade Policy and Industrials in the Office of Trade Negotiations.

She has served overseas as Australia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York, and Deputy High Commissioner, Ottawa, with earlier postings in Tokyo and Suva.

Ms. Lisson holds a Bachelor of Economics and Graduate Diploma in Foreign Affairs and Trade from the Australian National University.

Patrick Low Former Chief Economist at the World Trade Organization Secretariat.

Mr. Patrick Low is Director, Asia Global Fellows Program, Asia Global Institute and Visiting Professor at the University of Hong Kong. He was an adjunct professor of international economics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva from 2004 to 2013. He worked for GATT from 1980–1988 and joined the WTO in 1995. Low served as Chief Economist at the WTO from 1997 to 2013 and was also Director-General Mike Moore's Chief of Staff from 1999 to 2001. He taught at El Colegio de México from 1988 and 1990. He holds a PhD in economics from Sussex University and has written widely on trade policy issues.


LU, Xiankun Former Counsellor and Head of Division in the Permanent Mission to China to the WTO and former Chair of the WTO Committee of Import Licensing, and leading negotiator of MOFCOM.

Mr. LU, Xiankung is Associate Partner at IDEAS Centre Geneva. Director at the China Research Centre, St. Gallen University. He is a Chinese national, holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Economics from Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (SIFT) of China and a LLM from the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) of China. Previously, he was Professor of China Institute of WTO Studies of UIBE of China until October 2015; Counsellor and Head of Division in the Permanent Mission of China to the WTO in 2006-2014; Deputy Director for Trade in Goods and then Director for Agriculture of the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) in 2001-2006. He was Chairman for the Committee of Import Licensing of the WTO in 2013-2014 and a leading negotiator of MOFCOM for China-Australia FTA negotiations in 2005-2006.

He teaches and researches in various Chinese and European universities and publishes numerous articles on subjects related to the WTO and China. He also participated in the International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) of the US State Department in 2013.

Wayne McCook Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the WTO and Chairman of the WTO Rules Negotiating Group, the WTO Working Party on the Accession of The Bahamas, and Chairman of the Group of 77 and China.

Ambassador Wayne McCook C.D. is Jamaica’s Permanent Representative to the UN Office and Specialized Agencies in Geneva, Permanent Representative to the WTO and Ambassador to the Swiss Confederation. Ambassador McCook assumed duties in Geneva on 11 January 2011 after serving as Head of the Policy Planning Unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. He served as Jamaica’s first resident Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) having been assigned responsibility for the establishment of Jamaica’s Embassy in Beijing (2005-2008). He served as Deputy Permanent Representative in Jamaica’s Mission to the United Nations and Deputy Head of Mission in Jamaica’s Embassy to the USA. At the Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Ambassador McCook has served as Director of the Caribbean and Americas and the Information Departments and as Senior Director then Undersecretary in the Foreign Trade Division.


Ricardo Meléndez-Ortíz Chief Executive Officer at International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva

Mr. Ricardo Meléndez-Ortíz is co-founder and CEO of ICTSD since its creation. He participated in multilateral forums as a negotiator for Colombia, was a spokesman for the G-77 and chairman of the permanent Commissions on Commodities and Trade Preferences of the United Nations. He served as principal adviser to the Minister of Economic Development and Chief of Administration of the Presidency of Colombia. Graduated from the universities of the Andes and Harvard, he has published numerous works on economic governance, commerce, sustainable development, and conflict management. The International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) is an independent non-profit organization based in Geneva, created in 1996. Its objective is to promote sustainable development and inclusion through appropriate trade policy frameworks that incorporate relevant knowledge of trade, social and environmental trends. ICTSD launched the E-15 Initiative, which brings together numerous global experts and institutions dedicated to analyzing and formulating recommendations for governments, business and civil society, to project the trade and investment system on a long-term sustainability path.

Nelson Ndirangu Director of Economic Affairs and International Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya.

Amb. Nelson Ndirangu was Chief Negotiator for Kenya in the WTO from 1999 to 2007, Director of Asia Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nairobi from August 2007 to December 2008. He has a Master of Arts (M.A) and a Post Graduate Diploma in International Economic relation from the University of East Anglia in UK, and a Post Graduate Diploma in International Trade Policy from the WTO. He holds several awards, including Order of the Golden Warrior of Kenya (OGW) in recognition of his contribution to trade policy formulation, development, and implementation.

Amb. Ndirangu was appointed Ambassador/ High Commissioner mid-December 2012 and resumed his duties in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Director General in charge of the Economic Affairs and International Trade Directorate, a post he is holding up to date.


Iman Pambagyo Director General for International Trade at the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia and Former Indonesia’s Permanent Representative to the WTO.

Mr. Iman Pambagyo’s major assignments included the Alternate Lead of Indonesian Senior Economic Officials Meeting (SEOM), ASEAN, as well as the Indonesian Lead for ASEAN-China FTA Joint Committee, ASEAN-Korea FTA Implementing Committee, ASEAN-Japan FTA Joint Committee, ASEAN-CER Joint Committee, and ASEAN-India Joint Committee. He is also the Chair of Indonesian National AFTA Unit, the ASEAN Co-Chair of Senior Officials for ASEAN-US Trade and Investment Framework Arrangement, and the ASEAN Co-Chair of Senior Officials for ASEAN-Canada Consultations.

Mr. Pambagyo graduated from the International Relations FISIPOL-UGM (Gajah Mada University, one of well-established state university) in 1986 and went on to obtain a Master in International Politics from McMaster University, Ontario-Canada in 1996.

Joost Pauwelyn Professor of International Law; Co-Director of the Centre for Trade and Economic Integration, Graduate Institute, Geneva

Mr. Joost Pauwelyn is Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, since 2007. He is also Visiting Professor of Law at Georgetown Law Center. Previously he was Professor of Law at Duke University (USA). He has taught at Neuchâtel, Columbia, NYU, Stanford and Harvard law schools and worked as legal adviser for the WTO Secretariat (1996-2002). From 2007 to 2014, he was Senior Advisor with the law firm of King & Spalding. He specializes in international economic law, particularly trade law and investment law, and its relationship to public international law.

Mr. Pauwelyn received degrees from the Universities of Namur and Leuven, Belgium as well as Oxford University and holds a doctorate from the University of Neuchâtel.


Félix Peña Director of the Institute for International Trade, ICBC Foundation, Argentina.

Mr. Félix Peña is Professor of International Commercial Relations. He held the position of Undersecretary of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Economy of Argentina and was appointed full member of the Common Market Group of Mercosur (1998-99). He was part of the group of experts who prepared the project of the Protocol for the Mercosur Parliament (2005). He was also Undersecretary of Economic Integration of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, as such, National Coordinator of the Common Market Group of the Mercosur (1991-1992).

Mr. Peña holds a degree in Law from Universidad Nacional del Litoral-Santa Fe; a Doctorate in Law from Universidad de Madrid; and a Degree in European Law from the Catholic University of Leuven.

Tatiana Prazeres Senior Advisor to the WTO Director General and Former Foreign Trade Secretary of Brazil.

Ms. Tatiana Prazeres holds a degree in Law and International Relations; Master's in International Law; PhD in International Relations. She is Former Secretary of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil. Currently, Ms. Prazeres is Senior Adviser to the Director-General of the World Trade Organization; advises on trade negotiations, agriculture, market access, trade in services and trade and environment. She is author of two books on trade issues and his expertise is focused on international trade, particularly trade policy formulation and trade negotiations.


Cristián Rodríguez Chiffelle Lead, Trade and Investment Policy, Global Leadership Fellow, World Economic Forum

Mr. Cristián Rodríguez Chiffelle is Global Leadership Fellow and Lead for International Trade and Investment Policy at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, where he works on issues such as Digital Trade, International Investment and Trade and Environment, including on the Forum’s landmark E15 Initiative. He is also a network partner of the B20 Task Force on Trade and Investment, and ad-hoc Economic Advisor to the Mission of Chile before the OECD in Paris, France. Prior to joining the Forum, he served as a trade diplomat in various positions for the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including as head of Energy, Trade and Sustainable Development, negotiator on Services and Investment, and expert on Latin American Affairs. He was in private legal practice beforehand.

Mr. Rodríguez Chiffelle has formally represented Chile - including as head of delegation - before the OECD, WTO, APEC, the Trans Pacific Partnership and several UN bodies on trade, investment and environment, including UNCITRAL Working Group II (Arbitration and Conciliation) and the UNFCCC. He holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Harvard Law School, an LL.B. from the University of Concepcion, Chile and a MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, where he was an Edward S. Mason Fellow in Public Policy and Management.

Richard Samans Head of the Centre for the Global Agenda, Member of the Managing Board, World Economic Forum, Geneva

Mr. Richard Samans is a Member of the Managing Board of the World Economic Forum (WEF). He leads the Forum’s action and policy oriented multi-stakeholder initiatives on major global challenges as head of its Centre for the Global Agenda. He is also responsible for the Forum’s relations with international organizations and coordinates its portfolio of public-private partnership projects. From 2011 to 2013, he served as Director-General of the Global Green Growth Institute, a new international organization headquartered in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Before earlier service at the World Economic Forum from 2001 to 2011, Samans served in the US White House as Special Assistant for International Economic Policy to President Bill Clinton and Senior Director for International Economic Affairs of the National Security Council. Prior to that, he was Economic Policy Adviser to US Senate Democratic Leader Thomas A. Daschle and served in a range of roles in other public, private and research institutions.

Mr. Samans holds a BA in Economics and French (Tufts University) and a Master's in International Affairs (Columbia University).


Marten Van den Berg Director General for Foreign Economic Relations at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Van den Berg has been acting as Deputy Director General Foreign Economic Relations since 2012 when the Directorate General for Foreign Economic Relations became part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The . In 2008 was appointed as Director of Economic Diplomacy and in 2004 Deputy Director General of Foreign Economic Relations. He also served as Economic Minister at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington. In 1998 was Deputy Director Spatial Economic Policy and in 1996 was appointed Adjunct Secretary General at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In 1995, he served as Deputy Chairman of the Working Group Technology Transfer at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Mr. Van den Berg studied Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

Paul Watkinson Head of the French Climate Negotiations Team and Chief Negotiator at the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy of France.

Mr. Paul Watkinson was a member of the French inter-ministerial team that prepared and ran the 2015 United Nations Climate Conference in Paris (COP21), with responsibility for coordinating the negotiation of the Paris Agreement. He has long experience in the climate field and has been a member of the French delegation to the UN climate talks since 2000, directing the delegation for much of that time. He was an advisor to the Moroccan minister of the environment who chaired the 2001 Marrakech conference that successively adopted the rule-book for the Kyoto Protocol. He chaired the European Union’s working party on climate change under the French EU Presidency in 2008. And he was one of the EU’s lead negotiators at the conferences of Copenhagen, Cancún, Durban, Doha and Warsaw, with particular responsibility for issues around finance, adaptation and the way in which climate policies interact with trade and impact third parties.

He has dual French and British nationality and has lived, studied and worked in both countries.


YI, Xiaozhun WTO Deputy Director General and former China’s Ambassador to the WTO.

Mr. YI, Xiaozhun represented China as a key negotiator in China’s WTO accession process, making an important contribution to the negotiations. Prior to becoming China's ambassador to the WTO in 2011, Mr Yi was Assistant Minister and subsequently China's Vice Minister of Commerce in charge of multilateral and regional trade negotiations and cooperation. He also worked as a diplomat at the Chinese Embassy in the United States for more than four years from the late 1980s to the early 1990s. After becoming China’s ambassador to the WTO, Mr Yi was elected as the Chair of the Working Party of the Accession of Lao PDR and showed effective leadership in the process leading to WTO membership for Laos.

Mr YI obtained a Master's degree in economics from Nankai University in China in 1999.

Mark Wu Assistant Professor at Harvard Law School.

Mr. Mark Wu research focuses on international trade law, including issues concerning emerging economies, digital trade, intellectual property, trade remedies, environment, and investment. in 2016 was appointed by the WTO to serve on the Advisory Board for the WTO Chairs Program. Mr. WU also serves on the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment. Prior to academia, Mr. WU served as the Director for Intellectual Property in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. He was the lead U.S. negotiator for the IP chapters of several free trade agreements.


Rufus H. Yerxa Former WTO Deputy Director-General, and policy making at Congress and the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).

Amb. became President of the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) in May 2016. As president, he oversees NFTC’s efforts in favor of a more open, rules based world economy, focusing on key issues to U.S. competitiveness such as international trade and tax policy, economic sanctions, export finance and human resource management. He has more than three decades of experience as a lawyer, diplomat, U.S. trade negotiator and international official. He has been in key policymaking and management roles in Congress, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), and spent several years in private law practice and the corporate world. As Deputy Director General of the WTO from 2002 to 2013 he helped to broaden its membership and strengthen its role as the principal rules-based institution governing world trade. Prior to this, from 1989 to 1995, he served as Deputy USTR under both a Republican and a Democratic President, first as the Geneva-based Ambassador to the GATT (the predecessor organization to the WTO) and subsequently as the Washington Deputy. Earlier in his government career (1981 to 1989) he was with the Committee on Ways and Means of the U.S. House of Representatives, where he was Staff Director of the Subcommittee on Trade. He began his government career as a legal advisor with the U.S. International Trade Commission.

He received his BA in political science from the University of Washington (1973), his JD from Seattle University School of Law (1976) and an LLB in international Law from the University of Cambridge in England (1977).


Centre for Multilateral Negotiations

Facilitators Biographies

Laura Hanning Scarborough Laura Hanning Scarborough is an Associated Partner of the Centre for Multilateral Negotiations.

Ms. Laura Hanning Scarborough was head of the Lithuanian delegation 2009-2010 in the UN climate process, and adviser to the government during the EU Presidency in 2013, Laura served as the vice chair of the UN Adaptation Fund board and the chair of the projects and programmes committee. She has extensive experience in multilateral negotiations both as a senior political adviser and negotiator from Copenhagen to Paris COPs as well as a broker in large commercial transactions.

Laura holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Sussex and Masters of Sustainability Leadership from the University of Cambridge.

Magnus Lundgren Dr. Magnus Lundgren is the Deputy Director and Managing Partner of the Centre for Multilateral Negotiations.

Dr. Magnus Lundgren is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stockholm University, Magnus has 10+ years of practical experience from international organizations and research on International Relations. His research focuses on mediation, specifically in conflict contexts, and the conditions under which international organizations can reach effective decisions on global challenges.

He previously worked for the United Nations, focusing on political affairs and analysis, and has been a consultant for several international and national agencies, including UNDP, UNV, PRIO, and GIZ. Magnus also holds a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.


Kai Monheim Dr. Kai Monheim is co-founder of the Centre for Multilateral Negotiations which he started in September 2015.

Dr. Kai Monheim is Director and Managing Partner of the Centre for Multilateral Negotiations which he started in September 2015. He received his PhD from the London School of Economics on the topic of Multilateral Negotiations. He researched the key variables in the negotiation process contributing to the regime formation of climate change, trade, and biosafety.

Dr. Monheim also holds a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School, and a law/bar school degree from Humboldt Universität in Berlin, . He previously worked as a Project Leader with The Boston Consulting Group and is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the LSE. He is trained as a mediator and works in political, business, and family mediation.

John Odell Professor Emeritus and former Director, School of International Relations, University of Southern California, and Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation.

Mr. Odell is the author of ”Chairing a WTO Negotiation” Journal of International Economic Law, 2005, “Negotiating from Weakness in International Trade Relations” Journal of World Trade, 2010, and other works on the process of intergovernmental negotiation. Since 1975 he has been learning first-hand from such trade veterans as Julio Lacarte, Arthur Dunkel, Rubens Ricupero, John Weekes, Kim Chulsu, Peter Sutherland, Roderick Abbott, Stuart Harbinson, Hector Torres, Patrick Low, Faizel Ismail, Andrew Stoler, Kipkorir Aly Rana, Mike Moore, Carlos Perez del Castillo, Boniface Chidyausiku, Celso Amorim, Ransford Smith, Rufus Yerxa, Alejandro Jara, and many others. He has worked as visiting fellow in the office of the US Trade Representative and conducted field research in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the United States. Many institutions have invited him to lecture--in the UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, , , China, Korea, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Ecuador as well as the United States. He has also been a member of Harvard University’s faculty and Editor of International Organization. Today he co-directs a project on Fixing Climate Governance at CIGI.