18 September 2020

Good job Minister Hunt! Rural doctors happy telehealth extended

The Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) has welcomed the Health Minister’s announcement of the continuation of critical COVID-safe initiatives in health care.

Dr John Hall, RDAA President, said this was a great outcome for rural and remote patients.

“The news from Minister Hunt that telehealth will be extended for the next six months has come as a great relief to both patients and doctors,” Dr Hall said.

“It has been a game-changer for rural patients in many ways, and has been a really, really important part of the overall pandemic response.

“Telehealth has played a significant role in limiting the spread of COVID and keeping many rural patients safe from potential exposure, and also keeping our doctors safe – particularly those who are vulnerable themselves.

“We have long-been really strong advocates for telehealth, and have been working hard with the Department of Health to develop a sustainable model of telehealth services focussed on quality care, post-pandemic. We are happy that it looks like it will be here to stay, as it has made a huge difference to the ability of rural and remote patients to access services.”

Dr Hall said RDAA also welcomed the extension of other pandemic initiatives, which will continue to assist many communities to maintain a quality and fast response to any potential virus outbreaks.

“There are 86 rural and remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities that will continue to have Medicare-subsidised pathology and point-of-care testing. This is so important because in these areas if samples have to be sent away it can take many days for test results to be received, putting the community at further risk.

“The Federal Government will also be continuing up to 150 GP-led respiratory clinics, which have been a massive bonus to increasing access to testing in rural areas. Bulk-billed COVID-19 tests will also continue, and we welcome aged care residents and staff getting priority access to rapid testing as this is a real way to save lives in those most vulnerable in the case of an outbreak.

“Throughout the pandemic the Federal Government has provided quality leadership, and has been quick to respond and roll out these initiatives,” Dr Hall said.

“We commend the work of Minister for Health , Minister for Rural Health Mark Coulton and former Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy for their time and effort, and their willingness to listen to the sector, taking on-board feedback and acting to ensure the best outcomes for rural Australians.” ______

A high resolution photo of Dr John Hall is available here

Available for interview: RDAA President, Dr John Hall (via contacts below) RDAA CEO Peta Rutherford State specific contacts also available (via contacts below)

Media contacts: Ineke Kuiper on 0408 669 638 Patrick Daley on 0408 004 890